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Hippotherapy (“therapy on horseback”) is a physical, occupational, and speech-language herapy tool that provides children with disabilities a combination of movement and sensory stimulation.

Midland Clinical
In2022,counselorsatCentersfor ChildrenandFamiliesweretrained inadvancedapproachestoworking withtrauma.Seventherapistshave beentrainedinEMDRorTBRI,both recognizedinthecounselingfield asnew,effectivemethodsfor treatingcomplextrauma.

Ourcounselorsareseeing improvementintraumasymptoms andthisimprovementisoften takingplacemorequicklythanin traditionaltherapeuticapproached.
Ayoungwomaninhermid20’shas struggledsignificantlyduetoher historyofchildhoodabuse.Shehas beenintherapyforanumberof yearswithonlyminimalprogress. Assheenteredadulthood,she remainedhighlyreliantonfamily andlackedmanyindependentliving skills.
Sincebeginningheradvanced traumaworkatCenters,shehas securedadriver’slicense.Shehas alsofoundemploymentandsecured aplaceofherowntolive.The confidenceliveandfunction independentlywasnotpresentuntil EMDRtherapybegan.
Mae began therapeutic riding in February and initially, was noncommunicative and could not communicate with her instructor, or her side walkers. Her parents expressed that she had a fear of large animals, so her instructor had her start with lessons in groundwork with her horse Zoe. They started gently by learning to pet, groom, and lead her horse.
After a few sessions, Mae became comfortable being around the horse and began to communicate by whispering to the instructor. Now, almost a year later, her verbal communication has greatly improved, and she is able to speak with her instructor and guide the horse with her voice She is gaining independence with her horse with each lesson as she becomes more
After School & Summer Programming
A single mother of two left an abusive relationship and became involved in the Midland Fair Havens program. The YMCA of Midland was able to provide care for her two children covering 100% of the cost of care.
Later, the mother, who is enrolled in classes at Midland College, needed a part-time job to help provide for her family. She was fortunate to find work in another department at the YMCA while her children attended care in the CLC.
Below are excerpts from her letter: "My first two words to the YMCA are THANK YOU. I just cannot thank you enough. I'm a single mom currently enrolled in the Fair Havens program. My face manager told me about the YMCA and how every mom in the program loved the YMCA. They welcomed me and my girls to the YMCA and days later they gave me the opportunity to work there with open arms. God moved me into the YMCA and they are doing the best in God's name."