Core Competency Framework Vale of Glamorgan

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is about challenging ourselves to do better and to change where required Myself and how I impact/ Myself, my team and the All about Me influence my peers and team organisation

I do my job to the best of my ability.

I am efficient in the completion of my day-to-day tasks.

I develop myself to be the best in my role.

I reflect on my own work to improve future performance.

I work with resolute integrity.

I am inclusive in my role.

I take responsibility of my own learning and development in line with organisational requirements.

Strong with a Bright Future

I work with my team members to successfully achieve our team goals.

Myself, my team, my organisation and stakeholders

I support and develop a learning culture I build a strong culture of continuous across the organisation, demonstrating learning and knowledge sharing. the importance of undertaking I support my team members to be the compulsory learning. I use effective talent management and best they can be through the sharing of work force planning strategies to learning, knowledge and information. I support improvement, practicing CPD improve organisational capability. to keep my knowledge and skills up to I lead by example and am a role model. date. I innovate to improve services for our service users and driving a commercial I embrace change for the success of I challenge the status quo in order to advantage. drive change in the organisation. myself and the team. I am instrumental in driving the I challenge behaviour which I feel is I lead difficult and complex change performance of the organisation inappropriate in the work place. initiatives, engaging the organisation to forward through change initiatives implement them successfully. demonstrating focus and integrity I motivate each individual to perform to towards my team, the organisation, their full potential. I understand the importance of setting customers and stakeholders. meaning full objectives for my team I am instrumental in supporting my members in line with the Service/Team I use effective talent management and team in required organisational learning Plan. work force planning strategies to and development initiatives. improve organisational capability. I contribute to a culture of inclusivity I understand how my #itsaboutme and a diverse workplace, considering I lead on diversity initiatives in the unique identities and experiences as an knowledge that inclusivity in the objectives contribute to the Service essential as part of a team. Plan/Team Plan. workplace is a key component to the success of the organisation. I promote inclusivity within my team I use the resources in my team (e.g. and throughout the organisation. budget, people, skillset) appropriately and effectively.

The Future

I am strategic when making decisions that impact the long-term success of the organisation.

I identify long term strategies focused on adding value for service users , delivering real, lasting impact beyond the authority. I consider diversity issues and their drivers that will influence the organisation and future strategies, taking action to ensure long term success.





Forward thinking, embracing new ways of working and investing in our future.



Open to different ideas and being accountable for the decisions we take.



Working together as a team that engages with our customers and partners, respects diversity and is committed to quality services.



Proud of the Vale of Glamorgan: proud to serve our communities and to be part of the Vale of Glamorgan Council.


Awareness of how technology is used within the organisation and your responsibilities.


The ability for someone to communicate with another to reach their goal through sharing information and appropriate interaction.


Recognising that we have a shared vision and a common goal, and how working together with our customers will make us successful in achieving this.


is about how we are transparent in our actions, decisions and communications ensuring openness and honesty with our colleagues, customers and communities Myself and how I impact/ Myself, my team and the Myself, my team, my All about Me The Future influence my peers and team organisation organisation and stakeholders

I am honest and consistent in my approach to work.

I am honest, clear and concise when communicating with others to be successful in my role.

I contribute my views for the development of new ideas.

I respect and maintain confidences to build meaningful relationships with my team. I take responsibility for my own performance.

I keep my manager informed of my progress against targets.

I demonstrate the need for privacy and I provide constructive and accurate I demonstrate transparency across the confidentiality when sharing/imparting feedback to my team and others across organisation to gain trust and information in line with legislation. the organisation, for a positive outcome. participation from stakeholders and service users. I am open and honest with my team I am confident to challenge behaviour when things need to be done. which contradicts the core values of the I share my experience, knowledge and organisation. understanding of the wider internal and I promote an environment where my external environment when considering team feel encouraged to challenge and My words and actions are consistent, the overall requirements of the question the status quo. and in line with the values of the organisation, customers and organisation. stakeholders. I recognise the value of feedback and take subsequent action based on the I openly acknowledge mistakes and I openly champion the organisational information received for the success of promptly implement remedial action, in values with trust and integrity, continually the team. collaboration with others across the promoting them with staff, customers organisation. and stakeholders. I listen without judgement, demonstrate respect and openly accept different I demonstrate a good understanding of points of view of my team and others. the organisational core values and adopt them when shaping strategies.

