I .
..... ,. •t•' t• .. , .. Nfllt._ • . . .. . . . 11
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STOUT ANNUAL 1909' Being Stout Institute as Seen by tho Editorial Staff of the Class or Nineteen Hundred and Nino
Wl$CON8 1N
lfUN J II r. tt)lH
I)F..OICATION TO MR. STOUT 'I o lion. j . II. Stout. laundn cl Stout In""""· and 1•~1 cl tl>t 1-rd cl uuolr.... our lritnd and hrlt"''· wh""' "''"""' arr lor thr '"""""""' ..t i<-arn11v. okAl onclu.,ry, and honnr, th10 volurnr ;. drdoutrcl hy thr C1a.. <71
PKf-.:\ I
\l H IIA I I""
C.l C)f(C:.I k l•t ();
CONTENTS Ocdatioa Supt. L D. Hon·•l
F.culty Smoon
5 6 7 12
I''"""""'" ltki1~ <1ul»
1\thlctio Oeutoche C<><l!Jchalt
School Alumni
63 95 Ill
127 132 139
E.DITORIAL STAFF F.d""' in Qid E.dilo< cl Otpni.uliocu l..o••••ry E.d•cw llumctow Ed•.. Pon Athlttic:o
a...;,... Manol!tf Alumni Edil«
54 oJI Arlill•
l.ouit. M. R..,hl
!...de W. Reynold. F,.~ M. Ot.. er Fr&n<<> C B.cl. Owb P. Kaunou.,h
0. 1\1. MD.r
Max II. Bauman RD.w.., Mari< A. llun....., Em•y M. Thomu
c-~ ''"'' l!.nt0<1. O..<etor .. Tr.ining Sth..ollor Monual TrAin ing T uch.!n: Dttlkf!: Or~.tnl.(alion ~tnd Mlln!)l{Ctnc..·nl.
p,.,.. 1~. Ut99. 1f'6Ciwn ~. Col..be.. Ut~~"'n.ity. 1 ~.).)4. Tfilltl"" ol........t •-....,. ~-.. t '\~ }nWf, J.899,Jfl0h Po.-•'Md. M...... 1901. I?Ol; ~lwld, M._.._.,, ICJO.I.I 1Jcn, Sawr Tr•"""' Sc'-h, I')()S. 1~. $lou~ fa•tlllllt. 1~.
Leo. Ammocm
:.. t..-. ~1M.W
Shop Prarti<.-.
r,._. ~ r&u. c..u t.;";'('l'tir1, llk"<-lw:Uc:al "'·
P"'""""'l· llfJ7... tdd.t Pot,t«hcnklliP. LuOt-h. Sw.-,tNnd. IIO+&·it.tdv.t.~~
..H.,~. 1806- r~.Lct ... St. l...oui. Maaull T,,.,.~ Sc.Mol 1901.190S; St.- Tr.... &loNI., l'lOS.ICJM; S.... 1 - . I<>.Jo-
Georg• M. llraC<', joincty. C.binct Moking, Meehanic•l Dr•winp.
T"achn U. J,~h tc:hool, Uay Crty, llliooio, 189S.I900, .t:.-.. o1 - . 1 ..,..., 1-nn.. w.,._,, ICJOO.IIJOJ; M.r...-. M"I'V"" truJ.fqo}, O.d111h. ~ti•ooot., 190S-1906, S.CMit l"!llctute, 1908.. lllkatl C41kwt'. llf'>h M t\, 189).
~.,....... III'Jl.III'JS; ........
•IUtb M*l.
Wm. T. Elmga. Patt<rn Maluo&ancl M...adon.. F...... v. ~tel 1\!etal Wodt. Aw..o..d ....,_ ...V.. 1\•-olo-. Hol.od. lflo7.111'11 • . ~~......... I - N - Y01l Ccy, 1902.190); \~_,.,...,..___, ptottcn culn, .lid tool ..l.« wch M"'mal 1~ ~ ld9l. 1903: i..anactot fotrc ~ fo.ady rot.rtlt~t. p,...yi•...._ ScM~. 190). 1~ ...,_. 1.... ....! l.....cl<r ""'""· c.lo<odo s..... CaiJo.v. 1901. 1908: Scoot 1......... 19011.
Fr...! L Curran. Elem<ntaty Woodwoc~. l'rimory llanclworlc. H... locy ol Manual T rainin.. Supcrvioo< ol E.km.n1ary M011...! Tr.,.,m~
S..... N-.1 Sdooel. s..- P-. w-- I'IOS. S.... 1-. 19011. U.dcyPol,...._ 19011. T-tw.. porbl~ K ........ lll'lb 190); ,.....;,..1 SW. I'..W .Mol. I')OS.I907; ~- I.,.,.,., 19011.
Laura C. Day. Dirccla< ol TramrnR School lor Dome.bc Science To.lthen. Food Ma1crials and Food~ llou..hold Econocny ancl Management. Kana&~
State A&ticvh~o~ral CoUttr', 18'J8; ~ araduatt woelr. domocic .doeott. 189-4. A~ ia ~ic 0111«' and afl• drp.tt~M~~I. Kua.at Sc.a&e Ar"· cuft~t~al Colkft, 1894-189S; w.-chort of ~tic:~ alldN1s. S.O.. Ataa. ~Ml Tr. . . Sc:hool MdCMDOftltt, Wile~ lf)S.IC)OO; t.pmal 1.-ccufct ..d dw.- cl ~of .so-,. ..,_,. P...... u.o-.iry. L..Foy-. lod.. 1901.1902;- , . , _ 3<....... 190J.I908. S....l.rit..... 1908.
I.Arteno Seymour. Talk. and M,O.,y. Uan<niry o1 M......._ Ill'»;,._..,. Yoo'c
v.,....,.,, I'IOS;
T........ CaJ.
u..,.,,.,, 1907. Tro<lw<, L.Mt l.iooh. Me....... H,.l. Sdooel. 189>.111'16. o...r .... m.,.;,. 11,.1. 3<1oool. lfl'lll.1906; Scoot,.,.... .. Sd-1.. 1907.1906. .so- .......... 19011. q.. Calo•bu
Adele M. Joan. Art Nc:cdlcwork. HOU>e Dccor.tioCI.
Ctty NoUII.Al ~·- o .. Of~ 190-1: 'l·~.,Jw.fl' Cc'lllortt. ColumN u.i. "wt.tf. 190$. TU(t.« 0.a)1011 poblic: tehool.. 190-t-1906: Stout hntill.ll\", 1908.
AnM ~~c~1r1Ln. Dorncstic Art and Doi!IC1tic Science. Stenm Poilllt Nouo•l. 189?: ScOl.lt Tr•M~ S<hoolt. 1~: Cr.ck tt:klo.cr, 189\). 190S: t~:ac:h«' ~ d.omot~ ~Me, Stt'H't'll Polnl NOfmal School and C,a.ad Jt.1*1.. \V~i:n. public tthool .. 1906: Stout IMtitult'. 1909-
J-phinc SthO!cr, Domeslie Scicn.o.
Dwull~\lk'. 1900: Tc-.c.hm Colk,t, Colu.mb~ U11nt1•ity, 1907. Te..ch. n C)f Conl1nc. C.l• 0.-.iaJ Sthool. lnd.ua11101•. Ia((...,• ., 1900-1906: kac:h. n ol Oomt'.JII..t Etonocny. Kibdnwartcn ·rriinina S~:hool. IMJ~,,.}X)Ii-, 1902-
1906; Elt'Oit.ll tl.wu in Oiekti<-t '" ,~..."'l~j, llo.,,il ..h. 1?02-1906: D~f'· tiiU•OintHCOr.ioty llo.piul Wna O!otn.l'•·· 1901-1907: tcachrr ol
cJo.n.t.t-.: n::.....y. r .. Oi.crid Acricubw&! Sthool, StMaboto. Ca... 19071'llle. s.... ......... 1909.
W~hdmina II. Spohr, Food Study ond Coo~ing. K..,.... St.-te Col~. 18?7: ScOQt I"Jtlllllt, 1907. T('.chtt 1~blic t<hooh. M•Ahatlall, K•""''· 18?7-1906: C.Jumtt, Mkhla•n. 1907- 1•)()6; Stout ln.
•t•UII'. 1?06.
I lobi>, J).,... ,,. ~..n I,,., •• ~ t• ..t f,~ II"""' MaL,., .. '•'-c ....-1.111- ,__,~...._s-.-s.. "4 < A ~~ .t ~ n.--. "".. •·~· · ,•...,,. r•• ._. • r•..w. !'k~
•->---· ....... llwt.wqw. '""' , •••• ..,.,..,..,.
..,.. .,, '
~.r ...... #' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~,,.,... ,~ ...hu..d I 1•...-.. c •• ,.,..... M..- . 1 1 ~111 ~~-~~ ,..., 15 W
i\ tt••IIIIC .~ f• t~-ffl..J.cl -.- "'• lt·_.t~ M•••, l'k" I'Kf'l, Stnu1
/ rll.< I I'...L.,., ( ·h,.,.itlry an<l lf,.,f.,wy l
.,,"..r" ul l·l..t... I'IIH. 1•-' ••IINII• ,._.\ , l •••nJfr ..f t }1•1" I'~ \••alllll f"W" f...,.i (loo-r.rt-1, l nll•<li'f ... lt..t,__, I'JIHI lfJl)4 • .._..,.... !'111.....,_ (..lfu \\o.,lWict~~a,. I'JU4 I'Q\ S.,... h••llif Sot '-I•.
.--•. tt.a.
''"11 ··~ !\C- .....,.. lfJIW\
II. \V. jtmrno•'· D1rrt tnt of I ~un,lunec l tAclr S.: tu)l~.
•nd Ct~t~trutr>r, IN'W I'N"H, dlfNtflf Mwuv•l"''" !"'..h<..-•1 ef 11\\1 JJ,.-.••"8· l?lH 1 1~. ~Ur~ll lfloliloll\14,., I'Xll'.
II II..!,IGn,....,
n....,,~ .,1 lln.Ua>OII rr..l• ~Mol
\\ .u....... ' .......... ,,... ....... IIJI:J\
I'JII~". ~..,.
l""11u1.., 1'10'\
I,...... 1'10\ jll'lllfofWJ•• • ...... (tllllbMtclr,
Frana> C.tMn., Ponmon .
.su....m.o. ol Kindtts•rtrn D<1W!ment.
Clue,.. K-.,..,,.. Colq.. tCJM.
l)w,...., M..J.I School •od K-d«
·r••--. ·rretlwf. Kmdotrt•nm Collf'lf. F011 Worth. Tuat. 1 9M ~ 1906, "-"'a""" Cn<c. S..a. N.,...J School. K •~>•~k. Mluoo.n. 1906. 1907; Ow..,.. Modd K;,d,rw.- ...1 To._ Sc'-1. S.... N-.1
Scfo.ool. C.codat Fall...
l o~u.
I'"'Jtulf', 1900.
Mary D. Bradford. Su.,..rvOO. ol Primory Wook: ·noeory ond Pr••· J>nm.uy T ud.W.r. lrupcction and Supcm.ion: Nature Study: l.oter•turc And Phdooophy ol Edu<:ation. tl(c W.
Tf'-ch.rt K('ftOthall•h Sdwol 188-4-1894: 1\lf)tf,.ilof of p4'aci!N: 1"'KM~t~ ol Modd :X'-1. 1'- N0<...J School. 18"4-1906.
s-t Tr ...;,a S<hoolr. 1906.
Cora Bauon. Critic T ellchor and Diredor of the CodingtOto Kindcr· pncn:
c.ru.. Stone.. c.m.. and ()ca,potionL
s... Koork""'"' ...1 J>,_,. T.,...,. School.
190},1....... K..dert.r..._
aNI f"'rt•ll)' NOI'm.al 'l'r•5n.lna Xhool, N0trn1l eou,...., lmh•n•t>Oii.., 1904. o-too ol Y"""" So. K ....... .,_ lodr.••pol-. 1904: -r,.;.,Uoa
Sc'-1.. 1904.
Moty Eluh.rd. Critic Teacher and Director N011h Mcoomonit K.,. dorg•ncn. Clay Modeling ond Mamrol \Vork. M~it K.&rtt111n. r,..-. School JiX.J; s.MI, -r,:am.. St:hool, 190}.
Mro. Noy..., Sc_ Muy'•
lntttu<lM Ill Muooc. .,._ tnd"'VJUit'tl l>r1unmt"nt.
S.....a. t(..,._.._ I
s.... ........... 1'100
... ~ •.•,. c.,w..,.,
Pr.rl II. Cook, 1\,t o.,.nmtnt: BIKkbo.rd Dr•wma; F'"" I land Dta.ma. and Color Work. ('htc•F An l•llut~~>, I~ Pua lu~. IIJOS. T.-.--..., f-..c \\.,..,. Sdlaol ol An, f.., Wo,...loJ. I<JM.t907; ~..., ...... IIJ07
Cr&<e R Darling. EnRI!Ih and I lam<' &.w.omi<t.
u.o.n..1 o1 MK.....,. tt1&4
T,......, CA-.- C..'-
l..ilotaty St!otMl Mllli--. lfJ07 T .,., hn .t l<t..a... , •nd 5c.o. N<.n..l ScJ-1, (),}\ -1-. Wo. 16&1 ltfll ....W. •4 Ho tocy a~~el f""""•hr. Scate NorMal S<hool Md·•awl "', \\ •. l~ 190\, W~~otoo-in
IA-f"-· t..._.
A. II. Platt. Drmor a1 5<hool a1 l'h>""•l T''"'"''· Th""'> and Prottier al Ph)·..,•l Tr•mmt~-
NCifa&l ~ o1 thr Ntlftt. A..,._." C,.uoctr l'.,""'- t()Ol. l,.•ervo.:ll'lf • ath~" ""'' t.l.,._.J traM-c • Y \1 C \, \t ............. \1-.... IQI).I . IIJ07: ~.... loaon"" School, 19Q7.t•.l(ll, !>to'"' I'"'""'· l<llll\.
Julio Bigdow. Auimnt in School ol Ph~ Tr~ining.
Non"•' School of ttw: N01th A...mc..a Cy• ..n.e U.IOfto 1906. Slout Tt••· ... S.a...lo. 1906-1906; s..... 1-·· 1906.
Ndloc W. Fanuworth. fnttrudo< in PhyDolosy. Home Nunins. Cooking and F'ood \V01k: Pr..,q>1l'.., Bcttha Taint<r HaD. Rrttt fall• Nonaal Sc.hool. 1692: St011t ·r,aiaiclc School fM T~.cMn o4
o.,-.ti< S.itoce. I'lOS. .I Mvo;.. 189J. I902: t«<h« O.loo~ .SO... N....t Stl.ool. 190J.I90<: V.tk, Goy Swe N... Stl.ool. 190S.
1906: Stool Tn..... St'-' 1906-
F'r.nc:eoa L Ouo. Secretary and AP!'Ointment Cfefk.
l.......,., oil........ 1897. v....· -
Collq.. lod..aopol.. hod..... 1900. Tt"ht< ........ode..... Hcl> S.l.ool. Blof11m. t900: b<""'ht<· I lei> S.hool, M.n...ot. Wl.to.ouo. 1901 .190J: S.... To••... School•. 190). t'lO&: St... l oot<o~<. 1900·
TO OUR FACULTY To b.: gl.d we know you bt:ta...., it ai•t:t ut the chan« to fum. and to oiii,•e. and wo<k. and to loofc out on tho wotld bdorc "' satio!ied that we c.on do u you have done, but not contented untd we have done it; to de>pioe nothing in our w01k but alo>enf.,... and laaurc. and leor nothing but righteom c:riticiom: to b.: go,·erned by whot you have found in ut to pnioe rather than by our funoiAbont.; to covet nothing that ;. youn but your kindn... ol hu.t and YOUt pohcn<c with on otwnbling cLmbt:tt.: to think .ddom ol ounch-.. but oltcn ol you, '"" tcachefs, ond the mony way• you have made youncfl deor to 11>-Tht:tc arc our guide 1>0oto on the lootl"'th to knowledge. Franco• M. Oliver. 10
IN MEMORIAM. Sophia ElizAhdh II"""
Domesbc s.;,...., Scn>or April 6. 1909.
Preooclcn1 Via: Preoideal Trco:.uuret
Lcx.i. M. Rod~ Bonnie Grimsh•w Edith R. McDowdJ Oyde A. Bowm•n
STOUT L..;smvrE A.''D CE>.'rR.\1. I IICI I SCIIOOL
Cw<n<lolyn Fentoa Kmck<pllm
Thcoio: Drawing in Ptimoly Crack. Hc:r~·· o.e o1 ~ $t.ief, A c._do. A.d. oJ..oalo ... . _.... .... -
Sbi•. ,.a, ..... ~. A.d ha "'""' ••• ..u.... w~ bow .he wil dw• .uu.e ...
F••nccs Bed:--"Bedcie" Madioon. Wiocon>in Domestic Sci<n<e The.is: Domestic Scienoe in Run! School> At ~ biM', b.d: CUM ft..- tkcl A.d • '"' pio ha ..... dxl bo!ocl.. Ott ao. w~'tc Mit~ F.. ....t.~ou..a.uod.,., so. - - t.a.. l.d ..... p«L
Mich&d F. Kav&nough-"Mike" Manual Training Thesis: lndu<IMI Eduation
Downins. \V_,m
F~w ~hit WOfdt, ,....1 M ~ Hi.t a t•ukn mJilt.tt the "'ttd.• He'tln.h. boeob-···ht:'• a true .o. o' eo.\,
•* ;.
H;. ln.....l.
do,,. till"'"' ,. .-. ,,. ..,.n,.
Edna M. Klumh-"Kiurnl»e" West Bcocl. w_..... Domestic Sci<n<e Thesis: Adap~atiom cl Fooch to Sc.Have .,.. .I doo c..- ..;,I t-nl) w~ Btocl • ~we<~« r•..- WOML Wool. ,._, ""*clou ;, '-cl Sk'• • •hole c,..r... head. Alret.clr )'ft. oo~. .M'• • t.~.
[__._____ 21
R. <'h..K.nt
Manu#l Tra•n•nllf Furnitur. M•lu•~ in thr IIIMh School A ••.u·i•..,. • t ·t...tfut. I• -..~ ._,., •nr llw M ,llllft't uti' • ••1.1o J It'' • a t11.11.bt.- th•ll. T'br llf...d 1w4J ol ...,,_,,,. h• h.a.u.a
1\nn.a V Fat"dt- "Ann" l)omc.t~e
DndR<"\~Ie!. \Vi"'onUn
I lc)U•r Kr('pinK M A Prolr1.•1011 1\ ••M l1111f. ........_ • AM.
•n ("..,.,...,-"toM., 1,....._. n ....... Mt
Of,· t<• '0"-1 Clott.' I ~ 11o1W ..-J tht "")t h• ti'\11 ' Van•
Mru I I.
fl.Aumt\n··~'M•n•' o.-.~opm.n;
\VAtt"ttuwn, \Vdc'OfHiJl
Manual Tr•iniJlK o/1\lanwl Tr.UII13 .. .r... Unaecl Sc....
Ao ~1 ,._.,. •• lh,. •.ruurl,ho• I. ' Mth1 ~ulh uwlyt.ail
Jl,. ••lh 1.... •u.t..rll•'· W11k ~-f' n.. m aa~l •l&aow. I)... 11 tiJ....:Iy .ocl •t«•r .w f••
1\IH"Iinr. .-....,
'11tr1U: 1\ Dottldtic Sc~orntc (AuriC.' w. An J\eMif'rnic Ctl'tmc 11wf... ...... d..r1 ....... ("',.,......_,.,
\\1M""'*"' lw, ~~ ..... ~...<•) J..l .. hnr, Shor Ml"' tltd •~II UU~ """ all ~""'"" "-til 0... hrt ...,,,. .t.J l~f'
'"'*" •
C1 .,.... ""-
0. ,._~......,, .......... SI...W t• •' - ·~lww .s,,... .a., •.w•t' 'W•.. M• .J-...' I ........... .,.h 'Bt *'(t.t •., Ly d.~. SM .,.., '.,...d, tt..l t~- .-..., o,..., •
llarlow C. FunW1<--11Chi.,rl•" M•nual I'""'"""' 111.....: Manual Tr·.,.,~ Suo>!'~,.., "flw.rt. ..... ,_ ' ,..,,_ .....J ........ \\1M chf.t.~ ..... •.H. ....~ • taAf"· \11\o. oJ.. ,...w ko.lod ...... '(lo..lo' ·~ ~, ,..,..._j .......p
N.n~ rll1g.r~ld···"F••""'"
Oum<'lloc SciMI<< Oh, ba,., 1011 ,..,,.. hf'".,l t,U Of 1llf' j ....,..s,._., a.ftlrf'd N,U, s~ wor\r ""•h • "'"t A.d • .oc •at•'"ltJI AU 111>1 .... ~ o door •.II
F...IC.. M. Oln.r "fk,."
o..n.-.o... Scom<<
O<mOI!W•I- <lib. ("old t...nch I'""' • a IM $ . . tr... ~ Pwl \\'Mt.uf'l ...................
Out wtwa ill d.,.. ( l•• Shr • • '"'• • 1lw> ._...
saw. ........~ ~rn '"' """ t t.n ll
Sc Paui.M..-
St. P•ul. Minn<IOCA
Domntic Sci.nc< 11,. Swnmn Ho"'e "llw1~ •• "'- laity . . . . Ct.co~.
Wtth a
w&t-r 111~.
loott«n·•Mh wa ul'!
s.., ...J. · w~ , do.l>o. 1-\ftf't
h•O 'fN/l . . :)towC
W111h UJI Ooul!l«l I c"e
Wt~l1 ~ ttfl
Sharon. Wisccruin
Hazd J.\mold
Kmdct..Ailen TJ.e.,;
lmport&n<e clrhe Kind.-ganen ro Children Un<kr
Sn T'hnot • Huf'l tO ••«to wirl- dw\ ~. Shr.\ a l[irl w~ (atl noc talt!' a tla~, With bft "'~1111 tlueft ;\11 """" the f"Mt~. And lh~ ,.·onl or it Q dono't Ult.
Ddla Deck«
Menomonie. W iJcontin Kin<ICJ11>rlrn
Thetis: Arn<ri<a. '11oc L..nd Where Cluldhood I• Undenrood and Ptorccred A a..d b,t"' ...... ...J ;.
c-t ...om~ .. .,., ,...'11 '-d ls CKit I:Hlla tO fall' f'04' who. "'tr all ~II':
'T'fw.rr't MOM in OCII ~J tiM MOlt'
ll<nry P. Cnb«···"ll•nk11 Menomoni<. WiJcon>in Manual Training 1l1csi.: Sloyd 1'kfp •u a told flillloff a.a.M lful Who btloctted to tk tift .old~n ralll:, w~w.
woodwork ,... , o'rt,
Aad 1~ '-rn "'"~ .tl dt.cL
II1J cktLy ht- cotlta:.l oo tlw: tt<k of h'• •wad Ia tiC'.,rh ol nt*'-C'M .. ptuk
~~~ Wiocoo.m Kin<l<rprtm 1'h.sio: D:.c;p;.,.-1,. Mtthod and Mr....,g., Prmory Crock.
1'l.n-t> .. . ''"'""' ...-. A1 N"t'l ...__. \..,~ ·~ wor-. hoot Slat ..,... rro Mt«t QMt.c
.w.. " ....,.
A<....!. ... ...n.... &a tt..&'t .nI'U 11tU 7CJW aLwl ..-.'
Manh•n•n. Kan...
R. E<li1h McDoweU Domn1ic Scirne• Thetio: Building • Body
Tbnc-'• • au! .. ho it tAll dr-.,-, ..dan&. stw·, ... tt...ttt.r..·, .. eMu• t;,.-. Sbr~ ..... M ... 1-\.d ru hnld ~ ..,.
,.,. ... bod. .. -
..,..n, .......
N..Uic: Warner Th..t.: tlcrr i. • bid~ S~•e "'"~
M• W.nwf. w.ll ,..,. '- ,,_. tCMt~on,
When .M eu 't ~o~lldMttaod
Sht. ... yto. ·~ . , Cood a......d. E. dull .., wth. W1P chr Dvt.t.1
n;. rou.. lMfr'• •'f'l l••• .. ,-. Hn cMt.rut'• '"11)
._rw 1-.fut'
H« .-low- ..... boll•. Aodol~••~• Woh .,... pi frwodo. t..d <!'* • 1.... .
O..rkt P. Kavtn&ugh-'ChU<k' Manual T rain111g 11rnio: The Scudmt T u<h<r
Downing, \Vtte<MUin
Sok•n. ,~tq,y. lr1.h port. fo\11l of ;ok~ but don.'1 b ow il: To ~ ..a hiN who'd 1hitlk hUll ..-M a.-1·, dw cur "'ho f11'""' ""''(h,
Menomin«. MidUpn Kindergort<n Theri~ 'l1re ruehing o/ Elem<ntory Mu•ic
Mari< A. Hunuman
" JNcPt dt.U r<l 10 1ft'
A f"~ry dear p i n.amcd Marif~ l ie calkd &I tb~ 11.11 WtU rrmvt:d by 1M. aU
Aod ehc.fo.. b» ..Jeer. to lf.t.
Blooo!instoo. \Vit<onsin D«nestic Scirnee 11rnio: Sanitary Conditio<u ol the Kitehen Alice C. Pauenon- ' Patb<'
'~he« '• "" Iriah maldrn ~;al kd
Pathr, Who a.1 titna it r::u«<Mtly ch.ny. &I •ht't ..~ • • • cl ... Wlte. q.Wud bowl htt •aa.. Yn wr l:oow h.r't a donor w)W)', llatlf.
MaU>Ioo, \Vroconsin Kindctg•tten Democratic Art---h> RelAtion to the School
Bn.i< Van llak·-' Van' The>li:
Thne'• a nuid ol
Who would
tb lt; u n to a
WOtth Wf call ' Vu.,' (tlltl,
Uul with Pl•' tht a ll.ndy And Mue all llw UAdy, l.Jy,. .... howl kf) Oh. \tf' llof'tt ( M.
Lucik w. R.,..,..ld.-'Fbhmr'
J..-.,.... w--.
Thai.: Pratbt.ol Probkm. ., Sn-a L.r~t Numb.n.
n...·, • ,.0, ....t lr• dw £-.oW lol. ~·......,.. ,M-. • ••...,... teyk. a... ..., • • ,., Fot o.t t0 Lt'Cha ..d..,., To tJ....,.. •Ad , • .,. • tl.,... en~ .... tulf·>
Em~y M. Thoma>
M""""""i•. \Viooon,;,
Domeo\11: &""" Thcoi.: School Kicch<n Arr•ngrmcnl ~.
. ......~ .....dE....
\\1M. 1M .tv
t••• .,.,. . oa • R,.,...,,
s,.. ,._."' d.tt ~
For ,_,('.t &1••11 tW W• Aid .tw ......,Yf.
w ...... t.rt ~
Kin<kf«Arlm Thai.: N•tion•l ScOf)' T dlmg l<•gur "fh.ttc • • t•t"(t .. . td .. lhtt to•• Who romfl ho~t~ • pl.-.:( of tfMWa, SM. U!o-t ruc:h • lot.
·n.o ~~·• .lr •
A.d hf'f ,.,.,,. rou ,.,.," < •• {-&rt.-.
Durood. \V...,.....,
Cora Hurlbert Kindn11"'"" Thai.: To Him !hoc Hach ShoD Bo Ci•tn llw:rt • • pi• th,.o ~ &o. \VIlo • • w..c:M to dM- <<-. ~ ('W!Jf b.rd
'llurluu ...........td Aftd w~ COYid • ..It to b ow MOlT)
Bt.nche W. T.It- 'TJr'
Whttewater, \Voocomin
Th..D: Buoineu in the Home ~ • • J'OO'I& l.dy ...M Bla~cht.
s~ --~ ..... Jmd oe • ,..,M. Sloe'• do.\, .... ...! ...... She'd br ~ .....•• f,.jr ,...... 0. t.ht. . .,.et Poe lr.u. thor dl.a.tte
U1i.n Royo<-··'1...11'
Fort Atkin...,, \Visccruin Dome.tic ScM:nco Oome.tic S<nioe Problem ~ • a d.ul: .wen., WI LA Of Sto...l .fK mo.dci MW h..Yt ~ lfl, Now, Lill ic's 110 btuf.
Two 1tAit wn-m't couf, F'ot )'Oil had to put 'Tdl• thru lht
Theodcn L Collin-'Teddy' Thoio: A
E..u ClUe. \Vi!conm Monual Training cl M&nual Training lor Girls
A maJCka c.alkd Teddy ;you ~ott, h Modt.t and twul a.t e&tl be, 'St~l Wa.ltfl lu.ft
So ,...., w<o ,...·d bcot l «p Wtll oint. w'- !No lody )'00 ,..,
Bonnie G.wruhaW···' Ilonnie' Elroy, Wiocotuin Kind<Tgarten The.U: Mc<lical lnJp<<lion and School Nuroc Movement lhrtr j, • fu maicka ...IIM'd Boa Wl.o .......... IKanl ol • 'Coo.' 1ho u.'t t« • )Ol_t,. $h.. Mft • Ito pole. n.,, • Bob. liok p.., w~~ ...! Doo
~aF.Ih. \\"toe:cmin
L....a!Uey Dom.,c,.
Thc.io: Sewina c-.,.. lor Publoc School. ~
. .. J"ood ,..J (,... tt... ·r.n..·
Aad. tl•o ,j,. . .,.. ... " do. H.llo. Sbr tnn dM- ~~ • .,.,., Wo<L ha!d cl>y 1.,. cl>y,
-co.... a .......... ~, can..
TheN.: Special 0..... rn Uni)J*CI<d Schoolo Slw:'t ~of tl!.o.o- r...-lo... ,.n al ntt". Of w. . . ...., ,.,. " - "" ....... SM't..odnt .. .... \\'0 •__.YUTl~ F.. ....Jy, I« _.._
Cbude E. Nilw1-'D«'
Oll.hom. Cilv. Oklahcma
Manual Trarnlllg
Thais: Shop Oiocipline "fb.erc: Oft«' .... ·•-*~ a&htldf\ R,..,..,UbJ7 ,..,.._,, oo Mt fttt.
louy old,~, H~ u,.utn fin4 rlac-c: A.d lt1101'>• 110t d.e lAJt" al drfr.at.
Jcaie L Thucta Docnatic Samet
Thais: A
c-.. ol Stuclr .. Coolana A
s•• ....dra .....c~ J~
H• f:OI M.wta .-.. I ,.....
.,.,... -~uoc ..-..... t c.u·,
I~ wchcM twt• He:'. Clltn. ~ lw...d to MtM.
Sl..ron. Wi>cocuin
Ruth Ill. Bym< Kw..ckr~.trlcn
E<!uutional Valu. ol S.•• \Vo<l in Primary Cr•d"' "J'N,f'·, .a pl .. tM t'lld olllrw H,lf W\o'• , K C. do.l oad toll.
Su..k•or ra., Ia\ ......., tl.t .....
Sk """ .. rf• t~ thu.tth llfll't uJI.
Anna C. J~n.kn···'Jcruir' Crccn J1,y, \Vlscoruin l)omcrlic S.i<n« Th..U: f..esolue<l Food Pr<O<r••tion r hrr(' u
Wfto ., ptf'W'M
I...Jy ..... ~. ]Mt ('II tiw- ff'tiU
• Q\t'~
Few ..., ~ .. ""OtL.t.. Aod .. dory ..... .Jwl.,.. Foe- ~ •or\ .. tM J\tu••·•f• ..~
Chit~><"• Fallr, \Vitcoruin
Clil!ie S. Engltbrehon
Domertoc Scienoc Theri~
C01m1ry Kitchen •nd Loundry ·~t 00(~ Wat
hut whal •• th~ d1f)
HI told you, you M'itht 1h~r1~ mr W1f. A G•btoft ""'I ,,.,_, Or
.0 •""
l!n!Jht lw
ubland r.... had fiQt fhn•lfflf\1 ~~ C'llf.
l.a Junl•. Colo<.do lll.nual Tromm~ D<CDDtion ol a Monu•1 Tmnin~ Room
0. 1\1. Millu-'Oie'
n.. '"'P ,.. ,.,. ..... o1 o. ~u.....
lit'• a b.d .. •rrl'-c -ood-Uk-r. ·~~ ,._, pc!'ltdUio
lin ,.•• • Rut" Jouu.!.A.• Thr catot th•l '"'" hat tutr "'nil LtiiiM'f.
Norway, Michipn
Oomnlic so-:.
n...;.; The E•olutoon ol the Hout< Hnr n a }OWIC muir.. Olff 1\.dt, [a <OM-c .JM.\ tulfy qYitr h....dy. ~«a,_..d-
~ "'" .n 'C""'
That A..dn n quft all tlH- <a.dy.
Iva 1\1. Lnn
Kmdcrsan"" 1'hc.U: Work and PlAy in Education h'• • -11..- ..cl. • oaaor eo rr Jrw.r. A IU.IW 1kM "'eNid .Ar J'OU 1i.Ptt. Wtt mv.t•'t dt«:n't Mot. For what thfl call. ' l..«vf't.' Should rully bot ..id.. ' l''t • l.a"n.'
George C. Price
Manual Tr•imng 1'lwn- ._..,. a ,..... frllo• •...d Pnct \\fho •lwayt '-"U . . . (llllf IU(r, Folk.t th~"t that they •houkL 'C• ...,. hr "'ttll wllh MlM Wood. Bfillll eo dw tO.'t-adioa.J ritt'
a. a...dock Domcobe Sorn<c
n,. L..-ing Room and I~> Fumr.hrnss O!ar (.:.rwa, tht'• ot•t .~ ,&.t\ , ud tall. And ..,..." dort a.w lh-. ._, aU
1\.t tnc..,....• 1o .!.-. 'Oe.-td. ,tw.'• .....rt ........., Ia dw tl.... 100111 and
•111,1UI th(o
Med!O<d. \Vioconain Kin<le<aan<n 11-il: n,., S<.uoo·, Con1nbu1ion lo Court< ol S.udy
Eh:t.c Maurct
"1"\c:rt • • t.... ~ 110 bric\t. El.it .we • • ""' WM.c ~ Sltt:•• • K. C.~~ 1\ nd dot. '"'<'II iD htt &11 ADd h<:r pupJ' W ~ doe. ••itt.
/ '
J...OC.. P. j..:Jt--' Bun<h'
S.. P.ul. Minnesot•
Th<.io: The o .,·dopmenl o1 Dr.., lhtt~ w-u • JGUI'tl •aid froe St. P. ul. wt:.o •..,.. - lwt n.t' oil~ all
Sloe1M hl..!..d " - "" To 11p el ~~ 1.x. \\~ ,~.,. • Wl &om C:O.•waU.
Rice Lake. Wioconain
Kin<kri>nen 1h<sa: ,~ Ch*l Uhor MOYcma>l ~ wat
maid from Rite La\ f',
11'1 ~ioutrx:u
For d you bow by 1M Nk Yoa"~ equt~ to
Sbr:'U utmlr
ll'.d. acLool roo • f.al:t:.
Arlhur H. Conm--'Dick' Menomonie. Wioconoin ManUAl Troining Thesis: S<noe and Nonoerue in Manual Tr.ining "Jl.m. -~.,..... «'*"'· eor••. Ha MIPf"tet ddp "'~ to bctt 'ta.
"',.. '"' r>~~r.... ~.e htld Hi:la~wa•tpdkd
c•llny dd lloof kim,
Jcwie M. Oliver-•jon"
Cclombuo, \VIICClNiD
Dcmc:.be s.-.. Thesis: Labot S.ving D..Ka in !he Home
Our J~ .s.o ~ r~ o1 ll-t ,.,.._ Koow. t.ow rh< ,-.1 <lnl ,. ,...,_, Ahho we \;_._. •he ~~.. • ~ StiJ to.e ~ VI ...C ta\_~ alu•.
Elroy. Witcocuin Kinderg•rten Thaio: F"rnt Few Weeb cia Cluld'• Life in Primary Grade PeArl Neuman
Tlwtt OIIU . . . . P~a~t of •
Ltft - .u ....., . . - ...~ 0... •I>< rdl ~ rt..r Aody lo all cl rl.ooadyl Or .... dot. tlw: wonlr-., • ~ ...,
D«ne.tic Science
Bu.Ur... in the Home 'TMrt it • JOU"' maidf.n who.t ,.,,...·• A~ • t.all Se•io., l*•ul CtaY~tfto We''rf! ht61d fro. JOOCI tOUICt" 1\..u •he'• uk-c 1hit (OU.tM', A ..:I M all hn
eocwr • t.tn~~'.
M~..-.ukee. \V_,.;..
Jama F. M<K..,.-es-' D•d'
Manual T raon.,s "lhcois: The Hioto<y cl Manual Trainina WdL ~c:'• 'Dad' Mc~tt"trt.
Our ..._.,_ ..~>;.....
Ht'. DOW ldlkd • IIff W"olh """' d.oldmo """ ..~.
Bul her cau •a. • 11
Hdca E. Hou&I>-'Houghie' !..... wood. Michipa Domestic Scimce Thesis: o.-.tion ....! r umiohina ol • Houae lor ~ 1\o ~ Mt -.....n • .,..,. llww'• .otU., .cwoM' .bout Ho.tk. "1\o """~1 ood IW,. ~ tlln'ff it ern~ t• Aod acord h..t oen• cnedlo bluf.
HclenM. Hooey l)oo,.,tic Science Thesis: A Sound Mind in • Sound Body 1t a 10Uf!C •....dfrom Rice t...lt WM ..,._ 'Oft mr ~ S.d:r. Mrdtt. • .,. ~. Mr ot.t... ,... t.q.o.
par...,. ,,I ...U.'
Mildred A O.,.ctCUli·-'Madcrd' Doma~ic Science Thois: A1ak ond Itt Product> Mlklttd C'amt tout fr041a Not1bftn Miac. S~'• lk .on lhat nulr• ~vnythitle tpin.
We think a whole b
01 "'' ....J ""' 0... A~~~:l "' e'r~tl.td thai thto with u,
Clyde A. Bowman
Mencmoaie. W.......,
M•nuol Tr•inina TLe.is: Manual Tr&inins lor ohe Mexican
Wok cl ' - ood ood •...!. A..._, 1- w0 ~ bd....t; H, lo<n U.. ph. bot o<ldoe .-. Ht tddo. 'f"'.a .h bul alway• kao-wL
Mujorie Looney
Mmomoni<. w,_,;. Domeotic: Science Thcs"' F'-J Valuco lnflum«d by Prcparooioa
n;, • • bt1cM -'1 -
dw ...
Six ""'' ' ..... .....,....... ..... S!w "'uft a bfi&N Wftile
The wt..l. bku.d wtul., Eau-p~ aab. ·~ • .t...u'
·lw· *'
Edna Vidgef···'Spuds'
F"'8•· Nonh Dakota
0.. Spodo • '"""" .. boV. To M:'W, to iro.. ..d -~ cU~ Yoc..d f.:.ow to tote Spud, T 0 her ftbaWI ia. - .
A_..,_,.,c..;......., ,..).._
Louis M. Roehl
Monua!TrU.na Th"'"' Unlorm De>dopment Thru Manual Training 'Yovr pi('U.Uit, frieDcb.' wyt Loa Roth&. Wbo;. plopq.. _.., rodwo f~ S...Ju.;J,Uon!o;p. Aod ... - " ' doa "" the w.tw of 'Alll<fa•.'
To ear•
Gwoic Nik.-'Tuhbie' HometnAkcr ~ it
c..w Ni10.
• JO'l'll ...id. ~ br .... ....1),
ol"" ...... H.. w ....... .... """" ,.,.~ ......,b ol ..... . ....... Whik -Qurth.it!' and '0•11' tht htpk
M.rgu<fie L M.U••···"P~"
Menomonie. Wio«win
l>omdtic Science Th.sit; Domestic Scieno< in Soci.al S..dcm<nt Work O.r I)"'Q'• tbot M"'rf • . . . . I• torpam& (k,nft L,....,
eo.,.....td •'-' •••• ·ro l~n 1. - •l~oe holdt tlllht.. 1\o ,),r tdlt
a I""• it •
l.lf"a ll,
On•laaka. Wioeonoin Domettic Sdc:11cc Th.sit; The S.nitory Engineer in the Hon•e Uli.>n L Ri.tow
A~r...ut... ~ ··•...< Wluch <.-rf-~1 Cll;cfM to) • • dw C'al~ AM ..,, .. .U1' l iiOW ~~ to '-! wt U R_,.w,
""'* ,...
Sc. Croix Fallo. Wisc:c>mio Homcm:a~cr
lkt Joe\ ~tl(1111(< dlof' '""'" r... . "''· O~o~t no od\tt ""11!11f't ·~•e woold '"~ 1-:.rl: 'lllo hu hat hidtt lvt racf. Sboo ttiU trt• E..rl'• 1*"'· Till dut 11001 li0)'1t hto.d't i11 a '-~hi l.
R. BondJ-.'Shooty' Mmornooic. Witconain Manu.l Training Thnio: PI= J Manual Training in the Sehool
o.. •s~.on,• a-ll • Jan!..,,. ••11 Bn::•• ~·, tO Y,Llt aM w.a,
H.. wu. vn a t•l. W1w-a •••
t..,...r, ill ....h. I,
ud liif.hr r_. b.
Adelaide Ounn-1 0unn~' llomcma~.., ~ • • a...-..ln •a-d .,_.,., She'. lnolo• 1.-,.
s.n. • •"' •r
Wah a.,., tiC' d..,.'tl p1..1••.• You u~\ tf"ll wl.w-h • ~I...,.,
IO:.hcl V. WyAtt
Tomah. Wisconsin Domntic:S.icn... 1~ Municipal and HowcMld Purificorioo ol Waon Supply TI.ttt ,._. •
)OMII t.d1 MMf'd Wy.a. WJ.o ...l ..! " I ohr • ., lw ,...._ WJ.,. ... ""'lit • b.c:tr.
Slw ""-' 6ood ...~ ....., ..
Ell. Dtowatzlcy- ' E.llo'
Tomah. W"-uin Kindo1!>tlcn
ol I lond Work in Prim•ry Coad,..
~ lt •
thy StnlYr tO flu:n, s~ '"'" 'IN'f '"'·' to Miu w,.ll, l=ln ,.._. II 11 fJ.Iu Slw'D or'n tool; • • fl'llow Ar ...... d ..... d•l ....,d OO.y o.
RolAnd E. Chloupek- "Curic:"
Manilo,...,._ ur...,...;,.
