UWRF Student Org Policy and Procedures Manual

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Table of Contents Chapter 1: Conduct Policy 1.1: Procedures for Filing Student Organization Conduct Complaints 1.2: Process of Discovery 1.3: Possible Sanctions 1.4: Re-Application for University Recognition 1.5: Appeal Process 1.6: Settlement 1.7: Criteria Used in Determining Student Organization Sponsorship

Pg.3 Pg. 4 Pg. 4 Pg. 5 Pg. 5 Pg. 6 Pg. 6

Chapter 2: Hazing 2.1: Hazing 2.2: Applicable Law 2.3: Reporting

Pg. 7 Pg. 7 Pg. 7

Chapter 3: Alcohol Policy 3.1: UW-System Policy 3.2: Alcohol Beverage Service 3.3: Alcohol Off Campus 3.4: Alcohol Sponsorship

Pg. 8 Pg. 9 Pg. 12 Pg. 14

Chapter 4: Fundraising 4.1: Temporary Food Stands 4.2 Food Stand Safety 4.3: Raffles

Pg. 16 Pg. 16 Pg. 18 2

CHAPTER 1: CONDUCT POLICY Recognized student organizations at the University of Wisconsin – River Falls are student-led entities with autonomy to create organizational guidelines and practices that govern the involvement of students in the organization. In addition to the rights student organizations are given to make decisions about organization process and policy, they are accountable to certain responsibilities of recognition imposed by the Office of Student Life at the University of Wisconsin – River Falls. These responsibilities include compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws as well as all University of Wisconsin – River Falls policies and procedures. Individuals representing a recognized student organization and the University of Wisconsin – River Falls, must follow these laws, policies, and procedures. Specific examples of applicable laws and policies include, but are not limited to:  University of Wisconsin – River Falls Anti-Hazing Policy and state statutes pertaining to hazing.  State statutes pertaining to the legal drinking age and the provision of alcoholic beverages to minors.  Illegal drug use or sales at organization events or in organization facilities.  Conduct that obstructs or impairs the ability of students or community members to participate in university-sponsored or authorized events, or that substantially and unreasonably interfere with others’ participation in lawful activities.  Creation of an unsafe or dangerous environment at an organization event or facilities.  University Equal Opportunity Policy and related procedures regarding student organizations.  Incident of theft, vandalism, excessive noise or disorderly conduct.  Non-compliance with University Purchasing/Accounts Receivable cash handling policies. Any organization found in violation of these or other policies and procedures may be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in this document. This document outlines organization level misconduct and potential sanction. Individual organization members involved in the violation of these or other policies may also face individual sanctions if found in violation under UW System Chapter 17. Individual student misconduct will be adjudicated by the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

1.1: Procedures for Filing Student Organization Conduct Complaints Any student, faculty, or staff member of the University of Wisconsin – River Falls or community member may file a written complaint of an alleged violation against a recognized student organization with the Director of Student Life. In order to proceed, as much of the following information must be included in the written complaint:  Date, time, and location of alleged violation of policy.  A detailed description of the alleged violation of policy.  Name of the organization or organizations involved.  Name of individuals involved in the alleged violation. 3

 

Names of any additional witnesses of the alleged violation. Name and contact information of the person filing the complaint

All complaints must be filed with the Director of Student Life within 30 days (excluding breaks). Written complaints should be sealed in an envelope and given to the Involvement Center desk staff. Persons filing the complaint should ensure the sealed envelope is addressed to the Director of Student Life.

1.2: Process of Discovery The Director of Student Life will determine if an investigation into the complaint is warranted. If the Director does indeed determine an investigation is necessary, a meeting will be arranged with representatives of the student organization named in the complaint. The purpose of this meeting will be to review the complaint with the student organization representatives and to afford the organization representatives an opportunity to respond. The Director of Student Life may also arrange meetings with any potential witnesses. If representatives from the student organizations do not respond to the offer of a meeting with the Director of Student Life within a specified time period, a determination will be made concerning any responsibility for violation of policy using the information available to the Director of Student Life. If a determination is made based on available information and discussion with student organization members that misconduct did NOT occur, or that no disciplinary sanction is warranted under the circumstances, the matter will be considered resolved without further action. If a determination is made based on available information and discussion with student organization members that misconduct DID in fact occur, the Director of Student Life will select one or more disciplinary sanctions listed in this document. The selection of the disciplinary sanctions will be selected based on the criteria of what is most appropriate for the circumstances surrounding the case. The Director of Student Life will justify the selection of certain sanctions in a written report. The written report from the Director of Student Life will be delivered to the student organization’s mailbox in the Involvement Center and will be mailed to the organization president’s local address. A copy of the report will also be sent to the advisor or the student organization. The written report will include a description of the misconduct, the specified sanction, and justification for why a specific sanction was selected.

