Exploring Modularity: A New Way to Relate to Clothing

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FinalResearchPaperfor AdvancedResearchSeminar:Fashion JessicaYoung,Instructor ParsonsTheNewSchoolforDesign SchoolofArtandDesignHistoryandTheory Spring2024

TableofContents ListofFigures..................................................................................................................................2 Introduction......................................................................................................................................4 Chapter1:DressingThroughAssembly 7 Chapter2:ExtensivePossibilities..................................................................................................11 Chapter3:SustainabilityandLongevity........................................................................................14 Conclusion 16 Figures............................................................................................................................................17 Bibliography 25 1


Fig.1.1:AnAmerican19thcenturybustle,1868–69,courtesyofthe Metropolitan Museum of Art https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/17360

Fig.1.2:AsilkembroideredItalianstomacher,early18thcentury,courtesyofthe Metropolitan Museum of Art.https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/173601.

Fig.1.3:CloseupviewofSofiaIlmonen’smodularclothinganddetailedloopandbutton closures,accessedApril2024,courtesyof Sofia Ilmonen. https://www.sofiailmonen.com/concept.

Fig.1.4:IndividualModulefromSofiaIlmonen’sstore,accessedApril2024,courtesyof Sofia Ilmonen. https://www.sofiailmonen.com/store/fullmodule.

Fig.1.5:ChildrenshownmakingandwearingtheirownPuzzlewarecreations,December14, 2021,featuredin Modular Fashion brings DIY to Childrenswear,courtesyof Ignition. https://www.ignitiondg.com/news/modular-fashion-brings-diy-to-childrenswear.

Fig.2.1:Avisualdemonstrationof Bundhi’s detachablesleeveconcept,accessedApril2024, courtesyof Bundhi.https://www.buhndi.com/pages/understanding_modular_fashion.

Fig.2.2:SebastianErrazuriz’szipperdressshowcasingmultiplestyleoptions,2003,courtesyof Sebastian Studio.https://sebastian.studio/multiples-zipper-dress.

Fig.2.3:T.Toyoda’spatentforanadjustablewaistbandclosureformenspants,September17, 1972,courtesyof Google Patents. https://patents.google.com/patent/US3835473#patentCitations.

Fig.2.4:PregnantpersonwearingPetitPli’smaternitypantsthatexpandorcontractinthe stomacharea,accessedApril2024,courtesyof Petit Pli. https://shop.petitpli.com/collections/adultwear/products/adult-beta-bottoms?variant=4003900155 5140.

Fig.3.1:Vetement’szipp-offdenimpants-to-shorts,accessedApril2024,courtesyof SSENSE. https://www.ssense.com/en-us/men/product/vtmnts/blue-detachable-leg-cargo-pants/15406841?g


ad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAt5euBhB9EiwAdkXWOzZfflNB0J97cYzCB7vsphiJKxF4sNA QRjOWqsdmU2fuArBdW6JaxRoCEHcQAvD_BwE.

Fig.3.2:HusseinChalayan’stransformablemini-to-maxidressfromhisAutumnWinter2013 collection,March6,2013,featuredinthearticle Rise by Hussein Chalayan courtesyof Dezeen. https://www.dezeen.com/2013/03/06/rise-by-hussein-chalayan/.

Fig.3.3:MultiplelooksfromWeiHungChen’sthesiscollectiononmodularclothingand capsulewardrobes,accessedApril2024,courtesyof Not Just a Label’sarticleontheartist. https://www.notjustalabel.com/wei-hung-chen.

Fig.3.4:ConceptrenderingofamodularsportsjacketbyOff-Wrld,September22,2023, featuredinthearticle What is Modular Clothing? Courtesyof Off-Wrld. https://www.offwrld-techwear.com/blogs/techwear-blog/modular-clothing.

Fig.3.5:ThreadLab’sshirtwithirononcomponentsforincreasedcustomization,December28, 2012,featuredinthearticle ThreadLab Makes Dress Shirts With Iron-On Pockets, Collars, Cuffs, courtesyof Cool Things. https://www.coolthings.com/threadlab-open-source-apparel/.



There have been multiple ways throughout history in which people have modified their clothing in order to better fit their needs, desires and environment. As an ever-evolving species, humans have sought different methods for garments to mimic their own changes and evolution. Modular clothing refers to pieces designed to be assembled ordisassembledbytheuserbasedon what they are looking to get out of their outfit. This type of clothing is made out of modules, which are best defined as “a subset of an additive group that is also a group under addition”.1 These individual modules can function on their own and/or as a whole, but are meant to be interchangedandcustomizedbytheuser.

