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Selling Experience

Selling Experience

There are many ways in which value can be added to garments and fashion systems. Appealing to human psychology and studying how people relate to clothing is the first step in understanding how new systems can be implemented. Although clothes can appear to be just material objects, they are part of a person’s body and therefore interact with our minds and emotions The fashion landscape today is looking to be more sustainable, in every sense of the word. Reducing the harm to the environment and the need to constantly generate new materials is equally important as making garments that last longer, that people have more affection towards, and that they can cherish as part of their possessions.

The provenance project was a first step towards a bigger way of changing how we value clothing This system can give tons of garments new lives and uses It can be a new way of thrifting or taking care of clothing from past generations. It is crucial that people are presented with new ways to shop that make it inevitable for them to consider the impact of their actions and how a purchase could benefit them and the environment Human habits and psychological behavior play a key role in how people shop and the existing methods have become an unconscious habit in most Western cultures Taking more time to think and looking closer at objects could drastically change the way people behave in relation to their clothing and what they wear


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