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MADD Launches Project Red Ribbon Windsor and Essex County take a stand against driving under the influence
CALEBWORKMAN News Editor __________________________ MADD has launched the 28th Project Red Ribbon to raise awareness and help reduce and eliminate cases of impaired driving, both noticed and unnoticed. Members of the community, emergency services and project partners got together at the Allstate Insurance on Dougall Avenue for the official launch of Project Red Ribbon for the 2015 – 2016 holiday season Nov. 4. There were many speakers, including Margaret Collins, whose daughter was killed by an impaired driver in 2003. Community leader for MADD in Windsor and Essex County, Chaouki Hamka, said MADD volunteers will be distributing ribbons and raising awareness tight until the New Year in full force. “The main symbol of this campaign is the local partnerships we have and the symbol of the MADD ribbon,” said Hamka. “It’s a small but very powerful symbol of making better choices and being responsible.” According to police reports in 2014, impaired driving in Canada has reduced steadily since 2011 but Hamka said not all impaired drivers are caught and in some areas the numbers are even on the rise. “Just because the numbers are higher doesn’t always mean people are necessarily doing it more,” said Hamka. “It just means those people who have been doing it and haven’t been caught yet are finally getting caught.” In Windsor and Essex County MADD has provided approximately 100 signs on the roads and waterways with information on where to call if they see anyone who may be driving impaired. Sgt. Andrew Randall said he hopes for well-received cooperation from the public, especially university students.
Members of emergency services, MADD and community partners cut the red ribbon marking the launch of Project Red Ribbon Nov. 4. [Photo by//Caleb Workman] “We’re hoping when students drive through the ride programs we have that they won’t have any alcohol on their breath,” said Randall. “If people have symptoms of impairment, they will be arrested It’s plain and simple, don’t drink and drive and if you are going to drink, make sure you have a designated driver.” Richard Watterson, district manager for LCBO, provided statistics regarding what the LCBO did last season to help prevent impaired driving. The LCBO raised $2.3 million last year through their in store programs and allowed for free movie screenings for 1,500 schools across Ontario which encourage students to drive sober. “Wear it, share it and live it,” said Hamka. “Anyone can get a ribbon and put it on their vehicle but we’re hoping people take this symbol and live by it and encourage others to do so as well.”
Community leader for MADD in Windsor and Essex County, Chaouki Hamka, speaks on MADD and the difference they’ve made in Windsor and Essex County. [Photo by//Caleb Workman]