Letter to NSW Premier

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22 February 1974.

My clear Pruder,

Fro-. •• tar back as 1907 ~ch mainland State Government ha. fro. ti.lne to t.iM oonaanted to the Comr.nonweuth Govemaent con8tructin9 or extendinq railway. ift its Stat. , th••• railways bay. alw.sye been count.ry lin 8 antl haw u.'CAlly involva4 8tats upenCiitUX'e.· Wow ay GoverDlMllt. 8 eka you Qo.~t·. COB.ant to oon8truot a xailway ill the ~troj)011un .-reil; tbG railway will be constructed and o~.r.t.d wltl~ut coat to yaux Government.

'lb. railway .,at



to conatruot



from Parra»&tta to Hoxton Park, Ca.tle Hill and throuih CArliAgford to Bppi.ng. ItOth your aQvi.. .ra ILIld our. have COD4uQucl atudi•• whiGh have Qemons~ated thu ftiaaib11ity of tbti 8y.~. Such a distinct .ystem will allow the introduotion of the beat COD~-.po~ary 81qnallinV pragtice and oarriag .eta. We would prefex your Govermaerat to .tafl the new railway .yat_, lthouth v. ~d t any loa


on it.

My Qo".mment wish.. to proY14• .tuD4. ill the Bud9.~ next Auvuat for the co ncement of conaUuet1on and ~ ol'deriA, ot rolling atock and equipment. we therefore dah 08 oft1c1&la or .ini tor. to confer with yours .a 800ft poaa1ble. ou.r hle..ant dapertmont are 'fr. . .ury, Tran.port and Urban od Regional. Developaent. Any turther 8tud188 required 04ll be wpporte4 tUough the • atom Are. ISIlprovemant prograa for wbich pZ'OYi ion _48 in the Budqet last Augu t..



Yours 81ncerelYI


Tb. Hon. Sir



K.C.M.G., M.L.A., Pr..uttr of New South Wales, Parl1e nt Houo , Macquarie Street, ~ydneJ' N.S.W. 20CO

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