Freshers newspaper 2012

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SETTlE In, JOIn In, gO OUT your Students’ Union: getting it right! Emmanuel Okon, Students’ Union President Students’ Union: Who are we and what do we do… The Students’ Union is an organisation run by students for students, providing a whole range of services and opportunities for its 30,000 members. Whilst most students mainly associate the Students’ Union with its bars, there is a whole host of other services that we provide. Not only do we run a wide range of sports, societies and networks for you to join and participate in, but the Union also runs its own advice centre, as well as a nursery, job shop, student letting agency and much more. We also provide a number of food shops across UWE campuses. Our Students’ Union prides itself on employing around

300 students each year to work as casual staff, so there are plenty of job opportunities for you to snap up whilst at UWE. Opportunities available for students UWESU creates fantastic opportunities for students who want to get involved with the running and organising of the Union. From campaigning for a worthy cause to working for the students’ newspaper, there are many areas, which you can be a part of. Our Student Representatives, who are elected by you, are trained by the Students’ Union to develop skills in committee work, negotiation, public speaking and much more. These skills can then be applied throughout your career and life.

There is also an opportunity for you to annually elect your peers to be on the Students’ Union Executive Committee, where they are given the responsibility of running the Union on a dayto-day basis. As well as myself, Annie, Nina, Louise and Olly are all sabbatical officers, and were elected by the student body in March 2012 to lobby, campaign, and represent you. Together we work to make your voice bolder, louder and stronger and are very much looking forward to meeting you all in the near future. We call on all students to take ownership of your Union and seize all the available opportunities for development and involvement.

Settle In: All you need to know - pg 2734 Join In: Full Freshers’ Fair Plan - centre pull out go Out: Your essential night event guide centre pages

let’s Build

UWE Students’ Union will be getting a new home... in 2014, we will be moving into a brand spanking new building – purposely designed for us – in a new part of the campus! more info on pg 2

WesternEye Returns

UWE’s Student Voice <<

your Student newspaper

see reverse cover.

2 Making the most of your Tuition fees and Student Experience at UWE Emmanuel Okon, Students’ Union President As your President of UWE’s Students’ Union, I am aware that there is going to be a huge demand from students in line with the increase of tuition fees – and too rightly so! Therefore, it is our responsibility – as your Students’ Union – to improve your student experience. In order to serve you better, we shall continue to collaborate with NUS (National Union of Students), and foster a stronger partnership with the University of the West of England to ensure that you are being accounted for. The increase in fees is the main key issue with all students this year. Therefore, in the interest of accountability and transparency, I present the full figures below to show how your money is spent by the University*. With the increase in fees this year, the University have pledged to provide over 1000 bursaries totalling over £9 million to students to help aid with their studies, as well as introducing extra support and increased student internships. Total £170,492,984

*Note: this is based on 2010/11 financial year. This is the most data that is available, but the investment/spend each year remains almost consistent. To read the latest information on fees and support available for you as a UWE student visit:

National Demo 2012 After NUS’ announcement of the National Demonstration, which is to take place on the 21st November, it is our priority as a Students’ Union to support the demonstration. Please join our Facebook group and give us your honest feedback – remember your involvement in our activities and your opinions will help us serve you better. Visit our website at for updates! Good luck and I wish you a very happy stay in Bristol.

your Union, your opinion, your building UWE Students’ Union are planning a new building, and with the wind behind us, some of you may still be here to take full advantage of it. Those of you who are joining us at UWE this year will (hopefully!) see the new building up and running by the time you submerge into your final year. Students, who will already have (sadly) flown the nest by the time the new SU is built, fear not! You can still help with its development. As fully-fledged members of the Students’ Union, it is your ideas and opinions that count – it’s about creating and shaping a new building that suits your needs, as well as expectations. Frenchay campus, as a whole, is also undergoing development and will be expanding in the next few years. The SU building will be at the heart of the newly developed campus, situated amongst a new transport hub, as well as other improved facilities. The Union is currently situated in F Block on Frenchay Campus – an outdated, 1970s edifice, which is far from ideal. The new building is set to provide a much larger space for you to meet and engage with Union staff and presidents, and to take advantage of the improved facilities such as a large bar, convenience store and 500 capacity multifunctional hall. There will also be a large, two-story bar with an outdoor terrace and a range of different sized meeting rooms. To keep up to date with the building’s progress and to have your say during its development, visit:

SU president profile name: Emmanuel Okon Course: Master of Business Administration (MBA) How did you get involved? I arrived from Nigeria to the UK in 2008 and realised that there are a lot of issues and challenges faced by the international students (being one and having gone through such experiences myself ) so I decided to join the global

students support team as a global students mentor and International students' representative. This position offered me the opportunity to engage and interact with diverse groups of students, helping and supporting the transition and integration of international students to the academic and social culture of the university and Bristol community at large. What are your plans for the year? I will ensure that all students are able to participate in the democratic processes and representation structures of the

union, increase more opportunities for our students to come together through activities, societies, networks, etc thereby making UWE an all inclusive University. I will lobby to make sure that the students’ voice, concerns, views, and ideas are heard; this is your university, your experience; you matter most! Email: Facebook:


Democracy In Action UWESU pRESIDEnT




Emmanuel Okon, President and Chair of the UWESU Executive

Olly Reid, VP Education, assisted by: Oliver Kirby, Education Officer

Louise Goux-Wirth, VP Community & Welfare, assisted by: Victoria Wallace, Community & Welfare Officer

Nina Gizzie, VP Sports, assisted by: Miki Parr, Sports Officer

Annie Turner, VP Societies & Communication, assisted by: Lydia Dismore, Societies & Communication Officer



Umer Sheikh Frenchay Campus Officer

Rich Bursey & Hollie Glover Glenside Campus Officers


Elections All students at UWE are automatic members of the Students’ Union. The annual election process, which takes place in March, allows you to democratically elect, or stand as a candidate for, the Executive Committee. The Executive (pictured left) represent the views of UWE students locally and nationally. The committee is made up of five full-time positions and 10 voluntary positions. The committee influences the direction of your Students’ Union and the University, and is a great way to become involved in decisions that impact on your student experience.

This September, we have two volunteer positions available on the Executive Committee for students studying at Bower Ashton and Gloucester. Therefore, a smaller election will be held in October. If you would like to put yourself forward, please contact: Nominations are open from 24th September to 5th October with voting being from 15th to 18th October

Student Council and Agm Daisy Cochran & Terri Hammond St Matt’s Campus Officers

Catherine Mukoyi Hartpury Campus Officer

Stay in touch

with us during freshers and beyond in person or via email, facebook, twitter or our latest blog posts on

A core principle of UWESU is that it is run for students by students. This is not only achieved by you electing five students as full-time presidents of UWESU, but by you getting involved in opportunities and making your voice heard. Listening to the student voice is a key role of the Executive Committee. They do this in many ways; one of which is through the Student Council and Annual General Meeting (AGM).


Student Council meets three times a year – the first one of these being the AGM. The AGM is a meeting that is open to all members of the Students’ Union, where you will be able to vote on important issues that affect your student experience. Student Council is open for all students to attend with voting members drawn from the four committees and the Students’ Union Executive.




Student Reps Student Representatives are elected by you to represent your views on issues that affect you as a student. From course costs to work load, Student Reps can feed back issues to the University to make sure that any problems you have are addressed. Student Reps will be elected in the first few weeks of term, and their duty is to represent your views; making your voice heard by the powers that be. Whether it is your course, department or the University as whole, Student Reps will be able to help resolve any problems.

Student Reps have training and support provided by the Students’ Union, so they really are a valuable point of call if you do encounter any problems during your time at university. Get to know who your Student Rep is so you can contact them in times of need. We are looking for students to put themselves forward to be a Student Rep for 2012/13. Being a Student Rep is a fantastic opportunity to represent other students and to play a key role in improving your education. It’s a chance to meet other reps and students on your course,

How to get the most out of your Student Rep Your Student Rep is there for you. Even if you think an issue is minor, other students may have had the same experience, so it is always worth highlighting the problem to your Student Rep. They can raise it on your behalf, allowing you to remain completely anonymous. Equally, if there is something that you think works really well on your course, be sure to feed

this back to your Student Rep to ensure that it is recognised and maintained for the future. You can help Student Reps by giving them your feedback in many ways; by communicating face-to-face or online. It’s important that you tell them the things you enjoy about your course, as well as changes you would like to see.

