Student Handbook

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STUDENT Handbook 2017/18

Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



1.1 1.2 1.3

Welcome from the President and Vice-Chancellor Our Commitment: The Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Charter Top 10 things to do once you get to University



2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17

Enrolment Fees Attendance Assessment Conduct at Examinations Unfair Practice Mitigating Circumstances Fitness to Practise Fitness to Study Insurance Car Parking Data Protection Freedom of Information Private Mail/Telephone Calls Jury Service Equipment Metcard



3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8

Student Services Careers and Employability Accommodation Services International and Partnerships Office Learning Centre Services Academic Skills Students’ Union External Services


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Llandaff Campus

Cyncoed Campus



4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13

Making a Suggestion, Complaint or Appeal Disciplinary Procedure Code of Conduct Ethics Framework Equal Opportunities Harassment and Bullying Child Protection Expectant or New Mothers Health and Safety Smoking Mental Health Meningitis Sustainability

APPeNDIX 1 Useful names, addresses and websites index


Cardi Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Welcome FROM THE PRESIDENT & VICE-CHANCELLOR Welcome to Cardiff Metropolitan University’s new Student Handbook and congratulations! If you are reading this you are either preparing to come to Cardiff Metropolitan University or are already a student here or at one of our collaborative partners around the world. Thank you for choosing to study at Cardiff Metropolitan University. We are sure you will find the experience most worthwhile and enjoyable. The purpose of this Handbook is to provide you with all the necessary basic information you need as a student at Cardiff Metropolitan University and to tell you about the type of services available. You are not expected to read it from cover to cover in one go, but to use it as a reference guide when you need information. Specific details about your chosen programme of study are sent to you separately. You will also receive additional information when you enrol and participate in the induction process at the beginning of your first term. Without students Cardiff Metropolitan University would not exist! We try to take every opportunity to listen to and take notice of your views. At the same time, you have a responsibility to make use of these various opportunities, as this can be a most valuable part of your university experience. This is your university. Please make use of all the services and facilities we offer. If you have concerns or worries about anything please ask or seek advice. Relevant phone numbers, email addresses and web sites are included throughout this Handbook. Do please use our web site (; it will provide you with all the information you should need in both English and Welsh.

Professor Antony J Chapman President & Vice-chancellor


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



The Charter sets out the standards of service which Cardiff Metropolitan University aims to achieve in respect of its students. It also sets out for students what we expect of them in return. By listening to the views of students through a range of mechanisms and using their feedback, Cardiff Metropolitan University ensures that it continuously improves its services and raises student satisfaction levels even higher, in order to improve efficiency and effectiveness in student learning.

The Cardiff Metropolitan University Charter ensures that staff:      

Set standards and perform well Actively engage with students, staff and partners Are fair and accessible to everyone and promote choice Continuously develop and improve Use resources effectively and imaginatively Contribute to improving opportunities and quality of life in the communities served

For further information on the Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Charter visit: Further details of the commitment are contained in the Student Charter found at:

Also, from time to time Cardiff Metropolitan University, its programmes, or groups of programmes, are inspected or assessed by external bodies charged with examining and reporting on the quality of provision. The main bodies concerned are:  The Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)  The Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW)  Her Majesty’s Inspectorate/Estyn  Professional Statutory and Accrediting Bodies

Further details of the Student Charter (what we expect of students) can be found at:


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18


‘toP 10’ tHings to do ONCE YOU GET TO UNIVERSITY

Starting university is a very exciting time for new students, but it can also be overwhelming if you don’t know what to expect and if it is your first time living away from home. So here are some ‘Top 10’ tips to get you through the first few days and months as a new student, if not for the whole of your studies.


It may sound obvious, but speak to people! The first few days at university can seem daunting to begin with – you’re away from home and surrounded by complete strangers - but just remember that all the other new students are in the same boat. Don’t be afraid to smile, say hello and speak to other new students, they’re probably as nervous as you.


Attend events organised for new students or ‘Freshers’ as you’re known. Make sure you attend any university induction events to get all the important information you’ll need about your course and the university. Also make the effort to attend Freshers’ Week Fayre run by your Students’ Union to find out about all the services the SU has to offer including clubs, societies, competitive and recreational sport and UMAX . Taking part in Students’ Union activities is one of the best ways to meet people and improve your university social life. Freshers’ Fayres are also a great place to find out about student discounts and promotions from local companies and businesses.


Sort out your finances at the start. The cost of being a student can add up, between paying for course fees and finding money for rent, bills, course materials and of course socialising! As a student, you’ll need to learn how to make your money last and not go into too much debt, so don’t blow all your cash in the first few weeks. Sit down and work out realistically what you’ve got coming in, what has to go out on essentials such as rent/bills, course books and equipment and how much you have left over each month to enjoy yourself. Ask for help from Student Services.


Learn to cook and find out where the nearest laundrette is. Although you may not be as talented as Jamie Oliver in the kitchen, you really can’t live on kebabs and takeaways for a year. Invest in a good student cookbook, which will tell you how to make great food on a budget. It is also advisable to find out where your nearest laundrette facilities are, so that on your first visit back home you’re not accompanied by bags of dirty washing!


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18


Organise your time. University life is very different from being at school or college as you have a lot more freedom and will be responsible for managing your own workload. It makes sense to plan your time and get coursework out of the way in plenty of time, rather than burning the midnight oil and writing an assignment in one night without any sleep.


Talk to someone about any concerns or needs you might have as soon as possible, whether they be about personal issues, finance, disability, faith, health, part-time work or your choice of course. Don’t be afraid to seek help and advice either before you begin university or when you’re there. Support services are free and entirely confidential, so don’t let things build up and get out of control.


You’ll be well looked after as a student, but if things are going wrong, don’t be afraid to share a problem. Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Services, and the Students’ Union have all kinds of services to support you in your learning and your personal life. If you have a problem with your course, you’ll also have a course tutor who will be able to offer you help and advice. Make sure you know what support is available to you and if you don’t know, contact the i- zone (see 3.1.8).


Don’t leave your common sense at home when you go away to university take care of your personal safety. Never leave your drink unattended in a pub/bar - you never know what might be in it when you get back. Don’t walk the streets alone late at night or in the early hours of the morning and, if possible, arrange to walk home with a group of friends. If you can take public transport or a taxi from a reputable firm, it’s much safer than walking. The Students’ Union offers a Safe Taxi scheme designed to be an emergency safeguard for students who are stuck in Cardiff with no way to get home. You can visit the SU website to find out more information.


Look after your possessions - don’t make yourself an easy target for potential thieves. Whether you are living in halls of residence or private/shared accommodation, keep your doors and windows locked when you’re not in your room and at night, and obtain adequate insurance for your personal possessions before you leave for university.


Even if you are really busy in the whirlwind of Freshers’ Week events, socialising and settling in to your course, don’t forget to call home and let your family and friends know that you’re OK. Similarly, always tell someone; let your flatmates know where you are. Finally, enjoy yourself and have fun - you’re only a Fresher once, so make the most of it.


Cardi Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

PART 2 tHings You need to knoW


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

THeRe ARe mATTeRS YoU NeeD To Be AWARe oF AND To ABIDe BY, So PleASe ReAD THIS SecTIoN cAReFUllY. The regulations are designed to ensure Cardiff Metropolitan University is able to meet its legal and statutory obligations and to provide a framework for conduct, so that all can benefit to the maximum from what Cardiff Metropolitan University has to offer. If you are a Cardiff Metropolitan University student studying at a collaborative partner much of the information included in this handbook will be applicable to you. Owing to your location or the nature of your programme, some of the information will not be applicable and will be supplemented by your programme handbook. Please refer to the Guidance for Students Studying at Partner Institutions to help to find those areas of most relevance to you.



location: contact(s): telephone: Website:

Enrolment Unit, Llandaff Campus Head of Admissions & Enrolment 029 2041 6014

In enrolling as a student at Cardiff Metropolitan University you undertake to abide by the enrolment regulations or you may be excluded from study. Cardiff Metropolitan University interprets “student” to mean any person enrolled by Cardiff Metropolitan University to follow a course or programme of study, which has been approved by the Academic Board, including short programmes. You are required to enrol each academic year before the start of your programme of study for that year. Enrolment is not complete until:  

  

All the conditions of your offer and admissions requirements have been met and your entry qualifications have been verified. You also need to bring your original certificates to induction as you may be required to show them. A Cardiff Metropolitan University enrolment has been satisfactorily completed (normally on-line). The University is legally obliged to report on information about its students, so it is important that what is asked during the enrolment process is completed correctly. Module selection has been satisfactorily completed (normally on-line). Payment of fees or arrangement for the payment of fees has been made in accordance with section 2.2 (below). Any other procedures, which may be required or which you have been notified about, have been completed.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Please make sure you have done all of these things or else you will find you may not be able to start your programme. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that the University has the correct personal details. If your date of birth or address details are incorrect, have changed or are incomplete on your student record, please inform the University’s Academic Registry immediately via the forms available from the i-zone.

Name changes Please note the names that you enter and verify as part of the enrolment procedure are those that will appear on your graduation certificate. If your name details are incorrect, have changed or are incomplete please inform us immediately, by submitting the relevant details together with any supporting evidence via the Student Details Verification Portal (SDV) which can be accessed through either the MyCardiffMet app or the CardiffMet Student Room - any requests for name changes can only be accepted up to 4 weeks prior to the final Examination Board. For further details go to the enrolment website at



location: i-zone, Llandaff and Cyncoed opening Hrs: i-zone 9:00am - 4:00pm Monday - Friday (Wednesday 10.00am - 4.00pm) telephone: 029 2020 5600 / 029 2020 5460 Website: Students are required to agree the method/basis for payment of tuition fees at the beginning of each academic year. Full details of all programme fees and relevant additional fees are available from the Finance Department website, as indicated above. If you receive financial support from the Student Loan Company (SLC), and are registered as studying at Cardiff Metropolitan University, we will automatically confirm attendance upon enrolment. This will also prompt any tuition fee contribution by the SLC to be reflected on your finance account. There are some exceptions whereby we will not receive confirmation of your funding in time; although we cannot do anything about late applications, some of these are avoidable e.g. Invalid National Insurance Number, Un-Signed Declaration, Incorrect HEI on application (not Cardiff Metropolitan University).


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

If your tuition fees are to be paid by a sponsor or other agency (e.g. your employer) you must produce at enrolment a letter confirming that the sponsor accepts responsibility for payment of your fees. If possible, please upload any funding letter you have as part of the on-line enrolment process. In the event of your sponsor or other agency defaulting on the payment of fees or otherwise disclaiming responsibility, you are personally responsible for any outstanding amount due. If you are paying your own fees or any contribution towards your fees, you may make arrangements to pay by instalments. You can obtain further information from the Finance web site (above), where you will also be able to print off a Direct Debit mandate for instalments and find the payment dates for the current year. N.B. Direct Debit payment is not available for international students who must pay their fees in full or on a 60%/40% basis (with a 5% administration charge added to any balance outstanding after the enrolment period). It is recognised that students, once enrolled, may wish to discontinue their studies for a variety of reasons which may not have been apparent prior to enrolment. In recognition of this, students who withdraw within two weeks of their recorded enrolment will be entitled to a refund of fees subject to any evidence of fraud or illegal acts or other outstanding debts to Cardiff Metropolitan University. If you withdraw after the first two weeks of term your liability for fees will be dependent upon the period of study, as set out below:   

Withdrawal during first term % of fee payable = 40% Withdrawal during second term % of fee payable = 70% Withdrawal during third term % of fee payable = 100%

For further information on eligibility for fee refund please contact the Finance Department or visit their web site (previous page). If you are liable for your own fees and you do not opt to pay through a deferred instalment scheme, it is essential that you pay your fees on time. Failure to do so may result in your access to Cardiff Metropolitan University facilities (including IT access) being withdrawn; you may be excluded from examinations; you may be prevented from progressing to your next stage of study; you may not receive an award from Cardiff Metropolitan University. Further details on our Debtors Policy can be found here: Cardiff Metropolitan University has a published policy on the web re withholding certificates, transcripts, confirmation of awards letters etc for debtors – for more information, go to:


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



Unless your programme is organised otherwise, attendance at lectures, seminars, tutorials and practical classes is an integral part of your learning, without which you will not be able to fulfil the programme’s aims and objectives. Additionally, sponsors, such as Student Finance England and Wales and the SLC, often stipulate good attendance as a requirement for the support they provide. You are expected to attend the formal teaching sessions laid down in your programme. If you need to be absent for a session you should advise the relevant lecturer or the Programme Director for absences involving a day or more. A written explanation to the Programme Director is required together with a medical certificate for health-related absences in excess of one week. This is in your interests as it may be necessary to make special arrangements for you. Should you wish to withdraw from your programme or suspend studies at any point, you should contact your Programme Director and Student Services for advice If you are absent for a continuous period of four weeks without the approval of your Programme Director, you will be deemed to have withdrawn from your studies and your enrolment will be cancelled and, where applicable, the SLC or your sponsor will be informed.

international students from outside of the eu The UK immigration system requires international students to adhere to strict rules whilst they are in the UK. As these regulations form part of the immigration law of the UK, failure to comply with them can have serious consequences and may result in deportation. As a Tier 4 migrant, your attendance on your course at Cardiff Metropolitan University will be monitored as we are legally required to advise the UK Immigration Authorities if you do not attend regularly. When you arrive at Cardiff Metropolitan University, you will be advised on how attendance on your course will be monitored. During the enrolment period, you will also be given information to explain your immigration obligations to ensure you understand how to comply with the immigration regulations. For the latest developments on UK immigration regulations, please visit the UK Visas and Immigration website:


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



location: Website:

Academic Registry Cardiff Metropolitan University’s assessment regulations can be viewed in full in the Academic Handbook

You will need to know exactly how you are going to be assessed on your particular programme. This information should be spelt out in your Programme’s Handbook and you should also be given full details of what is expected and required for each module or element by your Programme Director or Module Leader. The information should include details of the methods of assessment, the weighting given to different aspects, the levels attainable, the required pass mark and deadlines for submission. It is your responsibility to ensure you know what is required, to hand in work on time, to attend examinations when necessary and to submit details as directed in Programme Handbooks of any mitigating circumstances that may affect your performance or require an extension to a deadline. Additionally, it is your responsibility to apply for any reasonable adjustments you may be entitled to due to a verified disability. You should be provided with feedback on all of your assessed work and the level of performance you have achieved. Under the Data Protection Act (1998) (See Section 2.12) this includes being given the actual marks or grades obtained. For details of how this is provided, see your Programme’s Handbook or information provided by your Programme Director or Module Leader. Cardiff based students will have their marks published online post Examination Board, via the “Profile of Marks” on the Student Room. Communication with regard to dates is emailed to these students by the end of Term 1 in the academic year. If you do not pass an assignment, a module or a programme you may, at the discretion of an Examination Board, be allowed to be reassessed or be required to re-take a module. Your programme’s Examination Board will decide what course of action should be taken and you will be informed of this in writing. Different programmes have different regulations regarding reassessment, which should be published in your Programme’s Handbook. Normally, you will be given no more than a basic pass mark for re-assessed work. In exceptional circumstances an Examination Board can allow compensation for a failure. If you wish to appeal against any academic decision, see Section 4.1 of this Handbook or access Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Verification and Appeals Procedures in the Academic Handbook. See:


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



location: Website:

Academic Registry Academic Handbook

The dates and times of examinations will appear on the University website The draft timetable enables students the time to register any clashes. The ‘final’ timetable can then be viewed at least 2 weeks prior to the start of the examination period. It is your responsibility to know when and where your examinations are taking place. Only students who have registered with Cardiff Met Student Services disability department will be eligible for additional support. Where possible the University will make adjustments and provide the support recommended; subject to you having registered your requirements with the examination team using the on-line form which can be accessed when viewing the ‘draft’ timetable. If this is not completed prior to the examination arrangements deadline, adjustments may not be possible. It is very important to follow the examination arrangements confirming examination adjustments prior to each set of examinations (see Student Room for information). Cardiff Metropolitan University has regulations on the conduct of examinations and these can be viewed at If you are due to take an examination then ensure you are familiar with the regulations. Ensure that you know what materials you are permitted to bring in to the examination room. You are not allowed to use electronic devices, including mobile phones, in an examination. If you are found with unauthorised materials with you this may lead to allegations of unfair practice (see 2.6). Please do not bring bags with you, a ziplock bag will be put on your desk for you to put your phone, keys and any other small essential items. You will need to ensure you are there punctually for the start of the examination, as you will not be permitted to enter the examination room if you arrive more than 30 minutes after the start of the examination. You will also not be allowed to leave until 45 minutes of the examination has passed or during the last 15 minutes. You will need to present your student ID card at each examination. If you are ill or have had an accident and/or cannot take the examination, then you must report this as soon as possible and submit a Mitigating Circumstances form together with any medical evidence as directed in the Programme Handbooks.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18




Academic Registry

studY skills Help: learning centres:

2.6.1 SkillsMenu.aspx

cardiff metropolitan university’s regulations on unfair Practice can be viewed in full in the academic Handbook.

