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United Way Suncoast

Annual Report June 30, 2011 - July 1, 2012 Previously United Way of Tampa Bay and United Way Sarasota

Letter from United Way Suncoast Board Chair and CEO Over the past several years, United Way of Sarasota and United Way of Tampa Bay have come together to share knowledge and experiences and look for opportunities to work together. Through this, it was apparent that what we have in common far outweighs any differences and the idea of a new regional structure arose. On July 1, 2012 United Way of Sarasota and United Way of Tampa Bay became United Way Suncoast. United Way Suncoast serves DeSoto, Hillsborough, Pinellas and Sarasota counties. Each community still has a strong local presence and active engagement of local leadership to ensure full and active participation and representation of the people we serve. We made the decision to merge because we believe we can better advance our mission by working together across county boundaries on a day-to-day basis. Our goal is to help more people, deliver high quality programs, and leverage all available resources to address the education, income and health priorities of our communities. We are dedicated to helping families find paths out of poverty and changing the story for thousands in our community. We believe we can do this and create lasting community change through our commitment to education. We know that communities with higher graduation rates are stronger and more vibrant and see less crime and poverty. Through early literacy initiatives and programs focused on ensuring children can read and are prepared to succeed in school; we are working to decrease the high school drop out rate. We know that creating positive, lasting change is possible with the support of donors like you. As a result of your generosity, we have already changed the story for thousands in our community and know that we will continue to do so. We are so grateful to the many donors and volunteers who generously give their time, talent and treasure in answering United Way’s call to help families find paths out of poverty and help children start ahead and stay ahead. Thank you for your loyal and generous support of United Way Suncoast.

Diana Baker President/CEO United Way Suncoast

Garry Sasso President and CEO Carlton Fields, P.A.

Table of Contents Changing the story in the Tampa Bay Area. Changing the story so children start ahead and stay ahead. Changing the story so struggling families achieve financial independence. Changing the story so people in crisis find stability. Changing the story so we can break the cycle of poverty in Tampa Bay. Changing the story for you. Tampa Bay Area Annual Highlights The Next Chapter 2011-2012 Tocqueville Society Members Business Cares Sponsors 2011-2012 Overall Annual Campaign Giving Leaders Tampa Bay Area Workplace Leader Board Tampa Bay Area Financials Changing the Story in Sarasota. In Sarasota, changing the story so children start ahead and stay ahead. In Sarasota, changing the story so struggling families achieve financial independence. In Sarasota, changing the story so people in crisis find stability. Change the story so we can break the cycle of poverty in the region Sarasota Area Highlights 2011-2012 Sarasota Area Corporate Partners Sarasota Area Annual Giving Leaders Sarasota Area Diamond Donors United Way Suncoast Foundation Donors Sarasota Area Financials United Way Suncoast Board of Directors United Way of Sarasota County Board of Directors United Way of Tampa Bay Board of Directors United Way of Sarasota County Committee Volunteers United Way of Tampa Bay Committee Volunteers

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Changing the story in the Tampa Bay Area.


nited Way Suncoast develops and implements community programs to help underserved people achieve their academic

and financial potential. We help find regional solutions that change the story for all in our community, one person at a time, from cradle to career and beyond. We lead education and financial literacy initiatives to help kids start off right and stay ahead and work to reverse negative trends and remove challenging barriers to help families find paths out of poverty. The connection between academic success and poverty is clear. Individuals ages 25-34 who dropped out of high school are more than three times as likely to receive public assistance than high school graduates. Higher graduation rates lead to stronger communities with less crime and poverty and the key to improving the graduation rate is early literacy. United Way Suncoast is uniquely positioned to make lasting community change and break the cycle of poverty through integrated programs and services that help people reach their academic and financial potential. With the ability to leverage resources with critical

has changed the story for thousands in this community. We’d like to introduce you to what could be one of those stories. Meet the Taylor family, parents Ken and Mary and their five-year old daughter Anna as they set out on the path to change their story and break the cycle of poverty.

Pathway Out

of Poverty

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Tampa Bay Area

partners on a regional level, United Way Suncoast

Changing the story so children start ahead and stay ahead.


nna is getting ready to complete kindergarten and received a scholarship for United Way’s Summer Care, a program which provides summer child care to low and moderate income families. Ken and Mary were relieved since they could

not afford summer camp and needed to continue working. Although Ken and Mary are both employed they struggle to pay the bills each month and can’t afford to stay home. Over the summer, Anna participated in academically engaging programs that reinforced what she learned in kindergarten to ensure she started the next school year prepared.


t the end of the summer, Ken and Mary were able to enroll Anna in the before-and after-school care program at the same site she attended Summer Care which allowed

them to work additional hours knowing their child was in a safe,

hool athway. P come to sc e t rs a e n n rt r a e rg The Alt n’s kinde f of our regio chances o

% eir , nearly 40 creasing th in , s s e c nlike Anna c u rs nwood North Gree ary skills fo e s s th e c in e n rk e o w without th hborhood d help of the Neig pitfalls an e rt s a e p th s A s s t. u rams addre dropping o coast prog n u S y a W ited r area. Un Clearwate . ing behind at are fall th , ts n e d stu d tutoring m provide ra g ro p te a hool tion Gradu 5 high sc the Opera 4 r, a to ye ry e is v h o T c d credit re dred tivities an c a t n e t. One hun m u h o g in enric p p risk of dro at were at the dual students th icipating in rt a p ts n e e, the stud ted on tim percent of m gradua ra g ro p e f th have t portion o ersity and enrollmen iv n u r o e g colle rships pted into a 0 in schola 0 ,0 9 were acce 0 1 $ r arded ove ctively aw been colle . and grants


enriching environment.

Children and Youth Agencies A Brighter Community AMIkids Tampa Big Brothers Big Sisters, Pinellas Big Brothers Big Sisters, Tampa Bay Boy Scouts of America, Gulf Ridge Boy Scouts of America, W. Central FL Boys & Girls Clubs, Suncoast Boys & Girls Clubs,Tampa Bay Champions for Children Community Pride Child Care Center, Clearwater Coordinated Child Care, Pinellas Easter Seals Florida Friends of Happy Workers Girl Scouts, W. Central FL Girls Inc. of Pinellas Helping Hand Day Nursery Hillsborough County Public Schools


nna continued to receive academic assistance through the quality out-of-school time programs and excelled in school improving her reading, science and math scores. Because Anna was fortunate to

have quality educational experiences early in life she is on track to graduate on time and attend college, the first in her family to do either.


nna’s parents are excited about her future because they know that with a college education she will have better job opportunities, the chance to earn a higher income

and one day be able to build a brighter future for her children.

United Way,s Education Impac t

42,993 children and youth partic ipated in United supported progra Way ms 14,899 children received skills tr aining to enter kindergarten re ady to succeed 24,686 children developed strong life skills throug quality out-of-s h chool-time prog rams 3,o29 children pa rticipated in da ily educational activities over th e summer throug , h United Way s Su mmer Care prog ram 315 children in th e Summer Care pr ogram received additional intens ive reading tutoring from St. Peters burg College

Lutheran Services Florida PACE Center for Girls PARC (Pinellas Association for Retarded Children) Preschool Experience Redlands Christian Migrant Assoc. Redlands Christian Migrant Assoc. Seniors in Service, Tampa Bay Tampa JCC Federation The Centre United Cerebral Palsy YMCA , St. Petersburg YMCA , Suncoast YMCA Tampa Metro YWCA, Tampa Bay

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Changing the story so struggling families achieve financial independence.

ay. ate Pathw uggling n r e lt A e ilies are str h T m fa g in ’s work


hrough their daughter’s enrollment in Summer Care , Ken

and Mary attended the required financial education classes and were referred to the United Way’s Individual Development

Account (IDA) program. IDA is United Way’s matched savings account that helps low-income individuals achieve their goals of buying a home, attending school or opening a business.

y da nt of Flori save mone re able to hirty perce e w rs o yl The Ta gh not nds meet. and althou m ra to make e g ro p of the IDA ast ssistance Way Sunco d e it n U with the a y, it e opportun of their e that sam v a h y keep more a s m ie e il n m o ry fa e v e elp ilable to h grams ava ro p r e th o has y. rosperity own mone ed Way’s P it n U , rs e d s of volunte ir taxes an of hundred lp e h e repare the th p s ie il With m ise gone -income fa helped low ave otherw h n y ig a a m p t m a a C s th Tax Credit completed d Income e rn a E s turns were s re x acce ta e e 12,713 fr ck to the . This year, returns ba x unclaimed ta in rs n dolla 16.8 millio bringing $ . gh County Hillsborou


Financial Stability Agencies American Red Cross, Tampa Bay Corporation to Develop Communities, Tampa CredAbility Drug Abuse Comprehensive Coordinating Office MacDonald Training Center Nonprofit Leadership Center,Tampa Bay PARC (Pinellas Association for Retarded Children) Pinellas County Urban League Suncoast Center


Tampa Lighthouse for the Blind

en and Mary were required to save money each month while acquiring critical

The Centre

financial education and long-term money management skills. They began

U.P.A.R.C. [Long Center]

cutting back where they could and started saving $25 each month with the

ultimate goal of starting their own professional cleaning service. Ken and Mary were

United Cerebral Palsy

able to save enough money and, combined with the IDA match, started Taylor’s Top Notch Cleaning Service. With an increased monthly income and more stability the Taylors were headed toward greater financial independence.

United Way’s Fi nancial Stability Impact Un


he Taylors are proud of what they have accomplished because they know that to help change the course of their child’s

future they must set a better example and achieve higher aspirations related to financial stability.

ited Way Suncoa st invested $1,17 community base d programs to ad 1,490 in 15 vance the goal helping families ac of hieve financial st ability. More than 90 in dividuals are enro lled with 25 alre graduating from ady the IDA progra m. 386 volunteers pr ovided 21,320 ho urs in support of financial stability the initiatives.

3,622 individuals received financia l education thro United Way Su ugh ncoast programs.

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Changing the story so people in crisis find stability.


hen Ken and Mary initially started taking the financial education classes they were barely able to pay the monthly bills and keep food on the table. They were unaware of many of the resources

that are available to assist low-income families.


ith the help of United Way and 2-1-1, the Taylors applied for free school meals and Food Stamps (SNAP). They

kily thway. a P et they luc e e t m a s d n n r e ke The Alte ling to ma ies a day ere strugg

s 80 famil e Taylors w As many a lthough th . s s e n s s d school mele ssness an to face ho le d e a m h o r H e v ne of shelter. ited Way some form r fo g in school. Un k in d e e are loo c c su ability to receive a student’s ountry to c a e ped to t c th a s p s as develo s acro w n o m ti mobility im ra a g iz n ro p f 18 orga bilization of school was one o Family Sta r e m ie hallenges Suncoast S c e ic h T m . e e d u a ac is iss while suffering ddress th graduate ness and s d s grant to a n a le l e o m o o h sk of h stay in sc ildren at ri ugh this upport to s d n a ensure ch s n ents. Thro a m e n m o ir e v th n e ed eir living ear as ere provid tabilize th r up to a y s fo mobility w to s ie rt il o p m ed sup ility. ork with fa ere provid their stab igned to w s in s ta a in families w re a a m eeded to specialists To date, changes n full-time rm te families. g n 5 initiative, lo 8 1 g d in n k a a n s to m s and 94 childre ily commit in Pinella rvices to 3 n e re s d d each fam il e h c id v e has pro 92% of th r initiative using and o h ir e The Sieme th sustained l school. e families th f o % eir origina 0 th 10 in d e h remain illsboroug 97% in H


were able to save money each month by purchasing their

produce at the Farmers Market that accepted SNAP and avoided

meal would come from.


ithout that insecurity lingering over their heads, Ken and Mary were able to stay focused at work and on the goal of starting their own business.