What do Student Reps do? • • • •

Proactively seek out and identify views of students on their course Engage with students on issues affecting Higher Education on a national level Attend University meetings to make sure that your views are being heard Take issues you may have to university staff

expand your skills and be the voice of change, improving your university experience for the better. Want to know more? Have a look at our website http://www. student-reps/ or contact us at the email address provided or alternatively speak to your module or programme leader.

Tweet Student Reps @studentreps

VICE-pRESIDEnT EDUCATIOn name: Olly Reid Age: 29 Course: Education Studies Graduate How I got involved: I represented UWESU as both a footballer and a Student Rep before running in the annual elections. After the government withdrew funding for my PGCE, I stood in the elections because I wanted to ensure that UWE students received the best representation possible. plans for the next year: To keep challenging the University to provide a better educational experience for UWE students. Sometimes it’s about making sure that the basics are right and the education system works for the students rather than against them. My plan is to keep improving the standards and continue to help UWE students achieve their full potential. Email: Facebook: Twitter: @vpeducation

EDUCATIOn OFFICER name: Oliver (Ollie) Kirby Age: 22 How I got involved: I became engaged with the Student Representation process and things snowballed from there, becoming student chair of my department and being encouraged to stand in the elections. plans for the next year: Development of the already excellent institution that is the Student Rep system. Also working to better facilitate the elements of the student education experience, which are currently in transition; from technological updates (coursework hand-in processes and library facilities) to the broader transitional phase, which the university is in itself. Email:

5 Benefits of being a Student Representative: • Enhances your CV • You become a central part in the workings of the Students’ Union • Develops your communication skills • Makes a positive change to the University • You meet like-minded people • Student Rep Awards

By working together, we can be the change NT RE E D U P T S S

To find out who your rep is and how to offer them feedback, or to find out about becoming a rep, contact us on: • 0117 32 82963 • studentreps@uwe. • or tweet us at @studentreps

Student Rep Awards The Student Rep Awards are an excellent way of celebrating the brilliant achievements that Student Reps have made throughout the year. This formal event, held at the end of the academic year, is supported by the University and recognises all of the hard work and dedication Student Reps have put in to enhance the student experience – it’s an evening not to be missed!

Last year, Student Reps created real change for students in their departments and on their courses – from introducing left-handed writing desks in the Law department to resolving timetabling issues. Student Reps are constantly seeking to make improvements, but in order for this good work to continue they need your ideas and feedback.




Join In


name: Magdalena Cole Course: Economics How I got involved in Reps: I wanted to get more involved in university and my course. When I heard about being a Student Rep I thought that I may as well go for it! The benefits: If you’d have met me at the beginning of the year, and then now, you’d notice the difference in my confidence. That’s all pretty much down to being a Student Rep, and getting involved in the University. Being a Student Rep allowed me to question every area of my course to those who actually run the modules, and resolve any issues that I or anyone on the course had faced. I met so many new faces throughout the year; amazing people who I wouldn’t have met otherwise! I wasn’t just a Student Rep either; I was also the Deputy Chair of my department. This meant that I could have a greater say in what was happening and voice the views of even more people. At the end of the year my efforts had been recognised and I won ‘The Most Dedicated Rep’ award. Being a Student Rep is a big deal and you really do get noticed for the work you put in.


Community and networks Hi, I’m Louise, your Community and Welfare Vice President. Working with Vicky, the Community and Welfare Officer, it is our role to support, lobby and campaign on behalf of the student body on issues relating to community, equality and welfare at the University; making sure that your voice is heard on every level. The Students’ Union would be nowhere without you, the students, and this is why we want to hear about your student experience and how we could make those vital improvements. UWE Students’ Union is proud of our strong and diverse student community. We provide you with lots of ways to get involved and make your time at University a truly amazing and unforgettable experience. PS: If you have any questions or queries please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


nETWORkS FOR 2012/2013: UWESU offers a wide range of different ways for students to get involved with the UWE student community – one excellent method in particular is through our student networks. Networks are student led social and campaigning groups which in recent years have organised a real myriad of activities; ranging from sport competitions, meal nights, day trips and weekend breaks all the way through to co-ordinating cultural, equality and faith based campaigns and social events. So if you want to meet other like-minded people who share similar cultures, identities and beliefs through a fun and inclusive social environment then do consider joining one of our student networks. It has never been easier to set up and join a student network and with a membership fee of only £5 they offer fantastic value for money.

For more information on how to join and set up a student network please contact us at

name: Louise Age: 23 Course: Education Studies How I got involved: Through involvement of being a Society committee member, which lead me to get more engaged and passionate about helping students have the best time at University. I wanted to make a difference, and eventually ran in the elections. plans for next year: Ensure students feel empowered to play a role within their Students’ Union, by offering diversity in activities and opportunities. Email: Facebook: Twitter: louise_gw

COmmUnITy AnD WElFARE OFFICER name: Victoria Wallace Course: Psychology How I got involved: Through my experience living in City Centre accommodation. I saw various things that I didn’t like and wanted to be the person who fixes it. plans for next year: Build a strong relationship with UNITE and UWE students, through the Halls Rep system. Email: Facebook: Twitter: @VickyW357

7 Campaigns

What is a Halls Rep? Halls Reps are the link between the students living in University Halls of Residence and accommodation management. So, if you live in the Student Village, marketgate, Waverley House, Favell House, The Hollies or glenside, Halls Reps are your port of call if any issues arise.

What do they do? Halls Reps feed back on the student experiences in the residences to the University, whether it’s regarding accommodation issues, student campaign ideas or social/ sporting activities.

How do I get involved/use my Halls Rep? Halls Reps are recruited at the beginning of the academic year. If you are interested in getting involved or have any issues that you would like to raise with them, then keep an eye out in your accommodation receptions for sign-up sheets and information on who your reps are. Alternatively you can contact us at the details below. representation/hall-reps Twitter: @hallsReps

Here at the Students’ Union, we work tirelessly throughout the year to represent students and campaign on the wide range of issues, which affect you in your everyday lives – from education, welfare and equality based issues right through to recreational and social issues. Whether this is on an institutional, local or national scale, we are here to act as a vessel to support and empower you to create and be the change. Campaigning means creating change, whether

this be in public behaviour or institutional policy and practice. We use this definition because we believe that if we want to make a difference to students’ lives, we need first to define what it is that we want to change and then consider the most effective way to achieve it. Students’ Union took the lead on a diverse range of campaigns last year, such as ensuring that the library is open when you need it, raising awareness on mental health issues, challenging

homophobia and racism in the community, and disability in sport – just to name a few! All these campaigns happened because students voiced their ideas to us. You have the power to create change in your Students’ Union. In the upcoming year, it is going to be absolutely crucial that you engage with what is happening around you, and help shape your time at UWE into the best possible experience it can be.

Freshers’ Fair On Friday 21st September, the Freshers’ Fair will be boasting a wide variety of stalls, providing you with valuable information on how to become involved in one of our many cultural, faith, and equality based Student Networks.

Join In name: Paul Frost. Course: Commercial Law LLB. How I got involved: I became interested in the idea of the Mature Students Network following Freshers’ Week. This was mainly because it became apparent that although there are a good few thousand mature students at UWE, there were hardly any at the Freshers’ events. I felt during that time, it would be great if there was something out there that was visible and welcoming to mature students, which could help ease them into university life and encourage them to become more actively involved. The Benefits: The biggest benefits for me have not only been meeting a number of mature students with a number of situations similar to mine, but also meeting those with difficulties that far exceeded mine – mums who struggle with childcare and also juggling work with studying and raising a family. The benefits of this network are huge and I hope that in the coming year, new students coming to UWE will help this network grow and become a network that not only supports mature students but is also a voice for mature students!


