A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • www.valcomnews.com
First Quarter 2016
COMING SOON: 4421 Coppola Circle
PENDING: 2313 Cathay Way 2401 Cathay Way 2832 Verna Way 5501 80th Street
SOLD: 5236 Fair Oaks Blvd • $675,000
6025 Raymond Way • $330,000
1617 40th Street 2216 Weldon Way
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MAGGIE FRISCH (916) 996-8050
CARRIE MONROE (916) 628-2187
KC SCHUFT (916) 502-0243
Real Estate Quarterly • First Quarter 2016 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • First Quarter 2016 • Real Estate Quarterly
KARLA OPPLIGER ANGELA ADAMS KATHY FOX RE/MAX Gold Berkshire Hathaway Drysdale (916) 761-9505 (916) 609-2080
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Berkshire Hathaway Dunnigan
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CORRINE COOK Coldwell Banker (916) 952-2027
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MARK PETERS Coldwell Banker (916) 600-2039
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Oekh 7h[W H[Wb ;ijWj[ If[Y_Wb_iji
KEVIN COOPER Cooper & Associates Realty (916) 960-4850
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Lyon Real Estate
Lyon Real Estate
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(916) 764-7500
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SINDY KIRSCH Coldwell Banker (916) 730-7705
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Greenhaven Capital Inc
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(916) 476-6507
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st Q uart
BILL BONNER Berkshire Hathaway Dunnigan
(916) 320-1888
BO JOHN WONG (916) 531-7150
Real Estate Quarterly • First Quarter 2016 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
Po c k e t / G re e n h a v e n R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s • F i rs t Q u a r t e r • Ja n . - M a r. 2 0 1 6
Br /Ba Date value
95831 6933 13th..................................3 (3 0) 4 ...2/18/2016 .. $510,000 7029 13th Street...............3 (3 0) 3 ...3/17/2016 .... 387,500 6631 14th..................................2 (2 0) 2 .... 3/9/2016 ..... 350,000 6608 Benham.........................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/19/2016 .... 261,000 407 Blue Dolphin .............3 (2 1) 3 ...3/24/2016 .... 355,000 2 Blue Dun .............................3 (3 0) 3 ...1/19/2016 .... 968,300 6833 Buena terra .............2 (2 0) 3 ...3/14/2016 .... 322,000 6808 Buena terra Way ..2 (2 0) 3 ...3/29/2016 .... 408,000 661 CorianDer....................3 (2 1) 3 ...2/26/2016 .... 325,000 360 Country river..........4 (3 1) 4 ...3/30/2016 .... 615,000 683 Cullivan ........................3 (3 0) 3 ...3/30/2016 .... 380,000 380 Deer river ....................3 (2 1) 3 ...2/17/2016 .... 407,500 430 Deer river ....................3 (3 0) 4 ...2/29/2016 .... 505,000 7492 DeltaWinD Drive..3 (2 1) 3 ...2/16/2016 .... 340,000 7055 eiDer................................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/22/2016 .... 415,500 1217 el enCanto ...............2 (2 0) 3 ...2/17/2016 .... 340,000 7100 el Sereno ....................2 (2 0) 3 ...1/29/2016 .... 315,000 6978 FlintWooD................2 (2 0) 3 .... 3/4/2016 ..... 385,000 7345 FloWerWooD...........3 (2 1) 4 .... 3/1/2016 ..... 405,000 6465 ForDham .....................2 (2 0) 4 ...2/10/2016 .... 515,000 1080 Foxhall........................2 (2 0) 4 ...3/29/2016 .... 415,000 8 Genoa ...................................3 (3 0) 3 .... 3/1/2016 ..... 311,000 6797 havenhurSt ............2 (2 0) 3 ...3/23/2016 .... 320,000 7029 havenhurSt ............2 (2 0) 3 .... 1/6/2016 ..... 425,000 74 heritaGe WooD Way3 (2 1) 3...3/25/2016 .... 358,000 6297 lake park ....................2 (2 0) 3 .... 3/4/2016 ..... 326,000 6501 lake park ....................3 (2 1) 4 ...3/25/2016 .... 507,000 6644 lanD park ...................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/30/2016 .... 447,500 19 lanyarD............................2 (2 0) 2 ...2/11/2016 .... 280,000 8065 linDa iSle....................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/16/2016 .... 380,000
Br /Ba Date value
Br /Ba Date value
412 little river ................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/31/2016 .... 270,000 1424 loS paDreS ..................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/19/2016 .... 435,000 382 mariner point..........2 (2 0) 2 .... 2/1/2016 ..... 295,000 97 moonlit ...........................3 (2 1) 4 ...3/15/2016 .... 335,000 308 outriGGer....................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/18/2016 .... 430,000 1327 palomar .......................2 (2 0) 4 ...2/26/2016 .... 349,000 1397 palomar .......................2 (2 0) 3 .... 3/1/2016 ..... 302,000 6761 park riviera .............2 (2 0) 4 ...2/26/2016 .... 390,000 18 parklite............................3 (2 1) 3 ...1/29/2016 .... 420,000 7339 perera............................3 (2 1) 3 ...1/14/2016 .... 415,000 418 pimentel........................3 (3 0) 3 ...3/23/2016 .... 470,000 7469 poCket ..........................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/15/2016 .... 293,800 7564 poCket ..........................3 (2 1) 4 ...3/14/2016 .... 401,975 7419 rio monDeGo ...........3 (3 0) 4 ...1/13/2016 .... 448,025 7615 river ranCh .............5 (4 1) 4 ...1/19/2016 .... 595,000 7718 river villaGe...........3 (2 1) 3 ...3/14/2016 .... 340,000 556 riverGate .....................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/14/2016 .... 365,000 747 riverlake......................2 (2 0) 4 .... 1/5/2016 ..... 525,000 7340 ruSh river..................2 (2 0) 4 .... 2/5/2016 ..... 349,000 7353 ruSh river..................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/28/2016 .... 314,800 7405 Salton Sea .................2 (2 0) 2 ...1/27/2016 .... 285,000 7459 Salton Sea .................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/22/2016 .... 290,000 7518 Salton Sea Way ......2 (2 0) 3 .... 1/8/2016 ..... 325,000 19 ShaDy river...................2 (2 0) 3 ...1/22/2016 .... 356,500 856 ShellWooD..................3 (2 1) 4 ...2/11/2016 .... 402,000 943 Shore Breeze .............5 (4 1) 4 .... 2/9/2016 ..... 850,000 7261 StanWooD .................2 (2 0) 4 ...3/16/2016 .... 350,000 809 Still Breeze ................4 (3 1) 4 ...3/14/2016 .... 630,000 7220 SWale river...............4 (3 1) 4 ...2/19/2016 .... 455,000 27 vierra.................................3 (3 0) 4 ...3/24/2016 .... 390,000 6140 WyCliFFe ......................2 (2 0) 3 .... 2/8/2016 ..... 554,000
Call Ron and find out
oberts obe ts Ron Roberts
what your Home is
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Ron@BigHeartRealty.com Ron@BigHeartRealty Cal BRE #01037639
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NMLS #450831
Not intended to solicit those already listed with a Broker. BigValley Mortgage is not a Real Estate Broker. Properties shown in the Real Estate section provided are not being sold by BVM. CA BRE #01215943 | NMLS #872054/1850 | Licensed by the Dept. of Business Oversight under the CRMLA
Gated River Grove Pocket Home
Ron Nakano Broker Associate
916-396-4430 CalBRE# 00793682
Pocket Home. Into the gate at River Grove. Rare single story. 1593 sq ft. 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. A must see!
Dear Ron, As you know a family home is filled with many fond memories. Every family member has his or her own recollections. As time goes by and family dynamics change there comes a difficult decision to sell. We are grateful that we found you, as our realtor, to help with the smooth transition of the sales of the Lee's Q Street home and the Fong's home in North Sacramento. Your understanding, professionalism and dedication is much appreciated. Thank You!!! Sincerely, Bill and Wanda Lee
To Quarter2016 2015••Real RealEstate EstateQuarterly Quarterly Toadvertise, advertise,call call916-429-9901 916-429-9901••AAspecial specialadvertising advertisingpublication publicationofofValley ValleyCommunity CommunityNewspapers Newspapers••Fourth First Quarter
A-5 A-
E a s t S a c ra m e n t o R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s • F i rs t Q u a r t e r • Ja n . - M a r. 2 0 1 6
br /bA date Value
95816 517 23rd ....................................2 (2 0) 3 ...1/22/2016 ...$425,000 808 28th....................................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/29/2016 .....329,000 1477 33rd ..................................1 (1 0) 3 ...2/24/2016 .....332,500 1558 33rd ..................................1 (1 0) 2 ...3/31/2016 .....390,000 1564 34th..................................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/10/2016 .....450,000 1217 35th..................................2 (1 1) 3 ...3/21/2016 .....464,000 561 37th....................................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/18/2016 .....599,500 500 AlhAmbrA .....................1 (1 0) 3 .... 3/1/2016 ......449,000 2209 d..........................................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/13/2016 .....345,000 2226 E...........................................2 (1 1) 3 ...2/26/2016 .....380,000 2322 G..........................................2 (2 0) 2 ...1/22/2016 .....482,000 3835 h..........................................1 (1 0) 2 ...2/29/2016 .....484,500 3330 l...........................................1 (1 0) 2 .... 3/1/2016 ......421,500 3749 mckinlEy.....................2 (2 0) 3 ...1/11/2016 .....669,000 32 mEtro .................................3 (2 1) 2 ...1/22/2016 .....499,900 3004 o..........................................1 (1 0) 2 ...2/24/2016 .....329,000 3132 o..........................................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/29/2016 .....364,900 3155 o..........................................2 (1 1) 2 .... 3/2/2016 ......415,000 2526 P...........................................2 (2 0) 2 ...2/23/2016 .....430,000 389 SAntA ynEz ..................1 (1 0) 2 .... 3/4/2016 ......590,200 816 SAntA ynEz ..................1 (1 0) 3 ...3/22/2016 .....495,000 1654 SAntA ynEz................2 (2 0) 3 ...1/28/2016 .....410,000 3135 SErrA...............................2 (1 1) 4 ...2/24/2016 .....347,000 2819 SolonS AllEy............3 (2 1) 3 .... 1/6/2016 ......584,000
95819 1340 40th..................................3 (2 1) 3 ...1/22/2016$1,300,000 726 41St .....................................3 (3 0) 4 ...1/22/2016 .....849,000 921 41St .....................................2 (2 0) 2 .... 3/8/2016 ......589,500
br /bA date Value
800 41St St ..............................2 (2 0) 2 ...1/21/2016 .....522,000 740 42nd....................................1 (1 0) 2 ...2/22/2016 .....465,000 940 44th....................................3 (3 0) 4 .... 2/5/2016 ......796,000 1441 44th..................................4 (4 0) 4 ...3/11/2016 ..1,242,500 1841 45th..................................1 (1 0) 2 ...3/30/2016 .....346,000 1357 46th..................................3 (3 0) 2 ...3/14/2016 ..1,172,000 1449 47th..................................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/30/2016 .....750,000 809 47th StrEEt .................2 (2 0) 3 ...1/13/2016 .....515,000 701 48th....................................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/16/2016 .....680,000 1656 48th..................................3 (3 0) 3 .... 3/4/2016 ......570,000 1857 48th..................................3 (3 0) 4 ...2/26/2016 .....610,000 1865 49th..................................2 (2 0) 3 ...1/20/2016 .....514,500 1901 49th..................................3 (3 0) 5 ...2/25/2016 .....560,000 834 50th....................................1 (1 0) 2 ...3/28/2016 .....400,000 121 51St .....................................1 (1 0) 2 .... 2/9/2016 ......415,000 1864 52nd .................................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/13/2016 .....332,000 960 55th....................................1 (1 0) 3 ...2/18/2016 .....500,000 1425 55th..................................2 (2 0) 4 ...3/17/2016 .....377,000 1613 55th..................................1 (1 0) 2 ...3/29/2016 .....380,000 1056 57th..................................2 (2 0) 3 ...1/29/2016 .....530,000 1131 57th..................................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/16/2016 .....492,000 1139 58th..................................3 (3 0) 4 ...3/11/2016 .....817,500 1331 61St...................................1 (1 0) 2 ...3/30/2016 .....407,000 3786 brEunEr........................3 (2 1) 5 ...2/11/2016 .....300,000 4250 brEunEr........................3 (2 1) 4 ...3/30/2016 .....485,000 5101 c ..........................................1 (1 0) 3 .... 1/6/2016 ......320,000 5307 c ..........................................1 (1 0) 3 ...2/11/2016 .....370,000 5400 c ..........................................1 (1 0) 4 ...2/25/2016 .....489,000 5904 cAmElliA......................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/15/2016 .....431,000 96 colomA..............................2 (2 0) 2 ...1/11/2016 .....469,000 4233 d..........................................1 (1 0) 3 .... 3/7/2016 ......475,000 4297 d..........................................1 (1 0) 2 ...2/26/2016 .....400,000
br /bA date Value
4381 d..........................................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/21/2016 .....400,000 4400 G..........................................1 (1 0) 2 ...2/16/2016 .....450,000 5315 h..........................................3 (3 0) 4 ...1/14/2016 .....575,000 5328 h..........................................1 (1 0) 3 .... 3/8/2016 ......400,000 1146 JAnEy ...............................1 (1 0) 3 .... 3/4/2016 ......410,000 4755 JErry WAy .....................1 (1 0) 2 .... 2/8/2016 ......418,000 4900 m .........................................2 (2 0) 3 .... 3/3/2016 ......805,000 230 mEiStEr ...........................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/16/2016 .....575,000 510 mEiStEr ...........................2 (1 1) 3 ...3/10/2016 .....512,000 3803 moddiSon ...................1 (1 0) 3 ...2/24/2016 .....325,000 5330 monAlEE ......................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/27/2016 .....375,000 5725 monAlEE ......................1 (1 0) 2 .... 3/8/2016 ......430,000 4131 P...........................................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/19/2016 .....530,000 5009 P...........................................3 (2 1) 3 .... 2/4/2016 ......475,000 54 PrimroSE ..........................2 (2 0) 4 .... 1/2/2016 ......534,900 55 PrimroSE ..........................1 (1 0) 2 .... 3/8/2016 ......396,293 256 SAn Antonio ..............1 (1 0) 2 .... 2/3/2016 ......420,000 417 SAn Antonio ..............2 (2 0) 4 ...3/11/2016 .....676,000 5326 SAndburG....................2 (2 0) 4 .... 3/4/2016 ......500,000 920 SonomA...........................3 (2 1) 3 ...3/22/2016 .....790,000 5500 StAtE...............................4 (3 1) 5 ...3/30/2016 .....825,000
FannieMae guidelines for solar roofing Terrie Hunt, Broker RIVER RIDGE REALTY
As solar panels are gaining more in popularity, I’m continually asked by my clients if they are a good value in selling or purchasing a home. The important thing is for both parties to be diligent and do their ‘homework’. As a seller you would be well ahead of the game if you knew, before putting your home on the market, whether or not your financial agreement was transferable / assumable? As a buyer considering purchasing a home with a solar system, you too would benefit hugely from
doing some research and talking to your lender a head of time. Verify whether or not your ‘qualified’ loan amount will change if you assume the solar contract. To help you with the process, here are the guidelines straight from FNMA (Fannie Mae). This information is provided directly from SAFE Credit Union. If they home owner owns the solar panels, there are no outside issues. FNMA Selling Announcement 2014-16. One of the updates that will impact each group is leased solar panels on the subject property. Attached is the Selling Guide update on Solar Panels. Key features that you need to know include:
•The lease payment must be included in the DTI. (Exclusions apply) •Home owners insure should include General liability coverage for damages caused by the solar panels and must not exclude tort liability •The solar panels may not be included in the appraised value of the property. •The lease agreement should include language that states the lender has the right to terminate the lease in the event of a Foreclosure or become the beneficiary without charge etc.…. •Title exceptions such as easements may be present on title provided the interest is not superior to the FNMA first lien position. Ti-
tle cannot reflect any liens related to the ownership or maintenance of the solar panels that will result in a lien superior to Fannie Mae’s first lien position •The property must maintain access to traditional electric utilities to ensure consistent access to electricity in the event the solar panels becoming non-functioning or are removed. Be sure to discuss any concerns or questions you have with both your lender and your real estate professional. Confirm that both of these parties have experience in homes with solar panels, in order to make the transaction go as smooth as possible.
