Report on Sustainability and the Environment August 2016 - July 2017
About the University
Policies, Standards and Benchmarks
The University’s Approach
Progress on Academic Development
Progress on Research
Progress in Schools
22. Students’ Union and Fair trade 25. Emissions and Effluents 26. Energy and Utilities 30. Environmental Awareness 32. Occupational Health & Safety 32. Chemicals and Hazardous Substances 33. Paper 34. Sustainable Estate 34. Sustainable Procurement 35. Travel and Transport 37. Waste Management 38. Sustainable Food 38. Future Generations Act 39. Conclusion 39. Focus for 2017/18
AppENdiCES Appendix 1 - Environment and Sustainability Policy Appendix 2 - Environmental Strategy 2017/18 - 2022/23
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FOREWORd Cardiff Metropolitan’s staff, students and stakeholders are committed to working in partnership to establish the University as a leader in education for sustainable development. We want to achieve this goal within an organizational culture that takes a proactive approach to sustainability in relation to all our services as well as in our education, research and innovation. As a global university rooted in Wales, and with a history of practicefocused and professionally oriented education, we have adopted a values-driven approach to maximize our impact. As evidenced in this report, great strides forward have been made in 2017/18 and our new Strategic Plan for 2017/18 to 2022/23 emboldens our commitment to developing and delivering education for sustainable development to provide tangible benefits for individuals, society and the economy. in tandem with improvements to the student experience and our wider working practices, the implementation of our new Plan will further strengthen our ability to deliver against measures of success that have been identified for sustainability and the environment at university level and across the wider higher education sector. The University’s recent ranking as 1st in Wales and 4th in the UK in the People and Planet Green league is testament to the strategic leadership and operational plans that have been implemented successfully across the University. very conscious efforts have been made in relation to our estate, to energy and efficiency, to procurement, food and drink retailing waste management, travel and transport, and to the safe use of potentially hazardous or polluting substances. These efforts have been supported within a university where many of our education programmes and research activities are focused on sustainability and the environment and within a wider policy context in which the University is committed to initiatives ranging from Fair Trade to the Future Generations Act. By working and studying in an organization committed to sustainability and the environment our students will become the next generation of global citizens able to conserve, champion and celebrate the planet we all share. professor Cara Aitchison MA(Hons) pgdRLp CertEd MA phd FLSW FR6S FAcSS FHEA President and Vice-Chancellor and Professor in Geography and Cultural Economy
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ABOuT THE uNivERSiTy We trace our history back to 1865, when the School of Art first opened in the Old Free library in Cardiff. Since we developed into a university, we have remained rooted in Wales while providing practice-focused and professionally oriented education to students from around the globe. Our vision emboldens this commitment to education, research and innovation undertaken in partnership with our students, governments, business and industry and with tangible benefits for individuals, society and the economy. We are committed to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to fulfil their potential to make outstanding graduate-level contributions to their own and future. Our schools specialise in courses that are career orientated and have been designed in conjunction with business and industry. Each school is also heavily involved with research and enterprise activities in their fields and offer thriving study environments. Our academic teams are at the forefront of their fields and are supported in developing their knowledge and skills through the University’s staff review and development scheme. We are a values driven University with creativity, diversity, sustainability and freedom at our core.
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The University’s work on the environment and sustainability is guided by an Environment and Sustainability Policy. This policy was reviewed by the Board of Governors in March 2016 and is attached at Appendix 1
The University participate in the People and Planet league Table. The University will continue to use this league table as a measure of its performance. The latest table was published in november 2017, based on information made public on the University website as well as information collected by the Higher Education Statistics Agency, with an additional audit on some questions.
The University originally achieved iS014001 in March 2012, with a successful transition to the new 2015 standard by an external annual review in December 2017
RESpONSiBiLiTiES The Board of Governors has responsibility for environmental performance and sustainability. The Resources Committee of the Board oversees the detailed work across the University and its business operations. The Environmental Performance Group reports directly to the vice-Chancellor’s Executive Group. The Environmental Management System (EMS) covers all University activities from energy and utilities, to waste management and recycling. Most significantly the work includes embedding education for sustainable development in the curriculum and into research and enterprise activities. The University works closely with the Students’ Union to maintain iS0 14001:2015. The Students’ Union takes particular interest in the University’s FairTrade status and is the vital link to all student activities.
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Environmental Efficiency – Embed environmental sustainability as a core organising principle across all activities
Health and Wellbeing – Create an environment where individuals are inspired and supported to perform to the best of their abilities, and in doing so, contribute to the University's aims, values and success.
The approach, whilst comprising individual operational areas, each focussing on specific targets or standards, allows the University to implement relevant and meaningful change. When aggregated, the outcomes clearly amount to a sustainable development position evidenced by the following achievements:
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THE uNivERSiTy’S AppROACH The Healthy University Strategy (2016-2020) evolved from the bottom up with commitment from all parts of the University, including the Students’ Union and is very much informed by the staff and student voice. The strategy largely developed out of a series of staff and student 'road shows' and other consultation opportunities which were held throughout 2015/16. As a Healthy University, we aim to develop a socially cohesive, environmentally responsible and all-inclusive work and study environment which looks to engage staff, students and the wider community. The Strategy, covering the period 2016-20, includes the following three core aims:
Social Responsibility - Contribute to a fairer society through enhancing the impact of interactions with our local, regional and international communities
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An investor in People organization. Gold in the Wales Corporate Health Standard. A Fair Trade University. Platinum in the Welsh Government’s Travel Plan Awards Carbon Management Plan. iSO 14001 : 2015 certified Environmental Management System. Sustainable Restaurant Gold award. 1st Class Award and being ranked within the top 10 universities in the UK, 1st in Wales, for its environmental performance People and Planet league (2017)
As part of its commitment to raising the awareness of sustainability and engaging staff to make a difference, the University has an on-line, e-learning module which can be accessed by all staff as part of their induction and staff development process. This course introduces staff to the topic of sustainability and policies of the University, and is a compulsory part of all new staff’s corporate induction into the University. The review and creation of webpages for all Sustainability activities now provides staff, students, prospective students and the community with information on progress, achievements, news and planned activities. The University has a Major incident Plan. it sets out how the University will deal with the threat, immediate consequences and aftermath of a major incident. The plan is reviewed annually and tested through a simulation exercise periodically.
pROgRESS ON ACAdEMiC dEvELOpMENT The Healthy University Strategy combined with the forthcoming values based education EDGE (Ethical, Digital, Global and Entrepreneurial) initiative continue to drive forward Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) oriented academic development work across the institution. Both provide and will continue to offer fresh impetus and associated context for the implementation of innovative and impactful authentic learning approaches within new and existing curricula. As such, monitoring of institution wide ESD provision continues via quality assurance and quality enhancement, curriculum design and annual review processes. Cardiff Met’s learning and Teaching Development Unit continue to evaluate, promote and disseminate good pedagogical practice relevant to the curricular and co-curricular delivery of ESD learning opportunities for Cardiff Met students. in particular ESD specific staff development workshops are being delivered and further
developed to meet the needs of academic staff as appropriate. These workshops offer academic staff opportunity to consider discipline relevant ESD issues and approaches from both global and local perspectives and in doing so identify means and modes of generating innovative and personally challenging stimuli that provide the foundation for authentic learning and assessment activities for students. in considering ESD across the spectrum of near and farther experience, academics and thus students are better able to locate sustainability related challenges and issues within the context of their disciplinary learning. Ensuring that sustainability matters are engaged and understood in relevant and meaningful ways that are pertinent to a learner’s wider education and personal understanding by Real world approaches. These solutions are generated in response to real world discipline contextualised problems - a means of learning that is a central tenet of successful values based educational approaches.
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pROgRESS ON RESEARCH Cardiff Met has a recent history of research activity that addresses issues of sustainability in all parts of the University’s subject mix. The strategic approach taken reflects an embedded commitment to sustainability rather than a ‘bolted-on’ model of activity. The foci that are described below have emerged naturally and organically from the research interests of individuals and groups. a)
Sustainability is key component of CSAD’s research portfolio. User-Centred research methods place users at the centre of the design process, resulting in sustainable solutions that maximise resources (e.g. the partnership P&A fencing includes establishing a sustainable design process through the development of new products and services). life-saving equipment developed by the User-Centered Design team for use in rural Africa is made using locally available materials that can be easily replicated, for example, neck braces formed from hand-waxed and sealed cardboard, drainpipes used as the basis for splints, and bicycle inner tubes for pressure bandages. Some of Wendy Keay-Bright’s research focuses on developing low cost technology for schools and community organisations by creating technology solutions that use open frameworks and existing resources, whilst the SurBE research group focuses on the construction and operation of buildings, environmental and energy performance in a variety of global contexts, including South Wales, ireland, Canada, Kuwait and Abu Dhabi. This group also has a number of long-standing partnerships with local housing associations focused on optimising the design, construction and operation of new and existing housing, as well as the diagnostic monitoring and testing of building performance in relation to occupant health, energy use and comfort. CSAD’s newest research group, MetaTechnicity, coheres the School’s focus on materiality by placing an emphasis on material culture as a means to guide and inform the sustainable projection of our species.
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The school’s FabCre8 and MetaTechnicity researchers encourage students to develop a deeper understanding of materiality and fully consider how materials are used as part of their practice. For example, students and staff coproduced a Materials library that enables users to scan materials using RFiD readers to access films detailing the material’s properties and potential use. CSAD also offers a range of project options that integrate staff research into the curriculum, such as Disobedient Objects, which examines how objects can be upcycled, recycled and reverse engineered to create new technologies and The Sustainable Artisan which focuses on the use of sustainable materials in the design and production of artefacts. PhD student Henry Hill is also examining how material engagement theory and collaboration between designers and archaeologists can help designers to understand their role in shaping society and the material traces they leave behind. in addition, the school is proud to be the first University member of Wood Knowledge Wales, which champions the development of wood-based industries and the green growth agenda in Wales.