1.3: Possible Sanctions Sanctions given to student organizations as a result of misconduct are designed to encourage adherence to University of Wisconsin – River Falls policies. Sanctions also serve the purpose of encouraging student organizations to take time to consider why misconduct occurred and how student organization leaders can take responsibility for compliance. The range of possible sanctions


the Director of Student Life on behalf of the University of Wisconsin – River Falls may impose on a student organization include, but are not limited to: Disciplinary Warning – A written warning outlining why the conduct of the student organization was inappropriate and warning against additional sanctions if the conduct continues. Disciplinary Probation – The student organization will remain recognized provided it abides by all applicable laws and policies. Probation will allow the use of University of Wisconsin – River Falls facilities and resources available to all student organizations. Probation signifies a warning status that any further violation of policy may result in Disciplinary Suspension or loss of University Recognition. Disciplinary Probation will be given for a specific time period then the student organization will return to good standing once the time period has expired. Disciplinary Suspension – Resources available to student organizations and the use of University facilities will be suspended. Student organizations on suspension will not be allowed to meet, conduct organization business and will be held accountable for any continued misconduct of the student organization. Any further violation of policy when suspension has been invoked will result in immediate loss of University Recognition. Disciplinary Suspension will be given for a specific time period after which the student organization must re-apply for University Recognition. The reapplication must include a plan for steps the student organization has taken to eliminate the risk of future violation of policy. Revocation of University Recognition – The student organization will officially lose recognition by the University of Wisconsin – River Falls. All resources and rights enjoyed by recognized student organizations will be permanently lost. Revocation of University Recognition will occur based upon the type and severity of the misconduct. In addition, University Recognition may be revoked when a student organization on Disciplinary Suspension violates University policy and/or federal, state, or local law. Emergency Suspension – Recognized student organizations may be immediately suspended if the Director of Student Life has reason to believe the safety of individuals or the community may be in jeopardy. Any Emergency Suspension will be followed by an investigation as outlined in this document. Emergency Suspension should be used in extraordinary circumstances and is not intended to be a long-standing condition for student organizations. Loss of University Privileges – Student organizations will be prohibited from using specific resources if found in violation of abuse of such resources. Loss of University Privileges will be sanctioned for a specified time period after which the privileges will be reinstated. Restitution – The student organization will be responsible for the cost associated with replacement or maintenance of an item that was damaged due to misconduct.


Community Service – The student organization will be required to organize, fund, and/or participate in an agreed upon service opportunity to give back to the larger community. Educational Programming – The student organization will be required to attend educational events held on campus to receive information for the betterment of the student organization. Student organizations may also be required to plan or sponsor an educational program for members and/or the larger campus community. Referral to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities – Individual student organization members may be referred to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities for individual student misconduct concerns under UW System Chapter 17. It is important to note, the policies and processes in this document outline organizational level misconduct. Individual conduct is another matter subject to the policies and processes of the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

1.4: Re-Application for University Recognition The student organization after completing the terms of Disciplinary Suspension must re-apply to receive the full benefits of University Recognition. A request for re-application consists of the completion of all imposed sanctions and a statement outlining how the student organization will avoid misconduct in the future. Upon receipt of the re-application, the staff in the Office of Student Life will conduct an administrative review to ensure all sanctions have been completed within the time frame specified. Student organization leaders may also be required to meet with Office of Student Life staff to review and discuss expectations of student organizations.

1.5: Appeal Process Student organization leaders may appeal to the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs within one week after the written report is received from the Director of Student Life. The Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs shall sustain the decision unless it is found the evidence does not support the sanction or established procedures were not followed. Reasons to appeal a decision may include:  An error in the process outlined in this document occurred.  Significant new evidence has become known after the sanctioning decision was made.  Sanctions given are too severe in the opinion of the student organization leaders. If the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs finds the record supports the grounds for the appeal, he or she may invoke an appropriate remedy to settle the complaint against the student organization.

