Student Affairs Newsletter

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October 5, 11 AM Large Private Dining Room November 2, 11 AM Large Private Dining Room December 7, 11 AM Large Private Dining Room Upcoming Events UpcomingMeetings Please scan the QR Code to see all events Student Affairs related, or click here! INSIDETHISISSUE RetentionandInstitutionalResearch.......... Admissions..................................................................... StudentAdvocacyandParentSupport..... StudentLifeandSupport...................................... StudentActivities Registrar........................................................................... FinancialAid HousingandResidenceLife............................... StudentSupportServices UpwardBound............................................................. InternationalPrograms......................................... DR.MELISSAHAAB VPOFSTUDENTAFFAIRSANDENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT LIBBABAKER DIRECTOROFADMISSIONS STEVESMITH DIRECTOROFFINANCIALAID ANGELAWARD DIRECTORHOUSINGANDRESIDENCELIFE DR.MARKDAVIS DEANOFINTERNATIONALPROGRAMS JASONGARDNER DIRECTOROFSTUDENTACTIVITIES WILLATKINSON STUDENTADVOCACYANDPARENTSUPPORT BYRONTHETFORD DIRECTOROFSTUDENTLIFEANDSUPPORT ANDREAFARQUHAR DIRECTOROFTRIOSTUDENTSUPPORTSERVICES EMILYMCINNIS REGISTRAR DR.ANGELJOWERS DIRECTOROFRETENTIONANDINSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH DIANAPULLUM DIRECTOROFUPWARDBOUND NEWSLETTERPREPAREDBY: LESLIEWHITE COORDINATOROFSTUDENTINVOLVEMENTAND COMMUNICATIONS 4,5 6,7 8,9 10,11 12 14 15 15 16 19 20 21 22 2


It is an exciting time to be on the University of West Alabama campus! Students are busy on campus: attending class, participating in student activities, and eating in the cafeteria We can feel the anticipation of a post COVID campus, and it seems that students are ready to be social and engaged.

I am so proud of the efforts of the Student Affairs Division over the past year. We have worked very hard to review processes, explore practices, improve policies and increase student success It has been a pleasure to be a part of the implementation of the enrollment management committee, where faculty and staff have been working to remove barriers for students and improve the student experience.

We will continue striving to improve the University of West Alabama for the student, employees, and community. As you review this newsletter, you will see why UWA is special. As we work with currently enrolled students, we also begin a new recruitment cycle for the 2023 24 year. We will work tirelessly to prove that There Is Something About This Place.

Melissa Go Tigers, 3

A Message from Dr. Melissa Haab

The CARES team is hard at work assisting at risk students. The team has closed 7 of the 21 retention ases submitted to date.

S study hall opened on August 22, 2022. To date, have been 667 visits to the center with over 200 nts.

Retention and Institutional Research

10 sections of UWA 101 began on August 15, 2022. Instructors are Roxcanna Bradley, Andrea Farquhar, Ma’Kiyah Hall, Jessical Lotz, Morgan Shelton, and Wes Watkins.

Total current enrollment based on the first census date is 5,003.

BacktoSchoolBash 4

CARES advisors (Roxcanna Bradley, Ma’Kiyah Hall, Morgan Shelton, and Wes Watkins) attended college meetings on August 11, 2022 and were able to meet faculty from their colleges College assignments are as follows: Roxcanna Bradley College of Education, Ma’Kiyah Hall College of Business and Division of Engineering Technology, Morgan Shelton College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and Wes Watkins College of Liberal Arts. All incoming freshmen have been assigned to their advisors.

CARES will host four workshops this semester.

BingoForBucks 5

Look for a story by Phillip Tutor on CARES’s Finish Line program that seeks to re engage students who stopped attending UWA with two semesters or less to graduation. The program has one student currently who is one semester from graduation after re enrolling through Finish Line in Spring 2021.

“Tech Talk” on September 14, 2022, with Morgan Shelton in the Tiger’s Den from 6 PM 7 PM This workshop will discuss different tech apps and how to use them to be more productive. Food will be served, and AirPod Pros and an iPad or Surface Tablet (winner’s choice) will be given away as door prizes at the end of the program.

“De stress Fest” date/time/location TBA.

