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M4 %77# 7.1'#, #$-'&-('>(A$ &4 2%-' 9@, #/. -( $(;, 2#"<) «&5µ#6$(;$» 2%-'. *#+%7757#, 8'#"9-(;$ '8'.-5-4) /(; 4/'-+9/(;$ -( >4'+'&µ. -(;) µ9&# &-( &A&-5µ# 4/4@4+1#&6#), (' (/(64) ($(µ%B($-#' &;$-#2-'29). D( &A&-5µ#, 857#83 5 µ5>#$3 /(; >4'+6B4-#' -# &Aµ?(7#, ($(µ%B4-#' «&;$-#2-'2.) 4/4@4+1#&-3) &;µ?.7,$». 0 79@5 «&;$-#2-'29)» ;/(857<$4' &>9&4') 8'%-#@5) #$%µ4&# &4 &Aµ?(7#, (' (/(64) 46$#' 8'#"9&'µ4) 2#' 8'#>4'+6&'µ4) µ9&# &-( 68'( -( &A&-5µ# 4/4@4+1#&6#). !$-'8'#&-9774-#' /+() -5 79@5 «&5µ#&'#29)», 5 (/(6# ;/(857<$4' &>9&4') #$-'&-(6>'&5) µ4-#@A &;µ?.7,$ 2#' 4$$('<$ (3 4@,-4+'2<$ &5µ#'$(µ9$,$), (' (/(64) 84$ 46$#' 8'#"9&'µ4) 3 8'#>4'+6&'µ4) µ9&# &-( &A&-5µ# 2#' #/#'-(A$ 4+µ5$4;-'23 /#+9µ?#&5 2%/('(; 4@,-4+'2(A /#+#-5+5-3. L91($-#) «&;$-#2-'2.) 4/4@4+1#&-3) &;µ?.7,$» 4$$((Aµ4 9$# &A&-5µ# 4/4@4+1#&6#) #$#/#+#&-%&4,$ µ4 ?%&5 -5$ -#;-.-5-# 2#' -5 8'%-#@5 -,$ &;µ?.7,$ /(; #/#+-6B(;$ -') #$#/#+#&-%&4') (Pinker, 2005). O$#) &;$-#2-'2.) 4/4@4+1#&-3) &;µ?.7,$ µ/(+46 $# >4'+'&-46 &Aµ?(7# µ4 #:5+5µ9$( -+./(, #$4@#+-3-,) &5µ#&6#), µ4 ?%&5 µ.$( -') &;$-#2-'29) -(;) '8'.-5-4). S >4'+'&µ.) #;-.) ($(µ%B4-#' @7')'*2.µA, 2#' 16$4-#' µ4 8'#8'2#&64) /(; µ('%B(;$ µ4 /+(1+%µµ#-# 7(1'&µ'2(A, µ4 -5$ 9$$('# .-' /4+'7#µ?%$(;$ µ4-#?75-9), #7757(;>64) ?5µ%-,$ µ4 &#:46) 74'-(;+164) 27/. 0 '89# 48< 84$ 46$#' /,) ( $(;) 46$#' &#$ -($ 5742-+($'2. ;/(7(1'&-3 µ#), (A-4 .-' -+9>4' /#+.µ('# /+(1+%µµ#-#. 0 '89# 46$#' /,) 5 µ5>#$3 µ4 -5$ (/(6# /4+'1+%:(;µ4 -') $(5-'29) 8'4+1#&64) 9>4' 2%/('4) &5µ#$-'29) '8'.-5-4) /(; -') ?+6&2(;µ4 2#' &-(;) 5742-+($'2(A) ;/(7(1'&-9), 2#' 46$#' '8'.-5-4) /(; µ#) :#6$($-#' ('2464) 2#' -#;-.>+($# >+3&'µ4). S 4/4@4+1#&-3) µ/(+46 $# >4'+'&-46 &Aµ?(7# 4$$('<$, 8'#-5+<$-#) -') 2+6&'µ4) &;$%:4'4) 2#' 8'#2+6&4'), &-( ?#"µ. /(; (' #/#+#6-5-4) &>9&4') /+(&8'(+6B($-#' &;$-#2-'2%, µ4 '8'.-5-4) /(; 46$#' 8'#>4'+6&'µ4) ;/(7(1'&-'2%. J'# /#+%84'1µ#, 9$# &Aµ?(7( 1'# -5$ 9$$('# -(; &2A7(; 2' 9$# %77( &Aµ?(7( 1'# -5$ 9$$('# -5) 1%-#) µ/(+(A$ $# ;/.24'$-#' &4 &>9&4') (µ('.-5-#) µ4 8'%:(+(;) -+./(;): O$#) 46$#' ?%&4' '4+#+>'23) 8(µ3), /+(&8'(+6B($-#) 9$# %77( &Aµ?(7( («B<(») ,) ;/4+2#-51(+6# -(;). O$#) %77() 46$#' ?%&4' 2('$<$ «&;&-#-'2<$», /+(&8'(+6B($-#) %77# &Aµ?(7# ,) /4+'4>.µ4$# 3 1$,+6&µ#-% -(;) («24:%7'», «/.8'#», «(;+%» 27/.). M/(+46 #2.µ# $# /+(&8'(+'&-46 µ'# &;1242+'µ9$5 /(&.-5-# %µ4&5) &;$%:4'#) µ4-#@A -(;). D( &5µ#$-'2. 46$#' /,) (' 8'#2+'-9) ($-.-5-4)-&Aµ?(7# 84$ 9>(;$ 4114$<) 2#$9$# >#+#2-5+'&-'2. &2A7(; 3 1%-#). 0 4/4@4+1#&6# -,$ &;µ?.7,$ &;µ:,$46 µ4 -') '8'.-5-4) /(; "4,+(Aµ4 /,) 9>(;$ (' 9$$('4) 4/4'83 (' &>9&4') µ4-#@A -,$ &;µ?.7,$ +;"µ6B($-#' #/. #:5+5µ9$4) /#+#µ9-+(;)-8462-4) /(; µ/(+46 $# 8'#>4'+'&-46 -( ;/(7(1'&-'2. &A&-5µ#. 0 8'%2+'&5 µ4-#@A &;$-#2-'2<$ 2#' &5µ#&'#2<$ 1$,+'&µ%-,$, 2#' #$-6&-('>,$ 4/'/98,$ /4+'1+#:3) (Pylyshyn, 1984), 46$#' "4µ47'<85) &-5 &;µ?(7'23 /+(&911'&5 2#' &-') :'7(&(:'29) /#+#:;%84) -(; 74'-(;+1'&µ(A /(; &;$89($-#' µ4 -5$ 27#&'23 -4>$5-3 $(5µ(&A$5. !$-'&-('>46 &-5 8'%2+'&5 -(; Marr (1982) µ4-#@A #71(+'"µ'2(A 2#' ;/(7(1'&-'2(A 4/'/98(;: &-( /+<-( 4/'8'<2(;µ4 $# /4+'1+%C(;µ4 -# &-('>4'<85 µ5>#$'2% ?3µ#-# 42-974&5) -,$ 8'4+1#&'<$ 4$< &-( 84A-4+( 4@4-%B(;µ4 -5 $(5-'23 74'-(;+16# /(; -47'2% 4/'-4746-#' #/. #;-9). 0 8'%2+'&5 #;-3 16$4-#' 4$-.) -(; $(5-'2(A 4/'/98(;, ./,) -( 4@4-%B(;µ4 48<, 4$< -( -+6-( 4/6/48(, -5) «;7(/(65&5)» (2#-% MarrY 3 «:;&'2.» 2#-% Pylyshyn), 84$ 46$#' $(5-'2. #77% ?'(7(1'2.-$4;+(4/'&-5µ($'2., 2#"<) #:(+% &-5$ 4124:#7'23 74'-(;+16# /(; #/(-4746 -( ;7'2. ;/.&-+,µ# -5) $.5&5). =-( #71(+'"µ'2. 4/6/48(, -( (/(6( #/(-4746 -5$ /+#1µ#-'23 µ5>#$3 -(; $(;, 5 &;$-#2-'23 4/4@4+1#&6# -,$ &;µ?.7,$ 16$4-#' -;/'2% (:(+µ#7'&-'2%), µ4 µ4-#&>5µ#-'&µ(A) /(; 8'#-5+(A$ -') -'µ9) #75"46#) µ4 -5 7(1'23 9$$('#. *#+%7757# &-( ;/(7(1'&-'2. 4/6/48( #$#1$,+6B(;µ4 -5 &5µ#&6# -,$ /4+'4>(µ9$,$ #$#:(+'2% µ4 -( &2(/. 2#' -# &;µ:+#B.µ4$# -5) $(5-'23) 74'-(;+16#). 0 8'%2+'&5 #;-3 9>4' $.5µ# µ.$( µ9&# &-( /7#6&'( -5) &;µ?(7'23) /+(&911'&5), ./(; -( #'-'(2+#-'2. ?%+() #/(8684-#' &-( &;$-#2-'2. 4/6/48(, 2#"'&-<$-#) -5 µ5>#$3 -5) $.5&5) #:#'+4-'23 2#' #/(2(µµ9$5 .>' µ.$( #/. -( /4+'?%77($ #77% 2#' #/. -( 68'( -( /4+'4>.µ4$( -5) 74'-(;+16#) -5). 9

H4$ 46$#' 48< 5 2#-%77575 /4+6&-#&5 1'# $# &;B5-3&(;µ4 -# /+(?73µ#-# #;-3) -5) #8'9@(85) /(+46#), :'7(&(:'2%, ;/(7(1'&-'2%, 3 C;>(7(1'2%. !+246 $# 4/'&5µ#$"46 .-' -( 2A+'( /+(&.$ #;-3) -5) /+(&911'&5) 46$#' 5 4;2(76# 4:#+µ(13) -5). 0 #/4+'.+'&-5 14$'24;&'µ.-5-# -5) &;µ?(7'23) 74'-(;+16#), >%+5 &-5$ /#+#1,1'2.-5-# -,$ &;$-#2-'2<$ µ4-#&>5µ#-'&µ<$ (Fodor & Pylyshyn, 1988), "4,+46-#' /74($92-5µ# #/. -(;) ;/4+µ%>(;) -(; &;µ?(7'&µ(A, 7.1, #$#/#+#&-#-'23) ('2($(µ6#). !$-6"4-#, "4,+46-#' &(?#+. µ4'($92-5µ# #/. -(;) 4/'2+'-9), 8'.-' 84$ 4/'-+9/4' 8'#?#"µ6&4') ?%&4' (µ('.-5-#) (A-4 4;#'&"5&6# &-( /4+'4>.µ4$( 2#' &-( /7#6&'( 74'-(;+16#), 4$< 4/'?%774' -4>$5-9) 8'#2+6&4') #$%µ4&# &4 #/.7;-# (µ#73 &;µ/4+':(+%, #/. -5 µ'# /74;+%, 2#' 4@#'+9&4'), #/. -5$ %775. E$#77#2-'2% /+() -5 &;µ?(7'23 /+(&911'&5 µ4 -') 8'#2+'-9) ($-.-5-4) 2#' -5 &;$-#2-'23 4/4@4+1#&6#, 5 .@9(%/2./21" /+(&911'&5 (Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986) /+(-46$4' 8'#?#"µ'&µ9$4) 2#' #77574/'2#7;/-.µ4$4) #$#/#+#&-%&4') >,+6) 8'%2+'&5 µ4-#@A &;$-#2-'2<$ '8'(-3-,$ 2#' &5µ#&'#2(A /4+'4>(µ9$(;. E8< 5 /513 -5) #$#7(16#) 84$ 46$#' -;/'2.) C5:'#2.) ;/(7(1'&-3) #77% 9$# #/7(/('5µ9$( 862-;( #77574/'8+<$-,$ $4;+<$,$ ./,) #;-% /(; ?79/(;µ4 &-# ?'(7(1'2% $4;+'2% &;&-3µ#-#. S' $4;+<$4) #/(-47(A$ -') #;-.$(µ4) 4/4@4+1#&-'29) µ($%84) -(; 8'2-A(;. V#+#2-5+6B($-#' #/. 9$# ?#"µ. 8'914+&5), 3 «4$4+1(/(65&5)», 2#' #/. &;$84&'µ.-5-# 8'#?#"µ'&µ9$5) 8'%8(&5) -5) 8'914+&5) #$%µ4&# &-') µ($%84). O$# µ#"5µ#-'2. µ($-97( -9-('(; 8'2-A(; /4+'1+%:4-#' #/. 9$#$ /6$#2# -'µ<$ /(; ($(µ%B($-#' ?#"µ(6 4$4+1(/(65&5) -,$ µ($%8,$ 2#' 9$# 84A-4+( /6$#2# #+'"µ<$ /(; ($(µ%B($-#' ?%+5 -,$ &;$89&4,$. 0 74'-(;+16# -(; &;&-3µ#-() &;$6&-#-#' &4 #714?+'2(A) µ4-#&>5µ#-'&µ(A) #;-<$ -,$ 8A( /'$%2,$, 2#' 46$#' /(&(-'23 2#' 2#-#$4µ5µ9$5 &-( &A$(7( -(; 8'2-A(;, >,+6) $# 4$-(/6B($-#' &4 #;-3$ 8'#2+'-9) 4&,-4+'29) ($-.-5-4) ./,) -# &Aµ?