1.6: Settlement The process set forth in this document does not preclude a student organization from agreeing that misconduct did in fact occur and to the imposition of a mutually agreed upon sanction. Any such agreement will be made with the Director of Student Life and shall be put in writing. The signed 6

written agreement will bind the organization to the completion of the mutually agreed upon sanction and will conclude the case. Anyone who wishes to file a complaint regarding a student organization may do so by contacting the Director of Student Life by visiting the Involvement Center or calling 715-425-4444.

1.7: Criteria Used in Determining Student Organization Sponsorship The following questions are used to help determine whether or not an activity should be considered an “organization activity” as opposed to the actions of an individual or individuals. 1. Is the activity held to promote unity with the organization or group development? 2. Who is attending the activity? Why are they attending? Will a significant number of members attend? Do members perceive the activity to be open to the campus community at large? 3. Will organization funds be used to support the activity? Where members involved in the planning of the activity? 4. Will the organization’s name or other identification method be used in the event publicity? Will the organization’s communication mechanisms be used to promote the event? Is the event perceived to be associated with the student organization? 5. Where is the activity being held? If off campus, is it held in the residence of organization members? If held at a third party vendor location, who made the arrangements? Was the organization’s name used when making the arrangements? 6. Would a reasonable person think this activity is associated with your organization? 7. As a leader in your organization, do you believe you are in any way responsible for this activity? If not, who would be held responsible in the event of an accident? Each activity, event, or program may involve a unique set of circumstances that you, as student leaders, should evaluate. Before planning an activity, event, or program, ask yourself these questions and consider what steps can be taken to ensure the safety and security of participants. If you have questions regarding expectations of student organization leaders and responsibilities in the event of an accident, please visit with a member of the Office of Student Life. The Student Life staff can help you think through an event and provide ideas for limiting risk to those who will be involved.


CHAPTER 2: HAZING 2.1 Hazing Membership in a registered student organization at the University of Wisconsin- River Falls will be a valuable and beneficial experience to each student who takes part in this opportunity. Each organization is encouraged to provide new members with an orientation that is positive, informative and in alignment with federal, state and local laws, as well as UWRF policies. UWRF does not tolerate hazing in accordance with Wisconsin statute 948.51 Hazing law. This statement provides a definition of hazing, applicable laws and UWRF policy and procedure for reporting incidents of hazing. As defined by the Fraternity Executives Association, hazing is defined as any action taken or situation that is created, intentionally, whether on or off premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities and situations can be paddling of any sort, creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; quests, treasure/scavenger hunts, road trips or such activities; warring, publicly, apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts or buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games; late work sessions and activities that interfere with scholastic activities which are not consistent with the organizations laws, rituals, policies or procedures of UWRF.

2.2 Applicable Law 1999-2000 Wisconsin Statutes 948.51 Hazing. (1) In this section “forced activity� means any activity which is a condition of initiation or admission into or affiliation with an organization, regardless of a student’s willingness to participate in the activity. (2) No person may intentionally or recklessly engage in acts which endanger the physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into or affiliation with any organization operating in connection with a school, college or university. Under those circumstances, prohibited acts may include any brutality of a physical nature, such as whipping, beating, branding, forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug or other substance, forced confinement or any other forced activity which endangers the physical health or safety of the student. (3) Whoever violates sub. (2) is guilty of: (a) A Class A misdemeanor if the act results in or is likely to result in bodily harm to another. (b) A Class H felony if the act results in great bodily harm to another. (c) A Class G felony if the act results in the death of another. History: 1983 a. 356; 1987 a. 332 s. 32; Stats. 1987 s. 948.51; 2001 a. 109. 8

Available at: http://www.legis.state.wi.us/../rsb/stats.html

2.3 Reporting Hazing can be reported in various ways to a university or local authorities. If bodily harm takes place, UWRF strongly encourages you to follow up with the River Falls Police Department and Thomas Pederson in the Office for Student Rights and Responsibilities. However, given the nature that hazing can occur and emotions that can follow an incident, it is essential that the student inform any professional staff at the university so that we can identify the necessary resources and steps needed to best serve the student involved. UWRF aims to create a safe learning environment that does not encompass any act of hazing.


