UWRF Student Organizations Handbook

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Student Organization Handbook



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OFFICE OF STUDENT LIFE The Office of Student Life at the University of Wisconsin–River Falls fosters student success through inclusive and empowering learning experiences designed to promote community engagement and self-authorship.

PAUL SHEPHERD Director of Student Life paul.shepherd@uwrf.edu 715-425-4444

ANNA HUNTER Student Organizations and Leadership Coordinator anna.hunter@uwrf.edu 715-425-4444

KELLY HUSSONG Budget & Operations Coordinator kelly.hussong@uwrf.edu 715-425-4444

TIFFANY GAULKE Assistant Director of Recreation tiffany.gaulke@uwrf.edu

JEET SAUSEN Greek Life Graduate Assistant jeet.sausen-work@uwrf.edu

AMBER WILSON Student Organization Intern amber.wilson-work@uwrf.edu

GAOZONG HER Student Involvement Intern gaozong.her-work@uwrf.edu




Phone: 715-425-3911

Phone: 715-425-4444



Phone: 715-425-3901

Phone: 715-425-3911

Campus Location: 200A North Hall

Campus Location: B3 East Hathorn Hall

DIVISION OF TECHNOLOGY SERVICES (DOTS) Phone: 715-425-3687 Email: dots@uwrf.edu Campus Location: 160 Davee Library, 141 Hagestad Hall,

RESERVATIONS Phone: 715-425-4444 x187 Email: reservations@uwrf.edu Campus Location: University Center— Involvement Center Desk

130 Wyman Building



Phone: 715-325-3325

Email: sa-requests@uwrf.edu

Email: fastcopy@uwrf.edu

Campus Location: University Center:

Campus Location: David Rodli Hall

Involvement Center

SODEXO (CATERING) Phone: 715-425-3278 Email: catering@uwrf.edu

RESIDENCE LIFE Phone: 715-425-4555 Email: reslife@uwrf.edu Campus Location: B3 East Hathorn Hall



Contact: Samuel Tauchen

Contact: Bobbi O’Brien

Email: samuel.tauchen@my.uwrf.edu

Email: bobbi.obrien@my.uwrf.edu


ORGSYNC ESSENTIALS UPDATING YOUR PROFILE Go to your organization’s portal 1. Click on your profile tab 2. Click on the small “edit” icon in the upper, right corner  You will be guided through updating the organization description, main contact, and advisor information


ORGSYNC ESSENTIALS UPDATING PEOPLE 1. Click on the “People” option in the left tool bar 2. Choose a member to update 3. Click “Edit” under their profile 4. Click “Administrators” and/or “Officers” to update their status 5. To update the title that appears below the member’s name, click the small pencil icon next to the title


ADVISING ADVISOR ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES Each student organization works differently with their Advisor. While your Advisor is a resource, they are not the leader of your organization. They may provide guidance, insight, and perspective to your organization, but they should not be doing the work. The following are some of the roles your Advisor may assume.

Mentor Your Advisor can act as a mentor by assisting with your personal or professional development.

Team Builder When new officers are elected or new members join the organization, your Advisor can help your organization build a strong team.

Conflict Mediator When conflict arises within your organization, it may be necessary for all involved to meet with your Advisor and discuss the conflict.

Reflective Agent As you learn from your experience in your organization, your Advisor may help you reflect upon the successes and areas for improvement within your organization.

Educator Your Advisor may create educational opportunities by guiding you during reflection of your actions. They are also available to answer questions regarding your organization or campus policy.

Motivator Advisors may motivate you and your organization to carry out your plans and achieve your goals.

Policy Interpreter Student organizations operate under UWRF policies and procedures. At times, you may be unaware of these policies or have questions about whether or not your plans are appropriate. Your Advisor can help answer questions regarding policies and procedures.

Adapted from ACPA Advisor Manual as of 6.2009


ADVISING STUDENT ORGANIZATION ADVISING AGREEMENT It is important for you and your Advisor to develop an understanding about the nature of their involvement in your organization. You and your Advisor should agree on a set of expectations of one another from the onset. The following chart is intended to clarify the role of your Advisor by providing discussion topics to determine their role within the organization. Write a YES or NO next to each item in response to the prompt: “Our student organization Advisor should…” ATTENDANCE Attend all regular meetings of the organization. Attend officer meetings. Attend organization’s campus-wide activities and events. Attend organization’s internal activities and events. MEETING INVOLVEMENT Assist in the preparation of meeting agendas. Interrupt during meetings to inform members about possible violations of University policy. Interrupt during meetings to inform officers/members about violations of constitution/bylaws. Present personal point-of-view during discussions at meetings. Be quiet at meetings unless asked for input. Review minutes for accuracy before distribution. GOAL SETTING Require committees to follow up with Advisor on progress towards goals. Assist officers in setting individual leadership goals. Provide feedback to officers on progress toward goals. ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT Coordinate leadership development workshops on topics created by officers. Research and present leadership development opportunities available on and off campus. Explain University policies and procedures to general organization membership. Assist in planning events/programs. Cancel events when he/she believes they are poorly planned. Take the initiative to instill teamwork, cooperation, and collaboration within the organization. REPRESENTATION Speak on behalf of the organization to the campus community. Speak on behalf of the organization to the general public. Assist with mediating conflicts. BUDGET Review and approve all budget requests before they are sent to Student Senate. Keep all accounting records of organization. ADDITIONAL ROLES Receive copies of all official correspondence. Review/proof all official correspondence (newsletters, proposals, letters, etc.) before mailing.