In an age of fast and readily-available fashion, humans have lost touch with the meaning behind their clothing and spend little time conceptualizing and figuring out what they want to wear. Clothes today are so ready-to-wear that most textiles in the market don’t even need to be ironed.2 The lack of a conscious connection creates a disconnect between the user and the garment, and has tarnished an area of design and human behavior that used tobeconsideredone of the meccas of self expression. It can be difficult for standard, mass produced garments to not only be referential of one's personality and preferences, but to also evolve alongside them. Jonathan Chapman best describes this by stating that “developed world consumer desires grow and flex while material possessions remain hopelessly frozen in time. This incapacity formutual evolution renders most products incapable of sustaining a durable relationship with users.”3 This causes garmentstobedisposedofmorethaneverbeforeinhistory.4 Alloftheseideastietoalack

1 “Module,”MerrriamWebster,accessedApril7,2024,https://wwwmerriam-webstercom/dictionary/module

2 AlexanderKunst,“LaundryBeingIronedintheUS 2018,”Statista,January6,2020, https://wwwstatistacom/forecasts/1020599/laundry-being-ironed-in-the-us

3 JonathanChapman, Emotionally Durable Design: Objects, Experiences & Empathy (London:Earthscan,2005),20

4 MartinaIgini,“10ConcerningFastFashionWasteStatistics,”EarthOrg,August21,2023, https://earthorg/statistics-about-fast-fashion-waste/


of perceived value and importance in garments and material objects in general, which end up creatingalargeenvironmentalproblem.

Modular clothing can theoretically tackle most, if not all of the problems that were previously mentioned, which are directly related to the use and purpose of each garment. There are multiple kinds of transformations and adjustments that it can undergo, and they eachprovide the user with a unique benefit. Brands that are focusing on modularity today –which will be introduced and described further on in this paper– explore and challenge the benefits that canbe extracted from this type of garment. One main type of transformable clothing is that which provides more sizing options within a single piece.Thisallowstheownerstofluctuatesizewhile still being abletoweartheclothesthattheyalreadyown.Italsoallowspeoplewithdifferentbody types to share clothing, while creating a more inclusive sense of community, and slowly eliminating the divide generated by sizing. Another main type of modular clothing is one that allows for different styling and silhouette customizations. By changing the length, materiality or overall shape of a garment, the user can get multiple pieces in one. This extends its possibilities andlifecycle,whichcanmakeitmoresustainableandincreaseitsperceivedvalue.

The idea of assembly and module set-up enforcestheconceptofspendingmoretimewith your clothing and therefore paying more attention to what you wear and own. Additionally, having clothes that serve more than one purposecanincreasetheirfunctionalityandthereforethe perceived value, as well as make them stand out within themassmarketofsingle-typegarments.

Modular clothing presents a lot of opportunities for the person wearing them but can also bring along extra work and dedication that not everybody may be open to. Adopting modular clothing for everyday wear requires a change in mentality and in the way that we see clothing. These clothes can benefit the user by offering more variations, longer garment lifecycles, more


sustainable practices, and sizing changes, but they alsorequireextratimeandattentionwhichnot everybody has or wants to spend on their clothing. There are psychological and attitudinal changes related to the way people shop, get dressed and perceive clothing that need to occur in order to gain access to the full benefits of modularity Defining what exactly these changes are will depend on the function and origin of the garment and its transformation, as well as on the user’slifestyleandenvironment.



Clothing before the 19th centuryinwesternsocietieswasusedasasignifierofwealthand status.5 Althoughthematerialandmanufacturinghadalotofinfluence,themostexpensiveaspect of this type of clothing was the assistance required to put them on. They consisted of multiple layers, such as the bustle shown in figure 1.1, which is clearly complicated for the wearer toput on without assistance. This idea of layering and assembling one's outfit is one ofthefirstorigins of modular thinking in clothing. A single pieceonitsownwasnotabletosatisfytheneedsofthe wearer, so multiple ones were layered in order toreachthedesiredsilhouette.Stomachers(figure 1.2) are one of the most classic and clear examples of how modular clothing existed before the 19th century. They consisted of a single panel that wasmeanttositinthefrontstomachareaofa woman’s dress.6 They were an individual piece and were usually adorned delicately and meticulously. These could come in different shapes and styles and were meant to be changed aroundwithdifferentgowns.

