> introduction The United Way annual campaign is about bringing people together to address our community’s most important issues. As a United Way Campaign Coordinator, you stand alongside hundreds of other volunteers who are dedicated to making a measurable impact in the lives of the people in our community. Due to the success of the workplace campaign, the generosity of our donors, and the dedication of our volunteers, United Way funds more than 70 programs and projects. These programs are hard at work every day improving lives and advancing the common good right here in Racine County. This handbook focuses on the role and responsibilities of a Workplace Campaign Coordinator. It is designed to lead you step-by-step through a United Way Campaign while offering tools, tips, and best practices to ensure success. While this book offers a good overview of the United Way Campaign, it does not answer every question. More resources are available at our online toolkit and through your United Way representative.
Christopher Ruud, 2011 Campaign Chair
Thank you for volunteering to be a part of the annual United Way Campaign. By giving your time, talent, and spreading the word, you are helping to advance the common good. Together, united, we can inspire hope and create opportunities for a better tomorrow. That is what it means to LIVE UNITED.
> Table of Contents
Special Events
About United Way..................... 1
Easy Six Day Campaign........ 10
The Annual Investment Process....................................2
20-Minute Meeting Guide......11
Fun Theme Ideas.................. 18
Speakers Bureau................. 12
Campaign Basics
Kickoff Ideas........................ 19 Fundraisers.........................20
Campaign Overview...............4
Promoting Your Campaign Electronically....................... 13
Role of an ECC........................5
Campaign Planning
More Fun Ideas....................24
Available Tools.......................6
Worksheet........................... 14
Campaign PLanning Eight Steps to Success...........8 Campaign Timeline and Checklist...............................9
Strategies for Success.......... 15 Responding to Concerns and Objections........................... 16
Races.................................. 23 Low or No Cost Incentives..... 25 Raffle Guide.........................26
Closing Campaign Recognition and Thank You...28 Pledging and Reporting........29
United Way of Racine County
> about united way What We Do At United Way, we work to advance the common good by creating opportunities for a better life for all. Our focus is on education, income, and health because they are the building blocks for a successful life. Advancing the common good is less about helping one person at a time and more about changing the system to help us all. We all benefit when a child succeeds in school, when individuals and families are financially stable, and when people are healthy. How We Do It United Way’s Community Investment Process focuses resources and relies on local expertise to provide solutions to the most critical needs facing Racine County. Our funding model strategically invests in health and human service partners and projects that demonstrate collaboration, efficiency, and effective use of resources with measurable results. Our approach is unique because we not only address people’s immediate needs, we work towards changing the status quo so that people can avoid problems in the first place. It is about investing in the foundation as well as the future. Why We Do It Racine County faces some serious challenges. Findings from the 2011 United Way of Racine County Community Indicators Report show: • More than 56% of children in Racine Unified School District qualify for free or reduced lunch. • It costs $55,161 annually for a family of four in Racine County to meet basic living expenses, yet two adults working full-time, minimum wage jobs only make $30,160 per year. • Racine County’s infant mortality rate for African American children is similar to infant mortality rates in Vietnam, Honduras and Mexico. United Way plays a crucial role in our community. No individual or organization can solve our community’s problems alone. United Way brings together community stakeholders, contributors and agency partners to create collaborative and innovative approaches to community issues. Working together, we can provide emergency services, basic needs and opportunities for a better life for all.
Visit our website to view the full Community Indicators Report or check out the Annual Report for more information on United Way.
Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide |
> The annual Investment Process Every year in our county something remarkable happens – thousands of individuals and companies donate millions of dollars to advance the common good through United Way. United Way ensures that the generous donations are carefully and thoughtfully put to good use to help the most people. Hundreds of dedicated individuals volunteer their time to make these important decisions that impact us all. For the 2011-2012 funding cycle, 48 programs were funded through this process for a total of $2,944,039.
Volunteers review written outcomes reports from each program at six months and end of the funding year. Information from these reports is incorporated in the annual community impact review discussions.
In light of most current research and information from community partners, United Way staff and volunteers discuss best practices, identify strengths/gaps in services, and establish direction for future investment decisions.
Volunteers review funding applications from local agencies describing activities/ services, staffing, target clients, desired outcomes, plan of evaluation, and program budget. Financial advisor volunteers conduct detailed review of organizational budget and recent audit.
The volunteer teams complete their evaluation scoresheets and bring their perspectives to the full investment committees which then make recommendations for funding based on the application review, the financial review, information obtained from the site visits, and investment dollars available. The United Way board gives final approval for funding agreement to be issued.
PROGRAM SITE VISITS Teams of volunteers are assigned to visit agencies for a closer look at program materials, evaluation data or facilities. Partner provider also presents the unique contributions of the program in achieving desired outcomes.
In addition to this annual funding, United Way invests more than $1,000,000 in its own special initiatives and projects, as well as through its Effective Connections process to fund other local programs and events that promote networking and information sharing.
2 | Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide
United Way of Racine County
> Campaign overview A strong community is good for business. Employees want to feel good about their employer. Support from corporate partners and individuals helps drive United Way of Racine County’s efforts to improve the lives of all in Racine County. Supporting a United Way campaign is a simple, yet effective way for anyone to tackle the most pressing problems in our community, address root causes of those problems, and advance meaningful, measurable change in Racine County. The 2010 campaign was full of education, optimism and fun which resulted in a campaign that raised more than $5,000,000 for the first time in three years. Employee campaign coordinators and campaign committee members spent thousands of hours making sure the Live United message was delivered in colorful and genuine ways to their colleagues throughout Racine County. Because of their efforts, more than 10,000 individuals and 300 businesses contributed to United Way in 2010. As United Way builds new momentum in 2011 and beyond, it will continue to bring people together to address critical issues and invest in change. With the leadership of volunteers, like you, we can accomplish more than any one can alone. Together, we can create a better community.
