2013 United Way of Racine County Annual Report

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United Way of Racine County www.unitedwayracine.org

TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from Leadership 3 2013 Highlights 4 Education 8 Income 10 Health 12 Our Corporate Partners 15 2013 Campaign Supporters 16 Tocqueville Society 18 Volunteer Leadership 19 Financials 22 United Way Staff 23

2 | United Way of Racine County ď‚– 2013 Annual Report

Message from


Like all organizations, nonprofits must continually

In 2013, we engaged more individuals to give,

evolve to meet the changing needs of the communities

advocate and volunteer in support of Racine County.

they serve. The year 2013 was a one of change for

As you will see in this report, we held a successful

United Way of Racine County. While the organization

event that involved hundreds of caring volunteers,

continues to transform and grow with new talent and

engaged a number of young philanthropists and

fresh thinking, we always remain true to our mission.

reached our highest campaign to date of $5.4 million!

With the support of new and traditional partnerships, we have forged a new direction that has begun to

The road to long-lasting change and collective impact

show results.

is now led by new United Way president, Rodney Prunty. After more than 20 years under president

Our work has become deeper and more issues-focused

Dave Maurer, the torch has been passed and Prunty

in order to create opportunities for a better life for all

will ensure that United Way continues to demonstrate

in Racine County. United Way has put a stake in the

collaboration, efficiency and effective use of resources

ground around education, income and health. Why?

with measurable results.

Because we know that the academic success of our children and the financial stability and health of our

We are proud of all that we have accomplished this

families are vitally important for the prosperity of our

past year because of you. Thank you for your support

entire community.

and confidence in us.

Rodney Prunty President

Paul Rohling Board Chair

Photo Credit: Gretchen Hansen, Gigi’s Joy Photography (www.gigisjoy.com)

United Way of Racine County ď‚– 2013 Annual Report | 3

2013 United Way of Racine County works with businesses, nonprofit organizations, philanthropies, civic groups, and individuals from across the county. Throughout the year, we bring these groups together to help make our community a better place to live and work, and celebrate all that we accomplish together.

DAY OF CARING United Way’s Day of Caring was held on September 7, following the Annual Campaign Kickoff. More than 230 individuals volunteered their time at 20 different nonprofits throughout the county. Volunteers participated in a variety of projects – from installing a Born Learning Trail at Echo Park in Burlington to painting blacktop games at Roosevelt Elementary, which is also a United Way Schools of Hope location. A special thank you to our sponsors:

BORN LEARNING TRAILS The Born Learning Trails offer activity stations with fun, interactive learning games that parents and caregivers can play with young children. United Way partnered with Leadership Racine to install trails at West Park and at North Beach Park in Racine during the spring of 2013. Another trail was installed at Echo Park in Burlington as a 2013 Day of Caring project. A special thank you to our Echo Park Trail sponsors: Western Racine County ACTION Committee member Tom McLaughlin helps to install a Born Learning Trail at Echo Park in Burlington.

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Highlights THE HERITAGE AWARD In May 2013, United Way presented the Heritage Award to Mike Batten and the Batten Family at the Salute to Leadership event. The Heritage Award honors those who have supported United Way and the community through at least two generations. The award has been presented only twice before —to the Johnson family and to Bill and Mary Walker.

EMERGING LEADERS United Way began Emerging Leaders for the next generation of philanthropic professionals; those who want to understand our community, its needs and how to make a difference. Individuals (age 40 and under) who make an annual gift to United Way of $500 or more are invited participate. In 2013, Emerging Leaders established a planning committee and hosted two events; a volunteer day at the Racine County Food Bank, a “Teach and Talk” featuring Tom Burke.

VALENTINE’S DAY MAGIC SHOW On Valentine’s Day 2013, United Way hosted a fundraising benefit at the Plaza Theater in Burlington, featuring renowned magician David Seebach. The magical evening included delectable hors d’oeuvres, specialty desserts, raffles, and a Valentine-themed silent auction. Special thanks to the Plaza Theater, Burlington Flowers and Interiors and the Cotton Exchange for bringing our theme to life. Thank you to our sponsors:

Mike Batten accepts the Heritage Award which was custom created by local artist Bill Reid. United Way of Racine County  2013 Annual Report | 5


...to ensure that all Racine County residents achieve their fullest potential by focusing on education, income and health— the building blocks for a good quality of life. Since 1922, our community has entrusted us to connect people and businesses with opportunities to give, advocate and volunteer. Through community investments directed to the needs of today as well as long-term strategic goals, we are effectively and efficiently strengthening our overall community by improving the lives of our neighbors.

