Rachel Colley Community Manager The Students’ Union at UWE
NUS Alcohol and Drugs Survey Findings 2021-2022
Key Details and Demographics Year of Study (%)
174 respondents in total Age: 67% were 18-22 year olds 23% were 23-29 10% were 30+
0.80% 5.91%
34.73% 28.03%
Degree 74% Undergraduates 14% Postgraduate 12% other (Foundation year, PhD)
Foundation year (1)
1st year undergraduate (41)
2nd year undergraduate (36)
3rd year undergraduate (33)
4th year undergraduate (7)
77% home, 16% outside EU, 6% in EU
1.20% 1.20% 3.80%
63% Defined as female 31% Defined as male 5% non-binary
68% white British 16% BAME British 53% mental health conditions 18% Autistic Spectrum Disorder 17% unseen disability 3% physical impairment
3.10% 7.51%
Institution owned halls of residence (32) Privately rented house or flat - shared with friends (80) Privately rented house or flat – with family (11) 50.05% In own home (mortgaged or owned) (6) Other (2)
Privately owned halls of residence (5) Privately rented house or flat - on my own (12) With parent(s) / guardian(s) (10) Prefer not to say (2)
Alcohol How often do you drink alcohol (if at all)?
40.00% 35.00%
33.80% 30.00% 25.00% 23.80% 20.00% 19.40% 15.00% 10.00%
Every / 4-5 days a 2-3 days a most days week week (3) (11) (54)
Once a week (31)
Less than Never, but once a I have week (38) drunk alcohol in the past (12)
Never, I have never drunk alcohol (11)
• 14% students are non drinkers, similar levels to previous years • 67% regular drink at a friends house before going out (11% decrease from 2018, COVID) • 41% regularly deliberately get drunk before heading out for the night (46% in 2018) • One main night out a week most prevalent.
What would you say is your main reason for not drinking or stopping drinking alcohol? 14% students are non drinkers, similar levels to previous years
30.00% 40.00%
10.00% 10.00%10.00%
Don’t like the taste (6) Don’t like the effect it has on me (2) A current health condition (2) The long term effects of alcohol on my health (2) Religious or cultural reasons (8)
Do you feel that there are enough social events for you at university that do not involve having to drink or get drunk?
28.20% 51.40% 20.40%
Yes (73) No (29) Don’t know (40)
How often do you drink alcohol, not necessarily with the intention of getting drunk, but end up getting drunk anyway? Don’t know (1),, More than once a 0.80% week (8),, 6.60% Never (18),, 14.90%
About once a week (27), 22.30%
Less often than once a week (67),, 55.40%
More than once a week (8) About once a week (27) Less often than once a week (67) Never (18) Don’t know (1)
Alcohol • 22% once a week end up drunk when they were not planning to be. • 52% students are rarely influenced to buy larger measures due to deals • 26% will take adv of happy hours
Felt that your friends who you were socialising with expected you to drink alcohol Don’t know (6)
46% of student agree slightly that getting drunk means they will have a good night out. 73.5% agree that pacing yourself means you’ll have a better night out for longer, a 20% increase on 2018 (61%)
36.40% 55% think it can be hard to pace yourself on a
Never (44)
night out, 45% disagree. Occasionally (28) Some of the time I drink (14)
23.10% 11.60%
Most of the time I drink (18) Every time I drink (11)
84% agree that drinking too much too quickly can cut short a night out.
14.90% 9.10%
Consistently around the same every year. Down from 12% to 9% on always feel pressured to drink.
72% do not have to get drunk to have a good night out. 70% don't like socialising with people who get very drunk and ruin the night for others. 91% students agree non drinkers can be fun on a night out (4% increase).
84% agree they think about their behaviour when they drink, this is a 15% increase on 2018 (73%).
Nowadays I think more about my behaviour when I drink than I used to
Don’t know (5)
29% have experienced pressure to drink more than they want to by friends. 69% disagreed, 46% of which strongly disagreed.