It also ensured that Anna would not go to school hungry but rather ready to learn and better prepared to succeed.

Changing the story so we can break the cycle of poverty in Tampa Bay.

a 188,000 c uted n a th e r o were distrib M d o o f f o s ound nce 00,000 p food assista Nearly 3,0 d e iv e c e r people 282,000 n r a th e r o M eived shelte c e r ls a u the id seniors at 000 indiv 1, 2 10 3 n a to th t More suppor losures s provided prevent home forec e ic v r e S l a Leg r to 3 in Bay Area ings Resource Cente ith $77,60 r w p S le p r o u e p h lp Su ed 170 und provid F t r so e R st istance to Publix La assistance ,231 in ass 5 2 2 $ y h c it n ple w emerge 4,368 peo nd helped Energy Fu s es gr ro P The power on keep their restore or

Alpha House of Tampa American Cancer Society, FL American Red Cross, Tampa Bay Bay Area Legal Services Brookwood Florida Central Catholic Charities, St. Petersburg Children’s Board of Hillsborough County Children’s Home Children’s Home Society of Florida Community Action Stops Abuse, CASA Crisis Center, Tampa Bay Directions for Mental Health Drug Abuse Comprehensive Coordinating Office


Hispanic Services Council Neighborly Care Network Operation PAR Religious Community Services

t United Way Suncoast we envision a positive beginning for all children and a positive ending for

Salvation Army, Tampa

all people struggling today. The Taylor family demonstrated that by providing children with the

Self Reliance

necessary academic support, they can excel beyond their circumstances

and change their story forever. They showed us that with a little assistance and the support to strive for more, they could break the cycle of poverty and find financial stability.

act p Im t e N ety f a S ’s y a United W lls were received by 2-1-1 providers

2-1-1 Tampa Bay Cares

Epilepsy Services of W. Central FL

paying the higher prices at the corner store. Not only were they able to save money but they no longer had to worry about where the next

Safety Net

The Taylor’s story highlighted key programs and services but, more importantly, it outlined the connection of United Way’s work in our community. By taking the long term view while providing help along the way,

Seniors in Service,Tampa Bay Spring of Tampa Bay Stepping’ Stone Farm Suncoast Center Suncoast Epilepsy Association Tampa Crossroads

United Way Suncoast helps families find pathways out of

Tampa Jewish Family Services

poverty and ensures children start ahead so they

Tampa Lighthouse for the Blind

stay ahead.

The Centre U.P.A.R.C. [Long Center] United Food Bank & Services, Plant City YMCA Tampa Metro YWCA, Tampa Bay

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Changing the story for you.

Tampa Bay Area Annual Highlights Important Ingredients Our 2011 Workplace Campaign Kickoff was themed “Ingredients for A Thriving Community.” Hundreds packed Tropicana Field, courtesy of the Tampa Bay Rays, to enjoy breakfast and kick start the workplace campaigns. Attendees heard from United Way President and CEO Diana Baker; Senior Vice President for the Tampa Bay Rays Mark Fernandez; and United Way Campaign Cabinet Chair Mark Watson. The highlight of the program was Chief Anthony Holloway from the Clearwater Police Department and high school student Brianna Jones on the Operation Graduate Program. David Wojack from the Tech Data Corporation was inducted into the Campaign Coordinator Hall of Fame for his hard work and dedication to United Way. And to top it off all guests were entered to win an Xbox 360 from Best Buy.

America’s Sweetheart HandsOn Suncoast

NACUBO Volunteer Day

HandsOn Suncoast is the area’s leading volunteer and community platform, organized and administered by the staff of United Way. United Way HandsOn Suncoast is building a strong, caring community by attracting volunteers to engage in impactful community service projects through out the region.

A partnership between NACUBO (National Association of College and University Business Officers) and HandsOn Suncoast came together in July 2011 for a makeover at A. J. Ferrell Middle Magnet School. The school became the first allgirls middle school in Hillsborough County and was in need of some fresher colors. Seventy-seven volunteers donated more than 385 hours of service and helped paint the lobby, hallways and principal’s office. The teacher’s lounge received fresh paint, lunch tables and chairs plus a corner for relaxation. They also landscaped and installed new furniture.

Project Details This year, more than 7,436 active United Way HandsOn Suncoast volunteers participated in 1,165 volunteer service opportunities. They completed 22,253 hours of volunteering and community service. When calculated, $484,982 is the estimated investment that volunteers saved the community. During the year, United Way HandsOn Suncoast administered 122 new volunteer orientations that added more than 1,162 community members to our volunteer ranks.

Individual/Ongoing Volunteerism More than 32 individual referrals for ongoing United Way HandsOn Suncoast volunteer opportunities were posted on www.VolunteerMatch.org – the nation’s number one online volunteer recruiting service.

Group Service Projects During this year, HandsOn Suncoast managed 1,023 group project volunteers for different community groups, corporate groups or businesses including all who participated in the United Way HandsOn Corporate Partners Program.

Special Volunteer Events All over the region, HandsOn Suncoast addresses the community’s critical needs by assembling diverse groups of dedicated people for one day of volunteer service and civic engagement.

The Eighth Annual Art of Giving, organized by United Way’s Women’s Leadership Council, featured award-winning actress America Ferrera as the keynote speaker. America captured the audience of more than 600 as she shared her personal views on life in Hollywood and the importance of education. Live and silent auctions, professional hair and make-up touch-ups, and delicious food and drinks rounded out the event at A La Carte Pavilion in April. This unique fundraiser raises money for United Way’s Summer Care Initiative which provides summer child care for low to moderate income families and financial education to the parents. Between the silent and live auctions, ticket and autograph sales, and the generosity of those in the audience, the event netted $130,000.

Day of Caring 2011 The national Day of Caring program brings together thousands of volunteers from the area to tackle hundreds of projects in one day for social service and non-profit organizations in Hillsborough and Pinellas counties. The volunteers donate thousands of hours to help complete a variety of projects from painting and gardening to refinishing furniture and cleaning windows. Some help with computer equipment and résumé building. Many local companies support this effort by gathering teams of employees to send out to volunteer for the day. This volunteer day is invaluable to the agencies it serves because projects are completed that otherwise would never get done.

Be the Thunder

Workplace Volunteer Council

9, 455 Hours of Service in One Day

Volunteers play a critical role in creating lasting change that improves lives and builds a stronger community. United Way proudly serves as convener of the Workplace Volunteer Council (WVC).

For 19 years, United Way Suncoast has participated in the national Day of Caring. This special day in October brings together more than 1,000 volunteers that assemble corporate and organizational teams. The teams provide all forms of labor and service to dozens of nonprofit agencies and schools. This year, HandsOn Suncoast assembled 1,891 volunteers to work on 125 projects totaling more than 9,455 hours of service in both Hillsborough and Pinellas counties.

The WVC is an alliance made from representatives of Tampa Bay companies, professional services firms, government entities and other workplaces that proactively promote employee volunteerism. The Council offers its members a forum to share best practices and innovative ways to advance and grow community volunteerism through workplace involvement. This year, representatives from 14 workplaces participated in four WVC forums.

The Tampa Bay Lightning supported United Way during a Night with the Lightning that was devoted to our cause and our partners. The Spirit of Tampa Bay Awards were given to the following companies who have embraced our mission and helped to advance our cause: Nordstrom Rack, Ernst & Young, Transamerica, and Time Customer Service. Our Community Champion Award was presented to longtime corporate partner Tech Data who gives, advocates and volunteers for United Way Suncoast. The Million Dollar Award recipients were Publix and Raymond James, both instrumental in helping us meet our goals and support our community. Our logo, messaging and public service announcement were prominently displayed on the Lightning scoreboard helping us to bring awareness of our work to more than 20,000 fans.

All HandsOn Deck at Bay Pines On Saturday, April 28 over 175 HandsOn Suncoast volunteers got up early and headed to Bay Pines VA in St. Petersburg. This was the fifth year that Bay Pines was selected as the location for the HandsOn Suncoast annual day of service. The volunteers picked up 210 bags of trash and spread 100 yards of mulch at the Domiciliary and another 10 yards of mulch was laid at the Community Living Center. A total of 875 man hours was donated that day, valued at nearly $20,000. unitedwaysuncoast.org | 9

The Next Chapter


e know that early learning has a tremendous impact on our children and our society’s economic and social welfare. For these reasons, United

Way Suncoast is dedicated to the Early Literacy Initiative. Focused outreach programs will better equip parents with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively serve as their child’s first teacher. Providing parenting support and improving the quality and availability of child care and early intervention services will help put babies born into poverty on the right path for learning.

2011-2012 Tocqueville Society Members Tocqueville Society members are community champions and committed citizens dedicated to improving lives in Tampa Bay and making it possible for people to achieve their full potential. The Society is specifically designed to make giving and community engagement more powerful for leadership donors.

Million Dollar Roundtable Cyrus and Joanne Spurlino Patricia C. Sullivan John and Susan Sykes

Nationale Society ($100,000) Barbara and Al Siemer

Ordre de Fraternité ($75,000-$99,999) Tom and Mary James Foundation

Ordre d’Egalité ($50,000 - $74,999)

Helios Education Foundation is working with United Way to

The Eckermanns Paul Reilly

help raise funds for the Early Learning Initiative. Helios has

Ordre de Liberté ($25,000- $49,999)

and North Greenwood but will be expanding its efforts to the

Carol and Barney Barnett L Phillip and Betty Casey L Celia and Jim Ferman L Bo and Betsy Godbold Jerry Harder Chet and Abby Helck William and Hazel Hough Cathy and Bob Smith L Mark and Andrea Spears Dave and Fran Wakely

Campbell Park and Potter neighborhoods. Some of this work

Tampa Bay Society ($15,000 to $24,999)

provided a grant that will match all new donations $500 or more and any donation that increases by 15% or more over last year’s gift. All matching gifts go toward the Early Literacy Initiative with a focus on school readiness in four particular neighborhoods in the region. United Way Suncoast is already working in the communities of Sulphur Springs

will include increasing parent involvement and community support around education, increasing attendance through a Walking School Bus Program and working to increase the quality of school readiness services in family child care homes. We know there is a lot of work to be done but we also know that United Way is uniquely positioned to change the story around early literacy and help people live better lives by helping kids graduate and families find paths out of poverty. Watch our progress, join the movement, change a story in our community.