I lead on future change initiatives understanding the complexity of risk, engaging stakeholders through the process and aligning their needs with the overall vision of the Council. I build meaningful relationships with stakeholders and other in order to make long term plans for the future.

I ensure that the organisation remains up to date and at the forefront of local government initiatives.

I promote and share the outlook of the business plans with stakeholders when making strategic decisions for the future of the Council.

I champion the organisational values with trust and integrity building strong collaborative relationships to support the requirements of stakeholders and customers.

I am widely trusted and recognised as a direct and truthful leader through

Strong with a Bright Future Supporting




Forward thinking, embracing new ways of working and investing in our future.



Open to different ideas and being accountable for the decisions we take.



Working together as a team that engages with our customers and partners, respects diversity and is committed to quality services.



Proud of the Vale of Glamorgan: proud to serve our communities and to be part of the Vale of Glamorgan Council.


Awareness of how technology is used within the organisation and your responsibilities.


The ability for someone to communicate with another to reach their goal through sharing information and appropriate interaction.


Recognising that we have a shared vision and a common goal, and how working together with our customers will make us successful in achieving this.


is about the ability of an individual to embrace team work, to share a common goal with colleagues and to work in collaboration with others Myself and how I impact/ Myself, my team and the Myself, my team, my All about Me The Future influence my peers and team organisation organisation and stakeholders

I am a valued member of the team.

I learn from other team members to improve my own performance.

I undertake my fair share of the work of the team to in order to achieve I display a willingness to help others in team success. my team when needed in order to build on the success of the team. I get to know team members/ colleagues and understand their I accept others perspectives, check viewpoints in order for the team to be understanding and accept differences. more successful. I treat the other people in my team I work with others in order to achieve with respect. team goals. I talk positively about the team. I support the work of the team by taking on extra tasks when necessary. I deal with disagreements with colleagues in a positive manner to resolve the issues. I perform tasks outside of my job description for the benefit of team success.

Strong with a Bright Future

I participate in cross functional opportunities that support the corporate goals.

I adapt my management / leadership style to have the best impact on my team, customers and stakeholders.

I am approachable and build strong interpersonal relationships throughout the organisation.

I look for opportunities to collaborate internally and externally to support the corporate strategy.

I collaborate with internal and external partners to achieve better results for service users.

I utilise the experience and expertise of colleagues and stakeholders.

I adapt my approach to the people I I demonstrate the importance of deal with in order to secure a better equality and diversity in the organisation. outcome.

I am confident in resolving conflict at all levels across the organisation and managing a positive outcome.

I make the organisation more cohesive by breaking down boundaries and silos to develop more flexibility between jobs.

I develop strong alliances with colleagues and stakeholders to build support for new ideas in order to achieve long term success of the Council.

I work with internal and external partners to improve strategic equality and diversity outcomes. I pre-empt conflict with disparate groups, address conflict and look to resolve issues before they arise.

I actively build and maintain a network of internal and external contacts.

I build on common ground with disparate groups, address conflict and look to resolve issues for mutual benefit.





Forward thinking, embracing new ways of working and investing in our future.



Open to different ideas and being accountable for the decisions we take.



Working together as a team that engages with our customers and partners, respects diversity and is committed to quality services.



Proud of the Vale of Glamorgan: proud to serve our communities and to be part of the Vale of Glamorgan Council.


Awareness of how technology is used within the organisation and your responsibilities.


The ability for someone to communicate with another to reach their goal through sharing information and appropriate interaction.


Recognising that we have a shared vision and a common goal, and how working together with our customers will make us successful in achieving this.


is about recognising the importance of highly valued and essential public services we provide to communities and individuals and the satisfaction someone gains in carrying out their role to the best of their ability Myself and how I impact/ Myself, my team and the Myself, my team, my All about Me The Future influence my peers and team organisation organisation and stakeholders

I produce high quality work with little I demonstrate a high level of or no errors. commitment and strong work ethic in order to positively affect my own I demonstrate a high level of performance, our customer’s commitment and strong work ethic in expectations and my team’s objectives. order to positively affect my own performance (and our customer’s I talk positively about my team. expectations). I Understand the impact of my own I talk positively about my work. behaviour on people around me.