One of the distinctive features of the CSE is the outdoor woodland centre. Based next to two hectares of mature woodland at the Cyncoed Campus, it is a wooden classroom that provides a learning environment used for Forest School activities and short courses (including Environmental Story Telling). it is also a home to the Outdoor learning Research Group. The School continues to collaborate with an extensive list of external stakeholders (e.g., Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust, Simon Gibson Charitable Trust, and Waterloo Foundation) on the work that leads to research outputs including the development of social and emotional skills, confidence and communication skills, and children’s play. The on-going Discovery Project is nearing completion is an exploration children’s free-play and engagement within woodland spaces. it involves groups of 15 reception class children (aged 4-5) visiting the woodland area on Cyncoed Campus, accompanied by their class teachers. led by Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Outdoor learning Team, a blended approach of outdoor play and learning activities is evaluated.
The CSHS has a strong international dimension to its work on sustainability. Current projects being undertaken by research degree students include: A characterization of natural radioactivity sources in the United Arab Emirates to develop a finger printing technique for radioactivity pollution in the region. Specifically, radioactivity levels in water, sediments, soil and air samples along the coastal border of UAE and islands for the basis of radiological maps. These will provide a data base for public health from nuclear activities in the region. An examination of the effects of land reclamation on the marine environment in Doha to develop a Doha Marine environment benchmark to mitigate the impacts of land reclamation. An assessment of the needs of fire fighters within the civil defence department in Qatar in relation to health and wellbeing. Based on analysis of trend data for emergencies and accident reporting in Qatar between 2004 and 2014, the aim is to establish best practice protocols and inform training interventions. An evaluation of the environmental impact from petrol stations in ilorin to assess health risk factors. The intention of the project is to develop intervention packages to address identified environmental risks and to develop a benchmark for management of those risks.
The CSM has three main foci for its research activities linked to sustainability - economic, environmental and social. Economic Sustainability - Within the value Flow Centre, research is focussed not only upon the economic sustainability of companies and organisations but also on work centred around green logistics, environmental management systems and lean/green six sigma. Current work is focused on reducing costs and increasing the economic viability of Aircraft Maintenance processes and supply chains.
A key focus for the Welsh Centre for Tourism Research is concerned with project management in tourism contexts, including business and tourism ethics. Recent and current projects include studies on the economic evaluation of large scale events in Wales. The work is multi-faceted and includes the overall evaluation of individual events in terms of long term sustainability and legacy impacts, as well as analyses of the political, economic, socio-cultural and legislative environments and their influences on event feasibility and tendering. Environmental Sustainability - Research through the value Flow Centre focussing upon: sustainable transport systems, green logistics and reverse logistics (in collaboration with the national institute of Transport and logistics - Dublin institute). Research in to the development of high speed supply chain systems and the integration of industry 4.0 technologies to reduce food supply chain waste. Research undertaken in to eco-Golf course management which includes the development of a specific eco-footprint analysis of existing golf courses and, the establishment an international eco-Golf standard. Through the Hodge Foundation, research is being undertaken around the economic and environmental analysis of the M4 relief road for the Welsh Government. Other research focuses on the role and significance of behaviour change within green marketing, and specifically the drivers and barriers in the effective implementation of environmental management programmes. Social Sustainability - Research in the development of social and community enterprises including the establishment of such enterprises and the ongoing development and enhancement of social and community companies. There is a significant project around local regeneration hub development of coal mining areas – specifically, the development of the Crumlin navigation Colliery.
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The Sociology and Philosophy of Sport research group engages in work that embraces questions concerned with ethics, equality and moral agency. One on-going project is linked to the role of sport in the manifestation and treatment of addictive behaviours which is working in collaboration with The living Room Cardiff. Another project focuses on the lives, interests and activities of ecologically supportive athletes. Considering eco-athletes as agents of change in sport, it examines the role of proactive individuals in making sport cultures more environmentally sustainable.
in August 2017 PDR also won a Design Foundations award to explore potential new markets for innovative fuel cell technology.
in addition, PDR is a member of the steering group for a Welsh Government EU interreg project, Circular Economy for SMEs (CESME), and continues to work with the European network of Ecodesign Centres to promote ecodesign and eco-innovation throughout Europe.
RESEARCH dEgREES iNTERNATiONAL CENTRE FOR pROduCT dESigN ANd RESEARCH (pdR) in 2016-2017, sustainability research in PDR was focused on exploring how new materials and technologies could be practically adopted within a circular economy. Specific examples of relevant projects include:
An EPSRC funded project on 3DP-RDM which included research on how SMEs could create value from additive manufacturing technologies and associated circular economy business models.
With partners at the Furniture Recycling Group and Resource Futures, PDR secured an innovate UK SBRi feasibility study that explored materials markets for new mattress recycling technology being considered by Rhondda Cynon Taf County Council.
Following previous work with Riversimple, PDR continued to support new developments in hydrogen energy including a collaboration with a UK-based hydrogen fuel cell manufacturer, Bramble.
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Cardiff Met continues to have graduating doctoral candidates whose programmes of research have also focused on sustainability themes and issues. in 2016/17 these included:
given Name
Family Name
Thesis Title
Space for Creative & Entrepreneurial Activities? Co-working spaces in the Environmental Landscape of an Economically Challenged Region.
Factors that Influence the Long-term Success of North-West European Co-housing.
Khalifa Omran
An Explanatory Study of PERT Implementation in the Construction Industry in Libya.
Food industry Centre - green dragon Certification
Sustainability is embedded in Health Sciences in a variety of ways, related to a broad range of activities. This report illustrates the nature of that embedding, highlighting some recent developments from across the portfolio and in relation to learning and teaching, research and innovation. it begins, however, with details of an important development: the creation of the new School of Sport and Health Sciences, which has sustainability at its heart.
The nature of the food industry ensures a high level of focus on sustainability issues and this means that there are often developments to report. This year is no exception. As part of the Food industry Centre’s strategic objectives, an Environmental Management Policy (EMP) has been developed. This policy enabled the Centre to be awarded level One of the Green Dragon Environmental Standard in December 2016. This standard is awarded to organisations that can demonstrate effective environmental management and are taking action to understand, monitor and control their impacts on the environment.
Cardiff School of Sport and Health Sciences The creation of the School of Sport and Health Sciences was announced in May 2017, and recognises the considerable synergies that exist between the two discipline areas. These centre on sustainable developments in population health and well-being and align with the political imperative set out by, for example, the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act, the mandate for collaborative work between Sport Wales and Public Health Wales, and the development of Healthcare Education and improvement Wales. The new School will be based at Cyncoed, which will also be the hub for the ‘Healthy University’ initiative. A strategic plan is being developed for the School, and this will span programme developments, research and innovation, internationalisation, and stakeholder and civic engagement. Further information will be provided in future sustainability reports.
The Food industry Centre meets the following requirements of the Green Dragon Environmental Standards:
Continual Environmental improvement
Compliance with Environmental Obligations
Protection of the Environment
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Management
Communication of Environmental issues
Environmental Management System Elements.
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Food programmes and Sustainability Cardiff Met is committed to embedding sustainable development into its operation and academic programmes. Core principles associated with sustainable development as outlined in the Brundtland Report, Agenda 21 and subsequent Un documentation, highlights that the concept is far more than the protection of natural resources. Sustainable development is regarded as an interplay between the natural environment, economics, technology, and human social well-being. Factors related to human development such as education, public health, standard of living, empowerment, human rights and the eradication of poverty are emphasised within the United nations conceptualisation of sustainable development. The Open Working Group of the Un General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals has produced 17 goals. This Programme is regarded as predominantly contributing to the following goals:
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
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Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation
Goal three, aligns with the food safety aspects of the Programmes. Key targets associated with this goal include; end preventable deaths of newborn and children under five years of age, end epidemics associated with water borne and communicable disease and strengthen capacity for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks. The establishment of systems to identify, manage and respond to food safety issues, contribute to the achievement of this goal and underpin the curriculum the programmes. The economic viability of organisations is one of the factors that make this Programme of relevance to the commercial sector. in relation to commercial viability, the programme focus upon the establishment of effective quality systems within organisations; part of this links to the effective utilisation of materials used in the food manufacturing process. Minimising waste in the production and retail of food can support the profitability of organisations. The minimisation of waste, in turn, can reduce pressures upon agricultural production, water usage, food miles, energy use in the manufacturing process and environmental implications of waste disposal. The viability of organisations increases the opportunities for employment and wealth generation. These issues relate to Goals two, three, eight and nine.
New product development (Npd)
new Product Development (nPD) is a key theme of the Food Science and Technology undergraduate programme. At level 5, students learn essential concepts in nPD and produce a new or reformulated product that satisfies a brief provided by an industry partner. The process of new product development (nPD) is crucial for any food manufacturing organisation. There is an increasing demand for variety, diversity and innovation to satisfy developing trends. Successful new product development can ensure that companies maintain market share and remain competitive. This type of development is considered the preliminary step in product or service development and involves a number of steps that must be completed before the product can be introduced to the market. Cardiff Met has identified 7 stages (Stage gates) of new product development (nPD) which form the bedrock of this module.
be marketable for retail, restaurant and hotel sector
be innovative in one or more aspects compared to food products already on the market (e.g. concept, and/or technology, and/or recipe, and/or packaging)
incorporate a sustainable theme of eco-innovation, which could mean the basic ingredients (e.g. origin, organic or with low carbon footprint) and/or packaging (e.g. recyclable) and/or manufacturing process (e.g. energy saving, water recycling) and/ or distribution-logistics (e.g. new channels or direct consumer sales), making it easier for all businesses in the food production chain to integrate the environmental dimension
be capable being manufactured on an industrial scale, based on technical specifications (including ingredients, manufacturing process, costs/profit)
conform to relevant regulations where applicable (including processing, additives and ingredients, packaging, labelling, advertising standards, food safety)
be commercially relevant (e.g. suitable for a local and/or national and/ or international market)
At level 6 nPD requires students develop their final nPD level 5 product as line extensions through to market. The focus is very much more on the consumer and the market, with greater emphasis on eco-sustainability, quality control and industry-based specifications for the product and packaging.
Teams of level 6 students may then take their product forward to Ecotrophelia UK which is the national competition for the creation of eco-innovative food products organised by the institute of Food Science and Technology (iFST) and Campden BRi.
