Syntax of Making

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Hannah Ivancie, B.Arch Niko Maestas, M.Arch I Priya Patel, CRP Valentina Scalia, MSUD

Syntax of Making

Hannah Ivancie, B.Arch Niko Maestas, M.Arch I Priya Patel, CRP Valentina Scalia, MSUD

Introduction to the Site

Introduction LOCATION, CHARACTER AND MAIN FEATURES OF THE SITE Old Oak Park Royal is located in Western London and is part of the Ealing, Hammersmith & Fulham, and Brent Buroughs. The site is surrounded by multiple forms of transportation infrastructure: The southern end of the site is bound by the A40 motorway and the Piccadilly and Central lines, while the northern part of the site contains the Bakerloo line and the Paddington Branch of the Grand Union Canal. The site is also the proposed location of the High Speed 2 line, which would introduce a new tube station in the Old Oak portion of the site and have new rail run through the southern end of the region. Despite the combined named, Old Oak and Park Royal have distinctly different characters and potential. Park Royal, which makes up the western swarth of the site, is historically one of London’s industrial engines and contains the most Strategic Industrial Land (SIL) in the city ( SILs are industrial lands roughly 25-50 acres in size and are located next to crucial transit infrastructure such as rails, roads, or canals (www. Currently, Park Royal supports around 1,700 businesses ranging from car repair and maintenance, food manufacturing, film and theater production, and a variety of small, local start-ups. The region serves as an employment hub for more than 43,000 workers, with a majority of those employed living within or around the region ( Old Oak, which makes up the eastern part of the site, is more transit-oriented in character. It currently houses Car Giant, London’s largest car dealership, as well as Old Oak Traction Maintenance Depot, which is the main facility for the servicing and storage of trains from nearby Paddington Station. The area is also home to Wormwood Scrubs, which spans roughly 200 acres is and is one of the largest common areas in London.


Old Oak and Park Royal_Existing Conditions





OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH IN THE FUTURE In 2013, the Old Oak Park Royal area was designated as an Opportunity Area for the City of London, with over 25,000 homes and 65,000 jobs planned for the area (Mayor of London). Due to the proposed relocation of Car Giant and vast majority of unused space, a majority of the residential and industrial growth was planned for the Old Oak portion of the site, with the intention of preserving and maintaining the existing industry located within the Park Royal section ( The Old Oak site is currently being planned as massive transit hub, housing the new transit station which will serve as a junction point for the Crossrail, HS2, and Great Western Line which will serve as an estimated 100 million annual trips (

The North and South connection is highly segregated by existing rail lines, how does one either cross over, or mitigate the connection while also attracting locals to have a desire to use the connection? Wormwood Scrubs becomes another challenge to future development. Wormwood Scrubs is currently an amenity to the area and an ecological space for locals but it is disconnected. In order to link the scrubs to the development strategic enhancements need to be considered. All proposals would need to go through the Wormwood Scrubs Charitable Trust and London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, as well as the local community, which may add a higher level of difficulty but may also generate a better design that considers the

Outside the parameters of the established City of London Plan, the Old Oak Park Royal site contains vast potential as a hub for 21st century industry. The various forms of transportation infrastructure around the site serve as a crucial bloodline for existing and growing industries, as well as for commuters traveling to and within the site. The amount of vacant and unused land also contains potential to create dense, livable housing in the region, creating a sustainable non-auto focused area for residents to both live and work. The major challenges that arise at Old Oak Common and Park Royal are abundant. Some of the largest challenges are connections between the neighborhoods and a division of access for the pedestrian and larger transportation networks. In its current state they are is highly inaccessible and do not connect the local community. The challenge becomes how one generates a connection to the greater area while also improving safety and comfort in addition to an attractive environment. As the current street network is unsafe and focused towards the vehicle, a challenge becomes limiting/eliminating the vehicle to create pedestrian friendly streets.

Master Plan

wildlife, the people and open space. The wildlife in Wormwood Scrubs is protected by the programs in place and any design has the potential to disrupt the migratory habits. The area (Park Royal and Old Oak) are lacking in character as the current industry is not focused on appearance but merely production which affects the overall safety in the area. Safety thus becomes a challenge. How does one create a new and improved network that is safe, comfortable and attractive for walking and cycling and that supports elements of play. This challenge would require improved facades, access, identity and quality, which could arise through management and maintenance strategies in the area.

Place in the City of London

London Connectivity

Wembley Park

RAF Northolt Greenford Green

Park Royal

Regent’s Park Old Oak Wormwood Scrubs

London Hyde Park


Old Oak is a point of convergence for over-ground and underground lines connecting to London’s City Center.

Sheperd’s Bush

Big Ben Buckingham Palace

Public Transport Road Transport Stop

Public Transportation Network

Park Rail Station New HS2 Station: Business Improvement District

The benefit of an isochrone analysis is that it provides information about time related to distance of nearby city centers and is ultimately helpful in determining the time to reach Old Oak and Park Royal, which is approximately 12-20 minutes

Car Giant Foundation

Academic Center for Making: New Industry Development

Industrial Showroom

Preserving Old Oak’s successful micro-economy


Hythe Forum

Extension to Park Rail’s Business Improvement District

Proposed Districts

Interest Point City Center Car

Public Tranpsort

Isochrone Analysis_Nearby City Centers Park Royal Centre

Atlas Int’ Galleria Market for Goods: Park Royal Produce



Channel Gate Living Residential Binder

Social Factors


Housing of Interest Consider connecting to future housing interventions on site Value In planning new housing developments, consider existing housing areas Can existing housing areas be expanded? Can new pathways and ammenities connect proposed and existing housing developments?

Housing Off Site Park Royal / Old Oak

Political Boundaries

Residential Zone

Existing Housing Typologies 1. Single Family Housing 2. Townhouse: Single Family Housing 3. Townhouse + Apartment Living 4. Townhouse: Single Family Housing 5. Mid-Rise Apartment Buildings: Multi-family Housing 6. Single Family Housing: Low Density



Park Royal Industrial Park Food Production Professional Services

Old Oak Transportation Hub Construction Industry


Commercial Areas

Value: Address the needs of all age groups through a wide range of amenity types. Do not design for any single social group. Study Area Child Care Gym + Sports Health Care Hotels Schools + University Retail Hubs

Nearby Amenity Locations

Ground Condition

Wormwood Scrubs Public Park Sports and Recreation Forestry

Green Spaces

Old Common Depot Brownfield Sites Allotment Gardens Study Area

Brownfield Sites

Grand Canal Paddington Branch


Grand Canal: Walking Path

Grand Canal: Industrial Bridge


Grand Canal: Cycling Path


Development Goals The City of London, Consisting of around 5,000 Acres of Royal Green Space is visited by 77.7 million visitors per year and 9.1 million cycle rides each year ( uk, 2017). The weaving of parks and urban centers together is at the forefront of London’s city agendas, and in particular London’s Great Outdoors programme funding lists Little Wormwood Scrubs in Kensington and Chelsea as an opportunity site for rehabilitation (, 2016). Most importantly, these green spaces rely on pedestrian and bike linkages such as the Jubilee Greenway, a 60 km long greenway that was completed for the 2012 Olympic Games (, 2017).