I demonstrate a high level of commitment and strong work ethic in order to positively affect my own performance, our customer’s expectations, my team’s objectives and the Council's success.

I inspire staff to achieve deadlines, meet budget constraints and exceed expectations to provide the best possible service.

I promote the achievements of the Council with internal and external I instil a sense of pride and purpose into stakeholders. my team through their contributions to I talk positively about the success of the the Team plan and Service plan. organisation with internal and external I am proud to tell others about the I recognise signs of stress in myself and I recognise the signs of stress in myself stakeholders promoting a positive work that I do. the impact that it can have on my team, and others, the impact that it can have representation of the council. and take positive action when on the organisation and take steps to I understand and manage my emotions necessary. reduce its impact. I make informed decisions that positively to ensure a positive impact on my team. affect the Council, its customers and I seek help from others when required I promote initiatives to enhance the stakeholders. I do my job to the best of my ability in order to improve my performance. personal health and wellbeing of staff. demonstrating proficiency in my I actively seek initiatives to enhance the own performance. I provide support and development to I set clear expectations on what I expect personal health and wellbeing of staff as well as with stakeholders and members other team members in order to people to achieve and how I expect of the community. develop their skills. them to behave. I accurately determine my job requirements breaking responsibilities down into smaller tasks and identifying resources needed.

Strong with a Bright Future Communities AMBITIOUS

Forward thinking, embracing new ways of working and investing in our future.

I monitor the progress of individuals, ensuring success of the team and organisation.

I provide feedback, development and coaching where learning needs are identified.



I recognise when improvement is needed in others and provide constructive feedback.

I set and agree goals and objectives that deliver for the wider service area/ organisation/stakeholder.

I Identify and take action on key issues relevant to achieving long-term success of the organisation. I translate legislation, national and regional strategies, into local plans that will deliver objectives at an operational level. I talk positively about the future of the council and the importance of public service in the face of adversity. I make use of internal and external networks to influence opinions s and promote the work of the Council.

I am a visible leader, providing values based leadership when considering organisational strategic decision making for the council.

I consider the impact of my strategic or operational decisions on the wider organisation.

I seek to resolve internal and external demands to achieve the best possible results for service users.

I support strategic objectives and work with stakeholders to implement them in the best interest of service users and the organisation. I am able to demonstrate flexibility to minimise risks to my service and the wider organisation.



Open to different ideas and being accountable for the decisions we take.



Working together as a team that engages with our customers and partners, respects diversity and is committed to quality services.



Proud of the Vale of Glamorgan: proud to serve our communities and to be part of the Vale of Glamorgan Council.


Awareness of how technology is used within the organisation and your responsibilities.


The ability for someone to communicate with another to reach their goal through sharing information and appropriate interaction.


Recognising that we have a shared vision and a common goal, and how working together with our customers will make us successful in achieving this.


is the awareness of how technology is used within the organisation and your responsibilities Myself and how I impact/ Myself, my team and the Myself, my team, my All about Me influence my peers and team organisation organisation and stakeholders

I have a knowledge of IT Packages.

I understand and comply with my organisation’s IT and social media policies and understand the importance of communicating securely.

I use Council systems and packages effectively to help me perform my role within the team.

I understand why I must not share other people’s data online without their consent. I respond to requests for I know that my passwords and personal authentication for my online accounts information need to be kept safely. I can and email. change my password when prompted to do so. I share my understanding with my team on the importance of not sharing I can access and navigate around the personal data in line with GDPR internet to find information that helps regulations. me solve problems. I understand why I must not share I understand that my online activity other people’s data online without their produces a permanent record which consent. I respond to requests for could be accessed by others and used authentication for my online accounts both now and in the future. and email.

I use IT packages to create, integrate and complete spreadsheets or databases for the purpose of data analysis.

I use a detailed knowledge of the capabilities of relevant digital packages that will positively impact the delivery of the Corporate Plan.