“Do You See What I See?” on September 26, 2022, with Wes Watkins and Dr. Amy Jones in the Tiger’s Den from 5:30 PM 6:30 PM. This workshop will discuss social media and its impact on our understanding of current events. Food will be served, and an iPad or Surface (winner’s choice) will be given away as door prizes at the end of the program.

“No Money, Mo’ Problems” on October 11, 2022, with Roxy Bradley and the Mu Eta Chapter of AKA Sorority, Inc. from 7 PM 8 PM Location TBA. This workshop will discuss financial literacy and responsibility. Food will be served. AirPod Pros and Tiger Bucks will be given away as door prizes at the end of the program.

The SACSCOC Compliance Certification (10-Year Reaffirmation Report) was completed and mailed to committee members on September 2, 2022. The SACSCOC Leadership Team who worked on the report were Dr. Tim Edwards, Dr. Melissa Haab, Dr. Angel Jowers, Dr. Tina Jones, Dr. Amy Jones, Dr. Stephen Slimp, Bliss Adkison, Cathy Parker, and Clete Beard.

The Student Ambassadors set up a table at Get on Board Day to promote the organization as they gear up to launch the 2023 application in October.

Admissions staff members and the UWA Ambassadors attended a retreat on July 20, 2022 at True Vine in Eutaw, AL.

Juley Rutherford gave the Residual ACT on May 13, 2022 with 12 students taking the test and then again on July 15, 2022 with 4 students taking the test

Kirstan Cunningham began planning and advertising for the annual High School Leadership conference, which will be held on October 11, 2022.

The UWA Ambassadors and staff members assisted with move-in day on August 10, 2022.

Libba Baker attended the ACT Enrollment Management Summit in New Orleans on July 18 and 19, 2022. Attended sessions included topics on navigating enrollment data, test flexible/optional admissions, and achieving sustainable inclusion.

Kirstan Cunningham attended the (Re)Engage Conference to learn how to recruit adult learners better and how to reengage students who did not complete their degrees.

The Admissions Office would like to thank everyone who helped make orientation sessions a success this summer!

Kirstan Cunningham redesigned Freshman and Transfer recruitment view books and tabletop displays, and he designed Freshman and Transfer campus tour view books.


The Admissions Office facilitated and attended training sessions throughout the summer with Liberal Arts, Education, Math and Science, Health Sciences, Business, Nursing, IMC, Engineering Technology, Student Affairs, and Dr. Tina Jones regarding commencement.

The Admissions Office hired Maurice Woody as an Admissions Counselor Maurice started in his new role on June 13, 2022 and his responsibilities include representing UWA at high school visits and fairs, conducting campus visit appointments with prospective students and their families, and nurturing relationships with guidance counselors.

Juley Rutherford attended the Active Shooter class on August 31, 2022.


Kirstan Cunningham, Fallon Plowman, Garrett Pearson, and Maurice Woody attended the ALACRAO Conference on June 22 24, 2022. Sessions attended included topics on transfer recruitment, using CRMs to maximize student engagement, and first year travel tips. Kirstan Cunningham will serve as ALACRAO’s Vice President of Development, Access, and Equity and Libba Baker will as ALACRAO’s Treasurer for 2022 2023 Admissions Office has started recruitment for the 2023 school year with the fall application launching on August 1, 2022. A current comparison between vs 2023 can be seen below:



Applications| +15.38% Transferacceptancerate|Flat Freshmanacceptancerate|Flat Transfer-7applicationswith1admit Freshman 53applicationswith8admits Fall2023Applications:60(9admits) Transfer-3applicationswith1admit Freshman 49applicationswith8admits Fall2022Applications:52(9admits) Applications| +23.38% Transferacceptancerate|+71.43% Freshmanacceptancerate|-33.33% Applications| +66.67% Transferacceptancerate|Flat Freshmanacceptancerate|-100% Transfer 0applicationswith0admits Freshman 5applicationswith0admits Summer2023Applications:5(0admits) Transfer 0applicationswith0admits Freshman 3applicationswith2admits Summer2022Applications:3(2admits) FALL APPLICATIONS Transfer-45applicationswith12admits Freshman 50applicationswith4admits Spring2023Applications:95 (16admits)(1canceledapplication) Transfer-40applicationswith7admits Freshman 34applicationswith6admits Spring2022Applications:74 (13admits)(2canceledapplications) SPRING APPLICATIONS TOURS IndividualTours|-16.67% IndividualTours:5students(100%check in rate) GroupTours:0students CampusToursfromAugust15 31,2022 SUMMER APPLICATIONS IndividualTours:6students(100%check in rate) GroupTours:0students CampusToursfromAugust15 31,2021 EVENTS 32Students,35GuestsRegistered FallPreviewDay(September24) TransferPreviewDay(October14) NursingDay(October19) CollegeofLiberalArtsOpenHouse(November2) Orientations: January5 April21 May25 June8 June29 July20 August10 Orientation 7