Connecting sites back to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, this success of this walkway rely on a density of surrounding smaller parks. The Wormwood Scrubs Park that occupies a great amount of area of the greater Old Oak neighborhood lacks social amenities such as bike share systems and structured facilities. The Old Oak and Park Royal industrial landscape runs parallel to the 12 mile Grand Union Canal running and biking loop, further isolating accessibility on the canal edges. This Loop meets at a point with the Jubilee Greenway to the Southeast but fails to extend the social density within the extents of the Park Royal and Old Oak Area.


Analysis concludes that this area must address current isolated zones but extending Central London’s greater green network and its amenities.


Vacant or Open Space


Alperton Cemetery Willesden New Cemetery

St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery Acton Cemetery Fact: London’s cemeteries will be completely full within the next 20-30 years. How can we make social spaces out of cemeteries?

Cemeteries Near or On Site

Costumer Parking for big box retail and sport event use Private Parking for loading and unloading and/or employee parking

Value Limit Parking On-Site Encourage Public Transportation Use Is it possible for a parking lot to both serve as a parking lot and a park at different times of the day?

Park Royal / Old Oak

Vacant Lots

Park Royal: Potential for Growth Industrial Neighborhoods

In order to assess the potential for densification in Park Royal and understanding the nature of Old Oak, the study area was analyzed by diving it into distinct industrial areas. Those divisions are as follows: Transitional Area

The Food Industry Food, Retail, Restaurants.

Grand Union Central Public Services Middlesex Hospital

South Park Royal Film-related businesses

Old Park Royal Cafes + Bakeries: important meeting places for the local community Vibrant The heart of Park Royal

New Park Royal Centre Opportunity for densification

New Acton New housing (highrises)

Residential Corridor Old Oak Urban Renewal Zone Future Mixed Use development

Potential for Development in Park Royal The strategy of the major focuses its efforts for housing development in Old Oak, a zone identified as the “catalyst� for the urban renewal of Park Royal. However, strategies proposed intend for Old Oak to follow trends created by other BID (Business Renewal Districts) in London and build unaffordable high rises for high end home buyers and corporate office tenants.encouraging high rise development in Old Oak. The following pages

in this document emphasize the under utalized lots located in Park Royal (parking lots, vacant lots and brownfield sites) which might serve as sites for middensity housing unit development and offset the need for high rise housing development in Old Oak.


Park Royal: Potential Growth Analysis The analysis below supports an infill strategy to complete the community fabric of Park Royal. The goal is to support and preserve existing businesses thriving in Park Royal, while introducing housing, hotels, and businesses contributing to the development of active streets, such as, but not limited to, coffee shops, restaurants, retail shops, professional offices, and day cares.

Industrial Neighborhood

% of Land Occupied by Existing Structures

Area of Parking Lots and Other Under Utilized Lots

Area Occupied by Existing Structures

Neighborhood Area

Potential Intervention Area

Proposed FAR for Future Interventions

Premier Park

5,930,116 sqft

2,362,988 sqft

1,513,324 sqft


756,662 sqft


Gran Union Central

8,567,540 sqft

3,573,996 sqft

1,182,400 sqft


591,200 sqft


South Park Royal

8,237,892 sqft

2,710,322 sqft

1,148,381 sqft


574,191 sqft


Old Park Royal

4,561,185 sqft

2,466,573 sqft

315,356 sqft


157,678 sqft


Residential Corridor

8,254,821 sqft

1,491,762 sqft

2,372,449 sqft


1,186,225 sqft


478,889 sqft


239,445 sqft


New Acton

3,101,564 sqft

Old Oak


New Park Royal


3,566,899 sqft

948,428 sqft ?

sqft 559,799 sqft

The infill strategy catalogs vacant lots, parking lots adja- Potential Housing centIndustrial to streets, brownfield sites and under utilized Neighborhood Housing Typology lots, %H Housing # Units Area of Parking Lots and proposes to build structures. The proposal takes Area Occupied by1+2 Premier Park BR Apt 45% 340,498 371 Neighborhood Area into account existing context poses to add struc- and Other Under Existing and Structures Utilized Lots Gran according Union Central 50% 443,400 709 tures to guidelines established1 BR by Apt existing 5,930,116 sqft 2,362,988 sqft 1,513,324 sqft 1,875 South Park Royal 1+2 BR Apt 50% 1,722,572 building structures. Old8,567,540 Park Royalsqft

3,573,996 sqftApt 20% 1 BR

Taking this approach, and accounting 8,237,892 sqft 2,710,322 sqftresidenResidential Corridor 2 BR THfor + 2both BR Apt 60% tial and commercial growth in the area, Park Royal a sqft 2,466,573 sqftApthas New4,561,185 Acton 2 BR TH + 2 BR 60% potential to house approximately 12,700 new residents sqft 1,491,762 Old8,254,821 Oak ? sqft ? and create nearly 11,700 jobs.

sqft sqftApt 60% New3,101,564 Park Royal 2 BR948,428 TH + 2 BR ? sqft ? The ultimate goal is to transform Park Royal,sqft from a pri-

1,182,400 sqft 50 31,536 1,148,381 sqft 3,149 4,270,408 315,356 sqft 1,059 1,436,667

2,372,449 sqft ? ? 478,889 sqft 2,661 3,608,520 ? sqft

3,566,899 559,799 sqftcommu3,007,100 sqft Using marily industrialsqft neighborhood, into a thriving Possible Number of New Residents in Park Royal nity to live and work. Infill Strategy at Proposed Density:


sqft 3,007,100 sqft





1,503,550 sqft


Commercial Poten New Residents % of Land Occupied 649 by Existing Structures 709 40% 2,812 5042% 33% 6,297 54% 2,225 18% ?