CHAPTER 3: ALCOHOL POLICY 3.1: UW-System Policy The Office of Student Life supports and enforces the UW-System policy in regards to alcohol use at student organization events. Student Life requires that any event that will provide alcohol must be approved by the Director of Student Life and the Student Organizations and Leadership Coordinator. Please contact Student Life to visit with the staff at least 30 days prior to your event. University of Wisconsin-River Falls Administrative Policy Paper Number: AP 40 Date Issued: November 30, 1999 1.0- POLICY/PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy paper is to promulgate regulations and guidelines by which alcohol beverages may be served on the University of Wisconsin-River Falls campus. 2.0- OVERVIEW/BACKGROUND: UWS 18.06(13) ALCOHOL BEVERAGES. a. The use or possession of alcohol beverages is prohibited on all university premises, except in faculty and staff housing and as permitted by the chief administrative officer, subject to statutory age restrictions. The chief administrative officer may generally permit the use or possession of alcohol beverages by promulgating institutional regulations in consultation with appropriate staff and students, or in specific instances by written permission. b. No person may procure, sell, dispense or give away alcohol beverages to any person contrary to the provisions of ch.125, Stats. c. In this subsection, "alcohol beverages" means fermented malt beverages and intoxicating liquors containing 0.5% or more of alcohol. d. Notwithstanding s. UWS 18.09, institutional regulations developed pursuant to this subsection shall be reported to the President of the University system for review and approval. 3.0- UNIVERSITY RESPONSIBILITIES: This policy will be administered by the Director of Student Life in consultation with other staff as necessary. 4.0- DEPARTMENT/UNIT RESPONSIBILITIES: Deans and Department Chairpersons are responsible to ensure that all University-sponsored events are in accordance with this policy paper when alcohol is served or consumed on University grounds. 10

5.0- PROCEDURE: 5.1- The University of Wisconsin-River Falls and its food service contractor are the sole providers of alcohol beverages on campus. The University of Wisconsin System is the holder of the "Special Tax Stamp@ which must be displayed whenever alcohol beverages are being dispensed. The University is legally responsible for paying State and County sales tax and recording all sales. A University employee and/or food service contract employee must be present at and supervise all events in which alcohol beverages are served. **Please contact the Assistant Director for Dining Services for assistance.** 5.2- Alcohol beverages may not be brought onto campus by private individuals or campus departments/organizations. Consumption of alcohol beverages and possession of any open container of alcohol beverages are prohibited unless specifically permitted by either Regent rule or institutional regulations. The prohibition extends to laboratories and individual offices (student housing units are exempt). 5.3- All alcohol beverages will be dispensed at a price that complements the established prices in the local community. There shall be no "open bars," "happy hours," or other modified prices that discount the price of service to promote the consumption of alcohol, unless special conditions exist as approved by the Chancellor. 5.4- All alcohol beverages will be served in accordance with statutory limitations of the State of Wisconsin. The University will be responsible for determining the facilities in which alcohol beverages are served, and for the duration for which they shall be served. In all cases, the University will determine guidelines for each event so as not to promote excessive alcohol consumption. 5.5- As a general guideline, State dollars cannot be used to purchase alcohol beverages; nor can state employees be reimbursed for the purchase of alcohol beverages. 5.6- For all events in which alcohol beverages are available, non-alcohol options such as soft drinks/water/juices must be available. 5.7- It is not appropriate to include alcohol beverages in the registration fee of a University- sponsored event unless special conditions exist as interpreted and approved by the Accounts Payable office. 5.8- The University will be responsible for providing adequate security and for checking identification at any event in which alcohol is served. The sponsoring organization/ department may be requested to provide additional supervision to ensure that alcohol beverages are not carried onto or out of University facilities. 11

3.2: Alcohol Beverage Service The Board of Regents has established the following guidelines regarding alcohol beverages. UWS 18.06(13) (Also seen on the previous page in section 2.0) 1. The use or possession of alcohol beverages is prohibited on all University premises, except in faculty and staff housing and as permitted by the chief administrative officer, subject to the statutory age restrictions. The chief administrative officer may generally permit the use or possession of alcohol beverages by promulgating institutional regulations in consultation with appropriate staff and students, or in specific instances by written permission. 2. No person may procure, sell, dispense or give away alcohol beverages to any person contrary to the provisions of ch.124 Stats. 3. In this subsection, “alcohol beverages� means fermented malt beverages and intoxicating liquors containing 0.5% or more alcohol by volume. 4. Notwithstanding s.UWS 18.09, institutional regulations developed pursuant to this subsection shall be reported to the President of the System for review and approval. At UW - River Falls, the University Alcohol Beverage Service has been established to provide faculty, staff, alumni, and students an additional social alternative for official functions sponsored by the University. The use of intoxicating beverages with an alcohol contact of more than 0.5% by volume has been regulated by the Board of Regents and the responsibility of this policy delegated to the Chancellor. Approval for catering alcohol beverage service is subject to the discretion of the Chancellor or his/her designee provided that such sales are at suitable times under decorous conditions and meet all provisions of UW 18.06(13). All requests for alcohol beverage service must be catered through the Assistant Director of Dining Services.