M..u.-1 Troining ~
The Manuol Tralllllk S..rld111 A~•#tll l•w
.. C...w, F&lllf"C! .a..OMI 1., k• "'• a.ftd h. bt-••r.
1M ht'•- ............ .....,.
Whrt. he'• •''"' I ht. MOM')' It" .,,.f1·, I.M"f'ff h o-.." to thi!·L Owcy.
Hatvey• J. Sclwt-"SS.b"
Menomoni.. \VIICOruin
Manu>l T Dining 'Jl>ai,: What Sbould a II~ ScJ-1 On..-ing Ccune Contain~ 1"1w.-(' •.v a ~ fclltt• -...nl Sl.u \\l.o ..d 10 ..... - - -ch tM 't..b' 8611 tt. f.uor~ pl.« Aod !.. -.1 ,. a-1 t<o« w,.. •htff 11Kr q..,l" dw ·K ~Ilt'ftolly Cau.'
Whitewate<, \Visco"'in Domc-s;lic Science
n ..;,
1-\ ...-w 5dio.r
PI wa.• alkd Non Aod ba -~ &IJ .» --~.~. 1'\o •'-' o1... don blof 5!..'11 "' tlvv .,,. ..... ,'-f)M.,.(' • hM • ..,~......
Menomonie, Wisconsin Dorne>~ic Science
Thesis: The Practical Value ol Dorn..tic Science S.C.. t""Pk koo boq,ht .., t!.. whole \Val\ Oft 1!1t:it hf'tlt 10 ••~t' 1olr-.
Due I h.ve lao CCNifr• Tlo.t ~ lku
1'Jwilll., ntOte of htr Solu.
Jennie Cocss&.g
Cknb..ut.h. Wisccasin
Domat.: Scoenu Thai.: Raising the Standard ol l.Mng by Ha•-ing • Pr.ctital J<oo,..J..lge ol the C.re ol the I lome "fbo.rt: a ODt ol our JWS. ... t" t-ab Flwrn •I'MIIId ill •
""'•t n.o.~ iat.anr.
But a -~ ~ of Man
$!,. ..... hod ~.... '"" """
And, 1M \Otoo~
t all tmJt- \Ufl
w raia.
Pretidrnt V~eo Pro<id<nt TreAsurer Sooretary
T. Grant Raitt
Mable .\lcBain
E.L S..tz A .\1. Com,..dJ
1\lfo.d.. Hurl K .. A~C<rtn.i..
n......EJ.. ll .t.rro..
0 ....
lpw;.J.. 5. D.
ll«ll<lt. c... ~ J.
Cu..d Ro.,;d.. M;....
D ~ ka.
MarW 1).•• 0"'1(-.1. laui.r. RoMII, 0.11• P._,
n,,·dc-n, l~l.u 0 .
Cha w-, A lttll",
M.._.pobo. M iu.
Cla)"f'Otnt... Ma.tJOf)' C. Cora•h. Matbf-11 £.. Cu1n·t, Rot. S..,
o..-. EJiwl R..
O.U..L. , ... l)y... Ed.. C. Oyar, Rwh 1., f.,_... Ul*' 1.. C.lloh.r. Ch..ko• T ..
B...n-1. Wo.
E. au.. . Sbd.onoa. c.- a.,. . Rocho.oor.M;...
Cold. loobcl A .. Groll, El...,, M, I lain, Wwuftt<l j .. t-l&rtm&.., SadM!I ll..
St. ). - M- .
lluc-II~Wa, E..c ~r
V .•
HO<Ijl oo, Cr..., 0 .. l-lotni~ EJ i1.~1, F.. llo"' r. C•AC~ C.. J ~nft. r:Ji.t&brth c.. J oac-., I~C. ~oo. RVIh L..
)....d.a. Rvby M .
"~•*'· Ccc&1\.
Loou.ll<bC.. 1.-.doro. M..t..tll. M•d)oo.IJ. M..t..l L. Mac1tf", J\athry• 0 .. M...O,..Ill.orl... ~t~ ;\M&,
M.dokro, 1,.,. M . Mu\.m., C.•oi~M S ..
BoO.. lcW>o St.a....-. w-. . o...Joo. Et.•O..t. O,.,..F.a..P-
C...cl IUpdo. M;... M-polio
.. ,,.,p...._ ~.w
Ely.M;... Cto.k. \Jot'..
Mcnil Minrral Poillt.
Solu-. Not• 0 ..
RK.. L..l,,
Si>""l.r· Ndk v ..
Stooley. Alo<e \V.. St.- ll..h £..
~. ld• C..
W.uwato..a, \Va. ~
W.o..L. lad. £,AM..at..
W.lln. M. 1-.
laCro.c. w..
\\'looolrr. 1\lrot
T•-o HarLe:-.. M.._ A_..w;.
w.......... w.. w...._s.o.
Wi1ia... N<air C..
u.,;..._ Mo<b. Ndt. W"-.
u-,. lad.
0.1 Cl
Wil-. ()1M "
[._..... lad.
Wolf<. lld.o S. Zwaf.n, lr•• I 1..
C..kwood. S. 0.
\\~J-J. · W~Ch.,loo..
A;.lio. M;...
.. ..
St.P..I. M...,w-.., w._ 1\.,P..... M;...
w--,.. R.u. 1.
o.,... Qh;o
Spr... Volley, Mirmopo1ft.. Miu.
Sw-. EAld1 S • T.ylor. 1. - . E. n-,-EI...O..
Alben Le.. M- .
Hal'-k,MiAa. r-.toado.n, \V-.
o.-n~<. "
s,.;..c..... " s,.;.. Cna. w.. M_. Q.y, l•. 8«...~ o... w-. . Afti&.Miiu.
R..pky. "'"• A .. fWMa.o.. Not-. A .. R-8. M•r A.. Sch.d,.. Sop~.. M. Sdooln. )_.!,iw. So-. ~WeD. S..n Fridoi.Jw,
St. )..P,. Mo.
C.rdMt, Tnrw..
J. Purl.
Poun. 1-1. Ma1ci.. P..-pl•• Rul.y C.. ll.od.<. EJI<i K.. RoOk<. Voolo C.. Rud.U. R.th v .. Ro"'- EJ... R.;d. M"7 Todd.
fore All-..._
Rio. 1...1..
N I'..I <lo l.oc. 1'1-M;...
o·~.w7• FW..... E.. P~or\t:r, ll~tth Eall~.
Duh.IL. M mo. Wii-. IU.
M.c;.-7.u M. M..OO.M- C.
NOftOII, Cr..ce W.,
.. .. MC'ftOalelft~ c,ftll a.,.. ..
Ella 13.,
~kS... M..t..l ).
Bur~oa. loq
Bo,.ll, l. uq E.. ll..own, Vi~ in M., U\lt~.
M--.M.n.-1 ..
M..-... M.m. Ool.l ooJ.. w..
c;..;...o. ()1.;. M .•
MOIII«.. W"-.
U....loky. O...loo. 9«\a.-. I ru\ II, O.t~~h.
........... .
O.co. \\~•. \1-..-.to-.. En-~'<"1\t... \\'.. F1:.t. M ..h.
Oohlool.. 'llo ..
<'t••· Of,wt N.
:>t.t.., I tarrll,
J~nU'"· Wu.
f.l•q. CIINif't A ' fottn, M1l" T •. Cifo~ru.
Cf'Ofro F.• llt-uM'r, fJfi<"C 1:.. lloi,...,.X,.I, Mort., W,
E.-lent .....
s. """".. A<lloy. 1..
M .•
( "Mt.,
v••.,J<J.•• w. ~:NI.
S"""'aw, M~h. F01t &Gu. 1-: a.n..
Vithu. llart4'1 II . w,......_C \Vdl~10. W""'"!r1,0., 0 .•
N•looo. .. Jwv.ll.
.. ''-"· ................
I'SAUnlP..., O.,,..,MKb
r,~Md. C..t..~p. u~
l...,..,f_.e~~ I l'ud., f..na.-\ 1 A.a .. I GtMI.
a..,,loll. 11<>,.1 v . Cewt~•f'il, AIIW'ft M .
Da••· MR.
1.!-o ... J "
op.,U..b Qm,o.,
~Wa~~«.. M111• ~W1t..
o.-.d. E.tt...
CINtll. ltNIC' M.. O..l-. Mo.ntl M. IJ\uley, 1-l• V., ,. .u. f-lottnef' Fnut, Edfta Hudt, F,lpt.a. 01, •. c....... ll•lm 1#, Jl.lfmul\. ..lOINitf', 0
N .... Rithoooocl. .. M..-. Loy.!. .. .. .. H..J-. .. WhuMII,
c-. S.ar l,rairW:. .. ~.a
Morru, Muus.
I Ieima, MOfll.
K....,-.,lAJ-M. K'n~~'""· N.-fl"' I L. Loooo. II old. ) • Lot... c..M•Jft· Vf'I~U> L. M•ro. I IM lR.......U.. <ld.wW>.
Ad.-. w..
-,.\a(._ Hodooo. -
s..r-. Boy, ~s-.
sm. 1,.,.. 1... T ot;,k, Jm•"' N ,
O...doo. M....U.
'Iro""t•idct. llttlha, \V<llo, C.•h<r;., E..
Moodon. ~1.11...~.
s. 0.
TOUT INSITJ'UTE. wid• iu v.ri..d lu1e• of intl..lri•l.,<livily. i1• r>erllc•fll lwildiugo and ("(tuipmenl. iii mpidJy mttra•mR .-udcnl ~y ft'l•tc'C'rUing $C\'t'fA1•Utlr... •It l;..cul·
I)' ol ~~tf<lollltiC from dilfetc-nl 'f'tiM'JoO.J of1tnJ f;O\lOity 1md rr'Qfn alJro.tcJ hrWI~ng MJc.n ~ntJ tn~"lhoth from m.tny toflt'lo)t'J. ant:llrtl\nic"'l "!hoob 1.\r.dfrom J)factK..tl ~.\p('firnc:-c. ib l\lumni IU)\V tt.t(hinK ur c.loing tlleC-1,11 worL m liiiJMfl' eM llur Unitrd St11t~. its ff"J111Miion nrnqng cdu· Cltl(jfl. c.•tl rmd wc•t. i• lite outs;r•,wth fwrn 11 Jtn"llliC'ginninJc IIIJu.lc in 169 1. hy tlrr t'r'Cttion
little woodrn m1um1•l h.,inin~t lwikJinM of h\'O roouu tu IJC• uWtl l.,y lire JHrhltc Kil<xA dau.c_,. of Mrnon'!Cmic. 1\1 lune. 11\anu~IIJAIDI'IR w,u rnv.,.lging the i\llrnllon ol the cour~uy. hring inl•od,acrtl "-' "' dutel tta1n1.ng of rhc cyr- .-.ntl h.md :md '" a form uf mcnt.11 d•K•IdmC". ~11. ScQ-ut WIIMit'd the hoy.t 1u1d to~1rl~ of Mcnomnmr• lo hencf.t by ll1n kmd of work 111 the- .chooh \1nd t'l til(' ,..unc rinlc It• ~c11 " ~ind of pmclit1tl llltiuint{, wmrthinM tlu11 would b~ mrd l1y rnnuy of tlu·m 100n afh:r lciHiiiK \tllool. lltoucl• woodwork \VIU Jlt4Jviclctl for lite lmyJ 1mtl cookinC( fHr thr girk Tl•it liulr lwildinsc pm,rcl ih ut,..fulncu. hut WI" inadtctul'll" for dtc• mJfntiOUI l.nf"• <rf thup,\otltl ac-tmrd d~irahlr l(.t undrrt;.. ~t'. and tn I fSCJ J Mr. Stout hmh o·md MIUIPl~ " f1nt tL,u durr 'hKK'd rlldnu.JIItotminM tthnol LU11diog. connNinll.y .l hridRr '"''h tht' hiRf• ,,( !J
-.d,uc:4 buJd.ng. I Mll!ltt"~
vro' itlrcl fu• frt't'h...nd ,-,ncl mf'<'IMr'K-"1 dn..w1nf{.
W11rk. \\' uod tuwmt( amJ 111tll wotk. fnuruhy wor~. forginK 1111tl H l~fhine •hot-. '''HI'~. too~inR. ~oe•willl(, :'nd l111nu.fly WtJtl<:. Good IIH•h· 111ul ·II•J•Mr~tul '""'<' in•t~t1tcd tlu·m•K1wut AIU_I in rntmy w.ty•. the JltO\''iHn •rrm.-d ideAl. h w.u ju\l tnltking it• Vl\lur fdt. '"hon. 111 tht" wiut~r of
IH4J7. 11 \oftt\ bUirH'fJ lu thr gn~und, 11h~ttM witl• tlte city hi~tth adux:~o1. Mr. Stuut Wl'l' not dj,. cwr.,Jt«< by thtt hi;t J,,..,, hut Jctt'rnUnf'tl tu rtbudd. <'''"" UfWJO rt l.rgcr K.Ait" tlum hrfocc il r),,. f"IIJ/f"AI ol M..-notnm\k- w.mt«lth~ ~<hool. ·n.ty C'\Hitntrc:lll•" l,y " wdl~t~ttnc--.' to bu,ltl ~n K•">d ,, htgh adwol ''' l1(" would h111lcl lll.u\U.lltr.tinirlM M.hnt•l. nnc:l thC'ly JlUt m rr •"If thou,. und dt,Ul,., unc. ,, rtnr modrrn Ac:luml hutldln"', wdlud,lptrcl to tlu.• need~ of Mt1nmnume for nMuy ytMt. Mr. S1uut \Vtmtrd to put up u huildiug t'OIIII'IininK ~l• ool allt)l)t f-C'tonc.lto ncmc, l'ttul mu,.d 10 futurr urc-dt. ~Jnd addrd f\ 11 '""It" fo.ty tltou~ntl th~IJI\I'f l o hit luultllllfC, with 6hy IIH,.IIJind mtlf(' (ut Nttllltmrnl, m•~tnK tl1f' lnt~l cC'ut oltlu· Stnul l\ l anu11l Tt;)IIUnK ~lu.:K>I "'ith t"'IUtpmtoot Almul unf' hurttftcd and (;fty lhuu.t..tntl dolltu, l.1~C" l11c buddm~• \¥hM'h \\tlf' II
burned, the r~·o new bulklinga w~rc (;C)Cl.M'tltd wLdt .- bridge to faGiJtotc r~......-Kc of cl:u\M in •II kind> ol wc•thcr. Unlike the older buildinK>- thoy were built ol brick •••I 6rcptool m•· terial~
The Scout ManU<Jl Tr.U.ung Sehool w•• cocnpletc<l in I898 •nd w•• eon.idcrc<l M tlwt rime the best «tUJPPC<I .d.ool ol doc kind in the country. It P<o•ided oppo<tunity for ,.,p;J, from tho fifth l<'"de through the h~h tehocl to <-"()' the dillerent line> ol rMnUAI tmin· in~. domet.~ic:: .cicncc, ,,nd dt~twinf(. $s>r<i.1l te:otdtm \\'Ct e employed 10 handle the:~ •UI).. jew. •nd lhc chor•<O<r ol worl done w.u •ho"n in 1904 lw tho .w •rd of the <i:"'nd Pri1e •t the Sc. Lou" E:.\llOOilion for the cxlubit of Pill'~'· work in man..,.ltr>rninR- dome>lic art, and dtaW1nSJ. Th(' ~uNJrne11t .•nd ('()Wid " '4"1c tot) comJtr.!t'tc: d"'l the attention of Khool ~ \Va• llnntediJJldy tufned tP Mcnomuiltt', :m\ltht> f(f·,.du;)tet of i1s hitch achool were calfctl to otktt die- 10 INC.h IMRU3f lrAini.Jl j.[. Som o Of the atudco.nlt, ~dng dliJ dcmftnd! QitVC OXh1t rime;- to Ahopwot.... nd the m~ructorr:~- ft41 \'C andl\idu.al :mention to the: probiCrM of te.,ehinQ 'll<(i..J tla.'C', but ~· yet oioc tn.n!nR ~ehoolt fe>< 'PC<i;,l tc>chei'J Wert nct IIArtcd. The kinckrg.uten turninK KhoOI '"•" otg>nilc<l in 1899, •nd h.. dor1e ten ye•tJ of ill(.(.t~Juf W()tk, llfCIJ.ulng tc;tefwra fot Jcindo-tg.UtC:Il and l:t-ri.m;u')• ~ftttict.. Jt '' IO be dlscon• 1inutd ofter thi. )'<"AI h~u~ the •title nocmal ,;chool at Sujl('ricu Rt.t C$lltUlld1«i A ~indctgl\t1cn tRioin~ department al hi,J, st•de. and there ~ to be no n.....ity ol duplic:atin~ that work in Menomonie. when there ;, ....h ,, dcm•n<l for . - . room for h.ndlin~ the cth<f fornu ol wO<k for whi<h the .KhoOI ;, lO wdl f.ttcd. 'nrc kindc(g.uten enrollment h•• oven.Rc<l•hottt thirl)l·ftve ttudentt .ach year of tire ad•ool. n.e lt~inin• l('hoolt for lc~dletJ of manual ttaining .and dorn(11.1ic JCienoe \\'ete Ot Rl'11• i1cd in 190J and un~c<l "ith thr lcind<rg>rt.cn tr•inint! tehool und.t the name ol Scout Train· in~ School., w11h Superintendent L D. H•n·ey at lhe hc.d. F'rfty-nine •tudeno. >«re en· roUcod thi, ~hi ,ycM. :1nd the growth h.u been l.ltady ever ainec....eighty.two. ninety-two, one hundrc<l O.n, one hundrc<l forty.•ix .• nd two hun<lred lorty.threo. A training o<hool for 1\omc makm ..., tbrted"' 1907 with f.•e ttudentt ;lnd hot incte•ted thil yCM to <rghtren. Until 1908, thr ,.J,o.rl, were undct the m>n>g<ment ol the bo"'d ol education ol MconMlOO~- h WM ~n. howc\'et, th;)t th.- wowth of the .chool~ ntccuitated additiomd bmklinw. tmd CQ.UIJtn'U,nl :1nd lci\ehinf( force, .tnfl it wns bt lit vC"d dtRI nn intlepcndcnt org('nll'-3• uon would be Able In l'ccomi)IUh rnore foe indu•U~,l c<fuc.,titHt th.,n eovld he l'ICC<lllliJiit.hcd under the old ·•dmrnottAliOf1. Wuh thi. thou~ht Ul mind the Stout T,.ininR Schools wete ••· "'lY'niml .1nd rncorpotlllc<l ·" Scout fn>titute, with lion. j. II. Scout ., prnident ol tho bo."d of II VIler~ t'ln<! Supt. f .. D. HMvny .u presKirnl of the Uutittur. lnuued~ltely two tr.Jdc sdu)()b were form~-1 "' ,, P."''' ol the: uutirutc. one fnr 1,fmnben: :md one fOf hrie~IAyc(f. Sixtrt'11 •tud.nt> M"" cnrollc<J for the plumJ"nR .,nd OM fO< bricklayrnt~. 'f1rerc or• •1.0 sood ,j,ecJ d....,. on both thrr.r tuht<CU from thr high ..:Mnl. Stout lnt.tittuc:o n ~·• ptetrnt urry~ng M t}lt' following lsnt"t of Adivity' The: lr.,ininK of ICM!iet$ of m31\Ut11 Ill-lining (oc hoth elcmenuuy .nntl lC(.Ondl'lry .a.elu;Ki.lt, by means of l\ IWO ycMa courae ;nYOI\'inK • v(.ry lh«Otl~l 11-ud)' of •h<Js> pra<-tK:r coruKiercxl from lhc: teaCher's, ""ndi>OIIlt. • bn<f ttudy ol the ollt'Of<U<.>I ..de ol tire •ub)CCt, ond t)'tlemotrc work in ,,..cti<e tc.teh1ng: the ttll•ninK r.lte.tchrra ol domcstl( M1 ,,nd ~~M: acicnec in their v~riou" "_... -1$
...,.a.l Allcntion being !liven to the opplicationJ .I detiv.n to clothina •nd ;,,..,;.. home futni.hing. and to the appbution> .I JCicn«, to tl.c oel..ction ol>d p<C'palaloon .I food. ond to the R<ncrAI care of the home, all .lthi> being e<>nfid.r...J on iu rdotion to tl.c pul>fio ochools and oceupying two yeau; the !taming of t..<h..-o of kind'"'113~cn and primAry JUb. jcw, with the lrnndllng of d...., in throe Menomonie kinder113rt"'" and in tire Gr~ four lt"'d..: the llllining of young women •• home makrr" a two yom couuc. iododing the we of the home. coruickrcd frO<n economic• ..rut.ry. •nd ·~hdic ~ndpc;,tt, and the conoid<ration cl famif)• rd.\tion>; che traininR .I young men ~· trade WO<ken.- p<..,bcol - yc1r <ouncs being Qivcn in !llumhina and IHickL,ying: cou,.... in monuollrainin~<o dorn.<tic oeicncc. domabr: Mt, frc~hond drnwinm ~nd ttndc wO<Io in tho pubrw: ochool• of Mcnomoni.-: e"Jl<rimen~ol work in the 6dU of induttriol education, 10 dotonninc •oaluct. contcnt, and d!eeti>e method ol handling the work in public >ehools: a oummet aeuion for 'l'«ial lel<hett. eour... hcirla 8i-·en in th• theory and p<act~<e ol tca<hinR and aupeni<ing ~n...t tu.ug and domabr: economy: tire t>ublicotion of Stout ln>titute O..lletin. oootainina m•tter of praobcol ,..Jue to lc•cheu of tlrcoc tpe<iol tubj""'' in public t<hool•. 11to uaining i<hool for teacher• of manual training !Iegan in 1903 with three <tud<:nt., gr•duatet of the local high achool. Since that tunc it hat r-i•-od &tudcnt> frO<n aU pam of \Viscontin .nd from lhirtcon otlt<T sut.oafrorn f>emuylvani.l to C.llom~ It h.. pown from three to fifteen, twenty, lwcnlY·oc><n. fo<ty•Ofle. and (now) forty·six 1tudcnu. It> faculty ha> incrc...d frOf)l two to 1ix inllructon. 6ve ol whO<n (jive full time lo tl.c fr.,ndlrng ol m.>nuol tr~Uling d3~. lb grodu31ct 11re now tczu:.hing or ws>etViting JMnuaJ troioing in C\'t"ty ICdion ol the country. 11~ t>ooition• taken by gradual<> co•·at ...,.,.! tehool teaching cl manual training. tco<hin~ ..,.0.1 tobjccu welt a> meehanicol drawing al>d joinery in city high school1. t.aching 1!1'•de wooclwO<k in • large city l)'>l<m, teaching ond wpen'otinR m..,nualtminUtM: 111 medium •ilcd Dnd smaller cilitt. In IC"eta1 cues 1hu.e gtadu.tes ha\t tliMned Md in!l•lled full rquit>mcnt lor tho work. h i> ~·ti{ying to note that many ol the grodu01cs h•vc ihown their •l~>rcc:iation of the eour>es they hal'< tak<:n thernl<h·.. by advi•· in11 ~udenl> from their horne town~ or from the ploecs where they so to teach to ~~~e counoa at Stout. Some of the bC>I ;ludcnb lhe tehool h.. had hA•·c come in thio way. Through the inOuenec of but two of the llf\'duot.,.. ti• ttudenh have attcnded the inJtitute. 'lihc h'>lininK>Chor>l for •••<hen of ,(om.,.tic nrt and docnnti< tcicnec Ira, goown •in« 190'3 from twonty·Oflc >htdtnl• to thirty·.ix. tll<n thirty·oisht, fon)'·IO•'<n . .idy.6ve, and thi• yoM one hundc.d twenty·fnur. Studcn1J hA•c c:ornc from ninct..ndillercnt ~.,..,and groduot,.. ••• now tc•<hin3 in >e\c:ral ~.,... 11oc pooitioru onclll<k: """""' tthool tc.d•inR cl dO<ncolic ort '"'' teicnec. *i><'ci>l tt>chinM "' high ..,hoof.. lo.chins of cooking « ocwinll in th< ~!!*dot or C"ity ~hool,., tt.,C!IlinR i\nd ~\I(U!'tvi,inQ: domc..lic 1\tl and tdcn('C' in many p&.,et;. detnocutnl· inKlor conuncrdol ltouO<:&. nelinKno hoot)itol dictit''" •nd •• odlool mM(on. 'lltc growth of tit~ del~lltrncnt hot been beyond ,,n upcc:tatia.... ond it il no1< for in the lo•d oi.U..a.r .......... Many of the ~udmt> hc:r•. •• en the rn>nwl lroining dq>ortm<nl, ha•e CO<nc to tl.c tehool through tlte >.C<>rr•mcndotion of former ~udentt. wht<'h indi<At<> • livdy alumni rntetdl in the future ol Stout lnllitutc. '(fhc tununcr 5dSion wn• auutcd in 1906 1\J ,,n cxpc•lrntn1, l'\nd htu nov.•bccomt a Pft•
m;)n<nt !eotute. h wu ~~ th.t .,..u.tJ training ond domesf)c >cicn« le>chen would be gl.td ol an .,_,unity to b<eortl<: r...a;.,, "' 'h the <ounH •nd method. or Scour IN!ilute. that lcxmer tWdent~ would like to t<\kc= 6uch c.oorJCt :.s ha..·e ~cnnddcd f.inc,c ll1c)' ldt or would li~c to "fX'(.i.\liz:e in cer'tl).in subjed$, 1~1 p(efe~t Of J>tOJp<:d:i\'C atudcntJ wouiCJ llakc extra work or II)" to shorten theW cour>CS. th.r o<hool ol!ici.•b thinking ol introducing manu1l training or do-be >cicnce ,....,Jcl t•le od.-.nt•ge ol """""'' counes. ond th.tt ~ would we !or shop c.ou.rle' lOt the work iueiJ. All olthese tupi)06ltHMu. h;, ..·e been r'e.1fR.ed. and the ;sttendancc h1u wdl jwtifzcd the esperirttent. In thrc.-c yco.ul the Jummer enrollment hAs incrt ascd frorn twent)' to forty·eight o1nd to ninely·thrce. ll1i• yc:.u. 1\'l.' tnty liMes a:nd Camt.dA were rcpre. tdltcod by dffcton ..nd suS)d'iwws and ~ lt:.ad~$ of manu.al lrainDlg and domestic Kienct.
The outlook is bOsh• r.. gro.td,· mae•>ed school !.ciloiet. !or Luge oddit;..,., to the "udeor body. r.,. J.rger recognition !rom school nuthotitie<. nnd !or • wider fidd o! usc!ulnw through new industri31 acti\~tiet undertaken. Since 1906, a rc:a,ular qunrterly BuUetin h~• been published. giving debil..d information r<g.rdinB the work undettalcen by the inotitute. h ;, pbnncd to malce rh~ oven more .-.J....ble !or thooc interc.lcd in ind..,riol •ubjccu. " will be ol intcre51 I O r.,..>er graduole> to hove mentioned the mernbcn ol Ute !acuity of the Scout T r.tining Sthoolt oJ rormcr ye:tn-. who \U'e not now le.tching l\t Stout lnstltutr: John H. Maoon- -director or tl"llining sdu><>l !or "''"'"' I rrainutg te•el••••· 1903.1905. Albert G. B.\uerJeld--sur>ervi•or elementary manuol !Mining. 1903- 1905. S. S. Judd--joinery. pattern m.tkiog. forging. mochine .!top practice. 1903. I 905. How.rd D. Brund.se-•upervi.or ol ekment>ry rn.tnual rroining. 1905- 1908. LoW F. Obon-mechonical dr...-ing. ioincry. !.,ging. I906- 1908. Newton V>n D>Uent--auiotanl in woodwork. 1906- 1908. Ann• K. Flint···sewing, dre.,making. millinC<y. I 903-1904-1906-1908. Gertrude Heinharf .•.(ood •tudy and cooking. I 903-1906. M>JY A. Dun.mg--d.....,ic •r~ 1905-1907. 1"h<>rn;u R. Uoycl.Joacs->cicne. Engli.h <omi'O'ition.l903-"04. (Princ~l hi!;h school.) George A. \VO<b--·natur< >ludy. 1905-190 7. (•uperintcndeor ol city ..:hools. 1909.) H01old B. Shinn···dtemi.try. boeteriology. 1903-1 904. A. H. Chrotman--chernittry. bactcriology.r>hy•iolo1!)'. 1904-1906. William Urban-b.cteriology. physia. I906- I908. M:uth. Log.don.CouiJ....<Jirecroro! kinderg•rten training xhool. 1903-1906. L.o.me R. r\tkiruon-direcror ol Gxlington kindagarren. 1903-1905. Katherine 0. Shepherd--director o! Centro! kinderg.">l\cn. 190.3- 1906. S. H. Metcof(... thoory ol rnu1ie. note reading. kindergArten >angs. 1904-1908. Alma L llintel--d1rectO< or kindergorten training sdtool. 1906-1 909. Maud Scew•rt·-will•nr in art d_.-tmenl. 1905- 1907. l..ooise Chrioti.>ruon-·>uiot•nt in art dcp.1rtmen1. 1906-1906. N. ). Moe~\nhur--dirccror or school or pl>yoiealtmining. 1903- 1907. C.rolyn Bornheim--•..,i,tnnt in phy•ie.•l tr:,ining. I903-1906. Ag3thlli Cari!cns-as.sUtMI in phy.,it.nl lt.'\ining, 1906.
Edith H. \Vaming--comr,..ition and rhetoric. 1903-I904. Margaret A.!tmun--English compooition. 1904-1906. Edward Trckvcn-Engruh. 1906-1907. !.eli• a.-n...fi.nglish. 1906- 1908. Mnny ol the: nhove le<tthers lnughl J)uHiic Khool dnuca n5 well dam.. but they wm all be remembered by !MnY o/ the Stout •lumni.
l'U ho'linjng 1d1QC)l
HIST<DR¥ OF THE SENICDR MANUAL TRAINING CLASS ooe;;;;;;;;;;unm HE day• "'"""tile 1909 monualuainin 8 cLw flNt met are vividly brot bock<
~ ~ ~G~
now thot tehool is about to dooe. With twenty-two member. in the:~ the outlook for ~ worll, ., weU u good ~ "'" bnci•L A ,..Jior for the ~ tim.. oamo io the fonn ol a trip up the: ereek with the: Senior fellows. Tho feed. gomeo ol tin con. ond bp frog. and the: ~ OO e;:;;;;;;;;300 we&ther are .U pl....nt mcmorieo. On t!Us outing. m&t<NI for • like club w.. disco'·eted. The club wos organized with ChaWant pounding tho atrintl' ond Roehl hammering the beab. With tho Sto<~t male chorua 11,1 advonco agent i~c Minatrd Show WAI given at the Junior reception with Bauman •• dircelor. To NY th&t Bauman made UJ Ang tDI we were bll.e~ in tho face is putting it mildly. At the doac o1 the ym we found that Horla~• .,;th Hoef!lin and Lodcwood as .,.;,w,IJ. wu oigned up to do E..u O.irc. Wcathesby wu • prospectn·c student at 11uaop, P....lcno. ullornio. and Price WaJ to get 1m pr;.. at Fond du Loc:. \'Vhat wu""' IU<prise on our return t!Us year to 6nd Cutran doing lhc dornentary woodwork And p<actioc t..ching ~ .. "one ol the: powcrt that be, " and Shorr getting • line on thingt •• MSistont in mechanical dmwing. and Nih&rt of ®klohonm City. Oklo. on odded'foctor in claas life. Practice teaching now became tho regular dope to talco between meoli. A prool th.t it took wem €h.lfa.nt lelt before Christ. mu to accept a position ftl !:)QU1!1.,., Ariz.. and the repent has come to ua thAt he hu been reelected with a JUbstantial raise ol ..lazy. Md<eever. dad ol the: d.w. wu noxt to de.ert w for a pooition ot Wet~. DMsion. Mawaukec. He is at preoent wotking in North DMsioo. a pooition which is an advance from his flNt one. With Bowmon down in El Puo. T OJW since Februory, we e~pect to hear • ftucnt Mezican on h~ rctum. Scharr eot hit in the fonn ol a posdion at Ely, Minn. ond is ro-dceled ot • 1ubstonb.l raise lor nut year. At the dooe ol the fil'tt ..mester lTc<l <l:offin w•• dcaerted by Emmo l'loNOn, leoving Ted to prove to us thAt airl. con •ure work ~•· 'Iilley say tkot Miso ldoruon JPCnd. oil her >pore time in reoding "Houoe~eeping for liwo". Roehl h.. accepted an ol£er at Negaunee. Mioh,, and BoneD goes to Ironwood, Mich.. leamg Baumon. G:hloupek. Coffln. Curran. Funoeu. Gober. Mike and Chadey Ka\'llMush- Miller. and N'.Jwt ttill to be heord frocn.
idE busy world of Stout lnt~itutc wao llortled out (>! its eullomory routine when the Juniors of 1907-8 dC~<Cnded Ul><>ll the achool, double in number ol any pre.;..,
dw in ita history. The d ... numl>ered forty-four. with membert from \Viseoosin, Michigan, Iowa, lllinoi.. North D~ota. Montano and KaDI.ls. lb number rcmoined ........,t until tbe end ol the ycor, when nine dropped lrorn the ronb ol the d.w. Tluce. Miu<s Culver, C4yt0Cl. and Showolter. were obliged to aive up w<ok on •eeount ol ill hcolth. Three more ol the number. ihe Misse> Meca,,.. and Miso Hank..ia ol the Home-Mokcri Sdtool fOimd mote congenial ooeup;~tion in pl•nning for hon.,. ol their own. 'll><ee membon of the elau dropped otlt to take "'' wO<k elsewhere: Miso Llltta, with her 1t
'"'""'· opened a dt....,.~ing <itabliohmen~ Milt VaniiYdt took up Normol tchod work. ...cl MO. McMulkn. the otudy ol mwic. At the opening olthe p<....,l Khool yeilt, the do• wu ~ by the -....c cl .U one-ye., Qirl.: MO. Nellie Wamr•. a grade leah from thc M~wau~cc ochoolo. M-.Ndlie F'~ald frOM the Oshkooh Notmal, Milt Eothcr M....._ a s...,..;.. .,.de tead.or. M8 Alice Wheder. An •~ tcachc:t from the ~1-on, T cw, tchoolo. ...cl two S...... Fricloliac and TitC<lphania. from St. RO<C1.eonventat La(;(._, Wiocoasin. 'l'hc dooo it ve<y proud ol·thc Si.l<n. " 'ho camc to Slout to otudy domatic: ~. with thc view ol ~ it iD bootdioc ..:hool. condu<tc<l by Catholic $.tero. Si.ter F ricloline lw bccn in thc ccn....,. 1.. -.., yean and ltu tAught lor twelve. wh~e Sister Theophania has bccn in the ccnv..,t lot thiitcca ye.,. and has tausht lor ton yeon. At the cnd ol the f.tJt tem<itet. one of the clooo rnemben, Miro Jcnoie C. 5 a:..,_. plctc<l her work in Stout •nd went to Springf.dcl. Mo.. to ta~c dtargc ol thc Dcme.tit SO..... wO<k in the Mis.owi S..tc Normal. In Februlfy, anothot loy•l. royal Qirl. MO. Alice Whcckt. ~ OOG\Il ell•d to lea,.. on ac:coont ol pooc health. On Apftt oevcnth, dc•th rc:tnoYcd from the nnb ol thc clooo ooc ol ib bricNcot ...cl mO>t lovAble Qirb. Elizabedt Hogan, or, ;u .he wu fam~y known to al thc PI>, "Beuy," had made a place ol her own in the hcaru ol her c4» IA~y. a ,~ace which cann01 be lilccl. And lrO<n which .he is •<><d>· mu.cd. mcrnben of the Domcstic S.:icnce Cbss ate Pilfliwlarly coogcnial. ...cl ~ ..:~tool day is full ol happy tim.. for them. 01 tlte •pcc:ial OCCAUona on whidi the claa 1w made meny, ooly brief mcnboa can be made here. There the alt<mooo ai<'at them. u iunion. by the $Cnior. at Bcttha Tainter Hall in \he loll ol 1907; the return porty ei-t by them, thru the eou•tcoy ol Mr. and M... Harvey. at the Han·ey horne, during the opting ol 1906: the large p.>tly up the river. with Mr. Han·ey f0< 6rcman ...cl dtap.rcoc. ...cl thc junio11 f.,. gu..ts: the two H.llowo'en parti<o aiven by the cl... r., thc )union. one at Bertho T ointcr H•U. the ooher in the KindcrgMcn roorM; the return "Kaliko" patly given by the junior girt.. wh~e the eta.. ..,.. thc:tn>dv.. •• othcts- them. wheo thc lcaehcn _...t in the bclo•·cd •tritiCO: the nevcr-to-be·f<><s.otten dinner wheo Section I cntmaincd Section II: ond the jolly .leigh ride and dinner given the J)<adicc teaehm by Mila Wood ...cl Mr. Cntno ol the Agricultural S.:hool. cia"' ol 1·9 09 ;, cliotinll\lislted not only for it• size. being the 1..8<!' do. to pd""'e from the institution. but abc because ol the inaugurotion within it. kiotory ol oevc:tal impottant movements. It u the 6nt ela.. to be gradU>tcd fn:tm Slout lmlinlle. It CClGiain. _ . itt roll the ftnt H ome M•ker.. a.... It;,.!... the 6nt d••to•dot>t ...d weutheStout otripco. So popular h.u thi. dw grown that 1>i<tur.. arc made f"' th. gidJ at baH price: ...i. lonns and gradu•tins dreo><> ate fumiohcd at .hoes ..., ollcrcd to thc .......ben at • - t reduction: reductions. ln &hOlt. in everything hut tu;tion :.nd e,-aminatiom. So rapid I••• been tlte dc•·dopmcnt of this da» thAt, at the end of two yeaR it bo• beCO<nC nCCCS>ar)' to sot down ib hiotooy. lu $101)• has only just begun. In future annual. in· terettins chaptcn mAY be expected. tdling ol hiotocy made by the girls ol thc 0.. ol '09 ., they go •h<>ut doing theit ~~>eful w01k in the world.
<""' ~)
HISTORY OF THE SENIOR KINDE:HCART EN CLASS OF 1909 11~: junior yur 1..-gw> in the ScCMJl Training Sd>OOI ""ndo out in bold relief ''""' th. )UU.,""' llogh S.hool o.)~ W hy- l>«•u><> .... .wted out m cAmnt co fit ourH"I"n.. through our lr.aining. for du t honot•Lit! and ~u. cdul w(J(k·~·l(":lchlfli[ t.uf~ children; 1md to read, " go.' l .... gr• du.lll:ion. A t f.ul OOf d.u.t nurnln:tl"'d IJUI r•.:~o~.IHCC'fl, hut with the corning ol Florence Fell .,,~ O<t"'nah Hounwtllc we counted "t w cd sixt« n." 'I110K" wete good old day,. whm \~o' e "~:rc j uniors IO~t'thcr. I low K.Ated l()l'tlC: of Ul wete in 1,,d~. bu1 "h.. c fun '"·c hac.l in c.J,."<lnsl \Vc were rxoud lo think thao oh. h..d ,,j ohe dep.uon...,o con•Kkoed w upabk ol cooducting thio d ua witlwoot the aid of A WJ.l<'J"\I:'(K' t,..Kc c;ad• \~ot'.:k. t\ nd Nature.- Study! \ Va:m't it fine) The poor tc.1d\cr. I h ow \\ I" kcvl hC'r IJU~}' lr)'in~ It• find enougf1 '''ork to kcc1> m O(CUIJied. Finally " ' 4." c:Ame to our Srnior ycM. Of the old giriJ, two h~d lc:h. Grnoe Dmke, 10 fmbh her cou(J.f: :.1 Chic.,~o Un~\ ('r'JII)'• :.nd Fr'.anci~ fl t"3ly, to Ms.ume the "d ignlf.ed r'olc" ol ltinc:krg.u tnet., lron"ood. Mich. 110\,(''\('f. d.~ 8"Jl WAJ filled by rour oth~n comln.g here oo compl<l< olou "•"'"'8· lh.y ...,. O.U. Dec~"'· Cor• HurR>urt. S.die Et!kston. .and Gw~yn Fe11tun. \t'~ .ue now .tl the l q> of the Ladder' and moal imJ)CM'tant. The JocqJine wr ~ot .utd)' .,.howcd U) th.•t " S4out Life" Un't n.ll fun. But l tupt>ote that hdped SOO\c to nukr m whAt we au: tJ I)\' ' · '"" e\'C:f)' one know~ tlmt oms i:s the fln e•f , nhhough the LAST daJJ In lf'.nt' tilf! .c11oo1.
N St"IJtrmbt"t IWt'nly-fint, c:-i~hlt't'fl juniors cnlc:rtd Scout fn,{itul('. Mis.n FaU. Rouru:•llc, and Fruit jo1n~ thr dau, for' 1hc:y c:nleu:<J the tctond &emC'ller ol last yrar.
J"ho (rw 1fl IIUn\bc:t, thf")' fd 1 lhnl lheit w ork Wtu (fUite M impot1anl :u 1ha1 of lhe whrn lhC')' JJW thcir Jlf01(UU11 a.nd found d11111 it lnd udtd Eth~. ~ l wic., Tt'Chmn., :and N.turc Scud)'• they wcrc «tlain 1ha1 du."lrs wouJd he a bwy )'ear. 1~rt" "'"'"' ~many ~aturr Study excursion•• .o n1..1ny ln<.fj,;dual J~Md.e. fOf birds ·•nd buucorA....,. m m.ln) pc:riod.s cJ oL~n.ttion :t.l CcntrRI, Codinglon. and Nonh. that che Dt'lfn~lit Scirnf"(' Jun~o. dnd
1tUtum.n month• "t"nl '"~'Y ra.,t<lly. Onr- of our mc·ml>ert, L.ucalr B.ultc:)', h.,d lo lf",\\'C us. in No,•emht"r, ltct.tnue of ~lneu.. SJ,,. had made- A 1\1,,((' for hcndf in All our !tf!.u iJ and w.- luwe miucd ilt"r gteady. \\'hm ",. rdurnrcl ahcr Cl.rittm.u. we learned 1hat MW Lucile O u(fey fu.d kft us to (tllt'f the- l.niHhd)' of \\'iscc:.ru:.in. 1...-alt't f~h .ay th11 " 1iu Durie)' will ta~c a Homo.. m.-kcrs' Cowv hrrc ne\1 )e3r. ;\h_ "-t c,.flf5(1.\ l__..llt;l c:-t~ler...cJ th,. v-cood SCIDC"I('r, ro h' C now numbt"r lwc:nty. F.arly 1n M.ud, \H' lcMnNIIhM tht" S tout Kindrrg:Hten Ocp;ulmcnt W3J to e.:cisl no lf•tiKt"l, w n,.,, )' rM \~•II find ut wHf,.ly M'·•lle t t"ci. llowc:vc•r', we shall not fC)I'gc:t our finl year .tl Stool,···oor thnuwl11ful Stniou.. our I ),yd.ulogy dll•w-J. fltu C()UU.e in Mcc:luwkal Drawing. .UK! tiM" W"Nh \'f' I~A.nlrd in """du\1.
