Issue 1000, June 2 - 8, 2016

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FBAR - TIPS Surf en el Pacífico mexicano

Oleadas de acciónde acción Oleadas Surf en el Pacífico mexicano

zicatela, oaxaca

Analine Cedillo

abrirá sus puertas a finales de 2013.

El paisaje de Barcelona se ha reinventado con un imponente edificio que asemeja a un yunque, creación del estudio MBM Arquitectes. Se trata de Museo del Diseño de Barcelona, el Disseny Hub Barcelona (DHUB) que se ubica en la Plaza de las Glorias, en el límite entre los distritos de Sant Martí y del Ensanche, donde confluyen importantes avenidas de la ciudad. El museo albergará, en sus 25 mil metros cuadrados, las piezas –hasta ahora expuestas– en las colecciones de los museos de Artes Decorativas, Textil e Indumentaria, Cerámica y Artes Gráficas, que comenzarán a trasladarse a este nuevo museo a partir de enero próximo. El DHUB abrirá sus puertas al público hacia finales de 2013, con la finalidad de promover el conocimiento y el uso del diseño.

Garza Blanca


del tubo, pero son muy potentes,

Año XXI / No. 8107por lo tanto son para expertos”,

paper used in this publication is ecology friendly


VIERNES VIERNES 25 de mayo de 2012

dríguez y recomendada por los locales. Además, cada año se desarrollan torneos de surfing como el QuickSilver Pro, XGames, OP, Puerto Escondido Challenge, Juegos Nacionales, IBA World Tour y las Fiestas de Noviembre en Puerto Escondido.

25 de mayo de 2012

d Departure Date es

sa Babylon, por ejemplo, es un rincón especializado en mojitos

para expertoS

Síguenos en:

Barra De la crUz, oaxaca

Síguenos en:

Otro popular punto para surfear

en el Pacífico mexicano es Boca Barra De lade crUz, Pascuales, situado al suroesoaxaca te de Manzanillo y muy cerca de

para expertoS

Otro popular punto para surfear en el Pacífico mexicano es Boca de Pascuales, situado al suroeste de Manzanillo y muy cerca de la ciudad de Tecomán. Como en Zicatela, las olas que aquí se forman son grandes, tubulares y revientan hacia dos lados. Por sus características, se recomiendan para surfistas expertos. La mejor época para surfear es el verano, las olas alcanzan hasta cinco metros de altura. En diciembre, en Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Jalisco o Colima, las olas son más bajas, explica Issac Ávila, coordinador de prensa de la Federación Mexicana de Surfing A.C. En la playa de Boca de Pascuales los viajeros encuentran palapas donde comer mariscos.

Garza Blanca

menzarán a trasladarse a este nuevo museo a partir de ene ro próximo. El DHUB abrirá sus puertas al público hacia finales de 2013, con la finalidad de promover el conocimiento y el uso del diseño.

del tubo, pero son muy potentes,

filmado por completo

el primer cortometraje

a 35 mil pies de altura

d Departure Date es

a 35 mil pies de altura

Analine Cedillo

El amor está en el aire, literalmente. Departure Date es el título del primer cortometraje filmado y editado a 35 mil pies de altura (casi 10 mil 700 metros), cuya trama aborda un romance aéreo que nace inesperadamente. Escrita y dirigida por Kat Coiro (While We Were Here y Life Happens), la cinta se publicita como un proyecto sin preced El rodaje de la cinta dentes, pues nunca antes se había hecho una película a bordo duró 20 horas de aviones comerciales. Para el y se realizó rodaje, que duró 20 horas, se utien vuelos comerciales lizaron naves de las aerolíneas de tres aerolíneas. Virgin America, Virgin Atlantic d El rodaje de la cinta y Virgin Australia durante vuelos duró 20 horas comentó Sir Richard Branque de Los Ángeles a Dallas-Forth y se realizó son, fundador del grupo Virgin, Worth, Londres y Sidney. en vuelos comerciales a través de un comunicado. “Virgin Airlines ha barrido de tres aerolíneas. Algunas de las escenas se filcon todos los premios por tener los mejores sistemas de entreteni- maron en cabinas de distintas miento en los cielos, pero una cin- categorías, desde la Ecocomentó Sir Richard Bran- taen el enamorarse Onboard Bar la cabinanomy hasta la Upper Class, pasobre de undeextraño son, fundador del grupo Virgin, a Business International de¡eso la aero-sando por la First Class y la bordo de un avión Virgin... sílínea es entretenimiento a bordo!”, a través de un comunicado. Virgin Australia, que cuentacabina principal. Otras se rodaron

