Principal's Presentation to Campus Council for the Academic Year 2014/2015

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L ea de Principal’s Presentation to Campus Council for the academic year 2014/2015

Professor Clement Sankat Pro Vice-Chancellor & Campus Principal


mpact . I . n Fut tio c ure A .

Contents 1

Foreword by Campus Principal


A Snapshot of St. Augustine’s Achievements


Enrolment & Graduation - Stable & Sustainable


Teaching, Learning & Student Development


Total Quality Management


Research: Advancing Knowledge, Impacting Lives


Knowledge Mobilization & Outreach


Building Regional & Global Partnerships for Development


Building Private Sector Partnerships & Philanthropy


Extraordinary Expansion of our Physical Capacity


Celebrating our People and Staff Engagement


Looking Ahead


Thank You - Management Team


Thank You - Faculty Deans


Thank you - Direct Reports & Principal’s Staff Afterword of Thanks by Campus Principal

Foreword Leadership . Action . Impact . Future Professor Clement Sankat Pro Vice-Chancellor and Campus Principal


he 2014/2015 academic year in review was indeed a special year for The UWI St. Augustine Campus. We celebrated 55 years of service to the people of Trinidad and Tobago (our host country) and the wider Caribbean region having been established in 1960 through the merging of the Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture (ICTA) and the University College of the West Indies (UCWI). When one looks at the 55 year journey of The UWI St. Augustine Campus, it is more than evident that there has been tremendous growth. What began in 1960 as a single Faculty Campus (the Faculty of Agriculture) with 39 undergraduate students, 28 graduate students and a few staff members has blossomed into what we have today – a Campus with seven Faculties, over 18,000 students and close to 4,000 staff members; a Campus that now produces nearly 4,000 graduates on an annual basis. Not only has the St. Augustine Campus expanded physically,

but as an institution, it has asserted itself and assumed its place in society as an intellectual leader, a driver of national and regional development and a shaper of Caribbean identity. The UWI St. Augustine Campus has demonstrated commitment, perseverance and resilience in the pursuit of reach, quality and excellence. Despite the adverse economic environment, the achievements and activities of the 2014/2015 academic year, and for 55 years, demonstrate just what the St. Augustine Campus has sought to do; lay the ground work and infrastructure for a modern university whose research and graduates shine like a beacon, producing the leaders of our societies and guiding the people of the Caribbean towards a promising future. It is within this context that as Campus Principal, I am truly pleased to share some of the significant strides made by our Campus, under the theme – Leadership. Action. Impact. Future.



A Snapshot of St. Augustine’s Achievements

DID YOU KNOW? Total student enrolment of The UWI St. Augustine Campus has increased by 20%, moving from approximately 16,000 students in 2007/08 to over 19,000 students in 2014/15.

The UWI St. Augustine South Campus Penal/Debe will be one of the greatest expansions not only in the 55 year history of the St. Augustine Campus, but perhaps also the single largest physical development the regional University of the West Indies has seen since its inception in 1948.

Postgraduate enrolment now accounts for approximately 1/3 of UWI St. Augustine total student enrolment, a strategic target accomplished by the Campus

The St. Augustine Campus has won 3 Commonwealth Rhodes Scholarships in 4 years in Kiron Neale, Cherelle Dacon and most recently, Zahra Gomes.

The UWI St. Augustine Campus has created over 40 new programmes since 2008.

Internationalisation links with China, India, Korea, Brazil, Cuba and the U.S. among others.

Establishment of the Agricultural Innovation Park (AIP) at the 200-acre site at Orange Grove, East Campus with the China Agricultural University (CAU).

Land Space (in acres) of The UWI St. Augustine Campus has more than doubled in the last five years, moving from approximately 303 acres to 684 acres.

Just in the last 8 years, over 20 new buildings have been built and over 576,388 sq. ft. has been added to The UWI St. Augustine Campus.

The UWI St. Augustine Campus Budget - Campus Grants Committee has increased by approximately 38% since 2007/08.

Creation of the UWITrinidad & Tobago Research and Development Impact Fund (RDI Fund) in 2012, focussing our research on pressing societal needs.