IMAGINE A COMMUNITY WHERE ALL CHILDREN RECEIVE A QUALITY EDUCATION THAT OFFERS A PATHWAY TO A BRIGHTER TOMORROW. United Way of Racine County and our partners are working at critical points along the school spectrum to ensure the academic success of children and youth. From programs to increase the number of school-ready children to initiatives that help young children become proficient readers, United Way is laying the groundwork for future success in school, career and community. We are championing the cause of education, mobilizing resources and engaging the whole community in support of our youth. Together, we can create hope and opportunities for youth to be better prepared to succeed in life. In 2013, United Way invested 31 percent of program dollars in programs and initiatives working to ensure children and youth achieve their potential through education.



Born Learning Trails were installed in Racine County parks to provide parents and children with fun and interactive early learning opportunities that will help boost children’s language and literacy skills.


Youth As Resources grants totaling $5,735 were awarded to fund youth-led community service projects in Racine County such as the installation of a pier at the Waterford Senior Living Center pond by Girl Scouts from Troop 5726. children in western Racine County received free, age-appropriate books in the mail each month

405 through the United Way and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. 96%

of children participating in United Way-funded programs improved their academic performance as shown by improved grades and classroom participation. one-on-one Schools of Hope tutoring sessions were held to help young students become more

7,106 confident, capable readers. 8,950

elementary and middle school children participated in after school activities such as volunteerism, leadership experiences and academic assistance that contribute to the development of skills, attitudes and values.

PARTNERS IN EDUCATION Afterschool Program: John XXIII Educational Center Comprehensive Youth Program: Boy Scouts of America – Three Harbors Council Early Childhood Program; Girls Inc. of Racine; Out of School Time Programs: Family Literacy of Racine Family Smart/Kid Friendly Partnership JAMS (Juvenile Aftercare Ministry for Success): Youth for Christ – Southeastern Wisconsin One-to-One Outcome Based Mentoring: Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Racine & Kenosha Counties Racine Youth Sports Racine Touchpoints Project: University of Wisconsin – Extension Racine County Strong Communities Agenda: Racine Family YMCA Teen Parenting Support Program: Central Racine County Health Department Urban and Latina Girl Scout Leadership Experience: Girl Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast

8 | United Way of Racine County  2013 Annual Report

Schools of Hope Reading proficiency is the cornerstone of individual and community success. Simply put, when kids can read, they succeed. United Way of Racine County is leading the way to support education with the implementation of Schools of

“Schools of Hope is such a rewarding experience — for the tutor and the students! One hour a week is so little to give when you get so much more in return! The smiles, the growing confidence, the joy in knowing you’re helping these young readers ... I’m proud that this program exists in our community. Thank you, United Way!” – Gina Siegert Janes Elementary School tutor

Hope. In partnership with Racine Unified School District, Schools of Hope provides young children with tutors on a regular basis to increase reading achievement in the early grades. Since its pilot year, Schools of Hope has grown to include eight local elementary schools, more than 200 volunteers and over 250 students. In just one hour per week, Schools of Hope tutors are helping students become more confident, capable readers who are better positioned for academic success. To learn more about becoming a tutor, visit unitedwayracine.org/soh.

United Way offers Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program in western Racine County to encourage early childhood learning. Free age-appropriate books are mailed to children under five each month. Thank you to Runzheimer Foundation and Lavelle for their continued support of the program. Register your child today at imaginationlibrary.com.

Youth As Resources empowers young people to make a positive difference in Racine County by providing grants up to $1,000 to fund youth-designed, youth-led community service projects. Learn more about how local youth are improving our community through community service at unitedwayracine.org/yar. United Way of Racine County  2013 Annual Report | 9

IMAGINE A COMMUNITY THAT FOSTERS HOPE AND OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERYONE — A COMMUNITY WHERE PEOPLE REACH FINANCIAL STABILITY AND LEAD PRODUCTIVE LIVES. United Way of Racine County understands the local economy and is working with individuals, employers and government to create a stronger community. Not only are we ensuring individuals and families have access to basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter, but we are also working to reduce the dependence on social service programs, improve employability and increase the financial stability for all of our community’s residents. Through our collective efforts, individuals are experiencing success, families are becoming stronger and our community is seeing the benefits of a better quality of life. In 2013, United Way of Racine County invested 35 percent of program dollars to prepare people to become financially stable and independent.

