Growing ALOUD

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Growing ALOUD




Table of Contents Mission Statement ............................................................................................................................. 3 S.W.O.T. ............................................................................................................................................ 4 Research Findings……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5 Objectives & Tactics………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18 Evaluation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………26 Recommendations…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….29 Appendices………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………30


Mission Statement Dallas Council's mission: "To reduce the incidence and impact of underage and dangerous drinking in Dallas County." ALOUD does not have a current mission statement. The client feels strongly about getting youth involved to write a mission statement specifically for ALOUD with the guidance and support of coalition leadership. Creating a mission statement helps keep the organization focused on setting and meeting goals. A mission statement captures the organizations goals and philosophies. It should reflect the client’s niche market of underage students and set you apart from other organizations.

Recommendation for ALOUD: "To partner with Dallas county students to prevent underage drinking in the community." This statement is short and to the point. It captures the aspect of student involvement while working to prevent the dangers of underage drinking in the Dallas community. It is a simple statement that shows what the organization does.


S.W.O.T.     

Strengths Part of the Dallas Council, a major alcohol and substance prevention center in Dallas o strong search engine optimization Motivate students through Buzz Freed campaign with prom attire Working relationship with the department of public safety in Dallas Worked with 3 schools ( JJ Pearce, Thomas Jefferson, Highland Park ) Received Community Coalition Partnership Grant

    

Opportunities   

 Located in a fast-growing city Plethora of social media sites to reach teens Secondary research shows there is an increase in stricter alcohol-related laws and practices in the Dallas area ( e_drinking_laws.asp)


     

Weaknesses Small budget: o Educational supplies: $3000 o Printing/Artwork: $4000 o Billboards/Offsite Rent: $7000 Only one social media website Regularity of website posts o ALOUD has weak SEO Lack of content on website Lack of youth involvement with ALOUD Limited number of volunteers

Threats Promotion of drinking on social media sites, like the chive Promotion that drinking is "cool" through advertisements on TV and billboards throughout Dallas Social norms on underage drinking Access of youth to alcohol from adults Lack of family involvement in youth High number of liquor stores Promotion of drinking from restaurants in the Dallas area

Research Findings Background ALOUD is an underage drinking prevention group that started in 1999. The initial program struggled to receive funding. From 1999 to 2009, ALOUD contended with forming an effective program, and was taken over by the Dallas Area Drug Prevention Partnership. Currently, the organization focuses on impacting college and high school students with the help of an involved community. It works under the Dallas Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse. The organization receives help from 12 community sectors, including youth, parents, businesses, media, school, higher education, youth serving organizations, law enforcement, religious & fraternal organizations, civic & volunteer groups, healthcare professionals and other organizations involved in reducing substance abuse. Qualitative research conducted by one, 30-minute interview with client, ALOUD: 

  

   

Receives funding through grants: o Provided by the Texas Department of State Health Services for the campaign through a Community Coalition Partnership (CCP) grant Receives the same amount of the grant award based on the proposal for the current cycle Can seek other grant proposals (discretionary funds, foundations, etc.) that are continuously available if there is a genuine need or willingness from the community to participate Budget for the campaign is: o Educational supplies: $3000 o Printing/artwork: $4000 o Billboards/offsite rent: $7000 Run by one staff member and 20 coalition volunteers o Predominantly adults, with little to no participation from students Go into schools, host events, and give out materials to try to communicate the effects of underage drinking Believes the best way to get the message to students is by having students talk to other students Discovered students affected more if there was a recent alcoholic tragedy at the school


Financial Statement for 2014

Primary research conducted on ALOUD discovered from e-mail interview with client: 

  

Lack of youth involvement is caused from a communication set back from the organization o Having no youth helping ALOUD makes it hard for ALOUD to understand their targeted market o Client wants to work on the issue by having more students from Dallas County help Keeping student volunteers is problematic over time because students eventually graduate and move on Lack of volunteers, interns and staff affects the company because it relies on community involvement to complete its mission and receive grant funding Youth will be more receptive to a message from the speaker if they have the same ethnic makeup, age, and gender


( This graphic shows some communication barriers that ALOUD may run into. It lists different barriers that might cause ALOUD’s audience not to receive the message ALOUD is trying to send. As stated earlier, youth is more receptive to a message if they have the same age, gender and ethnic make-u. ALOUD also needs to take into consideration the barriers on this graphic when sending out and receiving a message.