2011 Campaign Cabinet Chair Christopher Ruud, Ruud Lighting Vice Chair Dave Johnson, Johnson Outdoors Executive Cabinet Mark Geisler, Diversey Kathy Hinze, Ruud Lighting Greg Mueller Gene Szymczak, Educators Credit Union
| Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide
Business Development Matt Andis, Andis Company Chris Antonneau, David Insurance John Erskine III, Racine Federated Rod French, Quality Resource Group Mark Gelhaus, Clifton Gunderson Chris Henkes, O & H Danish Bakery Rob Jacobsen, Johnson Financial Rebecca Mason, Godfrey & Kahn SC Kevin McCabe, SC Johnson Shannon Rollins, Racine Federated Jim Small, Kolb & Co. Claire Weslaski, Image Management
Key Dates Campaign Kickoff Wednesday, September 7 Time TBD Location TBD Victory Celebration Wednesday, December 7 5:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Roma Lodge
Key Staff Marisol Beauford Communications Specialist 262-898-2253 mbeauford@unitedwayracine.org Colleen Benkendorf Western Racine County Associate 262-898-2240 cbenkendorf@unitedwayracine.org Michelle Brown Campaign Administrator 262-898-2242 mbrown@unitedwayracine.org David Maurer President 262-898-2248 davemaurer@unitedwayracine.org Tracy Nielsen VP - Marketing and Resource Development 262-898-2249 tnielsen@unitedwayracine.org
United Way of Racine County
> Role of an Employee campaign coordinator (ecc) Position: Objective:
Employee Campaign Coordinator To encourage your co-workers to participate in creating community impact by planning, coordinating, and implementing a successful United Way workplace campaign.
Responsibilities Include: • Attend Employee Campaign Coordinator Training • Recruit an enthusiastic committee of co-workers to assist in the campaign • Work closely with your Loaned Employee and United Way staff to develop an effective campaign plan • Coordinate the distribution and collection of campaign materials • Coordinate kickoff and recognition events • Promote the campaign throughout your company • Conduct a separate leadership giving solicitation meeting (for annual gifts of $1,000 or more) • Invite EVERYONE in your company to give • Encourage volunteerism among your co-workers • Thank your donors and volunteers • Publicize your campaign results • Complete your campaign by giving United Way your final report • Evaluate and make recommendations for next year Benefits of being an ECC: • Showcase your leadership skills • Network with colleagues at various levels of your organization • Take an active role in advancing the common good • Receive United Way training and network with ECCs from other companies
The Role of Staff and Loaned Employees United Way staff are available year-round to help you implement successful campaign strategies. Loaned Employees assist with campaigns from August through December. They can both help you by: • Assuring a prompt delivery of campaign supplies. • Participating in planning meetings with you and your campaign team. • Speaking on behalf of United Way at company campaigns meetings. • Bringing fresh ideas to energize your campaign. • Answering questions about United Way from you and your employees. • Arranging pick-up of campaign proceeds and participating in end of campaign evaluations. • Bringing energy and enthusiasm to your employee campaign!
Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide |
> Available Tools Standard Materials Brochures Pledge Forms Campaign Report Envelope Optional Materials Western Racine County brochures Small Business Brochures Beacon Circle Brochure Donor Designation Forms
United Way Initiative Materials Advancing Family Assets reports FamilyWize Discount Prescription cards
NFL Schedules Campaign Video/DVD Posters Thermometer signs Live United buttons/pens
Imagination Library brochure Racine Afterschool flyer Youth As Resources brochure
Live United t-shirts Live United balloons Casual day stickers Table Tents Community Partner Clings
Online Toolbox Materials
2010 Annual Report 2011 Community Indicators Report
Other Messaging
Sample LIVE UNITED Presentation Frequently Asked Questions A Day in the Life of Your United Way Investment
Campaign Fun
Fun Holidays Motivational Quotes LIVE UNITED Bingo 10 Ways to Live United United Way Word Scramble United Way Word Search
| Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide
Sample Letters
Beacon Circle Letter from CEO to Employees CEO Endorsement of United Way to All Employees Sample 1 CEO Endorsement Letter Sample 2 Endorsement from Union President
Helpful Links
Campaign Video United Way Facebook Page Electronic Thermometer Live United National Website United Way Store Common Good Forecaster
United Way of Racine County
campaign planning
> Eight steps to Success We invite you to incorporate as many of these best practices as possible in your workplace campaign. Follow the “Eight Steps” and you have a greater chance of achieving your campaign goals. 1. CEO Support and Involvement • Pledge a company gift (if applicable). • Commit to holding employee meetings. • Make a personal contribution. • Visibly and actively support the campaign. 2. Recruit a Capable, Committed Campaign Team • Include one person from each department on your committee. Involve labor representatives, if applicable. • Participate in United Way Employee Campaign Coordinator training sessions. 3. Set an Aggressive Campaign Goal/Track Results • Analyze past performance. • Set an ambitious goal that stretches your team. Goals can include total dollars raised, percent participation and/or Leadership goals. • Advertise goal. • Track and report progress regularly. 4. Work with United Way to Develop a Campaign Plan • Meet with your Loaned Employee to help you plan. • Use United Way campaign tools and materials posted on our website. • Secure raffle items or incentives for the campaign. • Plan special events to create enthusiasm and raise funds. 5. Conduct a Leadership Giving Program (Gifts of $1,000 or More) • Conduct a Leadership Giving breakfast or meeting. • Set specific Leadership Giving goals. • Ask senior management to be Leadership Givers. • Discuss Leadership Giving at all employee meetings. • Provide special recognition for Leadership Giving. 6. Hold Meetings for All Employees • Schedule 20 to 30-minute meetings to reach all employees. • Provide food, door prizes, and incentives for giving. • Include the campaign video or a speaker from a United Way partner provider. • Ask an employee to share a story about their experience with United Way. • Educate everyone about the positive changes their gift makes in the community. • Follow up with all employees.
Keep in mind... •
Ninety percent of your time is spent planning and organizing your campaign and only 10 percent is spent running it.
Try to include the informal leaders of your company. These people already have the respect and trust of their co-workers and will be influential when it counts.
For all electronic campaigns, we suggest that you still include fun activities and an employee rally/ kickoff with a guest speaker and a United Way video presentation.
Have a year-round campaign! Hold special events several times a year rather than several during one week. It’s easier to ask people to contribute small amounts over the course of a year. Check the special event section of this guide for ideas.
Keep a notebook or file of your plans for next year. You or your successor will be glad you did!
