PARENT COMMUNITY We are fortunate to have an active and engaged parent community, and enjoy an exceptional level of support from parent volunteers.
Parents’ Associations On both campuses our hard-working Parents’ Associations (PA) are managed by an elected committee of enthusiastic volunteers—all parents at the school, who offer their time to serve the school community. In addition, a large number of parent volunteers support the many events and programmes run by the PA throughout the year. By helping parents connect with one another and to other important groups, the PA contributes significantly to one of the College’s most important strategic goals: to build a united, diverse and strong community. The PA’s organise an exciting and diverse array of events and activities, from large, campus-wide events, to social coffees and lunches, to regular and one-off activities or outings. In addition to the annual flagship events, the Dover Campus Community Fair and the East Campus Family Festival, volunteers in our PA’s were integral to the success of Graduation, the annual High School Careers Fair and Transition to University events, the annual Admissions Open Days, and in supporting scholars and boarders. Numerous volunteers also contribute as class or grade-level and nationality representatives to coordinate information flow and feedback, as well as coffee mornings and meet-ups. The annual PA organised parent buddy programme helped to welcome families to the community on each campus, and volunteers also host well-attended Staff Appreciation events for UWCSEA staff. Both Parents’ Association are registered as a society in Singapore under the Societies Act. They operate individually and have independent constitutions and Managing Committee structures which are governed by a constitution and bye-laws, with independently audited financial statements available to members each year.
Parents’ Action for Community and Education (PACE) A volunteer, parent-led organisation that falls under the Service umbrella of the College, PACE serves the UWCSEA parent community across both campuses. A full annual schedule of activities and events provides both a social network and many opportunities to contribute to the Singapore community, and beyond. For the last 10 years, PACE volunteers have visited HCA Hospice Care, a registered Singapore charity providing comfort and support to patients with life-limiting illnesses and their families. PACE volunteers organise entertainment, celebrate many different cultural events, keep patients company and learn about their lives and stories through twice monthly visits. On Friday, 10 May 2019, 18 visitors from the HCA Hospice Care were welcomed to the Dover Campus on a customised, wheelchair-friendly Sustainability Tour coordinated by PACE volunteers. Over the last 20 years PACE volunteers have: set up two libraries in Myanmar, built nine schools in Cambodia and two in Myanmar, provided 10 years of hospice service in Singapore, donated over 200,000 lunches to children in need and helped over 100 children graduate from college in the Philippines.