See: Where there is any evidence of unfair practice Cardiff Metropolitan University takes the matter very seriously and has rigorous procedures to investigate the alleged offence. Guidelines for Imposition of Penalties can be viewed at Unfair practice can be defined as committing any act whereby a person may obtain for himself/herself or for another, an unpermitted advantage. This shall apply whether the candidate acts alone or in conjunction with another/others. Any action or actions shall be deemed to fall within this definition whether occurring during, or in relation to, a formal examination, a piece of coursework, or any form of assessment undertaken in pursuit of a qualification of Cardiff Metropolitan University or other awarding body. Plagiarism can be defined as using without acknowledgement another person’s words or ideas and submitting them for assessment as though they were one’s own work, for instance by copying, translating from one language to another or unacknowledged paraphrasing. To avoid suspicion of this, you must acknowledge all your sources, using a recognised referencing system such as Harvard or APA. You must not copy out passages of text from a publication word for word or simply make slight changes. You must use your own words, unless you insert a direct quotation but, even if using your own words, you must still acknowledge any ideas or concepts that are not your own; if you plagiarise inadvertently, you will still be penalised. Self-plagiarism (the re-use of ones own material except as authorized by the department) is also considered as unfair practice. If you are unclear over what constitutes self-plagiarism then you should seek guidance from module/programme tutors and also refer to the Academic Handbook. If you are still unsure about what constitutes academic honesty, or if you want to learn how to quote and reference correctly, please visit the citation section of the Cardiff Met academic skills website:


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Cardiff Metropolitan University reserves the right to use plagiarism detection systems, including Turnitin. Further details of the University’s Policy on the Use of Plagiarism Detection Software are available in the Academic Handbook at It is important that you familiarise yourself with the definition of plagiarism at the above link. Failure to pay any Unfair Practice fees within the specified deadline may result in your access to Cardiff Metropolitan University facilities (including IT access) being withdrawn. There are a number of web sites that claim to check for plagiarism in work that is uploaded to them. Apart from Turnitin, you should not use these sites because, invariably, they are a means to get a copy of your work and then sell it to others. This will also make your own work appear as if it has been plagiarised from those who have purchased it. For further details on academic skills support see Section 3.6 of this Handbook. The Academic Caseworker and Vice President at the Students’ Union is responsible for consulting with Schools, where appropriate, on matters appertaining to academic issues. This is done by representing and providing impartial advice to students in matters relating to Disciplinary and Unfair Practice Hearings, Complaints and Academic Appeals.



location: contact(s): Website:

Schools School Offices - see list at end of Handbook

Where you are experiencing exceptional personal circumstances outside your control (e.g. personal illness or that of a close friend or relative, bereavement, accident, etc), that you consider are affecting your academic performance, you are advised to contact your Personal Tutor/Year Tutor as soon as the problem occurs, to try to prevent a crisis. Where you consider that such circumstances have affected adversely your academic performance, whether in coursework or formal examination, you should submit a Mitigating Circumstances Form, with independent corroborative evidence, to the relevant Mitigating Circumstances Committee in accordance with instructions in the relevant Programme Handbook as soon as possible. This must be prior to the meeting of the Examination Board if you wish the Board to take account of your circumstances when determining your result. You cannot submit mitigating circumstances after an Examination Board has agreed your results. For additional advice on the mitigating circumstances procedure or support in filling out the application form you can contact the Students’ Union. Please note that the procedure for applying for mitigating circumstances is currently under review and that details of the revised scheme will be made available at the address given above, once this process has been completed.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

In some circumstances Student Services may provide supporting evidence for mitigating circumstances but only if you were already receiving support from those Services when the crisis or problem occurred; Student Services cannot provide retrospective evidence. To obtain such support your mitigating circumstances may be discussed with the Dean of Students in order to ensure consistency of support arrangements and to ensure that students are accessing appropriate support to address these circumstances. If the crisis has occurred as a result of or is related to a long term health issues (such as a deterioration in a condition) you should speak to a Student Services Disability Advisor for further advice and support. Please note that having a diagnosis of a medical condition does not in itself count as a mitigating circumstance. Please see the additional guidance for disabled students: Mitigating-Circumstances.aspx Chaplaincy and the Disability and Mental Health Advisors are also well placed to help with more complex situations which may involve external agencies. For more information, visit the Academic Handbook on Cardiff Metropolitan University’s website which will give guidance on supporting evidence and when you should submit this together with the Mitigating Circumstances Form and the Mitigating Circumstances Guidelines and Procedure. See: If the Examination Board accepts that mitigating circumstances have affected your academic performance, the Board may decide on one of the following outcomes: i)    ii)   iii) 

If you have failed an assessment within a module the Board may: offer a retrieval opportunity (either re-assessment or re-take module) as if a first attempt (i.e. without capping of marks at 40%) re-instate a previous assessment attempt offer a re-assessment where normally you would be required to re-take a module. If you have failed a number of assessments within modules, the Board may: offer retrieval opportunities for the failed modules as at (i) above; offer the opportunity to re-take the year (all modules associated with the year) as if first attempts. If you have passed an assessment within a module the Board may: offer the opportunity to be re-assessed as if a first attempt; the higher attempt mark shall be counted.

If mitigating circumstances are upheld and it is decided that you will have re-instated first attempts (uncapped) then no charge would apply to this element; Finance will be automatically informed of this decision by the Academic Registry.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



The University operates a Fitness to Practise Procedure as in addition to meeting the learning outcomes of a programme, students must satisfy Cardiff Metropolitan University that, in respect of their health and conduct, they do not constitute a risk to patients or professional clients and that they meet the requirements of professional bodies. Examples of circumstances that might render a student unfit to practise are given below.          

Acting in a violent manner on or away from premises of Cardiff Metropolitan University. Chronic drug or alcohol abuse. Conviction of a criminal offence. Severe or relapsing mental illness. Carrying a serious communicable disease. Exploiting the vulnerability of a patient or professional client to establish a sexual relationship; Offending against the vulnerable, including children, older people and those with learning disabilities or mental health issues. Falsifying patient or other professional records Failing to rectify behaviour that has been subject to any disciplinary actions under Cardiff Metropolitan University's regulations. Any other circumstance that may call into question a student's fitness to be admitted to and to practise their professional calling.

Cardiff Metropolitan University’s regulations on Fitness to Practise can be viewed in full in the Academic Handbook. See: For further advice. support and representation please contact the Students’ Union.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



On occasions, student’s health or mental well-being deteriorates to the point where they may find it difficult to meet the usual expectations of University life and/or their studies and continuing to engage may have a detrimental effect on their health. The University therefore operates a Fitness to Study procedure which sets out a consistent approach, which will be invoked following concerns expressed over a student’s health or behaviour, which have led to: 

 

concerns from staff over the student’s fitness to study at the University and/or manage whilst on a placement (these doubts might arise from reports of non engagement with the programme or reports from third parties); concerns regarding the wellbeing of the student or other members of the University community; disruption to the teaching, learning or support of other students.

Further details on the Procedure can be found in the Academic Handbook at If you feel that your health is affected or you are struggling to cope it is recommended that you book an appointment with Student Services at the earliest available opportunity, further details can be found in section 3.1 of this handbook.


cRImINAl RecoRD cHecKS

Universities have a duty of care to its students, so in order to reduce the risk of harm or injury, applicants and current students are asked to disclose any relevant criminal convictions. Applicants who apply through UCAS or direct to the Institution are asked to indicate if they have a conviction and if this is shown, contact is made to ask for additional information. This process is covered by the DBS procedure for programmes that require a DBS check. However, for programmes where no DBS check is required, applicants will be sent the Applicant Criminal Conviction(s) Declaration - Proforma. If you have a relevant conviction that is not spent you are required to inform us of this. During the enrolment process applicants and current students are asked to disclose any new or previously undisclosed convictions that might affect their studies at the university. It is important that students inform the university of any offences that are committed during their studies that may result in criminal investigation / charges being brought against them. Disclosure is very important for programmes that bring students into contact with children and/or vulnerable adults but also to the university, due to its duty of care to all students. 19

Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Further information concerning criminal convictions can be obtained from the following:



location: opening Hrs: contact(s): telephone:

Finance Department 8.30 am - 5.00 pm (4.30 pm Fridays) Senior Finance Officer 029 2041 6064

Cardiff Metropolitan University has insurance to cover its legal liability for accidental injury, loss or damage sustained by third parties when students are on campus or on official placements arranged by Cardiff Metropolitan University as part of a student’s programme. This insurance covers acts of negligence by Cardiff Metropolitan University. It should be noted that no cover exists where Cardiff Metropolitan University was not negligent. Cardiff Metropolitan University does not accept any responsibility for personal property lost or damaged on Cardiff Metropolitan University premises or on official placements offcampus. Any persons causing loss or damage to Cardiff Metropolitan University property will be held personally responsible and liable for the cost of replacement or repair, as necessary. Students wishing to insure either themselves or their possessions are strongly advised to make their own arrangements as no personal accident or contents cover is provided by Cardiff Metropolitan University. If you live in Cardiff Metropolitan University or Private Halls of Residence, basic insurance for personal belongings is included in your rental payment. Please check the policy and ensure that it covers your needs – you may need to consider additional insurance if you have property of a higher value than the policy coverage.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



location: Reception at each Campus opening Hrs: 8.30 am - 5.00 pm (4.30 pm Fridays) contact(s): Reception - Cyncoed/Llandaff Telephone: Cyncoed 029 2041 6155 Llandaff 029 2041 6138 Website:

managed parking Management of Cardiff Metropolitan University car parks is performed on its behalf by Indigo Park Services UK Limited. Cardiff Metropolitan University wishes to preserve as safe, convenient and secure a facility as possible for the benefit of all users. The managed car parking policy is intended to provide an equitable and uniform system for the administration of car parking amenities consistent with corporate priorities. Primary objectives:     

Ease congestion and ensure smooth and effective traffic flow and management. Improve the safety and security of drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. Support Cardiff Metropolitan University’s commitment to sustainability and related planning authority requirement to develop a comprehensive Travel Plan as a condition of planning approval. Make adequate provision for people with disabilities. Invest in the improvement of parking facilities.

students A limited number of Pay & Display parking spaces are available to students on the Cyncoed campus. There is no parking for students on the Llandaff campus. Car share facilities for those students studying at Llandaff are provided at the Plas Gwyn residential campus. You are required to register for a permit to park in any car share scheme spaces. You are required to Pay & Display at the advertised tariff at all times. Students who are Blue Badge Holders are exempt from payment but must display their badge at all times. Resident students are not permitted to park on any residential Campus. students with exceptional circumstances A small number of Prepay Parking Permits can be issued to students who believe their circumstances are such that it is essential that they travel by car and have easy access to their vehicle. In making an application you will require the support of your Dean of School. However, this does not guarantee that your application will be successful: spaces will be awarded on a “greatest needs” principle. 21

Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

If you consider your circumstances warrant an application, you will find the following information and application form on our parking website. Student Application Form (PDF Document) Guidance Notes for Student Application Form (Microsoft Word Document) Policy & Regulations (Microsoft Word Document). Links to alternative means of transport: Cardiff Metropolitan University Rider Traveline Cymru



location: opening Hrs: contact(s): telephone: Website:

Secretariat Unit 9.00am - 5.00pm Information Compliance Officer 029 2020 5758

The Data Protection Act (DPA) (1998) not only establishes the way in which personal data (that is information about living individuals) should be handled, but also sets out the rights that everyone has in relation to their own data. The Act details the Principles and Conditions that all organisations have to follow when they collect, hold, use, disclose or destroy personal data in order to ensure that they do so in a responsible fashion, with regard for personal privacy. Cardiff Metropolitan University holds a range of personal data in both manual and electronic systems. All such data are collected, held and disclosed in accordance with the DPA. You have a number of rights in relation to the information that Cardiff Metropolitan University holds about you, including the right to:   

Ask for a copy of any of your personal data (Subject Access Request). Prevent us using your data for direct marketing. Prevent us doing anything with your data that may cause you damage or distress. You also have rights if significant decisions about you are automated.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Data Protection Policy is designed to ensure that the University complies fully with the Act and you can view the policy on the webpage indicated above. It is mostly designed to protect certain information that should not be generally known (such as personal information about staff or students, or information that we have been given in confidence). The webpage also has: 

Details of why we need your data and what we will do with it, including to whom it may be passed This is fully explained to you when you enroll within our Fair Processing Notice which can be accessed from webpage indicated above. More information about your rights including how you can make a Subject Access Request. Some of the information that we hold about you will be sent to the Higher Education Statistics Agency, details of which are available on the HESA website:

You also have some responsibilities for assisting Cardiff Metropolitan University to comply with the Act, including:    

Informing Cardiff Metropolitan University of any changes to your details, such as a change of address. Informing the Information Compliance Officer immediately if any information about another person comes into your possession. Following relevant guidance if you are collecting or using personal data as part of your studies, in an elected role or when you are undertaking research. Following relevant guidance if you are collecting or using personal data as part of your studies, in an elected role or when you are undertaking research.

