S a c r a m e n t o
A s s o c i a t i o n
o f
R e a l t o r s
Masters Club
A s p e c i a l a d v e r t i s i n g p u b l i c a t i o n o f Va l l e y C o m m u n i t y N e w s p a p e r s • A p r i l & M a y 2 0 1 9
2019 Sacramento Association of Realtors
Lyon Real Estate, President
Hyrum Gray
Lyon Real Estate, President-Elect
Robyn DeLong
Coldwell Banker, Secretary/Treasurer
Michael Onstead
Coldwell Banker, Immediate Past President 2019 Steering Committee
Another successful year for Sacramento Association of Realtors Masters Club 2018 was a successful year for the Sacramento Association of REALTORS® Masters Club. The Club recognized and congratulated 670 Members for their professional achievement at its Awards Celebration held April 18 at the California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento. This number represents the top 9% of all Sacramento Association of REALTORS® members. The purpose of the Masters Club is to support the Sacramento Association in providing programs and services that enhance the competency, professionalism and productivity of its members, and to recognize the achievements of the top REALTORS® who apply for membership and who have earned a requisite level of excellence in real estate sales. The Sacramento Association of REALTORS® Masters Club is active in supporting community activities by donating monies and services to a wide range of local charities. Giving back to the communities that have contributed so much to the success of Masters Club members is one of the primary goals of the Masters Club. Proceeds from the annual Masters Club fundraisers, including a golf tournament and other club activities, benefited the following charities in 2018: Children’s Receiving Home of Sacramento, Foster Youth Education Fund and Stanford Youth Solutions. All told, the SAR Masters Club raised and donated over $21,000.00 to these local charities in 2018. Masters Club Members, in partnership with their clients and the community, anticipate another fine year for the Sacramento County real estate business in 2019. Make your move to team up with the best in real estate, your Masters Club REALTORS®! Congratulations to all the outstanding producers who achieved Masters Club Membership during 2018! 2
What Does it Take to Be a Masters Club Member?
Committee Members: Karen Berkovitz Lyon Real Estate
Betty Brody
Keller Williams Realty
Angela Gitt
For a REALTOR® to qualify for the Sacramento Association of REALTORS® (SAR) Masters Club, they must:
Lyon RE Fair Oaks
• Be a member in good standing with SAR, and • Be sworn to uphold the National Association of REALTORS (NAR) Code of Ethics, and • Have sold and closed at least 8 real estate transaction ends totaling a minimum of $5,000,000 in 2018 or have closed at least 20 ends of an escrow as a listing agent, selling agent, or both. In addition, there are several categories of membership you will notice listed in these pages, including: • New Member: First year member. This is a very exciting achievement. • Continuing Member: An individual who has achieved club criteria more than once, has not had a gap in membership of over 3 years, and may look forward to the goal of being a Life Member. • Life Member: An individual who has qualified for Masters Club at least five out seven consecutive years. • Outstanding Life Member: An individual who has obtained Life Membership and has achieved club criteria for a total of at least ten of 15 consecutive years. • Presidential Member: An individual who has achieved club criteria for a total of 25 years or higher. 2018 Masters Club Members represent about 9% of the general SAR membership; therefore, it is definitely an achievement when a REALTOR® reaches this goal.
Barbara LeBrecht
Sindy Kirsch
Coldwell Banker Galster Group
Dennis McCarthy
Keller Williams Realty
Amy Morris
Lyon Real Estate
Sean Palmer,
Palmer Real Estate
Morris Pleasant
eXp Realty of CA Inc.
Yuri M Ramirez-Villanueva eXp Realty of CA Inc.
Brandon Shepard
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, Inc.