Potential Intervention Area 756,662 sqft

Commerce Units Sqft. To Be Added Proposed FAR 312,123 sqft Following Infill for Future Strategy Interventions 332,550 sqft 1 sqft 1,291,929 756,662 sqft

591,200 sqft


574,191 sqft


157,678 sqft


1,186,225 sqft


31% 5,587 ?

239,445 sqft


16% 12,743

1,503,550 sqft


Housing Average SQFT for: Potential Housing Typology % H Housing Apartment




sqft 94,607 886,800 sqft sqft 2,135,2043,445,143 sqft sqft 718,334 157,678 sqft ?

7,117,347 sqft ? sqft sqft 1,804,2602,394,445 sqft



31 89 86 25 256 72 180


4 sqft Possible Increase in Jobs6,014,200 Park Royal Could Offer When Folling Infill Strategy at Proposed Density: Commercial Potential

# Units

New Residents



New Jobs

Business Type

Old Park Royal

4,561,185 sqft

2,466,573 sqft

315,356 sqft

Residential Corridor

8,254,821 sqft

1,491,762 sqft

2,372,449 sqft

Setting Goals for Development Premier Park

5,930,116 sqft

2,362,988 sqft

Gran Union Central

8,567,540 sqft

3,573,996 sqft

Industrial Neighborhood

New Acton

Neighborhood Area

Old Oak by Area Occupied Existing Structures New Park Royal


3,101,564 sqft Area of Parking ? Lots sqft and Other Under 3,566,899 sqft Utilized Lots

948,428 sqft %? of Land Occupied sqft by Existing 559,799 sqft Structures

1,513,324 sqft


478,889 sqft Potential ? Proposedsqft FAR Intervention for Future 3,007,100 sqft Area Interventions 756,662 sqft


1,182,400 sqft 42% 591,200 sqft 1.5 Housing Potential The London Plan for the Development of Old Oak and South Park Royal 8,237,892 sqft 2,710,322 sqft 1,148,381 sqft 33% 574,191 sqft 6 Park Royal estimates both opportunity areas to have the Industrial Neighborhood Housing Typology % H Housing # Units New Residents Old Park Royal 4,561,185 sqft 2,466,573 sqft 315,356 sqft 54% 157,678 sqft 1 capacity to house 25,000 additional homes. Premier Park 1+2 BR Apt 45% 340,498 371 649 Residential Corridor 8,254,821 sqft 1,491,762 sqft 2,372,449 sqft 18% 1,186,225 sqft 6 Gran Union Central 1 BR Apt 50% 443,400 709 709 IfNew housing densification Actondevelopment is prioritized in the 3,101,564 sqft 948,428 sqft 478,889 sqft 31% 239,445 sqft 10 South Park Royal 1+2 BR Apt 50% 1,722,572 1,875 2,812 of Park Old OakRoyal as outlined in Table 2, Park ? Royal alone sqft ? sqft ? sqft ? ? sqft ? Old Park Royal 1 BR Apt 20% 31,536 50 50 has the potential to house approximately 12,000 new New Park Royal 3,566,899 sqft 559,799 sqft 3,007,100 sqft 16% 1,503,550 sqft 4 homes. Prioritizing the construction of housing within Residential Corridor 2 BR THProposed + 2 BR Apt 60% Sqft. To Be Added 4,270,408 3,149 6,297 Potential FAR % of Land Occupied Area of Parking Lots Area Occupied by Park Royal’s dense industrial landscape would also Intervention Following Infill Future by Existing and Other Under New Acton 2 BR TH + for 2 BR Apt 60% 1,436,667 1,059 2,225 Existingcontribute Structuresto populated streets throughout the day lowArea Strategy Interventions Structures Utilized Lots Old Oak ? ? ? ? ? Housing Potential Commercial Poten ering2,362,988 crime rates. sqft 1,513,324 sqft 756,662 sqftTH + 2 BR1 Apt 60% 756,662 sqft2,661 New Park40% Royal 2 BR 3,608,520 5,587 Commerce Industrial Neighborhood Housing Typology % H Housing # Units New Residents Units 3,573,996 sqft 1,182,400 sqft 42% 591,200 sqft 1.5 886,800 sqft 312,123 sqft Premier Park 1+2 BR Apt 45% 340,498 371 31 649 2,710,322 sqft 1,148,381 sqft 33% 574,191 sqft 6 3,445,143 sqft According to the Old Oak and Park Royal Development Possible Number of New Residents in Park Royal Using 332,550 12,743 Gran Union Central 1 BR Apt 50% 443,400 709 sqft 89 709 Corporation, businesses, 2,466,573 Park sqft Royal houses 1,700 315,356 sqft 54% 157,678 sqft 1 sqft Infill Strategy at157,678 Proposed Density: 1,291,929 South Park Royal 1+2 BR Apt 50% 1,722,572 1,875 sqft 86 2,812 employing 43,100 range of employ1,491,762 sqft workers across a 2,372,449 sqft 18% 1,186,225 sqft 6 7,117,347 sqft Reference: 94,607 sqft Old Park Royal 1estimates BR Apt 20% 31,536 50 25 50 ment sectors and skills levels. The office the 948,428 sqft 478,889 sqft 31% 239,445 sqft 10 2,394,445 sqft Average SQFT for: Park Royal and Old Oak area has the to house 2,135,204 sqft Residential Corridor 2 BR THpotential + 2 BR Apt 60% 4,270,408 3,149 256 6,297 ? sqft ? sqft ? ? sqft ? ? sqft 69,700 additional jobs. Apartment 718,334 sqft New Acton 2 BR TH + 2 BR Apt 60% 1,436,667 1,059 72 2,225 559,799 sqft 3,007,100 sqft 16% 1,503,550 sqft 4 6,014,200 sqft 1 bedroom 500 sqft ? Old Oak ? ? ? ? ? sqft ?