Tim and Linda Adams Marion Albanese and David Adriani L Scot and Julie Davis Bill and Connie DeMeza Michael and Terri Harding Marie Hyman Gene and Patsy McNichols Dick Minck Edwin Rodriguez Gary and Karen Sasso L Jannie and Bob Schwerin Patsy Taylor Stephen and Janice Van Dyck Mark and Lori Watson

Members de la Société ($10,000 -$14,999) George and Isabel Adams, Jr. Drew and Gracia Akers Reid and Gail Anderson Ken and Grace Armstrong Dick and Sandi Averitt Diana Baker Mike and Pat Barrett Robert and Lynell Bell Rita and Mark Benassi Monroe and Suzette Berkman Tifi and Jack Bierley Jessica and Kenneth Blume Bert and Susan Boksen Mike and Tiffany Brennan James and Molly Camp Clint and Terri Childress Doug and Maureen Cohn

Collins Family Foundation Brett and Lisa Couch Chris Coutroulis and Jamie Picard Joy McCann Culverhouse Foundation Tammy Curtis Brian and Dea Deming L Tony and Shannon DiBenedetto Ron and Susan Diner Dick and Francine Dobkin Vinny and Lorene Dolan Jeff and Jeanne Dowdle Robert and Lorraine Dutkowsky Don and Chris Eastman Jane and Jamie Egasti Nate and Kelly English Jim Estes David and Helen Feinberg Mark and Trudie Fernandez Lynn Friedrichs Jim and Karen Fullerton Gordon and Paula Gillette The Glazer Family Patrick and Stacy Gramling Laurel L. and Robert J. Grammig Bob Green Jason and Traci Gryglewicz Kevin and Jan Herzberg Court and April James Hunt and Molly James Guilherme Gerdau Johannpeter Brian and Cynthia Keenan Peter and Karla Kirkwood Martin and Nancy Koch Dr. Scott and Pamela Latimer Blossom Leibowitz Carl and Lyda Lindell Fraser MacKechnie Ian and Jean MacKechnie Ian A. MacKechnie Michelle and Chris Maingot Todd and Barbara McCallister Sheila M. McDevitt L Tony and Peggy McKenna Steve and Susan McMullen Gwen and Ken Mitchell Kevin Napper and Katherine Essrig Steve and Sara Nichols Ed and Gayle Olsgard Joc O’Rourke Gene Overmyer Tom and Sara Pankey Ann L. Payne Mike and Hope Poland Lu and Catherine Prats David and Toni Quinty Mike and Lynn Ramsey Steve Raymund L David and Ann Rood

Greg and Holly Rosica Fred Rothenberg Thelma P. Rothman Richard and Sharon Sanchez Stacey Serafini Bob and Marcy Shuck Matt Silverman Linda and Randy Simmons Alex Sink and Bill McBride L Jeff and Mei-Mei Sparling Betsy and Larry Stagg Don and Ellen Stichter Steve and Janice Straske Chuck and Becky Sykes Joe and Sheryl Teague J. Thomas and Lavinia W. Touchton Jeff and Kim Trocin Linda and Stewart Turley Bill Van Law Sylvia and Don Walbolt Dave and Debbie Walker L Jane and Jerry Williams L Jean Giles Wittner Cary and Alison Wright Gwynne Young L L

Tocqueville Legacy Circle Million Dollar Legacy Circle


Tocqueville Legacy Circle

The Tocqueville Legacy Circle was created in 2009 to honor Tocqueville Society members who have made legacy commitments of $200,000 or more. The listing includes members who have made deferred gifts to be received from a bequest or who have named United Way as the beneficiary of a United Way Life Insurance policy.

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Business Cares Sponsors

2011-2012 Overall Annual Campaign Giving Leaders


(lncludes employee, special event and corporate contributions)

usinesses seeking to go the extra mile to support United Way Suncoast participate in Business Cares. This unique sponsorship opportunity allows companies to underwrite events, activities and materials

important to achieving United Way goals in service to the region.

United Way Suncoast

Sponsor dollars provide increased visibility to business partners and allow


Publix Super Markets, Inc.



Raymond James Financial



The Mosaic Company



USAA United Services Automobile Assn.



TECO Energy, Inc.



Tech Data Corporation



Bank of America



Wells Fargo



Enterprise Leasing Corporation, LLC






City of Tampa



PCL Civil Constructors, Inc.






Ferman Motor Car Company



CF Industries, Inc.


United Way to free up other income to support impact directives such as education, financial stability and emergency services to Tampa Bay. S








Without Business Cares sponsorships, United Way events would not have the extraordinary energy that is associated with our leadership role in the community. It is a direct expression of Living United through partnership.

Accelerate Results

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Tampa Bay Area Workplace Leader Board 2011 Top Ten Employee Gifts*

2011 Top Ten Corporate Gifts


Publix Super Markets, Inc.



Publix Super Markets, Inc.



Raymond James Financial



Raymond James Financial






The Mosaic Company



The Mosaic Company






TECO Energy, Inc.



TECO Energy, Inc.



Tech Data Corporation






City of Tampa



PCL Civil Constructors



Bank of America



Enterprise Leasing Corporation









Wells Fargo



Bank of America


Top Ten Employee Per Capita Giving*

Top Ten Corporate Per Capita Giving

(Companies with 100 or more employees)

(Companies with 100 or more employees)





PCL Civil Constructors, Inc.



Ernst & Young LLP



The Mosaic Company



Carlton Fields, P.A.









Enterprise Leasing Corporation



PCL Civil Constructors, Inc.



Florida Blue



Enterprise Leasing Corporation



Carlton Fields, P.A.



The Mosaic Company



Tampa Bay Rays



Hill Ward Henderson



McNichols Company



The Bank of Tampa



T. Rowe Price, Inc.



McNichols Company



Publix Super Markets, Inc.


Employee per capita is the total employee giving divided by total number of employees * Does not include special event giving.

Corporate per capita is the total corporate giving divided by total number of employees

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Tampa Bay Area Financials


United Way of Tampa Bay • June 30, 2012 Statement of Financial Position Assets

t the core of serving our community is our desire to have integrity in everything we do. Staff and volunteers are entrusted with community resources that must be used

wisely and effectively, employing the highest ethical standards. We are proud of our high standards of accountability.

Statement of Accounting Reporting Practices

Cash & Cash Equivalents


Pledges Receivable, Net of Allowance for Uncollectible Pledges


Other Receivables




Property & Equipment, Net


Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets



Liabilities & Net Assets

United Way Suncoast takes our role as a trusted community leader seriously. As a result, we have a long tradition of adhering


Allocations & Designations Payable


Other Liabilities


recent IRS Form 990 and audited financial statements are

Annuities Payable


available on our web site at unitedwaysuncoast.org.

Capital Lease Obligations


Accrued Pension Cost


to high standards of accountability and transparency. Our most

Adherence to All Accounting Standards

Total Liabilities


Total Net Assets




The independent CPA firm of Lewis, Birch & Ricardo conducts an annual audit of United Way Suncoast. In fiscal year 2012, auditors reported that United Way Suncoast’s financial statements were fairly and accurately represented. The annual

Statement of Activities

audit is reviewed by the volunteer Audit & Ethics Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.

Public Support and Revenues Gross Campaign Results


United Way also follows the American Institute of Certified Public

Donor Designations


Accountants’ (AICPA) Audit and Accounting Guide for Not for-

Provision for Uncollectibles


Profit Organizations to ensure financial statements conform with

Bequests/Gift Annuities/Contributions


Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

Program Revenues


United Way Suncoast helps people build better lives by helping

Service Fee Income


kids graduate and helping families find paths out of poverty. This

Investment Return


Other Income


Total Support and Revenue


Stringent Checks and Balances United Way Suncoast has a rigorous system of checks and balances in place to ensure it operates in a sound fiscal manner. The organization’s operating budget, as well as its community


funding decisions, are reviewed and approved by several

Gross Funds Awarded/Distributed


volunteer committees and the Board of Directors.

Donor Designations


Other Program Costs


Fundraising and Administration Costs


United Way Suncoast Board of Directors has established an

Other Nonoperating Expenses


Audit & Ethics Committee. This committee has developed a

Total Expenses


Increase in Net Assets


Net Assets at the Beginning of the Year


Net Assets at the End of the Year



standardized Code of Ethics. The purpose of the Code is to describe standards of conduct and business ethics expected of the directors, officers, standing committee members and

Community Impact Investments

is done by focusing on education, income, and providing safety net assistance for local people in crisis.

Income 13% Education 47%

Safety Net 40%

employees of United Way Suncoast. unitedwaysuncoast.org | 17

Changing the Story in Sarasota. Meet the Repos family—single mom Chantal and her five children—Dylan 13, Karen 10, Christian 6, Kaleena 4 and Chantaya 1 as they begin on the path to changing their story and breaking the cycle of poverty.


hantal moved from Miami to Sarasota six years ago, leaving an abusive relationship and a negative family environment. It was not easy to stabilize the family, but moving into the Sarasota Housing Authority and finding Children First, the federally funded Head Start organization, has created a

happier and healthier life for the Repos. Chantal knows education is the key to success, and she focused on enrolling her children in the best schools and providing additional out-of-school activities. The United Waysupported Children First Head Start pre-school has provided exceptional early education and related family services to Chantal and her children. A Children First Family Advocate has worked with Chantal to develop family goals and connect to services throughout the community.


aren loves to read and Christian is an independent first grader who is learning from mom and

teachers how to make good choices. Both Karen and Christian attend a local elementary school and entered kindergarten with a strong language and literacy foundation.


aleena is preparing for kindergarten through the Head Start program by learning to read, write and use a computer.

Chantaya has loving teachers and is learning every day how to share and play with new friends. All five children are on the path to a bright future and success in their education and life.

In Sarasota, changing the story so children start ahead and stay ahead. rteners ath. P kinderga e ’s t ty a n u n o r c our The Alte d Way y 27% of ess. Unite ren, nearl

d for succ ntal’s chil sary skills s which nlike Cha e c e n e r the Stars fo hout th k it o w o l L o o ’s h n c w g Coalitio come to s nts on ho y Learnin rl a E e th ates pare c d u e d rt e o d p n p has su . And roviders a Sarasota ild care p h in c s ty m li a ra u g s high q arten pro ed Way recognize nch, Unit re-kinderg lu p t d s e e c b u d e re th free and nd select itional ildren on to seek a h c e g a ludes nutr c lo in o t h a c s th f g 50% o grammin learning. with over chool pro s re ft a classroom rt ry o ta p n p e u s m t er ele rams tha ring, care supports ring prog ut mento to o tu g d in n p a p tness offered risk of dro snacks, fi e goals is l youth at g o e o ll h o c c s f o h t le and hig velopmen For midd g and de in in a tr hip n, leaders program. exploratio Achievers Y e th h rship wit in partne


Children and Youth Agencies Big Brothers Big Sisters Child Protection Center Children First Early Learning Coalition of Sarasota County

and has been a part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring

Girls Scouts Planned Parenthood of SW & Central Florida

program supported by United Way. He

Redland Christian Migrants Association

loves baseball and is a member of his

Sarasota Family Y

local church’s youth group.

The Florida Center for Early Childhood

United Way,s Education Impac t

11,054 children and youth partic ipated in United supported progra Way ms 1,947 children re ceived skills trai ning to enter Kindergarten re ady to succeed 4,799 children de veloped strong li fe skills through quality out-of-s chool time progra ms unitedwaysuncoast.org | 19

Sarasota Area


ylan attends middle school

Early Learning Coalition of Florida’s Heartland

In Sarasota, changing the story so struggling families achieve financial independence.


ne of Chantal’s greatest barriers is not owning a car. She and her children travel by bus everywhere, but that does not stop Chantal from pursuing her goals to create a better life

for her family. With Chantal’s children in school, she uses her day to pursue her GED and attends Sarasota County Technical Institute to attain her CNA. She hopes to be a social worker utilizing her trilingual skills to support others in the community.