The St. Augustine Campus is the only campus of The UWI with 7 Faculties. New faculites added include Faculty of Law; Faculty of Food & Agriculture; Faculty of Science & Technology

The St. Augustine Campus was the first Campus of The UWI to be awarded Institutional Accreditation in 2011, and is preparing for re-accreditation in 2017.

Enrolment & Graduation Stable & Sustainable


n 2014/15, total student enrolment for The UWI St. Augustine Campus stood at over 18,000. At the undergraduate level, we had approximately 12,500 and at the postgraduate level we had just under 6,000. Although our total student enrolment fluctuates, it remains stable between 18,000 to 19,000 students on an annual basis. On the output side, at our graduation ceremonies in October 2015, we conferred degrees on over 3,800 of which approximately 1,130 were higher degrees including 25 PhDs and 54 MPhils. We remain confident that through their training at our Campus, they will go on to become 4


PhD graduates of The UWI St. Augustine Campus - October 2015

leaders in their own spheres, as so many others have done. Among our distinctive graduates, I wish to extend special congratulations to Mr. Jehue Gordon, a scholar and international athlete who graduated with first class honours in Sports Management. The UWI St. Augustine Campus was also honoured to welcome amongst its community of scholars, eight specially selected honourary graduates, each of whom epitomizes excellence, dedication and service to the people of the Caribbean region.


Graduation 2015 TOTAL GRADUATES 2015: 3,888 Postgraduate 1,333

Undergraduate 2,755

273 First Class Honours

Jehue Gordon Scholar and athlete

Incoming students

Honorary Graduates

Student Enrolment 2014/15 Mr. Hollis R. Charles

Dr. Marjorie Thorpe

Mr. Norman A. Sabga

Mr. David Rudder

Mrs. Jean Angela Permanand

Mr. Rajkumar “Krishna” Persad

Justice Ralph Narine

Mr . Gérard A. Besson



Opening of the state-of-the-Art Technology Teaching Lab - August 2015 Principal Sankat (L), Director of CETL Dr. Anna-May Edwards-Henry (second from left) and staff of CETL.

Teaching, Learning & Student Development


t The UWI St. Augustine Campus, we continue to focus on excellence in Teaching, Learning and Student Development. In this context, the academic staff of The UWI continued to develop several new creative and attractive programmes, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, which underscore our continued responsiveness and relevance to our diverse stakeholders. In addition, in keeping with our Blended Learning programme, The UWI St. Augustine Campus launched its first state-of-the-art SMART Technology Teaching Lab at the Teaching and Learning Complex. This SMART Teaching Lab, named after Dr. Anna-May Edwards-Henry, is a dynamic space that will use SMART technology and online 6


tools as an avenue for lecturers to become familiar with cutting-edge technologies to enhance their teaching skills. As The UWI St. Augustine Campus also continue to improve the range and quality of services offered to our main stakeholders – our students, a new Division of Student Services and Development (DSSD), to be led by Dr. Deirdre Charles was approved to begin operation in August 2015. This new Division replaces the former Student Advisory Services (SAS) and includes new services such as Community Engagement and Service Learning, Student Life & Development, and Counselling, Career, Cocurricular and Community Engagement among others.

New Programmes New Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programmes (Examples): • Re-introduction of Pre Science Programme; • B.Sc. in Criminology and Criminal Justice; • MSc Applied Psychology; • MSc Renewable Energy Technology; • MSc Biodiversity Conservation; • MSc Biotechnology; • LLM Degree/PG Diplomas in Corporate & Commercial Law/Public Law/Intellectual Property Law • DM Neurosurgery; • MPhil/PhD Tropical Crop Protection.

Other Notable Developments (Examples): • DM Surgery offered at all 3 general hospitals (PoSGH, SFGH, EWMSC); • New Majors were offered in Entrepreneurship; • MSc Petroleum Engineering programme proposal being prepared for Guyanese students; • Among many others . . .