(7# 2#' (' 2#$.$4) -5) /+(51(Aµ4$5) '89#). =-5 &;$84-'&-'23 "9,+5&5 84$ ;/%+>4' 8'%2+'&5 #71(+'"µ'2(A 2#' ;/(7(1'&-'2(A 4/'/98(;. S' /+() 4/4@4+1#&6# /75+(:(+64) #$-'&-('>(A$ &;$(7'2% &4 «4$4+1(/(65&5» ;/(7(1'&-'2<$ µ($%8,$ («2.µ?,$») (' (/(64) /#+9>(;$ -#;-.>+($# -( #$#/#+#&-#&'#2. 2#' -( ;/(7(1'&-'2. ;/.?#"+( -(; $(;. 0 4$4+1(/(65&5 ;/(7(16B4-#' µ4 /(&(-'2(A) 2#$.$4) 2#' 8'#8684-#' µ4-#@A 2.µ?,$ &Aµ:,$# µ4 2#$.$4) &;$84&µ(7(16#) -(; &;&-3µ#-() (Houghton, 2005). S7.275+( -( &A&-5µ# 4/4@4+1#&6#) 46$#' 9$# 862-;( 8'#&;$84µ9$,$ ;/(7(1'&-'2<$ µ($%8,$. S' /75+(:(+64) 46$#' 2#-#$4µ5µ9$4) &4 (7.275+( -( 862-;( ;/. µ(+:3 4$4+1(/(65&5), 4$< 5 µ.$5 8;$#-3 /+%@5 46$#' 5 -+(/(/(65&5 2#' 8'%8(&5 -5) 4$4+1(/(65&5). O-&', 84$ 46$#' 8;$#-. $# (+'&-(A$ 8'#2+'-9) #$#/#+#&-#&'#29) µ($%84) (A-4 $# 8'#2+'"(A$ 2%/('4) '8'.-5-4) ,) &;$-#2-'29). S /6$#2#) 4$4+1(/(65&5) -,$ µ($%8,$ #$-'&-('>46 &4 9$# 8'%$;&µ# &-( ><+( :%&4,$ -(; 8'2-A(;, ( (/(6() 9>4' -.&4) 8'#&-%&4') .&4) 46$#' (' µ($%84) -(; 8'2-A(;. !;-. &5µ#6$4' .-' #;-(µ%-,) 46$#' (+'&µ9$4) (' #/(&-%&4') #$%µ4&# &4 (/('4&83/(-4 2#-#&-%&4') -(; &;&-3µ#-(), ,) 8'#$A&µ#-# 8'#:(+%) µ9&# &4 #;-. -( ><+(, 2,8'2(/('<$-#) µ'# 8'#?#"µ'&µ9$5 «(µ('.-5-#» #$%µ4&# &4 2#-#&-%&4')-#$#/#+#&-%&4'). E/'/79($, (' µ4-#?%&4') -(; &;&-3µ#-() #/. µ'# 2#-%&-#&5 &4 4/.µ4$5 µ/(+(A$ $# $(5"(A$ ,) -+(>'9) µ9&# &-( ><+( #;-., #$ /+.24'-#' 1'# #$#8+(µ'2. 862-;( µ4 ?+.>(;) #$#-+(:(8.-5&5) &4 &;$4>3 3 8'#2+'-. >+.$(. 0 #'-'(2+#-'23 74'-(;+16# -(; 8'2-A(; #7757(4$4+1(/(65&5) +;"µ6B4-#' <&-4 $# /#+%14' -') 4/'";µ5-9) &>9&4') µ4-#@A 4'&+(<$ 2#' 42+(<$. S' 2+6&'µ4) &;$%:4'4) 2#' 8'#2+6&4') µ4-#@A 4$$('<$ 84$ >+4'%B4-#' ((A-4 46$#' 4:'2-.) $# /+(&8'(+'&-(A$ +5-%, 8'.-' 5 µ4+'23 #77574/'2%7;C5 µ4-#@A -,$ 4$$('<$ #/(8684' #;-.µ#-# -5$ (µ('.-5-% -(;). O-&', -( &;$84-'&-'2. 862-;( 8'#-5+46 9$# :;&'2. /+(-9+5µ# &-5$ 4/4@4+1#&6# ?%&4' (µ('.-5-#). !/(89>4-#' 8'#?#"µ'&µ9$4) 4'&+(9) 2#' /#+9>4' &;&-5µ#-'2% 8'#?#"µ'&µ9$4) #/(2+6&4'), #$-6&-('>#. J'# -( 7.1( #;-. #8;$#-46 $# #$#/#+#&-3&4' -5$ #/(7;-.-5-# -,$ 8'#2+'-<$ &;µ?.7,$ 2#' -5$ #:#'+4-'2.-5-# -(; &;$-#2-'2(A 4/4@4+1#&-3. =-( &;$84-'&µ. 84$ ;/%+>(;$, (A-4 µ/(+(A$ $# ;/%+@(;$, #:5+5µ9$4) µ4-#?75-9), 2#"<) .74) (' #$#/#+#&-%&4') &;µµ4-9>(;$ &-(;) ;/(7(1'&µ(A) µ4 -( /73+4) 2#' &;1242+'µ9$( /4+'4>.µ4$. -(;). =4 2%/('4) /4+'/-<&4') #;-. 46$#' /+(-9+5µ#, &4 %774) µ4'($92-5µ#—5 &>4-'23 8'#µ%>5 µ4-+% 842#4-64)4 2#' 46$#' #µ:6?(7( #$ "# 73@4' &A$-(µ#.


J'# /#+%84'1µ#, 5 &A1>+($5 &;$84-'&-'23 /+(&911'&5 "4µ47'<"524 µ4 -( 86-(µ( 9+1( -5) «(µ%8#) PDP» (Rumelhart & McClelland, 1986). S' Fodor & Pylyshyn (1988) %&25&#$ 8+'µ46# 2+'-'23 &-( &;$84-'&µ., µ4-#@A %77,$, 1'# -( 9774'µµ# &;&-5µ#-'2.-5-#) (µ4 -5 &;µ?(7'23 9$$('#), 857#83 1'# -5$ #8;$#µ6# 8'#-3+5&5) -,$ &5µ#&'<$ &4 $9# ;/(7(1'&-'2% /7#6&'#. 0 /+<-5 &;$84-'&-'23 /+(&(µ(6,&5 1'# -5$ -42µ5+',µ9$5 #$-62+(;&5 -5) 2+'-'23) #;-3) 85µ(&'4A-524 /%$, #/. 20 >+.$'# #+1.-4+# (Frank 2.%., 2009) 2#' #:(+% &4 9$# µ'2+. µ.$( µ9+() -5) &>4-'23) 2+'-'23).


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E/4'83, 7('/.$, (' $4;+(#/4'2($6&4') µ/(+(A$ $# /+(&8'(+'&-(A$ &-( $(5-'2. 4/6/48(, µ/(+(A$ 2#' $# >+5&'µ(/('5"(A$ ,) 4$846@4') 1'# -') 1$,&'#29) ;/("9&4') 2#' "4,+64). 0 /4'+#µ#-'23 &>486#&5 4/'-+9/4' #;-3 -5 &A$84&5 >%+5 &-5 8'4/#:3 µ4-#@A 4/'/98,$ /(; /#+9>4-#' #/. -5 :;&'(7(16# -5) /#+#1,13) -,$ $4;+(#/4'2($'&-'2<$ &5µ%-,$. O-&', &;1242+'µ9$# ;/(7(1'&-'2% µ($-97# µ4 -') 2#-%77574) ;/("9&4') 14:A+,&5) µ/(+(A$ $# (8513&(;$ &4 4791@'µ4) $4;+(#/4'2($'&-'29) ;/("9&4') 1'# -5$ #$-'&-(6>'&5 /#+#µ9-+,$ (O’Doherty, Hampton, & Kim, 2007) 3 4/'µ9+(;) 8'4+1#&'<$ (Anderson 2.%., 2003) -,$ µ($-97,$ &4 74'-(;+1'29) 4124:#7'29) 2#-#1+#:9). 0 /#+#/%$, 8'4;2+6$'&5 9>4' "4,+5-'2. >#+#2-3+#, 2#' 8'2#'(7(146 4/'&-5µ(7(1'2% -5$ #@'(/(65&5 $4;+(#/4'2($'&-'2<$ 848(µ9$,$ 1'# -5$ ;/(&-3+'@5 (3 -5 8'%C4;&5) 1$,&'#2<$ "4,+'<$. !@6B4', /#+4$"4-'2%, $# 4/'&5µ#$"46 9$# #2.µ# &5µ#$-'2. 1$<+'&µ# -,$ $4;+(#/4'2($6&4,$. 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µ#1$5-'2<$ '8'(-3-,$ -,$ µ(+6,$ -5) #'µ(&:#'+6$5) (Huettel, Song, & McCarthy, 2008. Song, Huettel, & McCarthy, 2006). S 7.1() /(; µ#) 4$8'#:9+4' $# 2#-#1+%C(;µ4 -5$ #'µ#-'23 (@;1.$,&5 46$#' .-' 5 #A@5&5 -5) #'µ#-'23) +(3) &;$894-#' #@'./'&-# µ4 #;@5µ9$5 $4;+,$'23 8+#&-5+'.-5-#. E/4'83 (' $4;+,$'29) 4'&+(9) &4 µ'# /4+'(>3 -(; :7('(A /+(9+>($-#' 2#-% /74'($.-5-# #/. %77(;) $4;+<$4) &-5$ 68'# /4+'(>3, 5 #A@5&5 -5) #'µ#-'23) +(3) &;$894-#' #+24-% &-4$% µ4 9$-($5 8+#&-5+'.-5-# &-5$ /4+'(>3. J'# -5$ #2+6?4'#, :#6$4-#' /,) &;$894-#' /'( &-4$% µ4 &;1>+($'&µ9$5 $4;+,$'23 %2.0'" 2#' .>' µ4 /;+(8.-5&5 8;$#µ'2<$ 4$4+146#) (Ekstrom, 2008. Logothetis, 2002). 0 &>9&5 -5) 2#-#1+#:3) µ4 -5 $4;+,$'23 8+#&-5+'.-5-# /(; /+(2%74&4 -( 5742-+(µ#1$5-'2. &3µ# /(; 2#-#1+%:(;µ4 46$#' 9µµ4&5 2#' 8'#µ4&(7#?46-#' #/. -5$ 2;27(:(+6# -(; #6µ#-(). !;-. &5µ#6$4' /,) (' 2#-#1+#:9) 4/5+4%B($-#' /+,-6&-,) #/. 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S 7.1() /(; 84$ µ/(+46 $# 2#-#1+#:46 8'914+&5 46$#' /,) ( 4129:#7() 74'-(;+146 &;$4><): 2%"4 /4+'(>3 2#' 2%"4 $4;+<$#) 9>4' /%$-# 9$#$ #;".+µ5-( +;"µ. /;+(8.-5&5). 0 2;27(:(+6# -(; #6µ#-() &-($ 4129:#7( 84$ 8'#2./-4-#' /(-9 8'.-' #/. #;-3$ 4@#+-%-#' 5 8'#-3+5&5 -5) B,3) 2#' -5) 74'-(;+16#) -(; (+1%$(;. Z+#, 5 2#-#1+#:3 &3µ#-() /(; &;$894-#' µ4 -5$ #'µ#-'23 +(3 84$ µ#) 794' -6/(-# >+3&'µ( &>4-'2% µ4 -5 $4;+,$'23 74'-(;+16#. J'# $# /%+(;µ4 74'-(;+1'23 /75+(:(+6# µ9&, µ#1$5-'23) -(µ(1+#:6#) /+9/4' $# 2#-#1+%C(;µ4 &3µ# #/. 8A( -(;7%>'&-($ 8'#:(+4-'29) /4'+#µ#-'29) &;$"324) 2#' $# ;/(7(16&(;µ4 -5 8'#:(+% #'µ#-'23) (@;1.$,&5) µ4-#@A -,$ 8A( &;$"52<$. O-&', &-5 µ9"(8( #;-3 ;/4'&9+>4-#' /%$-# -( /+.?75µ# -5) &A12+'&5). =4 /'( &A1>+($4) /+(&4116&4') #/(868(;µ4 &;$4>46) 8'#2;µ%$&4') -5) (@;1.$,&5) &4 /(&(-'29) µ4-#?75-9) µ4 /#7'$8+.µ5&5 3 µ4 /'( &A$"4-4) µ4".8(;) #$%7;&5) 8'#2Aµ#$&5) 7#$"#$(;&<$ µ4-#?75-<$. *%$-# .µ,) /#+#µ9$4', #$#12#&-'2%, -( &-('>46( &;12+'-'23) #$%7;&5) 8'#:(+<$ #'µ#-'23) (@;1.$,&5). 0 #$%125 &A12+'&5) 4'&%14' 8A( 4'8<$ /4+'(+'&µ(A). S /+<-() (:4674-#' &-5$ #;"#'+4&6# -5) &;$"325) #$#:(+%). H57#83, 1'# $# 2#-#1+%C(;µ4 -5$ 2#-#$(µ3 #'µ#-'23) (@;1.