7. Promote, inform and Have Fun! • Build United Way awareness. • Ask everyone to give. • Have fun! 8. Thank, Recognize and Report • Post internal thank you messages: signs, articles, and banners. • Publish an internal roster of Leadership Givers and Loyal Contributors. • Report results to United Way and employees. • Conduct campaign debrief with United Way and your Loaned Employee. • Attend United Way Victory Celebration on December 7 at Roma Lodge.
| Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide
When people are asked why they did not give, the response usually heard is...“I was never asked!”
United Way of Racine County
Weeks Before
Target Date: _____________ Meet with your Loaned Employee to develop campaign goals and strategies.
> Campaign timeline and checklist 4 2 Weeks Before
Target Date: _____________
Weeks Before
Target Date: _____________
Promote your Plan your campaign special campaign theme events and and special events. meetings. Set dates for employee meetings Conduct a Review the Leadership Giving and agency tours. previous campaign, one Ask your Loaned campaign’s of the best ways Employee performance, to increase the about speakers determine success of your for employee opportunities and overall campaign. meetings. challenges. Send Request materials Recruit and train a communications from your Loaned campaign team. from the CEO Employee. endorsing/ Attend the Everyone should announcing Employee receive pledge campaign. Campaign forms and Coordinator brochures. Training hosted by Personalize pledge United Way. forms with contact Develop your information and campaign timeline prior year giving with dates and information for goals. each employee. Meet with your CEO to confirm his or her commitment.
Kickoff Celebration!
After Your Campaign
Target Date: _____________
Target Date: _____________
Kick off your campaign group meetings.
Wrap up campaign and collect all pledges. Follow up with those who did not turn in pledge forms.
Make sure that every employee receives materials and has the opportunity to give. Conduct special events and activities. Publicize interim campaign results.
Tabulate the results and submit campaign reports to United Way. Announce campaign results to your staff. Thank all contributors with a celebration event, letter, e-mail, etc.
Send follow-up emails every few days to keep up the enthusiasm Conduct a and build campaign awareness. Include debriefing with community facts your team and and success Loaned Employee stories. and develop a written summary Have Fun! for next year.
Visit our online campaign toolbox for tools and ideas.
Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide |
> Easy Six day campaign Example: candy themed campaign FRIDAY Send an email to all employees announcing the kickoff of the United Way Campaign on Monday with special guests at the Monday morning staff meeting. Place an endorsement letter from the CEO on everyone’s desk. Be sure to announce the organization’s goal! Card: “<Company Name> and United Way of Racine County hope you will to CHEW-Z give on Friday” Gift: A stick of chewing gum MONDAY Have an agency speaker and your United Way representative present to your staff for about 15 minutes. They can explain what United Way does and all the great things a single donation can do. Pass out pledge cards after the presentation. Card: “You can be a LIFESAVER by giving to the United Way on Friday.” Gift: Lifesaver candy TUESDAY Do an easy fundraiser: Guess how many pieces of candy are in the jar—$1 per guess and all proceeds go to United Way. Winner gets the jar of candy! Card: “Guess correctly and Friday could be your PAYDAY.” Gift: A Payday candy bar
WEDNESDAY Play the United Way video on loop in the lunchroom or break room, place a link on your intranet or email links for viewing. Card: “Let’s keep things ROLLING and LIVE UNITED!” Gift: Tootsie Roll candy THURSDAY Send a company-wide email with a United Way Fun Fact and the campaign total so far. Give an idea how much more is needed to reach your goal—keep it positive! Card: “We’re BURSTING from excitement” or “Help us reach for the STARS” Gift: Starburst
FRIDAY At the end of the day take count of all the people who have given and distribute to each of them a letter signed by you and the CEO expressing your appreciation. Also send out an email announcing the final total and all winners! Card: “Thanks for being the RIESEN we’re so successful!” Gift: Riesen candy
| Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide
United Way of Racine County
> 20-minute meeting guide Group solicitation is the most effective and efficient technique for increasing employee contributions. Whenever possible, incorporate the United Way presentation into an existing staff meeting. As employees enter the meeting, present them with United Way pledge forms and brochures. Follow up with those who were unable to attend. Group meetings are a quick and easy way to: • Explain what it means to advance the common good • Promote awareness of your United Way campaign • Communicate campaign plans • Distribute United Way materials • Answer employee questions • Ask for support Topic
Assigned to
1. Welcome, Opening Remarks and Statement of Company Support 2. Statement of Labor Support (If applicable) 3. Testimonial of Agency Visit, Personal Experience or Agency Presentation 4. United Way Overview
Employee Campaign Coordinator/CEO
1 minute
1 minute
Welcome everyone and state purpose for the meeting
Labor Representative
1 minute
1 minute
Demonstrate support
Company Employee or Agency Speaker
4 minutes 3 minutes Provides an example of United Way success stories
Loaned Employee
5. Campaign Video 6. Ask for support
Loaned Employee Employee Campaign Coordinator Employee Campaign Coordinator
4 minutes 3 minutes Explain how United Way works to advance the common good 4 minutes 4 minutes Sets the tone for campaign 1 minute 1 minute Solicits the support of individual donors 5 minutes 2 minutes Express gratitude for their time and participation
7. Closing Remarks and Thanks, Pledge Card Procedures and Collection
20 Min. Meeting Time
15 Min. Meeting Time
Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide |
> Speakers bureau The Speakers Bureau is an effective way to motivate giving and increase employee knowledge about United Way of Racine County’s work to advance the common good and create opportunities for a better life for all. There is no greater testament to the community we build and the lives we change than the firsthand accounts from our Speakers Bureau members. Our speakers tell the stories that put a face behind every dollar donated. About the Speakers Bureau: • The Speakers Bureau includes employees, volunteers and clients from United Way programs and partner agencies. • Speaker topics can focus in various areas including education, income, health, and volunteerism. • Presentations can be customized to meet your organization’s needs and are typically limited to 10-15 minutes.
Keep in mind... • Many United Way partner agencies offer tours of their facilities. Tours can be created especially to meet the needs of your group and provide firsthand knowledge of how your donation helps people in the community. • Research has shown that including a speaker in your campaign can increase giving up to 50 percent.