Content Analysis of Social Media The following is an analysis of:  

Secondary research shows that social media is: (        

Important for businesses Important to know what tools are best to use for measurement Increases brand recognition Increases inbound traffic Decreases marketing costs Better increases SEO rankings Improved customer insights Richer customer experience

Primary research conducted from current social media sites by examining current social media: *See appendix I for how social media was examined

Facebook Strengths

  


   


Daily posts to the page Pictures with each post, which is good for the audience to see ALOUD posts the same posts that The Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse posts Little engagement from the audience on posts that are posted Small number of likes Did not reach a lot of people 0 shares

 

 

 *See appendix I for how research was conducted 8

Followers of the account are from different organizations across the Metroplex. Tweets are sent out daily

Sent tweets are links from Facebook, meaning the tweets are a condensed version of what was posted to Facebook. Instead of linking back to Facebook, there needs to be original tweets and new content. Tweets do not gain any attraction because they are links and not original tweets Posts would not gain favorites or re-tweets because they are just links to articles from the Facebook page. No twitter account for ALOUD

Content Analysis of Website Analysis of: 

Secondary research shows: In order to achieve successful social and website marketing and advertising the website must:            

Determine purpose of website Install website analytics program to monitor audience Target the audience correctly Target the audience demographics correctly Display content aimed at the target audience Create positive viewing experience for target audience Enhance brand awareness Improve communication and feedback system Provide up-to-date information List a clear display of goals on the website Provide interactive media Improve operational efficiency

Research recommendations found at (, , )

Picture found at:


Primary research of website: Primary research conducted from the ALOUD website by Brianna Kessler on March 1, 2015: *See appendix II for how research was conducted Primary and secondary research of organizations website concluded the following: Strengths of website  Displayed clear goal on home page  Provided some contact information  Listed substance abuse hotline number  Provided link from the website to the ALOUD website  Listed services provided by organization  Displayed goal in English and Spanish  Provided Facebook link

Goal/opportunity of website  Inform the audience of upcoming and past events  Provide mission statement  Provide goal  Gain more involvement and participation  Create awareness  Create leadership opportunities to youth  Advertise incentives to attract members  Get donations  Get volunteers

Weaknesses of website  Unclear target audience  Unclear audience demographics  No website analytics  No online forums provided to allow a visitor to get involved, sign up, or have more information sent to them via mail or email  No link to the  No bulleted lists  No outside links to find out about the organizational leaders of this program  Not enough graphics  No video or audio  No media relations tab  Unappealing color scheme  Provided no additional information about the services  No information about successful PR campaigns  Failed to utilize the calendar  Only one social media site link  No resources listed  No affiliations listed Threats  (  Websites that encourage drinking  More appealing websites with same goal, such as,


Conclusion from research was based off the following websites:     


Reputation The campaign should improve reputation for ALOUD. The goal for the organization is to become known as a place for students to come and share their stories and get help. Instead of an organization that focuses on adults communicating to students, ALOUD should focus on increasing reputation among high school students, which will give ALOUD a name that students easily recognize. Primary Research on current reputation:

Secondary Research on effective reputation:

(Search done online, looking for ALOUD or Dallas Council in newspaper articles, looked under Google reviews and for any reviews)  Not pronounced through social media, online and media relations  No reviews or comments made online  Reputation from the Buzz Freed program. o The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council announced it would be partnering with The Dallas Council on providing prom dresses and tuxedos to students who participate in the Buzz Freed program. o An article was done on this on April 1, 2015 for Lufkin Daily News.  Nothing about ALOUD is in the media



 

Drives success through donations, relationships, attendance Be pronounced online through social media, website development, and analyzed by Google analytics

Competition Some competition/publics in Dallas include the Dallas Challenge Inc. and the Dallas Area Drug Prevention Partnership. Primary research was conducted on the competition to discover what they were doing within their organization: Our research consisted of looking at other competitive websites. We looked at their missions, programs they provide, and how they executed their mission and goals. Through the research we found examples to follow and mistakes to avoid. 

The Dallas Challenge Inc. has programs that focus on drug and alcohol prevention, education, intervention, and outpatient treatment. The program also provides family education and hosts activities/events. The Dallas Challenge Inc. runs a program called The Lasting Connection (TLC) program. This program is specifically for schools and community centers. The goal is to help students bond with their parents, increase communication, learn how to say no to alcohol, learn how to set limits and appropriate consequences, and the difference between responsibility and independence. o The Dallas Challenge has more involvement with family than the Council. The Dallas Challenge puts a lot of focus on developing relationships between students and parents.