I use appropriate software to present information to my team and the organisation.

I collaborate with outside digital bodies to participate in cross functional working to help achieve the best possible outcome for our stakeholders in line with the Corporate Plan.

I communicate in an appropriate way for my team and the organisation by using email, online and collaborative digital tools.

I use online tools to collaborate efficiently providing a more immediate communication to stakeholders and service users to improve the service we provide as an organisation.

I demonstrate my knowledge of I understand the risks and threats I use digital collaboration tools to link in different digital tools in order to involved in carrying out activities online with, share and connect with colleagues improve the productivity of myself, the and the importance of working securely. to enhance the performance of myself team and the organisation. and my team. I ensure all online activity is compliant I use appropriate software, and with the corporate digital policy. applications, to manipulate and analyse data to help my team solve problems for others within the organisation.

Strong Communities with a Bright Future AMBITIOUS

Forward thinking, embracing new ways of working and investing in our future.

I seek out opportunities for digital innovation and implementation which will drive efficient execution of our Corporate Plan.

I engage online with communities and professional groups utilising the connectivity that directly impacts my team, the organisation and our stakeholders. I lead by example on compliance to data privacy laws when making decisions across the organisation.

I identify how digital strategy fits into the Corporate Plan when considering the overall future success of the organisation. I understand how digital advances influence decision making within the organisation and how they will continue to impact on the organisation moving forward.

I predict how digital advances will affect our stakeholders and the organisation when considering the future strategic plans of the business.

I research advances in digital technology when considering the corporate strategy and what the impact and affects it may have on the organisation, stakeholders and service users.

I stay current with latest digital security organisation, stakeholders and customers are protected as we execute our Corporate Plan.

I email documents securely to enhance the amount of information shared that will help the overall performance of the team.



I collaborate with relevant digital leads to develop solutions when considering the business needs for the future.

The Future

I ensure that my team are aware of the risks associated with online activity.



Open to different ideas and being accountable for the decisions we take.



Working together as a team that engages with our customers and partners, respects diversity and is committed to quality services.



Proud of the Vale of Glamorgan: proud to serve our communities and to be part of the Vale of Glamorgan Council.


Awareness of how technology is used within the organisation and your responsibilities.


The ability for someone to communicate with another to reach their goal through sharing information and appropriate interaction.


Recognising that we have a shared vision and a common goal, and how working together with our customers will make us successful in achieving this.


is about the ability for someone to communicate with another to reach their goal through sharing information and appropriate interaction Myself and how I impact/ Myself, my team and the Myself, my team, my All about Me The Future influence my peers and team organisation organisation and stakeholders

I listen to and act upon information I process information I receive or given to me by colleagues, customers generate and provide it to my peers or or managers in order to do my job. members of my team in an appropriate way. I do what I say I will. I engage in collaborative team working I share appropriate information with within my own team and across the colleagues, customers or managers to department. help them do their job effectively. I plan and deliver oral and written I communicate effectively with others communication to make an impact and using positive and appropriate persuade others as appropriate. terminology, tone and pace and body I adapt my communication style to language. different groups of people, distinguishing I am comfortable working with people between customers and colleagues. in order to achieve success my role. I'm a team player, who fosters morale in order for the team to be successful. I understand how my communication style can impact on others in either a I respect and value other people’s positive or negative way. views. I try to understand what’s important to them. I listen actively to others.

I seek and use feedback from others in order to achieve success my role.

I recognise and fully support diversity and cultural differences within the organisation.

Strong Communities with a Bright Future Supporting



Forward thinking, embracing new ways of working and investing in our future.

I communicate the Service Plan and Team Plan to my team, in order for them to understand how they contribute to the wider organisation.

I actively build and maintain a network of colleagues and contacts in order to be successful in my role.

I can create business plans to improve my service area in line with the overall organisation goals.

I demonstrate a good understanding of the organisation’s business strategy, targets and performance and use it to shape communication strategies, plans and resources. I share the information I hold to a wide range of people, presenting facts, options, and choices, to enable them to make an informed decision.