Ecotrophilia uk silver medallists
Ecotrophilia team
Ecotrophilia team
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SuSTAiNABiLiTy iN LEARNiNg & TEACHiNg Towards a paperless business The School has, along with the University, moved over to the electronic submission of coursework. This work is then marked electronically in nearly all cases and the assessment and feedback are given to the student electronically. This not only reduces our use of stationery but also directly assists with the storage problems the school encounters. Modular Matrices The implementation of a ‘modular matrix’ approach to delivery of the Biomedical Sciences departments three BSc programmes from Sept 2018 onwards means that an increased proportion will be co-taught with other biomedical science cohorts (for example, 31% to 67% of the BSc Biomedical Sciences (Health, Exercise & nutrition) programme’s curriculum will now be co-taught). Such streamlining will be implemented through periodic review in April 2018 and will improve economy-of-provision. it will also facilitate students transferring between programmes (e.g. at the end of a common First year), which will increase student experience and choice, as well as strengthening the sustainability of all three programmes. More broadly, we deliver co-taught modules to large groups containing BMS-based students alongside students from other programmes, further increasing efficiency. The modular matrix approach will also be adopted by Psychology at their review in 2018-19, and various smaller programmes, for example Food Science and Environmental / Public Health will also move to this approach to improve efficiency whilst improving student choice.
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Sustainability in our curricula Sustainability forms a major part of several aspects of our curricula; for example, as part of the SBM6008 Contemporary Topics in Health, Exercise & nutrition module’s coverage of the above research theme, final-year BSc Biomedical Sciences (Health, Exercise & nutrition) students can select a topic entitled “Evaluation of mechanisms by which exercise elicits health benefits, and means by which such benefits can be translated from the laboratory into the community”, as their preferred option on this module. Moreover in 2016/17, students who chose this topic were supported by the department to attend as delegates at the Why Sports? “Promoting physical activity in our communities” conference at Emirates Old Trafford Centre, 9th March, 2016. keeping Well in your Home This project between the School and Derwen Cymru, part of the Pobl group, which sees students from a range of programmes deliver sessions at several sites, continues. During 2017, we held a series of 6 community cooking (‘Pudding Club’) events with Derwyn residents both at their Pant-y-Celyn and Trinity sites, both in newport. Each event was planned and run by BSc (Hons) nutrition students which enabled them to use their skills of group facilitation, recipe analysis and development and nutrition education. The sessions also contributed to a placement module. Complementary Healthcare students have visited Derwen at the Pant y Celyn site for a morning of hand and foot massage taster sessions in the communal lounge in each Spring term of 15/16 and 16/17. it is planned that the same activity will take place this term, and that the placement will be further developed as part of a work based learning module. Work continues on expanding involvement.
green exercise-related health benefits research theme
FRAiLOMiCS is a major EU Framework Seven Programme to identify markers of frailty in the elderly to allow better identification and management of frailty. The School’s Cellular Senescence and vascular Aging research group lead by Professor Jorge Erusalimsky is analysing candidate biomarkers for cognitive performance and blood vessel dysfunction associated with ageing in a sample drawn from 75,000 participants in 8 cohort studies across Europe. The increase in life expectancy of Western societies is having major socio-economic and public health impacts. One crucial aspect emanating from this scenario is the increase in the number of frail people. Frailty places elderly adults at increased risk of disability, falls, hospitalization and premature death. Hence, preventing frailty is an important goal to help older adults to maintain their health and independence, and to reduce the burden on the health care and welfare systems. Currently, assessment of frailty relies primarily on measuring functional parameters and it is increasingly recognised that the clinical utility of these is limited.
in recent years, our approach to this research theme has involved Translational research/consultancy, applying our expertise/experience to the evaluation of benefits triggered by exercise programmes offered by external partners. These include beneficial impacts on markers of cardiovascular risk, on expression of blood-borne cardiovascular risk markers, and expression within leukocytes of clinically relevant anti-inflammatory signalling agents; improvements in measures of mental health and wellbeing; beneficial impacts upon general anthropometric parameters. While earlier work primarily focused on in-house exercise programmes that took place in the University physiology lab, more recent research activities involve collaboration/ consultancy studies with regard to carrying out evaluation of exercise programmes (both gym-based, and also outdoor ‘green exercise’-based) provided by external community-based/clinical/ commercial partners, including the following:
valleys Regional Park ltd (2010-ongoing) – this was the external partner for a PhD (2010-2014)
Wales national Exercise Referral Scheme (2011ongoing) – this was linked to both 2 PhDs (2010-2015, and 2010-2014, respectively). Patients can be referred via nERS to two distinct modes of exercise (gym-based exercise and so-called ‘green exercise’ (i.e. physical activity that takes place in a relatively natural outdoor setting). This allows direct comparison of the impact of the two modes of exercise without compromising patient care via intervention-type randomisation.
Public Health Wales ltd (2013-ongoing)
Actif Woods/Coed lleol (2011-ongoing; contact)
Sport Wales ltd (2011-ongoing) – this was the external partner for a PhD (2011-2016)
The vascular physiology research group led by Dr Barry McDonnell provides health assessments termed Health MOTs both internally to staff and students of the university, and externally at events such as the national Eisteddfod, Welsh Government public-engagement-in-science events, the ‘May Measurement Month’ event in May 2017, and also the collaboration with the British heart Foundation in raising awareness of cardiovascular health in members of the public who attended the 2017 Urdd and national Eisteddfodau, etc. These activities provide a non-invasive high through-put mechanism for health assessments, and so are key to the prudent healthcare and sustainability agenda.
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CARdiFF SCHOOL OF ART & dESigN (CSAd) Sustainability continues to be embedded in all aspects of the curriculum and day to day practice within CSAD. it is implicit in all of CSAD’s workshop procedures and in the use of materials as well as in teaching and assessments. it is also the focus of much of the School’s research and enterprise activity. Academic activity For example, in Fashion Design ‘School Taster Days’ are upcycling projects – students are asked to produce designs from existing garments, sessions have become extremely successful. in the past collaborations with various charity shops, where they have supplied garments, have resulted in the garments being displayed in their windows or in fact being sold. They continue to work closely with Recreate based in Cardiff and Childrens Scrapstore, Bristol who are both companies who source waste products. The childrens scrapstore have a lot of material from garment manufacturers - items such as zips, buttons, fabrics, leathers and also various haberdashery items. A relationship with Favini SRl, a design company who produces eco-leather for fashion, luxury design & technical sportswear sectors has resulted in their end of lines/cabbage fabric being donated to us and then used in various projects.
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As part of our level 4 module called ‘Fashion visualisation’ we are currently working with ikea who are suppling fabrics to our participating students from their discontinued fabrics lines, the created pieces will then be displayed as an exhibition showcase in their flagship Cardiff store. With our BA (Hons) in interior Design the fundamental principle of the course is the reuse and remodelling of existing buildings and spaces. Working within the fabric of an existing building reduces material usage on a vast scale and promotes urban sustainability by revitalising and regenerating places and spaces. Second year students on the programme recently completed a live project in which they designed a home in a real existing building for a real client. The client specified a preference for low-impact, recyclable and local materials, leading students to research and appreciate how the production, application and lifecycle of materials can affect the environment. interior Design studio practice also aims to reduce wastage of drawing and modelling supplies. Digital presentations are often used in lieu of print. Students are encouraged to use recycled materials for model making and there is a materials space in the studio, where students can donate materials and offcuts for others to use. in Product Design lectures teach a module called Sustainability issues in Design for Production as a part of the MSc Product Design programme which has evolved from focusing on the three R’s of reuse, reduce and recycle to considering impact assessment and lifecycle analysis.
Research Sustainability is key component of CSAD’s research portfolio. User-Centred research methods place users at the centre of the design process, resulting in sustainable solutions that maximises resources. life-saving equipment developed by the User-Centred Design team for use in rural Africa is made using locally available materials that can be easily replicated, for example, neck braces formed from hand-waxed and sealed cardboard, drainpipes used as the basis for splints, and bicycle inner tubes for pressure bandages. Wendy Keay-Bright’s research focuses on developing low cost technology for schools and community organisations by creating solutions that use open frameworks and existing resources, whilst the SurBE research group focuses on the construction and operation of buildings, environmental and energy performance in a variety of global contexts, from South Wales and ireland, to Canada, Kuwait and Abu Dhabi. CSAD’s newest research group, MetaTechnicity, coheres the School’s focus on materiality by placing an emphasis on material culture as a means to guide and inform the sustainable projection of our species. Other information (R&i related) CSAD is proud to be the first University member of Wood Knowledge Wales, which champions the development of wood-based industries and the green growth agenda in Wales.
Many of the School’s staff and Research Students incorporate sustainability into their research and knowledge transfer activities. For example, the UserCentred Design project in partnership P&A fencing includes establishing a sustainable design process through the development of new products and services. The SuRBe research group has a number of long-standing partnerships with local housing associations focussed on optimising the design, construction and operation of new and existing housing, as well as the diagnostic monitoring and testing of building performance in relation to occupant health, energy use and comfort. Additional student projects focus on the conservation and re-use of historic buildings by re-imaging spaces and putting them to new use. CSAD’s FabCre8 and MetaTechnicity researchers encourage students to develop a deeper understanding of materiality and fully consider how materials are used as part of their practice. For example, students and staff co-produced a Materials library that enables users to scan materials using RFiD readers to access films detailing the material’s properties and potential use. The School also offers a range of project options that integrate staff research into the curriculum, such as Disobedient Objects, which examines how objects can be upcycled, recycled and reversed engineered to create new technologies and The Sustainable Artisan which focuses on the use of sustainable materials in the design and production of artefacts. PhD student Henry Hill is also examining how material engagement theory and collaboration between designers and archaeologists can help designers to understand their role in shaping society and the material traces they leave behind.