Paula Swayne
Dunnigan, REALTORS®
Cynthia Woods Galster Group
M a s te r s Cl u b 2 01 9 • A sp ec i a l a dver t isi n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey C o mmun i ty Newspap ers • w w w.valc omnew s .c om • Apr il & May 2019
gil albiani
Patty Baeta
CalDRE# 00584962
CalDRE# 00714357
Jim Jeffers
Brian Kassis
The Albiani RE Group 916-425-0330 gil@albianireg.com
Lyon Real Estate 916-730-0494 jjeffers@golyon.com CalDRE# 00768740
Dunnigan Realtors 916-806-7761 www.PattyBaeta.com
RE/MAX Gold 916-256-1666 brian@teamkassis.com CalDRE# 00989626
nancy Reid & Rich Price
dee schwindt
CalDRE# 10195153
CalDRE# 00498850
Reid & Price Properties 916-485-7686 reidprice@comcast.net
Coldwell Banker 916-704-0718 www.CallDeeFirst.com
Vicki Benbow
Vivian daley Lyon Real Estate 916-849-7314 vdaley@golyon.com
idele Claypool
Barbara frago
Coldwell Banker 916-973-4532 viki@vikibenbow.com CalDRE# 00356708
CalDRE# 00475888
CalDRE# 01097766
CalDRE# 00580837
Lyon Real Estate 916-730-8895 www.IdeleClaypool.com
Lyon Real Estate 916-425-3637 www.BarbaraFrago.com
gloria Knopke
susie Kuwabara-Parker
nick laPlaca
sue Olson
CalDRE# 00465919
CalDRE# 00833025
CalDRE# 00842218
CalDRE# 00784986
david sirsi
Zoritha thompson
Lyon Real Estate 916-616-7858 gknopke@GoLyon.com
Judy schoer Judy Schoer Realtors 916-966-2221
JudySchoer4Homes@aol.com CalDRE# 00513104
Cook Realty 916-768-8494 susie@cookrealty.net
EXP Realty of California Inc. 916-988-6600 www.DavidSirsi.com CalDRE# 00654342
BHHS Drysdale Properties 916-764-7500 www.nicklaplaca.com
Goree & Thompson Real Estate, Inc 916-601-7653
Coldwell Banker 916-601-8834 www.LandParkHomes.com
susan von geldern
Lyon Real Estate 916-704-3321 svongeldern@golyon.com
CalDRE# 01077927
CalDRE# 00820912
A pr i l & M ay 2 0 1 9 • w w w.va l c om new s. c om • A spe ci al adve r ti si n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey Communit y New s papers • Mas t ers Club 2019
Joan Carlino
Diez & Sigg Properties 916-955-2054 JoanCarlino54@gmail.com CalDRE# 00450695
BHHS Drysdale Properties 916-320-1888 www.PocketAreaHomes.com CalDRE# 00692245
Reneé Catricala
Keller Williams Realty 916-203-9690 renee@reneecatricala.com CalDRE# 01077144
CalDRE# 00457955
Gina Borges
Keller Williams Realty 916-505-4242 Gina.Borges@icloud.com CalDRE# 195509397
Rich Cazneaux Coldwell Banker 916-212-4444 www.EastSac.com CalDRE# 01447558
Linda Bennett Riverpoint Realty 916-508-3376 LindaB4RE@aol.com CalDRE# 00916673
Kurt Campbell
Lyon Real Estate 916-956-5878 kcampbell@golyon.com CalDRE# 01064713
Teresa Chapo
Better Homes Realty 916-600-1300 TeresaChapo@gmail.com CalDRE# 01350489
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 01268030
Outstanding life
Coldwell Banker 916-212-4808 www.Beaver4RealEstate.com
Lyon Real Estate 916-806-4061 janderson@golyon.com
Outstanding life
Bill Bonner
Lynda Beaver
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 01203016
CalDRE# 01191824
Jim Anderson
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 00999899
Realty One Group 916-300-4601 pattib@pattibaumert.com
Eagle Realty 916-698-4646 www.EagleRealty.org
Outstanding life
Cook Realty 916-768-9360 trey@cookrealty.net
Patti Baumert
Shaun Alston
Outstanding life
Trey Bonetti
CalDRE# 01082990
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 195525533
BHHS Drysdale Properties 916-224-9640 www.HouseEstimation.com
Outstanding life
Keller Williams Realty 916-747-7919 www.ElizabethAxelgard.com
Neal Alie
Outstanding life
Elizabeth Axelgard
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 01104601
Outstanding life