2013 INCOME HIGHLIGHTS of Advancing Family Assets adults maintained employment and average hourly wages continue

73% to increase. 94%

of Advancing Family Assets households developed and used monthly budgets to manage their finances. In comparison, only 32% of households used a monthly budget nationally (Gallup poll, April 2013).

1,047 individuals received temporary shelter in Racine County through United Way-funded programs. calls for help from local residents were answered through United Way-funded 2-1-1 Information 3,300+ and Referral Service Helpline. The number one request was for housing/utilities assistance. $653,094 830,898

in tax credits was brought back to the community through United Way-funded Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Clients often spend these refunds locally for basic necessities such as food and clothing, home and car repairs, or medical treatment. pounds of food were distributed, free-of-charge, to local food pantries, emergency shelters, community meal sites, and social service agencies. More than 68,000 people received emergency food throughout Racine County.

PARTNERS IN INCOME Adult Literacy Program: Racine Literacy Council Bethany Apartments: Catherine Marian Housing Emergency Food Distribution: Racine County Food Bank HALO, Inc. (Homeless Assistance Leadership Organization) Outreach Services: Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Racine Vocational Ministry SAFE Haven Youth Shelter & Outreach Programs: SAFE Haven of Racine Shelter Program: Transitional Living Center Burlington Social Services: The Salvation Army – Racine Corps

10 | United Way of Racine County  2013 Annual Report

Communities with a stable, skilled workforce are more economically competitive and have the potential to attract business and revitalize neighborhoods. Launched in 2009, Advancing Family Assets (AFA) empowers low-wage working families to better manage their lives and reach a greater level of financial stability. Guided by a family success coach, each family member sets and fulfills goals to improve their education, income and health. Notably, families learn to manage household budgets, reduce debt, improve credit scores, and grow assets. Advancing Family Assets has assisted 418 Racine County residents (156 adults and 262 children) since the program began. Those helped include the new AFA alumni group of 10 families who were inducted in June 2013. To reach alumni status, families participated in AFA for nine months or longer and reached key AFA success benchmarks including maintaining stable employment, budgeting, engaging in healthy lifestyles, and being active in the academic lives of their children. AFA’s alumni families will continue on their paths to success and serve as mentors for other participating families. Additional families will enter the alumni group

“Advancing Family Assets has been such a

each quarter, opening coaching slots for new families to

blessing to my family. My coach has been more

participate in the program.

than just a coach; she has become a great friend and accountability partner to our family. She has

To learn more about AFA, visit unitedwayracine.org/afa.


helped me build a solid foundation for my family. Through AFA, I have received support in all areas of life from finances, to guidance with behavior

By 2020, Advancing Family Assets will have

issues with my son, to emotional support in

measurably increased the financial and family

making some tough decisions. Now, I live in a

stability of at least 500 families in Racine County,

beautiful single family home, have started my own

achieving a variety of positive outcomes within

business and am getting the support I need for my

the families, leading to increases in the number of

children to be successful in school.”

reliable and productive workers, ultimately reducing poverty in Racine County.

– Melissa Grigg Advancing Family Assets Alumni Member United Way of Racine County  2013 Annual Report | 11

IMAGINE A COMMUNITY WHERE EVERYONE ACHIEVES AND MAINTAINS GOOD HEALTH THAT IMPROVES THE QUALITY OF LIFE. By engaging the community around health issues, United Way of Racine County and our partners are working to improve access to healthcare and support healthy lifestyles for youth and adults. Healthy lifestyles make a big impact on a community, leading to better achievement at school and work with reduced absenteeism and increased productivity. Through improved individual awareness and information, United Way is helping individuals in our community improve their health. In 2013, United Way invested 31 percent of program dollars to help people achieve maximum physical, emotional, and mental health, and safety.

