United Way Campaign 2014-2015
THANK YOU United Way Leadership Investors
L to R: Jeffrey O’Shaughnessy, Senior Vice President of Treaty Underwriting, The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company; Susan B. Dunn, President and CEO, United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut; Bonnie Malley, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, The Phoenix Companies, Inc.; Woody E. Bradford, President and Chief Executive Officer, Conning; and former United Way Board Chair, Wayne S. Rawlins, MD, MBA, ConnectiCare. Conning, The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company and The Phoenix Companies, Inc. were the three founding companies of United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut in 1924.
1 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
THANK YOU for being a champion for working families. I cannot thank you enough for your generous gift as a United Way Leadership Investor. By working together, we create real, lasting change in central and northeastern Connecticut. Through gifts directed to United Way Community Investment, we connect children and families with opportunities for a better life, including hard-working ALICE—Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed—households. More than 30 years ago, I attended Windermere Elementary School in Ellington, Connecticut. I was raised by three women—my mother, grandmother and sister. My mother was a single mom who was eager to give my family and me a great life. Despite working hard as a homeeconomics teacher, she was only earning $12,000 per year. It was difficult. We were ALICE. We struggled day in and day out—just like one in three households in Connecticut today. Yet I would never change my upbringing. It instilled in me a strong work ethic and family values, making me the person I am today. I am stronger because of it. It also helps me appreciate United Way’s work to turn challenges into opportunities for a better life for children and families. For this, I am truly thankful. Unfortunately, there are still children who think they’re the only ones struggling to get by, but the reality is that many families are in the same position. ALICE households struggle every day to pay bills, put food on the table, make ends meet, and give their children the lives they deserve. I give to United Way Community Investment because I believe that every child should have equal opportunities, regardless of their current family situation. As you understand, we all have goals and aspirations for our community. It’s our job to be leaders and ensure that all children make it… just like we did. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being a leader and investing in our future. We need more people like you. Your generosity symbolizes your commitment and passion to make our community a better place for all of us to live, work and raise a family. I am proud of the work we are doing together and look forward to your continued support in the years to come. Sincerely,
Gregory C. Toczydlowski Executive Vice President and President, Small Commercial, and Business Insurance Technology and Operations, Travelers Chair, Board of Directors, United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut
2 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
# of Contributors
Aetna Inc.
Robinson & Cole LLP
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
Berlin Board of Education
Bingham McCutchen LLP
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
Chase Enterprises
The Phoenix Companies, Inc.
Cigna Corporation
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
United Technologies Corporation
Day Pitney LLP
United Technologies Research Center
Deloitte LLP
United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut
Ernst & Young LLP
UTC Aerospace Systems
UTC Building & Industrial Systems
Mass Mutual Financial Group
Virtus Investment Partners
Message Center Management
Voya Financial
Webster Bank
Women’s Health
Pratt & Whitney PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
3 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut Board of Directors Back row L to R: James O’Meara, Webster Bank; Patricia Meiser, Meiser Sports Consulting; Otto Eichmann, Pratt & Whitney; Eric Daniels, Robinson & Cole LLP; United Way Board Chair, Greg C. Toczydlowski, Travelers; 2014 United Way Campaign Chair, Mary E. McLaughlin, Comcast Corporation; Natalie B. Morris, United Technologies Corporation; Shawn Maynard, Windham Hospital Foundation; Jeff Hubbard, First Niagara Financial Group, Inc. Front row L to R: Jennifer White, The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc.; Lynn Ryan, Conning; Karen Prendergast, The Greater Hartford Labor Council, AFL-CIO; Wayne S. Rawlins, MD, MBA, ConnectiCare; Peggy Buchanan, Connecticut AFL-CIO
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY *Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
United Way Tocqueville Society members are recognized for their leadership and commitment at the following levels: La Table Ronde D’un Million de Dollars Annual gifts of one million dollars or more Ordre De Prospérité Annual gifts of $750,000 to $999,999 Ordre De Connaissance Annual gifts of $500,000 to $749,999 Ordre D’indépendance Annual gifts of $250,000 to $499,999 La Société Nationale Annual gifts of $100,000 to $249,999
Ordre de Fraternité
Annual Gifts of $75,000 to $99,999
† Deceased
Women’s Leadership Council member
Ordre de Liberté
Annual gifts of $25,000 to $49,999
Chris and Chuck Shivery**
Dave Albrycht**
Robert C. Vance Foundation ****
Tom and Amanda Buckingham**
Ordre d’Egalité
Mary and Ed Budd**** Rich and Lisa Caporaso*
Emerging Leaders Society member
Thomas and Letha Kunkel** Brian and Kathy MacLean**** Bonnie Malley *** David and Shannon McHale** Gina and Stephen O’Connell** Lee and Bernadette Olivier**
Membres de la Société Annual Gifts of $20,000 to $24,999
Paul and Pamela Beach**** Rick and Jane Costello** Robin Diamonte* Stephen and Sharon Finger***
Annual gifts of $50,000 to $74,999
Howard and Sue Carver****
Jay and Jeanne Benet****
Edward W. Cassidy*
David and Lori Hess****
Stephan and Francine Christiansen**
Christopher and Mary Swift
Barbara and Scott Cochrane*
Chad and Andi Thacker
Kevin and Jenny Collins*
John M. and Carol A. Trani***
Tom and Kristen Culbertson*
Jim and Tammy Wehr***
Barbara Walden and Bill Veronesi**
Donna and Geraud Darnis**
Betsy and Palmer Williams*
Tom Vining*
The Mathews Family*** Nancy and Bill Trachsel****
Ordre De Fraternité Annual gifts of $75,000 to $99,999 Ordre D’egalité Annual gifts of $50,000 to $74,999 Ordre De Liberté Annual gifts of $25,000 to $49,999 Membres De La Société Annual gifts of $10,000 to $24,999
Edith and Giuliano Di Francesco*** Vincent J. Dowling, Jr.** Nelson and Jeannie Evans* The Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Fund at the Hartford Foundation**** Marty and Kathy Gavin* Kevin and Kathleen Kimbrough* Joel M. and Naomi Baline Kleinman**** Karl J. Krapek****
4 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Jothi and Kokila Purushotaman*** Brian and Marty Rudd*
One contributor who wishes to remain anonymous.
Alice and Greg Gernhardt** Thomas and Nancy Lofredo** Corliss Montesi*** Christopher and Brenda Opie* Mrs. Millard H. Pryor, Jr.****
Three contributors who wish to remain anonymous.
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY *Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
Membres de la Société Annual Gifts of $10,000 to $19,999
Paul and Linda Adams*** Ajay Agrawal*
† Deceased
Women’s Leadership Council member
Joyce and Harold Buckingham****
The DeCastro Family**
Dejshona George
Michael and Cindy Klein*
Jay and Alissa Buth*
Mrs. Raymond Deck†***
Paula S. Gilberto ***
Jeffrey Kotkin**
Greg and Nancy Butler**
Ed and Eileen Dempsey****
Catherine F. Godin **
Alan Kreczko and Becky Latimer*
Blanche and Steven Goldenberg***
Kris and Meera Krishnan**
Mary Anne Cannon *
Anthony and Betsy DePaolo**
Jill Albertelli and Nick Tomassetti**
John and Kelly Cantillon**
Joseph M. DeSantis
Karen and Greg Alcorn**
Deborah and Wright Carreau***
Robert Domini
Donald Allan, Jr.
The Sandra and Arnold Chase Family Foundation***
Eileen P. Drake*
Elizabeth and Michael Amato* Anderson Family Bob and Heidi Bailey*** Jim and Kristine Bankowski Richard and Xuan-Mai Basiaga* Alain Bellemare* Carol and Jonathan Bennett** Jody Beresin and Bob Bouclier Nancy P. Bernstein** Andy and Cheryl Bessette** Johan Bill*** Lisa Bongiovi* The Boxer Family Charlsa (Sandy) Broadus** Kathleen Bromage***
Emerging Leaders Society member
The Rhoda and David Chase Family Foundation**** The Cheryl Chase and Stuart Bear Family Foundation***
and Ned Dunn, Jr.****
Paul Eddy and Elizabeth Normen***
The Graber-Lipperman Family** Peter and Ellen Gundersen* Peter and Cynthia Gutermann*** Gregory and Renata Hayes*** Randy and Lisa Henley***
Otto and Krissy Eichmann*
Bill and Peggy Herdegen
Peter Clarke**
Doug and Sheila Elliot***
Joseph A. Coray*
Kevin and Rosemary Farrell**
Robert and Darlene V. Hermann****
Don and Allison Corne
Yogesh Farswani
Nelson and Maria Correa**
Dr. Christoph and Robin Feddersen*
Bennett and Stephanie Croswell** Benito J. and Guia Cuevo* John and Barbara Curran**** Eric and Pat Daniels** Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daugherty* Jim and Kristen Davey** George David**** James and Nancy Davis***
Christine and Matthew Bromberg**
5 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Anne and Karl Kuhn**** Nora LaFreniere** Amanda and Mike Layden* Bill and Deana Leikin**** Robert and Bonnie Lombardi* Christine and Peter Longo**** Costas and Athena Loukellis*** John and Tamara Lundgren**
Joe and Carol Herron*
Sue Mackiewicz**
Terri Herubin
Chris and Estrella Macklem**
Kathleen M. Hopko*
Jack and Cheryl Maher*
Kevin and Robin Fiala**
Harold Horwich***
Thomas and Phyllis Mayes***
Lynn and Michael Field***
Stephen and JoAnn Ippolito and Family*
Kelly A. McCabe*
Geoff Fisher and Anna Turner** Mark Fitzgerald Kohn-Joseloff Foundation**** Carrie and Paul Fraipont Robert Francis Byron and Amy Frank**
Ebad Jahangir and Family* Tom and Sara Jones* Mary Ellen and Steve Jones** Todd and Sarah Kallman** Rich and Cathy Kaplan**** Paula and Greg Kern*
kathleen McGah** Sharon and Michael McQuade* Laurie Medlin* Omar and Pat F. Meguid** Brian and Anne Merry** Holly and John Milton-Benoit*
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
TOCQUEVILLE SOCIETY *Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
† Deceased
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Neil and Tricia Mitchill*
Frank Preli***
Ed and Susan Shaw***
Maureen and Doug Waterston**
Timothy and Natalie Morris**
Patrick Preux*
Tutch and Early Shirane***
Dr. Graham and Mrs. Teresa Webb*
Al and Sharon Mulvey***
Ellen Quinn*
Carol and Jim Sicilian****
James A. Muntz
John and Deb Reid
Janet and Peter Smith***
Michael Degasperi and Renee Welsh***
Mike Nadolski*
Carol and George Reider, Jr.*
Lon and Susan Smith****
Vince and Karen Nardone***
David and Louise Reilly**
Michael D. Smith***
Raymond and Mary Necci**
E. Ridge*
Donna and Bill Striebe**
Joanne and Mark Niland***
Keith and Carolyn Rivers***
Lisa and David Szewczul***
Dennis Oakes and Debra Rahn-Oakes**
Joseph and Deanne Rokowski*
Jennifer Szoka
Kathleen and Stephen Rudolph**
J and K Thomas Foundation****
Julie and Dan Rush**
Eugene and Lynn Tiano**
Mr. David Sams****
Greg Toczydlowski**
Jose A. and Madonna M. Santos**
Steven Tommet***
David and Teri Parekh*
Martin and Holly Schafer*
Tobin and Sheri Treichel**
Robert and Margarot Patricelli****
Scott W. Schuetz
Alex and Patricia Vance****
Steve Peery*
Cliff Schuman**
Leon and Chris Veretto***
Christine Petranchuk
Mike and Julie Scott
Larry and Lil Volz***
Nyema R. Pinkney
David Scott-Walton*
Jim and Jeanne Ward***
Joan E. Pixton **
Ramla and Naseem Shaikh*
Rick and Kristi Warters***
Gina C. and Stephen O’Connell* Robert and Rosanne O’Hara** Madison, Gator, Haley, and Danny Olsen
6 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Shauna and Olin West David Whitehouse Brenda and Christopher Wilkos*** Ralph and Pauline Wood*** Cindy and Ron Zabinski** The Zachs Family Foundation*** Michael A. and Brenda R. Zanta Deb and Peter Zawisza*** Eighteen contributors who wish remain anonymous.