$,&5) /(; &;$894-#' µ4 2%/('( $(5-'2. 9+1( "# /+9/4' $# 2#-#1+%C(;µ4 2#' -5$ #'µ#-'23 (@;1.$,&5 .-#$ 84$ 42-4746-#' -( 9+1( #;-., 2#' $# &;12+6$(;µ4 -') 8A( &;$"324). Fµ,) 84$ 46$#' 2#".7(; /+(:#$9) /('# "# /+9/4' $# 46$#' 5 &;$"325 #$#:(+%) <&-4 $# #/(µ($<&(;µ4 -5 $(5-'23 74'-(;+16# /(; µ#) 4$8'#:9+4'. J'# /#+%84'1µ#, #) ;/("9&(;µ4 /,) "97(;µ4 $# µ474-3&(;µ4 -5$ 4/4@4+1#&6# #2(;&-'2<$ 4+4"'&µ%-,$. =>48'%B(;µ4, 7('/.$, 9$# /46+#µ#, &-( (/(6( /4+'7#µ?%$4-#' µ'# &;$"325 ./(; #2(A1($-#' 3>(', 2#' 2#-#1+%:(;µ4 -5$ #'µ#-'23 (@;1.$,&5 2#-% -5 8'%+24'% -5). J'# &A12+'&5, "# µ/(+(A&#µ4 $# 9>(;µ4 µ'# &;$"325 «5+4µ6#)», µ4 5&;>6# 2#' >,+6) 2#".7(; 4+4"6&µ#-#, 3 µ'# «(/-'23» &;$"325, µ4 5&;>6# 2#' µ4 (/-'2% 4+4"6&µ#-#. Q#' &-') 8;( /4+'/-<&4'), &;12+6$(;µ4 -5 &;$"325-&-.>(, /(; /4+'7#µ?%$4' #2(;&-'23 4/4@4+1#&6#, µ4 2%/('# &;$"325 >,+6) #2(;&-'23 4/4@4+1#&6#, %+# (' 8'#:(+9) #'µ#-'23) (@;1.$,&5) &4 2%"4 &A12+'&5 "# 4@#+-<$-#' 2#-% 9$# µ9+() #/. -5$ A/#+@5 2#' 4/4@4+1#&6# -,$ 3>,$. H4$ 46$#' .µ,) 5 A/#+@5 3>,$ 5 µ($#8'23 8'#:(+% µ4-#@A -,$ &;$"52<$. =-5$ /4+6/-,&5 -5) &;$"325) 5+4µ6#), 84$ µ/(+(Aµ4 @9+(;µ4 -' &29:-4-#' ( 4"47($-3) 2#-% -5 8'%+24'# -5) 5&;>6#), /(A 46$#' 4&-'#&µ9$5 5 /+(&(>3 -(; 2#' µ4 /('( #;".+µ5-( 4$8(14$9) 9+1( µ/(+46 $# 46$#' #/#&>(75µ9$() ( 4129:#7() (9$# '8'#6-4+( 4+4;$5-'2. B3-5µ#, ?7. Biswall, 2010). M9+() -,$ 8'#:(+<$ /(; "# /+(2AC(;$ 2#-% -5 &A12+'&5 "# (:467($-#', #$#12#&-'2%, .>' &-5$ #/(;&6# #2(;&-'23) 4/4@4+1#&6#) #77% &-') %1$,&-4) 74'-(;+164). =-5$ /4+6/-,&5 -5) (/-'23) &;$"325) 4@#&:#76B(;µ4 &4 2%/('( ?#"µ. .-' ( 4"47($-3) "# 46$#' 4@6&(; #/#&>(75µ9$() µ4 -5$ 4/4@4+1#&6# -,$ /4'+#µ#-'2<$ 4+4"'&µ%-,$ 2#' %+# 84$ "# µ/(+46 $# @4:A14' 4$-47<) &4 #$4@97412-4) &29C4') 2#' 8'4+1#&64). Q#-% -5 &A12+'&5, .µ,), 84$ "# µ/(+(Aµ4 $# 8'#2+6$(;µ4 /('4) #/. -') 8'#:(+9) (:467($-#' &-5$ /#+(;&6# (/-'2<$ 4+4"'&µ%-,$ 2#' /('4) &-5$ #/(;&6# #2(;&-'2<$ 4+4"'&µ%-,$. M4 8;( 7.1'#, 5 2#-#1+#:3 &;1242+'µ9$5) 2#-#$(µ3) #'µ#-'23) (@;1.$,&5) 4µ/4+'9>4' #$#12#&-'2% &-('>46# 2#' #/. -') 8A( &;12+'$.µ4$4) &;$"324), 2#' 14

4$&,µ#-<$4' -5 "4,+5-'23 #$%7;&5 -,$ 8'4+1#&'<$ &Aµ:,$# µ4 -5$ (/(6# 5 $(5-'23 74'-(;+16#-&-.>() 46$#' 5 µ($#8'23 (3 -(;7%>'&-($ 5 2;+'.-4+5) 8'#:(+% µ4-#@A -,$ &;12+'$.µ4$,$ &;$"52<$ (Poldrack, 2010#). D( 84A-4+( /+.?75µ# -5) &A12+'&5) 46$#' .-' #/#'-46 &-#-'&-'2. 2+'-3+'( &5µ#$-'2.-5-#). L.1, -(; "(+A?(; 2#' -5) #?4?#'.-5-#) &4 2%"4 2#-#1+#:3, 5 #$6>$4;&5 8'#:(+<$ #'µ#-'23) (@;1.$,&5) 16$4-#' ,) 4@3): *+<-# ;/(7(16B(;µ4, 1'# 2%"4 4124:#7'23 /4+'(>3, -5$ 2#-#$(µ3 -(; &3µ#-() &4 2%"4 /4'+#µ#-'23 &;$"325 2#' &-5$ #$-6&-('>5 &;$"325 #$#:(+%). =-5 &;$9>4'# ;/(7(16B(;µ4 /.&( /'"#$. 46$#' $# (:4674-#' &-5$ -A>5 5 2#-#141+#µµ9$5 8'#:(+% µ4-#@A -,$ &;$"52<$. !$ &4 2%/('# 4124:#7'23 /4+'(>3 5 /'"#$.-5-# #;-3 46$#' /(7A µ'2+3 -.-4 5 8'#:(+% "4,+46-#' «&-#-'&-'2% &5µ#$-'23» 2#' &;µ/4+#6$(;µ4 /,) 5 74'-(;+16# -5) /4+'(>3) #;-3) 4/5+4%B4-#' #/. -($ /4'+#µ#-'2. >4'+'&µ.. Fµ,), -( -' "4,+46-#' «/(7A µ'2+3» 4@#+-%-#' #/. -( 2+'-3+'( /(; -6"4-#' #;"#6+4-# #/. -($ /4'+#µ#-'&-3. !;-. 84$ &5µ#6$4' /,) ( 2#"9$#) ?%B4' -( 2+'-3+'( ./(; -($ ?(74A4'—&-5$ /+%@5 (' /4+'&&.-4+(' >+5&'µ(/('(A$ -') 68'4) 3 /#+.µ('4) µ4".8(;). D( /+.?75µ# 46$#' /,) -;>.$ #77#13 &-( 2+'-3+'( "# 9>4' &;$9/4'4) 2#' &-( -' "4,+46-#' 8'#:(+4-'2., %+# 2#' &-( /('4) /4+'(>9) "# "4,+(A$-#' «4$4+1(/('5µ9$4)». H57#83, ( 4$-(/'&µ.) -,$ /4+'(><$ /(; 4/5+4%B($-#' #/. -($ /4'+#µ#-'2. >4'+'&µ. 4µ/4+'9>4', #$#12#&-'2%, 2#' -5$ 4/'7(13 -(; &-#-'&-'2(A 2+'-5+6(;. J'# 9$#$ #2.µ# 7.1(, 7('/.$, 5 #$#:(+% &4 /4+'(>9) -(; 4124:%7(; 4$&,µ#-<$4' &-('>46# -5) /4'+#µ#-'23) µ4"(8(7(16#) 2#' -5) #$%7;&5), /(; 46$#' #$4@%+-5-# #/. -5 74'-(;+16# -(; 4124:%7(;, 2%-' /(; "# /+9/4' $# 7#µ?%$4-#' /%$-# ;/.C5 1'# -5$ 4+µ5$46# -,$ 4;+5µ%-,$. S' /#+#/%$, /4+'(+'&µ(6 46$#', :;&'2%, /(7A 2#7% 1$,&-(6 &-(;) 4+4;$5-9) /(; >+5&'µ(/('(A$ #;-9) -') µ4".8(;). O-&', 2#"<) .7(' 1$,+6B(;$ &4 -' #$#:9+($-#' 2#' µ4 -' /4+'(+'&µ(A) 3 /+(G/("9&4') /+9/4' $# 4+µ5$4;-46 2%"4 &-('>46(, 46$#' /(7A 7(1'2. .-' (' #$#:(+9) &-# 4;+3µ#-# 16$($-#' >,+6) $# 4/#$#7#µ?%$($-#' 2%"4 :(+% -# 68'# &-('>46# ;/(?%"+(;. H'#?%B(;µ4 3 #2(Aµ4 &;>$% #$#:(+9) &4 «8'414+µ9$4)» /4+'(>9) -(; 4124:%7(; 3 &4 /4+'(>9) /(; «4$4+1(/('(A$-#'» &4 2%/('# /4'+#µ#-'23 &;$"325. S' 1$<&-4) #$-'7#µ?%$($-#' .-' 5 (+(7(16# #;-3 46$#' &;$-(µ(1+#:'23 2#' .-' 84$ ;/%+>(;$ «#$4$4+19)» /4+'(>9) /(; 4/'&-+#-4A($-#' 2#' @;/$%$4 4'8'2% 1'# -5$ 4/4@4+1#&6# 2%/('(; 4+4"6&µ#-(), (A-4 /4+'(>9) #/.7;-# 4$4+1(/('5µ9$4), #77% .-' &4 2%"4 4124:#7'23 /4+'(>3 ;/%+>4' µ'# &;$4>3) 8'#?%"µ'&5 8'#:(+<$ µ4-#@A -,$ &;$"52<$ /(; &;12+6$(;µ4, 1'# -5$ (/(6# 84$ µ/(+(Aµ4 $# 1$,+6B(;µ4 (A-4 #$ (:4674-#' &4 8'414+-'23 3 #$#&-#7-'23 8+#&-5+'.-5-#, (A-4 #$ 4$-%&&4-#' &4 #$,:4+3 5 2#-,:4+3 8'4+1#&6#, (A-4 #$ #$-#$#27% 4/4@4+1#&6# /75+(:(+'<$ 3 $4;+(+;"µ'&-'2% &3µ#-# (Logothetis, 2008). H;&-;><), 5 >+3&5 #;-3) -5) &;$-(µ4;µ9$5) (+(7(16#) 8+# /#+#/7#$5-'2% &-( µ5 4'8'2. 2('$., µ4 #/(-974&µ# -4+%&-'4) /#+#$(3&4') 1'# -( +.7( 2#' -5 74'-(;+16# -(; $4;+'2(A &;&-3µ#-(). O-&', #/(-479&µ#-# µ58#µ'$3) 4+µ5$4;&'µ.-5-#) 16$($-#' @#:$'2% 4'83&4') .-#$ /#6+$(;$ >+,µ#-'&-3 ;/.&-#&5 /%$, &4 9$# B,1+#:'&-. 4129:#7(, µ4 #/(-974&µ# $# /$'1.µ#&-4 &4 µ'# "%7#&&# 85µ(&'(1+#:'23) #$(5&6#), µ4 /4+'(>9) -(; "4(A &-($ 4129:#7(, -(µ(1+%:(;) /(; 8'#?%B(;$ -# .$4'+# 27/. H;&-;><) (' #$#:(+9) &4 4124:#7'23 74'-(;+16# 9>(;$ '8'#6-4+# /4'&-'2. #/(-974&µ# &-($ #$;/(C6#&-( #$#1$<&-5 (Beck, 2010) /(; 84$ µ/(+46 $# 1$,+6B4' .-' -# >+<µ#-# /%$, &-5$ 4124:#7'23 -(µ3 &;$3",) #/4'2($6B(;$ 9$# 8462-5 &-#-'&-'23) &5µ#$-'2.-5-#) &-5 &A12+'&5 µ4-#@A 8A( &;$"52<$ 9µµ4&5) 2#-#1+#:3) -5) 4124:#7'23) (@;1.$,&5), 2#' .>' µ'# «:,-(1+#:6#» -5) $4;+,$'23) 74'-(;+16#) (Roskies, 2010). 3.4 69/'72./21" @7A&%.5 1#2 F0%9')'*+# F/,) µ/(+46 $# 84' 2#$46) &-') &5µ4+'$9) $4;+(#/4'2($'&-'29) µ479-4), 5 -+9>(;&# ;/."4&5 4+1#&6#), -( 8.1µ# -5) 1$,&'#23) $4;+(4/'&-3µ5), 46$#' /,) «(' $(5-'29) 74'-(;+164) (+1#$<$($-#' &4 4124:#7'2% 862-;# µ41%75) 276µ#2#), #/. /4+'(>9) /(; &;$89($-#' #$#-(µ'2% 2#' #77574/'8+(A$ 74'-(;+1'2%. !;-% -# 862-;# #/#+-6B($-#' #/. 