2013 HEALTH HIGHLIGHTS of Advancing Family Assets families lived in safe, healthy home environments. Positive living

70% conditions can be related to successful academic and social development for children.

of Advancing Family Assets young children were on-track for healthy development (Based on

89% normed results of Ages and Stages Questionnaire screening of children from birth to age six.) 741

Racine County residents were connected with health and safety related services such as prescription, mental health, and domestic violence assistance through the United Way-funded 2-1-1 Information and Referral Helpline. local individuals received counseling and mental health services to help them manage

1,717 emotions and function better in their daily lives.

individuals with no health insurance and of limited income received free or low-cost medical,

4,006 dental and prescription health care. $200,000 was saved on prescription costs in Racine County by using the FamilyWize card. PARTNERS IN HEALTH

Advocacy, Support and Educational Programs: The Arc of Racine County, Inc. Behavioral Health Counseling Services: Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Community Services: Lincoln Lutheran of Racine Counseling and Psychotherapy: Family Service of Racine FAST (Families and Schools Together); Substance Abuse Prevention Program: Focus on Community Health Care Services: Health Care Network NAMI Racine: The Alliance on Mental Illness of Racine County Racine Child and Family Counseling Programs; Racine County Child Advocacy Center: Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Community Services Racine Friendship Clubhouse RADD: Cerebral Palsy Agency of Racine County Safe Emergency Shelter and Continuum of Safety Services: Women’s Resource Center of Racine SCAN (Stop Child Abuse & Neglect); Sexual Assault Services: Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan Teen Pregnancy Prevention West: Western Racine County Health Department

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Saving people money on necessary prescriptions is vital to the health and well-being of our families and our community. The United Way - FamilyWize Community Service Partnership addresses this critical need by providing free prescription discount cards. The FamilyWize card provides immediate savings on prescription medicines with no paperwork or forms to fill out. Simply present the card at a local pharmacy to get the savings. As of November 2013, one thousand United

“When I heard about the FamilyWize card at an

Ways in all 50 states have helped to save $580 million

Investment Committee meeting, I thought because

on prescriptions in their communities. Since 2008, more

I had insurance that I wouldn’t need it. Then our

than 6,000 Racine County residents have saved over

prescription plan at work changed and one of my

$500,000. On average, people in our community save

regular prescriptions was no longer covered. I

nearly $20 per prescription by using the card.

remembered the card and thought I would give it a try. I ended up saving $68! Now, I tell everyone

Pick up a FamilyWize card at the United Way office,

about the card. I carry extra cards with me to pass

download a card at unitedwayracine.org/familywize, or

out. You never know who might need it.”

text “family” to 700700 to receive a card on your cell

– David Gautsch

phone. (Message and data rates may apply. FamilyWize Terms and Privacy at familywize.org/sms-terms.)

InSinkErator Health Investment Committee Volunteer

OTHER COMMUNITY PARTNERS United Way of Racine County invested three percent of program dollars to support the following organizations which provide needed services for the community. Arts Build: Creative Arts Resource & Network of Western Racine County (CAR&N)

Networking Breakfasts for Service Providers: Racine County University of Wisconsin – Extension

Burlington Safety Patrol

Money Conference: Asset Builders of America

Burlington Senior Center

LGBT Center of Southeast Wisconsin

Disaster Relief: American Red Cross in Southeastern

Leadership Racine: Racine Area Manufacturers & Commerce

Wisconsin HOPES Center of Racine, Inc. Impact 2-1-1 Center for Community Partnership; Mentor Kenosha & Racine: , University of Wisconsin – Parkside

Youth CNC (Computer Numeric Control machines) Boot Camp: Racine County Workforce Development Center Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA): Racine Kenosha Community Action Agency, Inc. Volunteer Solutions: Volunteer Center of Racine County United Way of Racine County  2013 Annual Report | 13

Steve Schiele accepts his Employee Campaign Coordinator of the Year award at the 2013 Victory Celebration. Photo Credit: Gretchen Hansen, Gigi’s Joy Photography (www.gigisjoy.com)

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Our Corporate


United Way of Racine County salutes companies in our community that demonstrate their commitment to LIVE UNITED by running a United Way workplace campaign. Under the direction of Campaign Chair Tom Burke, CEO of Modine Manufacturing, United Way was able to raise $5.4 million, surpassing our 2013 campaign goal. Thank you for restoring hope with your actions.

2013 CHAIRMAN’S CLUB AWARDS United Way of Racine County acknowledges and thanks these organizations and their employees whose total giving at each company is $50,000 or more annually. Andis Company


Sealed Air

Badger Meter, Inc.

Johnson Financial Group

Twin Disc, Inc.

CNH Industrial LLC

Johnson Outdoors, Inc.

WE Energies


Modine Manufacturing Company

Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare –

Educators Credit Union

SC Johnson & Son, Inc.