Figure Image TitlePotential in Park Royal Table 2:orResidential

Commerce Assuming Park Royal will be densified as described in 2 bedroom New Park Royal 2 BR TH + 2 BR Apt 60% 3,608,520 2,661 Table 2 and approximately 11,700 jobs will be added Townhouse Potential in the area, the development in Old Oak will aim to bring 2 bedroom at least 58,000 jobs in a New diverse range Number of economic Possible of New Residents in ParkCommerce Royal Using Housing # Units Residents 3 bedroom sectors. Infill Strategy at Proposed Density: 340,498 371 Reference: 443,400 709 Average SQFT for: 1,722,572 1,875 Apartment 31,536 1 bedroom 4,270,408

2 bedroom 1,436,667

Townhouse ? 2 bedroom 3,608,520

709 2,812 50








3 bedroom Commerce w Residents in Park Royal Using Small Shop (cafe, bakery) fill Strategy at Proposed Density: Services (child care, laundry mats...) Office Floor

Commercial Potential 1,200 sqft

Units 12,743 312,123 sqft



970 sqft


500 sqft

Commerce 332,550 Small Shop (cafe, bakery) Services (child care, laundry 1,291,929 mats...) 94,607 Office Floor 2,135,204

970 sqft ?


1,200 sqft


3,000 sqft

1,500 sqft

7,000 sqft 10,000 sqft

sqft sqft sqft

1,500 sqft 31


718,334 sqft




443 Shops 3,445 Office + Shops 126 Shops 5,694 Office + Shops 1,796 Office ? 6,014 Office


Possible Increase in Jobs Park Royal Could Offer When Folling Infill Strategy at Proposed Density:


Increase in Jobs Park Royal Could Offer Business Type New Jobs Possible When Folling Infill Strategy at Proposed Density: 250 Service + Shops

89 3,000 sqft 86 7,000 sqft

25 10,000 sqft 256

1,804,260 sqft

1,804,260 sqft


Figure Image Title Potential in Park Royal Table 3:orCommercial

Park Rail Station Residential Hotel Commerce Retail

200,000 1,631,000 31,000

170,968 127,704


Park Rail Station - District Res-Facing Scrubs Park Office

85,216 198,275



Res-West of Station Office

489,175 475,959



Res-North West of Station Office

268,915 72,128

85,866 256,564

134,145 88,389

182,677 144,384


Res-North of Station Commerce-at the Depot Vertical Gym

196,350 73,909 66,234

93,600 464,275

58,500 97,593

81,900 169,254

238,000 69,300

Car Giant Foundation Residential




Car Gian Foundation Waterfront - District Residential 61632





Hythe Forum Residential







62,400 10,400

35,766 17,883





161,370 261,800















Showroom Existing Commerce


Phase 01 Housing Commerce

52,800 17,600

Garage Shop


11,804 135,940

Phase 02 Housing Commerce

40,737 13,579

40,737 136,870

Design Showroom






33650 33650


48,296 24,148


294,682 124,136



Total Residents Keys Commerce Total Jobs

571 311 353,792 2,359

Residential Commerce

829,891 198,275

Residents Jobs

2,075 991

Residential Commerce

1,047,258 475,959

Residents Jobs

2,618 3,173

Residential Commerce

857,173 561,465

Residents Jobs

2,449 3,743

Residential Commerce

829,720 1,621,182

Residents Jobs

4,149 10,808

Residential Total Residents Commerce Total Jobs

3,564,042 sqft 11,291 2,856,881 sqft 18,715

Residential Total Residents Commerce Total Jobs

52,074 sqft 208 93,491 sqft 623

173459 Residential 168464 Commerce

614,090 sqft Total Residents 1,755 521,995 sqft Total Jobs 2,610

Residential Total Residents Commerce Total Jobs

795,812 sqft 2,274 1,474,487 sqft 7,372.44

Phase 01 Residents # Shops Jobs Social Services Jobs Mechanical Services

737 31 310 34

Phase 02 Residents # Shops Jobs Small Manufacturing Jobs Product Desing

116 34 274 40

Garage Shop


11,804 135,940

Phase 02 Housing Commerce

40,737 13,579

40,737 136,870

Design Showroom



12,000 148,870

Jobs Social Services Jobs Mechanical Services

310 34

Phase 02 Residents # Shops Jobs Small Manufacturing Jobs Product Desing

116 34 274 40

Total Residents Total Jobs

853 658

Channel Gate Living Container Hotel Market Rate Hotel 3 BR Apartments 1-2 BR Apartments

18768 sqft 84 112

2-3 BR Rowhouses 1 BR Apartments

63 57

138 rooms

Hotel Rooms Apartments Total Residents Elementary Total Jobs

42 rooms

1-2 BR APT


Total Apts:


Efficiency Aff 53%


Market/High End 20%

180 316 sqft 1,073 7,000 sqft 67


Old Oak Master Plan Total Capacity Total

Residents Guests

18,877 491




Park Royal Capacity at Infill Strategy Possible Number of New Residents in Park Royal Using Infill Strategy at Proposed Density:

Possible Increase in Jobs Park Royal Could Offer When Folling Infill Strategy at Proposed Density:



Combined Strategy





















40,000 35,000






45,000 50,000

50 000




5,000 -

Residents Guests

Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation Old Oak and Park Royal Development Corporation Total Residents Total Residents Total Jobs

Proposal 50,000






31,620 491 32,111 44,159 25,000 69,700

25,000 69,700


Values and Goals

Enhance Citywide Connection Park Royal + Old Oak Transit Integration Park Royal is a essentially a transit hub, but most of the area is highly deprived of reliable transit systems. Our goal is to link the existing stations while providing two new stations along existing lines to serve the growth planned for both Old Oak and Park Royal.

Challenge: 1 Mile Diameter Rapid Transit Desert in Park Royal

Expand and Improve Cycling Infrastructure Cycling is one of the most efficient, sustainable and healthier transportation systems there is. The existing bikeshare ends near Wormwood scrubs, we are proposing to expand the system and celebrate the loop it would create by proposing a cycle highway to complete the loop connecting Hyde Park, Regents Park and Old Oak/Wormwood Scrubs.

Goal: Extend Sustainable Transportation Networks On Site


Expand and Improve Running + Recreation Infrastructure The goal is to make a destination of Park Royal by connecting all existing transportation systems by sustainable trolley car systems, running tracks, bike friendly streets and an overall walk-able environment.

Link: Connect to the Jubilee Greenway

Advocating for the Syntax of Making: Bridging Park Royal and Old Oak Through Industrial Growth. Efforts were focused to exemplify the vision for Old Oak and Park Royal, to bridge separate and unique districts. The goal is to answer the question of how to merge the two.

Bridging Old Oak and Park Royal: Exemplifying the Syntax of Making

Establish a Local Public Transit Identity Old Oak + Park Royal Trolley Car Loops Old Oak, which makes up the eastern part of the site, is more transit-oriented in character. It currently houses Car Giant, London’s largest car dealership, as well as Old Oak Traction Maintenance Depot, which is the main facility for the servicing and storage of trains from nearby Paddington Station. Connecting to Park Royal, and the valuable industry there, (2) trolley bus lines will be active at different frequencies 24/7 connecting all underground stations as well as the proposed HS2 station.