For further information contact the Senior Officer, as indicated above. This also applies to students living in Cardiff Metropolitan University Halls of Residence.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



location: opening Hrs: contact(s): telephone: Website:

Secretariat Unit 9.00am - 5.00pm Information Compliance Officer 029 2020 5758

The Freedom of Information Act 2000, allows you to ask to see, or have a copy of, any recorded information held by public authorities. Cardiff Metropolitan University embraces the principles of openness and is committed to being as transparent about its decisions as possible. Although we would hope to let you see or have any information that you want, you should be aware that there are some valid reasons for withholding information. These are known as exemptions and are mostly designed to protect certain information that should not be generally known (such as personal information about staff or students, or information that we have been given in confidence). For example, a request from a third party for access to your personal information would usually be refused. Some information, such as dissertations or other assessments may not be covered by an exemption and may need to be disclosed if a request is received. We will however, make every effort to contact you before doing so. 24

Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

If you would like more information about the Act or want some advice or assistance before making a request or about a request you have already made, please contact the Information Compliance Officer. Cardiff Metropolitan University already makes certain information available through its Publication Scheme - either on the University webpage or, on request, through the Guide to Information on the above webpage. If the information you want to see is not included in the Publication Scheme you can make an individual request for it. Unless your request is particularly complex or you are requesting copies of a considerable amount of information we will generally make no charge. Guidance on making a request is also available on the above webpage.



All students in Cardiff Metropolitan University receive a Metcard (ID card) when they enrol. Your Metcard Is important and has the following benefits: id: access control:

cycle shelter access: cashless Payment:

Photocopying and Printing: university library:

Your details, course details and your photograph are on your card Door access to buildings across the University are provided by your card, if you stay in University Halls you will use your card to access some areas Students who cycle to University can request access to the bike shelters at the I-zone. Students can load money onto the cases to be used in catering outlets, Libraries, Print Studios, Self-service printers and vending machines Enables access to the print and photocopy facilities Your card will allow you access to the Libraries.

If you lose your card you can replace it at the I-zone in Llandaff or at the Print Studio in Cyncoed, there is a charge of £8 for replacement cards. If you have any questions about your card you can contact our team on 029 2041 6161 or email


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

PART 3 tHings to HelP You


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18




Student Services on each campus

opening Hrs: Term Time 9:00am - 7:00pm (6.00pm Fridays) contacts:

Dean of Students Manager, Student Wellbeing Services Manager, Student Advisory Services I-zone Manager Co-ordinating Chaplain


029 2041 6333 029 2041 6170 029 2041 7252 029 2041 6175 029 2041 6177 029 2020 5600 029 2020 5460 -




Student Services Cyncoed Student Services LLandaff Chaplaincy Campus Nurse, Cyncoed Campus Nurse, Llandaff I-zone, Llandaff I-zone Cyncoed

Student Services is designed to meet the support needs of all students and to offer help and guidance to ensure your time at Cardiff Metropolitan University is as enjoyable and successful as possible. It comprises six areas that fall under two categories:   

advisory: Finance and Welfare Advice Multi-faith Chaplaincy & Out of Hours I-zone

  

Wellbeing: Counselling Service Health Service Disability Service


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

ADVISoRY All the advisory services are free, confidential, impartial and staffed by professionals. If you require any information, advice or guidance before starting or during your programme of study, please do not hesitate to contact the relevant service. If you are thinking of changing or leaving your course, please contact Student Services at an early stage for help with planning your next move and dealing with any practicalities, such as finance. Up to date information about how to book an appointment in available on our website (above) and on the Student Portal.



This service offers confidential and non-judgemental advice on student finance, such as loans and supplementary grants, as well as money management and general welfare advice. It is also responsible for administering the University hardship fund which provides assistance for students in severe financial hardship and emergency assistance for students whose first instalment of student loan is going to be late through no fault of their own. If you want more information about what financial support is available to you, visit Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Student Finance and Welfare Advisory Services Website at: or refer to our leaflet ‘Money Matters’, which provides information on the support available and on how much things are likely to cost, as well as giving some helpful pointers on how to manage your money during your time at university. Useful links for more information are: (for students normally living in Wales) (for students normally living in England) (for students normally living in Scotland) students normally living in N.Ireland) (for EU nationals) (for NHS funded programmes) (Student Loan Company)


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



location: opening Hrs: telephone: email: Facebook:

Llandaff and Cyncoed main entrances 9.00am - 4.00pm Monday - Friday (Wednesday 10.00am - 4.00pm) 029 2020 5600 / 029 2020 5460 Txt: 07797 808271 Go to Facebook and search for ‘Cardiff Met izone’ The I-zone is your first port of call - a one stop shop:

    

that tries to answer any type of question you may have about accommodation, enrolment, fees, travel information, DBS checks, student queries etc. where some University services offer drop in sessions; check the U-view screens for details where you can pay any fees quickly and conveniently where you can hand in your assignments Where you can get replacement ID cards

If you don’t know where to go or who to ask, come to the I-zone and ‘Just ask’. We aim to answer your question immediately except when enquiries are more complex and we will make arrangements for other specialist services to resolve them.



Cardiff Metropolitan University’s chaplaincy is a place for those of all faiths and those of none. Our Chaplains are very experienced working within a wide range of different communities and faith understandings. Our Chaplaincy has an important role within the university as the team plays a major part in the Out of Hours response to students who require assistance at any time of day or night. The Chaplaincy is there to provide support regardless of belief or orientation. Cardiff Metropolitan University is very well provided with ‘Sacred Spaces’. There is a dedicated single- sex prayer suite, with separate ablutions, on the Llandaff campus which is predominantly Muslim, a newly-refurbished, primarily Christian Chapel at Cyncoed, and a prayer space in the Cardiff School of Management. All spaces have foot washing facilities and are always open. All spaces may be used by anyone at any time. The Chaplaincy may be contacted on 029 2041 7252 or through Security out of hours, through reception on 6155 (internal)/029 2041 6155 (External). The Chaplaincy is based in Cyncoed, room A0.14 in the Student Services section but is available across campuses.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

STUDeNT emeRGeNcY / oUT oF HoURS GUIDelINeS There may be times when you require emergency support and/or assistance. If this is the case during office hours, you should contact Student Services on the contact numbers provided at the start of this section or 2222, the campus emergency number, and we will do all we can to help and assist you to access the appropriate support. If you are distressed and need somebody to talk to confidentially, you can contact the Samaritans on FREECALL 116 123 or the Community Advice and Listening Line on 0800 132737 (or text “help” to 81066). Both organisations are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The university has its own Out of Hours Service for emergency referral and urgent situations only on 07827 873006. In an emergency contact the emergency service required by dialling 999 but we would ask you to inform the relevant authority in Cardiff Metropolitan University as soon as offices open again. If you live in halls you should notify the Security team through reception on 6155 (internal)/029 2041 6155 (External).

WellBeING 3.1.3


Free confidential counselling is available during term-time to all students via an appointment system; sessions take place at Llandaff Campus and at Cyncoed Campus on certain days of the week. At peak times, there may be a waiting list for this service and you may have to wait for an appointment. The service also offers on-line counselling for students who are not comfortable with faceto-face counselling or who cannot attend during opening hours; additionally it is pleased to be able to offer students hypnotherapy to assist with academic- related issues such as examination stress, panic attacks or presentation skills. For more information, visit our web pages Although we will help when we can in an emergency, we are not able to offer an emergency service.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Nursing Officers provide a confidential drop-in service for help and advice on all matters of health and well-being. The Nursing Officers are experienced professionals who are committed to an integrated system of care, encompassing physical, emotional and psychological health and wellbeing.. The Nurses can also be contacted, during term- time, via email at A local GP practice, based at Minster Road in Roath, also provides a medical service at the Cyncoed Campus for students who live within that catchment area and wish to register with the practice. All students at Cardiff Metropolitan University are strongly advised to register, as soon as possible, with a local GP of their choice. Further details on joining a local GP practice will be given by nursing staff at inductions and are available on the Student Services website, as indicated above. Medical certificates can only be issued by a GP after a week of a verified illness. Please see the Student Services website for the latest developments.


Cardi Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



The Disability Service provides advice and support to disabled students on an individual basis to enable you to get the most out of your university experience. Your support needs / adjustment will be discussed in relation to your course/ academic requirements. The Service attempts to contact all students who have disclosed a disability on their UCAS or admissions application form prior to the commencement of their studies. We encourage full engagement with this process and ask students who have not received information to contact Student Services Wellbeing: Disability Service directly for further information It is important to note that obtaining appropriate medical evidence and applications for funding may take some time. Please take the time to look at the information and make contact with us as soon as possible. Many people who live with long term conditions feel they will be able to cope at University and do not request support. However, having a support package in place may mean that assistance can be accessed more easily should there be deterioration in your condition or a change in your needs. The pressures faced by all students can be more of a challenge than anticipated and support is widely available to all. If, after joining the course, you ďŹ nd that your circumstances change or you develop a disability or medical condition which impacts on your study, you should inform the Wellbeing: Disability Service immediately so we can advise you on the support that may be available. Normally we would recommend that your Programme Director also be informed. Support is available for students with a range of impairments including long term medical conditions, physical or sensory impairments and mental health issues. The Disability Advisor or Mental Health Advisor can also direct you to additional sources of support including referrals to other Student Services support and external agencies. If you do not know who you should see please contact Student Services reception. The latest information about booking an appointment will be on our website and the Student portal: http://www.cardi eing-and-Mental-Health-Advisory-Service.aspx


Cardi Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

3.1.9    


WHAT YoU cAN eXPecT FRom STUDeNT SeRVIceS An immediate, polite and professional response when you call in or phone. A return call to your query within five working days and a written reply within ten working days during term time. An appointment with a Disability Adviser, Counsellor or Financial & Welfare Adviser as soon as one is available. Individual appointments with Student Services staff to be honoured whenever possible. If we arrange to meet with you we will do our best to do so.


We expect you to:  

 

Keep your appointment or advise us if you decide to cancel. We understand that sometimes timetable changes, emergencies or illness occur. Where possible please cancel any appointment you know you cannot keep. Let us know if you were unable to keep an appointment or forgot about it. We know that these things happen and sometimes you do not get the opportunity to let us know in advance. We find it helpful to know why students do not keep appointments so would like to hear from you if this happens. It also gives you the opportunity to make a fresh appointment if you wish to do so. Keep an eye on course notice boards as well as checking your Cardiff Metropolitan University email and Student Portal regularly. Information on services and events is regularly updated by Student Services staff and sent to your programme director, and distributed through a range of electronic media including Facebook and Twitter. If you are to take advantage of your Student Services you need to know what is going on. Respond to requests for information from us and about us. We need to know what you think about services and how relevant our services are to students’ needs. Student feedback is a vital source of information for this. Behave in an appropriate manner; inappropriate behaviour includes: angry or threatening behaviour, personal insults, inappropriate comments and swearing etc.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



Student Services at Cardiff Metropolitan University runs a highly confidential service and all users have the right to confidentiality. Certain services have additional guidelines and professional codes of ethics to protect clients. Anybody wishing to clarify the confidentiality contract within one of the component services can do so directly and any possible breaches of confidentiality should be raised immediately with the Dean of Students. For further details see the Student Services website.



At Cardiff Metropolitan you will find a wide range of services designed to help you make effective career choices and develop the necessary skills and attributes for today’s world of work. As well as the skills, knowledge and experience you will gain from your programme, there are resources, activities, advice and guidance covering many aspects of employability. The key providers are The Careers Service, the Centre for Entrepreneurship, Outward Mobility and the Students’ Union (see the SU entry below for more detail).



You can use our services at any time during your course, and prior to starting at Cardiff Metropolitan if you need help with course choice. Once you graduate support continues from our Graduate Support Service. If you are keen to make the most of your time at University to improve your employability then we recommend engaging with Careers early on in your studies – don’t wait until your final year. All our services are free and completely confidential. Our website introduces us and the range of support we can provide. It also provides extensive resources, including detailed information on a wide range of careers, graduate recruiters, postgraduate study, work experience and vacation work opportunities both at home and abroad. Via CareerHub you can view part-time jobs, graduate jobs, placements and work experience opportunities; you can also book onto workshops, presentations and employer visits and find information on local and national careers fairs. You can also work independently using our e-module ‘Your Career’, which provides a series of interactive, multi-media e-lessons with examples of CVs, film clips of interviews and much more. Many of you will also use some of these e-lessons as part of employability or personal development modules within your programme.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Careers staff visit all the campuses for drop-in sessions and pre-arranged appointments. They offer individual help on anything from identifying your life goals to planning a year out or help with application forms. Group sessions on topics such as career planning, effective applications and interview skills are also available. Many students are looking for careerrelated work experience and our team can help you identify and apply for opportunities. To find out more:     

visit visit ‘Like’ the Cardiff Metropolitan University Careers Facebook page Follow @CMetCareers on Twitter Join Cardiff Met Career Development Services on LinkedIn



The Centre for Student Entrepreneurship is Cardiff Metropolitan University’s dedicated department for entrepreneurship education. The Centre works across all five of Cardiff Metropolitan University’s academic schools to engage students in entrepreneurship education both inside and outside the curriculum. We run a wide-range of activities throughout the academic year which can help you to develop the skills and knowledge needed to start your own business or to take charge of your career and land your perfect job. We also offer one-to-one support and mentoring for students and graduates who are interested in starting a business. Our Business Start-up Manager can help guide you through the various stages of business planning, talk through your idea or point you in the right direction to get started. We also offer funding for new start-up businesses through our competitions and we can refer you to other external sources of funding to help you get started. Contact us: telephone: email: Web: twitter: Facebook:

029 2941 6338 @CardiffMetEnt


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

3.2.3 oUTWARD moBIlITY With Outward Mobility the world is yours to explore! You can visit one (or more!) of over 1000 universities across the world. Outward Mobility gives students the chance to spend time abroad during your time at Cardiff Met. There are a wide range of opportunities available such as a year or semester abroad, work placements or scholarship awards to take part in a huge range of activities. It is even possible to study exactly the same degree course but in a new educational and cultural environment at one of our overseas TNE partners. Countries include Argentina, Brazil, China, Denmark, Germany, Spain, Turkey, the USA and many more! This could be an amazing experience that you will never forget. If you want to broaden your horizons, develop your skills and experiences and look to improve your future employability prospects, contact to find out more.   @CardiffmetOM


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



location: opening Hrs: telephone: email: Website:

accommodation office Cyncoed Campus 8.30am - 4.30pm (4.00 pm Fridays) Contact(s): Accommodation Services 029 2041 6188/9