The late 19th century and early 20th century saw the rise of ready-to-wear clothing7 , which brought alongtheeaseofgettingdressedquicklyandsimply.Thetermwascoinedtoname “the inexpensive collections designed by fashion houses throughouttheworld”8 butiscommonly used for “all readymade clothing.”9 The clothes that were produced massively or made at home had a more simpledesignandarrangement,andthereforelessassistancewasrequiredtoputthem

5 ValerieMendes,AmydelaHaye, Fashion since 1900, (NewYork:ThamesandHudson,1999),17-18

6 ValerieCumming,C W Cunnington,andP E Cunnington,“Stomacher,”in The Dictionary of Fashion History, (Oxford:BergPublishers,2010),195,AccessedApril18,2024


7 Mendes,delaHaye, Fashion since 1900, 17-18

8 ValerieCumming,C W Cunnington,andP E Cunnington,“Ready-to-wear,”inTheDictionaryofFashionHistory, (Oxford:BergPublishers,2010),170,AccessedApril18,2024


9 Ibid


on. After the First World War, previously-established fashion concepts started to shift and it became more difficult to hire help that could assist with tasks like getting dressed.10 Thischange in the social and economical scene marked the first departurefromtheeffortthathadhistorically been given to getting dressed in high class societies. After this, clothing became easier to wear and assemble, until interchangeable modules and layers became practically nonexistent.People’s perspective of clothing slowly begantochange;itstoppedbeingsuchanimmediateindicatorofa person’ssocialstandingandbecamemoreanecessitythatjustneededtobecovered.

There are designers today who are looking to create a new paradigm on how people get dressed and the importance given to this activity Sofia Ilmonen is one of these artists who have found new ways in which to use the idea of assembly through modularity as a wayforpeopleto connect with their clothing. Instead of completely sewing all the pattern piecestogether,someof them are left as individual modules that can be reassembled and rearranged to change the garment’s style and silhouette using different closures and textile technology (figure 1.3). They also sell additional panels for anyone who wants to add an extrapiecetotheirexistinggarments, to change its length, size or silhouette (figure 1.4). They are creating a new landscape for the relationship between the brand and the consumer by offeringa“modificationservice.”11 Through this service, they extend personalized assistance to the customer by providing them with new ways to assemble their garments. In turn, the client receives a limited-edition or one-of-a kind garment. This allows the brand to connect with consumers after the purchase has been made, which is often the point when this relationship decreases significantly This service provided by

10 Mendes,delaHaye, Fashion since 1900, 48

11 “ModificationService,”SofiaIlmonen,accessedApril7,2024, https://wwwsofiailmonencom/store?category=modificationservice


Sofia Ilmonen prompts new ways of thinking about made-to-order or custom clothing,aswellas aboutbrand-clientrelationships.

Another company that is using the process of getting dressed through assembly as a way for consumers to interact with their clothing is Almaborealis’ Puzzleware (figure 1.5). This childrenswear project sells garments as a set of independent geometric knit pieces and a sewing kit for kids to assemble and construct their own garments. This creates a fun and educational activity for children, who are able to customize the shape and style of the garment as well as decorate it using the provided yarn. The process of assembly makes the garment a special one within theinfant’sclosetanditcanevenberedesignedorreshapedastheygrowup.Thenatureof the knit modules allows for a lot of flexibility within the piece and design, which canlastlonger through a child’s fast-paced growth. The project shows how assembly, craft and education can work together to visibly change a garment’s nature and value. By letting the customer do something that would have been donebyabrandormanufacturer,thecompanyisabletoprovide aspaceforimagination,explorationandtrueexpressionthroughclothing.