Analine Cedillo


Algunas de las escenas se fil- con un bar con asientos, un sanimaron en cabinas de distintas tario sólo para damas y la exclucategorías, desde la Eco- siva Row Five, una especie de canomy hasta la Upper Class, pa- bina privada. sando por la First Class y la Celuloide De acuerdo al con vuelo el boletín, la cabina principal. Otras se rodaron las trama sigue seriehan de persocabinas de alosuna aviones formado parte de la trama deberán atreverse ennajes todo que tipo de películas. algunasadetoellas son: mar el control de su destino y seguir losinque dicte (“Up su corazón, sind “plan de vuelo” (“Flightplan”/ d “amor escalas” in the importar el Ryan camino a donde és- EU,2005). Kyle (Jodie Foster), una Air”/EU, 2009). (George Clooney) viaja constantemente para ingeniera en aviación, emprende un te les lleve. Actúan Ben Feldman, cumplir su trabajo: anunciarle a otrosHall, viaje con su hija de seis años, la cual Nicky Whelan, Philip Baker que están despedidos. En el camino las cabinas de los aviones han formado parte de la trama Luis Guzmán, Janeane Garofalo desaparece en el avión. El personal Alex, una mujer que podría le asegura que la niña nunca abordó, yconoce MaxaBrown. en todo tipo de películas. algunas de ellas son: ser suLa alma gemela. cinta fue producida por así que, desesperada, decide d “Vuelo 93” (“United 93”/Francia, buscarla ella misma. d “amor sin escalas” (“Up in the d “plan de vuelo” (“Flightplan”/ Virgin rama del em-d “¿y dónde está el piloto?” Inglaterra,Produced, EU, 2006). Narra lo que porio deinterior Sir Branson que Air”/EU, 2009). Ryan (George EU,2005). Kyle (Jodie Foster), una ocurrió al del vuelo 93 de se dedi- (“Airplane!”/EU,1980). Una comedia ca a laAirlines, realización de filmes y te- clásica en la que Leslie Nielsen Clooney) viaja constantemente para ingeniera en aviación, emprende un United el 11 de septiembre levisión. Por ejemplo, cumplir su trabajo: anunciarle a otros viaje con su hija de seis años, la cual de 2001 cuando los pasajerosestá detrás encarna al Dr. Rumack, un ex piloto de la cinta límite que están despedidos. En el camino desaparece en el avión. El personal decidieron hacerSin frente a los (Limitless/ que debe hacer a un lado su miedo terroristas buscaban controlar EU, 2011),quedirigida por Neil Burger a volar cuando la tripulación y los conoce a Alex, una mujer que podría le asegura que la niña nunca abordó, yla nave. protagonizada por Bradley pasajeros se intoxican por comida. ser su alma gemela. así que, desesperada, decide d “Vuelo 93” (“United 93”/Francia, Cooper y Robert De Niro. buscarla ella misma. d “¿y dónde está el piloto?” Departure Date, parte de una Inglaterra, EU, 2006). Narra lo que nueva campaña publicitaria de las ocurrió al interior del vuelo 93 de (“Airplane!”/EU,1980). Una comedia tres aerolíneas involucradas en el United Airlines, el 11 de septiembre clásica en la que Leslie Nielsen proyecto, se estrenará el 11 de jude 2001 cuando los pasajeros encarna al Dr. Rumack, un ex piloto nio en el Festival de Cine de Los decidieron hacer frente a los que debe hacer a un lado su miedo Ángeles y se incluirá como parte terroristas que buscaban controlar a volar cuando la tripulación y los de su entretenimiento a bordo. la nave. pasajeros se intoxican por comida.