All Saints

WORKPLACE CAMPAIGN AWARDS United Way of Racine County recognizes two organizations for their outstanding support and commitment.



SC Johnson sets the example by demonstrating long-

Modine embodies all that it means to LIVE UNITED —

standing support of United Way and the community. In

they give, advocate and volunteer. Their campaign was

addition to other volunteer activities and community

their largest to date of just over $400,000! They had

involvement, they had a record-breaking 2013 campaign numerous volunteers participate in Advancing Family of nearly $1.9 million!

Assets, Schools of Hope and the Day of Caring.

2013 EMPLOYEE CAMPAIGN COORDINATORS OF THE YEAR United Way of Racine County recognizes the efforts of the following individuals who went above and beyond to engage employees at their company to participate in the United Way campaign. As a result, the campaigns not only increased their dollar amount but also utilized new or improved strategies to increase the visibility of United Way at their respective companies. Kim Schoening Andis Company

Steve Schiele Educators Credit Union

Amanda Bulgrin Grove Gear United Way of Racine County  2013 Annual Report | 15

Thank you,


A&E Incorporated Abbott Laboratories Accounting and Business Services, Inc. AFSCME, AFL-CIO Local 807 Alliance on Mental Illness of Racine Co. NAMI -Racine Alliant Physical Therapy Group LLC Allstate Insurance Company American Automobile Association American Transmission Company LLC Associated Bank Assurant Health Augie’s Excavating, Inc. Aurora Health Care B & J Stowell dba H & R Block Bear Realty Best Buy Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Racine & Kenosha Counties, Inc. BMO Harris Bank Boston Store Boy Scouts of America - Three Harbors Council Bridgestone/Firestone, Inc. Bukacek Construction Burlington Area School District Burlington Jaycees Butter Buds Food Ingredients Carpetland Flooring Center Cassity Tree Service, Inc. Caterpillar Catherine Marian Housing, Inc. Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Central Saw & Mower Children’s Service Society of Wisconsin City of Burlington City of Racine CliftonLarsenAllen Communications Workers of America Local 4611 Community State Bank Core Chiropractic & Wellness Center Cost Cutters County Treasurer CRB Insurance CSL Plasma Services Dairy Queen Daniels Family Funeral Homes & Crematory David Insurance Agency, Inc. Delta Flexible Products, Inc.

16 | United Way of Racine County  2013 Annual Report

Dental Associates Design Partners, Inc. Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Dremel Rotary & Benchtop Power Tools Duracolor Durand Automotive Center, LLC E. C. Styberg Engineering Eaton Cooper Power Systems Econoprint Electronic Systems of Wisconsin Erickson Auto Trim Exelon Corporation Express Employment Professionals Extendicare Health Services Inc. Family Literacy of Racine Family Service of Racine First Weber Group Fischer Precise Focus on Community Fox River State Bank Gateway Technical College GE Foundation Girls Scouts of Wisconsin Southeast GlaxoSmithKline Goodwill Industries of SE WI Gordon J. Maier & Company, LLP Great Northern Corporation Grove Gear HALO, Inc. Harley-Davidson Motor Company Health Care Network, Inc. HSBC - North America IBM Image Management LLC ITW National Johnson Controls, Inc. Johnson Foundation, Inc. Johnson Keland Management, Inc. Kohl’s Department Store Kranz, Inc. L & S Electric, Inc. Lake Avenue Dental Group Landmark Credit Union Landmark Title of Racine Lavelle Industries, Inc. LDV, Inc. Lia Sophia Lincoln Lutheran of Racine Lutheran Social Services of WI and Upper MI, Inc. Manpower Group Maresh-Meredith Funeral Home

McDonald’s Restaurant Merchants Moving & Storage Metalworld, Inc. Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Miller Plumbing & Supply Mt. Pleasant Chiropractic & Rehab Nelson Electric Supply Company Nestle USA North Shore Bank Northwestern Mutual Life Nuevo Vallerta O & H Danish Bakery Parallel Employment Group Pet Valhalla, Inc. Pfizer, Inc. Pioneer Products Pitney Bowes Poclain Hydraulics, Inc. Postorino Decorating, Inc. Public Golf Associates Putzmeister America, Inc. Quick-Cable Corporation R & B Grinding Co., Inc. RAB Supermarkets, LLC Piggly Wiggly Racine AFL-CIO Labor Council Racine Area Manufacturers and Commerce (RAMAC) Racine Broadcasting, LLC WRJN-AM/ WEZY-FM Racine Community Foundation, Inc. Racine County Racine County Economic Development Corp. Racine County Food Bank Racine County Opportunity Center, Inc. Racine Cyclery and Fitness LLC Racine Dental Group, S.C. Racine Education Association Racine Family YMCA Racine Friendship Clubhouse Racine Literacy Council Racine Marriott Racine Unified School District Racine Vocational Ministry, Inc. Racine Youth Sports Racine Youthful Offender Correctional Facility Racine/Kenosha Community Action Agency Redfearn Distributing, Inc. Remax Newport Realty Robert W. Baird & Co.