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
Ted Adams and Angela Montemagni**
† Deceased
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Michael and Susan Concannon***
Joseph and Suzanne Frask**
Ted and Jane Jenny****
Katherine and Kevin Conway***
Douglas Freiberg**
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Judice, Jr.**
Audrey Courtney*
Daniel and Carrie Frey**
Rod and Patty Kalbfleisch*
Mr. Roger W. Crandall*
James Fritz*
Maureen and Kevin Kearney**
Michael Auseré
Wyatt Daentl*
Joseph Gambill**
Brian and Carol Kelleher**
Jeff Bartholomay*
Paul and Bev Deachin***
Joe and Susan Garrich**
Aidan Kidney
The Katharine K. McLane and Henry R. McLane Charitable Trust***
Susan and Jim Bergenn
Theresa and David Demers**
Elena Gervino**
Ginny Kim
Randy and Marnie Meek*
Alex and Nikki Bingham*
Dino and Christine DePellegrini**
Jon and Debra Gice*
Jeff Kridler
Mary and John Merchant*
Chris and Jeannie Boccaccio*
Rick and Kate Deurloo**
Charles Gill and Linda Goddard*
Candace and Justin Kronholm*
The Midura Family
Beth Bombara**
Chris and Pam DiMartino*
Alisha and Jonathan Glaser
Craig and Elke Kulas*
Mary Milmoe
Jacques Bories*
John and Julie Dillman*
Michael Goldbas**
Jorge and Kim Laires**
Diana Morales*
The Bothwells
Dave and Dianne Doot****
James Golden
Madelyn Lankton*
John and Ellen Moran*
Barbara B. Botros
Craig A. Doucette
Michael and Megin Haeflich*
Shannon Lapierre*
Stephen A. Morford*
Michelle and Jim Bowman***
Diane and Mike Dumais**
Kimberley Hagerty
Stacy and Jay Laszewski
Peg L. Morton**
John and Deb Brady**
Edward and Mary Jo Dunn**
Yosi and Gretchen Haimes*
Daniel C. Lee and Family**
Christopher James Motl*
Benoit Brossoit
Colin and Caroline Eccles
Walter and Dianne Harrison***
Rita Lei
Sherri and Richard Murray**
A. Lisa Burgarella*
Tahany El-Wardany*
Tim and Deb Lenihan**
Vibha Gauba and Sarfraz Nawaz*
Kimberley and Christopher Byrd****
Kenneth L. Erickson
Charles F. and Dr. Judith Hildebrand****
Brenda Levine*
John Nealon and Pamela Lucas***
Ken and Sharon Levine
Rick and Joanne Newell***
John and Julie Livingstone**
Jayne Nye*
Michael and Laurie Londergan**
Sean and Paula O’Brien*
Jim and Rebecca Loree**
Maura and Zack Osborne*
Dave Lybass and Family**
Michael A. O’Toole**
Alan and Sharon Machuga**
Steven and Linda Paquette**
Janette Sanchez-Alamo The William H. and Rosanna T. Andrulat Charitable Foundation
Lucy and Bill Carlson*** Lou and Pam Carpenter and Family** Jamie and Isaac Cohen Amy and Daniel Colasante***
Lori and Mark Esposito* Vaughan Finn and Steve Nightingale****
Marcia and John Hincks**** Christine and Thomas Hoffman* Bruce and Karen Hoopes*
Fisher Foundation****
Lorraine S. Hritcko***
James J. Flynn, Jr.**
Keith and Natalie Hubert**
Michael Francis*
Ms. Karen Hurley**
The Cole Family*
7 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Theresa MacKinnon and Elizabeth Garner Robert and Stacy Malecki**** Sherry Manetta and Brian Harvey***
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
Thomas and Natalie Pelland**
Tom and Kelly Shaw*
Kurt and Heather Percy*
Frank and Terri Siver***
Brewster and Judith Perkins****
Steven Sprowson and Kristin Nylen, DDS
Anthony Pierson***
Women’s Leadership Council member
Raymond and Katherine Wilson**** Darrell Wilson Scott and Holly Wilson***
Roger and Marcy Stamm***
Steven and Jennifer Wolfberg*
Colleen and Richard Porth*
Sorenson-Pearson Family Foundation***
Andrea P. Yalof*
Michael D. Pych
Joan and Ken Stubenrauch****
Michele and Joe Quinn**
Dickson and Imelda Suit*
Noreen Randazzo and Michael Zacchio**
Richard and Dawn Tavolieri**
Amanda Pogson
Mr. George Rathbun II** Wayne Rawlins M.D. and Janet Flagg-Rawlins ****
Sue Theden and Sandy Falconer Mark and Lori Thompson*** Mr. Paul Thompson
Mike Renfrew**
Mr. Craig Waddington***
Michael and Tamra Ryan**
Stephen H. and Maria A. Ward***
Frank and Cari Sataline***
Cindy and Rich Wasserman****
Joseph and Jane Savage**
Jim Wellman**
Paula Schlotfeldt
Peter and Brenda Wertsching****
Laurance A. and Diane Selnick**
Eric and Amy White**
The Seminara Family*
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford A. White
8 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Michelle Zettergren Twenty contributors who wish to remain anonymous.
Emerging Leaders Society member
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
Linda Adamsons Steve and Jane Agnelli*** Kristina Alexander*
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Harold Blinderman and Wanda Schulman**
Mrs. Eleanor N. Caplan****
Linda K. Crookshanks***
Robert and Tracy Eccles**
Ms. Mary Block*
Len and Maureen Carlson***
Brian Cuddeback*
Mr. and Mrs. bruce Elias*
Ted and Jane Carroll***
Cheryl Cundall and J. Kevin Farmer*
John and Janet Esposito**
Mr. Robert J. Casale
Frank and Linda Cunha*
Erica Evans Gioffre
Patti Cushman
Bill and Maria Bloom**
Kwatsi Alibaruho
† Deceased
Laura A. Carrubba1
Eric Alletzhauser and Heather Crawford*
Kayrnne A, Bochicchio
Margot Allison****
Jane and Dave Boguslawski**
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Casciani**
Tobias and Erin Cushing
Beth and Jeff Alquist**
Craig and Annette Bolt***
John and Marci Casey*
Matt and Monica Dallahan*
Wayne and Jackie Andersen*
David W. Bonsall*
Melanie J. Cecarelli **
Laura A. Dambier**
Jeff Anderson*
Patrick L, Bourne
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Celiberti
Jill Danielson
Elaine C. Anderson ****
Paul Bousquet
Elizabeth Ceriello***
Ken and Kathy D’Auria***
Dave and Jill Bachiochi***
Kenneth and Marie Bowes*
Jason Cerrato
Smitesh Dave*
Gail Baker*
Wallis A. and Laurie Z. Boyd***
Jim and Leslie Chapman**
Elizabeth DeForest*
Carol S. Baker*
Esther and William Boyes***
Stanley Chartoff, MD*
Joanne Denver
Jessica and David Baker*
Henry B. Brown, Jr.
Alfred J. and Darlene M. Chesky, Jr.*
Ken and Marie Devins
Diana and Dan Barlow**
Greg and Jami Brown***
Malay Chokshi
Kevin Deyo
Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes*
Family Brunnschweiler*
Ben and Colleen Chowaniec****
Paul DiDomenico*
Fred Baruffi*
Lori M. Budnick**
Ronald Clawson
David and Christine Dixon**
Steve and Brenda Basson****
David Bueker*
Gregory and Camille Dolansky**
Robert and Donna Batch****
Dave Bulin*
Dr. Diane B. and Sanford Cloud, Jr., Esq.*
Patrick A. Belanger*
James and Linda Bullock**
Robert and Linda Coates*
Leslie Doody*
Marvin Bellis*
Catherine and Robert Burns
Debbie and Doug Bendix**
Jennifer Burrill*
Carl Benker and Elizabeth Wegner**
Alun and Megan Buttermore**
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bertheaud
Christopher Calio*
Tom and Mary Bode**
Kate Bertini David and Susan Biederman* Rita and J.R. Bissonnette**
Mike Byam** Patrice and Robert Calnen*
Eric and Lisa Besman*** Eric and Lynn Bisighini, III
Matthew Cambi Rich Campbell Mr. David E. Canuel* Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Caplan**
9 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Paul and Joan Coddington** Mary Colby** Michael and Nicole Collins*** Amy Comer Erik J. Connors Brenda Conti* Steven and Johnna Cote*** Crawford Family Sue and Phil Crombie, Jr.** Margaret Crone**
Richard and Mary Dombrowski* Craig and Marilyn Douglas*** Tom and Rebecca Downie Peter J. Draghi Ms. Srinivas Dronamraju Mr. Jeffrey Dube Jennifer L. Duke Tom and Bobbi Dudeck*** Jennifer L. Duke Michael J. Dunst Scott A. Eastman
Scott and Stephanie Esposito* Patrick and Anne Fagan Eric Fairchild Marie Fallon Jim and Martha Fanelli**** John and Theresa Farmer Mr. and Mrs. George Fay* Carol M. Ferro Kevin and Lynne Finn* Michael Ross Fisher* Gena Fitzgerald* Shelly Folsom** Mark and Lynda Fredette*** Mr. and Mrs. Jason Freedman Ed Friderici Ronald Fritsch Stephanie Fulbright Chris and Janet Fuller** Jeffrey and Lisa Futtner
Elizabeth Gagne ** Mark and Leslie Gallop* Brian Galovich and Family* Michelle Ganzer* Joel Timothy Garcia* Michael and Marcia Garfinkel* Thomas Garosshen Robert Garrey