Celuloide al vuelo

A 45 minutos de Huatulco, en la playa Barra de la Cruz habita una comunidad que ha encontrado en Boca De paScUaleS, el surf un gran potencial turístico colima y económico. “La ola tiene una forma perfecta y en ocasiones hace tubo”, detalla Adrián Davo, presidente de la Asociación de Surf del Estado de Oaxaca, “es recomendada en sus días buenos sólo para ‘surfers’ experimentados”. Las opciones de hospedaje en Barra de la Cruz son cabañas rústicas que cubren las necesidades básicas de los viajeros, aunque se les recomienda llevar almohadas, toallas y sábanas propias sólo para sentirse más cómodos, dice Davo. Por ello, muchos surfistas prefieren acampar. Hay sanitarios, estacionamiento y seguridad.

a 35 mil pies de altura

Sencillez playera

A 45 minutos de Huatulco, en la playa Barra de la Cruz habita una comunidad que ha encontrado en el surf un gran potencial turístico y económico. “La ola tiene una forma perfecta y en ocasiones hace tubo”, detalla Adrián Davo, presidente de la Asociación de Surf del Estado de Oaxaca, “es recomendada en sus días buenos sólo para

Analine Cedillo

El amor está en el aire, literalmente. Departure Date es el título del primer cortometraje filmado y editado a 35 mil pies de altura (casi 10 mil 700 metros), cuya trama aborda un romance aéreo que nace inesperadamente. Escrita y dirigida por Kat Coiro (While We Were Here y Life Happens), la cinta se publicita como un proyecto sin precedentes, pues nunca antes se había hecho una película a bordo de aviones comerciales. Para el rodaje, que duró 20 horas, se utilizaron naves de las aerolíneas Virgin America, Virgin Atlantic y Virgin Australia durante vuelos que de Los Ángeles a Dallas-Forth Worth, Londres y Sidney. “Virgin Airlines ha barrido con todos los premios por tener los mejores sistemas de entretenimiento en los cielos, pero una cinta sobre enamorarse de un extraño a bordo de un avión Virgin... ¡eso sí es entretenimiento a bordo!”,

Analine Cedillo

El amor está en el aire, literalmente. Departure Date es el título del primer cortometraje filmado y editado a 35 mil pies de altura (casi 10 mil 700 metros), cuya trama aborda un romance aéreo que nace inesperadamente. Escrita y dirigida por Kat Coiro (While We Were Here y Life Happens), la cinta se publicita como un proyecto sin precedentes, pues nunca antes se había

Litoral kilómetros por hora, previéndose que alcance la categoría michoacano

de Huracán 2 en2012 la escala “Bud” ya es el primer huracán de laCategoría temporada en elSaffir-Simpson, con Además de imponente gastoDoS SantoS, tronomía y arquitectura, Mi- vientos vientos máximos sostenidos de120 165 kilómetros por hora y Pacífico Mexicano, al alcanzar superiores a los BaJa caliFornia SUr

d “amor sin escalas” (“Up in the Air”/EU, 2009). Ryan (George Clooney) viaja constantemente para cumplir su trabajo: anunciarle a otros que están despedidos. En el camino conoce a Alex, una mujer que podría ser su alma gemela. d “Vuelo 93” (“United 93”/Francia, Inglaterra, EU, 2006). Narra lo que ocurrió al interior del vuelo 93 de United Airlines, el 11 de septiembre de 2001 cuando los pasajeros decidieron hacer frente a los terroristas que buscaban controlar la nave.

SUrF peninSUlar

Al norte del País, cerca del Pueblo categoría aSantos, la vez que se espera se estacione frente a Mágico3, Todos hay varias

playas quepronosticó convocan a surfistas El Centro Nacional de Huracanes el tropical y revire a mar experimentados Puertoarriesgados. Vallartay principiantes ya comoque tormenta fenómeno impactará las costas entre Tomatlán Océano Pacífico está aa sólo abiertotresjaliscienses, yElkilómetros comience disiparse del pueblo y San Pedrito, Los Cerritos, Punta Lobos,huracán y Cabo Corrientes la noche del viernes como La Poza, Batequitos y Los Esteros sonse los puntos más populares categoría 3, a la vez que se espera estacione frente a para practicar este deporte.

de surf para montar las olas. Según el sitio web de Michoacán, Playa Azul es la favorita de los surfistas experimentados (por las olas que se forman en dos direcciones distintas), mientras que Nexpa y La Ticla son perfectas para todo tipo de practicantes: sus olas alcanzan entre dos y tres metros de altura y se forman en una sola dirección. Se recomienda llegar por tierra a la costa michoacana y conducir de día, como medida de seguridad. Además, al tener automóvil propio, se puede ir de una playa a otra a placer. De Guadalajara a Playa Azul, el tiempo aproximado de recorrido es de seis horas.

