Photoshop Cover Page
First, before I started to edit the image black and white into an indie style I decided to make his teeth whiter. I though that if I do that they will stand out more even though the image is black and white. The image above is the final look of how it looks like after they have been whitened. I had to select the lassoo tool and losely go around the mouth area. After, I clicked on the hue and saturation effect which lead me to the first image on the right. I selected yellow and then did the minumum of saturation and maximum of lightness. This lead to this effect on the top image form the bottom one.
Before Photoshop image.
This is how my photograph started off. First, I selected the black and white effect as an easy option to create my image and make it black and white. Eventually I started using little effects and selections that will let me shadows stand out and lighter parts. This helped me create a better photograph and not just black and white. After this I selected my background and made it stand out more because I thought it was getting lost and it was too bright. Above his right shoulder the background looks very unrealistic because of the black and white effect. This is why I decided that I wanted to change the background.