Groups authorized to reserve facilities for activities that will include the consumption of alcohol are as follows: 1. Those student organizations/activities that receive segregated fees 2. Officially Recognized Student Organizations 3. University departments 4. Other organizations as approved by the Chancellor a. University facilities cannot be reserved by individuals for private use, except when arranged through the Conference and Event Services Office.

Guidelines for those groups requesting alcohol service at events/programs


1. The administration of alcohol beverage service is the responsibility of the Assistant Director of Dining Services with an approval made by the Chancellor. Once the approval has been granted, no changes to the alcohol request may be made. 2. Sodexo is the sole vendor of alcohol beverages for the University. As such, they will provide all necessary qualified personnel for dispensing alcohol beverages, obtaining and maintaining the necessary licenses, stamps, permits, and cleanup. 3. Alcohol beverages must be served in accordance with statutory limitations of the State of Wisconsin. No person under the legal drinking age will be served. Identification will be verified by a photo ID with a date of birth indicated. Identification will be verified at the point of sale or at the entrance to the facility in which alcohol beverages will be available. 4. The University is responsible for determining those facilities in which alcohol beverages may be served for catered events. Only those areas on campus that have appropriate and adequate facilities for the service of alcohol beverages shall be utilized. 5. All alcohol beverages must be consumed within the room in which they are sold, catered, or served. 6. The length of alcohol beverage service will be determined by the sponsoring organization and the Assistant Director of Dining Services. For events in which a cash bar precedes a meal, a time period of one hour before and one hour after the meal shall be considered reasonable. 7. Sponsoring organizations must be familiar with all University alcohol beverage service guidelines and accept responsibility for assisting in proper identification, restricting consumption to authorized areas, and accepting financial responsibility for any vandalism/damage associated with the event when alcohol beverages are served. 8. All alcohol beverages must be purchased by the glass/bottle, one at a time, on a cash basis upon presentation of a valid ID. The sponsoring organization may not furnish alcohol beverages to minors. Campus Public Safety will be notified of any violation of this policy. 9. In all University facilities, beer and wine shall be the only alcohol beverages provided unless an exemption is granted for alcohol beverages over 0.5% by volume. 10. No organization shall be allowed to supply their own alcohol beverages. 11. There will be no free beverage or modified price unless special conditions exist. Approval must be obtained by the Assistant Director of Dining Services. 12. Alcohol beverage service will not be permitted for student meetings unless special conditions exist. 13

Supervision The sponsoring organization must provide adequate supervision within the premises to ensure that malicious damage and abusive behavior do not occur. The following guidelines must be followed: 1. Supervisors may be required to wear and display identification. 2. There shall be one supervisor for every 100 guests at any event where alcohol beverages are served. 3. The supervisors shall immediately call University Police (3133) if it is determined that a situation needs additional assistance. 4. Alcohol beverages shall not be furnished to minors by legal adults.

Condition for provision of service 1. The Assistant Director of Dining Services Operations may request additional terms and conditions not stated above. The sponsoring organization shall ensure that properly certified security and supervisory personnel are in attendance and in proper position at the event / program (as required by the terms and conditions required by the Assistant Director of Dining Services). Alcohol beverage service shall not begin until beverage service personnel verify that conditions for the service are met and that the appropriate security is present. The beverage service personnel may discontinue service at any time if such is in the best interest of the University. 2. For all events in which alcohol beverages are served, a non-alcoholic beverage option must be available for sale.

Special provisions for student organizations The sponsoring organization is responsible for providing a security person (as defined below) in all facilities in which alcohol beverages are being served. Proper security for open-air events shall be maintained in accordance with University expectations as determined by the Assistant Director of Dining Services. The following form of security is required by the University: 1. The security person must be briefed as to the security provisions required by the University. This person must be of legal drinking age, and must be authorized by the institution to provide security and to check identification for admittance. 2. In addition to checking legal identification, the security person is responsible for seeing that: a) Alcohol beverages are not carried onto University premises b) Alcohol beverages which are being served on the premises do not leave said premises c) Alcohol beverages are not furnished to minors.

