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SPRING FASHION UHÁHFWLQJ RQ WKH timeless styles of Yves Saint Laurent

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STILETTOS and the CITY Fabulous fashionistas and world travelers alike are eagerly anticipating the only U.S. opening of “Yves Saint Laurent: The Retrospectiveâ€? at the Denver Art Museum from March 25 to July 8. What better way to turn this exhibit into an experience than indulging in one of the many Denver YSL-inspired hotel packages. All of these offers include deluxe accommodations for two. However, it’s the little extras that take these packages to the next level. The Ritz-Carlton, Denver is offering “Haute Heights at 5280 feet.â€? Guests who purchase this posh package receive overnight valet parking and a YSL-inspired amenity of either a sweet chocolate stiletto or sultry “LBDâ€? cocktail. Start your day in style with the package’s brasserie-inspired “Rive Gaucheâ€? breakfast for two. Then strut over to the Denver Art Museum with your two line-free tickets to attend the exhibit, which showcases more than 200 styles spanning from Saint Laurent’s early beginnings to the present. The exhibit also IHDWXUHV LQFUHGLEOH SKRWRJUDSKV GUDZLQJV DQG Ă€OPV WKDW LOOXVWUDWH the development of Saint Laurent’s style. After a fashionable day on \RXU IHHW LW ZLOO EH GLIĂ€FXOW WR FKRRVH EHWZHHQ WKH ´+DXWH +HLJKWVÂľ spa offerings of Stiletto Sole Surrender, Fashionista Facial or Couture Consultation. The Ritz-Carlton’s Allyson Fredeen says, “We wanted to ensure guests had a unique experience with us while also being able to enter this exhibit line-free! Since this is the only U.S. stop—the other showings are in Madrid and Paris—we expect tourists from all over North America and beyond for this once-in -a-lifetime viewing.â€? If spa treatments and chocolate aren’t your thing, consider JW Marriott’s “Cherry Creek Couture Getawayâ€? package. In addition to overnight accommodations and VIP exhibit tickets, you’ll receive a $100 Cherry Creek North gift card, a $25 credit to Second Home Kitchen + Bar and complimentary valet parking. Hotel Teatro’s “Yves Saint Laurent Pink Packageâ€? is a great girlfriends’ weekend experience with luxury accommodations for you and a fashion forward friend. You can sip your complimentary YSL pink martinis and take advantage of the free transportation to and from the exhibit. This package also includes a pink bubble bath turndown service and a commemorative hardcover YSL book. Not to be outdone, The Curtis Hotel’s “Curtis Couture – Make It Work!â€? package includes complimentary valet parking and a breakfast buffet IRU WZR DW 7KH &RUQHU 2IĂ€FH 8SRQ DUULYDO \RX ZLOO UHFHLYH FKDPSDJQH and fashion magazines so you can relax and catch up on the latest styles. Of course, your package wouldn’t be complete without VIP tickets to the YSL exhibit and luxury overnight accommodations. Although the Denver Art Museum’s Yves Saint Laurent exhibit is an experience in itself, you won’t be able to call your visit complete without one of these perfect pairings of hotel and haute couture.



Coveted Crème 'HQYHU 5DGLDWLRQ 2QFRORJLVW 'U .HYLQ Schewe, is all too familiar with the damaging effects of chemotherapy on his cancer SDWLHQWV¡ VNLQ 8QFRPIRUWDEOH EXUQLQJ itching and dryness are common side effects of cancer treatments, so Dr. Schewe and his team set out to create a skincare line to ease these problems. They developed Elite Therapeutics IURP WKHLU JUHDWHVW Ă€QGLQJ Vitamin E technology, which contains eight naturally occurring isomers that are often OHIW RXW RI RWKHU WUHDWPHQWV 6HHLQJ Ă€UVW KDQG WKH EHQHĂ€WV RI 9LWDPLQ ( RQ WKH VNLQ of his patients, Dr. Schewe formulated Elite Therapeutics for the general public as a highly effective, everyday skincare line.


