Start your 2025 by finding balance and community at the Three Rivers Yoga Festival

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Letters to the Emperor is a monthly humor column from the self-proclaimed Emperor of Rome, GA. This month, Nero Romanski helps those without royal blood with their New Year’s Resolutions.
The dedicated staff at Renaissance Marquis are known for the level of care given to their residents; the Extra Mile Award recognizes staff who have gone above and beyond in service.
Harbin Clinic shares Nancy’s Turning Point and Triumph: A Bariatric Surgical Success
Life is busy and it’s easy to forget to focus on yourself. The Three Rivers Yoga Festival is a place for everyone to practice self-care.
For anyone looking to start the New Year with a more organized home, Rome Refresh is here to show how order and beauty can work together to bring peace.

Surrounded by natural splendor on the banks of Eagle Lake, the simple things in life are made even better at The Spires. With all the serenity of our 27,000 wooded acres yet all the vitality of our location at Berry College, it’s second nature to explore new opportunities and make genuine connections when you’re here.
This spectacular setting is brought to life by resort-style amenities, chef-prepared dining, friendly neighbors and a carefree lifestyle — plus the assurance of quality care available on-site if ever needed.
Publisher's Note

DUMB Goals are SMART
Letters to the Emperor is a monthly humor column from the selfproclaimed Emperor of Rome, GA. Nero Romansky, the unqualified descendant of Julius Caesar, answers his letters from his less-than-loyal subjects. It’s like performing a Broadway show inside a Waffle House.
Friends, Romans, Floyd County-Persons, lend me your ears, again. Harken to another year of my royal gibberish and jabberwocky. Against the better judgment of V3 magazine, Emperor Nero has returned to author regal word babies! The emperor, who often speaks in the third person, will answer your questions and conundrums.*
Need my divine assistance? Don’t leave an itchy pebble in your shoe. Send your questions to EmperorNeroRomanskyKnowsAll@ gmail.com.
First Question.
“I saw snow! We built a snowman and then went sledding and everything. I’m so happy!”
LaRita Secundo | 4rd Grader at Pepperill Elementary School,
The emperor is delighted a ¼ inch of freezing rain brought you such joy. A lesser man would say, “I hope you made some core memories, LaRita. It won’t snow again until 2036.” Lucky for you, Nero is not that man.
Me Vexat Pede,
— Nero

Mark Suroviec, M.Ed., is the Chief Ambassador of Fun at WorkPlay Solutions, the author of Forever Sisters, and the Vice President of the Children’s Museum of Rome. He hopes you pity laugh at his humor and satire stories, especially the ones that aren’t funny.
“Do you have any New Year’s Resolutions?”
Mike McSweetarts | Darlington High School, Class of 1995
Nero does not make New Year’s Resolutions. Nor does he set goals for Flag Day, aspirations on the Fourth of July, or make personal pledges on All Hallows Eve. The sublime Emperor, Ruler of the Enchanted Lands, is already a superior specimen of mind, body, and dental health. Would you draw a mustache on the Mona Lisa? Put gasoline in a Cyber Truck? Cover the scent of Coco Chanel with Axe Body Spray? I think not. Instead, Nero will kick off 2025 like every year before it—sharpening iron chisels on his washboard abs.
Me Vexat Pede, — Nero
“I have nothing important to say other than informing new readers you have a nemesis.”
— Dr. Humbert R. Tuffleson, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Ancient History at Georgia Highlands College
Ha! The joke is on you, professor. Readers eagerly skip past my nonsense to get to the rest of the magazine.
Me Vexat Pede, — Nero
“Is there a secret to keeping New Year’s Resolutions? I want to eat less processed foods and run 6-7 times a week, but I don’t feel confident about my chances of success. Are my goals supposed to be SMART or something?
—Yasmine Yodars | Rome High School, Class of 2012
SMART goals are DUMB. DUMB, of course, is an acronym for “Don’t Underestimate Medieval Baristas.” Which has nothing to do with goal setting, so you will likely quit the health kick the first time you jog downtown, and Doug’s Deli has a new sugar cookie. Consider this inspirational and easy-to-remember goal-setting formula instead:
Yasmine, Outside Ultimatums Accost Realistic Expectations. Direct Outward Opportunities, and Methodically Endure. Deliver The Only Future Acceptance In Life
Me Vexat Pede, — Nero
Disclaimer: Emperor Nero Romansky is a satirical character written and created by Mark Suroviec, M.Ed. All people and quotations are fictional, invented by the limited imagination of the author, and do not reflect the opinions of the author, editors, or V3 Magazine. *Sometimes, I hide an extra joke here like an Easter egg. This month, I did not.

