Hossu iulia cv en 19 oct%20(2)

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Europass Curriculum Vitae

Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s)

Iulia-Elena Hossu


Cluj-Napoca, Romania


0723 025 904

Fax(es) E-mail(s) Nationality Date of birth Gender

iulia_hossu@yahoo.com Romanian 10 October 1979 Female

Work experience Dates Occupation or position held

1st March 2008 - present Researcher (Head of Documentation Center between 1st October 2016 – 1st April 2019)

Main activities and responsibilities - planning and performing sociological inquiries and anthropological research, planning field work, producing data base, processing data. - organizing bibliographical research; - press monitoring; - managing the equipment needed for collecting and dissemination of results; - initiating individual research dealing with Roma problems; - initiating, boning and directing documentary film; - organizing events, symposiums, conferences, round tables, summer universities; - publishing books, newsletters and research accounts published by the institution; - elaboration of studies and volumes dealing with Roma problems - developing the Institution web page; - recording and archiving different documentaries associated with the institution history, constantly drafting an institutional chronology; - attending different seminars, conferences, scientific round tables; - generating thematic booklets for the Institutional advertising.

Name and address of employer The Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities (ISPMN), 5 Gavril Muzicescu, 400 697 ClujNapoca

Dates October 2014 – February 2015 Occupation or position held Lecturer, holder of the course Social Inclusion of Roma Main activities and responsibilities

Conception, development, course teaching and tutorial class activities.

Name and address of employer Bucharest University, Faculty of Romano-Catholic Theology, Church Social Assistance, Master level

Dates 0ctober 2005 – 0ctober 2008 Occupation or position held research assistant, teaching assistant Main activities and responsibilities preparation , teaching seminars to students and evaluation Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies, European Studies Department, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Dates

1999 – 2019

Occupation or position held Researcher in different projects Main activities and responsibilities Research activity Name and address of employer Centre for Population Studies, ˝Babes-Bolyai University˝ (2015 – present); The University of Bucharest, Faculty of Catholic Theology and Social Work; Centrul de Resurse pentru Diversitate Etnoculturală (CRDE); DESIRE Foundation; Institute ˝The Folklore Archive of the Romanian Academy”

Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Principal subjects / occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Name and type of organisation providing education and training

2005 – 2010 PhD in Anthropology Arts – Philology (ETHNOLOGY – ANTHROPOLOGY) Babes-Balyai University, Faculty of European Studies, European Studies Department, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2003 – 2007 Bachelor's Degree in Sociology- Anthropology Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Sociology Department, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 2003 – 2004 Master`s Degree in Anthropology and Multicultural Studies Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of European Studies, European Studies Department, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 1998 – 2002 Bachelor`s Degree in Philology, Romanian Language and Literature-Ethnology Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters, Department of Romanian Language and Literature, ClujNapoca, Romania

Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s)


Other language(s)





European level (*)















Spoken interaction

Spoken production

(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level

Social skills and competences Computer skills and competences

I'm a communicative, cooperative, perceptive and diplomat person Word, SPSS

Organizational skills and competences Team-work, high management of time and resources, priorities assessment Technical skills and competences Skills in using audio-video equipment - Workshop Film Operators – Visual Anthropology, Professional Training coordinated by ASTRA Sibiu & OADF Oxford Academy of Documentary Film. Study period: September 2007

Artistic skills and competences photography, drawing, painting - 1994 – 1998: Romulus Ladea Fine Arts High School Cluj-Napoca, professional testimonial in Fine Arts

Driving licence(s)