Halls of residence Cyncoed Campus - Cyncoed Road. Opening Hours: 8.30am - 5.00pm (4:30pm Fridays) Telephone: 029 2041 6339 Plas Gwyn – Llantrisant Road. Opening Hours: 8.30am - 5.00pm (4.30pm Fridays) Telephone: 029 2057 7065

location: Liberty Court - North Road opening Hrs: 8.30am – 6.00pm (5.00pm Fridays) telephone: 029 2061 5673 location: Liberty House – Clodien Ave opening Hrs: 8.30am – 6.00pm (5.00pm Fridays) telephone: 029 2061 6295 location: Liberty Severn Point – off Blackweir Terrace opening Hrs: 8.30am – 6.00pm (5.00pm Fridays) telephone: 029 2022 3444 location: Victoria Halls - Blackweir Terrace opening Hrs: 9.00am – 6.00pm (5.00pm Fridays) telephone: 029 2035 9500


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



The aim of the Accommodation Office is to provide a comprehensive service for allocating students to places in Halls of Residence or helping them to find private accommodation near their campus of study. We also provide information and guidance on the practical issues of living in private sector accommodation. You can request information by writing, e mail, telephoning, or contacting through the Accommodation and Residences Facebook page or visiting the Accommodation Service at the Cyncoed Campus as indicated above. Generally there are no Halls of Residence places allocated to second or third year students or students who have completed a foundation year at Cardiff Met and as a result they will have to seek private sector accommodation (Section 3.3.4 below). However, in exceptional circumstances the office will endeavor to assist prior foundation or second or third year students who wish to be accommodated in Halls. There are a limited number of single units in flats and bed-sits, which have self-catering facilities and are more suitable for prior foundation second or third year students or postgraduate students. Application forms for one of these places can be obtained from the Accommodation Office at the Cyncoed Campus. If you have previously been in Local Authority Care or you have a physical disability which means you require adapted accommodation you are able to remain in halls during your 2nd and 3rd (or Post Graduate) year of study.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18


HAllS oF ReSIDeNce

The Accommodation Service cannot guarantee all first year / foundation students a place in Halls; the number of applicants far exceeds the number of places available. However, normally there is no problem in finding private sector accommodation for students even near the start of term and the Accommodation Service holds a waiting list for Halls during the first few weeks of term for any vacancies that occur. If you wish your name to be placed on this list you can contact the Service at the address or telephone number above. Please note that in relation to your accommodation contract teaching finishing dates can vary between pathways and year groups. Please check with programme staff for information in relation to your teaching finish date prior to signing your contract. cyncoed campus Accommodation at the Cyncoed Campus comprises over 550 single study bedrooms in purpose built low rise units. Most of the rooms are in traditional Halls of Residence with meals provided in a central dining area. Within these Halls, between 8 and 16 students share a small snack kitchen and bathrooms. All students have their own bedrooms. There are a limited number of self-catered and catered en suite rooms on this campus. Broadband internet and IPTV services have been installed in every room and internet TVs are located in each kitchen area and are included in the halls fees. NB.

As noted in Section 2.11 of this Handbook, residential student car parking is not permitted on this campus.

Plas gwyn campus The Plas Gwyn Campus is located in Llandaff, which is approximately two miles from the City Centre and a ten minute walk to the Llandaff Campus. Plas Gwyn consists of 391 single study bedrooms, all of which are self-catered and have en suite bathroom facilities. The rooms are grouped in flats of eight, in which students share a communal kitchen/dining area. Broadband internet and IPTV services have been installed in every room and internet TVs are located in each kitchen area and are included in the halls fees. NB.

As noted in Section 2.11 of this Handbook, residential student car parking is not permitted on this campus.

liberty court The Cardiff Metropolitan University Accommodation Service has a nomination agreement with Liberty Living plc for the allocation of the single and double premium rooms at Liberty Court, which is situated just under a mile from the Llandaff Campus and just 2 miles from the city centre. There are over 200 rooms, all are self catered and have en suite bathroom facilities; the kitchen is shared between four and seven students in each flat. All rooms are let on a single occupancy basis. Internet access is available in all of the rooms. Please note that contracts for this accommodation are between the student and Liberty Living plc. NB.

As noted in Section 2.11 of this Handbook, student car parking is not available on this site. 40

Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

liberty House The Cardiff Metropolitan University Accommodation Service has a nomination agreement with Liberty Living plc for the allocation of single rooms at Liberty House, which is a 20 minute walk from the Cyncoed campus.. All rooms are self-catered and have en suite bathroom facilities. The kitchen is shared between four or five persons in each flat. All rooms are let on a single occupancy basis. Internet access is available in all of the rooms. Please note that contracts for this accommodation are between the student and Liberty Living plc. NB.

As noted in Section 2.11 of this Handbook, student car parking is not available on this site.

liberty severn Point Cardiff Metropolitan University has a nomination agreement with Liberty Living plc for the allocation of single rooms at Liberty Severn Point, which is a 20 minute walk from the Llandaff campus. Cardiff Metropolitan University has a complete block of accommodation on the site. All rooms are self-catered and have en suite bathroom facilities. The kitchen is shared between four or five persons in each flat. All rooms are let on a single occupancy basis. Internet access is available in all of the rooms. Please note that contracts for this accommodation are between the student and Liberty Living plc. NB.

As noted in Section 2.11 of this Handbook, student car parking is not available on this site.

Victoria Halls The Cardiff Metropolitan University Accommodation Service has a nomination agreement with Victoria Halls plc for the allocation of single and double rooms at Victoria Hall, which is a 20 minute walk from the Llandaff campus. All rooms are self-catered and have en suite bathroom facilities. The kitchen is shared between four or five persons in each flat. All rooms are let on a single occupancy basis. Internet access is available in all of the rooms. Please note that contracts for this accommodation are between the student and Victoria Halls plc. NB.

As noted in Section 2.11 of this Handbook, student car parking is not available on this site.

Full-time Halls Managers are present on the Cardiff Metropolitan University campuses and are supported by a team of resident student wardens and security staff. They will endeavour to make the transition from home to university life as smooth as possible with an evening and weekend duty rota ensuring that a member of staff and a student warden are always available to deal with queries or emergencies. Liberty Living plc and Victoria Halls plc have similar arrangements in place. 41

Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Smoking is not permitted in any Cardiff Metropolitan University/ Liberty Living/ Victoria Halls of Residence including study bedrooms.



If you apply for assistance in finding private accommodation or are unsuccessful in obtaining a place in Halls of Residence, you will be sent an updated list of available houses, flats and lodgings, together with useful facts on tenancy agreements and general housing advice. The accommodation list is available online through the Student Portal printed in geographical areas and gives detailed information on type (bed-sit, flat, house etc), number of students needed, facilities available and cost. The list is produced during the Spring Term and is then updated at regular intervals. While the Accommodation Service tries as far as possible to only list properties of a reasonable standard, properties will not have been inspected, so the list does not imply recommendation or approval. However, to register a property, landlords must provide all necessary documentation to ensure they meet all legislative requirements and only Landlords who have registered with RentSmart Wales and who have a HMO Licence (if required) are accepted onto the list. The Accommodation Service will also have a list of students seeking to share private accommodation, together with their programme and telephone numbers. This will be sent with the private sector accommodation list. While it is your own responsibility to make satisfactory accommodation arrangements, the Accommodation staff are available to give you as much help as possible. You can visit the Accommodation Service at any time during normal office hours, as indicated above. Average private sector rents in the Cardiff area for self-catering accommodation range from £60 to £80 per week excluding utilities. This is usually a furnished house or flat, which is shared with other students. You will have a separate bedroom and a communal bathroom, kitchen and living room/dining area. You may be asked to sign a fixed period tenancy agreement (Assured Shorthold Tenancy). Be careful! Before you sign any agreement make sure that you have read the terms very carefully and understood your obligations. If you are unsure about the terms and conditions, please contact the Accommodation Service. If you sign a contract and then decide to move out, you remain liable for the rent unless someone else can be found to take over your place. In privately owned accommodation, where the landlord is resident, it is highly likely that you will be able to give notice of leaving before the end of the fixed term. You should make sure that you are going to be comfortable with the accommodation before you sign anything. Nine months is a long time to be living somewhere where you are not happy. Most landlords will offer an ‘Assured Shorthold Tenancy Agreement’. This may be a written or spoken agreement. The rent and terms will be what you agree. Short Hold tenancies run for a fixed period. 42

Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

This tenancy offers the landlord a right to repossess the property at the end of the tenancy provided he/she has given proper notice. Be aware that if you sign an ‘Assured Shorthold’ agreement you are liable for the rent for the whole of the tenancy period that you have signed for. There are no rights for you to leave before the end date unless you have persuaded the landlord/lady to add an additional clause giving you this right. If you do leave early, without the landlord agreement, you face the possible consequence of being sued for the balance of the rent to the end of the contractual period. Try and persuade the landlord to offer you individual contracts. A ‘Global’ or joint contract, that is one which you all sign as a group when you rent a house, could lead to difficulties should everyone leave apart from yourself. One such difficulty is that you could end up paying the rent for the whole house. From 1 April 2007, all deposits for accommodation with Assured Short-hold Tenancies have to be paid by landlords either into a National Deposit Scheme or a Deposit Protection Scheme set up by the Government. Leaflets about your rights are available from the Accommodation Office and online at The Housing Act goes into much greater depth and if you are in any doubt about your status as a tenant or do not understand anything relating to your tenancy then contact the Accommodation Office.



Students in lodgings take a room in a house where the landlord/lady lives on the premises. Meals are provided and the average cost for bed, breakfast and an evening meal for 7 days is around £85. You should note that landlords/ladies are free to negotiate their own charges and agree them with you. After seeing the lodgings you should not move in unless you intend to stay the agreed period. If you want to leave, then it is expected that a minimum of 28 days written notice be given during term time (preferably terminating at the end of a term). The same applies if the landlord/lady asks you to leave. If some other arrangement is made and this is mutually agreeable to both of you then this is acceptable. Please ensure you are very clear about what is included in the rental charge and whether there are any limitations on the use of any facilities.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18


AccommoDATIoN AGeNcIeS

You will be sent a list of Accommodation Agencies, which belong to a professional organisation called ALMA (Association of Letting & Management Agents), which is supported by Cardiff County Council. You should use an ALMA member if you want a quality professional service. ALMA works towards providing a high quality service to clients and contributes to improving services within the private rented housing sector. ALMA also provides information on current issues relating to the private rented sector including updates on changes in legislation. ALMA exists to provide a fair deal to those who use its members’ services, so if you have any problems contact them on 029 2087 1448. Agencies will charge you a fee once you have accepted a property. Expect to pay no more than a week’s rent. Never pay an agency up front simply to go on their list – this is illegal.



If you have mobility difficulties , a small number of bedrooms in halls are available for use by those with physical disabilities. Any prospective student who has a disability is encouraged to make early contact with the Accommodation Service and Student Services to discuss his/her individual needs.


TV lIceNceS

If you live in halls of residence and use a TV or IPTV (through your PC) in your own room you are required by law to have a TV Licence; this can be purchased from any Post Office. We provide the TV Licence for the TVs in each kitchen.




Cardiff Metropolitan University has a range of catering outlets to suit your tastes and preferences. Healthy cooked meals, snacks and light bites are complemented by specialist coffee shops, including the high street favourite Costa Coffee. All outlets have contemporary designs offering both fun dining and social spaces to catch up with friends. Opening times and full menus can be obtained at each outlet.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Menus are designed to meet the needs of the majority of students and are regularly reviewed through focus groups and student feedback surveys. A range of traditional, international and Grab & Go deli items and Fair Trade and Organic Foods are provided. Each of the Universities catering outlets offers a range of healthy hot & cold menu items to help you achieve a balanced diet. Please take the opportunity to attend one of the Catering and Hospitality Service’s monthly surgeries (first Tuesday of each month between 12 noon and 12.30 pm) to meet your local campus manager to discuss your catering needs. Guides are available at each campus on the following: Eatwell Food Guide – A guide to healthy eating on campus. Smart Card and Catering - saving you money on your meals!


lUNcH clUB meAl PAcKAGeS

All students have an opportunity to save up to 32% on all meals with the Lunch club meal deal package. The scheme allows students to benefit from significant cost savings by purchasing meals “up front”. Meal packages can be taken at any campus catering outlet during standard opening hours. Details of the Lunch club meal deal package are available at each catering outlet. Details of the Metcard use and your catering facilities are to be found within the ‘Metcard’ guide available at each catering outlet. Resident catered students will be given temporary meal passes on registration. Please look after them carefully, because a replacement fee will be charged by the Catering Department. Once you have received your Metcard you will need to access the residential catering on site.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



q. A.

When do you apply for accommodation? The online application process will “go live” each year on or around 1st April. As soon as you have made Cardiff Metropolitan University your firm or insurance choice you can apply for accommodation.

q. A.

How do you apply? By completing the online application form on the Accommodation pages of the Cardiff Met website For International students from countries outside the EU, please see section 3.4 (International and Partnerships Office) of this handbook.

q.. A.

What will happen next? You will be sent an acknowledgement e-mail within 24 hours of registering your application. It is important that you keep this email as it will have your unique reference number included in the information. Please ensure that the email address you give us is up to date as all offers of accommodation are made via email. Please do not use your college or school email address.

Offers are then made in the following order: a).

If you are an Unconditional Applicant, who applied by the end of May, you will be measured against the allocation policy and if you satisfy the allocation criteria you will be offered a place in Halls and will be emailed an offer with a Licence Agreement or Tenancy agreement in June/July.


If you are a Conditional Applicant you must wait until August when the examination results are published, to confirm your status via UCAS. Your application will then be measured against the allocation criteria and if you satisfy the criteria you will be offered a place in Halls and will be emailed an offer with a Licence Agreement or Tenancy agreement.


Should your offer of a course place be conditional on examination results other than ‘A’ levels, you should contact the Accommodation Office as soon as you receive confirmation of your results.


If you have obtained your grades but do not fulfil the allocation criteria you will be sent a letter saying you have been unsuccessful in obtaining a Halls place, but your name will be held on a reserve list. You will also be sent a full private rented accommodation information pack.


If you are a local student, you application will be held on a waiting list for any vacancies that occur either just before term starts or once term has started. Most local students are successful in obtaining a Halls place once term has 46

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started. Please check the Accommodation web site for details of the areas that are ‘local’. q. A..

How is Halls accommodation allocated? Priority for places in Halls is given to first year undergraduate students. However, because the demand for Halls each year is high, the allocation criteria are distance from Cardiff and date order of application received by the Accommodation Service.

q. A.

When will you know what kind of accommodation you are to be offered? If you have accepted an unconditional offer and applied for Halls before the end of May you will be notified in June/July. If you have accepted a conditional offer you will hear late August/early September following the 'A' Level results. While every effort will be made to try to give you your first preference of accommodation it may not always be possible because there may be more people seeking a particular type of accommodation than spaces available.

q.. A.