duró 20 horas y se realizó en vuelos comerciales de tres aerolíneas. comentó Sir Richard Branson, fundador del grupo Virgin, a través de un comunicado. Algunas de las escenas se filmaron en cabinas de distintas categorías, desde la Economy hasta la Upper Class, pasando por la First Class y la cabina principal. Otras se rodaron

las cabinas de los aviones han formado parte de la trama en todo tipo de películas. algunas de ellas son:

Nexpa o La2 Ticla, la escena de Huracán Categoría en la escala Saffir-Simpson, con cotidiana está protagonizada Elde Centro Nacional depor Huracanes viajeros preparados pavientos máximos por sostenidos 165 kilómetros hora y pronosticó que el ra acampar sobre la arena, impactará las costas jaliscienses, entre Tomatlán acompañados de susfenómeno tablas rachas de 205 kilómetros de surf para montar por olas. hora. ylasCabo Corrientes la noche del viernes como huracán Según el sitio web de Michoacán, Playa Azul es la favorita de los surfistas experimentados (por las olas que se forman en dos direcciones distintas), mientras que Nexpa y La Ticla son perfectas para todo tipo de practicantes: sus olas alcanSUrF peninSUlar entre dos y tres metros Al norte del País, cerca delzan Pueblo de altura y se forman en una Mágico Todos Santos, hay varias sola dirección. playas que convocan a surfistas Se recomienda llegar experimentados y principiantes por tierra a la costa michoaarriesgados. cana y conducir de día, coEl Océano Pacífico está sólo de seguridad. moamedida Además, tres kilómetros del pueblo y San al tener automóvilLobos, propio, se puede ir de Pedrito, Los Cerritos, Punta unaEsteplaya a otra a placer. De La Poza, Batequitos y Los Guadalajara a Playa Azul, el ros son los puntos más populares tiempo aproximado de recopara practicar este deporte. rrido es de seis horas.

A 45 minutos de Huatulco, en la playa Barra de la Cruz habita una comunidad que ha encontrado en Boca De paScUaleS, el surf un gran potencial turístico colima y económico. “La ola tiene una forma perfecta y en ocasiones hace tubo”, detalla Adrián Davo, presidente de la Asociación de Surf del Estado de Oaxaca, “es recomendada en sus días buenos sólo para ‘surfers’ experimentados”. Las opciones de hospedaje en Barra de la Cruz son cabañas rústicas que cubren las necesidades básicas de los viajeros, aunque se les recomienda llevar almohadas, toallas y sábanas propias sólo para sentirse más cómodos, dice Davo. Por ello, muchos surfistas prefieren acampar. Hay sanitarios, estacionamiento y seguridad.

d El rodaje de la cinta

Celuloide al vuelo

choacán atrae por la belleza Litoral natural de sus costas.rachas de 205 kilómetros por hora. kilómetros por hora, previéndose que alcance la categoría Sobre las playas mimichoacano choacanas como Playa Azul,

Síguenos en:

Barra De la crUz, oaxaca

Síguenos en:

Sencillez playera

A 45 minutos de Huatulco, en la playa Barra de la Cruz habita una comunidad que ha encontrado en el surf un gran potencial turístico y económico. “La ola tiene una forma perfecta y en ocasiones hace tubo”, detalla Adrián Davo, presidente de la Asociación de Surf del Estado de Oaxaca, “es recomendada en sus días buenos sólo para ‘surfers’ experimentados”. Las opciones de hospedaje en Barra de la Cruz son cabañas rústicas que cubren las necesidades básicas de los viajeros, aunque se les recomienda llevar almohadas, toallas y sábanas propias sólo para sentirse más cómodos, dice Davo. Por ello, muchos surfistas prefieren acampar. Hay sanitarios, estacionamiento y seguridad.

d “plan de vuelo” (“Flightplan”/ EU,2005). Kyle (Jodie Foster), una ingeniera en aviación, emprende un viaje con su hija de seis años, la cual desaparece en el avión. El personal le asegura que la niña nunca abordó, así que, desesperada, decide buscarla ella misma. d “¿y dónde está el piloto?” (“Airplane!”/EU,1980). Una comedia clásica en la que Leslie Nielsen encarna al Dr. Rumack, un ex piloto que debe hacer a un lado su miedo a volar cuando la tripulación y los pasajeros se intoxican por comida.