Lily Atkins
Lily Atkins was nominated as our Extra Mile Winner by NeNe Moore, who wrote, “Lily went over and beyond to sit with a resident when she would not stop crying about her husband. Lily redirected the resident into coloring and writing her husband a love letter.”
Lily Jane Atkins was born in Jacksonville, Alabama. She grew up in Cedartown, Georgia, graduating from Cedartown High School. She is single.
Lily has been with Renaissance working in our Harbor for six months. When asked why she enjoys working at RM and if working in an aging community has changed her life, she responded, “I encourage others by keeping a positive attitude. Connecting and caring for residents brings me joy. Working in an aging community easily grows a person’s compassion and empathy. It has changed how I view life and aging for the better. Our residents have allowed me to reconsider aging in a positive light. I have found true happiness working in memory care. I hope to always work in long-term care in some capacity.”
Her hobbies include reading, face painting, cooking, and gardening. She read over 200 books in high school alone! Her favorite memory is every Christmas Eve, growing up with just her mom and sister. When asked who her role model is, she shares, “My strong and resilient Mom.” Her favorite vacation happened when she and her sister went to New York City. She also shares, “My life’s passion has always been furthering women’s healthcare. I am going to go to Jacksonville State University for nursing. Eventually, I want to become a midwife.”
While working in memory care requires redirecting residents, Lily was creative and compassionate in how she reached the resident on a personal level. Her heart for our residents shows. Thank you, Lily, for going the Extra Mile!
Extra Mile Care
Where The Heart Is with Renaissance Marquis
The dedicated staff at Renaissance Marquis are known for the level of care given to their residents; the Extra Mile Award recognizes staff who have gone above and beyond in service.

Tina Hovers
Tina Hovers was born and raised in Rome, Georgia. She graduated from Pepperell High School. She has been with her significant other for 16 years and has two children, Nikki and Dustin LeRoy, as well as six grandchildren. She has been a Housekeeping team member for 14 years. When asked if working in an aging community changed her life, she states it has taught her “To live life to the fullest and always treat people with respect. Also to know you can do anything you set your mind to do. I enjoy talking with my friends and helping the residents with whatever they need to make them happy.”
Tina’s hobbies are watching her favorite game show, camping, and fishing. Her favorite memory was watching her children grow up. She shares, “My favorite role model was my dad. He used to work two or three jobs every day to provide for us and never complained. My favorite vacation was going to the Smoky Mountains when we were

little. We’d have a picnic, and Mom would always cook the best fried chicken and potato salad. We would watch the water running over rocks.” When asked how do you encourage others, she responds, “I encourage everyone to look on the good side of others.”
Faye Fricks nominated Tina writing, “Tina is a very thoughtful person. She has been such a help to all of us in Independent. Several times I have needed something from the store, and she goes to get it for me after she clocks out. She definitely goes the extra mile. When I came home from the hospital, she was working in another part of the building but when she finished her shift, she came to check on me and offered to stay and help me. Tina has been an employee here since I moved in 11 years ago. Please honor her with the Extra Mile Award.”
Thank you, Tina, for all you do and for going the extra mile!
Maureen Garland
Maureen was nominated by myself, Lori Lewis, Life Enrichment Coordinator. I had planned an outing one evening but did not have anyone to help chaperone. Maureen volunteered to go and assist me with the residents and rolaters, making the outing possible. I also felt she deserved this because we had a resident who was unable to get out and pick up necessary items and did not have family in the area. Maureen went on her own time to get what the resident needed.
Maureen Garland was born in Barnesville, Georgia, and grew up in Meansville, Georgia. She graduated from Pike County High School in Zebulon, Georgia. She is widowed and has four children, twelve grandchildren, two greatgrandchildren, and another on the way.
Her career included working as Controller/ Office Manager at Marable-Pirkle, Inc. in Atlanta for 20 years. It was a third-generation business, and they decided to close, but she and the owners became close friends, and they still stay in touch regularly. Luckily for us, she then came to Renaissance Marquis as our Receptionist and has been here for close to two years now. When asked if she enjoys working at RM and why, she

responds, “I love working at Renaissance Marqis because of the sweet residents. Working here has made me feel more loved, and being able to give that love back to the residents is such a wonderful feeling. It’s like I have another huge family to love on.”
Maureen’s hobbies include working in the flower garden and cooking. Her favorite memories are from being with her parents, grandparents, children, and especially grandchildren. Maureen says, “My role model is my parents. I was taught to always do the best that I can in every situation. I always try to do that to the best of my ability. I have always tried to encourage this in my children as well.” Her favorite vacation is going to Ireland. The beach is a favorite too, enjoying the ocean smell and sounds of the waves and birds. The beach feels like home to her. Maureen adds, “My life’s passion is to live like Jesus in all I do. I am in awe of the residents here, and they have shown me how to grow older in grace. It is so easy to love each and every one of them! “
Thank you, Maureen, for being the first friendly face we see at Renaissance and going the Extra Mile!

