2016 Community Impact Guide: United Way of York County Initiatives, Projects and Funded Programs Ongoing United Way of York County Initiatives & Projects UWYC Initiative/Project
UWYC or Community Investment
Priority Area
Volunteer Reader Project - 2014 UWYC investment in Volunteer Reader Project
Bright Beginnings
Tools for Schools/School Supply Drives - estimated value of 2014 supply distribution
Bright Beginnings
Linking Early Learning Professional Development - 2014 support received
Bright Beginnings
York County Community Conversation on Early Childhood - 2014 support received
Bright Beginnings
Literacy for Maine - estimated value of 2014 Literacy Kit distribution
Bright Beginnings
York County Youth Financial Education Fund - 2014 grants distributed
Connected Youth
Community Engagement Center - 2014 investment in MSAD 60 Center
Connected Youth
Partners for a Hunger-Free York County (PfHFYC) - 2014 UWYC investment in PfHFYC
Healthy Foods
Partners for a Hunger-Free York County (PfHFYC) - 2014 expenditures on behalf of PfHFYC
Healthy Foods
Keep York County Warm - 2014 support received
Supportive Services
Keep Maine Warm - 2015 funds received and dispersed to York County communities
Supportive Services
FamilyWize - 2014 prescription drug savings by York County residents
Supportive Services
2-1-1 Maine - 2014 resource coordination expense
Supportive Services
Day of Caring - 2015 support received
Supportive Services - Capacity Building
Get Connected - 2014 UWYC investment in Get Connected
Supportive Services - Capacity Building
Service Enterprise Initiative - 2014 UWYC investment in Service Enterprise Initiative
Supportive Services - Capacity Building
Southern Maine Community Organizations Active in Disaster (SMCOAD) - 2014 UWYC investment in SMCOAD
Supportive Services - Capacity Building
Volunteer Center - 2014 support received through Volunteer Generation Fund
Supportive Services - Capacity Building
York County Directors of Volunteers in Agencies - estimated value of 2014 trainings offered
Supportive Services - Capacity Building
2016 Funded Programs Primary Outcomes reflect 2014-2020 Strategic Plan Program Name
Organization Name
Primary Outcome
UWYC Investment
Catholic Charities Maine
St. Louis Child
BB - Increase the quantity of high quality child care
Curtis Lake Church
My Place
BB - Increase the quantity of high quality child care
Sanford-Springvale YMCA
Y's Owls Preschool Program
BB - Increase the quantity of high quality child care
St. George's Episcopal Church
St. George's Child Care Center
BB - Increase the quantity of high quality child care
The Opportunity Alliance
CDA York County
BB - Increase the quantity of high quality child care
YMCA of Southern Maine, Northern York County Branch
Community Childcare Center
Morrison Center
Integrated Clinical Services
Strategies for a Stronger Sanford
Right Brain Club Summer Enrichment Program
The Opportunity Alliance
Foster Grandparent (FGP) and Senior Companion programs (SCP)
The Salvation Army - Old Orchard Beach
OOBIE Reading Lab
BB - Increase the quantity of high quality child care BB - Promote early literacy for later reading and school success BB - Promote early literacy for later reading and school success BB - Promote early literacy for later reading and school success BB - Promote early literacy for later reading and school success
Mission: United Way of York County strengthens community conditions by bringing people and resources together to effect long-lasting changes that improve lives.
2016 Community Impact Guide: United Way of York County Initiatives, Projects and Funded Programs 2016 Funded Programs Primary Outcomes reflect 2014-2020 Strategic Plan Program Name
Organization Name York County Shelter Programs
Educational and Social Support for Homeless Children
Caring Unlimited Corp.
Outreach Services Program
HomeHealth Visiting Nurses
Parent and Child Health Program
Kids Free to Grow
Break the Silence
Kids Free to Grow
Nurturing Program ( 5-11 years old)
Kids Free to Grow
Personal Body Safety
Kids Free to Grow
The Early Years (0-5 years old)
Literacy Volunteers of Greater Sanford
Building Adult and Family Literacy
Saint Andre Home, Inc
The Center for Parenting and Play
Seeds of Hope Neighborhood Center
We'll See You Tomorrow
Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine
Sexual Assault Advocacy and Support Services
Sexual Assault Response Services of Southern Maine
Sexual Assault Prevention Education Program
School-based Services: Funding uninsured and under-insured clients
The Center for Grieving Children
York County Bereavement Services
The Opportunity Alliance
Community Partnerships for Protecting Children York County
The Opportunity Alliance
Family and Community Mediation Services
York County Community Action Corporation
Access to Justice
York County Community Action Corporation
Head Start Summer Program
York County Community Action Corporation
Pathways to Prosperity
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southern Maine
Site-based mentoring
Day One
Natural Helpers of Maine
Community Bicycle Center
Youth Development
Day One
Residential Treatment Program
Ethel's Tree of Life, Inc.
