3 minute read
Patricia Gagic
International Artist For me, life is an epic, cosmic, biological miracle… a roller coaster experience punctuated with profound moments of exhilaration and deep crevices of darkness. When I realized my life was my own to create, I knew I owned the stage. I claimed it as my own. I was not emotionally mature enough to recognize that the suffering I endured was something I chose. My realizations about life, however, evolved and after losing several important people at an early age, I persevered because I had stamina. I took the initiative to believe in myself. No matter what happened in the future, these were simply lessons on my path.
I love stretching my mind and playing to the edge of limits. As an Abstract Artist I create happy accidents with Divine Discontent. I have always felt art is daring, transparent and should jolt us into consciousness. I believe in synchronicity and karma. Life is a paradise of possibilities and is not a drive by experience. We are incalculably unique. I love business, finance, all things organized and the idea of creating. I became an entrepreneur after a decade of climbing the ivory tower. All the while driven by this insatiable thirst for expression. It took many forms…from poetry to drawing, writing, and then painting. I am a Libra with a Virgo rising. For anyone who knows a little bit about astrology, I am a perfectionist and analyze or rather over analyze everything to find balance!
I think about life as an art. I ask what would life be like without Art? There would be noise and tones... but no music. There would be letters and words but no stories or novels. There would be pictures but no movies. There would be colors, dots and lines but no drawing. There would be shapes and materials. There would be no way to express human ideas, emotions, imagination, memories or thoughts. We wouldn’t know what the past looked like. Whatever is difficult to find in life is possible in ART.
From the moment I became aware, I always felt this deep longing to find the answer to the cosmic conscious world we live in. I use the wisdom of my hard-earned karma to reveal answers. What I hold is a reverence for applying these grounding lessons to help create a kind of spiritual roadmap on “how to transform your life experiences into manifesting the life of your dreams, while reducing your suffering and increasing your positive outcomes”. What did you dream of becoming when you grew up? Throughout my entire life I have loved and dreamt of being an artist…a creator…a visionary. I held a great respect for women who were unique and followed their own path. I was curious about their world. The kindest gesture or decision you can make about your life is to realize “you are the creator of your own life and story”. Whatever your passion in your life, follow it madly.
How has your work as an artist been celebrated? There have been several moments in my career that halted me and took my breath away. Winning the 2018 Gold Medal in Photography at the Salon Nationale Beaux Arts in Paris at the Carrousel du Louvre is one of those highlights. What’s your formula for self-care? Stress is always going to haunt us when we are not making the best use of our skills. Even if you find it difficult to start a daily meditation time slot, it is useful to learn breathing techniques which can support your desire to relinquish stress. Mindfulness meditations are based on focus, breathing. and becoming calm. I think learning to detach from everyday existence creates an ability for people to balance their lives with purpose. Meditation is purifying and vital to my everyday living. Is recognizing the achievements of women important to you? Manifesting is important and so are the steps to realization. In the world of karma, as women continue to succeed in unique roles and positions, there is a shifting of intention and motivation. However, as the world has shown, not all people use fairness in their negotiations and actions. If we consider becoming mindful in our business, we open the door for equanimity and higher returns for women to be seen and appreciated. By choosing to recognize the achievements of women we recalibrate the status quo.