2#-#$4µ5µ9$4) /4+'(>9) :#'%) (;&6#) &-( :7('. (' (/(64) #77574/'8+(A$ 74'-(;+1'2% &4 µ'2+9) 2#' µ41%74) #/(&-%&4') µ9&, 84µ#-6,$ '$<$ 74;23) (;&6#)» (#/. Saur 2.%., 2010, &47. 3187Y ?7. Bressler & Menon, 2010, 1'# 4;+A-4+5 /4+'1+#:3 2#' -42µ5+6,&5). E6$#' 2+6&'µ5) &5µ#&6#) .-' 5 ?#&'23 ;/."4&5 2#' ( 2A+'() 4+4;$5-'2.) &-.>() 9>4' $# 2%$4' µ4 $(5-'29) 74'-(;+164) 2#' .>' µ4 4124:#7'29), 2#"<) (' -474;-#64) 84$ 46$#' /#+% -( µ9&( 2#' ( -+./() ;7(/(65&5) -,$ /+<-,$. 0 /+.(8() -(; 4+4;$5-'2(A /+(1+%µµ#-() /(; /4+'7#µ?%$4' $4;+(#/4'2($'&-'2% 848(µ9$# /+(G/("9-4' (#) µ'# #8+3 -(;7%>'&-($ >,+("9-5&5 -,$ 8'#:(+4-'2<$ 4124:#7'2<$ 74'-(;+1'<$ 2#' (?) #$%7;&5 -,$ $(5-'2<$ 74'-(;+1'<$ &4 &-('>4'<85 &;&-#-'2% -# (/(6# #$-'&-('>(A$ &4 4$-(/'&µ9$4) 4124:#7'29) 74'-(;+164) (Poldrack, 2010?). S;&'#&-'2%, /+.24'-#' 1'# -5$ ;/."4&5 -(; 4$-(/'&µ(A, 2#-% -5$ (/(6# 2%"4 4124:#7'23 /4+'(>3 42-4746 2%/('# &;1242+'µ9$5 74'-(;+16#, 857#83 2%/('( &-#"4+. 2#' &;1242+'µ9$( ;/(7(1'&µ., 2#' &;$4'&:9+4' µ4 -5 74'-(;+16# -5) #;-3 &-5$ 42-974&5 2%"4 9+1(; /(; 15

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4.2 $2# #7)'K1" 70'.>**2.5 !) ;/("9&(;µ4 .-' 2%/('() 4"47($-3) 2#746-#' $# 8<&4' µ'# #$#:(+% «/+<-(; /+(&</(;» 1'# -5 $(5-'23 8'4+1#&6# -5) #$-675C5). Q('-%B4' 9$# 7(;7(A8' 2#' #$#:9+4' -($ -+./( µ4 -($ (/(6( 4&-'%B4' -5$ /+(&(>3 -(; &4 8'#:(+4-'2% &5µ46# 2#' 8'#:(+4-'29) .C4') -(; #$-'24'µ9$(;, 2#"<) 2#' -( #$-'75/-'2. #/(-974&µ# -5) B,$-%$'#) -(; >+<µ#-(), -5) :4;1#79#) 26$5&5), -5) $(5-'23) ;/(><+5&5) -(; (/-'2(A ;/(?%"+(; (-( :.$-() 27/. O$#) %77() 4"47($-3), #/. -($ (/(6( "# B5-(A&#µ4 $# 2%$4' -( 68'(, 6&,) 98'$4 µ'# 8'#:(+4-'23 #$#:(+%. =4 2%"4 /4+6/-,&5, 84$ 46$#' 8;$#-. 1'# 9$#$ -+6-(, 4@,-4+'2. /#+#-5+5-3 2#' 2#-#1+#:9# -,$ 742-'2<$ #$#:(+<$ $# 4791@4' 2#-% /.&( (' #$#:(+9) #;-9) 46$#' /73+4') 2#' #2+'?46) &4 &>9&5 µ4 -5$ ;/(24'µ4$'23 4µ/4'+6# 2#"4$.) 4"47($-3. *('# 46$#' #;-3 5 ;/(24'µ4$'23 4µ/4'+6#, #/( -5 &2(/'% -(; 68'(; -(; 4"47($-3; =-( =>3µ# 2 (/%$,) #/4'2($6B4-#' µ'# ;/("4-'23 "4,+6# 2('$(A $(; 1'# -5$ #;-(/#+#-3+5&5. U;µ6B4' "4,+64) «#$-675C5) #$<-4+5) -%@5)» 1'# -5 &;$4685&5 (Kriegel, 2006. Carruthers, 2005), .µ,) 84$ #/(-4746 &;$42-'2. "4,+5-'2. ('2(8.µ5µ# #77% #$4/4@9+1#&-5 8'#6&"5&5. =2./'µ# ;/4+#/7(;&-4;-'23, 84$ #/4;"A$4-#' &4 :#'$(µ4$(7(1'2% 4$3µ4+(;) :'7.&(:(;) #77% 2;+6,) &4 .&(;) 84$ 9>(;$ #$#7(1'&-46 8'4@(8'2% -( /+.?75µ#. 0 «"4,+6#» #;-3 ;/("9-4' .-': (1) T/%+>4' 2%/('# /+,-(14$3) $(5-'23 8'4+1#&6#, 4$ /+(24'µ9$, 5 (/-'23 #$-675C5 -(; 7(;7(;8'(A, 5 (/(6# 46$#' &;$4'85-3 2#' %+# '8',-'2% /#+#-5+3&'µ5. (2) 0 '8',-'23 /#+#-3+5&5 -5) $(5-'23) 8'4+1#&6#) &-.>(; 46$#' 9@, #/. #;-3$ (9@, #/. -5$ /+,-(14$3 $(5-'23 8'4+1#&6#) 2#' 84$ -5$ 4/5+4%B4'. (3) S /#+#-5+5-3) -5) $(5-'23) 8'4+1#&6#) &-.>(; 46$#' 8'#:(+4-'2.) #/. -( ;/(246µ4$( -5) 8'4+1#&6#) #;-3) 8'.-' #$ 3-#$ ( 68'() -.-4 84$ "# µ/(+(A&4 $# 9>4' -#;-.>+($# &>9&5 /#+#-5+3&'µ(; #$-'24'µ9$(; ,) /+() -5$ /#+#-3+5&5. Q%/('(), 857#83, /#+#-5+46 -5 $(5-'23 8'4+1#&6# &-.>( 2#' 8'#µ(+:<$4' 9$# #2+'?9) &;$4'85-. $(5-'2. #$-675µµ# #;-3), 9@, #/. #;-3$. (4) D( #/(-974&µ# -5) /#+#-3+5&5) #;-3) µ/(+46 $# /4+'1+#:-46 742-'2% µ4 #2+6?4'#, #@'(/'&-6# 2#' 412;+.-5-#. (5) =;$4/<), 5 742-'23 #$#:(+% /(; /4+'1+%:4' -5$ /#+#-3+5&5 -5) $(5-'23) 8'4+1#&6#) &-.>(; µ#) 8'#:,-6B4' &>4-'2% µ4 -( µ5>#$'&µ. -5) 2#' µ/(+46 $# >+5&'µ(/('5"46 4/4@515µ#-'2% 1'# -5$ 2#-#$.5&5 2#' -5$ /4+'1+#:3 -5). U4,+< .-' 5 2('$3 #$-675C5 1'# -5$ #;-(/#+#-3+5&5 /4+'1+%:4-#' µ4 2#73 /+(&911'&5 #/. -( #/7(;&-4;-'2. #;-. &>3µ#. H;&-;><), 2#' -# /9$-4 &-('>46# -5) /4+'1+#:3) #;-3) /%&>(;$ #/. &(?#+.-#-# /+(?73µ#-#, 46-4 7(1'23) &;$(>3) 46-4 &A$84&5) µ4 -# 1$,&-% >#+#2-5+'&-'2% -,$ $(5-'2<$ 8'4+1#&'<$ µ9&, 4741>.µ4$,$ /4'+#µ%-,$ #/. -5$ (/-'23 -(; -+6-(; /+(&</(;. K(µ6B,, #2.µ#, .-' 2#' /'( ;/(C'#&µ9$4) /+(&4116&4') &-5 :#'$(µ4$(7(1'23 #$%7;&5 /%&>(;$ &4 2%/('( ?#"µ. #/. /#+.µ('# /+(?73µ#-#, &-( ?#"µ. /(; ?#&6B($-#' &-5$ /+,-(19$4'# -(; ;/(24'µ9$(; 2#' 4/'>4'+(A$ -( /#+%8(@( -5) 8'%2+'&5) µ4-#@A /#+#-5+5-3 2#' /#+#-5+(Aµ4$(; µ9&# &-( 68'( ;/(246µ4$(.5 M4+'2% #/. -# /+(?73µ#-# -5) /#+#/%$, /4+'1+#:3) µ/(+(A$ $# &;$(C'&-(A$ ,) 4@3): (#) S' $(5-'29) 8'4+1#&64) 46$#' 2#-% 2#$.$# µ5 &;$4'85-9). F74) (' #$#1$,+6&'µ4) 1$,&'#29) 74'-(;+164) /+(1+#µµ#-6B($-#' 2#' 42-47(A$-#' 42-.) &;$4'85-.-5-#), /#+.-' 2%/('4), &4 2%/('4) /4+'/-<&4'), 9>(;$ 2#' &;$4'85-9) 4/'/-<&4'). S' 4/'/-<&4') #;-9) #/(++9(;$ #/. -5$ 42-974&5 -5) 74'-(;+16#) #77% 84$ -5$ &;$-47(A$. O-&', 46$#' 4114$<) #8A$#-( $# /+(2AC4' ,) &;$4'85-. /#+#-5+3&'µ( 5 42-974&5 -5) #$-675C5) -(; 7(;7(;8'(A, 3 -5) 4/67;&5) 4$.) /+(?73µ#-(), /#+.-' /+(2A/-4' ,) &;$4'85-. /#+#-5+3&'µ( -( #$-675µµ# -(; 7(;7(;8'(A 3 5 7A&5 -(; /+(?73µ#-(). D( &;$4'85-. #$-675µµ# #/(276$4' &5µ#$-'2% #/. -5$ #$-'75/-3 1$<&5 µ#), 2#-% 8A( 9$$('4): *+<-($, -( $(5-'2. &A&-5µ# 4/4@4+1%B4-#' 74/-(µ9+4'4) 2#' &-('>46# -(; #$-'24'µ9$(; -# (/(6# 84$ 16$($-#' &;$4'85-% #$-'75/-%, #77% 1$,+6B(;µ4 9µµ4&# -5$ A/#+@3 -(;) 8'.-' 4/5+4%B($-#' %774) $(5-'29) 8'4+1#&64) (/.>. #$-'75/-'23 µ%"5&5, µ4+(75/-'23 /+(&(>3 27/.) (?7., /.>., Debner & Jacoby, 1994. Hsieh, Colas, & Kanwisher, 2011. Seitz & Watanabe, 2005). M4 #;-3 -5$ 9$$('#, 5 4/61$,&5 -(; #$-'73µµ#-() 46$#' :-,>.-4+5 -5) µ5 &;$4'85-3) #$-'75/-'23) 8'4+1#&6#). H4A-4+($, -( $(5-'2. &A&-5µ# 8'#"9-4' #$% /%&# &-'1µ3 /4+'(+'&µ9$4) /75+(:(+64) 1'# 2%"4 &5µ46( 3 &-('>46( -(; (/-'2(A /486(;, 2#"<) 84'1µ#-(75/-46 µ'2+9) /4+'(>9) ;C573) #$%7;&5) µ9&# #/. 5

*+.24'-#' 1'# /#+%8(@( 8'.-' #/#'-46 -#;-.>+($# 8A( #&Aµ?#-4) 2#-%&-#&4'): (#) -( ;/(246µ4$( /(; #$-'7#µ?%$4-#' -( 4@,-4+'2. 4+9"'&µ#, ,) #9/21%+µ%9' -5) #;-(/#+#-3+5&5), 2#' (?) -( ;/(246µ4$( /(; /#+#-5+46 -5$ #$-675C5 -(; 4@,-4+'2(A 4+4"6&µ#-(), ,) @7'1%+µ%9' -5) #;-(/#+#-3+5&5). D# 8A( #;-% ;/(246µ4$# /+(:#$<) 8'#:9+(;$, 2#"<) -( /+<-( #$-'7#µ?%$4-#' 9$# 4@,-4+'2. 4+9"'&µ# 4$< -( 84A-4+( 9$# 4&,-4+'2.. !$ -# 8A( ;/(246µ4$# -#;-'&-(A$, -.-4 -( #$-'246µ4$( -5) #;-(/#+#-3+5&5) 84$ 46$#' 5 #$-675C5 -(; 4@,-4+'2(A 4+4"6&µ#-() #77% -(; 4&,-4+'2(A, 2%-' /(; #/(-4746 #$-6:#&5 &-5$ /+<-5 /#+#8(>3.


