The UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards 2014
Vice-Chancellor’s Introduction The UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards recognise the many and highly valued contributions of the University’s community partners. I sincerely thank the following organisations who have dedicated their time to UWS, contributing their resources and commitment to research, learning and teaching. You ‘make a difference’ in the lives of our students and for this we are most grateful. I warmly congratulate and thank all nominees and recipients of the 2014 UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards Professor Barney Glover Vice-Chancellor and President
Community Engagement Partnerships
UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
Nominee: Blue Mountains Cancer Help Ms Robyn Yates Nominated by: Professor Jennifer Reath – Department of General Practice, School of Medicine A partnership between the University of Western Sydney (UWS) School of Medicine, Department of General Practice, the NepeanBlue Mountains Medicare Local (NBMML) and Blue Mountains Cancer Help (BMCH) has led to the first consumer led evaluation of a community based cancer support service in Australia. BMCH is a not for profit community organisation providing psychological support, group therapies and a range of complementary therapies to cancer clients and their families. The project evaluated the BMCH model of care from a client, carer and health care provider perspective. NBMML provided administrative and research support for the project and part funded the UWS research consultancy.
BMCH consumers and university researchers worked together to develop the research question, study design and research tools. Consumers brought their own lived experience to the research and kept the study focused on consumer needs and the cancer journey from the client’s perspective. The study provided evidence of the highly valued and effective services provided by BMCH both to those living with cancer and their families. Clients reported an increased sense of support and connectedness as well as symptom relief and improved selfmanagement skills. Carer benefits included information, support and reduction in the carer load. The study was presented at the 2014 Primary Health Care Research Conference and a report is available online at www. strong partnership developed between BMCH and UWS Department of General Practice will continue with a 3rd year medical student community placement at BMCH.
Nominee: Felix Media Lynette Wallworth Nominated by: Dr Anya Salih – Confocal Bio-Imaging Facility, Research and Development During the past 12 months, the work CORAL has become a world-wide success. The art-science collaboration between Lynette Wallworth, a multi-media artist and film-maker, and Dr Anya Salih, senior research fellow and manager of the UWS Confocal Bio-Imaging Facility, began 14 years ago, but officially, was initiated in 2009 at UWS. With funding from the Australia Council for the Arts, Ms Wallworth began the Synapse residency at the UWS Confocal Bio-imaging Facility to develop concepts for a work to explore the beauty and science of coral fluorescence, the focus of Dr Salih’s research. The work was then developed further and presented at the 2010 Adelaide Film festival, with concepts that were based on coral fluorescence. Ms Wallworth also participated in a research trip to the Lord Howe Island coral reefs with Dr Salih and the fluorescent coral specimens gathered there formed the basis of a series of augmented reality posters – Coral In Plain Sight1. The fluorescent coral poster series formed the take away companion artwork to a bigger full dome CORAL film experience. CORAL was released in 28 cities around the 1
world including presentations at the World Science Festival at the American Museum of Natural History and the London Cultural Olympiad 2 . In 2013 the highlight, amidst a year of global presentations, was Robert Redford’s Sundance Film Festival’s showcasing of CORAL at this premier event including a national tour with presentations of the full dome film at the Smithsonian. CORAL by this stage had raised discussion and debate on coral resilience and degradation in the face of climate change from India to Argentina, Alaska to Hawaii, and Serbia to Taiwan. In 2014, CORAL reached a powerful new audience that surpassed even our greatest hopes for the work when it was presented at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Tianjin, China, in a forum for business, innovation, technology & science3. CORAL’s impact at this level has the potential to inform and alter policy regarding climate change and coral reef survival onward. The rich combination of Ms Wallworth’s skilled artwork showcasing Dr Salih’s confocal bio-imaging techniques combined with the current research breakthroughs whilst highlighting the imminent risk to coral reef health was undeniable4. This creative partnership in using art and science to engage, impact and educate national and global communities on reef science, survival and climate change was truly vindicated this past year and the effects will flow onward in the years ahead.
