The VAFA acknowledge the traditional owners of country, on which we play our great game, and pay our respects to them, their culture and Elders past and present.
The Victorian Amateur Football Association (VAFA) has been in existence since 1892. The VAFA was initially known as the Metropolitan Junior Football Association, and was made up of 10 clubs. In 1912 the term “junior” was dropped from the name and the association was known as the Metropolitan Amateur Football Association. The current name of Victoria Amateur Football Association wasn’t adopted until 1933 and at the time had 30 member clubs. The first interstate Amateur representative match was played on 8th June 1925, when the VAFA 21.22 defeated South Australia (SA) 8.10, at the M.C.G. On 12th of July 1956, the VAFA defeated a combined VFL/VFA team of amateur players, in an Olympic demonstration match held at M.C.G for the Melbourne Olympics. In 1957, the ABC broadcast the first uninterrupted telecast of an Australian football match played between the VAFA and SA Amateurs at Olympic Park. The VAFA 15.9 defeated SA 8.3.
In 1961 the VAFA moved to Elsternwick Park which remains its headquarters and home venue to this day.
In 2016 the VAFA announced the introduction of its Women’s competition with 1,900 registered players across 40 teams taking part in 5 separate competitions.
After two seasons impacted by COVID, the VAFA celebrated its 130th year with completion of the finals series in 2022. The VAFA currently comprises 70 clubs plus the VAFAUA with over 450 umpires. Clubs and teams competed across 37 separate competitions in 2022. A total of 12,500 players registered, of which 3,000 were women, making the association the largest senior male and female competition in Australia. The VAFA remains uniquely Amateur with players playing for the love of the game.
Over the next 4 years the association will be driven by the attached Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan demonstrates the VAFA’s desire to:
1) provide stability to both the Men's and Women's Football competition.
2) support Clubs in their challenges with volunteers and financing.
3) increase the recruitment and retention of umpires and provide great career pathways.
4) deliver new and improved facilities for patrons, umpires and match day officials at Elsternwick Park.
5) provide a safe and inclusive environment to play football.
6) explore representative football opportunities for players of both genders.
7) strengthen our VAFA brand and exposure, and grow our commercial revenue.
ThisStrategicPlanhasbeendevelopedfollowingextensiveconsultation with all VAFA stakeholders. Throughout the consultation process we experienced a high level of engagement and significant feedback. Accordingly this Strategic Plan has been developed to reflect all stakeholders requirements and the implementation is a shared journey betweentheVAFAandit’sstakeholders.
This plan will be a key governance tool to direct the VAFA operations in meetingtheneedsofallVAFAStakeholdersoverthenext4years.
The plan will determine the allocation of appropriate resources, with management and board performance assessed against relevant Key PerformanceIndicators(KPI’s).
At all times ensuring transparency and accountability the VAFA will regularly report to all stakeholders on the progress being made against Strategic Plan objectives.
Grow all aspects of the VAFA to enable a competition that our community can continue to be passionate and proud of. VALUES
To have an environment that is safe, equitable and welcoming for all people. We honour, respect and celebrate all differences visible and invisible.
To always show respect to every person that we interact with, and in turn, to earn the respect of others for all that we do.
Govern the VAFA in accordance with member approved Rules and Regulations that progress and grow the VAFA while preserving its traditional elements.
Represent, connect and support everyone within the VAFA community.
Grow all aspects of the VAFA to enable a competition that our community can continue to be passionate and proud of.
Deliver well resourced football competitions of the highest integrity.
Maximise the commercial and media opportunities to ensure we have the resources to deliver to members and our community.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Protect the integrity, ideals, values and cultures of the VAFA
Provide highly valued football competitions and positive playing and spectator experiences
Collaboratively stabilise and grow the women’s and men’s football competitions.
Invest significantly in umpiring recruitment, retention, resources, technology and experiences. Review the financial engagement with VAFA clubs.
1. 2. 3.