Rockwell Automation SAFE Haven of Racine, Inc. Salvation Army Sargento Foods, Inc. Sheet Metal Workers Local 18 Shopko Talk of the Town Target #0152 The Arc of Racine County The Coffeehouse at Chestnut & Pine The Journal Times The Prairie School Thrivent Financial Time Warner Entertainment Tinder Creek Follis & Vanderwerff Group Tri City National Bank TriCore, Inc. Trustmark Insurance Company Tuesday Optimist Club UAW Southeastern Wisconsin CAP Council Unico, Inc. United Parcel Service University of Wisconsin - Parkside US Bank Village of Caledonia Vision Clinic-Dr. Savin & Assoc. Walker Forge, Inc. Wal-Mart Store #2668 Wal-Mart Store #3488 Wanasek Corporation Warren Industries Waterford School District Waterford Union High School Wells Fargo Bank Wilson’s Coffee & Tea Wiscon Products Wisconsin Screen Process, Inc. Women’s Resource Center of Racine, Inc. Youth For Christ - Southeastern Wisconsin Note: This list includes contributors of cash and pledges to the 2013 campaign. United Way also extends thanks to the hundreds of businesses who make in-kind contributions in support of the campaign. This list was compiled as of March 2014; our apologies if your company has been inadvertently omitted.

As one of the Employee Campaign Coordinators of the Year, Amanda Bulgrin inspires her coworkers to support United Way during the Grove Gear campaign. United Way of Racine County  2013 Annual Report | 17



Tocqueville Society members demonstrate their commitment to a stronger community with a significant personal investment. Thank you, 2013 Tocqueville members for your extraordinary expression of leadership and for making a difference in the lives of individuals and the strength of our commmunity. Ordre de Fraternité ($75,000 - $99,999) Ruud Family Foundation

Ordre de Liberté ($25,000 - $49,999) Michael and Gloria Batten Tom and Ginee Burke Caron and Andrea Butler H. Fisk Johnson

Membres de la Société ($10,000 - $24,999) A.Salman Amin Gus and Sandy Antonneau Karen and William Boyd Allen Buhler Family John and Lyn Erskine Imogene P. Johnson Helen Johnson-Leipold and Craig Leipold Catherine and Bill Perez Jennifer C. and James M. Perkins Alan and Patricia Ruud Christopher and Chantil Ruud Steve Soileau and Kay Villa Ted Sokoly and Nancy Toll Steven P. and Judy M. Stanbrook EC Styberg Foundation Mary and Willard Walker Fred and Sandra Young Caron Butler welcomes the audience at the June 2013 dinner he hosted for participating Advancing Family Assets families.

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Tocqueville members receive local and national recognition for their annual contributions of $10,000 or more to United Way of Racine County.





VICE-CHAIRS ATLARGE Tom Marry Mark Geisler


Art Howell Ray Koukari, Jr. Rebecca Mason Steve McLaughlin

Chad Novasic Wally Rendon Richard Ruffo Kelli Stein

Rick Tinder Jim Walker Julian Wiles Leslie Wininger

Chris Leberfing Tom Marry

Bob O’Brien

Richard R. Ruffo

James Walker

Personnel Committee CHAIR Denise Wilcox

Dan Horton

Debra Rudan

Nominating Committee CHAIR John Siegert

Maria Campbell

Bruce Duerr

Rebecca Mason

Kevin McCabe

Community Investment Committee CHAIR Samantha (Sam) L. Nancy Anderson Anderegg-Boticki Steve McLaughlin Patrick Bohon Mary Gehlhoff