Sport There are many reasons for you to get involved in sports at UWE. It’s a great way to socialise and meet other students, to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, and most importantly... to have fun! With over 35 sports clubs, various social sport opportunities and classes, there’s something for everyone. Never been involved with sport? Then no problem – now is your time to start. Take advantage of the upcoming Freshers’ Week to try all of our available sports for free with “Watch it! Try it! Do it!“ (See page 14-15 for more details). The Freshers’ Fair will give you a chance to chat to clubs and to buy your memberships, so make sure you have your questions and wallets at the ready! Make sure you don’t miss the amazing opportunities that await you; enjoy every moment, try every experience and live life to the full!

Competitions and Social sport:

BUCS: British Universities and College Sport is the governing body for higher education sport in the UK. Each year you have the opportunity to represent UWE in national competitions in a variety of sports from Badminton to Windsurfing. If hardcore competition is not what you are after, UWESU Sport – in conjunction with the University – provide friendly league games and tournaments in a range of sports. This provides a fun and relaxed atmosphere for any student, regardless of ability.

How to Join In Register on the UWESU website to purchase a passport and club memberships. For more information on particular sports or how to join one visit: www.uwesu. org/sports Check out our Facebook group for updates on anything sport related: And here’s the YouTube page where you can find a playlists of sporting videos over the years: https://www. No sport for you? Or have a sport in mind that’s not on this list? All sports clubs are run by students for students, with all committee members being democratically elected. For more information on how you can set up your own club, come and visit us in the Students’ Union (Block F, Level 4) or email

Sports night:


Sports Clubs:

Athletics American Football Badminton Basketball Boat Boxing Canoe Cheerleading Climbing Cricket Dance Fencing Football Men Football Women Gliding Mountain Hiking Hockey Jiu Jitsu Lacrosse Netball Polo Riding Rugby Union Men Rugby Union Women Sailing Skydive Snowsports Squash Sub Aqua Surf Swimming and Water polo Tae Kwon Do Tennis Trampoline Ultimate Frisbee Wakeboard Windsurf

look out for out upcoming posters on our newly improved sports and societies night, raising money for societies and sports clubs. Sports night is held every Wednesday night and is open to all UWE Students. See page 17 for more details.

name: Nina Gizzie Age: 23 Course: Biomedical Science The benefits of joining a sport: I was an active member of Climbing as secretary of the club. I really enjoyed helping run the club and I knew that what I wanted to achieve this year was to help improve all clubs. Through the year I hope to increase participation through increasing diversity and making sport more accessible for those with disabilities, giving an increase in communication with clubs, creating a better link between sports and societies and overall provide an increased support for the UWESU students. Email: Facebook: Twitter: @NinaGizzie

SpORTS OFFICER name: Miki Age: 22 Course: Mathematics. How I got involved: I am a massive fan of so many sports, I thought it would be a great adventure for me. Email: Facebook: Miki UWE Sports Officer

Intro to full Sport Exec: VpSports: Chair - nina gizzie (Badminton and Climbing) Email: Twitter: Facebook: Blog: Sports Officer: Vice Chair - Miki Parr (Quidditch) Competitions Officer: Chris White (Cheerleading) Events Officer: Sonia Mahdjoubi media and Communications Officer: Tara Kaliszewski Campaigns Officer: Position Vacant Combat Sports Officer: Emma Chester

9 Sporting Achievements 2011-12 BUCS National Rankings 2012 - 30th out of 52 Universities Participating (Woo! go UWE) Sports Club Achievements: polo: American Football: Athletics: Badminton: Football: Fencing: Hockey: netball: Rugby league: Rugby Union men: Rugby Union Women: Snowsports: Squash: Tennis: Trampoline: Windsurf:

Novice 1A British University Champions Varsity winners and Conference Champions for the 4th year running Men’s 110m Hurdles Gold | World Indoor Championships Men’s 110m Hurdles 4th place | Women’s 3000m Bronze | Women’s Discus Silver Women 1st team Div 2 R/up & Conference Cup Finalists Women 1st team Div 2 R/up | Men’s 2nd team Div 3 R/up Men’s 1st team League Champions | Men’s 1st Team Trophy R/up | Men’s Individual Foil Silver | Men’s 1st team Premier League Promotion Men’s 1st team Div 1 R/up & Premier League Play off place 1st team Div 1 Champions & Premier League Play-off place | 2nd team Div 3 Champions | 3rd team Div 4 R/up 1st team Div 1 League Champions Men’s Team Trophy Finalists 1st Team Trophy Semi-Finalists Men’s Individual Gold [Snowboard Giant Slalom] Men’s Individual Gold, Silver & Bronze | Men’s Team Gold | Men’s 1st Team Div 1 Champions | Men’s 2nd team Div 2 Champions Men’s 2nd team Div 3 Champions Men’s Individual Gold | Men’s Team Gold Individual Gold and Bronze Medal

This year American Football has become a BUCS sport

Varsity Varsity series made £3,689 for the chosen charity L’dub The l’Dub BmX club has been set up to offer local young people the opportunity to take part in this fun & exciting sport by offering the young people coaching every Friday night through the summer along with loan & use of equipment such as bikes, helmets & other safety equipment.

Photo by Rachel Seed

Join In name: Khalid Aideed Course: Architecture and Planning The benefits of joining a sport: Many say that joining a sports club means that you have to make compromises with your studies. But this is partially invalid as being part of the Athletics club, means that you will increase your stamina strength and endurance. This was a massive benefit in persevering through my highly demanding course, as well as maintaining a positive outlook. Another factor is having great fun in competitions with all my team mates, which really increased my morale and my motivation; an encouraging asset for my course as well as for athletics.

Join In name: Nathalie Le Cuirot Degree and year of study: LLB Law Year 2 How I got involved in Sport at UWE: I originally joined swimming to get back into the sport after being out for two years. It was a fresh start and I found many swimmers were in the same boat. Swimming is a fantastic way to keep fit and make new friends. It’s a great sport for all!


Societies & Communications An extended social group for activities, interests, courses and political or economic organisations.

Bristol Architecture Society

list of Societies Anime Bristol Architecture Bar School Conservative Future Darts Drama Society Engineering EWB [Engineers without Borders] Film Free palestine Forensic Science History Hub Radio labour lABS [land & Animal Biology] law Society linguistics live music marketing medical Science midwifery paintball pole Fitness pAIRS [politics & International Relations Society] psi - phi Robotics Roleplay SAgUWE [Scouts & guides] SIFE [Students in Free Enterprise] Socialist Worker Student Society [UWE SWSS] Trading Cards Trading and Investment [UWETIS] Urban UWE Tube Wargames

Drama/History To kick off the exciting year of trips and activities ahead, Drama Society and History Society are pleased to announce our jointsociety trip to Shakespeare’s Globe in London. We will be taking 40 students – including Freshers – to see Richard III at this renowned theatre on Saturday 6th October – at a discounted price! The trip also includes a visit to the British Museum, making this an entertaining and cultured day out! Winners of the ‘Society of the Year’ Award 2012, Drama Society offer continuous and inclusive activities to everyone who wants to be involved. In the last year, the society has performed in new theatre venues in Bristol, put together charity performances and worked with local schools and hospitals to create volunteering opportunities for UWE students. On top of that Drama Society run weekly workshops in performance and creative writing, as well as hosting some wicked socials! The History Society has been around a very long time and has after a year of tame activity risen like a phoenix from the ashes with a new committee brimming with ideas and energy. We have planned some fantastic social events; there are trips to places of historical interest, museums and even Berlin! We will be working hard to ensure our members have a plethora of fun in our society that welcomes everyone. The Globe trip is part of a collaborative effort to connect with other societies through our common interests and to create a memorable experience for everyone involved.