. nate Path r e t l A e h T Tax r Income

e ’s Volunte nited Way elps program h ) A IT (V e c Assistan n money. f their ow o re o m p ee families k pleted were com s rn tu re x 853 free ta 9,074 in This year, ing $1,51 g n ri b , a sota are h the in the Sara unity. Wit m m o c e th s back into helps low tax return teers, VITA n lu o v f o ndreds s help of hu their taxe s prepare ie il m fa e incom come Tax Earned In s s e c c a d an erwise at may oth Credits th ed. go unclaim


e Path. t a n r school e t l ness and s The A s le e m at ho

In Sarasota, changing the story so people in crisis find stability.

h shows th y to reac esearch t’s abilit n e d tu s a combat impacts n effort to mobility a In l. a nti ry emic pote necessa full acad support d n a s n e mea stabilize provide th families d n a l o this and o ch stay in s mily tudents s lp e eimer Fa h S e to h T , ments ugh this g environ ped. Thro lo e v e their livin d ram was milies tion prog d 384 fa a n a iz il n b re ta d S ,034 chil milies is year 1 th , m ra of the fa % prog 8 7 , . To date stayed in services children e th f o received and 78% housing d e in ta s su chool. inating s their orig



hen Chantal came to Sarasota, she wanted to break the cycle of physical and verbal abuse and neglect. Even though times were tough, she wanted to model positive behavior and be a better parent. She

attended many parenting classes at Children First and her church, learning how to communicate with the children and discipline in an affirmative manner.

Basic Needs Agencies American Red Cross, SW Florida Chapter Arcadia Center for the Needy Catholic County Homeless Coalition Child Protection Center


self-esteem, learn job interviewing and résumé writing skills. As a part

Financial Stability Partners

of this program, SunTrust volunteers offer the Money Smart financial

Goodwill Industries

education curriculum. Chantal has taken every class, learning how to budget and manage her resources. She is frugal with her money, shopping for nutritional food and cooking meals at home for the family.

and her children serve as role models for other families. They seek positive parent-child relationships, love to learn and inspire others to advocate and lead.

supplies, free hair cuts and bike helmets for the children. She was even

Easter Seals Lutheran Services

Children First

Safe Place & Rape Crisis Center

The Salvation Army – Sarasota Corps

Sarasota Family Y


he participates in programming at the Housing

Policy Council at Children

and Parenting Classes. Chantal

DeSoto County Homeless Coalition

Mental Health Community Centers


opportunities like Money Smart

in another local church’s program and received food, back to school

Jewish Family & Children’s Service

parent leader serving on the

to become involved in the great

Community Center for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing

able to sign up for health and dental care.

CareerEdge Funders Collaborative

he has been an active

First and inviting other parents

eeding extra help she reached out to United Way 2-1-1 and enrolled


he attends a Career Readiness program at Children First to build her

Way’s United pact ity Im il b a t S l Financia 02,090 ted $1

s ay inve elping families W d e it h Un ility goal of e h ial stab t c n e c a n in a f to adv achieve ided ers prov rs e t n lu o pare 55 v tax pre s a e ic serv ours of h tion 8 5 ,8 1 l educa s ia c n a in f ram received ed Way prog s ld o h e s it Un 857 hou through

Senior Friendship Centers

Authority and works hard to provide a healthy

The Salvation Army – Sarasota Corps

home and lifestyle for her children.

United Way 2-1-1 of Manasota

Change the story so we can break the cycle of poverty in the region


hantal wants to change her family’s life. With personal determination, support from others in the community and a dream for a better life she and her five children are on their way.

ay’s W d e t i n U pact Im t e N 1. y ed by 2-1Safet iv e c e r e r e calls w 48,850 More than food als received u id iv d in 3950 More than lter assistance eceived she r ls a u id iv 2,600 ind More than unitedwaysuncoast.org | 21

Sarasota Area Highlights

2011-2012 Sarasota Area Corporate Partners Tocqueville Holiday Reception


Publix Super Markets

Children First

Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Sarasota Toqueville Society, nearly 70 Society Members and guests were welcomed by Bill and Karen Merrill. Icard, Merrill, Cullis, Timm, Furen & Ginsberg, P.A. who sponsored the holiday event. Betty Schoenbaum, was recognized as a Founding Member of the Tocqueville Society in Sarasota and Margaret E. Mason, United Way Foundation Million Dollar Round Table Member, was the guest speaker. Entertainment was provided by the Pineview String Quartet and the history and impact of the Society both locally and nationally was commemorated.



Cinderella’s Closet In the early spring Sarasota County Teachers Association seeks formal ball gowns, fancy high heels and accessories from the community to create the Cinderella’s Closet. United Way houses over 600 beautiful gowns and dresses at our office on 2nd Street and Chris Mayer, Vice President of SCTA welcomed 150 girls to the “Closet” during the 2011 Prom Season.

2011 Ready Set Grow Infant to Kindergarten Family Fair The Fifth Annual Ready Set Grow! Infant to Kindergarten Fair was a great success with approximately 5,500 attending at Westfield Sarasota Square Mall Saturday, August 6, 2011. Hosted by United Way, the fair offers fun activities for children while providing parents information about education, health, safety and recreational services for children 0-6 years old and their families. Families came from all over the county with approximately 40% return and 60% new attendees. 92% of the families surveyed enjoyed the activities and 88% felt the 54 vendor booths provided helpful information on services available in Sarasota. Approximately 80 volunteers staffed the stage, managed the volunteer center, traffic flow and surveys greeters. Live stage entertainment included PAL Sailor Circus, Florida Studio Theatre, Capoeira Volta Ao Mundo, Brazilian Martial Arts, Girls Inc. Musical, Sarasota Ballet and the Macy’s Fashion Show.

2011 Kickoff On August 26, Kimberly Hopper, Board Chair and Rae Dowling, 2011 Campaign Chair, welcomed over 300 community leaders. Winners of the 2011 Community Award were The Clerk of the Circuit Court and Sarasota Memorial Health Care System to kick off the the annual fund-raising season. Guest speaker Shaun Merriman, President and CEO of Gateway Bank, shared his experiences and belief in the work of United Way and emphasized the importance of the community’s continued commitment to work collectively and give generously. Rae Dowling introduced her campaign team and the pacesetter companies and proclaimed that by pulling together toward a common goal we are stronger together.

Celebration On March 7, 2012 Campaign Chair Rae Dowling celebrated the outstanding support of local corporations, public sector organizations and individuals who generously gave to the 2011 campaign. She announced the top performers in each division and recognized the highest in per capita giving.

Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce

FCCI Insurance Group


The School Board of SarasotaCounty Florida



Doctors Hospital of Sarasota

Herald-Tribune Media Group

Early Learning Coalition of Sarasota

Sarasota Memorial Health Care System


SunTrust Bank

Federal Express


General Electric

Eli Lily

City of Sarasota

Harris Bank

Clear Channel

Iberia Bank

Clerk of the Court


Enterprise Holdings Fifth Third Bank

Icard, Merrill, Cullis, Timm, Furen & Ginsburg, P.A.

Florida Power and Light

Insignia Bank

Gateway Bank

JC Penney

Kerkering Barberio

Jewish Family and Children’s Services


Johnson & Johnson

Northern Trust

L-3 Communications

Superior Bank

LandMark Bank

Target Stores

Lydian Bank

Sarasota County Tax Collector

M&I Bank

The Sarasota Board of County Commissioners

Massey Services

Universal North America



National City

Wells Fargo


Williams, Parker, Harrison, Dietz & Getzen

New College



Adams and Reese, LLP


Andesa Services

Pfi zer


Planned Parenthood of Central & Southwest Florida

ABC 7 Who Care

Bank of America

United Way partnered with WWSB ABC 7 who hosted the first “7 Who Care” campaign, a public service initiative to honor outstanding volunteers in Manatee and Sarasota counties. Supporting ABC 7’s efforts to celebrate the heroes among us, United Way developed the nomination process, recruited the blue-ribbon panel of judges and facilitated the PSA and winner profile shoots. The work culminated in the 7 Who Care Awards Luncheon on July 9, sharing the stories and service of seven outstanding community volunteers in Manatee and Sarasota.

Bank of Commerce Bay Village BB&T Berry Plastics Best Buy Blue Cross Blue Shield Bowen, McClitte, Britt Cadence Bank Cavanaugh & Co

Sarasota Bradenton Irnational Airport

with Disabilities

Sarasota Classifi ed/

Girl Scouts of Gulfcoast Florida

Teacher’s Association


Sarasota County Sheriff’s Offi ce

Illinois Tool/KELA

Sarasota Family YMCA

Ivoclar-Vivadent Buffalo

Sarasota Ford


Senior Friendship Centers

New York Life

Stearns Bank


SouthBay Investments, LLC

Peterson Manufacturing

The Florida Center

Sarasota County Property Appraiser

Price Waterhouse Tampa Bay


SC Johnson Wax

Progress Energy

United Way of Sarasota County

Supervisor of Elections

Raymond James

United Way 2-1-1 Manasota

Synovus Bank

Realtors for Kids

University South Florida

Third Federal Savings and Loan

Regions Bank


Town of Longboat

Ringling College of Art and Design


US Air

Sabal Palm Bank


Xcel Energy Foundation

Safe Place & Rape Crisis Center



Salvation Army, Sarasota Corps

Community Haven for Adults and Children

Mental Health Community Centers

unitedwaysuncoast.org | 23

Sarasota Area Annual Giving Leaders Tocqueville Donors ($10,000+)

Shaun P Merriman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Murphy Ms. Mary Neubauer Pete Norden Ms. Helena M. Norquist Mr. Duane L. Padgett Marjorie Peter Mr. David J. Radeke Mr. and Mrs. Burton Sack Chris and Wendy Smith Ms. Donna Stiens Tom and Trish Sugalski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Terhaar Nancy C. Wellford Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Williams

Matt and Margaret Callihan Malcolm and Jasmine Candlish Van and Joyce Carlisle Ralph Franklin Richard M Freeman* Ron and Shirley Gossett Janet Hevey Howard and Betty Isermann Wendel and Evelyn* Kent Mr. Robert E. King John and Elenor Maxheim diane McFarlin Betty Schoenbaum Stephen G Shank and Dr. Judith Shank Captains Al and Barbara Siemer Judge Charles and Ruth* Simpson ($1,000-$2,499) Ms. Geraldine Aaron Charles and Dee Stottlemyer Ms. Jeanne A. Abel Mrs. Anne O. Swain Damian J. Adams Robert and Joyce Tate Ms. Laurie B. Akin One Anonymous Ken & Gayle Alexander Mrs. Kristina L. Arnold Admirals Luis and Christina Azuri ($5,000-$9,999) Denis Baker Gerard Daniel Mr. John Baldizzi Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Delaney, Jr. Brian Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eckel Ms. Loretta Bates Franklin G. Berlin Foundation Mr. Charles R. Baumann Jr. Mr. Jack L. Goldsmith Ms. Diana L. Becham Mr. John B. Harshman Mr. Harold Bennett Edna Hoffman Michael L. Bennett Huisking Foundation Mandell L. and Madeline H. Berman Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lauritsen Anne and Walter Bladstrom Mr. Matthew J. Otto Mr. Robert J. Blaikie Mr. and Mrs. William Rammes Mr. Thomas G. Boles Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sims Ms. Suzanne Bowden One Anonymous Mr. Jeff T. Boyd Commodore William Breda, Jr. ($2,500-$4,999) Cherry Brickley Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Austin Mr. Marlon Brown Dan and Nancy Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Blair Ms. Susan Brown Mrs. Marjorie Boulware Ms. Kelly Bryant Mrs. Wm. P. Brownell Laura Buckley Mr. Charles H. S. Chapman Christine Ann Butler ESQ Mr. Harold R. Cunning Jr. Heather Carson John & Debbe Dart Mr. Joseph W. Champagne Ms. Brenda Davis Ms. Courtney Clark W. A. Granberry Family Charitable TrustMr. Rick Clemens Jordan and Stacey Gillman Mr. Dave Collins Mr. Jorge Gomez Mr. Sean Constance Dr. Washington C. Hill Deborah M. Cooley Charitable Trust Mrs. Kathleen Iott Mr. and Mrs. Aubert Y. Coran Lon and Trish Jones Jane T. and Robert V. Corning Ms. Jean E. Langdon Fund at the Community Mr. Mike Lawless Foundation of Sarasota County Mrs. Betty Lindenberg Mr. Mike Costa John R. Martin, Jr. Ms. Terese M Cox Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Matson David D. Crabtree

