The Windsor Spitfires gave up all hope and ended their season with a devastating 12-1 loss.
Did you know there was a cheerleading group at UWindsor? And they’re just as great as the teams they cheer on!
The University of Windsor held a Spring open house and The Lance had a chance to talk to a few prospecting students.
The Chinese Student Scholar Association held “UWindsor’s Got Talent” over the weekend showcasing a number of talented acts in the CAW Auditorium.
Raising Awareness for Accessible Recreation SAMANTHAFERNANDEZ News Editor __________________________ With the theme of Accessible Recreation, the University of Windsor welcomed special guests to celebrate their annual Accessibility Awareness Day. Part of the focus Mar. 18 was how those with physical disabilities can participate in various recreation activities. Meghan Walton, event coordinator and second year work study student, finds as an able bodied person, it is important to bring awareness to accessibility issues those with disabilities may have to overcome on a daily basis. “We’ve really worked hard today to make sure that everything is accessible to everyone,” said Walton. “I find it mind blowing how our society is not always accessible to people, I find a lot of joy and pride in working in an environment where I can make that difference. I enjoy making life fun and accessible to everyone, no matter the group.” The day was filled with talks from different guest speakers and throughout the day there were also booths set up in the CAW commons to inform anyone who walked by about the importance of accessibility. Keven McShan, a former St. Clair College journalism student and founder of Mobilizing Media Innovations, attended the day and also gave his own talk on making instant connections through social media. “I was born with spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy and I do motivational speaking with my sports venture, so I think it ties into the days events,” said McShan. “I am promoting equality for people with disabilities and making sure that their message is heard just like everybody else.” McShan used to work at CKTV34 as an assignment reporter and now has his own podcasts called the Two Man Advantage, where he interviews sports professionals and speaks about
sporting events. “I have a unique and unwavering passion for journalism, particularly sports journalism,” said McShan. “This allows me to deliver my opinions on all different sports topics and after I graduated journalism at St. Clair, we were looking for ways to get me involved so we transitioned into the podcast to allow me to explore my passion in sports journalism.” The keynote speaker for the day was Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli, a motivational speaker, dance instructor and international performer who spoke to the crowd about his own personal accomplishments and the challenges he has had to overcome to be where he is today. “Being with my students definitely motivates me and inspires me, they give me an adrenaline rush and can change my mood,” said Patuelli. “I’ve always loved sharing and even though I am the teacher, my students teach me so much. When I speak, I learn from the crowd. I learn something new everyday. I want to share that knowledge with as many people as I can and it’s so fun.”
Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli jumps over volunteers during his talk at Accessibility Awareness Day Mar 18 at the CAW Centre. [Photo by // Samantha Fernandez]
Patuelli told those in attendance about his passion for dance and also mentioned other endeavours he has been involved in such as teaching students with disabilities to dance and touring with his group the Ill-abilities. Patuelli, who is not only a dedicated dancer, but also an advocate for change and equality, had one simple message of the day - “No Excuses, No Limits”. During his speech, he spoke a lot about his students and showed videos of their dance progress. For him, his students and his passion for dance drive him to move forward. “I don’t mean don’t mean don’t make excuses, I mean find a way to do it and don’t give up, find a way to believe in yourself,” said Patuelli. “Even if you are in a wheelchair and you say you can’t dance, you really can. It’s all about adapting yourself to do things your way.”
Luca “Lazylegz” Patuelli gives his presentation No Excuses No Limits at Accessibility Awareness Day Mar 18 in the CAW Centre . [Photo by // Samantha Fernandez]