The Dallas Area Drug Prevention has partnered with the Council in the past. Dallas Area Drug Prevention has partnered with the Council for the Buzzfree PROMises dress/tux giveaway event. The Dallas Area Drug Prevention goals are to limit youth access to substances, change the culture and contexts within which decisions about substances are made, and reduce the prevalence of negative consequences associated with substance abuse. o

The Dallas Area Drug Prevention program shares the same goal as ALOUD by aiming to stop drug and alcohol abuse. The difference is how each organization approaches the goal. Dallas Area Drug Prevention works on activities and assemblies in and outside of school. ALOUD’s main focus is to build up peer organizations within Dallas area schools.

(Competition was found through an Internet search of alcohol prevention programs in Dallas)


Competitive Environment Secondary research done on competitive environments: (

Technological Environment  Prominent use of technology in youth's lives  Constantly providing information because people have multiple electronic devices  Applications on devices, like the Chive, often promote drinking by displaying a 'cool factor' into getting drunk.

Cultural Environment  Mass media, including movies, television shows, and radio programs that show characters getting drunk.  Billboards and other forms of alcohol advertisement vehicles also promote alcohol as a tasty drink.

Demographic Environment  Almost half of the families within the Dallas area have an international background ( 819000.html).  Encouragement or allowing underage drinking from international parents because it is not seen as problem in their country.

Economic Environment  If the price of alcohol is lower, the more people will drink.  Specials on drink price, kegs, and other sources of low-priced alcohol encourage binge drinking and intoxication. (  A sizable chunk of the state's general revenue — $635 million — in 2010 came from the mixed beverage tax. In terms of total revenue, the top five grossing counties in order of population size are Harris, Dallas, Tarrant, Bexar and Travis. Harris County alone raked in more than $135 million from the sale of mixed drinks. ( holic-drinks-bring-in-revenue-county-bycounty/)


Major Publics ALOUD has a large public because it is established in a city that is fast-growing and constantly changing. Through secondary research we discovered the different types of publics ALOUD has. By conducting an internet research, we were able to find the major publics. We examined over 20 different websites and determined how the different websites’ audience and organization could relate to ALOUD. After searching through each individual site, we were able to find what organizations are ALOUD’s major publics. Limiters: The majority of limiter publics are rehab centers rather than prevention programs. The audiences of many of the publics are people who are already in need of help, family and friends of those who need help, and volunteers for people who can help with the different organizations and business. 

    Its audience is specifically youth. It already has a plan of action taking place to speak to the students. The difference between and ALOUD is that ALOUD is a long term commitment of students wanting to make a change with one another. Where is an organization of adults trying to change students. ALOUD can offer many of these publics an opportunity for direct contact with high school students. a national organization that works with creating funding and awareness for teens to stay out of trouble with substance abuse. An organization that serves those who struggle with substance abuse. Puts on activities and meetings to help keep Dallas drug free. Its target is not just teens but all people in Dallas; however, it does have events and things just for youth. an organization in Dallas that host school assemblies and has a peer-to-peer organization as well and is very proportionate in the Dallas area.

Enablers: 

SADD: an organization for students against destructive decisions. This organization is a potential partner for ALOUD  MADD: mothers against drunk driving, another potential partner  The government: enables ALOUD because they set the laws against underage drinking. Mike Rawlings is the current mayor of Dallas, and his website does not show any support for fighting underage drinking. However, he does want to promote a better community, and has done events to help prevent domestic abuse. He is a potential opinion leader for the Dallas area. Producers:  

The Dallas Council: this organization is the leading force for ALOUD. It provides the staffing and resources for the program to function. Texas Department of State Health Services: provides ALOUD with funding through grants

Customers: 

Dallas schools: High schools located in the Dallas area are going to be ALOUD's biggest customer. They allow ALOUD to seek out teens in an environment they are already used to. It 15

also can involve students through out-of-school programs. Currently, J.J. Pearce High School, Highland Park High School, and Thomas Jefferson High School are customers. Potential customers can come by expanding into other high schools in the Dallas area. 

Texas colleges and universities: While some universities are primary customers, most universities will be secondary customers. Since some high school students go on to colleges and universities, the college and universities are receiving ALOUD’s initial customer.