HISTORY OF' THE DOMFSTlC SCIENCE JUNIORS We. the jolly Juoion. wno COlored ia 1908. And ..e noted '"' bein, and ck.cickdy ......~. Started OUf noble ochool cor..,. On September twenty·fir>l. a day moat clr<M.
h w.. at this enchanting time '11ro }union loomed to toe the line. Eoi>eciaUy the D. it to me. Who nurnlmed euctly eighty-three.
Al..t thdt prol...ion PfOYed 10 8JOal Five m<><e entered the band o.nd came in late, lnereaoing the "Stout'' number to ~ty~ And every one is cloins 6nt rote.
The Homern.lken twdve. a do.. moat rote, Started out, their dutiful lie to prepare; Four departed- we hope for • p><l reaoonAnd ..,.-oral more entered. to be ~<~~t oot next ...-. On September twenty-61th. when the ttudcnb we~• ttill blue. And everything about waa ••cry atnwgc and new, They were tcnd<red a reception ol whi<h they ttill clo boaat. And why nOI) The HonO<oblc Mr. Stout wu the lroat. Hurrah fO< the cb.. ol 19091 Who have given the }union ouch a jolly sood time:F"' inatance the reeeption 10 wond \Vhi<h wu lacking in n01hin11- 001 even the band.
A trip up the m the Mfle we went. And Mr. Harvey his bountiful ><nicft lent: We came home by~~ cHting oloctr. And the hillo JUly echoed with the vood old Stoot - •·
Hdoa to the d ..... who ha•·c gO<>C bcfO<c, ll<roo to the fnotitutc on MenO<nin'o ohon:. H.re'• to Mr. Stout, the beat ol men. Rut lrcro• to the cb.. ol 1910. )I
s 1f.e l"~ty·W J Srpanni>er cJrow nit!~> abc.JIIWCDI)'·61C fdJows J
bul Ji11Jc fn«C IMn hi~h ><hool ·~ bc-a•n lo ..., •• !heir w•Y 1oword. Menomonie. ·n,ey .h.d aU d..oded 1o <nler ..S.ou(. By Mun<lay mornu•s (<he 2 111) they had l>e<n '" <own long <t>OUgh 1o 6nd ~11 .nd roomin~ places and ,....,. •••UY lo sellle down <o ><O<k. J.\/1er the) had poicl out th<or mon<Y 10 the cofk.c:tO<. M1. Brae.. and had found oot wh.1.1 they wctr to do. '"here and \'l·hy du~y were to do it and numcrout other mtnol' pointJ. there began to be • oomhlan« ol O<der ou<ol the <haM and 1hc d'"' ol 1910 come tnlo he·
The ne>.t 1,.... days ,.·ere l!)cnt in gelling •cquairued. both w-h the tc•chcrs .nd with e:.-th odu!'l', and in ~cuing down to ca.mnt work. 1l.t: fACuhy announced Aboul this time lh.at W(" h.ad to wear un~omu. So we all re-o po•ed to the dc><hicn and purthased the prncnl.ed c011un~ Then we had to ha'~ a pkturc or l\'loO.
'fcl~~~ ~__ !!.____ ~
ll1esc proved "' soliJoe<ocy 1ha1 wo l111d them n<>de
~nd tattered thembr01d~ ovtr thit
eount<y to ad1<rtisc this great •nd glorious eLm.
\Vork f\ad now bqun ln cam(;SI and, a..~ (rom ~ncet and p3rli('1., the days WCIC much the a.amc. OccMKMWiy, totnc excit~nl wu au~ by one of our numhcr finding t,is affinity .,_, the nwny !litis who aucncl ··S.out··. but <his ,_. become weh a .....- oeour· trn« rh.at u cca:ted to bring ouc appQwe. The Hiking Oub wa.s orgMited 11nd mnny of our dan \-.'ere: memhc:u. The: Se1li0f boys co<eruined w up W.lson C<eek on S.1urday aflcrnoon and who will e~c:r forget thot dayl My. how i1 fiOIIIecl! The d...,.,to had 11 in IO< w, 1hat w•• e•ldcnL But even the
,.;n f•ilecl to dam~ our apitit.. We had loads ol fun. Somebody uUcd a mcetinK olthc rntire d.» one eveninK afte!f school and Bhtr wt1\c diocusAnn oiScen "ere elc<led. The only way they had to pick out th.U d..;.c ol <he ean· dld•<eo wu lo line 1he wlprib up and pitk by loeb. h " n...n- 10 ..y thai T. Gront Raitt w .. elc<lcd rr..ident. Col. M. Cornwell WIIJ dc:<led '<CICI>ty. ·n.. &lrb ~~'" <he othto of.
School had been going bUl lOUt wecb when the Senior> enlrrtoinccl w, Thi. w» the fin<f..m•l re<eption ol1he yea1. We hove on owom hy 1he Senior• since OCiobcr 23. Dcc~mbt-r 19 wa• the: hcginning of the Cluittmtu vacation And we who were not ..o fortuna« •• to be able IO go home were <crnbly lonOO<Ilr for ,.... loog W<'<'b. S.iU. I musnl 10<ludc aD ol win lhe ""'-nc: 1101. for who da1cs 10 ,.} !hat llcc:kmon wu al allloneoomcl School began •gain Jonu.ry 4<h. afl<r a moslenJor•bleY11r•tion. On II« 24th wr h•d that ht'l<f-to-be.fort~<>~<cn cha,.<l<r p~>rty. Of allthr CCKtumes c••tr though<of 99 per tNit ol <hem wrte there. -Bon..-. Ra•t. llcc:funann and Com"dJ were winncn. B.•rry ~eel our ranb a1 the bciinn111g ol1he '<COnd $Cfll<tltr and hr was immed,.tcly made AI htMnc 1n our aocialarlaiu. heing ttuite a JOC.inhlc fellow. Nothmg un....,.l occur«! from this on until G. Wm. Wi<!tand fdl and badly ,..-.int<l )0
hn ankk. Thio too~""" ol OUt numb.< away 1.,.. ..hat nrntoal) P«>•..d. U.. '"""' th. f<al. Joluuon and Footn eater..! a1 tlu. ...,.. ir,crn·ll~ - numb-< 10 28. Up to the IM<t<nl lime. no<hina haa ocwr.d """" ""'"'' \1.' • .,, loobo~ r-..cl
to • .,....,.. .... cncl..a olth... OUI lin! }<Of, and. in b<-hall ol Man..l Traononi (k,. ol I<) 10. I wuh to ..y. "May coming clou« P<OOI><r and loc a•l..l'l>) a• "' 1..-. b.-en ., our wO<k loa<'lh.r thoo yoor." C. S. \ .
00e:::::::3 !I ~ DOLL~:-~~.~~~:~.~ lor • trip thru our city,
~ U
0De:::::::3 OD
Arr you rudy} L..t her go,
We Ate now uc:emling the depot lull, rnadt (.,,.,.., by the !lOCI that 10 ln!ln)' lt-3mt
a~nd aulot 11rc llalkd. annuaUy m tl~ mud. and th.t the haD sUb
have to ~Joke the bus. 11>e Ucl... olthoo lull arc kit u"'i~hdy on purpoo<. ao that the people won't be dl1lppoint..! when they reach the IUmlllll.
jUJt • minute pkue.-'"c arc .uUf'd ....,u •iah1. "«' arf' movma apm. 1Dp. You will notice tb<- JNgoi&..nt buildm, oo the to
At l.u we are at the
!'iTOU r IN51 nvn:
,..,... nghL Tht ;, '"" home J !he plumhing ond bride l.yins Khool. That mon "anding in front wilh the gr«:n h>l ;, \Vil!i.: Held!ing<f. the mon wl.otl•ow>lhe boy• how to loy bride. Titc man in du: )C('ond windo"'' ~ti.ng ~.,nub U Percy Fudtt. He·s a plumber. Tht bddmg out thtte in the ya:d ;, the High School. Da« ·n,omas and Oppie J•c.b on 60 lo ><hoollhtte. Yn. lhne they .,. now by 1!, windo"'' W&tching f<>< an op. pouunicy ro w;u c at tcrl•in domntic acict\ce gUk The o<htt building in this yArd is the Stout lnSlilule. ·n,ey I'"' thol bridge between the two bwld..go oo that th., high ><hool boys and the Stout girlo would CXI><ricncc no difficull)' in onanging d.te> foe Friday, S..IUld.)'. ond Suncloy ni8hb. h ;, abo u..d fO< o<her purposc:s.
You uked who thQIC sifls a.r~ attired ln convkt suitl. ~lhose 31'e nothing but Stout teiencc pt. on !heir w•y to cloua. Y«. there arc one ot two hornc.cckero there 100. The .,... with ""' ICO"'i on hi, f.ce ;. "Doc' Nilwt. '"" enemy ol "tough blok..... Whenevct he oeco any J this tnbe he "dingo '= on the bean." He is •loo • follower olthe f•mous oouthpaw. Cy Young. •nd he pr•ctitc:s hi• "ru10l free delivcty" on tho campuo. Aeroa !he ll>cel o•cr !here ;, th., "Gym." and "N01." Here is wh<re the boyo ond pt. 8<f rh., exttcioe rcquilcd lo gilc th<rn strength enough 10 "ndy their ks.cm. The "Gym" io •cry popul>r with the manualt~>inin~ boy>. They look forwArd to Thunday morning> with impat~nce because it it on thi, day th.lt they tt.we "Cym" work. ~
We Ate now en W.!.on avenue. 'lhooe two yellow hou•a 10 the left arc aloo pori of the , ...~.... ·n•• 6n~ ooe ;, '"" hbrary. Studenls rn.y be fOimd hr.rc during the day, perming Ill
musty •olumco. "'.""P8ed in I"Ycl>olosical roe.trch. Dat.., ar• -.oiondy ~~nn!«d hac. Tite ollice ol l..ouu Hod,!, cd~or <l the Annual. io aloo loeatrd ., thio builcLn.., and mcctio d the Annu.l tuff are frcqueotly condueted here. Til<' O<her howe ,. the hoatanal;.,.·, .::. \Ve wm ..y nothins abo..tthio cotlal!" .. the in...t... ""'~ lor them.ehea.
'fl•e Dunn County Nortn.\1 and A3fieultural School are hou>ed in that btic.~ buildins to your risltt. llue i> where Mr. Crane tum...! out hi> te.'m ol "ln•·indhlo." (five cent> llr>ight). We now come to the Dunn County New& Office wh<re the Stout Annual wuground out on lt"1{al cal),
J>•,.inK olong. we next >« the Congregatioa..l Church. thm the M<thoditt Church. the home c>l "Dick" Coram. the mini!ler't ten. and lutly, the Court Haute. This moclan looku>g &tructure "not a place lor ~po«~ing. friend.. but "hue the &trong atm ol the Ja,.. io C\~rciK-<1.
We ""t I''" on to the main thorolare. To the kft. ) ou w.D the M.....,.,.U. Candy Krt<h<'O "hne eltocolate nut wntlaes are onl)· ten cml" We nut come to the hou.e ol Han·ey K. S.,,.dy, the .. knc"n <am<dian ol "Oumood •nd l fe•ni' lome. Qn loo\ong to )OUt nght, pccple, you will >ee thr Jlatlf<ln bu*!~\1~. and he >Ute to note the Kr<At tnmb<tone d,.>Ly. Here is where "Chuk" Ka~anauah P""M his monument "hen he is brokr. 1ltnt drus >tore yoo tee o•et' there is whet< "Doc' lxook• rol4 pills •nd w..ho ,.;,. dowt. "Doc" u one ol the f01tr hundred. Notice th•t fa•luonoblc hoberdasher next. In the window you will «< Beck...nn.
I"""'M in •
l.•<n<kr mrcd "'•• ond ''" to m.rch. If< • • I'1l0 modd ··.u .. ool.nd • )ard
~IM1 m~~n c n 1'1c CQfncr cW('1 l!lcrt' 11 "Shouy.. l~ndl. ml\Mgtr ollltt" notonout Stcl\lt B.•LM BaU Sc1u.td. F"u•imK it onr cl thr rnan.t"u't. ''ac.toml~l~mu~nu.:·
n•.J<n-tA r AI'- H II fiAI.l.
To your r1~1 you fotf' \lfnOOlornc·• leon Cf"nl the•l4!f, 11H•rr •• ootlunK l1ke it tn 11 1(' coy. Ao,U,.., I~'" ol m'<fN our l""tn'foc•. tl..- only on• ol 11> kind on rh. NonhwMI.
l'h.o l.rllt' b..olclons o•n ohete io ohr Mma..J. ,.JWh ...,, •.., - pol,l.c JiLrU), clan« h.O. oh.aor~. Un.wian church. C A R.. and Cluh R - II"' a • ohoo - local oalmo" "l~h...l. ·n,., mon you ..., on ohr 1t<J10 ""h •'*- }?, ~~ Brc...-
ntu, u.ndf1' htt atm. " Sobr ~kma fOt new .de.... Thai pl.c~ o•., lh«e wh..c youn1 Am.nca abound. • Mnntr Mono. ( ruto. They 11"1 our """'<Y anyway. O>argc a to O.d.
C.....to-no. I
'f'bc Mff"f't W(' ltC now on if Broadway. n.,_t br8f' rtd WUCIWC! on the COI'tiC't' • ohc llood Royal. Ooloupck. ohc ·~«arian, livcs ohetc. He " calkd 1M •c(ldonon ~.«•...., he ;. ao food of "SpudL" The three ''rnuos'' Wllh ohru (...,, upon ohr tod101o< are ohc Royal J<>lrto.
On ohoo boll hoord •.,.,.. ohc attcct yoo "'" ~ ad•.. oi...d oh~ llon>r Mwuordt lot • r<· 2009, tlamng ohc Smith BrOLin th~ll' rtllk bone tpe"CIOIIy, "Wau mmutt. B~fy... ( mufO~ 11!"
111111 mgogcn~nl,
'1';\IN rut IIALI. ANtl \NNf-_..X tHO\\ ,\(HCl:\.\ 1111 I.A,._ I
·11Mt r>IAcf" al)()ve tltrrf' it \\hdt' tht' Sot-ltll),..ncins Club l(l\f"' 1"\,rhcr l "imc A nm IO< h,. mc>nr) •• 12: 15. Pv•ank .ntu the r~('fiC:f' "'Chun Wt' n('\1 CC111l<' tu tltc home ,,t Prn. J lai'\C')'~-'"nufl' .....1:· ) ou ••k i U,.,., '"" buoi.Ln11> .ue oh<o ••>lurn no. til<) ••• not. thu they do hUUH' 1001~ ··u~ •• -~ l1wkl~n~ :Uf' Tainlrr llall ond thf' Annr\. tht" IAifet cornroonly c.,IJcd ''lltrnry C!l•lleo:· b~nl\t" 11 \'liM m:tdc t-.ut ul ~t h"n (w.arrnM'I tn('r}, Front rooms $20 ('\It\\. ' I hr ""I Ul tlu· ~«:onJ • tn1y window it Cu•\W Nales. 11-at Wt\IN lily pond you ace J.dund d'H"M' IJulldtnKt iJ. J..ak..- ~ lt"nt..,nin. wltich afford' ('\Cdlt'nt •katintc durinM th~ wintrr
rnonth.. (n~hl "'"'"h,). .J.., """'''""""'"'~ •nd <tty we>PIY ()) l'ul"" 1h<- br.ln lhnr, ''tlu...k" lor "• .,. ~"'"~ b.~'"· ·lor Lrg rnidcn<t' In )OIJr ltll .. Sm ~.... •• hoo... lllr nr>t .,~ ••• ul mtrr<"l" <'rrrl ....... l>und• ol rtUow• )ntl ttf' I.N'"r('htd 00 thf' t0~11l\C 11 tht' "1. Bu., Ptr.'' Do you It"(' that nl.An down thrrc:-
in th~&t c.mCK"> ., h.,(s ~ lr. EJ""K•'· u,,truc:tOI in befit iron and h~t111111t'l't'ti rtll'ti\IJ. Sec those"' bubbl(:$ arumg on tht' turfact ~~r th~ trt"t"Jc).-llMt•• ..Cutie" Chloupc~ ll'~ing Mt annuAl hath, You haH• nu\\ \('("0 ~~tfiOIIlt'ltll('·, \'liondtfl, >tnd, .thcr ~YlnK your ll\rr. you can fol,. low duo rwd to lhr junction •nd Ulth the lul tta111 _,R N>l.
MISS DAY'S ANNUAL LECTURE TO TIIF. JUNIORS lltoo ohah h•-. no othn D•l bdorr Ill<'; lo I am th) Do} , Thoo .h&k nat cia • ...,. INI th<>U u l r thv nM~hbac'• ••- "' ••"'' 1hou -h.tk 11<11 k.ll 1....-t Th011 .r..k buy t"'o r<•m• .I nolr ,,.,...,, 1<&, and 11k <>en to thr hall ol th) k01cdc>m.that thnu mo)al put d I >a)' an Y.llhn~ llu~u •ho~~h ha'C" thrt"f" princeq a.pcon~ C\-("1'1 :tl~ to \rf'P lhff nrat n•.., •"·" ......k• •J ......,~but • b.l..-1 "'"'"·- c'rn to thr pcotndt. and f•tt thnf'ltl. LC"t th>• rrui"IH'IO\ .u r.lune that the") rnA)' Ira' co a dt"•t tut And d<-hnrtro )'t.l -.nd J.O&W> nntHt"J.,K>n ,,,_ thy JOul•. t\nd lrl 11 romr to "'"' from thr br~utnin~ th•t ) r IJ<'nd not Iron\ tlu• """> .--!hat th)' d"YJ 11M)' bto lonM U1 tlti• lt"IIII,Je of JkiJJ. 1ndu..'-'ry• l\11tl tull14"'•
··rbolt··dr·•. . .
HOLY SMOKE Oeru~lcm) Uul niaht » I ,.t OOU.a. ()..p in • miNion <hair. I o1ood in Old Stout Ttaining School In aD hd ll"nd<W' thcr<: I hevd the ruwilt ringing, And ·midol the iron• d•ng, Methought the •·oicc ul Oloon u,l
from lhc fOtge room f4U1Q!
Wh~e 'POrk• Acw high I he•rd him <!)' And this the dirge he ,.ng:
Stout T ruoog Sehool. Stout Traininw School. Fr..g wide your doon and .O.a. Ilia time to-oisht il .o 110<' ri«ht. And "·e "';n tu,,·c our lf~ne: We eue not lor expcrueo. tor S.out ~ pay the bil And once aga.in the courr.e wu ch-t~nged. One ten ($11 0 .00) to pa,. the gate: And you goc "conned" entering th<r•
After the u roke of eight. A "Uu~ep-skin'i' surely wo.th the pr~ They Mked of you to pay: h was 1h.c new Stout (ntlilute In ..,..., all the day: h wat S.out's ttout Stout Institute Up<eared hom wood and day.
S.out lmliMe. Stout lnolitute, We ne'er .hall,.. you m«<: The Monte, Annex. Smch'• good floor: And all gay timco are o'er, Likewise, thooe ho<rid 1...., plano Tht make our life • bore.
AU. THE WORLD'S A STACE 'I~ Ri«f,e cl "W<iah"-llrial>ri<. ·n,., Ctioio-Hatd Arnold. The Serollen-Beu &ncl Opp;.. The Citl ae ehe Hdm-Mn. T alt. l..a>l clehe Baron.-Nilwt. J>agtim'o Provr......Arthur Coram. llcnenly Twina-Spud• And Curie. n. F'oin8 Lin....Mary Todd. C•mhler--Rurh Byme. Fitot Violin-F'umeu.
·n,. ·n,.
Tho Leovcn ol Love--Emily l•sram. The Etemal Qu..eioo- Vivion Brown. l..iulc Sheph<td ol KinccJcm Come-Earl Settndahl. The H - Trai-Beu &ncl Frank. A M..,.ge from M.,.._j..,;. OeBoch. The s.,...,(,) in rho H.....,_Hall Cit!.. Abocnce Mak.. rho Hean Crow Foackr-Han-.y Scharr. The Lady cl rho 0«-lioo-Valma Mar<r. Thae Cirl Mon~&na-Ao.enee H--. The Cirl from rho Colden Wot-Ethd Rader. My Wild lmh Roae-Florenee O'Loory. Mn. WiU>-Ann Farwell 'llle Man I l.efr Behind Me-Dunnie. l11e Choir ln.Uihle--A•oa Rjpley. 1....1 Nighl ll>e Nighringale Woke Me--Ruby j our<fJn. lnnOCC1lte Abrood- F'rank Beckmann. The Cenrleman from lndi.na-Mr. ComwaU.
AT MilliNERY CLASS "Cirlo. don'r fQfi<l lo .,;.1: up rho a- aod gbk. bdOfe you go." "Do gel up on rho gble lo WI your molerials. &ncl rheo rho lloot """'' he ill aoc:h.., owlui con<ldioo...
a..,;. Clwnberlin ;. now OUI 10 much al nial>t lhal we ha•-e deeiclcd the • ma\iq a 11udy cl rhe Solar Sytlcm.
"I ha<e oomcrhin~o dear. eo edl you. I have wilhed lo "Y before:" Aod he drew up clooe betide her. "Your ral .howo rhru your porn1>adouo.'' 6)
ROLANDO CHLOUPEKKUS (Cutie} To lhc fair town ol Mcnomin. Bu*kc1 by lhc l>toad R.d Cedoz. By the ~ ,,..;~, R.d C<d&r. In lhc f.ll ol Nindoc:n S..·en. C.me a )'outh. bokl Robnd ChloutJCk. Fair wu he. and good to look oo. He • rnon in oll dirneruioru. FeAring ncithtt man n(lf devil: "1><3 topi' ol brOAd cxten>ior" Oiueg<~rding all conventioN.
When in 'l'•ing. he bi.,...,....J boldly, "Chappy h..t" and t•n ohoes m...Ur. Swdl 1an pumps with bU<kleo golden
Matching h..ir to • pct{eetion. \Vhich wu ol the "yle "pct..;de." 0. he was • oisht relrahing. But to 'I'CAk in attcnU .bnsr. Hio "loog ..n.· wu hil 'lUNing.'' Be it Wei unto hil a.dit That he was • "bird" al "d,..;.g": Breaking heart> ond ..,.,.,,;.,.,. bank not... 0... pim dang1ing lrom his watch lob And emblazoning his wai>tcoat Spoke the number ol hi> conque"•· Moiden., legion, Jell adOting 'Neath the opel! ol hiJ Alllll<liont. On the comet. blew he luJl,Y, Wringing notco mo.r dire, di.rrwing, From that brazen throot.d lrumt>el. Making joinu he wu • 6ulc: Wreck.d the wood ,..;u, maul and ehitd. This b..ve youth ol gnociou. repute w.. bdo-·.d ol • maid<:n, Scout ol bean and "out ol ... lure, Scoot ol faith and avocation. But oJ..! he prov.d unworthy. F'.Qie M the H• re ol Marth ;,. He "broke" amp and ">Ought new l>&•turca.'' M•y there come • time when he will. l..o<ked r•• down in fiery dungeon, (,6
S..-i11 a .Jed(lo that wei;ju .U hundred: Pound relnR<tatcd iron: On an an.;J mode of bw wood, Forl!ing l>olto to ocrve Okl Vulcan. Moy "thin wood" he his dcsuuction: "Water whcdo" be hio OUIIcnancc: HOB hio "chiof t~tot.("Owk.")
SIDE TALKS TO BOYS Our Durand SubtcMcr-1 think that u • rule il is bctkr policy to take but - PI 11 a time to • pany. It is not your faulr that thetc is a dcOJlh ol youna """' at your ~. David T.- Yeo, you arc riJlht in thin kina it wdl to cui!Wate the acquaintanoc of collc(lo girlt. ·n~rc t. nothing 10 conducive to manlinctt.
Mr. Vickert-Don't dcapair, you'll loam to dance soon. Surd)' thete ;, ...,..
aood PI
who will gladly teach you. wil be oec....ry only to TIP your hat to the Hall plo. Tho il io-.: If you iruioa on RAISING it, thio may be clooc with bst dancor at ,_,, EArle S~No. il ;, not .......ry to treat Mioa ·, fricndt ...heoc-·cr they _,. in. Tho it may incr.,... your popularity. il io an .,.fuJ dram on yOUJ father'• poekctbook. Max B.-Do not IJivc your opiniO<u too freely. Rcocrve them fO< th. Annual Board where they will count. 0. M31cr- You ourdy ohoukllc•rn the bam dance. It mak<t a penon (!laccful aod io not difficult if one hu a good portner. Mr. Hcuocr-Yeo, a la•cnd.ar handketchicl io quite eorted to wear with a taupe ouil. Do not ....U. ..,.,thyst culllinb and otick pin. now oo popular in the bat .hop..
aaJlaot to RAISE it. you thcrtby ...,_ yourodf to the ccld.
Mr. Ctai3-Do you think you are qvilc lo7alto the PI in your'- town? Of-. help the other fdlowo out. but cloo't allow youndf to gd too intet<olcd in flO¥ ooe pt. Yeo, Nxtccn
wtl Jre all )'OU ""-iJ need. We cannot all be prdty, And we CAnnot all be omarl, And we ea.nnot all ao lw&ins. All of w 11.\vc not the w. NO< can we alll>e clever And witty all the while. But thm:'o -hina oure the matter With "" t we <aMOt
. ·and mon ~ bt>al 1 to flool. 0 ftft: IS•-00,.,r<:r, < 111001"/fNJ OdoWnt .J f'CC Of fo . fe, from ncr 'h the ctef; Unlco.s"" fell' o/or,e !. ru ftnous mote " me steer so " ond sunk hq o mct onul<. uo - scu/Jfed Somto"· 0
A MECHANICAL LIFE and THE "WHAT OF IT: They lound """ crumpled io • hump. H~ "runniog &UJ"
H~ "appacciving .,..... "'cot bump
And ''tho1'o 1he r..- why."'
Alao, 00 lOOn he olrud: lhe '"bevel:" He ourcc hod climbed lhe ''grade ollile." In muim ..pbne''i in ..apitit level:" Hit pleuures S(alloyed) by la1co cruel "knle." No "viw:" had he, nO< line lo "waJie," 1lle "eoune" he steered "die': llu1 he didn'l hove a '1esoon plan." And "tho•'• 1he ,.._ why."
-itch· ...
No,_. he1l1read our cJa.o.ic ballo On wid<r bmiog beru: Nor ~ llw IOwn whee tw¥• fall&.
By ·..-ec-lhirly" ocol.
No m«e on "B.mey'i' R- he'll OW>d. The loc:uo ollwo ocore ol cyeo, \Vilh lrembl'ing knees; ho1 du1ched in hond. Tho badly "l....d": 10 occm al cue he,,;.,.. "Four biu" he paid lot oy01cr 01cw, AI 1he "Monic' "ahcr Ike ball." No mote he'U ,..,a 1hooe "ohcckdo lew"Hco "ea&hed hio ciUpo" lor good and .U. AI eigh1 o'clock. woke lrO<n a lranec, No more he'D hear lhe ..U ol "Poy":
He wore h~ "ohirt OUbicle bio panu". And "thol'o lhe rea&on why." "L'IIIIIOfle now"lhooe "oubde ....-ei: Ha•·cloot !heir "chorm": !heir "rbydvn"llecl: Hio ooul io gone. "lraruilioa" borne;
No "union" here. lhis "clay" io dead. 11•~
"Frame" oo good ..·hen lile "cb~ained",
Can naughl ollurthe< "inl..eOI" hold: "Clamp down'' his "Collin" "Minion
And "chuek" him in 1hc "mould."' 69
A RECEJPE FOR STOUT LIFE 2 """ o( brain> I cup of nm·e l ' f CUI» ol respoouibi6ly I doz. plump 1>01 e boob I pk~r. o( ..-..,.,Jincu I empty pockel·book
'i doz. lr..h B. Clli I >lnl<IUr.l lot~nul.
I ple•lcd sUI dr.f1 I cup ol .m;.baity A d:uh ol =iles
Method.Mix dry ingrcd""'t>: odd • lew .oo.lluncliom and Ra<or with tire <S>ence ol
Place m• sterile R.uk and slcrilize for 20 minutt$ for 1hrce c.onseculi\'e daya ~n an Arnold S.eriizd. Scm: in Pelri dah<t "ilh "hipped odium l..adis and pmish with aJpergill.,, This r~i()C will serve: one penon for two )'~"" at unlimited cmt.
BARNEY CASTLE Where the 6na lain! •""-"" tladd<a. Whcte the ocUiac ..., ,.,.. r.dd.a. \~emyww~~
'Goirul111 azure sky oupplont.d. Where the m-'i&l>t Iaiit ill P,.Y On a tpOithat'• old in otory, E'er we c:ootcmplate lhia oplcndor, Lilt the vaa and let'• look undct. Locked within thy d01k r......., Held by stubborn walk'o ...,.,..... Robbed ollie. and mirth. ond Pdn-
Languithing in dreary oaciDcoo: Bound by mandatet none dare
Guanled by a r.-1 p.tccpCrao. A Meduoa hXI- ...~ul. Holdilla nahll the powcn cal lawful.
CNd. llinty het.tted -
Woe to thcoe who go apilltl her. Why m'Oit at the omliboa
01 the Rack ond lnquioilioo} Rend ol bone ond b<oadswordi cruh: Naught arc they w &n>cy'• HASH. Where the "pus' mat'a nor duu growina 'Served "La Stout" with red blood llow'o>.. Where they poa glucooe lor mople, And the cakewalk. oB the table. Thae a hundred ainJ'ina IaBore you duu with Ol"'ra gla....: And maido demure. ol oabC1 mind. Flma rcmarb mco1 cruel unkir>d. Thooe who ought ol right w WilD you. From the hciahb. look down ond """"' you. O,udd"ma in unholy s1ec O'er the ~ ol you ond me. Knishto ol old held hiah their ala-. Drank the healili ol bonnie Ia.,; Clupcd the Torn Vd aa tol:cn: Pledaed an oam ne'er to be broken. "By the heaven that bend. abo--e you" Swore to keep lor aye and Jo,.., you. 71
cJ.d ,.ith nwtiaJ ""'8 Fon-•rd rode to \eoge aD wrong. you. who are camped "" fot~une"s ...a. Here"s • qu<SC th•t edipoc> the Holy Croil. Here • treMure. precious. goldrn: Foir ;, it: .,ood to beholden. Dian>OOdJ ..,, in metol dr.,ed, Compau:d "ith thit. ,...oufd look Lke pall e. r\nncw
AUFWIEDERSEHEN ' Aufwiedcnehen.' she whis!l<'red &alt. 1\nd o'er her words he pondered oft. They mel again: but why} 0 why} S~e
hat <:in mann und kinder drci.
Du:uuc-Oh. rm .., hungty-guess ru Spuch.-l"d rather tum into a
tum into • poet so I won't ha\"e IO eat
r..uunn~ 72
HEARD AT A TAINTER HAll. SPREAD Flaherty-"Ohl is !his a op<ead?" Hud-"This is awdler 'an a goat-ace, but lhio make~ me j.c.m..id.r Mildrc<I-"Come on in. Van. and have tcme eab, DGI .,.c a bas Ina h tLat'a Boocobd you know.'' Chorus-- "Where did you ..y)" Klumbie-''Did you ~ay you had IOIIIC niee -reah cram b.ifo)" U-"llU. hcuer !han !he band." Bon-- "Girl.. don't you want some mo<e c:o«ee) Well. lyou don't WOIIl AIIJ, I I'D have oome more. Please pa.u lhe supr." Rulh- "\Vdl, what do you know about this>" Rubie-"1'0 be in in a minute, just wait til l wash my laee." Mibo.--Ah, come on. honey, have IOIIIC more.'' ~tie-"Oh I can't. I've 1!01 to ao over to !he Almez." Hden- l've 1!01 SO mud. work to do." Von---"Huny up, Flosa. and the rest ol you doWIUian tripkts." Jess 0 .-"Ester's going to .Jeep irulead ol eomina d.,.,.:· Nellie-"Oh never mind getb1g up. I can just u wd .it here oo this book-coae u DOL" Morie--"\Vhy don't you say sornelhins. Beekier· Beclcie---"Oh, I'm busy eatins." Mary- "Oh. I c:an't come. I have to wrile a letter to Kanou. May I take,._ clicboaory, Lil?" F rances---"\V eO, goodnight, girls-I'll take !his horne and eat it in !he mornina. Miss F.--"Giris, it's ne.uly eleven o'doclc--time !he Jicbts were out."
Jolli&•tioo you 'lax Dettriontioo lnlormatioo Prol. acts aome Snoops arouod io Obter.-.tioo Calb you in !Of' Coosullatioo When you venture Espbnation Pro/. returns with Coodcnmation Of no avail Expootulation Tho eloquent your Declamation On dead eazs falls your - Supplieation Bad !Of' bad ;. ~tioo Tho being fired means • Damn..tion Do not whine IOf' Ccnsobtion You but .bow ~ Make~
A RUMINATIVE JUNIOR ~·., hout> I .... and <!"''"" and rhonl: 'JM oh.cl<>lo'• lall. 11.- "'""'""" ft•• r~n 10 p.th unl nown, I (r•M" H) thinl.;: I rnrtf'ly .;1,
.-lhi. llr
SENIOR EXAMINATION QUESTIONS I. I low dor- " J':"r.-"d~a.r•n• 10 too? l . Why <lid 1hn <ooklc. cuurt1 l . ll.vf' you ....-n lhll r\cw roll~'k 1)ln• at ln~tr.. harn'•) ~. Whrr• did Dumo lun d.- (hiehn•> S. Wh..t.t un you C'*'t.ch in • litfuw tro~p)
6 Who i. Undr Swob\leic) 7. c ... 1h- •IJiliO<"'"'" .,.,.;a)ll olt...,.l wolff) 6. Orttrtbo • d•""''indil..ct cookf, 9. Why 00.. &inart·•OOI> I0. Why .houkl • In~~ o..Lt 1.., tk.o> I I. Why 1101 '"" • ,,;.in in brr..J)
l l . l)n.o. wh~l(linll 010kn onm l.rurr) 13. Why would y0<1 ll. Ccf;) I~. Wh•t ~ tl~< valuo ol .,lo) It Whal ;, tho valun of DOin<Jtie SDrn<o) I1>. Why <II• It (tlior)> I 7. Why lokn mord••• •• dr•> 16, Why havr •• ' "· '"'"' in dyin11) l'l, Wl1y do piiOIC(>(ylro rot 'rm al:v•) lO. Why .. mhntlin'• WAI<f 1101 wrll Wllrr) l I. Why h..w. • ""' "' 1lw- hill, room) ll. I low m.tny lono make lur...,..y)
Somr fnlb .J...,; tl1o llwloo11 clay. Smw- ol.tp lhr d<><'k aor.un';
Sotne 111k,. .lr.rs~·
•••nd•t u1,,
And ~ alyin' down;
••<~•• 10
.J...,, •• nlaht,
•• "·····
So.n. ftllk· o~c., llu1 lwM. •11\1 why, aod whrn autl whrrr Ooro<l'l ~1alomy Rnynolch ''" '') 74
Ti lE SE:NIOR SUPERLATIVF.S 'f'h. fUI. . ~ ·'S.oud.' ,,. h....,.....-j ... Jot._ 11.., nratrtt·-M•rli<o IAon., ha""""'- Don Ctirnohaw 'Tht. c:t..U...- t..loorl R,ce , . hloncJ...a .. a-,. v... tt.s. 'l'hn dtart ot- MI,;., Huntomoa , . Oll\lrl...••. p~ 1'homu ,.to!Ut.--...... Thn owr#l..a-·llrlm 11-,.
,,,. <~o ..t~..a ..•J..-. n ......
n .. mool dolftMl-
The nauaht,...···Ruth M "Ah, my duo ••· would you ~ "' ~one! •• te>- ahl- ld • who! • cl.o with ... "'""'"' ol - ah,.--Slout ..OO.nto)" "\'Vhy yr,. Wf!i 1tform aU wr. ean and wh.l w• un't Wf tan."' If th-.r oh'd hn anothrr Rood h_,n for fftU"' WO woulcl ftr> Tho' altho wotld "--ee ~ oul_,l"(( 'lhio b<IQ~ .....ld ....... ,..,., (In .,.. ol l'oYfh<ll<>tiY boob found in kcture ,..,.,) ' l11tn
Mlu ~'•rkino... l'd I•~• to b~om• a<ttuaintf'(l with tho man who d.cmnd lho •hr al thr tlu" lin know wey tlrn w""'tlorr tlon thuo ouaht not to MW' "-.
n.... llrumnwlo l...ld. aod lm.lare ···-
1\ n\uwn,
wW .nd lr\N"t
h't rAt"'f
f., h• lcn•f. a PI
Than makt a pllo•n
'l'akn l".rkino lllaiOIIY, ~ 7 urlfot;,.. l'aol..._ hann&.oo. _.,.!. hut od<>rl-. So-. the
,,•.,.. WI'.AKL.Y
SAYINGS THAT HAVE PASSED INTO HISTORY ..Frien<L. wb&t Dlhe pko.urc cllhe d&W" "I'm as mad u lhe b.ocl." '1hio io lhe . - bautlulk:sl pat1Y I bavc ever Mw:· "'Thot'• • ~ slwne... "I'm pg with Mr. Raitt. our 0... Pretidcnt." ''Oh. gee. I'm pretty nearly auyl" "J.n't thot rver· "Aw, guys!''
"What cl it>" "Pie.,. dOCl't llolk in the eLm roorru.'' 'Tm 10 bwy, girb. I'm ju.t >Pinning OCl my ear." "Milderdf' "Ciru. itt .tlmcot deven o'clock. Time your lighb .hould be out." "Papa always .leeps on • IWr mouraa:· .. Whot .h.IJ I do with this probl<m1" "Why. SJeY it." ''Thooe tub~ cubvo-io thot AM" 1".J blob! Tb&t fdlow'• man eoougb to puD yooms com." '"Soy, fdlowo!" "Have )' OU teen Zummie?" .. Popcorn! Popcorn! Nize. fr..h popcorn." "Do not hit die anvil mit die hammer." "Marbc·-~><rhops."
"lch w.U. nicht.'' "Ya. lot'• do that.'' Van-"\VeU cl c:oune. I alwaya knew I wM the whole cheue." Klumbic-"Maybc you llle the whole cheae. but I'm the rore·bit."
WRITIEN A. D. 1909 Eyea duk. rebuking. aentitn·e. A face thof• •weet to loo~ ..,....
sn.·. mode.t. s-J, ancllo..bk.
A gracdul dl too •hy to tame: An in>Pirotion to goin lame. For ouch • prize one weO might live: The be.t cl manhood proudly !Pvc: Her'> the right to an honored name. 76
PRETrY GIRL PAPERS Hekn L-T 1Y takina your ey.. out oo Fricl.ay, S.runloy. oac1 Suoday ....... ...,., tho, will rhuo be ....,..! from lh.S -.:<crboo..
Aluioon Be.. H~ Your lailin$ he.\hh io probably due 10 .,..., aa.idy abcu your lllodia. Drop lwo "' rluee and ao ovr in -x:ry andrry .,-cnina 11rol&. lnlcreol.d lva--Wur your hair low and Hully aboul your loce. 11Uo, will a t.r.e bow
on your hair. wat mokc you appeor sirfuh. Try ahortenin8 your .l:irt a low inches oad Grerchcn collar&. They are ao yoorhluL
Coruranl Header L G. D.- You AY you find ir difficulr 10 meet y0<11 early do- co 11y early n.ing. A. a rule, ir give& briakn... and viralily lo rhc whole bcina. Allor a week'• cf. Iori. ir w~l become • plcaWTc. Worri.d c ....;.,... you M\'C our sincere •ymparhy beeaU&C ol your IICMiy warGobe. Have you rri.cl lrcah ribbon.} They hdp OUI wonckrlully. Over-Scrupulous Z. I. P.-Yea. I &hould 001 heoirale lo we., a Hobr. Kcnn.dy Duncan recommends rhcm hi1!hfy.
CATALOG OF MUSICAL GEMS "Oh rhc clcuc:c. who•'• rhc ....,}"
Rupcrr GUtdull "Show me lhe way IO SO home" Doc Brook. "Ufc ain'r worth living when you're broke" Charlet Kavanauah '1'hc Ft.tt..-ci' Fronk Solar "!'he Giglcr"
Rufus Randall
CHECKMATED Here'• lo rhc
game to.cr Who. when he'a down, can Hrin and hear il; Bur here• lo rho way diploma! Who can nlllke drc ,-icJ., .hare it. 17
AU.'S WEU.. THAT ENDS WEI.J.. '!'he morning alter the drive--in the lower hall. 'Charlle. tdl 1\it. O.lo..pok il'• all ngh~' <dod Spud.. It w .. almoot tOne lor the Ioney clreot P<JIY ot Smilh'•· The c.ommon woil w .. 'Of>. wl>ot .hoD I wwl' Ike p<omptly Jll')ke up, 'I'm ~~ to wear • throucl ontl 10 • • a dead one.' Mito Pukiou ot dooc ol ]..U.. Food Chcmiouy duo: •cru. bel«e you leove, put 110me chlorolonn oo your liva te o wil keep unt• tomonow.•
HOW'S THIS? A Bn.ce ond • dY><f' when cl...ing. '1'wo bioi' t..d the broce. When they tlanod to el>o.e: 0... the B.acc bcmg unct..tlc
So sw ill
the J»~t.
·n,,, the Two bib wae pl>otocl post
DON'T On oe<ing • Senior gitf, begin to ring ' F«.. ktn' Them't the tentimcntt but doo't rub 'em in.
A PLEA FOR THE TOOLS (Which arc being wO<ked ovatimt.) 'Lilc for .,., ;, • bit ol a bore' 'On tbc OCIU<'f<, I'm a tilde board mytdl.' ..id rbc tmaD plank. 'Why Atcn't you pl.nc ~ke mytdf)' ••ked the jointer. ' Oh thovin(po what'• tbc rip)' ctiod the ""'·
'I 10 thtu thinp jwo ., you do. lie'• wiled wilh ""' dot~.' 'I'm )owed to tle>th,' ,.i<J the loop. •y au don't llKk to Anything lon1 cnuf 10 know where you are ..id tbc !!lot. ' Rcgul•r grind.' gtowlcd tbc ttoor. 'I apte with you.' obtcrved tbc bench. "I'm alwoyt "t upon, tho I've ..,ty one - .' '1..-:t't ttnlr:c"f 11dmondhed the hl\mmer.