Grow the VAFA Commercial return to minimise servicing costs to clubs. Increase the awareness of the VAFA competition through Media. Increase the engagement of the VAFA community through appealing VAFA events.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Ensuring an inclusive, equitable and well supported environment for the benefit of all members of the VAFA community.
Best practice governance structures and procedures based on collaboration and transparency with the VAFA community.
Invest in training and resources to ensure we are a truly inclusive community. Increase our capacity to support clubs through innovation, service and training. Invest in the provision of welfare support and training programs. Develop strong partnerships with Community Partners that benefit the VAFA. Implement practices to support Facility and Infrastructure development for clubs and the association.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Establish strong Governance structures and practices. Govern the VAFA with clear policies that support all members and stakeholders. Provide an environment that maximises the skills and contribution of the VAFA Board and Administration.
Identify top priority projects for the VAFA over the next 4 years.
Identify top priority projects for the VAFA over the next 4 years. Clear communication of progress across key milestones to all stakeholders. Ensuring the right people are responsible for delivery of identified initiatives. Leveraging and collaborating within our industry to drive successful outcomes.
Key activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Player Points System.
Further strengthen our ability to protect the Amateur Status of our competitions. Strengthen VAFA’s ability to educate and promote respectful player and spectator behaviour and identify unacceptable behaviour.
Conduct timely, effective and independent investigations and apply relevant sanctions to transgressors as required.
Review and monitor the VAFA Alcohol Policy, protecting the match day experience while balancing the modern day social and fundraising needs of clubs. Ensure overall compliance and integrity of member approved Rules and Regulations. Increase the understanding, compliance and implementation of the
Key activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Produce a fixture to maximise the regularity of matches played each season. Review team sustainability and competitiveness prior to the commencement of the season to minimise the potential number of games forfeited per season. Where promotion and relegation is not automatic, ensure that teams are graded into competitions where they are competitive and sustainable. Provide premium playing and spectator experiences during finals and representative football.
Conduct a feasibility study to consider the benefits/costs of establishing geographically based competitions, (excluding Premier Men’s and Women’s).
Key activities: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Annually review Women’s competitions and the Community Football environment to determine threats and opportunities.
Increase the flexibility of player movement that maximises participation while ensuring competition integrity.
Develop a long-term growth and development strategy for women’s football, including pathway opportunities.
Connect and engage with industry partners (e.g. AFL) and VAFA representatives (e.g. Women’s Football Advisory group) to explore new growth initiatives.
Key activities: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Annually review Men's competitions and the Community Football environment to determine threats and opportunities.
Increase the flexibility of player movement that maximises participation while ensuring competition integrity. Develop a long-term growth and development strategy for men’s football, including pathway opportunities. Connect and engage with industry partners (e.g. AFL) and VAFA representatives (e.g. Men’s Football Advisory groups) to explore new growth initiatives.
Key activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Develop the VAFA umpire recruitment, retention and pathways strategy in consultation with the VAFA Umpires Association and AFL Victoria.
Review the allocation policy to ensure a maximum quantity and quality of umpires are provided for all VAFA matches. Develop a culture and environment that sets the VAFA Umpiring program apart from all other Community Football leagues.
Review and implement best practice Umpire Coaching structure and invest in technology that facilitates training and support.
Conduct an audit of umpire’s facilities at each VAFA ground to determine adherence with the AFL Facilities Guidelines and in partnership with relevant clubs, create a strategy to work with Local Councils to improve facilities as required. Develop a state-of-the-art Umpire training base at Elsternwick Park and explore satellite training bases in other geographic locations.
Key activities: 1. 2. 3.
Annually review the affiliation fee structure to ensure the appropriate allocation of costs to clubs is reflective of a user pay model.
Review appropriateness of the club infringement penalties to maximise efficiency and impact. Improve the efficiency and accuracy of VAFA services on-charged to clubs.
Key activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Develop a Commercial Marketing strategy. Maximise commercial opportunities with new and existing corporate partners. Introduce new industry leading commercial partners to the VAFA community. Introduce new and innovate products to market. Build mutually beneficial long-term relationships with our corporate partners that deliver strong ROI.