Connect all existing and proposed Transit Stations

Empty Opportunity Sites for Development In time, as High Speed 2 (HS2) acts as a catalyst for development in Old Oak, and the business improvement district there thrives, demand for housing in Old Oak will rise and sites along the main transportation artery outlined here will be developed as outlined while setting goals for the development of Park Royal.

Promote Residential Development in Park Royal

Prioritize Cycling Movement


Celebrate Movement and Invest In Healthy Commuting Options Cycling is one of the most efficient transportation options in a compact city such as London, and in prioritizing the development of cycling infrastructure the city will encourage an increasing number of residents to cycle join the movement and cycle on a daily basis. As a guideline, a cycle highway connects Old Oak with the greater London area in a fast and convenient way while encouraging recreation. This system links to the existing Bike share system within London.

Extend and Integrate Bike Share Into Public Transit Systems

Identified Challenges

Building Renewal Strategy


Practicing Building Conservation Whenever Possible The proposal seeks to be a mosaic including old, renovated and renewed structures.

Saved Industry and Structures

The existing context was needed to determine salvageable building structures and those that are worth demolishing. Some of the buildings chosen for demolition in the proposal are already either planned to be demolished, as is the Old Oak Common Depot, or they are large warehouse buildings with a very limited life span. The buildings that were chosen to save either celebrate the character and history of the place, as does the Car Giant Exhibit Hall, or house valuable business models, such as the Makro building.

Demolished Buildings

Saved Structures + Industry


Car Giant Office Building Structure could be adapted into affordable collaborative work space.

Apex House: Community Housing Structure could be improved and expanded upon

Diagrams or Figures

Car Giant Exhibit Hall

Bicafé Beck’s Café

Demolished Structures


Car Giant Storage

Old Oak Depot

Old Oak Depot: Interior

Car Giant: Storage Garage

Integrating Existing Industry Both Park Royal and Old Oak are home to an extensive variety of thriving industries. From food manufacturing to the making of Jewelry to film studios and professional services, the Park Royal-Old Oak development have much to offer London in terms of both cultural and economic growth. To respect and recognize the value of existing industry, a goal and challenge was to celebrate it and integrate it into the redevelopment of Old Oak.

Local Data: Public Display: Information Sharing.


Proposed Interventions

Context Existing Conditions The existing conditions consist of building ranging from 1-8 stories, many of which will not be further developed within this scheme. However, some within the Park Rail, Maker’s Showroom, and Cargiant Foundation districts are proposed for demolition.

Old Oak - Park Royal Existing Conditions Context Buildings: 1-2 Stories 3-4 Stories 5-6 Stories 7-8 Stories Industrial Warehouse: to be demolished Landmark Building On Site

Districts of Development


With the selected area determined, districts further define each characteristic. This area consists of six districts, Park Rail Station / Old Oak Haven, The Cargiant Park Royal Centre Foundation, Maker’s Showroom, The Hythe Forum, Atlas International Galleria, and Channel Gate Living. Each zone is intended to showcase its identity. This is London London London Connectivity Connectivity Connectivity closely interrelated with an infrastructure Wembley Wembley Park Park Wembley that Park promotes Northolt RAF Northolt RAFthe Northolt wider Park Royal area and in turn builds senses of community byGreen stringing districts together. Greenford Greenford Green Greenford Green Park Rail Station / Old Oak Haven is about showcasPark Royal Park Royal Park Royal Foundation is ing the Syntax of Making. The Cargiant an academic center for making. Maker’s Showroom is about creating an identity by showcasing the maker’s Connectivity Connectivity skills.London TheLondon HytheLondon form Connectivity is a district of mixed-use, it is an Park Wembley Park extension to the business district. International Ealing EalingAtlas Ealing Sheperd’sSheperd’s Bush Bush Sheperd’s Bush Galleria is an international market of goods. The Channel Gate Living consists of housing at cost, student and Districts temporary living.

Regent’s Park Regent’s Park Regent’s Park

Old Oak Old Oak

Wormwood Wormwood Scrubs Scrubs Wormwood Scrubs

Hyde Park Hyde Park

Park Royal

ld Oak Old Oak


Old Oak

Old Oak - Park Royal Framework Plan

London LondonLondon Hyde Park Big Ben

Big Ben

Big Ben

BuckinghamBuckingham Palace Palace Buckingham Palace


London LondonLondon Sheperd’sSheperd’s Bush Bush Sheperd’s Bush


Hyde Park Big Ben

Big Ben


2mi 1mi


1/2mi 1mi


Big Ben

BuckinghamBuckingham Palace Palace Buckingham Palace

Car Giant Car Giant Car Giant Industrial Industrial Industrial ChannelChannel Gate Gate Channel Gate Park Rail Park Station Rail Station Park Rail Station Hythe Forum Hythe Forum Hythe Atlas Forum Int’ Atlas Galleria Int’ Galleria Atlas Int’ Galleria Foundation Foundation Showroom ShowroomShowroom Living Living Living Extension to Park Extension Rail’s Business to Park Rail’s Extension Business to Park Rail’s Business New HS2 Station: NewBusiness HS2 Station: Business New HS2 Station: Business Foundation Market for Goods: Market ParkforRoyal Goods: Produce Park Market Royal for Goods: ProducePark Royal Produce Academic Center Academic for Making: Center New forAcademic Industry Making: New Center Industry for Making: Preserving New OldIndustry Preserving Oak’s Old Oak’s PreservingImprovement Old Oak’s District Improvement DistrictImprovement District Improvement District Improvement District Improvement District Residential Binder Residential Binder Residential Binder Development Development Development successful micro-economy successful micro-economy successful micro-economy



Proposed Proposed Proposed Districts Districts Districts 2mi 1mi

1mi 1/2mi

1/2mi 1mi



iant ndustrial Industrial Industrial ChannelChannel Gate Gate Channel Gate Hythe Forum Hythe Forum Hythe Atlas Forum Int’ Atlas Galleria Int’ Galleria Atlas Int’ Galleria Showroom ation ShowroomShowroom Living Living Living Extension to Park Extension Rail’s Business to Park Rail’s Extension Business to Park Rail’s Business