VICE pRESIDEnT SOCIETIES AnD COmmUnICATIOn name: Annabelle Turner Course: LLB Law Graduate How I got involved: I saw the SU positions advertised in Red Bar and viewed it as a perfect opportunity and the best thing to do following my graduation. I am always looking for a challenge and after talking to previous presidents, I knew this was what I wanted to do. plans for next year: I intend to increase student participation within Sports and Societies at UWE and to work alongside all the committees to ensure financial stability and high achievements across all societies. I hope to develop stronger links with the local media in order to promote the achievements of students here, whilst increasing the audience of our internal media outlets. Email: Facebook: Twitter: vpannabelle

SOCIETIES AnD COmmUnICATIOnS OFFICER name: Lydia Dismore Course: Psychology and Criminology How I got involved: After being on the committee for Raise and Give last year, I understand how much you gain from activities alongside your studies, and also how much fun is to be had! I look forward to meeting you all, and can’t wait for the amazing events and opportunities coming up in the year ahead! plans for next year: To maximise promotion of societies through Freshers’ Week, social networking, society notice boards and media. To increase fundraising efforts and seek sponsors for societies to increase self-sufficiency, and to assist in the development of a Societies Night and getting societies involved during Varsity. Email:

11 Pole Fitness

Join In

UWE Pole Fitness was launched in 2009 and became instantly loved by UWE students, who attended weekly classes to improve their skills and fitness. The society works in conjunction with Bristol’s Spin City, where the experienced instructors create a great atmosphere to get fit whilst building strength and flexibility. The society’s main achievement and claim to fame is former president, Bendy Kate, and her appearance in the semi-finals of Got to Dance 2012. As the largest society for two years running, Pole Fitness has held many Pole Jams, trips and events along with having participated in competitions across the country. The Pole Fitness Society always

name: Amie McCabe Course: Architecture How I got involved: Last year’s committee held an interesting lecture series, which ran throughout the first year of my course. It got me interested in BARK (Bristol Architecture) and I was inspired by the way the society got involved in the school of architecture and provided opportunities for students to gain more experiences outside of their studies. The benefits: I’ve become more involved with the architecture school and also with local architects and people with similar interests. The society allows the entire school to be united and for interaction with the other years and courses. The connections I have already made through the society secured me a fantastic job with an architecture firm over the summer. Email:

aims to make every student who joins, feel part of a group. With the help of the instructors and committee, members can enjoy learning new skills and attend regular social events. This year the Pole Society will continue to change people’s negative perceptions of pole dancing and will hold events raising money for charities, which work to help and inspire people who have a disability to take part in activities.

Student Media UWESU Student Media provides the perfect communication channel if you have an ambition to pursue a career in the media – or if you simply just want to try something new and exciting. Student Media encompasses Hub Radio, the UWESU website and the student newspaper – the WesternEye.

WesternEye Making your voice heard at university is vitally important. If there are issues, which you feel are unresolved, then don’t sit back and let the world pass you by – how is that going to make a difference? The independent student newspaper, the WesternEye, provides a vast array of fantastic opportunities, from putting pen to paper and producing some thoroughly exciting and ground-breaking news stories, to catching some truly pivotal moments on camera. The WesternEye is distributed across all campuses every month, with new content available daily on our website ( The paper covers all issues relevant to the University and Students’ Union,

Join In name: Charlotte (Charlie) Findlay Course: Information Technology Management for Business How I got involved in SIFE: Students in Free Enterprise first caught my attention at the Freshers’ Fair last year – it stood out from all the other societies. I saw the potential to combine the skills I would learn on my course, to make a difference in the wider community and have a lot of fun whilst doing it! The benefits: In my first year I took up the role of Marketing Director. I had such a great year in my role and it’s really boosted my confidence in my abilities – this year I’m taking on the role of Vice-President! SIFE works with leaders in business and Higher Education to empower students to make a difference in their communities. It also looks great on the CV! Facebook: Twitter: Email:

Hub Radio whilst also providing insight into the latest news, sport, science, entertainment and all you need to know about what’s on in Bristol. If you would like to get involved then you can contact us via email, Facebook, Twitter or in person at our office on the 5th floor of the Students’ Union building at Frenchay campus.

M 9A 144

join in & tune in

online at:

Hub Radio is the place for anyone with an interest in music, DJing and broadcasting. The station has much to offer, from doing your own show, to getting involved with running events and promoting the station – it will be guaranteed to enhance your student experience further than the eye can see! Website: Email: Facebook: Want to listen in? Just go to to find the show for you.


Volunteering University is the perfect time to get involved in volunteering – you can have a go at activities you’ve never tried before, make friends and even find yourself volunteering abroad for internationally recognised charities! Skills developed through volunteering, such as leadership, project planning, time management, organisation and communication skills, can also help you to stand out to future employers – something which is increasingly important in today’s job market. Here at UWESU, we’d like to help you make the most of your time at UWE; if you’re interested in any volunteering opportunities, or have any ideas for a project or event you’re interested in, get in touch or pop up to see your Volunteer Support Officer in the Community and Representation office on 5th Floor, F Block. See you at the Freshers' Fair!

Fundraising Are you interested in fundraising for local, national or even international charities? Or do you have a project you would like to pursue, but lack the funds? UWESU Volunteering can help you to get your fundraising efforts started by providing advice, ideas, equipment (such as collection tins), contacts, and help with any permits you may require. Planning your fundraising with UWESU Volunteering will ensure that your fundraising will be safe, effective and reach the maximum number of donors possible. We look forward to helping you raise money for a good cause.

Student Led Projects If you have any ideas for a community project, UWESU Volunteering would love to hear from you! From after-school clubs to skill-swap sessions, talent contests to mass break dancing contests, UWESU is here to help make your ideas a reality. Past projects have included after school clubs in local primary schools for Drama, a sports fun day for Comic Relief, projects for World AIDS Day and Breast Cancer charities, and a Self Defence week on campus. Whether you’re an individual or part of a society, UWESU can offer you… • Support and guidance on your project ideas • Up to £100 to help kick-start your project, as well as advice on other grants or funds you could look into • Training and development opportunities • Help making the necessary contacts in the community • The opportunity to meet new people and other volunteers • Accreditation, personal development and a chance to develop skills in leadership and project management Initiating and running a project of your own is an exciting way to make a real difference, and looks fantastic on your CV. If you have an idea (even a vague one) for a project, come and see us in the Community and Representation office on the 5th Floor, F Block and we’ll see if we can make it happen!

If you’re interested in Volunteering: Contact Siobhan Joliffe – Volunteer Support Officer, 0117 32 81665,, or drop into the Community and Representation office on 5th Floor, F Block.

13 East African Playgrounds looking for an exciting adventure for next summer? look no further. UWESU is working in partnership with East African playgrounds (EAp) to offer you the opportunity to take part in an international volunteering project. This summer, I went to Uganda and volunteered with East African Playgrounds – a charity focused on providing play and sports initiatives for children in rural areas. The project lasts one month and is spent building a playground for a local school, as well as aiding coaches in setting up sustainable sports programmes in the local community. When we arrived at our host school, the greeting was humbling. Children ran alongside our minivan screaming with excitement at our arrival. As soon as we stepped out of the vehicle, we were swamped with ecstatic kids wanting to meet us. For these children resources

are at a premium and a child’s right to play is unfortunately not a priority. You can see how much building a playground and sports facilities at no cost to the community, means to them. When we started building, we were aided by a team of excellent Ugandan builders. Watching the quick progress of the playground is extremely rewarding. The children's participation was awesome and fills you with confidence that the playground will be sustained long after you’re gone. On the weekends, you’re given the chance to explore the corners of Uganda – there’s so much to do. Whether you’re unwinding on the white sandy


beaches of Ssese Islands or taking a leisurely stroll through the market stalls, there is more than enough to keep you busy. For the more adventurous, there’s white water rafting or bungee jumping over the River Nile – most certainly not for the faint hearted! The charity also encourages volunteers to return as group leaders the following year. The group leaders are the first point of contact throughout the project, offering friendship as well as help co-ordinating. The founders of the charity, Tom and Carla, are always on hand as well; from greeting you at the airport and regularly visiting the project, to dealing with any


