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First Windsor Snow Fight Brings Residents Together
A young snow fighter gets ready to toss snow at a fellow participant, unaware of the sneak attack about to be sprung upon her at Windsor’s Snow Fight Feb. 21 at the Ford Test Track. [Photo by // Farrukh Mehdi] FARRUKHMEHDI Volunteer Photographer/ Writer __________________________ The Ford Test Track saw hundreds of eager residents tossing handfuls of snow at one another over the weekend, enjoying the most recent of snowfalls. The event originated in Edmonton when a group of people decided to celebrate the snow. The basic idea was, “what could be a better way of celebrating it other than by having a old fashioned snow fight?”. Over 2,000 people joined Snow Fight event in Edmonton, which was held in November last year. The event instantly became a huge success and other communities immediately started to take on the idea. Joe Jraige, a Windsor resident, was a part of the Snow Fight event while he was visiting Edmonton last year. On his way back to Windsor, the only thought in Jraige’s mind was how to bring this fun-filled family event to Windsor. Upon his arrival, he started to spread the word through a Windsor com-
munity Facebook page, Spotted In Windsor, which he also manages. The community response was encouraging. “Looking at groups of people throwing snow balls at each other, laughing and smiling, it was just amazing and overwhelming,” said Jraige. “I wanted it to bring that to Windsor.” There is no view like sun breaking through the clouds over a sparkling white field of snow. The afternoon of Feb. 21 was a perfect time to observe such a view at the Ford Test Track, a venue wisely chosen for the Snow Fight. The vast open space portrayed a view of an undisturbed white blanket of snow, which covered the entire field. The participants started to arrive on site in the early afgernoon and the number grew over 100 in a short time. At first it was mostly a random fight, participants were throwing snowballs at each other and, simultaneously, trying to dodge the incoming ones but not everyone was a part of this random act. Nina, a LaSalle resident, already
Over 100 Windsor residents participated in Windsor’s Snow Fight Feb. 21 at the Ford Test Track, an event which was begun in Edmonton last November. [Photo by // Farrukh Mehdi]
had a fight plan laid out with her husband and three kids First they spotted someone as a target and sneakily attacked him/her together at once. The victim had no clue how to react in such a situation. Nina and her family enjoyed their time and agreed another event such as this would be fun to hold in the future. After a short while, event organizers stepped in and distributed the participants in two separate groups just like a classic battery battle formation. Within few minutes, the groups were formed and on green light, snow balls started to fly from both ends “Nothing is better than coming out and celebrating snow with the community,” said Melissa, who was participating with her three children and her sister’s family. Age was not a factor in this snow-filled fight. Even I was hit with a few mounds of flying snow. The afternoon was a beautiful picture of community involvement, family fun and enjoyment.
Piles of snow were flying all over the Ford Test Track Feb. 21 as part of the first Windsor Snow Fight, begun by a Windsor resident who was visiting Edmonton last November when they begun the event as a way to celebrate the snow and have fun as a community. [Photo by // Farrukh Mehdi]