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Thomas and Cynthia Garten**
Ann Gutkowski*
Annette and David Jussaume***
Tom and Martha Leonard**
Gerald M. Martin
Neal and Joanne Garvin*
Susan Hacking
Edwin Jutila
Marty Letitia*
Greg and Maria Mascoli**
Sergei and Jennifer
Richard and Jennifer Halbert***
James Kammerer
Jonathan M. Lewis*
Ernest J. Mattei**
Martha S Gervasi
Brian and Marni Hamilla*
Maureen C. Keating*
Thomas and Michele Lewis**
Todd and Glenna Mattiello**
Anthony and Laura Giannone**
Rich Harris
Daniel and Donna Kelly**
Robert Ligi*
Dan and Mary Matyas**
Myles and Tracy Gibbons**
Beverly Kaye Harris
Marianne Kelly
Chris and Jeanne Lindgren**
Mark and Paula Mayes**
Chuck Gill
Stephen B. Harris*
Alan and Michelle Keney
Charles S. Linn***
Michael Maznio
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gilleran
William and Joanne Hastings***
Sue Ellen Kerr
Rich and Beth Loftis
William S. McCaffrey*
Peter and Kristin Gillespie**
Greg and Meghan
Phyllis and Ed Kindelan***
Douglas Logan
Beth Pite and Paul McCary****
Barbara and Jack Gillies****
Deb Heikkinen*
Kelly King
Louis and Hope Lombardi
Debbie McCleary***
Gimpl Family
Houston Hemp*
The Kinney Family
John and Mary Lombardo**
Steve and Sue McConnell*
Mr. Todd Gish**
Alice Herrmann****
John and Ashley Kirkgasser**
Michael R. Longo**
Eniko McDonald
Carolyn Gitlin*
Christine Hill and David Fay
Lisa Kissane
Paul Lundstrom*
Andrew and Elizabeth McDonald*
Annette and Axel Glahn**
Ellie Hojda
Caren Kittredge
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lunsford*
Sandra and Thomas McGee***
Julie Glynn
Peter and Kristine Holland**
M. and A.
Duncan R. MacKay*
Alexandra McHugh
Kent and Penny Goetjen****
Enid Holmes
Chris and Jeannie Kmetz*
Ajay Mahajan
Ted and Trina McHugh**
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gorman, Jr.***
Mark and Lynn Homan**
Lauren and John Kolb*
Diana and Matthew Mahoney*
Joe and Barbara McIlrath**
William C. Gorton
Kelly Horan*
John and Bridget Komidar*
Michael Mahonski**
Adam and Laura McLaughlin*
John Horr, Jr.
Raja K. Kountanya
John McMahon**
Rebecca Huang
Bob and Linda Kroll*
Muriel Makharine and Hugh Toppazzini*
Charles B. Hucks
Paul Kudra**
Jesus and Janine Malave*
John and Nancy Melly**
Ryan Hudson
Paul N. Kuehn**
Robert G. Huelin
Bob and Michelle Kuhlberg**
Brad Huskinson
Michelle Kunzman**
Harry and Barbara Im
Lisa M. Labenski*
Alan and Maryanne R. Innes***
Tracy Labonte and Scot Riley*
Gail G. Jackson
Carroll and Emily Lane
Susan and Stephen Jackson**
John and Carrie LaSpada*
David M. Jones**
Jennifer Latka
Bruce Jones and Debora Sokolski***
Michael and Pamela Lawler**
Amy Grace
Michael and Paula Greenberg* Steven and EJ Greenspan Tim and Christine Griffin* Rob Griffiths* John and Carmen Groholski** Paul Grunert and Family* Garry Guertin Paul Guggina and Amy Flores* John and Thea Guidone*** Neil Gundel** Changsheng Guo
10 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
P. E. Lemell**
Bill Malugen and Nancy Martin* John and Jackie Mandyck** Carla and Tom Mangiafico* Bea and Chris Mango* Steven Manocchio Susan Manser Dean Marchessault** Gene Marinelli Gina and Stephen Marra Allen B. Marshall*
Andre McMillian Dave and Beth Mercier*** David and Maryellen Mercik*** Jeanne Merola Robert K. Merrill*** Jeff Michelson** Mr. and Mrs. Frank Milano* Melissa Millan** Dave and Lauri Miller**** Nicole Miller Dennis and Judith Mills**
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
† Deceased
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Kim A. Mitchell*
Doug and Dorry Palmer***
Chris and Monique Rhemer**
Katherine McCue Scierka
Lori Tafuto
Bobi Molchan and Wayne Holcombe****
John and Tammy Papadopoulos**
Karin and Tom Rhoads**
Valerie Seaver
Linda and Andrew Tanner*
Kevin and Lori Monahan*
Vincent and Shari Parillo*
Victoria L. Ricciuti
Ted and Ellen See****
Reed and Patricia Tapper**
Ronald T. Paul**
Mrs. Sabrina Richmond
The Seebauer Family*
Erin and Trevor Terry
Stephen Richmond
Paul Sellier and Family**
Peter E. Teti*
Alicia and Edward Perrault
Kevin and Lynne Finn*
Om and Prabha Sharma**
Mike Tetreault*
Paul and Brenda Perron***
David Robinson*
Michael Shea**
Stephen and Laura Thomas*
Stacy L. Petrosky*
Lori and Tom Rodden*
Timothy Sheehan*
Melanie Thomas*
James and Noreen Pfadenhauer*
Beatrice Rodgers***
Mr. Robert M. Shettle
Brad Thompson*
Chris and Mary Phelan***
Galo and Moraina Rodriguez***
Paul and Susan Shook**
Timothy H. Throckmorton
Anthony Phifer*
Dick Rogers**
Christopher Shovlin
Craig F. Tober
Thomas Phillips*
Kelvin and Kaitlin Roldan
The Simeone Family***
Stanley Tompkins, Jr.*
Philip C. Picillo
Robert L. Rosensweig***
Don and Valerie Singer*
Kevin and Carol Toomey
Amy and Glen Pitruzzello**
Michael and Deborah Roy*
Larry and Ellen Siuta**
William K. Tredway
Stephen G. Pixton*
Rich Rusich*
Mark Smith
Tony and Sue Trivella**
Jeffrey Place
Sara and Doug Russell***
William and Cheryl Socquet**
Paul and Lynn Trotochaud*
Bryan and Alice Pollard**
Cynthia Ryan
Leslie Soler*
Andre Troughton
Troy S. Prince
Ms. Paula Ryan*
Jason B Solomonides**
Mr. and Mrs. George Turner****
M. Adil Qureshi
Michael C. Ryan**
Jerome J. Speltz*
Carl and Deborah
Rai Family*
Ellen S. Ryczek**
Linda and Ray Sprague***
Paula-Marie Uscilla
Cheryl and Keith Randino
Robin Salisbury**
Jessica Standish
Jim and Jane Vallee**
David and Noelle Raymond*
George Alan Salisbury**
Taryn Stejskal
Jodi Vecchiarelli
John Redding - In Memory of Jordon M. Porco***
Samalus Family
Greg and Rebecca Stephenson*
Venkat Vedula*
Thomas Reed**
Susan and Joseph Sappington MD****
Mr. and Mrs. Stokes**
Charles T. Verfurth**
Cathy and Nat Reeves
David and Iris Sasportas**
Diane Christensen and Robert Stone***
Ron and Lori Vernier***
Lennox Reid
Karen and David Scheinerman*
Cliff and D’lynn Stone*
Ben S. Reinert**
Marc E. Schmittlein*
Sam Stuart**
Sheila McMahon and Mark Verre*
Greg and Karin Reinhardt***
Jennifer Schober
Susan M. Sullivan**
Pam and Corey Rekow*
Sue Schoch and Ken Kittredge**
Stephen and Margery Swigert***
Timothy Remmers**
Jason Schroder and Angela Rehm
Joe and Lauri Sylvestro**
Trish Moran Tom and Lisa Morgan* Margaret and Tyler Morrison** Mark Moulin Cara and Sean Moylan* John and Pat Mulrain* Maureen Shaw and Robert Mumford** Partick and Karen Murphy*** Nancy and Hugh Murray*** Craig and Nancy Musson** Jeffrey S. Muzio* Robert and Diane Nadeau* David and Kimberly
Mary Blake Nasenbenny Mr. Matthew P. Natcharian Brian and Lisa Neary** William D. Neff Joan and Harry Norman* Roberta O’Brien and Alfred Stimpson**** Jim and Lori O’Connor Nancy O’Connor * John J. O’Gorman*** Tammy and Mark O’Malley*** Dr. Wally and Ronke Orisamolu** Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Orzell* Ayodele Oyewole
and Maxime Péan*
11 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Paul and Joan Veronneau*** Jill L. Vichi* Joseph R. Voelker*** Jack and Karen Volinski** Pat and Frank Wachter**
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
Darryl Wagner**
Glenn and Renee Zaugg*
Mr. and Mrs. G. Philip Waldeck, Jr.**
Michelle and Mark Zelesky***
Craig and Trish Walker***
Brett M. Ziegler
Lyn G. Walker ****
Allan L. and Jennifer W. Zimmerman**
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Walker** Peter and Cheryl Wallace Tervon Walton Stephanie and David Watkins**
Bernie and Nola Zimmerman** Susan C. Ziobrowski One hundred and eight contributors who wish remain anonymous.