Text: Melissa Lerner
Photos: Courtesy of JL Studios

Imagine taking a day to step completely out of your monotonous daily routine and into a relaxing space. Imagine pausing from your constant duties to gather with a kind community to move, meditate, and to just breathe. Imagine finally taking time for yourself.
Three Rivers Yoga Festival can make your imagination a reality. This event whose inaugural debut occurred in March of 2024 at the Forum River Center in Rome, Georgia now offers the opportunity for you to take care of you and have a positive impact on the people of your community right now in 2025!
Organized by Rome’s SpringStone Yoga owner Tanaya Larsen and yoga instructor Melissa Lerner, the Three Rivers Yoga Festival is an opportunity to bring like-minded people together to share all yoga has to offer right here, centrally located for all of Northwest Georgia and beyond to participate. Originally planned to take place only every couple of years, the event had such a positive response that this dynamic yoga event is returning much sooner than anticipated. Mark Saturday, February 8th, 2025 on your calendars. You will not want to miss all this yoga festival has to offer.
Yoga is the practice of connection, connecting mind and body, body and breath, and, in some types of yoga, movement to breath. To do it with others creates a special sense of community and a special feeling of belonging.
“I loved the sense of community there. I looked over during a challenging pose and realized that everyone in the room was there to share my experience, and it felt like nobody was a stranger. Plus, it was fun!” Says Robin Alexander, a yoga student at SpringStone Yoga Studio in Rome.
The festival starts with meditation accompanied by live Kirtan music. Participants choose seven of nineteen different yoga workshops/ classes including breathwork and meditation guidance, asanas (posture yoga), and deep resting and listening. Experiences can range from powerful flowy movement to something as simple as lying down and listening to your breath. The day concludes with a sound immersion complete with crystal singing bowls, gongs, and native American flute. Sessions are set up so participants can choose between gentle or active classes. You choose…move fast, move slow, stay still and breathe or a combination of all of these. Many seasoned and new yogis alike are delightfully impressed by the variety of classes offered and enjoyed trying new styles of yoga. Others said they appreciated the welcoming authentic atmosphere shared throughout the day.
“I loved the sense of community there. I looked over during a challenging pose and realized that everyone in the room was there to share my experience, and it felt like nobody was a stranger.”

“I enjoyed connecting with like-minded people. I’ve never done so much yoga in one day. I felt like I’d had Valium or something when I left.” Stated an attendee.
The Forum event venue will have four rooms dedicated to various types and levels of yoga, meditation, and mindfulness-based classes throughout the day. All yogis will have an incredible immersive experience for the day. When you register for Three Rivers Yoga Festival, there will be the opportunity to sign up for classes with some of Northwest Georgia’s finest and most experienced instructors like Sue Hopkins of Cartersville, Lynne Jacobs of Rome, and Sarah DeFoor of Calhoun. Those who have a regular practice will also recognize instructors from their home studios in Cartersville, Rome, Calhoun and beyond. And if you are new to the yoga experience, you will most certainly recognize instructors and participants alike from your community. Join us and connect with neighbors and friends and discover more about our yoga community.
“The positive energy of the interaction between instructors and students,” was what one attendee said she loved most about last year’s festival.
All levels of yoga practitioners, including beginners, are encouraged to attend and widen their perspective of yoga.
Festival details and early bird tickets are currently available at threeriversyogafest.com
In believing that all people should have access to the opportunity to live a healthy, mindful, and peaceful life, Three Rivers Yoga Festival is proud to be supporting The Dharma Project.
The Dharma Project is a 501(c)(3) organization, deeply rooted in Atlanta and committed across the nation to providing mindfulness and yoga to communities and organizations that experience chronic stress and trauma. The trauma-informed curriculum recognizes the inequities and challenges faced by the populations served and seeks to center the voices, needs, and leaders of those communities. The goal is to create life-long habits of mindfulness and emphasis on wellness among high-risk groups. When these practices become a lifestyle, participants can overcome their trauma, utilize tools for self-regulation and stress management, and achieve positive brain/ body development. thedarmaproject.org.

