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A Culinary Adventure Weekend in Vail CO

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O ur weekend was full of varied, fresh seasonal and o en locally-sourced cuisine. This Heirloom Tomato salad from Sweet Basil was a quintessen al summer dish and one represented the deliciousness of the most simple food prepared well.

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Ski towns get a bad rap. Not during the winter of course. In season they are the gem of the landscape, visitors flocking to them with sole, unques onable purpose. Somehow once the snow melts they are o en ignored, mistakenly thought of as one note des na ons not garnering the rapt a en on they s ll deserve as mul season hot spots. I’ve always loved a ski town in the summer. During my residence in Northern California I relished summer stays at Lake Tahoe, hiking the ski trails and enjoying the mountain ambiance without my 400 pound ski boots which caused me to lumber like a cave woman. When the opportunity presented itself for me to experience summer in Vail Colorado I jumped on it. I will be quite frank; my last visit to Vail was over 5 years ago to join some summering friends for the local July fourth parade. I found it red and dated. I loved the spirit of the celebra on but the visual throw back to the 1970’s heyday le a lot to be desired. I’ve heard rumblings about the updated food scene, vast remodels and updates all of which have peaked my curiosity. I went with an empty camera memory card and clean mental slate to experience what is the current Vail.

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The Lionshead area offers a charming yet modern Barvarian style u lizing very tall buildings to keep visitor and residents ght to the mountains with easy walking access versus spreading out more horizontally.

Even the most stunning of beauty queens needs a li le li a er 50 years and Vail is no different. Holding the esteem of one of America’s most desirable ski enclaves the shine had begun to tarnish a bit. Des na on cache s ll intact, 2.5 billion dollars has been pumped into the area to revive the exteriors, established and new businesses and streetscapes. What met me was not the red, alpine metaphor but a revived beaming new berg that excited my sense of explora on immediately.



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My first encounter was my stay at the Four Seasons Resort Vail. I pulled in at midnight, two hours a er I was slated to arrive to a cheery valet and check in staff holding their own in the wee hours far be er than was I. The hotel is a mere two years old and presents all you would expect in a Four Seasons with the elegant, earthy approachable vibe of a mountain des na on. The service throughout my stay was easy and friendly. This is unques onably a luxury hotel but one for real people. No personal Learjet? No problem. Everyone is treated equally and with the goal of an unmatched stay.

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The Four Seasons Resort Vail is nestled in the middle of Vail Village making it an easy loca on for visi ng restaurant in the Village and in the opposite direc on toward Lionshead, the completely new/redone Bavarian inspired area next to the gondola. I was joined by four other journalists/photographers to experience the culinary gems of Vail as well as different means to see the area.

The Four Seasons Resort Vail is tastefully done in heavy stone with wood and leather accents facilita ng a well established and welcoming feel that you’d expect in a mountain resort. The grand presenta on of the hotel and its appointments are though ully executed to leave all guests feeling a relaxed sense of comfort.

Our first excursion was a cruiser bike tour of three of the stand out dining spots: The Vail Chophouse, Sweet Basil and Larkspur. A er walking through the Vail Village admiring the older Euro style buildings and high end shops we rented cruiser bikes at Christy Sports. They fi ed us specifically and quickly with easy to ride bikes bearing shock absorbers to effortlessly glide over the charming cobblestone streets. First stop was in Lionshead at the Vail Chop House. We landed at the restaurant pa o at the foot of the gondola. A perfect spot to perch and watch the unending mountain bikers mount the gondola to be ferried up to the top of the mountain to ride their bikes down. The Vail Chophouse was our appe zer stop presen ng us with a Seafood Tower that was breathtaking. Three abundant trays of fresh crab, lobster and every mollusk imaginable. I’m usually a bit wary of seafood served inland despite knowing current logis cs allow fresh fish to be delivered anywhere in the blink of an eye. The quality of the seafood brought back the memories of the same fare being swooped from the sea before me and put on my plate. It was a spectacular sight and one that makes the center of a party easily.

(Top) Vail Chophouse Seafood Tower, (bo om) the Chophouse’s Bloody Mary with a massive prawn and Jalapeno Bacon and Blueberry Lemonade. Both can be made with or without alcohol (and both versions are great).

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In addi on to the seafood we tried two of their cocktails in ‘mocktail’ form. A vinegary, bi ng Bloody Mary with a behemoth prawn and strip of Jalapeno Bacon (mouth watering in the recall of it). Also a fresh Blueberry Lemonade which I tried later avec booze and it was just as refreshing and fun. Next stop was Sweet Basil. Having been established for 35 years it remains the ‘go to’ spot and has become the birth place of many high profile chefs who a er a me at the restaurant have gone on to open their own restaurants successfully. The sampling of sides and salads here had a dis nct truffle bent, and one that had our group s ll talking about it two days later. The restaurant has a current, hip décor spanning from the entrance in the Vail Village to the back room defined by full windows to the creek and green space. The cuisine was upscale and innova ve yet with no airs.