Whether you are a connoisseur of Japanese cuisine or a newbie to the food scene, it won’t matter at Matsuhisa. The second you take a bite of their New Style Sashimi Beef you will be speechless with delight. This recently opened, world-renowned Japanese restaurant was created by Chef Nobu Matsuhisa. He developed a menu that combines traditional Japanese cuisine with Peruvian and Argentine ingredients. The results are dishes such as the Scallop Phyllo and the Black Cod with Miso, which cause you to question any other Japanese fusion dish you may have encountered in your lifetime. This makes sense, EHFDXVH 0DWVXKLVD 9DLO LV RQH RI RQO\ ÀYH LQ WKH ZRUOG WKH RWKHU WZR 8 6 ORFDWLRQV DUH LQ Aspen and Beverly Hills. This dining experience has a celebrity following and after dining there, you will feel like a FHOHEULW\ \RXUVHOI :KHQ &KHI 0DWVXKLVD RSHQHG WKH ÀUVW 0DWVXKLVD LQ %HYHUO\ +LOOV KH PHW his biggest fan, Robert De Niro, and a lifelong friendship began. Due to De Niro’s urging, Chef Matsuhisa opened other successful international restaurants. 1RW RQO\ GRHV 0DWVXKLVD RIIHU WKH ÀQHVW VXVKL DQG VDVKLPL EXW WKH\ DOVR VHUYH VDNH XQOLNH any other in the world. Matsuhisa has its own brewery in Japan, the Hokusetsu Sake %UHZHU\ ZKLFK FUHDWHV VDNH VXFK DV WKH GHOLFDWHO\ WH[WXUHG VOLJKWO\ à RUDO 1REX 7. 'DL *LQMR 7KH VDNH LV VHUYHG LQ EDPERR FDUDIHV DQG \RX FDQ RSW WR VDPSOH D à LJKW RI WKHLU best three as well. If sake isn’t your thing, try the signature Matsutini made with yuzu juice, passion fruit and Bombay Sapphire. 0DWVXKLVD 9DLO KDV à RRU WR FHLOLQJ ZLQGRZV WKDW SURYLGH D VWXQQLQJ YLHZ RI 9DLO 0RXQWDLQ The dÊcor is edgy, modern and energetic without feeling like a nightclub. Make VXUH WR FRQFOXGH \RXU GLQLQJ H[SHULHQFH ZLWK WKH PRFKL LFH FUHDP LQ à DYRUV VXFK DV chocolate peanut butter, strawberry and green tea. Matsuhisa Vail is located in the beautiful Solaris Residences. Look for more about Solaris in our upcoming May/June issue.


Positive consumer feedback has been the source of Elite Therapeutics’ additions of a haircare line and their newest skincare launch, Elite Platinum Crème. This all-in-one treatment addresses signs of aging at the cellular level where most damage is done. Elite Platinum Crème contains Dr. Schewe’s Vitamin E formula, which utilizes the recent skin advancement of fruit-derived stem cell technology. For those of us who aren’t skincare experts or chemists, this means that Elite Platinum Crème will take your anti-aging skincare regime to the next level while supporting Colorado products from a local doctor. 7KH &RORUDGR FRPPXQLW\ LV GHĂ€QLWHO\ noticing Elite Therapeutics. The staff of The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs is so impressed with this skincare line that they have named Elite Therapeutics their exclusive in-room amenity. To purchase Elite Therapeutics products visit one of their Thornton, Golden, Denver, Highlands Ranch or Colorado Springs retail locations.

Group Think Some people are self-motivated. They rise at dawn and run miles. However, during this WLPH RI \HDU PRVW RI XV Ă€QG WKH ZDUPWK RI RXU beds and the sweets in our pantries calling our names more loudly than the gym. That’s where About Time Fitness steps in. This new facility in Englewood is entirely dedicated to group training programs. ([HUFLVLQJ ZLWK RWKHUV KDV PDQ\ EHQHĂ€WV You get to compete, socialize and support each other while working towards similar goals. And for the unmotivated, you get the accountability of a group setting, which makes it much harder to walk away from your health. Dena Stodola, founder of About Time )LWQHVV GLVFRYHUHG WKH EHQHĂ€WV RI H[HUFLVH at a young age while working on her family’s Wisconsin dairy farm. Years of lifting feed pails and throwing hay bales provided a solid IRXQGDWLRQ IRU KHU SK\VLFDO Ă€WQHVV SDVVLRQ When asked about her inspiration for About Time Fitness, Dena says, “There are more and more fad diets and exercises hitting the market each year. Gym equipment gets boring, extreme training programs are too GLIĂ€FXOW IRU PRVW SHRSOH DQG SHUVRQDO WUDLQLQJ is expensive. At About Time Fitness, our goal is to create an environment where everyone— UHJDUGOHVV RI DJH JHQGHU RU Ă€WQHVV OHYHOÂł FDQ WUDLQ OLNH DWKOHWHV ZKLOH EHQHĂ€WLQJ IURP D motivating group environment.â€? The center offers a variety of classes, seven days a week, including barbell, yoga and Pilates, core-strengthening, dance and kickboxing. There is also a child care center where kids can be active while parents enjoy classes guilt-free. DERXWWLPHĂ€WQHVV FRP