B category

Appendices Publications Articles in books and magazines

Article accepted for publication

Volumes: Iulia-Elena Hossu - Viorela Ducu (2017): Departe și totuși aproape : fragmente din viața familiilor transnaționale, Mega, Cluj. Iulia-Elena Hossu (2018): Relațiile de înrudire. Căsătoria – atitudini, practici și dinamici. Editura Mega, ClujNapoca Articles: Iulia – Elena Hossu: Survival strategies in a Roma community, pp. 157-174, in the volume Anthropological and ethnological alternatives in the research of cultures, edited by Ion Cuceu, EFES Publishing, Cluj-Napoca, 2007. Iulia – Elena Hossu: The politics of „difference and sameness”, pp. 121 – 128, in the volume Anthropo. Lenyomatok. Fingerprints. Imprints, edited by Harbula Hajnalka & Magyari – Vincze Enikő, Foundation for European Studies Publishing, Cluj, 2008. Iulia – Elena Hossu: Survival strategies in a Roma community. A case study. `The Barrier` Community. In Studii de atelier/Working Papers/Műhelytanulmányok a romániai kisebbségekről Nr.19/2009. Avalable on: http://ispmn.gov.ro/studiu19/. Iulia – Elena Hossu: „Ceilalţi şi eu.... adică noi” (Others and me ... that is us) in NEVI SARA KALI, Roma Women’s Journal. Revista Femeilor Rome. Romane Ӡuvleanqe Ӡurnalo, 2009, 1. Avalable on : http://femrom.ro/nevikali-2009.html#2000. Hossu, Iulia – Elena: Kinship Relations Study on the Romanian Territory, pp. 205-250 in Cuceu, Ion (ed.), The Romanian Ethnology today. Studies and communications, EFES Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2009. Iulia – Elena Hossu: The Triade family-home-woman or what is hiding behind words, pp.203-212. In Branda, Alina, Cuceu, Ion, Timoce, Cosmina (eds.), Nowadays themes in ethnological and anthropological research. Studies and scientifical communications, MEGA Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2011. Iulia – Elena Hossu et. al.: Mapping Roma Marginalization in Local Contexts [Harta marginalizării romilor în contexte locale] in Studia UBB Sociologia, LVIII, 2, 2013, pp. 111-154. Enikő Vincze - Iulia-Elena Hossu (editors): The socio-territorial Marginalization of Roma communities in Romania. Case studies in the counties of Alba, Arad, Călărași, Dolj și Iași, EFES Publishing House, 2014, Cluj-Napoca. Iulia-Elena Hossu, Anca Aştilean, Călin Ilea: Provocările metodologiei de cercetare a familiilor transnaționale, Volumul 29 al DCSU: Studii şi cercetări din domeniul ştiinţelor socio-umane, Editura LIMES-ARGONAUT, Cluj-Napoca, 2016, pp. 349-356. Viorela Ducu - Iulia Hossu: "Bi-national Couples with a Romanian Partner in the European Context", În: Ducu, Viorela and Telegdi-Csetri, Aron (eds.) Managing "Difference" in East-European Transnational Families, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 2016, pp. 131-150. Iulia Hossu (2016): Documentary Film: Between Exploration and (Re)presentation, in Transylvanian Review, supplement Cosmopolitanism and Difference: Politics and Critique, section edited by TelegdiCsetri Áron. In Suppliment 2/2016, 45-53. Iulia-Elena Hossu (2017): Video research in the study of transnational families, Romanian Journal of Population Studies • Vol. XI, No. 1, Special Issue: Transnational Family Research - Methodological Challenges, Guest Editor: Viorela Ducu, pp. 131-138. Iulia-Elena Hossu (2017): (A)casă. Cazul familiilor transnaționale, Transilvania 9, 2017, pp. 75-84. Iulia-Elena Hossu (2017): Family cohesion "Diffuse family" practices and the transnational perspective, accepted for publication in Romanian Journal of Population Studies • Vol. XI, No. 2. Iulia-Elena Hossu (2018): "Our Westerner": The Role of Romanian-naturalized Youth in Reconfiguring Moldavian Transnational Families, in Ducu, V., Nedelcu, M., Telegdi-Csetri, A. (Eds.) Childhood and Parenting in Transnational Settings, Springer, 2018. Iulia-Elena Hossu (2018): ""WHERE IS HOME?" or Building an Identity. The Case of Transnational Families" In Daniel Ochieng Orwenjo - Ashiru Hameed Tunde (eds.) WHEN "HOME" MEANS MORE THAN ONE COUNTRY: The Discursive (Re) Construction of Identities in Trans-National Migrant Communities, LINCOM EUROPA. Hossu Iulia-Elena (2019): Familia transnațională – reprezentare și practici, în revista Transilvania 2. Hossu Iulia-Elena (2019): Rolul dublei cetățenii în viața familiilor transnaționale – cazul Republicii Moldova , în revista Transilvania 3. Iulia-Elena Hossu (2019): ”Ritual and Relatedness in a Community of Apuseni Mountains, Romania”, Etnologia Slovaca et Slavica, 41 (Kinship and social organisation) [Acceptance date July 2019] Keywords: kinship, marriage, practices, ritual, Romania Iulia-Elena Hossu (2019): “Are we still a family?” The perspective from Romanian transnational families, LUD [https://dbh.nsd.uib.no/publiseringskanaler/erihplus/periodical/info.action?id=481783][Acceptance date September 2019]

Editorial activity

Contribution in the elaboration of the National Report: Romania and its borders with non-UE countries (2007). Course Co-editor of Studii de atelier/Working Papers/Műhelytanulmányok a romániai kisebbségekről Avalable on: http://ispmn.gov.ro/studii-de-atelier/, beginning with the issue 23. Course Coordonator of ISPMN Publishing Housepând, beginning with the year 2013. Issue Editor of the The Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities and of the informative booklets available on: http://www.ispmn.gov.ro/page/ispmn-newsletters. LiterNet contributor author – October 2015