Audience Generation Z:   

Anyone younger than 18, which makes up more than a quarter of the United States population. Grew up in a time when many family members may have been unemployed and money was tight, so they are resourceful and entrepreneurial. Characterized by: o being experiential o self-broadcasting o passion pointed o having authenticity towards strangers o being non-committal Generation Z and Millennials are often put into the same category, mostly because they are so close in age. There are distinct differences that must be recognized.

(Source: Meet Generation Z: Forget Everything You Learned About Millennials, by Sparks & Honey)

Benefit Statement ALOUD reduces the amount of underage drinking within the Dallas area by community involvement, especially among the youth.


Objectives & Tactics Campaign goal 

Increase ALOUD’s number of staff member to improve the organization’s communication efforts.

Impact objectives Our research has shown that ALOUD can improve in communication and marketing by adding one paid position and two internship positions because the current goals and strategies of the organization are hard to reach with the limited number of staff the organization currently has.  

To create one paid communications specialist position for ALOUD within one year from the start of the campaign to help increase awareness of ALOUD by 5 percent within Dallas County. To create a public health internship for ALOUD within one year from the start of the campaign to help increase the amount of student volunteers by 5 members among the Dallas Independent School District. To create a communications internship position for ALOUD within one year from the start of the campaign to help work with the communications specialist to increase awareness of ALOUD by 5 percent within Dallas County.

Strategy 

Theme o Proactive action strategy to create a communications specialist position in one year. o Proactive action strategy to create an unpaid a public health internship in one year. o Proactive action strategy to create an unpaid a communications internship in one year. Target Publics o Communications Specialist: College graduates or unemployed adults within 50 miles of the Dallas Council who have at least a bachelor’s degree in:  Marketing  Mass Communications  Advertising  Public relations o Public Health Internship: College students within 30 miles of the Dallas Council who are working to obtain a bachelor’s degree (juniors or seniors), a master’s or doctoral degree in:  Public health  Psychology o Communications Internship: College students within 30 miles of the Dallas Council who are working to obtain a bachelor’s degree (juniors or seniors), a master’s or doctoral degree in:  Marketing  Mass Communications 18

 

Advertising Public relations

*See appendix IV for job descriptions  

Time needed: 1 year Personnel needed: One member of the ALOUD program who will create the position by: o Writing job descriptions o Balancing a budget for positions o Posting jobs online and in print o Interviewing applicants o Training the new employees Money needed: o To create the paid communications specialist position, it is recommended that a $35,000 salary be provided for the position based on research of other communications specialist job titles within the Dallas area. ( o Internships will not be paid, but client could offer benefits such as:  College experience  Build portfolio  Hands-on experiences  Exposure to non-profit work  Stipends o Resources such as:  3 Computers  3 Desks  3 Chairs  Offices or cubicles  Handbooks  Office supplies for communications specialist and interns (see budget below) Possible effect on groups other than target public: o The Dallas Council affected by having to provide resources for new position


Budget 

This budget includes the yearly salary of the communications specialist. If the client cannot afford to pay the salary of a communications specialist, the total budget will be $4,870.97. This includes not having as many office supplies within the budget. Item: Yearly Salary(Communications Specialist) 3 Desks 2 Computers (Desktops) 2 Staplers Pens Pencils Paper Paper clips Printer/scanner/copier Dry Erase Markers Dry Erase Boards 2 Paper trays Creative Cloud Suite 6 Microsoft Office 2013 Standard- Business Edition Online Job Advertisements *see appendix III for cost breakdown Job Advertisement Flyers *see appendix III for cost breakdown

Cost: $ 35,000.00 $ 600.00 $ 3,600.00 $ 18.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 100.00 $ 10.00 $ 60.00 $ 7.00 $ 25.00 $ 40.00 $ 950.00 $ 249.97 $ 3,815.00

Total Cost:

$ 45,004.97



Prices for office materials found on Non-profit creative cloud suite 6 price found at:


Testing 

Research needed o Examining similar positions job descriptions  What kind of skills would ALOUD want the positions to have?  What specific things would the positions do to help ALOUD? o Collecting primary research on current communication and public health strategies o Collecting primary research on communication and public health strategies after one year of the employee starting to see if goals have been met How this will be done o Visit competitor websites and job postings to view job descriptions o Look at last two years of communication and public health strategies used and measure effectiveness 20


Did the previous communication and public health strategies from ALOUD satisfy a goal?  What was done well?  What needs improvement?  What kind of things will the new employee and interns need to work on? Examine primary research conducted after one year after campaign to see if campaign was successful by measuring success of goals.