INVOLVEMENT CENTER UNIVERSITY CENTER HOURS Mon-Fri: 7 a.m.—Midnight Sat: 8 a.m.—11 p.m. Sun: 10 a.m.— 11 p.m.

INVOLVEMENT CENTER DESK HOURS Mon-Fri: 7:45 a.m.— 4:30 p.m. Sat & Sun: Closed The group workstations, graphics workspace, and fireplace lounge in the Involvement Center remain open during all business hours.

GROUP WORK STATIONS Four group workstations are available in the Involvement Center for student organizations to use. These stations were funded by Student Senate. You may plug in your own laptop or use the PC that is already connected. These may be useful for organization meetings, small group discussions, and group planning.

STORAGE SPACE The University Center and the Office of Student Life have provided 12 cabinets available for student organization storage. These storage spaces will be available for one semester on a first-come, first-serve basis. To request a cabinet, please contact Anna Hunter, the Student Organizations and Leadership Coordinator in the Office of Student Life.


INVOLVEMENT CENTER OFFICE SUPPLIES The following office supplies are available from the Involvement Center Desk or Information Desk: 





Rubber Bands

Tag Board

Color Paper


Other materials may be available upon request

POSTER SUPPLIES The workspace near the Student Senate office in the Involvement Center has equipment that can be used to make posters, including die cuts with various letter styles and a paper cutter. Large rolls of color paper are also located in the Marketing and Graphics Area.

PAPER AND PRINTING Each student organization is given a printing allowance and printing account to use as needed. 1. View your organization account username and password in your organization’s OrgSync “Forms” tool 2. Login to the web interface https://printing.uwrf.edu with your student organization account to print. 3. Login to the printers with the same account information to release your print job. Important Information: 

Only OrgSync “Administrators” will have access to the organization printing account information on OrgSync. If you would like these permissions changed, you may “edit” the file permissions.

You may need to convert some items to PDFs in order to print.

Each organization begins with $10 of printing funds in their account each semester. If additional printing is needed beyond the $10, please contact Anna Hunter via email: anna.hunter@uwrf.edu.

LAMINATION Paper lamination is available in the Involvement Center. Student organizations wishing to have material laminated must visit the Involvement Center Desk. The Desk staff will ask you to fill out a blue Laminating Form.


INVOLVEMENT CENTER STUDENT LIFE RESOURCE LIBRARY The Student Life Resource Library is located in the Involvement Center in the UC. The Resource Library has more than 350 materials student organizations can check out for free. The largest section of the library is Leadership Development. Other topics geared towards student organizations include: 

Organizational Leadership




We also have fourteen diversity-related sections, an Education section, and a Media section. We have purchased public viewing rights for some of the DVDS in the Media section. These films can be played for an audience at organization events.

A full list of materials in the Student Life Resource Library can be found at: http://www.librarything.com/catalog/UWRFStudentLife

MARKETING & GRAPHICS The Division of Student Affairs Marketing and Graphics (SAMG) area offers workshops and trainings for Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to student organization leaders. To get assistance as you start creating your promotional materials, sign up for a workshop or training.

SIGN UP FOR TRAINING To sign up for a training session with SAMG, stop by the Involvement Center Desk in the University Center. The sessions will be Tuesday morning from 10 a.m. to noon, and Wednesday afternoons from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Each session will last one hour, unless otherwise directed. If possible, bring a USB/Flash Drive!

AXISTV SLIDES (electronic signage in the University Center and Residence Halls): Create a slide in Microsoft PowerPoint or Adobe Illustrator. Find more details at http://www.uwrf.edu/ UniversityCenter/AxisTV.cfm.