Academic accommodations 30 ( 4 from Spring ’22)

MoveInDay2022 8

ESAs on campus 6 (+2 from Spring ’22) 6 (+4 from Spring ’22)

Student Advocacy and Parent Support participated in all Go West Orientation sessions by hosting a parent discussion designed to help prepare parents as their student begins life at UWA Sessions included tips on how to create a communication plan with their student while at college, sharing valuable resources provided by UWA, and letting them know that Student Advocacy and Parent Support can assist with finding a resolution to any issue that they (or their student) might encounter while at UWA.

Housing Accommodations

Student Advocacy and Parent Support

QR Code to Scan -

ADA Update

Will Atkinson created a digital business card. The card provides students and parents all of the vital contact information in a digital format using a link provided or by scanning the QR code. The contact info can be “saved to contacts” and eliminates losing the traditional card.

Link -

Megan Gossfeld joined Counseling Services in July. Megan is serving as an on campus counselor and helping to create and implement a variety of programming and training workshops to address the importance of mental health across campus. To date, Megan has assisted with thirteen (13) training sessions/workshops for various groups on campus.

Website Update Counseling Services Software Update has been created to give students and easy to remember email address if questions about counseling needs should arise. Purchased Titanium Schedule software to be used with Counseling and ADA Services The new software allows the university to ability to schedule, track, and create client notes using a HIPAA compliant platform

University webpages have been created/updated in the area of Student Advocacy and Parent Support, as well as, Counseling Services.

COVID Update

Student Advocacy and Parent Support

Kate Crawford stepped down as Coordinator of Counseling Services to spend more time with her family. On going search to fill the vacant Counseling position.

Updates 9


Shannon Edmonds has announced that she will be leaving the University. Her last day will be October 3, 2022.

After a spike in positive student cases at the beginning of the semester, cases are leveling off and no major concerns have been identified.

Student Life and Support moved to Brock Hall during the month of May.


Student Life + Support

SGA Executive Council attended the STARS Leadership Conference in Destin, FL from August 3 5, 2022.



SGA held elections for Senator positions. There were 25 applications and 23 on the ballot. Elections take place from August 31 September 2, 2022. SGA looks forward to attending College Colors Proclamation day on September 1, 2022 in Montgomery, AL and holding their annual College Colors Day Celebration on September 2, 2022 from 11 AM 1 PM on the Caf Lawn.

Byron's office can be found in 202; Leslie's in 201. Student Life and Support hired Cameron Wyatt as a Graduate Assistant. He began in May and will assist with administrative tasks, events and social media. Leslie White will now be serving as the Coordinator of Student Involvement and Communications.


@UWAConnect and @UWABound were formed under Student Involvement and Communications ran by Leslie White. There are currently Facebook, Instagram and TikTok platforms formed for these handles.


Student Communications webpage was created. There you will find links for This Week at UWA (weekly email), Tiger TV (Reach Screens across campus), Tiger Tuesday (campaign for UWABound), a link to get advertisement help and to submit your UWA event photos. There is also a calendar that has all Student Affairs events and Student Organization events listed.

PostReach numberofpeoplewhosawtheposts


1,221engagedusers 12,516postimpressions 10,755postreach

7,475postreach +14followers

51posts 85,773postimpressions 17,063postreach +156followers

IFC Recruitment was held on August 29 30, 2022. With 15 in attendance for these informational events, there were 13 bids extended between Sigma Pi and Delta Chi.