Market for Goods: Market ParkforRoyal Goods: Produce Park Market Royal for Produce Goods: Park Royal Produce aking: eserving New OldIndustry Preserving Oak’s Old Oak’sPreservingImprovement Old Oak’s District Improvement DistrictImprovement District Residential Binder Residential Binder Residential Binder essful ment micro-economy successful micro-economy successful micro-economy

Proposed posed Proposed Districts Districts Districts Park Royal Park RoyalPark Royal Centre Centre Centre

Main Avenue

HS2 Line

Trolley Bus Stop

HS2 Station

Streetcar Route

Bike Share Station

Old Oak

Hyde Park Hyde Park

Bus Stop

Underground Station

Cycle Highway

Regent’s Park Regent’s Park Regent’s Park

Wormwood Wormwood Scrubs Scrubs Wormwood Scrubs


Overground Station

Framework Plan

Park Rail Station Showcasing the Syntax of Making The Park Rail Station area is important to linking the greater context to Park Royal and Old Oak. The station is currently proposed to house a stop for the future High Speed Rail 2, a junction point for the Crossrail, in addition to being located along the existing rail tracks for the Great Western Line. In total it will serve an estimated 100 million annual trips. This area includes an Interpretation Centre to further enhance the act of showcasing local data. The importance is to draw attention to many amenities that this area will offer while also providing a higher level of accessibility, while also maintaining a level of convenience for those trying to access the station for commuting. It becomes important in defining interaction between the local and the commuter.

Catalyst for Connecting The various forms of transportation infrastructure around the site serve as a crucial bloodline for existing and growing industries, as well as for commuters traveling to and within the site. The amount of vacant and unused land also contains potential to create dense, livable housing in the region, creating a sustainable non-auto focused area for residents to both live and work. The station is fundamental for mending the broken link between the north (Harlesden) and the south (Wormwood Scrubs), in addition to local amenities. These connections are made through the use of pedestrian paths, a land bridge, cycle highway, trolley car loop, and green spaces.



A Transportation Hub The Park Rail station is fundamental in linking all four districts of development, Cargiant Foundation, Channel Gate Living, Maker’s Showroom, and Park Rail Business Center, This development is fundamental to strenghtening the connection from Harlesden to Wormwood Scrubs, the proposed districts to one another, and the area to the world. To assist in linking the disticst the hub is along the main trolley car loop within the Park Royal and Old Oak plan. The station development is envisioned to include amenities such as a hotel (311 keys), retail, restaurants and office space while generating a mixed use mid-rise density.

View From Trolley Car Loop


The Link The link from Harlesden to Willesden Junction, to Old Oak, to the World, the rest of Old Oak, to Wormwood Scrubs, allows space to congregate and access program or have moments of pause. Currently, people in the area or visiting can only run or bike along the canal or unsafe roadways, and do not have direct access across the rail tracks in a safe manner. This link fixes the once broken link by providing people with a safe and convenient way to cross over the rail while also encouraging recreation.

Cycle Highway + Land Bridge

Green Link

Cargiant Foundation

38 Maker’s Showroom

The Cargaint used-car dealership site of Old Oak, currently operating as London’s largest dealership with up to 10,000 cars in stock, runs along the south edge of Hythe Road. As the nature of car sales and vehicle production changes with the innovation of electric vehicle technology and Britain’s ban on combustion engines and diesel fuel by the year 2040 (New York Times 2017), this business entity will need to evolve the nature of its business in order to continue thriving. This proposal seeks to use private investments from this large corporation to fund the “carGiant Foundation” a center for electric vehicle research, design, and future fabrication. With the car dealership’s 2015 annual pretax profit of £50 million (Evening Standard 2015) and anticipated financial growth, the repurposing of this site into a campus and design hub would contribute to Britain’s efforts to bring designers and engineers together to be at the front of innovation in industry.

View From Canal Path

Channel Gate Living

Park Rail Station

Cargiant Foundation Isometric

Connecting Industry The Park Rail Station just to the South of the site, connecting the future HS2 line and the Elizabeth Line, will be the gateway for researchers, students, and designers to meet at this hub from Central London, The U.K., and Europe. This campus will provide studio, lecture, and collaboration spaces for designers, as well as a residential corridor with direct access to the canal’s bicycle and pedestrian routes.

Hythe Road


Maker’s Showroom

Paddington Branch

Channel Gate Living

D fi re n e ec

Cargiant Foundation Site Plan Park Rail Station

Cargiant Foundation Courtyard

Innovation Collaboration


As this Master proposal seeks to provide jobs and amenities for existing residents, utilize the facilities of existing industry and ultimately connect Old Oak to central London and beyond, this site will be at the forefront of Electric Vehicle innovation. Providing education and economic facilities will serve the local community while bringing in external funds and ideas. With the prices of electric vehicles dropping below those of petrol vehicles by 2025 and battery manufacturing capacity tripling in the next four years (Bloomberg 2017) this site will initiate the innovation collaboration, leading to expansion into a whole center for vehicle fabrication in the Old Oak area.



Cargiant Foundation Plan 02 Vehicle Fabrication and Test Lab

Cargiant Foundation Section

Lecture Rooms


Student Residences

Material’s Library Core

West Circulation Corridor

Connection Road to Park Rail Station

3 1

2 UP







8 4 9


Cargiant Foundation Plan 01

Cargiant Economy


In total this development consists of nearly 52000 sqft of residential space (208 residents), and 93000 sqft of commerce; generating 623 jobs.

Cargiant Foundation Render

Trolley Car Loop: View Towards the Cargiant Foundation

the Worker’s Showroom Renewal Process

Maker’s Showroom


Gradually, demolish temporary garage structures to allow further public access to the canal and newer, more permanent structures for both housing and commerce.


Renewal Process 1: Gradually, demolish temporary garage structures to allow further public access to the canal and newer, more permanent structures for both housing and commerce.


Expand access to the canal to allow for recreational outdoor space.


Build new mixed used structures to allow for higher densities and safer streets.

Preserve existing structures with character and integrity.

2: Expand access to the canal to allow for recreational outdoor space while preserving some of the existing architectural character. 3: Build new mixed used structures to allow for higher densities and safer streets.

Garage Shop

Promoting bike culture, and other sustainable transportation choices such as: electric bicycles, cars and motorcycles.

4: Showcase locally crafted products and services. Connect to adjacent districts.


Showcase locally crafted products and services.

Design Showroom

Photography, wood and metal works, couture, etc.

Connect to adjacent districts.

Channel Gate Living located north-west along the canal

Park Rail Station to the south of the canal.