Mr. and

Amanda and Norman Cyphers Lyndi and Richard Cyphers Mr. John Daney III Mary Ann Daugherty Kevin & Margaret Daut Rea D. Davis Ms. Mary Davis-Buehrer Mark & Ann Davy Mr. Daniel DeLatorre Mrs. Stephanie DeLaTorre Hubert and Ruth DeLynn Fund Mr. Brad Dempton Mr. Randy Diaz James O. Dieffenwierth George and Fran Dietz Mr. David Dilling Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dixon Ms. Tiffany Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Donegan Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dorsey Mr. Terry Doughty Albert Downs Billy Drake Jr. Bud and Karen Duffey Mrs. Heather Dunham Phyllis & Albert Dworkin Sergio Eastman Mr. Brian T Egan Ms. Sharon Elliott Mr. Jeffrey Elsberry Mr. Guy Esposito Mr. Lachlan Falconer Mr. Chad Falde Mr. and Mrs. Reid D. Farrell

Mrs. Susan Farrow Kevin Ferry Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Fineshriber Mr. and Mrs. John Flaherty Mrs. Brenda J. Flick Mr. Thomas Flood Mr. Jon Forbes Mr. Paul Franke James Frost Dwight Gaiton Mr. Robert Galletta Tony Ganster Mr. Joseph Garland Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Garner Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Garvin Sondra Gay Ms. Carey Geaglone Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Gensler Ms. Laura J. Gerber William and Ruth Getzen Mr. Curtis J Goehring Todd J. Goehring Jay and Mimi Goodwill Larry and Julia Griffith Michele and Caleb Grimes Ms. Pamela J. Grove Mr. William Haarer Jack Haas Mr. Jeremy Haas Mr. Timothy Haggard Brian and Betty Hall Rick Halloran Mr. Michael A. Hamilton Mr. Frank Harris

Mrs. William Harrison Robert M. Hatfield David & Susan Hecker Ms. Jennifer Henthorne Mrs. Emil Hess Mrs. Teresa Hess Richard A. Hicks Mr. Timothy Hiebel Carl Hinkle Mr. Todd E. Hoch Christiine Hodge Mr. John Hoefling Mr. Arnold Hoffman Christopher Hogue Mr. James Holmes Ms. Kimberly Hopper Kurt Hoverter Mr. John T. Howell Sarah and Tramm Hudson Greg Huffman and Mary T. Finnegan Ms. Catherine F. Hynes Scott Iverson Mr. Donald Jankowski Jelks Family Foundation Mr. Erik Johnson Mr. Scott Eric Johnson Tom and Alison Jones Darlene and Steven Jordan Mr. Joshua Jordan Aric T. Josten Mr. David W. Jungst Peter Keen and Peggi Peterson Mr. Joseph A. Keene

Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kiehl Mr. Gregory Klco Pat Kolodgy Mrs. Lisa A. Krouse Kelly Kunkel Alan Kurecki John H. Kushner Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. LaJoie Mr. Douglas Lam Robert and Rebecca Lane Bianca Lapace Andy and Michelle Lapin Mr. Dwaine Larkin Mr. John Laughner Mr. and Mrs. M. Lazarus Thomas LeFebvre Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Light Mr. Thomas Longo Mr. Anthony Lukkarila Brian Lynch Mr. Christopher H. Lyons Mary MacArthur Mr. Ryan MacKenzie Mr. Frank J. Maggio Jr. Lisa Maggio Mr. James Dennis Mangie Jr. Mr. Jeffrey E. Marino Mr. Thomas A. Martin Jr Mr. Adrian Martinez Mr. Daniel Mathias Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McArdle, Esq. Bill and Stacy McClain Ms. Martha McCrystal Kyle McLaughlin Mr. Edward H. Mench Ms. Silvana Mendes Ms. Daisy Mendez N. Mr. Joseph Meterchick Dr. Gordon E. Michalson, Jr. Hugh and Jeannie Middlebrook John Milano Ms. Deborah Miller Ms. Jeanette Mills Mr. Ronald Mills Anthony Mollo Mr. Danny Mollo Perry and Betty Monroe Ms. Linda Montgomery Kevin Moore Ms. Cynthia Morris Ms. Merri B. Morris Mr. Richard H. Mott III ESQ Mr. Charles O. Murphy Dennis B Murphy Mr. Richard N. Murray Dr. and Mrs. Philip Nelson Mr. Richard L. Newdick Ms. Susan Noel Allen Novak Tom and Jenny O'Donnell Tanya Overstreet

Mr. Lance Owens Ms. Kristi Paolini Ms. Lorrie Parkes Mr. Jared Pate Sandy Lynn Pepper Ms. Samantha Perkins Mr. Joshua R Perry Mike and Marcia Perry Mrs. Raymond Peterson Sean and Heather Pettey Franklin Pfeiffenberger, M. D. Ms. Lisa Pike Mr. Michael S. Plunkett Mr. Erik C. Popham Daniel A. Poropat Adams C. Powers David Price Mr. Earl E. Price Daniel Q. Quevillon Stephen Queior Ms. Alice W. Rau Susan and Terry Rawson Patricia A. Reams Mr. and Mrs. William Brett Rees Mr. Daniel A Rich Ms. Dana Rickard Mr. James L. Ritchey ESQ Nichelle Roberson Kevin A. Roberts Dr. Bruce E. Robinson Mike and Rachael Roi Mr. William Rosen Dr. Robert Rosenbluth Mr. Stephen Ross Mrs. Diane Roth Mr. David P Rothe Ms. Karen E. Rushing Mr. Rami Samad Steve and Kristen Sander Mr. Johnathan Sanders Michele Santacroce Jill Santorelli Ms. Katie Schlotterback Ryan Schlotterback Mr. Dean Schmidt William M. and Kathleen R. Seider Mr. James D. Shaffer Tracey L. Sheasley Marshall Sheppard Mr. George Glenn Shipley Jean Shoemaker Yvonne Shumway Ms. Stacey Simpson Mr. Kenneth N. Sisson Mr. Jesse Skerkowski Eva and Stephan Slane Fund Mr. Kurt Sokol Ms. Margaret V. Springer The Landing's Eagle Dorothy Stevens Mr. John M. Strickland PA

Rebecca & Philip Tavill Doyle A. Taylor Joe and Kim Taylor Brad Thistle Mr. R. S. Thomson Jr. Mr. Robert L. Thornton Mrs. Katherine Thorpe Mr. A. Albert Tripodi M.D. Terry Turner Theresa Urbaniak Dr. and Mrs. Humberto Vainieri Thomas F. Valanzola Mr. Joshua Valdez Mr. Joseph Varga Jessica and Vince Ventimiglia Mr. David Verinder Suzanne M. Viccaro Mr. Stephen Vuletich Jim Walker Ms. Kimberly Walker Mr. Edward Wanglund Ms. Brenda J Weigman Ms. Debra Weisz Mr. Geoffrey Westervelt The Edward and Ruth W. Wilkof Foundation Brek and Nancy Williams Ms. Christina Williams Duane Willis Mr. Arthur Wittmer Mr. Michael Wojtkowski Mr. Willie O. Woodard Jr. Mr. Jeffrey Woodin Mr. Dennis Woodruff Alex Young Terry Young Mr. William C. Young Mr. Christopher Youngblood Ms. Barbara Zdravecky Mr. Rick Zimmerma Four Anonymous

Community Impact Leaders ($500-$999) Mrs. Linda Albert Mrs. Philip Albrecht Ms. Cheri J. Alexander Ms. Judy Amadon Constance Andersen Mr. Earl Anderson Ms. Jeannette Anderson Ms. Kelli Anderson Ms. Kristen Anderson Ms. Patricia L. Andrews Tiffany Ashbrook Ms. Patty Askins Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bahr Mr. Charles D. Bailey III Rick Barber Ms. Stephanie Barta Mr. Matthew Bates

Mr. Tylor Bates Gordon B Bauer Mr. Jeremy Beanes Ms. Jodi H. Beene Ms. Sandy Beeson Ms. Pam Beitlich Mr. Richard Bell Mr. Ronald R. Belschner Mr. Thomas Bender Ms. Dana Marie Bennett Mr. Gary Bennett Ms. Melody K. Benoit Mr. Donald H. Bernstein John T. Berteau ESQ Mr. Gary Bickersteth Ms. Patricia N. Black Ms. Tammy Blackburn Theodore Bleecker Dr. and Mrs. Horace Blood Mr. Roger A. Boggs Ms. Debra G. Boterf Curtis T. Bowden Mr. John F. Bozer Mr. Richard E. Bratton Mr. and Mrs. David W. Brenner Mr. Fred R. Bristol Mr. Shane Brockett Johnny Brown Martha P. Buenneke Mr. James F. Bugyis Richard D. Burnham Ms. Molly Burns Ms. Norma Burridge Dr. Stuart S. Burstein Mr. R. David Bustard Carol and Sherry Cadwell Ms. Marilyn A. Cafaro Karolyn A. Camara Ms. Kathryn E. Capels Maurice A. Carswell Jack Carter Ms. Karen Carter Mr. Robert Carter Ms. Theresa Chambers Rose Chapman Ms. Jan L. Chester Ms. Cassandra Nicole Clark Ms. Sandra L Clark Mr. and Mrs. Richard Coble Mr. Christopher Cogar Mr. and Mrs. Gershom R. Cohn Ms. Kim Collister Kathy Collums Ms. Aida R. Colombi Mr. John Cosgrove Ms. Lara Costa Ms. Terri Costa Mrs. Mary Jo Cottingham Mr. Robert Council William Cox Sharon a Cullinan

Mr. Dennis E Czapiga Mr. and Mrs. John K. Dane Lrmd Ms. Susan Dauphinee Mr. Michael J. Davis Mr. Terry L. Davis Ms. Maria DeCarlo Mark H DeHaan John C. DeMaster Ward Dement Mr. and Mrs. Charles Desenberg Jim Diefenderfer Walter R. Diem Mr. and Mrs. John Dockum Mr. Billy Drake Donna Dudash Mrs. Carolyn Eagen Joseph L. Eary Andrew Edmindson Ms. Vickie Einwag Ms. Susan Elkins Mrs. Lisa Emoy Mr. William English Jack O. Fairbanks Shirley Faist Mr. Mike M. Feely Mr. Jose L Feliciano Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Ferguson Mr. David C. Flatt Mr. Guillermo Flores Mrs. Beverly Ford Mr. P William Forester Ms. Jessica Fortney Gail Fowler Ms. Linda A. Frease Mr. Dennis E. Fredrick Mr. Jason M. Fromi Kristen E. Frost Mr. J.P. Fugate Ms. Mary Sassi Furtado Mr. John Gadziala Mr. Robert A Gannon Luisa Garrauslima Jason Gaskill Mr. Nichloas Gillis Mr. Nicholas Gladding Mrs. Jennifer Glassmoyer Mr. Frank Gluvna Mr. Richard Goble Mr. Shawn Gorman Ms. Keisha Gray Ms. Nancy J. Gray Ms. Elizabeth Greco Ms. Eileen E Green Dr. and Mrs. Leon C. Greene Mr. Robert C. Grepling Mr. Mark Griemsmann Mr. Raymond C. Grills Mr. Robert Grotz Dr. Arthur M. Guilford Mr. and Mrs. Evert Gustafsson unitedwaysuncoast.org | 25

Sarasota Area Diamond Donors United Way Donors for 25 years or more.