Disagree strongly (4)
Disagree slightly (10)
Don’t know (5); 4.20% Disagree strongly (4); 3.40% Disagree slightly (10); 8.40% Agree slightly (40); 33.60%
Agree slightly (40)
Agree strongly (60); 50.40%
Agree strongly (60)
Taken Part in Drinking Games 35.00%
Down from 13% to 7.5% always taking part in games (2018) – 42% decrease. Overall shift to more occasional. 40% only occasionally drink in rounds, 22% never do.
25.00% 19.20%
16.70% 15.00% 10.00%
5.00% 0.00%
Every time I drink Most of the time I Some of the time Occasionally (35) (9) drink (23) I drink (33)
Never (20)
Similar trends to previous data. You agreed it can be difficult not to drink too much on a night out – why do you think that? Drinks offers have decreased by
32% as a motivator. Don’t know3.00% (2) Other (13)
Drinking helps me to relax / socialise (45) There are too many tempting drinks offers (13)
74% drink to fit in with their peers (up from 66%, 12% increase)
I don’t know what to do that would help me to not drink too much (6)9.10% It’s easy to get caught up in rounds (32)
It can feel embarrassing ordering water or soft drinks (10) 15.20% It can be expensive to get water or soft drinks from bars / clubs (13)
It can be difficult to get water or soft drinks from bars / clubs (10) 15.20% Pressure from friends (14)
Drinking to help relax and socialise has increased by 19% (response to covid? Needing to engage again in person?)
85% believe part of University culture 84% agree it is expected students will get drunk 87% agree that students do not think about health consequences (83% 2018)
My university friends expect me to drink regularly and get drunk (21/22) 100%
90% 80% 70%
60% 50% 40% 29.60% 30% 20% 10% 0%
72% disagreed that friends expect them to drink regularly and get drunk, an increase of 24% in 6 years. 25% agreed, a decrease of 37% in 6 years
17.60% 7.00%
Agree slightly (25) Disagree strongly (60)
Disagree slightly (42) Don’t know (5)
UWE Survey Responses 21/22
30.40 %
30.40 %
39.10 %
27% - alcohol made existing mental health condition worse or caused a new mental health condition.
Which of the following have you experienced since you have been at university during or following the consumption of alcohol? 0.80%
Rather not say (1)
None of these (42)
Missed social engagements (37) Missed going to paid work (12) I have made it to a lecture I otherwise would not have (10) Missed a university assignment deadline (9)
10.10% 8.40% 7.60% 52.90%
Missed a university seminar / lecture / class (63) Gone to a university seminar / lecture / class whilst under the influence of alcohol (21) Arrived late to a university seminar / lecture / class (49)
17.60% 41.20%
0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% 50.00% 60.00%
Which have you experienced?
14.20% Experienced sexual assault (18) 15.00% Felt glad about a decision to engage in sexual activity you otherwise would not have (21) 17.50% Regretted a decision to engage in sexual activity (27) 22.50% Had unprotected sex (28) 23.30% None of these (30) 25.00% Lost a valued possession / had something stolen (such as a mobile phone or wallet) (30) 25.00% Enjoyed the experience of having sex whilst under the influence of alcohol (43) 35.80% Injured yourself (48) 40.00% Took risks with your personal safety you otherwise would not have (50) 41.70% Experienced unwanted sexual attention from a stranger or someone I know e.g. catcalls, whistles, comments 43.30% or jokes (52) Was unable to remember what happened the night before (62) 51.70% Experienced verbal abuse (17)
Awareness of responsible drinking campaigns Are you aware of any safe or responsible drinking campaigns, projects or activities at your university? Don’t know (41)
Other (-) 0.00%
20.60% Training for students related to alcohol consumption e.g. workshops run by the students’ union (16) 11.30% Events / stalls / stands on campus or online related to alcohol consumption (32) 22.70%
Staff or volunteers providing support related to alcohol e.g. at events, socials, phonelines/helpdesk etc (29)
Communications (e.g. posters, emails, social media) related to staying safe while you are drinking alcohol (73) Communications (e.g. posters, emails, social media) related to drinking alcohol responsibly (70)
70% respondents were aware. 17% were aware in 2018. This is an increase of 311%.
51.80% 49.60%
Which of the following have you experienced since you have been at university / college as during or following the consumption of alcohol?