Albiani RE Group 916-628-6956 jalbiani.quinn@gmail.com
Outstanding life
Outstanding life Outstanding life Outstanding life Outstanding life 4
Jennifer Albiani-Quinn
Nancy Arndorfer Lyon Real Estate 916-838-1763 narndorfer@golyon.com CalDRE# 00443547
Judy Black
Coldwell Banker 916-533-3344 www.JudyBlack.com CalDRE# 01129479
Kathy Carey-Mayberry House Biz Brokerage 916-691-2288 kathy@housebizbrokerage.com CalDRE# 01081848
Corrine Cook
Coldwell Banker 916-952-2027 corrineacook@aol.com CalDRE# 00676498
M a s te r s Cl u b 2 01 9 • A sp ec i a l a dver t isi n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey C o mmun i ty Newspap ers • w w w.valc omnew s .c om • Apr il & May 2019
Steve & Sue Galster Galster Real Estate Group 916-966-8700 www.GalsterGroup.com
CalDRE# 01325532, CalDRE# 01334310
Jay Feagles
Dunnigan Realtors 916-204-7756 jcfeagles@gmail.com CalDRE# 01316781
Frank Garcia
Garcia Realty 916-452-7535 franco@garciarealestate.com CalDRE# 00925201
CalDRE# 00359354
Glenn Fong
Better Homes Realty CA Gold 916-899-7373 www.BHRGold.com CalDRE# 00932673
Mona Gergen
Dunnigan Realtors 916-247-9555 mona@monagergen.com CalDRE# 01270375
Kathleen Dunnigan Lyon Real Estate 916-208-9536 kdunnigan@golyon.com CalDRE# 00591860
Maggie Frisch Lyon Real Estate 916-996-8050 mfrisch@golyon.com CalDRE# 01000718
Angela Gitt
Lyon Real Estate 916-224-5843 AGitt@GoLyon.com CalDRE# 01132561
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 01237920
Outstanding life
Lyon Real Estate 916-606-5175 www.CindyDunnett.com
Lyon Real Estate 916-213-2323 ddavis@golyon.com
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 01208861
Cindy Dunnett
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 01258764
Debbie Davis
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 00702950
Coldwell Banker 916-812-8180
Portfolio Real Estate 916 947-4312 SamanthaTov@gmail.com
Outstanding life
Lyon Real Estate 916-870-3615 www.DebbieElliot.com
Jan Detrick
Judy Cuong – Samantha Tov
Outstanding life
Debbie Elliot
CalDRE# 00800308
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 01265995
Coldwell Banker 916-341-7790 dcovill@cbnorcal.com
Outstanding life
Coldwell Banker 916-224-9580 Robyn@DeLongTeam.com
Douglas Covill
Outstanding life
Robyn DeLong
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 01355040
Outstanding life
Cooper & Associates Realty 916-960-4850 Kevin@CooperHomeSales.com
Outstanding life
Outstanding life Outstanding life Outstanding life Outstanding life
Kevin Cooper
Mark DeGennaro Coldwell Banker 916-849-4810 mark@markdrealty.com CalDRE# 01394970
Liz Edmonds
Lyon Real Estate 916-838-1208 www.LizEdmonds.com CalDRE# 00595726
Lillian Fulton
Lyon Real Estate 916-485-5459 LFulton@GoLyon.com CalDRE# 01142756
Ron Greenwood
Lyon Real Estate 916-712-4442 RGreenwood@GoLyon.com CalDRE# 01134887
A pr i l & M ay 2 0 1 9 • w w w.va l c om new s. c om • A spe ci al adve r ti si n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey Communit y New s papers • Mas t ers Club 2019
Capital West Realty 916-834-1947 Realtor@DebLuna.com CalDRE# 195512116
Becky Lund
RE/MAX Gold 916-531-7124 www.TeamLund.com CalDRE# 01297999
Lynn Luk Lee
BHHS Drysdale Properties 916-628-2843 Lynnluklee@gmail.com
Lyon Real Estate 916-765-0210 GMace@GoLyon.com CalDRE# 01432489
Outstanding life Outstanding life
Dunnigan Realtors 916-531-7495 www.DavidKirrene.com CalDRE# 01115041
CalDRE# 01188377
Gayla Mace
David Kirrene
Patrick Lieuw
RE/MAX Gold 916-203-7653 www.SacramentoHousing.com
Katie Mack Real Estate 916-799-2957 ms.ktmack@sbcglobal.net CalDRE# 00647621
Lyon Real Estate 916-296-8886 www.RhondaHolmen.com