Mark and Sue Watson* Dana and Tizz Weber*** Thomas and Jennifer Wedeles* Andy and Debbie Wiacek* Chris and Jay Williams* Helen J. Williams Dantaya Williams* Beth Winikur Jeff and Lila Wittman*** William and Kathleen Witz** Jane Wolak* Dorothea and Alex Wong** Jack Woodin* Victor Woolridge Sarah Muldoon Worthen Bill and Heidi Wrang* Emily Wyche Robert K. Yass and Dr. Mary-Jane Eisen**** Brian and Maria Yeich* Linda L. Youmatz* Barbara and Albert Zakarian**** Michael Zammitti**
12 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Robert M. Aaron*
Craig Aronson
Steve Baronowski
Kimberly Belval
Russell Blatt*
Sam Abdelmalek
Marie Joanne Arre*
Matthew and Susan Barrett**
Tim and Diane Bengston**
Cherie Blickenstaff
Bob and Mary Abel***
Mary Art and Ned Mann**
Amy M. Barron
Robert Bengtson
Dave Blickenstaff*
Chris Abreu
Peter and Patty Askham**
Tim Barry*
Michael Bennett
Linda and Daniel Blinn
Wystan and Janet Ackerman**
Peter B. Atherton***
Kelly Bennett
Rick and Diane Blomstrann**
Lynette Adams
Charles Atwater
Bruce Barth and Pam Yeomans Barth*
Stephen J. Berardi*
James R. Bober***
Dorothy Adams**
Tom Aubin
Russ Bartlett
Marjorie Berger and David Rowe**
Michael and Suzanne Bocchini**
Jim and Diane Ahearn
Peter Auger
Carolyn and Andrew Bergh
Richard P. Bock
Sue and Craig Ahrens
Jeff Auker
Keith Bergquist
Bruce and Theresa Bolger
Justin and McKinley Albert
Timothy C. Ayer**
Toni and Rich Berlandy
George and Maureen Aliprandi*
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford S Babbitt**
Ginger Crawford and William Boll**
Joan and Raul Allegue**
Keith S. Bagley
Lori A. Allen
Bernadette and Orville Bailey
David and Stephanie Allinson*
Genevieve and Trevor Bailey
Joseph and Karen Anastasio*
Sarah Bailey
David and Christine Anderson***
Patricia Baker
John Anderson*
Andrzej Banaszuk*
Mark and Juleann Anderson**
William and Carla Bania*
Maria L. Andrade
Lynn Banis**
Drew and Corina Andrews**
Scott Bannell
Constantine and Cheryl Andrews*
Greg and Denise Barats*
Gary and Vicki Apanaschik***
Mr. John Barber
Allen and Jayne Apel**
Linda Barbero*
Jim and Midge Apicello**
Melissa Baribault
In Loving Memory of Hasumati Popat
Mary Barneby
Jennifer Arcari
Thomas R. Barnes*
Raymond and Paula Archacki** Vincent and Joyce Armentano** Mr. and Mrs. James Arnold** Stephen and Esther Aronson**
Thomas and Patricia Barnes** Claude Barnett and Family* Mr. Richard P. Barnhart* Richard and Laura Barnhart Dennis and Sheri Barnicle
13 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Michael and Elizabeth Barton* Brian Basiaga Dwayne and Maureen Basler*
Chris and Judy Batchelor** Todd Bateson* Elizabeth Bauer and Marty Milkovic** Aaron and Laurie Bayer** James Beals** Melissa Bearth Robert and Donna Beaudoin** Michelle Beauregard Jim Beaver Tim Beck Chandra and Jim Becker* Jennifer Beck-Herrera John and Susan Beers** Debra Belancik John and Paula Beland** Tricia P. Belfonti Joseph A. Belisle** Mr. James Belisle Jay Bell The Below Family Janet and Paul Belval**
Bruce Bernier* Andy Berryann* Gary L. Besaw Jim and Joan Betts** Bill and Carol Beyerly** Phani and Kameswari Bhamidipati Mr. Rakesh Bhardwaj* Frank and Mary Biancardi* Anthony R. Bifulco Mark and Leslie Biron* The Birrell Family* Ginny and Ben Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Bishop, Jr. Tracey Bissell Chuck and Carol Bittner* Kevin J. Bittner Bruce J. and Deborah A. Blais*
Mary and John Bollash Lowell and Patti Bomgaars Dave and Lara Bomzer Bryan and Colleen Bonadies* Lynn Ellen Bond Marie A. Bonelli Robert and Elaine Brooks* Jerry Bonini* Doreen Bonner-Midder* Jeremy Robert Bono Chantra Bonomo Michael and Karen Booth* Roxanna Booth Miller Donald L. Borod Ms. Shirley P. Boron and Dr. Eileen Furey*
Alan L. Blais**
Marguerite Boslaugh and David Guadliana***
Rick Blake
Brian Botelho
Mo Blake
Dave and Susan Boudreau**
Frances Blamey
Elizabeth A. Bounds
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
† Deceased
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Robert and Christine Bourne
Paul and Judy Brown
Mike and Terri Camilleri*
David Carter
Kathleen and Gary Ciampoli
The Bouthiller Family
The Brysgel Family
David Campbell and Family
Susan Smith Casagrande*
Michael Cianci
Patrick Bowen
Rick and Ann Bucchi**
Robert Campbell*
Robert M. and Barbara L. Casey*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cianfaglione*
Edward and Lily Bowen*
Carol Buchanan*
Tim and Deborah Brennan*
Judy L. Casperson
Stephen and Anne Ciccalone
Lonny Bowers
Bradford H. Buck
Jean and Ellis Canal, Jr.**
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Cass*
Walt Cieslak*
Jim Bowers and Becky Swanson-Bowers***
Maria Buckley and John Reilly**
David J. Candelori
James F. Clancy
Mark Bowman*
Stan Budarz*
Gregory Cann
Stephen Cassell and Salvador Sanchez
Deena Buddle*
Sharon T. Cannon
The Castaneda Family*
Bob and Sandy Clark*
Rhonda Budge
Diane Cantello*
Bobby Buey
John and Karen Cantelmo*
Sharleen Buey
Eugene Cantor*
Paul Bukowski
Thomas Cap**
Claire Marie Burchill**
Annetta K. Caplinger*
Steven Burd*
Capps-Hawkins Family
Tony Burkett
James and Lucie Carangelo*
Patti L. Burmahl
Robert T. Carbone
Kathy and Lori Burroughs**
Mary Cardin and Michael Taft*
Stephanie Bush
John Carey*
The Bushmans*
Tim and Julie Carling*
Brett Bushnell*
Nancy and John Carlson**
Michael Byler*
C. Lawrence Carlson †*
John and Marla Byrnes****
Mr. David W. Carlson*
Bystrak Family
Richard and Carmen Carlton**
Brad Bowman* Jesse R. Boyer and Family
Andrew Boyle Linwood E and Stacy R Bradford Family Foundation Audrey S. Brady* Timothy Brady Mr. and Mrs. John W Brady** Stew Brandt** Laura Brasile Peter Brennan Tim and Deborah Brennan* Amy L. Brewer* Bridgman Family* Cheryl and Brian Briggs** John D. Brigham James T. Brislin* Joe Brock* Amy E. Brodeur** Beth and Bob Brody** Caroline T. Brown** Robert E. Brown* Patrick and Colleen Brown* Rana Brown**
Stewart W. Caffrey*
Bonnie and Ken Carman*
Chris D. Cagenello
Ray W. Carmicheal**
Jeff Cahoon*
Dan Carmody*
Catherine Cain**
Anita and Mike Carrano**
Rita and Steve Calabrese**
Paul and Debbie Carrier
Fred and Sarah Calatayud*
Michael D. Carroll*
Jane Callanan and Vinny Cervoni*
Diane and David Carter***
Lisa Cameron
Eddie Silk Carter*
14 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Carl and Mary Cavaliere* Dennis and JoAnne Cavanaugh Michael Cenci* Eric Centola Mr. and Mrs. Carl T Centore** Martha Finkel Ceppetelli* Angela S. Cerini Charles B. Chamberlain Jeff and Sue Chanin** Alex D. Chaplin
Brian and Sue Clancy** Nancy Clark** Michael and Valerie Cleghorn* Christopher and Linda Clements* Brian and Susan Clemow** Bruce Cliff* Laura Coates Judith A. Coblentz* Adrienne W. Cochrane Thomas P. and Mary Ellen Cody***
Mark A. Chapman*
Sherry Ann Coelho and Keith E. Merritt*
Kevin and Lori Charette**
Irene J. Coffey*
Ed and Julie Charlebois****
Jeffrey and Jaclyn Coghan*
William D. Checkosky*
Ann and Richard Cohen
Michael Chelte**
Jean Cohn**
Vince Cherrone*
Ann Marie Colapietro*
Michael and Martha Cheshire***
Edward K. Colechia*
Chris Childers*
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Coleman*
Deborah Chipperfield*
Gary Coleman
Katie and Allan Chipps*
J. Michael Collier
Angela Chirico
Shatice Collins
Timothy E. Choiniere
John J. Collins*
Vivian Chow and Randy Smith***
Wilfredo Colon*
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
† Deceased
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Kacy Colston***
Sheryll-Ann Covill
Dennis D. D’Angelo
Patti and Dave Derro
Michael and Karen DiPietro*
Jenny Comerford
Juliet K. Cox
John Danielsen
Tom and Andrea Desaulniers***
Jane and Larry DiSciacca***
Cameron Comstock*
Ange J. Crawford
Gene A. Danko**
Arleen Desmond*
Sri Divakaruni
The Conant Family*
Diane Cristelli*
Greg and Tracy Dardick*
Steven DesRoches**
Dr. Tommy B. Dixon*
Joseph A. Conklin*
Pamela and James Cropley**
James and Sue Davenport**
John A. Desrosiers*
Dr. Wanita Dixon
Mrs. Barbara Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cross
The Davidson Family*
Mike Devaney**
Dennis and Judy Dockery
Sean M. Connolly
Peter Cross*
Vernice B. Davis*
Harriet A. Deverry*
Robert J. Doffek*
Jim Connolly*
Robert F. Crowley
Mr. Gregory T. Davis
Bill Devine
Xana Dolan
Herschel W. Connor*
Juan A. Cruz, Jr.
Dana Himes and Jim Davis*
Martha E. and Anthony F. Dewey*
Ashley and Allison Donald
Mrs. Michael A. Connor, Jr.***
Alexia Cruz*
Scott W. Davis***
Marie L. Donatelli
Jacqueline and Jim Connor**
Mr George Culbreath
James and Debra Davis Family***
Stephen and Georgeanne DiCenso**
Shaun and Lisa Conroy**
Joel Cummings
Chris Day*
Shirley G. Dickes**
Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Donner
Kenneth Cook*
David Cunningham*
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Deane
Michael Coonan*
Beth and Glenn Cunningham*
Jay DeFrank*
Mr. Tim Corbeil*
Gregg Cunningham*
Charles DeGeorge***
Mr. Melvin Corbett
Suzie and Ed Curti*
Jeff Dehner
Steve Corcoran and Xi Jin*
Timothy B. Curtin**
Mary Lou Dehner
Patrick and Karen Corcoran*
Rocco S. Cuva*
Cedric DeLaCruz*
Paul Cordeau
Linda E. Cyr*
Mr. Patrick J. Delany
Gary and Carol Corliss****
Edward Czaban, Jr.