Communication plan o

Before posting job  Distribute flyers and post on career boards at colleges and universities

        

TCU UTA UTD Texas Wesleyan University Tarleton State University Dallas Baptist University Southern Methodist University University of North Texas Texas Woman's University

(These universities were selected because they are major universities within 50 miles of the Dallas Council. They offer classes and training to fit with each of the specific positions, so training the new employees will be easier for ALOUD.)  Colleges: UTA TCU Texas Woman's University UTD Tarleton State University Dallas Baptist University UNT Texas Wesleyan University

Create a media contact list of places you want to advertise the new position:

Phone: (817) 272-2932 (817) 257-2222 (940) 898-2950 (972) 883-2943 (254) 968-9078 (214) 333-5556 (940) 565-2105 (817) 531-6512




Media: Dallas Morning News PRSA DFW Communicators

Phone: (214) 977-8222 (212) 460-1400 none




During posting of job:


 Post jobs to places on media list  Keep in contact with media to ensure listing is accurate and up-to-date When employees are hired:  Post new employee and intern information on website after hired.  Who are they?  What do they do at ALOUD?  What position do they hold?  What goals do they want to achieve for ALOUD?  Post links to the website biography of new employee and interns on social media *See appendix V for biography examples

Calendar: May 2015

June 2015

July 2015

August 2015

Plan/ Research positions

November 2015  

Post all positions Go through applications

Research for positions Create media list

December 2015  Conduct interviews

Post comm. specialist position

January 2015  Train employee *See training schedule in appendix VI


Post comm. specialist position  Look at current applications February 2016 

Train employee *See training schedule in appendix VI

September 2015  Post all positions  Look at current applications

October 2015

March 2016

April 2016

Post employee biography on website

 

Post all positions Look at current applications

Employee does communicatio n strategies for alcohol awareness month

Justification Communications Specialist: Creating this position will help ALOUD in its long-term goals. Primary research done during a 30 minute interview with the client has shown that one of the main issues facing ALOUD is not having enough staff. By creating this position, it will give the employee who goes out to schools and advocates for ALOUD more time to focus on student relationships outside the organization. Having a communications specialist will allow ALOUD to have an employee who focuses on building relationships with the public through marketing, social media and advertising. This employee will have the ability to market an event while the other employee creates and manages the event. This position will also allow help in managing future interns and provide informed decisions on communication strategies to attract middle school and high school students. Public Health Intern: Creating this position will help ALOUD in its long-term goals. Primary research done during a 30 minute interview with the client has shown that one of the main issues facing ALOUD is not having enough staff. By creating this position, it will give the employee who goes out to schools and advocates for ALOUD more time to focus on student relationships outside the organization. The public health intern can help collect and analyze data, plan and conduct public health studies, work in conjunction with other programs. Communications Intern: Creating this position will help ALOUD in its long-term goals. Primary research done during a 30 minute interview with the client has shown that one of the main issues facing ALOUD is not having enough staff. By creating this position, it will give the employee who goes out to schools and advocates for ALOUD more time to focus on student relationships outside the organization. The communications intern will help the communications specialist with day-to-day tasks such as media relations, social media updates, and event planning and organization. The intern can also help develop new ideas and revamp old ones.


Output Objectives:   

To create internship job flyer handout To create internship job board posting document To create biography of new employee and internships for company website

Flyers and Job board documents: *see appendix VII for flyers o Communications Specialist  Seeking Non-Profit Communications Specialist  Qualifications: o Bachelor’s degree in:    

o Skills:    

Marketing Mass Communications Advertising Public relations

Event Planning Social Media Media Relations Marketing for non-profit organizations

o Internships  Non-Profit Internship opportunity Looking for  Communications intern who is a senior or junior in: o Marketing o Mass Communications o Advertising o Public Relations  Public health intern who is a senior or junior in: o Public Health o Psychology  Benefits for both interns include: o Receive school credit o Get hands-on experience o Build your portfolio o Help others


List of where the positions can be advertised:

UTA TCU Texas Woman's UTD Tarleton DBU UNT Texas Wesleyan Dallas Morning News PRSA Dallas Communicators

Communications Specialist x x x x x x x x x x x

Communications Intern x x x x x


Public Health Intern x x

x x

x x

x x

x x

Evaluation 

How to measure student volunteers gathered by public health intern: This is important because the goals of the public health intern is to help the client get volunteers. This also helps evaluate the main goals of ALOUD. o