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Fourth Quarter 2015 • Real Estate Quarterly A-15 Real Estate Quarterly • First Quarter 2016 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
Weekend projects to improve curb appeal ‘Curb Appeal’ is the first impression a buyer has when viewing your home for the first time. If you’re listed home has a nice curb appeal, it will attract more buyers & promote them to take a look inside your home. Here are a few weekend projects you can do to improve the outside appearance of your home: Make sure the outside of your home is spotless. Remove any debris or junk that’s lying around the front. Clean all windows, screens & remove any mold or collected dirt from the front door or porch area. Your driveway is also a focal point so be sure to fill any cracks & remove stains. Check the overall exterior & repair any holes, cracks or damaged sections of the exterior. A fresh coat of paint is always a way to freshen the appearance of your home. Boost your landscaping by trimming shrubs & removing any that appear to be dead or scraggly. Be sure to keep your lawn mowed, weeds pulled & keep leaves away. Colorful plants in pots around the front door or along the entryway are always a welcome feeling to people who enter your home. A ‘Welcome’ mat is a nice touch as well. Remember that you are competing with other homes for sale in your area. Take a walk or drive around your neighborhood to see what the other homes look like from the outside. Remember, your main goal with ‘Curb Appeal’ is to have buyers say “wow…this is nice - I really like this one, let’s take a look inside”. If you’re not really sure what you can do to boost your homes curb appeal, or where to start, talk to your Realtor for ideas. They should have a variety of inexpensive but effective ideas.
Terrie Hunt, Broker
River Ridge Realty - BRE# 01213387 Office (916) 988-8880 Email: TerrieHunt@jps.net Director of the Sacramento County Sheriff ’s District One “Toy Project” “Best in Client Satisfaction”- Awarded Five Star Realtor for 2012-15 Sacramento Magazine ‘Preferred Realtor’ with SAFE Credit Union
Downtown is re-connecting to the Riverfront! Two riverfront connections are getting a major upgrade. The City is well under way with its Riverfront Re-connection project that will greatly improve access between the popular local and visitor destinations of Downtown, Capitol Mall, Old Town and the Crocker Art Museum. Costing $13.5 million in local and federal matching
funds the project is scheduled to be completed by late summer/early fall 2016. Capitol Mall at Tower Bridge will feature wider sidewalks and improved landscaping; a new entrance to Old Town is being built for pedestrians, bikes and autos that will connect with 2nd Street. The O Street Bridge by the Crocker Art Museum will also feature wider
sidewalks and a new railing to encourage pedestrian flow between Crocker and the Riverfront. Construction is scheduled Monday through Friday and on 3 weekends in the fall, but not during special events in Old Town.
Maintaining yards in a drought
and protects the root system from heat damage. It also gives your yard a clean and fresh look. The recommended amount is 2-4 inches of organic mulch.
Terrie Hunt, Broker RIVER RIDGE REALTY
As we continue with the ongoing drought, I have had a lot of my clients, both sellers and buyers share their concerns about maintaining the landscaping for their homes. Everyone wants to comply with the new restrictions and is conscientious about water conservation; but they also want their yards to look nice. The question is “how do we do both”? Here are a few tips I’ve discovered while researching the question: Selecting Plants - There are many plants that are not only native to our region, but also
drought tolerant. Which means once their established, they’ll require less water. Setting up a drip system directly to the plants will also cut back on water usage and waste. The UC Davis Arboretum has a list of drought tolerant plants (All Stars) you can review on their web page. You can choose the type of exposure you have and it will provide a list of the plants that are appropriate for that area. The web page is: http:// arboretum.ucdavis.edu/plant_search.aspx Mulching - Placing mulch around your yard is beneficial to both you and your plants. It will keep the weeds to a minimum, keeps moisture in the soil so your plants don’t dry out quickly,
John Woodall Blogs at “SactownUrbanUpdate
Fertilizing – Any time you fertilize your yard, whether it be plants or lawn, you are encouraging them to grow at a faster rate, which in turn will require more water. You can either choose not to fertilize all, or if you really feel you need to, then consider fertilizing less frequently and using a low ‘nitrogen’ fertilizer. As a Real Estate Professional, I know how important ‘curb appeal’ is to anyone who is considering selling or purchasing a home. Having a clean and tidy look is always appealing, and having a system that is proactive with our drought conditions can actually serve as a selling point.
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • Fourth Quarter 2015 • Real Estate Quarterly
On the Cover: Historic Midtown Mansion A rare opportunity. This home is grand in scale with large rooms and high ceilings. 4 bedrooms, 4 plus baths, Lovely formal living, dining and parlor. Hardwood floors throughout except for kitchen. Central heat and air, attached 2 car garage, charming patio and sun room. Built in 1913 and beautifully maintained. Sue Vitiello 916-212-1215 CalBRE# 00826116
2100 22nd Street $1,050,000
Annette Black 916-826-6902 CalBRE# 00802727
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • First Quarter 2016 • Real Estate Quarterly
L a n d Pa r k R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s • F i rs t Q u a r t e r • Ja n . - M a r. 2 0 1 6
Br /Ba date value
95818 2716 10th..................................2 (2 0) 4 .... 3/4/2016 ....$700,000 2781 13th..................................4 (4 0) 4 ...2/26/2016 ..1,065,000 2746 17th..................................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/15/2016 .....415,000 2775 17th..................................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/12/2016 .....425,000 2415 18th..................................2 (2 0) 3 .... 3/2/2016 ......365,000 2414 19th..................................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/15/2016 .....245,000 2796 19th..................................1 (1 0) 2 ...2/25/2016 .....450,200 1932 1st .....................................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/15/2016 .....346,400 2004 20th..................................2 (2 0) 2 .... 1/7/2016 ......451,000 2016 21st...................................3 (2 1) 2 ...3/29/2016 .....892,722 2020 21st...................................3 (2 1) 2 ...2/19/2016 .....910,918 2030 21st...................................3 (2 1) 2 .... 3/4/2016 ......918,837 2815 21st...................................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/22/2016 .....450,000 2215 23rd ..................................2 (2 0) 2 .... 3/3/2016 ......405,000 2217 24th..................................1 (1 0) 2 ...3/17/2016 .....335,000 3090 24th..................................1 (1 0) 2 ...3/18/2016 .....465,000 3520 24th street..............3 (2 1) 3 ...3/23/2016 .....482,000 2942 26th..................................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/11/2016 .....605,000 2601 27th..................................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/13/2016 .....301,500 2674 27th..................................1 (1 0) 3 .... 3/9/2016 ......200,000 2607 28th..................................2 (2 0) 2 ...3/11/2016 .....381,000 956 3rd.......................................3 (2 1) 4 ...3/25/2016 .....395,000 2800 3rd ....................................2 (2 0) 3 .... 2/4/2016 ......588,000 915 4th ......................................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/28/2016 .....535,000 2210 4th....................................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/11/2016 .....300,000 2024 5th....................................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/25/2016 .....362,500 621 6th ......................................1 (1 0) 3 ...2/22/2016 .....355,000 1253 7th....................................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/10/2016 .....490,000 1759 7th....................................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/18/2016 .....760,000 2072 7th....................................3 (2 1) 3 ...1/22/2016 .....742,000 1423 8th....................................2 (2 0) 3 .... 2/8/2016 ......620,000 1518 9th....................................1 (1 0) 2 ...2/29/2016 .....490,000 2400 9th....................................2 (1 1) 3 ...3/22/2016 .....430,000 1803 Bidwell.........................3 (3 0) 5 ...3/31/2016 .....760,000 1840 Bidwell.........................2 (1 1) 3 ...2/29/2016 .....530,000 1713 Burnett.......................1 (1 0) 3 ...2/26/2016 .....338,000
Br /Ba date value
1733 Burnett.......................2 (2 0) 3 .... 1/8/2016 ......425,000 1820 Castro ..........................1 (1 0) 2 ...3/11/2016 .....421,500 2333 Castro ..........................1 (1 0) 3 ...1/22/2016 .....270,000 3691 Curtis ............................4 (4 0) 4 ...2/10/2016 .....629,000 3316 Cutter ..........................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/16/2016 .....525,900 2555 donner.........................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/29/2016 .....625,000 519 dudley.............................3 (3 0) 4 ...3/18/2016 .....430,000 2639 Franklin .....................3 (3 0) 4 ...2/18/2016 .....373,000 2655 Franklin .....................1 (1 0) 2 ...2/11/2016 .....251,300 2940 Franklin .....................3 (2 1) 4 ...1/28/2016 .....525,000 615 Fremont ........................1 (1 0) 2 .... 3/4/2016 ......320,000 2629 harkness ....................3 (3 0) 3 ...2/22/2016 .....550,000 2936 highland ...................1 (1 0) 3 ...3/30/2016 .....560,000 559 Jones .................................2 (1 1) 3 ...3/17/2016 .....390,000 2743 marty.............................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/19/2016 .....455,000 2776 marty.............................2 (1 1) 2 ...1/14/2016 .....540,000 2516 Portola .......................1 (1 0) 3 ...3/15/2016 .....403,500 2525 Portola .......................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/13/2016 .....427,000 2767 Portola .......................1 (1 0) 1 ...3/21/2016 .....340,000 2800 riverside.....................2 (1 1) 2 ...3/23/2016 .....375,000 2715 san Fernando ........3 (3 0) 4 ...3/17/2016 .....354,000 2005 u..........................................3 (2 1) 2 ...1/29/2016 .....891,199 2025 u..........................................3 (2 1) 2 ...1/29/2016 .....932,402 2110 u..........................................3 (2 1) 4 .... 2/5/2016 ......950,000 862 valleJo ............................2 (1 1) 3 ...1/11/2016 .....405,000 1940 valleJo ..........................1 (1 0) 3 ...3/21/2016 .....465,000
95822 5861 14th..................................3 (3 0) 3 .... 3/4/2016 ....$380,000 6032 14th..................................2 (2 0) 3 .... 2/8/2016 ......353,888 2201 19th..................................2 (2 0) 3 .... 1/6/2016 ......290,000 7430 19th..................................2 (2 0) 3 .... 2/3/2016 ......219,000 7461 19th..................................2 (2 0) 3 ...1/29/2016 .....210,000 4125 23rd ..................................1 (1 0) 2 .... 3/4/2016 ......265,000 4913 23rd ..................................1 (1 0) 2 ...1/29/2016 .....245,000 5617 23rd ..................................1 (1 0) 3 .... 1/6/2016 ......165,000 6534 23rd ..................................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/23/2016 .....215,000
Br /Ba date value
