2016 United Way Campaign Coordinator Guide

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2016 United Way Campaign Coordinator Guide

Darlene Sawczysyn

Luis A. RodrĂ­guez

Eastern Connecticut State University, United Way Donor and Volunteer

Hartford HealthCare, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Volunteer in New Britain, and United Way Donor and Women’s Leadership Council member

Kirby Boyce

Pratt & Whitney and International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local 1746, United Way Donor

Jenny Comerford

The Hartford, United Way Emerging Leaders Society member, Donor and Volunteer

Inside you will find all that you need to know to run a successful campaign: Best Practices, Award-Winning Campaign Activities and Special Events, Strategies for before, during and after Campaign, The 20-Minute Meeting, Year-Round Engagement

Thank you for joining with United Way in raising the resources needed to support positive change in the lives of children, youth and adults in local communities. Together, we can make a difference. As a United Way Campaign Coordinator, you will lead the way to help raise dollars to support nonprofit programs, services and initiatives that build a stronger community and help hard-working families. As a campaign coordinator, you are the connection between your fellow employees and United Way, serving as an enthusiastic advocate and campaign leader, encouraging people to give directly to United Way. The tools outlined in this Coordinator Guide will walk you through each step of developing and implementing a successful workplace campaign. It is through connecting people and causes they care about that we are able to make our region an even better place to live, work and raise a family.

Let’s get started!

Please order your campaign materials and request United Way speakers at least two weeks prior to your campaign kickoff date.

Campaign Checklist Before Your Campaign n Meet with your United Way representative to review last year’s results and

create an action plan for this year. He/she is your partner in planning, implementing, and celebrating a successful United Way Campaign. They will provide you with your company’s campaign history, and you will review last year’s campaign results, and discuss strategies and recommendations for this year’s campaign. (If you don’t know your United Way representative please call us at 860-493-6875.) n Meet with your CEO or management team to set goals and to discuss

how they will be involved in the campaign. Ask leadership to endorse the campaign and encourage employee participation. n Recruit a strong internal campaign team representing a wide range

of employees. Enlist the support of employees who are United Way volunteers such as United Way Readers, United Way Volunteer Budget Coaches, and/or members of the United Way Women’s Leadership Council and Emerging Leaders Society. These volunteers can speak first hand to how the funds raised in your United Way Campaign are used in local communities. Your United Way representative will provide you with this information if you do not have it. n If appropriate, ask a member of senior management to chair your

Leadership Investing efforts. n Plan Special Events and activities to raise awareness about United

Way’s work in areas of education, family financial security and basic needs. These are the local issues that United Way and its partners are addressing to create the greatest impact for our children and families in community. n Visit the Campaign Toolkit at UnitedWayInc.Org/campaign toolkit to order

your materials, download templates, request an ambassador speaker and find other resources to ensure a successful campaign. n Post campaign events and information on your organization’s intranet

with a link to UnitedWayInc.Org. n Send out endorsement letters or emails for your campaign from your CEO. n Take a peek at the entry requirements for the Best Of Awards, United

Way’s annual celebration of best practices used in running successful workplace campaigns at UnitedWayInc.Org/bestof.

The campaign and your hard work represent the generosity of a diverse community coming together to create measurable, lasting change and a better place for all of us to live and work.

During Your Campaign n Hold employee group meetings (See “The 20-Minute Group Meeting”). n Host a fun, unique Campaign Kickoff event to get your colleagues

excited about giving back to our community through United Way Community Investment. n Use United Way-supplied materials to promote your Campaign—

brochures, posters, table tents and other materials bring visibility and awareness to your campaign. n Engage employees in Special Events. Examples from other workplaces

include: cupcake and ice cream sales; bike races; sports tournaments; breakfast with the boss; local vendor sales; dunk tanks; silent auctions; and, dress down days. n Encourage employees to volunteer for your workplace’s United Way Year of

Caring project. These one-time full- or half-day projects help employees understand the importance of giving during the campaign. This year marks the 25th Anniversary of United Way Year of Caring! Learn more at UnitedWayInc.Org/yearofcaring. n Inspire colleagues through United Way-provided stories of local people

who have benefited from United Way-supported programs, services or initiatives. Co-workers are moved when colleagues share personal experiences. n Include information about United Way membership opportunities, such

as the Women’s Leadership Council (WLC) and Emerging Leaders Society (ELS). Ask your United Way representative for WLC and ELS brochures to share with your colleagues.