Karen Klinger
Klinger Realty 916-712-8889 klingerrealty@comcast.net CalDRE# 00354661
CalDRE# 00976286
Katie Mack
Rhonda Holmen
CalDRE# 01189785
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
Outstanding life Outstanding life
RE/Max Gold Midtown 916-803-3379 Cari@CariHendricks.com
Outstanding life
Deborah Luna
BHHS Drysdale Properties 916-944-4434 robertalautrup@gmail.com
Century 21 MM 916-213-5715 CalDRE# 01186031
CalDRE# 00579502
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 00850625
Roberta Lautrup
Derek Kirk
Cari Hendricks
CalDRE# 01449373
Outstanding life
Dunnigan Realtors 916 761-0411 CJLands@aol.com
RE/Max Gold 916-217-7409 diane@dianejohnson.org
Coldwell Banker 916-212-1881 angela.heinzer@yahoo.com
Outstanding life
Connie Landsberg
Diane Johnson
Angela Heinzer
CalDRE# 01004189
CalDRE# 01500238
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 01213387
CalDRE# 00766891
Outstanding life
River Ridge Realty 916-988-8880 www.RiverRidgeRealty.net
RE/Max Gold 916-803-1628 meg@megheede.com
Outstanding life
Terrie Hunt
Meg Heede
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 00584122
Outstanding life
Lyon Real Estate 916-802-1489 SHarrold@GoLyon.com
Outstanding life
Outstanding life Outstanding life
Susan Harrold
Shelly Long
Realty One Group Complete 916 806-4663 RealtorShellyLong@gmail.com CalDRE# 01219426
Patti Martinez
Lyon Real Estate 916-768-3157 PMartinez@golyon.com CalDRE# 00588974
M a s te r s Cl u b 2 01 9 • A sp ec i a l a dver t isi n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey C o mmun i ty Newspap ers • w w w.valc omnew s .c om • Apr il & May 2019
Karen Saenz
Saenz Real Estate 916 549-8212 Karen@SaenzSold.com CalDRE# 01083222
Sabra Sanchez
Coldwell Banker 916-508-5313 sabra.sanchez@cbnorcal.com CalDRE# 01820635
Jana Reyes
Keller Williams Realty 916-541-0375 janasellsre@gmail.com
BHHS Drysdale Properties 916-479-1936 BShepard2@sbcglobal.net CalDRE# 01701893
Mark Peters
Coldwell Banker 916-600-2039 mark.peters@cbnorcal.com
Claudia Roberts Coldwell Banker 916 764-0910
Claudia.Roberts@cbnorcal.com CalDRE# 01421277
Gail Sparks
Cook Realty 916-417-5012 laturner@sbcglobal.net CalDRE# 00797871
Outstanding life
Jon Nastro
Keller Williams Realty 916-405-5757 Jon@NastroTeam.com CalDRE# 00969663
CalDRE# 01410860
Brandon Shepard
CalDRE# 01401950
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
Outstanding life Outstanding life
Coldwell Banker 916-714-8108 www.Penisi.com
Miller Real Estate 916-717-4828 kandace@kandacemulvaney.com
Traci Petersen
Coldwell Banker 916-224-1515 traci.petersen@cbnorcal.com CalDRE# 01267649
Outstanding life
Coldwell Banker 916-206-8709 www.WendiReinl.com
Diane Penisi
CalDRE# 01179964
CalDRE# 01314052
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 00929847
Wendi Reinl
CalDRE# 01717833
Kandace Mulvaney
Jeanine Roza
Coldwell Banker 916-548-5799 roza@saconthemove.com CalDRE# 01365413
Outstanding life
Dunnigan Realtors 916-801-0579 homes4u@ppriess.com
Keller Williams Realty 916-813-2961 analynmmiller@gmail.com
Outstanding life
Patti Priess
Coldwell Banker 916-616-1607 MJOwnbey@gmail.com CalDRE# 01146313
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 01222608
Michael Ownbey
Outstanding life
Coldwell Banker 916-601-5699 Michael.Onstead@CBNorcal.com
CalDRE# 00570810
Outstanding life
Michael Onstead
Coldwell Banker 916-947-6638 georgia.mikacich@cbnorcal.com
Analyn Miller
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 01113123
Georgia Mikacich
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
GM Realty 916-764-3333 Sac Police Dept Lt. Ret.