Student Engagement, Development & Outreach Division of Student Services & Development (DSSD) New and Improved Serrvices Include: • Financial Advisory Services

• Service Learning & Community Engagement Programme

• Postgraduate & Mature Student Support

• Off-Campus & Commuting Students Support

• Regional & International Student Support

• Expansion of Co-Curricular Programmes

• Student Athletic Support Services

Deputy Principal (Back – 2nd L) & Dr. Deirdre Charles, Director (Back – L) & the DSSD team during one of their planning workshops

- Ethics & Integrity; Defensive Driving

Students participate in the World of Work Interview Preparation/Networking Theory Workshop

Students participate in UWI Life Programme



Student Online System (SOS)

• 473 – Student matters submitted via the online • •

system 83 – Student matters via walk-in/emails/letters 556 – Total student matters for January – August 2015

Student Athlete Policy Approved • Identify established university resources to support student athletes • Establish policies & guidelines for the development of structures and protocols to be used in support of athletes

Academic Support/Disability Unit (ASDLU)

• 229 Students with disabilities accessed our services in 2014/15

Some of the students at the orientation session for students with disabilities

Ms. Jacqueline Huggins (left), Head of the Academic Support/ Disabilities Liaison Unit (ASDLU), sharing information on their services with the help of a sign language interpreter.



Total Quality Management


he University of the West Indies is the pioneer of Caribbean higher education quality with over six decades of experience developing and implementing quality assurance and enhancement standards. Throughout the 2014/15 academic year, The UWI St. Augustine Campus therefore continued to implement measures to ensure that it delivers on its promise of Total Quality Management (both academic and service), through the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and 10


Leaning (CETL), the Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) and the Institutional Effectiveness Unit (IEU). It is worth noting that in July 2014, the Accreditation Council of Trinidad and Tobago (ACTT) presented a report to The UWI St. Augustine Campus which described our Campus as a, “high quality institution�. The St. Augustine Campus is now in the stages of preparing for Institutional Re-accreditation in 2017.

Building Quality From Programme Accreditation to Institutional Accreditation PROGRAMME ACCREDITATION


Preparing for Reaccreditation in 2017



The UWI St. Augustine Campus was recognized as a

“high quality institution”.



ACADEMIC QUALITY Centre for Excellence in Teaching & Learning (CETL) • 20 Members of staff graduated with the Certificate

• 366 Course Reviews • 1,986 Student Evaluation of Courses and Lectures (SECL) questionnaires completed & processed

in Teaching & Learning (CUTL) in 2014/15

• 90 Members of staff are currently enrolled (2015/16)

Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) 6 Quality Assurance Reviews

4 Quality Evaluations

UWI-ROYTEC Team: From left to right: Dr. Dickson C. Osuala, Institutional Research and Planning Officer; Mrs. Genevieve Julien-Maynard, Manager, South Campus and Programme Co-ordinator; Mrs. Nickisha Hamilton, Manager, Quality Assurance and Programme Development; Mrs. Wendy Augustus, Executive Director; Ms. Heather John, Manager, New Business Development; and Mr. Adesh Latchman, Quality Assurance Officer.



SERVICE QUALITY Institutional Effectiveness Unit (IEU) Of 17 Service Charters by Non-Academic Offices – 4 Charters have been digitized (i.e. ready for distribution) A Process Mapping Guidebook as a training tool has been developed and approved by Campus Principal (ready for launch and distribution)

• 3 Units have completed Service Excellence Assessments and 1 Unit currently has uploaded Service Excellence data on IMPAQTS (the webbased quality and performance monitoring system)

• 3 Units have produced process maps, 1 Unit (OIAI) has mapped and is currently going through process automation as a test case.

Initiated early stages in preparation for facilitating Institutional Re-accreditation

in 2017

Service Charter. Office of the Campus Principal



Research: Advancing Knowlege, Impacting Lives UWI innovates for visually impaired: MAVERICK, a money recognition app for persons with visual challenges was handed over to benefactor groups by its creators in a ceremony where there was a deluge of praise for it by members of that community. (l-r): Marlon Parieaho who has been visually impaired for four years, Jesse Saitoo - UWI graduate who developed the app, Dr. Akash Pooransingh (Saitoo’s supervisor) & Professor Stephan Gift, Dean - Faculty of Engineering.


esearch and development are central pillars of our University’s strategic direction. It is what has distinguished us from other tertiary education institutions in our country and region. Whether it be in engineering, education, tropical agriculture, law, medicine, history, literature or cultural arts, we have improved the lives of people across the Caribbean region, and in other small island developing states. Impacting research becomes even more critical as the region continues to grapple with wealth creation, the environment, crime and the challenges of an interconnected world. 14


