Task 1: Lofting
Task 2: Data Entry and Representation
Task 3: The Gridshell and Patterning Lists
Task 4: The Site and the Structure
B2. Case Study 1.0
Task 5: Controller, Samplers and Fields
B3. Case Study 2.0
Task 6: Controlling Data Structures
B4. Technique Development
TASK 1 Lofting
Grasshopper, originally named Explicit History, is a plugin for 3D modeling program Rhinoceros. Grasshopper retains memory of several layers of history, as opposed to Rhino, which retains only one layer of historical memory: that is, implicit memory. Illustrating this is a simple loft exercise. The lofted surface in Grasshopper may be extracted and placed back into Rhino, the Grasshopper loft denoted by red colouring and Rhino by grey. Here it is shown that in grasshopper, the shape is able to be moulded by the movement of control points. The Rhino shape, however, no longer displays its control points and is unable to manipulated past this point. This is the difference between implicit and explicit history.
Loft is a variant of a wireframe volume of the 3D object. It’s developed from planar sections spaced along an approximate path. The plane serves to connect any number of curves, similar or dissimilar. In this example, three dissimilar curves labelling first, middle and last have been inputted to the loft command on grasshopper. The explicit memory function allows manipulation of this planar surface about the control points to in turn effect the shape of the original curves and the lofted plane.
Voronoi and octangonal grids applied to box
Voronoi and octangonal grids applied to curve
Changing the permitted content per leaf on the octagonal grid, via application of slider, changes the density of the octangal grid along the curve.
Through deletion of individual voronoi cells in rhino, I was able to visualise the properties of the voronoi tesselation.
I made an attempt to trim the voronoi box to the curve, which produced an error: data failed to convert from boolean to brep.
Data Entry and Representation
Using input data of mean monthly rainfall in Melbourne for 2014, grasshopper was able to generate a multitude of visual representations which were manipulated based on the contraints placed by myself, the designer. To allow for the creation of a planar surface, I placed the data for odd numbered months on a seperate Y coordiante value to that of the even numbered months.
This example displays the data as a series of interconnecting quadrangle meshes. Manipulating the mesh forms is done here by simply changing the point/number input sequence on the respective quad meshes. The numbering system provides a comprehensive view of how a change in point inputs translates to a change in visible form. This exercise has served to demonstrate that the parameters of a design dictate are declared, not the form. Form is dictated by algorithmic input placed by the designer.
Data Entry and Representation
2. Experimentation with curves and arcs
3. Developed into a lofted form which displays monthly rainfall data for melbourne in 2014
4. Contoured loft form
The Gridshell, Patterning Lists The Gridshell
The arcs that form between curve points cannot join directly to each other when the curves point sequences are not following the same direction.
Curve points connected by arcs over a lofted surface
The diagonal line effect is achieved by diplacing the arcs, in this case by a factor of 5, from either side of the control points.
Patterning Lists
Simple voronoi grid
Voronoi grid offset. Offset radius altered with slider.
Voronoi grid filleted. Fillet radius altered with slider.
Planar surfaces applied to filleted grid using the plane function.
Planar surface offset, offset distance altered with slider.
The site and the structure
The plane expresses the direction and magnitude of its charged field through colour with the ARGB function. For the purposes of this exercise, this is representative of our site, Fresh Kills.
Spiralling Left: spiral, modified by changing the input angle and the factor of pi.
Right: spiral, modified by changing the number of steps in the range.
The helix-shaped curve in hexagon, circular and voronoi grid foms respectively.
By inputting any combination of the above used grids into the triangulation function, it is possible to triangulate the pre-placed grid, as opposed to the original curved surface. 1. Circular and triangulated grids 2. Voronoi and triangulated grids 3. Hexagon and triangulated grids 4. Circular, hexagon, voronoi and triangulated grids
B.2 Case study 1.0 Voussoir Cloud
1 Experimentation with tolerance of weldvertices: Higher tolerance, more simplified shape. Changing triangular configuration, forces came from different areas. 12
2 Experimentation with horizontal and vertical scale: Using common slider (1:1 scale movement ratio) increasing scale, more vector forces were present with a greater variation in magnitude.
(Row) Experimentation with U count into UV mesh: higher U count results in stricter adherance of the grid form to the voronoi tesselation.
3 Experimentation with voronoi radius: Increased radius resulted in more vector forces of varying magnitudes.
TASK 5 Controllers, Samplers and Fields Fields:Biothing
Biothing is a line drawing centred around the manipulation of point charges. To the left is the completed biothing tutorial line drawing.
This image was created through anipulation of the point charge display using the pipe function. I am unable to show this section of the definition as it repeatedly crashed my computer.
As demonstrated in the earlier fields tutorial, employment of the ARGB function displays point charges through colour. The curves to which the point charges were applied have been left visible to demostrate the relationship between the pattern of the charges and the visual representation .
Graph controllers
Within the context of graph control, I have created different patterns from the voronoi triangulation. Each of the above resulted from changes made to the voronoi radius curve divide and cull functions.
Image Sampling
Image sampling works to create a grid with concentration based on that of the colouring of a selected image. Above is the product of two overlayed image samples using a circular grid.
This image demonstrates how the grid structure is altered when the two selected image samples have been grafted together.
Hexgrid box
6 Point Charges
After establishing the hexagonal grid pattern, we established a panel space using this grid as a base. The rectangular space serves as a panel, which allows the hexagonal pattern to be applied to our lofted surface.
Applying the loft command to a collection of curves creates a planar surface to which the hexagonal panel geometry can be applied. The hexagonal grid was applied to our lofted surface by morphing the grid surface, the box panel and the loft surface box.
We divided our hexagonal surfaces into points. We then created point charges on a surface, mapping this new surface onto the loft. We encountered an error with the evaluation function, highlighted in red.
In order to progress further with our definition, we devised an alternate definition comprised of hexagonal planes offset from the piped grid. This was achieved through surface mapping, rather than morphing.
Overlaying the second strategy on our first creates a planar surface with points that hold the point charges as well as the hexagonal tube frame and fillets. This, however, is visible as a collection of lines and does not translate to the baked form.
TASK 6 Controlling data structures Tree statistics and dimensions
Dimensions (above)
Trigrid function: change in size of triangle edges and number of cells in base planes in x and y directions
The line projections have been created by connecting points with lines, and altering u and V values.
Continuous patterning
Here the planes between the interior and exterior curves are shown. The second figure displays a lofted surface between the two initial curves in order to demonstrate the relationship between these curves and the resulting planes.
This line drawing denotes the connections between all points of the planar curve diagram.
Finished ‘continuous patterning’ demonstration form, complete and unrolled repectively.
‘Continuous patterning’ demonstration form after manipulation of evaluation, multiplication and span offset functions, complete and unrolled repectively.
The progression of this family is through alteration of the piping component. After increasing the pipe radius, I altered the U and V counts of the voronoi grid.
This family focuses on the patch component. After triangulating the mesh surface of the patch, I created surface frames from this grid, which were then also triangluated. Alteration of U and V values inputted to the surface frames as well as the initial mesh have produced this array of results.
This form applies the voronoi, circular, hexagonal and trianguated grids, as previously explored, to a new form. I have experimented with intersecting multiple grids, and ultimately arrived at the solution of triangulating each of the other grids.