8'#8(>'29) (:"#7µ(2'$3&4'). O-&', #77#19) &-( (/-'2. /486(, #2.µ# 2#' 42-4$46) µ4-#?(79) 4;8'%2+'-,$ &-('>46,$, /4+$(A$ 4A2(7# #/#+#-3+5-4) #$ &;µ?(A$ &4 &-'1µ3 /(; 5 /+(&(>3 46$#' &-+#µµ9$5 &4 %775 74/-(µ9+4'#, 2%-' /(; 9>4' #/(2#7;:"46 #/. µ479-4) -5) 741.µ4$5) «-A:7,&5) &-5$ #77#13» (change blindness: Rensink, O’Regan, & Clark, 1997. Simons & Levin, 1997) 2#' «-A:7,&5) #/+(&4@6#)» (inattentional blindness: Mack & Rock, 1998. Simons & Chabris, 1999. Most, 2010). M4 #;-3$ -5$ 9$$('#, 5 4/61$,&5 -(; #$-'73µµ#-() 46$#' (C4;8<)) /7(;&'.-4+5 -5) µ5 &;$4'85-3) #$-'75/-'23) 8'4+1#&6#). H57#83, $(µ6B(;µ4 .-' ?79/(;µ4 2#' 1$,+6B(;µ4 /4+'&&.-4+# #/. .&# /+#1µ#-'2% #$-'7#µ?#$.µ#&-4. E/'/79($, µ/(+46 $# ;/%+>4' 4/61$,&5 µ4-#?(73) >,+6) µ4-#?(73 &-( (/-'2. #$-675µµ# (Rensink, 2004). =4 2%"4 /4+6/-,&5, -( &;$4'85-. #$-675µµ# 84$ /#+9>4' (A-4 /73+5 (A-4 #$-'/+(&,/4;-'23 /75+(:.+5&5 1'# -5 $(5-'23 8'4+1#&6# -5) #$-675C5). (?) 0 ;/(-'"9µ4$5 '8',-'23 /#+#-3+5&5 84$ µ/(+46 /#+% $# 46$#' µ'# C4;8#6&"5&5, 2#"<) 84$ µ/(+46 $# ;/%+@4' 8'%2+'&5 /#+#-5+5-3 2#' /#+#-5+(Aµ4$(; (?7. &-('>46( (1) /#+#2%-,). 0 #;-(/#+#-3+5&5 -5) #$-675C5) 46$#' #$#12#&-'2% µ'# &;$4'85-3 $(5-'23 2#-%&-#&5 8'#2+'-3 #/. -5 $(5-'23 2#-%&-#&5 -5) #$-675C5) (Overgaard & Sørensen, 2004). Q#"<) 84$ 46$#' 85µ.&'# /#+#-5+3&'µ5, 84$ ;/%+>4' 2#$9$#) -+./() $# 4@#&:#7'&-46 .-' 5 #$#:(+% -5) &;$4'85-3) #;-(/#+#-3+5&5) /4+'7#µ?%$4' %"'2-5 2%/('# %775 8'4+1#&6# ,) µ9+() -5), 8'.-' 84$ ;/%+>4' 2+'-3+'( 8'%2+'&5) -,$ &;$4'85-<$ /75+(:(+'<$ /(; $# #/(8684' #@'./'&-# 2%/('4) #/. #;-9) &-5$ ;/(-'"9µ4$5 8'4+1#&6# &-.>( (/.>. &-5$ #$-675C5), µ4 &2(/. #;-9) $# #$#:4+"(A$ 742-'2%, 2#' %774) &-5 $(5-'23 8'4+1#&6# -5) #;-(/#+#-3+5&5), /(; 84$ #$#:9+($-#'. 0 ;/(24'µ4$'23 8'#6&"5&5 -(; :#'$(µ4$(7.1(; 84$ #/(-4746 #&:#79) 2+'-3+'( 8'%2+'&5) 8'.-' 14$'2% 5 ;/(24'µ4$'23 8'#6&"5&5 46$#' 4@#'+4-'2% 4;%7,-5 &4 /7%$4) 2%"4 468(;) (Schooler & Schreiber, 2004. Schwitzgebel, 2008). H4$ /+.24'-#' 1'# '8'#6-4+5 µ4'($4@6# -(; :#'$(µ4$(7.1(;: 46$#' #/. /#7'% 1$,&-. .-' 84$ µ/(+(Aµ4 $# 4µ/'&-4;"(Aµ4 -') 8'#'&"5-'29) #$-'73C4') µ#) (A-4 1'# -# #$-'246µ4$# (#$-'75/-'29) /7%$4): ?7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_illusion 1'# /#+#8461µ#-# 2#' /#+#/(µ/9)), (A-4 1'# -($ 4#;-. µ#) (47746µµ#-# #;-(1$,&6#): Dunning, Heath, & Suls, 2004. Vazire & Carlson, 2010) (A-4 1'# -( ";µ'2. µ#) (7%"5 &;12'$5&'#2<$ #;-(#@'(7(13&4,$: Gilbert, 2006. Haybron, 2007) (A-4 1'# -') $(5-'29) µ#) 8'4+1#&64) (#$4/%+24'# #;-(#$#:(+<$: Nisbett & Wilson, 1977. Johansson 2.%., 2005). (1) 0 '89# .-' µ9&# &-( $(; ;/%+>4' 9$# ;/(24'µ4$'2. #$-675µµ# 2#' -#;-.>+($# 9$# 8'#2+'-. ;/(246µ4$( /(; 84$ /4+'7#µ?%$4' µ.$( -( #$-675µµ# 2#"4#;-. #77% 4/'/79($ µ/(+46 $# -( 4@4-%&4' 2#' $# -( #$#:9+4' ,) 84A-4+5) -%@5) 4@,-4+'2.)-4&,-4+'2.) /#+#-5+5-3) 46$#' 6&,) 5 /'( #&;$%+-5-5 '89# (7.275+(; -(; :#'$(µ4$(7(1'2(A ('2(8(µ3µ#-(). M(; :#6$4-#' /,) ?#&6B4-#' &4 µ'# #8'2#'(7.15-5 #$#7(16# -5) &;$4'85-3) 4&-6#&5) -5) /+(&(>3), >%+5 &-5$ (/(6# µ/(+(Aµ4 $# 4&-'%&(;µ4 &4 &;1242+'µ9$# #$-'246µ4$# 3 &5µ46# -(; ><+(; 1'# $# -# 4/4@4+1#&-(Aµ4 #$-'75/-'2%. !$-6&-('># "4,+(Aµ4 .-' µ/(+(Aµ4 $# 4&-'%&(;µ4 &4 $(5-'2% 9+1#, 1'# $# :,-6&(;µ4 '8'#6-4+4) 4&,-4+'29) 8'4+1#&64), 74) 2#' ( $(;) 46$#' 2%/('( 4&,-4+'2. "9#-+( µ4 '8',-'2% /#+#-5+3&'µ(;) 5"(/('(A) /(; /#6B(;$ 8'#2+'-(A) +.7(;) (6&,) -( «2#+-4&'#$. "9#-+(» -(; Dennett, 1991, ./(; &;$#"+(6B($-#' (' 4'&+(9) 2#' «&;µ?#6$4'» 5 &;$4685&5). H;&-;><) 5 ;/(24'µ4$'23 ?4?#'.-5-# 1'# -5$ '89# #;-3 46$#' 4@#'+4-'2% '&>;+3 2#' 84$ /+.24'-#' $# ;/(>,+3&4' 4A2(7#, (A-4 $# #$-'2+(;&-46 µ4 #/73 4/'>4'+5µ#-(7(16#, 8'.-' (:4674-#' &-5$ 8'#'&"5-'23 /+,-(19$4'# -(; ;/(24'µ9$(; µ9&# #/. -5$ (/(6# .7(' µ#) #$-'7#µ?#$.µ#&-4 -($ 4#;-. µ#) 2#' -($ 2.&µ(. J'# 2%"4 &;$4'85-. $(;, ;/(24'µ4$'2% /+(G/%+>4' 2#' /+(9>4' 5 68'# 5 A/#+@5 -(; $(; ,) /+(G/."4&5 2#' ;/.&-+,µ# #$-675C5) 2#' 74'-(;+16#). I#$-%B4' #8'#$.5-( &-( $(; $# &;77%?4' -($ 4#;-. -(; ,) µ'# :4;1#79# 2#-#&24;3 /(; &;$#/(-4746-#' #/. -( ;/(246µ4$( 2#' -( /4+'4>.µ4$( 2#' 84$ ;/%+>4' ,) &;$4>3) 2#' &-#"4+3 ($-.-5-# 4@,-4+'23 2#' #$4@%+-5-5 #/. -# #$-'73µµ#-% -5). =-( &5µ46( #;-. "# /+9/4' $# /4+'µ9$(;µ4 -5$ /+.(8( -5) $4;+(C;>(7(16#), µ4 -5$ (7(9$# 2#' /'( 74/-(µ4+4'#23 2#' &4 ?%"() #$%7;&5 -,$ 8'#-#+#><$ -5) &;$(>3) -(; 4#;-(A 2#' -,$ ;/(24'µ4$'2<$ 2#-#&-%&4,$, $# 2#"(8513&4' -') #$#12#64) 4@476@4') &-5 "4,+6# -5) $(5-'23) &;12+.-5&5) ;/(24'µ9$,$ 2#' &-5 :'7(&(:6# -5) ;/(24'µ4$'2.-5-#) (Feinberg, 2001. Metzinger, 2003, 24:. 7. Sebanz & Prinz, 2006). (8) 0 742-'23 #$#:(+% -,$ &;$4'85-<$ /4+'4>(µ9$,$ /%&>4' #/. /(779) #/.C4'), 2#"<) 84$ 46$#' (A-4 /73+5) (A-4 #@'./'&-5 (A-4 912;+5 (Schooler, 2002). E8< 84$ #$#:4+.µ#&-4 &-( 2#-% /.&( -( &;$4'85-. /4+'4>.µ4$( #$-#$#27% µ4 #2+6?4'# -($ 2.&µ( 3 -( /+#1µ#-'2. /4+'4>.µ4$( -,$ µ5 &;$4'85-<$ $(5-'2<$ 8'4+1#&'<$. M4 848(µ9$( 2%/('( &;$4'85-. 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&;$8;%B4-#' µ4 &-('>46# -5) /4'+#µ#-'23) µ4"(8(7(16#) 9-&' <&-4 $# 2#-#&-3&4' 85µ.