Requesting a speaker or tour… • Contact your Loaned Employee or United Way staff at 262-898-2240. They will work with the needs of your workplace and obtain the information necessary to process your request. • You can also visit the campaign toolbox on our website to see the Speakers Bureau flyer and download the Speaker Request Form. Just email or fax it back to United Way. • Please make your request at least three (3) days prior to the desired date and indicate your preferred topic. • Speakers are flexible, but are not always available. Staff will do their best to meet your requests and schedule a speaker with a similar area of expertise. • The Speakers Bureau will confirm speaking engagements and tours with your company. • Should a speaker be unable at the last minute to fulfill the engagement, the Speakers Bureau will inform you as soon as possible and will try to secure a replacement speaker. • Please notify the Campaign Administrator or your Loaned Employee as soon as possible if you need to cancel or reschedule a speaker or tour.
| Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide
United Way of Racine County
> Promoting your campaign electronically Sample Email Messages To All Staff Announce the Campaign RE: United Way Campaign Mark your calendars! Our United Way campaign begins [date]. As Employee Campaign Coordinator, I look forward to the many fun and interesting activities we have planned. The United Way campaign is our opportunity to extend a hand and help people in our community. I am excited about our shared effort in the coming weeks and encourage your involvement and support. Stay tuned for more details. Announce the Campaign Kick Off RE: United Way Campaign Kick Off Today Join the LIVE UNITED movement! Today is our United Way campaign kickoff. Everyone is invited to take part in a (ice cream social, potluck lunch, etc.) today in the [location] at [time]. Listen to stories about how United Way works to advance the common good in our community. [Special guest speaker] This is our opportunity to Give, Advocate and Volunteer. Updates on Campaign Progress RE: United Way Campaign Progress Update Congratulations [organization] employees! We’ve reached ____% of our goal. Last week’s [special event] was a great success thanks to your participation and [highlight from event]. LIVE UNITED is our opportunity to Give, Advocate and Volunteer. Please turn in your pledge cards by [date], so that we can achieve our final goal of [amount]. I’m proud to be part of this exciting effort to improve the quality of life in our community. Stop by and say hello; I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about giving to United Way. Explain How United Way Helps RE: We Make a Difference with our Gift to United Way Every dollar you give helps by: • Reducing low-income families’ dependence on food banks and shelters • Improving school performance and problem solving with children and youth • Assisting women in accessing prenatal care • Providing older adults with the resources to remain in their own homes and much more! LIVE UNITED is our opportunity to Give, Advocate and Volunteer.
Need More Information on what your donation to United Way does? RE: Where your donation to United Way really goes United Way funds over 70 programs and projects that help people year round. United Way of Racine County also matches volunteers to agencies that need help. Want to know more about what your donation to United Way really does? Looking to volunteer? Check out United Way’s website at www.unitedwayracine.org. LIVE UNITED is our opportunity to Give, Advocate and Volunteer.
Why is promoting the campaign important? • It can build awareness about the work of United Way. • It provides education on our community and its needs. • It improves attendance at campaign events. • It allows everyone the opportunity to give. • It can be a morale builder by bringing employees together to support a cause. Use company newsletter or intranet site to: • Provide a link to United Way of Racine County’s site. • Post or send daily messages about United Way during the campaign that are educational and informative. • Share the United Way campaign video. • Post the schedule or calendar of campaign events. • Feature employees who have benefitted from services from United Way or one of its partner agencies. • Solicit and publish quotes from contributors or volunteers: “Why do you give/ volunteer?” or “How do you Live United?” • List United Way’s partner agencies, programs and initiatives. • Post messages from labor leaders, management, or anyone else with strong United Way ties, connections, or convictions.
Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide |
> campaign Planning worksheet 1. Your plan for including top management throughout the campaign. 2. Get help. List the people you have or will recruit to help with your campaign. Follow-up meetings:
3. Set goals. Initial planning meeting date: Campaign Start Date:
Campaign End Date:
Total dollars raised Corporate gift Employee Pledges Special Events Employee Participation % Employee per capita 4. Identify Leadership Givers (donors giving $1,000 +) 5. Determine if and how you will have fun with themes and/or special events.
6. Promote United Way. List your ideas for communicating the message and keeping people engaged. 7. Make the ask. Explain how associates will be given their pledge forms and how theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll be asked to turn them in. 8. How will you track and report results? 9. How will you thank and recognize donors and committee members? 10. Ideas for year-round promotion of the United Way message.
| Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide
United Way of Racine County
> strategies for Success Current Situation:
Current Situation:
Current Situation:
Current Situation:
Employees already give so much... That’s great! It means they understand the importance of supporting the entire community. • Make sure everyone is educated about United Way and our programs and initiatives. Services are available to all of Racine County. • Don’t be afraid to make an ask. Most employees expect it and are ready to give. • Be sure to thank your employees for their entire contribution to our community, whether it is time or financial support. They should feel really good about all they do. We have less employees than last year... We know there can be many changes in a workforce and we are there to support you and your employees.
Small or no budget... With a little creativity, a campaign can be fun and successful without any budget at all! • Use experiences instead of items as incentives. For instance, ask your CEO to provide dinner at his or her home for the winner of a drawing, or have the senior team wash the cars of drawing winners. • Hold a potluck kickoff, where each person who wants to participate brings in a dish. Departments can put on skits for each other, making the kickoff quite entertaining!
We have the same number of employees but still have low participation... This is a common challenge among many types of organizations, large and small.
• Share success stories. They can be inspiring and Strategy: motivating to your employees. • Instead of asking just during campaign time, hold • Make it a competition. Look at individual departments fundraisers throughout the year. You can build morale and support the community. and challenge them. You’ll be surprised how competitive • Communicate senior management support. Have CEO’s it can get. • Promote payroll deduction. On average, a contributor share why they support United Way. who gives through payroll deduction will give four times • Hold a special Leadership Giving meeting for potential more than a cash or check. givers. A targeted Leadership Giving campaign can increase your participation and per capita giving rates.
Current Situation:
Current Situation:
I have no time to dedicate to campaign... Whew! Chances are, you wear many hats. That’s one of the reasons why you’re so special to us! • We’ve created a special event guide with activities, incentives and themes for you. The activities are broken down by the amount of time and energy needed, cost and purpose (such as fundraiser or team building). • There are many other materials to help you run a successful campaign. Check out the campaign toolbox on our website. • Always remember our staff and Loaned Employees are here to help.