21-22 July 2011, Scientific Session Methods and ethnological research instruments. The today level and the revaluation perspectives, organized by the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca, The Folklore Archive of the Romanian Academy, the title of the presentation: Marriage – the bottom of the kinship system. (selected) 16 March 2012, Mentors and disciples. 85 years from the birth of the professor Dumitru Pop (1927-2006), Romanian Academy Cluj Branch, „Babeş-Bolyai” University, the „Folklore Archive of the Romanian Academy” Institute, CJCPCT Maramureș, „Memoria Ethnologica” magazine, The North University in Baia Mare 27-29, the title of the presentation: Hidden, Untold, Implicit – a different analysis of marriage. 25 May 2012, The Cluj Academic Days, organized by the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca Branch, the title of the presentation: The Ingrading of the kinship relations in a funeral ritual. Symbolical synopsis. September 2012, The European Sociology International Conference: new challenges and opportunities, organized by the Romanian Asociation of Sociology, the University from Oradea – the Faculty of SocioUmanistic Sciences, the Institute of the Research of Life Quality of the Romanian Academy, the title of the presentation: Hidden, Untold, Implicit – a Different Analysis of Marriage. 17-19 October 2013, the Romanian Conference Romania under loop, organized during ASTRA Film Festival, Sibiu, the title: Open Windows at ASTRA. 11 December 2013, round table The Documentary Film – a way of recovery and keeping the collective memory, organized by ISPMN in collaboration with the Tranzit Foundation, Cluj-Napoca. 8 April 2014, round table The Documentary Film The Crying Valley and the volume Roma Time by Michael Stewart organized by the National Museum of Romanian Peasant, The Romanian Institute for Research on National Minorities (ISPMN) and the National Institute for Research on Holocaust from Romania „Elie Wiesel”. 13 November 2015, Annual Scientific Session of the Romanian Academy, Cluj-Napoca branch, the Institute of History „George Bariţiu”, Departament of socio-umanistic research. 3 -4 June 2016, Iulia-Elena Hossu – “Who am I and where is my home” or Building an Identity. The Case of Transnational Families, at the conference “Troubling Times for Europe? Families, Migration and Politcs” ,Panel Migrant Motherhood and Fatherhood, Institute of Sociology (JU) and TRANSFAM, Kraków, Poland 29th of September – 1st of October 2016, Iulia Hossu: Transnational Family – Identity Between Presence and Absence, Panel New Families, Old Societies – New Challenges of Migration for Families in their Countries of Origin, at The 4th International Conference of the Romanian Sociological Society – Sibiu November 18th 2016, Iulia-Elena Hossu Coeziunii de familiei- experiențe transnaționale at the conference “Sesiunea științifică anuală, a Academiei Române- Filiala Cluj Napoca, Institului de Istorie George Barițiu; Deparatemult de Cercetări Socio-Umane” th July 7h and 8 2017, Iulia Hossu,“Our Westerner”: The Role of Youth in Reconfiguring Transnational Families at Internațional Conference: Transnational Families: Generations, Differences, Solidarity, at the Center for Population Studies, 68 Avram Iancu, Cluj-Napoca. 29.08.2017 – 01.09.2017, Iulia Hossu, “To be or not to be” a visual anthropologist in Romania – The story of a documentary short film, at(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities, 3th ESA Conference, Athens. 25-30 June 2018, Iulia Hossu, Moldovan and/or Romanian citizen: the reorganization of family relationships and practices, The International Conference Society for Romanian Studies, #Romania100: Looking Forward through the Past, Bucharest. 1st-2nd April 2019, Iulia-Elena Hossu, ”Are we still a family?” Transnational lives and kinship – the case of Romania, international conference V4Net – Visegrád Anthropologists’ Network Conference - Social and Cultural Consequences of Voluntary and Forced Migration in Europe, Poznan, Poland.

Conferences attended

Research projects

Reproduction, abortion and contraception, 2004, project initiated by the DESIRE Foundation, helped by the Contraceptive and Sexual Education Societies (S.E.C.S.), member in the research team. The Access of Roma women at the reproduction health, 2005, project managed by Enikő Vincze, helped by the Open Society Institute, member in the research team. The Access of Roma Women at the reproduction health, helped by the Open Society Institute, member in the research team and film operator, 2006. Romania and its borders with non-EU countries, 2007, project initiated by the DESIRE Foundation, helped by the Soros Romania Foundation, field research team coordinator, place : Stamora-Moraviţa, Timiş county. Faces and Causes of Roma marginalization. Tools and methods for evaluation and data collection (December 2012 – June 2013), project coordinated by the Research Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Magyar Academy of Sciences held by UNDP - United Nations Development Program, Bratislava, member in the research team. Cartografierea sociografică a comunităţilor de romi din România pentru o monitorizare la nivel comunitar a schimbărilor privind integrarea romilor (SocioRoMap), proiect finanţat prin Mecanismul Financiar Norvegian 2009-2014 în cadrul Programului „Combaterea Sărăciei în România" (RO25), tehnical assitent, editorial coordinator. Confruntarea diferenței prin practicile familiilor transnaționale, proiect finanțat prin Unitatea Executivă pentru Finanțarea Învățământului Superior, a Cercetării, Dezvoltării și Inovării (UEFISCDI), 1 octombrie 2015 – 30 septembrie 2017, postdoctoral researcher Resituating the local in cohesion and territorial development - RELOCAL, derulat sub coordonarea UniversitățiiFinlandadeEstdinJoensuu,cu14instituțiipartenereșicusprijinulfinanciaralprogramuluieuropean de cercetare Horizon 2020, researcher, member in the research team

Institutional affiliations Other activities

Founder member of Triba Film –independent documentary film company: www.triba.ro Founder member of CEVA Centre for Anthropological and Visual Education http://ceva.center/despre-noi/ Member in the Scientific Council of ISPMN – from 2009 - 2018.

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