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The School is excited to maintain its connection to the Mothers of Africa charity and has organised upcycled equipment to be sent to its centres in Zambia as well as staff and students organising fund raising activities using recycled materials to create quilts for auction. The School has also involved a range of primary and secondary schools in the quilt making project, which has also helped our students gain experience of teaching school children to sew and to be aware of how fabric can be repurposed. Sustainable practice was the focus of a Whole School meeting in summer 2016 which resulted in several proposals for improved practice within the School. Each month the school resources group meet and consumables usage is monitored. Following above meeting discussions are taking place into how ethical practice can be more embedded in the Constellation (theory based) modules through, for example, more focus on the societal impact of design and design thinking. The constellation level 4 and 5 delivery now has three dedicated routes that touch specifically upon the ethics, morality and philosophy of sustainability, from socio-cultural cross-cultural and ecological perspectives. All work which is put up for public display has now to be considered via ethics and only when passed by school inspection or external committee can be shown. Constellation has also implemented a paperless submission system, with all assessment and feedback being digital.
inc Space The CSAD Graduate incubation Unit’s businesses are also very much aware that sustainable practice is not only ethical but makes good business sense. For example, four of the current members are ceramicists and are very conscious of recycling clay. All team members are very much aware of the need to minimise waste for sustainability reasons as well as it making sense to save money. Print maker Adam Musitano is also working with water based inks and is exploring ways of creating home use screen printing kit with repurposed materials. To support the development of his practice he is being mentored by one of the directors of Cardiff’s The Sustainable Studio, which promotes sustainability for creative practices.
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CSAD was thrilled that 2016-17 incubation Unit members, The Wonky Chair, whose USP is making furniture from repurposed materials, won the contract to design and make much of the furniture for the School’s new Fashion Design programme. Although not made from second hand wood and metal, the designs use sturdy scaffolding poles as the frames for the cutting tables with cheaper, easily replaceable tops to ensure the tables have a much longer life than equivalent cutting room kit that can be bought from established suppliers. The School has excellent relationships with some of the city’s major property owners and developers and so contributes to its lively pop-up culture, holding regular exhibitions and events in empty shop units and other spaces around the city centre. This helps bring footfall to the city’s historic arcades, raising the profile of its vibrant creative culture and contributing to building Cardiff’s reputation as one of Europe’s most liveable cities, which the Council is committed to. This helps generates wealth for the city, publicises our students’ talents and teaches them a wide range of employability skills.
general Within the administrative functions, staff are committed to recycling stationery, reusing old furniture rather than investing in new and encouraging colleagues and students to use the designated recycling bins that can be found throughout the School. Students use the School’s mini kitchens daily to prepare simple food and for hot and cold drinks, another simple way of minimising the waste generated from buying tins and plastic bottles and hard to recycle coffee cups. With increasing use of Moodle and the introduction of the school sandbox communication between staff is improved and largely paperless, the days of piles of photocopying before team meetings are now things of the past. The School also continues to benefit from it’s energy efficient building, with it’s concrete core helping it to maintain a constant temperature, and a lighting system meaning that power is not wasted through lights being left on.
CARdiFF SCHOOL OF SpORT (CSS) The Cardiff School of Sport has taken steps to embed core principles of sustainable practice within the everyday delivery of its undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, as a part of a wider perspective of sustainable practice across the School. The School recognises that this is particularly pertinent for its undergraduate operations because the scale of its teaching portfolio and student population means that even modest shifts towards more sustainable practice has potential for significant improvements across a number of sustainability indicators. Subsequently, the key social, environmental and economic sustainability initiatives in the School have surrounded the transition towards digital information delivery and administration workflows across as much of the teaching portfolio as possible. Using a combination of Sharepoint, Moodle and Turnitin platforms, combined with extensive staff development interventions in support of these technologies, this has been largely since the initiative began in 2012-13 when all student coursework submission through Turnitin was made mandatory. Moodle is now utilised across all programmes for all feasible aspects of learning and teaching support. The School also makes use of an online scheduling service (Doodle©). This service offers students and staff the ability to make tutorial, teaching and research meeting arrangements from on and off-site locations via either a web interface or a free smartphone app. This has greatly simplified the student/staff processes of booking and undertaking tutorials and reduced unnecessary wastage of time and resources in booking, un-booking tutorials. links to these tutorial schedules are embedded within Moodle module sites on an increasing number of modules. Combined with this initiative is the use of vOiP services such as Skype and FaceTime to offer students video tutorials. This practice is being encouraged in the school as an option rather than the norm, but provides a social, environmental and economically sustainable solution for those groups that need it (e.g. athletes away travelling and competing, student’s suffering from illness, research students working in the field, as well as part time students and distance learning students). The use of video software Panopto has also been adopted for videoing seminars and is also now used in Postgraduate student induction across all programmes. On-line recruitment has also been rolled out.
A number of CSS programmes deliver curriculum content devoted to social science issues surrounding environmental issues, social justice, health, wellbeing and equality in sport. in 2015-16 laboratory, user groups have been set up between PA, SCRAM, Biomechanics and Physiology teaching groups to improve the use of resources and promote group working and projects. The School’s basic administrative functions continue to be revised to shift towards paperless workflows and this process is now realised to the extent that it is currently feasible. The coursework, examination, question preparation, student evaluation and external examiner evaluations have all been digitised via SharePoint and Dropbox in previous years and is now beginning a transition to consolidate these processes via OneDrive. in support of paperless processes, CSS issues iPads to all its academic and senior administrative staff. Outlook calendar is used extensively for personal and school business. This has removed the need to print minutes and papers for committee meetings and paper diaries are no longer purchased for staff. Printers for individual staff offices are no longer purchased. For example, in a new office block in the School 33 staff share one MFD. in other areas of the school staff either use a MFD or a multiple share networked printer. This shift in policy is realising a reduction in the costs of toner cartridges and repair bills for printers as well as reducing the environmental involved in the procurement, use and disposal of these devices. Recycle bins have been placed in offices and other well used spaces around the school. The School was part of the HR trial into online recruitment and selection. This led to paper based application forms being replaced by pdf documents and online shortlisting and has been rolled out in 2015-16. in the built environment, the school has worked with estates to replace the windows in the Syd Aaron Gym reducing the amount of heat lost through the old ill- fitting frames and single glazed panes of glass. in 2015-16 new windows have been fitted in the Russell Rees to reduce heat loss and the refurbished School offices all contain new windows, lights on sensors and no printers (administrative staff use the print studio service). Finally, travel for academic purposes has been refocused around promoting the most cost effective method (for example, shared transport to conferences and use of public transport are now strongly encouraged)
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CARdiFF SCHOOL OF MANAgEMENT (CSM) Sustainability in the Curriculum Cardiff School of Management Programmes within Cardiff School of Management continue to have Sustainability embedded firmly within their curricula. One External Examiner has commented: “i think the range of the programme content has a good balance that covers material and learning outcomes that are industry focused (e.g. niche tourism and especially developing a Competitive destination) and that keep sustainability and accountability issues to the fore (e.g. Field Study, Tourism ethics, Tourism for a Small planet.) The dissertation topics that i saw tended to be quite industry focused allowing students to get close to current issues that should prove very useful when seeking employment”.
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Sustainability awareness is intrinsically linked with the Cardiff Met EDGE (Ethical, Digital, Global and Entrepreneurial) and will continue to be a key focus for the School. in november 2015 Cardiff Metropolitan University began a two-year Erasmus+ project entitled Co-operation for leadership in Tourism (Co-lead Tourism) with the aim to develop and test capacity building, training and tools in Project Management for Sustainable Development PM4SD™ and to train a team of professionals and potential PM4SD trainers with appropriate skills and expertise to deliver the professional certification programme. The lead partner was the University of Malta. Dr. Sheena Carlisle was the lead for the intellectual output of the project which included the development, accreditation and verification of the Co-lead online training resources and Online blended learning tools for PM4SD. Also in the Project Consortium Jlag Tourism Consultancy based in Brussels led on intellectual outputs, training delivery and dissemination of results. Bulgaria Economic Forum (BEF) represented the Core Pilot Destination for Eastern Europe and promoted PM4SD to the business environment of Bulgaria and neighbouring regions. PM4SD™ is aligned to elements of the PRinCE2® project management tool with sustainability measurements, tools and benefits factored into the methodology. This is achieved through a focus on:
Business justification and sustainability of projects;
A defined organisation structure for the project management team;
A product-based planning approach to achieve sustainable benefits;
Manageable and controllable stages;
Short and long term sustainable benefits for social/economic/environmental and cultural change
The use of a multi-stakeholder approach for implementation.
Work continued on the project throughout the reporting period and in December 2017 Cardiff Metropolitan became the first UK University to become an Accredited Training Organisation (ATO), certified by APMG international, to deliver Project Management for Sustainable Development (PM4SD™). Additionally Cardiff School of Management and the Tourism, Hospitality and Events Department has now successfully received further funding in partnership with the lead Jlag and 12 other Higher Education and industry partners across Europe, to deliver a new four year project entitled “the next Tourism Generation, a Blueprint Strategy for Skills Development”. Starting in February 2018, it is a strategic project with a total budget of 3.9 million Euros. The Key Aim of the project is to develop a Pan European Sectoral Skills Strategy to push appropriate and relevant sustainability skills into the tourism sector and produce innovative results and solutions. This will provide key activities, milestones and well defined outputs via effective and proactive business, government, education and research partnerships which encompass a coherent and focused systems approach to education and training needs and development. This will help to ensure effective responses are made to the current and future needs within the Tourism Sector.
This will involve:
Development and revision of Occupational Profiles in Tourism to include Digital, Social and Green Skills in Tourism Education and training for all stakeholders including new qualifications and training opportunities within industry and higher education to reflect new sustainability content
Review of course content/curriculum development/vET development to reflect sustainability requirements for students, businesses, employees, trade associations, local government and nGO/third sector
Work based learning opportunities and apprenticeships in sustainable tourism development
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CARdiFF SCHOOL OF EduCATiON (CSE) As mentioned earlier, Cardiff School of Education’s purpose-built, eco-friendly outdoor learning building in the woodland area at the Cyncoed Campus opened in April 2015 and provides a range of learning opportunities linked to sustainability issues. The Centre is reaching a wide range of people within the local community and across South East Wales, promoting the principles of sustainability through a range of courses, including Forest School training, Earth Education workshops and curriculum focused events, such as literacy, numeracy and science, promoted within a natural environment. in 2016 we started using the outdoor learning building to support staff and student wellbeing by running a series of mindfulness and singing workshops.