SENIOR AU' HABET A ...n<~. f... """"· A moidm ckmwt:
·n,., thoU..,-..- huny, Of
wor• dead ""'"· •
B~liord. "l11t" four lhal cH'1CC wrre: Nev~r could J.!Atl them,
8 ;, f.,.
Not c:ltln you--nu tir.
C ~ f!l< O•l..uJJ<k,
·n,e man with d•e ,nJn. Chtrr up. they at e ham;ktt. And gi•e tu rniKh fun.
D ~ f"' Doc.
Wnh 1M ..00 th.t ... lo••· Wt '-r htr col "M>Idrtdl" lldow and ol,o.e.
E it for Eddh, A Pr.,iJent I!J<ol, A1eOoweU ~ dtc name,
·n••t ..., g;.... br f•••· F iJ lor Floren« And l' r•utJdri cornllint<l, You'll hunt many • day And thor <quol ne'er find. G it for
So tunninq •nd nt":al: Oh. unt the t!iulyl And im't tht sw..tl
H it lor llotd. Who • .,...,. <loa tMM. ' !110' F«et~ and Fidd Are risht in l•er lint.
I it for "Ike" And lnfj1am, btdad. In
110 1
over)' clut
Are two Of<l> to ho luod,
J ;. fo< john. A mos.t cocnmoa
And theM. Ts h.•·cr>t ONFAir>t it a .home? IC u for l(av.,..uaJ>. Ch.rlic and Mik<. Who hit thi> town From the Downins pike.
L ;, for Li•or. Iva M•)' her front name,
From lndq>en<!c:ncc. WU.Oruin. Th.y ..l. th.t she c.>m<. M's for the McGa.-r.. M.;dco. to J.ir.
ONCE they were • ..,upk, But NOW. they'« two poi<.
N ;,r., N&... Out Guuie. ~-e·te tutco. A. f.u u clotho 30, Will never be .-r.
0 ;. for Oliver.. They're two of • kind: ~Uy in one thing·lhcir quicin<» of mind.
P is fo< PerkiN. Rcnowocd f« her speed. To get down her lecture> Shon-Mnd you'd need.
Q is for quitto, Nor """ in the lot: They may try it once.
But t..-ice-1 gueu nor. R is f., Reynoldt. Who. in good Junia< day>, Was Mr.. O'Fiarcty In T aintcr H•ll t~•Y•·
S io lor Spuds. The PI ~ the iok<.
"Hons on !here. SUY>· 0. you'« don.<d ape to cholt••• T itlor Toft,
Wh<>oe motto. tJ.ey .., • Wao "VO(e lot my n...-ko
'lectiaa day."
U is Ior l'""• You're in~. I ,.,, Now don't kick about us. F"' mentioned you'D be. V is r., Van. A m&iden .., r.or. But why does rho bQY HATS \Vh<:n .be lw .., much HAIR>
W is lor Wy•U. Our y~- b.by: And .J.o lor W amer. She'• .omcbody't-moybe. X and Y Y do tbey exi>l} They only 80 in To 6D out the li>l. Z is lor Z.udk<,
She mo.y com<• .be mo.y 80· Sna: .be lw lor h<r hold 0111 Tht blessed b.d:
SIGNS THAT APPEARED AT THE ANNEX On Mary Reicl'o doot: Faee> mauasod lor ftvc oent>: ecmplicotod Ia... teo eenb. Anything loot moy be found in this room-Suvengcn. A!>ovc tho fire pl.ce: "Loot, a book. Plea>e rclvm to ROO<n 1." Richt uncia thio; "11rat'• nothing, I've loot my ohirt wai>ll" "All the money lor Lombard .hiru mvot be in by Wodnnclay!" &I
THE LAWRENCE GLEE CLUB Sc..,.: Coma ol ~bin .,0 F"~t.a Stret'l~ Time: J\1.a 20. 12 o'dcxl<. noon. "Jhdy. .,iiJ ~ be .!h1cr notiOn' bir•~
• •h h 5h L• L-"Praisc: lxo. O'l.ci\t)', iodade. my son tJ nol \\*11 I em. ,utr~ net ~W~M~ -L:... '.. ' ohould be. ~lc end~. tho k,.n:l from MI'J. 0 Reilly 1ha1 het mwr·~ "nac "" . , L .. . 1 • come here lo .;.,~ wilh oomc o1h.-r bi)~ from La"rcnoc. I bel... c. o>nc ...., lbeir 10 from)-
Oob ..... comin'.'' .• • . • NOW A. I "\Vdl now. dwl b..1co e>Cf)lhin. Sure. !he)· re nol ""8"' • ,... or M ..... rhcy'rc 1oo b"'Y l'u.ing 1hcir puq>lc 1ic:s ond 1hcir thoc·L'e~ on~ manetime loolbo" ap Brrtrn' wilh lhooc SeOUl !lirb lo be 1f>i,kin' mud> •boul 1ku , ..,..._ .. y;,. and will you ..,. 1h..., girh. now~ No1 one 0\' thrm ha. on a ~biped •• )< """" flo,.• 1ky looked -.hin we ..,.• ahem ~cdio.1 day. l'ailh, lhcre wun"t 01111 oul •hin."Sh. Brody. 1herc 1h.-y corncl Now will be lor olondin' in lhe 1,..11.,. here oo unl ...., .... h rniihr bother lhc l.adics... .. Do you occ lh..a blue Oo!!- O'L<•ry? Fwh•l du ye ouppooc 1ha1 ;.~ "Cod bl... )C. B.od)·.lhaa'•lhcir hann«. Thai'• lo d10w ~lc where from...Wdl &ood mornin', Ol..c.uy. I'm nol for followin' 1hooc youngoten. go;.· 10 lhc Holl bdo•e. u•e 1hem alone. ..
THE MORNING AFTER "Cood mornin'. Brady. Well. well. here you be oginl Where do ye be ~le rn...d Hm'C) .,k.,d m• lo come "~h him lo hoot the Glee Clab Now why they call 11 • Clce Oub I doni know. unl= il'• becouJC they're so oilly...,\n. how -.-u it. O'Leary? .. "0, 1J1>nd. 1if3nd. a..dy. I =ne lhc tcalcr ...... Sich • nice linle room u I Me friend I laney caD.d ~ a box. b\11 l1ho1 il • mighly fine BOX. "An' did •h.-r sin~. O'L<.ry~"SinR. w•ll l gi.. 1hey did! And i1 wo• oil to 1l1ooe girl• in the <tripe.. I !111M whole .,•.;,.,. Ob. Brady, counin' 's ~irenl lhan in our d.>y. \Ve said prilty tbiop iD p.ulor wher. we wttc ~u •lone, hutlhim bo~· ,.jcJ 1him in lronl ol everybody." "An' did lhc girlt hke it. O'l..<.ry~" "Shu«. 1hey dod. I said 10 my fn<nd H•n-cy. Pfor wh•l do you come ha-olhl'llnot .ingin' lo YOUr An' he 10id. ' I know il, l'rn here 10 .h•mpooo l111:.., youna /\11' l ...J. 'Weil l don't min' bcin' here. bu1 I hit my Sw.da co.>t 1hcy mind haviD"
w., lur n,.hl)
Acid--Lt:mon. Acquire---To bo«ow. Alraid·-Unknown 10 any ol m. At<>-Hon<oty. Alrno M.oer---Sioul lnot~ulc. Allow••«··· Wt.ao "Dad" ~ends you. Ansd···Ahl you know. At..,.··A IJICCie. ol iunio<. AI>JJcrccivc···To Jit up and take nottce.
Aohlc1e···llefdf.nKcr. Auitc- .SCripc.. Auburn- Mitt D>y. Bald···\Vhao tome ol you need Icor. Beauly-·(\Vho>)
lkckmon- Scc luate1'. ~we-A woman'• reuoo..
IJe,..•,.,_ \Vhao ohc j&nilor taY" Bib·-Junioia \"cot. BIW--S... cum. Ooar<ler---One who ....,.. ho.rds. Bore··· A fellow who callt at oh.e Annex morc oh•n owico a w...,\, one ,..J.o oolb .hop. lluot.d--My purt.C. Buncr-.. Nol Oloo. bu1 wh•• we g<t a1 Donn. Butter-in .. -A would-be 803'· C.ndy ... Ct.loopek. Curpenter--Mr. Prim. C.th-5ear<h mel Chcc:k---A•k Dad. C!.loopek--&e iokc. Coin-perishable dough. Com.di..n--Mio.. ComJ>Icxion-(ob.) P"inl P"rticks: a d«p, pink color found on 6ngernoilo <l oome ,_,, Con-Aunk. otuna. eon, .......To <hew lhe llll!- IO muticalc the Iabrie. IO olin, oolo - · Coo:Juclle---11•• girl who ohrowa you o'·""-rcl bcc.tuoc )'OU didn"1 take her lo •• ohe Monle •Iocr the dance. undc:nlllnd) Cocnd·-·An in~rument lo cuhivatc goo-goo eyes.
Courl··:r., ,,,... • auio (nol of clo«hes) Cotuin ....A bluff. An excuse.
Cnm-The .,..,..,. .I a«Ms ~ "- •...,.ony bul liale bcUI _lliali,llj
an ....d.
Clank-you. _ . . _ Cn»f,.••Puwr lo•• P"' to.-!. O.d-A rrlati<e u..d '"' 6n&n«· Damn·-The male ol the $pC(ics darn. o.rlin~·-Sce libr&tian. Date- Tonight. eh) O.at•·Th• fellow who ..me. dithd. drain. tallln. etc.. alter o recoplioa.
ormon-S<e r.cuhy. Den-Student'• •-•·
o..ig~~-To pbn ..ith ,.liciou< intent.
Do-To borneo.
0..-S<e .........
Ootmilorr-A hen-boule. • cluek oh.nty, the coop.
Orna-S<c C.•icEdltot-IL F~e
The Wid lor ,..d. .I nwtiat.d !abO<.
5« aapc.
Em~wt.....l-utin lot !.,..d. f:.nchanh-··A ~ Donn. &irl. Enp~mt-·H<>llle• betPnninR· En~«l-The l!ill who ··,te•dy." E.eape-To dope. to fiee.
h•• •
f.tec)ft....To 'C:c'r h()Cl'le.
f·:xornoration-.S..: blw. Fact-·E•erythinR in thit book. F.l.iliution-Tdlina 6w in the lal..,uo <ei<c. Feoth<f-llird'a hair.
F'...l-)udgoner>t time. tiAOC.,.._The "pco<h" "ho h•ppcru to •I'Of1 Y""' di.amond IOf thr time Foot...,\ bupy nooclk. F...;...>\ man who""'"' 101 >ngry"' clarnn.d. Fonnut.--Probkm in algdx>. Frat-A hunch olfello., .. Fudge-For l"- b01ber pole undy. Fumbk--A laaure to 11fab. Fun-·A •.,.0.. cl joy varying with age. Fu•«t·..S.c Beckmann. A .,.,.. hctw«o talk and ho4 oir. CiJ~e-·To tr<·hrc.
Glod.hand·-()ppoo4< cl the mium. Gralt....s.m.thinw r.. nothinc. Grub-A ,.,.a.. ol wcwm: utin1 o1 th. Donn. Guy-Junior. A ....,;,. to Cuk. Hm-·The oecupant cl a hen houoe. Hm·howe-&e Dotm. lleon-·Oh. Lon!. oocne ~!irk have ........ HarnlO<>y-ObiCn'c "Spucl."" and ""Cutie."" Hurrah-Friday nigl1t. lee crum···Cupid"a dCMett. I1Jnor•ncc-·Dii... junior--Some S.nioia hope. J•s·-S.• Church: • load. Jrtt··.'fo rnake light of: to jooh. Jokr-·.S... Olloopck. joyown<M·- That which tw.domin>.t<> whon t«o-h.ma io cJ.-. Kid--Atk MiM Lantto K;.....An ri~P~i<ol n<>Chingn<JO di>iokd by two. l..aughttr·-A wid<n;.,K olthc lou and a ..,.,ulsi..- rno>tm<nl olth. abdea:<a. u•p Ye.r-·0!- ......, on baehdon. L<ctur....5omnim,.. n<>Ching: the r..ult cl ...,..thinr. UI>-- Ne>. no kind reader. n<>C that. but DISTANCE. '" four lapo to th.. mile. U.r--A ,,..v.ricator. a fibber. .....uy ohc othc. ldlow. Love-•• A oieklinK of the h.an ohat cant be: ICIItehed. l...o\'thttek--Cou.t.ln IO lt'A•toM:k. l.unntic···A goube. M.d •. .S.,.e; in love. Mnrrioge···Not in thr Ieason plan. Meddle-··"~"• monkey with. M1lk101>···A Jr. wou~l be'~""'· Mim--i\ ahunnn of the Monte. Mu>taehc- Whaoohe giol. 110 up in atmo apirul. M.orimony- Mootly • ....ua cl ..-.y: a b•t ,....,., to be trin! afon .,.......,.., th. bumpt"". tol>Oig•••·~· and l1\e ha•·e 1oat their charm. Nobody- The one who ~<TOle tht.. Offi«t- A Jr. with hi> nl'iog tool.. Pano....11~r thort bruth cl clo!P when fatigued. PC"'nna.nl··;n,.- onr thing ~'·etr a.tudr.ol thou.kl t\a\'('. Play·-11•• •bow aivcn at Sr.·Jr. re<:<ptiorl. l'lum-·A girl in the Sr. d.a... Prot.,..I···A t><ot,...ition: a ohc.wcm. Puckrr-·n,c net ol pccpanng for • \i.., or • whio~le.
(}ti•U .,\
h•tl.. * tnr•ft$ ,.,( u).,i~~'""
II~< ,.,.~.,. 1(1.1~
Hultl•u I•• ~~~~~ t, .. ~•u• -"~· 'f.,. tliJll
'--'IPt "~'I.
~Hili• i\lllttal tlu (,, .. ' 11 :\" "' h••~•l hall 1
.1\ jt, j,S•;. rtt ,J fll f.l Ml>'tl tl!lil ~~M~~ t\ ~·-'" ,J ~If' tft ~0Pio ~tHf
A ,.,., ~J ~t~'•··fl f,oJ<f,,, ~, ..... , !'4or,. 11,111\flll' S,t(•~tr ~·,. 111~tL
!'i,..,,, "'''"'' "~~~ ,_, tt•.- ··.lhtlu·· .~~· ·-• 1 m. :'o(lf f•/H '-hHt
~~ "dy
I) ftlPd,
I·JOf~ ..w~~-,..
ll1• ,.. .,l,..,..f rh·· f•• wh.• t•HMIIv ~,.,,.," VhiU •ltt'l" • 1••M·
Ill" ''r~u.~tltlt•l''
·\ •JH"'ttol
1\ t•• r , ,J .~
I h" 'hnu•p yOtl lr\1• r.at•• tluunk thr ,, l, ..,.t Y"M·
~1h111K , ,, '""' ~11\J( riv,.t'' hn \)11-.1' In thill I(HI~•·I j,jJ,,~," •11 lh ffflt! l ,,f )'hh t Kit I whllil I•JitU~WtllhlK l11tt ~
11lrft ,,fttr ~XI(•HiftJ~ f,,,)t
Y•"' hl(t\Y yuurti'IU f t•h
ft•J IIl n1tlll1
n~v~ tiW'-
Tort• 'I hr ••I .~ •Ill• •••rlPi•a •n i..ow. 11... •'•~•r In ~• ., • "o&r.dr": Mllll'• loU. .....1 thai ....... rJ 11... :l!ool aut. ,,... il 'I'•J;~<h :n,, ~·II·.,, ul •IJI-ial~l! " .. • •••I '"'"' 1ho. loot ...,. t.
•'-r• "' ...
YfiU o
Undr Anl.,tr•l•ull!'t hu.lt•nd Unloilth '1'11 K'' • J h-oWif'. v,.. 'lum~.. Whl\1thr(r it whrr«" lhr h1nWf•" In•'" 'lll•h• tu 1,~. \V.d...A lountli ~~ olonttf~ \V•i1.,...A "111,11oo" il•oli·JinRrr. Woillm... WI oM :iclltll d~l 1~ NeUa~ilJo. w~u,,. 'llliunl• 'lloilllllf," WnhJ,.rpr•hh· ..Aik "l(l,..nbir." Win~ ... \VI)Ikin~ ~~~· l••tolllll•· Wo;lk· .. WI,. I Sr. wirl,lld '" )t. b.;y•. w,., Vk• •ruo. Y•II• ·M~Io 11l llw ~'""' ''lll<'ok. y,, •1 hr fi'lfu<t rtf 1110t1 J1'lf'fl•t tf4'1U11J,-t. /i1• ·Arnl tlo•l'o 611,
WIIA'I' I AM GOINC TO llF. 'I h~ wlw>lo .t..,..,."lla~rl IJa,.,.,, ll•r>t•Y···I1udo fhn.bll, Snnd•r ~~~or~ liur~<nnl•noltlll· .lfJ~kl II•••'""' An ~IlK• I widl "'llltJ will I!"' ,fl~""" 0'1J'•ty. A <hooll• Mi•ll··C~nir lir<kltll. ''h" ... l .nui• Ht><~lil. A l!o~l. nl ~,• infvuMiiml '".fro• )~• ~·•••
A f~ll!iilofo•• MI'J, 'l'oho A ,.,ldi<ot of foJ<Inn•·"'llo,il Anulld. A w•ndroo'K WoUj,.. .( &,.tlh VantiMh..... A iiJwr In l•ll<l<mC.t\r•in•• I).-~. A htntltot-·Ann r'••wrU, A IO!Hhr>i< k···M•rttAt•l Mrl.••n· A oh••k .. )..,.;. IJ• ll.~h. A 11111 J•: Vi•lon lloQwn, A ''""'"'"'" l•iod- 11uhr )011nlo,. l~unn, I•t.,tI'11 Uf' Ul"' h IJo~y Il A•M•id• IJi,nr;it e titruhaw, Nlflht Hilw~·~f:,..... Ollvrr. l\ln•r>in" U<Ktotr~·l ••r.'Jl' HOIYmllrll. '''• Mt1u.HI\ttltt• I.rtwh. 'l'ho 'll{,o<~lll" thln~-..mi~llllk ('mu~llnr.
Mine teu Mltc:rt unr Tot
1n. miot~• h t...lf Jet "c mlbl not .hp..! uot I mU>I 1101 110 in b)· ) our rum "h<'lc h •m .., cruk. cnrk. T..k ~-not d '" "'· rrund l>clull..d> II ehrN I kur ..y you""" .. ort. bur >ch no! I mu•t m<>Uth ohur k...,. ""'"' lor..l<r ull d rm ...,.., "' alrelly. Den 11'\A)' b«t )'OU•c ,Y'ifl be: aLrJl)' In 1hc bc:a. haffintc 'h""d gNduh hNm' of rittdor h.,ff nor been cook«! unt ~'<"' d.r 1.,11 8'~ l<><!.d in oorn< !lf«n ~tuff dot wi~~~.. wl~tn you r.ko • on your nil<. V..U. I .hull ...., rn "l' d..t l lud yoo oo much d•t )'<I rii de mr,. ,,., .. ould .... me I kut not .hpc•k lor so much lui d>t • •., m1· lw1 )<I. From y~N~Iullin, lrcnr oot pbymo• "•' om no" I!O'"M to '"'Y 11001 pyc yOUK..,
E. KLUJ\1.
B. COLI B. Cci>-Whnr h.-r I hnrd th•t n•""' b.lotr) It's aurdy down m S I lorr, Mill Pf'thn hrought l11111 lo our .1hou·, II"" cauld ,r,..r
lie ln~tm.d Emiy.. "'"''' ..,., She d<Mh r,.., head in .r-.cr bow.
And acarcdy dorca to K•vr m~k MW,
I low c..rld ,r,..1 n.e sirla ., "tipca -....rid ....~ ru. r•••• II• kdh and ran "'"""""'"· And J.. th,. end lwnr vt tl""' bod. I low could thC')'I
'lni. mol> Ul Mur. at <"NY tum,
I lath nudr h• lie ""' rndl..., "!UII'm, But calmly hr rxh ..,.. d<Mh >pUm. I low c..rld hrl
LIVIN' AT TAINTER HAll. It'• a,.ful ..., o' &.ely Up lo where we lby, We ju,l fw lbc: ......_. f..,
E'ry.doy. A playin' lbc: pi'.,_,
Or • s-1. hard pmc cl bd: I lcll yer we fw lots o' fun Up lo Tainler Hall We ~in laugh, an' we kin thou~ An' dance, an' U,g. an' play, Ato' do """' ever'lhina we wanl AU lloe wbole long day. .
&1 when ~·, half paJt ....., An' !hal bell riop 00 ""' wal. Ever'body'• J!Ud)-io'
Up 1o T aio1a Hal An' ,.foen we're !here IHCWio', We--....dofcq<~
The lime we ha.., for llludy lon'l o..,. y<t.
An' nen we &eb lo lalb.' T~l we hear Mioo Fanuw011h coli. Then we ouddenly ,.,.....,.. 'Boul 1he rulco ol Taio&er Hal If aomc one fw • Linhday, Then. when lludy . _•• daDe. you .... iD~ed lo • opreod An' fw lbc: MOSTEST f..t Eolin' fudca wilL • ·c.- ""=r • •• pt honlal .. lid - - ha... i4r .... UploTaioaorHol. An'
io doe .......
WMa " " ' - ..... . An' lhe wDI io An' ...u.. lhe old~~ An' .....,..... io
An' 1he Wdden cr~ an' cn.~t 1o·, then you·re fed:n· foo_,. lr~c- Up oo T .aioter 1-1•11.
1M ~hen 1he •un'• .a~s.himn' \lh: WC";l(• our botoa &ook. An. 1!0<' oul on the old ,.,.(~,
i-\ n' fus our l)icturc. 100~. 1-\ n' rYen if lhey'rc blurry.
1-\ n' only \'et)' wuiJ. <'_h.~·.-a)'t wm I tmintJ
or the do)• at Ta!lt<l I loll. Out the lime
lo .,,.
gOO<I byo
ouody <om< • • "''" An. h>ppy time> with lh""' de.or girt. Wi!l be P• .., t\n' "'·hc:n we're far awJ-y
From the sirl!. •n ..hool on .u. Well .Jwoy. Jigh • Jude bu Whm " • think ol T.inou 11.11. EDNA KI.UMO.
A STOUT SONG If )OU w~nl • prttl)' n~ .nd • tw«t one. ll you ".ant • ~-ita: v.tr/c •~ • oul ~. ~
the ,-...,g<~en .JI obey
c,....., .h., h.u • ch.rmin~ "•Y·
And you coan't im.tgme '-'h«c on c.a.rth you1J meet oo~ Cho. O.,.,"t b., ~8 in >J>d out. O.,.,"t b.: ..,.,chingall.bout. Do nol hutry. do nol wony.
s.T.o.u.T l!>dh S.out. ~. •re hundreds here ot Stout: They wul •uit wid,.,.,. • doubt:
s.T.o.u.T •pel!, S.out. If you w•nt to gel • huw•nd th.o"• a dondy. Who will ~ecp hi> l1owc •nd woobh01> 'flick and spandy. One who"ll buud • ho"'c lor you. And w11l kct!' it lurni,J,e<J too. If you w01nt one bad, ancl no tuch m"n ii hMdy: If you
want to
hll~e ll hnl'll•)' horne l.'lnd 'PQUJC.
Who iJ nat ond meek. •nd modot .. • mou1e. Who con make the howei>Old 11'1· And knoW< how to rai>e the dough. And you want o..n...ic Science in your ),owe:
!:9......___,____,___---..1 ~~ ~ ..V5~ ~
At a mrctins ol the'"""" ond junior manual ""ining .cudenu"" Ottobcr 6. 1909. the flrot boys' I liking Oub o1 Stout ln.cituto wu orsanit«<. Mr. 1Silcrty1 Bondi w.. <h-n Chid Hik<t ond 1!inn h.U power to d«:icle wh<n and wh"'o the bikes thould b. uk.... No .cuckn~ it wu d«:icled. could b. called a menbcr olthc: dub il he, were 1>01 prCSU~t _ , th•.n one out of cv<ry thu:<: hik.. without a ..tisfoctO<)' oeuoe. The first hike took 1•IA<c on the ahemoon ol S.turd.y, Octob<:r the: tenth. 1\irteen .cudonl> and two irutructot> we<e <:nthuoio.cic enou8f> to puth the orgaruutioo and dod themadv<t aedit by •ppe.uins at the: opecilied tm.. On thit luke, we lo/lo..ed the 1\llw.ukoe and St. Paul radrood down along the: Hed Ced..r ri•ct u far u PancLae Valley. A!ttt .,.... ina throusl• the valley, we rambled through the ••oods to the hiahway. The nOl<t impottant ttop wu at the Devil'• Punch Bowl llcrc te>cral ol the .cudents opcnt - e tim< than ..,.., n...,..,t)' trying to 6nd the: punch. Alter lool<ing lot aome time. they 6naDy d«:icled that the De>il had drunk it .U hirru<H. We followed a tmall creek lrom here and ...,.. e&rll<' back lo the m1road, which led u• directly to ln.;.gton. Alter tome of the boy., wbote hem<t arc in •mallet lown~ had 6nuhed looking through the large buildin~ riding on <trOd c111 and dodging aulon>obil.. (?), we d.cided to take up a collection and lxiy • lunch. 11>. . honorable P<..idmt olthc: jwuor dut. Mr. T. C~t R•••. wu called ._, to act., uc&JUrct and purclwing agenL He booght ten pounds ol croek<11. fi, c .,..,d. ol ohcete. ond ck>~ doton cookie.. We oach •cc<i>ed. with one cX<c!>lion, one small,•ecc of choete oboot the: aiu:t of a walnul, one cookie, and two (ftlelu:r1. The one rxCicption. Viekert of EdgC'ftM, u:w •·ed the: rCfl. Mr. Cunan, ow elemcnwy .,-ood..,ork "''II'Uclor. reccn'OCI .., ..,,. . - ol oheete lrorn Mr. \rtc~;.,.. upon opcciol rc<jUCfl. An -n,;ng po<ture tbo.,... ua ., the: oct of feeding our lat<L We <tOOled the bridge at lmngton •nd returned bomo on the: oah..Jide or the: rivrr. One: of our number '"'· vet)' forluMIC 10 6nd An old rdie wh~e Wf' were on thi. trip. Upon pic~n11 up a la'l!e o~ick that ..,.., pecul,.r in thapc. he: ,.id, ' Httr. ltDo"" i> the dub with whioh Abel skw Cain." Nothing olllllPO'Uneo happened on the mum trip. This ,.•., mo•dy due to our tired loeling. We tetumed jWI in time to I>~< a good .no... ., bAth •• tho Cymnuium. n.i. made U$ lcell.ke lAking ....h.. hi~.. In e had walked about ttn milrs. No aeriou> •cciclenb hoppcned, ohhn Mr. E.tzing•. our forging in•tRidor. lore his cool tO badly that te•cral .citchea had to be ta~t'n. much to tho daguo~ olluo wile. The nut hike look place on S.twday. Oclob<:r thin>·· 6t&L ~ de>en .cucknl> and
.n. ....
0<1e inotructor oppcMedoo the 1«11e lor duo occa.ion. OwinR In d>e foe~ that ....,rra) ol the tludenu who hod faithfully t>rornitecl lo join "' l••lecl to appear, another "'"'niution, callecl 1he " l>iken' Club" wot formed. M...,.. Cerbc:r, S.harr. and O.dlant were unanimourly deetccl 'Chief Piken." On thit trit> we followed the rood tow•rd the atylum in order to pka,e Mr. Eltinga, wl1o inoi.ted thal good >And for molding purpmet <OUid be found in that dir<Ciion. \Vhm we Arrived AI the aoylum, we had g<col difficulty in ltying IO make one o/ - allend. •nil believe that ou• thief l1iker wu not on C~C<~ped inmotc. At the next comer beyond the ••ylum. we lumed lo the left nnd followed the •ood for • dittonce of •boot a mk when we <limbed • fence •nd ..... field. unoa we ..... IO . . . . .u blook. Hoe W. E.rl Vongild.r. with oevernl other.. indulged in n race alter • om1U trout. Conoequeruly. their '""' were d31upc.ned tlightly. "lhc: nc•l thin(( on the program wu a rtce afler a ~quitrel in which . u ,,.rticipated. ""cepling Mr. Eltingo. Finolly one ol the bis. brave. <enior, bor•ouccecded in copturing the lillie nnimol. much lo the pleaoure of our in>lructm. The aquirrd died vny br.vely and in hi. honor funeral oervicct w"'e held, Rev. Mmer olli.Uting, At the bor1ina liMing we all rclrohed OU11elvco with • good cool d1ink and then had our pi<lweo ~>ken. On our way homeward, A shoft dl.tan<;c from the lfirin&. a mU1iaturc trip hammer wu diacovercd that hod been detianed and umnulnciUied by • cra7¥ ma.n olthe Dunn County A.ylum. Mr. l::Jzinl!" WAJ very muth int.,e>ted in the con>truction olthi1 mochine and vowed thot he " ould inotalll()mething ol the 11me detaiption in the IMge ohop. Mowcvcr, he elaimccl that he had hod the ideo bd01e the eroty man l••d ever been bmn. Me hod ncve1 d.eamed that the idea would work out •• tucc...fully •• thii one. Afte~ d..win(!t and moa..,rcmcniJ ol the uip hammer h•d been tAken. we oil betook ouiiCivet toword home •• rapidly •• ,,...;blc in order thot the trout 6ohe11 who hnd lollen into the brook would not cAtch cold. (They were lut enough 10 do this even ~ they were nOI enough to catth the trout.)
,,.,1 ......
TI1c l1iking trip th• t waa. no doubt, ~joyed more than any othefJ wu ta~en on Sa1urd.ay.
November the twcnty.firll, the day ol the MenO<nonio high ochool relay ,...••• when the boY> ond girlt hiked logelhcr. On thio trip nine bo)'l ond eight snls ohowed the opirit that Stout peot>lo should ohow. No inotructon appe.,ed ohiJ time heco~Ue they ••• oil either manied oc Jingle. Of coullC the morried ones could not he oecn " ith the gitlo. and the tingle one. were not fortunate cnou11h to be going with Stout gi1lt. M•ny o dip might have occured twou tho cup ond the lit> hod they becn bra••• enough to hove anne. The ..me road toward tho Asylum WAt taken aJ in the rorm.-r hlkc. On the way 0\11 of town we Wt"I'C kept hus:y dodr. ing lu&tomobiltt. bicytlcs. and c.arri.agn whotc <>eCLJp.ant.t were on thc1r WA)' to ace the 61Jrt ol tho ·d•r rncc. Upon omving AI tile ••ylum........ ol thc girt. OXP••""" their dcairc IO go ohru the institution and ... oomc olthc - ut>Anll. M.,.,.., Roehl and f'unocll, ai"''Y> at the commond ol the ladio>. volunteered to occ if admill•n<o eou~ be s•ined. \Vh3e " 'e waited out on the roadway, thoy were to ~· to one of the ollendanll ond ICc what eould be d911c. II everything WAJ r.vou,ble, lhcy were IO give Ul B cettain sign from lhe bu~ding. \Ve Wa~ed and waited, And then we waited oome more. Om tonclu•ion thoI Roehl and F uniCII had gone aoty and l,.d been oonfincd with the '"'t of the i•unatca. Thit tuppoo~ion tumbled. however, when the dcai•ed •ian wM oeen, •nd we all proceeded to enter the groond~ This
J..-,..., • ...,
...., net the r~ d.y lo< viAb. butlhnr the~ c1 MI. ood Mn.. prioicged 10110 lhtu. aftu .qp,ing 0<1t ,..,..IOthe.-..,..'hot. 0... cld......_ .. ddnly lacly. had """' intone 00 - · cl ""' ' - cl ._ boy ..,....s ,__ bdore. u- --. us. the g>'e one wid cry cl joy and r-'>cd thru d.. ban after Mr. 1<-t... ,...,_ rbepooed to be I>« loot little one. Wkn " 'e reod>.d tbe ewocl. &pin. Mr. Joe:~ .t-ed w l0<1t omall pull!'ies. 'Thete grutly amused the pt.. In Ioct. they "ere oo fond cl d.. doaioo thot tbey had ~ pictwes token ,.it), them. a.fo<e kavins. ... . . co•• three d>een ,.. Mr. and Mr1. jockooo, who had been oo kind to u.. A. oooo., we ,...,. ell d..~ a oounc~ wat hdd to decide wh<ther we thould proceed lunt- or retum horne. The 8irlt were aO doirout ol going on. but the bo)~ were aU tired out and wiohcd to rdum. The 8ir!. were oul.numbc:red. to we began the journey horneword. We had noc gone far whcn a tlwesh. ing machine wu ,..n in operation in a near-by 6eld. l11e pi• ol tbe party aD resided in large citic>. thuclore. they had nover ...., anything ol t.he like bdore. In their •. _ 10 see this new obie<t of int.,o<t, they did not cvcn ltop to allow tbe boy. to oid tbem over the high fence>. MiA Cc.u;dinc and MiA Ingram. who had takcn Phychology the r - bdore. c-ed the enP,e to a large black beai. 11,.;. ..-iation cl ickat ...., wdl cultivaJed. On theW rclum to the road apia, a large cabboge patch ...., «<Ncd. We had .,...., _, oo mony cabbagea bdo<e. At times we could net di.b>gWI. the ·~ from the German bo~ and 8ir!. who ...... amana ... Upon our r<ium we found that .... had mioocd • sreat amount ol exciten>ent boca.,.. tbe great M.-0. Hillo School cia. race ..-v ...-cr. Howe-'ff. we aU claimed that we had had o:atemcnt eno<lt!h lor OM d.y. ~ DO ,..., wue ,!,ed. Creal clifSa.lty wu en<>OUntered on thio trip in keepina the girls from ttealing their la•·orite boyt and leaving the ro<t cltbe crowd. Had ~ nOC been lor the 8Jeo1 inOuencc ol our chid hilc<r wbo never hat had a liking lor tbe oppooite aex. ()( we ,..ouJcl ha•-.: been tomewhat acattered. A. il was, Mr. Roehl and MiA <Anticline were the "rear auard' rnOJ.t of ahc l iJT'Ie. Winter •topped furlher hiking. but we hope nochins will hindc:t u• from ~kina long march.s this tpring. F. H. BECKMAN
THE GIRLS' HIKING CLUB La.t Octob.t tbe aenior sirJ. ..-ganized a Girl.' H•kins Club. The obie<t ....
to Ide•• ltaled inlcn•b. in opcci6c number.. and lor a dc6n~c period. lie their &p.h tiotm. tbey rnolved noc 1<1 be outdone by their munrJin., fricntlo. and all "bo ha'<' aecn the lirlt 011 any ol their hikins tripJ con 1dlly that their opccd is noe that ol a >1roller's. ·n,e 6r>t mectins wo• a butiness meeting. and tbe ollioert ,.•.,... d«tcd. and it ,..., decicled IO limit I he mcmbenhip IO filtecn. all ol "hom WCIC IO be Domeotic: Science Scnion. l1.c '"'" were 10 be planned by the chid hiker and her a""'anl, ond tbe oct- mc:mbcn were noc 10 be informed of their do<tination. but suided by Alladin "'•ith tbe ...OC..nt u 1be lamp. were 10 follow w~linsJy lo haunb unknown by lbem. 'llte plan at 6111 ,.... lo hil:e 99
on<< a w«k. but leach<n1 .-in(!S. >Prios mii.Lncty. lh• ropocllfo"'lh cl ~ P<<Tealed and lhc numl><r cltr4» haa bcen limiled. Ho.. e\cr,ll><y ha-. takcn- <ftjoyahlc:. On•walbhatwu~~ wu made lo the OJylurn. Manha Wa.ahing~Gn .,;... then., 'OCU"., ,.,.. k.l~ and peanut cooltica WCfe poekod in Slout ""'pping papor. and thc plo, rn '"uteu and capo, ouocle dn thc lown and oul on the Sloul road. £,...., lho 11>< cake "" ""'- 100 cold 10 brcal<, they cared 001. but ate their poction without munnurin.g. This opring. whcn the juniou ...ume eharge clth<I><Oclieo cia-. the club espec11 to toke rnany n10rc lnpo. 'l'hne will I>< even rnore enjoyable l>«au,. the time for ahem "-ill I>< well eornod. ·n,e ofliccu olthc club ore: Chief Hikcr·-Mo<gucrile McLean. Aui<lanl Chief lliker·- Brishtie Considine. Secre~Ary... Francca Beck.
Trea•wer-·J.,.iea Jackoon.
tO I
On the eiihtoenlh .I ~- 1908, line proopedi,. jllllior 1• V anCildet. and Shove arn.ed ol MCIIC>CI>OGie oad lOok up their _.... io a s"- " clown on the flab. They deciclcd, in ..,;te ciiOQd "< c • m' "-'tiono adcred th., lhoa ....,. • IDOCI ooob •• any one. and awted ~gh1 '-~ A I - wd. A lioJ ••ailed in the omall kitehen and a heater tet up in !he oiaiaa ,._ whid. .... ......! • a bed. room. The woll• of the room were promplfy covered wCh piclur.. oad p. . . . . ...... reminden of old high achool doya. The r.rot nisht &pent in the new home wu much broken up. wild cloamo cl • fruit luutily eolcn pervaded eaeh coer• though~>. That niahl oace pul,....,. awoluolo there'l"""ibility olwcuina brealtfast, wuhing dishea. and swc<pina !he 11.- clutieo. lbo reaular. did not intericrc with a 8JUI deol ol amuoement. One C¥eDiq. jraluthetablescl lOt &upper. Ab.raombie and Shove fdt illheir duty 10 enpae iDa lrioadl, ocnp.. n.,. clinched. fdllo the floor. lcic:kina the table over ulhey wenL v.., Cider -iroodJi fc , and !he two culpoiu ..,baed do,.., irutandy. Their wu .., the Iocr, oad tlae &hot were nearly aU broken. Bc.t ouch little clomatic trcul.k did DOC bod...lhaa Jaac, ...d. over. they wete ooon in the clepd.. ol pryehoiocY. About thit lime. two other boya. Wheder and Wiqaad. o&ancd !. 1 ;riPe Mo. ad the fave ellen mel lo enjoy an O)'ller stew and siD1 toaelher. They beam. ac poooocl ol their culinary .kill that they thought lo siv• a banquet lo acme ol their lody lria.do. Alas far their pride! The o)'>lets ldt to themoeh·ea while !he ladiet Wtft beiDa <Diataiaed. Pftlllllllly nnd mool lhOtoly burned. Not the slightes1 odor wu allowed lo lo tlae tiaioa ,_ ond a fresh rn.., WA& acnl for pool-haste. Somehow the slooy laked ou1, and the -.lei--be cooks were h..rtily laughed at. Cluislmu limo came and the boy& separated 10 their hOtDCS lo teD cllhe ;.,. cl ~ hlw. and to ptOVC to acoffina rdalives the value .I their lr....,R received whae kc<pina bouoe. Alter vacation the boys came back more than ncr iDiove wCh their bouoe ad the <Drf, care-free life that it gave them: At the end of the lint semeslet, a new .rn.ol. Mr. Peart by name, joiDcd WJ-Ior iD "batehing it.s The 6• e bachdors are planning on rcnlina rooms aocelher fer the <omioc r- ..! '"" tablithina a c~e 1 8khdon Home.' They an: wd pie....! ,.;m dwir ~ •·entwe and think they ha•e sainecf tome valuable apaicn<< iD 1-loalrl ••••a I lhoa will be ol111ea1 nlue in ahet years. 'Botoh.s
WHAT STOUT UFE MEANS TO Brigl11ie Consicline--Un~ocmity. fJoie Maurer--An empty t>O<kctbook and a trunk fuD of DOte boob. Edna. Klumb-A realrut~ of the unckniable fact that thio monal hoiMioa of the ooa1 ;, DOl ammune to JNI~t:nft&J.
l.. M. RoehJ...F'onclina out who you are and what of c. Mar~< Me Leon-T "''0 ynrs of .uipc.. Mu Baumo.n-Leanmsto "do." Haul Arnold--Amutemont} ) } Ethd Andenon---Midnight oa and eeaodea. toil. Henry Gerber--Nature ..udy. Harlow Furueii-·A ..ndwich of hard work with a Ioyer of fun far fi1io.c. Roland Chloupek~DAmf'~no. Arthur Cor.m-S.nding horne for ...h. Oliver Miller- A ehange of clothes and clirnote. O.uc!e Nlhart-A ..,;.. of intetesting and uninl<festin& lAika by the faculty. l'lo.cnce Fall-Thete ;, no rett f.,. the weary. Adc!.idc Dunn-An und..Uahle phy.ical eondition avoiclccl only by loaa walb and dance.. Ernlly Ingram--A nudeated rna,. of atudontt. microociopic; in ocnae. with 0< without lnim. and having <nouah indi>icluality to maintain their cqoilibnurn "" icy &&ate. O.:..ie Chamberlin-A do ..earyl nter of lcmo.o«tic: acid and a base known aad.<mioby. LiliAn Royce-tnt one thina and then &DOther. Anna j..,_,-.C.tehup. Hdcn Houah-.SCout : to me : : pooition : aolory. Me .,.,.;boa St0<11 aolory. Cr.c<o M«e!.nd--F'n1 time I was cn·er called a &lout &~udc..t. Bonnie Grim.haw••-Stair&. ...,..r A~nea Lewis--Plant! PLont II Plont II I Charley Kavanaugh ... Gold<n days-better evenings. Grant BoneD- Alway& doing. Oil!ie E.nQkbr«aon-&D intem-. jea&ie Olh·cr-)U>I o b~ of pro1opl.um. Ol.ndoe T alt-Neve1 a wony, ncn:r a care, nochinJ but pleown: CYCJYW~. Loura Riley--Note book and laboratory 1.... LilliAn Ri&tow---Too bu&y to tell. Madred De•·er.ux--Sttit>c:o, to3. overtime. ""'luln.., triumph. Prancis Oliver I N ·•·~ cl ,_. l.ucik Rcynolcb i o _,., no ream. no WUIOI· Enid t...eaon-Homcmakina mode ea>y) Ann Farwdl-"Short and b.oad." Edoh MtDowcD- B. P. 0 . E. (huaicot pl.oe on earth.) Cu..ic Nilca--Homcm•kinw. with a ".-ilion" in view. Fr•nci. ll«k---No E'• do I find. 101
PRODUCE Awakd Shake
The d"" hom yovr ohocs: 0oa\110pi0-
Thc: molh-calea "'-i<t Thai you lo Jc.: Den~
hcoil&lc. moY<: ()ppcnunil)' m.tke.