UWI St. Augustine’s Research at 55

As the pool of research funding continues to shrink, not only in the Caribbean region, but worldwide, it is incumbent upon us (as a research institution) to strive even harder to garner research funding and to support our national communities through problem solving and creativity so as to demonstrate the value of our research to the people in our society. “Advancing Knowledge: Impacting Lives� was the theme/title given to the second research publication

of The UWI St. Augustine Campus in commemoration of the 55th anniversary of the Campus. Commissioned under the auspices of the Office of the Campus Principal, this publication gave our Campus the opportunity to demonstrate quite vividly the contributions which the St. Augustine Campus continues to make to society through the research of our dedicated Professors. Research that continues to transform the lives of the people in our communities.

Ensuring Societal Impact of our Research

AgriNett, An Agriculture Knowledge ePortal: Research on Intelligent Decision Support for enhancing Crop and Livestock Enterprise Management

A New Volcanic Emissions Monitoring Network: Integrating Community Engagement and Public Health Hazard

A Multi-centre Phase 3 Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of a Manualized Anger Management Intervention for Prisoners at Risk for Uncontrolled Anger and Aggression

Documentation and Promotion of 3 Endangered Langauages of Trinidad and Tobago: Sign Language, Patois, Bhojpuri



Showcasing our Research -

UWI-NGC Research Expo 2015

Touching lives through our Research

Professor Andrew A. Adogwa. Healthy Animals - Healthy People - Focusing on Food Safety

Dr. Richard Roberston of the Seismic Research Centre (SRC) with a GPS receiver, tripod and recorder

Professor Jonas Addae. Alternative Remedies for Pain Relief



Externally Funded Research Projects 2014/15 - examples Status of Total Project UWI Value



Mainstreaming Energy Efficiency and Climate Change in Built Environment Training and Research in the Caribbean (CarEnTrain)

European Commission (EC)



Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Water Resources and Human Livelihoods in the Coastal Zones of Small Island Developing States (CASCADE)




Developing Sustainable Disease Management Strategies to Improve Vegetable Production towards Self- Sufficiency and Food Security in the Caribbean Region




Global Local Caribbean Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Scenarios (GoLoCarSce)




International Fine Cocoa Innovation Centre (IFCIC)



€2.573 M

One Health, One Caribbean, One Love




Knowledge Transfer Capacity Building for Enhanced Energy Access and Efficiency in the Caribbean (CAP4INNO)




Strengthening Capacity for Food Science and Technology Teaching, Learning and Research to Add Value to Indigenous Foods for Food Security in Africa and the Caribbean (FSTinAC)




Professor Wayne Hunte Former PVC, Research

Source: The Office of Research Development and Knowledge Transfer LEADERSHIP . ACTION . IMPACT . FUTURE


Knowledge Mobilization & Outreach High-level presenters, participants and organisers of the Forum on the Future of the Caribbean - May 2015


nowledge dissemination and knowledge mobilization are just as important as knowledge creation. It is the view of our university that external stakeholders must always be aware of the relevant work conducted by our staff and students to address national, regional and international concerns and issues. It is within this context that The UWI St. Augustine Campus continues to host numerous conferences, workshops, professorial and distinguished open lectures and special events. Some of the major events hosted this year include, the Forum on the Future of the Caribbean, a very unique well attended Caribbean conference; the International 18


Breadfruit Conference: Commercialising Breadfruit for Food and Nutrition Security; the Inaugural Oil and Gas Law Conference: Key Legal Issues in Oil and Gas Law; the CCJ Symposium: Advancing the Case for Regionalism and Indigenous Jurisprudence; “The Need for Economic Diversification: Falling Oil Prices and its Implications on the T&T Budget�; and the Roots of Caribbean Constitution among many others. Through these channels of communication, we are able to share the important and relevant work of our staff and students with the widest audience possible, not only to academics, but to everyone spanning the spectrum of society.

Conferences & Workshops Forum on the Future of the Caribbean

Dr. The Honourable Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St. Vincent and The Grenadines

Professor Sir Hilary Beckles, Vice-Chancellor, The UWI

Ambassador Irwin La Roque CARICOM Secretary-General

International Breadfruit Conference

(L. - r.) Dr. Laura Roberts-Nkrumah, International Breadfruit Conference Co-Convener; Dr. Isaac Bekele, Dean of the Faculty of Food and Agriculture; Ms. Julia Gomes, HR Manager, PCS Nitrogen, Trinidad and Principal Sankat.