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UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
Nominee: Macarthur Astronomical Society Chris Malikoff Tony Law Nominated by: Dr Ragbir Bhathal – School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics The Macarthur Astronomical Society has in partnership with the Campbelltown Rotary Observatory conducted astronomy talks and activities to bring the latest advances in physics, astrophysics and high technology to the community. This enables the community to participate in debates about science in an informed manner with experts and politicians. For example, Brian Schmidt the Nobel Prize winner for Physics gave a talk on his Nobel Prize winning research while Dr Gregory Chamitoff, a NASA astronaut gave a fascinating talk on what it is to live and work on the International Space Station and the high technology that is involved in a space venture. Dr Lisa Harvey Smith gave a talk on the SKA telescope which is the largest radio telescope in the world that is being built in Western Australia. Each talk attracted over 400 visitors including school aged children, science teachers
and UWS students. These talks enhance learning and provide insights into how scientific research is carried out. The Society also provides the telescopes and related equipment with a capital cost of over $150,000 to schools in order for them to run research-led science activities. The Society is involved with Dr Ragbir Bhathal (Engineering) and Dr Les Vozzo (School of Education) in a science education research project on the teaching and learning of science in schools within the Macarthur region. The outcome of this project will be a book on how to teach science incorporating both an Indigenous perspective and scientific method in the new Australian Curriculum. The program also involves a substantial number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary school children. The program with the primary schools also involves trainee students from the UWS School of Education who want to become teachers. Science activities in engineering physics are also run for students (including Low SES students) in the University’s physics laboratories to explain the principles and concepts of physics and engineering to motivate young people to take up careers in science and engineering for the economic growth of the region. Called the Engineering Frontiers program it is supported by Engineers Australia.
Nominee: Sarah Redfern High School Mr Paul Gavin Nominated by: Dr Jane Cavanagh – Office of Widening Participation Paul has displayed an outstanding commitment to the UWS Widening Participation mission through his engagement with the Fast Forward and First Foot Forward programs. Paul, in his role as Manager, Strategic Planning at Sarah Redfern High School has consistently provided opportunities for students at his school to engage in widening participation and aspiration building activities, enabling the students to increase their awareness of university and further study beyond high school. Paul has volunteered his time on many occasions to deliver responses on behalf of schools at the formal Fast Forward Awards Evenings; has spoken passionately from the perspective of a parent and teacher at our First Foot Forward Family Information Nights; has been instrumental in coordinating engagement with the four feeder/partner primary schools of Sarah Redfern High School to take part in the pilot program for the First Foot Forward Primary Schools Program; has provided advice and guidance on matters
relating to the Department of Education and Communities (DEC) processes and procedures; has delivered a solution for the way in which students are selected for program participation and identified as fitting into one or more of the equity groups we target; has been heavily involved in other UWS programs and has been a staunch advocate for the work we do right across Greater Western Sydney. Paul’s passion and commitment to furthering and improving the opportunities for students attending Sarah Redfern High School is very commendable. Through developing and strengthening the partnership between Sarah Redfern High School and the University of Western Sydney, Paul has shown a tremendous level of care for the educational outcomes of his students. Paul has also contributed greatly to the Bridges to Higher Education program by attending various collaborative events for key stakeholders. He has freely given his time, advice and expertise from the perspective of schools in partnership with universities which is extremely valuable feedback.
UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
Nominee: South West Academy of Sport Mr Gerry Knights Nominated by: Jenni Haines – School of Science and Health The University of Western Sydney continues to work in close partnership with the South West Academy of Sport (SWAS) to service talent identified young athletes and skilled coaches. The University has also supported SWAS in the practical provision of a range of facitlities and UWS student engagement opportunities. The Dean of the School of Science and Health has been engaged as a SWAS Board Member and as a member of the SWAS Finance and Governance Committee. SWAS provides financial support, in the provision of University of Western Sydney course scholarships, to the Academy high achievers. It also recognises the University of Western Sydney as a corporate partner of the Academy at all points of service, plus formal, community and fundraising events and promotes the University of Western Sydney services to the Academy scholarship
holders, coaching staff members and wider associates. Likewise SWAS acknowledges the University of Western Sydney as a leader in the field of community engagement at all appropriate opportunities. SWAS provides sports management and fitness testing placement opportunities annually for Sports Management course students, and provides highly qualified senior Academy staff members as Sports Management course guest lecturers. The University of Western Sydney in partnership with the South West Sydney Academy of Sport continues to provide highly recognised sporting skill and education development opportunities, to over 320 Academy scholarship holders and 70 coaches across ten sports.