Maximise our corporate partners’ brand exposure and connection with our VAFA community.
Key activities: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Develop a VAFA Brand Strategy. Growing the exposure of the VAFA through broadcasting, live streaming, traditional media. Identify and engage the broader network of the VAFA Community in existing and new outlets. Develop engaging social content that provides relevant and regular promotion of the VAFA.
Key activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Produce high quality and entertaining VAFA events that maximise engagement with clubs and corporate partners.
Develop B2B and B2C network opportunities for our corporate partners, suppliers and clubs. Develop a new and expanded version of the Big V club to maximise connection with past players, and administrators.
Engage with Life members, AFL and AFL Victoria, LGA, State Government, VIP’s and key industry stakeholders in VAFA events to increase connection. Explore all ways to deliver cost neutral events.
Key activities:
Establish an Inclusion working group to support the development of the VAFA inclusion strategy. Introduce Inclusion training programs for club committees, VAFA staff and board members, umpires and players which increases the understanding of inclusive behaviours.
Create the “Inclusive Communication Standards” that defines the language and inclusive expectations to be used for all VAFA communications and publications.
Media coverage is provided for all VAFA competitions and VAFA community stories.
Reduce the workload of volunteers across the association through reduction of volunteer requirements or the introduction of innovative services.
Support clubs to generate revenue through education of best practice models and grant applications.
Support clubs to build impactful relationships with their Local Council’s and local community groups.
Introduce an ongoing volunteer induction, training and support program. Support VAFA clubs to develop and implement their strategic plans and governance structures.
Support clubs to ensure they have at least one Level 2 coach and their coaches have access to Professional Development opportunities.
Key activities: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Create a “Mental Health and Welfare” strategy which will provide ongoing support and education to VAFA clubs their players, coaches and volunteers. Support all VAFA clubs to have access to Welfare Officers. Develop a suite of resources that support VAFA clubs in dealing with Player Welfare issues. Support players, umpires, administrators and spectators involved in incidents of vilification or discrimination.
Key activities: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Create partnerships with Community organisations that provide valuable support to the VAFA community.
Develop partnerships with appropriate community organisations that support the training, recruitment and retention of volunteers. Highlight key Community Partners and Community initiatives through VAFA Themed Rounds.
Explore charity partners that can provide support to the VAFA community.
Key activities: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Implement an Audit of all VAFA Facilities against the AFL Facilities Guideline to determine suitability for all VAFA Stakeholders e.g. Women, Umpires, Spectators etc.
Explore all opportunities to support the update or development of infrastructure and Facilities within the VAFA.
Engage with funding partners e.g. State Government, LGA’s, AFL, AFL Victoria, Australian Sports Foundation to deliver on major projects.
Develop Master Plan for Elsternwick Park to be a show case venue for Community Football including high quality playing surface, lighting and spectator amenities.
Key activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Update the VAFA constitution according to industry best practice. Implement a Board Charter that clearly defines the role and responsibilities of the Board. Create awareness and connection for all key stakeholders to VAFA Strategic Plan. Ensure management focus and resources are aligned to the delivery of strategic objectives. Report to all stakeholders on the status of the Strategic Plan while continually updating and reviewing objectives and actions. Ensure sound financial practices are followed including comprehensive budgeting, timely and accurate financial and management reporting. Establish and implement a Risk Management framework.
Key activities: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Adopt AFL member protection policies and adjust where required to suit the VAFA environment. Educate and support VAFA clubs in adhering to VAFA policies. Review VAFA policies annually to ensure they remain up to date, relevant and appropriate. Capture and coordinate VAFA community feedback on policy development and amendment through the VAFA governance sub-committee.
Key activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Increase diversity on VAFA Board and Administration while aligning to relevant skill set requirements. Ensure the VAFA employment process results in the appointment of the highest quality candidates. Commit to investing in appropriate Professional Development for VAFA leaders that is relevant to improving VAFA operations. Create a positive work environment that continually develops, supports, rewards and retains quality VAFA staff and management. Implement comprehensive and current HR policies to ensure a quality work environment.