Patrons at the Breadfruit Festival, hosted on campus, as one of the events of the International Breadfruit Conference.



Distinguished Lectures

Dr. The Honourable Kenny Anthony, Prime Minister of Saint Lucia Towards a Better CARICOM

HE Brigadier David A. Granger, President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana Enhanced Investments in Tertiary Education

Dr. The Right Honourable Keith Mitchell, Prime Minister of Grenada Invest in Science and Technology

Professorial Lectures


A Journey with Parasites

Focusing Concern, Control, & Eradication in Tropical Regions AMPHITHEATRE A, FACULTY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES ERIC WILLIAMS MEDICAL SCIENCES COMPLEX, MT. HOPE For further information, please call 662-2002 ext. 83726 or email



The Right Honourable Owen Arthur, former Prime Minister of Barbados Regional Integration more necessary than ever

Scientific Advisor of the State Council of the Republic of Cuba, Professor Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart Global Challenges in Science & Innovation from a Cuban Perspective

Connecting with our Stakeholders

South Campus

See pg. 17




President of Trinity College, Dr. Joanne Berger-Sweeney (L) and Principal Sankat at formal opening of The UWI-Trinity House February 2016

Building Regional & Global Partnerships for Development UWI-Trinity House: A Gateway to fostering Research on our Culture & the Arts Internationally


he 2012-2017 Strategic Plan of The University of the West Indies identifies ‘Internationalization’ as one of its six strategic perspectives. This strategic plan is now in its fifth year, and since then, The UWI St. Augustine Campus, has made, and continues to make tremendous strides in its internationalization thrust through its Office of Institutional Advancement and Internationalization (OIAI) and its Office of Research Development and Knowledge Transfer (ORDKT), all led by the Office of the Campus Principal. In this sub-section we highlight some of the many success stories including our partnerships with Trinity 22


College, Hartford Connecticut; China Agricultural University, Beijing, China; University of Havana, Cuba; St. Andrews University, Scotland; Manipal University, India; University of Cologne, Germany; Sophia University, Japan; the Yucatan Center of Scientific Research (CICY), Mexico; and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). It is by establishing robust relations with governments, civil society, tertiary education institutions, and regional and international institutions around the world, that we will continue to enhance our capacity and maximize synergies so that we can better serve the people of the Caribbean region and beyond.

Partnerships for Capacity Development International Universities

UWI-CAU Agricultural Innovation Park Launch - Developing a Sustainable Agricultural Model for the Region

University of Havana, Cuba

St.Andrews University, Scotland

University of Cologne, Germany

Manipal University, India



Partnerships for Capacity Development International Organisations

UWI-Yucatan Center of Scientific Research (CICY) MOU signing

UWI-UNDP MOU signing


UWI-ACS Partnership



Forging New Partnerships

UWI Diplomatic Brunch - From Left: Debra Coryat-Patton, Senior Programme Manager, Principal Sankat, Venezuelan Ambassador to T&T, Her Excellency Coromoto Godoy Calderon & Political Advisor, French Republic, Daniel Wishenewski

Visit of the President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, His Excellency, Brigadier David A. Granger & Principal Sankat

Courtesy Visit from Rear Admiral Martha Herb, Director of the Inter-American Defense College (IADC)

Visit of the Chancellor of Sophia University, Dr Toshiaki Koso (C); Ambassador of Japan, His Excellency Mitsuhiko Okada (L) & Principal Sankat



Building Private Sector Partnerships & Philanthropy


t The UWI St. Augustine Campus, we aggressively continued relationship building with the Private Sector for the benefit of our students, staff and the wider Campus community. For example, The UWI St. Augustine Campus is partnering with Republic Bank on two major developmental projects. The first is the new UWI-Republic Bank Branch & the Northern Plaza which will give a contemporary face to the northern entrance of our Campus, and the second is the building of a new 26