Community Engagement & Learning and Teaching Partnerships
UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
Nominee: Baker and Magin Valuers Mr Bill Baker Nominated by: Mr Michael Stack – School of Business Mr Bill Baker is an industry acknowledged expert hotel real estate valuer who has assisted the UWS undergraduate property program since 1996 at Blacktown campus and more recently Parramatta Campus for no fee or reward, except a vote of thanks on behalf of the students enrolled in the Valuation of Special Premises unit (200604). Bill was in partnership with one of the four Amigos of hotel valuation legend in Australia, namely Mr Ron Roberts. The other three being Mr Len Marjason, Mr Robert H. Moneghittie and Mr Richard Brady have all been past seminar presenters at UWS. Students often love to challenge themselves with the hospitality industry as it exhibits all the first principles, hallmarks and emerging themes associated with the unit such as profitability, going concerns, licensing, obsolescence and purpose built design.
For almost 2 decades Bill has been presenting the first guest seminar of spring session to final year students. The lecture is of 2 hours duration and is exceptionally detailed. This year Bill consented to a request to video this presentation which has been uploaded to vUWS with the assistance of Paul MacMullen and the Blended Learning unit within the School of Business. I encourage students to engage with the wider property professions but it is difficult to ignore a professional on your doorstep and so a constant feature post lecture is a stream of students milling around Bill requesting his business card. Bill always makes a point of highlighting his contact details on his power point presentation. It is rather nice that students attribute Bill for the provision of difficult to obtain industry benchmarks ratios for financial expenditure adjustments for good average management and sometimes market yield and sales evidence for analysis in assignment submissions. In addition, Bill’s firm has employed past UWS property graduates.
Nominee: Department of General Practice, Sydney Medical School, Westmead Professor Tim Usherwood
a completed evaluation of the partnership between Western Sydney Medicare Local and Western Sydney Local Health District, funded by WentWest Ltd; the commencement with national funding of a study of community transitions for migrant women leaving Justice Health; and the commencement with national funding of a study of factors influencing medical student intentions to work after graduation in urban areas of disadvantage.
WentWest Mr Walter Kmet Nominated by: Professor Jennifer Reath - Department of General Practice, School of Medicine Since 2009 the Department of General Practice at UWS School of Medicine has worked in partnership with its sister Department of General Practice at Sydney Medical School Westmead and with WentWest Ltd, the combined regional general practice training provider and Medicare Local for Western Sydney. Together the three organizations work to undertake research in the region that benefits both the Western Sydney and wider community, and to support learning and teaching in general practice and primary care. The partnership’s successes over the last 12 months have included commencement, in partnership with the Western Sydney Aboriginal Medical Service, of an NHMRC-funded randomised controlled trial of antimicrobial treatment for acute ear infections in urban Aboriginal children, led by Professor Jenny Reath;
The partnership has also generated the delivery of four well-attended workshops for general practice supervisors who take GP registrars and/or medical students from one or both of the university departments on placement in their practices; the provision of GP Supervisor research training including Evidence Based Medicine Journal Clubs; the publication by members of the partnership of nine Medline-listed papers reporting research undertaken wholly or partly in Western Sydney; and the Production of a publication “Partnership for Education, Evaluation and Research” to highlight the work of the partnership5.
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UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
Nominee: Paris and Porter Real Estate Pty Ltd Mr Michael Paris Nominated by: Mr Michael Stack – School of Business Mr Mike Paris has assisted the final session & year students in 200604 unit known as Valuation of Special Premises since 1993 in the undergraduate Property Program at University of Western Sydney. He has presented a guest seminar address principally on the topic of the valuation of service station premises, otherwise known as petroleum retail sites. For no fee or reward Mike is well known for his contribution to a number of community, sporting and charitable organisations including his professional relationship with Caltex Australia. Invariably students prevail on his encyclopaedic knowledge. Unsolicited student feedback often reports of his generous time in explaining market evidence, calculations and certain subject property’s histories. Highlighting potential pitfalls and intricacies associated with the oil code and its impact on ground leases,
facilities agreements, out of line market net annual rentals, head leases, owner operator and full going concern freeholds and leasehold interests around a board room table to satisfy student time frames can be an onerous task but Mike would not ever hear of me deflecting student enquiry. This year’s guest seminar was recorded & uploaded to vUWS. Mike is invaluable in front of the student cohort in illustrating a certain bygone gentlemanly humility and integrity fast disappearing. His willingness to broach his professional ethos and valuation approaches in response to student enquiry ranging across maritime installations, telecommunications industry and other specialisations certainly illuminate students to hitherto unknown possibilities. He has been even known to show students how to marry work with fly fishing when travelling on assignment. His firm has employed past UWS graduates. This year a student remarked that Mike was the best speaker he has experienced in the entire three year undergraduate degree, yet it was all off the cuff!