Before campaign  Current student volunteers total 0 (as stated in the primary research from the interview with the client) During March 2016, one month after new employees are trained and one month before campaign ends  Count the number of applications  Count the number of trained student volunteers After campaign  Count the number of trained student volunteers  Count the total number of hours worked by student volunteers  Averaging the amount of money saved for ALOUD by having volunteers can be done with the following equation: (Total hours worked x state minimum wage = amount of money saved by having volunteers)

How to measure the success of new events established by the organization after one year from the ending of campaign: This is important because it measures the events marketed by both the communications specialist and communications intern, as well as the performance of the event. It will also measure the public health’s intern goal of trying to get more students involved with ALOUD. o


Before campaign  Current event (as stated in the primary research from the interview with the client):  BuzzFree PROMises o Count amount of current pledges After campaign  Count number of new events created  Measure attendants  Have sign-in sheet  Measure number of new pledges

How to measure the success of the training week- to be done Friday of training week This is important to make sure the employees are thoroughly trained and prepared for the position. It will help ALOUD make adjustments to future training as well.



Test knowledge of organization by giving new employees a post-training week test that should include questions about:  The mission  The goal  ALOUD’s policies  Individual responsibilities  Office structure  Policies of partnering schools


Compose post-training week survey to give to employees to gather qualitative information about training week from employees, which will ask:  The effectiveness of training week on a scale of 1-10  If training helped them answer the post-training test questions  How to make training week more effective  If employee feels prepared to do the tasks

How to measure the effectiveness of social media Social media is something that barley exist currently. Our goal is to increase these sites traffic tremendously through the creation of the communication specialist and intern positions. Measuring the effectiveness of social media will help determine if the communications specialist and intern are maintain the goals of the campaign. o o


Before the campaign:  The current amount of social media has very limited amount 318 likes on Facebook During March, April and May 2016:  Twitter account will need to set up  Count the number of posts shared or liked  Count the number of followers and likes on Facebook and Twitter After the campaign:  Count the number of posts shared or liked  Count the number of followers and likes on Facebook and Twitter  Measure the traffic of the sites on a month to month base  Go to insights on Facebook and Twitter to see posts reach, pages liked and engagement

 How to measure the amount of awareness after the positions are filled These new positions will help ALOUD with its awareness after they are filled. It is important to measure the time before, during and after these positions are filled for the future o

Before campaign:  There are no positions that have been created  Researched what was the budget to hire  Have people heard of these positions? 27



During December 2015- February 2016:  Measure results against stated objectives  Determine observable impact  Document resources and efforts After campaign:  Did the organization achieve its objectives?  Were the positions filled within budget?

How to measure media awareness before and after This is important to know because awareness about ALOUD will increase volunteers, as well as money for fundraising. o



Before campaign:  Have people heard about ALOUD  What was known about Organization  Was there good SEO During December 2015- December 2016:  Measure results against stated objectives  Determine observable impact  Document resources and efforts After campaign:  Did they reach desired audiences?  Did the audience understand message


Recommendations Social Media:   

Have someone constantly monitoring all social media sites Have someone who knows what they are doing take the lead to bring ALOUD’s mission online Measure the traffic of the sites on a month to month base o Go to insights on Facebook to see posts reach, pages liked and engagement

Website: Creating a more interactive and higher SEO website will help draw attention to ALOUD.   

Monitor search engine optimization so that people can use a google search and easily find you o Create tags on website Use WordPress platform to easily create the website Place more graphics, photos and videos to make website more interactive

Board of Trustees: By creating a board of trustees, ALOUD can have help funding and managing the organization.  

Campaign for a board of trustees from local Dallas City Officials Seek influential political leaders, doctors, lawyers and school boards that can be members


Appendices Appendix I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 31 Primary research conducted from ALOUD social media sites: Appendix II ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……32 Primary research conducted from the ALOUD website Appendix III …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………. 33 Online Job Advertisements cost breakdow1 Job Advertisement Flyers cost breakdown Appendix IV ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 34 Communication specialist job description Public health Internship job description Communications Intern job description Appendix V ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………... 37 Biography example 1 Biography example 2 Biography example 3 Biography example 4 Appendix VI ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..41 Employee training schedule Employee training schedule

Appendix VII ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 43 Public Health internship flyer Communications Internship flyer