I review my communication approach regularly to ensure engagement across I communicate at all levels of the teams/sections/Directorates/the organisation in an appropriate manner, Council/stakeholders and adapt as using the right tone, level of transparency, appropriate. language and body language. I communicate appropriate information I work collaboratively across the in a professional manner with relevant organisation, in order to achieve the internal and external stakeholders (e.g. Corporate Plan/Service Plan goals. UHB, third sector partners, WG, etc).

I am passionate about the Councils Vision and communicate it in a way which is appropriate to everyone.

I understand the long term requirements of stakeholders, and engage with them to create a successful vision of the future for the Council. I anticipate future developments or issues and communicate to others to ensure the future strategic vision is upheld.

I understand how the organisation can develop stronger business relationships in a rapidly moving economic environment by proactively managing communications and looking for different challenges.

I use my influencing and negotiating skills I actively engage internal and external to gain agreement for proposals for stakeholders (e.g. UHB, third sector future improvement of my department partners, WG, etc) in order to improve the service my area offers to its I am confident and competent working customers (internal and external). with people at all levels within the organisation, including CMT and Elected I use my Influencing and negotiation skills Members. to secure stakeholder buy in (e.g. grant funding). I demonstrate the importance of I influence others inside and outside the personal impact. I am aware of how organisation to gain participation in the others perceive me, and manage my future vision of the Council. performance to reflect this. I use my network of contacts to I build strong relationships throughout the organisation influencing those I work maintain a good understanding of the needs of the Council, my team and with. customers.



Open to different ideas and being accountable for the decisions we take.



Working together as a team that engages with our customers and partners, respects diversity and is committed to quality services.



Proud of the Vale of Glamorgan: proud to serve our communities and to be part of the Vale of Glamorgan Council.


Awareness of how technology is used within the organisation and your responsibilities.


The ability for someone to communicate with another to reach their goal through sharing information and appropriate interaction.


Recognising that we have a shared vision and a common goal, and how working together with our customers will make us successful in achieving this.


is about recognising that we have a shared vision and a common goal, and how working together with our internal and external customers will make us successful in achieving this Myself and how I impact/ Myself, my team and the Myself, my team, my All about Me The Future influence my peers and team organisation organisation and stakeholders I focus on the needs and requirements of the customer.

I provide a high level of customer service at all times.

I understand my service area, in order to provide the best service for the customer.

I am clear about the expectations for myself and my team to deliver an excellent customer experience. I work with my team to deliver an excellent customer experience.

I anticipate the ongoing expectations I am instrumental in creating an customers have of my service area and organisation wide culture of delivering the organisation in order to improve the excellent customer service. customer experience. I adapt services and systems to meet I challenge existing ways of working and customers’ needs, identifying ways of empower others to meet customer improving standards for the organisation expectations. and stakeholders.

I regularly review the customer service myself and my team deliver, in order to I review existing customer service level make improvements. I provide the correct information and agreements and based on customer I work with my team to deliver on advice to my customers about my feedback and other data make achievable promises made to service area. necessary improvements. customers. I make realistic promises to customers We regularly review our processes, and deliver on them. policies and procedures to improve the I manage myself and the team, and develop plans to take account of customer experience. I take ownership of customer issues and problems, delays and priorities that ensure they are followed up with a impact customers. suitable outcome.

Strong with a Bright Future

I look for opportunities to collaborate with stakeholders to improve the customers services.

I anticipate customer needs, develop new and innovative options to meet changing requirements of the organisation.

I consider customers when making strategic decisions that impact the longer term success of the organisation. I forecast the necessary resource allocation that will meet future customer needs and expectations.

I ensure the customer is the focus of when devising the Corporate Plan and considering how to improve services for the future.





Forward thinking, embracing new ways of working and investing in our future.



Open to different ideas and being accountable for the decisions we take.



Working together as a team that engages with our customers and partners, respects diversity and is committed to quality services.



Proud of the Vale of Glamorgan: proud to serve our communities and to be part of the Vale of Glamorgan Council.


Awareness of how technology is used within the organisation and your responsibilities.


The ability for someone to communicate with another to reach their goal through sharing information and appropriate interaction.


Recognising that we have a shared vision and a common goal, and how working together with our customers will make us successful in achieving this.

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