Mr. Wayne Haffner Ms. Annette L. Haile Mr. William G. Hall Shawn C. Halls Jim Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Hamovit Mr. Don E. Hampton Jay Handelman Ms. Tracy Harbilas Mr. Jason Hardee Mr. John Cabot Hart Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Hartenstine Ms. Carroll G Hatfield Mr. William Hatfield Dixie and Dick Hawkins Ms. Christine Hay Mr. Casey Hayes Mr. Joseph Henry Mr. Steven D Hewitt Mr. John C. Hildebrand Jr. Ms. Debra K. Hill Mr. Stephen Hill Ms. Valorie Hillerich Mr. Kevin O Hillock Mr. John Hogan Mr. Joseph J. Hogan Freddie J. Holland Mr. F. Thomas Hopkins ESQ Ms. Marsha L. Hosack Mr. Frederick W Houk Mr. Michael Housel Kristin Houston Diane M. Huntley Ms. Allison Imre Ms. Judith Ireland Mr. Charles Jackson Ms. Gloria G. Jarvis Mrs. Carol Jerrehian Myra L. Jodoin Kellie R. Johnson Barbara Jones Robert E. Jones Mr. William R. Jones Mr. Fred Jung Mr. Charles M. Kahn Tina and Hans Kamberg Allen Karpe Ms. Jill Keene Betty and Bob* Keil Mr. Kyle Keith Mr. Benjamin Kelly Mr. Joseph S. Kennedy Ms. Liz Klaber Mr. Kennerh Kling Sheriff Tom Knight

Dale Koch Mr. Martin Kossoff Mr. Timothy Kowalski Ernest & Alisa Kretzmer Dr. Douglas A. Kuperman Jennie LaFave Mr. Kenneth J. Lamers Nelson and Vivian Lane Paul D. Lariviere Mr. Robert L. Lash Mr. Thomas Latronica Ms. Tracy Laymon Mr. Frank Lazarcheck Mr. Gregory A. LeBar Ms. Laurie LeBoutillier Mr. James Leff Ms. Emily Leinfuss Ms. Rebecca L Lejeune Mrs. Glenda Leonard Brooke Lerman Mr. and Mrs. Donald Levi Dr. Richard J. Lichtenstein Mrs. Elaine Litherland Mrs. Mary Jane Longman Lee and Lisa Lumpkin Mr. Hugh J. Lynch Catlin Lynne Mercedes A. Maagad Doug and Gwen Mackenzie Mr. Chad M Madill Ms. Donna Maguire Ed Maguire Ms. Sarah Makeever Mr. Randy Mallitz Ruth A. Manire Mr. Elvis J. Manzanares Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Mario Ms. Justine Marryott Dr. James W. Marsh Mr. Ruben L. Marte Mr. John U. Martin Ms. Teresa Martin Mr. Patrick R. Mason Mr. Christopher McAlpine Mr. Chad M. McClenathen ESQ Mr. Michael J. McCool Mr. Jeffrey C. McDaniel Patricia C. McDonald Robert and Olivia McKean Ms. Julie A. McKee Linda McKnight Mr. Patrick McLink Ms. Lisa M. Mead Dr. and Mrs. Peter Mehnert Dick Freeman Memorial Fund

Norma and Lee Mielke Alan W Roddy Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Milas Ms. Mary Romines Coleen Miller Mrs. Mary Romires Diane Minks Mrs. M. Holly Ronnick Ms. Lillian C. Minns Wendy Rose Susan L Montgomery Greg and Ginger Rosenberger Ms. Cherie Mooney and Mr. Gary Pollock Mr. Reginald Ross Mr. Stephen R. Moore Mr. Robert Ross Ms. Laurie Morgan Ms. Donna T. Rourke Mr. Doug Mrstik Ms. Erica R Rudisill Stephen M Musco Ms. Roselynn Russian Ms. Melissa Mustelier Mr. Robert Salamone Ms. Melissa Musteuer The Robert and Linda Salisbury Fund Mr. Gregory B. Mutty Edward J. Sanchez Ms. Carol Myers Kristen and Daschner Sander Mr. Michael Neill Mr. Henry Sands II David & Josie Nichols Mr. William S. Sarazen Mr. Michael Noble Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Saunders Christina L. Nohmer Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Savage Mr. Joel Nutter Ms. Molly J. Schenk Ms. Maricile A O'Brien Patricia J. Schiess Ms. Brooke S. Olivieri Barbara Schimmel Mr. Jonathan Olmeda Dreux H. Schoenbeck Ms. Diana Z. O'Neill Paula Evans Chibuzor N. Onugha Ms. Pamela Schuneman Louis Orban Mr. Jerry L. Scott Ms. Karena Page Susan M Scott Mr. Scott Paice Ms. Clare Segall Mrs. Adele M. Pardee Mr. Richard T. Segall Ms. Ellecia Parker Ms. Lindsay J Seidelman Ross R. Parker Ms. Mary Jo Seidner Mr. Larry Parks Mrs. Catherine S. Sellors Betty and Stanley Pelletz Ms. Sara Seng Mr. Mark C. Pellman Jeff Sergi Michael R. Pender Jr CPA Mr. Ryan Serica Ms. Nicole M. Penland Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Shapiro Ms. Sharon Picard Ms. Schelly A. Shaughnessy Mr. Nathaniel Plant Pauline A. Shaw Mr. James B. Pope Ms. Kathryn Shea Ms. Amy Popma Stacy R. Shinn Dr. Sujutha Prabhakgran Sue Shkrab Mr. Daniel Prince Mr. James Skene Richard B. Purdy Charles L. Smith Ms. Linda Quarles R. Michael Smith Ms. Rosanne Raap Ms. Sherri Smith Joshua Ramsdell Mr. Stephen Smith Ms. Carrie A. Rasmussen Ms. Vivienne Smith Mrs. Joan U. Raulerson Ms. Pamela Smith-Beatty John Redgrave Edward W. Spangenberg Sharon and Bob Reitsch Mr. William Speaker Mr. Larry Resnick Robert Spier, M.D. Imo Wanda Rhyelle Ms. Stephanie R St. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. George D. Rice Ms. Gail M. Staib Mr. Jeremy Richardson Dennis L. Starkey Mr. Nicholas P. Roberts Ms. Beverly A. Stebenne

Janet Steves Ms. Linda Stewart Ms. Amber Stidham Mr. Paul K. Sutton Ms. Helen L. Swanton Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Swenson Mrs. Jenifer Tamman Mr. Leiland Theriot Mr. Randall W. Thies Olivia Thomas Ms. Kayla Timm Mr. Richard Torrey Greg and Lisa Totten Mr. Greg Trippel Mr. Thomas Tryon Ms. Melissa A Ungerer Ms. Holly C. Ursetta Mr. Neil J Vafeas Karen and Mike Valentino Mr. Ross Vollmer Dr. and Mrs. Rudi Wadle Mr. Daniel Wagner Bill and Jean Wallace Mr. John Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Waters Don Watson Robert Webber Mr. Stephen Weger Mr. Randy Welker Ms. Cynthia West Dr. James O. White Lori M. White Mr. Raymond L. White Mr. Robert Wilburn Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Williams Mr. Raymond E Williams Glenn Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wilson Deborah Winsor Mr. William E. Woeltjen Mr. Tim Wolfinger Katherine M Woodruff Mr. Duke S Woolverton Ms. Janice C. Wright Mr. James Young Ms. Sandy Young Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zabelle Kurt D. Zeugin Mr. Mark R. Zimmerman PA Maria P. Zollo Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Zrimsek Tammy Zuknick Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Zundel Four Anonymous

Mr. Eugene N. Agins Lucy Aler Marti Albritton Mr. Ernest J. Allard Jr. Ms. Crystal J. Allred Mr. and Mrs. Guy F. Amuso Mr. and Mrs. George F. Anderson Dr. Roland Anthone Mr. Joseph E. Atchison Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bahr Dan and Nancy Bailey Mr. Kenneth Bailey Ms. Marian W. Bailey Ms. Nancy J. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Baker, Jr. Mr. Terry Ball Rick Barber Colonel and Mrs. John P. Barker Ms. Estelle M. Barrett Mr. Roy R. Bass Ann and Sumner Baum Mr. Robert W. Bauman Mr. and Mrs. Conrad E. Bechard Ms. Marjorie P. Bechtold Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Beck Mr. and Mrs. Edward Becker Mr. Martin Belkin Ms. Charlee Ann Bell Ms. Dorothy W. Bennington Mr. Herbert B. Berdan Mrs. Simon Berenson Mrs. Liese Lee Berkowitz Mandell L. and Madeline H. Berman Mr. Robert J. Berns Dr. Irving A. Beychok Mr. and Mrs. Norbert S. Bick Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Binder Mr. and Mrs. George L. Binswanger Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Biron Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Blacklow Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Blair Theodore Bleecker Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blomfield Dr. and Mrs. Horace Blood Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blumhardt Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boardman Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Boling Mrs. Ruth M. Bonelli Mr. Armand C. Bonneau Mrs. Martha Borthwick Mrs. Marjorie Boulware Ms. Joan M. Bower Mrs. Gay H. Boylston Ms. Linda R. Bracken Mrs. Rodgers A. Bradley June R. Brasgalla Mr. and Mrs. David W. Brenner Mr. Charles Brown Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Brown, Jr. Mr. Larry J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Brown Mr. Walter M. Brown Mr. William R. Brown Jr. Mrs. Wm. P. Brownell

Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Bruno Ms. Linda Joyce Bryant Martha P. Buenneke Mr. John F. Burg Bill Burgunder Mrs. Lee Byron Carol and Sherry Cadwell Matt and Margaret Callihan Ms. Marian Canfield Mr. John V. Cannon ESQ Mrs. Edward R. Carney Mr. Steen Carstensen Dick and Jackie Caulfield Mr. and Mrs. John V. Cavanaugh Ms. Diana Chadwell Robert Chalphin Mr. Charles H. S. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Chichester Paul N. Child Ms. Barbara A. Chomko Ms. Beverly Christie John Church Ms. Connie Clark Mrs. S. Preston Clement Barbara Clements Mrs. Phyllis Clendaniel Ms. Margaret Close Mr. Edward D. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Leonard G. Cohen Ms. Patricia R. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Irving M. Coleman Terry & Kathy Colombo Ms. Candee S. Condray Ms. Bonita L. Connell Ms. Pam J. Conner Mr. and Mrs. Loris H. Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Albert Conte Ms. Mary Ann Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Aubert Y. Coran Ms. Patricia B. Couch Mrs. Deborah M. Coulter Margo & Warren Coville Mr. Paul C. Cramer Mrs. Sara C. Crampton Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Crook Mrs. Carla Cummings Mr. Harold R. Cunning Jr. Mr. Terrance M. Day Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Dean Mrs. Charles H. Dearborn Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Delaney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Demasi John C. DeMaster Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dempsey Ms. Kathleen H. Denning Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Deters Jim Diefenderfer George and Fran Dietz Mrs. Arnold Dilaura Ms. Shirley Dinkin Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dixon Mr. and Mrs. John Dockum Ms. Beatrice J. Doheny Mrs. Warren J. Donaldson Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Donegan Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dorsey