Get OUI ollhe sroovo: The tul ol lraclition&llx>ndaa<
Of el...icallwnina Thai moel ne<:ela unleoming: Come down lrcm you/ hobby. C.,.,e out ol )'OUt dram: The winp ol uu. .,. Exiol ...d DOl _,_ If you'd hne lhc ac&m, If lo<tUDe you're wooina. Then be up ...d doina. Don'1 gaze in lhc JmOke. Engender lhc woke: For lhc,.. o/ 1oday Mw1 buck 1hru 1hc fray, l...ol1he MJJ ollhc Goclt Grind him oul with lhc dodo, The rilf.r.« •nd no oc<ounl ... Scum ol lhe e;ulh. The value podur:cd I• .... >Cllk: ol )'001 WO<th. In lhi. clay ...d •se There• no pl.acc 1.. 1he ..se Who ,;,. on a P«<o~al CJc. 10 lhc cloud.
Mwins cnlrallc<ld 1'ill hio i.uccure p<opt Aze diopl.accd by the <rowel. Thai joodc and •urge Thru 1he in<rcuins rwla \Vho.c WalchwO<d is Action. induslry. pwh. "Chuck" 01)6
SANDY FRANCISCO, UNION STAT£S To Hon. Mr. Rai. Edi1or cl Ann!Uly Come O.clc cl Enot1110111 lllllilutioa. who are - Alaid heoat ..! eRCCI wi1h mudo amac c( foec doc come and go cl O.iDae boy, 11wok )'1IUI Swccl Angd Acquainl···rou ••• •nend in Menomooie lean. ohop .. eedoa.,..lat ....., 10 mokc 1001 like and chait which ore cal miooionary fumioh. I . _ fat ..de 1oa1t .. ,_ SIOOJI Pritcn ond examine how you monipula1e WO<l You " - . . 1o ..U hlllllo ;, o1.1re wilh l-Ion. Buxum and exlolc w.-lhcr q.-iom wilh Hoc. He. n,. I alter Ha.. &.um 1o mnery room. H ac Hon. boys in oclcl,. ........... pr ;, 'ule hief> .._ ... poond on cooking iroo lo make bend. 1\ aho.e mmriaaed -.1. l rcquirc, 'Hon. Sir, cl dcnominahOO ate !his r->' 'lhio ... IO<gef)' room'. rccupnalc 1-lon. Sir. 'lhem do ha•·• aome mlul .,.clile u •hem 101'1011 reoide near Scalw_., I d.............. I nexl exceed in1o pan wh.re alae l-Ion. lc:amen moke noioe liko and rue liacer 10 near lo c\11 oil. I <mbeU ish 10 oorniiUinder 10 draw oil. I reiUrll lo now place whac lion. hoy• make m..kinp oo papn cl trip 1o " - pa11a11 c( houoe c( inrnaculate unall oil.<. I make note c( all 'Ha. Ha' when Hoc. ~ ,.1 jokdy. I li.ten when Hon. l<ader JOY hio oamc it H .... ~ He iooipiy 1 0 ' You ore wket cl jok.d y.' l dib, 1 F01' who?' H e renumerale.' Hon. ~ ,.y, 'Are you in"""' ol chiok)' Hae _..._,.._, So I '"'ile lo .how aol1 lcdinp. I N111111aCC up •epo ro lloor - '-d uod I eadea..,. ealeh aloo my brealh lor 110 lo•ely 1-lon. Mad..neo I enYCiope wilh my eyea; d in -'r pr. men!>, l uk it why a~c Hon. ail 110 lilce awedl) I hear, 10111e iooue &am 1 make bowt lo loader'• inquiry 10 would I piCaJUtc to sue in .hop eoll 'kitchM.' I C'Xpote, "Ycs.'1 l find m)'ICII into room ol ptelly Hon. Coob. Hon. Swcelheuted SmJe Madame •r thi. arc whc1e allcnd m;,..(.,. endca•OI' karn to make Hoc. Antd Food 101' le. iro'ic ti •• ol Slou1 pt., and olher ddiciou. eool:wop. I let go my "ThoDk You• bows w'- oloo.SW... Heaned Smae Madame in whildy Oltr dr.. mc~u- make me 1a11dy r/irath- ~- I 1dl "No. l are already caL" I next pmhk to &!itch room "here 1-lon. S..eet He.b thin«<e tl.d od•to , . _.,. dr..., I ,.,;go next to more miro and I finale reach Kindlinc """"' wh.r• Hon. Antd M..
wi1h tweedy tm~e are make many "'oioe in 111'111 then P<IU 10 Anitti<.-1 rooou and I oec mO<e drawn marl<inp eded ma8i<ai drawinp.
I ocknowlr:dsmenl you lo aUow l om pleaoe about Menomonie kam houae. Alto I endealo <Orne ond go Hon. School once mO<c •R•in oltco. I throw my thonka to Hon. Edit.. one! I lake hat on head 10 pan away. T.....,~.
~---- - ---.,.......
1,.;-\JI:E MrJir.0\11.'
C:\ er
thus wert thou a slave
Confined lo wO<k 1he will ol man. In lhe dim ages whence lime began. No limil bound 1hy llowing wave: No feum made 1hee lo beN.••· c .,.uml in rec~k.. gke lbou .... n,.,.., n•no"· ._.u, olo.tone now mul1hy 'f)o>n fn1urb..l. wlkn wnlh lo rave. On<e on 1hy mirrcw.d booom "'" The l.toic ... orrio< pLed his l,.,l; The wild doc~ sported Wlllraid; Thy chained fo<ee ..., lurru U,., m.U. And o'<:r 1hy funowed ...face. harl. hum ol traJ!ic long dd&y.d. ..Chock:·
l.,\"'f--: Mf.HOMI.'l FROM Ul'l
ANNI'..'( .
1'0 Jill·: VA< Ul ,'I Y ~lilf4 "''' ' '""' ( ; , f )'t t ,,._\fi
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\VI; •I '''"'M •"'"''' '' lit'" 111 It' .., fit ~humftf1 \V~ ,,.,.,, ''"""''•III;H IIi• th•r• C w.-lt t• H•l• , •1tH ~~~~~~~ Jnl" ,,., 'It'" ,,f 1•••t+t '
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"'''''" ""' 'ttt , •• , ... , , ''"'"
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Att~lti••W Ill'' '
fl,f,, ,.
fMrW1 It l;fi!y d,r
'""''''"WI' ,,,y "WI '.'VII, I.I:A I!NI(IJ ~tJII I.', o.
I t..l)' th.at tl1c
ba.U tt-.lml ol Stoul
ln•hlule haH
btt'n a crc·cht to the ~ehool. if looked AI from the GOtTC"f:l \'iew) HMi.ng IX"Mun each ~AiOO \\ ath r3thct iJlc,pcrtcnced men .md \ C'f)' (ew of 0\Jf oJd playen, \\'(' h3\(" done
\\c-U. A 6nd_, at a
d1ooii~\U,g P"(c.\1 lA•~ to
onl)· wOfk
~ l\\'o yc.ars' counf' and a
lunired nwnberfrom \\hteh to 1Mck
UJ• A \'lmning te;1m ncty year.
I.,~ ILIL~f
T H \U ll'.A\1
Tho lo.om ol 1906 '"' • '<f)" <ttong un< .nd ahow.d «...! "ock on it ~~~ 01' ¥100. Titlt: INIO WOO the rni\lotlt)' of the g~m('t pl.1yt.d,
.u "' ~·-.
'The l..m cl 1907 wu
the otronf!OI lam whioh S4aut h.. ncr hod.
,.., due partly lo l.he Ia« th>l thrte wcrr old playen from the ' - cl I 906, ud p&tt'y
good m•n pt.yrd lon•••rd. With Z..tlt-m..n 11 ~rc. S!>auldinc aad MeN cal gu•rd.. Bailey and Sehau forward., .nd B>utn.\n and Touton wlHtitut.., the t...., WAt wolf b.lancrd. All woto old men with the exapliect cl Bauman and Schorr and they
~>«•- an exe<-p~ionaffy
W(I(C 11\C:U Of cx-peri.rnCC,
'llle ecnl('f WAI l\t fQ0$1 timet imJUtpable,
nu:~ fotWardt W('l'..
oxcdlenl. •nd the po:<itions ol ~uord w.,e well de/ended, And the l.oall wa. kep~ &<>in« one way mo.t olthc time duoinR lite teaiiOC\.
·n,;. team
in the Uni>rr..ly da» ud could mok. mew• than o
•«•frut any unl\·cnity learn. Schoof tpirit i. •
f<l••• "''l'"•lion
body •• well ., the foithlul ""'k cit he
to playm and the Ull<tt<l c•1nced by the Jtucinlt wrrr impo,unt 1.«.,. in the ..,.cea <I
tho lr•m ol 1907. Conddiont h•vc dt•ngrd cocuod.,.Liy thi. JJafcd with the tucoeu
«ood ohowina
r••• •nd • cry hul~ wa• looked lor u
of fmmcr )'Cllrf·,
Firat ol •fl. the toltool •t>irit wa• lacking: time lor p<Aetiec· wat nOI obtoinable more than ur• of men un.auw.tomrd to each other. S.ill. thrte: wat fully .. good material in the tum •• t.dorr. Sehon and Baum.n were men ol the yea• (,.,. locc. and the reot olthc loam W<tc n><n who had played tn othn team.. The 6tst game ol the O<"aJOO wllh the 1Hokomln' . • league learn cl Minnras>ola. thowed ol whAt the t<am WO> compoocd. "The ococe at the md cl the 6nt hall wu 1 lie and proved thAI the le•m ol ooly • month'• p<actice ""' one that eoukl hold men "ho had pfoyed together fO< fi•·e suacui•• yc011. lltc lr.m wa• JUpcrioc to the compony tum of Ncihval~ and ,(,owed what it could do loy winni11g • ocoro of 67 lo $. h lost 10 H ud.oc•'• <OITII"'"Y lcom ond the County ltAm, hut '"'' b«aute of laek ol 1••<1itc and the non·WPt>OII ol the Khoof. A.ido from tfti.. lh~ le•m wa• cE.onani!ed by tho lou ol Seharr. No one can '">' that the hatket ball le>m wat a la'lurr. "The ttamc> our team lost W«c lost hona<ly lo lr>nu that had bem ttainrd to ~~<••let cnduronre Hddfingc< wAt •• 1!0011 •• pLayer eoold be on cent<<. Nt<t the bt cl Scharr. O.um.. n and ChurduP ""'"• •n cndlcnl Jhowins. Hrwec 1lb~r<l the on guard and. with the help of Foot« and O.ny. dte POtilion WM wdl IIUpt>Oflffl. '11tc cllorta ol all <Oitccrncd to <fu the tchool acdit arr dtut c•id~nl. 1he lf'lnl ol once a week, ""d the team wa• madr
i iORKffi per&evttn'ln<:e WM I'HC&r.nl fHIIQHg them, 1\lld lhe 1('~01 wal ClOfUIPOtc:d
ll band
loyal men. ·n.e se<.ond team kept "'' r.ithful .,....... agointl the rr~ulo .. and played cui • err<!~. alok oc!tedulc. Theco it m>lrriol amonK thnn lo do iu>ltce 10 Stool athktio nc>l yur. Woth more p<ni.tcnl work and 1\f<Aict O<'hoof>Uppott a "'nn"'K loom may be o.pte~ed. 'The alhktic fcaiUie ol odtoof WO<k C&nnol be nc«k<trd and dt;etv.. the · - · cl Ill
TRACK AND FIELD WORK. Some o1 tit< mernb..,. o1 tit< junlo< ond ocnio< duoet ha•·o or«aniJod • track ond field team wl1ich "' prCK'Ol rwomit<-t g,ral atdit to our athk4:0 . '0..: h<>)'l hove be«! troinina lor thio oce..ion and evn y one .howo thot he hoa • 'r".tOn for entrrina iolto ahi-J contot. Th< ..uies cunoiot ol th. lolo>oina: Ow. Beu<J,Iey.ai)Qin.
II. P. C<li>et. m.uu,.r. tOO ,..J ""~ llf! , ..J d~ h llf! · ·"' d•h •••h h...lko
"•ttfl" .,,, ...,.,. ,...
lA W
.. ...,."" ....,.,..
t .... _
i)(o.J ,...p
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PW u 111l Pok u wh 1-l ..~lllt"l' SlwJo SlwJo
( 'M • m 1n~~oo1
v..\ t tt
c..t.. c;. K.._.... so,..~..
o-u F011a
On u
•• .~c td.t w..
~""""' r-
,-cloley S..l \c.. .... Sdo.dn
BASE BALL I'.VEH bd orc in th' hi.t01y ol the ..W h• vc PfOOf"'Cl> lor • winnin~ lme hall te•m t-n w hri«ht. A• • llaota. eondid•t"' commenced li8ht prA<tk~ in the annory: l"ltf, wkn w~th<-t c:ond1tiotu 5)CtmittW. outdoor pradK:c tJ<'M•m • h )()On became e>rdcnt doat 1-'oottr and F!.ll!lo t>ildorn, . nd Seh.d<t, a tch<r. woukllohly ...,,,... the b•t· t<f)'. Mtn for tiM: c<ha J'O"'ion• ,.rfc to h. odcctod from a ortu.d of """" twenty promUing
M..._.,. l lddfrn!l<'1 "'"'"~ • c>m• lor April twcnty·IOUIIh wilh the Menomonie IJI11< Y pt. on< o/ tJ... f•>lol mtnor lc..oi!U< I<&Jru in tJ... llale. Thio W&> A I~Ciiminaty pme to ..,.bk Cap~ooin N'oh.rt town • hne on m.ottnlb lot the di«ct<nltootilion.. Cooneo hove be«! och<d,~t<l with 11>< Lowrcnec Univcnity, Minn- • Frcohmen, and ohc Unloo• Buvnm <Mkae ol E.u O.irc. FIRST Ci\MF. OI.UE CAPS VS. STOVI' Our tint w-me w•• • nupritoe to many. tu the Soc.l fan• pro,,ht"tl.rd 1h1111 the Hlue Cat,• w01okl f.nd th. Scout buoch an <a>}' prOI)OOition, bul the dope, artutt mode • ud mill•ke, •• wat ~W:knt tOOC'I after the JtAn\e Nattrd. Weather conditioru Wcte far from :dul tit< gJound. bcinR wtt•nd the doy <<ry wid. Th< ScOUII look thar 6nt 1\111'1 at th. bot. llddlrngn put out, but O..triek- . bc;. 11
hio by a bol 101 a lrt<: .,_ lo 6roo a.nd ....eel immcdio1dy on Sd>a.4a'• rwo buc ~. Ndwuo'• male brouaho in Schader. a.nd lhoo ended 1he -ma. Cny wu aoy ou1. Knoble hit doe 6roo boll dvown '"' a mile a.nd N-oad»-cd him ~ a llvee.boqco. TIU. enckcldoe -ma u Neuc.boucr wu uucht oil ~ and ca.-. r..ncd. In 1he 6foh 1he Soouu 101 bu.y apin. Dicdrichon landed on the boll for rwo boon. wao ,.aificcd to ohird ond came in on a wild lhrow. The Bluet olro 101 buoy obit Wmina. KothcndOtfer 301 in olro way ol ohe baD. Gray walked. A wild dvow by Footn aeOtcd "Koekic." Knoble ~01 10 6lll on an Mor. and he and C ...y o<()l'cd orr N..,gcbauer• thmo b•.. drivr, r•ullin~ ohe Blue Ca.,. orr• seorc oo drc ~. In oho sO.olr, I::.Jr:bere connedt<l fm A hOtne run. ~iving d1e Bluet " lead of two iCOfft, In ohc dgh1h. Dicdriebcn m.de his second hi1, a two baag.r. and ll((l(cd orr Schocla's double. Schaefer wa• adl'llneed to third by Nihon and ocorcd on V'rekn'a Ay 10 left frdd. tying tiro t<«e lo lhe tune ol 5 to 5. 1l1e game waJ called alter the tmth innina on a<:OOUnt ol rain. The liM up wu: StoutHcl~gu 3b Dicdriebcn lb Schada c Niban (C..p.) 2b V'rcken II Steckd d
rf Footer p Bromtad Hit ....IJiuo CoP< 9. Stouu 6. Strikeoua..- Br F01tor 9. by Brorutad 6. Ldt on boaea...BJuo Car» 5. StouiJ 6. Eamcd nrno--Biuc C.po 3. StoutJ 3. Umpire-..Ceorge Brate olthe Stout lrut.itute. NOTES ON THE CAME Footer wAJ handicapcd aloor the 61th. iniurina hit band ina1owins Edeberg's lmedme. Did )'OU nOli«: oho ou.,.;..d look. on the fooea ol the tt>cdalon " doe '"""' l><occcdcd ~ Vicl<nl new cap seemed lo bochcr him eonrlckrably. " he had lo co bock alt.. • bdote he oricd oo cotch Knoble'• dm·e. Soeekel played a ccod pore in ccnln 6cld. tams ., thiN flin a.nd ...1m, a dO!ieuk Slop ol what WIJ hkrly to ha•c been • ohrec buc hit. Mr. ll<aee arbitnucd a ccod game. He could unclo..botdly .,..k< hi« money ., •• umpire foo one ol the nujoo leasu... C<t wito IO thmc new •uits. Ladin. No wonder lho frftowt played • ~.., so-. A reoum "'""' wal be plAyed irr the ne•r fuiUfe. COMME:NTS ON THE TEAM BY A DOP~: ARTIST I fdd6na.r. J rd b.... "Held" io the "big noise" around ohc ohitd bog. flo
d«th to MPI'ing b"JC runncrt, nutl tl1c way he. worriet pitthrn with hit terrible Lunt it .noth· iug J.low.
DicdrickJ<>n, !.1 baoe. "Oeedci' hokb down the iuiliol w:k in major leoi!Ut 11,le.
·n,. w•y he doub the ball hoo coul<'d • ri1e ol 50 por cent. in the pri<.c of h...,.l,i<Je.
Schooler. cotdm. A• o lmck"'~'· "llnnk" io in ~ cln~ by him..-11. ~I• 1!11ow• IICCUtt~tc:ly to tc:cond, & .nd. nltho Jtnl\11 in •teture. lu.: it " misl1ty man with the atKl:lt. Nihart, 2ntl b01e. "Doc" coven ll>c l!(ound .r011nd ~cond io 19e>t loom. 'll•t
IMler they come. tloe better l>c lik<> 'em. I fe hi1> the boU In llan• W•w>a o~yk. "Old Clowy"" u indeed • 6nd froon th• wildJ ol Okt.homo. Vicker.. left fidel. "Vick" is one olthc foJt..t fieldc11 over ..:en"" tl•elotol diam<>nd. I Iovin~ jutl perfected hit new "rural free delivery," he ha. aornc tritehing ~opll'lllirHI>. Stctkd. etrllcr r,dtl. "Old fronlidet" nd!l<m the cr.rllt r ~·don witH the llJOCC of on Adonil.
lie f(lotrl('t on 10 ~\'Crything that cornea l1is way.
Hag,nd0<-1. oloort till!>· "Germany" waht-o MotJlld hdwcco occ:ond and third irl •t~olc pie .ayfc. He u "'" on 8f01rndcll, •nd tf>e way ha wintp tire baU ovtt to fltll oliiiO'I knock. "Dccde" off the ._,.k. Borlond, right field. "Hcd" ;, o K!>ClCI rclioiJic fidUor. IIi> '"'"irnum opcrd in run. uiutt ba.J.CJ iJ " rnallt:t of w mc tpccul&tion. F<ntcr. pitd•er. Milo•. witloloi• Ol>ll·boll. hrini!J terror to tho hcarn of tho owosing batl· ...... Hi> ,,.t,t of cxe.edinK the •t>ced limo '··· ,.cJ. it .........y r.. "Hank" IO - •• aJ.het-l<» miH.
Fl•HK• pitcher. "Old CIO<y" i> tl1o originator of tho forn0113 "S.Iomc Curve" •t which hniJ¥rl(!h •hul tl1cir cyeJ nnd awing. Churchill. utility. "l)ud" ~t·cch·ed nn injury in the 6ut 1•••• rlf the ocoot>n wloiel• '"'t
l1im out oi the: nu1ninv, for n try out in tJ,c (,,,, garnc. wul be one of our moll valu.blr men.
When hn g<tl• back iuto G04H.Iition he C. 1'- NII IART.
SEEI!':G STOUT INSTITUTE Tl IRU A TIN HOR E Wll-· """"'uc the~ .. hch ... ~·· >t'11etd.)•. by <11tnins the buJid,ngs ...d g«tin1• ne>r<t ,,...,. ol the ..ghu uuid<. You \11111: notice t.M- ~:rucf1>t1011
t-.ins. Th.t w&• put therr IP ~II up " ould nQI h:.vo rn.ldt soo<) d<Or~n.
the dOC)f th.tl •
" C.
•rc now en·
which. if kit bare,
\Vc. ate now 1n the t~ll where tl1f" nMnu.allt,,ining boys ilSKmble vt:ry often. for the w.,nt of A b4"UC"f pl.,te to go. ~n,)s aeb aJ 3n n.. onnbly.room Md oludy 1>.11. Th•t big '""' b•ll m><' therr on tlr•t l><'tlt•tol u..d to bt •like·
ncu of the ,..,)d. but it h.u ),.on wom smooch by the ••·••• of tire boyo. for they find it o con· \tnin'lt r~ing 1»•t wh~c wailing for cla.ucs ex w•l•ile lookinK for M'llllt one \\'ith wltom lo rnakc • d.atr.
Do )O<J hr>r that ... lui ooisd Thot ;, Mr. £11tnF• lt•wlrn~ out SoL.r in the fort~·
Ju't tlt'V thit "-IIY and \Ole w.U find out aht> ,,.,u(ln. llrtt tht lot•• . wh oU - ........ M . " ,L.. uuy. Th..t m:tn tl.\nd10M thfrf" Wll Il the tlnp<:d shirt and • >It c or " r. Wm. Eltmga. Tl>.ll rn.>n hr " tolkmg to " ''Bonet'' Sol r SoL 1 ar1otl1tr ch•in link. l le ••ill ,,dd it to th•t 11r•p of "''"'' irun thore by h: · (Otgr" • nN r1Y 3 lnnlu•l of Kr<'Jlt abc:tdy. Onr thrrc hy tht'l h«'nd, .)'0\l w 1Unotic.c 3 ver; f'ntr·
inR tL.».
setic looking follow. That u VanGilder waiting f"' oomctltutM to do. ' lb.- ltttle fellow on the ~tool (~). that it .. Dad'' Knowlc-&. lie it ll•ndins on the ~tool tO he eon ttoelo the anvi. The man ,.·ith tJ.., "Pl' st- it ..Shony.. o,,;, hunting for I liS anvi. ·n,.. pi<cc of macltic.-ty o•ct tJ..,re in the """"" it a tzip.hammer. It ,. calkd a trip.lwnmer b«:o.,... il io rill>t ,.),.,. <"' C'l)>body r,.;p., o' t1 it. We wlll now go into the muhine-thop. n.,... thinp ore lathe.. 1 hat mon Wllh the impo<tBnt be•ring i• ..Cutie' Ct.loupek. He h.. • r«otd f<>r breakinR up furn4ure in thit tllop and a rC"COrt.l a.t the firll num 10 teo twimminR in the •IMing.
He wat 10 anx.iout to gt'l
into the wat<r that he didn't e•en •tot> to di<tobe. ·nte other fdlow there "rth the curly hair ;, l\lu S..um&n. the min!Ud ~tar. The n~>t plate to ,;.u is thr l~nvr>ercd metal room. All W. of na thinp are made here. Some ol the solo work h.rc. Now. if you w.U kindly ll<r> this w•y. we w~l >r~t the join.,· room. I Jere is where the Senioc mt\nual llllining Jtudcnlt work when they Cl\n't find :mythlng cW- lo do. Yt:t.. rhe•c: it one ol them now. It is Louie Roehl. He ;, makins that large cedar ch<'ll in which to "ore away mat.riol for the Annual I lc tayt that he ,.,u t>robahly ....d anochn chell for the same purpooc. 'lhoec JltO.i«tiOilt on the cndt ol the I.ICII(Ites arr VICES. II you wdl loten attc•>t~>dy. rov will he;u • n.... COniiiiS from b<lo... II I am ""' mi.t•ken. thot ;, .. Etney.. Heu..-r 111 the ElementAry Woodwork a.... tryrna to Illig. y.., I :m\ a.ure it it. \Vc wm 80 down the:rc 3nd tee wluu lhey Arc doins. ·nwy Mf' making moddt
tt l
oot ol th"' ,.....,,.. .~ "-'"' tlut thty w.U ho.- """'''"'"• to lruh lroo> whrn tll<'y ~· C>UI i<1 hf, (.,. tllfflr•rhro. 11.-) •~' •"'• tNbtl dt•"'"IP ,J th""' r,.,.J,.h t<l thol IMy w.U 1..-.
Ulllntlllirll( rltf" lu rr .. th fu.ro. \Vh,..,.. tht~y lu.u• UJfllltlrtrd tilt'" Yt04'k thfly wdl I)(' IUIJtdwotl w,cl, hlurs,r•l'lh c..l thr ~nhtt' toot.tf", "llu·· drAYtUII wc,.k 11 n1Nrly • ,.jc_l(" i•wf". \lturdt, the n..an U'trf tfll'tr \o'rllh • K'n~l fllf\ h~t t.u. " toto"" lana IH-ct~~Wof' thfo Yt(llf~ st 10 r••Y· J lr u cJt,.. IU•tnl Yr•, th.•t"' 8t~uy, f f,." t~ l•f'1[V'In('t. llr "from MUtC.atlnr. lo'M.t, and tt oor ,-f
th,. mtlt'lt hr.. UI.Iul ,l,.nrru )'ou nN •~•w. "f hr man thrtr by thr cloor i, t\1, Cornwrll. n•rtly ""'' ""' /!urrrNJh• t\o~l~~~ MadtUlr C'o. lie u...d to '"" 011 Adrl•iJr •hrrl in hi• 1~.,... '""" If, "r.J,,nf"'•""'' f.,..••., I.- " ''""'I ....J, ''""' rnorb in aU ttl lu.t otud...., ( '"' .C rt thf' m.m """ tfu•fr .,, dw- c.-ntrr of th.,. room. Iff" \'¥tnt to M'"ll""'*I>Oit~ thr od1rr
·••r ""'' ....
~"' ~,., of .~.. h.... I,, IIOW .... '"'uii'JP " \Vrn \VM'V"tuJ Yn. hf" \\A• on hm.-
r:r 1'.vt:N
n... ''"""'• '"'""' ,.,...,,, ,,,.. rnrll '"""'
... ~.. nf"tt Ull. "' ll1.tl for tlu· Srn~r ..
1h,. tw,)" wdJ ntlt h"'" lou muc-h
...;,.. 'I hn lrllow with ,,,.
tl.» 1lut motniuK.
n,.... '"" ,.t.u .........u''" .....k "urtc lo
n\lt~M tl \-f"'Y
If )'Ott ~... ~,. .aD trn'l lhll p.~U ~ thr IJu•ldlftiC Wf" wtU ao "" Oft lhr J.("(OIId floor AII14:111'1M Jl.,. I'''"'""" t..8 l...JI) 11'100\r thnt h•l• !1111 rt wh<to IM f!liiJ t....n how IO '"'"' lrleh •nd un<hrt, l'lut ...,J rn atr~.,.. "ortr ol tltr D. S. Mlfh ll<r n•rnr n "llunth" tlr< 1ol•
Mra. Nrwor. l'rr•. lltuY«'y"• '""'lnnl. Slrr i• WA\IiOK fnt llt 4 C'l~mbrrlai.u fl) ,,,.,.""' oul cJ Mi·• Seymour'· olft<r. n.... ,, thr wtl wiiP ;, olwoya .... ttlttn~ Sit< ..uKh• • I(QOd .L-.1 ohout ''Boo..._·· Sh<' io 11 JM•....,t .tudyina t1"' ''SoUr.. •Y•t•m. ~ ~ I Ju•t •t•1• thio way ood wr wdl 110 or..,nd U1to thr ~~clw-n 'lltry h.,. ,,.. I« at. lll'ff" OCCtUkHl"Uy. \V(' •u· now pauma thru thto (IU1inlff.110Jn rhf')' tf"hr c:I,•1111KW•ht-tl "I
nc~htnk to rot rn that •-•· 'I hot n ,.J...,r dol>n hit A tpf".\1 s;la«- fat IlK" nlAnu.tlll,lfUnll .-LkltntL flw.rr l rr n~arJ)' &IWA)'" fu.ur bf flu• lu,n~llll atound thr door. l)y •l•mdmtt nr.u 1t1r cfcq for A f,.. mmutrt, llu~y "''II havr S(fMMI ltlt1J4"hlra whrn thf")' Itt, hom.- fot d1nnf"r at nnno. I hf't » l ."' y
1tott herr
Iff" .t.f(J(f'41.
Nu. 1"'"'" lrUuw, yoo Wl!l f,ncJ llm" thr ~ll(h("n,
HmH•II nvrr thrr C"< with tlu• apwn nn. Slu- hM hf',.n makanK p.UH'~tokc-•. "llut n thf' 11\f'(tumk'al drawu'" rocxn.. Mr. lhc:.r han.ci wt hrw. lim hunch CJf k.•1• " m•~&nk 1.L.n• cJ lw.u'M. llw-y arr ptr-I ..IU'IK fM th'" futwf" Yn.. •ntJ lhnr • ..Okl Clncy... <Mir .~ th~ ncli~rd lrllo,.. ., .,.hoo) llr i• nracl) al"a) 1rlho• "' '"'11'111·
' l lw._ l•ttlr k~J, "I 11;, rnaclf"
lult)1 O<IIIMII hoy•.
r,K.It1 nr-1 hrfr "
lhr Ptythulf:tM)' mo111.
llru· il " whc·-rr
m~n)' (utuu•• lilt'
ur rnaurd
Cornf" on UIJ at••f• nnw •ml w,. "'~11 tn\MIIa»tr th.. ~wMinaartrn dC"J-..tlmmt On 1h1 A(J(H ., 111'0 inf«~trd thr ••Aha'• lfWifOt llrrr tt wiM"tr tllf" nunuaJtrAU'Uftk lm) "lf.ot'n ho" h-.
drj'w •uhtlf" tu\N;· ..11111 HNHti j, the- KmclrtK••trwt'• "'IW'mh1yuMHu. Ill
I hf'<y cln an tlu·u wtttinrc fn ht rr.
They al!o cl.tnu and in hetc. 11m is whae ''Aclck'' 13ur1ough. and "FJo.i.. Monw.... go to ..:hool. There ore oltm peachy sirls hne too. That room duu thooc: lold.na do«s iJ where lhty make IMI>ct dolls And p.ute-bo..,rd (urniturc, Titcse two tooms arc 1he candy dope for 1>arties. ll.e Juniors had • c:haradct p&ny here. 10 did lhc Sttiors. But bal of aU ,..•, the K.indel'll>nnn'• l:iclp&tly. h was .uictly • "hen" .Sair. Nobody .-cr found out why. but. nC\CJth~la.. "twaJ a (&d. Now we will continue our trip by 111king ~ look in1o lhc arl room,, Thil rant one is whae Mit. Joneo oho"~ the sirls how lo mix point and smear it on p&per and cloth. MO. J~ is the main push •• !he AM··· ThiJ ooher room u the place where moot ollhe work is executed. You con - p<d· ty girls ttt ro mOll all the time dauh1nl( M piehart"t nnd odtcr thin~ We will conclude our 1ri1> wilh an inspection of ohio la~t p&n of the orl dep&tlment. The room is wed prirruonly ., an nh>bd room. Thooc: otalues you a« lying around are the
sTl.iOf.N"r.> AT
"om." ART R00\1
cxiginal. from the old Hnrnon c:itioo •nd they ce»l """Y· many dollon. You miRhl eallthis the be.uty 01>01 of the Stool Institute. Thooe tables .,e placed in there for the Junia< l!oys to drow upoo. The misccU.neow marl.. on son>c of !he Pll>n"l theoc tabb uc the dlorta of !lorry ond Chur<h 10 make a good dcoign. ' ll•io, lodioo ond scndCTnen. cond udeo our ,,;,, ond ~ you wm coch pay me $5.00. I wil le.d you thru the m.uc of hoU.. otaitwayo. and dark corners to the enlr&nce. llcrc we arc. ThankinR you one ond aD foe' >""" tmc and monC). I w'il bod )OU fare-
c~~ Ill
A\ lf.W AT
JAMES J. COWING (Hu h.d lon~~<"tl P<riod of~ in S.ou1 Schook. llat 1<1'..1 ciwl>e«n )<•"-) ~e·, ··wh.. e ;, Jirnmicr· And ··who·, ..... Jamc:o}''
··c.n you edl me wh..e• Mr. Cow.,a>" From lhe tmalleot imp lo lhe Hrad olehe work., I lit populariey't growing. 1k 1he job r.,.cking 1he cylindet hcad. Or pounding t...mony from 1hc drum irulr•d. Our jimmie ;, ehore. ttrene .nd roof Wieh a lm atturance.-Het nobody'• luol II we 1>i.n • b.\nqud and need s•Y li~hl Wiehout our Jimmie wed he in ••~ight. F<>< he• He•d Elc<.lrici.n. urility "'"'"· Engineer. musicion. in one brid tpAn. He pulb 1he throtde ond mrulhe "iu~:· The "hedt so round and thin II' cui loooc. II a beh bul .lip.. he geta abuttl x •• • } I I When the power io lacking. our jin\t lo blantr. 0t he iltoo wong. ifs just the tame. From 1he ..,.~~eo~ imp. to the head ole he ochooi> It~ populoriey's ll'owin~~o h'o ''Where io jimmier· And ''Who's ..,... jameor· ··c.n you tell me wheteo Mr. Cowingr· ''Chuk:'
r wao Otlt~..,, olrr.ody whrn wr Cr"'"'" lhol wo aht>ltld altek IOKtlhrt aidr by ...h .... !)"''"'"' C....,llo<hall we th<>t would fx. nice. Flom Cul-rr .,a.,,..) hrr """" J,,. uw
w «kly mcchnfl' and r~tl• S.turday ttt«n11g til<' rooy thrrkrd ffilltdtn• ,.tlorrrd thnr th<:u lnittin~t- Our pur1KIH" tl waa to UY" web Cnn\.an •• \\(" l nrw altf"~dv and •dd • lout.- morr to 11 y<t. Rrodlll~t. ..dh d......-. olthc tnt ......,...) thr l>n1 woy to ""'""'• •nd rnl..tKt '"'' •oc•bul.ry. lor ,.... ol w wore ao ftutnt that conon.. t""' ..Jon.. could 61 tloc t.o1.1r ft()m f"t)tht to mnc-. "NirbdunRtn l..rdd' wrrr oor luat otor~n and how wr all dtd wont to bt o "Brun· lnldo'' ond I•••• • SiRiticdl" Our orcorod en<ountrr wat a phy. "F.r " Nt<hl F.Jrtau<hhJ-.. l lrrr i1 wlt.rr we fu>t lctOMJltml our IJ.c:k.,·a ab~oty to rraol drom•tically -.~h hand on lo.-ot. Klu111hy'o ,.,....,;,K cxprcuion •tin..,) u• tu the qmck. Flo.. laotly brot tutt to our t)" whrn rra<lin~ thooc tou<loinK t>Orto, wlnlr Ella ll<ot1 WM ~··"' u thr l<'•luua huaband. rnd. •• mual. woo oil that onr rnuld w..h .,od fnund thr uouhlrd wofr, who Wat ao ch<t~ i111prroonotrd hy E4o Cu~l. -rrtly da'l>«i tn the •nnt nl hrr l•u~••nd W11h that aiah ol rr "1tl1
1...1 "}•. n "' cJeuu<lltttt-"
IJunnR the hour nolhtnl but Cnmon wao dowcd no malin how cruok .,,,, lrh th.•t tl•c '""" wAt ...11 'l"'"t n.. olfl«'f'J '"' thr t"' w.rrl'r...tdrnt·-F.dn• ..: lumh. &<trtMy•••FJ.., Cro~l. Trr"""cr... EII• l).lll. l .olrr•ty F.dilor-.. Fr•n«• llrc~.
,\I thr
1·•1"• Klumh
Eho Croll
l.thrl Wtall
FloO. Cul•n fthd lkAn
•••ntM IJ.<k
I.Jia u.,, ,,.... /~In Rubt Jounl.uo
Till!. STOUT GERMAN CLUB Martu. IIJit<fldO<f, Prnident. Fr•nk BeamAn, Vice Prrtid<nr. H•y A~rcr«nbie Loocn Sl1<>ve '1'. Grant Rain, Ed•tc>r. E. M. Stourtacha, AMOCiAtc F.ditor. 11re StO<Jt Junior German <.lub wat O<goniud abO<lt th.: b.otPDnlll ol the wintct, ib ""''""" bOng ro ,.,;,., ohc Corman bnguoge and to review a lew ol Sdul!n'o and Goethe'• Rf~JI \\ntinga..
11re Oub is cO<n_.d ol llrah and Low Dutch, S..cckt, I..h. and a few Ammcaru.. In tpttc of our huvy wo<k ot achool. • wul mony tuee...ful m«t11p ha-. ~ hclcl. Mud. cr<'d1t rnuu lit' {!ivcn to the pr«idcnt lor the tuee- of the Oub. M011 of the time WAI open! 1n the lranslotion of the llliad 10 th< C<rmon l&ngu>g<. ·n,r l•u mcding watlu~ld in lkc.hnu,n'• room wl1cre an elAborate- l;"ogtam was rcndetod. McN<:rt Vickw. FlAgg. and Van Gilder'• book rcviewo of Wrn. Tell were ••ceodinsJy intcr"''"'K· No•·in johnoon'o JOio, "Lot io Tut" wu rcnderccl in •uch a charming way u to tonw•~ the duh ""'' he ohould loury the "haiTlln<( •nd ..,.... and tak• up mutic: AI lUo life 1•ofco•ion. Beaman'• .,...y on "llnw MJwaukec 8ecam< Famou'' necdo no .....,.,,_ Mwn. Slro• e. ~aornbi<-. and Seharfcr'• rcadinp and recitation• md "dh ;rcot aw&a-. n ... «<itM'o ....y on "'The Vah.c of Buu.. MJk" .......,cfuiJy prrporccl and d!ocr;.dy IIi-en, tiro ooo1e of ohe mcmben coold n01 occ it that way. 11re c:lcoina ,..,.,b ol the «<it"' in chtd were llumorous N well .u to the- poM\1.
DIE GROSSE KI RCHE E. ,..., eft prochtvallc N.cht. lch wollle Ko-che gchcn. lind ... ich ...._ ~··· \Vie gctn ""'b it ums-f><n.
E. war uru cndf'~<h gckO<Mlcn. Die willkonurule Fruldins-tdt.
Ilion und Gnu ..... sru• lt"WC)fd<n.
S<hon ....r .u.......-rit und br.it. Die Vogel in S.umen s.lhg<n. E.t tonle mir kbr und suu.. $e U.nkt.cn ckm I!'JI<n Vater Ocr ,;., lrohlich ,U,gcn fi<s..
Oct Au.. mwndte lei>< Am \Vqc """' 8JO"<" See: E. ochicn-ff •uch wollte lingcn U..! U..kco lur Freucfobne \Vch. 0. 6d es mir plotzlich dn. Diac Natur ao U.nb oll zu mir. $e i<t One: grosoe K~chc.
Und <kine Wdt. 0 Vater. U.nkct Dir.
F. c. ·ro.
DIE LORELEI [Revised) lch wtiu nicht wu soil es bcdeul<n (),,. ich dn Dumrnkopl bin: Ocr l..duut~ des Herrn Hammcnl"" \Vii mit nicht in d... Sinn.
Die Wt ;, l<uhJ uud cs dunkdt. Die A.tc dct S.umco wch"n. In dct HaDe toot die Clocke. Und ich mw .rudieren sch"n. Oct iehone Mood do.t obcn S.:ltdnt ruhi3 ubcr d... S.:.. Und ich muu Brielh,he Khreihcn An •bseheuli<he Chcrnie. 1)0
An Zucker. und Mchl und Kuehcn, H... du je noch to w .. gachcn> Und .W ill nicht aUeo. man mNocb Hutc machcn, und _...., no!-. Dar har ich ;.,m.nd lach..., Studicrcn konn ich nimmct: Die Buclocr lc11' ich bci Scit< Und gch' in'o andcrc Zimmct.
D•nn wcrdc Schcnc
An·, Sdbchweigcn dcnkcn wit nicht, D• pocht .. lcU.c an dcr ThUll', Man ti<ht-..dcr Lchrcrin C.oi<htl
Sic Iicht mieh. jomig an, "In deinc Stubc gch' gcachwind." Mit bcaclwntcn Ant!Cz geb'ich hem Ein trubctco und weioercs Kind.
E. K. '09
SCHOOL SPIRIT. U deu:Joprd, in any (){811nil~&lton or in,tihllion whe•e a number ol people come togrth('r for • tocmnon. ~·· 3 crnai" ~,;,;~ which rnonaesu ibdf . . in the att·~udc •nd action• ol the indl\'ic.ltJJ.b.. and wlud1 111 thr aagtCSile (.omet .,• robe rcc:otenltn.l _. dK" ...pCri1 olt~ <Wganitoltion or i:n•titution. \Vc observe this in the spin! o1 th. ~tal unil olthe army <OtiJf and in the entire • . .nny. h ,.,Jnu ~U in th. chureh u an imtilution and in the indMc!ual ' ,J: • ..... ehuteh., th. un• ol a IV.., rdigjow O<pniz.ation. \Vc ace it in th. l>aJc: baD club. 1h. loo< bd team. the coi!q< crew. th. bbo< cq,oniation ., • milk unil «.,a ledcratcd body. in the """"J..IIn>ll ol.bLolvncol. and in the indwtri>l "'1!''"iz.a~ion ~-IIWiulac lutm. in the duln m>.<k up ol mrn ot " 'omen, "'hcthct ol aoci.>l. comm<:<c.,J. ti\'IC, educalional or oth.r type.
I .