None of these (65)
Been arrested (-) 0.00% Issued with a fine (-) 0.00% Issued with a police warning/caution (2) 1.70% Got into a fight with strangers (6)
Got into a fight with people you know (6)
Driven a car or other vehicle whilst under the influence of alcohol (7)
Caused damage to anything that didn’t belong to you in a public place (8) Stolen anything from anyone or anywhere (for example a wallet, money, or goods from a friend or stranger, or from someone’s home, the university or a business) (10) Caused damage to the place where you live (15)
Got into an argument with strangers (26)
8.30% 12.50% 21.70%
Got into an argument with people you know (30) 0.00%
25.00% 20.00%
Drug Use - Which of the following best matches your experiences of drug use at UWE? 20/21 Before starting at university/college, did you believe that students…
Student use drugs all of the time (9)
Student use drugs all of the time (22)
Students use drugs most of the time (40)
Students use drugs occasionally (39)
Students never use drugs (2)
Don’t know (4)
Students use drugs most of the time (50)
Students use drugs occasionally (69)
Students never use drugs (5)
4% Don’t know (11)
3.20% 7.00%
Drug Use – Perceptions and Opinions • 42% (56%) think drug taking is part of University culture, 29% (28%) disagree • 73% (80%) do not feel pressure to take drugs, 11.5% (11%) did feel pressure • 60% (65%) agree that student take drugs to fit in with their peers, 10% (11%) disagreed • 55% (61%) do not have a problem with students taking drugs recreationally, 18% (31%) do • 26% (21%) agree that students who take drugs do less well in their studies, 23% (30%) disagree • 43% (52%) agree there is a problematic culture of drugs at UWE, 18% (14%) disagreed * (brackets are 2020/2021 data)
Why students use / have used drugs To cope with a difficult life event (e.g. loss, separation) (4)
For a spiritual experience (5)
To improve my confidence (5)
Because friends, family or people I was with pressured or encouraged me to (6)
For recreation increased from 29% to 67% To enchance social interactions decreased from 30% to 12%
To self-medicate for an existing mental health problem (7)
Out of habit (8)
To help me deal with stress (13)
Because friends, family or people I was with take/were taking drugs and I wanted to fit in (14)
To escape reality (14)
Something to do / boredom (15)
To enhance my social interactions (21) For recreation (47)
Something to do has increased from 11% to 24% Deal with stress and self medicate remained the same Escape reality went up from 7% to 20% (COVID?)
30.00% 67.10%
Why stopped taking drugs? Or don’t do drugs? 80% students do not feel pressured to take drugs 16% do feel pressure some of the time 2% feel pressure most of the time
Other (7) Never thought about it / considered using drugs (2) Worried about the reputation using drugs would give me (4)
15.90% 4.50% 9.10%
Worried about what my parents/guardians would think about me using drugs (11)
None of my friends use drugs (7)
It’s too expensive (17) Religious or cultural reasons (1)
38.60% 2.30%
Concern about the long term effects of drug use on my health (23) A current health condition (8)
52.30% 18.20%
Worried about the effect using drugs will have on me (26) Worried about the legality of using drugs (8)
59.10% 18.20%
thinking about your ti me at university/college, which of the following best describes your frequency of parti cular drug use? Every day/most day Only on special occasions/once a year
Weekly-biweekly Have used in the past but no longer do Cannabis
Pow der ed Cocaine0.03 0 0.15 Nitr ous O xide/‘Laughing Gas’ 0.01 0 0.14 Ketamine 0.01 0.03 0.12 Ecstasy /MD MA00.07
1 - 3 times a month Never 0.16 23%
23% 19% 28%
Nov el psy ch oacti v e substances/legal highs0.04 0 4% 7%
67% 87% 85%
13% 20%
Amphetamine/ ‘S peed’0 7% 7%
P silocy bin/’ Magic Mush rooms’0
Non-pr escr ib ed opiates - excluding her oin ( e. g codeine, tr amadol, mor phine)0.01 1% 0 10%
Non-pr escr ibed benz od iaz ep ines ( e. g. V alium, Xanax) 06%
Non-Pr escr ibed study dr ugs ( e. g. Ritalin, Modafi nil) 0.01 0 10% 7% LS D 0.01 0
81% 13%
Drug Psilocybin/’Magic Mushrooms’ Non-prescribed benzodiazepines (e.g. Valium, Xanax) Amphetamine/ ‘Speed’ Non-prescribed opiates - excluding heroin (e.g codeine, tramadol, morphine) LSD Non-Prescribed study drugs (e.g. Ritalin, Modafinil) Novel psychoactive substances/legal highs Ecstasy/MDMA Ketamine Nitrous Oxide/‘Laughing Gas’ Powdered Cocaine Cannabis