2355 25th avenue..............2 (2 0) 2 ...1/22/2016 .....274,500 2480 45th..................................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/28/2016 .....138,000 2300 52nd .................................2 (1 1) 3 ...3/22/2016 .....235,000 2343 52nd .................................1 (1 0) 3 ...3/10/2016 .....195,000 2162 56th..................................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/14/2016 .....245,000 1890 60th..................................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/21/2016 .....259,900 2225 62nd .................................2 (2 0) 3 .... 1/5/2016 ......189,000 1454 64th..................................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/10/2016 .....180,000 1448 65th..................................2 (2 0) 4 ...2/18/2016 .....185,000 1449 66th..................................2 (1 1) 3 ...2/29/2016 .....210,000 1449 68th..................................2 (1 1) 3 ...3/31/2016 .....211,000 1422 69th..................................2 (2 0) 4 ...2/19/2016 .....180,000 5540 ashland ......................3 (2 1) 3 ...3/16/2016 .....344,000 3917 Bartley.........................3 (2 1) 4 ...1/29/2016 .....715,000 6025 Belleau wood lane2 (2 0) 3 2/5/2016 ......178,000 4328 ConstanCe ................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/29/2016 .....335,000 4829 Crestwood...............3 (2 1) 4 .... 3/3/2016 ......635,000 4221 Custis.............................2 (2 0) 3 .... 1/4/2016 ......236,000 5501 danJaC ...........................3 (2 1) 5 ...2/19/2016 .....425,000 1500 endres...........................3 (3 0) 4 ...2/17/2016 .....297,000 4630 Fegan..............................3 (2 1) 4 ...2/26/2016 .....380,500 1449 Fruitridge.................2 (2 0) 4 .... 3/8/2016 ......339,000 1370 grant ............................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/26/2016 .....465,000 1781 harian ..........................2 (2 0) 2 ...3/16/2016 .....320,000 2229 hollywood ..............2 (2 0) 4 .... 3/8/2016 ......350,000 5668 Johns ..............................1 (1 0) 3 ...1/11/2016 .....232,000 4601 land Park ...................2 (2 0) 4 .... 2/4/2016 ......520,000 5220 land Park ...................2 (2 0) 3 ...3/11/2016 .....454,000 6005 maChado.....................3 (2 1) 4 ...2/23/2016 .....382,000 1432 mathews .....................3 (2 1) 3 ...3/10/2016 .....186,000 6032 Park village.............3 (3 0) 4 .... 3/3/2016 ......490,600 9 Petrilli................................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/22/2016 .....297,000 19 Petrilli .............................2 (2 0) 2 ...1/21/2016 .....276,000 945 roeder.............................2 (2 0) 3 ...1/26/2016 .....449,000 7587 san FeliCe ...................2 (2 0) 3 ...2/18/2016 .....210,000 1501 sherwood..................2 (1 1) 3 ...2/16/2016 .....458,250 4309 ulriCh............................2 (2 0) 3 .... 3/4/2016 ......419,000 2729 wood violet............1 (1 0) 3 .... 1/1/2016 ......115,000
Expect MORE from your Realtor It’s a great time to buy or sell... Give me a call, I’m here to help! Grand Spanish Revival in Curtis Park! 2641 Montgomery Way • $889,900
California Bungalow 2920 24th Street • $585,000
Bungalow Cottage 3017 25th • Street $579,900
Spanish Mission Beauty 2700 Florence Place • $436,000
Steffan Brown CalBRE# 01882787
A-6 A-
Heart of Curtis Park! 2553 Portola Way • $605,000
Storybook Tudor! 2936 Highland Avenue • $560,000
Real Quarter2016 2015••AAspecial specialadvertising advertisingpublication publicationofofValley ValleyCommunity CommunityNewspapers Newspapers••To Toadvertise, advertise,call call916-429-9901 916-429-9901 RealEstate EstateQuarterly Quarterly••Fourth First Quarter
VICKI BENBOW Coldwell Banker (916) 973-4532
KAREN BERKOVITZ Lyon Real Estate (916) 607-7600
PATTI PRIESS Dunnigan Realtors (916) 801-0579
TREY BONETTI Cook Realty (916) 768-9360
CHRIS BRIGGS Dunnigan Realtors (916) 834-6483
BOB LYSTRUP Coldwell Banker (916) 341-7837
MARILYN SUBER REMAX Gold (916) 947-7956
Berkshire Hathaway Dunnigan
LILLIAN FULTON Lyon Realty (916) 425-1498
APRIL COOKE RE/MAXGoldLaguna (916) 769-3694
KATHY PARDUN Lyon Real Estate (916) 247-7030
DAVE PHILIPP Lyon Real Estate (916) 212-1322
MARGE REID Reid & Price Properties (916) 485-5124
ARLENE MOUA Cook Realty (916) 838-3489
SHARON NODA (916) 370-5470
Oekh 7h[W H[Wb ;ijWj[ If[Y_Wb_iji
STEFFAN BROWN Keller Williams (916) 717-7217
SUE VITIELLO Lyon Real Estate (916) 212-1215
(916) 213-7665
PAM CRAWFORD Lyon Real Estate (916) 849-2167
WENDY KAY Coldwell Banker (916) 717-1013
SUE OLSON Coldwell Banker (916) 601-8834
CHRISTINA ELLERMEYER DIANE JOHNSON RE/MAX Gold Keller Williams (916) 217-7409 (916) 548-2053 JULIE REARDON Lyon Real Estate (916) 799-0246
BETH HARNEY BARBARA HARSCH Dunnigan Realtors Lyon Real Estate (916) 995-4120 (916) 552-7213
MEG HEEDE ReMAX Gold (916) 803-1628
Lyon Real Estate
(916) 761-6748
CHIP O’NEILL Coldwell Banker (916) 341-7834
JACKIE MALHOTRA Lyon Real Estate (916) 934-8610
TERESA OLSON Coldwell Banker (916) 494-1452
NITA CASTRO Century 21 Select RE (916) 768-4426 SARA RAUDELUNAS Lyon Real Estate (916) 826-1500
KAREN SANDSTROM KELLIE SWAYNE Dunnigan Realtors Dunnigan Realtors (916) 206-1458 (916) 803-0530
ANDY THIELEN Lyon Real Estate (916) 454-3778
CHRIS LITTLE CONNIE LANDSBERG Dunnigan Realtors Chris Little Real Estate Service (916) 761-0411 (916) 6981961
ED COROMINAS Lyon Real Estate
(916) 599-9389
DANA MILLER Navigate Realty (916) 716-9046
SHARON WHITING KELLY UPCHURCH BetterHomes&Gardens Upchurch Properties Inc. (916) 269-9417 (916) 601-4225
SHEILA VAN NOY ATCHAN VAN PELT ELIZABETH WEINTRAUB Dunnigan Realtors Lyon Real Estate Cook Realty (916) 505-5395 (916) 233-6759 (916) 813-5919
1st Quarter
PAULA SWAYNE Dunnigan Realtors (916) 454-5753
(916) 224-1515
KEIKO WONG Cook Realty (916) 718-7400
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • First Quarter 2016 • Real Estate Quarterly
Great Carmichael Homes!
(916) 838-1763
narndorfer@GoLyon.com CalBRE#00443547
6237 Meadowvista Drive
Updated kitchen & hall bath, formal dining room, large family room w/small office. Nice yard with sparkling pool and hot tub. Hot tub has solar heat.
5128 Parque Vista Way
Nice Carmichael Neighborhood close to good schools and shopping. 3 bedroom, 2 bath with family room, formal dining, and inside laundry room.
Serving the greater Sacramento area (916) 714-8108 www.pennisi.com CalBRE#01179964
Tom Leonard|834-1681
Tom.Leonard@CBNorcal.com CalBRE#01714895
4th Generation East Sacramentan
1615 34th Street | $409,000 2 bed, 1 bath, 8,58 sq ft
4519 C Street | $499,950
5895 Camellia Ave. | $519,000
1205 58th Street | $795,000
5341 T Street | $630,000
6010 M Street | $675,500
Home features 3 large beds, 2 full baths, plus a 1 bed, 1 full bath (400 sq ft) Casita & a finished 2 car garage. Brand new everything top to bottom. Open floor plan, HW floors, amazing detail throughout. Both units fully networked, individual HVAC units, Tank-less H20. Both kitchens have custom built cabinets, SS appliances & granite counters. Master Suite has large bath & oversized walk in closet.
Real Estate Quarterly • First Quarter 2016 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
Sheila Van Noy
(916) 505-5395 Sheila@SheilaVanNoy.com
High on the hill in South Land Park Terrace
Ca BRE# 00924678
A home for the generations featuring 2 homes on one lot. Possible in-law quarters too. Your dream just came true!
Chris Briggs
4663 Sunset Dr. & 1237 Ridgeway Dr. $975,000
(916) 834 -6483 Ca BRE# 01391999
Judy Cuong
Spacious 4 bedrooms & 3 baths. 2500 sqft on .71 acre lot w/3 car garage. 9240 Lucchesi Drive • $499,900
4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2,073 sqft & 2 car garage. Vaulted ceilings in living & dining room. 106 Spinnaker Court • $459,900
4 bedrooms, 2 baths w/ 1,468 sqft on 6,167 acre lot. Kitchen and living combo. Tile floor in baths. 8046 Golden Meadow Dr. • $288,800
(916) 613-3339
Samantha Tov (916) 947-4312 JudyandSamTeam@gmail.com CalBR#01258764
RE/MAX Gold #1 Team
Recipient of Children’s Miracle Network Award
BRING AN OFFER WE WILL WORK WITH YOU! New stove with hood, new dishwasher, new garbage disposal, stainless steel sink. Covered porch, possible RV or boat access! Come take a look it is a very nice home!!!
Opportunity to purchase land next to Sacramento Public Library & proposed community Park. 13 lots with tentative Map. Just a few blocks from shopping, golfing and good schools.
This 4 bed home is looking for a wonderful family. It's been remodeled, has pool, a tool shed, extra wide driveway, huge covered patio, fruit trees, large 2 car garage & more.
3408 42nd Street | $259,000
24th Street Bypass | $289,000
4513 Ashcroft Ave. | $389,500
Minutes from Apple Hill and Lake Tahoe, Boeger Winery Dedricks Cheese and many more! Established retail area nearby retailers include the famous Cosmic Cafe & Sweetie Pies.
1400 Broadway | $353,950
It offers a large kitchen with lots of storage, a breakfast nook and bar. The living room has a cozy fireplace. The formal dining area has a large wall perfect for your china cabinet.
The front & rear yards are fenced. Granite counters in the kitchens. Each unit has a garage w/ automatic openers & it's own laundry hook ups. The kitchens are spacious w/ lots of storage.
3732 Blackfoot Way | $$279,600
1100 Roanoke Avenue | $258,000
Ranked in the "TOP 40" Realtors in the Region & a "Preferred Realtor" with SAFE Credit Union
Presented 2012 - 2016 Five Star Real Estate
2,000 square feet of pure opulence. The kitchen offers high end appliances, gleaming granite counters & huge pantry. The master bed & bath are fit for a king and queen. Huge 2 car garage.
517 40th Street | $698,000
Located next to the new P.G.&E regional training facility that is under construction. This would be a perfect location for a hotel, retail, restaurant or ?. P.G.&E says they need 150 rooms per week. 800 E.Grant Ave/Hwy128 Winters | $1,500.000
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • First Quarter 2016 • Real Estate Quarterly
Riverwood’s Gated Community • 32 Covered Bridge
Marge Reid
Located in the gated community of Riverwood. This home offers updated kitchen, dining, and living room plus three bedrooms two baths on main floor. Family room featuring wet bar and fireplace downstairs. Beautifully landscape backyard with hot tub. Riverwood offers tennis court, pools and river access. Approx 3000 square feet. Offered at: $639,000
Wonderful Private Yard • 75 Covered Bridge
Detached one story home located in the gated community of Riverwood with access to the river, pools and tennis. This is the one you have been looking for to put your personal stamp on. Four bedroom, three bath approx 2300 square feet. Offered at: $599,850
www.reidprice.com CalBRE# 00658682
Serene Setting • 2325 Shorewood Street Located on approx .85 acre. Unique property on a beautiful and serene setting. Home overlooks the backyard pool and gardens. Located on a quiet street with all custom homes, close to the American River. Lots of potential here with three bedrooms, three bath with approx 2800 square feet. Offered at: $699,500
One of a Kind! • 3249 California Avenue
Contractor built for his own home. Custom house with many amazing features. Travertine and Brazilian hardwood flooring, cherry cabinets and crown molding throughout the entire house. 255 sq ft game room included in the square footage. There is also a home office in garage. Four bedroom, three bath approx 3000 square feet. Offered at: $599,000
Historic Midtown Mansion
Own Private Lake
Annette Black
826-6902 Lic# 00802727
2100 22nd Street $1,050,000 4 Bed, 4 Bath, 3,700 Sq. Ft. Swallows Nest Condo
NEW PRICE John Woodall
421-5421 Lic# 01232653
3090 Swallows Nest Dr. $224,900 2 Bed, 1.5 Bath, 1,257 Sq.Ft.
Listed by Sue Vitiello and Annette Black Rare Acreage
8418 Lakehaven Court $1,100,000 7 Bed, 4 Bath, 5,838 Sq. Ft. Old Land Park Cottage
VIRTUAL TOUR! 860 Gate Lane $950,000 3 Bed, 2.5 Bath, 3,113 Sq. Ft.
840 8th Ave. $585,000 3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1,560 Sq. Ft.
Real Estate Quarterly • First Quarter 2016 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
Congratulations TOP PRODUCERS
LYO N FA I R OA K S O F F I C E 2 016 !