Thomas Deloy*
Craig Cornell*
Martha Schall and Murray Czaczkes*
Jocelyn DeMaio
Robert and Phyllis Cornell* Patty Cosentino Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Cosgrove*** Joan Cosgrove** John and arol Costello*** Peter J. Cosumano Mr and Mrs John R. Cote*
Dennis DaDalt* Grady and Jamie Dagenais* George Dagon and Trisha Beatty** DJ Dalal Steve and Karen Dale Juliana B. Dalton**
Linda Y. Cote
Gina D’Ambruoso
Tracey Cournoyer and Peter Madore*
Mark D’Angelo*
Anthony and Mia Danburg*
15 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Kurt and Gaile Dembeck**** Joseph Demeo Catherine A. Demers* Kimberly and Robert DeMorro Jim and Susan Denny Jim Denny John F. DePalma* The DeRepentigny Family Tad Derouin Dennis and Paula Derr
Kenneth Dickie* Chris Dickinson** Robert S. Dicks*** Brent Dietz Ryan Dillon Constance J. DiManno**
Yuan Dong and Jun Su** Tracy and John Donofrio* Michael Donovan Berta and Richard Donovan* Michael and Genevieve Doody*** Patrick and Elizabeth Dooling
Lyn Dimare
Thomas Dorsey and Priya Morganstern**
Janna DiMartino
Victor and Deborah Dos Santos**
Kelly DiMeo
William and Susan Dowling
David Dinh and Rebecca Huang
Roberta Downey*
Anthony and Eileen DiNicola**
Mike and Terri Downey**
Behram Dinshaw*
Downie Housum Family *
Mark S. Dion*
Derrick Dragon
Mark Dion*
Thayer and Judy Drake****
Kenneth G Dion
Jane Driscoll and Jack Hale**
Paul Dionne*
Nuala E. Droney
A. Dionne*
Rosanne Druckman and Larry Scherzer****
Leo and Rosemary Dionne*** Barbara Diorio*
Eugene J. Duarte David Dube*
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
† Deceased
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Daniel Dubois*
Deanna Elliott
Chris Fehl
Sean Foley
Peter and Adriana Tippner*
Alan and Michelle Dubois*
Rob Elliott
Georgia and Richard Feigel***
Debbie and Jack Foley***
Ida Gall*
Dane and Susan Dudley**
David Elliott*
Mark W. Feist
Madeleine F. Follett*
John Gall, Jr.**
John and Deborah Duffy*
Diane Ellsworth
David and Randi Gallagher*
Tim and Tracy Elsass and Family*
Thomas and Nadine Fenderson, Jr.**
Chuck Fontenault
Frank Duggan
John Gallant*
AnneMarie and Michael Duncan
Brian and Keri Engstrom *
Kevin D. and Melissa M. Fenner*
John and Wendy Formica**** The Shulansky Foundation, Inc.***
William L. Gamble*
Andrew Duncan
Catherine Ennis
Joyce and Gary Ganci*
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Enright*
John and Patty Ferrantino**
Gretchen and Rick Fountain*
Ken and Kathy D’Auria***
Jim Gander
Michael Dunn
John Epprecht and Denise Tonzola***
Celeste and Ken Fersch***
Mr and Mrs Richard Fournier*
Martha E. Fetter
Bruce Fowler
Thomas W Gannon**
Heather and Matt Epright
Dr. Matthew Feulner**
William Frank
Paula Garbarino
Maryann Dupont*
Steve and Martha Erickson
Salvatore and Marie Fiasconaro*
Jerry and Ida Franklin*
Mark and Carol Garber**
Meredith Durham*
Diane L. Erling**
Susanne Figueredo**
Jeffrey Franson
Stephanie B. Garcia
Lisa D’Urso*
Mary C. Errato**
Michael G. Figulski*
Ronald and Barbara Franzluebbers**
Jesus A. Garcia
Dussault Family of Burlington
John and Sherri Erwin **
Lisa and Paul Finklestein*
Peter Q. Fraser
Ms. Barbara Dutram
Brian C. Evanko
Bill Finlayson
Beth Frechette
Susan Garrett**
Paul and Sheila Dworkin*
Kathryn and Gregory Even*
Thomas and Debbie Fiorella
Ms. Christine Frederick*
Brian and Kathleen Dwyer
Christopher Ewing**
Mike and Pam Fish*
Susan and Joel Freedman****
Gerry Dyer*
Andrea and Edgar Ezerins
Matthew G. Fisher
David and Tracy French**
Ray and Brenda Dyson**
Marc J. Fafard
Nancy Fitzgibbon
Liana Garcia Fresher
Bruce and Mary Earwaker***
Theresa Fair**
Martha and Dan FitzMaurice**
Capt. Bob Frevert
Luke and Melanie Ebersold*
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Falcone**
Kevin Flaherty**
Stephen and Darlene Freyermuth
Gary and Jodi Ebersole*
James E. Fantus*
Jeffrey A. Flaks
Janice A. Frick*
Edwin and Francia Echevarria
Ellen Farber
Barbara Flanagan
Alexandra Frisbie
John and Carolyn Eckert**
Glen Farney*
Karen Flanders*
Ron Frost*
Milton M. Edmonds*
Cara Farrell
David P. Fleming*
Kim L. Gabler**
Ms. Sally Ann Edson
Thomas O. Farrish**
Robert and Melody Fletcher**
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gaffney****
Gary Edwards**
Joy Fausey and Peter McHugh*
Madelyn T. Fleury*
Marlyss J. Gage
Anne Ehrmann
Mr. Roland Fawthrop**
Stanley Focht**
Tammy and William Gaghan*
Steven Eisenberg
Joseph Fazzino*
Marilyn and John Foley****
Andrew and Kris Gagnon*
Jennifer Elder
Carlos Feged and Martha Vergara
Lee and Peter Foley
Arthur and Alfreda Gaither**
Katie Dunnington and Marty Council
16 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Colin P. Fenton*
Walter and Michele Garger Brian D. Gass Michael H. Gately* Karen Gaul* Christopher Gauthier Brian and Betsy Gauthier** Merrill Gay Susan Harpin Gaylord* Dean Gee John and Stacy Geist Dana Gelinas* The George Family*** Mark and Lisa George* Michael S. George Jonna Gerken James and Kim Geyer Stephen and Patricia Gibeley**
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Jennifer and Michael Gifford*
Mr. and Mrs. Grant David Goodrich
Rich Gross*
Ed and Joan Hanrahan**
Doe Hentschel**
William K. Gigantino**
Chuck Goodwin
Arnold and Nancy Grot
John Hardy
George Hermann
Don and Amal Gilbert
Bill Gordon***
Glenn and Barbara Gruber***
Erin Harney
Alejandro M. Hernandez
Susan Gilbert*
Sadie R. Gordon
Kimberly Grunert*
David and Marie Harnois*
Molly Herring
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gilkey
John and Tracy Gorecki*
Kurt and Sheila Gschwind*
Craig C. Harper
Peter G. Herron
Douglas W. and Elizabeth E. Gillette*
Raymond J. Gorman and Family*
Matthew J. Guanci, Jr. and M. Catherine Healy*
Rick and Alison Harris*
Chris Hertel*
Virginia Gilmour**
Joseph Guarino*
Lee-Ann and Mitchell Harris
Michael Hession*
Jonathan and Marjorie Gould
Coretta Harris
Kelly and Adam Hewes*
David and Linda Harrold***
Cynthia W. Hibert*
Barbara A. Hart
James M. Higgins and Family*
Neale and Carol Hauss**
Steve Hilliard
Laurie P. Havanec *
Arnel Hines
Portia R. Hawkins*
Bruce and Anne Hinton**
Carol Haye**
Brian Hirsh
Brian Hayes*
Bruce Hockaday*
Cristi Alyse Haygood
Michelle Hoehn*
Susie Hays****
Brian and Christy Hoffman
Marcia P. Haytaian**
Briant and Terry Hoganson**
Rita and Steven Holland*
Tammi Girard* Dave Girts and Clara Foy Sara and Steve Glad* Jaime Glanovsky* Justin and Donna Glenn** James and Linda Glick* Stephen Glinn** Hector Glynn Sarah and Jim Gobes**** Gregory and Diane Goddu* Lynda Godkin and Ken Hickey*** Alan, Maddie, and Sue Goetschius** John W. Golan* The Harry E. Goldfarb Family Foundation****
Kathleen R. Gorman Rusty and Diane Gower*** Ann and Richard Grabowski** Stephen and Jane Granato*** Mr. Michael Grandpre* Dave Gravel Jonathan Gray Samuel S. Gray, Jr.* William Gray* Lisa M. Boyle** John Green** Gary R. Green* Dorothy Green* John and Carrie Green Gail Green A. Greenwalt*
Ira and Linda Goldman*
Jim Gregory*
Ethan and Julie Goldman*
Joe Greil
D. Roy Goldsmith**
Christian and Laura Grenier
James Gonsalves**
Kirsten and Oz Griebel****
Luis Gonzalez*
L. Griffin
Carmen Gonzalez
Elizabeth Grigg
Ronald and Kelly Gonzalez**
William and Luanne Griswold
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Goode****
Gary and Bethany Grogg*
17 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Michael and Nancy Guay* Guerrera Family Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Guertin**** Roy N. Guile** Bob Gulino* Debra Guss and Stephen Angle Julie Larson Gutowski** Edward Hackett* James Haefs Chris and Tracy Hagger* Steve and Liz Haggerty* Diana Haghighat and Gerardo Gutierrez* Laura Haines Becki M. Piper Hall* Denise and Tom Hall* Stan Halliday and Family* Sandy and Sam Hamilton*** Jeff Hamilton Rob Hanawalt Ellen M. Hancock** Jon and Tana Handwerk** Samuel E. Hanna Kim Hannon*
and John Healy***
Matt Heaphy
Betsy and Bill Holm**
Peter A. Heard
Eric Holmquist
William M. Heckles****
Fred Holybee*
Maura and Joe Heffernan*
Mary Ann and Marc Holyfield**
Michael Hekker
Ed and Lisa Hood***
Paul Henault*
Norbert and Alice Hootsmans*
Susie K. Henderson
Michael and Marie Hopkins***
Gavin Hendricks*
Theresa Hopkins-Staten Esq.*
Steve Henkin
Kenneth Horenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Henry
Tony Horvath
Teri Henry