Heather Martinez Joe Heck Chris Leberfing Kevin McCabe

Mark Mundl Rakesh Popli Teresa M. Reinders

Kara Reske Tom Sierminski Mary Wyant

Labor Advisory Committee CHAIR Angelina Cruz Jeff Van Koningsveld Ethel Gates

Charles Geyer Jennifer Levie

Kevin Mieczkowski Marilyn Nemeth

Craig Olsen Doris Szejna

Members at Large Milous Adams Pat Bohon Maria Campbell Carmen Castro Bruce Duerr

Tim Ferry Ethel Gates Mark Gesner Pat Hoffman Dan Horton

BOARD LEVEL COMMITTEES Finance Committee CHAIR Susan Boland

United Way of Racine County  2013 Annual Report | 19

COMMUNITY INVESTMENT LEADERSHIP Education Investment Committee CO-CHAIRS Amy Agallar Mary Gehlhoff Laura Ciche Kara Reske Mike Cronin Heather Martinez Randy Dorece FINANCIAL ADVISORS Samantha (Sam) L. Anderegg-Boticki Income Investment Committee CO-CHAIRS Kim Bertermann Tom Sierminski Lindsay Bullock Joe Heck JoAnn Goodyear FINANCIAL ADVISORS James Bintley Patrick Fealey Health Investment Committee CO-CHAIRS Dan Baran Patrick Bohon Suzanne Chernik Kevin W. McCabe Brenda Danculovich FINANCIAL ADVISORS Jon E. Ferch Community Investment Financial Team CHAIR Samantha (Sam) L. Chris Leberfing Anderegg-Boticki Mike Anderson Nancy Anderson Youth As Resources Board COORDINATOR Jessica Safransky Schacht 2012-13 CHAIR Madeline Ford 2013-14 CHAIR Claire Weyers

Casey Ange Madeline Brown Marisol Cervantes Sienna Chapman Chrissy Craig Collin Flynn Mary Franitza

Dave Durment Diane M. Ingalsbe Cameron Kerkhoff Allison Kirklin Paul Krumrie

Hailey Kohut Mark Mundl Janet L. Payne Lori Strangberg Wes Micke

Melody Streeter Lloyd R. Swager Candy Zicarelli

Gary R. Hovan David Kleba

Cami Meyer Dorothy Sack

Beth H. Shelton Diane V. Steiner

Kara Metzger

Eric Schneck

Renee Stepanek

Fabiola Diaz David M. Gautsch Sue Goelz

Kavita Poddar Karen Severson Vicki Taylor

Brenda Thomas Aroon Viswanathan Cherry Wardrip

Jamie Haynes

Chris Leberfing

Kim M. Schulte

James Bintley Jon E. Ferch Jamie Haynes Paul A. Krumrie

Kara Metzger Wes Micke Jim Parrish Kara Reske

Eric Schneck Nicole Schubilske Kim M. Schulte Renee Stepanek

MaryBeth Kallio Michael Kelly Tony Kinnard Robbie Leto Selina Levy Milan Meyers

Pam Oksiuta Sovereign Olson Douglas Peterson Jack Pettinger Madison Richards Mavis Rohling

Garrett Sexton Amanda Sinnett Emilie Smiley Samantha Smiley Shane Smiley Jeanne Suda

Mark Geisler Gordy Kacala Jim Ladwig Mick Lucareli

Tom Marry Rebecca Mason Ahmad Qawi Dan Reisdorf

Kelly Semrau John Siegert Rick Tinder Jeff Van Koningsveld

Thomas M. McLaughlin, Jr.

Sandra Neske Chad Novasic

Charlie Roy Richard Tinder

Nicole Schubilske Leanne Shideler


Brian Agen Susan Boland Ann Daane Tim Ferry

Western Racine County ACTION Committee Patricia Brzezinski Patricia Hoffman Jennifer Eisenbart Barbara Kopack Hill

20 | United Way of Racine County ď‚– 2013 Annual Report

COMMUNITY IMPACT LEADERSHIP Advancing Family Assets Volunteers Tom Burke Neil Staeck Mark Geisler Leslie Wininger Jeff Neubauer Mary Jo Wodicka Debbie Rudan Schools of Hope Leadership Council Dr. Bryan Albrecht Carole Johnson, Ph.D. Mike Batten Dr. Ann Laing Jim Beere Gordy Kacala Tom Buhler Jim Ladwig John Dickert Mary Beth Mikrut Roger Dower David Novick Jim Eastman Alice Oliver Dr. Deborah Ford Paul Rohling Dr. Lolli Haws Christopher Schmaling Art Howell Kelly Semrau