Outstanding life
Outstanding life Outstanding life
George Mijares
Steven Streng
Streng Realty 916-612-5157 streng@StrengRealty.com CalDRE# 195517762
A pr i l & M ay 2 0 1 9 • w w w.va l c om new s. c om • A spe ci al adve r ti si n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey Communit y New s papers • Mas t ers Club 2019
2019 Masters C
April 19, California State R
M a s te r s Cl u b 2 01 9 • A sp ec i a l a dver t isi n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey C o mmun i ty Newspap ers • w w w.valc omnew s .c om • Apr il & May 2019
Club Awards Dinner
Railroad Museum, Sacramento
A pr i l & M ay 2 0 1 9 • w w w.va l c om new s. c om • A spe ci al adve r ti si n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey Communit y New s papers • Mas t ers Club 2019
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 01277071
Cecil Williams I
Coldwell Banker 916-718-8865 cwilliams@cbnorcal.com
CalDRE# 01382427
Lyon Real Estate 916-230-3778 athielen@golyon.com CalDRE# 01227077
Patrick Vogeli
Dunnigan Realtors 916-207-4515 www.PatrickVogeli.com CalDRE# 01229115
Andrew Thielen
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 01122760
Stanley RE & Investment Inc 916-802-0586 jvanwinklesellshomes@gmail.com
Dunnigan Realtors 916-425-9715 Paula@PaulaSwayne.com CalDRE# 01188158
CalDRE# 01727664
Justin Van Winkle
Paula Swayne
Peggy Wagner M & M Real Estate 916-837-6078 Peggy3@Frontiernet.net CalDRE# 00470477
Sheila Van Noy
Dunnigan Realtors 916-505-5395 www.SheilaVanNoy.com CalDRE# 00924678
Outstanding life
Cook Realty 916-813-5919 Atchan@CookRealty.net
Dunnigan Realtors 916-206-1458 kellie@kellieswayne.com
Outstanding life
Atchan Van Pelt
Kellie Swayne
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
CalDRE# 01706589
Outstanding life
Coldwell Banker 916-342-1372 www.SacREblog.com
Outstanding life
Outstanding life
Erin Stumpf
JaCi Wallace
RE/MAX Gold 916-216-5224 jaciandcompany@gmail.com CalDRE# 00773532
Linda Wood
Dunnigan Realtors 916-802-8042 LWood@DunniganRealtors.com CalDRE# 01129438
w w w.sacrealtor.org / masters-club
What’s Different About a REALTOR®? Working with a real estate professional who is a REALTOR® is in your best interest. Not everyone who sells real estate is a REALTOR®. Possessing a real estate license does not afford instant REALTOR® status -- a distinction of which you need to be aware. A REALTOR® is a member of local (Sacramento and Placer County Associations of REALTORS®), state 10
and national professional trade associations and, as such, has access to a vast array of educational programs, research and resources at their disposal to better serve you. By being a member, a REALTOR® subscribes to a strict professional Code of Ethics, developed by the National Association of REALTORS® over the past 100 years. More than likely, any disputes
that arise from a REALTOR® transaction will be resolved professionally outside of the court system where trial lawyers carry the day. REALTORS® pledge to provide fair treatment for all parties involved, protect the right of individuals to own property and keep abreast of changes in real estate practice through continuing education and interaction with other
professionals. REALTORS® are also committed to higher levels of education and professional development; many REALTORS® have earned professional designations or specialty certifications requiring intensive study. You’re ready to make the biggest investment of your life. Trust a professional REALTOR® to guide you through it.