Elizabeth A. Horvath
Donna Hentnick*
Michael Hotaling and Kathleen Sullivan**
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
† Deceased
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Charles L. Howard**
Jonathan Jester
Peter and Linda Kaverud**
Jill Adams and Bill Knight*
Aggie Kurzyna
Lisa Howat
Abby and Steve Jewett*
Heather and Timothy Keane**
Kevin M. Kuzia*
Jeff L. Hubbard and Diane D. Hubbard
Alice E. Johansson**
Rob Keane*
Dr. and Mrs. Lester D. Kochanowsky***
John J. Kearns III**
Peter Kocot*
Rich and Kerry Hubbard
HIMCO Employee
Kathryn and Ronald Kwasniewski
Eric and Wendy Johnson**
Rick and Kathleen Keegan*
Richard and Beverly Hughes Frederick and Virginia Hughes** Lindsay and Andy Hughes* Kevin and Kimberly Hughes*
Kate Johnson*
Jack Keenan***
Dorothy D. Johnson****
Ed Kefor*
Pamela J. Johnson*
Glenda and Roy Keiper
Joan Hultquist**
Craig Johnson and Britt-Marie Cole-Johnson
Geoff and Kelly Hunt*
Beth E. Johnson
James H. Hunter and Diane M. Hunter
Carl and Debbie Johnson**
Stephen T. Hussey*
Amy Johnston and Mark Hughes**
and Brad Hutensky*
Kevin Hutt Jim and Ann Hutton* Yvette Huyghue-Pannell** The Robert E. Hyland Family*** Jim and Marlene Ibsen** Michael and Norma Ignatowicz** Rob and Beth Inglis Steven Jacobs* David and Amanda Jacobsen* Dr. and Mrs. Wells C. Jacobson* John Jamison* Donna Jarvis, Kevin Foster and Family** Ed and Mary Jason James Jeffers Dave Jenkins** Bob and Lisa Jenkins**
Mark and Sharon Johnston* Catherine A. Johnston
Tom and Heather Kelly Mr. Garry C. Kelly, Sr. David and Luane Kelly*** Patricia A. Kelly Barbara Kennedy*
Christopher Jones*
Joseph and Janet Keown*
Tony Jones Ken and Carolyn Jones** Douglas Joseph** Elliot and Carolyn Joseph* Joseph
Jason Josephiac Bridget and David Joy Edward S. Julius Barb and Ted Kapustka** Edna M. Karanian Jay Karp* Joe and Lou-Ann Kask* Scott F. Kaslusky Tom and Joanne Kasprzak
18 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Diane Kellsey*
Debra Kelsey**
Brenda Ivory Jones*
Damarre and Karlene
Patty and Steve Kelley***
Raymond Keith Kersey* Bob Kerzner** Stephen Kidd* Bethany Kieley Kenneth King Carol Rae King*** William Kinsley* John Kirschner* Orlando C. Kirton MD* Kim and Bill Kivela***
Jim and Paula Kodman** Mr. and Mrs. David Kohlun** Kokoruda Family Edward and Denise Kokoszka** John and Carolyn Koloseus*** Kevin and Lisa Kolstad** Mark Kopera*** Laura Kolk and Steven Kornfeld* Ken and Lee Ann Korus* Mary L. Koseian* Darwin and Susan Kovacs** Kathryn O’Neill* Gary and Sharon Kozak* Cheryl Kozak* Dennis Kraemer* Christopher and Deborah Kraenzle* Jamie and Karrie Kratz Adam and Kasey Krawiec Dean H. Kremidas* Pratt Krishnamurthy Paula and Jay Krompinger Eric Krueger*
Ben Klayman
David and Jodi Kryzanski and Family*
Janice and David Klein****
Ilona and Jim Kucharczyk
Klimczak Family*
Laurie Kumnick
Ted and Joanille Kmiecik**
Les Kurz*
Steve Kuzmeski Tom Kyzivat Douglas LaBrecque Bob and Mary LaBarre* Susan J. Laberge* Adrian Laboy Mark D. Lacedonia* Rick LaChance* Mike Lachapelle Meghan Lacher * Donald LaCoy* Kevin LaCroix Emma Ladd* Bob LaFleur Eileen Lagasse* Frank and Kathy Lamagna** William and Christine Lamberti* Brian Lammers Edward and Catherine Lamoureux** Karen Landor* Pamela and Daniel Landsberg Mark S. Lang* William L. Gamble* Rocky and Bonnie LaPorte*** Stephen Larcen and Susan Graham** Dr. Carol Larco-Muryzn** John and Corky Larew****
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
Women’s Leadership Council member
Melanie LaRocco
Edward Lewis
David and Gloria Laroche**
Scott and Ruth Lewis**
Tina Larocque Levesque*
Alan and Judy Lieberman**
Jeanne Larsen*
Mrs. Leslie Marshall*
Kurt Larsen**
Michael Linsenbigler*
Eric and Carolyn Lasater
Kevin and Kristen Linskey*
Timothy F. Laskowski**
Paul and Beth Litrico*
Thomas G. Laslie and Family
Min-Hwei Liu and Ying Lim*
Jack Lutz**
Stephen and Gail Lataille**
Christopher and Maria Fernanda Lloyd
Joseph and Ruth Lux** Steven T. Ly
Jane and Roger Loeb***
Kevin and Susan Lybeck*
Cathy and Lucian Lombardi
David and Leslie Lyders**
Patricia and Paul Lombardo*
Robert and Adrian Lyells
Dominick Lombari*
James J. Lyman, Jr.**
Kenneth Lonczak
Ms. Kathleen M. Lynch*
Mr. and Mrs. Brian London*
John B. Lynch**
Michael and Barbara Long*
Bret and Gloria Lynch**
Alison M. Long*
James B. Lyon****
Kent and Jean Longenecker**
Chris Lyons*
Jeffrey Longo*
Richard and Diane MacDonald***
Mr. and Mrs. James Lonsdale****
Anabela S. Machado
John Lonski
Michael F. Machinchick*
Wesley K. Lord***
MacInnis Family*
Janice Lord*
Richard Mackay
Richard A. Loretz*
Tricia Mackechnie*
Dave Loscher*
Patrick and Sharon Macken*
Mr. John W. Lotas
Bruce and Barbara MacLean**
Dana C. and Silvana Loucks*
Jaime L. Macsata*
Ellen L. Louie
Richard A. Madej*
Scott and Moira Lowe
Rich Magda**
Elaine Title Lowengard***
Chris and Kristin Magendantz*
Andrew Lattimer* Martin P. Lavelle* John and Cynthia Laverty* Jo-Ann Lebel Mr. David and Dr. Lynn LeBlanc* Tom Ledgerwood Matthew LeDoux** Michael and Monica Lee* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lee* Tom and Millie Legenhausen** Neal and Brenda Leibowitz Kevin and Kristin Lemke Jim and Karen Lendvay** Erica Leonard* Christopher Leone James Lescoe Peg Lesiak
Roman A. Leskiw Stephen and Mary Leslie* Gary and Debbie Letscher Mark M. Levine* Tod A. Lewis**
19 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Emerging Leaders Society member
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lubenstein****
Wendy Mager*
Gonzalo Martinez*
Mary Ann Lubeskie *
Michael and Salli Maglio***
Jose L. Martinez, Jr.
Brian Magnotta
Jon and Elizabeth Marx
Rich Maguire**
Mark A. Mastrianni**
Robert E. Mahoney**
Mr. Lou Mastroianni
Mark Mahoney
Bob and Kelly Mattern*
Dale and Sandy Maine
Barbara Matthews
Diane and Glenn Mallory**
Phil Matthews
Jeffrey W. Malnick
Dr. and Mrs. F. Taylor Mauck*
Margaret Mann
Rebecca J. Maxwell
Neil and Deborah Manning*
Stan Mayberry
Justin Manning*
Jim and Laura Mayo
Mark Manser
Robert Mazurkivich*
Maria and Bob Manzi
Brian McAllister
Brian L. Marburger and Family*
Peter J. McBrien, Jr.*
Peter Marchessault**
Brian McCabe
Karen L. Marchetti*
Michael G. and Laura S. McCaffrey***
Albert Lucas and Nina Gagarin** Cynthia and Frank Luke** Venus Lusk* Greg and Suzanne Narajka*
Thomas Marchozzi* Juan Marcos** Mr. and Mrs. Gary Marcotte* Joseph Marinaccio and Gail Rogers Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Markowitz Evan R. Marks* Timothy Marlin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marlowe* Micki Marshall* Mrs. Leslie Marshall* Joshua and Sarah Martin* Mr. and Mrs. Matthew T. Martin* Mr. Richard Martin Tomeka Johnson-Martin
Andrew L. McCarthy* Mac and Fay McCloskey* C J McConnell* James McConnell* Duane and Michele McCormick* Mary M. McCormick Douglas and Rebecca McCracken* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCrudden* Lynne and Mike McCune** Kevin and Karen McCusker* Chris and Michelle McDavid David and Tammy McDermott** Michael and Suzanne McDonald**
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
† Deceased
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Dave and Kate McDonald***
Lisa Melillo and Brian Wynne*
Devi Mohanty
Phillip J. Mucha*
Lois M. Nesci**
Kevin and Loreta McDonnell***
Liz and Bob Melvin**
Jason L. Mokhiber*
Patti and Joe Muldoon***
Patricia Lee Neville
Linda J. McDowell and A. Michael Lussier**
Peter and Diane Menard**
Ms. Stephanie Molbeck
Sean and Delene Mulready*
Scott and Ginny Newbury*
Brian McEwen
The Mendel Family*
Randall and Sheila Miolony**
Lucille A. Mulroy***
Michael Newsky**
Louis and Marjorie Mendelson
Jeffrey and Danielle Monte
Andy and Amy Munzer*
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nichols*
Russell Menze**
Rick Montero*
Stewart and Leah Murchie*
Donald P. Nidoh
Dave Merli
Steven and Elaine Baisden** Margaret O. Moody**
Mark Lindquist and Alison Murdock*
Pete and Debbie Niedermeyer*
Bob and Lynn Merry** Lori Miano*
Peter S. Moon**
Pat and Peter Murphy*
Craig Niehaus**
Mr. Philip Michalowski
Thomas and Marlee Mooney***
Edward and Donna Mikolaitis**
Melanie L. Moore
Lawrence E. Milan
Thomas K. Moore
Rick and Kendel Milbourn**
Thais G. Moore
Milbrandt Family
Dan and Donna Moore*
John Miletti and Kathleen Tierney**
James A. Moore, Jr.