Car Giant Foundation to the east of the showroom.

Creating an Identity


The Maker’s Showroom is meant to be a heaven for current Old Oak workers to grow into. The master plan is inspired by the local economy thriving there today. The site is characterized by two types of industries. The car industry, housed in the various warehouses near the canal, and the micro-manufacturing industries housed to the north of the train tracks that divides the development. These two industries are meant to evolve and be celebrated through two hubs or “showrooms”: the mechanic’s showroom, or Garage Shop, which seeks to explore the electric auto industry as well as other sustainable modes of transportation such as electric bicycles and the designer’s showrooms which would house creative industries, such as photography or furniture design.

Hythe Road Intersection: View the Mechanic’s Showroom Hythe Towards Road Intersection Mechanic’s Showroom: showcasing electric motor vehicle innovation

Maker’s Showroom Section

Old Oak: Canal Walk

Old Oak: Canal Walk Viewing West, Towards Gate Living Viewing west Channel Living Oldtowards Oak: Canal WalkGateChannel Viewing west towards Channel Gate Living

Goodhall Walk Park Rail Business Center Goodhall Walk Southeast View, Towards South East View, towards Park Rail Business Center Goodhall Walk South East View, towards Park Rail Business Center

Grand Canal: Paddington Branch Existing Conditions



86 percent of the surrounding landscape of Old Oak, and Park Royal is residential. Within the study area, there are pockets of residential settlement connecting the Station Road in the north to 26 York Road in the south, linking 55 Goodhall St, Shaftesbury Gardens, 40 Wells Road, and A4000 Road in-between. One can notice that these residential pockets are pretty disconnected from each other, leading to unsafe spaces, which makes the place less suitable for living. The idea is not to convert this industrial area into residential but to connect these pockets by taking advantage of the open and vacant land between them to provide more shared space with better facilities for the people working in Park Royal and Old Oak as well as London-wide. The Channel Gate Living district focuses on providing more housing typologies for different kinds of users. This will create more job opportunities, filling the gaps between the built environment and aims to reduce dead spaces, and lastly, improve the edge conditions at the canal while making it more public friendly and a live space.It will also incorporate characteristics from the residential landscape around it, like the mixed used building typology of the Station Road where the commercial area is on the ground floor and residential above it. The 55 Goodhall Street housing typologyExisting is very popularResidential and commonly known as the row housing or town housing in Conditions London. The street section from 40 Wells Road shows a designated pedestrian walkway and street parking, which acts as a buffer between the built up and the main road. 12m x 5m x 2.6m size storage containers are found on the site and are used as an innovative construction material

Park Royal + Old Oak


Industrial Showroom: Walking West


Industrial Showroom: North Bank


Overground Bridge: Walking West




Container Storage Site View: North Bank, Walking West

Existing Residential Conditions Existing Residential Areas Focus Study Areas

Existing Residential Area Within the Park Royal and Old Oak Study Area

Focus Study Areas A Channel Gate Living B Worker’s Showroom

Residential Existing Conditions In the planning of the future of Old Oak, and its integration to the existing urban fabric, the study of existing residential conditions was crucial. Current residential conditions on and near Park Royal and Old Oak were integrated into the planning of Old Oak. Each district is meant to have an unique character to achieve a sense of place. For example, the Worker’s Showroom is characterized by a mixed used housing typology offering flats of one or two bedrooms. This typology is studied in section number one of residential streets.


Station Road

Similarly, Channel Gate Living draws from existing townhouse planning and the Car Giant foundation from modern student flat living.

39 ft 1. Typical mixed used residential street. This type of street acts as a high street while addressing residential demand and integrating within the city fabric. The typology was used in the Worker’s Showroom.


55 Goodhall St

2. Townhouse planning is the most common type of housing in London. People who chose to live in these types of homes tend to live there longer periods of times than those who live in small flats or high rises. Therefore, the typology was used in Channel Gate Living to establish a stable population in the area and create a neighborhood that could support both an elementary school and a market place.

42 ft

Existing Residential Conditions

Old Oak Study Area



Shaftesbury Gardens

3. This typology divorces the building from the street and encourages drivable environments rather than walkable ones, therefore it was avoided in the planning of the new Old Oak development.

60 ft 4. Townhouse planning in Old Oak was merged with apartment unit planning and commercial high streets by integrating street sections as shown in section number 2 and section number 4. Section number 4 shows how important trees are in order to create walkable environments, therefore number 4 was the preferred street section in the planning of residential communities in Old Oak.


40 Wells Road

62 ft

Existing Residential Conditions 5 A4000 Road

62 ft


A4000 Road

5. In New Acton, the architecture starts to feel more modern in nature. This is shown throughout the materiality chosen and acceptance of cars driving at higher speeds. These streets are primarily commercial. Components of the typology, such as materiality, mixed used buildings featuring flats, were integrating in the Park Rail Business District.

57 ft

6. Streets to the south of Park Royal display characteristics of suburbanites. Because of the limitations in population density this typology was not used in the development of Old Oak.


26 York Road

75 ft

Existing Residential Conditions

Channel Gate Living Container Unit Module

“To create a residential district by using vacant/open land in way to improve the connectivity between the existing & the upcoming residential development and at the same time provide housing that meets London-wide and Old Oak-Park Royal’s needs.”

1-2 BR Apartment Units


Market Rate Housing: in the formm of apartments, row housing and duplexes for long term leases


3 BR Apartment Units


Above Market Rate High-Rise Apartments and Condos




Affordable efficiency apartments + government subsubuzed housing

Existing Residential 5.2 acres

Housing per Economic Type

total area: 28 acres

Container Housing 2.83 acres

Paddington Hotel

Existing modern use of container module on site.