&'# /#+#-5+3&'µ( -( ;/. µ479-5 &-('>46( -(; #$-'73µµ#-(). S /4'+#µ#-'&-3) "9-4' 9$# &-4$% /+(&8'(+'&µ9$( 2#' #/.7;-# &;1242+'µ9$( 4+<-5µ# /(; µ/(+46 $# #/#$-5"46 µ4 -# /#-3µ#-# -,$ 2(;µ/'<$: /.&( /+9/4' $# 8'#:9+(;$ &4 9$-#&5 8A( 3>(' <&-4 $# 16$(;$ ;/(24'µ4$'2% #$-'75/-(6 ,) 8'#:(+4-'2(6; 0 C;>(:;&'23 9>4' #$#846@4' µ4"(8(7(164) µ4 -') (/(64) #/#$-%µ4 µ4 #2+6?4'# 2#' #@'(/'&-6# -9-('# 4+,-3µ#-#, .>' µ.$( 1'# #$"+</(;) #77% 2#' %77# B<# (Leopold, Maier, & Logothetis, 2003). J'# /('( 7.1( 84$ "4,+(Aµ4 .-' 5 C;>(:;&'23 46$#' #$-'4/'&-5µ($'23, /#+.-' µ474-% ;/(24'µ4$'2% #$-'73µµ#-#; H'.-' >#+#2-5+6B4-#' #/. &;&-5µ#-'2.-5-#, -.&( 8';/(24'µ4$'23 .&( 2#' 4/#$#75/-'23. M4 %77# 7.1'#, 5 &>9&5 µ4-#@A :;&'2<$ µ414"<$ 2#' &;µ/4+':(+'2<$ #/(2+6&4,$ 46$#' &-#"4+3 &-( >+.$( 1'# -( 68'( %-(µ(, 2#' .µ('# µ4-#@A 8'#:(+4-'2<$ #-.µ,$. 0 &;&-5µ#-'2.-5-# #;-3 #/(-4746 -( "4µ97'( -5) 4/'&-5µ($'2.-5-#), 2#"<) 2#' -( 68'( -( #$-'246µ4$( -5) µ479-5). F/,) 2%"4 #/.27'&5 #/. -5$ -;>#'.-5-#, 4/'89>4-#' #'-'(2+#-'23 4@315&5 ,) #@'./'&-( :#'$.µ4$( -(; :;&'2(A 2.&µ(;. Z+#, -( /+.?75µ# µ4 -5 :#'$(µ4$(7(16# 84$ 46$#' .-' 46$#' '8',-'2% /#+#-5+3&'µ5, #77% .-' 84$ 9>(;µ4 #2.µ# 4@#$-73&4' -5$ 4:4;+4-'2.-5-% µ#) &-( $# #$-'&-('>6&(;µ4 µ4 &;$9/4'# -# '8',-'2% #$-'73µµ#-# &4 85µ.&'# /#+#-5+3&'µ#. D( /+.?75µ# 46$#' µ4"(8(7(1'2. 2#' 4$ µ9+4' -(;7%>'&-($ 4/'7A&'µ(, #2(7(;"<$-#) -( ;/.84'1µ# -5) C;>(:;&'23) 2#' 4µ/7(;-6B($-%) -( #$%7(1# µ4 -') 42%&-(-4 #$%124) 2#' 8;$#-.-5-4). 4.4 M9/#E5 /49 #@/'#9#F'0;9 ./' *%921A .C"µ# 0 #$%/-;@5 -5) 9+4;$#) 1'# -# $4;+,$'2% &A&-('># -5) &;$4685&5) (Metzinger, 2000) 846>$4' .-' -( ;/.84'1µ# -5) C;>(:;&'23) 46$#' /#+#1,1'2% 4/42-%&'µ( .-#$ 16$4-#' µ4 &;&-5µ#-'2. 2#' 4741>.µ4$( -+./(. D# «$4;+,$'2% &A&-('>#» (neural correlates) 46$#' $4;+(#/4'2($'&-'29) 2#-#1+#:9) /(; &;&>4-6B($-#' µ4 #$#:(+9) ;/(24'µ4$'2<$ 2#-#&-%&4,$ 2#' ;/("9-(;µ4 .-' 2#-% 2%/('($ -+./( -(;) #$-'&-('>(A$. *+.24'-#' 1'# µ'# #8+3, #/. "4,+5-'23 &2(/'%, /+(&911'&5 &-( B3-5µ# -5) #$-'&-(6>'&5) #$%µ4&# &-# 8A( 4/6/48# /4+'1+#:3), 5 (/(6# /#+#2%µ/-4' -(;) 1$,&'#2(A) ;/(7(1'&µ(A) 2#' 4&-'%B4' &4 9µµ4&# 848(µ9$# -,$ 8A( 4/'/98,$. *'( &A1>+($4) /+(&4116&4') 4/'>4'+(A$ $# &;124+%&(;$ /('267(;) 8462-4) &;$4'85-.-5-#), &;$8;%B($-#) &;µ/4+':(+'29) (#$-'24'µ4$'29) 2#' ;/(24'µ4$'29)) 2#' 4124:#7'29) /#+#-5+3&4') (Jack & Roepstorff, 2002. Lutz & Thompson, 2003. Seth 2.%., 2008). D( µ977($ "# 846@4' #$ 5 /+(&911'&5 -,$ $4;+,$'2<$ &A&-('>,$ -5) &;$4685&5) µ/(+46 $# #/(?46 "4,+5-'2% 1.$'µ5 2#-4A";$&5 9+4;$#). *+() -( /#+.$ /#+9>4' #@'./'&-# &;&>4-'&-'2% 848(µ9$# 2#', 2;+6,), ;/(&-5+6B4' -5$ #@'(/'&-6# -5) µ479-5) ;/(24'µ4$'2<$ 2#-#&-%&4,$ #/. -5$ (/-'23 -(; -+6-(; /+(&</(;. *<) "# 4$-#>"(A$ -# 848(µ9$# /+<-(; /+(&</(; &-( 14$'2. /7#6&'( -5) 1$,&'#23) 4/'&-3µ5); M/(+(Aµ4 $# /%+(;µ4 µ'# /+<-5 '89# #/. -5$ C;>(:;&'23, ./(; 5 4'&+(3 (:;&'2. µ914"() /(; #$-'&-('>46 &-( 4+9"'&µ#) (85146 &;&-5µ#-'2% &4 42+(3 (9$84'@5 8'%2+'&5)) µ4 ?%&5 9$# "4µ47'<84) ;/(7(1'&-'2. 4$8'%µ4&( (./,) /.>. 5 7(1#+'"µ'23 4@6,&5 -(; $.µ(; Weber-Fechner, ?7. Wolfe 2.%., 2006, &47. 11). 0 1$,&'#23 4/'&-3µ5 "9-4' /(7A µ41#7A-4+4) #/#'-3&4') &-5 :A&5 2#' -( +.7( -(; 4$8'%µ4&(;, 2#"<) #$#B5-% $(5-'2(A) µ5>#$'&µ(A) 4/4@4+1#&6#) -5) 4'&+9(;&#) /75+(:(+6#) #/. -(;) (/(6(;) $# #/(++9(;$ /4+'1+#:9) (./,) 5 7(1#+'"µ'23 &>9&5 3, &;$3",), /(7A µ41#7A-4+5) /(7;/7(2.-5-#)) 1'# -5$ /#+#1,13 ;/("9&4,$ 2#' -5$ /+.?74C5 -,$ #/(2+6&4,$. S' /#+#8(&'#29) /+(&4116&4') &-5 :#'$(µ4$(7(16# (Schwitzgebel, 2003) 2#"<) 2#' $4.-4+4) «$4;+(:#'$(µ4$(7(1'29)» /+(&4116&4') (Lutz & Thompson, 2003) -($6B(;$ -5$ #$%125 4'8'2% (+1#$,µ9$5) 42/#684;&5), 8'4A+;$&5) -(; &;$4'85-(A /486(; 2#' /4'"#+>5µ9$5) #$-675C5) 2#' 2#-#1+#:3) 4$-;/<&4,$ 1'# -5$ /#+#1,13 8';/(24'µ4$'2% #@'./'&-,$ 848(µ9$,$. Z774) /+(&4116&4') 4/'>4'+(A$ $# 4/'-A>(;$ -5$ #/#'-(Aµ4$5 #@'(/'&-6# µ4 4'8'2(A) µ4"(8(7(1'2(A) >4'+'&µ(A), ./,) -#;-.>+($5 4@,-4+624;&5 &29C4,$ 2#-% -5$ 42-974&5 9+1,$ (Ericsson, 2003), #':$'8'#&-'23 84'1µ#-(75C6# -5) #;".+µ5-5) ;/(24'µ4$'23) 4µ/4'+6#) (Hurlburt & Heavey, 2001, 2004), 3 9µµ4&#, 4$&,µ#-<$($-#) :#'$(µ4$(7(1'29) 8'#2+6&4') &-5 &>486#&5 /4'+#µ#-'2<$ &;$"52<$ (Gallagher & Sørensen, 2006). Q#-% -# %77#, 5 ?#&'23 '89# /#+#µ9$4' #$#77(6,-5, ./,) 2#' 1'# -# /'( 2('$% C;>(7(1'2% 848(µ9$# 2#' -') #$-6&-('>4) 1$,&'#29) "4,+64). H4$ ;/%+>4' 2#$9$#) 42 -,$ /+(-9+,$ /4+'(+'&µ.) 2#' 2#$9$#) 7.1() 1'# -($ #/(274'&µ. -,$ /'( &A$"4-,$ '8',-'2% /#+#-5+3&'µ,$ 4µ/4'+'<$ #/. -5 &A1>+($5 1$,&'#23 9+4;$# 2#' "4,+6#. D( µ.$( 2+6&'µ( &5µ46( 46$#' .-' -# /#+#-5+3&'µ# &-('>46# /(; /#+%1($-#' #/. #;-9), 46-4 /+.24'-#' 1'# /+(2#"(+'&µ9$4) &;µ/4+':(+'29) #/(2+6&4') 46-4 1'# 742-'29) /4+'1+#:9), 4$-%&&($-#' &-( 14$'2. /7#6&'( ,) 848(µ9$# /+() 4@315&5 2#' .>' ,) &-('>46# 4@513&4,$ (Piccinini, 2003). =;$4/<), 1'# -5$ /4+'1+#:3 -(;) #/#'-(A$-#' #'-'(2+#-'29) 1$,&'#29) "4,+64) ./,) 2#' 1'# .7# -# ;/.7('/# 848(µ9$#, (' (/(64) /#+%1($-#' 2#' 4791>($-#' µ4 -($ 68'( #2+'?<) -+./(.


