In Grades 9–12 students complete the UWCSEA High School Diploma. This equips UWCSEA graduates with a valued transcript, reflective of the depth, breadth, and challenge of our holistic learning programme. Grade 12 students who meet our graduation requirements will be awarded a UWCSEA High School Diploma certificate upon graduation.
In addition, students in Grades 11 and 12 complete the IB Diploma programme, or a selection of IB courses based on their interests.
Grade 9/10 Programme
The UWCSEA Grade 9/10 programme is unique to the UWCSEA High School Diploma, drawing from international education and research to provide a bespoke experience for our students. This programme has been crafted by our experienced educators to meet the distinct needs and aspirations of learners at this important stage of their development, while providing an excellent foundation for Grades 11 and 12—whatever their futures might hold.
The UWCSEA Grade 9/10 programme is driven by the singular ambition of the UWCSEA Mission, and encompasses all five elements of our holistic learning programme. Our students benefit from additional choice and agency in their learning, as they create their individual pathway to graduation and life beyond school.
Grade 9/10 Programme requirements
Our innovative academic programme in Grades 9/10 has been crafted by our expert educators to build breadth, depth, and a lasting passion for learning. With our expertise in curriculum design, and unparalleled experience with the IB Diploma, we’ve designed an academic programme which reaches far beyond the traditionally narrow requirements of exam-focused learning. This is a programme inspired by the curiosity and ambition of our incredible UWCSEA students, and the demands of a rapidly changing world. The UWCSEA 9/10 programme may be the right choice for you and your child if you are looking for:
• More choice: with a broader range of subjects and possible combinations, our students have more ways to personalise their learning experience.
• More varied assessment: our students are challenged to demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and understanding across a variety of formats (including formal exams).
• More real-world, experiential learning: our future-focused courses provide opportunities for students to build connections to innovation around us in Singapore, including the world of work.
• Learning with purpose: our academic programme K–12 centres the UWCSEA mission to build peace and a sustainable future. We ensure that accredited learning in our high school comes with hands-on experience, empathy, and a desire for change.
Personal and Social Education
• Student wellbeing is the responsibility of all the adults in the College and a support system that involves Mentors, Heads of Grade and the Counselling, Learning Support and University Advising teams ensures that students are supported according to their needs.
• In addition, PSE curriculum in Grade 9 and 10 is delivered through Wellbeing and Physical Education, which is timetabled in the school day.
• All students must participate in at least 2 Activities seasons in Grade 9 and Grade 10.
• Students have the option to participate in additional Activities if they choose.
• Over the course of Grades 9–10, students must complete (in total) at least two seasons of an after-school Service, or 4 seasons of a lunchtime Service.
• Students have the option to participate in additional Service if they choose.
• College Service, Local Service, Global Concerns, and Environmental Initiatives all count towards this service commitment.
Outdoor Education
• All students are expected to take part in an Outdoor Education experience in Grade 9 (or Grade 10 for students joining at that stage).
• Students have the option to participate in an additional Outdoor Education experience in Grade 10, depending on availability.
• Some expeditions are combined Grades 9 and 10 expeditions.
Making choices in the Grade 9/10 Programme
In order to meet the requirements of the Grade 9/10 academic programme, students are required to take 10 courses each year.
Compulsory Core
• 1 year of UWC Perspectives in their first year (either Grade 9 or Grade 10, depending on when they join the High School)
• 2 years of Wellbeing and Physical Education (counts for 1 course each year)
Subject domains
In addition to the Core, students must select one course from each of these six subject domains in each year of the programme:
• Language – English
• Language – Additional
• Humanities
• Science and Technology
• Mathematics
• Arts and Design
The remaining 2–3 course options in each year can be taken from any group, with continuing students able to make new choices for their programme in Grade 10. In this way, students have opportunities to develop depth, breadth, and entirely new interests.
The table below outlines the overall 2-year programme:
* Students new to Grade 10 will take the UWC Perspectives here and have one fewer free choice
** Students taking English language acquisition will have two additional English classes, and therefore one fewer free choice overall.
What might a Grade 9/10 programme look like?
Making choices in Grade 9 and 10 is an exciting time for students when they reflect on the disciplines they enjoy, their learning preferences, and their hopes for the future.
In the UWCSEA Grade 9/10 programme, students can dig deeper into their favourite areas, by using free choices to ‘double-up’ or even ‘triple-up’. Students can also take the opportunity to try new courses either when starting Grade 9, or when they begin Grade 10 and can review and change their package.
Grade 9
Grade 10
1 Core: UWC Perspectives Free choice 1: Computer Science
2 Core: Wellbeing and PE Core: Wellbeing and PE
3 First language English First language English
4 Language Acquisition: French Language Acquisition: French
5 Humanities: Geography Humanities: History
6 Coordinated Science Coordinated Science
7 Mathematics Mathematics
8 Art and Design: Music Art and Design: Film
9 Free choice 1: Mathematics Plus+ Free choice 2: Mathematics Plus+
10 Free choice 2: Coordinated Science Plus+ Free choice 3: Coordinated Science Plus+
Grade 9
Grade 10
1 Core: UWC Perspectives Free choice 1
2 Core: Wellbeing and PE Core: Wellbeing and PE
3 First language: English First language: English
4 First language: Chinese First language: Chinese
5 Humanities: Geography Humanities: Geography
6 Coordinated Science Coordinated Science
7 Mathematics Mathematics
8 Art and Design: Design Thinking Art and Design: Design Thinking
9 Free choice 1: History Free choice 2: History
10 Free choice 2: Language Acquisition French Free choice 3: Language Acquisition French
All subject combinations provide a foundation for entry to the Grade 11–12 learning programme and IB options are not limited to the subject choices students make during Grades 9 and 10. In transitioning to Grade 11, students are supported by the high school team, including University Advisors and the IB Diploma Coordinator, to ensure they have the background and skills they need for success.
Grade 9
Grade 10
1 Core: UWC Perspectives Free choice 1: Psychology
2 Core: Wellbeing and PE Core: Wellbeing and PE
3 First language English First language English
4 Language Acquisition: Spanish Language Acquisition: Spanish
5 Humanities: Economics Humanities: Economics
6 Coordinated Science Coordinated Science
7 Mathematics Mathematics
8 Art and Design: Drama Art and Design: Drama
9 Free choice 1: Dance Free choice 2: Dance
10 Free choice 2: Visual Arts Free choice 3: Visual Arts
Grade 9 Grade 10
1 Core: UWC Perspectives Free choice 1: History
2 Core: Wellbeing and PE Core: Wellbeing and PE
3 English as an Additional Language English as an Additional Language
4 First language: Hindi First language: Hindi
5 Humanities: Social Enterprise Humanities: Psychology
6 Coordinated Science Biology
7 Mathematics Mathematics
8 Art and Design: Film Art and Design: Drama
9 English as an Additional Language English as an Additional Language
10 Free choice 2: Coordinated Science Plus+ Free choice 3: Chemistry