·nlis splrit fn..'nifau ~a.el! in \'~riout w-.,y~ Sorni!1irnct "' n uniflt.d. l\(tgreuive, intpir· ina r..(C feading IOaction. Thit ...........,. be "' the direction ol ""'' which u be<~ 0( ol thai which ;, won<:- In cill~<t cue. becawc the Ioree it unilicd and •Ml!l...ivc. it it .Seetivo: it produeet ,.,..ru. S.C.wo it ;, th. r....tlanl ol a ccmmoo opitil m•nrfer.t in each individual and wddcd into a community ,.,iril. Ut.at Gonvnunily spiril ro-ach UI)Otl tuh indr\idual. iotenN. Irina hio .,.;p,.J ..,wit. He ,..,J.. now not lor hinudl alone, but lor the community and ita end> ., h. ,_ than. In othet CAl<> the spin! ol the ~lion. inr.t..d ol bcins uniliecl. •fllfaA><. and .Scctive. ;, l.cklll in ~. The conunon putpOO<: which l.. cls to the ....,.;. 1111g ol th. individual.;, loot~~ olin ind'nidual .,..._ or in the 1)\IIJ'C*S ol smaU poupo ol individ ....t. domin.ted by • ljlitit •ntagonotic to the reol pufl>ooc lor which tho Oft!*nintlon C.mc into cnt-e. The spirit o/ such An org;>niulion Q OtiC discord, Jt J.cl1 unity, d lacb eflecrivCJ\efoS bcawe it '''Oib at crO&J purJ>O$Ct: it lo.....c:t• tl1e tone of the Ofganiz.ation or
by r«»cling upon tfu: individu.aiJ.. not (or thdr impro\'Cffiflll and dcvation bul with
the, oriPO'itc etfcd. "fhc inl<fct.. lnd wcU.te of the Of8>ni1Aiion 31< tubordinalecJ IOthe tdnth end• and llWI>O'd ol iu ind.. idual rncmbcro. In ..her ol theac two wcs ot in any modified lonn ol cilh.r, the ..,;.it ol the intlilulion or orpniulion ckp.nd. """" the opint ol its indnidual mcmbm and this •t!*in dcpcndo upon th. ideo~. ol thoae ntcrttb<n. U to them. sdfuh intete<~ ot immedi..te s>enonal ..liolaclion wohout rdctencc lo the dlcct ol rndnid...l .aioo upon ort!*niration ;. the clorninatina l«cc. then the spirO ol the orpniu11011 wril be in.Sroi.-e lot the accornpliohmcnl ol the beat rttufll.
Thete sener•J $1AI<mcnll apply Yr<y dcfonitely in the eomidtraliort or the apirit of a tchool. .Wh.t •h•t opiril •h•ll he dtP<II<4 upon the ideol1 olthe individiUIII compo>ing it, or pcrl"l" '' would be mote accurate to 11y. depend• upon the ideals ol the m•ionty o1 thooc indivicJuaJ.. Jr IO 1h~ majority the rrconl o/thc fOOl balJ l<am, or the CleW, 0( o/ the baac ball lelUII ;, the impc,un1 thWlg. lht- re>uh ,.;g be man~er.ted Ut tlte ollilude olthc "udent' toward '"" work ol the in..ilulion. ide.~. ol '"" m.jorily tltc oclteol arc ..tisDcd when., •thktrc: compctit11111, dt<ir aehool wiru. no INII<f by wlut m..anJ, t'- ideals ,.;
u '""
.,..rulcst thcnu<IY<t in the opiril ollhc: ochocl u • whole If lhc: ickol• ollhc:-""'- ollhc: ochool are «•liud. in lhc: clecq>tioo ol tachn. by .h.tp pr..:t"'"' "' ., thr .......,. ol teholulic recood. to which the inc!Mcluoh are not ptopMy cnblkcl, th<n throe low ide.lo d m&n~<A thcnud>c:s in the ochocl spirit. and the low ochocl tp1111 d r..KI upon lhc: inc!Mdu.lt, .. tiolying them widr throe low ideo!. 01 reduang lh<m to a r.tilllowor pion.,, II lhc: m. dividuol ""'"'btt' olth.. ochoolrealu.e tire opponunitir:o ~ olfm doem. ,..1... the ..lue ol ill t"1>u1Ation to them, rulil'c the imponanoe ol this rqJ<Jtal.- . not only to them, but to olhc:r membtta olthe .drool. if they realitc what an imponant I>An they 1~ay in the Mlahlid_,.t ol the ,.,utation ol tire .drool. if they l10•'e any honoaty ol purpoo<, theae r..lrtation. and this honcr.ty o/ Plll'l>OIC will CO"\binc IO oftect the~ ottilude and condu<t in the achool. and IO< the devolopmcnt olo ochool opiril that buikl• up good otandatd>. otrength<nt tl,... already built and in evay way makes f... the bot intcroat• ol the achool. Tire ideal. olthe individual• out ol which the propa achool 'l•irit .J..,dcpo """' ·~ 01!Jliu whot io high<ot and be.l in ...h ., inotitution, the rtbtion ol ill wotk and inlluence to doc future aetivitir:o and utdulne.. ol ill •tudcnll :u ""'"'be" ol oocitty. 'fhea. iclulo """' occ in the ~~towth ol mcnuJ power, in •diOI.ualup, in the slf<Ogthcning ol ability to do ~<hat need> to be done. in the devdopmcnt ol wonhy eharacter. thr m.. function ol a school. ~ thot this func:tion COJinot be disdwged aoq>t throogh the PI'<IP<' atbluck and dloru ollhc: individu.l otudenb. Studenll muot ream that lhc: athletic .......t.. ltlta<tile .. lhc:y may be for tlrc motnent. that tbe athkte who ;. lhc: hero oltodoy. •re b.Jt tempotat)' inOclew in the achool loiotory and lle. It ;. the men and wotnen who ccme out oltfw. ochocl and tUY ,..a their poR in the b.Jsin- profr:aionaJ. aoeiaJ, 0< political Ide of the CO<Omunity th11 rncuure the work ond worth of the school Tire school ..,;.it buat Ul>on ond KJOwing out ol a rcaliution olthu loet is tbe be.l opitit pouibk. It mak .. the wO<k ol tho .drool otronga. it int<reob every individuol in ito well•rc, &nd it re-acll upoo the individual And cou... him to r""lile lhot the ochool d"1>Cnd• rrpon him and he upon tire school; that he and othen lrke himself. determine what itJ charatter and wonh shall be. Such • Khool •t>irit makes ilielf lclt by the body ol now •tudenta entaina eaeh year. It ejvo them to undetr.tand that the aehool hoi a ..,._ putpoac and that that putpoo< it at pr'esent the moot imt>Ottanl thi1g in the liv.. ol its otudentt; thot ony a<tion tcndina t.o defeat thot is an action to be eonckmned. and thot it will be condemned by the otudent bocly who have h..lped build up its traditions and establish its opOit. Th.t - ol a spirit is a direct help to this bocly ol nrw r.tudents. by help. ing lh<m to 8d into the right attituck and opiril at the urliat ~ moment; • ohecb the lhouahtlesa or ""'voring tendeoO.s that would int..fcre "'llh the putpOtC ol the rrchool itd: support> and r.tren111h<os the w . .k otudent. cncouraP.1 lum by makina him reaiU:e that he hos a share in the r"1>utation of the ochool: il detm him frO<n o<tion through the I""' ol condemnation on the pan ol thoae who itand for tlrc true .,.nt olth.. school. It is a opiril that riseo aupericw to the .r... opirit. beeouse aornctimes the d.w spirit """ eoontcr to whot should be the true :f.irit ol the school It rites ...,...;.. to .r,.. ..,.,;1 of the little tlfoup. « clique. "' oocitty. oft rc individual member. of the school. beeauir drcit int<reott are likdy to be solfl.lr int<reott that fors<t the IAtger intereot• ol tho entire Khool community. To the builclins up of •udr a q>irit O>'ery individt..l mcnobet ol • t<hool ohould oontributc.
ROAD TOY \R.ADtsr.. \.'All f \
CALENDAR SEP'rF..MBER f"nday Ill. Hud ,\mnlcJ •nd E.o.d I~ .m.e ., ,.,..., •nd d...,,., t~ "Cteeb." S.tutd.y 19. .\l•ny tnu1h IIJll\C: .t.o ownm. ''She • a ocudent gvl"ho knows her own trunk."
Sun<l.y 20. M...e 1tunk.. more Junia<• •nd ••~I m«e Junia<• am'<. Sev.r•l junior !,all girt. •rr h..rd ..,um~~o ",\,. th<r< m>ny waO.flowen at 1~ dancN)" wise S..io< 0111 r~ ''Th•y u• ~ H.U.Ro"tn. you'D 6nd" M..,.J.y 21 c.,.,<,. 111 •lnpo are ....., -·•odunR lrom e•<ry dlfeetioo to the priocn cl hrnlll(lo M•ny (,(t,... ore pa.od and ""'"Y lean •hod. hut. "My, 11'• good lo ace yoo back!''
W.dn...by 23. M......J TraiD.n iD uolonno puodr lr0111Friday 2S. Re«p~ion to otuc1.ab br lhc faallty., lhc Gym. l~~~toc!.,...;,. ore pladal. S.lutclay 26. riN clancc al Smilh's. AJoo.., mfonnaJ clancc a1 lhr lid, Sunday 2 7. Many a-1 reoolulion. made for chufch """" Tueoclay 29. Smioo m«t: cia.. clliocn ekdcd. W.dnnd.y 30. Domet~ic Sci<nce Senior Medina: odKcfl doct.d.
OCTOBER Thurod•r I. Pr... Harvey •ddt....,. achool upo11 Menomonie <tlqu<ttc. Frid.y 2. Alumni d..cc. S,,turdoy 3. Bonquet """.d to CovefnO< ol A.ka.,.. and hl. pa11y by D. S. S..U.... W.dn...by 7. Mioo SuUivan, Supc, ol Clticaao Schoob. visits St0011. Thuraday 8. Mr. Buxton llllnds for two minutes with h• hand. in hl. poclcots. S.turoar I0. Smic. D. S. ah'e exeurtion up mn 1.. D. S. J.....,._ Hil<ns t.tke 6nt hike ol se--. Sunday II. F'nt r..dina olthe p4y, "A Bunch ol R--." Friday 16. Miru11d. cntallio Tointef Hdit... Friday 23. Scnic. Reception to Juoion al Amtoty. Play, "A Bunch ol R....... S.turclay 24. Sunltaht cbnina-up clancc on lhc remains ol pony. A -.hie auoh ~ gins. hr1t that ao. Dot? S.turday 3 I. Pany at H.U lot Junic.a at HaB. Party ot te'-1 for Junioo outside ollhc HaD--in fact aD the j1.11ioo Wefe ioitiakd.
NOVEMBER T uciCiay 3. Jwt b.fote Exams. Fussera are Dias. You see? But when Eumt arc ovef. Fuuen apin they'll be. Mon<by 9. Edward Baxt<r Pony mutica.le at the Memorial T ueoclay I0. Millinery &oods arm-e. Mioo Seymo..r cpem " Wednetday II. &nquct at Gymnasium lot Coun11 Board. Wcdn...by 18. Beckmann ..ads to OUcaco lot a new oupply oi.....OC.
DECEMBER Friday 18. All home foe vacation. Saturday 19. It is demonstnt.d duMs vocation that"Abacnee makes the hun tp'OW fondef... Haa exceptions to ita Ruk. But judicious use ol PRESENTS Seemt to wO<k tOmetimct at school
JANUARY Monday 4. Criod ag.>in. No mor. loo<SO<n<:ne>J. The occ.o<dion otrik.. the haD. T ue><by 5. Bc<kmMn ..,..,,. around for 1111oCher ··aftin~y:· Frid.sy 8. Wckome dance •• Smith's. RencWlll ol acquoin~nce>. Monday II. Raiu "'11 -'>ins that im't funny. Frir4>• I 5. Senior H...d T..,.. P&l1)'. Heinie s<U • laoon. S.turday 16. CJ.j,o,·ant hb town. Tuc:tday 19. Lucille Reynold• IJOUbkd " ith in>omni•-"•.r> awake thru one entire lecture. Fnday 22. S.oub ploy Holcomb.. Get k•tcn 13.28. Too b>d. Monday 25. Asaicl tkin the S.outs to the tune ol8 tn II. roer«l Friday 29. ]unioft l..d • ch•,.<lct b.IL
FEBRUARY Monday I. \VICI>nd ..,..,.. to CW. on time. Tucoday 2. "Why it a owivcl>'' Friday 5. S.outJ .h. N~•-illc fi,·e 64 to 5. Rohl Rah! Rahl S.turday 6. Edict pl..«l on baD si<ls. Monday 8. Edict revok«l. Second scrnc.r<r .,.,,,. "Were moth« Eve• true d>ilc!ren. fe< By curious wondc.r aU ore burnt; Some ol w wonder why were Runk«l. Some o/ U> "'onder why we wcrcnL" 8any joiou th.: ranb ol S.OUL Tu..U.y 9. Gront ••P<<Otet hit opinion. H<~Mr agrees w~h him. Friday 12. Erney. Punny. Anner. and Itchy do olunl$ at the Haii·-·>IJO do olunb .....,. where d.c. Mon<lay 15. lvo Liver appeot1 w~hoot a bow. Clau fails to rceognitc h<f. 'Thu..day 18. S.rry gcb c.tozy ov<r a sir!. Fricl.ay 19. Sec. l. Din... to Sec. II. D. S. ckp.tntn<nt. Monday 22. C. Wm. \V....,.J ba. an -xknL He -home. Tue><by 23. Supt. H""cr teD. w what a frat ISN'T. Din""' at ochool for nine diotinguithcd gcntkmcn. 'Thunday 25. Sl.b Kcb • job. Cheer up. Doe! Ftiday 26. S.otrl play Co. C. Hudoon. Get beAten 40.8. Slato didn't play. Sunday 28. Chloupck and Kavanaugh so fuuing. Queer. ;.,.·, it]
MARCH Wcdn..U.y 3. Sol.r fall. in lov.. Gee! I 'Thunday 4. Taft taka a "'"'· Thint!o entirely changed. Fnday 5. Crais 8fb a hair-coL "a Ia pompodou.r.'' S.turday 6. Chloupck and Kannaugh don't do any luning. Can you tell ., why} Mond.y 8. Spudt •nd Dunnic Ret b.tck fre<n the Citiet. KAtherine Hidgcw•y Concert Co. •• Mcmori.l. 116
Fnclay 12. Roohl &<II hi& ....,uaiJWr .,.., Fnclay 12. Qloupek. Bauman. ....! C. Ka...... ' .. : ~ tho 1.., :hot P1wJ ....,., misocd their ullina. So did two or W.., Junion. Homo Talent Miruuel. a1 M..-ial. Mooc!ay I 5. W• 01e e2J>"C?ins Wiqand back ..,, d..y. Friday 19. Scou11 play AF asaio. S.1urd..y 20. Pnoli<c lcachen a1 A.,icuhurol ochool co on olftaj. riel. 10 Jacab'alana. Tuetday 23. Heu>e1' cbawo a pielure of hit affinity lor ?he cktip duo. 11turoday 25. Gurehm makes a noioe. S.turdoy 2 7. School1oday. Rain sot a hair cui--Sm.i-annual. Mho Solar comet.
APRIL Fnd.ay 2. Sprina vacalion thio week. The bo)os are loncocmc api>. Tucsday 6. School apin. Wednesday 7. A M. Cotwdllds inSunday 18. Qloupek 80CJ awWnmina, S.turd..y 24. Gureh ckTdopa a cue. Wednesday 28. Van &<II a hair...,L Centmnial
MAY Monday I. 'Snow U1oel Tu..,lay 4. Miss Day requ..U ?hat each Senior D. S. brina lo do.. a dietary ouitable lor a J1Cf101\ in oomc oc:arpation. "You p<obably aU have oome C)t'flain -tion in whi<h you will be meat inltr«ted." WednesdAy 5. The rcsulla of Misa D•r'• request. Dunnie aell • menu lo. a chauJI'eur. lkckie brinsa one lor a bwycr. 0... Chamb<rlin lo. a manuol ?nincr. ~ Ingram loc a baol<et baU pb,..,. Fnclay 14. Senior Prom. Oh1 but it wu a aw.U patty. Fnd.ay 28. Seoul Junior reception to Senion.
JUNE Monday 14. Vrsil0<1 arrive. Tue.cl..y 15. Double deekerato oblig< company. \Vedncsday 16. E'.rhibi1 at ochool oornpleted. Thurodoy I 7. Grand finale. TeanJ Sighal and diplomuf Gee. bul 1hit it a loneaome ?own. 1)7
Df.CORA11Vf. {)()()t{:)fAU. f...'DS \IAOE BY WOOD CAAVISC C.I..AN\
ALUMNI EDITOR'S NOTE. ll•o ou• i\l""' Maon " youn~. we fffi aJ,.o ,.. ha•e ..,ffi..mo alunon• to ,....,.., ''"'"K '"l'l><>rl lor • ..:hoot Annual. Unlike •• olda llll\ltuolon• .he h.. on fo.., .,,..,., ranb.
.n o•pirina oo ohe motlo, ._,.,,..,.,, Sk.ll lndllllr)', ll<..or: •II young. virile, .nd moh..W110 "' lhe oucc..,.ofulad-.ncem<nt ,...cJ., •t StOQI ., lvr cn<I<A>O< to blue the way ., ocluco.IJOa.l! lw>d Otoinlllo Our in11itutiaa it unio100 in d> """"""" and ..ublnhmrnt. ~ 'c .,. .-a f011h to 'f'r<•d the lnowlocl~ ol • nt'W .,..k .. woddy "'PPfllrd loeobt... and mu.a noounl)· cs· pmcncr an e<tcnmc ••""'Y ol condition. and p~obl<-mt. We mo) >~ell .. r~coror • mccLum ohru which \o ocquamt ouo,..l•rs with the mtrrosu. and probfrrn,. al our I.UO..· nhunnL T"he annuAl w~l "'"'" A> anolher he hondon~ •• lo the inlldut1or>. It woft lllf«m ut m • ~nnal woy olthe •ct"ll;.., •t Stout: ol the trend olth<- mo•anc:nt foe mduotnal ltlrmni ao ..,.. hy ohe Stout focult)·; altho ttucknt adMbeo. .,,..,..,.., and P<oblcmo. JO<MU,, .du<ation•lly. and omid the ,..,.... oc:cun'<IIC<t ol Jtuclmtlic, It c•lls to monel ""'")' • ....,........ IO<mCd dutinR our ochoollolc lKJth at lhc ad.ool and amid ohc hc>utieo olthc wrround~ng counlly. Fuoally. we hoi'< that thi, onn..l may '""" • obong factO< m lurthcnn~ the .,.,.,. mono lor on olumm reunion which will bond lhc dO>ct. und<r tl.cot conunoo ullconto. the i\lumn~ ot.c Alm• Maocr, •nd doc llucknt body. wm.IUJIIrt, the urli.. o, •• w.tl u the I.,..,,
FJ•.,. M 0,......
KINDE.RGARTEl\1 CLASS OF 1901 ~I.,- A c.-. o-;..., Mn- t-....,tn 1-1 lo:..d-, a.,o.~<~.
S..rlla II Dnnnn Ktadrtc•ftor"l' O.f"(Jccr. K.. '-au1\l,o w•.
Maty Dnh...d A"..al'lt S.cM lnJhllll.t', od 0.. N1•11t, M~ KincJt,tattm. Mf"C\C!Gon~.
ul•h M ~.,......JJ ,,.. ~w•• ~:.o. u .... w.
,\ R1111i1 \ttt \
c-y.. \."ooL.
J P 0
A H.-md.u. 5L
Eda. 11 ,._,, M• AJ.."' }. ' ' - E..v Cl.urf', Wa.
. .... \ w.....
p,,...,7 1-lwr. 0..... \l'o.
CLASS OF 190.2 M.,-p:trl A Ft>ldha•u-• Tratlwr.
(flita f..lh.-r Mnd~
llan.n.hvra. M"'
Paty ·1 f'*CIM'1. AIIQf'la. Wa.
Elu.J..~An.- T-ho<.\I~M
E.!ohf.. W..t.b« \1., j.\1" ~ ...... a..-11. I"""' W..... M" I• .., ,\nhw c.-, Cor. toUt•"'- \Ia.
CLASS OF 190.3
C.• O,..,r..-A...- Seoul t..u..e: .d Dw«·
c.-.,.........,._ M---... w...
'-• cw,. C.. Mn. CU.. ,\cW,-. ~ J.-n 1\ft.., fr.U· 1-l 8iild,
«-. w..
.r-\ •lM Vw. w--.. A•1 E•cb• J•- Tt.r:t,.,, ;.\rt. VPc'. W"-.. C.roi~W. Addaidr Po-.m - T~.hn. a.ipj;cwa
""''' w..
CLASS OF 1904 MMy ~It 'rf:•~· E..u O airc-. W'... AIINI jofl... Mn. J. Not1, Colfn. Wit.
Alu L. lk11n.M r-'ll•uy Tt"•f.n, Ditdtwood.
N.. 0 . t.U..a\ Tr-er.fw.r. w~. \V"..., l,.Jo.o o-!1 -M~. O,U. B. Bloi..W_ C....J
K..loniM K•lkr ·r,...... Eo.. a.;,,, w... """""'£. R~-T....... Mmil, W'oo. 0...0. W. s..r...,. M" Anlouo C. Rot><r. Me·
C..tnod• C. 0....5old T....... ;\ooico. W'o. t..a- CMw Tt~W. ~ W.r. \Va.
H.lp T.!t T...tw•• o.._ IVo. p,.,r Wolky T ....... H•tw..d. W'o. Fo..U. Won....... - T....... C.""' R.po!..
ld.C.Uo!t.oa -T<...... J-"k. IVo. M.,.. C. Mn. L- F. Olooo. M..Ji.
C..v.de B. Rdplo Mn. R.olpl> s-lra. A<'..uCiy, K......, ~-- ~!.1 R..•..tl Mn. T- A"""M.d«d. W-. ld. T...., Tnthn-. E.. a.;,f'. Wa. S'tll• Kat~ Tt..., M~ W'.. ,, ... u. n..ca. -r...... ~ C..«. lloioc. ld.ho. Mynle t .•u.. Tnchcf', \Vauwu. W"..
w.. CLASS OF 1905
M...!D""' "'-"7T......_ T--.. w..a..
MottM l"..rd 0.-. w.. J o~.-. Hoi. Tnd~n, E.u Oaft. W'a.
J('JIIIIP 1\d.a• Tr-ad.tt. ~l..d&oi. W'a. 1\f~ Oa~ .,,;• ., T~.d.o;t. MOCifbc6cl M,...
J<lt":tm~ Stll'tfthcwo-·rucho.
w•..u ~ T.... r.... C....J R..pld.. Wu. l...tl.. Oalto.- "r...tehet, MOCMIM-" w.. Ot.~~tlwc F'Ntlllklno" · "'l n. fJ111ct
r,..wood. Mit~. EJ...,. f'rlcl 1-o. i\ lOftUII.II.
S..""- al
EIU..btth L Swmnrt
w......."' W "-
T racbcr. £,ddh.
E. Mllkr.
MtJpotll.e Kondnpot""' Oil.
£.,. V.t.llldl
Trottk., B.•aboo. W.,
A.-• -T~~. ~
tr,....,, J_,.,... 1'..0 Mn.
~ f f. ll.wi.- Nnltw.O,., W'-. E•dyo It M....tr.. N.t1.>ilk. W'o. Elu.olwtl. C. M-bnt- 1'•-.., Tuc....
L Nan.
L.- Bt<11 •\looao. Wo. J•:rw £. B«T..., M... C..old "'-ood. c.J.,.
a.r-. f)td.
..u.. w..
AliCt CM. Rltr tAt, w..., 0~..... ~!1.. lew• Om!
•.,. w.
~ c,O'",.,
Tf'adwt, H•r-Md. W"a.. P'*"Y T uehct. E.a O.Wf',
U.A B. 11o-H•
S.d"' L Sta
Tf'~lwr. E.d,moa. w-. .. p,;,...,. T....... E..o.;,,,
liM.. A. tr•.,l.W
P•in.~UY T e.chn, £,.u Onf'•
H.rut L...ou Smith Tt.,.M, F~ A1kibtoo, W".. I>Ma •a Or~ ·rr.eckt. WMMU. Wk. limrJMia C. laudr1 1'totthrt, ChC--10. JU.
CLASS OF 1907 o..,;, ll. u..,... T•od>u, M~.... Wa, uu.... L Blowa Tr«hoet'. M(_tlc:a. w.. 8a1N O..w.u\y T ........ C...!~ Wa. I - . H ..~oo M~>. llcnwd SUI>.
Mc<Ao.'- ""• 0... riooo.ll.wpr. M- £. M•J>Ior T....... c.lon..... Wo. IdA()..,~ T......... M - , w...
M..;o.;. BUoy Toodoct. S.... n..t...o. C.W.
P n d - T<adhn. M- N. 0 . ~ l'iob:t1oo - T,..hu, £.eo o •• ,, Wlo.
Cra« U..nldi- Tt'.chrf. E..u O...ilc-. W'.,
B<ql c..pa,.u - T•..""· ru.. w .. \lllo. Hd<. o..i T,o<hn, w......,. W'a. £.do. I U.... - Pn-, T ........ a-.n. M.U..
M•nU. 1'...,1 T ........ S,..... Wa.
H<lno Q.oiM T_..., ~ Wa. £... Sclo•'l'!'< T_._, Mnllood, Wa. C..hc-riw St.lllu•- T""hrr. B.pdd. "'•· Ali<r T i - Taclw. M...,;a. W'a. s.ru.. v~ T...h«. f.do<-. w. M...,.rt Y -· T_.,.., Wa.
a... 11. Jw· T-"". w- w.o. J•n• Ky~-·rHChct, Appklon. Wi"' C.ocel..U- T,..h«, H._...., Wa. ~b)'IW i\!.rrtt- Tudan. w..,.. w-...
DOMESTIC SCIENCE CLASS OF 1904 1\lit. ~t •lod,r -o.-r-. T - v.• -.
N;.. Low"« '""'-· H,P S.l>ool. Ro<k Ela. w.. Mn. Alma W. MrM.hoo-lllllriiQot ~7 Man\olal Tn~ Sl•le Notm.al School. C,tu Ra. plclf..lowa.
A- Sdo.ru-~ o.-PuLIIc Sd.ool•. c.-1 ~ ~f-. Hdn. Sth•nr - lootn•<"" O......;. Ar•
CLASS OF 190S Pe•JI 1- R•ile)o l)irrciOJ H«MM Er.onoa.itt ~. p&rlalofnt, St. PauJ laltit:llllc ol Ant .toad Sdrw....
S..P...l M;... ._.. O.ricio-
£va Rich.t.1dt Supet't"hOf Oo.ntiC 1\Jt ud Sciro<c to P"'*' S.'-lo. V.U.,. c.1• N. 0.
) . - s....J.I.I - ~t- Gl'o ..! S.,'o o.n.;...;.., Sui< Nonul School. C..,. Cnr.W..
s,p.,.;.., o.-..;. s..-.
Mo. ........ Sutotlnobod
•od ''" ;. Poblit School., L<od. S. D.
MMie O>rUica- ~ .od "" ;, Pooblit S.'-lo. N.,... u..J..
s.r. p..., s . -- 1 - 0..... An ..!
~;, P"'*' S<'-lo. Fldo.,. L. I. S...b L Lod!,op<-Mr~ ) .... How<!!.. Kout.o
Flomoc< J. 1 - o.-,.;. A• ..! S<ieeeo ., H~h S.hool., S.. J_,..h, M~ Emily NeWMUn Mn. Sam F'. Wdtclft. Mmom• oMr.W-.
C,.r. Mo.
J-i< a.,, o.-t-.
M...._ v.·._
CLASS OF 1906 N;.. 0... 0...... o.-.tic •"- C...ul l{;p S<hool. S.. P..l. M£40. A. Doanoot A<1 ..! Scltott. Mar- Coo.oolr S.bool ol """""'""'·
Atl.t.mt Su1~~n...-ot ~k Ar1 .a.nd sm..•. Pt.~,& S.'-lo. Oil- ~ ..... M.- M.,;.. E. Aooold s.p...;.o. o.-..~ !iOm<~ l'*~blc &hooh. EY~:rr11. w•.b.
D...._ ' -
H. 1-·-
N•llle E. Boh<od - I•"'"""' O.....ic An ""''
H..,;, o~- o-re""-' sa-.. """"' ScMolo. ""'- w-..
S.hool. u.a.1A. N<h. £.dolo llc-io O.....:t'\rt.ods..-.. PaLlo< S.l>ool. ,\lkt<hur. p., EiK• Chn.tia.ruon Suptn '-or Don!Otic A1t ~ Selma-. l'ob!K S.l>ool. O.,..dlt, M;...
M.l>d Dock- N"''~'"""' Rq>001r<. Food do ..... Wio. M...W Mall<ioN
o.--. RotU.... IlL
~ ~~~,.M,
u.,.. ...,"
""' li 1'.-<i ..... ..""'
Mit M"""'' rttot ,,._.,~,Off M"'''"'''"' W• M ll.+t~ J)t.~o~o..!~
l~ ... .
,. ._.._ .... "'
M•l•l 11~~1··· u.oa!.•• ..... h.,. llo•t~ll, M~•·•'"'· Ill• n..~ 11-1 """'""' IJ..~....., ""· ,....,,. !'ot..,l.. 1•..1........ I• t"'t-1"''~ ,.1to(•t. "\!'"'"~ u..~ut· A•t •~'~' ,..~-,. ., ~ ·.·~~ I.M""'"· w.. ..,J~~oo, "' M~>l,- N•.o; I•"''"'''" l"loo-> 1\oo, ""''"'~" A, ,J.,..,, I l.ol~. 10.
IHto• I Moilor f),""" tJ.-.•1 1\tl
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,,_M,, "" '"''
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W..•"- ~ . . _.,., 11•w...~i.
lito. • 11/""r"~l I '"I I>H•, Ill~.
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"''"''""•· f'tM+o 1'1!k.;,..t., I tttt I fr'-tl""'"• "'"'" M·tl-,., l..,..h• 1\WJ-!tl--it I ;.,.,...'"•• 1\tt •oid A._, f',.IJ. . . l ...J., I lplo• 1.-1:.1, A~·
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,.....,.._£i p,,Mlt ""~~,, lh'!f" Wh
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lll"•,o., M...,.,....,~o, W• I ..., M IJ,II•••r M'-1••"41., W• r\t., ff.,.,.... ~~ ....,. j .........._... A+h..,.j.lloo.-..t
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,.....,. ... ~w.J, ,.,...., w.
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ll""''"" lit"'"'•
A""a Kr·•fiWf
School. Auh , N. C. 8bocht A~ N·~oe - A........ ~~. Pul.tle- S<hool~ro, M.chw-. W'• • Et•• h<th E.. P.. klooo o;. ..... 0...•1< S.-... f>ubllt ~... 0.1if'e'lf• Fallt, W., F.th<l Str..,. o;....., til 0....... Sd.ec., s.. UJuu l._ Ca. MaaUd• 14; Wa-c;h Oul..ll.a. W• A ..y E.. W..,.. [)o...,ol< Scl..<r. Pol.!~. Stloool, C.lu""'· Mkh.
AM• 1\lcMtlt.t~ A"'ift•nl l:'>omt.lic !kllttl«, Sl"' lnt.ilutl', Mrl'tOr:n'!H'If., W"flottn« M?Ore. INettot Dor11atk ~ Puf,, lie Sc~t... Vt.-()(1'*•· W'-. C..,o11noe Mon,..\ld- lUJ.iaM Dot~• l'tlk StJrM,., Pt.~bl lc SdtciOI•. Wauk(V~~o Ill. J~1t~~~ M.,.,.. _ T"&<hrt CI4JitJ V"~tw Nl)rm..J ln,ltiltNi,
Oom,..tk Sdtntt".
c,.l)f.J V"tnr', ·rr"M.
Kathrn""l MtH-.n 'ruc.hff ~X ~tl(f',
MANUAL TRAINING. CLASS OF 1904 V~tt(,Jf: E.. 1'hot.I>Ki11 Suprt,._,. M.-.1 T, ... "'" Pulllk Scb.oalt, Ct,.l ~ Wi..
J\ , J)o.,tll lmuU('Iot Ma"""' ·r,.ln.~ 1\h ttth.Mt ~"'' St.l10e~ •Ill AsrlnJtt•·,., Wa•,nau,
CLASS OF 190!i llantJy C. McC11..li Oittctot Man\lal Tt.tln. in~~o Publlt SciiOOit, Stmrcu Poioa. Wi-, l~m..t ,\lalet D:.ectot Muwal Ttai~tillt. P~b· lk Sthooh, lron~L Mich.
E,.J,..,d 1 '. S81H'Ii
"""*'j~ll'l "'·
al UtunniiT.... W'••
Dwttu:• M111naal T't......,
S~ov Coli...- cl ld>loo. Poc.tdlo. lclo.
CLASS OF 1906 en,,
W. Barbtt
l);rf'(I.Of Mam~al
o.,,,. Wlo.
P.!~k Sthoolt. ~;.F. 01...,
o.,...., M...ol'l'toiooloc.P•bllc S(l100la. Mad'••· Wk. Atrt0t D. S.nkt A..-.,.. Ma"U81 TraW... P.bll< S<J.ool, S.. ~io. Mo. Allrn 0. To-.-. O~tf!C&ot M&MNol Tt...., Si•t• N"'"" l Sc....l. Kl.l,.~l,. Mo. ~tjlfllell 1'". \V._II OlrP6o. ul M.a.cuW T,...;.._ ()uhlie $c;hoah, WaU.c,... l.dA.J F. H,.....Wd•'" Ok"'"' cl M""""' 1 Publi< Schoc/. M•""•ill.. P••
P•blk School• ""••· N. D. llohc•t 1-1. CJ;r .. owcc~• M111u.al 1ht~•i,.~~o Publk Sthocl. Anolto, W'u; L. M. Cclk I>W"'~tot M.aa~;~al 'fui..U.c. M1lh\.m Ufth'rnil)',
Dt(.AI!Uo Ill,
Cl('fln II, II !1- DMtc:lor Manual
P•lollc 5<1,..1. n.;.. C•y, Ida. c~.
·r, ,~r~_....
H. Hnkon l)uf'dOi' Man11•l ·r, ..mrt.~a. Wr..
nf'~•MQ Q.uniT A,,Jic-uhwt-~Sth~. W ..•ecuMr, W'.., Rolllll t\hOOta O~rdoe M.a~Su.al Tr. ln;!!ll
CLASS OF 1907 J.
v.~tt."""~ u,...,-, o,,l"tll)f of Matu••l Ttaln-lr~,. l ll1h Stl~. J"nnttUc-. W-. 1..(1\1:. fo'". ~~ D~• «•o• 411 M•flu•l · rr.in.i:t~o
PubliC Sthool-.
F. t:t~oWJ.qt~ Dittctor J Ma•u..l fralria., Mvu•, Aci911ih Ru·dt- An•"'""' Muv.al Pli.b. I"K School•. M lf"""•"~ "T. w._ Tt~., 1-1 SmJ~h ·t\,.Mt•• M.,.!W Trailniftt. l'•i~k &hoc~•. s,..,... w . d•• O "r.,i.. M1 w.,, ~. l>Wt~t.ot tJ M.,....aJ lor. l>utollc S.hool, C.nh,.... Mo. Alhtlll.
Ira S. ruu,, 1)4rtt~ (II Muu.J ·r,_.;m-., l'itl.h Sl•lu>Oh, l . ~c,..,. ..... W", ll.. rt ,\, Jaocoi~· -Ditl"(:ttM of M•nual *f'ralt-. ln., 1•111tt~ St'~l•, f\'fu~ot.•Llo"• Ia. l~~t
~ l).uxlo' M•11u•l ·rral•irlc. lit Sc:ft~ .. tu'tl.am:l, WM. Ch1ull"" A,, llrod:\u A•u•tant M-.nuAI
<ll••lrt W. fiT''""' o;,,..,OI' M•t.ual t,.r.. P~o~MtC Sf.l,oof'-~ &"'"" Bay, W..,
Puld~ 5c\~Wh·, l r ~~n\<1'0011,
filf'Ci l- Cur1a11 ''"'• •"' P-h.me.al TtalMif... S.l)lll1 lnu• .,,(", M ~~. W-.
Mll!f,, 141
I ~1·.,·1
.., ,._., .
I l~a. ~~·-
J'loblo. !Ior-Io. ru.-. w. II-•.-• W !!,..t.looc O.mor M-.1 'I,.... .... JW"' !'.. t..oot•• t'oltu...,_. Mv.ft.. h."., J ~,..\ ,1 INnot~M Mt.fto~t•l "l ramt"''o t~uk l.t $c.~ i\·tt Kml..,,, Ml"& 1,,.,, L '1 fmtr uthJt II~J. ~hOOt. K•uu~u 1'•1· M~ N....,.. V.,.f>llltt,.. 1>.!"-lot Muu.aJ ' l'•allllfll.
0..· t.~ M.....t I,.,.
w...... ""' \\•
J •""'" fl fht&..~ fN,..kf,f M.....II ,~ , •••IJ ~~.nil , ....... ll..,..
1{4,,.,,,_1 ~k~..J J_)w.,., lui ~h ill11-'l lt•l.lt ..li! 1'..1,1. ~,, ...~ lh\n ( •t• 01'tr·~
M., I N, .. u,.ll
j\,.itt.wtt MM~.;_.I
I'•"'" ~ ......... l ..c·,~.
ln.,\. I
,.,.,,,,_. M~~~o~ttl I ra•tl'l-.
,. ~•·"'"·'""..'""""
J, •.,.,.,_
N..,..J,, Wio
ft. I). W~ Uo~l'lf1(" M•lkl•f Tr•lll-c. Ow.. t-:...,11(, SthrM4 of ArlC"'~""'• M...,,.,.,. W-. 1,....,, r /Jft'""•" ~~... MW'V.J f, •• ..._
,.,.._,., I c~ lllltwtur .\1....._,1 I u~. l•wfh ~L...l. \t~••••• \\,. Ia. .- !' Jtr,r.. '"..,_. \t..-al I u• "Co
l~.t~~t Sc.._,~o
r-.o lf•t~ .. Mu
Tl IE llELATION Of- 1'1 IE. KINOERCAHTEN TO THE HOME AND I::LI~M~:NTAilY EDUCATION C1J•HU111( lu brlt•wr ti1AI 10 n·~li1"' tlu: he,. rr•,dt•ln IIlier rtluc;"'llon ouonnnl hrt!ll1n v.11h 1h~ ttKUIM d uk:l ..md c:onllruu• tit., li(OkJ;ulQc 1'1 11 lhroua(h ~~~ M.!uCAikJ.n"l c ,,,., t frw thrn tlfll)' wdl lhtt tft-t.rH•d rm:l IX' "ltaintd. I ItaI lint '~"+ 1'3, not 1\lwayt lw rn It• ~L , '" l,.- ttllnrttl It'"" lhr '••• tit <I lhr 1< 1>001 oy.oltfn ttotly Ktrw lromlftr 101• down• ''"uJ. ft• tf,. ltfVfUit'). •.H-p.utmrnl ~·· un~nm,..-n ., ou1 lluhl..: tthonlt uutd IlK" m.klle ol 1hr 17oft <rnturr •nd th• nt\1 l..,..l... un•n ., An>rr><• ..., ,.,.br.t....t ., St. Louit in 187 J. J..• tfwtt ' half tf"ftlutY ,.._. \t'h..f,.. ,_.,. 1•tr"V'nl $) ••rm '' nul ,.-rt li~Nint Ly any n~•n•. j- lonl( ••ra• h"' IM"t"R Llk~ "' thf' n.J11 tf1tt:thnn tint"" d1r1,. H • If' fHCJUIM.M1 1~1 lht:" clrdcf lt. lurnrn~ IO thm~. r~l. and ICI. oh.ol h ''"'' .,. ltrm' <"lthlttltt·ol in oft~ rorly lotrn.th<e rlt'tiull whiCh w~l olornKiften or under• rtnrtr ~o~lltliAI fuiJo" • lltt'fr" IUC tlur~ ·~f'ill.•et• 'flol il-f'lllt"\I UI till• ru,.t llhi' Jf\ .w tltr f'C iu, l'lliounl llfUCr..; lhr humr. lit,. ~''"'N\flflfn. •nd IIH· r-1.-nu·niAI)' ~luwA. "II J ~liiJif'fn(O lmtkMIAIIC!4"'. f'\\ 'f!f)' OOf"i fl\t 14• ,J,fHHt,. tNtJJOW'. ,,. ..W"\..tfn \HJotl to Jb en tr:nmM thco imli,·KJual tuuJ &«kl)'t I tJ,. '"'"'"" tt rt0t ttt~lv tft.., [uti th.;t "wc.h•t, but 11 ~onllnul'"t tit w10urnc:r (t.Jc • lonar-r
I·.UPI f. 1'tt
hln"' 1lwn rt11ttt ol tlw- utltru
I h• ho<lort.rl•n "'1~~,... thr n.-.dt ,J tluldtrn whrn ohey llt'M01 lu manlr•l • d.,rrr fnt tf,,.. u"'"1,..,n.KIC1lhlft tol '"",..."''" c.f du·• nwn "'Mt". C"\l)f'ftmtr. -.ntl tntnnlJ.. h alto W"tVf'l •• • nt~tlutttt lwot\\~"f'11 ttK- mf ..uu..t •ml tun fri"Ciur•Hiy lftr11uLr '"''""'"" nf d1c IKJtnt" !lnd 1~ morr futniAI "'''d •!lilt"' ttt"'-fk-' I hf' tlnfi.,.JtlJfY tthonl (1\~f'4 th f'\1\ lf' llt.C' tt1 thr in"•nhun ol JUtnlmM IU~t·l tlte tttcmth ,,f wn~tnnr", wfu·n•t ht'\IWtr ru•1 ~"'Y for nuu1 tu know ht•W to u·.,tf. wrur. t~IIJ flywc. 1111nd tl1,..,. llt\11~ "'"' llll)tt "ualv lco1ut1r~l m dn~lluxxl. ll!o4'"9" lint.. .lt(t'IK)f'lt tnflurllt~llll ,...uly rhl~ll~f" I""'Vt" tnflltl)' 1At t1Ht m u~enmoo. \Vhcn hm-l.,l'flln~ t~l"'~trl)'. aU tnh'fC"tol '"""'' m ..,.'"" ''"" •url1 uwtlwxh ami Atlaatllnl( •uch aub~t'-1 nYIIrt •• w.O '""''r ,,,.,. rnlu•hhn t~ rltf' ct'fll0)4)n t"li'J10M"• nanM"Ir·· '"~ cluld'• .,.u,du.a1 dr· "l.!fKtl"'nl, .,...,~,.,. ,,~,,•.•! rnuh~~ •nd mtlfOJI'f'nJ,.ot,". mlf-lk<ll.~.a •thY.ty and m.tltlit. rnotal .-nttfl~t'""' '""'' ,,.,JMI'Itt\-"fW"'• IU
Son.., th~ IIQtn<'" - olthe .ducat...W """""" • io 1.. to,."" f o r o - aadNdtr JW1 wh•t II> oulr,m """'" and m<thodo ol<. Mony puMb - · u ., .....S.. ....... trom •nd IIUir~t tlrr clulcl wdl. 'lllq look oft<J ha phy-..1 ......,~• ....,. h .,......,. ~ '""'' ol PfOflft d~tt, rlotl'"'ilo okTp. o.rtclo<, and chnt.n.... Tl~ lwl!• h... eoa.1.w. _..,. l~tl.IIJ ol f~lin~~o th01kina and d0111w. and wl""' d..., • .,• ..,...rlic d&..... O< dtftda th.y ,.. ""' to intdliacnl wo)'l ol rnn...JY"', th= Now. ron only "" ....I thai MANY than ALL ,,.,..., .. do thJ,. it llt'Ciuen~y dm.lvn UJ>OII till' bndtt..,n.,. and oohoal 1101 only to «1<1lmur '""'' wO<k hut '"'>' oltcn to UECIN it. In tl1o ~indrt"•rtrn th•r• aro paid, trained il!>lruoton. tl•o ...b)l'(t matt<t ,. w.fully plaunrd out .... w•nn in louie•! ~·tuenec d<'lcrn...rd ,,,. tll(l llllrnnli.oto and lotrl """"' ol the child. lltokro th• cliOcl fro"' the •R•• ol 4 to 6, ""' yrort wl'"' ""' ploy 11otlnet io lltoa,...., •ntllto t••ttlc:.,. "'" nd•pt<tltu thn ""8"· for oU devtlotJftl1'11t loll•ooouah. variM. pl.y(ullldl\'ity h•>i11M <:<lu(•tiOOol valurt. In thr prim••ro<hool wo ooo find 11~in.d il!•tructoo h.,ld.,a 111 ,,....th9oetlunctwh..h m•kc Me "'"'"' ,,.;,,, trodi"'M the orb and oublr<ll which w~l f11 tl... clwld to ~ o .,,..,,......... and ••ood alurn. r... "'It" prr •..,,, ol dultlrrn ....... co bc}ond . - dt-
-r "
"""'W>' IPo<ko.