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U4,+< .-' 5 "4µ#-'23 2%7;C5 -5) /+(&911'&5) -(; $(; ,) µ5>#$3) 84$ 9>4' 2#' 84$ /+9/4' $# 9>4' 2#$9$# 42 /+(('µ6(; .+'(. Q%"4 $(5-'2. :#'$.µ4$( "# /+9/4' $# 4$-#>"46 2#' $# µ/(+46 $# /4+'1+#:-46 2#' $# 4@515"46 µ4 -( 68'( &>3µ#. 0 %/(C5 #;-3 :#6$4-#' /,) 24+86B4' &-#8'#2% 98#:() &-5$ 2('$3 #$-675C5 -,$ 1$,&'#2<$ 4/'&-5µ<$ (2#' $4;+(4/'&-5µ<$). J'# /#+%84'1µ#, 9>4' µ%77($ 412#-#74':"46 5 /#+#8(&'#23 8'%2+'&5 µ4-#@A 1$,&'#2(A 2#' &;12'$5&'#2(A, 5 (/(6# #$-#$#27(A&4 2%/('4) #+>#64) /+(2#-#73C4') /4+6 8'#µ%>5) µ4-#@A /%"(;) 2#' 7(1'23). S' '894) #;-9) 84$ 9>(;$ "9&5 &-( &A1>+($( ('2(8.µ5µ#. D# $(5-'2% :#'$.µ4$# /4+'7#µ?%$(;$ 2#' &;12'$5&'#29) 8'#&-%&4'), (' (/(64) #$-'µ4-,/6B($-#' ,) 4/4@4+1#&-'29) 2#-#&-%&4') &-( /7#6&'( -5) µ5>#$3) -(; $(; (Prinz, 2004. Thagard, 2006). V,+6) &;12'$5&'#23 +A"µ'&5 84$ 9>(;µ4 (A-4 (+"(7(1'23 4/67;&5 /+(?75µ%-,$, (A-4 73C5 #/(:%&4,$, (A-4 µ%"5&5 ?#&'&µ9$5 &-5$ #@6# -,$ 4$'&>;-<$ (8'.-' 5 &;12'$5&'#23 &;$'&-<&# 46$#' 4246$5 /(; /#+9>4' -5$ #/(-6µ5&5 -,$ 4+4"'&µ%-,$ ,) 4$'&>;-<$). H6/7# &-# /#+#8(&'#2% /486# -5) $.5&5) 2#' -5) 1$,&-'23) C;>(7(16#) («&29C5», 17<&&#, 4/67;&5 /+(?75µ%-,$) 9+>($-#' $# /+(&-4"(A$ ,) '&.-'µ# #$-'246µ4$# 8'4+4A$5&5) 5 #'&"5-'23, 5 5"'23, (' &;12'$3&4'), 5 ?(A75&5, 2#' .74) 14$'2<) (' $(5-'29) 2#-#&-%&4') 2#' -# $(5-'2% :#'$.µ4$#. O-&', 5 /+(&911'&5 -(; $(; ,) µ5>#$3) 16$4-#' /+(1+#µµ#-'2% 2#"(7'23, 4/'>4'+<$-#) $# &;µ/4+'7%?4' 2%"4 :#'$.µ4$( 2#' 2%"4 8'%&-#&5. !+1% 3 1+31(+# "# /+9/4' $# /%+4' /'( &(?#+% 2#' -( "9µ# -(; ;/(24'µ9$(; -5) $.5&5) (Gallagher, 2000) 2#' -5) 68'#) -5) ;/(24'µ4$'2.-5-#), µ4 -5 74'-(;+1'23 4$&,µ%-,&5 -,$ 848(µ9$,$ /+<-(; /+(&</(; 2#' #$-6&-('>,$ "4,+'<$, ./,) /+(#$#:9+"524. =;1242+'µ9$# "4,+5-'2% &>3µ#-# 1'# -5$ #$%8;&5 -(; ;/(24'µ9$(; &4 :;&'2(2+#-'2. /7#6&'( 9>(;$ 385 2%$4' -5$ 4µ:%$'&3 -(;) &-5 :'7(&(:6# -(; $(; (/.>. Metzinger, 2003), 5 (/(6# #77574/'8+% µ4 -5$ /4'+#µ#-'23 C;>(7(16# 2#' -5 $4;+(C;>(7(16# (Blanke & Metzinger, 2008). S' /+(#$#:4+"46&4) 4@476@4') &-( /4'+#µ#-'2. /486( /(; 846>$(;$ #/.27'&5 µ4-#@A -,$ ;/(24'µ4$'2% #$-'75/-<$ 2#' -5) 4/61$,&5) 1'# -5$ ;/(24'µ4$'23 #$-675C5 #/(-47(A$ 2#-4;"A$&4') /4+'1+#:3) -(; ;/(24'µ9$(;. O/4-#' &;$9>4'#, 5 (/(6# "# /+9/4' $# 4$-%@4' -( $(; &-( /4+'?%77($ #77574/68+#&5) .>' µ.$( µ4 /#"5-'2% #$-'246µ4$# #77% 2#' µ4 %774) $(5-'29) ($-.-5-4) µ4 -') 8'29) -(;) #$#/#+#&-%&4') 2#' 7'1.-4+( 3 /4+'&&.-4+( /+(?79C'µ4) &;µ/4+':(+9). W) /#+%84'1µ# 4/('2(8(µ5-'23) /+(&911'&5) &-5 "4µ#-'23 8'4A+;$&5 "# 3"47# $# /#+#"9&, µ'# &>4-'2% /+.&:#-5 /+(&911'&5 &4 9$# $(5-'2. :#'$.µ4$( '8'#6-4+5) &5µ#&6#), ./(; &;$8;%B($-#' #+µ($'2% 5 #'-'(2+#-'23 /4+'1+#:3 µ4 .+(;) 4/4@4+1#&6#) /75+(:(+'<$, &;µ/4+'7#µ?%$($-#) -5$ ;/(24'µ4$'23 8'%&-#&5. *+.24'-#' 1'# -( :#'$.µ4$( -5) ?(A75&5), 5 (/(6# "4,+46-#' #/. 2%/('(;) ,) >#+#2-5+'&-'2. /#+%84'1µ# µ5 4@513&'µ5) 8'4+1#&6#) 3, 4$6(-4, ,) 9$84'@5 µ5 #'-'(2+#-'23) 74'-(;+16#) 3 ($-(7(1'2% 8'#2+'-3) #'-'.-5-#) (Kane, 2005). I;&'2%, &-( :;&'2(2+#-'2. /7#6&'( -5) 1$,&'#23) 4/'&-3µ5), µ4 -5$ /+((/-'23 -5) /73+(;) 8'#"4,+5-'23) #$#1,13) &-5 $4;+(4/'&-3µ5, -9-('# 4$84>.µ4$# 46$#' 4@ (+'&µ(A 42-.) &;B3-5&5). D( 4+<-5µ# 46$#', µ/(+46 9$# :#'$.µ4$( ./,) 5 ?(A75&5 $# 4$-#>"46 &-( 2('$. 4/4@515µ#-'2. &>3µ#; L91($-#) «?(A75&5» #$#:4+.µ#&-4 &-5$ ;/(24'µ4$'23 #6&"5&5 -5) 42(A&'#) 8+%&5) (µ4 -5$ '8'#6-4+5 :#'$(µ4$(7(16# -5), ?7. Haggard & Johnson, 2003). R(A75&5 #&246-#' .-#$ µ'# /+%@5 16$4-#' µ4 -5$ /+."4&5 2#' -5$ ;/(24'µ4$'23 /+,-(?(;76# -(; 8+%&-5. 0 9$$('# -5) ?(A75&5) (+6B4-#' #/(274'&-'2% &-( $(5-'2. 4/6/48( 2#' µ%7'&-# &-( ;/(24'µ4$'2. /486(. E6$#' µ.$( '8',-'2% /#+#-5+3&'µ5. =;$4/<), -( /+() 4@315&5 :#'$.µ4$( #/. -5$ (/-'23 -(; -+6-(; /+(&</(; 46$#' 5 ;/(24'µ4$'23 ?4?#'.-5-#, /(; µ/(+46 $# 857,"46 742-'2% 3 µ4 %77($ -+./( #/. -( 8+%&-5, .-' 2%/('4) /#+#-5+3&'µ4) 4$9+14'4) 46$#' 42(A&'4) 4$< %774) 46$#' #2(A&'4). V+4'#B.µ#&-4, 7('/.$, 9$# 912;+( µ($-97( /+.?74C5) /#+%7757,$ /#+#-5+3&'µ,$ (/+%@4,$ 2#' 742-'2<$ #$#:(+<$) ;/. &;1242+'µ9$4) &;$"324) 2#' µ4 ?%&5 &;1242+'µ9$4) ;/(7(1'&-'29) 8'4+1#&64). 0 "4,+6# -(; Wegner (2002) /4+6 «:#'$.µ4$5) $(5-'23) #'-'.-5-#)», /(; #/4'2($6B4-#' 8'#1+#µµ#-'2% &-( =>3µ# 3 (µ4 -+(/(/('3&4') #/. -( /+,-.-;/(), #/(-4746 9$# -9-('( µ($-97(. T/(&-5+6B4' .-' -( ;/(24'µ4$'2. #6&"5µ# -5) ?(A75&5) /#+%14-#' 42 -,$ ;&-9+,$, #/. -5$ #$-675C5 &;$%:4'#) µ4-#@A ;/(24'µ4$'23) /+."4&5) 2#' ;/(24'µ4$'23) #$-675C5) -5) 8+%&5) 4$-.) 2%/('(; >+($'2(A /7#'&6(;. H57#83, ./(-4 #$-'7#µ?#$.µ#&-4 -( #/(-974&µ# -5) 8+%&5) µ#) ,) &;µ?#-. µ4 -5$ /+."4&3 µ#) µ9&# &4 8'%&-5µ# µ4+'2<$ 42#-(&-<$ -(; 84;-4+(79/-(; -.-4 9>(;µ4 -5$ #6&"5&5 .-' 8+%&#µ4 «4/6-584)». =4 #;-. -( "4,+5-'2. &>3µ# 84$ ;/%+>4' ?(A75&5 /+'$ #/. -5$ #$-675C5 -5) 42-974&5) -5) /+%@5). E/'/79($, #$ 5 /+#1µ#-'23 #'-6# -5) /+%@5) 46$#' 4@,14$3), (:4'7.µ4$5 7.>. &4 /4'+#µ#-'2. >4'+'&µ., #;-. 84$ 16$4-#' #$-'75/-. .-#$ /75+(A$-#' (' &;$"324) -#;-.>+($5) #$-675C5) /+."4&5) 2#' /+%@5), (/.-4 9>(;µ4 -5$ C4;8#6&"5&5 -5) ?(A75&5). J'# -5 &;B3-5&3 µ#) 48< 84$ 9>4' &5µ#&6# #$ 5 &;1242+'µ9$5 "4,+6# #;-3 46$#' &,&-3 3 7%"(), 2#"<) 4$#/.24'-#' &-(;) 2#-%7757(;) /4'+#µ#-'2(A) >4'+'&µ(A) $# /#+%&>(;$ 848(µ9$# /(; "# 25

;/(&-5+6@(;$ 3 "# 8'#C4A&(;$ -') /+(?79C4') -5). D( &5µ#$-'2. 46$#' /,) /+.24'-#' 1'# µ'# >+3&'µ5 2#' 4/('2(8(µ5-'23 "4,+6#, 2#"<) 46$#' 4:'2-. $# /#+#>"(A$ &;1242+'µ9$4) /+(?79C4') 1'# &;1242+'µ9$4) /4'+#µ#-'29) &;$"324) (µ4+'29) #/. -') (/(64) 9>(;$ 4741>"46 4/'-;><) #/. -($ Wegner). D( 2;+'.-4+( 46$#' /,) 5 "4,+6# #;-3 846>$4' .-' 46$#' 4:'2-. 2#' +4#7'&-'2. -( #6-5µ# -5) 2#"(7'2.-5-#), 2#"<) :#'$.µ4$# /(; "4,+(A$-#' -.&( #2+#6# ;/(24'µ4$'2% ./,) 5 ?(A75&5 µ/(+(A$ $# 4$-#>"(A$ #/(-474&µ#-'2% µ9&# &-( 14$'2. /4'+#µ#-'2. 2#' "4,+5-'2. /7#6&'( %&25&5) -5) 1$,&'#23) 4/'&-3µ5), #+246 $# -# 8(Aµ4 ,) &A$(7# 848(µ9$,$ /+() 4@315&5 2#' $# &;$#+µ(7(13&(;µ4 2#-%77574) "4,+64) /(; $# µ/(+(A$ $# -# /4+'1+%C(;$. 5.3 6E%)21/21'+ 1#2 #9#7/@E2#1'+ 7#0=*'9/%, *9+# #/. -# $4;+(#/4'2($'&-'2% 848(µ9$#, /(; 4/'?%77(;$ -5 &;$9/4'# µ4-#@A $(5-'2(A 2#' 4124:#7'2(A 4/'/98(; /4+'1+#:3), 5 "4,+5-'23 #$%/-;@5 -5) 1$,&'#23) 4/'&-3µ5) µ/(+46 $# 2#"(8515"46 4/('2(8(µ5-'2% #/. /#+#-5+3&4') &4 &;114$3 /486# /(; &>4-6B($-#' µ4 -5 :;7(1($'23 2#' ($-(1($'23 #$%8;&5 -(; $(;. !/. 4@47'2-'23 &2(/'%, ;/(&-5+6B4-#' ?%&'µ# .-' ( $(;) #/92-5&4 -') '8'.-5-9) -(; &4 9$# &;1242+'µ9$( /4+'?%77($ 4@47'2-'23) /+(&#+µ(13), /'"#$.-#-# &-5$ !:+'23 /+'$ #/. 42#-($-%84) >'7'%84) 3 42#-(µµA+'# >+.$'#. =;$4/<), (' '8'.-5-4) -(; $(; #$-#$#27(A$ ?97-'&-# -# /+(?73µ#-# /(; #$-'µ4-</'B#$ -.-4 (' /+.1($(6 µ#) 2#' -# 8'#"9&'µ# µ9&# 4/67;&3) -(;) (Tooby & Cosmides, 1992, 2005). 0 "4<+5&5 #;-3 9+>4-#' $# #$#-+9C4' -5 8'#848(µ9$5 #$-675C5 -(; 24$-+'2(A14$'2(A 4/4@4+1#&-3 /(; 7A$4' #:5+5µ9$# /+(?73µ#-# µ4 14$'2(A >#+#2-3+# 8'4+1#&64), 2#' $# "9&4' -( B3-5µ# -5) 4@4'8624;&5) (&4 &;1242+'µ9$# /+(?73µ#-#) 2#' -,$ /4+'(+'&µ<$ (&-') /'"#$9) #$-'8+%&4')-#/#$-3&4')). E/'/79($, 5 "4<+5&5 #;-3 #/(&A+4' -5$ 9µ:#&5 #/. -') '8'.-5-4) -(; $(5-'2(A 4/4@4+1#&-3 2#' -5 µ4-#"9-4' &-( 468() -,$ /+(?75µ%-,$ /(; #$-'µ4-,/6B4' 9$#) $(3µ,$ (+1#$'&µ.) µ9&# &4 9$# &;1242+'µ9$( :;&'2. 