How do you accept your place in the University and Halls? You will need to print out, sign and return one copy of the Licence Agreement. You will also have to pay a deposit either by credit or debit card – details will be in the offer email. You will need to provide either credit or debit card details for the first payment of the Licence period. We are aware that you may be concerned about late payment of maintenance grants or loans; however, the first month’s fees and the deposit would be required in order to secure your place in halls. You will also need to send us two recent passport sized photographs (with your name on the back). Please return your signed Agreement, Deposit and Payment of Licence Fee with the two photographs to the Accommodation Office and return within seven days to guarantee your place in Halls of Residence. Please make sure that all the necessary enclosures are sent at the same time as omission can cause administrative delays. Once we have received your correct paperwork we will send you an e mail with a link to the Accommodation Online Induction Module. This module gives you information about living in halls and what we expect from you and what you can expect from us. You must complete this induction module prior to arrival. If you don’t complete the module then we cannot give you your room keys and on arrival you will have to spend time waiting to use a pc to complete the induction before your keys will be issued.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

q. A.

How do you accept your place in a Liberty Living plc and Victoria Halls? When you receive your offer email there will be links to follow to book the room through the Liberty Living plc and Victoria Halls plc booking system. You will need to print off and return the Guarantor form and proof of address along with two recent passport sized photographs. Once Liberty Living plc or Victoria Halls plc have received your correct paperwork they will send you an e mail with a link to the Accommodation Online Induction Module. This module gives you information about living in halls and what we expect from Liberty Living plc or Victoria Halls plcand what you can expect from us. You must complete this induction module prior to arrival.. If you don’t complete the module then they cannot give you your room keys and on arrival you will have to spend time waiting to use a pc to complete the induction before your keys will be issued.

q. A.

What if you do not want to accept the Halls accommodation offered? Reply to the offer email sent to you outlining the reason why you no longer require the halls offer.

q. A.

What if you have a complaint about your Halls accommodation? If you are living on campus, the Halls Team is responsible for the running of the Halls and if you have any problems or queries feel free to approach the Halls Managers directly or you can go through your Student Warden. If you are living in a private halls then you should contact the relevant General Manager for the site.

q. A.

How much will Halls of Residence cost? Full details of the costs of the accommodation you have been allocated will be sent with the offer e-mail – details can also be found on the Accommodation pages of the Cardiff Met web site at Rents differ according to the type and location of the rooms you have been offered. Where a student has been offered catered accommodation, the catering package comprises breakfast and evening meal 7 days per week during term time. Residents pay a deposit before moving into Halls, no reservation can be confirmed without payment of this fee. This deposit will be returned to you at the end of the academic year once you have vacated your room. Deductions will be made for any damage caused to your room or the communal area for which you are responsible. Misuse of fire appliances will not be tolerated and may result in immediate expulsion from Halls and a fine of £150. Late payment of the Cardiff Metropolitan University Licence Fee in excess of seven days after the presentation of any direct debit or credit/debit card will result in the 48

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Resident being invoiced for an additional 10% of that part of the Licence Fee included in the payment. Liberty Living plc and Victoria Halls plc have similar arrangements – please contact the relevant Halls Manager for further information. It is important to note that all Licence Agreements for Cyncoed and Plas Gwyn are for the full 40 week licence period. Tenancy Agreements with either Liberty Living plc or Victoria Halls plc are for a 42 week period. A place in Halls is not, therefore, suitable for students who have to spend part of their study period outside the Cardiff area. The Licence Fee/rent is payable for the whole of the Licence Period. You are not entitled to a remission of any part of the Licence Fee/rent even though you may have arrived late at the start of a term, or may have vacated the Accommodation before the end of the Licence Period. For further details, for example of health and safety issues, insurance and making a complaint, visit the accommodation web site.

q. A.

What is an online induction? We need to ensure that you understand what it is like to live in a halls of residence with other students and that you have all of the information to be able to be safe and secure in your new home. You will be required to complete an online induction package prior to your arrival to your halls. Details of how to access the induction will be sent to you via email. You must complete the package - if you don’t you will not be able to move into your room on arrival.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



location: opening Hrs: telephone: Website: Facebook:

T0.13 and T0.05 - Llandaff Campus 8.30am – 5.00pm (4.30pm Fridays) 029 2041 6494/6045 International Student Support – Cardiff Metropolitan University



The International and Partnerships Office provides information, advice and counselling to all international (non-EU) students and their dependants, regardless of nationality, religion, gender or status on nonacademic matters, such as finance, health care, immigration, visas, employment regulations and services. Advice is offered free of charge and without discrimination and further details are provided in a separate International Student Handbook, in regular e- newsletters, on the Student Portal and also on the international pages of Cardiff Metropolitan University’s web site. The service operates according to the Code of Standards of the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner and the UKCISA/AISA Code of Ethics. Since international students often experience different problems from local or ‘home’ status students, a specialist support team is available to assist you throughout your journey from application to graduation and beyond. This one-stop-shop is made up of more than 40 members of staff who deal with recruitment, admissions, immigration, welfare, language support and study skills as well as providing support and guidance through difficult personal or emergency situations. The International and Partnerships Office works closely with Student Services and may refer students for more general advice and counselling where necessary. The International and Partnerships Office does not only provide support to international students but also offers opportunities for local students to study, work and volunteer overseas. For more information see: or contact


Cardi Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



The International and Partnerships Office can offer welfare support and advice to international students (from outside the EU) throughout their studies. The staff advise on general issues such as opening bank accounts, registering with a doctor, finding accommodation, registering with the police, finding part-time work, dealing with unfamiliar UK procedures and any immigration queries, as well as providing a confidential counselling service. The Welfare Team also organises a social programme during the year which consists of parties, cultural events and a series of excursions within the UK. Cardiff Metropolitan University provides excellent facilities which are suitable for meditation, prayer and reflection. Separate male and female prayer rooms can be found at the Llandaff Campus and a Christian chapel, which can be adapted for use by those of other religions, is available on the Cyncoed Campus. Alternatively, various churches, mosques, synagogues and temples are located near Cardiff’s city centre. You can contact the International Student Welfare Team for general advice or to arrange an appointment, Monday - Friday between 8.30am and 4.30pm on 029 2041 6494 or via email at



Free language and study skills advice is offered to all international students. Study skills classes for small groups of students with similar needs as well as and one to one tuition sessions are available on appointment with the English Language and Study Skills Support Tutors. Many students find this service invaluable when preparing for presentations, writing assignments and improving grammar skills. Throughout the year, the tutors will offer a variety of language practice and study skills-related workshops which are free of charge for all to attend. The International Student Language and Study Skills Support Tutors can be contacted by email at: or by telephone: 029 2041 6406/6407.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



Cardiff Metropolitan University’s international students are usually advised to seek selfcatering accommodation either in Halls of Residence or the Private Sector, so that any special dietary or faith considerations can be adequately met. Halls of Residence accommodation bookings must be made via the International and Partnerships Office’s (IPO) online system. The IPO will process your application and make the necessary arrangements. Halls of residence accommodation is limited and is therefore allocated on a first come – first served basis. For halls of residence applications to be considered, they must be received by the advertised deadline. It is generally not possible, or advisable, for you as an overseas student to book permanent private rented accommodation before you arrive in Cardiff. The University regrets that it cannot enter into any form of tenancy agreement or contract with a landlord on your behalf. The International and Partnerships Office, however will be happy to advise on booking temporary accommodation for International students in advance of your arrival in Cardiff and provide advice on finding long-term privately rented accommodation during the induction period. We are sorry there are no family facilities on campus at present. If you are bringing your family you are advised to come to Cardiff alone in the first instance to arrange accommodation for your family, as a prolonged stay in a hotel or guest house can be expensive if your family accompanies you. Students from EEA member states who wish to secure private rented accommodation should book a room in a local hotel and be prepared to arrive well in advance of the start of their study period, allowing enough time to familiarise themselves with the city and to arrange permanent accommodation. Students from EEA member states can obtain information about local hotels and guest houses from the Accommodation Office.



international students (non - eea students): The rules for international students relating to their permission to work in the UK have become very complex. The number of hours and type of work a Tier 4 student is permitted to undertake will depend on when their current visa was issued and also on the level of course they are studying. Often, a student’s working restrictions are stated on their visa however sometimes, this is omitted or the meaning is very unclear. If a student has permission to work in the UK, the restrictions will usually consist of a limited number of hours a student will be able to work during term-time plus permission to work full-time during the institution’s official vacation periods (Christmas, Easter and Summer vacations).


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Postgraduate students, please note that term-time restrictions will apply during the dissertation phase of your course, even if this falls within the university’s vacation periods. If you have a prohibition stamp or are in any doubt about the restrictions that apply to you, please contact the International Student Welfare Officers for advice: email or telephone 029 2041 6494. It is vital that you ensure that you understand the working restrictions that are applicable to you as if you are found to be working too many hours, you risk being removed from the UK by the immigration authorities. For the most up to date guidance on working in the UK during your studies, it is recommended that you access the UKCISA (UK Council for International Student Affairs) website: or contact the International Student Welfare Team for advice. eea students: All EEA nationals and Swiss national students are permitted to work in the UK however, nationals of Croatia may be subject to the 'Worker Authorisation Scheme' and may need to obtain the appropriate registration certificate before they can start work, unless they are exempt. See the following link for further details (Nationals of Bulgaria or Romania are no longer subject to the Worker Authorisation Scheme). If you are a national of any of the following countries, you no longer need to register your work under the Worker Registration Scheme: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia or Slovenia.



International students working in the UK will be subject to UK taxation rules and must pay National Insurance contributions and tax in the same way as residents of the UK. If you have never worked in the UK before, you will not have a NI number. If you are intending to work during your stay in the UK, you will be required to apply for one as soon as possible. You can do this by contacting the Job Centre Plus on 0345 600 0643. On contacting Job Centre Plus you will be told whether it is necessary to attend an 'Evidence of identity' interview. If you are required to attend an interview, it will be held in a town called Neath which is approximately 35 minutes away from Cardiff. Interviews are usually held at the following address: Jobcentre Plus – Neath 1 Windsor Road Neath SA11 1LY The easiest way to travel to Neath is by train as the Jobcentre Plus office is located next to the Neath train station. Trains travel between Cardiff Central and Neath train station very frequently and a return ticket will cost you approximately £11.00. You can check the train times and prices by visiting the following website: 54

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INcome TAX

International students will automatically be subject to UK income tax rules if they take up employment in the UK. When you start work, your employer will ask you for a P45 form. If it is your first job in the UK, you will not have a P45 so you should ask your employer for a P46 form. The information taken from this form will allow an appropriate tax code to be allocated to you. If you earn below your personal allowance (amount of income that you can receive tax-free), your employer can give you a form to complete to ensure you are not taxed. Speak to your employer if you believe that you have paid too much tax or visit the following website for information and application forms about claiming tax refunds: or call HM Revenue and Customs on 0300 200 3300.



International students can open a basic bank account in the UK which usually provides a visa debit card and basic banking facilities. If you require additional banking facilities, there may be other account options although you must ensure you ask for full details before opening this type of account as it may require a standard monthly payment for the facilities. International students can receive assistance from the International and Partnerships Office in the form of an introduction letter which is one of the essential documents the bank will request. Letters can be requested electronically from the student portal.



On 6th April 2015, the UK government introduced a new health surcharge which forms part of the UK visa application process. This means that students and their dependants who make a visa application on or after 6th April 2015 for a period of more than 6 months, will be required to make an additional payment towards the National Health Service (NHS) for each year of their stay. By making this payment, students and their dependants will be entitled to receive treatment from a doctor, dentist and also hospital treatment. Students who applied for their current leave to enter/remain (visa) in the UK before 6th April 2015 will be exempt from this charge. Although students with visas of 6 months or less are exempt from the health surcharge, it is advised that they take out private medical insurance before travelling to the UK. Private medical insurance is also recommended for students on longer courses in case of an emergency situation where repatriation to your home country is required, as this cost would not be covered by the NHS Service.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



Cardiff Metropolitan University provides excellent facilities which are suitable for meditation, prayer and reflection. Separate male and female prayer rooms can be found at the Llandaff Campus and a Christian chapel, which can be adapted for use by those of other religions, is available on the Cyncoed Campus. Alternatively, various churches, mosques, synagogues and temples are located near Cardiff’s city centre. You can contact the International Student Welfare Team for general advice or to arrange an appointment, Monday - Friday between 8.30am and 4.30pm on 029 2041 6494 or via email at



Cardiff is a cosmopolitan city and is well served by ethnic restaurants and specialist food suppliers, such as Chinese supermarkets and Halal and Kosher butchers. You should therefore not have too much trouble sourcing the food and ingredients you like to eat. You will find more useful information about where to shop in the international student handbook, Pages/default.aspx or contact



The advice below on Fees, Loans, Financial Contingency Funds, Benefits and Working in the UK refers to the following categories: 

 

EEA students - students from Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Cyprus, Poland, Malta, Estonia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Hungary, Latvia, Slovakia, Czech Republic. Non- EEA students - students from all other countries Refugees

Fees, loans, cardiff met Hardship Fund: You must meet the residence rules to be eligible for the ‘Home’ rate of fee rather than the ‘overseas’ rate or for a loan or help from the Cardiff Met Hardship Fund. That is, you must have been ‘ordinarily resident’ in the UK (and not wholly or mainly for the purpose of receiving full-time education) for three years before the start of the academic year in which your course begins and you must be ‘settled’ within the meaning of the Immigration Act 1971. If you were away from the UK, because you or your family were temporarily employed abroad, you may be treated as if your ‘ordinary’ residence in the UK has not been interrupted. If you do not meet the three year residence requirement (and your course is an 56

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eligible course) you may still be eligible for the ‘home’ rate of fee and may be entitled to apply for support towards your tuition fees, for a loan or help from the Cardiff Met Hardship Fund if you, your husband or wife or your parents are:   

recognised by the British Government as a refugee and have been ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom throughout the period since you were so recognised; UK nationals who have returned from working in another member country and have got a job in the UK and have been ordinarily resident in the EEA for the three years prior to the first day of the first academic year of your course; migrant workers from another EEA country, who have been ordinarily resident in the EEA for the three years prior to the first day of the first academic year of your course. If the Home Office has granted you exceptional leave to remain or stay in the UK, you must meet the three year ordinary residence requirement to qualify for ‘home’ fee status, but the settled status requirement will not apply to you.

Fees only award: If you are from another EU country and do not meet the residence rule, you may still qualify for ‘home’ fee status if you have been ordinarily resident in any country within the EEA (and not wholly or mainly for the purpose of receiving full-time education) for three years immediately preceding the start of your course. If you have home fee status you may qualify for a loan towards your fees. Applications should be sent to the Student Finances Services European Team, P.O. Box 89, Darlington DL1 9AZ: telephone (+44) (0)141 243 3570. Further information can be found via You will not be eligible for a student loan for living costs even if you receive a loan towards your fees. If you are a student from the EEA or a full-time fee paying international student, there are different rules which apply to each group.