These examples of dressing through assembly clearly present that this type of design thinking opens up playful, innovative and thought-inducing environments. However, these examples also show that additional money can be necessary. Thepuzzlewaresetretailsfor£7912 , and Sofia Ilmonen’s modification service costs €165 –which is low compared to her garments which start at €1,400, but high for the modification of an existing garment.13 Additionally, they both ask for a surplus of timeanddedication.Thepuzzlewaresetcanbethoughtofasanactivity, but this project has to occur in order for the garment to be accessed and worn and it needs to be

12 “Puzzleware,”Almaborealis,accessedMarch26,2024, https://wwwalmaborealiscom/shop/p/puzzleware-megalearn-to-make-your-own-kit

13 “Store,”SofiaIlmonen,accessedApril7,2024,https://wwwsofiailmonencom/store


assisted by parents. To use Sofia Ilmonen's customization service, clothing has to be shippedout to the brand for them to reassemble it. Although this takes extra time, it also gives the customer the excitement of receiving a new garment without actually having tobuyone.Asitcanbeseen, these time and money implications have their benefits and drawbacks. But it is evident that additionallaborandeffortarerequiredtoaccessthegarment’sfulluseandpossibilities.



The nature of modular and transformable clothing lies in providingtheuserwithmultiple options withinonegarmentoroutfit.Havingthesecanbebeneficialfortheusersastheygetmore from a single piece. It can also be positive for the environment, as increased functionality and frequency of use can make the users takealongertimetofeeltheneedtodisposeofthegarment.

Modularity could include as little as two options, which would still be one more than that of standard clothing, or it could includemanymore,practicallywithoutlimit.Thisissomethingthat designers of modular clothing have to keepinmind,asfewtransformationsmaynotgetthepoint acrossbuttoomanycouldbeoverwhelmingforthewearer.

One kind of transformation that can occur in clothing is the change of style orsilhouette. Buhndi style (figure 2.1) is providing this through their shirt that consists of a “base” and “blueprints”14 . The bases aresleevelesstopswhichhousehiddenzippersalongthesleeveopening to interchange the blueprints15 that can be combined with them. There are different colors and silhouettes that one can choose from. By following this simple concept, the user can have a top with different sleeves without changing the body. This can be particularly useful for people who struggle with finding tops thatfitandforspacesavingpurposes.Additionally,thebrandiscutting downtheamountoffabricneededforeachgarmentasthebodypartisalwaysreused.

On the other extreme,styletransformationsthatoccurinclothingcanbegreaterandallow for more composition and creativity from the wearer. In 2003, Sebastian Errazuriz came up with the “Zipper Dress” (figure 2.2) which consists of 120 zippers which can all be completely

14 “Collections,”Buhndi,accessedApril7,2024,https://wwwbuhndicom/collections

15 Buhndi’stermforsleeves


detached, or simply opened tochangethesilhouetteofthedress.16 Thisleavestheuserwithmany options to choose from, including changes inneckline,hem,skinrevealed,andevenwhattypeof garment they want, as it can easily serve as a top, skirt, and even a belt. Although this concept may be fun for some, it can also be overwhelming for others, as a single knee-length dress can exist as hundreds of garments. It is also a clear example of how transformationaffectstheitem’s value, as you are no longer paying for just one garment, although it technically still is one. The designer believesthat“theconceptisparticularlypoignantinthecurrenteconomiccrisis;buyone dress, get a hundred different fashion possibilities.”17 This demonstrates how one of the many benefitsthatstyleandfittransformationshaveisthattheyaregivingtheusermoreforless.

Another exampleoftransformationsarethosewhichallowforchangesinsize.Thisaspect plays an important role in sustainability, as clothing that can evolve with theuserwilllastlonger and people who undergo physical changes won’t need to purchase an entirely new wardrobe. A 1970’s clothing patent by T.Toyoda(figure2.3)showsamechanismthatallowsforchangeinthe overall circumference of a pant’s waistband. This provides a perfect fit for the user, no matter what changes the wearer’s body may undergo. Although the modification provided from one or two tucks can be slight, they canmakethedifferencebetweenpantsthatfitanddon’t,orbetween an outfit that looks polished and put together or sloppy. Size transformations can also offer possibilities for pregnancies, a temporary but drastic change in the person’s body that usually requires lots of new clothes. Petit Pli (figure 2.4) is looking to solve this problem through their pleat technology, which lets a garment expand and contract easily 18 This saves theusertimeand

16 Errazuriz,Sebastian,“Multiples-ZipperDress,” Sebastian Errazuriz Studio nd https://sebastianstudio/multiples-zipper-dress

17 Ibid

18 PetitPli,“AdultMaternityBottoms,”nd https://shoppetitplicom/collections/adultwear/products/adult-beta-bottoms?variant=40039001555140


money by seamlessly allowing them to have a garment that fits without even having to think about it. This concept is successful as it doesn’t require theusertoassembleorarrangeanything, compared to the patent previously mentioned.Thetextileexpandsonitsowntowhateversizethe wearer needs. However, this product can have styling limitations, as the textile needed for the transformationhasaveryspecificappearancethatmaynotbeuniversallydesiredoraccepted.