In thr hslu ol poyd.olotJy thnr ,. • <ny cJo... CO<III«lXIfl !.d-...., tt-t...o for toword tl,.. ol tho kllldcr..,lnl t..nod t.l... ohild ....,.., to a d-w.- to bm to rcod 1r1tl "'"' and to kMW root< ol.out lu• rn•'ll'orunrnr - J>hr•it.J, rndu.&nal. and - t ·n10d01o tho t hongM thtt 1\IIIC ........ 0110 1b m<'thodo ond ~· o( otu.fy A<r 1>01 .......!y • nutlet' olnovrhy and ol lfUAntity but rathrr ol arcinK how IWr ouloidt ol tl,.. ochool """ b.. intuvr<t«lloy th.a w1tlun: to tl... t"'o arr Ml OOI•trd ~<~• ol ,.,,..,,....,.,,.. but doodr rdotocl, N<h to lh• .~hr.. ·n,...., ,,.,.• """" the d>4lo<tcttlll.-.. ollcir..S,..••ttm n1<1hod. and"""' tl... ptlm...ry tdluol U,Juulltot in natute lh~n w~ C!nd tlt.al the t'UMitiAI Cl0111H''<Iioo bd"·N'ft 1hc rwo
It it tuu f~lrn th~ c•Jt" thl\t thr.r~ is A te:PI'ft\lion l.tl\\•tcn tlt<"M' t"'o •an~ •nd IU •J•rrtornr It ,,.• .,,. tl••t -ael• •f!<nry mu1t 1..... ,, kno.. lrdso ol thr WO<l """" by the och... •nd o b••" ol pro111<1Cion muot bo dctamin..J. Bur, a>ldr lrom oB thDo. J ""' chlldo.n 111.,.. to rr•l11r tl1r tllnnrctrdnru ul llo ;, tlte kiltd<tl•ttrn and rlm...nt•ry lf•dn and borld up • och<>OI ~~~til ,.nd aw-. cnthwLumorlntr:rcat, vthcr thinp ••r n..,.....ry. Mm01p ol the chi'· 1lrtn for o I(UC)Il tirne rnoyl.., anoni:<d ow.oior>allyand .,..h m.oy ~oorlt"'l"'h...., "" rntmu.. n...nt for rhr p•rrnto or lor fund• lot _,. muhMlly ldt """"'· Ju•t a• wr find a ,.,.,.t;,.. bcrwr<n kindn~~oUtm and ..-hoal. "' "'" "'-l.....,dy lind the ........ thms true l>ttw<m ""' odiOOI and hocnc. 1'h•t aucmp~r or• 1'"'1 .....k tn bma obow • '"""""' ,. .-Kirnc<:<l b)' 1no:1-· or Jllr<nb' nl<'tlil!&o and lor the tuthton' ood pormb' club. at "'lutl• t{)lib ol vito! i11trrl"l ond irut>OrtlUl« to oU •« to~.., "'' and d~. 1'J.e,., .,.tlr. ctHIK> ••• tho • ornmon M'"'"'" upon "hifh th.,. t""''~< nll'rl tn •II< qul"ttooo one! to entico!lr otudy rhr tlloltlrm• in~'Oivr<l. no beutr opt..,;.,, ol the ""'" ..1 rrl,tionoh•• that •hrJIJitl cll.iot lo •twl'tn ••lY ..hnal ond th< 1••• enb ol aholdtcn AllmdinK ,,., .,..,. bt:to IP>t" lh•n th>t rml,ll()lrd in thit. "1\n All"'l"'>' for M.U~ett"t "Or11'< llrct'c w., " K>l<frn. It w•\ ~110<1 wkh ~•rry ~ind ol fk•w<r thot rou ••• th ..k
Ill ln~o r•Y noddlllt iiOI~- n>Odr<l •-.ok<•. '"ffl•f..od ,..,.,~.., lov.ly '"""" •ncl lroJranl m;,.0o0n rIft y .., .U wnt~ •loOt t-t•ooa. hrl'hht pbnt.., ~Of' wrrr nr.-rly withrr<'C.I. l(}f'nC: wrrc- ,.m >~•nod lra<llrtilo ...dliu~~ O<Ho,. wrrc druOI•InKt •nJ oom• oil lmt tlc•uli T loroc w••~•• pl..nh IIM'I tprckt\dt ~nr C'lpf'tYIIy tnlnr... ro m. •ml ••:;coni rn()C'r timt' in Calin" lor thc~~n in
'""'"• d..- "''"'" hloo>•runk .,l.nt> n~c "tf< IWn ttM<knm 'fl!l'y uno• rn ohout nonr o'cl!JC'Ic. and l.ft aboot twdvo. tl hrn 111.. vwnm ol th .. IV•wnJ t.~mr m.-~ Luctt nurnbrr l}ltt("'Otlr,-nnc:l roolinu,.c:lthc WIH~. IJut ttlfn'"ll'JW thin~e~ ~r,,. r'l<l4 auinM'<'')' wrll. In tho euomin", iltf' i(arJr.ntra W11Uitl do ..,.. thonrc. and 11 thr •fttrn<l<JII til<' owncu woul<l do .nodorr, •ncl thio ttoublod doc a.,.Jrn. rro. "ho ""' '~"'tufty traonod I<• the• Wfl<~ by • Mo>l<f C•odcncr. 'M.y pon!ON w~fb< noinrd a th•y .u. mnvl'<l IO thr <nullo f..,tf.' .. wftlor loc.d ~·rdm· '' ..dly, lookm~ 01 • Ul'<l tll r•U<ow I'AI"ir' ~"' tr••nt•l•ntrd lry tho nwnrr. "'f"ht-y 1)\11 lno m\Kh WAIN M lht-.te f1lft(f"l#tnr noh', CUC11J~alf1ed lht'l At.Udanl,
... r••,. floodr<l .u ..... tom•. pooo tl...r:
' ntf\Y
,w,,·, '"''
'1\ nd they moo•Rh "" tlw: Inn~ h ouglu to hr .Jon• e-.ry "'""inA ot "'"' ,..,; ..,,.ltl1r 01hrr. And oo th"'R' wrn1, Sno,.,tinlt't tlor K•nlrr1<r. ancl tho IIWMf> w""ld do thr ...... ihrnl lot • pl.ru. and t)..,. 11 '"'"ltl floumh. I>Ut tin• wa• nO( oltm NfJ>\ • .,., • •nv ••huhlr !!"den l~d, t>l•nt w., aom<:t'""' IU 1,.. ltan>tlbntrd, aMI h..-o.,,. tbr ••o:lruo of onoth<l v•rdcn: and rnurr than th•t, tome day -.rry vnlr<t, tiMMIru, •••l l~r ouoful ,.,. would l.n ~AIII'tl'tl lOt lloo Kin~to "' wl•ooo ,.,.,•., •• thoy w<>trl!l l•loorn
s,,... oltM ""'""" ,.,....~ ...1 tho~ lout Willi< (orl((ll 11, Othm h.odlr &•>< thru IJO('W 1>1.-nb It th.tntf'i en wow, ho''"'"'" ovt-r tllf'tn, I.Ht1011K tl'"''"1111nd eJI}('ttmrnhng with dJ .. f(!trnl foncJ, lor tllf• aod. 1wd ff!1tvink n11ny ciJf•'ChiHU fnr tl1a ~Mtln•crt. ownrn .nd the 1(1Hif"tlf'fl ~ltlurn mrl. The fotiiH'f wr(~ Vf'fy hu-r wdh IHany
otlort Wt'1 l..,;dr, 11... prdm. and thoy II10<1Rhl th• 1uudrnrn wcrr ,..id lur thrit work and 1ho.1 nwlffl it. In lacl, m.•ny 0"\of"l\frt thou~~:l11 d·tf' teArdcntrt Wtf t" tauice unflr'(ftMl)'. It Wilt • w•ll• ol mcrnoy. thoy "'"'· Mc.nwh~r. ohr prdrnm rlkl tl.rlo "'"'~ loilhhilly and wrr• f•wa rdrd l,y 1c;<'inM olnw <o<JOkNit~•ntt ma<fr oltaoght, • low wr.~ onr. otrmMihml'<l. • l•w t>al. """' hroglrtrnod, 'llut', ...lthr h••d g•odrnrr, ' Wr .,. n<A •(<omt~•·h•na h.oll .,.J,.t wr ooaht. •tlony t•<lrnr wl~rn '''"Y Ire wow, """ f..t srow wh•n they OIIMhl IO '""""· ond '"'" ' .~ IJ.,.tfl
""M"' '"
lrt lhC'I WCr4h t(WW f1k1J IJUif".
'Y,..·, u•l thr ••h<r, 'I r•nn<» I'"" Ill<! wrrdo out la.e rnc~o~l, on th• mlanoorllr. e.onnl>lth..~ wh.t aJo the ootl. W r mull IM<r a """'lma and wNff Wlth ••tlr oth<f. and f't1Jtl.tm hut fr.t'()nt fbt wh..tt ~t'l tlo', 'A~rwl', " ' "' olo• tllhn, And d,ny ..,nt '"'t WC>rd th•t llo•y wuultllor m jf,~ a•rdrn •ilth~ t~flrtnuou ol rrri"n d.-ya, lh ror1f~r w;lh tlu• 1lol""' nwru·u.. Salol" ....... ~lot thry <ouldn't w•• "' much lrnr 10 ,,.., kA•clm ..... k. ->C tlrouttlct it W•• IIJ'Jrlr, ond that th")' ~ ...w ''""" •• mU<h •••••• ~ •• thr W•llknrr>. l<'rrng that th•y h.d l"'o
t&it«l pl~ntJ from oil dt~it llv.,., Howc•l1'. oil a!jfecd that 0. ,.., kind ol lhe prd.Nn to loko 10 much lntorO>I, and 10 they mel. Scvctol timet • month 1hey would 110 dttC)Qg\1 1~ w•rdtn 10t1<1h.r oncl cL.e.. lhe ll•nlrnrnt ol <ntain f~llniJ. And the m01r thry met the """" they found that !hey <ould •wcr. '11te ~ordtn\'f1 hod ooma cxotllcnt idea•. li:•mod frc•n llaMa and <lQI<'Iitn<P: oad ofwo tho owncu oould throw rn11<h light on Ill<! mAU<r, f1>1 it c:uriwt thin8o l,uc - . tiiii<:O A ~lanl WallkJ at l One w•y in 1111, lllO<ning w~h til# prd<n<r oncl Orw)lhn way in d..,
w•• •
with it. owner.
So the ~~J~rdon PfOfJI<:ted. Of WI'"" lhcril wcrr 60111r faavte>. Some
pbnu ......, se<mrd In thrive: but it WoJ, on the wholr. • bloomin~ and beaut~ul 11'01· One by ooc. ooch little rilant Wol Gnolly tak<n up and put iJ 0001bc p~ac.... E.ch h•d mado " Rood ston and wu • duihy llule powth; tcod•ina dOWQ into tho aoil oncl up to tho light; ~rod it wa• with re•l love ond f<l!f<l thot tl•c ownou ..111 (lood..bye to lho ~ '!'HEIR qordon wM •lway1lull. Fe< •• toon as one 1<1 ol .,lionb w.. tAken ur~ ont>lhcr was br<>ught in 10 lAke ita riLt<c, And 10 they life we<king.~cll!lflinllo wol«ins. airing. wnnin~o wrrdin~~o and prunO.,.~ hoping lhat their work trl.\y not be in vain, and dial ueh flowet "lA¥· in due lime, !.., wonhy
ol befns gadoMod into tho kinadom whcrdn alllll!luric>lu." Mi\HY li.. WILCOX. 1907.
LE.TI"EHS Ji'R0M ALUMNI ErW1b.,th Cralo•rn.
Iowa. In lf!illrd to Oomeodc Scienoe ond Man~~~>l , .,...lnln(l. lowo ;. yet in the ~nl tlatp el ndvonccnrcnt. The work ;, in it> ~•l•ney, ICJ< in voy ft<w ..1,oo1. throoahout the ate io thio phl!IO uf WOfk IJ'IOfe than fovc or ailt yc.,, old, 111<lro ,. room oncl npportunily for ..,.._,.., and much progr<» it •urely behog mode. ·noc intct<ll ond enthusu""' in the work WM notie<>lrlr .l1own whc,. L\ll N~ ,.. then lrorn •II OVO't tht ""'" mot at ~dor Foil, and thcrt org>nb.od a State Manual,.,..,. ins T cadocri As.«iotion. A1110n~ the counl)' supc:rintcndcnll And lurtil a.-cha• doc ;.•ntk fond> lonny •Uill*l nnd evrry ye>r ...,. • hilll d~ten mUle citib I>IJIIing in tho COilr&<o. Miuoda &rtlc11, Erm Claire, \VI..
l110 gencr•l IIIOVCII>Cftl in tho ·intrtell of child cllhllrC and d.wdosJnt<"lf it th<>Winl n·oony lrrtcr<~tinQ M wdl •• fnQourotlins t•h•..,. in 1his lb<alil)'. Plthlie ocntimMo~ .. rtjlartU the variou• linet of tt>eciolit.atlon In educ.~tl!m. ;, doddodly ma<< f.,·.,..ble than ad'"""· Slowly hut •utdy doc true oducolional oim undrri)•ina th""' movi'n>rr•l> ;, bcin• n\Otc dtorly urotlor&lood. Thit ;, ploinly due II> the loti thai lrarhm, opeci.olty train<'<! alooR th,.... lin... .ro joinlnM lhr lood•u•R (.,.,.,, Sdntli(oe troining ond cntlnn..,tic dl..t havr m•dc a olroa• qornbinAfioo in illllucmctiuy JJUbHc opinion. Tlwr io otill need tilnocwr lo•nd lo h~nd ~nd hrort t g lorotl ClO-I. ,..ratloo in tho in• ...1
lereit of the chad bct••'«n partnll i\nd teachel'1. but the growing interest along thc.e JPCci, alized linei will >Urdy in timc solve thi. problem. The IX'blic roquirco coocrcte knowledge os to results in school work. and we arc trying to meet t.hc• demand by o wie> ol oxhil,ition• in hand work. Thcoe Me hekl in the vari.,.. oehool building> o/ the cil)'. Re<ults justify the •fforll put forth. In brid. our future outlook pronti.d • >till •tronger union ol for<"'"- which will aid in giving to every ehild in our communi\)' hi. tightful hcritogc-·n welltr3ined body, a wd l lr•ined mind. .od • weD tr.\ined soul. Frank J. Stcekd, McKinley, Minn. In the foil of 1908. Monual T mining wa.< inmlled in the McKinley graded Khool, lknchwork ond mcela~nical drawing >re the chief linn now corric:d on in the sc:hool. "The pmcJicnl problem• in the course thw far given have imprc»ed the pupil• with the •••lue of the ....,.k, ond thi. SUCCCS$ will me•n >n oddition o/ other lin.. of work. su<h " pnJ>el >nd cMdboord in the lower grode>. •nd woodturnin~t in lire <CC:Ond yeor High Sc:hool. C. A. Btocku" Ironwood. Mich. Let me bricfl)· d<><:rib.: our c:quipment Md wO<k. On the ft1'1t floor we have our rnachinc shop and ltur woodturning Md mill room. In the bns<:ment ore the moulding ~nd forging .!lOpS. while on the ~d floor arc located the joinery and mechanical drawing rc>ouu.
E•·el)' rnochine i• motor driven. I tl1ould like to d~rcribe some of the madiine• but •l><•ce lorbick I will. however, mentioo our od grinder •>"hich we have in the joinery room. It con•ist• of lwo circulnr oibton.,. revolving on a •haft. It tako the place of an ordinnry gtind>tone. The 1even1h ond eighth grade boy• grind pl,ne iroru on it ond gel sood r..ulu. We nrc conducting n night du• in mcehawl dra»·ing. It is attended, in the main, by young men from the rMchine 1hops nnd mine.. They ore v!!1y enlhu•ia•tie over it. This cLw hu won ntany friend. lor monuoltrnining ool.<idc ol scl>ool circles. M~ymnd•
Evjen, Cokr>inc. Minn. I sholl endeavor to ~i•·c a brief outline of the work which is being done in the IDomc>lic Sc:ienc" DcpM!mcnt of the Coleraine school.. Thi• is n town of ahoul ftftecn hundred inhohitonls nod has nne l:ugc school which includes all the grad.. and the High Schoof. Two Iorge roomt on the third Roor have been sci ><ide for Domestic Science work, one of these is the kitchen, the other, the >Cwiog room. Ooth arc well equir•pcd and v<ry •imilar to thOtc at the: Ste>ut ln•tilule. in fnet, the best <"'llippcd ol any I h.ve ..,., in a !XIblic: sd>ool Sewing is taught in all the wade• from the fourth up, and in the High Schoof; also in the gradeo in the Bovey school Bovey is ,, "''"" mining town a half hour"s wal~ from Coleraine and connected with it by n boord walk. Two seventy-five minute periods arc devoted lo cooking ench week hoth in the eighth grade •lnd in High Sc:hool. T lte work l1a• been vel')' ~<t<:e...,!ul in both l>rancheo. We have served a bonquel to one lmndred rnen of the M...,ni< order ond ore a~l lo .,.rve a dinner to the School Board.
All gonnonl makin~ h.. been finished in sowing. and the Snow Sy.tem of droltinc will be introduced next week. I am very sJ.iod to lay that tile future <.ertainly loeb lniaht lor this bwy, ambitiou. oehool in which industrial work WM instiuted about a year aco, K•thrine A. Moran. Chrilt Sd>ool. Arden. N. C. "Ale pe<>J?le of the outJidc world little realize the loner.,_ poverty, IUid hard work of tHe \vomen of tl\e soutlie'!) mountains. Theoc women do n01 know wh~t tho 1\ome r~ally mo.oilests, and the digniJled labor lor a heme seems drudcerY. These two tllmp the)• mUll learn to know ~nd appt«iote above all else. At Ch'ri!t Sch®lth.e mediurn throQJih which we are end~voring to widen the horitcn ol gift. ranging from eisllt to twenty years of ace it c:O<>king. tewin§, and home nuning. In the dass.room work inaccurncy it oontinually lousl>t. lor sladcnC# i. the pre.·aiiua oha.ract<r· uti<: of these si~U. In the near future it is I>QI)ed that a heme-maker sc:bool may be establioh.d. Aho n smolltrnde school to prepare sirls as profC#ionol coob. dr~lr.er• and ~.... ~lien tlles,e young women arc otllrted on the road to tilth~ UvinR wt. •haD have women •vilh clear b~ds. sound, 1\opt:)y heatb. and .kaled, happy hands.
Benj. W. Sp.ulding. Colmine. Minn. Mo.nual 'fr.,ining Md Domc:ttie Science have been inotalled in two eenloB hore-..at €olbraine Hi3J\ School and ·~ Bo••ey. ~ sm•ll town about three-fOurths of a m~e from <1:oletaine. We ha•·e 6n1 duo equipment in the wotk we ha••e intJ~ed. The dcp~o~tment h.-. a Cre..:ent sow table and a 24 ~h surfacer. both driven by ind.Mdual moton. WoOC!\vorlr. it taken up in the filth 81'~dc ond; COiltinued thru the \'ligh Sdu.ol: me· chanicA! dmwiitg be1liru in the eishtb 1!1)1!1., and CJttend. thru the four Hich School cia..... 'The largeot d ... number. ei31lteen and 1M mWiest six. Forsing and wood turning will be added to the oou11e neJtl year. 'The school board i) altell,dy making p)ons fClr a h.rgc Manual 'Training bpildins ond • gymnasium. A. the wO<k is new. few difficulties 3rc found ill teaelling. but we fond It •·err diflioult to obl4in prc:>per!y dried and prepared lumber. It I">'• to gel out a bm lot the amount ne<iled lor the Mhrc year and gel the otder in during the ~mer manths. ;reacliing on "1'he Range" i; all riaht. There is where the, money it •nd the oehoOI board. know how to use it. Louis Touton. K•nsas City. Mo. 'There ate only two •uggeotions that I might ~ one i. along my own line, mtchani· cal drC\wing. I leach vertico1 leucring, use exeteilt plates, ancl trea~ [II)' aofid. •• ~otnpcn<~d of lll'aigkt Hn.,._ The other is tllat nearly every school in th;., :re<:tion is bwtling a ll)'mr>.,ium and if one could c:oath o ball team of some kind or- g~.., oome instrudion in the 8)'11UWium, the chances of a positioo would be doubled. Where o'rc three ••h®l~ here, o!l_c Manuall:r.,ining. "ne in which the Monu•l Training is optional, and one, "€entrril'', in •vkieh the only work oh>ng tho line cl Manual T111ining is mechanie31 dnwing. I~
REVALUATIONS HE >tl:scn•do¥ clasAc:al coui'IC. u wc find it giHn in calleg... and ill drmrntaty odopo lltt,., to the rutriculum ol sccoc>dary Kl~<x>lt. "jjtew Ul> alons the lin., ol ddinite nccds. ud •• 1110,.th wu •• di.tixtly prortical u the wowth of the mnclcm lochai. caleouncs.Thc mcd'~vol univeni<y wu found<:<! to furnish prq>anlion fot the ptieolhood aad ),.,,.. 1l~e 6n1 group ol o1udics o4cr«< were the clo.,ics, philooophy. and mathematics. Later, ., the ic@al prot.,..;.., amc into prominence. thc nc«< ol special training fe< the lludy of law w.. ...,.,.,u.«f.,cl 1he ccllft< ""' roa:c,.hat e>lend«<. Apin, the acicncco " 'cte oddrd, w@<ly to ..- the nc«<s ol 11Udcn11 of medicine. Thus. having adapted the coune to IDftl the very prnctical d<mAnd> of these threc prol...ioou. the curriculum remained for @CIIftaliono almoll without ci>An~c. Hcnoc. aU thi> tirne. oonsdowly or unoonKiously. thc man who had be<n canyiog the old time dossical ccunc !mew tl>cre wu much io it that could be applied, •ocl .,ouJd be: appl.<d. ., his latrr IJc. If be: ..,., to be: • lawyer. he needed his Larin: hio od•M<ed m•thcmauo forth<ir dlcct upon his logical acumen. ond the histe<y. economics. aacl llllining ~~ rhetonc foc gcnml culture and practical utc. If he w•s to be a teacher. he need· ed obout .U d>etc was in the counc. In like tru~nnet the course wao pracJical lot the other pro/...iocu. When the dcsinbdily of high., education foc young wocncn wu 6nt rCCOilllizcd. il wu decreed that the woman shoold have the ..me edueolion as that olfcted the man. The O<dinar)o coik@C curriculum wos opened to her and the public fa~ed to nm.ice that il she were DOl to be: • teacher of the hi&hat cndc. there wu surecly a ..bjcd in the course that she could rocngnilc .. havin1 • pnctical bearing on her alter lilc. The decree ou&ht to ha>c hcen !hal hcr education should be juor .. aoud •• that ol her brmhcr but ... adjuoled •• lo meet her poculi.r ne«<> and to enable her to act wdl the special part th• t she is to t>lay in the world, for the ble olthe gtcal majo<ity ol women will .!ways be in the home: u dauaf,ler, U..cr. or wic. she wit be the homc·maker. 1M introduction ol any subJCCI into • Khoal eurriculum oimply for utilillrian purpoon is oontrll')' to the ~encrol >pCnt ol education. technical O<hools cXC<Illed. The preoenl day aim ol education is to give • tnining fe< ~oud cilizenship. No nation is rn01c hi11hly devdopod d>... th.- homc lrocn which • como. To rai>c the llandard ol th~ home u to devale lhe wcl.be..g of the nat>on. The «8•niled study ol d01ne11ic scicnee " comporativdy new, ond there is u yd a povctty ol nocncnclature <401ctrning the work. It is variously called Dccnestic Science. Dometric F..conomy, H0111< Ec:onomies. llou>ehold Science. Home Science. eleetcra. and lhe work in ><win«. dultlllt. ~. •ncltntik:o is SCJ>arotely ct...cd 11 Dome.tic: /\r1, w~ p&lltiOI>, eoo«ry. oocl nutritive ..Iue ol loud is wually cla.K.l u Oomc:>tic Sctcnce. Geocr~lly •1>ukmg. Docnesllc Econ<>my ill(iudet the cornhin•tion ol Dornettic Scicnoc •nd Domoo-
Probably th.- (!lut,..t abJCClooo to the introcluebOD of domeolic economy into the coune ol study ol • ~ ><hool system " that d• oow.n ore a.ocady too lull Yeo. olten they 110
arc too luD-too luD J loci.. U ......, J the. foci. w.« llfidao ,.. lhoft .....,w I.e ._ lor aomc irutru<lion alon8 the lin., J l-"ood uUalion « loocl n1-. AJoo. iooleod cf tead1ing RCOtlfaphy. hiolory, ew a~ 6.o timeo a weft. one cf II- ....- ....... I.e tausht but lour timeo a week and thus occ hour.« a clouLio .,..;od. ......W I.e !lliMd '"'• llruetion in dornc>tic: art. ew lor cook..,. and locd.--a ""'-tJ..tth al tiow lar lhe 1111 I tion ol the WO<k into the aracles. "P..,.>~. must ~ houd and led. dr.-1 and pkued. M., 1-'7 ..... I.e idealiud. 'What we n«<< 111001 • noc to ruLu the idool bul 1o idnl.z,o lhe writer has 11id. "To raite the standard ol oci<otilic JMn,.ro timp1iy pr......., ro into the busin.,. J houoekeqma-tl•c trade « pral...ion. """*- ,_ ..... 1o al il. bal to inttoduce into thi. busin<11-the ....,., ~ and -"occo thoa ......,. Pftfti ia ...... brand•es al economic induatries. muot ~ aci)C)mpliohed and scaaiaa11 aa I.e dc.e ...., through the medium ol the oc.hool." 01 aD the changes btousht about durina the """"-"" ...r.y, lew ' - J.d a lar-reoching inRucnee lew Rood than the prosr.,. made in .a..lli6c coobfy, aad ,.. il looo l>cen and oull is a bittet otruule. The letninine mind it alwoyt _ . ! to iaoor li= Corutantly we hear the llatcment. "My mother 801 alon« wilhout .a.- iD tho Ud-. ODd what wu Rood CfiOU1Ih lew her io Rood eoouchlot me." y.., bultho ,__.,..,... cf.....,. murt remember that their mothm worked in a dilletcnt time and uncl.r clif....,t • Y II rnen had oaid lho.t what wu Rood cnoush lor their Iathon wu aocd CIIOUihloo them. whae would have ~ the boaoted progr.,. <II the century> We obould dl ~ ........... aad cutting gnin with • oc)'lhc. Olton, when diKuuins domettic (tckncc) cconamy in ilo broodcol - · eomcwill oay, ''llut it aU Yetf well but let Ill have .-hina procticol. o...ht I lo '-1 ..,. children cake, « gj-.e my husb.nd l"liW three timeo a day> WI cJc-tic •. . _ toed~ me how to r.ducc my groe<tY biD>" To •uch questicru there it bul one reply. Hwldd economy wal teach the tcknti6e principles ol nutrition and you can opply th.m lo ouil the need. ol your family and the amount ol yow income. II ,..,., ~ ' - IIIIIch pnlloid your h..band .hould ho>e in • day. you wiD \now how much. U,_ uadcntand thr dw... icol eontlituentt <II fooda and their value in nouruhing the body you lillY .,....t.u,. "'- . fliluenb in chup or expau.i\·e form. Thete ahould be tome aptl<Opriate re4tion between a oun'o .......,. and tho ••P<nded on tho dillerent duaot ol hour.chold ....!.. Thcac d...,... d.uott <II h-hold needt are comrnooly divided into fi,.., RCO•ral aubjec.u. namdy:
...a.· • iolt.......,
Rent (car far.. to and from wotk), Oo1ho._ ()peratina Fud. Liaht. Higher life-Boob. Tra<d. Church. Charity. S.•-in,-. U• and Pr"''ftt)' 1. - - . With the <OP<n,.. ao elouified ond recorded. th• houacltc<t~« may study her intdli&cntly. I! &he rcn1<mbero that the prOP<r nouriah!lll'<lt ol Jw.r lamily io .,. .....,bal and that the more ohe atudi<o the pcobkm. the mor• abk "ill ohe ~ to mlar11< .- •••·
abk f<lf ohe »-<4fk<J "hi!lh« life" o/ the fo~• .he will conAckr ~ weD wo<th whie lo g;ve ..,.,. ott<ntion to thit ntottcr ol hoUJ<:hokl bookkeq~ing. A ready·referencc ilatcrn<nt of PMI ond prea<r~t relation• between income and oull!o should be on h•nd at •II lone: very few houtekc<pm ...~... the ..r.. ol thi!. yet • ·id. sreatly in cwhins ext..vagant tures. in find. U\g toUtc:et of "'••tc-. cx ol ardeu upend1tures. The che•pett food ;. not neG...,.riJy th•t which c05b chc lca.t, but thot which oum~ies the moot nu.m..ot foo the ka•t money. The moll ceonCifhical food ;, thot wltid• iuhe cheap. o1 and •I the ,.... time the b..t adapced to the wanli of the C:OIIIumet. Many housewives. wiJt.,g to eeonomite in their c•pcnditurc for food motcriob. attempt only to reduce the amount of food C)( to sul»eitutc ;utides chc~per in (>f~e. n,cir ignorance ol the nutritive uluct ol food. .. ecrnpared with coli prevent~ them from aeecrnj>li>hj,g their ain> b)' ony bet· tor mdhod. fn any coo.odcr.tion of economy there ore three facton: expenditwe of money. o1 rime. and of huma.n coer'S)'. To mu.-rate: ThC1e it no mote nutriment in an ounct: of meat from the t<nderloin of beef than in thAt of the round or shoulder. •nd the market price is t\\·iQc u gtclt. but bea.ute one c:onst1tuc:nt olrhe loin c.ut. the eonneetive tWue ol the meat. ,. more tender than that in the round or shoolde<. the mc•t io av.ibblc to the dixatn·e pro,.,,., ol the hunun body "'"h leu time and cn<rll)' expended in preporotion than would be r.quoed to n:akc • cut of round <qW>ily avft3oble. The j>rop<r mcchcd for making the cheal>et and touLher cut .. digo~iblc u the more Clperui>·c or choice one ia not olwoy• underotood by tit., penon who pia.,. the food of the foroiy. This ,lmott univen;.'\l robconcept~ olthe wotd '"economy'' iJ 1he roo4 ol many mddirccted dfoott for good on the part of lt....,wivCJ. For inllancc, • womM who doc> all cite housework fO< perhapo • f~y of 6ve-th, <ooking. deanins. and much of cite ~ewing--wal rcnwn indoon d...V.g the be.uctlul altc"*"U of apring in ordet that the may have • IWMI<'I' gannenl omom<nted with the r.revailing fod of eydct cmbroideryt She need• oxygen, ouldocr excr<i.e. • change of oeeupacioo. intercoune with people oullidc her fom~y eirclc, the rccrc•· cion or rcll that folo.., • change of activicies, and yet .ftc will remain indoor• from the cimo •h• hat put •-Y the dioh.. of her noon-day meal unti it ;. time to prcporc tit., nexs meal. be· c.usc. through ignor•nce of valuCJ. she tlcmando """"thing which ohe Cllllnot afford in che ex· pcnditure of cirnc and hW'IIIn f...... requited for the mAking. Certainly .he C<~n no more .f. ford to~· her time and cncrll)' to thio "'ork tho. ohe could. pr~l•h· olford co pay for hav. ing it clone. Here is on oppo<tunily !01 the needed otablishmcnt of new valuco.
Even chougl> the hou10w~e moy welt undentond che me<:h•ma of her ltousc···lhe drai..ge. plumbing. •mtibtion, h,ating. ond lighting--there io one more fatlor in the mak;,g of a home whach too oft<n r«<i•<S conJicknt1011 only from • J>«Uniuy 110ndpoint Thio it the furniohing of tit., home. On howe.fumohing from o .. nilory 11andpoinr I ai...U noc dwell but I wnnt to m•ke 3 1~00 fot the much ignotcd arl of aesthctic furniohing. "A home ;. a ha•en: • rO<Ifh for rttreot. Ccruider earduUy the nccch of the home, che purpooe of any rO<lm. •nd tJ.,n pthcr into each r.... only what is needful for iu we." A ~ul thing io ib own ~U~ti6catioo and in wcfulnw •re thc IJ<:ginninp of beauty. Some one 1.,. ..icl. "rl>trc ;. beauty in utility and ucaicy in beauty." Ornomenc on fmnicure. in cite way of mad1ine·madc IU
(incs and camnp. B 0 IC:Uiion iD t h e - d c.ote il ""!'im ila C 1 'he ...... n very bod MI. Ld uo 1101 loll into the........_...;..,..,...,.... cl"on· u picsun,o. ~,.-...a. loneous lnncy articles. Art it ~nly a maUC'I' cl «>>or ud liDo """ lh.oe laaft 0 cSroct dl..a upon the nnvcs and mind. 'Though ll~e 1.-. lh.ot . _ lr- beoud,.lliap ;, • qaiot one. il it tlrong. n .... it • """" cl retduln... whid> niob io .. ._.. and one becomes eot•Kiout clthc dlrct. You may no1 lcnow tlaat eardul "-PP '- beca u•ed in Pl'opoltioning that room. in ~leetMa the colon around ,_ """ iD d.oir - 10 11aaa....,. rn•y dittingui111 objects frorn oath olhcr. that thought hu b.m ~ iD ........... ....._ the p•llrm in the rug. the wO<kmoruhip clthc lumillft, d.., wroapilp cl d.., ~ willa ,.. g.,d IO ""'· Yn(jlnl !pncet, fight and •hade. Evetyonc c:annol ha•e a home in k«!liD11 wilh chcnohcd idcalo. bul h&J- CAN Alnmp • horne. or a room. woth &implicit)', indinduality. and ' - · Looking backward through the hau ol ,.,.,.! dccod.., we ..., a Fm>eh DIOD·d·wat .ncho< at t.he di.tanl AlgeriAn oho<c. Simultaneously wt katd the .ouncl cl ...-...! .._ ond the trad ol mardting loel. A oquad ol Atnttican >oldictt ai'P"•n and ""'-- tlwaa they eony • catkd. shrouded with the mn and ~tripes. Rent~· titoleukc io plo.,od .. the awaiting ohip and, .r... tho firing ol ma•••ry ..lutoo. the '""' IWtJ woslword "" ....... long 1'0)'0110. h <omet IO the Unrled Slal<t, lo oot capi&al. W aohiop_ ood tiwR lhou!And. ol people, lrom the humhktt wogC·f.10mt:n 10 the chid exeeutft-e ol d.., DOiion, pey tribute lo the mcmot)' d an Ametican c:itUen who haJ accompliohcd DO peal ~ r.. hit country nnd ol whom nothing it remembered but thai he wrote OfiC -c. ~ caolcd ._ lained the retnainl ol John Howard Payne. the autho< cl "Home Sweet Horne." 11•e love ol home and the lo,·e ol eountty-the national home-.-e dc.d, ab.. dw dividing line it very laint. We hope that by strenl!lhening coc we rnay 11renatbcn the othtr, and thAn the highett aim ol ed1101ting our d.>ughters ,..;a be 1n1ly luiBtd.
LETTERS FROM ALUMNI Edward j. Engescth. \Vauwalooa. \Vio. Manual ~raining w•• introdUQed into d.., Public School< ol W auwaJooa in d.., fal cl the year 1907. Tho cquipment, which,. • donation lr0<0 d.., Clo.b. eoMolt cl lwei• e double bend•eo. indi,idual ond aen<'f&i loob usuaUy found in a manual ltainina room. dc:mon>ttlltion bench. buu ~>w. and cabin& fe< 6niohed and ..,6nisheJ work. ~ """"' ill which the wO<k it dooc is • 1•1'11•· ple...nl roorn. h•vina 6ve window• lo thr oouth and lour 10 the w<sL In addition 10 the \'octk room. tbete io a ttoek room. • .,indoiOfiC room. ud • di.'f>lay room. The Menoo•onie cout>C ol ttoKiy lo< conttmcbr.n wo<k, ba.k:!'fry, ,..••. _ do, moclding, ekmcn~a~y bench work. ,.;-,.. cabinet makint. and m«lwUcal drawina haa been introduced ond h•• mel with appro•al. The 10Jiallalion ol d........., ~ io b.inc agilated 01 the P<etenl time. 'Inc work in thio oommunily it decidedly aareeoble. Thio may be attnl.utrd to the
•liM lrilllfl:if .,,.j;floft~ tlill!lutt ~l·~·l hr
.M)!l•ll~: h•tli'••llt Pll•ll~P~U I1H IIi~ lutm~ lfl'H
~l,{J ~lltthh
9; (110!1011> Afi~&llolli'o flo~, l1o tlilkillt•Hl' oliO tlili•Jun~ !lit· wutk 111 M~lih~l •Jir,li,!i!li! 8A!II,Jmnl'dif !J~i~n~~ "nd Att mUl• jJIIht. '>'hO<ill ~ ill ~~·II Ul~A!Uf·d, ~~~vt!lujlf:l~ ollld·1 1ih!lll~ fl1l(Aftlbd lh~lll ll ~·· inq,;.,u;.•• I[! h~t ht••· ru.r.... IIWhi)mbrt rll li<ii~lifolt ·m~llly•d hoi) lvohoflll•n ,~ .. Jouu~~s . 11~1 .~ • Moti!llll Alii A~tllil~li>•lu IVII!<Ii toW>11 •lllt'li llliTUHlh liJ dl•.t.lll:i ¥~11!1UI ·~II~f(iiil•li• ,.r, Jm., tJ WGI~. . . • .. l~audiliH!11 li~or lot~it'll.lli tll•l tho l!ll~lio rifillM...~ ·,il,llitlillifl~l lt~lilllllf in lit• •~!\IIIli~ i'lil· ~'"'' ,,j ''"'~ tln•<IUt•ilhi Ill lllr•iji oil· IU ki·~foi1t" wllh tho ili'•lll Ailrl ll•.o~mlli!llhJ' llii!Jh,. ,;lo••'lt ilo•• NI1Ui<t1 ~ IJo;Jey, !l~lil~t.llJHii1thto (:~lil~nll~, lrolll
Uot• .~ lite lit!JII Unl)ofl~ilii~•IIUI~« ulilo~ l4titdilf~ofl~ll i•~r~Jtl I"Jil~rJ011!1 b !lin t•ll·
ltdfluiiU< ''" .,,uHf;~"' Wo11lht. J!·ill 1\oult!L ~~~tllJiiofh It• lit~ l1ro~ht lomMii, rtittl tJihar
pl~rt• !ii lillo!ril Me n•llli•1tl. 'I Ill· k[od~fild!Wh hiiV~ iJifitf. )1~!1.11• ~Mtt~ n.tW•1JIJ10rWail~ I(JJ <~lil!lilRt ~lfft>< ~ml ftl~.~p;il' tl~h>blt !lo~l!t!Q ~litl l!',r 1~\\'~ 11t" ll~~i·1 MIIIIJ itttlt~l'l ol ofloll»111t~ I ·t~¥1) lWollliV llll!lOI•I'~tl!l\1~ f 1o11i dill ~·" l(IWII fill !)~,, [lll\ii illll ,,,. diJ~~'
''~; I;
lit': lliHhll~
dttillh•• Ml fJ\ril 1111 ,. l!Stdau tllol ho '*\a ~iire Ellt •Hie rJ~lllltlft II !hlllo~telll
hi ll~l,nt~t'l'o
I ~~~. liW r., ll;•OIU l~olh llilif l~ntH•OII!•: 'l't~;,l{lo,r ~~~~llow hO~ot 11liliUI (U~Iil
i•~l hi· •i~lil ~~~~ lum1." IYI:ttJ~u rtiMfijlfh Ia ·~~~ll Ill~ li\tid i••lil ll; ln~IP~i ihP. ·hihli"h hnm Uw stili,
dJr, ~,d .um
II•••• l1 ~
t'~lolirk Mwvu od,\V,nJ~•Illlt• 1 111, 'I'll~ !I lito· fiJii11~No (il I)(,til!:!lit $fi~fl•!' lti \'l~ll~~l)illh 1{.\Ullidrlilbl~ fiJlt![oJIIf&Hfll€1 lb ililu.lll.tli!Jtl lit ilor O<fi,.J•, hmt •• ilhm~, OIH'll~!lir· ~~~~•~• I(Hituijli".!fo 1f\\.•1 ~~Hit 111 ~o·l~~lit •nd t>lllklliit ~lr· lf<tVII"tlll; Iff, ar~tJ~~·•tnd l\111V•HI1 ol~ OffPII·d ill Ill~ tlfl~lt ij~hoil1J ~~ '""'b lltili! ofal t<lo~JI IJ,;,~ iillltil "' H•~ 111 ltlh~t 1Jiolhitl1Fi, 1\t jllri110h hl\•111 lllil~ ~l•ul [Jtoon••\le llil~fl., ihl\)1 f•l! lw ofJoW>tllilfllll' MtlfllliiOil•ll·ll· W6 ~"' rl~lilllil~ J. lljj,d ¥.1'~11tfolom· t!luih 1H~ol1 w!tlr t•~>•Jol ~ltJ!illVttl. Wotl~a~ali 11 111 lii\'ll h lllil~ l•h~h ~d111tll IHI~ll• lllit l•lildi wdf hr ~...t•·i<~llllr ••llfnth~tlloo •"liV ••O·ttit t~ll<tlll~e ~Oiilfo' IJI 'bmu•lli~ f1J'il·m~:,
J•l·t. M•llll·~Ji li~h, ~liV• 1111·~\llfi . IJ1H1< ·" Hu <\Jifi' fh lit~ \;l[lftn1 1~1·~·~ thiJ jllllliflllill-. foi n wsrli61 Ill Qlriliu.l l{oiHtlll~l l¥lort ~!lulU lit. bitlhtfll oloil t(~;-~\11 ill ~~~~IIHl]ll~ riP.ItF h1Jllb111 •od 1F•i11Mhlmtl ~1,.\Yr M~ Ro111h li•~.lir ll111h lh fJtor,.>olh tvl~ll\lolliltt!OIIWJ "'J•PH~I\J' Ill lt lltla\fl t.Jil'~otl1 l, .illlli iiiliilt~¥1 u, f••·ll ltlr d•ut' lu ~~~~~~~· l ·ur '' tim~>nly tn\1· 111 lit~ ln~ll JAhuHii of tl;lo y;<Uun til 111\o j~~~~. j 1111\'o~o'll II (i~H t•Jiht~t PHH~oiflr fllflll <lijih ~· l(lolllll!l!; frttllo illlttilo hi ~~~l· liU itl ul flit• \\Ill~ •••d l>i~nllitllfh Ito [j ~Ill j,,: il Htf!ttlAIA\1>1'1)• •~JY lal~ Illto~ 1!6~J11f· hPI•'• ijj t•VtiJ'· WitH>, •!I" fH]hr,~ l t r illtll" Wrlioof \t{Jj k ltl lh~ lllllill~ jl hllilli. ill
II•••~ k II I• wHit
N•~<h•• ll•h """""' N....,oh W1o
"''" lltijiK whlo!h I "'" orttlo•~t f•• ho• ,,... lftl• tl,. """" ~ lltlt t•IH>~It• '" 11.. '''~" wldrlt lo '"'"' ;..II ""'''' ,..,. '" ot..t!lt• • Pll•t• M-1
'l'triillltl« ~1111 hittflt:!llt Ill 1~11~~ "''"" tollull
lit~ "'"'"''""' 11..1 M•l·••lltlllltt 111 M~w~~~~..
lbl l~tl wh~tt ~ l~<w t<IUt ••lkftllt ""' ~lhttnlall•, ""'' ,J,i;;.....l M1 lllil"t'• 1111it' ,.. "' ho~w lu ~·t tiiH.UI [1. \Ve 11•11 • llt>HI.!l ~I l do,.l lbJ,;.I; •l~~titot 11,. · - - tltot• liol ttlf~Jillo tlllll hm•-111 ••~i'll ojtVto<t~l of lit• I''""• oll•l .;,t., fii'Pl"'"' ••• "' 1.. """' """"" jHt'ilhlo• -Ill!~ 1,..~1 oUIMriiiUioht>olhlpl In ••111~1 ,., ll••h• oA 11,. ""'' lloio '"' "' ., I• htlill lhll tt!!ll~/ 111 nu '"I'" 111 lhll tll·d MIIW•O~t+ tti•Hn,., lnl>~t<i 11 ,., ~~<••I io; thlt ... o.,., ~ lhr ololr Ihot >IIH ~-<1 i• •lll<ilY thiiii•IHrly ...m•• l
'I ~ It••+< It•• ko•.