PostImpressions numberoftimespeoplesawtheposts


Panhellenic switched from FSR (fully structured recruitment to PSR (partially structured recruitment) in hopes of getting more interest in our NPC Sororities. Panhellenic held an informational social during Back to School Week with 14 in attendance. Recruitment events began August 22, 2022 and will run though September 8, 2022 with Bid Day being held on September 9, 2022. As of August 31, 2022 there are 22 PNMs (+4 from 2021). Registration will end on September 6, 2022.




1,247engagedusers 24,898postimpressions 17,704postreach

Cheerleading has a 19 member squad this year. They attended NCA Camp in Louisville KY from August 3 5, 2022. They won a silver bid to qualify for Nationals in Daytona during the Spring, 3 Superior ribbons and 3rd place Coed Rally.

11posts 12,627postimpressions

NPHC Convocation was held on August 31, 2022 with 132 interested students in attendance.

Hosted Tiger Expedition


The Cinema has shown many movies over the summer, including the summer blockbuster Top Gun Maverick. Since May 1 there has been 1,492 movie attendances.

Student Activities


39 students participated


39 faculty/staff volunteered

Staff assisted with Move In Day

20 student organizations volunteered


Coordinated Get on Board Day



CAB had a great Welcome Back Week! Participation numbers are back to prepandemic. Over 25% of the on campus undergraduate enrollment participated in Bingo for Bucks. Implemented the CAB Buddy program. 40 students utilized it for Bingo for Bucks and 20 for The Great Dubois.

Jason Gardner is serving on the NIRSA Foundation Scholarship and Grants Committee

Campus Activities Board

Coordinated Fall Kick Off

Chloe Johnson started as the Student Activities Graduate Assistant.


Dry Tri Competitions for September (Row, Bike, Run)

150 Speed friending participants before Bingo for Bucks

Flag Football, Volleyball Leagues

275 Group Fitness Participations

There are a total of 56 performers in the West Alabama Marching Band this year, and two band managers Logo change for the program

Ordered new championship t-shirts and give away items for our participants.

Logo “UWA Band” is now “UWA Bands” which is more in line with a comprehensive university band program, as there will be multiple bands, not necessarily made up of the same students.

Keyanna Mays was hired as the Intramural Graduate Assistant

New staff polos for all of campus recreation


Rowvember Competition

Poster for Marching Honor Band application was sent to all high schools in Alabama and Mississippi West Alabama Marching Band performed in the stands at football scrimmage on Saturday, August 13, 2022.


Troy Maddox created a Wellness committee to help address the needs of our students.

195 attendees for summer swim lessons

12 private swim lessons this summer

112 Football Toss participants

198 Rec Center Check ins (August only)

5 more competitions in front of the caf Kickball, Spikeball, Madden, 3v3 Basketball, Battle Canoe Tournaments

4,611 Fitness Center Check ins May August, 2022 (928 Faculty/Staff, 1,431 Community, 2,252 Students)

52 UCS 1stgraders attended swim lessons

Members of the West Alabama Marching Band performed the National Anthem at the Public Safety Festival at Jaycee Park on the invitation of Will Shelton Friday, August 26, 2022.


Squatober Competition for October (1 Rep max and squat workshops)

A Concert Ensemble has not existed in the fall semester for some time This is a separate ensemble from the West Alabama Marching Band Table topper created with QR code for band recruitment registration so that recruiting/admissions could take them to events and get appropriate information from potential band recruits

Purchased new uniform bibbers to better fit students

3 mellophones

Our biggest upcoming event is our Marching Honor Band on November 5, 2022. High school students from around the region will join the West Alabama Marching Band during the game and for a performance at halftime on the field. Application period closes on October 3, 2022 Performing on December 3, 2022 at Demopolis Christmas Parade and December 10, 2022 at Linden Christmas Parade Traveling to the West Florida game on October Select band students and Dr. Strickland will be traveling to high school football games in an effort to recruit more students into our program. Have visited 7 High Schools for Band Recruitment.


First Presbyterian Church brought us popsicles during band camp BCM brought us Gatorades during rehearsal the first week of school

Student Activities

Had full band at camp from August 3 10, 2022

2 piccolos


UWA Band students visited West Blocton band camp to give out popsicles and recruit for the UWA Band Spoke at freshman orientation, and had band booth at meet and greet event during orientation

4 trumpets

All band members helped with freshmen move in day at Gilbert Hall on August 10, 2022.