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Many of our undergraduate and PGCE Primary students make extensive use of our woodland area for Forest School and other outdoor activities such as storytelling. We have embedded a new 10 credit module ‘Sunshine, Woodpeckers and the Swamp of Biting Mud: Outdoor Play & learning’ within our BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies with Early years Practitioner Status degree. This will provide a valuable opportunity for our students to consider the environmental impact of using outdoor spaces and to explore ways to support the sustainability of woodland and coastal settings. The students will be able to gain their Forest School Practitioner’s level 2 Assistant accredited award if they wish. This will enable them to gain theoretical knowledge and practical experience of working with young children to increase awareness of the ways in which we can
all nurture our local environments. in 2016 our use of the outdoors was supplemented by the Concrete Patch Project, an initiative between staff and students in CSE and Cardiff School of Art & Design to repurpose an area of paving as an outdoor play area, with colourful hexagonal wooden boxes containing a range of fascinating objects and outdoor play equipment. As well as improving the visual appearance of a drab area of the campus, this initiative has provided an exciting learning resource for use with young children as part of our BA Early Childhood Studies degree. in other programmes within the Department of Humanities, one of our English tutors has used the woodland with her Children’s literature students to embed an awareness of the interrelation between the origins of storytelling and the environment in the English curriculum, whilst promoting the development of environmental responsibility among our students. Our Department of initial Teacher Education (iTE) plays a key role in the development and implementation of Welsh school curriculum strategy with regard to sustainability. The Successful Futures curriculum currently being developed has as one of its four key purposes the development of ‘ethical, informed citizens who show their commitment to the sustainability of the planet.’ This commitment builds on the seven interlinked themes identified in the Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) dimension, all of which are addressed and embedded as a core features of our iTE programmes and are part of the Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) Standards that student teachers need to achieve. During 2015-16, the PGCE Primary programme dedicated a one-day student conference focusing on ESDGC highlighting its importance to future generations of teachers and their pupils. The health and wellbeing of our student teachers is paramount, so they are supported
throughout their study and during school experience, beginning with 'Student Teacher Wellbeing' events as part of induction onto iTE programmes. individual student teachers with medical and disability needs are supported by the Safeguarding, Equality and Diversity Co-ordinator through a rigorous risk assessment process. in the Department of Professional Development, all programme directors have included sustainability as a standing item within their committee agendas. The learning and Teaching Development Unit Sustainability Toolkit informed the revalidation of BA and PGDip youth and Community Work, PGCE PCET, PCE PCET and the international Foundation Course during 2015-16. Programmes preparing students for the youth and community development professions promote a commitment towards social justice, inclusion, equality and global citizenship. A recognition of environmental, political and cultural issues is central to these courses and students are encouraged to develop critical faculties that will prepare them for working in a wide range of contexts, including voluntary and statutory organisations, many of which are situated in socially disadvantaged local communities. Across the Cardiff School of Education we are committed to reducing waste and the consumption of natural resources through moving towards a paper-free environment, circulating all documents and papers for meetings electronically whilst encouraging attendees to view these on laptops and tablets during the meeting. CSE has made significant strides towards all electronic submission and marking of assignments to further reduce our environmental impact whilst providing students with detailed feedback in written and oral forms.
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The Students’ Union is a partner within the volunteer group organised by Cardiff Council and Cardiff Digs to focus on ‘Environmental Champions’ who work on getting students involved in volunteering on sustainability and environmental initiatives. Environmental Champions is a partnership project between Cardiff Digs, Student volunteering Cardiff, Cardiff Met Students’ Union, Cardiff volunteering and Cardiff Students’ Union.
Go Green week took place 13th-17th February 2017
Cardiff Met students signed up to take part in regular projects as part of Environmental Champions during the 2016-17 academic year. Projects that took place during this time period included:
Students attended a South Wales Police stand at Cyncoed student hall key collections in order to give living advice to students moving in.
Cardiff Met students have also taken part in Cardiff Council community walkabouts, where they knocked on the doors of student houses in Gabalfa and Roath to make students more aware of the changes to council waste collections.
The SU promoted FairTrade by giving out free FairTrade bananas and chocolate. They held FairTrade coffee breaks and also published an article in our student newspaper.
Students volunteered at the international Food and drink Festival 14-16 July 2017.
Students volunteered at the Cardiff Digs stand for Go Green Week to give out recycling bags and energy saving light bulbs.
Students participated in the Get it out for Cardiff Campaign in May and June encouraging students to recycle / dispose of their waste correctly before going home for the Summer.
A stall was held during go green to promote FairTrade.
Students promoting recycling during go green week.
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The SU held a session covering switching tariffs, the cheapest ways to pay bills, energy efficiency, and help with grants for insulation and heating. Free energy saving packs were given to participants.
SU and students did a mornings volunteering in October 2016 at the Forest Farm working with one of the leading communities conservation areas in Cardiff.
FAiRTRAdE AMELiA TRuST FARM vOLuNTEER pROjECT SU and students attended a volunteer Day at the Amelia Trust Farm in October 2016. The farm provides an alternative education for vulnerable and disadvantaged young people and is also open up to the public who can enjoy looking around the farm. The farm relies heavily on volunteers in order to run. One group of students on the project created a new path for access to the farm’s new camping area. Another team went into the woodland and worked hard to dig out footings for a new fitness trail while the other group mucked out the farms flock of chicken’s house.
The SU continue to maintain the University Fairtrade status, by continuing :-
Fairtrade steering group featuring SU staff, students and Cardiff Met staff
Stock Fairtrade products for purchase in on-campus shops and catering outlets
Serve Fairtrade products at meetings
Campaigns are run on campus to increase understanding of Fairtrade and consumption of Fairtrade products
Maintain Fairtrade Policy
FAiRTRAdE FORTNigHT The students’ union took part in the Have a Break campaign during Fairtrade Fortnight. drop by between 1-3pm in the S u Llandaff office. Free FairTrade drinks and snacks will be available. you will also be able find out a bit more about Fairtrade. Students and staff welcome.
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iNTERNATiONAL FOOd ANd dRiNk FESTivAL We are looking for volunteers to help staff our stall at the international Food and Drink Festival 2017, in Cardiff Bay, on 14-16 July. We need enthusiastic and reliable volunteers who can help out for a shift of a few hours on the weekend.
pOLiCE STudENT vOLuNTEERS We work with South Wales Police to help with recruitment of student volunteers for exciting operations and events.
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EMiSSiONS ANd EFFLuENTS The University continues to be exempt from Emissions to Air Consent, due to its insignificant impact (ref natural Resources Wales). However, despite this exemption, the University continues with its robust maintenance strategy in line with statutory obligations, its Schools continue to maintain their risk assessments to ensure minimal impact on the local environment (dealt with at a local level within Schools) The University has completed a full survey of surface and foul water drainage at its Cyncoed and llandaff Campus’ and has completed all remedial work identified. The University continues to hold a letter of consent, issued by Welsh Water, which permits the University to deposit trade effluent into the local drainage system. This consent recognises the insignificant impact that the University effluent has on the water course.
AiR-CONdiTiONiNg iNSpECTiONS The University contracts specialist services to maintain its air conditioning equipment. This contract includes robust testing for refrigerant leaks, and oversees the phased replacement of the ozone depleting gas, R22, with more environmentally friendly gas, as and when necessary. Refrigerant leak tests also form part of the servicing schedule, as even the environmentally friendly gasses have a global warming potential. The Estates and Facilities Department continues to pursue an active regime of reducing, where possible, the amount of chemicals in use through its procurement of contractors and materials.
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ENERgy ANd uTiLiTiES ENERgy pERFORMANCE The University has achieved overall energy emissions reductions of 5% compared to the previous year from a total of 5,259 tCO2e to 5,002 tCO2e and 11% compared to the baseline year of 2012/13 against a 12% reduction target. Since 2008/09, we have successfully reduced our carbon emissions by 27% in absolute terms. Compared with the previous year, the university has performed as follows:
Overall energy consumption has increased by 2.6% due to increased gas use from colder weather.
Electricity consumption reduced by 0.5%.
Renewable energy generation from Solar Pv has increased by 0.2% and now accounts for 0.6% of total University electricity demand.
Absolute Gas consumption increased by 5% however when normalised for the weather, demonstrated a reduction of 5.8% against the expected consumption.
Oil consumption increased by 11%
Water consumption increased by 6.5%
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Overall performance continues to follow a positive trend aided by further reductions in normalised gas consumption despite colder weather. Electricity consumption has reduced despite growth in the estate floor area by 3% compared to the previous year and 7% compared to the baseline year, student and staff demand and longer operating hours within some facilities. Energy efficiency projects such as lED upgrades, boiler and plant upgrades have helped to offset these increases. Water consumption has increased due to a significant underground pipe leak on our Cyncoed Campus, the opening of the new Sports Hall in early 2017 and increased irrigation of the sports pitches. Overall, water consumption has increased by 7% since last year but is typical of the continued upward trend year on year since 2012/13.
Accounting for growth, consumption data per m2 building floor area has also been presented:
Electricity use per m2 floor area - 3.5% reduction compared to last year and 14.9% reduction compared to baseline year
Gas use per m2 floor area - 1% increase compared to previous year (weather-corrected)
Water use per m2 floor area - 3% increase compared to previous year and 13% increase compared to baseline year.
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Renewable Energy
A number of energy efficiency improvements have been undertaken across the estate including the following:
Following on from the initial invest 2 Save lED Upgrade project, a further 2 year lED Upgrade Project commenced this year in the following areas:
With the construction of the University’s new Sports Hall on our Cyncoed Campus, a solar photovoltaic (Pv) system was installed doubling the Pv generation capacity of the university. We also have existing solar thermal systems generating hot water on two of our residential blocks in Cyncoed and within our Cardiff School of Management, Cardiff School of Art and Design Building and A Block on our llandaff Campus.
Cyncoed Tennis Centre – generating savings of £12k per year and £160k over the lifetime of the project.