BUDGETS & FUNDING ALLOCABLE FEE APPROPRIATION BOARD The Allocable Fee Appropriation Board (AFAB) is formed and maintained by UWRF’s Student Senate. Comprised of current students and one Advisor, AFAB meets to discuss new student organizations, single event funding, and annual budget requests. This committee holds weekly open meetings and can distribute funds to all organizations who meet the necessary criteria. AFAB operates under F50, a policy developed by UW System that aims to govern how all segregated fees are spent throughout an institution. AFAB has incorporated this document into their policies and procedures to ensure proper administration and accountability for this policy. For more information, visit: http://www.uwsa.edu/fadmin/ fppp/fppp50.htm

WHO IS ELIGIBLE FOR FUNDING? Recognized student organizations are eligible for funding when they: 

Have a clear mission statement

Have been recognized for at least one semester

Are registered and up-to-date on OrgSync

Are in good standing with the Office of Student Life

Meet all other requirements set in place by the Allocable Fee Appropriation Board

TREASURY TRAINING In order to view what the annual and single event fundings entail, visit the treasury training located on the Student Organization Training website or click here. The treasury training videos also go through how to spend your organization’s funds, submit a payment request, and the reallocation process.


RESERVATIONS All reservations for space on campus are made through Campus Reservations, located in the Involvement Center. This is a great resource for student organizations to utilize for meetings and event spaces! All activities and programs occurring in the University Center require prior approval from University Center staff. The standard turnaround time is three business days.



University Conference Coordinator

University Conference Coordinator



RESERVING SPACE IN THE UNIVERSITY CENTER 1. Fill out a reservation request form. 2. E-mail a request to reservations@uwrf.edu, fill out a form online at https://vems.uwrf.edu/vems/, or complete a paper form, which is available from the Campus Reservations Office at the Involvement Center Desk. 2. Order food. If food and beverages are being ordered for the event, contact the Food Service Catering Manger at catering@uwrf.edu. No outside food or beverages can be brought into the University Center for an event. 3. Receive confirmation. The Campus Reservations Office will confirm all reservations via email. Each confirmation will include audio/ visual/technical needs and room set-up information. 4. Review confirmation. Upon receiving the electronic confirmation, it is the responsibility of the organization reserving the facility to determine if the facility reservation is correct and complete.

IMPORTANT NOTES Food: No outside food is allowed in the University Center for an event or meeting. Late Add: Events scheduled within three days (72 hours) of the date will incur a $25 late add fee if special set-up is required. Set-up Fees: Organizations using facilities may incur charges for set-up, supervision, or other fees depending on the scope and nature of the event. Ongoing Reservations: The maximum number of times an organization or department can reserve a meeting room for "ongoing, week-to-week use" is three times per week. (Series reservations are not allowed during final exam week.) University Center’s staff reserves the right to change room assignments in the event of a conflict or to accommodate additional requests.



RESERVING THE BALLROOM OR FALCON’S NEST 1. Fill out a reservation request form at least 90 days prior to your event date. 2. The room reservation will remain in tentative status until the group meets with staff to discuss and finalize event details. 3. Confirm all event details and needs with Reservations at least 30 days prior to the event date. (A $5 fee will be added each day until event details are finalized) 4. Campus Reservations Office will confirm all reservation requests via email. 5. Review the confirmation to ensure all details are correct.


JAY PLEMON Production Services Coordinator


RESERVING AN OUTDOOR SPACE 1. Submit a request at least 30 days prior to your event date by emailing reservations@uwrf.edu or visiting http://www.uwrf.edu/Reservations/ OutdoorSpaceRequest.cfm 2. If the event does not include a bonfire, the request will be processed and a confirmation will be sent via email. If a bonfire is involved, the group will be sent a tentative confirmation and a link to the regulations. 3. Visit the link, read the agreement, and sign the form electronically. 4. Review the confirmation to ensure all details are correct.

CHARLIE SOWA Assistant Director of Sport Facilities


RESERVING SPACE IN KARGES, EMOGENE, HUNT, OR KNOWLES 1. Fill out a Recreation Reservation Request form: http://www.uwrf.edu/RecreationAndSportFacilities/FacilityRequest.cfm 2. Recreation Office staff will confirm all reservations requests via email.


EVENT PLANNING Event Planning Timeline By 90 days before the event:  If using a large venue space for your event, make space reservation  Process performance contract with Office of Student Life

   

By 60 days before the event:  Develop publicity timeline for event  Schedule promo/vendor tables with Reservations  Request a Marketing & Graphics workshop time in the Involvement Center to design promotion By 30 days before the event:  If you plan to seek funds for your event from Student Senate, submit a Funding Request  Finalize all event details with Reservations  Order food from Sodexo Catering  Print paper promotion products  Create event program By 15 business days before the event:  Determine volunteer needs and create sign-up  Confirm food order through Sodexo Catering