Based on all of the previous examples, the transformations present in modular clothing can generally be divided into either functional or decorative. They serve two very different purposes but achieve a homogeneousresult:theypresentthewearerwithoptions.Whateverthese may be, they are providing the users with a space to think about their clothing for a little bit longer and more consciously, allowing them to choose exactly what it is that they want to wear and what function their outfit has to provide. The required time and dedication is somethingthat can be seen as very exciting or impossible for some people. The amount of time and attention spent getting dressed canvarygreatlydependingonaperson’ssituation,needsanddesires.Those who don’t give great importance to getting dressed when using regular clothing are much less likely to beopentospendingmoreoftheirenergyunderstandingandacceptingtransformableand modular clothing. Whereas individuals who are already excitedaboutcomposingandassembling theirdailyoutfitsmaybemoreopentoincorporatingthistypeofdesignintotheirlives.



After analyzing the possibilities and opportunities of modular clothing, it is evident that sustainability emerges as a big component and advantage of these transformations. Although for most of the designers studied previously it is not necessarily the main objective, it is aninherent part of all their proposals. The concept of having a garment that can be used more often, serve multiple purposes and last longer is sustainable at its core. Modularity and transformations can encouragepeopletothinkabouttheirclothinginaslowerandmoremeaningfulway.

Within the world of modularity, sustainabilityisachievedmainlythroughtheextensionof a garment’s life cycle, which may be as simple as a zipp-off pair of pants to shorts, such as Vetements’pairofdetachablejeans(figure3.1).Theusefullifeofagarmentcanalsobeincreased by giving a more wearable aesthetic to special occasion garments. Hussein Chalayan did exactly that in his Autumn/Winter 2013 collection,19 which featured heavily-printed mini dresses that transformed into long black simple ones (figure 3.2).Thisallowsanitemwhichistypicallyworn only on a handful of occasions to be used more frequently and for a longer period of time. The idea of extending a garment’s lifecycle can also bethemainconceptwithinamodularcollection.

Designer Wei Hung Chen created a compilation of transformable garments that can all be styled and combined together20 (figure 3.3). He describes this collection as “an attempt to lengthen lifespan of garments andalterhowawardrobefunctions.”21 Thistiesbacktotheideaofa capsule wardrobe which is best defined as “a small, carefully selected setofclothesthatgowelltogether and serve as the foundation of multiple outfits.”22 This concept introduces modularity as an

19 DanHowarth,“RisebyHusseinChalayan,” Dezeen,March6,2013, https://wwwdezeencom/2013/03/06/rise-by-hussein-chalayan/


21 Ibid

22 “CapsuleWardrobe,”Dictionary,accessedApril7,2024,https://wwwdictionarycom/browse/capsule-wardrobe


abstraction, where a set of basic garments serveasindependentmodulesofaperson’scloset.Wei Hung Chen combined this idea with transformable clothing, therefore enhancing the sustainable effectofbothaspects.

Furthermore, sustainability can appear in modular clothing as the possibility of customizing your own clothing. Personalizing garments to suit your own taste, style, size, and needs can make the piece all the more valuable and durable.Thisconceptcanbepresentthrough something that is constantly available to change, such as Off-Wrld’s modular activewear jacket (figure 3.4), which allows the wearer to choose how much warmth and coverage they want to have.23 It can also be present in a fixed modular customization, such as ThreadLab’s shirt with iron-on components (figure 3.5), where the client chooseswhattheywanttoaddtotheshirttofit their needs.24 Although these changes are permanent, the wearer gets to select what components theyneedthemost,andthereforegivesthegarmentauniquevalue.

In this context, sustainabilityiscloselytiedtotherealandperceivedvalueofagarmentas a more valuable piece is less likely to be discarded. Although all modular and transformable clothing has some level of sustainability incorporated, the benefits, opportunities and inconveniences present may altertheperceivedvalueofthepiece.Inmostofthecasesmentioned above, the perceived value increases if the wearer sees the changes as improvements, and decreases if they are seen as an impediment. The opposite occurs with the monetaryvalue,ifthe purchaser recognizes multiple benefits, the price may seem low to them, whereas if it is seen as inconvenient,thepricecanappeartoohigh.

