In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? The magazine should develop but also show its connections to the next issue that is out. This can be done by the masthead and by the cover line because of its gender.
A magazine is a form of a media product that is used to communicate some sort of information towards a targeted audience. It is also used for ‘pleasure’ through audience. Things they are interested in like a hobby. Just like in 1970s where audience use the media to satisfy individual and group needs.
Different codes are used such as; technical or symbolic to make the magazine more informative and appealing. Conventions are also used and primary elements to attract potential readers and also help to identify the gender of the product. This could be things such as; colour, images and text. Anything that is used to symbolise meaning. Technical codes are all the equipment that is used for the product. Generally presented through the layout and design.
Colour scheme Cover lines font
Main image – medium close up
Main Cover line
Cover line placement Barcode
Masthead I really like the masthead as it is so bright and bold and it stands out compared to the black and white photograph. The little dashes next to the masthead makes the name more unique as it goes throughout the whole magazine and the bottom of the cover page too. I decided to position it there as it gets the audience’s eye and in a way also shows how strong the name of the magazine is.
Colour scheme – convention code I like the colour scheme, it follows throughout the whole magazine, and however I do have purple as well on my double page spread. I did this because I thought it would be boring if I only had 3 colours throughout and the double page spread would not stand out as much. Red and black show a big contrast between each other just like black and white. I liked this idea because it makes the magazine stronger and eye catching.
Cover line placement I like the idea of the cover lines at the bottom. It gives more space for articles to be placed and also the main covers are at the top.
Cover lines font There are a few fonts for the cover lines. The names of the musicians are in semibold italic because the information is about them and their names need to stand out to the rest of the contents.
Main image – medium close up
The model is looking straight at the camera to make the audience give impression as if he is looking at them. Even more, the double page spread is about him which makes the reader have in mind what the double page spread could be about. As it is an opening to the magazine the cover image is about him because he is the main cover line too.
The placement of the barcode is very classic. The bottom of the page to the right. It makes the magazine more stereotypical. The price has to be right because the price is what shows how much information there is in the magazine. Main cover line The colour of the main cover line is red to go with the masthead but also it’s bigger to bring more attention to the reader however not as big as the masthead. It is also a quote from the musician that the double page spread is about. It makes it more personal and it brings the audience closer to the young musician.
Pull – quotes
Title Drop Cap
Main image
Title The title does not come up in here as I have downloaded it at home and it does not come up in the college. However the text is very rough and messy. I though it looks good as it add a little something to the page. I also added purple because I tried it red and it was getting too much of the colour which made the pages boring.
Main image The main image is a full body image of the model. I did had one where he is with a guitar but I changed it because I though this one is more affective. The image is very natural which I wanted. It shows the real figure of the model. It shows the outfit and gives an idea for the audience what his style is like.
Pull – quotes I have decided to pull out the most emotional and personal quotes that the musician has said. It is what he has said and because it’s personal to him it brings attention and creates a mood for the audience.
Drop Cap I have added a drop cap to create an affect for the start paragraph where it introduces the musician. Text There is variety of fonts. The text is not big, but things such as the question and the quotes would be bigger or smaller. I have text that the college would not let me use as I have downloaded it at home. However, I will update the text and upload it on my blog.
Technical codes
Title House style
Social buttons
Image placement Columns
House style The house style goes throughout the whole magazine. The colours and the fonts. Everything is combined together to create the magazine more strong and appealing. It is all in one style which is indie.
Social buttons These show that the magazine can also be viewed online and see some sneak peaks. It is an advantage as social media can spread around the news about new stuff coming out. As teenagers are often on social media they can share it around.
Images I have added real images from gigs and parties that had happened. This gives a real effect to the audience as they can have an idea what it looks like to do what the magazine is talking about.
Technical codes The camera is always used in a different way. Either to the side or angle it is never the same. It created more interesting photographs for the magazine. The lighting is usually behind the model sometimes that is worse than facing the model, however the face becomes very pale which I did not like. Generally presented through the layout and design.
Title The title is unusual in my opinion as it is on an angle. However, it is red just like the masthead and the quotes from the double page spread. Which shows connection throughout the magazine.
Columns Image placement The images are all over the pages. I think this was affective as they go with the columns. I thought it would look better than to just have columns and the images right next to each other. This gives me a better view of photographs.
There are several columns which represent different things. ‘Special‘ show what’s new in the magazine and what the specials are in the magazine. Regulars and features are what’s usually would be in the magazine. As this is the first issue I have added a column from the editor to give a little bit of information of how the things are going and what the magazine is about. This can be easily carried on throughout every issue.