Jailbreak Amsterdam Jailbreak is a challenge charity Last year, we organised a trip to hitchhike where a group of Amsterdam for UWE students. ‘inmates’ (students) plan their Everyone who went on the trip route of escape from prison came back with a wealth of (UWE). You need to get as far stories, pictures and hilarious away from the University as videos from their wild trip. For I’m Safiyyah, your RAG possible within 36 hours... with every person that went on this President. no money. How far you go will trip, £6 went into our charity RAG is a team of students that be down to your wondrous skills pot. organise fun events alongside of persuasion and charm. their degree in order to Charlie and the chocolate factory fundraise for four to six national Bar Crawl Transforming Red Bar into a and international charities. Bar crawls give you a perfect sweet scented, chocolately RAG sends you on wild opportunity to meet new people, charged, sugar-coated haven, adventures abroad, fun-filled whilst visiting the best student RAG puts on the epitome of bar crawls around Bristol, and bars and experiencing an epic all cake sales! Feast upon the food eating competitions – night out in one of Bristol’s delectable spread of cakes and that’s not even half of it! clubs. an assortment of pick ‘n’ mix We have a diverse group sweets whilst the Willy Wonka of students that are currently soundtrack plays and the forming our RAG team. We are chocolate fountain flows! always on the look-out for new How to get involved: Come and meet us at the Freshers' Fair! Leave us your email ‘Raggies’ to get stuck in. If this sounds like something that’s up address and you’ll be one of the first to know about our events. Facebook: your street email: Twitter: @uwesurag

concerns and getting involved in the regular group games – it really makes you feel part of the EAP family. Everybody you meet from the local community is so friendly and welcoming; it really is an incredible opportunity to experience Ugandan culture. As a student at UWE, I have met so many people who have wanted these experiences, but have not done anything about it. This is an opportunity I grabbed with both hands and I can’t wait to return next summer! By Declan D’Arcy and Torquil Scobie – Students at UWE

Join In

name: Caroline Clements Course: Law and Criminolgy How I got involved with RAg: I knew about the great work RAG does and the charities they support through my friend. I felt being a part of RAG would be a great way to meet new people and to get involved with the university, whilst helping local charities. plans for next year: To get more people involved and raise awareness of RAG. Email:


FRESHERS’ WEEk DAy EVEnT gUIDE WATCH & TRy IT Come along and watch, then try, any of the UWESU Sports & Societies completely free of charge

Freshers' Fair UWESU proudly plays host to the UK’s largest annual Freshers’ Fair on Friday 21st September. Packed with around 200 various stalls – each adding to the essence of student life at UWE – there promises to be something for everyone! This annual event encompasses all aspects of student life in Bristol, and provides opportunities to try new things and meet new people – it’s a fantastic place to kick-start your time at university and to have a glance at what wonderful prospects there are for you to grasp hold of. Be sure that you check out the commercial stands – they’re armed with a multitude of freebies and giveaways, and they’re all vying for your attention. These will be set alongside UWESU’s own sports clubs, networks and societies, giving you a chance to meet the members, jot your name down and become involved! This year promises to be the biggest and best fair yet with one central event planned on Frenchay campus. If you miss it you’ll most definitely be missing out!


sunday 16TH SEpTEmBER

monday 17TH SEpTEmBER

Aerobics Studio Available for students: 12pm-3pm Classical Dance 3pm-4pm Hip Hop and Breaking Dancing 4pm-5pm

Sports Hall 1 Trampoline Taekwondo Fencing Jiu Jitsu Cheerleading

Sports Hall 1 Trampoline 12pm-2pm Taekwondo 2pm-3pm Cheerleading and Kickboxing: 3pm-5pm Box Circuits 6pm-6:45pm

Squash Courts Available for students: 1:40pm-7pm

Aerobics Studio Available for students: 1pm-3pm Classical Dance 3pm-4pm Hip Hop and Breakdancing 4pm-5pm

Astro Turf Football 12pm-12:30pm American Football 12:30pm-1:30pm Hockey 1:30pm-5pm Climbing Wall Climbing Outside Escape Paintball

Squash Courts Available for students: 1:40pm-7pm Squash 2pm-5pm

Sports Hall 2 Netball 12pm-2pm Available for students: 2pm-3pm Badminton 3pm-5pm Aerobics Studio Body Sculpt* 12pm-1pm Available for students: 1pm-5pm Studio Dance* 7:15pm-8pm

2pm-5pm 2pm-4pm


Ideal for international students


Sports Hall 1 Basketball 1pm-2pm Taekwondo 2pm-3pm Fencing and Kickboxing 3pm-4pm Dance 4pm-5pm Badminton 6:30pm-7:30pm Climbing Wall Climbing

12pm-2pm 12pm-2pm 2pm-4pm 2pm-4pm 4pm-5pm


Astro Turf Hockey 12pm-2:30pm Cricket 2:30pm-3:30pm Lacrosse 3:30pm-4:30pm Women’s Football 4:30pm-5pm Climbing Wall Climbing 2pm-5pm Outside Escape Pole Fitness

Squash Courts Available for students: 1:30pm-5:30pm Astro Turf Hockey (WATCH IT) 12pm-1pm, 2pm-3pm & 4pm-5pm American Football 1pm-2pm Rugby Men, 3pm-3:30pm Rugby Women, 3:30pm-4pm


All available slots in the sports hall or squash courts can be used free of charge by students. Please book a slot and state what sport you would like to play at the Centre for Sport reception on 0117 32 86200 or just turn up. This is for 15th-20th September only.

15 UWESU and the UWE Centre for Sport have teamed up to offer you the opportunity to watch sports, then try them before paying any membership, allowing you to take part in them for the rest of the year.

watch & try it Come along and watch, then try, any of the UWESU Sports & Societies completely free of charge

Our societies will be offering a range of workshops, film screenings, masterclasses and ‘meet and greet’ sessions, enabling you to meet the committees and give things a try. Come along and join in! It’s the only way to get the most out of your student experience!

Tuesday 18th september

Wednesday 19th thursday 20th september september

Throughout the week

Sports Hall 1 Nike Circuits 12pm-1pm Kickboxing 1pm-2pm Available for students: 4pm-5pm Taekwondo 2pm-3pm Ultimate Frisbee 3pm-4pm

Sports Hall 1 Basketball Taekwondo Ultimate Frisbee Cheerleading

12pm-2pm 2pm-3pm 3pm-4pm 4pm-5pm

The following groups will be holding intro sessions during freshers week. Time and locations to be Confirmed.

Sports Hall 2 Netball Jiu Jitsu Badminton

12pm-2pm 2pm-3pm 3pm-5pm

Sports Hall 2 Available for students: 1pm-3pm Badminton 3pm-5pm Aerobics Studio Available for students: 1pm-5pm Body Conditioning* 7:30pm-8:30pm Squash Courts Available for students: 1:30pm-5:30pm Squash 3pm-5:30pm Astro Turf Hockey (WATCH IT) 2pm-2:30pm & 3:30pm-5pm Lacrosse 2:30pm-3:30pm Climbing Wall Climbing, Red Bar Darts

Squash Courts Available for students: 1:30pm-5:30pm Squash 3pm-5:30pm Astro Turf Hockey 12pm-1pm & 3pm-5pm Men’s Football 1pm-2pm Rugby League 2pm-3pm

12pm-5pm 1pm-4pm

1pm-2pm 2pm-3pm 3pm-4pm 4pm-5pm 5:30pm-6:25pm


Aerobics Studio Spin* 12pm-1pm Available for students: 1pm-3pm Classical Dance 3pm-4pm Hip Hop and Breakdancing 4pm-5pm Body Blitz* 6pm-7pm

Red Bar School

Sports Hall 1 Kickboxing Fencing Taekwondo Badminton Zumba

Bar 1pm-4pm

Sports Hall 2 Circuits Basketball Trampoline

12pm-1pm 1pm-3pm 3pm-5pm

Aerobics Studio Available for students: 12pm-5pm Mixed Ability Pilates* 8pm-9pm

EWB Film History Linguistics Marketing

Squash Courts Available for students: 1:30pm-5:30pm Squash 3pm-5:30pm Astro Turf Hockey (WATCH IT) 12pm-1pm & Athletics Cricket Women’s Football Climbing Wall Climbing Red Bar Darts

PAIRS Pole Fitness Robotics Society

2pm-3pm 1pm-2pm 4pm-5pm 5pm-6pm

12pm-5pm 1pm-4pm

*places are limited. Sessions need to be booked through Reception on 0117 32 86200


Fancy some social sport outside of the Students’ Union clubs?