• • •
We have multiple locations/shifts... A multiple locations and/or a non-office environment can sometimes be a challenge. Proper planning can help. • Create a campaign committee with a person from each location/department. They should also help with planning and solicitation. • Don’t leave anyone out. Host a fundraiser that everyone can participate in like a bake sale, used media sale or a jeans day. • Try holding separate events for different locations/shifts. Make sure they receive all necessary materials.
To build a timeline with a start and end date. Set an aggressive goal and track results. Hold a kickoff rally with a speaker.
• • •
Ask everyone to give. Include United Way staff/LE in your planning. Have Fun!
Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide |
> responding to concerns & objections You may, on occasion, encounter someone who objects to making a United Way contribution. Keep in mind that objections present an opportunity to give more information or clarify misconceptions. Here are some suggestions: Objections are not personal. • Remember, their objections are not directed at you. We understand that giving is a personal matter and people can feel very strongly about the organizations they support. Objections are often based on incorrect information. • Try to identify the real issue. United Way is committed to maintaining and modeling the highest ethical standards. We believe in providing leadership and programming that is effective, transparent, compassionate, and inclusive. Show sympathy. • Listen carefully and show your concern. This does not mean you agree, but that you care about the concern. Don’t argue. • Instead, offer information about the many ways United Way helps people, or offer to discuss the issue further after the group meeting. Encourage the objector to talk. • Allow the person voicing the objection to expand on it. An insecure, illogical or poorly thought-out objection will fail on its own.
Keep in mind... • United Way not only funds 70 programs and special projects but also initiates and facilitates system-wide initiatives to create long-lasting change like Family Smart/Kid Friendly and Advancing Family Assets. • United Way has always enjoyed a strong partnership with the business community. Approximately 300 businesses in Racine County host workplace campaigns and understand that we all share a responsibility for the people and neighborhoods where we live, work and raise our families. • Every gift makes a difference. And when combined with over 10,000 other donors, it makes a powerful impact in the community.
Relax and be yourself. • You have the ideas to present, so be straightforward in your presentation. Asking for someone’s participation or gift is not a “win/lose” situation. Don’t be afraid to say you don’t know. • Let those with questions know you’ll get back to them with the answer. Tell them they can visit our website or call us at 262-898-2240. Remember, education not coercion. • The most responsive donors are those who have the opportunity to become informed and involved. Experience clearly shows that coercion creates animosity, hinders communication and understanding, and can lead to decreased support.
| Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide
United Way of Racine County
> special events -
fun theme ideas
• Give. Advocate. Volunteer. LIVE UNITED. • Building for our future - Hold a company wide volunteer activity. Use a tool or construction theme. • Give United so others can Live United! • Battle of the sexes • Be a superhero! • Iron Chef - cooking or cake decorating contest. • Pirates of the Caribbean • Minute to win it! • Wii care for Racine - hold Wii game tournaments at lunchtime. • Las Vegas - tie in the theme “What happens in Vegas…” to “What’s raised in Racine County, stays in Racine County” • Halloween/Fall festival - Pumpkin decorating contest, guess the weight of the pumpkin, haunted house, apple bobbing, apple or pumpkin pie baking contest. • Sports - hold a tailgate party. Have a playing field with players advancing towards the goal. “Go the extra yard- Give” Hold contests between Packers and Bears or Brewers and Cubs fans! Make the loser dress in gear from the other team. • Carnival - Have putt-putt, pool table, ring toss, dunking booth.
Other Ideas:
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Health and wellness Mission possible Teaming up for tomorrow Give for the gold Get in the Game Lights! Camera! Action! Are you smarter than…? Teaming up for our community Paint a better future Make a world of difference Expressions of hope Dare to care Fear Factor Sports Ethnic Tropical Outer space Hollywood Indy 500 or NASCAR Medieval times New York! New York! Mardi Gras Shoot for the stars Reality show Party in Paris Academy Awards/Red carpet Political scandal Mystery theme Olympics Back to school Christmas in September Pirate or nautical Hawaiian luau Wild west 50’s sock hop 60’s tie-dye 70’s disco 80’s biggest hair
Ruud Lighting’s Campaign Kickoff featured numerous activities.
| Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide
United Way of Racine County
> special events -
kickoff ideas
Casual Day Cost: Low Difficulty: Low Purpose: Fundraiser & awareness
Casual Days are very simple to run. Make sure you get permission from management. Charge employees $1 or $5 to dress casually on the designated day. Employees can wear a sticker that says they are dressed casually in support of United Way. Request casual day stickers from your Loaned Employee.
Chocolate Kickoff Rally Cost: Low Difficulty: Low Purpose: Awareness
Print gold paper candy bar wrappers with the employee-giving theme. Put the wrappers on chocolate candy bars and distribute at kickoff. See our online toolbox for a candy wrapper template.
Horse Race Cost: Low Difficulty: Low Purpose: Awareness
Draw a mural of a racetrack and display it in a high-traffic area. Have horse cutouts representing each department. Advance horses on the track as dollars and/or participation rates increase in each department. Award prizes to all departments that meet dollar and/or participation goals.
Live United Bingo Cost: Low Difficulty: Low Purpose: Awareness
Use LIVE UNITED Bingo form available on our online campaign toolbox. Employees complete squares by learning how others Live United. Award raffle tickets or small prizes to the winner.
Scavenger Hunt Cost: Low Difficulty: Low Purpose: Team building & awareness
Hold an office scavenger hunt. Split into teams (perhaps by department) and have employees search for a few items during the lunch hour. Award a prize to the winners. Can also hold scavenger hunt electronically with questions about United Way and agencies we fund.
Survivor Cost: Medium Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Team building & awareness
Create tribes (teams) to compete throughout your campaign for prizes. Hold luxury challenges each day where groups compete mentally or physically for a treat such as soda, candy or raffle tickets. Some suggestions for luxury challenges include the following: United Way quiz, office mini-putt game, trivia game or a scavenger hunt.
Volunteer Event Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Awareness
Work with United Way staff to organize a volunteer event at one of our Partner Provider agencies.