350 beds

Efficiency Hotel: at the edge of the Grand Canal at Old Oak


in co-living environment

138 rooms

Elementary School


Goodhall Walk


10+ shops

Retail and Services

180+ Hotel Rooms

80+ jobs

1,070+ residents

Courtyard 18’






Container Housing Elementary School

Diagrammatic Section

Row Housing 4.5 acres

Nash House

Retail and Services

7+ shops




Paddington Hotel: Retail

3+ BR Row Houses




Housing Typologies



Land Use

Channel Gate Rd

26% 12%

Green Landscape 4.8 acres

Commercial Area 3.33 acres

Other Areas 7.43 acres

Planning Process Housing Planning Process


The current scenario of the channel gate living district tells us that 60 percent of its 28 acres of land is vacant. There are five industrial warehouses with weak and old construction and henceforth can easily be relocated or can be demolished. An existing residential landscape with row-housing typology located at the beginning of the site would be ideal to combine with the new development to have some shared and common spaces. Adjacent to the site and across the canal is the Nash House, which is a co-living building and consists of innovative and affordable living and working spaces for young professionals. The development would be environmentally friendly using upcycled shipping containers. The main idea is to divide the entire site into Permanent, Semi-permanent, Temporary, and Public Spaces. As the site connects easily to the main road and the Nash House, it gives us an impression to create a well celebrated public space as we enter it. As we go deeper into the site, this shared space will gradually become less chaotic and turn into more private space, making it suitable for the permanent resident to live. Improving the edge condition of the canal will help to connect other districts with different typologies to create everyday activities that would bind all of them together. Overall making the canal the magnet for these districts.

Existing Conditions Nash House

Co-living building, innovative and affordable living and working spaces for young professionals. Built with environmentally friendly, upcycled shipping containers.

Industrial Warehouses

Existing commercial area. Businesses to be relocated as structures are to be demolished.


Existing residential landscape. Row-housing typology.



Space Typology Permanent Residences Quiet residential neighborhood

Semi-permanent Residences

Single and two bedroom apartments with direct access to the canal.

Temporary Residences

Including hotels, and short term efficiency apartments.

Public Space

A combination of bioswale and linear park reaches to the canal and connects all space types within Channel Gate Living

Channel Gate Centre

Center for community engagement.

Planning 3 HousingProcess Typology Duplex Apartments

Planned based on a shipping container


52 Container Compound

Housing Typology


Mixed Structures

Horizontal Addition

Floating Container

Facade Extrusion

Interior Subdivision

Rooftop Addition

Duplex Apartments

Planned based on a shipping container module, creating flexible 1,2 or 3 bedroom units.

Efficiency Flats

Single and two bedroom apartments with direct access to the canal.

Container City, London

Student Housing, Keetwonen, Amsterdam


Two hotels are to be build along the canal edge. One efficiency, affordable hotel and one comfort hotel facing both the canal plaza. PlanningandModule


52.4 ft

39.3 ft Residential: Row-housing

52.4 ft

Extending the existing residential landscape, about 2nd 40% of the site area will be allocated attached single family 16.4 ftto19.6 ft units. 19.6 ft

39.3 ft

52.4 ft



39.3 ft

Construction Frame 52.4 ft 19.6 ft 39.3 ft

16.4 ft

59 ft

19.6 ft

39.3 ft 8.5 ft

17 ft

Planning Process







Channel Gate Elementary 6,280 sqft

Channel Gate Living Channel Courtyard Gate Living: Courtyard Apartment Community: Creating Safe Streets for Children

Site Plan

Residential Focus

Site Plan To understand the relation of the container housing to the site, the placing of the duplex/container apartments is such that it establishes a courtyard in the middle. This space develops safe streets for kids and seniors to move around. This space is a shared space but acts as a private area concerning the site. The housing is well connected to the elementary school. As mentioned the idea is not to just create housing units but to fuse the different function that would allow interaction within and from outside the site boundaries. Elementary school is one amenity but clubbing various amenities with different housing typologies will make more comfortable and livable space. The housing and its amenities connect to the recreation and commercial areas near the canal which creates easy and pleasant access to other neighboring districts. Overall the housing is well linked to each other and fed with amenities, as well as connected to different opportunity areas over Park Royal and Old Oak.

Trolley Bus Line Main Avenue Underground Line Pedestrian Street

Housing Flexibility The development of Channel gate living will highlight four different types of housing- Duplex Apartments, Efficiency Flats, Hotel, and Residential: Row Housing. The duplex apartments are planned based on a shipping container module, creating flexible 1,2 or 3-bedroom units. Efficiency Flats have single and two-bedroom apartments with direct access to the canal. The proposal for the two hotels built along the canal edge will have one that is efficiency, affordable hotel, and other comfort hotel facing both the canal and plaza. The row-housing extends the existing residential landscape. About 40% of the site area will be allocated to attached single family units. Each of these typologies will club with different amenities like groceries stores, an elementary school, common gathering spaces and much more. These amenities will provide facilities to the people living as well as help each of these typologies to interact with each other and not stay isolated.

Park Rail Station

Car Giant Foundation

Industrial Showroom

Hythe Forum

Channel Gate Living




















jobs residents workers



Housing Typologies





Container as a Sustainable Living Unit To keep the character of the place, we intend to make use of the storage containers that are already existing on the site to create the duplex apartments as they are economical, assemble fast and easily, are reusable, withstand the worse weather condition, and are readily available all around the world. Above all, London is well known for making use of containers in diverse ways to create different functions. For example, the Container City “is an innovative modular system that creates affordable accommodation for a range of uses. “the Boxpark Shoreditch is London’s first shopping, and dining mall made completely from shipping containers.” Many other projects use this material to form innovative architectural designs. Containers can be used in many different ways and some most commonly used are container compounds, mixed structures, horizontal addition, floating container, facade extrusion, interior subdivision, and rooftop addition. The idea of using the storage container in the duplex apartment on site is not to create housing units within a single container but to fuse it with a different material forming a flexible frame that would allow change to the containers in the future if required and add more if needed with the increase in area density. Connectivity of each duplex apartment is such that it will allow itself to convert into 3, 2 or 1-bedroom apartments. Flexibility will help to serve different types of users.







China 90%

The low cost of transport has increased the use of containers and accelerated globalization



Of non bulk cargo worldwide is moved by container stacked on transport ship


Innovative Use



Container Architecture Typologies

39.3 ft

Storage Container

16.4 ft

8.5 ft


Roof Plan

39.3 ft

16.4 ft

16.4 ft 16.4 ft


Long Elevation


39.3 ft

16.4 ft


Container Compound

Mixed Structures

Horizontal Addition

Floating Container

Container City, London

Facade Extrusion

Interior Subdivision

Rooftop Addition

Student Housing, Keetwonen, Amsterdam

Planning Module

Materiality 52.4 ft

39.3 ft


52.4 ft

16.4 ft 19.6 ft

19.6 ft 39.3 ft

52.4 ft



39.3 ft

Construction Frame 52.4 ft 19.6 ft 39.3 ft

16.4 ft

59 ft

19.6 ft

39.3 ft 8.5 ft

17 ft




Construction Process




Channel Gate Elementary 6,280 sqft

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