DO IT Freshers’ Fair, Friday 21st September, ECC, 11am-4pm Be sure to check out all the sports & societies stalls at the fair to pay your membership which will allow you to take part in them for the rest of the year! uwesocialsportandedge UWE_SPORTS_DEV


17 Your Essential Freshers’ 2012 Checklist Join us online (see left) Buy your Freshers tickets - pg. 21 Buy a membership card (see left) Join a Sport, Society or Network - pg 6-11 Join us at Freshers’ Fair (see insert) Join in with social media (see left) Join Jobshop - pg 30 Meet the presidents online (








freshers’ week event preview

It’s that time of year again where Freshers’ Week is on everyone’s lips. And rightly so! It’s a pivotal time in a student’s life where they begin to test out new ground, whilst meeting an array of new-found friends – university is an exhilarating adventure, and it’s just about to begin for all of you. Whilst Freshers’ Week is synonymous with students attempting to drink their body weight in cider (we don’t advise you try this!), it’s essentially about you finding your feet. UWE Students’ Union hosts a week of informative events, fun-filled activities and entertainment that’ll be sure to blow your mind! Gracing the stage with an extended set at UWESU's Allstars party will be Ghanian grime and hip hop artist, Tinchy Stryder. Stepping out of the shadows of Roll Deep, Tinchy has gone on to collaborate with popular artists such as N Dubz and Amelie, producing chart topping tunes such as Take Me Back, Never

Leave You and Number 1. Tinchy will be raising the roof along with British dubstep DJ and producer, Jakwob. Breaking onto the scene in 2009 after his eclectic remix of Ellie Golding's Starry Eyed, Jakwob's DJ sets have resonated throughout the dubstep music scene, honouring Bristol's venues with his presence on a number of occasions. Sam and the Womp – the British eight piece music group, whose single “Bom Bom" has recently monopolised the number one spot in the UK Singles Chart – will also be causing a scene, mixing Jamaican ska and Balkan music with funky electronic beats (The “Womp” dance is compulsory!). With the celebrated re-emergence of drum and bass, the Allstars party promises to bring you a few of the genre's most renowned artists. If the mention of Shy FX and Breakage isn't enough to get pulses

racing, tearing up the stage will be the hugely respected drum and bass legends, Drumsound and Bassline, appreciated for bangers such as Odyssey and the most recent, Through The Night. Major Look – a newly founded collaboration from the bass music duo, Crystal Clear and Stapleton – will also be turning heads as they promise to 'push bass music further into the limelight'. Also making an appearance throughout the week will be Radio One's heartthrob DJ, Greg James, who will be busting out some ultimate floor-fillers (hopefully in fancy dress!) at the Where's Wally vs Smurfs party. Dirty Infusion will proudly be playing host to the old school UK garage duo, DJ Luck and MC Neat, whilst Channel 4's Ollie and Louise from Made In Chelsea will be getting cosy at the O2 Academy for the Freshers' Pyjama Party.

Your Freshers Week City Centre Venues Throughout the year – including Freshers’ Week – many of our main events are held at a variety of Bristol’s unique and lively nightclubs in the City Centre, giving you the ultimate night out possible! Frenchay


4 Clifton Triangle


Park Street


1 Fountains



Cabot Circus

Eton & Jongleurs: Located on Baldwin Street, Eton is home to the famous Jongleurs comedy club, as well as half price drinks for UWE students. Boasting a mouth-watering cocktail menu, this venue is ideal for winding-down or partying until the early hours!



Thekla: Have you ever partied on a


02 Academy: This centrally located

stationary boat before? If not, then all aboard Bristol’s most unique venue. Centrally located, Thekla’s eclectic vibe provides an experience like no other.

venue is the place to be for live performances from popular bands and DJs. If Indie and Alternative music whets your appetite, Ramshackle on a Friday night is not to be missed.


The Bunker: Situated in the heart

of the Clifton Triangle, this bustling underground nightclub is renowned for its assorted mix of music, cheap drinks and buzzing vibe.

Syndicate: Experience Syndicate – Bristol’s superclub – in its full glory on a Wednesday night. From indie to house, hip-hop to festival rock, Syndicate will be sure to play something that’ll tickle your taste buds! It will also be hosting the epic Sports and Societies Night this year.



Basement 45: At the bottom of

Park Street you’ll discover a venue that offers a quality underground music scene that’s diverse and atmospheric. Guest DJs have included Shrillex, Benga and Skream.


freshers’ week night event guide


Some events will have limited tickets available at the door at inflated prices.

warm up events thursday 13th sept.

Preview Party At Escape, Frenchay, Free Entry, 9pm

fRIDAY 14th Sept.

White T-Shirt Party At RedBar, Frenchay, Free Entry, 9pm Glenside’s White T-Shirt Party, 7pm

SATURday 15th Sept. MAIN EVENT:


There’s a party... and you’re well and truly welcome! A brilliant opportunity to show UWE who’s got the moves!

Frenchay, Free Entry, 9pm

Also on....

St Matt’s Welcome Weekend, 7pm Glenside’s Welcome Weekend Party, 7pm

Sunday 16th Sept. MAIN EVENT:


Jungle party theme The city centre’s first major event – it’s not one to be missed!

At Bunker (City Centre), £5 Tickets, 9pm

monday 17th Sept. MAIN EVENT:

Wednesday 19th SepT. MAIN EVENT:

Friday 21st Sept. MAIN EVENT:

Ft Made In Chelsea

Half Moon Beach Party

(Best Bass Mashup)

pyjama party

Jan Cha Ra

Don the jarmies and slippers, and join the cast of Made in Chelsea for a super night, darling!

Generally a Thai tradition to celebrate the moon - expect all the latest dance and floor-filling tunes at Jan Cha Ra!

02 Academy, £6 Tickets, 9pm

At RedBar, Frenchay, £5 Tickets, 9pm

Also on...

Dirtee Infusion Ft DJ Luck & MC Neat (Garage & Grime) At Bunker (City Centre), £5 Tickets, 9pm Etiquette Ft Distance (DnB & Dub-Step) At Basement 45 (City Centre), £6 Tickets, 9pm Bower Ashton presents their welcome party, ‘The Big Top’ (Circus theme) At Jongleurs (City Centre), £6Tickets, 9pm St Matt’s Lock and Key Party, 7pm Glenside’s Beach Party, 7pm

Also on...

Tuesday 18 Sept. MAIN EVENT:

Ft Lethal Bizzle (Urban Night)


where’s wally vs smurfs Ft Greg James

Join us for the ultimate fancy dress extravaganza – whether you come as a Smurf or not... you won’t leave feeling blue!

Cat Face: Boat Party (Alt Funky Throwdown) At Thekla (City Centre), £5 Tickets, 9pm Jongleurs Comedy Night At Jongleurs (City Centre), £6 Tickets, 7pm Bower Ashton’s Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr at Mr Wolfs (City Centre), Free Entry, 8pm St Matt’s Quiz Night, 7pm Glenside’s famous PJ pub crawl, £6 Tickets, 6pm

Thursday 20th Sept. MAIN EVENT:

Urbz N Spice


One of the most popular events during Freshers’ Week - it sees a tidal wave of students attending every year!

At Jongleurs (City Centre), £6 Tickets, 9pm

Also on...

One Fifty Fridays, at RedBar, Frenchay, £1.50 St Matt’s Casino Royale Night, 7pm Glenside’s £1.50 Friday, 7pm

Saturday 22nd sept.


Allstars (Dance, Urban and Commercial) Bristol’s biggest student event of the year and your main Freshers event! See overleaf for full details. At Frenchay, £25 Tickets, 8pm

Lethal Bizzle will be putting some ‘pow’ into a night of urban tunes and spicy grooves.

At 02 Academy (City Centre), £6 Tickets, 9pm

At Syndicate (City Centre), £6 Tickets, 9pm

Also on....

Also on...

Sunday Chillout (Acoustic) At RedBar, Frenchay, Free Entry, 9pm St Matt’s Welcome Weekend, 7pm Glenside’s Toga Party, 7pm

Also on....