Bob McFadden and Brenda Woodward** Craig R. McGarrah*** Tim McGettigan Sheila McGinley-Graziosi* Nancy G. McGraw** Pam and Jim McGraw** Robert McGuinness** Colleen A. McGuire Kevin and Tana McHale Randy McKee* Tim McLay* Earl McMahon and Dina Plapler** Mike and Leah McMurray Glenn and Susan McNamara** Pam and Steve McNary** Darlene McNeal* Ernest McNeill Sigrid McNeill Brown Sheryl L. McQuade Ms. Elizabeth McSherry* William and Roberta Meaney** Robert E. Meditz Judi Meese Lisa Banatoski Mehta and Samir Mehta* Joe Melcher
Steve Milks Christine Miller* Steven M. Miller* Ken Millerd Teresa and Donna Ucci
Jeff Moores** Gary Morales Jean Moran* Linda L. Morant Graham Morast Wade*
Scott and Cathy Murphy*** Paul Murphy** Patricia M. Murphy Donna J. Murphy T.C. Murphy* Debbi and Frank Murray Joseph Musgrove, Jr. Vera M. Myles** Heather and Bobby Myrick* Jeffrey and Erin Nadeau Richard Nadeau
Claude and Dawn Moreau*
Greg and Suzanne Narajka*
Russ and Mena Mills
Kathy Morgan-Gorman and Michael Gorman
Richard and Kathleen Narowski*** James J. Nascimento
Richard A. Mills**
Bruce Morin**
Jim Nason*
The Milone Family*
Michael J. Morin
Megan Naughton and Jason Krajc*
Robert Miltenberger
Daniel A. Mosher*
Peter and Cathleen Neag
Heather L. Minietti
Scott Moss*
The Nelligan Family*
John A. Mirisola
Michael and Patricia Motley*
Steve and Charlotte Nelson*
Meagan Mirkovich*
David and Susan Motycka
Nicole Nelson
Chad Mirock
Lisa and Stephen Mouthaan*
Chuck Nelson*
Karl R. Missal**
Kevin and Joanne Moynihan*
Eric Nelson**
Sarah E. Millott*
20 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Ms. Julie Niedzwiecki Grace and Jeff Niland* Mike Nisbet* David M. and Gail H. Nissley*** Christopher Nixon* Jay and Lil Nolan** S. Noonan** Lee D. Nordstrom Sharon R. Norfleet*** Sallie Normandeau Jobson Roy and Nancy Normen** Ms. Diane Norton Timothy Nurse Louis and Rhoda Obermeier**** Bryan and Chantal Obermeier Hank OBrien** Karen O’Brien Paul O’Brien Donna O’Brien* Karen O’Connell D. Michael O’Connor Sean O’Donnell Ms. Zoe Oemcke
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
† Deceased
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Steve and Linda O’Flarity
Daria Palladino
Gary and Joyce Perschy*
Stephanie Polzella
In memory of Priscilla Rancourt*
Rob Oldman*
Deborah A. Palmer**
Deborah Perschy
Mark and Ysabel Porter*
Brian and Susan Kay Rancourt**
John J. and Elizabeth A. Oleksiw***
Marc and Yaffa Palter*
Brace and Leanne Peters
Valentine Povinelli
Ted Rankin
Catherine L Olinski**
Michael and Shanna Palumbo
Diane E. Petersen
Scott Powell
Bob and Marilyn Rath
Andrew Olivastro
David and Barbara Panico*
Tracie D. Peterson
David and Jill Powilatis*
Robert A. Raus
Jeffrey and Gwen Olmstead**
Michael Papp*
Jane M. Peterson
Chris and Betty Poythress***
James and Ann Ray**
John Ols*
Gerald and Marian Paradis*
Mr. and Mrs. Sigurd T. Peterson*
Mike and Valerie Prado
Pamela and Andrew Reale***
Sarah E. Olson
Rachel Parent
Charles and Sandra Petig**
Moe Precourt*
Cheryl Rearick
Dottie and Ed Olson***
Jean R. Parisi
George and Silvia Petrini**
Brian and Debbie Presbie*
Jennifer and Dennis Reed
Jim and Georgia O’Meara
Erin Parkinson
Melanie Petro
Joe and Karen Presing***
Joseph Reed**
Kathryn O’Neill*
Amy and Chris Paros
Barry Petruzzi
Phillip J. Preston
Mark and Mary Jo Regan***
Stacey M. Ormsby
Robert T. Paruolo
Juergen and Kathleen Pfaff**
Thomas Prete
Patrick and Trish Regan**
Scott and Andrea Orsey
Jerry Passman and April Haskell**
Denise Martino Phelan*
Ron Prihar
Helena Reilly*
Dean and Hilarie Orton*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pastor
Jean Philbrick
Shirley Pripstein
Brian and Anne Reilly**
The Osborn Family *
Vasudha and Mahesh Patel**
Jennifer and William Philip
Allen M. Procko*
Brian and Mary Renstrom*
James O’Shaughnessy
Samir V. Patel
Derk S. Philippona**
Martin Proulx and Mary Coleman**
Roger Retana*
Denis O’Shea**
Mr. Timothy Patria
Laura R. Phillips
Maryellen and Al Prudhomme**
Donna and Stephen Reynolds*
Carissa Osle-Sherman
Bill and Betty Pattison***
Gisele and Brian Picard**
Brian Pskowski
Trevor Reynolds
Noel and Jennifer Osowiecki*
Jeff and Sue Payton****
Gary Piccolo
Tom and Regan Purcell**
Tom and Tana Rhine
Paul Ouellette**
Mrs. Jean B. Peelle****
Timothy and Ericka Pickard*
Bill and Patty Pursell*
Brett and Kristi Rhodes***
Jim Adams and Sylvia Ounpuu***
Max D. Pelkey*
Rich and Beth Pierpont*
Cheryl and John Pytel
Jeffrey and Elizabeth Ricapito
Wade and Anita Overgaard***
Alice A. Pellegrino*
Scott and Madelynn Pierson**
A. Ricardi*
Cody Z. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pellerin
Kristan Pierz and Brian Molinari
Awo A. Quaison-Sackey and Steven P. Hurley
Susan Ozmun*
Tim Pemberton
Fran and Lynn Pijar***
Jerry and Tamara Queen
Rita C. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Paccioretti
Timothy H. Penn*
Kristen Pinchera
Andy and Jennifer Pace*
Jan Pennito
Jonathan and Deborah Pine
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Packard****
Helder Pereira
The Alan Plough Family**
Patrick Packard
Kristin and Timothy Perra
Phil Podgorski*
Robert F. Packer
John H. Perretta
James C. Poirier**
Katy Padgett
Gloria Russo Perrotta*
Mark and Donna Poirier***
Barbara Paillard
Peter and Nancy Perrotti*
Ms. Marie Politis*
21 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Kevin and Mary-El Quinn* John J. Quinn Tim and Erin Quirk Craig A. Raabe** Luciano Racco Amar Ramlogan Jim and JoAnne Ramm**
Richard Family** Robyn Richards Thomas C. Richardson* The Richardson Family* Jesse Richter* Stephen E. Rinaldi* Ezra and Christina Ripple***
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
† Deceased
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Chris and Cindy Rising*
Joanne and Christopher Rollend
Richard Russo
Jacqueline Pennino Scheib*
Peter Sexton**
Reed W. Risteen*
David M. Romano**
Nicholas P. and Susan Russo*
Lucia and Steven Schiavone
Paul L. Shadic and Family**
Bryan Rivard
Kim Root and Lisa McNellis*
Donna C. Rutola***
Charles Schiller**
Melody Rivas
Stephen and Margit Rosenberger***
Richard E. Ryan
Jennifer A. Schilling*
Ned Shanahan and Deirdre Redden**
Mr. Robert Rosenthal**
Kevin and Lynn Ryan
Schirra Family*
Lynn M. Ryan
Laura Schmelter
Joan and David Ryan**
Mr. and Mrs. P. Schmitt
Kathy Shea
Nancy Ryder
Carolyn L. and J. David Schnatz M.D.***
Gretchen Shea*** Stephanie L. Sheaffer
William F. Schoelwer
Gregroy Shedeck*
Karen Schoenrock
Margaret J. Sheehan
The Schroeter Family*
Richard J. Sheehan, Jr.
Richard and Terry Schug**
Elizabeth Shelley**
John A. Schuster
Stanley and Bernice Shepard Fund of the Community Foundation of Greater New Britain
Jim and Sharon Rivera** David Roach* Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Robbins* Kristi and Dennis Roberge* Gary and Laura Roberge** Kristen L. Roberts* Jimmy and Mary Ann Roberts The Stephen and Nancy Roberts Fund* Deborah Roberts
Ripley Ross* Vanessa Rossitto** Jim and Anne Rotondo*** Robert Rowland* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. Roy, Jr.**** Joseph M. and Pamela Roy** Tyrus and Mary Therese Royal**
Leslie Robertson and Eliza Sherl***
Mr.and Mrs. Roger Royer**
Mary Ellen Robichaud
Karen Rubin
Mr. Ronald Robinson
Andrew Rubino**
Mark L. Robitaille*
Jan and Tom Ruderman**
Jamie and Cristina Roche*
Mark and Karen Ruegg***
Carolyn and Bill Rock
Robin Ruff
Bryan Rockwell*
Christine Ruman
Linda Roderick
Jack and Kathy Rup**
Wilfred Rodriguez*
Lynn Rusczyk*
Bill Roell***
Mead and Julia Rusert*
Erik A. Roen
David and Margaret Rusnock*
Lynn M. Rog
Paul and Marie Russell
Andy Rogers**
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald and Darlene Russell*
TImothy Rogers* Tim Rogers Rich and Sue Rogozinski Bob Roland*
Christine Rua**
Stephen F. Russell David and Joanne Russell** Rob and Wendy Russell**
22 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
The Sacks Family Alicia Sadoski Meg Sakellarides ** Ann and Paul Sakitis* Juan and Olga Salazar Randy and Cheryl Salva Lisa Salvatore* Mike and Sue Sames Lawrence Samplatsky* Kevin and Penelope Sanborn* Duane and Maureen Sanders Paul Sanderson Paul and Laurie Sangeloty* Joseph J. Sangiovanni* Kathy Hanaway and Paul Sanson** The Sarlo’s Sherry Sarra Les Saunders and Anita Ford Saunders Michael F. Savage David and Tina Savino* Edwin L. Savitsky, Jr. Darlene E. Sawczysyn *
Todd and Emily Schutte David Schwartz Deborah Schwartz* Alan and Marilyn Schwedel** Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schweighoffer Nancy Scirocco Thomas D. Sciuto Cheryl Scroggins* Tricia Scully Charles Seaback* David and Tina Seale Gregg Secor Mel and Kris Seifert* Matthew and Christina Semenza* Camilo Serna and Masami Hida Mike Servadio Susan Settembrino*
Brian Shannon Jill and Scott Shapiro**
Dave M. Shepherd Kevin Sheridan** M. Alice Sherman Mark A. Sherwood** Ralph and Marcia Shipton Steve and Dianne Shobe* Loren and Donna Shoemaker** Art Shorrock James and Laurie Shuckerow* Noreen Shugrue and Kevin Kenzenkovic*** Walt and Peg Szymanski* Sushmita Shukla* Nicholas A Willis* Saif Siddiqui Francine Sider*
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
Women’s Leadership Council member
Elaine and Robert Siegel**
David A. and Claire O. Smith***
Drue A. Stegner
Ava and Jason Siegel***
Roger Smith, Jr.*
Dom Lebel and Kim
Doug Siegenthaler
The Smith Family*
Robert E. Siering Don C. Sikes*
Emerging Leaders Society member
Gregory Taft*
Gintare Tijunelis Grenier
Sam and Amy Talbot*
Dave and Anne Timbrell**
Carl Steinhilber
Brian Tamms*
Larry Timmons**
Joseph and Mary Smoolca**
Michele Stephens
Donna Tardif
Marcia and Helio Tinone
Bob Snediker**
Matt Sternat*
Paula Taupier
George and Suzanne Titterton***
The Simbos
Amy Snow*
Gary Stetson**
A. M. Taylor
Razilya Todor
Craig and Cyndi Simms**
Donna L. Sodipo
Chandra K. Stich
Allan and Sally Taylor****
Robert and Cheryl Tomastik**
John T. Simoneau**
Thomas E. Soisson
Craig and Leslie Stickler**
Ann Taylor***
Meghan Toner
Kelvin and Kathleen Sims
Thomas and Susan Sokoloski*
Rodney and Bonny Stoecklin
David and Rindi Taylor
Erik Toohey*
Elise Sinha and Claudio Capone**
In memory of Kamala Solanki
Mary Ann Stokes
Keith and Kimberly Taylor**
Mark and Ava Torello**
David and Kate Sink*
Jeffery L. Soucy
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Stolba II**