Every day/most Weeklyday biweekly 0 0 0 1.40% 0 0 0 0 1.40% 0 0 13.00%
Top 3 drugs used weekly (once a week or more) 20/21 v 21/22 Cannabis: 33% v 30% Ketamine: 8% v 4.4% Powdered cocaine N/A v 3% Non-prescribed benzodiazepines: 4% v 0%
1 - 3 times a month 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3% 1% 3% 17%
Only on special occasions/once Have used in the past but no a year longer do Never 0 20% 13% 67% 0 6% 13% 81% 0 7% 7% 85%
0 1% 1% 4% 7% 12% 14% 15% 16%
1.40% 20% 10% 4% 28% 19% 23% 23% 17%
10% 12% 7% 7% 23.50% 19% 22% 17% 26%
87% 67% 81% 84% 41% 47% 39% 42% 11%
Top 3 drugs used monthly (once a month or more) 20/21 v 21/22 Cannabis: 47% v 16% Powdered cocaine n/a v 15% Nitrous Oxide: 13% v 14% Ketamine: 16% v 12% 41% of students never mix more than 1 drug together When they do, it is from the above list that mixes together
DRUGS USE – MIXING WITH ALCOHOL Approximately how often do you use the following drugs with alcohol?
0.00% 0.00% 11.80% LSD
Novel psychoactive 0.00% 4.40% 1.50% 0.00% 0.00% 2.90% substances/legal highs Nitrous Oxide/ ‘Laughing1.50% 2.90% Gas’
Powder cocaine
Cannabis (Herbal/Resin)
5.90% 4.40%
10.10% 1.40%
5.70% Every/most days (2)
Once a month (11) Never (23)
15.70% 14.30% More than once a week (4) Only on special occasions (10)
2.90% 12.90% Once a week (5) Once a year (2)
32.90% More than once a month (4) Have used in the past but no longer do (9)
Drugs Testing • 57% aware of drugs testing services • 10% used • 35% not aware Advice on Drugs • 62% know where to get advice on drugs • 19% have used this • 10% don’t know and would like to • 29% don’t know and don’t want to access Where get your information? • 59% online forums • 59% Talk to Frank • 49% peers • 31% Uni/SU services • 20% local services • 17% Drugs and Me
Which of the following describes where or how you acquire drugs? Not applicable - I haven't used drugs in the time since 2.90% I've been a student at university/college (2) Rather not say (2) 2.90% Other (2) 2.90% Receive without payment from friends and / or family (33)
Purchase online via social media (8)
Purchase online via dark web (8)
Purchase online via 'conventional' web (1) 1.40% Purchase from friends and / or family (26) Purchase in person from different dealers each time (23) Purchase in person from a regular dealer(s) (35)
37.10% 32.90% 50.00%
Which of the following steps, if any, are you aware of/do you take to reduce the potential harm caused by taking drugs? Please pick one response per row Please think specifically of steps/actions you’ve taken with the aim of reducing the potential harm you may experience by taking drugs Taking a drug in a different way e.g. dabbing instead of sniffing powder MDMA
Avoiding overheating e.g. taking breaks from dancing
Avoiding mixing drugs and alcohol, if possible Pre-planning my drug experience, if possible
Avoiding mixing several drugs, if possible Taking a small amount first and waiting to feel the effects before re-dosing
13.20% 1.50%
69.60% 72.90%
13.00% 1.40%
8.70% 8.70% 1.40%
0.00% 7.20% 1.40%
15.70% 1.40%8.60%1.40%
Taking time off between drug experiences
1.40% 10.00% 1.40% 10.00%
Finding out about the drug and its effects before using it, if possible
1.40% 7.10% 8.60%4.30%
Avoiding dehydration e.g. drinking enough water Staying in an environment where I feel safe, if possible Aware of and used (55) Not relevant (3)
Aware of and have not used (5) Rather not say (1)
82.90% 87.10%
Not aware of (6)
5.70% 4.30% 1.40% 5.70%
1.40% 4.30% 1.40% 5.70%
• Start with a small amount, e.g. a dab or half a pill • Don’t be afraid of seeking help and being honest about what you have taken • Avoid mixing drugs, especially with alcohol • Look after friends, if they are sleeping or unconscious, put them in the recovery position • Tell someone you are with what you have taken • Try and buy from a trusted source • Try to avoid injecting as getting the right amount is difficult and it carries greater risks • Try to use with trusted friends in a safe environment, especially if it’s your first time ( • Keep hydrated • Test drugs before using
100% of respondents who didn’t use University services, but did use other services, said it was because: 1. Fear of punishment 2. Fear of judgement 3. Fear of implications for academic work 4. Fear of police involvement 75% were not aware of the support available.