The solar photovoltaic (Pv) systems currently installed are:
Cyncoed library
Cyncoed B Block
niAC Arena
llandaff l and T Blocks
LEd upgrades
Cardiff School of Art and Design 20kW peak generation
‘Archers Arena’ Sports Hall – 20kw
Carbon Management plan
BMS upgrade (Building Management System) The first phase of the 2 year Salix Funded BMS Upgrade Project was completed on our llandaff Campus and Plas Gwyn Campus. This involved the replacement of the existing Satchwell controls system serving the buildings with a new Trend 963 controls package. A full block by block review of existing controls strategies was conducted with opportunities for improvements identified and integrated where feasible to help deliver further energy savings whilst improving comfort for occupants. The second phase of the project will take place in the spring and summer of 2018.
plant upgrades We undertook boiler and plant upgrades in the following blocks:
This year represents the fourth year of the University’s five-year Carbon Management Strategy and implementation Plan for the period 2013-2018. As we move closer to the conclusion of the existing strategy, we continue to make progress against our reduction targets. The current five year strategy tasks the University with achieving the following carbon reduction target:
Reduce carbon emissions by 3% per year against a 2012/2013 baseline.
When these targets were developed, they were based on absolute reduction metrics which makes them increasingly challenging to achieve in light of current estate wide growth and forecast growth in student numbers across the University, however this would not have been anticipated at the time. This is a common trend that many other UK Universities are experiencing across the UK.
Cyncoed library and Warwick House
Carbon Emissions performance
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in terms of relative carbon emissions, we also measure the progress of our performance using the following metrics:
KWh/m2* building floor area - reduced by 15.5% since 2012/13 and 0.3% compared to the previous year.
CO2e/m2* building floor area - reduced by 16% since 2012/13 and 7.6% compared to the previous year.
CO2e/FTE* – reduced by 11.8% since 2012/13 and 4.6% compared to the previous year.
Our gas performance and associated emissions are affected by the weather and in particular if we experience prolonged cold spells in which gas demand is higher. This also directly increases the volume of emissions produced as a result. in absolute terms, gas demand was higher in 2015/16 than the previous year due to colder temperatures, however we were still successful in consuming 5.5% less gas than the expected consumption value accounting for degree day normalisation.
investment Funds
in 2016/17, the University spent £1.30m on energy (electricity, gas and oil) and water representing a 1.5% increase in overall utility costs compared to the previous year. Of this total, energy costs amount to 86% with electricity contributing approximately 63% of energy expenditure. Electricity and gas costs increased marginally by 0.8% compared to the previous year whilst water costs increased by 7% over the same period in accordance with increased consumption.
in December 2016, we bid for and were successful in securing funds of £480k from Salix Finance via the Salix Energy Efficiency loan Scheme (SEElS) towards the upgrade of the University’s ageing Building Management System (BMS) and further lED upgrades across the estate. The first year of the lED project has delivered annual savings of £25k, 91 tonnes of carbon and 196,000kWh. This was assisted by a 22% reduction in the number of lED fittings installed whilst maintaining appropriate lighting levels.
Energy procurement This year represented the second and final year of the University’s procurement of energy through a fixed contract. looking forward, and in response to the increasing proportion of non-commodity costs to the overall energy bill (almost 55%), the opportunity to procure the commodity element at the best value becomes more important and we have decided to pursue a more dynamic method of purchasing energy through a flexible contract arrangement with The Energy Consortium (TEC). it is hoped that along with many other UK Universities in the same contract trading ‘basket’ we will be able to benefit from peaks and troughs in the commodity markets by purchasing energy at favourable times whilst defending our budget position against a risk managed strategy and price ‘cap’.
*Floor area and FTE data used is taken from the University’s Annual HESA return.
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ENviRONMENTAL AWARENESS The University recognises environmental awareness as a key aspect in its Environmental Management System, particularly in respect of the large number and annual transition of students, staff, visitors and contractors on site, presenting a challenging mixture of backgrounds, cultures and interests. Environmental awareness supports all Aspect areas of the Environmental Management System. Different methods are used to engage initially, but also to contact the right people at the right time. There is also a compulsory student Halls induction which communicates the recycling and waste on Campus. The use of television screens, internal staff and student portals, posters, emails, twitter and signage continue to confirm the message. Attendance at awareness sessions e.g. Freshers Fayre, Go Green Week and the collaboration of Aspect Owners and other parties e.g. Cardiff Digs, in terms of waste management, noise pollution and Fairtrade Fortnight, Student Blackout etc.
This academic year also included the Environmental Performance Manager providing guest lectures for the vision in Sustainability and Sustainable Tourism and Environmental Health courses, on the introduction of Environmental Management System (EMS) within Cardiff Met. The continuation of Real World projects working with CSAD Graphic Communication students who were tasked with and assessed on the topic of “Communication of the Healthy University Strategy.” A key outcome of this work was the setting up of a Green Spaces discussion group with the Students’ Union, student reps and Healthy University staff. Business in Action students took on the challenge of improving student engagement with Fairtrade and green Transport. Then final presentations, proposals, solutions and recommendations were implemented.
February 2017 saw the introduction of monthly Free Green Workshops for staff and students, starting with City Crops, then Urban Beekeeping and Revive your Clothes, all in the Outdoor learning Centre. These coincided with the welcome onto Campus of a local Farmers Market Riverside Real Food, each month, now branded as part of the Healthy University Strategy and called Community Days. The Farmers Market is the focal point of the Community Day with guests joining them each month, e.g. Free Bike Service / MOT check, Student Entrepreneurs, Measurement Month, lGBT awareness month, Cardiff Council Waste Management, Environmental Champions, FAiRTRADE, RE-USE AnD RECyClinG OF BOOKS AnD STATiOnARy and promotion of green workshops.
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pEOpLE ANd pLANET: gO gREEN WEEk 2017 The University celebrated the People and Planet Go Green Week 2017 between 13-17 February. There were a range of Green events programmed for the week. This year the theme was Waste not, Want not. There were different activities each day, with collection of unwanted sports kit & drinks bottles to send to Zambia with a student project, swapping of unwanted Christmas gifts and toiletries, environmental talks, book swap, Cardiff Council waste management, Fairtrade, Bike mot and security marking, Cardiff Digs, Energy on Campus, Healthy University, grounds maintenance and Waste Management on Campus.
community – giving out free energy efficient light bulbs and food and recycling bags. Guidelines were also discussed at the stand as part of Fairtrade and Sustainable Travel, this coincided with a project for Business in Action Students. Cardiff Met Recycling initiatives stand - pledge tree for students to make individual pledges to help review their recycling habits and a board game to show what should be recycled on Campus and where. Each school provided short talks on their current research, e.g.
What can building performance learn from the atmosphere of Saturday night Fever ? (CSAD)
Shopping for Good (CSM)
lots of social media activity took place to promote the events.
The ecological habitus in sport and physical culture (CSS)
The activities were complimented by environmental awareness activities on the Campus, including continuation of Smalls For All, the recycling of old and unwanted bras and donations of new children’s and ladies pants for Africa. There were 27 free bike mot’s and 52 marked up with security marking. Cardiff Digs provided a stand, highlighting waste, noise and transport arrangements within the local
Beyond the lecture theatres into an ancient woodland :the elder tree, dormice and the swamp of biting mud ! (CSE)
Case studies on Environmental Sustainability using African indigenous methods (CSHS)
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STudENT AudiTORS The Sustainability pathway offers students the opportunity to train as environmental auditors, and in teams complete audits of the University Environmental Systems (EMS). Students were able to demonstrate the skills they learnt whilst studying the course by participating in the 2016/17 internal audit of the EMS. The students worked alongside Cardiff Met staff and provided recommendations for improvements, and identified and recognised areas of good practice across the University.
The University recognises that the health and well-being of staff and students is essential to its success and therefore has committed to the provision of an environment which supports the adoption of healthier lifestyles. The philosophy which underpins this commitment is one of self-help and individual responsibility within a corporate framework, promoting and supporting good practice to comply with legislation, addressing key workplace risks to health and encouraging a healthy lifestyle culture. The encouragement of healthy lifestyle culture among staff and students includes active support to staff and students that use sustainable forms of commuting (walk/cycle/ public transport) to/from and between their places of work and study. Health and well-being development is a key component of the Corporate HR and Healthy University Strategies and improvement goals have been set which target key preventable ill-health issues and the Welsh Government’s Health Challenge Wales priorities.
COMMuNiTy gARdEN The Cardiff Met Community Garden Project was proposed in March 2016 as a voluntary Wellbeing opportunity for Cardiff Met staff and students. An initial Business Plan was given permission to proceed by Health, Safety and Wellbeing and Estates in May 2016. The Community Garden on llandaff Campus was supported with the allocation of a raised bed area, funding for purchase of a shed, outside water tap, equipment and materials and support by the Grounds Maintenance contractor. The project aims to seek volunteers of staff and students to manage the area and promote activities and progress to all.
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CHEMiCALS ANd HAzARdOuS SuBSTANCES Schools and Units are required to identify and assess risks posed to staff, students and the environment by hazardous chemicals and to liaise with Campus Services over their safe disposal. During 2016/17, Schools and Units continued to ensure that risk controls implemented for hazardous chemical substances remained effective. Progress continues to be made towards the establishment of a University-wide best practice standards for the use and disposal of chemical substances. A cross school working group was established in the summer of 2013 and a Hazardous Chemicals User Workshop event was held in 2014/15 as part of the Corporate Staff Development Programme. During 2016/17 workshop attendees continued to work together towards a University wide approach to the use and disposal of chemicals.
The deletion of jobs shows actual savings in print due to the controls on the Print Management system adopted by the university, when compared to desktop printers, where prints are released immediately and without a secure log-in.
There are two main categories of deletion:-
The majority of paper is purchased through our supplier, Springfield Paper. The university standard A4 paper is My Copy Professional. This is 75gsm PEFC (Sustainable Forest Management) paper which is also elemental chlorine free (EFC).
1. deletion maintenance - when the system deletes a job after 24 hours in the print queue 2014/2015 - 161,144 mono pages - 65,043 colour pages 2015/2016 - 139,239 mono pages - 95,479 colour pages 2016/2017 - 45,378 mono pages - 95,515 colour pages
The target was to reduce total paper purchased by 50% from 2008/9 and 2016/17.
2. Manual deletion - is when the user deletes the job from the queue themselves 2014/2015 - 229,051 mono pages - 75,272 colour pages 2015/2016 - 206,957 mono pages - 130,908 colour pages 2016/2017 - 58,019 mono pages - 145,096 colour pages
Baseline Figure: 2008/2009 - 11,129,152 sheets Actual Figure: 2016/17 6,066,350 sheets (54.5%) it should be noted that during this period the Print Studio also completed a major print job for Cardiff University of approx. 605,000 sheets. Therefore the University’s net own consumption was actually 49% of the 2008/09 figure.