Create and distribute advertising Submit AxisTV Slide Reserve UC Micros machine for Falcon Dollar or credit card sales at the event (fee applies) Send detailed script to Production Services if more than one act is performing

Week of event:  Confirm facility set-up  Confirm production needs  Confirm hospitality for performers  Create Day-of-Event Itinerary  Get water/snacks for performers  Reserve parking permit Day of event:  Check-in with UC Building Manager  Set-up volunteer sign-in  Count attendance  Clean up space to best of your ability  Check-out with UC Building Manager After Event:  Complete a program evaluation  Send thank you notes to volunteers and others involved


Schedule a meeting with the Student Organizations & Leadership Coordinator if you would like to discuss your event in detail! Anna Hunter: anna.hunter@uwrf.edu


EVENT PLANNING PROGRAM PLANNING CHECKLIST Over the course of time, your student organization will most likely plan a program of some kind. Programs can range from social to educational, for a cause, or simply for fun. When planning a program, there are many factors to consider… the who, what, when, where, why, and how factors.


Who is involved in the program?   


Who will be involved with planning and implementing the program (hall council members, RAs, students, etc.)? Are committees appropriate and who will be on them? Who needs to approve the program?

What— Description of the program  

What will the program accomplish? Is it necessary? Who is your target population (campus, local community, etc.)? How many people do you hope will attend?

What are the costs involved in the program?  

How much will food, supplies, advertising, tickets, prizes, transportation off campus, etc. cost? Can you contact potential co-sponsors?


Where will the program be held?


When will the program happen?

  

  

Which space is the right size for your target audience? Is the location easily accessible for all the attendees? Is the space quiet/loud enough for the event?

Does the date conflict with major exams, holidays, or other important events around campus? What time of the day should the program be held? Will you be serving food if it is planned over a mealtime? How late is too late to hold the event?


Why are you planning this program?


How will people know about the program?

   

  

What is the purpose of the program? What are the goals of the program? How does this program support the vision and scope of your group? What are you hoping the attendees will gain from this program? What needs to be done to advertise the program? When does the advertising need to be distributed? Who will be in charge of coordinating ads?


EVENT PLANNING INCLUSIVE PROGRAMMING When developing a program, it is important to be mindful of the differences of the people in the community. Individuals striving to create and maintain inclusive communities must ask the following question: “Whose perspectives, experiences, viewpoints, and voices are included?” Below, you will find general questions to assist your community building efforts: Have you considered gender bias and gendered language in your programming?

Have you considered the needs of students with varying abilities in your programming?

 Did you assume only men in your community will be interested in participating in intramural football?  Did you assume only women will be interested in doing a craft project?  Are you referring to a group of people by using gendered pronouns (guys, girls, etc.)? Western society assumes males are supposed to act one way and females another. Be cautious!

 Is the activity location accessible by wheelchair?  If you are having a speaker, will there be an American Sign Language Interpreter?  If you are passing out handouts, are fonts large enough for individuals with seeing difficulty?

Have you considered the economic limitations faced by some students in your programming?  Does it cost money to attend ALL activities planned?

Have you considered religious backgrounds, rituals, and traditions in your programming?

 Are scholarships available for students who cannot afford to attend the planned event?

 If you have food at your event, will students of diverse religious traditions be restricted from eating it (restricted types of food or fasting months)?

Do not assume that all students can afford to attend your program.

 In the month of December, will you have a Christmas party, while not acknowledging the other religious celebrations during the month?

Have you considered the heterosexual bias and diverse sexual orientations of residents in your programming?

The U.S., along with its practices and traditions, has been heavily influenced with Christianity. Be aware of how these beliefs have influenced your actions and ways of thinking, especially around the beliefs of other people.

 Does your advertising and dialogue before and at the program assume that all participants are heterosexual?

Have you considered what messages you are sending regarding race or ethnicity in your programming?

Do not assume that all students are straight.

 Will your event attract people of different races and/or ethnic groups?  Will your event culturally affirm, or demean, people of diverse racial and/or ethnic groups?  Does your advertising indicate, whether in pictures or words, this event will be appreciated by people of different races or ethnic groups? Do not program as if the people in attendance will be of one particular race or ethnic group.

 For example, at a Valentine’s Day Dance, have you said that same sex couples will be welcome?

Have you considered how accessible your meetings are to students living off-campus?  Is the time accessible to all students, regardless of their commute and family situation?  Is your programming occurring in a location that is not accessible to students living off-campus (i.e. residence halls)? It is already more difficult for commuting students to return to campus for meetings and programs. Do not assume all students live on campus.