Branching Out
Strategies for a Stronger Sanford
Primary Outcome BB - Promote elementary school attendance for school success BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children BB - Provide support to strengthen families to allow them to support their young children CY - Increase the number of meaningful youth volunteer opportunities across York County CY - Increase the number of meaningful youth volunteer opportunities across York County CY - Increase the number of youth involved in their community CY - Increase the number of youth involved in their community CY - Increase the number of youth involved in their community CY - Increase the number of youth involved in their community
Mission: United Way of York County strengthens community conditions by bringing people and resources together to effect long-lasting changes that improve lives.
UWYC Investment $
2016 Community Impact Guide: United Way of York County Initiatives, Projects and Funded Programs 2016 Funded Programs Primary Outcomes reflect 2014-2020 Strategic Plan Program Name
Organization Name YMCA of Southern Maine, Northern York County Branch
Community Connections
Girl Scouts of Maine
A Place for Girls
Southern Maine Health Care
Let's Go! York County
Strategies for a Stronger Sanford
Sanford Backpack Program
York Hospital
Child Obesity/Hunger
Sanford-Springvale YMCA
Y Trafton Center
The Salvation Army - Old Orchard Beach
Community Lunch
Volunteers of America Northern New England
Let's Eat
York County Shelter Programs
York County Food Pantry and Sanford/Springvale Meals Kitchen
Access Health, Inc., dba Leavitt's Mill Free Health Center
Public Health Immunization and Screening Program
American Red Cross
Disaster Cycle Services
Caring Unlimited Corp.
Emergency Shelter Program
Catholic Charities Maine
Independent Support Services
Community Dental
Biddeford Dental Health Center
Frannie Peabody Center
Access to Basic Needs for People in Maine Living with HIV/AIDS
Legal Services for the Elderly
Ensuring Elder Access to Long Term Care
Legal Services for the Elderly
York County Senior Helpline
Pine Tree Legal Assistance
Homelessness Prevention and Family Stability
Planned Parenthood of Northern New England
York County Reproductive Health Care
Southern Maine Health Care
CarePartners of York County Prescription Assistance Program
Strategies for a Stronger Sanford
Fresh Food for Sanford
The Salvation Army - Old Orchard Beach
Hands Up
The Salvation Army (Sanford, ME)
Family Services
Unitarian Universalist Church, Sanford
Corner Cupboard
York County Community Action Corporation
Hope Fund
Primary Outcome CY - Increase the number of youth involved in their community CY - Promote youth service and philanthropy as a path to leadership and civic responsibility HF - Promote improved nutrition for children to support their health, learning, and school success HF - Promote improved nutrition for children to support their health, learning, and school success HF - Promote improved nutrition for children to support their health, learning, and school success HF - Promote improved nutrition for seniors to maintain health and independence HF - Promote improved nutrition for seniors to maintain health and independence HF - Promote improved nutrition for seniors to maintain health and independence HF - Promote improved nutrition for seniors to maintain health and independence SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs
Mission: United Way of York County strengthens community conditions by bringing people and resources together to effect long-lasting changes that improve lives.
UWYC Investment $
2016 Community Impact Guide: United Way of York County Initiatives, Projects and Funded Programs Organization Name
2016 Funded Programs Primary Outcomes reflect 2014-2020 Strategic Plan Program Name
York County Community Action Corporation
York County Transport
York County Shelter Programs
Medical Psychiatric Services for Homeless Adults
York Hospital
Prescription Assistance
Primary Outcome SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs SS - Invest in services that support the meeting of basic needs
Mission: United Way of York County strengthens community conditions by bringing people and resources together to effect long-lasting changes that improve lives.
UWYC Investment $