Who Wants to be a Millionaire? Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Awareness
This event is based on the television game show. This is a great way to increase United Way knowledge among staff. Instead of Who wants to be a Millionaire you could play Wheel of Fortune, Trivial Pursuit or Jeopardy. Ask your Loaned Employee for United Way trivia information.
Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide |
> special events -
Airplane Toss Cost: Low Difficulty: Low Purpose: Fundraiser
Throw paper airplanes through a hula-hoop, charge per throw. You may have to show them how to fold the airplanes, but lessons will cost. This is a great event if you have a big engineering department.
Auction Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser
Ask employees to donate an item to be auctioned off. Items can include old items from home, a service (e.g., car wash) or handmade item (e.g., baked goods or crafts). Advertise your auction well in advance and combine it with a potluck lunch.
Baby Picture Contest Cost: Low Difficulty: Low Purpose: Fundraiser
Post employees’ baby pictures and sponsor a contest to guess who’s who. Can also be done with pictures of pets.
Bake Sale Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser
Many organizations hold bake sales to raise money. Ask employees to bring in baked goods for the event. Package in individual serving sizes for a mid-day snack. Advertise well in advance of the bake sale with posters, flyers and e-mail. Don’t forget to recruit volunteers to help with set-up, serving and clean up.
Balloon Pop Cost: Low to Medium Difficulty: Low Purpose: Fundraiser
Blow up balloons and place a numbered ticket in each balloon. Participants purchase balloons and pop them to win a prize. Balloons may be placed around the office to create a festive atmosphere or put balloon bouquets on a cart and take to each person’s work station.
Barbeque Cost: High Difficulty: High Purpose: Fundraiser
A barbeque is a common component of United Way campaigns. To make your barbeque successful advertise the items that will be served and sell tickets well in advance so that you can determine how many hamburgers (or hot dogs, steaks, etc.) you will need. Encourage management to cook.
Candy Grams Cost: Low Difficulty: Low Purpose: Fundraiser
It doesn’t take much time to organize a candy-grams fundraiser, but it can end up raising a lot of money. Sell candy grams to employees for a small fee and deliver them on the last day of your campaign. Try to pick a treat that ties into your campaign. For example, you could use Halloween candies if there is a Halloween theme. Bulk stores sell a wide variety of shaped gummy treats.
Casino Night or Poker Tournament Cost: Medium Difficulty: High Purpose: Fundraiser
If your campaign is going to have gambling, sell employees tokens/chips to play the games. When they decide to cash out, have them swap the chips for prizes instead of money. Set up poker games, black jack and craps.
Chili Lunch or Cook-off Cost: Low to High Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser & team building
Invite employees to bring in a batch of their best chili, then have co-workers judge each chili based on taste, texture and fire value. Advertise in advance with posters, memos and e-mails. To help the luncheon run smoothly, sell tickets in advance. Provide rolls and salad. Charge an entrance fee and tasting fee.
| Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide
United Way of Racine County
> special events -
Coffee or Bakery Cart Cost: Medium Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser
Arrange for volunteers to bring a coffee and snack cart throughout the office one day. Advertise it in advance. Solicit donations of coffee and snacks from suppliers or ask co-workers to contribute baked goods. If you do have to purchase items, make sure you sell them at a profit.
Decorating Contest Cost: Medium Difficulty: Low Purpose: Fundraiser
Host a decorating contest and charge participants to enter or charge employees to vote on a winner. Items to be decorated could include an office, a piggy bank, a toy car, a t-shirt or anything else you can think of!
Email Bingo Cost: Low Difficulty: Low Purpose: Fundraiser
Email bingo can take place all day unlike traditional bingo. Sell bingo cards to email users. Throughout the day, call out bingo numbers using email. The first email user to get bingo should then notify everyone, either through email or the phone intercom. Solicit contacts/suppliers for prize donations or use raffle tickets.
Employee Talent Show Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser
Hold a talent contest. Charge an entry fee for contestants or audience members and award prizes.
Executive Car Wash Cost: Medium Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser
Ask members of the senior management team to wash cars during one lunch hour. Hold the car wash in the parking lot and charge employees $3 or $5 to have their cars washed.
Farmer’s Market Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser
Ask employees to bring in extra items from their gardens. Allow employees to purchase fresh home-grown produce.
Games (Carnival Style) Cost: Low to Medium Difficulty: High Purpose: Fundraiser
Set up old-fashioned carnival games such as a ring toss, fish pond and balloon dartthrow. You can purchase inexpensive prizes through Oriental Trading. Award prizes to the winners of the “games of skill”.
Get out of Jail for a Fee
Give employees the opportunity to send other staff members to “jail” during their lunch hour or coffee break. Have someone on the campaign team act as warrant officer. Employees can purchase a warrant for the arrest of a co-worker at a cost of $5. The warrant officer then advises the prisoner-to-be that there is a warrant for their arrest. The individual may then pay bail to avoid jail time ($5). You may want to limit the number of times each person can be arrested!
Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium to High Purpose: Fundraiser
Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide |
> special events -
Indoor Mini-Golf Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium to High Purpose: Fundraiser & team building
Advertise in advance for foursomes to enter (BYOP - Bring your own Putter) and charge a flat fee for entry. Set up the mini-golf game throughout the hallways, offices, elevators, etc. Be creative and construct water traps (buckets) and sand traps (popcorn). The lowest score wins. Make it more challenging by substituting marshmallows for golf balls!
Media Sale Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser
Arrange for staff to donate used articles, such as books, DVDs, or Video games, for your media sale. Have volunteers price, sort and set up display tables.
Penny Wars Cost: Low Difficulty: Low Purpose: Fundraiser
This event can last the duration of your campaign. Have departments compete to collect the most pennies. For an interesting twist, you can make it so that other types of coins are worth negative points. For example, a nickel would cancel out five pennies. This allows people to “sabotage” other teams while raising more money for United Way.
Pie Toss Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser
Recruit management to help you with this carnival classic. Give employees the opportunity to toss whipped cream pies or damp sponges at willing volunteers for a dollar or two. Make sure that targets wear garbage bags to protect their clothes.