3. Total deletion savings (paper to trees calculated as 17 reams equals 1 tree) 2014/2015 - 530,510 pages approx. 1000 reams of paper saved (58 trees) 2015/2016 - 572,613 pages approx. 1150 reams of paper saved (67 trees) 2016/2017 - 344,008 pages approx. 688 reams of paper (40 trees)
During this year the population of desktop printers was reduced, and over 80 desktop devices were removed, and offered to charities and staff for home use. The university also removed desk top printers from the purchasing pages to encourage all staff to use the shared MFD (Multi-function devices)
dOuBLE SidEd pRiNTiNg The target was revised in 2015/16 to further increase duplex by 1% per year over a two year period. This target has been met. Duplex Printing 15/16 - 50% Duplex Printing 16/17 - 51%
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in academic year 2016 - 17 the University Estates Strategy completed the construction of a new Sports Arena, which has been passively designed and has achieved a theoretical EPC (Energy Performance Certificate) rating of B. The university has also continued its focus on refurbishment and upgrade of existing space.
The University’s procurement function is a key contributor to the achievement of sustainability objectives through its role in managing all aspects of the University’s supply chains and associated sourcing and transactional processes.
This Refurbishment Programme has allowed the lED lighting programme to be extended, effecting significant reduction in electricity and carbon use which will be supplemented by the phased installation of an upgraded BMS system as mentioned earlier. in terms of the planned projects we continue to adopt a passive design strategy to ensure that our buildings are efficient in use and capital expenditure and designed beyond current building regulation requirements. The sustainable estate covers a number of aspects and we have made very positive steps in improving the estate using these aspects as an action plan i.e.:-
Flood: The planned maintenance programme, for inspection and clearing of all main drains on our campuses continues.
Campus appearance: Campus walkabouts are diarised prior to term start, to ensure that the campuses retain a welcoming appearance. We continue to enhance the soft and hard landscaping and all pathways, to ensure that they are safe for students and staff. in addition to last, we have commenced an extensive planting programme across all sites and completed the timber planters to the main entrance of the llandaff campus.
The primary objective of all University procurement is the achievement of best value for its goods and service’s needs. Within this objective, the University seeks to configure all procurement activity to include outcomes for the social, economic and environmental benefit of the local community, and to do so in a manner consistent with the Welsh Government ‘Welsh Procurement Policy Statement’. The University makes extensive use of collaborative procurement opportunities, actively participating in - and benefiting from – the collaborative procurement activity of the Higher Education Purchasing Consortium, Wales (HEPCW) and the national Procurement Service for Wales. Whether adopting a collaborative procurement agreement or conducting its own procurement exercise, the University applies Sustainability Risk Assessment criteria to the evaluation to help identify sustainability enhancement opportunities and to mitigate environmental risk. The University also utilises a number of procedural and evaluative criteria to assist in ensuring smaller and local businesses are given credible opportunities to engage and be successful in University procurement exercises and, in turn, to help reduce the University’s carbon footprint in its direct and indirect supply chains.
We continue to follow through the knotweed eradication plan which is greatly enhancing the border areas to our campuses, especially at llandaff, with 80% of existing knotweed being eradicated.
A primary indicator of these various ‘local supply’ initiatives can be illustrated through the fact that in the last twelve months, in excess of 50% of the University’s influence-able spend was placed with Welsh based suppliers.
Planning: We have engaged with the City Council on a number of developments and have instructed several ecological surveys to our campuses. We work with the Council’s Ecology Section, to agree appropriate strategies to limit damage to plant and animal life. A number of separate initiatives have been undertaken relating to bird boxes, beehives and encouragement of insects and wildlife by the retention of fallen/felled trees. in respect of the Student Accommodation project at Cyncoed we have worked the designs on several occasions to ensure that the ancient woodland and bio-diversity within are not disturbed.
The University seeks to make full use of electronic tools wherever appropriate in its procurement processes. The University has been using electronic tendering for over 10 years and has been ‘live’ with an e-marketplace for over 5 years. The e-marketplace hosts electronic catalogues and facilitates the transmission and receipt of electronic purchase orders and invoices. The University also transmits non-e-marketplace purchase orders via system-generated emails and uses the same technology to issue remittance advices electronically to suppliers and other creditors. implementation of these processes has resulted in more than 95% of the University’s Purchase Order and
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Remittance documents now being transmitted electronically, with the consequential dramatic reduction in the use of hard copy documents, stationery and surface mail services. in the coming twelve months, the University will be seeking further opportunities for upcycling, recycling and the use of products manufactured from post-consumer waste; continue to promote energy efficiency as a significant factor in the evaluation of relevant procurement activity; and further enhance transparency in its extended supply chains to help deliver greater social and environmental benefit.
CyCLiNg Cardiff Metropolitan University has the largest work based Bike User Group in Wales with in excess of 250 members of staff regularly cycling to work. in addition to this, over 800 students have currently requested card access to the cycle stores be added to their iD card. Our continued focus on cycling as a preferred travel method for staff and students has resulted in 5.26% of students (550) and 17.84% of staff (250) cycling regularly. This has been supported by the University free breakfast scheme which has witnessed in the past three years an average of 330 members of staff annually participating in the Cycle or Walk to Work weeks. Cardiff Met having provided a staggering 6,565 free healthy breakfasts during this period.
Recent cycling initiatives have included: Cardiff Metropolitan is one of the leading sustainable travel organisations in Wales. Having a history of focusing on sustainable travel for its students, staff and visitors to ensure that the University reduces its impact on the environment, contributes to the positive health and wellbeing of staff and students and is a responsible member of the local community.
The upgrading and completion of the Cycle Hub at llandaff – a direct cycle lane from the front of the campus that safely skirts the perimeter and delivers the user safely to the cycle stores and shower facilities
The purpose built Cycling changing, storage and shower facilities that opened in September 2014 in the new Cardiff School of Art & Design.
The 28 days a year of FREE breakfast for staff who opt to cycle or walk to work.
The addition of a further all weather, card access cycle stand at llandaff and Pas Gwyn Campus in August 2016, providing cover for 260 bicycles.
Continued sales of Grade 10 security D-locks for to purchase at £20 from Print Studios. RRP £69.99
The past year has seen an increase in walking or running to campus as a lifestyle choice amongst both students and staff. The 2016 Travel Survey indicated that 34.96% of students and 18.84% of staff now daily walk to campus.
The April 2017 participation in the staff Cycle to Work purchase window resulted in a total of 38 new staff bicycles.
The annual provision of 1,000 Cardiff cycling maps courtesy of the Cardiff City Council given to staff and students from September 2014.
This has been supported by:
Donation of 55 discarded cycles on campus to Cycle Training Wales to be rebuilt and reused in the community.
Free Cycle maintenance workshops for staff and Bike MOT repair days for students and staff cyclists during Community Days and Go Green Week
The launch of the Cardiff Met Cycling Club and participation in velothon Wales.
The introduction of a staff/student social cycling group.
Since 2009 we have witnessed a reduction of 15% in students using a car as their mode of transport. This equates to a significant 1,575 students ceasing using a car as their preferred mode of transport in under eight years. The following highlights achievements and initiatives held between August 2016 and July 2017 that have assisted in ensuring that Cardiff Met continue as a ‘leading light’ in the area of sustainable travel.
WALkiNg / RuNNiNg
An increase number of students and staff accessing the dedicated showers, storage and changing facilities.
Provision of safe campus walking guides.
The introduction of a weekly staff/student running/walking club.
The continued agreement to house circa 700 first year students in private halls located within walking distance of campus.
Walk to Work free breakfast packs available four weeks a year.
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Since the Met Rider launched in 1997 usage has grown from just 100 permits a year to in excess of 2000 passes a year, making it the largest student bus service in Wales. The Rider offers students and staff an affordable and subsidised method to travel safely around the city of Cardiff. Student passes are valid from 1st September until 30th June each year and costs just over £6 a week for the entire year. Staff passes are valid for the entire year at under £26 a month which is deducted monthly throughout the year.
Business travel is an essential part of Cardiff Mets daily operations, but where applicable we always seek to ensure that staff are travelling via the most sustainable option. The University encourages staff to reduce their business travel via the utilisation of technology, such as web conferencing, virtual learning and one to one skype discussions.
During the 2016/17 Academic year, students undertook 428,978 journeys on the Met Rider services which was nearly 14,000 trips a week during tern time. it is not just members of Cardiff Met that benefit though, as the Rider is a public service linking Cardiff East and West with routes that did not previously exist. The 2016 Student Travel Survey illustrated that 31% of students confirmed they have used the Rider to attend Campus during the past year. Regarding staff, 9% confirmed they had used the Met Rider in the past year to either travel to campus or between campuses. Following several student focus groups from September 2017, the Met Rider routes and schedule will be amended to include three services an hour from llandaff Campus to the Cathays/Roath area, the main residential location for students.
CAR SHARE Cardiff Met is a founder member of CarShare2Cardiff joining within the first week of the schemes launch in 2006. Since the introduction of the scheme the university has experiencing fluctuating demand for car share spaces dependent upon the success on our periodic car share campaign.
With an expanding overseas student market, we will always have a necessity for air travel to promote the University and its courses. Where possible air travel is kept to a minimum with long haul visits being combined to several destinations in one trip rather than repeated long haul flights from the UK.
COLLABORATivE WORkiNg The HE/FE South Wales Travel Group chaired by Cardiff Met with three meetings per year held. Cardiff Met are currently used as a ‘Case Study’ in the Cardiff Council - Cardiff Cycling Strategy 2016-2026. Cardiff Council - Ongoing consultation with Cardiff City Council to explore how we can align our joint Travel Strategies and how Cardiff Met can assist in facilitating the launch of the nEXT Bike public cycle hire scheme. The University receives continual recognition from the Council as ‘best practice’ in the Higher Education sector in South East Wales. Traveline Cymru – Continuation of our eight year relationship with Traveline Cymru and guidance provided on effectiveness of their new promotional campaign to be launched January 2016
The University currently has a total of 731 members (148 staff and 583 students) and 39 active groups registered with the car share scheme.