8814 Madison Avenue Fair Oaks, CA 95628 916-962-0111
Becky Lund 531-7124
Allen Griffin 536-3955
Vischa Savitri 290-3368
Lisa Rothfels 996-8877
Karene Schneider
Chris Burton 834-6258
Marjan Breault 802-0485
Sally Dunbar 524-1548
Gail Westrup 205-8224
Anne Sedgwick 261-5565
Wendy Moore 233-5326
Toddy Schultz 342-3573
Patty Crawford 899-4111
Marg Graf 698-9116
Mike Maddox 765-2567
Cheng Chi Lee 214-1030
Nicholas Kellogg 966-0447
Jennifer Thompson
Jo Ann Pino 747-3236
Michelle Baker 849-3110
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • First Quarter 2016 • Real Estate Quarterly
Greater Sacramento Region 1BUSJDJB 8FCC - Realtor
Land Park at its Finest!
Location, Location, Location
AdkZh EaVnh >ckZhih ^c
916.541.6860 • pwebb@kw.com CalBRE# 01705271
SOLD Large living room w/fireplace & over-sized crown moulding. Formal dining room w/ recessed ceiling & crystal chandelier. 9th Avenue • $525,000
Gated Community - Great Location
7IOL *I=;F 0?;F #MN;N? !IHH?=NCIH Get a positive, helpful partner for buying or selling a home: • Trusted resource for answers about the process • Innovative marketing strategies • Expertise about neighborhood features 2847toWissemann • $314,950 • Ability target homeDrive searches • Strong negotiation skills • Support through the closing and beyond
Hemal Sharifzada 916-396-2411 CalBRE# 01976442
3 bd, 2 ba home w/hardwood floors, & spacious rooms. Formal living room & dining room, plus over-sized family room. 1880 8th Avenue • $675,000
This single level home is across from Del Paso C.C. w/ 2 master suites, den/study w/built-ins, wet bar w/wine refrigerator, double fireplace opens to formal dining & living-each have vaulted ceilings, plantation shutters, private patio off study, kitchen w/din bar & nook space. Attached 2 car garage.
"?? 1=BQCH>N Realtor Emeritus
3110 Calle Verde Court $535,000
CallDeeFirst.com CalBRE#00498850
Sold 4408 Belmont Place Lane Sacramento
Vivian Daley-Wirt 916-849-7314
vdaley@golyon.com CalBRE# 00475888
3600 Saint Lucia Place West Sacramento
30 Grand Canyon Court Sacramento
9092 Hamatani Court Elk Grove
The Ranch Equestrian Estates
April Cooke 916.769.3694 Broker Associate
www.CallAprilCooke.com CaBRE# 01025678
9470 Stablegate Rd. $798,000 2.6 acres, 4,400+/- s.f. Luxury Ranch home w/ outdoor kitchen, pizza oven, BBQ, gas grill & fire pit.
9880 Trailhead Ct. $775,000 3+ acres, 4,100+/- s.f. 5/6 bedrooms, outdoor fireplace & views of snow capped mountains.
12721 Cadence Ct. $825,000 2.4 acres, 5,450+/- s.f. , 6 bedrroms, bonus room, 800+/- rec room with kitchenette & full bath.
Want More Income? Call Chuck Today for a FREE List of Available Income Property • APARTMENTS • LAND • OFFICE BUILDINGS
“Nobody Sells More Real Estate Than RE/MAX” 2014 Capitol Avenue, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95811 CalBRE# 01309347
Chuck Starks | (916) 206-2485 | chuck.starks@norcalgold.com A-14
CalBRE# 00498850
Real Estate Quarterly • First Quarter 2016 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
Greater Sacramento Region Luxurious Living at Pavilions! $555,000
Inviting open floor plan with spacious gourmet kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms plus a large bonus room. Gorgeous grounds & amenities in this gated community.
Pam Crawford (916)849-2167
pcrawford@golyon.com www.PamCrawford.net CalBRE# 01327114
Charming 3 bed, 2 bath. This home is an absolute DREAM as it features highly desired original hardwood floors throughout, 2 full luxury bathrooms, a kitchen considered any chef's dream. $419,900 Represented Buyer
Sharon Whiting • 916-296-9417
I've made a professional move to Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate. New Brokerage, Same Great Service!
CalBRE# 01702972
GREAT FAMILY HOME IN GOLD RIVER 11871 Silver Cliff Way • 664,000 4 bedrooms / 3 full bathrooms Downstairs office/den/ bedroom. Giant bonus room upstairs. Pool, spa, fountain, covered patio, gas BBQ. 3-car garage. Touches of class--marble entry, 3 fireplaces. Immaculately maintained. Almost new HVAC, 2 new water heaters, dual-pane windows, overhead fans. Move-in ready with stove, fridge, 2 ovens, high efficiency washer and dryer.
Phyllis Ehlert • 916-213-7665
CalBRE# 01521625
phyllis@mcmahonphillips.com CalBRE# 01935709
It’s an exciting new market! Call us today! 1828 Castro Way Offers a front terrace with 2/3 large bedrooms, a formal dining room, breakfast nook and a detached garage with an attached bonus room/workshop. Wood floor, fireplace, updated bath and kitchen with a 6 burner gas stove/oven and a farmhouse sink.
Jocelyn Yap 916-601-9581 CalBRE#01007784
808 Lake Front Drive Gorgeous custom home built 2004. Majestic setting...circular driveway with 3 car garage on 0.270 acre. High ceilings and two staircases up to the second level. Master bedroom is downstairs. Bonus room upstairs can be a sixth bedroom. Kitchen ready for the ultimate chef - high quality gas stove, subzero refrigerator, island for extra counter space.
Meena Chan Lee ∞ 916-837-9104 ∞
Call: Ed Daniels • 451-6702 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
Call: Brittany Naucke• 457-4907
Atchan Van Pelt 916-813-5919 CalBRE#01277071
3680 Cutter Way
5843 Annrud Way
3 bed, 2 bath, 2104 sq. ft. Curtis Park home. Thoughtfully updated w/original charm. Large living room w/wood floors, fireplace & vaulted ceilings. Cozy sun room overlooking back yard. Updated kitchen w/custom cabinetry, granite counters, stainless appliances.
Super clean and sharp 3 bedroom/ 3 bath. Features include an updated kitchen, large kitchen family area, formal dining and living area. A fireplace, remote 3rd bedroom, 2 car garage and large lot add utility. Enjoy the coming hot summer dipping into the sparkling pool.
Larry Easterling 916-849-9431
CalBRE# 01082594
2953 Franklin Blvd. This property is a duplex. The main house has 3 bedrooms/1.5 baths The separate garage features 1 bdrm/1bath over. Walk to Gunther's and Pangaea. Visit this one today.
Trey Bonetti 916-768-9360 CalBRE#00999899
The “House-Sold” Name in Your Neighborhood... Our Recent Proud Accomplishments! 6728 Will Rogers Drive 8226 Oakbriar Circle 2816 Atterbury Way 317 26th Street 515 22nd Street 4000 11th Avenue 2566 16th Street 621 6th Avenue
4305 Freeport Boulevard, Sacramento
2942 26th Street 1473 51st Street 6400 18th Avenue 3980 73rd Street 5725 Milner Way 6534 23rd Street 2425 40th Avenue 7043 Demaret Drive
5612 Rickey Drive 4328 Constance Lane 945 Roeder Way 6013 41st Street 6065 40th Avenue 66th Street 1921 Flowers Street 7731 Frost Way
BRE# 00618471
www.cookrealty.net • (916) 451-6702
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • First Quarter 2016 • Real Estate Quarterly
SUE BALDO NANCY ARNDORFER ELIZABETH AXELGARD Dunnigan Realtors Keller Williams Lyon Real Estate (916) 541-3706 (916) 747-7919 (916) 838-1763
JUDY BLACK MICHELLE GALLAGHER Coldwell Banker Lyon Real Estate (916) 533-3344 (916) 541-0540
LYNDA BEAVER Coldwell Banker (916) 212-4808
BRIAN KASSIS RE/Max Gold (916) 256-1667
DAVID KIRRENE Dunnigan Realtors (916) 531-7495
Oekh 7h[W H[Wb ;ijWj[ If[Y_Wb_iji ROBERTA LAUTRUP HERMAL SHARIFZADA Re/Max Gold Berkshire Hathaway Drysdale (916) 396-2411 (916) 944-4434
RICH CAZNEAUX Keller Williams (916) 212-4444
KATHY DUNNIGAN Lyon Real Estate (916) 208-9536
VIVIAN DALEY-WIRT Lyon Real Estate (916) 849-7314
LIZ EDMONDS Lyon Real Estate (916) 838-1208
ROBYN DELONG Coldwell Banker (916) 224-9580
JAY FEAGLES Dunnigan Realtors (916) 204-7756
CONNIE PEEL Dunnigan Realtors (916) 718-9470
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BRANDON SHEPARD BHHS Dunnigan Properties
(916) 479-1936
RE/MAX Gold (916) 548-3004
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GAYLA MACE Lyon Real Estate (916) 765-0210
CAROLYN McCONNELL Coldwell Banker (916) 296-2025
ANN PARSHALL Lyon Real Estate (916) 768-6812
TOM & CATHY PHILLIPS Lyon Real Estate (916) 799-4571
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LINDA WOOD Dunnigan Realtors (916) 802-8042
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S ROSANNA GARCIA CAROLE GOODIN Dunnigan Realtors Garcia Realty (916) 718-0875 (916) 202-7294
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Q uarter
KURT CAMPBELL Lyon Real Estate (916) 956-5878
Steele Realty & Investments Co.
(916) 479-6909
Real Estate Quarterly • First Quarter 2016 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
A rd e n - C a r m i c h a e l R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s • F i rs t Q u a r t e r • Ja n . - M a r. 2 0 1 6
Br /BA date value
95608 4064 Alex .........................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/28/2016 ...... $337,500 3546 AltAmont...........................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/12/2016 ........ 281,000 3220 Ashwood ............................1 (1 0) 2 ......3/14/2016 ........ 205,000 5553 BArBArA................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/22/2016 ........ 299,900 4548 BelA..........................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/16/2016 ........ 305,000 2220 Boyer ......................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/28/2016 ........ 279,500 5773 CAdA ........................................2 (1 1) 3 .......3/8/2016.......... 295,000 3732 CAliforniA.........................3 (2 1) 4 .......1/6/2016.......... 414,900 2901 CAliforniA Ave...............3 (3 0) 4 ......3/22/2016 ........ 685,000 4749 CAmeron rAnCh ...........3 (3 0) 3 ......1/19/2016 ........ 394,875 4937 CAmeron rAnCh ...........3 (3 0) 3 ......1/29/2016 ........ 317,000 2065 CAstellejA..........................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/3/2016.......... 400,000 5415 CedArhurst .....................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/26/2016 ........ 299,900 4035 ChAmplAin.........................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/10/2016 ........ 400,000 6138 Cherrelyn..........................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 290,000 5505 Colonel ...............................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/8/2016.......... 315,000 5512 CoronAwood ..................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/26/2016 ........ 473,000 4851 Cypress..................................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/18/2016 ........ 449,900 6012 denver..................................3 (3 0) 3 ......1/22/2016 ........ 294,000 4820 donovAn.............................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/18/2016 ........ 279,900 6446 dorindA...............................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/24/2016 ........ 385,000 3841 dotty.....................................3 (2 1) 4 .......3/3/2016.......... 545,000 2318 fAllwAter...........................3 (2 1) 3 ......2/17/2016 ........ 265,000 4733 foster ...................................3 (3 0) 3 ......3/25/2016 ........ 336,000 3444 GArfield ..............................4 (3 1) 4 ......3/17/2016 ........ 735,000 1267 GAry.........................................2 (2 0) 3 .......2/1/2016.......... 497,000 1360 GAry.........................................4 (4 0) 7 .......3/9/2016.......... 735,000 1254 GAry wAy..............................3 (2 1) 3 .......1/8/2016.......... 475,000 4109 Geyser....................................3 (3 0) 3 ......2/19/2016 ........ 431,000 5241 GiBBons.................................2 (1 1) 2 ......3/25/2016 ........ 159,000 5721 GiBBons.................................1 (1 0) 2 ......2/16/2016 ........ 245,000 5210 GlAnCy ..................................3 (2 1) 3 ......3/24/2016 ........ 439,000 4251 Gold flower....................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/7/2016.......... 405,000 6440 GrAnt ....................................3 (3 0) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 650,000 6883 GrAnt ....................................5 (4 1) 5 ......2/24/2016 ........ 980,000 5351 Greeley.................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/29/2016 ........ 289,000 7200 Gunderson .......................3 (2 1) 3 .......2/8/2016.......... 395,777 2131 Gunn.......................................2 (1 1) 3 .......2/5/2016.......... 288,000 2208 Gunn.......................................2 (2 0) 2 ......3/28/2016 ........ 265,000 2607 Gunn.......................................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/12/2016 ........ 470,900 5778 hAskell ................................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/15/2016 ........ 410,000 6132 hilltop .................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/15/2016 ........ 229,000 3821 hollister ...........................3 (2 1) 4 ......2/26/2016 ........ 388,000 5312 jAmiewood.........................2 (2 0) 3 .......2/9/2016.......... 470,000 5530 kenneth..............................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/29/2016 ........ 339,000 5609 kenneth..............................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/10/2016 ........ 300,000 2551 lilliAn ...................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/24/2016 ........ 205,000 6036 linColn ................................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/12/2016 ........ 296,000 6715 linColn ................................1 (1 0) 3 .......3/1/2016.......... 220,000 4001 linus .......................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/16/2016 ........ 302,000 5140 loCust...................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/26/2016 ........ 459,500 5228 loCust...................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/15/2016 ........ 337,500 2553 los feliz...............................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/28/2016 ........ 359,000 4500 mArBle...................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/26/2016 ........ 293,000 2135 mArChitA ............................3 (2 1) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 408,000 5200 mArConi...............................1 (1 0) 2 ......1/12/2016 ........ 209,000 4837 mAriettA.............................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/18/2016 ........ 359,900 6361 mArkley ...............................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/17/2016 ........ 271,500 6412 mArkley ...............................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/29/2016 ........ 299,000 3824 mArshAll............................1 (1 0) 2 ......2/16/2016 ........ 380,000 6109 mArwiCk ..............................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/16/2016 ........ 175,000 3130 mAyer......................................2 (2 0) 4 ......1/22/2016 ........ 357,000 4833 melvin ...................................2 (1 1) 2 ......3/10/2016 ........ 210,000 5515 millBurn .............................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/24/2016 ........ 290,000 2005 mission..................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/29/2016 ........ 338,000 2233 mission..................................2 (2 0) 4 ......1/12/2016 ........ 297,000 2612 mission..................................1 (1 0) 3 .......1/5/2016.......... 245,000 5310 moody....................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/29/2016 ........ 298,000 6326 morAGA.................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/16/2016 ........ 360,000
Br /BA date value