Potluck Lunch Cost: Low Difficulty: Low Purpose: Fundraiser & team building
Ask each staff member to contribute a dish for a potluck luncheon. Make a sign up form ahead of time to ensure a mix of salads/starters, main courses, drinks and desserts. Give it a multicultural twist by requesting dishes from all over the world. Charge a small fee to eat.
Pumpkin Carving Contest Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser
Put together a team of carvers or individuals. Set different categories for judging (most creative, scariest, funniest, etc.). Charge teams/individuals to enter or charge people to vote for their favorite.
Something-a-Thon Cost: Medium to High Difficulty: Medium to High Purpose: Fundraiser & awareness
Walk-a-thons, Dance-a-thons, Skip-a-thons and other “Marathons” are popular events. Have participants collect pledges for your event based on the number of hours danced or miles walked.
Tacky Toilet Cost: Low Difficulty: Low Purpose: Fundraiser
Inspire competition between branches or departments. Put a toilet on a platform, with a plexi-glass lid with a slot under the seat. Employees must fill the bowl with change before they can pass it on to the next location. Each location must add a “tacky” decoration (such as a hula girl, etc.) to the toilet before they pass it on. Post a sign saying “Don’t flush your money away, Give to United Way ” to inspire customer giving too!
| Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide
United Way of Racine County
> special events -
Crazy Olympics Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser
Employees compete in crazy “athletic” events for silly prizes. Participants donate to enter. Observers wager bets on their favorite entrants. Examples of events: threelegged race, tricycle race, push an egg (not hard-boiled!) across the finish line with your chin. Mini-golf using beach balls, pool cues, etc. Use your imagination!
Pentathlon Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser & team building
Schedule noon-hour events each day of the week. Some suggested events are paper airplane-throwing, wastebasket basketball, an obstacle course and a briefcase toss. Encourage interdepartmental competition and hold finals in the main lobby so that employees can cheer on their colleagues.
Radio-controlled Car Race Cost: Low Difficulty: Low to Medium Purpose: Fundraiser
Set up a pre-determined course/race map. Use timers to see who can run the course in the shortest time.
Sausage Race Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser
Hold a Klement’s Sausage race! Have designated employees wear the costumes and race around parking lot. Employees can bet on winners. Make it extra fun by requiring specific sausages to start behind or ahead of the pack (those under 30 step back three paces, person signing all paychecks step up four paces, etc).
Stretcher Race Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser & team building
Have different departments dress up and compete to be the fastest to carry a stretcher and “patient” across the parking lot. This event can complement a Health and Wellness campaign theme.
Tricycle Race Cost: Low Difficulty: Medium Purpose: Fundraiser & team building
Have Senior Management compete in a tricycle race around a pre-determined track. Staff can then place bets on who will win.
Modine’s Employee Campaign Coordinators with the Klement’s Sausages.
Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide |
> special events -
More fun ideas
50/50 Raffle – Conduct a cash raffle with 50% of funds raised to winner and 50% to United Way.
Football Helmet Drive – Use football helmets for employees to drop in loose change all week.
Back to High School – Employees bring high school pictures of themselves. Contest to guess the year of the photo and who it is.
Garage Sale – Find a volunteer willing to loan garage space or use work site “after hours.” Two or three weeks before the sale, employees bring in sale items which volunteers price and sell day of event. Advertise within the company and outer community.
Biggest Loser contest – Incorporate health into an event and conduct a “Biggest Loser” contest. Charge a registration fee and hold weekly weigh-ins with the “Biggest loser” winning a prize and registration fee donated to United Way. Community Baby Shower – Take up a collection for a local shelter or agency. Chip in for United Way – Place chocolate chip cookies on everyone’s desk to let them know about an upcoming campaign and encourage them to “chip in.” Dress-up the Boss – Boss wears a costume voted on by all employees if the campaign goal is reached. Examples: tutu, animal costume, devil costume, etc. Root Beer Float Sales – Provide root beer and ice cream and sell to employees during break or lunch. Set up tables with information about United Way funded agencies for an educational piece. Eating Contest – Who can eat the most in a given amount of time – burgers, hotdogs, pie, pickles, watermelon, etc.
Guess How Many – Guess the number of jelly beans, M&Ms, pennies or other items in a jar. Buy chances to guess. Closest guess receives a prize. International Food Day – Employees team together to create taste treats from around the world. Employees dress in appropriate costumes. Hold the event over the lunch hour. Employees purchase tickets redeemable for food at the booths. A panel of “celebrity” judges awards prizes. Plant Sale – Ask employees to dig up extra perennials to sell to fellow employees. Recycled Goods – Turn in recycled paper, cans, bottles, etc. and exchange them for money for the United Way. Spelling Bee – Hold a spelling bee, charging $5 entry fee. Galley observers place $1 bets on their favorite participants. Present winner with a special award. Team Tees – Design a T-shirt with your company logo joined with the United Way logo to give to contributing employees who “team up” in the United Way effort. If you have competitions between department use different colors. Tourney Time – Hold a broomball, softball, tee-ball, kickball, tennis, kickball or ping-pong tournament. Ugly Hat, Tie, Suit, Bridesmaid/Prom Dress Contest – Employees pick a category and then display or model their entries, and other staff vote on what is truly “ugliest.” Charge a fee for each vote. Take Polaroid pictures and charge for photos taken of employees with their favorite contestant. White Elephant Sale – Solicit employees to donate odd items or services to auction. One person’s trash is another’s treasure! Wine Tasting – Hold a wine tasting at a local restaurant or wine store. Charge for entrance and ask establishment to also donate a percentage of sales to United Way.