1111· IIIAIIU~I lrolllfotM wt!tlt Ill Iii~ ••h1•1ft hi l~t Ht• it 1•1!,_,_, ll101o llf c>l~hl IY~Ifi .. ju~4t ih •YI!IJ~h Wui!IIIYoilk It 11111.111 Ill tUII"tll!>ol Itt lh~ Jotlll Iii~"" _,,.., ,..,rtolh olttl ~iollth ottllfl't llnrllittH~ !tlltHJI~ fll-oUofl • •• h "'""L, I h~ot• ... """ •"'''" l~ltihl• 1\.,rrih loot lirn.li~-< r>..!t rihtllli• 11..,.,,,,,. ••111,.,,..,, fl"• t....t•o ••• .,,...~..,! llilf y~~J. I IUIItlil tit• wdr\ ~hr;, ~I !!Mil lii<li!ill• "" t•411'1)1tttt•ut •1111"'1"~""'"' '"' t..lt• ltll: 1l1liloh IIIII• ulllt~ lllljlliiiMIIllltlifli~ihl WI' ~lUll lit~~~~ Wc.o k lh lhr llht,lc llhu:vllo .l~ollli' Mn lt;ttiutl olloltlil~ Ht..ntlo !11111 tlo• !Ito.,. '"'~'' lltl' • ""~ltoo••illot ll1• •l>lln" It" tiWTth·•l iltuln• Ul•l..ti~M ,..,. I lo• .... 1o tltthl jJtiMol~fHk '"' " 111• or•4ltf fiUUo.
\V}IA'I' MAN\.IAL ~lii(AIN INIJ ~Ill Jlll.f~ HU I•~ lit till\ DHIJI Nr\1\'' 111 ''
/l01 uttllll ll b•hlk <~ld 1\lthr j:lr•••il iij"" -haUl 11:1hold Hollrtlna •• • ,• .,.. ,.~~o lot • il~~lihr~td lh~llh~f" •H·olll {0 b.,~ l~ollll. lh~t \lit loutl~ \~ltll• voill fb fi,• hut IIIJ,. r<jl.,lt Itt lrtll• 11 flode. IIIIth b~ IH1•1 II h ~ ftlll!M~!' tu ll'tjllltt- otU lttot• 1\1 ~~~. lltf ltl<ttllollttlllo:itt.
tmu•c- I H '" .-~ 11 llt•t• I• •"''h"'- ill "'""11.11 lhlltt••• !kat 1<
'''"'" l•hil.. '" '''" ••,,.... ,
Ill th~ UtdHiftl ~ hc:h ltil~riu MI-l)' ht~l ,.1 1olllttllltohl•o111 "111 """''"'' ..,,,, ri~. ~>lllo ••UI ••·h•it·oWt' Ill olllf jtolll<•l\1~1 llt•'Ut••Uuulh~tl\~ in<\•hollut~ '"lwh II• hN'i>!ttrt • ltt•u. Nil .. ·~ ··liiHiit•tt j, '••IHIII>II• "··' lli•rt "''' lill~lklt '"" """'"'' •4 ,,,.....~ •• ol>lll~l... lit~ cl•••l••t•t"• ·~ 1i1!1 .~ lnt••lltt ""'"'••••'"'• tl...,tl:l I j,. h•n·ll••• .~ ..~ •••I II:OirtHit !11 W·lt,...\~l•d tr•illit hr< ,.,,,.,,. tk'inro< od liMt.lol ..,,1 ol-\l•to!t 1~ ltohol •n•••l Ill~ Ito ihl• ,"'''illPtiW t~lilw llto~t·•,..• lllll)ltNI ~lttl lho dh~,.,.., ~~ "" 1~•• r '"'''""I " 'ltr11 A olnM" t!lltlt.o lt~ltllh• tipht .. n,.. ,,r ltl• 1"~1"'' '''"'" lh~ l•h ... t., .. 1... """' ''" '"" thi.... h•l~!l' (,,. II•• tl!lolt~lh( 111111 til~ '''lUHI 1•~•1 h• tni"l lhol~ lhlotl 11 lo• h ~J~o· k tl..- Holtl
f"''"' '"
1 d~·· oint I •>Iii<It llt•l!ll 1 •Hd lu11> Ill loft! lltr lh•l tl•• oltlol HI,.. >\>M 1•• "" 11.,. !.11 o·dll."• 1\t•lltlld, hr 1111111 otl -·nlok•lll• h411111ln wlc.i lli< mlt••l tlh .. t• ~· • •••Ilk t4 lhr lhitl~ill., lilt,. (~Ill hltllt ~~ tllJ•o·l~tlo th• •UJJ~i ltOI lHtl li"IJl]i.folt 1Mt•·•il1• l•t It llll~hle l~ 1 tlol lhll IIIi holllh ht dh II hKI j,;, lllhid •lilt of•
~' e"('" '" ~&rnflk- a ,,eul.l("rn lit tl1it u;-.:rUJtn A(.lfTH' mr-ntal .a( h Ytly and mute"uLar con · uul. h '"""kf , N 1uiu• rnurc eM f.uth tf lht• dirc"C'tk~tu Wl"'(t" l u fetid tin" tiMIIt t'tlgc.- nl tltc papM Ill""' ohr 1.-h ed~·· m•~.., ot.• nl~n n••~<KI<. lor ,,,., noJu,lr. • new rl!"1nrnt ololocMJ""t and ,. ""w u.nd.:tac)n to IH" mtl I h.tt \HI.Yltl •Ito 111\«" 111 M'KKI tlt'1Jit1Ciumty hi tntruducr tht- word ..,.uu1<ted•·" to tht• e~lldtl. whtlt llu• tr~Jdnrr nt>r•l• tu u•4" it wuh l1im ottttllfu: d,~d hat the mun• "J J1:a.ncl In 1u~•,ullr ••• mrantn.,. tmd for111 tl1r JliOJl("r cuuu·ph Mnnu"l llt•inin~ -lumld furnith t"\p(":ht"Mt"'t ht ¥o}uch tltt" 1..-ry can 1Ju1kl Ult • 8Jr'"l ml'JilY 4.ontrph. C(NitTIIIJ arr liM" lrJuh• of ('.JJ)("rit·ntn. anti ;l fjf'f1on't JH$Ift"K"III ~ntJ Ql,jJlKm• tlerK'rHI lar"rly UJ.Hifl thco ~tnd ul etn· "'"Pb fl,., h.... J\t tQCJn • • thr IJOY lw-KUU IU trl'tl .. l\.ttl. llf' l;r.Un• t(J dun~~ tu clflllhn«lr. lu I C!.a-IC.lfl. ouul h> tHoduck ,, . 11r- IK«"'- "t:•dt., hr tt;wr• '" fOt l(ll(l ~·•h phytteal '"" "'- u hr would ~u11Jrdl. cllff"l.t I'I IH-1 "l'fJI)' th"te fuu·t•. IH" wu•t llllt•I•Tf tht' 1.•w• hy whit!h tln·y 1u n f(Uvtmrd, I hw th,. 111111110Jt e;ltll<'" ryto ancl tl1(' h11rul 1rt~tl on thr nund. /\t l1r JUt~(·rc.h whh l1f• Watk. J h,. t...., nclf thvoal1t llllttf-•1, •f hn VttUo.lfuaiMHl ll.lJ nttl IH"tn f'flffrt l. .I hf' fl,,. O\f"''ltM).f"d any '""' ol oh• tllon. tl,.. WNk tdb. "llu,. th~ wmk o>l "" horodJ • for'kJ up the wo.rk <tl lu•mlnd MllnU.tl IM/11 n~e .itWlfl h,.J,, du• IXJ)' t fJ lt"fCtw,nilf." vrim tl..lc• whrt~\ n h(" fmiD thrm. h .thould m,,\,. d1v~ Jtnrt<tpf,.,, lr.trnrd 111 tht- lttntlt~m,. work, ffltM"f' r'"·'' lo lum l,y JNf"tf11tinw thrm i.n n l tlfltr('lt' \\'ltV, F (1f u UI /IHt;'r, thr huy luat 11-lune<lm K~mrtry tl11a1 h¥r) hilmgl!*'lltr ..m~.ar "'fw." 4n Anp:lr ul qtlf' n t'IIU•I tu thr art$dr Ill ~n6Chrr 1tncl tf,,. h\'ft adJi'Cf"UI ~rt llf' 1•tCJ9'MIMHI ,1 llr h" ,,f~ le.:~.rru•,l ""'' wh.-n thr h~HrtcJio~clu• *KIM ,J two tno\nl(l~ ,.,.. pro. fjtJfl)(,n~c~l. tlu· IJUUIMir• !H.. 1UniJ,r, Vt ,... rC'\Y lu,y• (('lfWmhcr tht-4~ IJtt?pn•lhtnu. or have any ut.tiJir un<lrhl~tJK.hniC ul tht'fU, -.mvlt llrt·Au•e llu·y clu tH~ ~et"rn rt<ttl h1 1hnn~ Nww, tl '' o1 wrll knu~n facJ th.tl lit(' t(.t'Ntrr rrUJniJ('f ul \tf'!W I*"'• fulfn wluc:h • lac:l " ,&IJI"If'~'" hnJ. th,. J,,.ll,·t it 1• umh•utuiJotl AmJ 1r tlmtf'd m tlw nnnc.l. Lt•l tilt' rnalhr mtttktl f.-n~ I h... H•JU•I I IIJINJ , ,,. tii"IJBJ.~f'lu••tllr•,t111 thr vicM point or pnu lito"' \\'(111 n• ctf thrcK)' •nd tl!f'Y " ' ' t;r runt rnhrrttl. CtYf' the 11(1)1 ~· prrthk-m ut" thiJ: J arn hUJltllllN ft IMHt..- twmay. rwu f,.ri Willi'". 01nd I W;llll th,. '"Jk,. It, ~H' ltUtr f,...,, h1)tht..t th.m tlw rot\'rJ, l .oy n.tl ~and t UC \\ ''"'u •M toifh·"' f.,, tltr lu•uu·. \Vht·u tht• l..c·~· w<·~ th" hypotlrnuuh' c)f 11 tif(ht trir.nKir whotr h.._.,. IJ f'lnrn (N't "'"I whcH dlettucJ<' u """"' f~"tl, ltr t.., 1\ t lur tu thr .alu1.aton. lit> n1uta th...-u ,,.,. th 11 it urml•r hl.ut$41,. u fl~~rmed l;v l~t)'tnM tltf" Jlrd lliiH!Ut' nn t),.,. r~ftN wllh Ih.-. ninr me h m.u~ t~f tl1c M(tdr j111d r11r:vl"n md• tutuk c;{ tlw l11rndlr nu tin• ~""' t•c-IM~ ctf tlw rnhf"l: oh•t th• hi.. d. ••d h•n•llr "I tlor "fU u• linn J>f>r<'C I ~'" Iltv nnKit·• 3 1 wl"' 1, thr rn<h "' thr · ··""' tnUtt 1-rl" (U' f lolf'I4J IJy lfl#' .. '\lflf1M nil lwth.- c.Jutan~ ,., rcru•l ••• tit.. tlntAA((" hriWN'tt thto """' u~h ""''~ Uft thr M.\dtt .-n~l tl•r rkvt n uu h mnrk '"' tlrr lhuullt-. fH.. t4f'l• th<' lrnttth of llw
\Vhrn ~J l,.,y J..,, ~lud.,.d tin• oul.ltf" Jt,., J clflr ·~nf" tit(IOtf 1r.a•c-m1rt~...nd wi1MI I~ 1... ,If)' J,rrff.lflll"d tftr WfM k '11 f fJfflllli( IO fu, trJK MlUII(, Anc:J 1f1r III(C r..t f11, l1r ~flOWI tfu•l he tt I ttrrrc I ),blh lfl lt•31Wtlll!l., om() "llf"C ul~t. Jf,. W IJI tiCJl (clft((!l tfuo W"HIIIfllfitt~J flrltWilllt,, br• ' 'tl'" l,r flu flJI)r{).,H lt"d llu·ru from thr •l .. ntftHllnf ,;f l•••th lh~m}' • nd llf<H.Ikr:. llr l111 , ... 'rnr-c:llht> quptr1tl•on and tM• Kl\'..-n th,. t•,.rrl.thY,. t\l''"""~· lf1r fl'tyd1~ttf'K'"I t )del' (:lQfn· U! IU
'''"It !Ulrlthr farl " hn.
The IJoy ai~<~Uicl be t~u.t>t how t~ """"""' "'"''" W1lh wt.h hr. c - • ...._. .re moJo from the m•ICrU.I. IJ't ltlrn pthn thr. motrn•l •nd mok• • p;... o1 clolh. ............. t .. t ......... ~•• ""''" and ..... il Wlt(l • ""'"'· ..... . . " ' " ' wrlh '""'- .... thr L.ook. ·nrrrt Itt him mok~o ,;~.,, or • bndtr" Ill wr•xl. """· "' •......,.. 9Wd on.,._, nrakr • lrip h•mmer. or • trlle drivn and lriteh 11.- nr!Pn• "' i1 wC)(Id d full til cooc1 "'"""'""· <t - io noc .., - " ....,. - ohol <""•• it iJ whAI we ohall ornit for l•ck oltimr. Anyth"'M th.t io Wllhm • l.>or'• ai.Liy ond cant,. <l<Nre the way it io door in tire ind~»~ri.l world io w1101h wh..... S...r d • ..........lr 1o - • • oil tlrr thirrfl' ol tommon u<r, IYI)IC;ol u•mpln .lroold !... ...ltcl.d. F01 .....,..!rr, !h. ....... of • rnight ''" cuc><l u • IJ,,.;, for ttndrmsthe ""'"""I' ol monul.<tuma lohnn. A..in• .,..,ntJko olroold lor S<l..:trd with rtfrmro• to ~...1 II 11,.. hoy tm. ..., !h. - . lroaiJ. fi•hmR •nvll..ne<o and th•tll' ollh•t otdrt rJ..,.,Id ,,...,.. _.,.J mrr1>- ...... 1.. 0 1J-fjY who livrtll• a minlnJJ ccrnmunity, mine ,,rc,Jut t• •nd mintna nJ.tc.)unn 1nd mdhodt thwld u:ed•r moot att.,tion. ·n,;.;, nol only 1-..u.,.. the 11<1)' wrll JlfWably " '"k o1 II- .-... hut lrer;ruH: hr nh•dy k,..,., IOflrethin~ ol.oot '"""'· ond .-1 t•••h"'l 1-....t. lnrm If... known to thr rd•t.,d unknown. Monwrl lfllinma rJIQUid nUl ooly &r>e tl,.. tx.y • ~nuwi....JI!t' otllotol oncluolt.... bul oloo ol otlrur indoutrin thot ouPJ>Iy tlrr thin~· .,, cMtnh•l to h" eomfU(t a111l wrB I><'IIIP ·n,,. l...y ohoukl lor llu~ht to dtr WO<k •• the way drat thr anioon d.,... ~ IA't him budd • tAblr, • eh.ir, "' a nral lunr one! I,., willloo•r a h111l"' ,....,.._, kot tl"' "01._ th.at mok~ tlorm. /\} l'rr.ltl•nt H~voh "Wr lr••• '!'<>~en a J!l<al clrol ~l,out thr dlfiii~Y ol lotx.. in thit roonu,., lrut wr lra>r nol a<lrO Ill' to wr ""'~"" wotd, leo< in our "'-'""' w~ lrovr IJfOCcctll'\1 up<)n thr ""'"'"'"""' tiM I the r<lutot..! n,.n fflUCJitO'<I away from w..,.." Now. I tlrirok tht~ enryoor will ovrec th•t thit 0. not whal ~~~~~hi t•• lrr <lu,..: 1.. """'· m<Mc than" any odH'f tim<-. Wr n~ ..!ueot....J t.lronu, ln(tl " ' " ' " - • • " " - ' thr [)ou..., Couuni"i"" coli• "lntlu•ttiol lnlrllill"••"'· ll<lwtr In IC'e hcyoocl lhr •••l whitJr "' <IJI*'I thr loami for lhr 11111111•nt. to the ·~lt'tationo whio:h lo11r p<rtfflrd and thU'r wh.,lr ...tl loolll>w d,· • f>IIIIJI<sl lrO)t' .n.J ~ COOte;icnrr which I<"<<>&Jiilf't OOiraationo. It oh<IVIcJ Jl•< """ 0 .......w ... uf thr ~te31 indu~tirol or~onit•tluno tlr•t pl•y "' irntiOft•nt • ''"'' ., ""' oor:r~l O)'tlrm, m "'d" tu undci'Oillnd tl ... _,.l.ondtticwrt in -.lutlr he 1;,..,. omlto drol 01t..Ui4Jnr~y .. ~h thr Jrul.lo< prohlrmt ol h1• li:rnf'. AQoin, rn••ll•~lt,.lninK olrr>ultl tr~on tlor hoy to rrruJ!IJlle ~und W<lf~m•n•l•ltl and ....,.1 deoi~rt. By hcinM t•uahl to do KOO<I "'"~· ""'''"'"'II "'•butll'd ., tl>r l~rnt~>ko cl •-' dr o1K" · lr~ ohoulcl ""t""~ " oenl<! .~ b""'"'>'· ""' ond •PI""''"•ten-.o olth.,.., .., t... ,.,tt no4 1... '<~"t~.d to Ol>tllll gOO<I "'''""Y fur hod orti<let,· bod, l>rr•""' .~ foulty c"''"ructw01 cw • dctign. Monuol trninin~ oh011ld futni.lr th~ hoy woth cnl>lrMh • •t"'"""' r ., dlll"cnt ~rn.J, ol io.Ju"r;.J ""'~ tl> cnahlrlolrn to thO<It<' th< n llin• lo• J,.. tht 1"<~1<11 •trtrtud<o f.,.. ond •"• hirn ,,,...,,,,.,,,,.,.,;.,., 1...- th•t uU••M aftrr ho h.. rh...., ~ Ilia II> tn th• '""" olroul;l he of •uch • M<nrrnl droH\Ucr u tu '"'"' • h• .,, f,. Jr,. lottr lr•m'"M· '1 Yl'"'' ..00. triol t•ubkn" oJ,...,Jd ,,. ,,,.. '""~«' of lludy ;, thio """"' •nd ,.,Jy .... h ''""'""""' ..... r«oKni,.,.J hy the hrtt wookmrn ., tl'<lrnr..Uy <orr~~ •hwld bf' tau,ht
"'>' ·
M"""'l hu'l•••• ''"'"'LJ •lfffhf'l In ,,.,.,j, tht+ h••1 ,.U tltf'! t.f~tfl!h uf • l r•rJr, II " tutJ•"'•"4•1r m .. , l•uulttl vt fk'IJI'• ,.lifull/1 It trl t.l ''"'"' Jtulttllf' 11'-tl,l,.. M't•hOf ,.,,.. tn tit" ~t1rl•m!.. •ul'''''' lltl ••u•lmn ,~,Jiul lt~tntl m llif"t.l't uf lh-ol•, tft,. J~'w' ' tu Jtf~itdtll u•u•l11• tit"'~ ,J,..,J,., "'""" ""'"· "''*"J ,J.,.."' •"'""'" n-.H IH•.-ofl•, ,f tl •u•lrltt fuul 111 lf'fff• tun ~t•lri. tiHfln•tndt f,, IWr-t" tl.• 1 u ...nlltf 14nt11Jtt- 1111 pfttlt ll, '" Ht~Vf!!l/' ltn f tfJWf"U amJ
l n.,..J.,.,J~·
"'11,, ,.,..,
11 KIH,..
l~tll(t f111u l
,,,.. ,., "'".. "'~',. .u,,..f w'"~n'"'''"''· ••llf•f,f,.•ttu """J '''' ''••mh· ,J
•ttd f•lllill,lr• f ,, .,.,,.
,ur,..J hlnlf
l11w tmln•tn ..l t•ttrflil.l"'nf~"• II lu~• ,J,,,,, l11m lllllf" k'"'''l thttn llu· lt·,.dtllll( uf lltr tltllit•l• ,,, 1 h,..t~ -. ••""'' It hu; ,Jt"'~ •I• .Jmv J,y '•''"
{lit\ HI I
1\ IJHI X t..l l!l, I'IIIII
111: tdil,.t.l •lon lo~o •ll<rwtd '"" ' ''"' ~ 111 dr• nl~·• •• rh..l "' .,.,..,..,.
trr '''fi11Mlt •·•fttlhlro-. lh olo• 1•>1 1~•••.11,., "'""'' loo>' • • .,..... ''" ' ~" w~h mol• • lrrwoul "'"'' 11,.1 lluo ..~.,., • .,~.,..,J .,.., tho '""' wo.ul<l ~. ... ''"" ''""''"''" '"' ,,,. ,......... r4 .......,. ,..,.~., ... fUUirit. rlt, f;ut ~tilt )'IP\1 to rtalt/fl 1h4t yrllll t :tb I1Jtl 11 I•.I"'•J t U4 ynlr• ''"'
'• ·n.ey h••~ • MWI JohtrhrKI•J•Io, rol• <•11'1 ~rtl • 1eood vh•rl•tp•l~' unlrto ,,., hoo• 1
• MtMJ llt'tt~tf\1,, •uti )'t.rll U .11'1 1«'1 • •'""'' nt-tt.tllt-r tiriJ~-. ,.,.,.11, unU... ~'"'
lun.-" "ttfttlflf't .,...~l.t." llli.m,. '""' Nt ... lt J o.,~·· •ur ..... c4 tiHt t... ~ .. ~~·~d· ,f. ~-·· lolr; rf tlottf " anrllowol iu 11 1h11 •""•••• ''"'· WJ't 11,., H...J~ 1!1 lilt' - "'"' " ol tJ,.. l,..,j r4 tft, ti~'-JAilftM Ol N1 Whkh that f~il-tilf •J1~AfJ, ft111 M-fti ~~..AIIIIlt JAJO)'I Wtf" ... ~ l lf }ltWf •• Inn•• wJ..,, II'" tid nlf•IIIIIP wtr• hrkl. ''"'' '"''" oU "'"~"I lottldullr. o~~tl dl" '""'" ....1 tl~"'''" on olmrulotu • ~~ u...J~. lltlli~trll•flr 1hlt. t•lhlf', lhr lltr-.hy vi ~dllriM trill on lnnU•I '"''" ,., .,. rrll 1 onJ ~ rr tjUIIM W••~ 11..J lh•l Wl•k !JlUtl 1... oll•o• IIIJI•ld• r4 ttl liN~ ....... II tJ..., ........,. .......Iill ....... """"'' "'"" ... Ulltnl' ,.,....~ ..... " tl.. , ...... nu-l ,A :!1•!111 lnoi~UI'. an<l d io "" lrltl• •••l to •r•lt~Miv• •" tl~r otl1Tt4• o .~ tJ,.. "'"~ I•• •
JrttiJIIut~JO ol tlrlo ~.itl and n<>1 rr,.,l•••• """" dtl•~ W, ~~~,. thAI 1l11t ,),.Q!... tho ~rol tA on otlllulll"''''" oiKIII l,y lho &11k• do,. •I :!1...,1, oud tit• I totlt OltnU•I ,1,.11 lo• l.r•" "'"'
'""~' •• '"" ~·~~-~
" '"" 1o..~ rn• ""' lot '"' '''"'~· '"'' ~.,,, ~ '''' ,.. ,ltllll~ '"'"" J ...,,.. bmt" frPU Ul.JJ l,p ei.J~ ty "~ iJ ''AI a J'o'Wtl ..JM.'JI Of II,,, _,ofW"'\th'U'fJftt•tlll(f"'lft
r••• ,.....,......
II• ., o.h n '"'"· yw ,,.,,. thru '"" '11'1 ~""' anou•l a till a ""... lulo•r• ,., """'"'' ••t<Oil '""' th I'Oil"t onr.l Y'"" !fi'IIKKT fl.tol• l101 k Ill tl.., OIIJI>II rol<l rloyt ol 51,.,,, tllfn 14 1.., fulf,llrol •• trurr~ '"' w• IJ'tiY w~h •I lu 1.- lh• nlttltum by whklr wr ton rtoU<• toolJr'OI!oli-• " ' on<l lor•~•irt wlih <1111 lntll!h .,.,1 lrlluwo til JIJOCI.
Alma Mater Clothes For Young Men and Men Who Stay Young
Savidusky Brothers Dyeing and Cleaning Co. Fancy Dyers and French Dry Cleaners.... Renovators of Clothing for Men &Women i\loo llowchold Cood.. ouch "' O.imtal Rugs. ~.... O...pcn.., c1c. w. mAk< a ._;.!ty ol Dty Oe..,ina Lad.:s s.n.., E•..,ina 0.--. and lmpott.d Cowru. Ladies •nd Crntlnnc:n'• Su1tt Pr~ on .bon nohu. Work called lor and ddneted. Clo,., deon.d.
Snively Bldg., Main st., Menomonie, Wis.
Phone Black 68
Mabel: Look •t thit srand "'mt~«. i.n't it clone be.utdullr> Ma·~ Oh. isn't it sreoU Why, • • just worked pe{eeti)! \Vhooe it .0 M.bd: Youn. Puule:
Where'• Rip'• lrotem~y pin)
This is a little comer in the " Monte" where we get our good things to eat. We eat here because the candies, lunches and ice cream are the best in the city, and all home-made.
will also say that Stecndahl Bros. have been very accommodating in catering to we Studes. 101
School Supplies Stationery Kodaks Photo Supplies How docs Anna 111.\ke 1he l,.,h) I hc&rd An.,., 1c8 uA s>t«e ol 1001> meal boOted till grey In • <hoppina howl you lay, Scropo cl bccl and end• cl h..n.
The Peoples' Grocery HEADQUARTEit~
Staple and Fancy Groceries Fruits and Vegetables in Season White H orse Canned Goods Nont- bt:tter. h•ndled exclu•hdy here.
Funk's and Davidson's Chocolates In
l'• ch~r•
•nd lJulk.
CERMECOL Oneapp!i-
cation rdiev~ the ndun~.
M,..·, FWfll.lah... Good.. H.o. Cap. ·rrnl t. atld
c...t.. £WTYthinc tht
UJ~·I~Ihe.n~iaut~ art"
11 (Off'ftl
in Me••• Wuf ••
and other akin daseatea due to gcnns-S.rbc:r'a Itch. Ring " 'orm, Scald Head, T ettcr. and is an elfectual agent for Salt Rheum, obstinate Scrofulou• Sorea and Ukcn. Mailed for $1.00 by
We Are Outfitters For Particular Men ............ b. ....,,, dr.-.1.
mo~t ca<escur~
P''" th•t
Of;bt. Ollr p.r*tt' totf -..lllh f'eoth .~
MF....OMONIL. ll.L>
Mutton too. and 10111<timea lamb: <J.op up lin~ thai -k qUite oJo,.., G.-owly ..Jd.,r. H;rO. When IIlii qlllle tlwhy adcl a d.uh Of ..11 and P<PP<r-thaa is lwh.
C ity Grocery
Rri.IARI.I H .. l.I.IR 01 AUk I'
for ) our
W atches, Jewelry and
Optical Goods
Candies Staple and Fancy Groceries
We al.o CArf)' • 11ood line of the Best Mu•icalln•humenl$ and Shrt't Mutic
Phone Red 4t
Main Sut-ct
A. 0. Cl<t<, Prop. 161
Drawing Materials Surveying Instruments
We m•k• • ~hy ol Dr»•ing Su1>plic:> for M•nuol Training School•
Dietzgen Waterproof Drawing Ink hao established a new standord of per!<!<:tion COMPl.ETE C;\TALOC
CAN YOU IMACINE Mr. Button omoking n pipe} Clyde BowrMn rMrri«<} Mr. ArMnn leaching paper ond t>Jdbo."d} Charley K• .,.nough in • hurry}
School Shoes require extraordina.r)' ilamin_!'. EsJ)«i.llly U: thit lruc on Menomonie's
bride w•lk.. We have oil our .hoe. bua1 wi1h over weigh1 Rock 0Ak Soles and cxtr. heovy IOJ> piece. on 1hc heel.. That i• why our >hoco keep their mape ond give •ueh ovlendid s.crvice : : :
Graven & Wilcox 111£ 5110F.I>IIil'l ft.blll Surd
Mt~M-. Wil<Ofl.tio , I (>I
T........... ._..._" ... J.., _. _._ ..... ...., ~ _..., ....,......,., .... ,._.. .,.,.. " ..... _ ... _JW.a. (')r.....o• Ouh r.,.. :-.,. r-.. 5 ..... "-... 8oil.l. t .....,. - .-.,. .... .n"-.... ,,_.,.,. r.. ,. . .
c- ,_.... .... -....... HCW YOPU<
•-'"'• ... .a..-........_ ... CHICACO
When Buying BelLing Look Well To Quality Ia . . .,. ~ pnc_. •
tNt • .-lei eoc
"* "'"""',_ •<h bdboc 0.. d4n-. • l>htt" bd•m. l...o au.lr." ollw-itma u _.n .o .,.._. •• d~f b. tk
ift qu•l•r r&A be-.
0... bd1
• fr-w ~• ot dolbn (drrmd:tni "''liOn 1h tiL~) nlOfr than •cothtr, h~o~t d \a.~f't IM a .J..ort hm~ fOr tlw- lo. .. ,...,.-n dw to ~ J • poor bell aod 1~ lot.• ol tnt by bath .,.,. ...d •.chiMty wlw-a ill u ~ tl(lhl ~ 01 r~tod to ....-to -.o~e ,...._ dw "" (-o.l ol • coed Wk. )11Vl.T7 ·~\BI.F:" llFJ.n"\C Y..tl,....,.,..__ h;., • ..,~r.J,. ...... ...t-.-J • ._._._.. • .J, A~ ....~.-~~~.~ \ioj-·\.r·d- .. t-~ ..~.......hoo ......, .......j, ~- ........ ~ ....~ ~ llw ...,.,.;..J ...uliilltt :J w ·~···~ hidoo . ... -.tM.d '-•twtA 'tN. n•"-"'...,.......,,.. ... t - ...-.d ...t .,. a..c-' ~ -:;.,u,.... tw..., .......... ~._..,. A1 P.,-k""""..,.. •ICL ~
._..,.,.,...n ..
.............. _. ... _.5...,... .... ...,t. . . .
t---•-- ..-. ,__.,. . . _"""'""'
A""!W""' M...l:......,.a.-lS .. llf"'~--~ ... •ut ..\ .. QQ ....,...·,_...... • ........ -~ c:L.i. .. -tl.- _,_J ... _.,,1.._
:r-t:v.- YQJUr;.
~ ....... .... .. ,_.. .. "'"'_.....,_
f"tUI.ADP..l.Pt fl;\
Junioo: Why. you'•e got • pair ol pumP' juu like rninel Snuor. Did you plunk do ... oix doll>.. roc them)
Juruor No.
Senior. Well then, they're not like mine. Mi.. llick!.n dropped h.. •oitc the otha day in p,ychology c:lau.
The Great Majestic Steel Ranges, Radiant Eslate Coal Stoves Sporting Goods, Pl100e Red 296
Cutlery, etc.
..The Banner Store .. A. J. JOSEPHSON, Proprlcror
f) This store is practically headquarters ror the Menomonie students. We cater to that class or trade and make it a part or our business to keep in stock all the Art Materials used at the Stout Institute.
(j We also carry the most up-t<Klate line or Dry Goods. You will find at our store all the newest Novelties, so dear to every lady buyer.
(j Our Ready-to-Wear Department is the best in the city and together with it we have a first-<:lass Dressmaking Department were the best or artists and designers arc employed. h is one or the best departments outside or the large cities.
(j w e extend every courtesy possible to the students or the schools and their credit is always good with us. 1117
Minneapolis_ Minn. &
Makers ol lllustn\tions and Print in!! Plates in 9nt: 路or more Colors ,rvr (;atalogucs, \..ollegc An01mls :tnd Ad,路ertising ol ever)' UI.St.'ription. Th e Bureau ol Engra,路ing hilS h01h 11 Dav anti a .'\:ijllll force which l(uarantccs best possible service. ...
They are all talking about
The Wilcox Rapid Acting Vise Third grade children can use them. No pawls, racks or triggeB to break or wear. No stripping or culling of threads. Screw is cut with single thread, lour to one inch, with sharp pitch, hence hns double the J>ower or preosure ol whose screw is cut with "double thread." Note the Nut engages the entire circumlere~ of Sere>•. Sent on 30 days· trial lree-·-they never come back.
Over 6,000 have been sold and never one re· turned. Call or write lor our trial proJ)O'ition.
Wilcox Mfg. Co., Aurora, Ill.
Drawing Materials
Measuring Tapes
Mathematical and Surveying Instruments We Cany a Complele Line ol Dmwing T ables and Boards C.talosue ol 1909 .,.aed on •PJ~ication. M"' McCoy: t. thio d•e dotingui>hins characteri<tic: ol thn cut~ llutd>cr: No. it"o the Oat bone. 0. wad some pow~r the giftie sic u.s
To""' oome lolko be/ore tl>cy oee ull
B. H. Waterman Co. MENOMONI E, WIS.
Correct Things To Wear For Young Men"Sophomore'' C lothes " Gordon" H ats "Elgin" Shirts "Munsing" Underwear
For Young Women"Virginia" Gloves "Glove-Fitting" Corsets " Munsing" Underwear ' 'Jamestown" Dress Goods
The Dunn County News MENOMONIE,
g Devotes a
page each week to Menomonie Schools. CJI Has largest circulation
of any weekly newspaper in Wisconsin, Minnesota, or the Dakotas. CJI Operates the best
equipped job printing office in northern Wisconsm.
Dunn Counly Newâ&#x20AC;˘ Co.
W. R. Holthkin, Pruidenl &nd Maoa1tr
"Oliver" Leads While Others Follow Q_,alit,·. Bc:auty of O..~ign. Efficiency. Durability and Ease of Operation can be 1cad upon c\cf)' inch of •·Oliver' products.
MANUAL TRAIN ING EQU IPMENT in t\Cf)' dctoil i< "Ofi, er'•" <pecialty. We design Manual Training room• and recommend cqu•pmcnt-all F rce of Charge.
·0l-··s. ~1\1 ••l~~-11 •1· \\f \1\lo.l. ll UIHIJ{ J.;INJ>S Of 1..,\Tt ll ..~-
''OL'""'••No. IONt.wSc*"f'dLo.W. I OH CATALOCS
Machine Tool Equipment We ha•·e suPI.Ired a numb... of the large.t Manual Traimng Schoolo rn the country with their machine •l~<>p equrpment, not only in belt driven lool•. bul voriou• •lyles arranged for rnolor dnvc. Our new calalogue, ju<l "'ued. covering lools especially adaplabl~ lo Manual Tram· ing and T echnical Schools. wiU be senl upon request Send for eal~logue ":\1."
Marshall & Huschart Machinery Co. l'liDIA~.b
lie "ho ,.,n hal< a Mt!ff in e•cry.,;. ,..;J oome clay 6nd ir nuner. J3on: 1\ hair 011 the hue! is wonh IWO m the bNJh. In onion there i> wcngth. Wdlowy Mtn m>kco woeful want.
TilE ' . - •
.. Up-to-date Shoemen ..
. -rilE-
Swenson Shoe Company Ill
Good light Good fuel Good prices Menomonie Gas Co. Menomonie, Wisconsin
On• ol th. """" K. G.
yOWlj!llon ..id.
"P&po. I
"&nl )"OU to
bozy me o microbe.""
"Why. my son>"" ··a...u.. I h.•e heord the)· arc great multiplim and pcrhapt they can do my
..;olun.Mic." The'"' ae~s: the miQht~il of thde
Olaf Noer Ph. c.
Palace Bakery
Dea1cor in
J. Anstett, Prop.
Medicines r .,.
C hemicals
Brcod .nd C.kn. Coolec"-Y.
Fru~•. .lnd Cos.•n. Icc Cream Parlon. Lunch.. ot .u hou...
\1 \IN 5T
Snow's System of Garment Cutting GIVES SATISFACTION The remarkable cducalional and ulilily possibilily of 1his syslcm allesled by ils adoplion in sixly public inslilulions. Best for the school, teacher and student. It fills a real need in Domestic Art Classes. For information address
L. J. SNOW, Rockford, Ill. Ooc (•• TAuHer HaH): (Offilllg
1 M'e 1\1.., Raw-<:f·«--1 mean 1\liu llunbmAn)
111.. lluniRnAn (from ......,d flo..); ••rfy)
Fnu. .. hy clidn1 you "phonr 1l101 you "ere
c....,. ., (•nd see rl you can ai•Y m) W11hou1 L!oeh>g.
Ingraham Bros .a
Mullin's Steel Pressed Boats
Jnultrt OptlcUnJ
Buill Riehl, Run Right, Sold Riaht ,., IA•nt 1-'t•nJ OcM4 of~ ie elw \\!cwtd
The Ferro Engine • ..,. ~ 7~ <• dtprtld vpo~~.
Yov ,.,.
Leven and Gura, Marint Hardware, Propellen, laniten
T. L. THORSON Wut Side
Menomonie. Witconlin
Clas• Rings Cln•s Pina
School hlb• I lot Pin• Pcnll3nts
A Safe Bank Abwlute s«urity should be the first consideration in ~eel· inK • bank. O ther inducements, auch na liberal nccornmorlatioM, snti&lnctory rate! ol interr111 nnd polite trcntrncnt, while valuable in them-elves, nrc ol accondMy impmtance. Thi• bnnk being under United StMc& Government •upe<· VI$10n oflera its deposito!$ the hiRheat lorm ol &ecurity and at the lftme time extend& every courte&y and facility.
The House of Good Meats .. It is our aim to have the best of meats at all tunes. That is why we make a hot.
j. G. lnenfeldt & Son MEA r MARXf:T
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IW'W I.IOOl , ... t.Jow ...... M.t.. Br.dty eo.pM,. ('.......... • •t•.....wtod ( - cf - - . j ...J ...... ~Ml od.l*'i 14 1h,co ..r of W:.c!o.rtt • co.r., "'*"-• ... ~ ..-1 of 1>f1m•r1 a,~htn Ia 1lw .-.IS..; ,,,., .. Khot.lt 1h..a clo DOC be'' -~l .,.._.
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H A F T T homas Charles Company
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