Appendix I Content Analysis of social media

Content Analysis of social media Melanie Mondoy conducted research on March 23, 2015. Mondoy examined ALOUD and Dallas Council social media using research recommendation and personal knowledge. How social media was analyzed Research current social media sites o Facebook o Twitter How social media was analyzed: Visited social media sites and looked for the following       

How many likes were on Dallas Council and ALOUD How many followers were on Dallas Council What type of content was on Facebook? How many people did the posts reach? How many people like the posts? What are the tweets that are beings sent? Are there any hashtags that have been used for Dallas Council or ALOUD


Appendix II Content Analysis of Website

Content Analysis of Website Brianna Kessler conducted primary research on March 1, 2015. Kessler examined ALOUD website using Research recommendations and personal knowledge. How website was analyzed: 1. Before website was analyzed o Researched key factors and indicators of a successful website (, , ) o Researched successful non-profit organizations website on to compare. o Researched similar nonprofit organizations website on to compare. o Visited The Dallas Council's website. 2. After research was conducted Visited organization website and looked for the following:  Was there a visible, clear, and concise mission statement  Was there a visible, clear, and concise list of goals  Was there a visible, clear, and concise list contact list  Was there a visible, clear, and concise media list  Was there different language options  What types of graphics were used and were they geared at specific audience or demographic  What types of audio content was available and was it geared at specific audience or demographic  What types of video content was available and was it geared at specific audience or demographic  What types of color scheme was used and was it geared at specific audience  What types of social media links were available and was it geared at specific audience or demographic


Appendix III Online Job Advertisements & Flyers cost breakdown

Online Job Advertisements cost breakdown Flyer Budget 

Fed Ex printing prices o Full Page Print  50 – $29.99  100 – $59.99  250 – $149.99  500 – $289.99  1,000 – $579.99

Communications Intern 35 prints

Health Intern 35 prints

Communication specialist 35 prints

x 7 schools TOTAL: 245 prints

x 4 schools TOTAL: 140 prints

x 8 schools TOTAL: 280 prints

TOTAL: 665 prints = Approx. cost is $500.00

Online postings o PRSA (pricing source)  Internship ads  30 days = $100 x 2 internships= $200 o Job posting for 5 months = TOTAL: $1,000

Communication Specialist ad  30 days = $350 o Job posting for 5 months = TOTAL: $1,750 **$100 savings per month if PRSA member**

o Dallas Morning News  Communication Specialist ad  60 days of online advertising = $385.000 o Job posting for 150 days = TOTAL: $1,065


Appendix IV Communication specialist job description

Communication Specialist Description: Responsible for coordinating the communications output within a company. Creates and delivers emails, direct mail, brochures, newsletters and other publications. Responsibilities:                   

Create company literature and other forms of communication. Create marketing promotion materials both print and electronic. Work with advertisers for timely and usable submissions Copyedit, proofread, and revise communications Recommend, implement, and maintain site design and operation Design, and launch email marketing campaign Plan and deliver education courses and materials Work with manager and business units to determine event budget and manage expenses to that budget Promote services and products through Public Relation initiatives. Develop marketing- communications campaigns Create thought leadership materials Create and deliver press releases, media relations content. Develop fresh materials Conduct extensive media outreach Prepare agendas conduct research Coordinate scheduling and logistics Draft and send press releases that contain important updates about their clients to print and broadcast media outlets. Organize events at which clients can meet with the public to increase product awareness or knowledge of their services or recent developments Proposing and managing advertising on their behalf of their clients included in the job description

Qualifications:   

Bachelor’s in Marketing, Mass Communications, Advertising, Public Relations Must have 3 years of related job experience 3 references


Appendix IV Public health Intern job description

Public Health Intern Description: Non-profit organization is looking for a public health intern to join our team. This internship will include data entry as well as assisting in public health initiatives. Responsibilities:       

Assist with program development including: developing reports, monitoring and evaluation; training modules and development; operational research Data entry and reviews of ongoing health program activities, work plans, and goal achievements Assist with public health and international development research Participate as an active member of grant writing teams Data entry and review for financial reporting of health programs Assist with program development and proposal development and submission as needed Prepare marketing materials for volunteer program as needed

Requirements: 

 

Must be currently enrolled at a university and: o Be a public health or psychology major o Have at least a 3.0 GPA o Provide Two letters of recommendations Display an interest in a career related to health, health promotion and education Possess strong verbal, written, communication and analytical skills


Appendix IV Communications Intern job description

Communications Internship Description: Non-profit organization is looking for a public health intern to join our team. This internship will include data entry as well as assisting in public health initiatives.