Tuesday Lock In (Pop & Indie Anthems), At RedBar & Escape, Frenchay, £4 Tickets, 9pm St Matt’s Open Mic Night, 7pmGlenside’s Karaoke Night, 8pm

Gen-X (Rock Music) At RedBar, Frenchay, £4 Tickets, 9pm Bower Ashton’s £1.50 Thursday, 4pm St Matt’s Bristol Acoustic Night, 7pm Glenside’s Pub Quiz Night, £1pp, 7:30pm

for the latest info:


Check out opposite for how to find your city centre venues.


your Students' Union Bars Escape

Whether it’s a pre-lecture bacon butty you’re after or a nice, chilled pint after a hard day’s work, UWESU’s bars are open throughout the day to supply you with fabulous food (there are healthy options too) and thirst-quenching beverages. Hot drinks are also on tap to warm your cockles over the winter months, and to give you that much needed caffeine fix when the night before catches up on you! Every campus has its own bar, each offering a unique and vibrant atmosphere, as well as delectable delights and comfortable seating. When night-time begins to fall over Bristol, the bars host a wide variety of evening events that will keep you entertained until the early hours. From themed nights and quizzes, to DJ sets and live music, you can enjoy a fun-filled evening right at your door step (if you’re living on campus that is!). Be sure to also keep your eyes peeled for the ‘Lock-In’ events on each campus - it’s the best value night out in Bristol with drink deals that cannot be beaten! Search ‘Events at UWE’ on Facebook for all the latest events.

Located on Frenchay Campus, Escape Bar provides an all year round buzz, and a great meeting point for students to enjoy a drink or a meal together in between or after lectures. During the summer months (and when the sun is shining of course!), Escape’s patio becomes a hub for post-exam drinks and end-of-year celebrations. During the chillier season, the inviting tavern-style interior makes it an ideal place to watch sports on the big screen, as well as enjoying other facilities such as free WiFi, a pool table and juke box, and a wide variety of entertaining nights on offer.


Also situated on Frenchay Campus, directly above Escape, is Red Bar – a bright and airy hang-out area that accommodates for both the avid party-goer and the daytime dweller. From pizza and pasta, to wraps and burgers, Red Bar serves up some really scrumptious treats during the day, which you can enjoy in the comfort of its cosy seating area. As the sun goes down, Red Bar really comes alive with its assortment of evening events. Throw some serious shapes on the expansive dance floor, whilst listening to your favourite tunes blasting out of Red Bar’s exceptional sound system.


The Students’ Union bar on Glenside Campus places a huge emphasis on fun! There are organised events aplenty to keep things interesting, with a range of decent food and drinks on offer to keep students fully fuelled throughout the day. Whilst the days are often peaceful and quiet, the bar flourishes in the evenings, where students from the Campus’ halls of residences and surrounding areas flock to enjoy the energetic vibe Glenside presents.



Black History month: October mental Health Awareness: October lesbian, gay, Bisexual and Transgender month: November

last Orders: 7th December, 5th April and 24th May. At the end of each term the bars reduce all their drinks, making it a perfect opportunity to socialise and reflect on the term.

national Demo Debate: 25th October nUS national Demonstration: 21st November 2012 Elections Season: January-March. Shape your Students’ Union by standing (January) or voting (March) in the annual elections. RAg Week: Always an entertaining week of fundraising! Join in and raise money for a good cause. Varsity Season: Throughout spring, UWE take on the University of Bristol in over 20 sports; a perfect opportunity to embrace the rivalry!

St matt's

The quirky and eclectic vibe that the St Matts’ bar prides itself in makes it a treasured amenity with all students who study on campus. Not only is the food satisfyingly cheap and cheerful, but the atmosphere is extremely sociable and relaxed. Home to students studying the likes of politics, drama and history, philosophical debates and conversations are aplenty in St Matt's bar. Evening entertainment includes quiz nights, fancy dress occasions and a host of other events right at the heart of the campus.

Awards Season: Whatever your involvement in UWESU, the awards nights are a great way to celebrate the year’s successes. Beer Festival: 3rd May 2013. Enjoy a beer or two at the annual Beer Festival – it’s one of UWE’s biggest events with live entertainment.


UWE Summer Ball 2013: Celebrate the end of the academic year in style at the UWE Summer Ball.

photo: Bristol UWE

With Bower Ashton being home to the creative, artistic student, the decorative bar is a hub for individuals dressed in effervescent outfits, unwinding amid the relaxing tone of the bar’s eclectic music selection. Bower Ashton’s bar not only dishes up a variety of food and drink, but it also hands to you on a plate an upbeat atmosphere come evening time. The bar plays host to live bands, DJs and film screenings, amongst other exciting events.



For full details on UWE Students’ Union events across all campuses visit COCkTAIl nIgHT:

mOnDAyS 241 cocktails all night from 8pm in escape

TUESDAyS In Escape from 5pm and then from 10pm in Red with DJ Ali. Drinks offers: Bottles from £1.20. Spirits from £1 (plus mixer). Carlsberg/gaymers pints £1.20. Soft Drinks from £1




great food deals at UWE’s home of live sport


OpEn mIC nIgHT:

Come down and have a sing song in Escape

FRIDAyS friday kARAOkE:

£1.50 EnTRAnCE: All DRInkS £1.50 WEEkly THEmED nIgHTS


SATURDAyS Come down and get that frog out of your throat and sing along in Escape

QUIz & pOOl nIgHT:

SUnDAyS Two contests, loads of prizes, from 8pm in escape

Eton on Baldwin Street is UWESU’s partner in the city centre. know your limits, for the facts go to:




5AM 7 DAYS A WEEK Whiteladies store only

119 Whiteladies Road, Clifton, BS8 2PL

(0117) 97 33 400 Opening hours: 10am - 5am, 7 days a week Collection Sun - Thurs 1am, Fri & Sat 2am

439 Gloucester Road, Horfield, BS7 8TZ

(0117) 95 12 777

Opening hours: 10am - Late, 7 days a week

27 Advice Centre Got a question, worry or problem? Come and talk to one of the friendly advisers at the Students’ Union Advice Centre. We offer independent (we’re not part of UWE), non-judgemental, confidential advice and support to students via phone, email or our drop-in/appointment service. We can help you with UWE’s procedures and academic regulations, other UWE and course related questions, housing problems, employment issues, and money worries: Have you handed in your coursework late? We can go through the implications with you. Are you not sure if your housing contract is fair? Come and bring it in for us to look at.

Are you unhappy with your course? We can talk you through your options. Are you being harassed by your landlord? We can tell you what your rights are and what steps you might want to take. Have you been asked to attend a meeting with your UWE accommodation manager? We can advise you and accompany you to the meeting. Have you been unfairly dismissed by your employer? We can help advise you about your rights.

Have you been notified of an assessment offence and don’t know what to do? We can support you through the assessment offence procedure, advise you about your next steps and accompany you to any meetings. Do you need some help but don’t know where to go? Come and talk to us and even if we aren’t the right people to help, we’ll try and find you someone who can.

You can find us on Frenchay Campus on 2F patio (outside Red Bar) Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm. We are also based in the SU office at Glenside on Mondays 9.30am to 3.30pm (term time only) and Bower Ashton’s SU office, 10am to 4pm on Tuesdays (term time only). You can drop in, make an appointment, email or phone us. 0117 32 82676 Also take a look at our website for lots of useful information:

28 Frenchay Campus Officer

Campuses Frenchay Campus Frenchay Campus is the main UWE Campus, being the hub of activity for a large proportion of UWE students. During Freshers’ Week there is a bustle of activity, from the Welcome Party to Allstars – not forgetting the amazing Freshers’ Fair, which showcases the very best of your clubs, societies and networks, as well as local and national businesses. Frenchay Campus is also home to many services, including the Advice Centre and JobShop, Student Reps, Student Networks, Media Centre (home to Hub Radio and the WesternEye) and the Sports and Activities Centre.

Frenchay Campus is also home to Escape and Red Bars, which offer food and drink from breakfast right the way through to dinner time. There are regular theme nights as well as quiz nights, live football and pool tables for students. The Students’ Union shop on Frenchay Campus is an Aladdin’s cave, where you will find the latest newspapers and magazines, as well as clothing, sandwiches and snacks.

St matt’s

St matt’s Campus Officers names: Daisy Cochran & Terri Hammond Course: Drama How we got involved: We both got involved through seeing what previous Campus Officers had achieved and by being active members of the St Matt's community. plans for next year: We want to take part in several campaigns that benefit the campus, including improving the green policy, improving safety, campaigning for improved library services and keeping the students up-to-date on what is going on. Facebook: Twitter: @daisybelle1 @treshammond

This campus will quite literally have you feeling like you’ve turned up at Hogwarts. With its traditional English sunken lawn surrounded by fantastic 19th Century buildings, St Matthias is the ‘Harry Potter’ campus. Small yet perfect, it’s in close proximity to Glenside and Frenchay campuses, as well as the City Centre. The grass pitches not only make St Matts a home turf for UWESU sports clubs, but there are also the drama ‘lovies’, philosophers and politicians. Whether it’s live-music, an openmic night, an existential debate or just a quiet pint – the newly-refurbished bar makes for a vibrant place to hang-out day or night!