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The food served at Sweet Basil was flavorful and a modern riff on more upscale comfort food. (Top) W hipped truffle rico a toast with shitake mushroom and sesame heirloom kale. The ‘Smash’ cocktail with cranberry and pineapple juices. The ‘Bright and Sunny’ behind with coconut milk, lime and ginger beer. (Middle) A savory bowl of mussels and crusty, rus c bread for dipping. (Bo om) Truffle Parmesan fries and black truffle deviled eggs with pickled mustard and dill. No ques on why they are the cornerstone ‘go to’ eatery in Vail.

Last stop was Larkspur. I’d heard a lot about Larkspur and in mere moments I understood why; they care. They were preparing for a wedding in the a ernoon. We arrived with bike helmets on and cameras blazing to a gorgeous presenta on of desserts we assumed were for the wedding only to learn they’d spent the me for us. Rolled cones of paper with our individual names printed on them holding caramelized popcorn, a beau ful small cake fit for a wedding, truffles, handmade truffle pops, and a Panna Co a to die for. Despite their countdown to the wedding the pastry chef and Execu ve Chef made the me to greet us, tour us through the outdoor wedding site being constructed on their side lawn and show us their pe te garden from which they harvest herbs and micro greens for the restaurant’s dishes. Food can be great at a restaurant but intent can be lacking and with Larkspur I felt the whole package. They made a las ng impression and I can’t wait to go back.

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(Top) Larkspur ’s extraordinary Panna Co a and my personalized caramelized popcorn cone, (middle) a Larkspur tas ng of some light dessert wines and Port, (bo om) Execu ve Chef Richard Hinojosa and a par ng gi of his Bacon Jam which they use in a deconstructed O ysters Rockefeller dish.

We split for the a ernoon all able to explore Vail through our chosen excursion. The breadth of op ons was endless from learning to paddle board, touring the mountain top via jeep, rock-climbing to fly fishing. My choice was something I love to do and feel it a wonderful way to see a new area; on horseback. I rode the gondola to the top of the mountain to the site of Vail Stables on mountain venue. As luck would have it my early sunset ride was just Wrangler Carsten and I. My trusty stead Diesel, when not striving to eat weeds, aptly toured me up and over the mountain, through vast glens of towering Aspen trees, with vistas of the distant mountain ranges all under the cerulean skies we in Colorado count on for over 300 days a year. The ride was about an hour long and as with most stables offers rides for all skill levels. The horses are well trained so even if the riders aren’t it is a fantas c and very Western way to enjoy Vail mountain in summer.

Vail Stables has two loca ons. I rode from the outpost on top of the gondola line on the mountain. The Wranglers were helpful and experienced, the horses seasoned. I t was a wonderful way to view the top of the world from Vail Mountain. They conduct several rides all through the day.

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A specific mission I bore was to find a cocktail hot spot (regular readers will not be surprised). My posse joined me at Frost the hip, happening bar at the uber cool Sebas an hotel. Si ng at the cobalt blue hand-blown glass bar we ordered a sampling of Frost’s drinks delving more into the seasonal and unique. My fave’s? The Cripple Creek, a bourbon lover’s dream with bourbon, chartreuse, basil and mint from the hotel’s garden all muddled into a murky green sophis cated liba on. The other, Elixir No. 16, a summer sipper made light with St. Germaine, Prosecco, club soda and fresh berries. Frost was kind enough to share the recipe for readers to enjoy a taste of Vail at home.

(Above le ) Elixir No. 16 with recipe below, (above right) Cripple Creek cocktail, (below) Cory one of Frost’s stellar mixologists who whipped up and walked us through every detail of Frost’s clever cocktails.

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Frost Bar’s ELIXIR NO. 16 Yield: 1 cocktail Ingredients: 3 ounces Lamarco Prosecco 1 ½ ounces St. Germaine liqueur 2 ounces Club Soda Fresh in season cantaloupe or berries

In a wine glass pour the first three ingredients over ice. The soda controls the level of sweetness so taste to adjust for your preference. Add finely chopped cantaloupe or fresh berries; s r. Garnish with a berry.

The architectural juxtaposi on of Euro-alpine to sophis cated modern can be found throughout Vail Village and it works together well to create an eclec c, interes ng townscape.

We dined at the Solaris a new chic, majes cally scaled plaza in Vail Village, a key addi on from the expansion. Do ed by art (as is all of Vail Village and all the community parks through a very purposeful art share program) the nightscape was mesmerizing with a signature modern sculpture illumina ng in alterna ng tones lending itself to a cosmopolitan feel. Matsuhisa, our dinner spot followed suit with soaring ceilings and contemporary touches. The restaurant was packed inside and out where we dined on the pa o. Definitely a local hot spot, Matsuhisa offers Japanese cuisine from fresh sushi to more tradi onal dishes as well as South American fusion dishes. With a bit of me to individually meander on Sunday, I enjoyed a walk through the Vail Farmer’s Market following a farm-fresh lunch at Elways (click here for details). The verve was undeniable, streets filled with live music, fresh foods, ar san foods, art and cra s. Ac vi es for children and adults alike make this a des na on with equal opportunity for any age, singles, couples or families.