Please contact threeriversyogafest@gmail.com or visit threeriversyogafest.com for more information on how you or your business can support The Dharma Project.
Want to be a sponsor/vendor of this unique event? Go to Three Rivers Yoga Festival Sponsorship page. One hundred percent of sponsorship goes directly to The Dharma Project.
Want to register for Three Rivers Yoga Festival? Go to threeriversyogafest.com
Three Rivers Yoga Festival Saturday, February 8, 2025 8:30am – 5:00pm Rome River Forum
All levels invited and encouraged to attend.

Dr. Peter Adams & Nancy Kelly
When Nancy Kelly began talking with her Harbin Clinic primary care physician, Dr. John-Scott Carroll, she felt like she had tried everything to lose excess weight. Her greatest struggle seemed to be consistently keeping up with the suggested lifestyle plans doctors encouraged her to follow.
“I had a diet and exercise plan but could not follow it. Then, I tried medication and then ultimately shots, but I could not keep my average blood glucose levels (A1C) in a healthy range.”
It was at this point that Dr. Carroll shared with Nancy that he wanted her to be healthy and strong to enjoy her family and retirement. He was concerned if she continued to go down this road, that might not be the case. “Think about your long-term goals in life,” he said, reminding her that poor health, which could
lead to stroke, heart attack or heart failure, would prevent her from achieving these goals.
“I was nervous, but I needed this direct encouragement,” said Nancy. “That day, I told Dr. Carroll to go ahead and send over the referral for bariatric surgery to Harbin Clinic surgeon Dr. Peter Adams.”
For Nancy, weight loss through bariatric surgery was her best option. Harbin Clinic physicians often remind patients working through these options that everybody is different and every body is different. What works for one patient might not be the right answer for another person’s health journey. Like Nancy, considering the options available with a physician is an important step toward maintaining healthy weight goals.
For some, receiving and following a diet and exercise plan may be the right path. Another recent option is weight loss medications like Wegovy and Zepbound or diabetes medications like Ozempic and Mounjaro. These medications slow down how quickly food leaves a person’s stomach, which makes people feel full.
This treatment option commonly requires daily to weekly shots, has up to around 20% potential weight loss and has a potential weight gain of 66% within one year of stopping. With an annual cost of around $12,000 a year, it is no wonder that, of the 12% of U.S. adults who have tried these medications, less than one-seventh of them continue the medication through two years.
Weight loss surgery, also known as bariatric surgery, is one of the most successful treatments for severe obesity. It works by making changes to the digestive system to help patients lose weight. The typical surgery requires an overnight hospital stay, is usually covered by Medicare and private insurance, and has a potential excess weight loss of up to 77% at 12 months after surgery. For many of these reasons, it was the right path for Nancy.
After sending over her referral, Nancy got down to business. She took the required nutrition courses and prepared for surgery with Dr. Adams. To her surprise, it was an easier procedure than she expected. She had her surgery at Atrium Health Floyd, and she said she experienced no pain during recovery. However, she knew that her surgery was just the beginning of her journey.
“After surgery and working with Dr. Adams, I started walking. It is a 3-mile roundtrip, a 5K, around my road, and I committed to walking it. I paced myself and pushed myself a little further each time. In a week, I could tell a major difference in my clothing, so I kept walking and started hiking too.”
As the weeks went by, Nancy said she walked and watched what she ate, and the weight continued to fall off. Within six months of the procedure, she could fit both legs inside one of her old pant legs. Her surgery was in February, and by October, she hit her goal weight, a milestone she celebrated by buying a mountain bike and signing up for a “Tough Mudder” race.
“In the first obstacle of my race, I fell flat on my face and ate dirt,” said Nancy. “I was covered in mud and laughing, going over and under hurdles, but I finished. I did it! I got an actual medal. I was tickled, and from there, I started entering races left and right.”
Now, in her 60s, Nancy spends a lot of time hiking, biking and racing. She frequently passes 20-year-olds on hills and easily keeps up with her grandkids. She eats small meals multiple times a day, makes her own protein bars and says her husband has been and still is a fantastic support person.
She has also quit taking most of the medicine she previously depended on to stay healthy. She no longer has diabetes, high cholesterol or high blood pressure. “I do not even take probiotics anymore,” said Nancy. “I just eat yogurt.”
Nancy also said she would recommend this program to anyone who asked. “I lost 100 lbs. and have maintained my weight. I love it when people do not recognize me,” she said. “Before the procedure, losing the weight felt like something I could not do. But now with a new tool – my changed digestive system – and a different mindset, I could more easily commit to the changes. I was motivated by the weight loss I had not been able to do alone.”
Today, Nancy still sees Dr. Carroll and Dr. Adams and said it is worth the 45-minute drive from Dallas, Georgia, to stay in their care. “They saved my life,” said Nancy. “I thank God for them weekly. They were both the hard truth and the helping hand I needed. I am alive thanks to them.”
Nancy's inspiring story shows that with the right options, support and determination, significant health transformations are possible. Start your journey today by visiting https://www. floyd.org/bariatrics. For more information on Harbin Clinic bariatric surgeons, visit https://harbinclinic.com/services/ bariatrics/.