Bower Ashton Bower Ashton is the smallest of all UWE’s campuses and located in the south of Bristol. Its intimate, friendly atmosphere make it a campus like no other. It is home to the School of Creative Arts and is an eclectic and colourful community of more than 1600 students and a close network of staff. It is situated on the edge of the beautiful parkland of the Ashton Court Estate and is close to Bristol’s City Centre. The Students’ Union at Bower Ashton provides a bar, a shop and the office allows you to access all the Students’ Union services including the Advice Centre, Job Shop, sports clubs and societies.

name: Umer Sheikh Course: Electrical & Electronics Engineering How I got involved: I always wanted to get involved and try to improve things, so with the help of friends I decided to become a part of the SU. plans for next year: I’d like to raise awareness surrounding what facilities are already available and identify the areas of lapse, to fix these lapses to improve things by going through the Students’ Union, to engage with Halls Reps to increase activities within the Student Village, to voice student opinion for the new SU building to improve the facility for all students.

Bower Bazaar With stalls, hog roast, entertainment and fun. monday 17th sept. 10am-4pm

AlSO On...

Campus Officer needed. See page 3

lost & Found Freshers’ Angels in the bar offering free tea and biscuits and advice on all things Bower Ashton. Tuesday 18th Sept. 10am-3pm.

29 glenside

glenside Campus Officers

Situated between Frenchay and St Matthias within the pleasant grounds of Stapleton, Glenside boasts a beautiful, leafy campus that possesses wondrous architecture and a welcoming atmosphere. Glenside is well known for its sense of community and friendship, with an active student Campus Committee and their Glenside Angels, who play a vital part in putting on an unforgettable Welcome Weekend and Freshers’.

You will find the Glenside bar the friendliest one around; with regular events ranging from quizzes to karaoke nights. The bar is also renowned for its great food, so be sure to try one of the breakfasts or lunchtime specials. The UWESU office at Glenside is for your personal, academic and welfare needs, which also deals with all the clinical uniforms.

names: Rich Bursey & Hollie Glover


gloucester Campus


Although Hartpury is the campus furthest away from UWE’s main campus – Frenchay – it doesn’t mean it’s forgotten! Located close to the Welsh border in Gloucester, Hartpury is home to students studying equine care, animal science, agriculture and land management courses, sports science, food technology and much more. The UWESU office at Hartpury is on the first floor of the Modern Pentathlon Centre. It has an independent advice service, plus access to all

the other SU services such as the Jobshop. Legends Bar is the venue for all of your events. Why not join the Campus Committee to help organise student events or share ideas to improve student life? If you would like to do so, join Hartpury Party Facebook group, or contact Wendy (Wendy., who is our UWESU staff member for Hartpury and she will put you in touch with the Campus Chair.

Hartpury Campus Officer

name: Catherine Mukoyi


gloucester Campus Officer needed. See page 3 for

Hartpury Freshers’ Fair Featuring: clubs & societies, some useful services and local businesses to welcome you to Hartpury as well as the chance to buy UWESU membership cards and hoodies.

Based in the centre of Gloucester in the Alexandra Warehouse of the Gloucester Docks, it is home to students studying Adult Nursing and Mental Health Nursing. You will find the Students’ Union office, which provides independent advice, Student Reps as well as a place to buy your UWESU membership cards and NUS Extra Cards.

Thursday 14th Sept. the Modern Pentathlon Centre next to Legends bar, opens at 11am.

details on how to Join In

30 Jobshop Support & Advice is at the heart of what we do as a Students’ Union, because university life isn’t always easy. We offer free, confidential advice, a job shop, nursery provision and a student friendly lettings agency amongst other services. If you’re wondering how you’re going to finance your way through university, UWESU Job Shop is here to lend a helping hand and assist you with finding a job that will not only fit around your studies, but will give you that little bit of extra muchneeded cash. Job Shop is the number one

place to visit if you are looking for a part-time job. Each week there are new job adverts for you to consider. The best way to get the information, about which jobs are available, is to register for the free weekly email of job adverts. You can do this by visiting: jobshop. By registering for the email you will see the adverts at the earliest possible opportunity. The majority of vacancies advertised are with external employers in Bristol and the local area, but Job Shop also handles all the Students’ Union vacancies in the bars, shop,

office etc... Over the 13 years since Job Shop was set up, they have built up excellent contacts in the Bristol area and over 4000 jobs are advertised each year. All of the job adverts are looking for UWE students in particular. Job Shop covers all types of work from office and admin, to youth and children – they’ll be a job that will suit you. Job Shop is located on the Red Bar patio at Frenchay and you are welcome to call in at any time. If you are based at one of the other campuses, your local SU office will be able to help

with any enquiries. As well as advertising vacancies, Job Shop also offers tips on job hunting, plus advice on your employment rights, tax, National Insurance etc. So don’t forget to register with Job Shop at the earliest opportunity. The sooner you register, the sooner you will be on your way to that all important part-time job. Remember you can register online at jobshop or by calling into Job Shop or your local SU office.



Frenchay Campus Level 5

Level 4

UWESU Reception is for your enquiries about sports, societies, networks and speaking to one of the executive team. We also offer photocopying and binding services as well as selling membership cards.

WesternEye Office

Level 5 UWESU Reception

Level 5

Level 4

Level 4

Level 5

Level 3 Level 2

Level 4

F Block

Buses go to Frenchay from all campuses and the City Centre. From the bus stops simply follow one of the paths up the grassy hill and Students’ Union you will come out at F Block. Entrance studio


Level 3

Level 1

Main Entrance & Bus Stops


Level 2 F Block

Level 1

Main Entrance & Bus Stops


(access to all levels)

Students’ Union Entrance


(access to all levels)

FREnCHAy STUDEnTS’ UnIOn, REDBA R SIDE Community and Representation Office

Support Services (Advice, Lettings, Jobshop)

Sports and Societies Department

Level 5

Level 4

Level 5

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5 Level 3 Student Lettings

Advice Centre


F Block

Level 2


Student Lettings

Level 4

Level 5

uwe students’ union


Level 3

Level 4

Main Entrance & Bus Stops

Level 3 Student Lettings

Advice Centre

Jobshop UWE Reception & Full of Beans

F Block

Level 2

uwe students’ union



Student Lettings

Main Entrance & Bus Stops

UWE Reception & Full of Beans

31 UWESU Shops

Whether you’re after a quick snack in between lectures or a full-blown lunch (the Ginsters meal deal never fails to fill a gap!), the UWESU Shop has a wide variety of delicious foodie delights and drinks that’ll keep you going throughout the day. As well as edible treats, the shop also sells clothes (limited edition hoodies can be brought online today – ideal for staying


warm over the winter months!), stationery, household goods and other student essentials. There is also a huge discount on newspapers – you can purchase the Guardian for 50p and The Times for only 35p! All money that is spent in the shop, as well as the bar, goes directly back into UWESU’s sports, societies and services.

• Ginsters Meal Deal (£3.39) available all year: Sandwich + McCoys crisps + soft drink • Student priced newspapers • Clothing range (including fancy dress!) • Toiletries • Stationery • Household goods • Frozen and hot food • Cold and hot drinks • Tobacco • Alcohol And much more...

The Students’ Union runs a 62-place nursery on Frenchay Campus. Children can attend the nursery on a full or part-time basis. The nursery offers priority to students and staff at UWE. Our aim is to provide a warm, caring environment that will offer a variety of learning opportunities for babies and young children.


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UWESU Student Lettings Make Us Your First Stop For Finding Next Year’s Home

Register Online At:

Call The Team on 0117 32 86600 Or Visit Us On Red Bar Patio, Frenchay Campus Open Monday-Thursday 9-4:45 & Friday 9-4:15

Follow Us For The Latest Information:


UWE Students' Union End of Year Event Saturday May 25th

NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY Open 6 days a week 8am to 8pm on weekdays

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