23 RomainFaure,“WhatIsModularClothing?,”OFF-WRLD,September23,2023, https://wwwoffwrld-techwearcom/blogs/techwear-blog/modular-clothing

24 Sunny Singh, “ThreadLab Makes Dress Shirts WithIron-OnPockets,Collars,Cuffs,”CoolThingscom,December 28,2012,https://wwwcoolthingscom/threadlab-open-source-apparel/



Modular clothing isanunder-explored,under-utilizedandunder-exploitedareaoffashion. Although the concept itself has existed for a long time, designers and wearers are juststartingto see it with new eyes, paying attention to the benefits and opportunities that can emerge from it. However, it must be noted that concepts clustered around this ideaareverydifferentfromthatof mainstream, ready to wear25 garments. Modular clothing requiresalotmoretimeandattentionin order to be fully appreciated and taken advantage of. Potential users should not only be open to these requirements but also have the time, need and longing forwhatthiskindofclothingoffers, an approach that may be difficult to find in our hectic current times. Consumers need to see the potential for the bigger reward that transformable clothing provides compared to ready-made piecesinordertoundertakeandunderstandtheadditionaleffortrequired.

Wearers’ attitude and relationship with clothing will need to evolve in order to fully understand everything that is involved in modularity: better options, adaptability, creativity and sustainability. Real and perceived value can play a big role in changing this paradigm, as the possibility of multiple garments in one can make an object more valuable. The appearance of a simultaneous transformation and evolution of an object alongside its owner can also change the way that wearers see and relate to their clothes. Itiscrucialforthesuccessofthisareaoffashion that all these concepts are made public and shared enough for potential users to know what they are missing out on and everything they could possibly getfromtheirclothing.Withoutspreading and communicating these possibilities, it is hard for people to know that lots of their clothing-relatedproblemsarecommonandhaveeasysolutions.

25 Ready-to-wearreferringtogarmentsthatdon’trequireorinvolveanyassemblyortransformation


Figure1.1, Bustle,Linen,cotton,metal,1868-69,American,BrooklynMuseumCostume CollectionatTheMetropolitanMuseumofArt, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/173601

Figure1.2, Stomacher, Silk,early18thcentury,Italian,RogersFundattheMetropolitan MuseumofArt,https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/102642.


Figure1.3,Ilmonen,Sofia “SofiaIlmonen,”nd https://wwwsofiailmonencom/concept

Figure1.4,Ilmonen,Sofia “FullModule,”nd https://wwwsofiailmonencom/store/fullmodule


Figure1.5,Kramers,Lindie.“ModularFashionBringsDIYtoChildrenswear.” Ignition,March15,2022.


Figure2.1,Buhndi “UnderstandingModularFashion”AccessedMarch4,2024 https://wwwbuhndicom/pages/understanding modular fashion


Figure2.2,SebastianErrazurizStudio “Multiples-ZipperDress,”nd https://sebastianstudio/multiples-zipper-dress






Figure3.1,Ssense “VTMNTSBlueDetachableLegCargoPants”AccessedFebruary9,2024

https://wwwssensecom/en-us/men/product/vtmnts/blue-detachable-leg-cargo-pants/15406841?gad source=1&gclid =CjwKCAiAt5euBhB9EiwAdkXWOzZfflNB0J97cYzCB7vsphiJKxF4sNAQRjOWqsdmU2fuArBdW6JaxRoCEHc QAvD BwE.


Figure3.2,Howarth,Dan “RisebyHusseinChalayan” Dezeen,March6,2013 https://wwwdezeencom/2013/03/06/rise-by-hussein-chalayan/

Figure3.3,Chen,WeiHung “WeiHungChen,”nd https://wwwnotjustalabelcom/wei-hung-chen


Figure3.4,Faure,Romain.“WhatIsModularClothing?” OFF-WRLD, September23,2023. https://www.offwrld-techwear.com/blogs/techwear-blog/modular-clothing.

Figure3.5,Singh,Sunny “ThreadLabMakesDressShirtsWithIron-OnPockets,Collars,Cuffs” Cool Things December28,2012 https://wwwcoolthingscom/threadlab-open-source-apparel/





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