5300 mustAnG..............................3 (2 1) 4 .......3/8/2016.......... 435,000 3943 niCklAus..............................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/29/2016 ........ 271,786 4818 nile...........................................3 (2 1) 4 ......1/14/2016 ........ 432,000 5905 oAk ...........................................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/17/2016 ........ 434,000 4656 oAkBouGh ..........................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/16/2016 ........ 330,000 4643 oAkBouGh wAy ...............3 (2 1) 4 ......2/11/2016 ........ 310,000 3727 orAnGerie..........................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 300,000 6147 orsi...........................................3 (2 1) 4 ......2/22/2016 ........ 279,000 6254 orsi...........................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/24/2016 ........ 277,500 3209 osBorne ...............................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/24/2016 ........ 345,500 6001 pAlm.........................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 349,000 6348 pAlm.........................................7 (6 1) 7 ......1/27/2016 ..... 1,195,000 6404 pAlm.........................................4 (3 1) 3 ......3/11/2016 ........ 515,000 4220 pArAdise...............................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/10/2016 ........ 405,000 4325 pArAdise...............................3 (2 1) 3 .......1/7/2016.......... 480,000 5128 pArque vistA ....................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/25/2016 ........ 325,000 5167 pAtti jo..................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 325,000 6227 rAmpArt ...............................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/22/2016 ........ 289,900 6825 rAppAhAnnoCk..............2 (2 0) 3 ......2/24/2016 ........ 335,500 5351 ridGefield..........................3 (2 1) 3 .......3/7/2016.......... 369,500 5352 ridGefield..........................2 (2 0) 3 .......2/1/2016.......... 339,000 5725 river oAk ............................2 (2 0) 4 .......3/8/2016.......... 580,000 22 riverBAnk...............................3 (2 1) 2 ......1/27/2016 ........ 620,000 3984 roChdAle............................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/23/2016 ........ 350,000 2805 root........................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/11/2016 ........ 270,000 4711 rustiC oAk .........................3 (2 1) 4 ......1/21/2016 ........ 350,000 6424 sAndstone ........................2 (2 0) 5 ......3/24/2016 ........ 368,483 2016 sAntA luCiA.......................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/15/2016 ........ 394,000 5609 sApunor...............................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/4/2016.......... 230,000 5931 sArAh .....................................2 (2 0) 2 .......3/4/2016.......... 275,000 3607 sAreCo ...................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 307,000 5025 sChuyler.............................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 275,500 5345 sonorA .................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/31/2016 ........ 289,000 6549 stAnley ................................3 (3 0) 4 .......2/9/2016....... 1,187,500 3001 stAnton ..............................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/25/2016 ........ 405,000 4530 stoney wAy........................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/7/2016.......... 361,000 6020 sutter...................................1 (1 0) 3 ......3/22/2016 ........ 205,000 6508 sutter...................................1 (1 0) 2 .......2/8/2016.......... 262,500 6360 tAmi .........................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/16/2016 ........ 250,000 3618 tArro......................................2 (1 1) 4 ......2/16/2016 ........ 299,000 3112 terry.......................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/11/2016 ........ 260,000 4817 tono .......................................3 (2 1) 3 ......1/22/2016 ........ 347,000 7016 trABert ................................3 (2 1) 4 .......1/5/2016.......... 410,000 4032 triplett...............................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/24/2016 ........ 375,000 3032 vAlAsstrAdA Court ..3 (3 0) 4 .......3/9/2016.......... 415,000 5106 vAle..........................................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/30/2016 ........ 332,000 5642 veGA ........................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/26/2016 ........ 315,000 3500 verlA ......................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/26/2016 ........ 365,000 5132 von...........................................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/18/2016 ........ 375,000 3404 wAlnut.................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/14/2016 ........ 190,000 5124 wAlnut plACe .................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/26/2016 ........ 330,000 5424 whitney ..............................3 (2 1) 3 ......1/27/2016 ........ 290,000 5517 whitney ..............................3 (3 0) 3 ......2/19/2016 ........ 272,500 5611 whitney ..............................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/15/2016 ........ 399,900 7122 willey....................................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/12/2016 ........ 615,000 4722 wilmer ..................................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/15/2016 ........ 339,000 6101 windinG (frontAGe rd)2 (2 0) 3 .2/5/2016.......... 314,000 3418 winfin wAy ........................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/19/2016 ........ 449,500 2537 winsford............................3 (2 1) 3 ......2/16/2016 ........ 348,000
95864 4346 Alderwood.......................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/11/2016 ...... $342,000 925 AmBerwood ........................1 (1 0) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 201,000 2500 AmeriCAn river .............2 (2 0) 3 ......3/24/2016 ........ 385,000 3130 AmeriCAn river .............3 (3 0) 4 .......1/6/2016.......... 725,000 4166 AmeriCAn river .............3 (2 1) 3 ......1/20/2016 ........ 594,000 2413 AvAlon ..................................1 (1 0) 2 ......3/30/2016 ........ 235,000 3127 BAkulA...................................1 (1 0) 3 ......2/17/2016 ........ 180,500 240 BAldwin .................................5 (3 2) 4 .......2/3/2016....... 1,611,250 4350 BAywood .............................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/25/2016 ........ 385,000
Br /BA date value
3005 Berkshire............................1 (1 0) 3 ......3/24/2016 ........ 225,000 4256 BirGit......................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/10/2016 ........ 220,000 3501 BodeGA..................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 305,000 3536 BodeGA Ct...........................3 (3 0) 6 ......2/19/2016 ........ 425,000 2442 CAtAlinA..............................3 (2 1) 4 ......2/26/2016 ........ 376,000 2308 CAthAy ..................................1 (1 0) 2 ......1/20/2016 ........ 245,000 2029 Ceres .......................................2 (1 1) 3 .......2/3/2016.......... 343,000 3125 ChelseA ................................1 (1 0) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 280,000 3600 Cody ........................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/16/2016 ........ 307,500 1704 devonshire ......................2 (1 1) 3 ......1/15/2016 ........ 345,000 3711 el riCon................................3 (2 1) 3 .......3/3/2016.......... 468,000 3904 el riCon................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/10/2016 ........ 449,649 1461 el tejon ................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/11/2016 ........ 359,000 909 entrAdA.................................3 (3 0) 5 ......3/22/2016 ........ 750,000 913 entrAdA.................................3 (2 1) 3 ......3/17/2016 ........ 724,409 2799 fAir oAks..............................5 (4 1) 5 ......2/17/2016 ..... 1,700,000 3781 fAir oAks BoulevArd 3 (3 0) 4 ......3/18/2016 ........ 755,000 451 GAylord..................................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/25/2016 ........ 730,000 1507 GlAdstone.........................1 (1 0) 3 ......2/16/2016 ........ 250,000 1316 Glenwood .........................1 (1 0) 3 .......3/3/2016.......... 215,000 2620 hilldAle ..............................2 (1 1) 3 .......1/8/2016.......... 321,500 2654 kAdemA .................................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/4/2016.......... 599,000 1408 keeney...................................1 (1 0) 3 ......2/16/2016 ........ 215,000 440 lArCh lAne ..........................3 (2 1) 4 ......1/28/2016 ..... 1,040,000 4101 lAs CruCes..........................3 (2 1) 3 ......3/10/2016 ........ 670,000 3540 lAs pAsAs..............................3 (2 1) 4 ......3/24/2016 ........ 613,000 2701 lAthAm .................................3 (3 0) 3 ......2/11/2016 ........ 628,500 4544 lAurelwood ....................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/28/2016 ........ 369,000 4547 lAurelwood ....................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/24/2016 ........ 405,000 3505 los AlAmos ........................2 (1 1) 3 ......1/20/2016 ........ 334,000 4179 los CoChes ........................3 (3 0) 4 .......1/7/2016....... 1,060,000 1191 los molinos......................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/26/2016 ........ 495,000 3644 lusk..........................................3 (2 1) 5 ......3/25/2016 ........ 399,990 3635 lusk drive ..........................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/27/2016 ........ 200,000 1711 mAple Glen ........................3 (2 1) 2 .......3/2/2016.......... 469,000 2005 mAryAl...................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/15/2016 ........ 303,000 2200 mAryAl...................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/25/2016 ........ 285,200 2017 medusA..................................1 (1 0) 3 ......2/17/2016 ........ 310,000 2036 merCury ...............................2 (1 1) 3 ......3/22/2016 ........ 310,000 4605 morpheus ...........................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/10/2016 ........ 324,900 720 morris......................................3 (3 0) 3 .......3/7/2016.......... 530,000 3309 northrop...........................1 (1 0) 3 ......2/26/2016 ........ 140,100 4680 nottinGhAm ...................2 (2 0) 4 ......1/26/2016 ........ 307,000 1704 orion......................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/21/2016 ........ 315,000 1713 pluto......................................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/26/2016 ........ 389,000 2161 roCkwood.........................4 (4 0) 4 ......2/11/2016 ........ 879,000 1710 rollinG hills ..................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/18/2016 ........ 480,000 1751 rollinG hills ..................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 499,000 2408 roslyn ...................................2 (2 0) 2 .......2/8/2016.......... 257,000 401 ross............................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/10/2016 ........ 554,500 1367 rowenA ................................2 (2 0) 3 .......2/4/2016.......... 225,000 1436 rushden...............................2 (2 0) 4 .......2/1/2016.......... 289,000 1309 seBAstiAn ...........................1 (1 0) 4 ......3/29/2016 ........ 160,000 1424 seBAstiAn ...........................1 (1 0) 3 ......1/27/2016 ........ 214,000 1216 shAdowGlen ...................1 (1 0) 2 .......1/7/2016.......... 177,000 2904 siennA....................................4 (3 1) 5 ......2/25/2016 ........ 550,000 3241 sierrA oAks .......................4 (4 0) 3 ......2/26/2016 ..... 1,100,000 3132 somerset.............................1 (1 0) 3 .......1/6/2016.......... 163,500 4165 stowe.....................................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/11/2016 ........ 550,000 4216 stuppi.....................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/15/2016 ........ 425,000 949 tusCAn ....................................4 (3 1) 5 .......3/9/2016....... 1,210,000 4425 vAlmonte ...........................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/4/2016.......... 510,000 1849 vestA ......................................2 (2 0) 3 .......1/8/2016.......... 434,000 2012 vestA ......................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 323,000 4304 vulCAn..................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/11/2016 ........ 338,000 2405 wAtson .................................2 (2 0) 5 ......3/10/2016 ........ 212,100 3249 wemBerley.........................1 (1 0) 3 ......3/10/2016 ........ 183,000 620 whitehAll...........................3 (2 1) 3 .......1/4/2016.......... 675,000 706 whitehAll...........................3 (2 1) 4 ......3/21/2016 ........ 625,000 3457 windsor ..............................1 (1 0) 3 .......1/6/2016.......... 150,000 1404 wyAnt....................................3 (2 1) 3 ......1/29/2016 ........ 295,900
advertise, 916-429-9901 • Quarter A special2015 advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • First Quarter 2016 Real Estate Estatecall Quarterly • Fourth • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To •advertise, callQuarterly 916-429-9901A-17 A-16 To Real
L a g u n a R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s • F i rs t Q u a r t e r • Ja n . - M a r. 2 0 1 6
BR /BA Date Value
