182500 Account: 04/29/2012 Date: Pub Num: COD30SUN B8 Section/Page: 1 / 2 Page Count:
Daily Camera Circulation: 30038 DMA: Denver, CO
City: Boulder State: CO
VaiTs status as summer destination on the rise For instance when Iindsey Vonn came back to Vail in early
By Scott N Miller Vail Daily
VAIL — Vail may be on brink of becoming as popular in the summer as the winter
For just about as long as Vail has existed ifs been a summer weekend getaway for Front
Range visitors —if s easy get to cooler than Denver in August and room rates are pretty reasonable compared to winter
For just about as long peo ple who market Vail in the sum mer have tried to draw
nation guests countries
guests are welcome always but the people who fly in gener ally stay longer and spend more
Luring those guests has al ways been tricky primarily be cause of money Just a few TV or radio ads in a major media market would quickly drain vir tually any summer marketing
one of Brazil s top young ski has
to help bring a U S Customs fa
turned into a feature story in Brazil s top teen magazine That in turn will turn into at least a few Daddy I want to go
cility to the Eagle County Re
to Vail too conversations in upscale Brazilian households Vail Mountain Marketing Di rector Adam Sutner a member
of the local marketing district board said the group did some thing a bit similar for the Mexi can market The district pur
chased a back page ad in a new food and travel magazine in that country which said essen
That s why the Vail Local Marketing District this year has some different plans to at tract those visitors making the best possible use of its money summer mar
keting is using the Internet to reach as many people as possi ble In other cases though there s some serious sideways thinking going on
gional Airport That will create an enor
mous ability to attract charter
flights from those countries Slifer said
While direct summer flights from Chicago or particularly Miami aren t on the schedule this summer Sutner said he ex
pects those flights to return in coming years Beyond the drive to draw in ternational visitors in the sum
winter you ll love it in the sum
mer the marketing district is also using new ways to tap into the minds of people who might want to fly in from Chicago or
New York
If you love Vail in the
The district then bought an extra 2 000 copies of the maga zine and distributed it to Mexi
can guests in Vail this past ski
In some cases
— people
in from out of state or from oth
March she hosted a SM Girls
or Brazil are likely to fly into Denver at the moment market ing district chairwoman Beth Slifer said that group is work ing with Eagle County officials
Vail ought to be a natural
grabs video footage of virtually everything that goes on in the valley That video is put on the company s website Facebook page and other social media
channels of course but the vid eos are also likely to turn up in ads on say The New York
Ifs a three and a half hour
Times website And that Sutn
flight it s a place you know you re welcome and a place
er said can be very effective Vail plays better in video Sutner said It really portrays the brand
summer vacation spot for the
Mexico City market said
you re likely to run into some of your countrymen Sutner said While visitors from Mexico
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RefNo: abb5a4
Daily Camera Circulation: 30038 DMA: Denver, CO
City: Boulder State: CO
182500 Account: 04/29/2012 Date: Pub Num: COD30SUN B8 Section/Page: 2 / 2 Page Count:
Dominique Taylor | The
Yasser Montes left helps his son Yasser Montes Jr 3 right try on a watch at the Moose s Caboose Jewelry and Trading Co
in Vail Village on Aug 5 2011 The family is part of a growing number of Mexican tourists vacationing in Vail this summer
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RefNo: abb5a4