University Drugs Policy 73% of students are aware that the university has a drugs policy and 40% of students know at least a little of what the policy says Students believe: The university should not be punishing students who take drugs (47% agree, 20% disagree, 33% don’t know) They’re confident in disclosing information about my drug use to my university/college without fear of punishment (38% agree, 29% disagree, 32% don’t know) 82% believe that the University should provide support to students who take drugs
CONSEQUENC • 31% missed a University lecture • 26% were unable to remember what happened the night before • 23% took risks with your personal safety you otherwise would not have • 20% experienced unwanted sexual attention from a stranger or someone I know e.g. catcalls, whistles, comments or joke • 13% missed paid work • 11% searched for drugs • 8% caused a new mental health conditions • 50% made new friends • 41% became closer to existing friends • 29% enjoyed the experience of having sex on drugs • 16% improvement in day to day mental health condition
Thinking about the different places where you might socialise with friends/peers whilst you are at university, how safe you do feel? Other4.10%6.80% Local nightclub
House party in the home of people I don’t know
1.30% Students' union bar3.20% 0.60% Students’ union cafe 1.20%
52.10% 25.90%
3.20% Students’ union nightclub3.80%
Local bar/pub 9.50%
18.40% 2.50%11.40%
3.20% 17.10%
House party in the home of people I know 6.40%5.10% 1.90% Local cafe 2.60%
Unsafe Safe Not applicable – I don’t socialise here (27)
3.20% 80.30%
Neither safe nor unsafe (2) Don’t know (5)
19.00% 1.90% 6.40% 3.20%8.20%
As an international student, I was not aware of how common recreational drugs are. I have not really seen a lot of discussion about drugs as compared to alcohol on campus. I took Mdma and cocaine a lot during my foundation year, and honestly it lead to some of the most memorable experiences of my life. But as I get older, I just don't need it anymore. It was fun sure, but I never wanted it to be a long term thing. Drugs are a huge part of university culture. I stopped taking drugs due to a mental health condition, but a lot of my friends still take drugs. Some a lot less since working, others it has become a problem. I am aware my university have harm reduction approach to drug taking, however to receive support for drug use it was under the wellbeing service. This often doesn't connect with a large variety of at risk individuals.
There is such a massive culture for it here in Bristol. I knew when coming to UWE that it has the highest rate of drug use of any university in the country but you don't realise the effect this has on your social life. If you go out up north, then you will just be on the pints and that's that, but down here even for pre drinks people will bring out the ket and coke. As someone that has never done many drugs because of my aspirations in sport, I find it hard to get on a level sometimes with certain groups because so much of the night will be consumed by getting a bag in and staying up into the early morning. It definitely creates a greater disparity between people that do do drugs and people that do not. It's also meant that I steer clear of certain events because the type of people that will be at these events would be up to their eyes in MDMA which I don't really want to be around. Drugs are a great thing and there shouldn't be harsh punishments within the university for them but at the same time they can ruin lives. But I firmly believe the most dangerous and most life destroying drug by far is alcohol.