Ordered and arranged new music and for performance in stands at football games

Purchased new instruments for West Alabama Marching Band

Started fall concert band rehearsals

Received new merchandise for UWA Bands members

Registrar Sharon Rainey started September 1, 2022. She is the new VA Coordinator. April Atkinson completed a three day zoom meeting for Acalog. Hired two student workers to scan and shred old files PanhellenicRecruitment GetonBoardDay MoveInDay FootballToss August 30, 2022 Downloaded 7,005 Applications August 30, 2022 Packaged 6,707 students August 30, 2022 201 selected for verification August 30, 2022 411 verifications completed 2022 2023 Financial Aid Processing: Delinquent Loans Activity: Student loans are scheduled to re enter repayment January 1, 2023 Financial Aid 15


Housing and Residence Life

Based on feedback from residents, past occupancy numbers, and recommendations from the Enrollment Management Committee, the cost of on campus housing for the summer term offered at a reduced rate of only $800 for the full term (compared to $1500 last summer). This price reduction resulted in a significant increase of on campus residency, with our highest number of residents in at least 10 years. There were 74 students who lived on campus for either the full summer, Summer I, or Summer II, compared to only 18 in Summer 2021 and 8 in Summer 2020.

Residents had the opportunity to find their roommate through My College Roomie, a roommate matching software, and many found great success


Hall FullSummer SummerI SummerII Total ReedHall 27 5 22 54 PattersonHall 20 0 0 20 Total 47 5 22 74


Of 722 students eligible to participate, 545 accepted the invite to participate The number eligible includes current, returning, and transfer students who applied after their regular room selection, so while they could create a profile and interact with others, they were not able to officially match with anyone in the software. 538 students created a profile and 471 completed the questionnaire. 4188 friend requests were sent 590 roommate requests sent, with 223 accepting for a total of 446 residents matched in the software.

Using the 2nd beds from each non-sorority Selden room (since those are singles this year) and the extra beds from Gilbert Quad rooms (haven’t been used for 4 people in 7+ years) were moved to Reed to replace the original beds that were 30 years old. This means that every bed on campus is now height adjustable, so no matter where someone chooses to live, they have the same bed type.

FReedHall-Flooring allStaffatMoveInDay HousingStaff2022 17


Every summer brings a number of projects to improve and prepare our halls for the upcoming year. This year’s project highlights include the following:

Stickney Hall will be getting a new elevator soon. While this project was scheduled for the summer, delays in the arrival of the equipment has pushed it into the Fall semester

A new door lock system for Gilbert and Hoover has been approved in the budget for the 2023 fiscal year, with work to be done next summer

Reed Hall has new desk chairs that should allow for better maintenance of rooms and is in line with what many other schools are using in their residence halls now.

Due to major repairs in one room at Reed Hall that resulted in the need to replace the carpet, the Physical Plant decided to try a new flooring option that we don’t have in any other hall, but is quickly moving towards industry standard. The new flooring looks like hardwood, making such a drastic difference in the look and feel of the room. Not only does the resident of the room (and many others) love the look, it will be easier to clean and maintain, cutting costs for labor and stripping/waxing supplies. This flooring will likely be used as we have to replace flooring in the future. New tankless water heaters replaced old huge water heaters at Stickney and Patterson B section. New tables were ordered for Gilbert seminar rooms. These new tables have casters and they nest together as needed. This should allow for much greater flexibility for use of these spaces, from standard classroom set up to group work to open floor plan for activities.

Singles at Selden and Stickney were available for selection starting in March, while historically, singles wouldn’t have been available until mid to late summer In addition, single rooms were offered in Gilbert Hall for both upperclass students and freshmen starting in early July This option wasn’t as popular, with less than 10 residents choosing the single option, but it did give one more option for students

All non sorority rooms at Selden were made available as single rooms only (sorority rooms were already singles). This provided a low cost option for students who wanted a private room and utilized space that hasn’t been occupied in the last two years. In addition to the three sorority wings, two male wings and one female wing were made available, with those 3 wings at 92% occupancy at this time. Smaller Stickney rooms that had bunked beds were all converted to single rooms this year. This gave 10 additional single rooms in the building (with the 1st floor closed), with a total of 24 single rooms. These rooms filled quickly with a waiting list of 20+ people as of the beginning of the semester.