William and Elizabeth Teich**
Tony and Pam Torsiello***
Lee E. Sirotnak
Chris Soumakis
S. Anita Stone
Eileen M. Templeton*
Thomas R. Tosatti*
Carol Sisco*
Diana and George Jepsen*
Peter and Nancy Storms****
Sandy Towle
The Sisson Family***
Michael Sowka*
Sandra Stott*
Charles and Donna-Marie Tennyson
James M. Sitro**
John and Janet Spatcher**
Joel Strillacci*
Jonathan and Cynthia Terry*
Jeffrey Tracy
Nada K. Sizemore*
William and Gail Speers*
Lori Strom
Brenda and Jeff Sizer**
Stephen K. Spencer**
Bob and Pat Stubbs***
Robert and Debra Slack
Roz and Alan Spier****
The Suffredini Family*
David and Anne-Marie Sladewski*
Pamela Spinazola**
Kimberley and Scott Sullivan**
Lawrence S. Slone*
Felix and Helene Springer***
Meghan Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson A. Sly***
G.V. Srinivasan
Mia Sullivan*
Robert J. Smith*
Bruce and Karen St Amand*
Edward and Kathryn Sullivan**
Paul and Mona Smith*
Christopher St. James
Scott and Heather Summerer**
Brian R. Smith and Kim K.V. McClain***
Mark St. James
Rick Surette
Ron Smith
John W. St. Jacques*
Martin and Susan Swanson**
Will and Kathryn Stackpole**
Suzan and Larry Sweeney
Susan Stamm
Sharon Sweet*
Timothy and Vivian Stanley**
Jeffery Swenson*
Sally and Jim Stapleton**
Jack Swift
Gary S. Starr and Leigh A. Newman**
Bobby Szolomayer
Russell and LouAnn Smith Chris and Dana Smith** Ken Smith Karen P. Smith* Doug and Andrea Smith*
23 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
David P. Szymaszek*
Jacob and Cade Testa Gary Tewksbury* Hank Thayer* Lisa Thomas Charles Thomas*** Janine D. Thomas Jeff and Julie Thomas** Ian and Jeana Thomas* Gladstone G. Thomas Lavell M. L. Thompson Craig G. Thompson* Mark Thompson and Valerie Goulet* Earl and Sylvia Thompson*** Jeffrey Thomson, MD* Sue E. Thoresen Mark Tierney
Jim Trabka Joseph and Karen Tracy* Susan and William Traver* Helen and Greg Treacy** David and Kathy Tremaglio* Edith and Jim Tresner Pam and Bruce Truncali** Ted Tucci and Nancy Hronek*** John and Barbara Tulloch* Catherine Tully* Elaine Tumicki and Daniel Surkis** The Turners Lori Allen Unger* Juile Unsal John Urankar Steve and Diane Ursitti** Bill Valentine
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
*Constitution Society member for 5 or more years, **10 or more years, ***15 or more years, ****20 or more years
Women’s Leadership Council member
Emerging Leaders Society member
Sumakshi Vali
Jeremy and Carolyn Walters
Robert and Mary Ellen White*
Christopher Witzky***
James and Jennifer Young*
Robert and Cassandra VanGiessen*
Art Wanderlingh**
Mary K. White
Wayne Wnuck*
The Youngstrom Family**
Rev. Geoffrey Ward, St. Francis Eagle River
Donald and Cathie White*
Joel Wolak
Yudichak Family*
David and Amanda Vanasing
Lee Warren***
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk A. Whiteman IV**
Mr. Joel I. Wolfe**
Lynn M. Zarcaro*
Jim Vancho
Richard and Diane Waskiewicz**
Cheryl D. White-Mink
Donald and Joan Wolff**
Mike and Vickie Zebedeo**
Martin VanHaltern
Odie Waters*
Stu Whitney*
Shari and Robert Wong
John T. Zebrowski***
Greg and Tara Varga*
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Watts
John and Nancy Whiton**
Tony Wood*
Christopher and Beverly Zell**
Edwin and Sylvia Vargas**
Cynthia Watts Elder*
Marc Wilcoxen**
Sara Woods
John L. Zepp*
David and Cathy Vargas*
Kevin and Michelle Weathers*
Tom Wilczewski
Sharon and David Wrabel
Phyllis and Michael Zerbini*
Cecily Vasington **
Mary Weaver*
Michael S. Wilder**
The Alexander M. and Catherine Maus Wright Charitable Trust**
Andres and Sarah Zevallos
Andrea Vaughan *
Susan and Keith Weber**
Michael Duane Wright**
Daphne Vayos
Virginia Tirnady
William Zielinski
Julisa Velasquez
Michael E. Weetman
Charles R. and Pamela L. Veley***
Derek and Alyssa Weiss
Kim and Gino Veneroni*
Jane A. Purcell and David A. Weiss
Jessica Villardi
Michael A. Weisse
Patricia Villeneuve
Linda J. Welles**
Alexandria and Gary Voccio
Neil and Elizabeth Welles
Joseph and Cathleen Voelker**
Philip Wellman and Leslie Smith*
Randolph W. Vogel*
Marcia Wellman
Katherine A. Voght*
Lindsley Wellman****
JV and MT Volpe**
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Wenner**
Al Volponi*
Gregory Wentworth
Jon and Beth Vrabel
Chris and Gina Westlake
Cathi C. Waas
Glenn Westrick
Janet Wade-Utay**
Eric Wetherell
Ken Kovaleski
John D. Whalen
Ron Waid
David Wharmby*
Diane Walsh
Thomas Wheeler
Janice Walsh*
Chris and Lee Whelan
Ronald and Ruth
Van Winkle*
24 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Jim and Cathy Wiley Christopher Willey* Joseph and Tracy Williams** Laura Williams* Teesia and Kenneth Williams* David and Joanne Williams* Ernest C. and Lauren E. Williams** Shmontray J. Williams Paul and Denise Williams*** Mr. Londonn and Tori Williams Andrew C. Williams* Nicholas A. Willis* Janene and Rob Willsey**** LaShaunda R. Wilson Ms. Tina Wilson Joann Windecker Dr. Michael Winter Michael and Cindy Wise* Teresa A. Witherell** Larry and Victoria Witherup** Dwayne and Dorothy Witter**
Joanne and Richard Wright* Wright family* Mellissa Wrinn Zhen Wu* Jim Wucherpfennig* Julia and Chad Wuerdeman Brian Wylie* Zheng Zheng Xi Tim and Mabel Yackle Dr. Jean Yamanis** Xuezhong Yan Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Yanavich** Mark and Carol Yingling** Michael Yokose* Greg and Cathy Yost Cinnamon Young Ellen L. Young** Beth and Ken Young* Elizabeth G. Young**
Mark and Penelope Ziarnik*** John F. Zimmerman Anthony A. Ziotas and Family** Ziplow Family* Joseph Zmudzinski* Carolyn and Jonathan Zolty** Rafael Zornosa* Jeffrey M. Zotti Kenneth and Christina Zygiel* Steve Zysman* Eight hundred and fourty two contributors who wish to remain anonymous. Company # of Contributors
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
LEADERSHIP INVESTORS IN CORPORATIONS & ORGANIZATIONS Top 30 Leadership Investors in Corporations & Organizations
Pratt & Whitney
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Robinson & Cole LLP
UTC Aerospace Systems
United Technologies Corporation
UTC Building & Industrial Systems
Cigna Corporation
Webster Bank
Mass Mutual Financial Group
Enterprise Holdings
The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company
United Technologies Research Center
The Phoenix Companies, Inc.
Barnes Aerospace Windsor & HQ
Comcast Corporation
Hallmark Cards, Inc.
Gerber Technology, Inc.
Sun Life Financial Group
Bank of America
# of Contributors
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc.
# of Contributors
United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut
University of Hartford
Aetna Inc.
Voya Financial
Hartford Hospital
UTC Climate, Controls and Security
Deloitte LLP
AAA Allied Group
ConnectiCare, Inc.
Evolution 1
Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.
Murtha Cullina LLP
AT&T Business Solutions Customer Care
Whittlesey & Hadley
Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
Day Pitney LLP
Shipman & Goodwin LLP
Blum Shapiro & Company P.C. 20 KPMG LLP
Lincoln Financial Group
American Nuclear Insurers
Vantis Life Insurance Company 10
25 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org
Phonon Corporation
Reid and Riege PC
Shell Oil Company Foundation
The Hutensky Group
Towers Watson Inc.
Town of Wethersfield
U.S. Bank National Association 2 Updike, Kelly & Spellacy PC
ValueOptions Connecticut
YWCA Hartford Region
Acadia Insurance Co.
First Niagara Bank
Gilbane Building Company
Achieve Hartford
C & S Wholesale Grocers Windsor Locks
Connecticut Public Broadcasting
Hanover Insurance Group
Adams & Knight
Hartford Public Schools
Aerodyne Alloys
Farmington Bank
Liberty Bank
AFT Connecticut
People’s United Bank
Lockton Companies
Berkshire Bank
TD Bank
McCue Mortgage
Bloomfield Town Departments
UPS Capital Business Credit
BLUM - Shelton, CT
Westinghouse Electric Company 6
Town of Glastonbury
Women’s Health
Willis of Connecticut, LLC
Boys & Girls Clubs of Hartford, Inc.
Chubb Specialty Insurance
Brown Rudnick LLP
CBS Radio Hartford
Consolidated School District of New Britain
Prudential Financial
Cronin & Company, LLC
Central CT Communications
Saint Francis Hospital & Medical Center
Greater Hartford Legal Aid
Chase Enterprises
Leadership Greater Hartford
Clinical Laboratory Partners
The Village for Families & Children
McCarter & English
Nationwide Insurance
Community Health Charities of New England
American Eagle Financial Credit Union
Nordstrom, Inc.
2 2
OKAY Industries, Inc
Community Mental Health Affiliates, Inc.
Our Piece of The Pie
Community Solutions, Inc.
United Way Campaign 2014-2015
Connecticut Fair Plan
Constellation Energy
Conval, Inc.
Doosan Fuel Cell America
DST Output
East Hartford Town Departments
Ellington Town Departments
HP Hood
IBM Corporation
Stackpole Moore Tryon Tuesday’s
ITW Graphics
Stop & Shop Corporate Offices
The Principal Financial Group
Jefferson Radiology P.C.
Liberty Mutual - Glastonbury
Thomas Fahy Insurance Associates
Lindberg & Ripple, Inc.
Timken Aerospace Transmissions, LLC
Literacy Volunteers of Greater Hartford
Town of Coventry
Trinity College
Tri-Star Industries
Ensign Bickford Industries, Inc. 1
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
FedEx Ground
Loomis-Chaffee School
Girl Scouts of Connecticut Hartford Service Center
Goldman Sachs
Guardian Life Insurance Company
HARC, Inc.
Hartford City Departments
Hartford Healthcare at Home
Hartford Youth Scholars Foundation Inc/ DK Wilson Association
Hedberg Data Systems, Inc.
Manchester Town Departments 1 Mental Health Association of Connecticut
Message Center Management
MetroHartford Alliance
OBGYN Group of Eastern CT, P.C. 1
Triumph Engine Control Systems 1 United Way of Connecticut, Inc./ 2-1-1 1 Unum Insurance
UPS Freight Forwarding
Urban League of Greater Hartford, Inc.
UTC Sikorsky Aircraft
Otis Elevator Company
VA Connecticut Healthcare System
Paychex Inc
Wells Fargo Bank
Pepperidge Farm Inc.
Pfizer Corporation
West Hartford Town Departments
ProHealth Physicians
Westminster School
Hinckley Allen Snyder LLP
Wiggin & Dana, LLC
Hoffman Enterprises, Inc.
Regional School District #19
Windsor Board of Education
Windsor Federal Savings
Hooker & Holcombe Consulting 1
RICOH - Marketing & Sales
26 United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut UnitedWayInc.Org