Peter & Debbie Douglas Ms. Rae Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Dryer Mrs. James Drymon Bud and Karen Duffey Ms. Elanor C. Dunham Ms. Laurie M. Dupuy Phyllis & Albert Dworkin Mr. and Mrs. James E. Edmundson Dr. and Mrs. Charles Edwards Ms. Rosalyn Ehrenpreis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Eichelberger Mr. and Mrs. Stuart J. Eisman Mr. and Mrs. William S. Ellis Ms. Ruth K. Engman Mr. and Mrs. Jack H. Epstein Patricia Erickson Mr. Robert Espenscheid Ms. Kathie Esposito Ms. Kathleen Esposito Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Evory Mr. James B. Fahrney W. A. Granberry Family Charitable Trust Dr. Bernard E. Farber Mr. and Mrs. S. David Farr Mr. and Mrs. Reid D. Farrell Ms. Joyanne C. Fathauer Ms. Virginia Feagans Mrs. Juliet Fechheimer Mrs. Joan Feder Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Ferguson Mr. Richard F. Fernstrum Ms. Mildred R. Field Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Fineshriber Mr. and Mrs. William Fink Mr. and Mrs. Howard Finkelstein Mr. Edward N. Finley Ms. Carol E. Fisher Commander Samuel L. Fiske Mr. and Mrs. John Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Brian H. Flynn Mrs. Beverly Ford Ms. Barbara Ford-Coates Mrs. Robert C. Forgan Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Forman Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Fortin Larry and Annette Fraczak Ms. Jane F. French John P. Frestal Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Friedman Ms. Alicia B. Fruehwald Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Fulton Ms. Cornelia Futor Ms. Mary Garrido Ms. Margaret A. Garske Ms. Beatrice K. Gartenberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Garvin Mrs. Edna L. Gary Ms. Bonnie Gauspohl Dr. Richard and Mrs. Georgiades Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Gerwig William and Ruth Getzen Mr. Ralph Gilbert Mrs. Edward Glazier Dr. and Mrs. Bertram Gold

Dr. and Mrs. David Goldberg Mr. Jack L. Goldsmith Jay and Mimi Goodwill Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon Ron and Shirley Gossett Dr. Franklin M. Gould Ms. Evelyn C. Grafrath Ms. Sally J. Graham William J. Green Dr. and Mrs. Leon C. Greene Alan and Dawn Griffes Dr. James J. Griffith Mr. Raymond C. Grills Michele and Caleb Grimes Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Grossman Dr. William B. Grubb Jr. Mr. Robert Hagemann Ms. Annette L. Haile Brian and Betty Hall Ms. E. Ann Hannes Mrs. Diane Happy Mr. and Mrs. George Hardy Mrs. Virginia Harnett Nancy and John Harris Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Hartenstine Mr. and Mrs. Leonard H. Hartley Ms. Deborah Haufler Dixie and Dick Hawkins Mr. J. Garrett Heard IV Mrs. Marco Hecht Ms. Maryanne C. Hecht Ms. Irene K. Heller Ms. Lucille L. Hemeon Mrs. Emil Hess John and Ruth Hess Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heusner Mr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hine William and Marjorie Hirons Ms. Fiona M. Hoefer Edna Hoffman Mr. Herbert Hoffman Mrs. Michael O. Holowaty Ms. Hannah F. Honeyman Mrs. Elizabeth Horne Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Horowitz Kurt Hoverter Mr. Francis W. Howard Mr. Henry T. Howley Mr. Jesse J. Hubbard Jr Sarah and Tramm Hudson Ms. Cynthia M. Hughes Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hull Mr. Melvin Hurwitz J. A. Hutson Mr. Terry Idso Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Ingham Mr. Elieser E. Intrator Howard and Betty Isermann Ms. Edna E. Jedlicka Jelks Family Foundation Ms. Paula John Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Johnson, Jr. Mr. Alfred Joldersma Mr. and Mrs. Keith L. Jones

Ms. Priscilla A. Jones Mr. William R. Jones Mr. John C. Jordan Ms. Harriet L. Jordan-Holder Fred and Rhoda Kagan Mrs. Irving F. Kammen Mr. and Mrs. E Louis Kapernaros Mrs. Robert Kauffman Mrs. Ronald G. Kauffman Mr. Lewis N. Kauten Betty and Bob* Keil Louise F. Kennedy Lucille Kerr JoAnn and George Kertesz Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kiehl Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kimbrough Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A. Kindt David E. Klemient Ms. Alice Kondrat Roy and Myrtle Krause Bill Krell Mr. and Mrs. James R. Krohn Kathryn C. Kurtz Ms. Joyce G. Kurz Mr. and Mrs. John Labar Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. LaJoie William G. Lambrecht ESQ Mr. Robert G. Landon Robert and Rebecca Lane Mr. Paul D. Larson Mr. Robert Lasker Jr Mr. and Mrs. Florian J. Latulippe Mr. and Mrs. James E. Lauritsen Ms. Evelyn Law Ms. Barbara A. Lechky Lois Lee Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Lenk Mrs. Babette J. Levey Emily H. Levine Dr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Levitt Mrs. Betty Lindenberg Ms. Suzanne G. Lutkoff Ms. Sallie W. Lutz Mr. Hugh J. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. James Lynch Mark J Magenheim MD Mr. and Mrs. Karl J. Maggard John and Kathy Malloy Mrs. Morton Marcus Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Mario Ken Marsh Pat May Ms. Christine M. Mayer Jim and Phyllis McClellan Carolyn McClelland Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCracken Ms. Cheri McDonough Ms. Patricia E. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. William W. Merrill, III Shaun P Merriman Norma and Lee Mielke Ms. Brenda J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Howard L Mills Mr. Sanford Milter Mr. David M. Mitchell ESQ Dr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Moffat unitedwaysuncoast.org | 27

Perry and Betty Monroe Mr. Bruce C. Monson Ms. Pamela D. Monson Mr. Albert G. Moore Mr. Basil Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Mark Morin Ms. Margaret Mudge Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Murphy Pamela A. Myers Ms. Yana Nales Ms. Mary W. Namey Dr. and Mrs. Philip Nelson Mr. Richard L. Newdick Mr. Karl Newkirk Mr. and Mrs. John M. Nimons David C. Noller Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Nurenberg Mrs. Lois M. Olmsted Mr. Norman Olshansky Ms. Evelyn N. O'Neill Ms. Nancy Ostrander Mr. Gerard Ouellette Mr. Gerald E. Padfield Mr. Joseph A. Panzarella Mrs. Adele M. Pardee Jerome Paskovitz and Janet Leon Mr. Gary O. Patton Mrs. Julius R. Pearson Betty and Stanley Pelletz Sandy Lynn Pepper Karen E. Pestana Dr. Wesley L. Peterson Franklin Pfeiffenberger, M. D. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Philbrick Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Pitt Mr. Michael S. Plunkett

Mrs. Jacqueline J. Pockman Jo Schmidt Mrs. Virginia Pomeroy Ms. Marjorie Schmiel Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pritchard Ms. Taia M Schmitt Mrs. Barbara Pryor Ms. Alice B. Schmutz Mr. Boris Pundick Betty Schoenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Saul Putterman Mrs. Pauline M. Schonberg Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawrence Ream Susan M Scott John Redgrave Mr. Samuel Seager Sharon and Bob Reitsch Mr. Allen Sears Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Rex Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Sessions Mrs. Arthur W. Reynolds Mrs. Frieda Shapiro Ms. Sherri T. Reynolds Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sharff Mr. John W. Rhoades Pauline A. Shaw Mr. James L. Ritchey ESQ Mrs. Martha Sherline Ms. Carol P. Robbins Judy and Joe Sherman Ms. Sylvia M. Roberts Ms. Jeanne C. Shine Mr. Harold E. Robison Jean Shoemaker Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rodda, Jr. Robert E. and Linda Line Short Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rosen Mrs. Phoebe Showers Ms. Frances S. Ross Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Silverstein Mr. John Rowan Dr. Ruth Simons Ms. Karen E. Rushing Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Burton Sack Eva and Stephan Slane Fund Mr. and Mrs. Martin Safer Mr. and Mrs. Marvin D. Slavkin Mrs. Samuel Sager Mrs. James G. Sloman Mr. and Mrs. George P. Salen Dr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Smith The Robert and Linda Salisbury Fund Jack and Peg Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Saltonstall Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Sand Marguerette Smylie Mrs. Estelle Sank Robert Spier, M.D. Bobbie and Jay Saphier Bob and Rosemary Stanko Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Savage The Landing's Eagle Phyllis and Charles Savidge Mr. and Mrs. David G. Stearns Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Schaper Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Steele Mrs. Margrit Schechtman Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Steinhaus Mr. Joseph F. Scheuerman Mrs. W. Richard Stengel

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stern Mr. and Mrs. John K. Sterrett Dorothy Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Stokes Mr. Dennis S. Stover Mr. Albert E. Strasser Dr. Mitchell M. Strumpf Tom and Trish Sugalski Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Sugar Mr. and Mrs. James L. Sumpter Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Swanek Mr. Jack R. Swartz Mr. E. Craig Sweeten Joe and Kim Taylor Mr. and Mrs. James G. Tench Olivia Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Thompson Mr. Robert L. Thornton Mrs. Katherine Thorpe Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thorset Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Tipping Mr. and Mrs. William E. Tipping, Jr. Mrs. Frances P. Toombs Mr. and Mrs. Edward Torcicollo Mr. James L. Turner ESQ Ms. Frances S. Tyler Mr. Gary Valinski Ms. Jane E. Vandenbergh Dr. P. Burt Veazey Mr. William A. Vernon Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Vinick Ms. Mary V. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Frederic C. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. James L. Wallace Bill and Jean Wallace

Ms. Elizabeth D. Walser Mrs. Theodore T. Watson Mrs. Edith N. Weinberger Dr. Daniel Weiner Suzanne and Leonard Weinstein Ms. Carolyn E. Wheeler Ms. Adell White Mr. Edward G. White Mr. John I. White Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. White, Jr. Terry White Ms. Mary H. Whiting Mr. Harry R. Whitney Mrs. Marilyn F. Wiener Mr. Ben F. Wilder Ms. Pamela J. Wilkens Mr. George M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Carroll T. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Winberg Mr. and Mrs. William Winkler Mrs. Jacqueline C. Winter Mr. Arthur Wittmer Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wolfe Philip Wood Pat and Ray Woody Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Wright, Jr. Mrs. Ann E. Wyatt William E. Yeager Mr. Norman V. Yost Alex Young Barbara and Charles Young Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Zrimsek Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Zundel Four Anonymous

Sarasota Area Financials Fiscal Strength The Finance Committee oversees the conservative fiscal management of United Way by advising the Board of Directors and providing guidance to management with respect to the following: `` Cash Management `` Capital Needs `` Financial and Investment Strategies `` Monitoring of Investments `` Annual Operating Budget Adhering to best practices in nonprofi t policies and procedures,

Major General Raymond* E. Mason, Jr. and Margaret* E. Mason Margaret A. Sanders* Herbert G. Wile*

Order of Liberty $500,000+

Loyal Contributor Society $50,000+

Judge Charles and Ruth* Simpson

Tocqueville Legacy Circle $200,000+

Rosaline A. Brandau* Marital Trust Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kiehl Bill and Karen Merrill Ralph* and Margaret Nadler Frank and Trudy* Paul Richmond Family Fund Jane Ritter* Nat and Betsy Saltonstall Two members wish to remain anonymous

Founders Circle $100,000+

Frank and Elsie Bushroe* Milton Fischman*

Vincent and Helen Blecker*

Herbert G. Wile Society $5,000+

Alan R. Abbey Nancy J. Arnold* Al Benning Jack and Kacy Carla Bennington Burt L. Bershon* Sidney Bernstein* Vincent and Helen Blecker* Ted and Annette Bogusz Robert and Ann Bohan William* and Marjorie Boulware Robert Richard Brown Mrs. William Brownell John M. Calhoun* Fund David and Sylvia Chase