Matt Andis shows off his new mohawk after Andis exceeds their campaign goal.
| Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide
United Way of Racine County
> special events Thinking of prizes and awards for contest winners can be difficult and expensive. Use these ideas for low or no cost incentives to award prizes to winners of campaign-related contests or to recognize outstanding efforts.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
low or no cost incentives
CEO for the day Prime parking places Day or half day off with pay Executives serve lunch to employees Birthday off Time off to go to child’s school event United Way promo items- shirts, cups, pens Company promo items- shirts, caps, coffee mugs, pens Computer lessons from knowledgeable employee Two hours off per month to volunteer at a United Way agency Use of co-worker’s vacation home Sleep in late day Write personal thank you notes Volunteer to do someone else’s undesirable tasks Name a rotating award after an outstanding employee Create a unique, catchy award that is an honor to receive Create a Wall of Fame to display pictures of loyal contributors Provide a free YMCA membership or passes to a fitness club Pass out raffle tickets which can be accumulated and redeemed for special gifts Do the job of the “front line” employees Have the CEO or senior executives write a personal note of thanks Match an employee’s donation to United Way Have free refreshments in the cafeteria or break room Offer free popcorn every Friday (or every day) Managers take employees to lunch Department pizza day Award a “dinner for two” Tickets to sporting event Gift certificates Movie or concert tickets Lottery tickets Gas card Massage at local spa Cookie jar filled with cookies weekly Pay for a weekend at a bed and breakfast Buy your team a round of golf and let them leave early to play Office redecorated or cleaned Boat ride Company picnic Picnic basket full of goodies Have an executive volunteer to shave their head if the company meets its United Way goal
Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide |
> special events -
Raffle Guide
Raffles are a fun and easy way to involve your employees in a United Way Campaign. Tickets can simply be sold or they can be given out as incentive for donations throughout your campaign. Prizes can be donated by staff or an outside source. Some ideas have included tickets to sporting events, themed gift baskets, a day off or a gift certificate. Advertise in advance with posters or memos and position ticket booths in key areas. Raffles conducted to benefit United Way of Racine County must be pre-approved by United Way staff. Raffles are highly regulated by the State of Wisconsin so please review the guidelines prior to holding a raffle and familiarize yourself with all the regulations as set forth by the Wisconsin Division of Gaming - Office of Charitable Gaming. Raffle definition: A Raffle is a game of chance in which
tickets are sold and a drawing for a prize(s) is held. A Raffle is NOT a sweepstakes or lottery involving random numbers to determine a winner. Purchasing a raffle ticket(s) does not guarantee a return and the cost of a raffle ticket(s) is NOT tax deductible.
TYPES OF LEGAL WISCONSIN RAFFLES Advanced Ticket Sale Raffle - Requires Class A License
Same Day Ticket Sale Raffle - Requires Class B License
• Tickets cannot be sold more than 270 days before the drawing • Need not be present to win • No raffle ticket may exceed $100 in cost • Phone, internet, mail or any other form of non faceto-face sales of raffle tickets are prohibited • Ticket purchaser must complete the drawing stub face-to-face and be given their receipt portion of the ticket at time of payment • Raffle drawings must be held in public • Must be able to provide a list of prize winners • If the raffle is cancelled the organization shall refund the receipts to ticket purchasers • These rules apply to 50/50 Raffles as well • Raffle tickets must be identical in form and include certain information like consecutive numbering, license # issued, sponsoring organization name. United Way can provide further details.
• • • • • •
Must be present to win All raffle tickets must be identical in form Tickets do not need to be numbered consecutively Raffle ticket may not exceed $10 in cost Raffle drawings shall be held in public Prior to the drawing the time of the drawing and the prizes to be awarded shall be posted • If the raffle is cancelled the organization shall refund the receipts to ticker purchasers
If your organization wishes to hold a raffle, please contact United Way at 262-898-2240.
| Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide
United Way of Racine County
closing campaign
> recognition and thank you Recognition is important. So is saying thank you, often. Make sure to provide United Way with your list of donors so we can also say thank you. • Identify donors with a special button or sticker • Incentive prize drawings • Donor meal to thank those who gave • Employee newsletter with names and photo of long time donors or campaign committee members • Campaign mementos: LIVE UNITED t-shirts or items from the United Way store • Thank you notes from CEO or Campaign Chair Special treats: • You are a lifesaver! Give lifesaver candy with a quick note • You take the cake! Leave a cupcake with a thank you card • A toast to a job well done! Fill a champagne or wine glass with jelly beans • We appreciate our Motivated and Multi-talented volunteers! Give bag of M&Ms
Event Ideas Ice Cream Social
Offer employees the opportunity to build their own sundae. Have a selection of ice cream available as well as different types of toppings. Make sure that there are plenty of volunteers to supervise, assist and clean up.
Pancake Breakfast
Have senior management cook and serve the pancakes to staff. Negotiate with your cafeteria or a wholesale distributor for a donation or discount of supplies. Advertise well in advance with posters, letters and flyers to create awareness in both your organization and the community.
Wall of Fame
Put pictures on a wall recognizing employees who have been contributing for the most consecutive years.
Cost: Medium Difficulty: Low Purpose: Thank you Cost: High Difficulty: High Purpose: Thank you
Cost: Medium Difficulty: Low Purpose: Thank you
DID YOU KNOW? The most successful campaigns use more than one way to reach their employees. It is said for someone
to really get a message, they need to hear it at least three times. There are a variety of ways to share the work of United Way through communications, events and promotions.
| Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide
United Way of Racine County
> Pledging and reporting Pledge Form Tips Step 1 Tips: Enter your personal information. Make sure it’s legible! Don’t forget to include your email address so we can keep you updated on the work your gift is doing. Step 2 Tips: Payroll deduction is the most popular choice for giving. • Make sure to enter the annual gift amount and the per pay period amount so that we can make sure the amount deducted is accurate. Cash/Checks • Attach any cash/checks to the pledge form. • Make sure checks are payable to United Way of Racine County. Credit Card • $50 minimum to charge a donation. • Provide account number, expiration date and frequency that you want to be charged. Please make sure all pledge forms are signed and dated. Step 3 Tips: If you choose to designate to one of our 43 Partner Provider agencies, you must fill also out a designation form. $50 minimum gift is required to designate.
Campaign Report Envelope Tips Step 1 Tips: Fill out top section. Please include your employee numbers so we can accurately calculate percent participation for your organization. Step 2 Tips: • See the back of the envelope for detailed directions. • None of the shaded fields need to be filled in. • Calculate in the rows going across for the different types of contributions. • Total the columns down. Step 3 Tips: Sign, date and seal the envelope. Make a copy for your records and contact your Loaned Employee to pick it up.
Employee Campaign Coordinator Guide |
thank you for
your commitment!
live united
2000 Domanik Drive Racine, Wisconsin 53404 262-898-2240 unitedway@unitedwayracine.org www.unitedwayracine.org