The art center proposal merges a food production facility with artist programs, supplying produce for artistic creation and dietary needs. The project’s structural and spatial scheme follows the design of the vertical farming towers.
The art center proposal merges a food production facility with artist programs, supplying produce for artistic creation and dietary needs. The project’s structural and spatial scheme follows the design of the vertical farming towers.
Instructor: Manuel Bailo Esteve
A mixed-use housing project in the Brooklyn Navy Yards, weaves together industrial spaces for sustainable thrift fashion, worker welfare, independent studios for fashion artists, and housing for both them and the general public.
Mixed-Use Housing | New York
Collaborator: Birch Ely | Instructor: Ila Berman
The contemporary formal and spatial concepts for Bronzeville’s library were inspired by modulating the traditional Flemish bond brick building method, re ecting the community’s desire to honor its history while embracing progress.
Library in Bronzeville | Chicago
Instructor: Oz Ozburn
A system of vertical structures, delaminated from a Cézanne painting, and inserted along the site’s run-off curves to frame living, communal, and solitary spaces for a student center project at Observatory Hill in Charlottesville.
Observatory Hill Student Center | Charlottesville
Instructor: Katie Macdonald
Capstone project for a certi cation course, involving the design of a residential tower entirely modeled using Grasshopper, where the formal language of the tower and its balconies is based on the behavior of a tangent graph.
Capstone Project: Parametric Tower
Grasshopper Certi cation Course
Principal designer of an o ice interior project, handling all stages of the design process, including managing vendor and client communications, preparing budgetary estimates, and monitoring site execution until completion.
O ice for Euroceil | Chennai
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