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WASTE MANAgEMENT The University sends all of its General Waste to the Trident Energy Recovery Facility at Cardiff Bay. The energy from the recovery is subsequently fed into the national Grid and already accounts for 1.5% of UK electricity supply. Metals and bottom ash are removed and fully recycled. The ash is used as aggregate material in the construction industry. Any remaining residue is disposed of at a licensed facility, if not recycled. On a monthly basis Trident provide a Mass Balance report, which enables us to record on average 20% of the diverted waste as recycled.
On-site recycling totalled 439 tonnes for 2016/17. This is a dip on the previous year, but it continues to remain higher than diverted waste. On a regular basis the University continues to recycle:Paper, cardboard, plastics (including bottles), glass, food waste, wood, batteries, postage stamps, printer cartridges, mobile phones, clothes, waste electrical and white goods. Old folders and items of stationery are also made available for students to take. Staff continue to advertise and request surplus equipment from the ‘Re-use’ website. items are listed for 10 working days for re-use within Cardiff Met. After that they can be requested for home use or donated to a charity.
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SuSTAiNABLE FOOd in September 2017, Catering & Hospitality Service were awarded a gold award by the Sustainable Restaurant Association award (SRA). A mixed menu of initiatives to serve customers delicious, healthy, ethical and sustainable meals at Cardiff Metropolitan University has been rewarded with a three Star Food Made Good rating. The Sustainable Restaurant Association (SRA) which conducted the rating found that the university had all the ingredients in place to demonstrate an excellent level of sustainability. While well sourced ingredients play a significant part in making food good, Cardiff Metropolitan University also demonstrated excellent social and environmental credentials. in addition, the Cardiff Met catering were nominated for an Eat better award in 2017 by Sustainable Restaurant Association. The team place a strong emphasis on sourcing as much as they can from Welsh suppliers, supporting local businesses and taking advantage of the high quality produce on offer. Much of what is imported, including the coffee, is either Fairtrade or Rainforest Alliance certified. Customers are offered the used coffee grounds to use as compost on their gardens. Aware of the growing interest in and emphasis on healthy eating, the catering team at Cardiff Metropolitan is now working with the Food industry Centre to further develop the nutritional information on its menus so that customers can make an informed choice. The catering team have also introduced health promotions to encourage both staff and students to eat healthier. An example of this is “Free fruit Friday” run throughout the year so both staff and students can get a free piece of fruit with every hot meal purchased.
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FuTuRE gENERATiONS ACT The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 became law in Wales on 29 April 2015. The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act is about improving the social, economic, environmental and cultural well-being of Wales, helping to create a Wales that we all want to live in, now and in the future. As the University is not a Public Body, it does not have to comply with the Act, but we still face the same challenges now and in the future, to tackle these we need to work together with Public Bodies to give current and future generations a good quality of life. We need to think and consider the long term impact of the decisions we make as a University.
FOCuS 2017/18 Future focus may include but not be limited to:-
The University continues to make excellent progress on the environment and sustainability agenda and thanks are due to the staff and students for their contribution. its pursuit of becoming a top 10 university in the next five years opens up further challenges. There are many examples where the University makes a difference, but it can do more. This is a great opportunity to lead in pushing forward the principles of sustainable development. By committing to the sustainable development agenda, Cardiff Metropolitan University can win the hearts and minds of staff and students, create positive impacts, shift the culture from compliance to alliance and drive up performance and invest in the future.
Feasibility of a Green / electric pool vehicle fleet
investigate new car share resource to aid staff
introduction of nextBike to all Campuses as part of the City Council Bike Scheme
The reduction of single use plastic for food and drink containers through the University Catering service
introduction of a range of re-usable food and drink products throughout all University Catering outlets
Continual improvement of Environmental Management System (EMS) to adhere to iSO14001 : 2015
To develop and focus the Community Days each month (term time). To promote EMS Aspect areas and Healthy University Strategy by continuing to raise awareness of University environmental initiatives on Campus and ideas for behavioural change and promotion of local Community partners
The continuation of free Green Workshops for staff and students together to attend taster sessions of green living opportunities
Further opportunities for students to engage and train as internal Auditors of the Environmental Management System and complete internal audits as part of student teams
volunteering of staff and students to support Green events, e.g. Go Green Week and Green Day
Review of Fairtrade Policy and renewal
Maintain and improve Sustainable Restaurant Award
Commit to using 100% green electricity from October 2017 - generated entirely from renewable sources such as wind, photovoltaic and landfill and biomass gasses
Maintain and improve standing within the People and Planet league from 2017 result of 8th in UK and 1st in Wales out of 154 Universities in the UK
Review of Carbon Management Strategy
Extending Real World projects to all Schools, in conjunction with all areas of the Healthy University Strategy Team
implementation of APMG's PM4SD Certification (Project Management for Sustainable Development) course / qualification within the School of Management
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AppENdiX 1
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AppENdiX 2 EnviROnMEnTAl STRATEGy 2017/18 - 2022/23 TARGETS AnD OBJECTivES PART OF EMS - iSO14001:2015 (MEASURED AGAinST EMS BASElinE DATA) Impact Area
Sustainable Food
Limit the impact of food purchasing
1) To progress Sustainable Restaurant Association feedback report. 2) To progress actions from HU Action Plan - a) Develop and implement a more diverse food offer across the University's (and CMSU's) catering outlets. b) Engage with CSHS (Nutrition and Dietetics) to support development of new product (food) development at University catering outlets, c) Enhance involvement with the Sustainable Food City initiative
Catering & Hospitality Manager
Waste Management
Reduce waste and increase awareness
Comply with Waste Management Strategy targets. To make all Staff, Students and Visitors aware of he Recycling and Re-use facilities at the University and to promote, encourage and inform all parties about sustainable & environmental performance
Campus Services Manager
Travel & Transport
Reduce single occupancy travel to Campus
1) Implementation of the various actions within Travel Plan: Public Transport, Cycling, Walking, Car Share, etc. and associated awareness and promotion campaigns 2) Updated data and statistics of student/staff travel modes, post code analysis and campus traffic 3) Target to increase sales and awareness of Met Rider Service for students and staff via promotion and marketing campaign 4) Review of parking congestion issues on Llandaff and Cyncoed campus and effect on local community
Travel Plan Manager
Sustainable Procurement
Impact of purchasing
1) Ethical Supply Chains – enhance the knowledge of ,and influence over the University’s direct and xtended supply chains 2) Materials and finished goods, seek opportunities to enhance sustainable impact through use of more environmentally friendly products and packaging 3) Suppliers & Sub-contractors, maximise opportunities for local supply 4) Processes and procedures, maximise the benefits achievable through the University’s use of electronic systems, particularly electronic trading 5) Commodity profiling, develop a report of sustainability progress and achievements report derived from enhanced commodity profiling and management
Head of Procurement
Students’ Union
Assist the community around the Campus’
1) Develop the involvement of Cardiff Mets student body with the various actions undertaken within each Aspect. Creation of a Student Environmental Society. Create a link to Cardiff Mets Sustainability (information) site from the Student Union web site. 2) Making more Cardiff Met students involved and aware of environmental and sustainability issues. To get at least 25 students signed up to Environmental Champions group. 3) Creation of Sustainability pathway of the Cardiff Met Awards. 4) Development and maintenance of Fairtrade accreditation
Director of Students’ Union
Sustainable Estates
Management of funded knotweed eradication programme
Director of Estates
Paper & Print
Managed print service
1) Reduce Desktop Printers 2) Measure and report on job deleted by the print system across the fleet 3) Measure and report on print as a total volume produced on Multi Function Devices (MFD) 4) Duplex rate increased 5) Awareness activities
Commercial Services Manager
Environmental Awareness
Increase awareness activities, Campus and within Community
1) To review the content of the e-module on Sustainability for completion by new starters to the organisation 2) To review each quarter the volume of new starters completing the e-module on Sustainability 3) To raise awareness of environmental and sustainability issues amongst Cardiff Met staff, students, stakeholders and local community 4) To review the format and content of the Sustainability website 5) Maintain ISO 14001 : 2015 6) Maintain & improve standing in P&P Green League table
Environmental Performance Manager
Energy & Utilities
Reduce Energy consumption
1)Reduce utility emissions to meet reduction targets (currently 3% per annum) as set out within Carbon Management Strategy 2) Development of Carbon Management Plan project list to deliver aims of the Carbon Management Strategy, including prioritisation of projects for implementation 3) Improve awareness of energy and utility consumption across the estate through regular targeted reporting of key data through meetings with schools
Energy and Environment Engineer
Emissions & Effluents
Legislation Compliance / Best Practice
Compliance with Legislation/Best Practice, Drainage Discharge, Emissions to Air, Drainage, Air Conditioning,Lev’s and Fume Cupboards,Water Treatment / Control of Legionella
Maintenance and Space Operations Manager
Chemicals & Hazardous substances
Control of chemical & hazardous substances
Development of a Cardiff Met Environmental Good Practice Use of Chemicals Protocol, based upon examples of existing good practice in use within the University's Schools and Units
Asst Dir of HR (Occ Health, Safety & Wellbeing)
Academic Development
Promotion of Environmental studies
1)To monitor the institution’s teaching of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) via the University’s QA processes, curriculum design and review 2) To capture and disseminate identified examples of good ESD pedagogy and practice within the institution through case study collation 3) To increase flexible and socially inclusive learning opportunities through the continued use and development Moodle VLE and other associated online learning, assessment and feedback resources 4) To roll out lecture capture software across the institution as a means of enabling staff to provide flexible online learning content 5) To deliver ongoing workshops for academic staff which support the development and delivery of sustainability (global and local), internationalisation and social inclusivity agendas within Cardiff Met curricula 6) To contribute to relevant aspects of the Healthy University community of practice and its aims 7) To implement and promote digital and online communication and collaboration technologies as a means of reducing unnecessary impact on the environment
Learning Development Officer
Sustainable Research
Academic research and consultancy relating to environmental topics
Completion of an annual report summarising academic research and consultancy
Director of Research and Graduate Studies
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