Minimum Sales Arrangement A minimum sales requirement has been established for all groups to guarantee the contractor that there will be sufficient sales to cover the costs associated with the event. 14

These minimum gross sales shall be as follows: 1. Beer and wine catered events a) $30 in gross sales per hour 2. Other catered alcohol beverage events a) $50 in gross sales for the first hour b) $30 in gross sales per hour thereafter If the minimum quantities are not met, the contractor will invoice the sponsoring organization for the difference between gross sales and the stated minimum quantity for the hours the bar was open. The billing shall be stated as a labor cost and made payable to the food contractor.

Requesting Alcohol Beverage Service Student Organizations 1. Complete facility reservation request form (available from the Involvement Center Desk). 2. Complete alcohol request form and submit it to Assistant Director of Dining Services. 3. The Assistant Director of Dining Services may meet with the sponsoring organization to discuss policies and regulations. At this point, the Assistant Director of Dining Services may approve or deny the request. Non-Student Organizations 1. Complete facility reservation request form (available from the Involvement Centers Desk). 2. Complete alcohol request form, and submit it to the Assistant Director of Dining Services. 3. The Assistant Director of Dining Services may meet with the sponsoring organization to discuss policies and regulations. At this point, the Assistant Director of Dining Services may approve or deny the request. Conference Groups The Assistant Director of Dining Services will process all request for alcohol beverage service for all conference and non-campus groups.

3.3 Alcohol off Campus Student organizations may plan an event where alcohol can be served to individuals of the appropriate age and in accordance with state and federal laws. Although this is not encouraged for our student organizations, Student Life understands that events can take place where alumni, parents and family, etc. can participate and alcohol can be present. Student Life requires that any organization planning to host* an event where alcohol can be served either by members of the organization or by a third-party vendor (banquet hall, UW-River Falls/Sodexo, local restaurant or bar), the necessary paperwork must be submitted at least 10 days prior to an event taking place. The necessary form can be found online using OrgSync and will be reviewed and either approved/denied by the Office of Student Life. Any event that takes place and 15

that is not approved/denied or when an application is not submitted for approval, Student Life will operate using the Student Organization Conduct policy as found in chapter 1 of this manual. A copy of the vendor’s liquor license and proof of insurance (minimum $1,000,000 insurance policy), as well as a guest list will be required with all alcohol applications. *Hosting- Student Life understands that unofficial events can occur and take place during the academic year where alcohol might be present. These events are not required to be applied for. Events that require an application are any event that are hosted as an official event of an organization OR when the number of non-member guests exceed 50% of your current membership. UWRF follows the Risk Management Standard as provided by the Fraternal Information Programming Group (FIPG, Inc.) (www.fipg.org , 2011). This policy is provided to all organizations for the maintenance of any organization event where alcohol is involved.

Alcohol and Drugs 1. The possession, sale, use or consumption of ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, while on Chapter/organization premises or during an organization event, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the student group, or at any event an observer would associate with the organization, must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, province, county, city and institution of higher education, and must comply with either the BYOB or Third Party Vendor Guidelines. 2. No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through or with organization funds nor may the purchase of same for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name of or on behalf of the organization. The purchase or use of a bulk quantity or common source(s) of alcoholic beverage, for example, kegs or cases, is prohibited. 3. OPEN PARTIES, meaning those with unrestricted access by non-members of the organizations, without specific invitation, where alcohol is present, are prohibited. 4. No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor (i.e., those under legal drinking age). 5. The possession, sale or use of any ILLEGAL DRUGS or CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES while on organization premises or during an organization event or at any event that an observer would associate with the organization is strictly prohibited. 6. No organization may co-sponsor an event with an alcohol distributor or tavern (tavern defined as an establishment generating more than half of annual gross sales from alcohol) at which alcohol is given away, sold or otherwise provided to those present. This includes any event held in, at or on the property of a tavern as defined above for purposes of fundraising. However, an organization may rent or use a room or area in a tavern as defined above for a 16

closed event held within the provisions of this policy, including the use of a third party vendor and guest list. An event at which alcohol is present may be conducted or co-sponsored with a charitable organization if the event is held within the provisions of this policy. 7. No organization may co-sponsor, co-finance or attend or participate in a function at which alcohol is purchased by any of the host organizations. 8. All recruitment activities associated with any organization will be non-alcoholic. No recruitment activities associated with any organization may be held at or in conjunction with a tavern or alcohol distributor as defined in this policy. 9. No member associate/new member or novice shall permit, tolerate, encourage or participate in "drinking games.” The definition of drinking games includes but is not limited to the consumption of shots of alcohol, liquor or alcoholic beverages, the practice of consuming shots equating to one’s age, “beer pong,” “century club,” “dares” or any other activity involving the consumption of alcohol which involves duress or encouragement related to the consumption of alcohol 10. No alcohol shall be present at any associate member/new member/novice program, activity or ritual of the organization.