All advertisements, regardless of the type must


include the following

Groups are allowed to disperse information to students from behind a table, with approval from the Reservations Office. Groups are not allowed to approach students or others using University Center facilities. This applies to material for sale, materials being given away (handed out), and verbal conversations aimed at persuading students to a particular point-of-view.

information: 

Name of the organization

Date(s) of event

Contact information

PROHIBITED The following may not be displayed on student organization advertisements: 

Sexually explicit material that may be construed as offensive

Explicit language

Hateful and/or degrading language

POSTING RESIDENCE HALLS All material posted in the Residence Halls must be no larger than 11”x17”. Bring 11 copies of the poster to the Residence Life Office in the basement of Hathorn Hall for approval. They will distribute your posters to the buildings. Student organizations posting without approval will be reported to the Office of Student Life and Residence Life for conduct violations.


RESIDENCE HALLS Door-to-door solicitation in Residence Halls is never allowed. This includes knocking on doors, putting information under doors, or putting door hangings on door knobs. Groups may be able to set up a table to present their viewpoints or material in a Residence Hall lobby. You need prior approval from the Hall Council of that facility to do so. The manner of presentation must not interfere with the flow of traffic, not constitute harassment to residents, and be presented in a fashion where participation is on a voluntary basis with the student residents.

ON UNIVERSITY GROUNDS Solicitation on University grounds must abide by time, place, and manner guidelines. Student organizations may contact the Office of Student Life with any questions.

OFF CAMPUS Groups may utilize state-owned areas (i.e.: 15 feet

Each specific college has different posting

within non-University sidewalks and streets).

procedures for their public posting areas. Please


visit with the Dean’s office in the college that you wish to post.

Chalking/flagging are acceptable ways to advertise


areas. All chalking/flagging must be appropriate in

upcoming events but are permitted only in specified

The University Center has a specific public

content and include the required information listed

posting area located near the convenience store on

above. Student organizations may utilize the space

the main level. Any student organization may post

between 3rd and 6th street; however, they may not

their materials on this board.

chalk the front or rear patio of the University Center.




FUNDRAISING FUNDRAISING IN THE UNIVERSITY CENTER Student organizations may use the University Center for fundraising activities, but will be charged for direct overhead costs such as utilities, special equipment, and labor to ensure the University is not subsidizing the fundraising event.

RAFFLES A raffle is a great way to earn money. However, legal constraints must be followed, including the use of a legal raffle license. Set up a meeting with Anna Hunter, the Student Organizations and Leadership Coordinator, at least 30 days before the date of the event. At this meeting the rules for conducting a raffle within the guidelines of the State of Wisconsin will be explained and the initial application will be completed.

Two of the most common fundraising types on campus are sales and events & activities. See examples of both types of fundraisers below:

SALES                

Artwork Buttons Car wash coupons Cookbooks Coupon books Crafts Flowers Food stands (hot dogs, tacos, brownies, cookies) Greeting cards Jewelry Magazine subscriptions Plants Posters Raffles Seasonal items Used books



Any activity or event that involves the “sale” of people or services (date auction or service auction events) is prohibited. Although these events may not be designed to inflict harm, they do use language and structure consistent with slavery. These activities may intentionally or unintentionally demean students on our campus, create unsafe situations, and are not consistent with UW-River Falls institutional values. Any questions about these policies should be forwarded to the Office of Student Life.

            

Art shows Auctions Board game tournament Book drives Coin wars Concerts Dances Dodgeball tournament Holiday gift wrapping Fun runs Karaoke competitions Read-a-thons Recycling drive Sports competitions Talent show



In order to host a temporary food stand, at least one organization representative must take and pass a Food Safety Quiz with 90% accuracy on OrgSync. This representative is expected to provide guidance to other members who prepare and/or staff the temporary food stand for their group. Information discussing the assurance of food safety (the material needed to pass this quiz) is listed in the Student Organizations Policies and Procedures Manual and on the Food Safety PowerPoint found on OrgSync.


Complete the Food Stand Application available on OrgSync. This application must be filled out 14 days before the food stand is scheduled. Organizations are limited to three food stands per year. If you are wishing to have more than three food stands per year, your organization must work with Pierce County Public Health to obtain a Temporary Food Stand Permit.


The Food Stand Application will be reviewed by the Office of Student Life. A lack of detailed answers may result in denial of the application. The Office of Student Life will then notify the student organization through OrgSync if their application has been approved or denied. If the application is approved, a copy of the Food Stand Application will be placed in the organization’s mailbox in the University Center. If food being served is required to maintain a specific temperature, a Food Temperature Recording Chart will also be placed in the mailbox.


Display the application at all times during the food stand.


The Food Temperature Recording Chart must be completed and turned in to the Involvement Center Desk within 14 academic days after the completion of the food stand. Failure to do so will result in the loss of food stand privileges for the organization for one year.