G. James and B. J. Creighton Gerard and Ruth* Daniel Deborah Dalzell* Memorial Fund John C. DeMaster George and Fran Dietz Anne M. Dinnan Dr. Charles and Lois Edwards Max K. Eisenbarth Michael Fahl Juliet Fechheimer Dr. Eugene and Marian Fischer* John Flaherty Edwin and Kathy Ford Ralph and Betty* Franklin Beatrice Friedman Robert and Dottie Baer Garner Carol Lee Gilbert Stacey S. Gillman Georgette Golfinos Alan and Dawn Griffes Elva M. Gustafson Annette L. Haile Gerald and Bernice Hamme* Tramm and Sarah Hudson Jelks Family Foundation

Ed and Alyce* Kalin Marie Jennings-Kamberg Robert J. and Bernice S. Kaufman* Mr. and Mrs.* Wendel F. Kent Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Kimbrough Thomas and Florence Kinney William and Sue Klingbeil Richard B.*and Gwendolyn Kocher Ms. Mary Kramer* Mr. and Mrs. M. Lazarus Dr. Julian and Harriet Levinson Howard and Shirley Markus Roy and Helen McBean Dr. Rudy and Hope Meiselman Sanford Milter Townsend R. Morey Margaret Mudge Mr.* and Mrs. George K. Page James and Carol Pandoli Kenneth and Constance* Parent Bob* and Lee Peterson Renno and Karen Peterson Robert L.* and Margaret Pulliam Fund Ernest F. Rice* Billy E. Robinson

Cash & Cash Equivalents


Pledges Receivable, Net of Allowance for Uncollectible Pledges




Property & Equipment, Net


Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets



Liabilities & Net Assets

and strong corporate governance to ensure accountability and transparency to our community.

Community Impact Investments Continually building strong relationships and trust, United Way is


Allocations & Designations Payable


Other Liabilities


Annuities Payable


Charitable Remainder Unitrust Payable


Mortgage Payable


Total Liabilities


on strengthening the building blocks for a good quality of life.

Total Net Assets


As stewards of all donations, United Way has the ability to leverage



committed to creating long-lasting change by focusing our efforts

funding dollars each year to advance the common good. Knowledge sound investments each year in programs of high quality health

United Way Suncoast Foundation Donors Ron and Shirley Gossett Jay and Edith* Rudolph R. Wendell and Lynda* Spragins Alexander L. Young One member wishes to remain


United Way continues to apply consistent, effective internal controls

of the community and responsiveness to changing needs informs


United Way of Sarasota • June 30, 2012 Statement of Financial Position

and human service partners. Joel and Hazel Robinson Ruth G. Rolfe* Harold and Rhoda Rothchild* Ruth M. Rothschild Assistance Fund Charles Salamone Richard and Joan Sands Johnson S. Savary* Phyllis and Charles Savidge Jack* and Patricia Schiff Betty Schoenbaum Eva T. Slane Syama Sunder Sridhara David* and Dorothy Stevens Barbara Perkins Stuart* Anne O. Swain G. Hazel Trask* Richard and Alice* Tippet Frank and Catherine Waehler Gilbert* and Mary Wellman John W. West III, C.P.A. Dr. Lester* and Dollie Wolff Alexander Young Four Anonymous Foundation Donors * Deceased

Income 37%

Health 24%

Education 39%

Statement of Activities Public Support and Revenues Gross Campaign Results


Donor Designations


Provision for Uncollectibles


Bequests/Gift Annuities/Contributions


Program Revenues


Investment Return


Other Income


Total Support and Revenue


Expenses Gross Funds Awarded/Distributed


Donor Designations


Other Program Costs


Fundraising and Administration Costs


Total Expenses


Increase in Net Assets


Net Assets at the Beginning of the Year as Previously Stated


Prior Period Adjustment


Net Assets at the End of the Year

3,747,305 unitedwaysuncoast.org | 29

United Way Suncoast Board of Directors

United Way of Sarasota County Board of Directors

Gary Sasso, Chair Carlton Fields, P.A. Bill Merrill, Vice Chair Icard, Merrill, Cullis, Timms, Furen & Ginsberg, P.A. Bob Dutkowsky, Secretary Tech Data Corporation Rob Lane, Treasurer/Finance Chair Kerkering Barberio Brian Deming Family First Rae Dowling Florida Power & Light

Kimberly Hopper, Chair Regions Bank

Michael A. Hamilton SunTrust Bank

Peter Norden, Vice Chair Clear Channel

Robert J. Lane Kerkering Barberio

Mark Davy, Treasurer SouthBay Investment Group

William W. Merrill Icard, Merrill, Cullis, Timm, Furen & Ginsberg, P.A.

Charles D. Bailey, III Williams, Parker, Harrison, Dietz & Getzen Joshua Beychok Community Youth Volunteer Philip A. Delaney, Jr. Northern Trust

Duane Padget FCCI Insurance Group Karen Rushing Clerk of the Circuit Court

Rae Dowling Florida Power & Light

Joe Taylor Publix Super Markets

E. Keith DuBose Matthews, Eastmore, Hardy, Crauwels & Garcia, P.A.

Lori M. White School Board of Sarasota County

Brian Hall Sabal Palm Bank

Nelson Lane (ex-officio) Sarasota Memorial Health Care System

Mark Fernandez Tampa Bay Rays Kimberly Hopper Regions Bank Michael Lewis Progress Energy Florida, Inc. Steve Mason BayCare Health System Gwen Mitchell Deloitte Pete Norden Clear Channel Paul Reilly Raymond James Stu Rogel Tampa Bay Partnership Joe Taylor Publix Super Markets Dan Vigne Sabadell Bank David Walker Procter & Gamble –Retired

United Way of Tampa Bay Board of Directors Brian Deming, Chair Family First

Robin Gomez City of Clearwater

Eric Bailey, Community & Partnership Development Chair CapTrust

Kimberly Guy St. Joseph’s Women’s Hospital

Robert Dutkowsky, Governance Chair Tech Data Corporation

Annemarie Hare The Bank of Tampa

Mark Fernandez, Resource Development Chair Tampa Bay Rays Gwen Mitchell, Audit & Ethics Chair Deloitte Gary Sasso, Vice Chair Carlton Fields Dave Walker, Treasurer/Finance Chair Procter & Gamble –Retired Marion Albanese Ernst & Young Dr. Ken Atwater Hillsborough Community College Bob Bechtel Publix Super Markets

Kevin Herzberg Grant Thornton Robert Hoyland USAA Brian Keenan First National Bank of the Gulf Coast Tod Leiweke Tampa Bay Lightning Michael Lewis Progress Energy Florida David Pizzo Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Florida

Mike Brennan Ernst & Young

Stuart Rogel Tampa Bay Partnership

James Camp Raymond James

Steve Schultz Wells Fargo

Mike Daigle Mosaic

Thomas Szubka City of Tampa unitedwaysuncoast.org | 31

United Way of Sarasota County Committee Volunteers

United Way of Tampa Bay Committee Volunteers

Audit Committee

Audit & Ethics Committee Gwen Mitchell, Chair Lee Bell Robin Gomez Kevin Herzberg Michael Lewis

Nelson Lane, Chair Brian Hall Michael Wilson

Campaign Leadership Team Rae Dowling, Chair Mike Hamilton Marlon Brown Charlie Bailey Wendy Smith Kathryn Shea Joshua McCoy Peter Norden Ed Bertha

Campaign Cabinet

Community Impact Committee Keith DuBose, Chair Ken Alexander Mark Davy Debra Douglas Mimi Goodwill Marc Lazarus Dale Ott Karen Rushing

Finance Committee Mark Davy, Chair Debbie Douglas Dale Ott Karen Rushing Pam Schuneman

Financial Stability Partnership Leadership Council Mark Hamilton, Chair Marlon Brown Brandi A. Byrne Mireya E. Eavey Annette Haile Jeff Maultsby Elliott C. Metcalfe, Jr. Charles O. Murphy Joe Taylor Barbara K. Travis (ex-officio)

Governance Committee Philip A. Delaney, Jr., Chair Kimberly Hopper Peter Norden William W. Merrill, III

Success by 6 Leadership Council Wendy Smith,Chair David Adkins, Vice Chair Marie Byrd-Blake, Ed. D. Keith DuBose Charles Henry Kerry Kirschner John Lewis Bill Little Karen Rushing Lori M. White

Mark Fernandez, Chair Vinnie Dolan, Vice-Chair Dan Alvarez Dr. Ken Atwater Brian Auld Clint Babcock Bill Burke Lisa Coulter Tammy Curtis Curt Engel Nate English David Feeman Bill Habermeyer Brian Keenan Stephen Koch William Krusen Daniel Martz Mike Merrill Sam Nein Angelo Ojeda Julio Ramirez, Jr. Lila Robbins Janet Watson Mark Watson Tana Welch Bill West

Community & Partnership Development Committee Eric Bailey, Chair Tim Adams Bob Bechtel Mike Brennan Valerie Brimm Frank Burke James Camp Lisa Coulter Mike Daigle Don Dixon Mary Gamble Kimberly Guy Lisa Huetteman Machelle Maner Brian McEwen Debra Prewitt Susan Rolston Steve Schultz David Steele Lara White

Finance Committee Dave Walker, Chair Eric Bailey Joseph Cannella Abby Castellanos Lisa Coulter Alan Fisk Patrick Gramling Annemarie Hare Todd Hewlett Brian Keenan Ashley Mackendrick

Governance Committee Bob Dutkowsky, Chair Dr. Ken Atwater Ron Ciganek Brian Deming Robin Gomez Gwen Mitchell David Pizzo

Marketing Advisory Committee Tom Szubka, Chair Lisa Coulter Patrick Ho Scot Kaufman Matt Larson Lesley Peters Steve Versnick Deanna Willsey Jeff Young

Public Policy Advisory Committee Stu Rogel, Chair Eileen Boyle Katie Franco Dr. Liana Fox Eric Land Connie Milito Jenna Paladino Kathleen Peters Amy Petrila Debra Prewitt Michelle Todd Chuck Warrington David Zanitsch

Women’s Leadership Steering Committee Carrie Boccarossa, Chair Shemeka Archer Leslie Brady Lisa Coulter Tammy Curtis Jan Duke Lauren Edgington Gabrielle Field Lynn Friedrichs Brenda Gaulin Annemarie Hare Marie Hebbler Lisa Huetteman Karen Julien Tasmin Kirkbride Wendy Larrison Christine Marlewski Meisha-ann Martin Erin McCormick Denise Palmer Wendi Power Chaila Restall Jeri Rivard Janet Watson Lisa Yacso

Workplace Volunteer Council Mary Anne Fullerton, Chair Michelle Backlund Debra Cheek Joel Cleveland Leticia Cruz Mary Ann Daniel Luis de la Torre Mike Frank DeDe Green Rebecca Heimstead Jane Hernandez Vicki King Donna McTavish Sandi Narron

Lanie O’Brien Jamie Patterson Dianna Parker Katie Peterson Janell Ray Cara Santucci Matt Schreiber Caroline Serra Cathy Smith Matt Spear Stephen Thomas Mary Tlachac Mike Weaver Kelvin Woodson

unitedwaysuncoast.org | 33


Tampa Bay Area Office 5201 West Kennedy Blvd., Suite 600 • Tampa, FL 33609 Telephone: 813-274-0900 • Fax: 813-228-9549

Sarasota Area Office 1445 2nd Street • Sarasota, FL 34236 Telephone: 941-366-2686 • Fax: 941-365-4368

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