3.4 Alcohol and Sponsorships University of Wisconsin-River Falls Administrative Policy Paper Number: AP 54 Revised Date Issued: April 15, 2008 Subject: Advertising, Sponsorship, and Promotion of Alcohol and/or Tobacco Products on Campus 1.0- POLICY/PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines by which alcohol and tobacco products may be advertised, sponsored, and promoted on the University of Wisconsin-River Falls campus. "The use and abuse of alcohol has been an ongoing matter of significant concern for the people of the state of Wisconsin. The University of Wisconsin System recognizes the importance of addressing this issue on its campuses and in its communities because the abuse of alcohol interferes with the education and well-being of its students" (University of Wisconsin System, retrieved from http://www.uwsa.edu/acss/aoda/principles.htm). "The American College Health Association (ACHA) acknowledges and supports the findings of the Surgeon General that tobacco use in any form, active and/or passive, is a significant health hazard." To this end, the American College Health Association recommends that campuses, "Prohibit the campus-controlled advertising, sale, or free sampling of tobacco products on campus or in campus-controlled situations, properties, and environments," and "Prohibit the sponsorship of campus events by tobacco-promoting organizations." (American College Health Association, retrieved from http://www.acha.org/info_resources/tobacco_statement.pdf). 17

2.0- OVERVIEW/BACKGROUND: 2.1- Regents Policy on Principles for Developing Alcohol Policies and Programs at UW System Institutions 2.2 UW-RF Administrative Policies 3, 7, and 40 22 3.0- UNIVERSITY RESPONSIBILITIES: 3.1- Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance 3.2 Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs 4.0- DEPARTMENT/UNIT RESPONSIBILITIES: 4.1- Deans, Department Chairpersons, and Directors 5.0- PROCEDURE: The following applies when the participants or the intended audience are college students (or children): 5.1- Advertising or marketing with the primary purpose of promoting alcohol and/or tobacco use (including in official University print or online publications and media) is prohibited on campus and at University-sponsored events. 5.2 Alcohol and/or tobacco industry or product sponsorship of campus or University-sponsored events is prohibited. 5.3 Distribution of alcohol or tobacco industry promotional giveaways is prohibited on campus or at University-sponsored events. Examples:  Community businesses, such as a bar or a distributor, can advertise, market, or sponsor an event; but the primary purpose cannot be to encourage alcohol and/or tobacco use, and the specific brand name of the product and/or logo cannot be used.  Promotional giveaways with alcohol or tobacco product brand names or logos cannot be distributed on campus or at University-sponsored events. 5.4- Campus student-run media are encouraged, but not required, to follow this policy. Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance.


CHAPTER 4: FUNDRAISING 4.1: Temporary Food Stands In order to host a temporary food stand, at least one organization representative must take, and pass with 90% accuracy, a Food Safety Quiz on OrgSync. This representative is expected to provide guidance to other members who prepare and/or staff the temporary food stand for their group. This person will be qualified to be a food stand representative for their organization for one year from the date the quiz was taken. Once the Food Safety Quiz has been taken, the organization’s representative can fill out a Food Stand Application. This application is available on OrgSync. Per county ordinances, this application must be filled out fourteen (14) days before the food stand is to take place. Groups are limited to three (3) food stands per year. Groups wishing to have more than three food stands per year must work with Pierce County Public Health to obtain a Temporary Food Stand Permit. The Food Stand Application will be reviewed by the Office of Student Life. A lack of detailed answers may result in the denial of the application. The Office of Student Life will then let the student organization know whether their application has been approved or denied through OrgSync. If the application is approved, a copy of the Food Stand Application will be placed in the organization’s mailbox in the University Center. The application must be displayed at all times during the food stand. If food being served is required to maintain a specific temperature, a Food Temperature Recording Chart will also be placed in the mailbox. The Food Temperature Recording Chart must be completed and turned in to the Involvement Center desk within fourteen (14) academic days after the completion of the food stand. Failure to do so will result in the loss of food stand privileges for the organization for one year. The approval of a Food Stand Application does not guarantee a space for the stand. Food stands are not allowed to take place in the University Center. Student organizations must work with other campus buildings to reserve a space for their food stand. Any items sold that are also available in a campus vending machine cannot be sold for less than the vending machine price for the item. Food Safety Quiz: https://orgsync.com/18446/forms/22451 Food Stand Application: https://orgsync.com/18446/forms/17368

4.2: Food Stand Safety Assurance of Safe Food 1. All food must be from a reliable source using sound sanitation practices.


