Westerneye issue 5

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Western Eye 03.14  —  Issue 05











Varsity Pullout Pullout of uwe varsity teams

Oscars Predictions Red Carpet Awaits

Cannibals of Somerset Life of Our Distant Relatives

Anti-Gay Laws Gay Population Still Vicitimised

Continues on pages 15 to 18

Continues on page 13

Continues on pages 21

Continues on page 6


campaigning. The Union Resolves: 1. To ensure that products sold by This Union were neither grown nor produced within state of Israel, nor by the illegal settlements in the west bank.

2. To join the global movement for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) against the state of Israel until it ends the occupation and complies with international law. Proposer: Joud Nassar Seconded: Hannah Bailey

UWESU board of trustees call for referendum on boycotting of Israeli goods. KAYTI MCFADDEN


UWE Students’ Union recently announced a referendum which will take place alongside the 2014 SU officer elections occurring between 7th subject of the referendum is a motion which was passed on Thursday 21st at AGM, a motion proposed by members of the Free Palestine Society which committed UWESU to a boycott of all Israeli goods and to joining an external campaign movement known as Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS). BDS claim to be “a strategy that allows people of conscience to play an effective role in the Palestinian struggle for justice.” The consequences of the motion are far reaching, as many companies invest in Israel and therefore their products could no longer be stocked in the SU shops or used by the SU. This includes products made by Nestlé, Fanta, Kleenex, and even Intel computers. The motion was passed with 84 SU members in favour, and 80 against. The Trustees of UWESU were presented with a petition of over 200 signatures asking for a referendum on the motion, and due to a combination of this and the fact that the vote was so close, decided to call a referendum in order to get a more broad and accurate idea of how UWE students feel about the matter. The referendum question will appear after the candidate voting during elections week. An Open Meeting was held on 27th for the Returning Officer to confirm the exact question which will appear on the ballot paper, to confirm campaign leaders for the Yes and No campaigns, and to confirm the rules and regulations of the referendum. The agent in charge

of the ‘Yes’ campaign is Jude Nassar, and Rachal Shine is agent of the ‘No’ campaign. The exact question which will be upon the ballot papers is: “Do you believe that UWESU should boycott of all goods manufactured or produced within the state of Israel?” February at 4.30pm, the purpose of which was The wording of the original motion, as passed by UWESU members can be found below. The statements contained under ‘The Union Notes’ and ‘The Union Believes’ headings are included in order to provide background information only, the ‘Union Resolves’ statements are the outcomes which were originally agreed upon. Motion: Boycott Divestment and Sanctions

The Union Notes: 1. That the state of Israel is involved in a brutal military occupation of the Palestinian territories. 2. That said occupation is responsible for widespread and ongoing human rights abuses against the local Palestinian population; including the destruction of homes, theft of land and water resources, imprisonment without trial, torture of prisoners, and the contruction of Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land. 3. That this is in violation of international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights & the Charter of the United Nations. Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land have also been declared illegal by the International Court of Justice and the UK government. 4. That, as noted by Nelson Mandela, said occupation reflects

the former apartheid government of South Africa through the daily breach of the human rights of the native Palestinian population. The South African apartheid system was itself brought to an end in part due to an effective boycott campaign. The Union Believes: 1. That the state of Israel should end its occupation of the Palestinian territories and allow the return of Palestinian refugees in accordance with international law. 2. An effective way to support Palestine is through the boycott of Israeli goods, as proved similarly effective in anti-apartheid


Rovers-Sainsburys-UWE: The Dispute Continues... Local residents concerned as Sainsbury’s fight for extended delivery hours at ‘goliath supermarket’ proposed near Gloucester Road GEORGE GILL


Disputes between Sainsbury’s and locals continue over the delivery hours at their proposed supermarket at Bristol Rover’s ground on Filton Avenue, Horfield. Campaigners are furious that Sainsbury’s have recently applied to extend the delivery hours before they have even purchased the site. Sainsbury’s already have permission from Bristol City Council to allow deliveries between the hours of 6am and

11pm, Monday to Saturday, and 9am to 8pm on Sundays and bank holidays. They have applied for these hours to include 5am to midnight, seven days a week, Which will extend the current delivery times by 20 hours a week. The idea of development at Rover’s Memorial Stadium was first put forth in 2005. However, Bristol Rovers had a number of planning permission difficulties. In June 2011, they officially proposed selling up and moving to Frenchay, requiring the purchase of their current groun, by supermarket giant Sainsbury’s

Interestingly, Sainsbury’s has had less difficulty in obtaining approval for the planning of their development from the authorities than Bristol Rovers, with both the mayor, George Ferguson, and national government approving the plans. However, last spring TRASH (Traders & Residents Against Sainsbury’s Horfield) officially served notice to take Bristol City Council to the High Court over the legitimacy of their consultations. Continued on page 4

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