Public Funds include a range of income-related benefits, together with housing and homelessness support. In most cases, you will not be eligible to claim such benefits but certain exceptions do apply. If you are a national of an EEA member state you have the right to reside in the UK for the purpose of vocational training or education, provided that you have sufficient resources to avoid becoming a burden on the social assistance system of the host member state. You can claim benefits if you are a part-time student or in a vulnerable category (such as lone parent). However, you will need to show that you are ‘habitually resident’ in the UK and if you claim Income Support, Housing Benefit or Council Tax Benefit it could have an effect on 57

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your immigration status, as the Home Office will be notified of your claim by the Benefits Agency and any future application for an EEA Residence permit may be refused. If you enter the UK as an international (non-EEA) student, you will need to show that you are enrolled on a full-time course of day time study and can pay your course fees. You will also need to demonstrate that you can support and accommodate yourself without receiving public funds and without working in the UK. You should not claim any benefits if you have the ‘No recourse to public funds’ condition stamped on your visa or biometric residence permit as not only is the claim likely to be refused but the Benefits Agency may contact the Home Office about your claim. You may then have difficulty extending your leave to remain in the UK if the Home Office doubts that you have sufficient funds to support and accommodate yourself and your dependants. Refugees and those granted Exceptional Leave to Remain Refugees are entitled to claim benefits if they fulfil the normal eligibility requirements. Since 5th February 1996 all rights to Income Support, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit are denied for all new in-country asylum applicants and for asylum seekers appealing against a negative decision on their asylum claim made after this date. ‘In country’ applicants are those who apply for asylum after entry into the UK. 58

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Library & Information Services (L&IS) are at the heart of the learning, teaching and research experience for students and staff at Cardiff Metropolitan University. Our two Learning Centres are the physical hubs for library and IT provision. When you join Cardiff Metropolitan University, you’ll automatically gain access to all of the services and resources we provide.



With daytime, evening and weekend opening hours, plus a variety of group and quiet spaces and wi-fi throughout, our Learning Centres are the ideal place for you to research and study. Both Learning Centres have PC and Apple Mac open-access computers offering a wide range of assistive, cutting edge and industry standard software to help you gain experience of many of the systems used in your chosen field.. Assistive software is also available to support students with accessibility requirements. In terms of access, if we’re closed, you can make use of our open access computer facilities that are available 24 hours a day. Our extensive library collections have been specially tailored and developed to enhance your learning and research experience. Both in the Learning Centre and online, you will find a wealth of resources in print and electronic formats – books for core and wider reading, a vast collection of academic journals and a broad range of ebooks. If it’s visual resources you are interested in, then we have an art and design slide collection, as well as an arthouse and feature film collection to support your studies and research. We also have thesis and special collections such as Artist’s Books. In addition to our own collections you will be able to freely request other materials from the British Library. In each Learning Centre you will find a technology support desk, with IT staff providing expert support, advice and guidance. Our Library staff will assist you in finding information from our collections, and can work with you to help develop your information literacy and research skills. Library & Information Services staff deliver teaching and training courses in a range of IT and Research Skills required for studying at University. You can also get further help by phoning, emailing or using our new web chat service.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Our website is our main information point for all students and can be accessed at any time and from any device. At the centre of our online presence is the Electronic Library - this is available 24 hours a day and provides access to thousands of quality, academic resources such as specialist databases, e-journals and ebooks. Also available is the “my Cardiff Met” mobile app which provides not only library and IT info but also campus maps, bus timetables, laundry availability and more - download it from your favourite app store. Further information: On Social Media: Twitter: @CardiffMetLearn



Access to the IT facilities at the Llandaff and Cyncoed Learning Centres is normally available as indicated above. Elsewhere, the Open Access facilities outside the Centres are available to a published timetable. Staff and students are permitted to use workstations at any Cardiff Metropolitan University campus during evenings, weekends and vacation periods provided they are registered computer users and agree to the regulations governing the acceptable use of IT facilities. 24 hour computing facilities are available for all Cardiff Metropolitan University students to use at the Cyncoed and Llandaff Learning Centres. Students are able to connect their personal computer equipment to the university’s wireless network in order to gain access to Internet and university web services (Portal, Email, VLE, Intranet, Library resources etc).



Students may use their own e-mail services for personal communications, but you are expected to access your Cardiff Metropolitan University e-mail account for official university communication and to check this regularly for new messages and announcements.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



Facilities are provided on each campus and in each Learning Centre where black and white and colour multi-functional printers are available for you to use. The printers use the Metcard system as a means of payment. Simply add credit via the Cardiff Met app, University’s Worldpay internet ‘top-up’ service or alternatively by using the charge machines in each campus Learning Centre. Additional printing and copying services are available from the University Print Studios, which also provide a wide range of specialist printing services, including posters, art canvas and mugs and binding services, art supplies are also available from Llandaff Print Studio, to help support and enhance your coursework needs. Students may now print directly from their mobile device, i.e smart phone, or laptop, information on this is provided at each Print Studio and Learning Centre. llandaff Print studio: Tel: 029 2041 6166 Email: cyncoed Print studio: Tel: 029 2041 7087 Email: Opening hrs: 9.00am - 4.00pm Monday to Friday Cardiff Metropolitan University holds a copyright licence to enable students and staff to copy extracts from publications, normally up to 5% of the work. Details of the licence are posted next to each photocopier or check on



The rules and regulations covering the use of all Learning Centre services, facilities, IT services and Hallsnet are posted on the relevant web sites identified above. When you first log on to the Cardiff Metropolitan University network, you must accept and acknowledge that you have read these. Once accepted, you will not be prompted again, but you are bound by the rules and regulations. Any breach of these is likely to result in a response from Cardiff Metropolitan University, including formal disciplinary action.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



We have a webspace covering eighteen areas of skills including assignment-writing, critical thinking and referencing. Each is packed with resources such as guides, e-lessons and worksheets, as well as links to books and online material. If you’re keen to develop your writing, we also offer a facility where you can email a sample of your work to us and get feedback and solutions for improvement. You will see members of our team out and about as we teach modules and sessions in all Cardiff Met’s academic schools. Our sessions are activity-focused and constantly updated to ensure you have the best opportunity for academic progression and development of employability skills. We contribute substantial amounts of online learning, and some assessments, to various personal development planning and research skills modules. For further information contact: on social media: Twitter: @CardiffMet_AST .


CARDIFF MET STUDENTS’ UNION campus centre, cyncoed campus main reception telephone: Fax: athletic union telephone: membership services telephone: students’ union general enquiries: students’ union advice: President: telephone: email: Vice -President: telephone: email: student centre, llandaff campus telephone:

029 2041 6190 029 2076 5569 029 2041 6953 029 2041 6344 029 2041 6191 029 2020 1153 029 2041 6379

All enquiries should be directed to the Central Office, Cyncoed Campus.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



The SU has five main roles: to support and represent the students both locally and nationally; to facilitate student Clubs, Societies and interest groups; to provide an employability service, to provide affordable commercial services to help support the development of its non-commercial operations and to ensure you have the best possible Student Experience. When you enrol as a student you automatically become a member of the SU which provides valuable advice and information to help and support YOU in many aspects of student life. The SU is partially funded through a block grant fund received from the University. The Students’ Union funds all competitive and performance sport through its Athletic Union at both British Universities and national league level. Funding is also available for individuals who can compete at BUCS or National/International level. The Students’ Union (CardiffMet SU) is an independent organisation headed by a Board of Trustees, consisting of a number of elected and appointed student representatives and the Chief Executive. The elected officers are the President and Vice President who are voted in through a cross campus ballot each year by the student body. Each School has an appointed student representative called a School Rep which ensures that there is representation at the Board of Trustee level from across the student body and a point of contact for any academic issues within their schools. The Board of Trustees is supported by a team of full time staff led by the Chief Executive who manages the operations of the Students’ Union on a day to day basis. You will receive information from the SU about the SWIPE Card which attracts a range of offers and discounts to you locally both on and off campus. You will receive this information in the Freshers’ Guide, via the website, social media and at the Freshers’ Fayre. Alternatively you can call into any of the SU offices for further information. Membership of the SU is automatic but should you wish to opt out you can do so by advising the Central Office in writing. You will still be able to join Clubs and Societies but you will not be able to stand for office or vote and you will not be able to claim many of the discounts that the SU membership offers. As a student you will be expected to:    

Produce your card as a form of identity at any event organised by or associated with the SU. Act in a responsible manner when visiting other establishments and act as ambassadors for both the SU and Cardiff Metropolitan University. Act in a responsible manner when attending SU premises, particularly the bars late at night. All the campuses are set within residential areas and you are expected to show consideration for residents at all times. Students found to be causing disruption or nuisance may face disciplinary action from either or both the SU and the University. 63

Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



There is a Student Centre on the Llandaff Campus. This offers a wide range of SU facilities including a shop, a bar, food operation and the SU offices. With a relaxing Starbucks coffee shop on the first floor it is an ideal location for the student population to use as its home. It also houses the Fitness Suite and the centre for Student Entrepreneurship. There is also a Campus Centre on Cyncoed Campus. This offers a wide range of SU facilities including a bar, food operation, a Starbucks coffee shop and the SU Central offices.



The UMAX team offer a range of services including advice and support, Jobshop, volunteering, skills based workshops and the Cardiff Met Award. These services are available to students in all five Schools across both campuses. advice and support The Student Advisor can offer advice and support on any questions or concerns about your student life; whether its accommodation problems, money worries, mental health or even just advice on life at university. 64

Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

The Academic Caseworker can offer advice, support and representation for students on university procedures; including Appeals, Unfair Practice, Verification, Complaints, Mitigating Circumstances, Bullying & Harassment, Fitness to Study/Practice. The type of support can include giving impartial advice on which procedure to follow, assistance completing forms and continued support throughout the process. Jobshop Jobshop is here to help you find a range of experience, paid part time work and full time jobs after graduation. The full range of jobs we advertise is available on the SU website, where you can also find advice on where to search for jobs and how to improve your applications and interview skills. Advice on CV’s and tailoring job applications can also be arranged in person with one of our members of staff at the SU offices. Volunteering We offer a wide range of volunteering opportunities though the SU. This includes one-off and ongoing projects to suit all students need. On our website we advertise projects being run internally and externally by other volunteering organizations. You can contact us for more information or if you are interested in any of our projects. skills based workshops and the cardiff met award UMAX offers a programme of free workshops throughout the year which are delivered by external experts. These workshops are a great way to build skills, your confidence, self awareness and to build your network with fellow students and the external providers. There are a whole range of sessions including help in finding work plus soft skills such as assertiveness, teamwork and cultural awareness. The Cardiff Met Award is a great way to formally recognise the extra skills and achievements you gather alongside your studies. The award recognises your work experience and skills whilst encouraging you to reflect on your personal development. Students who have completed the award have seen big improvements in self-awareness and confidence helping them to make the most of their student experience and prepare for their future.



The Students’ Union supports the Sports Clubs that operate through the Athletic Union (see below) and a range of Societies for students aimed at providing shared interest activities outside of the academic environment. If there is not an existing Club or Society, the Students’ Union encourages students to get involved and maybe start a new Society. If you have an idea for a new activity or one-off event or are hoping to set up a new Society in the future, then the SU can offer initial funding, information and advice, use of facilities and administrative support. It is a great way of making new friends and developing new skills and having fun at the same time. Visit for more information. 65

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students’ union officers There are two Students’ Union Executive Officers within the Students’ Union: - The President and Vice-President. They are elected each year by the student body to work on a full-time basis. Their main priority is to represent students at University level through various boards and committees. If you have issues or problems during your time at University then your Students’ Union Officers are there to help.


school representatives The School Representatives hold a key role for both the University and the Students’ Union. They ensure the student voice is heard and act as a liaison between the Representation structure and staff at the University. Under the direction and resources of the Students’ Union, the School Representative will deal with more wide-ranging problems that occur across the Schools and student body that they represent. This is an extremely important role as it ensures that, through the Representative, all students have an input into areas such as programme content and delivery, assessment and feedback, learning and teaching ,and timetabling.


lead/department representatives Within each School there is a representation structure of Lead/Department representatives who support the work of the School Rep. They work as part of a team within the School providing liaison with the Course Representatives.


course representatives Course Reps are the front line representatives of the students on their course. This puts them in the unique position of being able to influence their own learning and that of their peer group. Becoming a Course Rep has numerous advantages and you will gain many transferable skills that will help you in later life, including debating skills, communication and representation. For more information on our Representation Structure please refer to our website:


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



the athletic union All competitive and performance sport at Cardiff Metropolitan University is organised by the Athletic Union which is based in the Campus Centre, Cyncoed. Details of all the clubs that compete can be found on the Students’ Union website: and there will be stands at the Freshers Fayre, which takes place during the first week of term, giving information on the clubs themselves, training times and trials. Cardiff Metropolitan University has a proud history of sporting success and, unlike many other universities, many of our teams compete in local and national leagues. The majority of our teams compete on Wednesdays in the BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Sport) competition and students from all the schools are encouraged to participate; the Students’ Union supports keeping Wednesday afternoon free for sport, Societies and cultural activities. Many of our students achieve International Honours and compete at major events such as the World Student Games, Commonwealth and Olympics. We always want to encourage participation and if we don’t currently run a club then it is possible to set one up, and the Athletic Union is also there for individual competitors who want to represent the University. recreational sport The Students’ Union offers an initiative called Pinnacle Campus Sport. This allows all students to take part in sport at a fun and recreational level. Sports such as netball and football, basketball and even rock climbing are amongst these. Full information on the programme is available via the Student’s Union website and at the Freshers Fayre sport scholarships The aim of the Cardiff Metropolitan University Sports Bursary & Scholarship Scheme is to assist students of exceptional sporting ability to develop their academic and sporting talents to their fullest potential, and thereby to encourage the development of University sport. The aim is to ensure that each scholar is encouraged and enabled to reach his or her full potential in sport and in academic endeavours. The scheme offers a learner-centred experience in which scholars receive guidance and support, enabling them to take greater control of their lifestyle to facilitate the co-development of their academic and sporting potential. As part of Cardiff Metropolitan University sports scholarship scheme, chosen scholars will receive the following benefits:   

Conditioning/Fitness Testing and Monitoring: Access to fitness rooms and weight training facilities, advice on fitness training, and fitness testing at regular intervals. Gold Card Membership of the University Sport and Leisure Club. Subsidised Sports Physiotherapy and Sports Psychology support.