M a s te r s Cl u b 2 01 9 • A sp ec i a l a dver t isi n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey C o mmun i ty Newspap ers • w w w.valc omnew s .c om • Apr il & May 2019
Rosanna Garcia
Garcia Realty 916-202-7294 rosanna@garciarealestate.com CalDRE# 01058309
Coldwell Banker 916-705-2298 Mark.Delgado@CBNorcl.com CalDRE# 01411594
Michael Glascock Keller Williams Realty 916-600-9689 michael@glascockrealestate.com CalDRE# 01924223
Sonya Dixon
Coldwell Banker 916-595-5704 www.sonyadixon.com CalDRE# 01828462
Tom & Nancy Harvey Lyon Real Estate 916-599-3018 tharvey@golyon.com CalDRE# 01864883
life member
CalDRE# 01338292
Lynda Chac
Davis Berk Realty 916-289-2833 lyndachac@yahoo.com CalDRE# 01321712
Christina Ellermeyer
Coldwell Banker 916-548-2053 Christina@EllermeyerGroup.com CalDRE# 01714452
Angela Jones
EXP Realty of California Inc. 916-803-2433 angela.jones@exprealty.com CalDRE# 00988723
life member
916 704-7140 Julia@JuliaBradley.com
Steffan Brown
Coldwell Banker 916-717-7217 steffan@steffanbrown.com CalDRE# 01882787
life member
life member
life member life member
CalDRE# 00498200
Stanley Real Estate & Investments
life member
Mark Delgado
EXP Realty of California Inc. 916-591-9999 cbcaminiti@gmail.com
Julia Bradley
life member
CalDRE# 01375328
CalDRE# 01484623
Ann Caminiti
life member
Lyon Real Estate 916-698-9970 TCurry@GoLyon.Com
Prestige Realty Advisors 916-400-0000 Amir@PRAagents.com
Lyon Real Estate 916-607-7600 karen@golyon.com CalDRE# 01153889
life member
Tanya Curry
Amir Cackovic
Karen Berkovitz
life member
life member
life member
CalDRE# 01019816
life member
Riverpoint Realty 916-225-0707 Julie@JulieBurks.com
life member
Julie Burks
Sierra Bay Real Estate 916-397-3279 www.chrisbarcenas.net CalDRE# 01762192
life member
life member
CalDRE# 00414765
Christopher Barcenas
life member
Coldwell Banker 916-768-3176 peggy.adams@cbnorcal.com
life member
life member
Peggy Adams
April Cooke
EXP Realty of California Inc. 916-769-3694 www.CallAprilCooke.com CalDRE# 01025678
Bryan Finkel
Lyon Real Estate 530-318-2361 www.BryanTFinkel.com CalDRE# 01895228
Sindy Kirsch
Coldwell Banker 916-730-7705 sindy@saconthemove.com CalDRE# 01483907
A pr i l & M ay 2 0 1 9 • w w w.va l c om new s. c om • A spe ci al adve r ti si n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey Communit y New s papers • Mas t ers Club 2019
CalDRE# 01929727
Coldwell Banker 916-320-0349 soldbytyson@gmail.com CalDRE# 01898456
Amber Steadman
Galster Real Estate Group 916-213-8036 amber@galstergroup.com CalDRE# 01523755
Sheldon Steele
RE/MAX Gold 916-223-1349 www.JerryRiveraRealtor.com CalDRE# 01376115
EXP Realty of California Inc 916 802-3851 SheldonSteele@gmail.com CalDRE# 01718293
Connie Peel
Dunnigan Realtors 916-718-9470 ConniePeel@gmail.com CalDRE# 00970815
Lisa Rothfels
Lyon Real Estate 916-966-8877 LRothfels@GoLyon.com CalDRE# 01726096
Rose Stinson
Lyon Real Estate 916 285-9226 RStinson@golyon.com CalDRE# 00666536
life member
life member
life member
Jerry Rivera
CalDRE# 01070238
life member
CalDRE# 00834842
Coldwell Banker 916-214-8479 shanda.lusich@cbnorcal.com
life member
Tyson Redmond
Lyon Real Estate 916 203-7878 www.PPage.golyon.com
life member
CalDRE# 01358799
Paula Page
life member
Lyon Real Estate 916-425-0837 jottaway@golyon.com
life member
Jill Ottaway
CalDRE# 01714895
Shanda Lusich
life member
Stanley RE & Investment Inc 916-690-0250 chris@stanleyrei.com
CalDRE# 01701450
Coldwell Banker 916-834-1681 Tom.Leonard@CBNorcal.com
life member
CalDRE# 01925466
EXP Realty of California Inc 916-955-4744 www.victoriasproperties.com
Tom Leonard
life member