Learning and Teaching Partnerships
UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
Nominee: Bankstown City Council Ms Jan Bouhali Mr Paul Judge
of the local government area. These projects were aimed at informing Council about the characteristics of the local business community, with a view to supporting Council with its economic development strategies.
Nominated by: Dr Wayne Fallon – School of Business
Students’ work on these projects gave them first-hand insights into and learning of business practice in Western Sydney, with attention on the sustainability of business in the contemporary business environment, as well as knowledge of local government objectives and practice. This engaged learning project gave students the very rare opportunity to experience business practice first-hand, which is invaluable for students’ future practice in business management.
With the support and advice of the Council’s Marketing and Promotions Officer, Jan Bouhali, and the Economic Development Officer, Paul Judge, 50 students in the unit Contemporary Management Issues 200568 from Bankstown and Campbelltown campuses partnered with Council to undertake two engaged learning projects in the Spring session 2014. The students conducted business research on behalf of Council by interviewing local businesses about real-world issues facing small and medium enterprises in the Bankstown local government area. The project required students to interview local businesses to uncover business perspectives on Council initiatives designed to support local businesses and enhance the economic development
use these applications mean, they have an advantage over other graduates who are not exposed to such software. Tim also comes in as a guest lecturer to the property club at UWS and encourages students to form teams to compete in the property conferences around Australia. His lectures and training sessions have been rated as excellent by the students.
Nominee: Estate Mater Australia Mr Tim Peisley Nominated by: Dr Za Manaf – School of Business Tim Peisley has been involved in training property students at all levels for the past 3 years. Tim is a national trainer in using the Estate Master software to value properties. The quality of his training is at the same level if not better with the one provided to the fee paying participants in the property industry. Tim has been also been involved in training using software application among the post graduate students, which require the use of Discounted Cash Flow analysis as part of their assessment. The software provided, is being used by a majority (80% and above) of property companies in Australia. Tim is also instrumental in the process of the installation for free, the Estate Master software in computer labs, so that students can directly use the application within the campus instead of going online. This gesture is considered as a big help to prepare students when they enter the job market. Having the skills to
UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
Nominee: Fairfield City Council Ms Julianne Christie Nominated by: Dr Wayne Fallon – School of Business With the support and advice of the Council’s Senior Policy Advisor, Economic Development, Julianne Christie, 52 students in the unit Contemporary Management Issues 200568 partnered with Council to undertake an engaged learning project in the Spring session 2014. The students conducted business research on behalf of Council by interviewing local businesses about realworld issues facing businesses in the Smithfield/ Wetherill Park Industrial Estate, within the Council local government area. The project required students to investigate and analyse the issues that influence the ongoing operations and sustainability of the Industrial Estate and of the businesses that form part of it. By conducting a vitality and visual audit, the aim of this project was to assist Council to develop and implement business assistance programs and development strategies for what has been reported to be the largest industrial estate in the southern hemisphere.
Students’ work on these projects gave them first-hand insights into and learning of business practice in Western Sydney, with attention on the sustainability of business in the contemporary business environment, as well as knowledge of local government objectives and practice. This engaged learning project gave students the very rare opportunity to experience business practice first-hand, which is invaluable for students’ future practice in business management.
As a leading property professional, he has also regularly provided interviews for their Property Project unit and Project unit which is the engagement unit for the property degree and masters students respectively.