El Gobierno de Jalisco ordenó la suspensión de clases en los municipios costeros y se alertó a 4 mil elementos de

Boca De paScUaleS, colima

la Secretaría de Marina,deporque El Gobierno de Jalisco ordenó la suspensión clasesel meteoro trae la misma que tuvo el huracán "Jova" en octubre del año en los municipios costerosintensidad y se alertó a 4 milbásicamente elementos de pasado, y afectaría la misma zona. la Secretaría de Marina, porque el meteoro trae la misma intensidad que tuvo el huracán "Jova" octubre del año “Bud” ya es en el primer huracán de la temporada 2012 en el toDoS SantoS,zona. pasado, y afectaría básicamente misma Pacífico la Mexicano, al alcanzar vientos superiores a los 120 BaJa caliFornia SUr

en el Onboard Bar de la cabina Business International de la aerolínea Virgin Australia, que cuenta con un bar con asientos, un sanitario sólo para damas y la exclusiva Row Five, una especie de cabina privada. De acuerdo con el boletín, la trama sigue a una serie de personajes que deberán atreverse a tomar el control de su destino y seguir lo que dicte su corazón, sin importar el camino a donde éste les lleve. Actúan Ben Feldman, Nicky Whelan, Philip Baker Hall, Luis Guzmán, Janeane Garofalo y Max Brown. La cinta fue producida por Virgin Produced, rama del emporio de Sir Branson que se dedica a la realización de filmes y televisión. Por ejemplo, detrás gasAdemás deestá imponente de la cintatronomía Sin límitey(Limitless/ arquitectura, MiEU, 2011), dirigida poratrae Neil Burger choacán por la belleza y protagonizada porsusBradley natural de costas. Cooper y Robert De Niro. Sobreparte las playas Departure Date, de unamichoacanas comodePlaya nueva campaña publicitaria las Azul, Nexpa o La Ticla, tres aerolíneas involucradas enlaelescena cotidiana proyecto, se estrenaráestá el 11protagonizada de jupor viajeros preparados nio en el Festival de Cine de Los paÁngeles y se como parte ra incluirá acampar sobre la arena, de su entretenimiento a bordo. acompañados de sus tablas


kilómetros por hora, previéndose que alcance la categoría

michoacano de Huracán 2 en2012 la escala “Bud” ya es el primer huracán de laCategoría temporada en elSaffir-Simpson, con Además de imponente gastoDoS SantoS, tronomía y arquitectura, Mi- vientos vientos máximos sostenidos de120 165 kilómetros por hora y Pacífico Mexicano, al alcanzar superiores a los BaJa caliFornia SUr

choacán atrae por la belleza Litoral natural de sus costas.rachas de 205 kilómetros por hora. kilómetros por hora, previéndose que alcance la categoría Sobre las playas mimichoacano choacanas como Playa Azul,

Nexpa o La2 Ticla, la escena de Huracán Categoría en la escala Saffir-Simpson, con cotidiana está protagonizada Elde Centro Nacional depor Huracanes viajeros preparados pavientos máximos rapor sostenidos 165 kilómetros hora y pronosticó que el acampar sobre la arena, impactará las costas jaliscienses, entre Tomatlán acompañados de susfenómeno tablas rachas de 205 kilómetros de surf para montar por olas. hora. ylasCabo Corrientes la noche del viernes como huracán Según el sitio web de Michoacán, Playa Azul es la favorita de los surfistas ex-

SUrF peninSUlar

Al norte del País, cerca del Pueblo categoría aSantos, la vez que se espera se estacione frente a Mágico3, Todos hay varias

perimentados las olas playas quepronosticó convocan a surfistas El Centro Nacional de(porHuracanes el tropical y revire a mar que se forman en dos direcexperimentados Puerto Vallartay principiantes ya comoque tormenta ciones distintas), mientras arriesgados. fenómeno impactará costas jaliscienses, entre Tomatlán que Nexpalas y La Ticla son Océano Pacífico está aa sólo abierto yElcomience disiparse perfectas para todo tipo de tres kilómetros del pueblo y San practicantes: sus olas alcanPedrito, Los Cerritos, Punta Lobos,huracán y CaboSUrF Corrientes laentrenoche del viernes como peninSUlar dos y tres metros La Poza, Batequitos y Los EsteAl norte del País, cerca delzan Pueblo de altura y se forman una ros sonse los puntos más populares categoría aSantos, la vez que seenespera estacione frente a Mágico3, Todos hay varias sola dirección. para practicar este deporte. playas que convocan a surfistas Se recomienda llegar Las olas más grandes se forexperimentados Puertoarriesgados. Vallartay principiantes yaporcomo tormenta tropical y revire a mar tierra a la costa michoaman entre diciembre y enero. cana y conducir de día, coAunque el agua es cálida, se recoOcéano Pacífico está moamedida de seguridad. mienda utilizar trajes de neopreabiertotresyElkilómetros comience asólodisiparse Además, no en invierno y primavera. del pueblo y San al tener automó-