Principal Sankat (R) and Huawei’s General Manager for Trinidad and Tobago, Mr. Jason Deng display MOU

home for our Department of Creative and Festival Arts (DCFA), a long awaited home for our DCFA staff and students. We are also partnering with Huawei, the leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider to establish joint research and development cooperative programmes and support for teaching including ICT development on Campus and exchange of faculty and students through internships in Shenzhen, China. We are also collaborating with

Lake Asphalt to collaborate on research, development and commercialization relating to asphalt and asphaltbased products such as sealants, paints, adhesives, waterproofing and damp-proofing formulations, and marine coatings; BGTT to create opportunities annually for student training through internships; and the Institute of Banking and Finance (IBF) of Trinidad and Tobago to facilitate university graduates in taking internships in the banking sector. In addition, The UWI St. Augustine Campus has always supported the position that institutions should engage and give back to society, while our graduates also give back to our institutions. It is within this context that The UWI

St. Augustine Campus collaborated with UWI Honorary graduate and legendary musician and bandleader Roy Cape and the leading provider of audio visual technology in Trinidad and Tobago, Media 21 Limited, to stage The UWI Classic Concert entitled, “A Caribbean Man: A Tribute to Black Stalin�. The net proceeds of this concert were directed to another UWI Honorary graduate, veteran calypsonian Dr. Leroy Calliste (Black Stalin), to help defray his medical expenses. The UWI St. Augustine Campus wishes to extend heartfelt thanks to Dr. Roy Cape, Media 21, Hyatt Regency, and the OIAI for staging this event which was followed this year by the concert dedicated to Dr. Roy Cape himself.

Building Partnerships for Capacity Development

UWI-BGTT MOU signing

UWI-Lake Asphalt MOU signing

UWI-IBF Internship MOU signing



From Million Dollar Gifts to Multi-Million dollar Private Sector Partnerships - Thank You UWI-Republic Bank Partnership

3D image of UWI Republic Bank Plaza

Representatives from The UWI and Republic Bank turning the sod for The UWI-Republic Bank Plaza.

UWI-ANSA McAL Partnership

Signing the Memorandum of Understanding for the construction of the Anthony N. Sabga School of Entrepreneurship and the Guardian Media School of Journalism. (left - right) Mr. A. Norman Sabga – Chairman and Chief Executive of the ANSA McAL Group of Companies, Dr. Anthony N. Sabga – ANSA McAL’s Chairman Emeritus, Professor Clement K. Sankat and Mr. Grenfell Kissoon - Chairman of Guardian Media Ltd.



3D image of the ANSA McAL Psychology Building

Building a World-Class Physical Plant in the service of our students, staff and visitors UWI-Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business (ALJGSB)

Internal and external proposed expansion views of The UWI-ALJGSB

The University Inn and Conference Centre - Open for Business

UWI Conference Centre

The University Inn



Commercial Enterprises at The UWI St. Augustine Campus Leveraging our assets to earn income and provide service

Over 45 food service vendors & other commercial enterprises on campus 30


Philanthropy - Giving back to support our Arts and Culture The UWI Classic Concert with Media 21

Calypsonian Brother Valentino performs at The UWI Classic Concert 2015

Media Launch of The UWI Classic Concert 2



Extraordinary Expansion of our Physical Capacity


he UWI St. Augustine Campus continued to witness extraordinary expansion of its physical dimensions in 2014/2015 with new facilities being established such as our Diplomatic Academy of the Caribbean, the Academy of Nursing and Allied Health at El Dorado, the Holman Williams Veterinary Building, the SMART Teaching laboratory, the expansion of the Mt. Hope School of Dentistry (the first expansion since its inception) and its new student facilities, the complete refurbishment and 32


UWI St. Augustine South Campus - Penal/Debe

restoration of Canada Hall, and the Arima Dental Clinic. The development of our Agricultural Innovation Park at our East Campus in Orange Grove in partnership with China Agricultural University (CAU) of Beijing, China, and the progress we have made as it relates to The UWI St. Augustine South Campus - Penal/Debe are two of our greatest physical expansions which has added nearly 400 acres of land space to The UWI St. Augustine Campus.