2#' 2('$,$'2. /4+'?%77($. !$#84'2$A4', 9-&', -5 &5µ#&6# /#+#12,$'&µ9$,$ .C4,$ -5) $.5&5) ./,) 46$#' (' &;12'$5&'#29), #'&"5-'29), 5"'29) 2#' 2('$,$'29) 8'#&-%&-4') -(; $(;. =;µ/75+,µ#-'2%, 5 8'%&-#&5 -5) #$%/-;@5) -(; (+1#$'&µ(A 2%"4 µ4µ($,µ9$(; #-.µ(;, #/. -5 ?+4:'23 57'26# ,) -5$ 4$57'26,&5, "9-4' '8'#6-4+# '&>;+(A) /4+'(+'&µ(A) &-') 1$,&'#29) "4,+64), µ4 -5 µ(+:3 &;1242+'µ9$5) #$#/-;@'#23) /(+46#) -,$ $(5-'2<$ '2#$(-3-,$ 2#' 84@'(-3-,$ (Karmiloff-Smith, 1992, 2005). H4$ µ/(+46 $# 46$#' 4/#+23) µ'# "4,+6# $(5-'23) 4/4@4+1#&6#) 2%/('(; &;1242+'µ9$(; /+(?73µ#-() .-#$ 84$ µ/(+46 $# /+(2AC4' #/. +4#7'&-'2% &4$%+'# #77574/68+#&5) 4$.) /+,-#+>'2(A ?+4:'2(A $(; µ4 -( :;&'2. 2#' 2('$,$'2. /4+'?%77($ #$%/-;@3) -(;. H4$ #+246, 857#83, 5 /4+'1+#:3 µ'#) &-#-'23) -47'23) 2#-%&-#&5) -(; "4,+5-'2(A $(5-'2(A &;&-3µ#-(). !/#'-46-#' 5 /4+'1+#:3 &;1242+'µ9$5) 8'#8(>3) 2#-#&-%&4,$, µ9&, ,+6µ#$&5) 3 µ%"5&5), /(; $# 46$#' &;µ?#-3 µ4 /#+#-5+3&4') 1'# -') 8'#"9&'µ4) /75+(:(+64) &-( #$#/-;@'#2. /4+'?%77($. S' #$#/-;@'#2(6 /4+'(+'&µ(6 46$#' '&>;+.-4+(' #2.µ# 2#' #/. -(;) µ#"5&'#2(A), 7.1, -5) -4+%&-'#) 8'#-(µ'23) &;&-5µ#-'2.-5-#) &-5 $(5-'23 #$%/-;@5: 4:.&($ .7(' #$#/-A&&(;µ4 /#+.µ('4) $(5-'29) '2#$.-5-4) µ4 /#+.µ('( -+./( (/%1'# ;/."4&5 4+1#&6#) -5) 1$,&-'23) C;>(7(16#)), 9/4-#' .-' -( &A$(7( -5) #$#/-;@'#23) /(+46#) 46$#' #@'./'&-( 848(µ9$( "4,+5-'23) #$#:(+%) 1'# (/('#83/(-4 /+(&911'&5 4/'8'<24' $# #/(-479&4' 912;+5 /4+'1+#:3 -5) $(5-'23) 74'-(;+16#). 6. *4+675C5-&;µ/9+#&µ# 0 1$,&'#23 4/'&-3µ5 46$#' ( &A1>+($() 4/'&-5µ($'2.) 27%8() µ479-5) -,$ :;&'2<$ :#'$(µ9$,$ &-( $(5-'2. 4/6/48( /4+'1+#:3). =-5$ '4+#+>6# -,$ :;&'2<$ 4/'&-5µ<$ (=>3µ# 4) 4:%/-4-#' µ4 -') $4;+(4/'&-3µ4), µ4 -') (/(64) ?+6&24-#' &4 &>9&5 8'#"4,+5-'23) #$#1,13), 8'#-5+<$-#) -5$ 4/4@515µ#-'23 #;-($(µ6# -5) 1'# -# $(5-'2% :#'$.µ4$#. !:4-5+6# 2#' "4µ97'( -5) 1$,&'#23) 4/'&-3µ5) #/(-4746 5 ;/."4&5 4+1#&6#) .-' «( $(;) 46$#' µ5>#$3». 0 4/'&-5µ($'23 µ479-5 -(; $(; 4$-%&&4-#' &-( /7#6&'( -(; ;7'&-'2(A µ($'&µ(A, -#;-6B($-#) -( $(; µ4 -5$ #'-'(2+#-'23 74'-(;+16# -(; 4124:%7(; 3 2%/('# .C5 3 /4+'1+#:3 #;-3). D( 468() -5) µ5>#$3) /(; /4+'1+%:4' ?97-'&-# -# $(5-'2% :#'$.µ4$# 46$#' /+() -( /#+.$ %1$,&-(. H'%:(+4) 4$#77#2-'29) /+(&4116&4') 9>(;$ /+(-#"46 2#' 8'4+4;$(A$-#' 4$4+1%, ?#&'&µ9$4) &4 #$#7(164) #/. /486# µ479-5) µ4 1$,&-9) '8'.-5-4) 2#' 8;$#-.-5-4) >4'+'&µ(A: &;$-#2-'2(6 4/4@4+1#&-9), -4>$5-% $4;+,$'2% 862-;#, 8;$#µ'2% &;&-3µ#-#, µ/4NB'#$(6 ?47-'&-(/('5-9) 2.%. *#+#µ9$4' #$('>-. -( 4+<-5µ# #$ 2%/('# 3 2%/('4) #/. #;-9) -') #$#7(164) "# #/(84'>"(A$ /4+'1+#:'2% 4/#+246) 2#' "4,+5-'2% 4/('2(8(µ5-'29). 0 ?#&'23 µ4"(8(7(1'23 /+(&911'&5 &-( 4+<-5µ# #;-. &;$6&-#-#' &-5$ ;7(/(65&5 ;/(7(1'&-'2<$ µ($-97,$ 2#' -5$ /+(&(µ(6,&5 -,$ $(5-'2<$ 8'4+1#&'<$ µ4 .&( 16$4-#' 4;+A-4+5 2%7;C5.


0 2A+'# /513 4µ/4'+'2<$ /#+#-5+3&4,$ 1'# -( $(5-'2. 4/6/48( 4$-(/6B4-#' &-( µ4"(8(7(1'2. &;µ/4+':(+'&µ.. !/(-4746-#', 857#83, #/. /#+4>.µ4$# #'&"5-5+'#2% 4+4"6&µ#-# 2#' 2#-#1+#:.µ4$4) #/79) &;µ/4+':(+'29) #/(2+6&4'). *+.&"4-4) ;/(&-5+'2-'29) /519) 848(µ9$,$ 46$#' /%$-# 4;/+.&842-4), &-( /7#6&'( -5) 8'4/'&-5µ($'23) 8'4+4A$5&5), 46-4 /+() -5$ 2#-4A";$&5 -5) :;&'(7(16#) 46-4 /+() &A$"4-4) 742-'29) /4+'1+#:9) 2#' ;/(24'µ4$'29) 2+6&4'). D# $4;+(#/4'2($'&-'2% 2#' $4;+(:;&'(7(1'2% 848(µ9$# &-5+6B(;$ -5 "4µ476,&5 -,$ $(5-'2<$ :#'$(µ9$,$ &-5 :;&'23 /+#1µ#-'2.-5-#. E6$#' 4/6&5) #$#12#6# 1'# -($ /4+'(+'&µ. 2#' -($ 9741>( -,$ 74'-(;+1'2<$ #$#7A&4,$ 2#' "4,+5-'2<$ /4+'1+#:<$ -(; $(5-'2(A 4/'/98(;. S 74'-(;+1'&µ.) ,) /+(&911'&5 $(5-'23) /4+'1+#:3) 84$ &;$4/%14-#' µ4"(8(7(1'23 #$4@#+-5&6# #/. -( ;7'2. ;/.&-+,µ# #2.µ# 2' #$ '&>A4' -( 4$84>.µ4$( -5) /(77#/73) /+#1µ%-,&5). D# :#'$(µ4$(7(1'2% 848(µ9$# «/+<-(; /+(&</(;» #/(-47(A$ &-('>46# /+() 4@315&5. Q%"4 /4+'1+#:3 -5) $(5-'23) 74'-(;+16#) /(; 84$ -# &;µ/4+'7#µ?%$4' 46$#' &61(;+# #-473) 2#' /'"#$<) 7#$"#&µ9$5. D( '&-(+'2. ;/.84'1µ# -5) C;>(:;&'23) 2#' (' /'( &A1>+($4) :#'$(µ4$(7(1'29) /+(&4116&4') ;/(84'2$A(;$ -+./(;) 4$&,µ%-,&3) -(;) &-( 4+4;$5-'2. /+.1+#µµ#. 0 4$'#6# "4<+5&5 -,$ $(5-'2<$ :#'$(µ9$,$ 46$#' /+(G/."4&5 2#-#$.5&3) -(;) 2#' #/#'-46 -5$ 4$&,µ%-,&5 ;/(24'µ4$'2<$, &;12'$5&'#2<$, ?(;75-'2<$, #'&"5-'2<$, 5"'2<$, 2('$,$'2<$ 2#' 8(@#&-'2<$ .C4,$ -5) $.5&5) &-( 68'( /7#6&'( /4+'1+#:3) 2#' µ479-5). E'8'2.-4+#, 5 µ479-5 -5) #$%8;&5) -(; $(3µ($() 4#;-(A-;/(24'µ9$(; #/(-4746 "4µ47'<85 /+(G/."4&5 1'# -5$ 2#-#$.5&5 -5) 4124:#7'23) 74'-(;+16#) ,) $(5-'23) 2#' .>' #/7<) ,) $4;+,$'23). =$()-037.,% E;>#+'&-< /(7A -($ Q<&-# *#1,$8'<-5, -5 [5$'< =2#7'.+# 2#' -($ Q,$&-#$-6$( M(;-(A&5 1'# -') /(7A >+3&'µ4) /#+#-5+3&4') -(;) &4 /+(51(Aµ4$4) 428(>9) -(; 24'µ9$(;. >0?50#6-)4.) Anderson, B. (2011). There is no such thing as attention. Frontiers in Psychology, 2, 246. Anderson, J. R., Qin, Y., Sohn, M.-H., Stenger, V. A., & Carter, C. S. (2003). An information-processing model of the BOLD response in symbol manipulation tasks. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 10, 241–261. Bechtel, W. (2002). Decomposing the mind-brain: A long-term pursuit. Brain and Mind, 3, 229–242. Bechtel, W., & Richardson, R. C. (2010). Neuroimaging as a tool for functionally decomposing cognitive processes. =-( S. J. Hanson & M. Bunzl (E/'µ.), Foundational issues in human brain mapping (&47. 241–261). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Beck, D. M. (2010). The appeal of the brain in the popular press. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5, 762–766. Biswall, B. (2010). Resting-state brain connectivity. =-( S. J. Hanson & M. Bunzl (E/'µ.), Foundational issues in human brain mapping (&47. 135–145). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Blanke, O., & Metzinger, T. (2008). Full-body illusions and minimal phenomenal selfhood. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13, 7–13. Boden, M. A. (2006). Mind as machine: A history of cognitive science. Oxford University Press. Bressler, S. L., & Menon, V. (2010). Large-scale brain networks in cognition: Emerging methods and principles. Trends in Cognitive sciences, 14, 277–290. Calvo, P., & Gomila, A. (2008). Handbook of cognitive science: An embodied approach. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Carruthers, P. (2005). Consciousness: Essays from a higher-order perspective. Oxford University Press. Churchland, P. S. (1986). Neurophilosophy: Toward a unified science of the mind/brain. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Cleeremans, A., & Jiménez, L. (2002). Implicit learning and consciousness: A graded, dynamic perspective. =-( R. M. French & A. Cleeremans (E/'µ.), Implicit learning and consciousness: An empirical, computational and philosophical consensus in the making? (&47. 1–40). Hove, UK: Psychology Press. Davidson, R. J., Jackson, D. C., & Larson, C. L. (2000). Human electroencephalography. =-( J. T. Cacioppo, L. G. Tassinary, & G. G. Berntson (E/'µ.), Handbook of psychophysiology, 2nd ed. (&47. 27–52). Cambridge University Press.


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