ABOUTUS The ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre employs 10 experienced food and drink technologists and business specialists and 8 senior lecturers and professors. Collectively, this team specialise in all aspects of food and drink processing and manufacturing operational and technical issues.
EXPERTISE ZERO2FIVE is able to draw on expertise within Cardi Metropolitan University, which includes Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics as well as Environmental Health, Trading Standards and Biomedical Sciences. Our team of internationally recognised food industry experts is available to assist our clients across a variety of food disciplines including baking, dairy and meat technologies, hygiene management, packaging design, technical management systems and new product development. The Business Team provides marketing, market analysis, NPD and trade engagement support for food and drink companies. Businesses beneďŹ t from a coordinated approach that can include support from experts in food legislation, nutrition, technical and manufacturing.
OUR LOGOTYPE Our logotype is the single most important element of our visual identity. It represents our name and what we stand for. The primary marks (shown here) is the preferred logotype which is available in two colour variations and is always bilingual.
Food Industry Centre Cardiff Metropolitan University
Canolfan Diwydiant Bwyd Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd
Which file format? . eps Illustrator eps is a vector file format and as such is infinitely scaleable without loss of quality. Eps should be used wherever possible and should always be supplied to designers and printers.
. png Tif is a pixel based file format so will suffer loss of quality if it is enlarged. It should be used at the size it is supplied or smaller. This file format is useful for PC users.
. jpg Jpeg is also pixel based but is designed to use on screen. Use on PCs for powerpoint presentations and websites. Jpeg should not be used for printed materials.
ExaMPLES OF INCORRECT USE OF LOGOTYPE Incorrect use of the logotype, however slight, will reduce the overall impact of ZERO2FIVE visual identity. Only the master artworks provided should be used.
Food Industry Centre Cardi Metropolitan University
Canolfan Diwydiant Bwyd Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd
1) Never change the colour of the logo.
2) Never place the logotype within a coloured shape.
3) Never distort the size or proportion of the logotype elements.
SPACIAL aWaRENESS To help us ensure that our logotype makes the most impact, this example shows the minimum clear space to allow around the logotype. You must ensure whenever the marque appears, nothing encroaches into the area shown.
Food Industry Centre Cardi Metropolitan University
Canolfan Diwydiant Bwyd Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd
CORPORaTE COLOURWAYS To help us ensure that our logotype makes the most impact, this example shows the minimum clear space to allow around the logotype.
PaNTONE 296 100, 46, 0, 70
50% PaNTONE 296 50, 23, 0, 35
Food Industry Centre Cardiff Metropolitan University
Canolfan Diwydiant Bwyd Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd
PaNTONE 233 37, 96, 5, 0
The logotype should always be placed on the right or left of printed materials. It can be placed at the top or the bottom as appropriate.
ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre Cardiff Metropolitan University Llandaff Campus, Western avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB e: t: 02920 41 6306