Timeline Task
Bus Transport (optional):
Submit the online booking form to Yellow Bus Please note that it takes two weeks to process bus applications BY
Submit the following documents by email to your Admissions Officer:
● final school reports from your child’s previous school
● your child’s valid immigration pass (front and back) or in-principle approval letter If on Dependent’s Pass, a copy of details displayed by scanned QR code
● Please ensure that your child’s immigration records and passports are kept up-to-date. You can find instructions on how to update your child’s records here.
● Please update any change in contact information (i.e. phone, address or email) as it is very important that the details the school holds on file in CIMS is up-to-date All Day students must indicate a Singapore address and a Singapore phone number for the Primary Contact Parent by the first day of school You can find instructions on how to update your contact details here BY
Online medical questionnaire and emergency information:
To be completed once you receive your parent portal login details.
Laptop information 1
Previous school official transcript in English:
Submit transcript and external exam certificates (e g , IGCSE, CBSE) from high school(s) for Grade 9 (translated into English as needed) by email or hard copy to University Advising Dover | East BY
College Shop: To purchase the following items via Dover College Shop online shop or East College Shop online shop:
● School uniforms
● Sun hat for outdoor play
● Calculator – TI-30XB
● Calculator – TI-Nspire CX II
Lunch order (optional)
Dover: K1–Grade 4 | East: K1–Grade 4
Orderonlinea eryoureceiveyourparentportallogindetails
If you have any questions, you can reach the school offices at:
Dover East
Infant School infantschooldover@uwcsea edu sg
infantschooleast@uwcsea edu sg
Junior School juniorschooldover@uwcsea edu sg juniorschooleast@uwcsea edu sg
Middle School middleschooldover@uwcsea edu sg middleschooleast@uwcsea edu sg
High School
1 Details about the laptop requirements and Ready Learner One @ UWCSEA were sent by email and can also be found on the orientation website.