de surf para montar las olas. Según el sitio web de Michoacán, Playa Azul es la favorita de los surfistas experimentados (por las olas que se forman en dos direcciones distintas), mientras que Nexpa y La Ticla son perfectas para todo tipo de practicantes: sus olas alcanzan entre dos y tres metros de altura y se forman en una sola dirección. Se recomienda llegar por tierra a la costa michoacana y conducir de día, como medida de seguridad. Además, al tener automóvil propio, se puede ir de una playa a otra a placer. De Guadalajara a Playa Azul, el tiempo aproximado de recorrido es de seis horas.

Puerto Vallarta ya como tormenta tropical y revire a mar abierto y comience a disiparse "La Batalla", evidenció carencias de Bomberos

"La Batalla", evidenció carencias de Bomberos Las olas más grandes se forman entre diciembre y enero. Aunque el agua es cálida, se recomienda utilizar trajes de neopreno en invierno y primavera. Todos Santos tiene, además, un gusto especial por el arte: se distingue por sus más de 20 galerías. La alternativa de alojamiento incluye hasta hoteles boutique, aunque algunos viajeros prefieren acampar en las playas.

"La Batalla", evidenció carencias de Bomberos vilLobos, propio, se puede ir de Pedrito, Los Cerritos, Punta unaEsteplaya a otra a placer. De La Poza, Batequitos y Los Guadalajara a Playa Azul, el ros son los puntos más populares tiempo aproximado de recopara practicar este deporte. rrido es de seis horas. Las olas más grandes se forman entre diciembre y enero. Aunque el agua es cálida, se recomienda utilizar trajes de neopreno en invierno y primavera. Todos Santos tiene, además, un gusto especial por el arte: se distingue por sus más de 20 galerías. La alternativa de alojamiento incluye hasta hoteles boutique, aunque algunos viajeros prefieren acampar en las playas.

Natural Orchids

Todos Santos tiene, además, un gusto especial por el arte: se distingue por sus más de 20 galerías. La alternativa de alojamiento incluye hasta hoteles boutique, aunque algunos viajeros prefieren acampar en las playas.

"La Batalla", evidenció carencias de Bomberos

A balazos, detienen a dos ladrones de motos

a Va a a B an a Ga d n

A balazos, detienen a dos ladrones de motos

Policiaca | 36

Policiaca | 36

A balazos, detienen a dos ladrones de motos

A balazos, detienen a dos ladrones de motos

Policiaca | 36

Policiaca | 36



































h t

0 0 0 1 Las olas más grandes se forman entre diciembre y enero. Aunque el agua es cálida, se recomienda utilizar trajes de neopreno en invierno y primavera. Todos Santos tiene, además, un gusto especial por el arte: se distingue por sus más de 20 galerías. La alternativa de alojamiento incluye hasta hoteles boutique, aunque algunos viajeros prefieren acampar en las playas.



para expertoS

Otro popular punto para surfear

la ciudad de Tecomán. Como en Zicatela, las olas que aquí se forman son grandes, tubulares y revientan hacia dos lados. Por sus características, se recomiendan para surfistas expertos. La mejor época para surfear es el verano, las olas alcanzan hasta cinco metros de altura. En diciembre, en Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Jalisco o Colima, las olas son más bajas, explica Issac Ávila, coordinador de prensa de la Federación Mexicana de Surfing A.C. En la playa de Boca de Pascuales los viajeros encuentran paSencillez playera lapas donde comer mariscos.