Courses to be offered at the South Campus • Undergraduate Diploma in Agriculture (UDA)

• Hindi 1A, 1B, Mandarin 1.1 (CI), Yoruba 1A, 1B

• BTech (Mechanical & Electrical)

• Undergraduate LLB

• English Language Foundation Unit (FOUN 1103, ELPT Test)

• LLB, PG-LLM/PG Dip MPhil/PhD

• Speech Clinic (Speech Language Pathology) Individual and Group Therapy

• Pre-Science Programme (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics) • BSc. Public Sector Management (P/T)

• Sign Language Interpreting Services

• BSc. Psychology (F/T)

• The Diploma in Education

• Cert. in Social Sciences (F/T)

• Business Spanish

• BSc. Nursing (Pre-Registration)

3D image of The UWI St. Augustine Campus - Penal/Debe



Expanding our Physical Capacity

UWI School of Nursing, Academy of Nursing and Allied Health, El Dorado

Seismic Research Centre (SRC)

UWI School of Dentistry / Arima Dental Clinic

Canada Hall North Block



Expanding our Physical Capacity

Diplomatic Academy of the Caribbean

Holman Williams Veterinary Building

UWI-Trinity House

Optometry Building on Gordon Street, St. Augustine



Prof. Dilip Dan receives the Hummingbird Gold Medal from the President of T&T, HE Anthony Carmona

Celebrating our People & Staff Engagement


taff and students of The UWI St. Augustine Campus continue to leave a positive imprint on society through their diverse contributions. This is demonstrated in the many national and regional honours, awards and achievements they continue to receive on a consistent basis. We are pleased to share just a few examples of the many success stories. In addition as one of the six core strategic perspectives of The UWI Strategic Plan 2012 – 2017, the St. Augustine Campus continued to focus on staff engagement and development. In this context, the St. Augustine Campus continued to encourage, motivate and build team work through several activities. Some of the initiatives included 36


- the second Employee and Service Excellence Awards to recognize those among us who demonstrate service excellence both to our internal, as well as external stakeholders; the Future Leaders Programme which provided formal coaching and mentorship to junior members of staff, as our Campus continue to focus on career transition and succession planning; the 1st Annual Inter-Departmental Windball Cricket Tournament which brought staff together in an “out of office” setting in a spirit of comradery and fun; the Principal’s End of Year Reception; and The UWI Development and Endowment Fund also hosted the annual all-inclusive carnival fete.

Student Achievements

3 Rhodes Scholarships in 4 Years

Kiron Neale 2013

Nikoli Edwards elected Commonwealth Youth Council Vice Chairperson - Policy and Advocacy

Cherelle Dacon 2015

Zahra Gomes 2016

International Soca Monarch winner Mr. Aaron St. Louis aka “The Voice”

UWI STA student Michael Rochford won Best Emerging T & T Film Maker



Staff Achievements

St. Augustine winners from left: Prof. Surendra Arjoon (2nd from L); Prof. Patricia Mohammed (3rd from R); Dr. Sandra Gift (4th from L) & Prof. Hariharan Seetharaman (3rd from L)

Dr. Judith Gobin, Lecturer, Department of Life Sciences received - The Julian Kenny Award for Natural Sciences (Silver) from the National Institute of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (NIHERST) in January 2015



Principal Sankat receives the Vibhushan ‘shiksha’ Embellishment of Education Award from the Bramha Kumaris World Spiritual University, Mt. Abu, India

Staff Engagement

Winners row: (L-R) Ms. Nardia Thomas-Allain, Principal Sankat, Mr. Nazir Alladin, Mr. Suresh Maharaj and Dr. Claudius Fergus at the Employee and Service Excellence Awards - December 2015

OWTU President General, Mr. Ancel Roget and Principal Sankat sign the collective agreement for daily and weekly paid workers - March 2015

UWI Fete

UWI Staff at the Principal’s End of Year Reception

UWI Field Station – winners of the 1st Annual Inter-Departmental Windball Cricket Tournament



Engaging our Alumni A determined investment to connect using technology

UWI St. Augustine-Alumni Affairs website

Proposed - ‘UWI Connect’ application to stay in touch with UWI Alumni



Sport at UWI St. Augustine UWI Student Inter-Campus Games

UWI International ½ Marathon

Major David Benjamin, Director of UWI SPEC (L) with Brazilian Daniel Chavez da Silva, winner of the 2015 UWI ½ marathon