Responsibilities:       

Update and maintain social media presence including daily monitoring posting scheduling and reporting FB updates Assist in planning, writing and managing e-blasts and e-news letters Draft, distribute and pitch news releases, media alerts and other stories Manage editorial and event calendars Update website regularly Collaborate with staff on new ideas, directions and tools for marketing and communications Prepare weekly reports and maintain regular contact with supervisor

Qualifications:  

     

Grasp of available tools and platforms in social media space Working toward a marketing, mass communications, public relations, or advertising degree and have: o At least a 3.0 GPA o Two letters of recommendation Previous internship or related experience in marketing or communications a plus Excellent written and oral communication and interpersonal skills Must be computer literate Ability to work well independently and within a team Commitment to cultural sensitivity and respect for differences Commitment to the continuous improvement of service quality and the organizations mission


Appendix V Website biography example 1

Biography Examples Add 4 employee/staff bio pages to the website (New tab titled "Meet our Team" will need to be created on the ALOUD website)

Website Mock Bio 1 Community Coalition Coordinator

Name: Justin Mazzeo Title: Community Coalition Coordinator for Alliance on underage drinking (ALOUD) Email: Office Telephone: (214)-522-8600, Ext. 256 Office address: 1349 Empire Central Drive #800 Responsibilities: (insert description) Fun Fact: (insert description)


Appendix V Website biography example 2

Website Mock Bio 2 (communication specialist)

Name: (insert description) Title: Communication specialist for the Alliance on Underage Drinking (ALOUD) Email: (insert description) Office Telephone: (insert description) Office address: (insert description) Responsibilities: (insert description) Fun fact: (insert description)


Appendix V Website biography example 3

Website mock Bio 3 Communication intern Name: Title: Email: Office Telephone: Office address: Responsibilities:     

Assists with media relations Assists with press releases Assists with social media updates Assists with event planning and organization. Helps to develop new ideas and revamp old ones.

Fun fact: (insert description)


Appendix V Website biography example 4

Website mock Bio 4 Communication intern Name: Title: Email: Office Telephone: Office address: Responsibilities:   

Assist in data collection Plan and conduct public health studies Work in conjunction with other programs

Fun Fact: (insert description)

*Note- Interns will make their own mock bio within the first few weeks to be reviewed and revised by communication specialist. Bio active on website through the duration of the internship. Two Bios made for each intern containing same information and displayed on same page. Goals of Intern bio pages    

Intern mock bio can be used to show youth working toward ALOUDS mission Intern mock bio can be used as an incentive for intern to showcase on portfolio or show future employers Intern may be contacted Type of advertisement for future interns


Appendix VI ALOUD Training Schedule

ALOUD Training Schedule The training would essentially be the same for both the intern and paid position. The only difference would be learning their roles, and tactics given to them during the training week. This will reduce time for Justin by being able to train both at one time if hired around the same time. Policies and procedures 1. Mission and Vision of ALOUD 2. History of organization 3. Purpose of training a. Guarantee the integrity and work environment of ALOUD through curriculum, training endeavors and program implantation. 4. Policies, What ALOUD stands for and does not stand for as an organization a. Policies of Dallas Council b. Policies of ALOUD c. Policies of partnering schools 5. Organization a. Define organizational structure i. How things run in the office ii. The structure of the whole organization starting with Dallas Counicl 6. Training a. Training schedule (1 week) – see example below b. Potential assignment made and set to be carried out i. Assignments for intern ii. Assignments for paid position 1. Must show ability to communicate orally and written 7. Training Certification a. Must demonstrate knowledge of everything taught b. Must show ability to properly utilize: i. Teaching method ii. Office facility iii. Instructional aid c. Demonstrate ability to work with the schools by i. Spending “x” amount of hours in the school during training to understand all aspects of the organization ii. Showing your ability to get along with school personnel by asking school administration




9 am Guidelines and expectations for the week

10am History

11am Policies Goals

12pm Lunch break

Office structure

Policies of partnering schools

Objectives for schools Lunch break @ 12

1pm Meet and greet

2pm Objectives for the week



Field day, Lunch break @ 12


Field day, Lunch break @ 12



Lunch break


3pm Objectives

Evaluations Certifications

Plans for the future

4pm Questions

Appendix VII Public Health internship flyer


Appendix VII Communications internship flyer


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