2. Food handlers must be healthy and free from infections and communicable diseases such as cold and flu. 3. Hands must be thoroughly washed before food handling begins and after using the rest room. Frequent hand washing is required to prevent cross contamination. 4. All single serve items for a bake sale must be individually wrapped. 5. Disposable gloves must be used when unwrapped food is handled directly. 6. A separate person should be assigned to handle money. If this is not possible, disposable antiseptic hand wipes must be used between handling food and handling money. (Hand washing or just changing disposable gloves is preferred). 7. Portable hand washing facilities (available through the Involvement Center Front Desk) must be provided if a rest room is not in close proximity to the temporary food booth (within 200 feet). 8. Hair restraints (baseball cap, paper hat, hair net, scarf, head band, etc.) must be in place when preparing, handling or serving unwrapped food items. 9. Utensils and equipment must be washed and sanitized before use. 10. Food, utensils, and paper or plastic service items must be stored at least 6� off the ground or in plastic tubs with lids. 11. Condiments must be served in squeeze bottles, pump dispensers, or containers with a lid (self-closing lids preferred).

Assurance of Safe Food Temperatures for Perishable Food 1. All foods must be maintained with equipment (ice chests or coolers, refrigerators, crockpots, buffet servers or roasters, chafing dishes) at safe temperatures: 140°F or above for hot foods and 40°F or below for cold foods. 2. Using a stem thermometer, all food temperatures must be taken when the food is first received or prepared and at 30-minute intervals thereafter. Food temperatures must be recorded on the Food Temperature Recording Chart. 3. Stem thermometers are available through the Involvement Center Front Desk and must be used to test food temperatures in the center of the product or at the thickest part. The thermometer must be cleaned and sanitized after each use (an alcohol wipe can be used). 4. Food must be kept covered to maintain proper temperatures. 20

5. Hot food not served after two hours must be discarded. 6. If food is prepared at one location and transported to another, the food must be maintained at the appropriate temperature during the transport. The use of insulated containers is recommended.

Assurance of a Safe Temporary Food Stand Operation 1. Suitable waste receptacles must be located in the vicinity of food stands. 2. Food transported to the food stand must be done in equipment or vehicles that have been thoroughly cleaned. 3. Disposable utensils (knives, spoons and forks), plates, and napkins must be provided to customers as appropriate to the type of food being served. 4. All incidents of student injury or food borne illness must be reported to the Risk Management Officer at 425-3344.

4.3: Raffles A raffle is a great way to earn money, however there are legal constraints that must be followed, including the use of a legal raffle license.

Requirements to Hold a Raffle Using the University Raffle License 1) Set up a face-to-face meeting with the Student Organizations and Leadership Coordinator at least 30 days before the date of the event. At this meeting the rules for conducting a raffle within the guidelines of the State of Wisconsin will be explained and the initial application will be completed. 2) Each organization conducting a raffle will be charged $10 to cover the use of the raffle license. This $10 charge represents the estimated amount of money that an organization will need to pay. At the end of the year, the total cost of the license will be divided between the number of organizations using the license and each organization will pay that amount (up to $25). 3) Upon approval of a raffle application, the organizers will be given a raffle packet which includes: A Raffle Summary Sheet, A diagram of sample ticket formats, Raffle Requirements, A copy of the raffle license held by the University, A copy of the approved raffle application, An envelope for holding printed (both used and unused) raffle tickets, receipts for prizes purchased or donated, receipts for printing costs and other costs associated with the raffle, and all other paperwork. 4) At the completion of the raffle, each organization will be responsible for submitting the aforementioned envelope with the required paperwork. 5) Any organization which fails to complete all required paperwork in the allotted amount of time OR 21

which fails to follow the policies and procedures for conducting a raffle will forfeit the ability to do raffles for the 12 months. 6) Upon the drawing for raffle prizes, the copy of the approved raffle application and the copy of the raffle license must be displayed. 7) The University reserves the right to deny a raffle application for any reason or to revoke the raffle license at any time.


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