Cardi Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Focus sports Certain Clubs with a commitment to excellence and performance will qualify for additional support throughout the year. These Clubs are termed as Focus Sports for the Athletic Union. As a result of being a Focus Sport, Clubs will receive additional funding along with, a professional coaching setup, free access to facilities, strength and conditioning, sports science support and a discounted physiotherapy rate.


commeRcIAl SeRVIceS

The Students’ Union provides a number of commercial services across Cardiff Metropolitan University which help to support the non commercial services such as welfare advice and representation. The SU is not for profit, and any income generated by the commercial areas is reinvested back into the SU providing services for you, the students. commercial operations The Campus Centre at Cyncoed is the main social area on campus, incorporating a bar and catering operation which includes full table service. It also provides an outdoor terrace and areas where students can meet and relax. Centro and the Student Centre Llandaff are regularly hired out for private functions. Our SU shops sells a range of confectionery, groceries, newspapers and snacks. The Store at Cyncoed is open in the evenings to cater for the residential students. The Student Centre at Llandaff is the focal point for all students’ social life whether it is grabbing a quick sandwich or enjoying a sit down meal. It incorporates a bar and catering operation so is a great place to meet up with friends. Our SU shop at Llandaff sells a range of confectionery, groceries, newspapers and snacks. Both Cyncoed and Llandaff venues have a Starbucks coffee shop. All the bars are available at certain times for students, clubs, societies and courses to organise fund raising events.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



The Cardiff Met Students’ Union website is your first port of call for almost everything in student life while here at Cardiff Metropolitan University. The website fronts a live news feed keeping you up to date with SU developments, so be sure to sign-up and check it on a regular basis. All of the Students’ Union events and entertainment are also listed on our online calendar. Here you will be able to check times, dates, purchase tickets and even view photographs of yourselves from past events. To become a member of the website simply register online. You are automatically a member of the SU website but you will need to log-in and verify your account at We also have a number of social media platforms that we use to regularly update you with news, events and developments.



As a Students’ Union we became committed to supplying Fairtrade products and to achieving Fairtrade status. To achieve Fairtrade University Status we were dedicated to achieving the following goals and we now ensure that: 1.

2. 3.



Fairtrade foods are available for sale in all campus shops and Fairtrade coffees are used in all our operations. Where this is not possible the University and SU commit to begin to use Fairtrade products in these operations as soon as it becomes practical to do so. Fairtrade coffee and tea are served at all meetings hosted by the University and the SU and in all University and SU management offices. The process of achieving Fairtrade University status will be coordinated by a Fairtrade Steering group that includes representatives of the University, Hospitality staff, Students’ Union and the student body. The aim of the group is to prepare and oversee the implementation of an action plan to achieve and maintain Fairtrade Status for the university. The Steering group will organise the publicity for Fairtrade fortnight and other on-going promotions and campaigns to ensure that the issue of Fairtrade awareness is maintained. The Student’s Union has passed a Fairtrade policy statement to incorporate all goals.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18





It is essential to have a bank or building society account to help you manage your finances successfully. The whole range of banks and building societies is available in Cardiff City Centre and many of the local branches are easily accessible from each campus in Roath and in Llandaff. There are also cash machines on each campus, although you will be charged for using some of these. Cash points are located at Santander (Llandaff) Centro and Zen in the SU facilities.



As well as all the great social life on campus, Cardiff as a city is renowned for its excellent leisure facilities. Through the Students’ Union social media and web site you can find out about all the best student nights in Cardiff, in clubs that have an official link with the SU. Cardiff Metropolitan University Students’ Union also works closely with the CIA, Cardiff City Football Club, Cardiff Devils, Glamorgan Cricket Club and Cardiff Blues offering great student promotions, discounted tickets and competitions. So whether it is sport, leisure, socialising or culture, Cardiff has everything to offer. There is an excellent range of bars, pubs and restaurants of all types in Cardiff and in Cardiff Bay. The city, in fact, is renowned for its excellent leisure facilities which offer amenities at very reasonable prices. There is also a great variety of clubs, cinemas, entertainment centres and sporting venues, including the famous Millennium Centre, St David’s Hall and the Millennium Stadium.


Cardi Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



Cardiff is an excellent shopping centre, where you will find all the major retailers. There are also some local shops close to the campuses at Cyncoed and Llandaff in the suburbs of Roath and Llandaff, where there are also Post Offices. There is also a major supermarket opposite to the campus at Llandaff.



Each campus is well served by Cardiff Bus, which runs into the city centre and other parts of the city. Stops are conveniently located outside the campuses and at Cyncoed the buses actually come on to the site where there is a stop outside the main doors. Cardiff Metropolitan University also operates its own bus service, the Met Rider, between its various campuses and Halls of Residence. The service runs during term-time, six days per week (only evenings on Saturdays) from 7.45 am to 11.50 pm. It is, therefore, very useful for travel between campuses and into the city centre. Currently, when students purchase a Met Rider pass, they also gain free and unlimited access to all Cardiff Buses across the network. Met Rider passes for the academic year can be purchased from the Accommodation Office or the I zone at Llandaff and Cyncoed. For further details of the Met Rider timetable please see website: For further details of the Cardiff Bus timetable please see website: For travel outside of Cardiff, Traveline provides times and routes of all bus, coach, rail, ferry and air services in Wales free of charge. For further details contact Telephone 0870 6082608 or visit the website:


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

PART 4 tHings You maY Find useFul (POLICIES&PROCEDURES)


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18


MAKING A SUGGESTION, COMPLAINT OR APPEAL To make a suggestion, contact Campus Reception Website: to make a complaint contact: Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Complaints Manager telephone: 029 2020 5810 Website: To make an appeal contact Academic Registry (Regulations Unit) email: Website: academic Handbook: For impartial advice on the above, contact the Students’ Union Email: Website: academicsupport/


Cardiff Metropolitan University is committed to providing high quality programmes, services and facilities for students, staff and the general public and it thus actively encourages all its stakeholders to participate fully in the development and improvement of these by making their views and ideas known.


If you have any suggestions, therefore, concerning any matters that affect your life and study at Cardiff Metropolitan University please let a relevant member of staff know or you can fill in a suggestion form, which is available at the front desk of each campus or on line as indicated above. We welcome all comments and ideas, both positive and negative, and endeavour to provide you with feedback on the implementation of any of your views.


If you want to make a formal complaint or an appeal, first you need to know what the difference is between these two processes:

A Complaint is defined as an expression of dissatisfaction or concern you may have about any of the facilities or services provided by Cardiff Metropolitan University or about actions or lack of actions by Cardiff Metropolitan University or its staff. This procedure does not deal with any academic matters.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18


 

An Appeal caters for representations against academic decisions of Examination Boards or Committees of Enquiry (Unfair Practice cases). The purpose of the Complaints Procedure is to provide a formal route through which you can bring a complaint to the attention of Cardiff Metropolitan University and have it addressed, although every attempt should be made initially to resolve the matter informally with the relevant person or School/Unit. The formal procedure has two stages: stage one - investigation directed by the Dean of School or Head of Unit where the complaint has been lodged. stage two - investigation by a senior member of Cardiff Metropolitan University staff independent of the School or Unit involved

The investigation at each formal stage would normally be completed within 30 working days and culminate in a report with a decision whether to uphold or reject the complaint and with recommendations for any future action. If the complainant wishes to proceed to the next stage then there must be valid reasons for doing so. If a resolution cannot be reached by the end of formal Stage 2 then you have the right to take your complaint to the Office of the Independent Adjudicator. Cardiff Metropolitan University’s full Complaints Procedure can be found on-line as indicated above, but if you do make a formal complaint you will automatically be sent a link to the procedure. The Complaints Manager, who co-ordinates all complaints across Cardiff Metropolitan University, can be contacted at Llandaff on ext: 5810. 4.1.5

There are several Appeals Procedures for different purposes and these can be accessed in the Academic Handbook. See: _07.aspx

Appeals are a formal process and should not be seen as a ‘quick fix’. To make representations against decisions of Examination Boards you will need either the Verification Procedure or the Appeals Procedure, depending on the nature of your representations. The Verification Procedure covers such matters as checks for arithmetical errors in results, or checks that mitigating circumstances previously submitted were considered by Examination Boards. The Appeals Procedure should be used if you had mitigating circumstances but there was a good reason why you could not have reported them before the Examination Board, or where you are alleging defects or irregularities in the conduct of assessments. If in doubt which procedure to use, please contact the Academic Registry by email: You can only appeal on one or both of the grounds stipulated in the Appeals Procedures. You cannot appeal against academic judgment. In other words you cannot formally proceed with an appeal that simply challenges a tutor’s mark because you disagree with it. Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Verification Procedure follows the process below: 76

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  

Applications for Verification should be made within 14 days of the results release date; the facts of the case then have to be verified, normally within eight working weeks; If the verification process identifies that there is no basis on which to refer the case to an Examination Board at that stage, you will be informed in writing; If there is such a basis, your case will be referred to the Chair of the Examination Board for review of the Board’s previous decision.

The University’s Appeals Procedure follows the process below:   

 

An Application for Appeal should be made within 14 days of the date of the results release date; A decision will be made normally within 8 working weeks whether or not there is a case to refer to an Appeal Board; If there is a case, an Appeal Board will be established and you will be invited to attend and participate if you wish to do so, or you may opt for the appeal to be resolved administratively by the Chair of the Appeal Board, which is usually much quicker; If the appeal is upheld, your case would be referred back to the Chair of the Examination Board for review of the Board’s previous decision. If there is no basis on which to refer your case to Appeal Board you will be informed in writing.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18




The Student Disciplinary Procedure deals with problems that may arise with student behavior. It does not cover any academic matters. There are also additional disciplinary procedures related to Halls of Residence and the Students’ Union.


Basically the procedure covers the following types of misconduct on or off campus, which are likely to constitute improper interference with the functioning or activities of Cardiff Metropolitan University, those who work or study at Cardiff Metropolitan University or the reputation of Cardiff Metropolitan University:

         4.2.3

violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening or offensive behaviour or language (including possession of prohibited substances or weapons) fraud, deceit, deception or dishonesty; action likely to cause or impair the health, safety and well-being of any Cardiff Metropolitan University stakeholder; verbal abuse, bullying or any form of harassment, intimidation, victimisation or discrimination; damage to or defacement of any property belonging to Cardiff Metropolitan University or Cardiff Metropolitan University stakeholder; misuse or unauthorised use of Cardiff Metropolitan University premises or property; any criminal offence; failure to supply relevant information; failure to comply with previously imposed penalties. As with the Complaints Procedure Cardiff Metropolitan University encourages any misconduct or allegations of misconduct to be resolved informally as quickly as possible with the persons involved. If this is not possible or the nature of the offence is so serious, then the following steps will be taken: An investigating officer(s) is appointed, who will make a report, normally within 30 working days, with recommendations dismissing the case or suggesting informal or formal warnings are issued or the student is suspended / expelled. If a criminal offence has been committed then almost certainly the police will be informed. For further details of Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Disciplinary Procedure contact: Dean of Students: 029 20 20 5810.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Website: Policies-and-Procedures.aspx For further details of the Halls of Residence Disciplinary Procedure contact: Accommodation Services Manager Telephone: 029 2041 6188/89 For further details of Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Students’ Union Disciplinary Procedure contact: President - at the Students’ Union Telephone: 029 2041 6190 Email: For impartial advice, representation and guidance regarding complaints and appeals or the disciplinary procedure, students should contact the Academic Caseworker at the Students’ Union. Email: Telephone:029 2020 5753


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18




All students are expected to conduct themselves in a reasonable and orderly manner having due regard for other people and Cardiff Metropolitan University property.


All students are expected to abide by the student charter (see 1.2)


All students are expected to observe all Cardiff Metropolitan University regulations, policies and procedures that govern the effective organisation and management of specific areas of activity within Cardiff Metropolitan University, including those relating to financial requirements, health and safety, the use of learning, computing, refreshment, sport and recreational facilities. Copies of the regulations, policies and procedures can be obtained from the Cardiff Metropolitan University web site, particularly on the pages of the Academic Registry and Student Services, and are included as part of the Academic and Student Handbooks, which can also be accessed on the Cardiff Metropolitan University website.


An act will be regarded as misconduct and therefore the subject of disciplinary action, if it constitutes or is likely to constitute improper interference with the normal and legitimate functioning and activities of Cardiff Metropolitan University or of those who work or study at Cardiff Metropolitan University, if it affects the freedom of others, if it endangers the safety or property of others or if it damages or is likely to damage the reputation of Cardiff Metropolitan University.


In particular, students are expected to observe Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Equal Opportunities Policy, which recognises that discrimination on the grounds of gender, race, background, faith, sexual orientation or age and any form of harassment or bullying are unacceptable.


The sale of goods or services by students on Cardiff Metropolitan University premises is not permitted, except with the prior approval of the President and Vice Chancellor. Similarly, any form of gambling on Cardiff Metropolitan University premises is illegal and will result in disciplinary action.


The use of any illegal drugs on Cardiff Metropolitan University premises is prohibited and any dealing in illegal drugs will always be automatically reported to the police.


The following constitutes a non-exhaustive list of the types of misbehaviour or misconduct that this Code is intended to cover:


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

 

 

 

Violent, indecent, disorderly, threatening or offensive behaviour or language Fraud, deceit, deception or dishonesty in relation to Cardiff Metropolitan University or its staff or in connection with holding any office in Cardiff Metropolitan University or in relation to being a student of Cardiff Metropolitan University. Action likely to cause or impair the health, safety, and well-being of any student, member of staff or other employee of Cardiff Metropolitan University or any authorised visitor to Cardiff Metropolitan University. Verbal abuse, bullying or any form of harassment, intimidation, victimisation or discrimination of any student, member of staff or other employee of Cardiff Metropolitan University or authorised visitor to Cardiff Metropolitan University. Damage to, or defacement of, Cardiff Metropolitan University property or the property of other members of the Cardiff Metropolitan University community caused intentionally or recklessly and misappropriation of such property. Misuse or unauthorised use of Cardiff Metropolitan University premises or items of property, including misuse of computers or other electronic devices to transmit, receive, view or display offensive, defamatory, discriminatory, obscene or otherwise illegal material or to introduce any virus, worm or other harmful or nuisance programme or file into any IT facility. Failure to disclose a name and other relevant details to an officer or employee of Cardiff Metropolitan University in circumstances when it is reasonable to require that such information is given. Failure to comply with a previously imposed penalty under this Code. Behaviour that constitutes a criminal offence where it: Takes place on Cardiff Metropolitan University premises; Affects or concerns other members of the Cardiff Metropolitan University community; Damages the good name (reputation) of Cardiff Metropolitan University or brings Cardiff Metropolitan University into disrepute. Itself constitutes misconduct within the terms of this code; Is an offence of dishonesty.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



This framework articulates the general principles that will guide Staff, Students and Governors in their day-to-day activities in upholding Cardiff Metropolitan University’s values. The principles have been developed from Cardiff Metropolitan University’s values into more specific practices relevant to particular areas of activity (e.g. research and enterprise). In order to ensure that the values reflected by the Ethics Framework are maintained, when undertaking activities, staff, students and governors should ask themselves the following questions:        

Is the action legal? Is the action fair? Will I be proud of it? Does it comply with Cardiff Metropolitan University’s values? What would other people think of it? Will it hurt, disadvantage or offend anyone? Do I think it is wrong? If you are not sure, ask until you are sure.

To view Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Ethics Framework, or to access more information on ethics in general, please visit: Governance.aspx



location: contact: email: Web pages:

all Cardiff Metropolitan University campuses Head of Secretariat


Cardiff Metropolitan University is an organisation where diversity is valued, equality is promoted and our services are delivered to support all staff and students regardless of gender, race, ethnic background, religion or belief, culture, (dis)ability, age, gender reassignment or sexual orientation. (The Welsh language is regarded as an additional equality strand in Wales).