Nominee: FIFE Capital Allan Fife Nominated by: Professor Graeme Newell – School of Business The property group in the School of Business at UWS have had a strong industry partnership with Fife Capital for over 10 years. Fife Capital is a leading real estate investment and advisory firm, based in Sydney and operating throughout Australia, Asia and the US. They are actively involved in property fund management and asset management, having significant property investments in Western Sydney.
Overall, this is an excellent example of a UWS partnership with a leading player in the property industry. Dr Allan Fife from Fife Capital is a strong supporter of UWS and has been instrumental in the success of this long-standing partnership which has brought major benefits to UWS property students for many years. His considerable efforts are sincerely appreciated by the UWS property students and staff.
In particular, Dr Allan Fife, CEO of Fife Capital, is a leading property professional and has actively supported the UWS property students at many levels. Over the last ten years, Allan has regularly presented guest lectures to both the property degree and Masters’ students. He has provided major insights into property fund management and the career opportunities in this area. His lectures are of the highest quality and the students love his presentations. He also actively supports the property students and regularly advises them on their property careers.
UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
Nominee: GWS Giants Rebecca Shaw Nominated by: Dr Tim Hall and Mr Keith Parry – School of Business During the past twelve months UWS and GWS Giants have been involved with a number of learning and teaching activities which have assisted in furthering the knowledge of students in our Sport Management program. Through our Strategic Communication in Sport Management unit (200665) the club provided students with a number of engaged learning opportunities. The first of these allowed students to attend a GWS Giants match with complimentary tickets as part of their learning experience. At the match students analysed the communication used by the club and the behaviour of sports consumers. The club also facilitated a ‘mock’ press conference for students on this unit. Our students played the role of sports journalists and interviewed Kevin Sheedy and current Head Coach Leon Cameron.
The GWS Giants allowed UWS staff to film a variety of videos on location at their Learning Life Centre during 2014. These videos have formed part of a series of iBook’s that help to promote the Sport Management program and UWS. As part of the third year capstone unit (200751) UWS students are given the opportunity to participate in an international study tour which will see the students introduce AFL to Vietnamese sport students as part of a cultural exchange. GWS Giants has supported this initiative through the provision of equipment to donate to the Vietnamese sports centres and also provided UWS students with training sessions to prepare them for the study tour. Sport Management students have also been presented with numerous opportunities to gain work experience with GWS Giants through a variety of game day opportunities throughout the year. These opportunities have allowed UWS students to build experiences and networks which are valuable for the development of their resumes and understanding of sport theory. The GWS Giants also offered a student project for students allowing them to investigate sports spectator attendance. UWS have also worked with GWS Giants throughout 2014 to facilitate nine (9) of their players to begin studying with UWS in the Bachelor of Business and Commerce degree.
Nominee: Liverpool City Council Sean Oke Nominated by: Dr Wayne Fallon – School of Business With the support and advice of the Council’s Economic Development Officer, Sean Oke, 31 students in the unit Contemporary Management Issues 200568 partnered with Council to undertake an engaged learning project in the Spring session 2014. The students conducted business research on behalf of Council by interviewing local businesses about real-world business issues in the Liverpool local government area.
Students’ work on this project gave them first-hand insights into and learning of business practice in Western Sydney, with attention on the sustainability of business in the contemporary business environment, as well as knowledge of local government objectives and practice with respect to manufacturing. This engaged learning project gave students the very rare opportunity to experience business practice first-hand, which is invaluable for students’ future practice in business management.
The project required students to interview local businesses about strategies to engage local businesses to drive business activity in the Liverpool City Centre. This was aimed at informing Council about Council managed marketing campaigns and the potential for business to use digital technologies. The project will inform Council about ways it can assist local businesses.
UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
Nominee: NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Mick Corboy Nominated by: Professor Kevin Dunn – School of Social Sciences and Psychology NSW Police are an important partner for the University of Western Sydneyand have provided a high level of support and encouragement to our students in the provision of placements as part of our Bachelor of Policing degree. They have also been very supportive in the development of the policing degrees at UWS. Over the last two years forty students have successfully completed a placement, identified and organised by NSW police staff, in a wide range of policing areas. Students have gained vital experience and personal development opportunities as a result. Over the last few years the NSW Police have provided eighteen placements per year and have been an excellent partner in this regard as this is a difficult task to undertake. Students are offered placements all throughout NSW and are provided with supervision and helpful guidance. Students report high levels of satisfaction with the process and their experiences.