Hoy suspenden Clases: es huracán 3

la Secretaría de Marina, porque el meteoro trae la misma intensidad que tuvo el huracán "Jova" octubre del año “Bud” ya es en el primer huracán de la temporada 2012 en el toDoS SantoS,zona. pasado, y afectaría básicamente misma Pacífico la Mexicano, al alcanzar vientos superiores a los 120 BaJa caliFornia SUr

tario sólo para damas y la exclusiva Row Five, una especie de cabina privada. De acuerdo con el boletín, la trama sigue a una serie de personajes que deberán atreverse a tomar el control de su destino y seguir lo que dicte su corazón, sin importar el camino a donde éste les lleve. Actúan Ben Feldman, Nicky Whelan, Philip Baker Hall, Luis Guzmán, Janeane Garofalo y Max Brown. La cinta fue producida por Virgin Produced, rama del emporio de Sir Branson que se dedica a la realización de filmes y televisión. Por ejemplo, detrás gasAdemás deestá imponente de la cintatronomía Sin límitey(Limitless/ arquitectura, MiEU, 2011), dirigida poratrae Neil Burger choacán por la belleza y protagonizada porsusBradley natural de costas. Cooper y Robert De Niro. Sobreparte las playas Departure Date, de unamichoacanas comodePlaya nueva campaña publicitaria las Azul, Nexpa o La Ticla, tres aerolíneas involucradas enlaelescena cotidiana proyecto, se estrenaráestá el 11protagonizada de jupor viajeros preparados nio en el Festival de Cine de Los paÁngeles y se como parte ra incluirá acampar sobre la arena, de su entretenimiento a bordo. acompañados de sus tablas


Se alerta a la Armada de México

a 35 mil pies de altura

filmado por completo

‘surfers’ experimentados”. El Gobierno de Jalisco ordenó la suspensión de clases Las opciones de hospedaje en Barra de la Cruz son cabañas rúsen los municipios costeros y se alertó a 4 mil elementos de ticas que cubren las necesidades básicas de los viajeros, aunque se les recomiendade llevarMarina, almohadas, la Secretaría porque el meteoro trae la misma toallas y sábanas propias sólo para de clases El Gobierno de Jalisco ordenó la suspensión sentirse más cómodos, dice Davo. en el Onboard Bar de la cabina intensidad que el huracán "Jova" en octubre del año Por ello, muchos prefieBusiness International de la aeroen los municipios costerospasado, y se alertó a surfistas 4tuvo mil elementos de ren y acampar. Hay sanitarios, estalínea Virgin Australia, que cuenta afectaría básicamente la misma zona. cionamiento y seguridad. con un bar con asientos, un sani-

Boca De paScUaleS, colima

filmado por completo

el primer cortometraje

HAPPY ANNIVERSARYHoy suspenden Clases: es huracán 3 PUERTOHoy VALLARTA suspenden Clases: es huracán 3

filmado por completo

el primer cortometraje

d Departure Date es


Se alerta a la Armada de México

se parece a "Jova" "Bud" se parece a "Jova" "Bud""Bud" se parece a "Jova" "Bud"separecea"Jova" Hoy suspenden Clases: es huracán 3 el primer cortometraje

d Departure Date es


25 de mayo de 2012

en el Pacífico mexicano es Boca Barra De lade crUz, Pascuales, situado al suroesoaxaca te de Manzanillo y muy cerca de

para expertoS



VIERNES VIERNES 25 de mayo de 2012

sa Babylon, por ejemplo, es un rincón especializado en mojitos

Otro popular punto para surfear en el Pacífico mexicano es Boca de Pascuales, situado al suroeste de Manzanillo y muy cerca de la ciudad de Tecomán. Como en Zicatela, las olas que aquí se forman son grandes, tubulares y revientan hacia dos lados. Por sus características, se recomiendan para surfistas expertos. La mejor época para surfear es el verano, las olas alcanzan hasta cinco metros de altura. En diciembre, en Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Jalisco o Colima, las olas son más bajas, explica Issac Ávila, coordinador de prensa de la Federación Mexicana de Surfing A.C. En la playa de Boca de Pascuales los viajeros encuentran palapas donde comer mariscos.