The approval of a Food Stand Application does not guarantee a space for the stand. Food stands are not allowed to take place in the University Center. Student organizations must work with other campus buildings to reserve a space for their food stand. Any items sold that are also available in a campus vending machine cannot be sold for less than the vending machine price for the item.

Food Safety Quiz: https://orgsync.com/18446/forms/22451 Food Stand Application: https://orgsync.com/18446/forms/17368


RUNNING A MEETING WHAT MAKES A MEETING EFFECTIVE? 88% - Allow all attendees to participate 66% - Define a meeting’s purpose 62% - Address each item on the agenda 59% - Assign follow up action 47% - Record discussion 46% - Invite only essential personnel 36% - Write an agenda with time frames Source: GM Consultants, Pittsburgh, 1993, “eLeader” at Santa Clara University http://www.scu.edu/csl/eleader/index.cfm

CHARACTERISTICS OF A NEGATIVE MEETING: 77% - Poor preparation 74% - Questionable effectiveness 68% - Lack of listening 62% - Verbosity of participants 60% - Length 51% - Lack of participation From “Achieving Effective Meetings – Not Easy But Possible” By Bradford D. Smart in a survey of 635 executives,“eLeader” at Santa Clara University http://www.scu.edu/csl/eleader/index.cfm

ASK YOUR MEMBERS! Surprisingly, your members might know best! Ask for feedback from your members. Ask your members to help you improve your meetings. After all, it is their meeting, too! Ask your members these helpful questions:     

What do you expect to happen during our meetings? How would you like to contribute during our meetings? Who would like to plan an “energizer” or “activity” for each meeting? What parts of our meeting do you look forward to? What parts of our meeting do you feel could be improved? How should we go about doing so?


The Student Life Resource Library has various leadership books available. Some books related to running successful meetings include: 101 Ways to Make Meetings Active, by Mel Silberman Facilitating Intergroup Dialogues, edited by Kelly E. Maxwell and others Getting to the Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, by Roger Fisher and William Ury

NEED MORE HELP? Ask your Advisor or Anna Hunter, Student Organizations and Leadership Coordinator!



Want to be involved Have a desire to make new friends See this as a networking opportunity Hope to develop leadership skills Believe in a cause Want real world experience See it as a professional development opportunity Think it looks good on a resume Want to learn a skill Want to have a new experience Think it will be fun

As an Organization Leader, you should be aware of why students want to join an organization and let them know how you can meet these needs.

QUESTIONS STUDENT ORG LEADERS NEED TO CONSIDER When deciding to join an organization, students ask themselves these questions. The answers will influence if he/she will join an organization and if he/she stays.

DOES THE ORGANIZATION MEET MY NEEDS? If it doesn’t meet his/her needs, then he/she won’t join. If leaders say a need will be met and don’t follow through, students will also leave.

DO I HAVE TIME FOR AN ORGANIZATION? Students have a lot going on. Meeting multiple times a week is often too much for many students. Students may also lose active membership status in a group if they are unable to attend the majority of the meetings. Take time to evaluate this. Just because the leaders have time, doesn’t mean the rest of the members do.

AM I FINANCIALLY ABLE TO PARTICIPATE? College is expensive and most students don’t have a lot of extra money, so high membership fees will push students away.


  

Reserve a vendor table in the University Center and recruit year-round. Host a large event open to all students so they can learn more about your organization while being entertained. Ask each member to bring a friend. Send a follow-up email for new attendees If your group is academic related, use your marketing to show how former members have been hired for positions in the field. Ask your advisor to mention your group in advising sessions.

   

Collaborate with other student groups. Students can belong to more than one group and each group may get new members. Show the fun things your group does in your marketing. Pictures and fun facts stand out! Wear organization t-shirts on the days of events. Talk to prospective members; don’t rely solely on posters. Create a Facebook page for your group.


RECOGNITION Recognizing members in your organization will let them know they are an important, vital part of your organization. It will keep them involved, committed, and active at the highest energy level. See the prompts below for ideas!

Amazing Astonishing Astounding Awesome Bingo Bravo Brilliant Clever Cool Delightful Dynamite Excellent Exceptional Expressive Extraordinary Fabulous Fantastic Genius Great Hats off to you How original Impressive Incredible I find you awe-inspiring I knew you could do it I trust you I’m proud of you I’m amazed by you

It couldn’t be better Magnificent Marvelous Neat Nice going Nice work Nifty Now you’ve got it Outstanding Phenomenal Radical Remarkable Right on Sensible Sharp Spectacular Stupendous Super Take a bow Terrific Thanks Thanks for caring Unbelievable Very good Way to go Wonderful Worthy of an Oscar Wow