Nominee: Parramatta City Council Mr Bruce McClelland Nominated by: Dr Wayne Fallon – School of Business With the support and advice of the Council’s Project Manager, Economic Development, Bruce McClelland, 15 students in the unit Contemporary Management Issues 200568 partnered with Council to undertake an engaged learning project in the Spring session 2014. The students conducted business research on behalf of Council by interviewing local law firms about real-world issues facing the legal profession in the Parramatta central business district.
Students’ work on this project gave them first-hand insights into and learning of commerce and business practice in Western Sydney, with attention on the contemporary business environment, as well as knowledge of local government objectives and practice. This engaged learning project gave students the very rare opportunity to experience business practice first-hand, which is invaluable for students’ future practice in business management.
The project required students to interview law firms about the potential for the development of the commercial law sector in Parramatta. This was aimed at informing Council about strategies Council might adopt to support the development of the legal sector in Parramatta.
UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
Nominee: Parramatta Mission Ms Dianne Hart Nominated by: Dr Za Manaf – School of Business Ms Dianne Hart has been involved in enhancing the learning and teaching experiences for property students for the past 2 years. Dianne provides, among others, the background information and real case data for the preparation of a feasibility report of redevelopment of Wesley Lodge in Westmead for post graduate property students. Dianne is also involved in providing a client’s brief and attending client-consultant meetings with students’ groups on a regular basis throughout the semester and also provides technical data and assists students during inspection of development site. More importantly, she attends the groups’ presentations towards the end of the semester which is part of
the assessment process. As such, she does not only spend time and energy but her commitment towards students’ engagement with the industry has been astounding. She encourages students to be brave and bold in making decisions and presenting them, but at the same time highlighted the need to put into practice the principles on property development they learn in the classroom. Her feedbacks on the presentations have been valuable, where she also points out areas that can be improved by each group. Dianne also comes in to talk to the under graduate students as a guest lecturer, to share her real life experiences in property development, which has been rated as excellent by the students.
Nominee: PlanZone Nazia Pokar Ali Hammoud
preparation Nazia puts in to her guest lectures and also her ability to relate the subject matter to her personal experience as a planner. Nazia has also served as a casual lecturer in the Geographies of Social Difference core unit.
Nominated by: Professor Kevin Dunn – School of Social Science and Psychology
Ali Hamooud has been actively engaged with the university since his graduation. He has participated in UWS education expos where he explained the benefits of town planning education at UWS to prospective future students.
Nazia Pokar and Ali Hammoud – Principle Planners who operate PlanZone Consulting – are both alumni of the planning course at the University of Western Sydney. Since graduating, both Nazia and Ali have remained engaged with the University of Western Sydney and have remained committed to sharing their knowledge and expertise with current planning students. In the context of this long-standing, beneficial relationship, Nazia has generously donated her time to give several guest lectures in Dr Laura Schatz’s Planning the City and Planning and Environmental Regulation units since 2012. Particularly in 2014, this involved Nazia travelling to both Parramatta and Werrington campuses to give two guest lectures in the space of a few weeks. The student feedback on her guest lectures has always been positive with the students being particularly appreciative of the amount of
Both Nazia and Ali have been very professionally active and entrepreneurial since their graduation. After gaining experience with local councils the two founded a successful planning consultancy PlanZone which is highly successful. In light of their active service of its founders to the planning profession, planning education and UWS we strongly recommend PlanZone for the UWS Excellence in Partnership Award.
UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
Nominee: St John of God Health Care Mr Ian Smith Nominated by: Professor Kevin Dunn – School of Social Sciences and Psychology St John of God Hospitals has been an active placement partners with the School of Social Sciences and Psychology in recent years. This partnership facilitates the development and provision of valuable clinical education opportunities for UWS Master of Psychology (Clinical) students. With the significant shortage of clinical placements available for postgraduate courses, consistent, recurring placement opportunities are greatly appreciated. In particular, the range of clinical opportunities and the professional guidance provided by these skilled and experienced supervisors is recognised by the university, the postgraduate clinical psychology faculty, and the students. Such recurring opportunities are difficult to establish, however St John of God Hospitals regularly provide placements for our students.