Housing and Residence Life

Resident Assistants and Hall Directors participated in an intensive training workshop with a fun SpongeBob Squarepants Bikini Bottom Edition Theme Topics included programming and community development, conflict mediation, emergency protocols and procedures, time management, and more. Staff development was an essential piece of training as well. Staff enjoyed bowling at Shindig Entertainment Center in Tuscaloosa, Camp Games (including a 3 legged race, sack race, and more), and a campfire night of s’mores and games. In between all the sessions and fun, staff worked hard to prepare halls for our residents, creating creative and engaging bulletin boards, adding personalization with UWA themed door decorations, inspecting rooms and common areas, and planning their 1st floor meetings, programs, newsletters, and more



For the Fall 2022 semester, our applications for current and returning students increased over 20% from Fall 2021. As there were lots of requests for single rooms and knowing that occupancy would remain well below full capacity, the decision was made to increase the amount of single rooms available for this year and to start offering them much earlier in the process.


HOUSING APPLICATIONS 2022-2023 2021-2022 2020 2021 Freshman 248 269 216 Transfer 78 73 53 Current/Returner 327 269 315 Total 653 611 584 HOUSING OCCUPANCY ResidenceHall Fall2022 Fall2021 Fall2020 GilbertHall 295 309 268 HooverApts.(Phase1) 46 43 56 HooverApts.(Phase2) 95 92 92 PattersonApts. 46 44 46 ReedHall 68 56 63 SeldenHall 51 24 19 StickneyHall 38 41 42 TOTAL 639 609 586 19

Campus Activities Board

FLi members are planning a UWA 1st Gen Student Celebration Day for November 8, 2022

$12,800 in fall scholarship funds were distributed to 16 returning SSS Scholars

$2,500 in Barnes & Noble gift cards were distributed to 25 new and returning SSS Scholars

58% of SSS Scholars (109/187) received at least one meeting or service in August

SSS staff conducted 193 meetings with 98 new and returning SSS scholars

FLi members and SSS staff volunteered at UWA Move In Day

FLi lent out 12 textbooks to new and returning SSS scholars

If you are a 1st Generation college graduate and would like a sign celebrating that for your office door please complete our short form

New study area created in Foust 6, with couches, computers, and a printer





The Tri Alpha EC met to plan fall induction Induction is scheduled for November 9, 2022 in the Tiger’s Den Any staff interested in becoming a member of Tri Alpha an honor society for first generation students and graduates can complete a short application

A big thank you to UWA’s Office of Institutional Advancement and Alumni Affairs for the donation of those gift cards!

66 of 79 scheduled tutoring sessions were attended in August (84%)

Textbooks were purchased with funds raised by FLi members


Partnered with Innovative Educators to provide virtual tutor training for SSS tutors and virtual webinars for SSS scholars

126 UWA students applied to join the SSS Scholars program 67 new scholars were accepted




Participated in a Health fair sponsored by Pine Grove Missionary Baptist Church and UAB on August 27, 2022.

Panhellenic Recruitment

Traveled to Lewis Chapel in Linden on Saturday, August 6, 2022 from 10 AM 12 PM to assist with the back to school giveaway.


Recruitment for the upcoming year's Upward Bound students is going well. UB Staff has emailed applications, traveled to different community events to promote Upward Bound and handed out materials that will allow potential students to scan and apply Upward Bound has also hired Ja’Roderick Parker for the Upward Bound Coordinator Position Over the past months these are some specific things UB has accomplished: Over the next few months, UB plans on passing out flyers and talking with students that are attending Demopolis High and the University Charter school about our program.

Upward Bound


Traveled to Wendy Hills housing complex to pass out information/flyers and talk to residents and potentially high school students about the Upward Bound program from 5 PM to 7:30 PM on August 2, 2022.


Traveled to Gainesville for the back to school supply giveaway on August 2, 2022

Traveled to Sumter Center and placed Upward Bound Sign at the school on August 2, 2022

International Programs held various events such as a graduation luncheon in May, the Dragon Boat Festival at Lake LU in June, International Orientation and an Ice Cream Social in August. International Programs looks forward to holding the Moon Festival Celebration on September 9, 2022 and the 2nd International Education week, November 14 18, 2022. There are 73 International Students on campus this year.


InternationalOrientation IceCreamSocial 22


International Programs

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