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18


Everyone in Cardiff Metropolitan University - governors, staff, students, visitors, contractors has a responsibility to deliver equality. Discrimination is unacceptable in any form. All individuals in Cardiff Metropolitan University should be treated with dignity and respect and valued for their contribution.


Cardiff Metropolitan University has a well developed framework of policies and practices to support inclusion and equality of opportunity and to foster a supportive environment for all our students, staff, and visitors. In 2008, the Board of Governors approved Cardiff Metropolitan University’s first Single Equality Scheme.


The Equality and Diversity Committee oversees the implementation of our Equality Scheme and monitors our progress. We publish an Annual Report for Equality & Diversity every year on our web pages.

Any student with personal experience of any of the Equalities strands who is interested in contributing to the development of Equalities policies and Diversity events in Cardiff Metropolitan University is encouraged to contact the Head of Secretariat to discuss how they could be involved.



location: contact: Website:

Llandaff Campus Dean of Students


As part of its Equal Opportunities policy portfolio, Cardiff Metropolitan University also has a Harassment and Bullying policy and code of practice, which covers all members of its community to ensure the preservation of each individual’s dignity.


The Harassment and Bullying policy and code of practice is designed to eliminate all forms of harassment and bullying at Cardiff Metropolitan University, to provide a sensitive, fair and effective means of resolving complaints, to provide victims with guidance and support, to ensure a safe and supportive working environment and to comply with legal requirements.


The policy and code of practice defines what harassment and bullying are and then explains what they involve in relation to gender, race, disability, sexual orientation and age. The roles and responsibilities of different persons and the procedures to be followed are outlined. 83

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location: contact: Policy:

Llandaff Campus Dean of Students


Cardiff Metropolitan University recognises that several of its programmes involve working with young people below the age of 18, for example, in teacher training and other forms of professional training, as well as in projects such as First Campus and in clinics and the use of sports facilities. If you are likely to come into contact with young people in any way on your programme then you will need to be familiar with Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Child Protection policy, which ensures compliance with all current statutory provisions and regulations.


Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Child Protection Policy outlines the scope and aims of the policy and then describes the processes and procedures to be followed when any contact with young persons occurs, including the need for undertaking checks with the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).


The named member of staff with ultimate responsibility for this area is the Dean of Students who is approved for this role by the Care Standards Inspectorate for Wales. Parents or guardians of students under 18 should note that internet access is unrestricted at Cardiff Metropolitan University and that it is not possible for the Cardiff Metropolitan University to limit access to any particular sites or categories of information. Students under 18 will be expected to abide by the same rules and regulations about acceptable use of the internet as all other students.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



contact(s): telephone: Policy:

Medical Staff - Nursing Officers 029 2041 6175 - Cyncoed / 029 2041 6177 Llandaff PublishingImages/Pages/Student-Services-Policies-andProcedures/Student%20Maternity,%20Maternity%20Support% 20and%20Adoption%20Policy.pdf


Cardiff Metropolitan University has a policy for students who are expectant or new mothers, the Student Maternity, Maternity Support and Adoption Policy. It covers students who are pregnant and those who have given birth within the last six months and/or who are breastfeeding.


The purpose of the policy is to ensure that being pregnant or a new mother is not a barrier to a student continuing with her studies and that appropriate health and safety measures are in place to protect the mother and child.


If you become pregnant, therefore, during your studies at Cardiff Metropolitan University and subsequently become a new mother or you are a new mother when you start your programme, then you will need to be familiar with the procedures you should follow. These are outlined in the policy which is available at the link above.


The policy also states the arrangements that the University should make, if necessary, to ensure the health and welfare of the expectant or new mother and her child, so that no disadvantage is experienced. For example, risk assessments will need to be undertaken. If an identified risk cannot be controlled or removed, then the University could temporarily adjust the student’s study arrangements, offer alternative arrangements or allow the student to defer her studies.


To enable students to carry on studying while they are new mothers, the policy allows them to bring their new young children into Cardiff Metropolitan University’s public areas and into tutorials, if the tutor permits, but not into any teaching and learning areas or situations where other students may be disturbed.


If you have any queries or need advice on breastfeeding or expressing milk, please contact Student Services in the first instance.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18




Llandaff Campus contact: Health & Safety Adviser 029 2041 6094

telephone: email: 4.9.1

Cardiff Metropolitan University recognises the importance of health and safety, not only to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all its stakeholders, but also to fulfil the requirements of legislation in this area.


Cardiff Metropolitan University, therefore, has a comprehensive overarching Health and Safety policy, which is supported by more detailed policies and procedures within each School and Unit. Similarly, the University Health and Safety Committee is underpinned by matching committees within each School and Unit, which involve members of specific teams that undertake health and safety audits and risk assessments across all areas for which the School or Unit has responsibility. These School and Unit committees, which include student representation, meet at least once a term and report directly to the main committee. Health and Safety is also a standing item of School and Unit management meetings and regular staff development events are held to train and update staff.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Health and Safety structure is also supported by a range of information and protocol materials, as well as by a series of regular reports, for example on accident statistics and safety checks on equipment. These are all posted on the university’s Health and Safety website as indicated above.


Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Health and Safety policy and the individual policies within each School and Unit cover areas such as emergency evacuation, personal safety, plant and equipment, health protection, fire precautions, waste disposal, accident procedures, control of hazardous substances and traffic issues


Health and Safety notices are posted prominently around all University’s campuses and there is a summary notice of general procedures to be followed in each reception area You should be aware of these in relation to your personal health and safety, so please take note of them and they should periodically be pointed out to you, for example when you are attending a lecture. If there is an emergency the campus number to ring is 2222. If you require further information please go to the Health and Safety website or contact your course tutor or other member of staff.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18


Health and safety and the prevention of accidents is the duty of everyone. If you observe a hazard or risk you should notify a member of staff immediately. All accidents, however slight, must be reported.


You must be aware of what to do and where to go in case of a fire and the procedure to be followed when the fire alarm sounds. These instructions will be displayed in locations throughout the University. Any student who would not be able to evacuate premises without assistance in an emergency will be required to notify the relevant Campus Service Manager/Halls Manager to arrange for a personal emergency evacuation plan (PeeP) to be developed. Any student who would not be able to evacuate premises without assistance in an emergency that doesn’t have a PeeP may be prohibited from accessing certain areas of university campuses.

4.10 SMOKING contact:

Chair of the No Smoking Policy Group


Cardiff Metropolitan University has a “No Smoking” policy, which covers all areas of each of its campuses, except where a specific Designated Smoking Area is provided. If you wish to smoke then you must do this in the specifically designated place outside the building. No smoking signs are prominently displayed around the buildings and must be observed.


All Cardiff Metropolitan University Halls of Residence operate a strict no smoking policy in all rooms and communal areas.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



contact: Website:

Nursing Officers health/Pages/default.aspx


Meningitis is rare, but it can be particularly prevalent in closed or semiclosed communities, such as halls of residence, where facilities and amenities are shared. It can also be fatal, so it is extremely important that all students and staff are aware of the symptoms, so that they can recognise if someone may have it. Treating the illness promptly can make the difference between life and death. Government guidelines recommend that every person under 25 years of age should be vaccinated against meningitis.


There are two main types of meningitis: viral and bacteria The former is more common, but less serious and is spread through coughing, sneezing and poor hygiene. The latter is more rare but potentially more serious and requires urgent treatment. There are many strains; B and C occur most frequently in the UK. Most students are vaccinated against strain C leaving them most vulnerable to the B strain for which there is no vaccination.

There are two forms of meningitis, meningococcal and pneumococcal, which are spread through close contact, including coughing, sneezing and kissing. 4.12.3

The symptoms of both types of meningitis are, for example: extreme malaise, severe headache, high temperature, vomiting, diarrhoea, aching limbs, aversion to bright light, drowsiness, confusion and a rash, which may start as a cluster of tiny red bloodspots and develop to look like fresh bruises. If pressed, they do not turn white. The symptoms may not all appear at the same time and can vary between different age groups.


If you suspect meningitis:

  

call a doctor or an emergency out of hours number immediately; dial (9)999 for an ambulance; or take the patient straightaway to a local emergency unit.


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



Cardiff Metropolitan University recognises a wide definition of sustainability, based on engaging in development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In support of this vision, in July 2005 Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Board of Governors formally approved Cardiff Metropolitan University’s Sustainability Policy and endorsed a reviewed and updated version in March 2008. Further information on Cardiff Metropolitan University initiatives to ensure sustainability can be found at


Cardi Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

PART 5 useFul names, addresses & Websites


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

THe cARDIFF ScHool oF ART & DeSIGN Llandaff Campus, Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB Tel: 029 2041 5898 email: Website:

THe cARDIFF ScHool oF eDUcATIoN Cyncoed Campus, Cyncoed Road, Cardiff, CF23 6XD tel: 029 2041 6771 email: Website:

THe cARDIFF ScHool oF HeAlTH ScIeNceS Llandaff Campus, Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB tel: 029 2041 6836 email: Website:

THe cARDIFF ScHool oF mANAGemeNT Llandaff Campus, Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB tel: 029 2041 6836 email: Website:

THe cARDIFF ScHool oF SPoRT Cyncoed Campus, Cyncoed Road, Cardiff, CF23 6XD tel: 029 2041 7106 email: Website:

SPoRTS & leISURe FAcIlITIeS SPoRTS FAcIlITIeS mANAGemeNT Cyncoed Campus, Cyncoed Road, Cardiff, CF23 6XD tel: 029 2041 6777 email: Website:


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

STUDeNT SeRVIceS (llANDAFF) A Block Llandaff Campus, Western Avenue, Cardiff CF5 2YB tel: 029 2041 6170 email: check the website for the addresses of the individual Services Website:

STUDeNT SeRVIceS (cYNcoeD) A Block - Cyncoed Campus, Cyncoed Road, Cardiff, CF23 6XD tel: 029 2041 6333 email: check the website for the addresses of the individual Services Website:

AcADemIc ReGISTRY ‘A’ Block, Llandaff Campus, Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB tel: 029 2041 6015 email: Web:

AccommoDATIoN SeRVIceS Cyncoed Campus, Warwick House, Cyncoed Road, Cardiff, CF23 6XD tel: 029 2041 6188/9 email: Web:

cARDIFF meT STUDeNTS’ UNIoN (cYNcoeD) Campus Centre, Cyncoed Campus, Cyncoed Road, Cardiff, CF23 6XD tel: 029 2041 6190

cARDIFF meT STUDeNTS’ UNIoN (llANDAFF) Llandaff Students’ Union Offices, Llandaff Campus, Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB tel: 029 2041 6379

INTeRNATIoNAl & PARTNeRSHIPS oFFIce ‘T’ Block, Llandaff Campus, Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB tel: 029 2041 6494/6045 email:


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

HeAD oF INFoRmATIoN SeRVIceS DIVISIoN Llandaff Campus, Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB tel: 029 2041 7000 email:

INFoRmATIoN SeRVIceS DIVISIoN HelPDeSK Llandaff Campus, Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB tel: 029 2041 7000

cARDIFF meT FINANce DePARTmeNT Llandaff Campus, Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB tel: 029 2041 6083 email:


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18



Academic/Study Skills Accommodation agencies Appeals Assessment Association of Letting and Management Agencies (ALMA) Athletic Union Attendance

64, 57 45 75 13 45 68 12

Banking Bars Benefit Allowances Borrowing (Learning Centres) Buses

71, 56 65, 71 54 60 73

Car parking Careers Service Cash points Catering Facilities Chaplaincy Commitment to Students Child Protection Clubs and societies Code of Conduct Complaints Confidentiality Counselling

20 36 71, 56 46 32 5 84 67 80 75 36 28

Data Protection Disability Service Disciplinary Procedure

21 30 78

Ethical Framework Emergency guidelines Enrolment Entertainment Equal Opportunities Examinations Expectant mothers External services

82 34 9 69, 71 82 14 85 71


Cardi Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Fee refunds Fees Financial advice Fitness to Practice Fitness to Study Freedom of Information

10 10, 28 28, 53 18 19 23



Halls of Residence Harassment and Bullying Hardship Fund Health and Safety Health Service

41 83 28 86 29

Information Systems Division (ISD) Insurance International OďŹƒce IT Services I-zone

59 19 52 59 34

Language Support

57 95

Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

Library Learning Centres Loans

59 59 28

Meal packages Mental Health Meningitis Met Rider Mitigating Circumstances Money Management

46 32 88 73 16 28

National Health Service National Insurance New or expectant mothers

55 56 85

Personal E-mail Accounts Photocopying Plagiarism Points Based Migration System Post Offices Private lodgings Private sector accommodation Publication scheme Pubs

61 61 15 12 65 45 43 23 71, 66

Referencing Restaurants

64, 15 71

Scholarships Shopping Smoking Student Loan Company (SLC) Student Services Students’ Union Suggestions Supermarkets Sustainability

28 69, 73 87 10 27 65 75 73 89

Tax TV Licences

56 46

Unfair Practise


Welfare Support (International Students) Working in the UK

56 55


Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

DISCLAIMER The University makes all reasonable efforts to deliver the programmes of study and research opportunities and other services and facilities in the way described on this website. It will provide students with the tuition and learning support and other services and facilities it describes with reasonable care and skill. However, the University shall be entitled if it reasonably considers it to be necessary (including in order to manage its resources and pursue its policy of continuous improvement appropriately):    

to alter the timetable, location, number of classes and method of delivery of programmes of study, provided such alterations are reasonable. to make reasonable variations to the content and syllabus of programmes of study (including in relation to placements). to suspend or discontinue programmes of study (for example, because a key member of staff is unwell or leaves the University). to make changes to its statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures which the University reasonably considers necessary (for example, in the light of changes in the law or the requirements of the University's regulators). Such changes if significant will normally come into force at the beginning of the following academic year, and if fundamental to the programme will normally come into force with effect from the next cohort of students. not to provide programmes of study or to combine them with others if the University reasonably considers this to be necessary (for example, because too few students apply to join the programme for it to be viable).

In the unlikely event that the University discontinues or does not provide a programme of study or changes it significantly before it begins:  

the University will tell relevant individuals at the earliest possible opportunity. an individual will be entitled to withdraw his or her application by telling the University in writing within a reasonable time of being informed of the change. the University will make an appropriate refund of tuition fees and deposits paid. 97

Cardiff Metropolitan University Student Handbook 2017/18

The University will make available to students such learning support and other services and facilities as it considers appropriate, but may vary what it provides from time to time (for example, the University may consider it desirable to change the way it provides library or IT support). Upon acceptance by an applicant of an offer of a place at the University, the relationship between the applicant and the University becomes contractual and the applicant accepts the University’s terms and conditions which can be found at s-andConditions.aspx In entering into that contract, neither the student nor the University intends that any of the terms of the contract will be enforceable by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 by any person not a party to it.


   

Western Avenue Cardiff CF5 2YB +44 (0)29 2041 6070 +44 (0)29 2041 6286

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