2013 VOLUNTEERS OF THE YEAR United Way of Racine County thanks the following individuals for their outstanding volunteer efforts: Amy Agallar Amy demonstrated exceptional support for United Way and the education focus area in particular by her participation on the Education Investment Committee, as a Schools of Hope tutor and advocate, as a volunteer for the Day of Caring, and as a leader in her company’s United Way campaign. Rick Tinder Rick’s involvement with United Way embodies all that it means to Live United; giving, advocating and volunteering. He has shown remarkable dedication by participating on the United Way Board, the 2013 Campaign Cabinet and the Western Racine County ACTION committee.

2013 CHAIRMAN’S AWARD The United Way of Racine County board chair recognizes an outstanding volunteer from the Board of Directors annually. The 2013 Chairman’s Award is awarded to Nancy Anderson.

Tom Burke, 2013 campaign chair, announces the campaign results at the Victory Celebration. Photo Credit: Gretchen Hansen, Gigi’s Joy Photography (www.gigisjoy.com)

United Way of Racine County  2013 Annual Report | 21

United Way of Racine County, Inc.

Year Ended December 31, 2013




CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Certificates of deposit Short-term investments

$ 1,916,302 1,586,847 551,486

Accrued interest receivable


Accounts receivable


Grants receivable


Prepaid expenses and other assets


Promises to give (less allowance of $530,152) Total Current Assets


3,353,261 7,547,046 19,037

OTHER ASSETS Long-term certificates of deposit


Investments – Racine Community Foundation Total Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS

1,137,830 1,593,218 $ 9,159,301


$ 148,126

Accrued vacation


Campaign funds payable to agencies Agency allocations payable TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES

326,262 1,313,796 1,841,221

NET ASSETS Unrestricted


Temporarily restricted


Permanently restricted Total Net Assets TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS

22 | United Way of Racine County  2013 Annual Report

566,818 7,318,080 $ 9,159,301

Contributions (net of uncollectible pledges of $338,110) Contributions, prior period campaigns Grants Racine County Human Services Department Emergency Shelter/Transitional Housing Grant Children’s Trust Fund Investment income Endowment fund investment gains TOTAL REVENUES, GAINS AND PUBLIC SUPPORT

$ 4,029,463 167,563 215,331 194,787 136,460 142,287 205,786 5,091,677

EXPENSES Allocation Expenses Functional Expenses: Advancing Family Assets Community Impact Schools of Hope Fundraising Management and general Total Functional Expenses TOTAL EXPENSES CHANGES IN NET ASSETS NET ASSETS, BEGINNING OF YEAR NET ASSETS, END OF YEAR

3,408,620 563,880 397,374 88,564 505,655 403,354 1,958,827 5,367,447 (275,770) 7,593,850 $ 7,318,080

United Way of Racine County’s audit was conducted by CliftonLarsonAllen LLP which delivered a complete unqualified audit. The audit is available for public review at the United Way office, on our website or by calling 262-898-2240.

United Way

STAFF Rodney Prunty President Dave Maurer Past President Marisol Beauford Communications Manager Colleen Benkendorf Investor Relations Manager Chelsie Deaton Executive Assistant Tracie Feest Donor Services Manager Taneka Golden AFA Family Coach Alicia Gollaz AFA Family Coach Sara Grzyb AFA Family Coach

Barb Jopke Vice President - Finance and Administration MaryBeth Kallio Community Investment Director Rachel Kinzelman Education Assistant Nick Kulik Vice President - Investor Relations Joan Meyerhofer Imagination Library Coordinator Kimberly Payne Vice President - Community Impact Jessica Safransky Schacht Education Initiatives Director

Alexa (Ali) Haigh Tamekia Shaw Investor Relations Manager AFA Family Coach Marie Hargrove AFA Outreach Specialist Mari Hernandez AFA Family Coach

Ron Thomas AFL-CIO Labor Liaison/ Community Services Director Linda Ziegler Finance Assistant

Ali Haigh and Jessica Safransky Schacht manage the portable Born Learning Trail at the 2013 Racine County Fair. United Way of Racine County ď‚– 2013 Annual Report | 23




LIVE IT. United Way of Racine County 2000 Domanik Drive, Racine, Wisconsin 53404 262-898-2240 | www.unitedwayracine.org

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