Lyon Real Estate 916 799-0246 JReardon@GoLyon.com
Victoria Leas
life member
CalDRE# 01798897
life member
life member
Christopher Stanley
Cook Realty 916-628-8530 TNovoa@CookRealty.net
life member
life member
Julie Reardon
CalDRE# 01377028
life member
life member
Tammy Novoa
Galster Real Estate Group 916 798-0444 Barb@GalsterGroup.com
life member
life member
Barbara Lebrecht
Diana Martinez
Stanley Real Estate & Investment 916-955-2110 DianaSellsSacramento@gmail.com CalDRE# 01726471
Kelly Pleasant
Keller Williams Realty 916-743-0844 www.kellypleasant.com CalDRE# 01906675
Nick Sadek
Sadek Sotheby’s International Realty 916 966-4444 NickSadek@gmail.com CalDRE# 00970410
Kelly Upchurch
Stonebrook Realty Group 916-601-4225 www.StonebrookRealtyGroup.com CalDRE# 01040512
M a s te r s Cl u b 2 01 9 • A sp ec i a l a dver t isi n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey C o mmun i ty Newspap ers • w w w.valc omnew s .c om • Apr il & May 2019
CalDRE# 01493266
Tammy Yu
BHHS Elite Real Estate 916-600-2098 tammyuus@yahoo.com
Victoria@WhithamRealEstate.com CalDRE# 01913021
A s s o c i a t i o n
o f
Lyon Real Estate 916-421-5421 www.JohnWoodall.com CalDRE# 01232653
Cynthia Woods
Galster Real Estate Group 916-743-6611 Cynthia@RealEstateSinger.com CalDRE# 01749720
R e a l t o r s
Masters Club
life member
S a c r a m e n t o
WItham Real Estate 916-718-1751
John Woodall
life member
Keller Williams Realty 916-616-6446 kvan@kw.com
Victoria Witham
life member
CalDRE# 01331369
Connie Van
life member
Real Estate Source Inc. 916 761-2657 www.JoyUpshire.com
life member
life member
Joy Upshire
CalDRE# 01365718
39th Annual Masters Club Golf Tournament October 8th, 2018, Northridge Country Club Raised over $20,000 benefiting 3 local charities.
A pr i l & M ay 2 0 1 9 • w w w.va l c om new s. c om • A spe ci al adve r ti si n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey Communit y New s papers • Mas t ers Club 2019
Lyon Real Estate 916-806-6912 www.SteveSellsSac.com CalDRE# 01922051
Gail Kelly Robards
CalDRE# 01724281
Dunnigan Realtors 916-541-8403 juliannepark@dunniganrealtors.com CalDRE# 01999740
Lyon Real Estate 916 606-5523 GKellyRobards@golyon.com CalDRE# 01244320
CalDRE# 01977724
Julianne Park
Real Estate Source, Inc. 916-597-0885 www.floudizonhomes.com
Carlile Realty & Lending 916-397-8774 christinepark72@carlilerealty.com
CalDRE# 02031003
Terrelle Keys
Nelson Lund
CalDRE# 01252410
Fridaleen Lou-Dizon
Portfolio Real Estate 916 995-6286 May@PortfolioRealEstate.com
John Pennisi
CalDRE# 01814263
Steve Ridenour
916 417-4908 honeystopthecar@aol.com
Lyon Real Estate (916) 919-7338 www.brucereddick.com
Allison James Estates & Homes
CalDRE# 01842493
Christine Park
CalDRE# 01854662
May May Huang
Greenhaven Capital, Inc. (916) 476-6507 www.greenhavencap.com
Terri Lindsey
New Vision Realty Group 916 410-0794 Realtor Dewana@gmail.com
CalDRE# 01948123
Bruce Reddick
CalDRE# 01349395
Coldwell Banker 916-607-0035 kris.quigley@cbnorcal.com
Keller Williams Realty 916-801-1963 Tom@TomSells.net
CalDRE# 01870752
Kevin Oto
CalDRE# 01740632
Dewana L. Hale
M a s te r s Cl u b 2 01 9 • A sp ec i a l a dver t isi n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey C o mmun i ty Newspap ers • w w w.valc omnew s .c om • Apr il & May 2019
Lyon Real Estate 916-801-1835 www.SoldByAngelaMia.com
Tom Lichtenberg
RE/Max Gold 916-541-7481 markusdascher@gmail.com
CalDRE# 01726405
Kris Quigley
Turn-Key Lending & Realty 916-801-3899 mikeleeloans@gmail.com
Angela Mia
CalDRE# 01879462
Markus Dascher
Mike Lee
Coldwell Banker 916 548-7102 tcomstock44@gmail.com
Tim Comstock
Alicia Rodriguez
Goree & Thompson Real Estate Inc.
