Sharon T. asked: 1. When does it get “too hot, as in too much summer” to continue the spring detox program? What weather is the earliest to start spring detox? Dear Sharon: in North America, when temperatures become stabilized around and above 65 degrees Fahrenheit, then it is good to initiate detox. On the other hand, when temperatures rise and go beyond 85, then it is time to conclude any detox protocol to rehydrate and nourish instead. Please note that the body’s physical and vibrational channels start to dilate with temperature of 65 degrees and above for most people. As we know through Ayurveda, every individual is different, based on body build, but also on personal dietary and routine trends. If you maintain a clogging diet and stressful routine, your channels may respond more slowly to a warmer climate and take longer to respond to it. Best is to watch your body’s own signals and signs closely. Usually the dilation of channels can be accompanied by: possible nasal discharge; or an overall feeling of lightness; even shedding a couple of pounds is possible. Make sure to stop detox when temperatures go up to 85 degrees and beyond. At that point, your physiology will need more rehydration. Continuing with detox at high temperatures may result in different deep tissue imbalances with chronic side-‐effects. Ajay S. asked: 2. Male 49 years. Feel sluggish upon waking up and slower than usual during the day. Dear Ajay: it is important that you try to isolate the “hetu” or etiological/cause factor for your symptoms. For example: o are you eating dinner late? Lunch should be around 12:30-‐ 1:00pm and dinner should be approximately 6-‐7 hours after that, with a good snack in-‐between, around 3-‐4 o’clock.