The best way to reach your colleagues is to hold an employee meeting. All you need is 20 minutes. You might want to tag onto a regular team or department meeting.

The 20-Minute Group Meeting ITEM /PRESENTER


Opening Remarks Campaign Coordinator


CEO Endorsement CEO/Manager 2 Campaign Overview United Way Staff

Campaign Video 4 Speaker United Way Ambassador

Closing & Ask 2 Learn more and see how your dollars make a difference: UnitedWayInc.Org

prospective leadership contributors. A contribution of $1,000 or more qualifies for membership in United Way’s Constitution Society. n Keep your colleagues updated throughout the campaign. Share campaign

n Follow up with anyone who has yet to pledge. Encourage everyone to fill

out a pledge form and return the paper pledge form or pledge online, whether they decide to contribute or not—that way you’ll know if you’ve reached everyone. n Begin preparing your nominations for the Best Of Awards.


Wrap Up 2

n Plan a special outreach from senior management to current or

information and progress via newsletters, intranet and email. Sample emails are available from United Way.


You’re in the home stretch. Find the finishing touches and year-round opportunities on the back.

After Your Campaign

Year-Round Opportunities

n Complete the campaign report envelope and contact your

n United Way is your partner in engaging employees in ways

United Way representative to arrange a pick up. n Hold a thank you event with senior leadership in attendance

to announce and celebrate results. Your United Way partner can help you plan this. n Personally thank contributors and everyone who helped

coordinate your campaign. Recognize your colleagues and thank them through your intranet or other internal workplace communication channels. n Schedule a post-campaign meeting with United Way to

review your campaign results and to discuss what worked and what you might want to do differently next year. You can also explore meaningful ways to thank your co-workers for their support and generosity. n Submit your nominations for the Best Of Awards. These

awards recognize workplace partners for their outstanding participation in the United Way Campaign and throughout the year. Then celebrate with colleagues at the awards in February and showcase your accomplishments in the community.

that are meaningful to them and to your organization. We provide opportunities at your workplace or in the community to learn about relevant issues and ways we can effectively address them. We provide one-time and on-going individual and group volunteer experiences. Many workplaces use group volunteer projects for a team building experience, including for their campaign committee. In addition, United Way can facilitate a group activity with your employees to raise awareness about the challenges facing lower-income working families. Learn more at UnitedWayInc.Org/makingchoices. n Invite young professionals to learn about United Way

Emerging Leaders Society and women to learn about United Way Women’s Leadership Council. They will see firsthand the work being done in our community by United Way and its partners to ensure that children and youth have the opportunity to succeed in school and that families are financially secure. Learn more online at UnitedWayInc.Org/ women and UnitedWayInc.Org/emergingleaders. n Provide new employees with information about how they

can get involved in the community through United Way. Your United Way liaison can provide a “welcome packet” to be used for new employee orientation, which includes information about United Way, a pledge form and examples of how volunteers and donors are making a difference in our community. n Check out our website for news, upcoming events, volunteer

opportunities and success stories at UnitedWayInc.Org.

Thank you for being a leader in building a stronger community for all of us.

Our real success is measured by the number of lives we improve together. This is a community coming together to truly LIVE UNITED and you are a MAJOR part of our success. We cannot do it without you and cannot thank you enough for your support. Because of you, more children and youth will succeed in school and beyond, more families will achieve financial security and lead healthier lives, and critical basic needs services will be available to those most in need.

Need more information or additional campaign materials? Call us at 860-493-6875 or visit UnitedWayInc.Org Facebook.com/UnitedWayInc @UnitedWayInc


United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut mobilizes people and organizations to GIVE, ADVOCATE and VOLUNTEER to help children succeed, ensure families are healthy and financially secure, and provide access to basic needs. Since 1924, more than $930 million has been raised through United Way to help people in our 40-town region. For a list of our United Way’s community partners, please visit UnitedWayInc.Org/partners.

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