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Candidly I was surprised by how large the Vail Farmer ’s Market is. I t touts being one of the largest in the state and is divided fairly evenly between actual farms, ar san foods and ar san goods.

With far more I wished to do than me at hand I poked into some excursions I’ll bookmark for a future trip. The Four Seasons Resort Vail offers an exci ng new ou ng ge ng lots of press; wild mushroom foraging. Along with a mycologist (mushroom expert) groups will head up into the mountains seeking the delicious, culinary mushrooms growing wild to bring them back and cook them up. I had hoped to go fly fishing when in Vail but sadly I could not squeeze in one more thing! More than wan ng to fly fish I thought it would be fantas c to have the fishing ou i er then cook up your catch for dinner. With some sleuthing I learned of two excursions where they do just this. Local chef, restaurateur and Top Chef contestant Kelly Liken leads a two day ‘Float, Fish and Feast’ fishing trip in which she’ll also cook up your catch. Nearby Minturn Anglers offers a ‘Cast and Taste’ excursion in which you catch your fish and they prepare a wine paired four course dinner with it. They are not inexpensive ou ngs but the unique opportunity to experience the Vail area in this way would be a memory-maker.

O ne of Flame’s many highlights are all the unique sauces they make from scratch (even the ketchup). We may even see those for sale at the restaurant in future. (Right) Lemon Crème Brulee presented in an actual lemon.

The Flame restaurant at the Four Seasons Resort Vail was our go-to for breakfast and a fantas c dinner showcasing their finest dishes from beau fully prepared steak sliced tableside by the chef and fanciful desserts of Maple Bacon donuts, deconstructed Snickers bars in ny Mason jars. Being gluten free the chef graced me with my own Lemon Crème Brulee made in a hollowed out lemon served with chopped strawberries and other seasonal berries. It was sublime. The Flame restaurant is a modern steakhouse and they are undergoing a menu change to offer approachable dishes of a classic American steakhouse that also bear an element of fun. The tableside service allows diners to be more connected to the kitchen and chat directly with the chef and family style dishes will suit dining groups to pass and share, with tables employing high end ‘lazy Susans’ to make the task effortless. The weekend gave pause for thought. I felt Vail elegantly schooled me with all the updated sites, tastes, and ac vi es that are readily available and abundant in the summer. There was not a fondue pot in sight and no sense of a seasonal slowdown due to no snow. Whether interested in a low key sightseeing venture, spa weekend, uber ac ve sporty vaca on, all with cu ng edge food and drink, it can be found here. There are concerts, botanical gardens, museums to be explored, every sport imaginable all wrapped up the feeling of summer.

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When was the last me you visited Vail in the summer? It’s definitely me to go.

Posted by Boulder Locavore at 7:49 AM

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Labels: #GirlsGoneVail, #VailSummer, CO travel, Four Seasons Resort Vail, Frost bar, gondola, Larkspur Vail, Matsuhisa, St. Germaine cocktail recipe, summer travel, Sweet Basil, Vail Chophouse, Vail Stables

6 comments: The Mom Chef Augus t 25, 2012 8:54 AM I love, love, love thes e reviews . I feel a s though I lived this trip with you. Ja la peno ba con wra pped a round s hrimp? WOW. I s o wa nt to go on tha t hors eba ck riding tour with you (I a dore hors eba ck riding). And I wa s mos t excited tha t you s ha red the Elixir No. 16. I love St. Germa ine a nd it's my one s pluge liba on. Reply

Debra Eliotseats Augus t 25, 2012 9:59 AM I a gree with you a bout s ki towns in s ummer. Thos e cockta ils /mockta ils look a ma zing a nd I wa nt to wra p s ome ja la peno ba con a round a gia nt pra wn for a ppe zers . Reply

Chef Connie Augus t 25, 2012 1:26 PM Love the hea vy us e of ba con! You ha ve once a ga in ma de me wa nt to hop in the ca r a nd hea d out a round Colora do. Reply

Cooking with Michele Augus t 25, 2012 4:19 PM I s omehow mis s ed tha t Chef Hinojos a ha d le Hotel Jerome for La rks pur - nice to s ee him s miling in your pos t! Reply

Rebecca Subbiah Augus t 26, 2012 8:49 PM wow wha t a fa b weekend Reply

Lauren Hendrick Augus t 27, 2012 7:06 AM You ca ptured the weekend perfectly :) Reply

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