You blow me away You brighten my day You go the extra mile You made my day You should be proud You’re #1 You’re a champ You’re a genius You’re a good listener You’re a good friend You’re a trooper You’re a shining star You’re a winner You’re exciting You’re fantastic You’re incredible You’re inspiring You’re on your way You’re one-of-a-kind You’re sharp You’re so creative You’re so important You’re so much fun You’re such a joy You’re the greatest You’re wise You’re witty


RECOGNITION WAYS TO RECOGNIZE YOUR MEMBERS Create a video that talks about group goals, group Success Jar: Have members write down a success projects, or allows senior members to give advice to and drop it in a jar; read one at every those who will be future members. meeting. Boost the morale of your organization or staff by You are doing a “fan”tastic job in your position. sponsoring meeting themes (i.e.: beachwear, movie Give a fan to anyone that deserves to be recogstars, etc.). nized. Write a note on the back so they don’t forget why they were given this fan! Constellations are wonderful, aren't they? So, to put things on a smaller, more individualized level, name A powerful recognition tool is to take time to write a star after your group. a post to the member’s or organization’s page. The chapter decides who deserves the Leader/Liter of the Week award. The winner is awarded with a bottle of soda and is allowed to keep it. The next week the previous winner chooses someone they believe is deserving of the honor and it continues that way for the rest of the year.

There are so many times that a simple note can have a great impact. Many people enjoy receiving praise in person, but there is something about having a note to refer back to that makes it very special.

As a simple recognition, adjourn your meeting in honor of an individual or organization that has excelled. This should appear in the minutes.

Take a number of pictures throughout the year to create a slide show for presentation at the end of the year. Paired with music, a slide show can be a powerful way to focus attention on the accomplishments of the year.

Let members of your organization know they “Blow you away” with all their hard work and dedication. Bubbles can be a great way to take a break and relieve stress as well!

Have your executive board choose a member of the month. This is a great way to recognize accomplishments!

Have every member of your organization pick their favorite song that reflects on the memories of this group or that reminds them on each other and make a CD/playlist.

Have each member share a favorite quotation. Compile these into a small quotation booklet and use the quotes to decorate bulletin boards, etc.

Give each member a laminated door decoration that includes his or her name, position, and organization logo.

Source: 100 Ways to Recognize http://saacurh.nacurh.org/documents/NRHHdocs/100%20Ways%20to%



TEAMBUILDING Developing a sense of teamwork and personal ownership in your student organization is one of the most important goals to accomplish early in the academic year. Building a sense of teamwork and personal ownership begins with setting a welcoming tone and taking active steps to encourage interaction between organization members. Teambuilding activities can be one way to encourage interaction. Teambuilding activities should be developed with a clear purpose in mind and clear goals for what you hope to gain through the activity. This could be anything from learning organization member’s names to generating ideas for events that can be planned throughout the year! Successful teambuilding activities have several characteristics. Here some ideas to keep in mind as you are developing a teambuilding activity: 

Make it Quick – Unless you are holding a teambuilding retreat (which is a great idea) you may want to consider how long you have to complete your teambuilding activity. Taking too long on any given activity could result in boredom or the loss of your goal. Keep the activity moving toward your goal and know there will be time at future meetings for additional teambuilding.

Keep it Inexpensive – Not all teambuilding requires trips, food, or other potentially costly items. Some of the most meaningful teambuilding activities require nothing more than a place for organization members to participate in something personal to them.

Get People Involved – Building a solid team in your organization is everyone’s responsibility, not just the people holding leadership positions. Ask your organization members if they have ideas for teambuilding activities and provide them an opportunity to lead the activity. Any successful activity will be designed to get everyone interacting with each other.

Make it Risk Appropriate – Not everyone in your organization is going to feel comfortable sharing personal information. In the beginning stages or your organization, do not attempt to draw out your members’ innermost secrets. As organization members get to know one another throughout the year, more information may be shared naturally.

Keep these principles in mind, and you are sure to develop outstanding teambuilding activities for your organization that will generate a sense of ownership and build trust among team members.

For more teambuilding ideas, check out the Student Life Resource Library!


OVERVIEW OF POLICIES HAZING UWRF does not tolerate hazing in accordance with Wisconsin statute 948.51. More information on this can be found in the Student Organizations Policies and Procedures Manual.

WHAT IS HAZING? Hazing is defined as any action taken or situation that is created, intentionally, whether on or off premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities and situations can be paddling of any sort, creation of excessive fatigue, physical and psychological shocks, quests, treasure/scavenger hunts, road trips or such activities warring, apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste, engaging in public stunts or buffoonery, morally degrading or humiliating games, late work sessions and activities that interfere with scholastic activities which are not consistent with the organizations laws, rituals, policies, or procedures of UWRF.