916 281-6617 TerrelleK@yahoo.com CalDRE# 02041333
RE/MAX Gold 916 704-5101 Nelson@TeamLund.com CalDRE# 02013954
Coldwell Banker 916-803-1126 john.pennisi@cbnorcal.com CalDRE# 01384449
AR Real Estate Group 916-595-4451 aliciaoffers@gmail.com CalDRE# 01281146
EXP Realty of California Inc. 707-246-0018 www.victoriasproperties.com CalDRE# 01911445
Jennifer Terrill
Foundation Real Estate 916 799-4663 www.JenniferTerrill.com CalDRE# 01302808
Katie Simpson
Why Use a REALTOR®?
Patricia Yochum Lyon Real Estate 916-519-0207 pyochum@golyon.com CalDRE# 01721160
You’re ready. You’ve decided to seize the unique opportunities presented by the current Northern California housing market. You cannot afford to be left behind. What is very likely the single most important transaction in your lifetime should not be conducted without the expertise and assistance of trained and
licensed professionals, and this is where REALTORS® come in. Chances are, you may buy or sell a home again. Developing a long term relationship with a REALTOR® is the best way to ensure you will be well-informed when making your housing decisions and well-represented in an increasingly complex contractual negotiation.
How agents and sellers can work together Selling a home can be stressful. Despite this, 5.51 million existing U.S. homes were sold in 2017, according to data from the National Association of REALTORS®. In many cases, homeowners choose to work with real estate agents to facilitate the process of listing, showing and selling their homes. Real estate agents are valuable assets. Agents have neighborhood knowledge, are educated in pricing trends, can filter phone calls or emails from buyers who aren’t serious, and can organize all of the people necessary for a closing. Real estate agents provide many services that the average person may not have the time nor the experience to handle. When selecting an agent to sell a home, homeowners may not understand that the terms real estate agent and REALTOR® are not interchangeable. Although both must be licensed to sell real estate, the main difference between a real estate agent and a REALTOR® is the latter is a member of the National Association of REALTORS®. NAR ensures that members subscribe to a certain code of ethics. There are many qualified agents, but an agent cannot do his or her job well without some help on the part of the homeowner. These tips can make the process of selling a home go smoothly. • Price the home correctly. Homeowners should trust the agent’s ability to price a home for the market. Everyone wants to get the most money possible, but listing the home for more than it’s worth may cause it to sit unnecessarily for several weeks or months, which could raise red flags among potential buyers.
• Market the home. A real estate agent will list the home via a multiple listing service (MLS) on a private website, in newspapers, and wherever else he or she feels is pertinent. Homeowners can share the listing via social media and word of mouth to help increase the chances of selling the home. • Be available. Limiting the time an agent can show the house to potential
buyers is in no one’s best interest. Sellers should be ready and willing to open their homes, which is the best way to make a sale. An agent may suggest a lock box so the home can be shown when homeowners are not on the property. • Make suggested renovations. Agents know which features can make or break a sale. Homeowners should be amenable to certain suggestions, such
as neutral paint colors, removing personal effects and clearing clutter. • Give recommendations. Real estate is a commission-based industry. Agents often tirelessly put in hours and only reap rewards if the house is sold. A homeowner who was satisfied with an agent can then recommend that person to friends or family. By working with real estate professionals, homeowners can sell their homes quickly.
A pr i l & M ay 2 0 1 9 • w w w.va l c om new s. c om • A spe ci al adve r ti si n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey Communit y New s papers • Mas t ers Club 2019
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M a s te r s Cl u b 2 01 9 • A sp ec i a l a dver t isi n g se cti o n publ i sh e d by Val l ey C o mmun i ty Newspap ers • w w w.valc omnew s .c om • Apr il & May 2019