95757 7205 ABRuzzo...............................2 (2 0) 4 .......2/2/2016........ $435,000 5708 AlDeR BRiDge....................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/28/2016 ........ 360,000 9769 Allen RAnch ....................3 (2 1) 3 .......1/6/2016.......... 428,000 9825 Allen RAnch ....................5 (4 1) 5 .......3/3/2016.......... 540,000 9963 Autumn SAge ...................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/4/2016.......... 346,000 9999 Autumn SAge ...................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/16/2016 ........ 322,000 7908 BARnSley..............................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/27/2016 ........ 420,000 4513 BloSSom RAnch .............2 (2 0) 3 ......2/23/2016 ........ 335,000 4605 BloSSom RAnch .............2 (2 0) 4 ......2/16/2016 ........ 370,000 10030 BloSSom RiDge..............2 (2 0) 3 ......2/26/2016 ........ 310,000 6421 Blue PoPPy ..........................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/17/2016 ........ 350,000 7016 BolzAno ..............................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/11/2016 ........ 320,000 4700 BRABAnt ...............................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/25/2016 ........ 350,000 4820 BRABAnt WAy ....................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/22/2016 ........ 310,000 10129 BRiAn Kelly......................3 (2 1) 4 ......1/15/2016 ........ 399,900 10176 BRiAn Kelly......................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/28/2016 ........ 375,000 10179 cAnADeo............................2 (2 0) 3 .......1/6/2016.......... 330,000 10387 cAnADeo............................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 316,000 9910 cAPe VeRDe WAy..............3 (2 1) 4 ......2/28/2016 ........ 388,558 6600 cAPWell ...............................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/18/2016 ........ 435,000 9856 cARico....................................4 (3 1) 4 ......3/31/2016 ........ 439,990 9944 cARico....................................4 (3 1) 4 ......2/26/2016 ........ 483,509 9945 cARico....................................5 (4 1) 5 ......2/26/2016 ........ 486,990 9841 cAStelli ...............................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 410,000 6204 cAStRo VeRDe..................4 (3 1) 5 ......3/31/2016 ........ 424,900 6208 cAStRo VeRDe..................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/11/2016 ........ 403,500 4725 chAmBeRlin ......................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/27/2016 ........ 285,000 7572 chAPPelle...........................3 (2 1) 4 ......2/26/2016 ........ 389,260 7669 chAPPelle...........................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/31/2016 ........ 345,990 7454 chAtSWoRth ...................2 (2 0) 2 ......2/11/2016 ........ 325,000 10390 chRiSto ..............................4 (3 1) 5 ......3/30/2016 ........ 490,000 10162 clAiRinA.............................3 (2 1) 5 ......3/11/2016 ........ 420,000 5400 clAuDieD..............................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/29/2016 ........ 399,000 3205 clAuDine .............................3 (3 0) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 395,000 4764 cleARy....................................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/2/2016.......... 250,000 9730 clemenzA ...........................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/26/2016 ........ 420,000 6620 coRDiAlly ...........................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/17/2016 ........ 375,000 6924 coRDiAlly ...........................3 (3 0) 4 .......2/8/2016.......... 409,000 7124 coRDiAlly ...........................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 350,000 7517 coRDiAlly ...........................4 (4 0) 6 ......3/28/2016 ........ 552,500 9851 coRtino ...............................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/10/2016 ........ 530,000 10050 coSBy ....................................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/26/2016 ........ 420,000 10062 coSBy ....................................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/26/2016 ........ 395,000 10066 coSBy ....................................2 (2 0) 4 ......1/29/2016 ........ 405,000 8946 cRiollo .................................3 (3 0) 5 .......1/5/2016.......... 395,000 8950 cRiollo .................................3 (2 1) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 405,000 4404 cRoWn Bench..................3 (2 1) 4 ......3/30/2016 ........ 436,500 7909 Demui......................................4 (2 2) 4 ......3/11/2016 ........ 396,500 9759 DenAli....................................3 (3 0) 4 .......3/3/2016.......... 412,500 9791 DiRuSSo .................................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/17/2016 ........ 408,000
BR /BA Date Value
BR /BA Date Value
9755 eAgle glen.........................4 (3 1) 5 ......3/18/2016 ........ 520,000 5025 FAlABellA............................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/22/2016 ........ 336,000 10476 FoSSil....................................3 (2 1) 4 ......2/29/2016 ........ 365,000 7409 FoxBuRgh............................2 (2 0) 3 .......2/8/2016.......... 422,500 5712 FoxVieW ...............................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 343,000 10261 FRAnK gReg .....................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/4/2016.......... 348,000 8137 genex WAy ..........................3 (2 1) 4 .......2/2/2016.......... 453,574 9924 gReAt SKuA.........................5 (4 1) 5 ......3/30/2016 ........ 499,990 9936 gReAt SKuA.........................5 (4 1) 5 ......3/31/2016 ........ 499,990 8873 hAFlingeR ..........................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/22/2016 ........ 370,000 9749 hARRieR.................................3 (3 0) 4 .......1/8/2016.......... 436,000 9966 hAtheRton .......................2 (2 0) 2 ......3/15/2016 ........ 325,000 9904 hAWKVieW ..........................2 (2 0) 3 .......2/5/2016.......... 340,000 5504 heAtheR FielD.................3 (2 1) 4 ......1/27/2016 ........ 375,500 5604 hiRSch ...................................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/18/2016 ........ 380,000 10388 hite........................................3 (2 1) 4 ......2/22/2016 ........ 392,000 10340 hite ciR...............................3 (2 1) 3 ......2/17/2016 ........ 422,000 5201 iRiS SPRing ..........................4 (4 0) 6 .......2/4/2016.......... 395,400 9558 JAguAR....................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/11/2016 ........ 324,900 10269 JennicK ...............................3 (3 0) 5 .......3/2/2016.......... 420,000 10252 Jenny lynn ......................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 357,000
7705 PeAK FoReSt ......................2 (2 0) 2 ......3/23/2016 ........ 325,000 9944 PenelA ...................................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/30/2016 ........ 485,000 4701 PeRcheRon.........................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/27/2016 ........ 345,000 5025 PeRcheRon.........................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/29/2016 ........ 415,000 9809 PeteR RAnch.....................4 (4 0) 5 ......3/30/2016 ........ 500,000 9705 PhiltA.....................................3 (2 1) 3 ......2/29/2016 ........ 383,933 9971 PiAnellA...............................4 (3 1) 4 .......2/3/2016.......... 437,950 9892 PiPit .........................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/23/2016 ........ 395,000 10242 PoRto moniz .................4 (4 0) 5 ......1/13/2016 ........ 422,500 5624 PRAiRie DAWn ...................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/28/2016 ........ 360,000 7108 PRAzzo..................................2 (2 0) 3 .......2/5/2016.......... 320,000 6200 PuRPle Finch....................3 (3 0) 4 .......3/4/2016.......... 405,000 6304 RABBit holloW...............3 (3 0) 4 .......1/8/2016.......... 355,000 6800 Rio cAVADo.........................4 (4 0) 5 ......3/16/2016 ........ 475,000 6407 Rio De onAR .......................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/11/2016 ........ 346,000 6821 Rio teJo .................................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/23/2016 ........ 465,000 7417 RothSchilD ......................2 (2 0) 2 ......2/29/2016 ........ 330,000 10334 SAgReS..................................3 (3 0) 5 ......3/22/2016 ........ 450,000 6716 SAlVAteRRA........................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/23/2016 ........ 415,000 7005 SAntARem............................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/8/2016.......... 350,500 10049 SchuleR RAnch ...........3 (3 0) 5 .......3/2/2016.......... 425,000
10259 Jenny lynn ......................3 (3 0) 5 ......1/28/2016 ........ 399,000 9822 JoeBAR ....................................3 (2 1) 4 .......2/2/2016.......... 379,000 9835 JoeBAR ....................................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/10/2016 ........ 429,000 9942 Kennet WAy.......................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/2/2016.......... 390,000 6004 leonARDo ...........................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/14/2016 ........ 340,000 5323 lilAc BloSSom .................2 (2 0) 4 .......2/5/2016.......... 364,888 5653 lilyVieW ...............................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/17/2016 ........ 385,000 5920 liVoRno................................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/29/2016 ........ 360,000 6401 liVoRno................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/28/2016 ........ 330,000 6421 liVoRno................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/17/2016 ........ 314,000 10213 loFton................................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/26/2016 ........ 350,000 9806 luccA......................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 330,000 9818 luccA......................................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/19/2016 ........ 303,000 5129 luttig....................................4 (3 1) 5 .......1/8/2016.......... 435,900 7908 mAiSS .......................................3 (3 0) 4 .......3/1/2016.......... 460,000 8329 mAllet...................................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/22/2016 ........ 455,000 8341 mAllet...................................3 (3 0) 4 .......3/4/2016.......... 440,000 9645 mcKennA .............................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/24/2016 ........ 407,500 9926 miRABellA ...........................2 (2 0) 3 .......1/8/2016.......... 343,000 5312 nectAR ..................................3 (3 0) 5 .......3/9/2016.......... 408,000 9893 neStling .............................2 (2 0) 3 .......1/4/2016.......... 340,000 10166 nicK .......................................4 (3 1) 5 .......2/2/2016.......... 400,000 9828 noVARA..................................5 (4 1) 5 ......3/17/2016 ........ 592,500 9579 oAKhAm ................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/10/2016 ........ 390,000 9605 oAKhAm ................................2 (2 0) 2 ......2/29/2016 ........ 460,000 5020 oceAn.....................................2 (2 0) 3 .......2/8/2016.......... 289,500 5901 oRchARD hill ..................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/16/2016 ........ 391,950 6001 oRchARD hill ..................2 (2 0) 3 .......1/5/2016.......... 297,000 5105 oRchiD RAnch ................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/25/2016 ........ 340,000 6437 oScAR......................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/21/2016 ........ 350,000 10275 PAtti .....................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/11/2016 ........ 370,000
9847 SelVA........................................5 (5 0) 6 ......1/29/2016 ........ 595,000 10264 Shoech ...............................3 (2 1) 4 ......3/25/2016 ........ 415,000 9978 SiennA....................................3 (2 1) 4 ......1/22/2016 ........ 363,000 9932 SintRA....................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 370,000 9956 SintRA....................................3 (3 0) 3 ......1/29/2016 ........ 403,500 6004 SnoW leoPARD ................3 (3 0) 5 ......1/15/2016 ........ 355,000 8141 SuARez ...................................2 (2 0) 4 ......1/12/2016 ........ 365,000 8177 SuARez ...................................3 (3 0) 4 .......1/5/2016.......... 412,000 9804 SummeR glen....................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/19/2016 ........ 360,000 9972 tARon.....................................5 (4 1) 5 ......3/29/2016 ........ 455,000 5008 tARPAn...................................2 (2 0) 4 ......1/12/2016 ........ 365,000 9835 tARzo .....................................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/29/2016 ........ 353,000 7221 tAViRA ....................................3 (2 1) 3 ......3/24/2016 ........ 385,000 10040 tittle ..................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/29/2016 ........ 305,000 5987 tRAVo .....................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/29/2016 ........ 320,000 10093 uPShAW...............................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/3/2016.......... 300,000 4917 VAn Steyn ...........................3 (3 0) 5 ......3/21/2016 ........ 406,000 8433 VilA gAle .............................3 (2 1) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 339,075 8444 VilA gAle .............................3 (2 1) 4 ......3/30/2016 ........ 361,666 8449 VilA gAle .............................3 (2 1) 3 ......2/29/2016 ........ 356,187 8452 VilA gAle .............................3 (2 1) 4 ......2/25/2016 ........ 359,351 8456 VilA gAle .............................3 (2 1) 3 ......2/19/2016 ........ 357,620 8469 VilA gAle .............................3 (2 1) 4 ......1/29/2016 ........ 377,918 6312 VilAmouRA.........................3 (3 0) 5 ......1/14/2016 ........ 510,000 8605 VizelA ....................................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/22/2016 ........ 455,470 8609 VizelA ....................................3 (3 0) 3 ......3/21/2016 ........ 400,000 10019 WAteRFielD......................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/29/2016 ........ 315,000 9789 WeStminSteR...................2 (2 0) 2 .......3/4/2016.......... 317,000 9840 WeStminSteR...................2 (2 0) 2 ......1/28/2016 ........ 321,500 9860 WeStminSteR...................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/10/2016 ........ 432,500 5818 Witt ........................................2 (2 0) 3 .......2/2/2016.......... 299,000
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L a g u n a R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s • F i rs t Q u a r t e r • Ja n . - M a r. 2 0 1 6
br /bA date value
95758 8949 Adobe Creek .....................3 (3 0) 5 ......3/11/2016 ...... $372,000 5635 Adobe SPrING ...................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/19/2016 ........ 350,000 5806 ANChor bAy .......................3 (2 1) 3 ......1/12/2016 ........ 290,000 5224 APPlehurSt .......................2 (2 0) 4 .......3/3/2016.......... 265,000 2816 Atterbury ..........................3 (2 1) 3 .......3/4/2016.......... 380,000 3237 bAbSoN...................................3 (2 1) 4 ......3/14/2016 ........ 365,000 1733 bAStoNA ...............................4 (3 1) 4 ......1/26/2016 ........ 384,900 8908 beAr PArk.............................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/23/2016 ........ 320,000 9138 beArINt.................................3 (2 1) 4 .......3/8/2016.......... 330,000 9142 beArINt.................................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/29/2016 ........ 435,000 3805 beNedIx.................................3 (2 1) 4 ......3/30/2016 ........ 391,000 9350 beNNoel ...............................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/15/2016 ........ 290,000 2832 bertolANI CIrCle .........3 (2 1) 4 ......3/14/2016 ........ 490,000 8944 bertwIN ...............................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/30/2016 ........ 320,000 5331 blue SAPPhIre ..................2 (2 0) 2 ......3/14/2016 ........ 200,000 5428 blue SAPPhIre ..................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 260,000 7910 boNNy dowNS wAy ......2 (2 0) 3 ......1/15/2016 ........ 270,000 9495 bowmoNt ...........................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/24/2016 ........ 329,000 7604 brAbhAm ..............................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/28/2016 ........ 310,000 8970 brAmblewood ................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/23/2016 ........ 276,000 8284 brANChoAk .......................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/15/2016 ........ 370,000 8827 breAker PoINt ................3 (2 1) 3 .......3/7/2016.......... 360,000 8893 bretoN ..................................3 (3 0) 5 ......1/11/2016 ........ 365,000 5015 brIArGleN ...........................3 (3 0) 4 .......3/2/2016.......... 355,000 8041 brIdGeburN .......................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/26/2016 ........ 