retail spaces

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children family g easy to aknow lot to

italian, 35 years old, mid level executive in a MNC in


young child, has not pursued it for last 1 year cannot go far for traveling due to the young child shall like to discover Switzerland with some friend’s family.

likes traveling but due to the



brazilian, 27 years old, PhD student in


short breaks between hectic schedules wants to spend some peaceful romantic time with her partner newly married and plans to travel to Switzerland for a week likes her Research work but needs some

persona andrĂŠ



the four analyzed

travel agencies



The range of travel agencies

focused on:

1. Youth travel 2. Corporate Business Travel 3. Family Travel 4. Travel to a country

But all of these studied examples

failed to target customers with a challenge:

Challenge against their restrictions due to family obligations. Responsibilities begin to appear Restrictions and demands Sacrifice.



All the agencies referred to travelers as But

students or above age.

kids, who play a deciding role for their parents for vacation, are neglected.



The emphasis made through that member of the family who is generally the ones who make parents avoiding vacations:

They become the

the children.

reason and then an opportunity to vacation.


switzerland specific, geographical proximity.

The weak tourism identity of Swiss Tourism was chosen to be made more especially targeting customers who will eventually enjoy the benefits of

concept selection

new identity

encourages The image of the retail concept with its the young working population who has resources but

due to

family obligations have restricted their desires to travel. Thus, the changed identity intends to

making them think that it is very much

create a Kid’s friendly image,

possible to travel even with family obligations.

Objectives and Intentions

To create a Kid’s Friendly image for Swiss Tourism Agency by creating a special section called

SWIZZERINO , which will promote tourism in Switzerland.

influence conceptual

design aesthetics


forking movement the multiplicity shape




topography contour line movement the terrace farms shape




taste desire the experimentation shape

puzzle toys the

twist movement the multiface shape

space structure

The available space from

Porta Maggazini is an old heritage building

The space is

of typical Baroque style.

neutral and the structure in part dilapidated state.

evolution design

free and shift the main activity to the mezzannine floor. This was due to the fact that every good experience begins with a good welcome. 1. we wanted to keep the ground floor

elemental approach of attaching the staircase to the floor (as in the beginning) we chose to clean up the look of the structure.

2. Thus from an

make it warm (with soft wood cladding on floor and all over), more like a toy but safe for child. The idea that the image of our Retail space will speak of our intentions. So, the final design evolved into a dynamic image building structure. 3.

exterior design


The idea behind the conception of is to have a temporary structure following the swiss design iconic image displayed through the swiss knife,

integrating the Kid’s friendly image. TOY

soft wood

, with finish as cladding Thus the structure is designed like a all over though the original structure is constructed truss-like in


materials structure

wood stairs, railings, desks, floor, coffe place

aluminium lamps red leather coffe furniture stranghtened glass coffe furniture

lighting aluminium reflector without protective screen

luminaire light advertising

interior design

The structure is reminiscent of landscape of mountains,

Swiss CafĂŠ is going to serve Swiss delicatessen. The first floor office makes a conceptual integration

while the

with the rest of the structure.

ground floor Cafee furniture for customers

communication The base of the communication was the

kids swiss font used:


icons that form SWIZZERINO concept: easy inocent rounded geometric modern landscape multiplicity

kids shapes refering to the concept of bringing children to visit this country the swiss knife, the cross shape of the flag and the dark red color used to refer to Switzerland

It was created in Switzerland in 1957.

the logo

communication logo



25 100 100 30

= modern, swiss knife, adults = modern, swiss design, adults (parents) = kids (children) =

+ Switzerland flag

Corners in objects made for kids

Kids drawings

Swiss knife

0 0 0 0

0 0 0 100

communication brochure 1 to 16 is the age that usually parents have difficulty of dealing with kids and trips. 5






7 8 9 10

go to Switzerland with your family

reasons wh


with your family


reasons wh


you should


you should

go to Switzerland

13 14 15 16


Vivian Barbosa Grieco 734191 Avnish Mehta 737034 Vahid daem Inanloo 735114 Anna Bagienko 739058 Iwona Gutka 726313

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