Looking Ahead Continue to produce Leaders and knowledge for our societies

Attract the Best talent

42 42


Build PARTNERSHIPS with Governments/ Businesses/Institutions locally, regionally & internationally

Focus on Staff & Student Centredness and Service

A strong platform for building a World-Class, sustainable institution Manage our Finances Efficiently

Forge a business operational model with a focus on new income streams

Ensure Relevance/ Reponsiveness/ Regionality & Reach

Ensure Good Governance


43 43

Thank You - Campus Management Team Professor Clement Sankat Pro Vice-Chancellor and Campus Principal

Professor Rhoda Reddock Deputy Campus Principal

Ms. Andrea Taylor-Hanna Campus Bursar

Mr. Richard Saunders Campus Registrar

Mr. Stephen Sheppard Director of Human Resources



Mr. Frank Soodeen Campus Librarian

Thank You - Faculty Deans

Professor Stephan Gift Faculty of Engineering

Dr. Heather Cateau Faculty of Humanities & Education

Dr. Isaac Bekele Faculty of Food & Agriculture

Professor Rose-Marie Belle Antoine Faculty of Law

Professor Indar Ramnarine Faculty of Science & Technology

Professor Terrence Seemungal Faculty of Medical Sciences

Professor Ann-Marie Bissessar Faculty of Social Sciences LEADERSHIP . ACTION . IMPACT . FUTURE


Direct Reports

Prof. Wayne Hunte Former PVC, Research

Mr. Noel Corbett Director, Security Services

Thank You!

Dr. Dawn-Marie De Four Gill University & Campus Director, Marketing & Communications (M&C)

Dr. Margo Burns Director, The Centre for Excellence, in Teaching & Learning (CETL)

Mr. Sharan Singh Director, Office of Institutional Advancement & Internationalization

Mr. Nazir Alladin Director, Campus Information Technology Services

Office of the Campus Principal Mrs. Reanti Singh Head, Campus Office of Planning & Institutional Research

Mrs. Debra Coryatt-Patton Senior Programme Manager, Office of the Campus Principal

Mr. Suresh Maharaj Director, Division of Facilities Management

Mr. Alfred Reid Project Manager, Campus Projects Office



Dr. Sandra Gift Senior Programme Officer, Quality Assurance Unit

Afterword I take this opportunity, as it has been my practice, to thank all our students, staff, alumni and the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and the regional governments who have supported The UWI St. Augustine Campus, and in so doing have supported my own tenure as Campus Principal. It has been a truly remarkable year for the St. Augustine Campus, and for me personally an unforgettable near eight year journey of leadership as Pro Vice-Chancellor and Campus Principal of a Campus/University, that is very dear to me. A journey that I began in 1969 as a UWI student in Mechanical Engineering at St. Augustine, and has continued nearly unabated to this date; a journey driven by service and giving and a steady stride for excellence and impact. As The UWI St. Augustine Campus looks towards celebrating its diamond 60th anniversary, 4 years from now in 2020, we should do so on the basis that a firm platform has been laid on which to further build capacity, impact and reach, new business models for sustainability and new partnerships for progress. In the face of tightening financial constraints, let us all be reminded that it is through solidarity, good management and leadership, and cohesion that our institution’s resilience is built; and through our united efforts that our institution will be sustained. Let us all, therefore, band together as our Campus and University navigate the turbulent waters ahead so as to ensure that The UWI, an institution which has contributed considerably to the development of our Caribbean community, will continue to do so for successive generations remembering that Education is the foundation for the future advancement of every country, every society, and every region around the world. Our children are depending on us to advance their cause.

Professor Clement Sankat Pro Vice-Chancellor and Campus Principal

The journey of building a ‘World-Class’ UWI St. Augustine Campus continues! “I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. . . ” Rabindranath Tagore Principal Sankat quoted these words at his final Campus Council Meeting 2016

Learn more about the new and enterprising UWI initiatives at Telephone: (868) 662-2002 ext. 82182/83182. Coordinators – Debra Coryat-Patton & Arnold Corneal; Writer/Editor – Dr. Khellon Q. Roach; Graphic Designer – Kathryn Duncan. A PUBLICATION OF THE OFFICE OF THE CAMPUS PRINCIPAL - THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES, ST. AUGUSTINE CAMPUS 2016

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