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Perfect 10 Are all nail polishes created equal? According to beauty experts, not so! It takes the right formulas, colors and staying power. So who is the reigning champion? Deborah Lippmann is the answer many stylists and beauty experts give. Celebrities and fashion houses have FRQĂ€GHQFH LQ WKLV OLQH EHFDXVH WKH SROLVKHV are long-lasting, relevant to color trends DQG IUHH RI KDUPIXO FKHPLFDOV <RX ZLOO Ă€QG 'HERUDK /LSSPDQQ FRORUV RQ WKH Ă€QJHUV DQG toes of actresses as they accept their Oscars and artists as they perform. Two fans include Meryl Streep and Glee’s Lea Michele. Prior to spring 2012, there were very few retail locations in Colorado that carried Deborah Lippmann, but Beauty Brands is changing that. As of February 2012, Deborah Lippmann will be available at Denver, Colorado Springs and Boulder Beauty Brands. These store locations also offer full-service salons with on-site Deborah Lippmann manis and pedis. Deborah Lippmann polishes currently feature grown-up glitter looks and fashion-forward matte textures. The polish designer partners with celebrities to create colors such as Kelly Ripa’s shimmering pale lilac “Whatever Lola Wantsâ€? and Renee Zellweger’s dark cherry crème “Just Walk Away Renee.â€? Lippmann herself created the new spring 2012 shades using inspiration from the beach. “I wanted to create something that felt like a vacation no matter where you are—the vibrant blue and green shades evoke a peaceful, relaxing feeling that reminds me of being seaside,â€? says Lippmann. With Deborah Lippmann offerings at local Beauty Brands, there is no doubt we’ll be seeing more of her name. Color trends come and go, but Deborah Lippmann’s popularity is here to stay.

Jumping through Hoops There is one thing almost every Denverite has in common and that is a love for dogs. If the dog parks, dog boutiques and dog-friendly restaurants aren’t evidence enough, there is QRZ D SODFH IRU GRJV WR FDOO WKHLU RIĂ€FLDO KRPH DZD\ IURP KRPH The Zoom Room, a sporty LQGRRU GRJ J\P KDV RSHQHG LWV VHFRQG ORFDWLRQ LQ 'HQYHU WKH Ă€UVW EHLQJ LQ /RQJPRQW “Denver is the perfect city for Zoom Room,â€? said Kathy Thorpe, owner of Zoom Room Denver. “People here love to be active, they love their dogs, and they love to be active with their GRJV Âľ 7KH =RRP 5RRP LV GHĂ€QLWHO\ QRW \RXU DYHUDJH GRJ WUDLQLQJ FHQWHU ,WV SDUWLFLSDQWV proudly call it “a canine social clubâ€? that specializes in dog agility and training. Originally founded in California, the Zoom Room has become the fastest-growing pet franchise in the U.S. Owners can learn how to teach their dog everything from agility, obedience and therapy dog work, to puppy class, scent tracking and shy dog training. If your dog is as well-trained as they come, you can still participate through the Zoom Room’s event center, which holds dog birthday parties, charitable fundraisers and other canine events. Maybe you’re sick of the mud, dirt and mean dogs that are synonymous with dog parks. So try out Zoom Room’s open gym. Available in half hour increments, these daily sessions are the perfect opportunity to burn off some excess energy, rain or shine. The Zoom Room locations in Longmont and Denver are doing their part to advance Denver as one of the most dog-friendly cities in the country. Whether you want to teach your Schnauzer to sit or your Lab to leap through hoops, both you and your dog will leave feeling well worked out.


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