294,000 7828 CAlzAdA ...............................3 (2 1) 4 ......1/15/2016 ........ 308,000 7927 CAlzAdA ...............................3 (2 1) 4 ......2/17/2016 ........ 325,000 9400 CANmoor.............................3 (2 1) 4 ......1/27/2016 ........ 386,000 9409 CANmoor.............................3 (3 0) 4 .......2/9/2016.......... 400,000 8246 CArIbou PeAk ...................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/15/2016 ........ 280,000 8913 CASANdrA ...........................3 (3 0) 3 .......3/1/2016.......... 325,000 9316 CASSAro ................................3 (2 1) 3 .......1/8/2016.......... 295,000 9261 CAStlevIew .......................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/25/2016 ........ 315,000 9460 CedArvIew .........................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/15/2016 ........ 327,000 5805 ClArIdGe..............................3 (3 0) 4 .......3/7/2016.......... 524,000 5701 CoAldAle Court ...........3 (3 0) 4 ......1/20/2016 ........ 306,000 6440 CoNteNte...........................2 (2 0) 3 .......1/4/2016.......... 305,000 5531 CorAl Creek......................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/16/2016 ........ 275,000 5562 CorAl Creek......................2 (2 0) 2 ......3/24/2016 ........ 245,000 5916 CouSteAu ............................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/29/2016 ........ 549,900 8268 CryStAl wAlk...................3 (2 1) 3 ......3/24/2016 ........ 275,000 8397 CryStAl wAlk...................3 (2 1) 4 .......3/8/2016.......... 315,000 8940 CyPreSS vIew....................3 (2 1) 4 .......2/9/2016.......... 290,000 7495 dAmASCAS............................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/17/2016 ........ 285,000 9203 delAIr ....................................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/25/2016 ........ 320,000 9223 delAIr ....................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/14/2016 ........ 291,888 8334 deltA SANd.........................3 (2 1) 4 ......3/29/2016 ........ 312,000 9030 deSCeNdANt .....................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/29/2016 ........ 335,000 6325 dI luSSo.................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/24/2016 ........ 285,000 9535 dIAmoNd PoINt..............3 (3 0) 4 ......1/21/2016 ........ 315,000 2700 dINwIddIe ..........................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/16/2016 ........ 369,000 6120 doublooN ..........................3 (2 1) 4 .......1/8/2016.......... 445,000 9014 duovo....................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/22/2016 ........ 250,000 9045 duovo....................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/26/2016 ........ 232,490 3312 e ISlANd ................................3 (3 0) 4 .......3/2/2016.......... 410,000 9131 eAmeS......................................2 (2 0) 2 ......2/11/2016 ........ 315,000 9309 elberoN ................................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/19/2016 ........ 445,000 5506 elk hollow.......................3 (3 0) 5 ......3/18/2016 ........ 390,000
br /bA date value
9449 emerAld Cove .................3 (2 1) 3 ......2/23/2016 ........ 563,500 9507 eSmoNt .................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/11/2016 ........ 300,000 4617 evIA ..........................................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/29/2016 ........ 375,000 8101 FANGIo ...................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/25/2016 ........ 330,000 9233 FArAwAy................................3 (2 1) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 285,000 9334 FASSett .................................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/22/2016 ........ 375,000 6023 FIeld brook.......................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/30/2016 ........ 365,000 9374 FoulkS rANCh .................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/31/2016 ........ 369,000 9491 FoulkS rANCh .................3 (3 0) 4 .......1/8/2016.......... 380,000 9338 FrAmINGtoN.....................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 345,000 9365 FrAmINGtoN.....................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/26/2016 ........ 315,000 4960 FrANCeSCA..........................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/14/2016 ........ 317,000 5120 FrANCeSCA..........................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/29/2016 ........ 260,000 6431 FueGo......................................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/19/2016 ........ 350,000 9597 GolF CourSe......................3 (2 1) 2 ......3/15/2016 ........ 635,000 2832 GrANIte PArk ...................2 (2 0) 2 ......3/22/2016 ........ 382,000 3004 GrANIte PArk ...................2 (2 0) 2 ......1/14/2016 ........ 340,000 8189 GrIShAm ...............................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/29/2016 ........ 330,000 9144 hArroGAte........................3 (2 1) 3 ......2/11/2016 ........ 338,000 6805 hArveSt oAk ....................3 (2 1) 4 .......2/8/2016.......... 407,000 7725 hAzeNmore.......................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/18/2016 ........ 385,000 2700 hINtoN .................................3 (2 1) 3 ......2/11/2016 ........ 498,000 9321 hoyletoN ...........................2 (2 0) 2 .......3/1/2016.......... 235,000 9332 hoyletoN ...........................3 (2 1) 3 ......2/11/2016 ........ 287,500 3308 ISlANd....................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/17/2016 ........ 350,000 3420 ISlANd....................................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/14/2016 ........ 394,900 7906 JACINto .................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/25/2016 ........ 250,900 8673 JoCelyN .................................3 (2 1) 4 ......1/12/2016 ........ 335,000 8442 keuSmAN ..............................2 (2 0) 4 .......3/4/2016.......... 354,000 5012 krIStA.....................................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/26/2016 ........ 375,000 9321 lA toNIS................................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/8/2016.......... 355,000 3142 lAGuNA..................................3 (3 0) 3 ......3/10/2016 ........ 400,000 5131 lAGuNA CreSt..................2 (2 0) 3 .......1/5/2016.......... 275,000 9137 lAGuNA lAke.....................3 (2 1) 4 .......3/4/2016.......... 500,000 5052 lAGuNA PArk.....................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/26/2016 ........ 300,000 5217 lAGuNA PArk.....................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/23/2016 ........ 294,000 9110 lAGuNA PlACe ..................3 (2 1) 4 ......1/22/2016 ........ 363,000 9266 lAGuNA PoINte...............3 (3 0) 3 ......2/18/2016 ........ 260,000 9274 lAGuNA PoINte...............3 (2 1) 3 ......2/24/2016 ........ 250,000 9369 lAGuNA PoINte...............3 (2 1) 3 ......1/21/2016 ........ 235,000 5650 lAGuNA QuAIl ..................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/29/2016 ........ 390,000 5730 lAGuNA QuAIl ..................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/22/2016 ........ 368,000 8925 lAGuNA SPrINGS.............2 (2 0) 3 ......2/16/2016 ........ 296,000 6334 lAGuNA vIllA wAy........2 (2 0) 3 ......3/11/2016 ........ 330,000 4606 lAGuNA weSt ...................2 (2 0) 4 .......3/4/2016.......... 250,000 4623 lAGuNA weSt ...................3 (2 1) 4 ......1/12/2016 ........ 359,000 5125 lAGuNA woodS...............3 (2 1) 3 ......2/24/2016 ........ 335,000 9552 lAkewINd............................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/19/2016 ........ 270,888 9563 lAkewINd............................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/20/2016 ........ 300,000 9487 lIttle rAPIdS ...................3 (2 1) 4 .......2/8/2016.......... 310,000 7021 lyNdAle ................................2 (2 0) 3 .......1/8/2016.......... 294,950 8791 mANNINGtoN...................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/24/2016 ........ 380,000 8816 mANNINGtoN...................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/28/2016 ........ 345,000 8856 mANNINGtoN...................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/29/2016 ........ 330,000 9348 mAPlevIew .........................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/23/2016 ........ 240,000 5109 mArble Creek...................3 (2 1) 3 .......3/8/2016.......... 295,000 5110 mArINo..................................2 (2 0) 3 .......2/4/2016.......... 274,950 7951 mArlA.....................................2 (2 0) 3 .......1/7/2016.......... 300,000 9386 mArlemoNt.......................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/29/2016 ........ 337,000 3565 mArSh PoINt ....................3 (2 1) 4 .......3/8/2016.......... 469,000 9325 mAybeCk ...............................3 (3 0) 3 .......2/2/2016.......... 471,000
br /bA date value
8781 mAyberry .............................3 (2 1) 3 ......3/23/2016 ........ 330,000 8785 mAyberry .............................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/29/2016 ........ 268,500 8686 melvIlle...............................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/29/2016 ........ 350,000 8 mIddleburG .............................3 (2 1) 3 .......3/2/2016.......... 344,900 5301 mISty meAdow................2 (2 0) 4 .......2/4/2016.......... 275,000 8861 moNterey oAkS .............2 (2 0) 4 ......1/12/2016 ........ 368,000 8831 moSSburN............................3 (2 1) 4 ......3/30/2016 ........ 338,900 8871 moSSburN............................3 (2 1) 4 ......2/10/2016 ........ 328,000 9150 NAxoS wAy ..........................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/28/2016 ........ 297,000 9331 NeStANI.................................3 (3 0) 5 .......2/1/2016.......... 465,000 9578 New trAdItIoN ..............3 (2 1) 2 ......3/23/2016 ........ 275,000 9300 NewFouNd .........................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/15/2016 ........ 399,900 9540 NICole....................................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/11/2016 ........ 535,000 9455 oAk vIllAGe wAy............2 (2 0) 3 ......2/17/2016 ........ 285,000 8275 oAkbrIAr..............................3 (2 1) 4 ......3/25/2016 ........ 295,000 9127 old Creek............................3 (2 1) 3 ......2/25/2016 ........ 223,000 5138 olIvehurSt.......................2 (2 0) 4 ......1/22/2016 ........ 290,000 6822 PASeo del Sol ...................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/11/2016 ........ 297,000 9021 PASo robleS .......................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/21/2016 ........ 320,000 8917 PAulhAuS .............................3 (3 0) 3 ......2/19/2016 ........ 370,000 5105 PleASANtGleN ................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/24/2016 ........ 299,000 7041 Plume......................................3 (2 1) 3 ......1/21/2016 ........ 265,000 8145 PrImoAk................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/11/2016 ........ 285,000 9300 QueSNel................................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/18/2016 ........ 377,000 5609 rAvINe Creek....................3 (3 0) 3 .......1/3/2016.......... 331,000 8400 red Fox..................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/10/2016 ........ 325,000 6921 rISAtA.....................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/22/2016 ........ 265,000 8998 roCky Creek .....................3 (3 0) 4 .......1/7/2016.......... 297,000 6720 romANzo.............................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/26/2016 ........ 283,000 6967 romANzo.............................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/11/2016 ........ 285,000 4140 SArdINIA...............................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/28/2016 ........ 317,000 6907 SeASoNS drIve.................3 (2 1) 3 ......1/15/2016 ........ 330,000 8891 SerrAvIllA .........................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/14/2016 ........ 285,000 7457 Shelby....................................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/15/2016 ........ 332,000 7458 Shelby....................................2 (2 0) 3 .......1/4/2016.......... 275,000 4518 SheNANGo ..........................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/12/2016 ........ 252,500 3407 SIerrA meAdow..............3 (3 0) 6 ......1/26/2016 ........ 580,000 5314 SIlver PoPlAr ..................3 (2 1) 3 ......3/10/2016 ........ 270,000 5318 SIlver PoPlAr ..................3 (2 1) 3 .......3/8/2016.......... 277,000 3320 SoNdIeSA..............................3 (3 0) 3 ......3/25/2016 ........ 290,000 5301 SPrING Creek ....................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/11/2016 ........ 372,000 6920 SPrINGmoNt .....................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/24/2016 ........ 268,000 7161 SPrINGmoNt .....................3 (2 1) 3 .......3/4/2016.......... 299,000 6712 SPrINGrIdGe......................3 (2 1) 4 ......1/15/2016 ........ 277,000 9277 StArFISh...............................3 (3 0) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 334,000 6991 StorIA ....................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/18/2016 ........ 298,000 4613 StubeN...................................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/29/2016 ........ 327,000 5621 tAmArINdo ........................3 (2 1) 3 .......3/7/2016.......... 285,000 9432 trIAthloN .........................3 (3 0) 4 .......3/7/2016.......... 517,500 8958 vIStA CAmPo......................3 (2 1) 3 ......1/29/2016 ........ 273,000 8978 vIStA CAmPo......................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/17/2016 ........ 239,000 9480 wAdeNA.................................3 (3 0) 5 ......3/30/2016 ........ 432,000 9516 wAdeNA.................................3 (3 0) 5 .......1/6/2016.......... 445,000 5073 wIllow vAle.....................3 (3 0) 5 ......3/18/2016 ........ 562,150 4974 wIllow vAle wAy..........2 (2 0) 3 ......3/11/2016 ........ 450,000 9135 wIllowberry ...................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/20/2016 ........ 305,000 7808 wymArk................................2 (2 0) 4 .......1/5/2016.......... 389,000 1901 yArNell.................................2 (2 0) 4 .......3/4/2016.......... 295,000 3229 yoSemIte PArk.................3 (2 1) 4 .......2/5/2016.......... 430,000 3329 yoSemIte PArk.................4 (4 0) 6 ......2/29/2016 ........ 589,000
ToToadvertise, advertise,call call916-429-9901 916-429-9901• •AAspecial specialadvertising advertisingpublication publicationofofValley ValleyCommunity CommunityNewspapers Newspapers• •Fourth First Quarter Quarter2016 2015••Real RealEstate EstateQuarterly Quarterly
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E l k G ro v e R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l E s t a t e Tra n s a c t i o n s • F i rs t Q u a r t e r • Ja n . - M a r. 2 0 1 6
BR /BA Date Value