Nancy Kelly
Dr. Ryland Scott, Dr. Peter Adams, Dr. Bennett Brock

Refresh your space,yourrefresh soul

abby edens, owner
What if you could see everything you have, and find everything you need?
Rome Refresh's Abby Edens brings her gifts of order and love of beauty together to help bring others peace to their homes.

Photos Provided by Rome Refresh

V3: Tell us how Rome Refresh came about.
AE: Growing up as the daughter of an interior designer and a pastor, I've always been passionate about homes and people. I loved rearranging my room as a child. My college apartment was a cozy place to make people feel welcome, and it felt like my own little sanctuary. I have a keen eye for beauty and order and love for things to be efficient and aesthetically pleasing. I believe we are greatly affected by our physical environments, and I want my home to be a place of peace. When I became a mom five years ago, the typical overstimulation I would feel from clutter or junk doubled along with all the baby items. I realized I showed up better when I was organized! When my dear friend was pregnant with her third child, I offered to tackle her laundry room. We went through every junk drawer, old medicines, craft chaos, and piles of clothes and turned a jumbled mess into a functional space! The next day, she told me when her daughter asked her to play, she could easily say yes because she was not worried about the endless to-do's. It brought me joy to help someone organize so that they could focus on what matters most.

V3: What services do you offer?
AE: We do it all! Rome Refresh offers decluttering, paredown assistance, categorizing, sourcing or supplying optimal products, and setting up functional systems. I love to organize pantries, playrooms, offices, clothes closets, storage areas, and more. I also have begun boxing up and unpacking services for people moving. That is such a stressful process and people often feel frozen. I'd love to offer my energy and efficiency to help things feel a little bit smoother.
V3: Can you estimate how much time certain projects usually require?
AE: Yes! During our initial communication, if a client provides a picture or two of the space, I am able to give them a ballpark amount of time and cost for organizing the space. I have seen it all, so there's no need to feel embarrassed if it's cluttered. I am very down-to-earth and nonjudgemental. Life happens, and you're ready for a change, so I'm glad to help! A two-hour window of time is a great place to start. Some smaller areas may only take one while others can take three, or be a multi-day project. I charge by the hour.
V3: How do you approach a new project?
AE: To begin I love to hear a client's frustration with and hopes for their space. I ask about the different functions of the area so we can determine how it needs to work for them. Then the client and I work together to "edit" out any items that could be donated or relocated. People tend to be overwhelmed and don't know where to start and that's why I am there. I get excited-- it's like my brain sees the possibility! I do think organizing is an art. But anyone can learn! I am creative and hardworking and would love to help you transform your space. Every project has been so unique, but the comments from clients in a text the next day or their 5-star reviews are what inspire me most! Rome Refresh has. high return rate of clients. I love to see the domino effect of how organizing

V3: Congratulations on your first year in business! What have been some of your favorite projects, and what has surprised you?
AE: Thank you! I knew Rome was such a sweet small town, but the community support and engagement have been so fun and encouraging! I love getting to know the client well, and I have a pretty quick read on when someone needs to be challenged or shown grace. Most need both, and I pride myself on offering a good balance. I am continually honored that people welcome me into their homes, with all of their beauty and mess, and trust me with their space and their stories. I'm always surprised by how much I SWEAT and how often I LAUGH! It is hard work, but it is fun and rewarding for me and the client.
V3: What advice would you give to someone looking to declutter and get organized in the New Year?
AE: January is a great time of year to get organized as we transition from a season of being home for the holidays into spring cleaning! If the New Year has inspired you to get organized, the first step is to declutter! When we have too much unnecessary stuff in our homes, we cannot create a functional system. I recommend you start with one small space--your "junk" drawer! First, pull everything out and group it into categories. Next throw away the trash- old receipts, broken sunglasses? Bye! Relocate any items that have a permanent home somewhere else. Once you've sorted through the items, stop by Walmart and grab some drawer dividers so that everything has a place! A small step like this will give you momentum and inspire you to keep going in other areas of your house without getting overwhelmed. (If you are, call me!)
V3: How can readers learn more and book your services?
AE: Follow along on Instagram at @romerefresh to see my work and some transformative before and afters! Email Abby Edens at romerefreshorganizing@gmail.com. I'd love to chat about how I can help refresh your space and refresh your soul!