REPORTING HAZING Hazing can be reported in various ways to a university or local authorities. If bodily harm takes place, UWRF strongly encourages you to follow up with the River Falls Police Department and Thomas Pederson in the Office for Student Rights and Responsibilities. However, knowing that strong emotions can follow a hazing incident, it is essential for students to inform any professional staff at the university so that we can identify the necessary resources and steps needed to best serve the student involved. UWRF aims to create a safe learning environment that does not tolerate any act of hazing.

NON-DISCRIMINATION The University of Wisconsin-River Falls is an inclusive campus, meaning it is accepting of all people and ideas. In that spirit, every organization on campus is required to be inclusive. This means membership must be open to all students (with exceptions made for gender as listed in Title IX and religious and political beliefs as stated in University of Wisconsin Board of Regent Policy Documents 30-6 ). A registered student organization will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, disability, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, or academic course of study. Activities that each organization provides should also eliminate discriminatory and/or culturally insensitive language, behavior, and content from activities sponsored by the university and it is encouraged that our student organizations follow this policy as well.


OVERVIEW OF POLICIES ALCOHOL POLICY The Office of Student Life supports and enforces the UW-System policy in regards to alcohol use at student organization events. Student Life requires that any event that will provide alcohol must be approved by the Director of Student Life and the Student Organizations and Leadership Coordinator. Please contact Student Life to schedule a meeting with staff at least 30 days prior to your event. Further information on this policy can be found in the Student Organization Policies and Procedures Manual.

ADVERTISING, SPONSORSHIP, AND PROMOTION OF ALCOHOL AND/OR TOBACCO PRODUCTS ON CAMPUS The following University Policies apply to student organizations in regard to advertising, sponsoring, or promoting alcohol or tobacco products. 1. Advertising or marketing with the primary purpose of promoting alcohol and/or tobacco use is prohibited on campus and at all student organization events. 2. Alcohol and/or tobacco industry of product sponsorship of any student organization event is prohibited. 3. Distribution of alcohol or tobacco industry promotional giveaways in prohibited on campus and at all student organization events. Examples:  Community businesses, such as a bar or a distributor, can advertise, market, or sponsor an event, but the primary purpose cannot be to encourage alcohol and/or tobacco use, and the specific brand name of the product and/or logo cannot be used.  Promotional giveaways with alcohol or tobacco product brand names or logos cannot be distributed at student organization events.

FOOD AND BEVERAGES POLICY IN THE UNIVERSITY CENTER UWRF has an exclusive contract with Sodexo to provide all food, beverages, and candy in the University Center. Because of this contract, the following guidelines govern the consumption and disbursement of food and beverage in the University Center. These guidelines do not pertain to academic buildings on campus. 1. Individuals are allowed to consume brown bag meals in the University Center. 2. Brown bag meal meetings or programs are allowed under the assumption that the brown bag meals are consumed by the individual bringing the meal. 3. Under no circumstances is it permissible for a member of an organization to provide food, beverages, and candy to members/participants of events/programs in the University Center. Student organizations are also not allowed to use a caterer other than Sodexo for any events/programs in the University Center. 4. If food or beverages are to be made available to members/participants, the sponsoring organization must cater the event through Sodexo. To cater food through Sodexo, you can call 715-425-3274 or email catering@uwrf.edu.


OVERVIEW OF POLICIES POLITICAL CAMPAIGN GUIDELINES 1. Signs or stickers in support of a political candidate may not be posted in classrooms or offices. 2. Recognized student organizations may sponsor political events within the University Center by following standard University Center scheduling procedures. 3. Neutrality must be maintained in the use of University facilities; opportunities to use facilities will be equally available to all candidates. 4. Please see http://www.uwsa.edu/govrel/camprule.htm for specific regulations pertaining to the following subjects: I. The use of University facilities for campaign visits by candidates II. Soliciting campaign donations III. Posting of signs and other campaign materials IV. The use of computers and technology to distribute campaign messages V. Soliciting campaign donations VI. Posting of signs and other campaign materials VII.The use of computers and technology to distribute campaign messages

RISK MANAGEMENT AND LIABILITY POLICY Student organizations have been a topic of concern from a liability perspective for university administrators for many years. Involvement in a wide variety of activities ranging from sky diving to elderly care results in a severe liability exposure for student organizations and the University. Liability protection will be judged based on the specific activities of the individuals. Therefore, student organizations should not assume continuous and automatic liability protection by virtue of their existence. This pertains especially to any activity where the direct benefit is for an organization outside of the university, such as a community partner. In these cases, individuals will not fall into the scope of liability protection. Further information can be found in the Student Organization Policies and Procedures Manual.

Any questions not answered in the handbook should be directed to: Anna Hunter, Student Organizations and Leadership Coordinator.


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