95624 8850 ADuR ........................................3 (2 1) 3 .......2/8/2016........ $240,000 9641 AmBeR WAVes.....................3 (2 1) 3 ......1/28/2016 ........ 399,000 9321 Amethyst ...........................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/22/2016 ........ 235,000 9661 Apple mill ...........................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/19/2016 ........ 375,500 8886 ApRicot tRee ....................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/12/2016 ........ 260,000 8711 AViARy WooDs..................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/21/2016 ........ 275,000 9217 BAlBoA pARk ......................2 (2 0) 4 .......2/8/2016.......... 360,000 8573 BlAck cheRRy...................2 (2 0) 4 ......1/25/2016 ........ 311,000 8637 BlAck kite ..........................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 287,000 9227 BoulDeR RiVeR ................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/11/2016 ........ 296,000 8686 BouVARDiA..........................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/25/2016 ........ 389,000 9692 BoVill.....................................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/29/2016 ........ 345,000 9720 BoVill.....................................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/11/2016 ........ 468,000 8776 BoysenBeRRy.....................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/19/2016 ........ 325,000 8780 BoysenBeRRy.....................3 (3 0) 5 ......3/10/2016 ........ 365,000 9132 BRistol plAzA..................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/18/2016 ........ 300,000 9205 BRoWn....................................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/10/2016 ........ 365,500 8855 cADuRA..................................2 (2 0) 3 .......2/4/2016.......... 328,000 8881 cADuRA..................................3 (2 1) 4 ......3/15/2016 ........ 329,900 8512 cAmDen.................................4 (3 1) 4 ......3/28/2016 ........ 530,000 9053 cAmDen.................................2 (2 0) 3 .......3/4/2016.......... 365,000 9184 cAmpoBello ......................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/16/2016 ........ 339,500 9613 cAntABRiA ..........................5 (3 2) 5 ......1/14/2016 ........ 580,000 8895 cheRRy plum.....................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/10/2016 ........ 305,000 9464 chicoRy FielD ..................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/13/2016 ........ 375,000 9556 cleAR spRings..................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/15/2016 ........ 305,000 8764 contempoRARy ..............2 (2 0) 3 ......2/26/2016 ........ 340,000 8776 contempoRARy ..............2 (2 0) 3 .......3/9/2016.......... 365,000 9471 cote D oRe..........................3 (2 1) 4 ......1/12/2016 ........ 408,000 8581 DeRWooD.............................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/18/2016 ........ 470,000 9330 DeVeR......................................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/14/2016 ........ 475,000 8648 DiAmonD oAk...................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 281,000 8908 DontRee ..............................3 (3 0) 4 .......2/5/2016.......... 320,000 8721 eARlmAR ...............................3 (3 0) 5 ......3/30/2016 ........ 370,126 9640 eARly light .......................4 (3 1) 5 .......3/7/2016.......... 500,000 10830 el ARRoyo .........................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/22/2016 ........ 481,000 8812 elBo..........................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/22/2016 ........ 312,500 8636 elk.............................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/27/2016 ........ 291,000 9553 elk gRoVe FloRin .........2 (1 1) 3 ......3/21/2016 ........ 226,000 10033 elk gRoVe FloRin.......2 (2 0) 3 ......1/20/2016 ........ 390,000 9324 emeRAlD VistA ................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/18/2016 ........ 285,000 9881 estAnciA..............................3 (2 1) 4 ......3/16/2016 ........ 336,000 9157 FAlcon cReek...................3 (3 0) 4 .......3/8/2016.......... 345,000 9147 FARRington ......................3 (2 1) 4 .......3/9/2016.......... 395,000 9441 FeickeRt ...............................2 (2 0) 4 .......2/2/2016.......... 318,500 9436 FeickeRt DRiVe................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/18/2016 ........ 295,000
BR /BA Date Value
BR /BA Date Value
8484 Felton cRest ...................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/24/2016 ........ 369,000
9376 oReo RAnch ......................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/22/2016 ........ 352,000
8697 FestiVAl................................3 (2 1) 3 .......3/8/2016.......... 325,000
9502 pARk .........................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/21/2016 ........ 315,000
9585 Fetlock ................................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/22/2016 ........ 337,900
8981 pARk meADoWs................2 (2 0) 4 .......3/7/2016.......... 325,000
9293 FiFe RAnch..........................3 (2 1) 3 ......1/27/2016 ........ 434,000
9329 pARsons lAnDing.........2 (2 0) 4 ......2/29/2016 ........ 355,000
8924 FouR seAsons...................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/22/2016 ........ 315,000
8410 pAtmon .................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/28/2016 ........ 222,000
8730 FReesiA...................................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/24/2016 ........ 380,000
9043 plAzA pARk.........................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/24/2016 ........ 294,500
9256 FRuiteD plAin..................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/11/2016 ........ 450,000
9071 plAzA pARk.........................3 (2 1) 4 .......1/6/2016.......... 312,000
8624 gARnet cRest..................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/27/2016 ........ 345,000
10320 pleAsAnt gRoVe school.....4 (3 1) 5 .......2/8/2016.......... 660,000
10221 gAtemont........................3 (3 0) 5 ......1/13/2016 ........ 340,000
9155 poRto BellA ......................2 (2 0) 4 ......1/20/2016 ........ 425,000
9637 glAcieR cReek .................2 (2 0) 4 ......3/28/2016 ........ 381,000
8562 puRcell.................................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/25/2016 ........ 383,000
9697 glAcieR cReek .................5 (4 1) 5 ......3/15/2016 ........ 510,000
9052 QuAil teRRAce.................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/30/2016 ........ 400,000
8701 glADiolA .............................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/18/2016 ........ 365,000
9388 ReD spRuce WAy ..............3 (3 0) 4 ......2/19/2016 ........ 375,000
8730 glADiolA .............................2 (2 0) 4 ......1/22/2016 ........ 365,000
9108 RichBoRough..................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/14/2016 ........ 340,000
8688 gRAnt line.........................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/10/2016 ........ 454,444
9392 RoAn RAnch......................3 (3 0) 4 ......3/17/2016 ........ 439,000
9450 gRAsmeeR ............................3 (3 0) 3 ......2/23/2016 ........ 311,000
9396 RoAn RAnch......................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/24/2016 ........ 359,000
9056 gRouse meADoW ...........3 (3 0) 4 .......3/4/2016.......... 353,000
9564 RockyBRook .....................3 (3 0) 3 ......2/19/2016 ........ 380,000
10650 hAlFWAy.............................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/21/2016 ........ 545,000
9425 sAge cReek .........................5 (5 0) 5 ......1/28/2016 ........ 425,000
9638 hAlli .......................................5 (4 1) 5 ......2/11/2016 ........ 610,000
8891 sAint Anthony .............3 (2 1) 3 ......1/15/2016 ........ 585,000
9646 hAlli .......................................5 (5 0) 6 ......2/29/2016 ........ 625,000
9467 sARA .........................................3 (2 1) 3 ......2/11/2016 ........ 343,000
8849 hAlVeRson.........................1 (1 0) 2 .......2/9/2016.......... 240,000
9459 secRetARiAt......................4 (3 1) 4 ......1/29/2016 ........ 910,000
8882 hAlVeRson.........................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/29/2016 ........ 249,900
8951 seDgeWick .........................3 (3 0) 3 ......2/10/2016 ........ 405,800
9388 hAmBley...............................3 (3 0) 5 .......2/9/2016.......... 310,000
8539 shAstA lily ........................3 (3 0) 5 ......3/15/2016 ........ 416,000
8588 hAWley..................................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/16/2016 ........ 385,000
8807 shAstA lily ........................2 (2 0) 4 ......2/25/2016 ........ 325,000
8634 hummingBiRD..................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/11/2016 ........ 225,000
9850 shelDon...............................2 (2 0) 4 ......1/25/2016 ........ 530,000
8666 iRish moss...........................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/21/2016 ........ 350,000
9987 shelDon...............................3 (2 1) 5 ......2/19/2016 ........ 435,000
8532 JAsmine cRest..................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/11/2016 ........ 356,000
8813 shelDon cReek ..............2 (2 0) 3 ......3/25/2016 ........ 320,000
8792 kelsey ....................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/12/2016 ........ 235,000
8817 shelDon cReek DRiVe .....2 (2 0) 3 .......1/6/2016.......... 314,000
9172 kneelAnD ...........................3 (2 1) 4 ......3/24/2016 ........ 385,000
9356 sieRRA spRing...................3 (3 0) 4 .......2/1/2016.......... 409,000
8744 koto ........................................3 (3 0) 5 ......3/29/2016 ........ 353,000
9305 sieRRA spRing WAy........3 (3 0) 4 ......1/15/2016 ........ 385,000
9424 lAgunA cReek..................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/15/2016 ........ 675,000
9774 silVeRtRAil........................3 (2 1) 3 .......1/5/2016.......... 750,000
7699 lAkeRiDge...........................2 (2 0) 4 ......1/27/2016 ........ 503,205
10100 sonomA cReek ..............2 (2 0) 3 .......3/1/2016.......... 340,000
8270 leesBuRg ..............................3 (2 1) 4 .......2/2/2016.......... 310,000
8850 stARFAll...............................3 (3 0) 5 ......2/29/2016 ........ 350,000
8733 loDestone .........................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/19/2016 ........ 266,774
8551 summeR knoll ................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/18/2016 ........ 297,500
8701 los encAntos .................3 (2 1) 4 .......3/4/2016.......... 369,900
8575 summeR knoll ................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/22/2016 ........ 320,000
9346 los toRRes..........................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/19/2016 ........ 250,000
8666 summeR sun ......................3 (2 1) 4 .......2/8/2016.......... 295,000
9350 los toRRes..........................2 (2 0) 3 .......1/4/2016.......... 230,000
8704 tegeA......................................3 (2 1) 4 ......3/30/2016 ........ 395,000
9242 louis .......................................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/27/2016 ........ 445,000
9278 teRRA linDA ......................1 (1 0) 2 ......1/21/2016 ........ 192,500
9494 lynDley plAzA................3 (2 1) 4 ......2/23/2016 ........ 400,000
8712 thetFoRD ...........................3 (2 1) 3 ......3/15/2016 ........ 385,000
9004 meADoWDAle ...................3 (2 1) 4 ......2/19/2016 ........ 350,000
8243 toAD holloW ..................2 (2 0) 3 ......3/17/2016 ........ 350,000
9008 meADoWsWeet ...............2 (2 0) 3 ......2/29/2016 ........ 282,000
9405 tRolio....................................3 (3 0) 4 ......1/26/2016 ........ 360,000
8700 meccA.....................................3 (2 1) 3 ......2/10/2016 ........ 540,000
10082 VAn Ruiten ......................4 (4 0) 5 ......2/18/2016 ........ 955,000
9590 mecem ....................................5 (4 1) 5 ......2/17/2016 ........ 605,000
8748 ViA meDiA.............................2 (2 0) 3 ......2/22/2016 ........ 295,000
9617 melRose................................1 (1 0) 2 ......2/22/2016 ........ 260,000
9113 Voos ........................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/13/2016 ........ 400,000
8822 mesA BRook .......................2 (2 0) 3 .......2/5/2016.......... 289,900
9677 WeBB st..................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/28/2016 ........ 275,000
8462 mountAin Bell...............2 (2 0) 3 ......1/25/2016 ........ 290,000
9742 White pine .........................3 (3 0) 5 .......2/4/2016.......... 400,000
8479 mountAin Bell...............2 (2 0) 3 ......2/17/2016 ........ 310,000
8812 WilD Duck ..........................3 (2 1) 4 .......3/2/2016.......... 305,000
9461 oAkley...................................2 (2 0) 4 ......1/19/2016 ........ 311,000
8483 zinniA....................................2 (2 0) 3 ......1/14/2016 ........ 291,000
10081 oglethoRpe ...................3 (3 0) 4 ......2/29/2016 ........ 375,000
8572 zinniA....................................2 (2 0) 4 .......1/7/2016.......... 319,000
Cell: 916-541-0375 Email: janasellsre@gmail.com www.educatingbuyersandsellers.com CalBRE# 01410860 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated
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Greater Sacramento Region Bruce Reddick
Elk Grove
CalBRE# 01814263
9449 Ivydale Circle • $285,000
Old Land Park Charm - 3131 17th Street
This lovingly cared for 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath beauty is a must see. Hardwood floors, vintage tile in the kitchen and bathroom. Relax in the inviting front room complete with a real brick wood burning fireplace, accommodating dining room and cozy den. The used brick patio is a gem. Fresh exterior paint. This home is in the sought after Crocker Riverside Elementary boundary. $529,900
Kris Quigley
kquigley@GoLyon.com CalBRE# 01948123
Excellent opportunity to own a home that excuses pride of ownership. 3/2 bathrooms and 1,328 sq ft. Updated kitchen and bathrooms. Laminate flooring, new roof, and lush yard. Close to shopping, Consumnes River College, and an expansive green belt with biking and walking trails.
Martha Macias
Did you know... We are in a Seller's Market 69% of Sellers are receiving Multiple Offers* Thinking of Selling? For a Free Consultation call (916) 616-6600 * California Association of Realtors, April 2016 UCLA, UCD, CSUS - Degrees in Business Administration, Accounting and Psychology. Retired Frachise Tax Auditor. Member of the National Association of Realtors, California Association of Realtos and Life Member of the Masters Club
Realtor® MarthaMacias.realtor@gmail.com
To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • First Quarter 2016 • Real Estate Quarterly
Real Estate Quarterly • First Quarter 2016 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • To advertise, call 916-429-9901
Pay As Low As 4.5%To Sell Your Home Now is a great time to SELL! *Inventory is low. The number of homes for sale has dropped *Home prices are UP! *If you sell now and are going to buy another home
Rick West
First Choice Realty
CalBRE# 01309359
Serving Your Community for 14 Years!
Buying or selling a home can often seem like one of life’s greatest puzzles. That’s why it’s imperative you work with an experienced professional during your next move!
List your house today with Mark DeGennaro! (916) 688-8060 www.MarkDRealty.com To advertise, call 916-429-9901 • A special advertising publication of Valley Community Newspapers • First Quarter 2016 • Real Estate Quarterly
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