The contribution made by them is therefore highly valued and contributes to the students’ professional development. The clinical supervisors at St John of God, Mr Ian Smith and Ms Jae Lee, support the education and skills development of our students and contribute to the university’s mission of providing professionally skilled graduates.
Nominee: TestPro Pty Ltd Scott Marchant Nominated by: Simi Bajaj – School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics TestPro have been working with the School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics to produce cutting edge software testing course material and associated assignments to support the Master’s program and the Summer school programs. For the 2014/2015 summer school units guest lectures, specifically around how students can use industry standard products like IBM Rational Quality Manager, will be offered using TestPro Management facilities. Current commercial automated testing data management tool called TAF Pro is used to by UWS students which will test the next commercial release (only released October 2014) to find defects. The students will then execute test cases and report defects and test outcomes as part of the final report. This will allow the students to not only learn how to do testing in a formal way but have commercial tool experience, which is not done by any other university. This makes each student more valuable to industry organisations, with TestPro employing four students from last year’s course.
UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
Nominee: Trend Windows and Doors Pty Ltd Michael Palin Nominated by: Freny Tayeebjee – UWS Careers Trend Windows & Doors have been valued supporters of the UWS Internship Program for many years now, with their first placement being arranged in the winter 2003 program. We have placed a total of eight students with this company, three of which have been placed in the past twelve months. Students gain many practical skills from an internship that their studies alone cannot provide. By Trend Windows & Doors Pty Ltd taking our students on a consistent basis over the past eleven years, this has meant that eight students have had their careers enriched by the experience they have provided. Our students have indicated to the UWS Carers team, via their reflective reports, the personal value of their time with Trend Windows & Doors.
A typical student response: The internship experience was highly enjoyable. Having the opportunity to work in a professional environment within my field was a great experience. The skills I have gained over the course of this internship I will take with me through my professional career. Especially the skills I gained regarding the Industrial Design process and what is expected of a designer in an industry environment. I highly commend Trend Windows & Doors for a UWS Excellence in Partnership Award, as without continuous support such as this from our industry partners, the program would not be able to be maintained and grow from strength to strength into the future.
Learning and Teaching & Research Partnerships
UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
Nominee: Blacktown City Council Mr Nathan Burbridge Nominated by: Dr Wayne Fallon – School of Business This award nomination recognises the engagement of the Council’s Head of Economic Development, Nathan Burbridge, with the School of Business in an engaged learning and teaching project with Business Management students, as well as in an engaged research project with a team of researchers in the School. With the support and advice of the nominee, Nathan Burbridge, 32 students in the unit Contemporary Management Issues 200568 partnered with Council to undertake an engaged learning project in the Spring session 2014. The students conducted business research on behalf of Council by interviewing local businesses about real-world issues facing manufacturing businesses in the Blacktown local government area. Students’ work on this project gave them first-hand insights into and learning of business
practice in Western Sydney, with attention on the sustainability of business in the contemporary business environment, as well as knowledge of local government objectives and practice with respect to manufacturing. This engaged learning project gave students the very rare opportunity to experience business practice first-hand, which is invaluable for students’ future practice in business management. This nomination also recognises the nominee’s partnership with a team of researchers in the School of Business to investigate the composition and viability of the manufacturing sector, with a view to understanding the potential for Council to assist in addressing the economic difficulties faced by the manufacturing sector in Blacktown City and Western Sydney more broadly.
Research Partnerships
UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
Nominee: St John of God Raphael Centre Blacktown Nominated by: Adjunct Associate Professor Maya Dunn – School of Nursing and Midwifery Antenatal psychosocial assessment including depression screening was integrated into routine maternity care at Blacktown Hospital in 2011. Although the health service dedicates substantial financial resources to collection and storage of such data, no detailed analysis had been undertaken at that site. St John of God Raphael Centre at Blacktown, a secondary specialised perinatal and infant mental health service, partnered with researchers from the University of Western Sydney’s School of Nursing and Midwifery as well as Blacktown midwifery staff, to examine the data from Blacktown Hospital. The aim of the research was to better understand the characteristics and birth outcomes of a large cohort of pregnant women utilising maternity services at this hospital and feedback this information to inform health care and service planning.
UWS Excellence in Partnership Awards
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