T. (322) 176 0700 Ext. 113 Ubicado en el interior de Garza Blanca Preserve Resort & Spa I

AGENCIA INFORMATIVA donde se experimenta la atmósfera cosmopolita y poco pretenciosa de Zicatela. En la zona hay varias escuelas para aprender a surfear, como Zicatela Conexion ( comandada por el instructor Celestino Rodríguez y recomendada por los locales. Además, cada año se desarrollan torneos de surfing como el QuickSilver Pro, XGames, OP, Puerto Escondido Challenge, Juegos Nacionales, IBA World Tour y las Fiestas de Noviembre en Puerto Escondido. Free Issue

The paper used in this publication is ecology friendly

Cortes: trip tip I picaña I cerdo korobuta I añejados en casa I rib eye new york I filete mignon I vacio I cabrería I cowboy I pollito de leche



contemporáneo quejunto utilizaal ambiente caracteriza a la zona.Celestino del mundo. el instructor Ro-La ola es muy rápida y imán azulado jor “beach break” (piso derelajado arena) quepor principalmente Elytipo de ola quey se forma muy fuerte, dríguez recomendada por los revienta en diferentes relajado quemateriales caracteriza a la zona. del mundo. La ola es muy rápida como placas de metal (cinc) en Zicatela es conocida como la es impredecible al grado locales. Además, cada lugares año seydeEl tipo de ola que se forma muy fuerte, revienta en diferentes y vidrio, reflejandoesasíconocida un as- como la mexicana, porde surfing de que hay sarrollan torneos co- que estarla cazando. en Zicatela lugares y es impredecible alPipeline grado (tubería) pectoPipeline industrial, con reflejos la similitud mo que el tiene con la mí-Pro, XGames, Restaurantes, bares y sitios QuickSilver (tubería) mexicana, por de que hay que estarla cazando. metálicos. tica o la Pipeline de la isla de para rentar tablas se ubican frenOP, Puerto Escondido la similitud que tiene con la míRestaurantes, bares yOahu, sitiosen Hawaii. “Lo que bus- teChallena esta playa cercana al adoquige,es Juegos Nacionales, tica o la Pipeline de la isla de para rentar tablas se ubican canfrenlos ‘surfers’ meterse dentro IBA nadoWorld de Puerto Escondido. Tour las Fiestas Oahu, en Hawaii. “Lo que bus- te a esta playa cercana al adoquidel tubo, pero sonymuy potentes,de Noviembre sa Babylon, por ejemplo, es un Escondido. rincón especializado en mojitos can los ‘surfers’ es meterse dentro nado de Puerto Escondido. por Calo tantoen sonPuerto para expertos”,

Año XXI / No. 8107por lo tanto son para expertos”,

Año / No. 8107 Sept XXI 10 - 16, 2012 | Issue 805

Se alerta a la Armada de México

A ch ves

zicatela, oaxaca



Estrena Virgin ‘air movie’Estrena Virgin ‘air movie’

Se alerta a la Armada de México la ciudad de Tecomán. Como en Zicatela, las olas que aquí se forman son grandes, tubulares y revientan hacia dos lados. Por sus características, se recomiendan para surfistas expertos. La mejor época para surfear es el verano, las olas alcanzan hasta cinco metros de altura. En diciembre, en Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Jalisco o Colima, las olas son más bajas, explica Issac Ávila, coordinador de prensa de la Federación Mexicana de Surfing A.C. En la playa de Boca de Pascuales los viajeros encuentran paSencillez playera lapas donde comer mariscos.

En honor al diseño

El boletín de prensa oficial del museo explica que el edificio se divide en dos partes principales: una subterránea, que se localiza en el desnivel entre el Poblenou y la Plaza de las Glorias, y otra sobre la superficie, que se levanta hasta los 14.5 metros de altura. Además de salas de exhibición, el museo contará con biblioteca, centro de documentación, sala de eventos, auditorio con capacidad para 320 personas, restaurante bar y boutique de objetos de diseño. Creado por el estudio integrado por los arquitectos Oriol Capdevila, Francesc Gual, Josep Martorell, Oriol Bohigas y David Mackay, el museo presenta un diseño contemporáneo que utiliza principalmente materiales como placas de metal (cinc) y vidrio, reflejando así un aspecto industrial, con reflejos metálicos.

El paisaje de Barcelona se ha reinventado con un imponente edificio que asemeja a un yunque, creación del estudio MBM Arquitectes. Se trata de Museo del Diseño de Barcelona, el Disseny Hub Barcelona (DHUB) que se ubica en la Plaza de las Glorias, en el límite entre los distritos de Sant Martí y del Ensanche, donde confluyen importantes avenidas de la ciudad. El museo albergará, en sus 25 mil metros cuadrados, las piezas –hasta ahora expuestas– en las colecciones de los museos de Artes Decorativas, Textil e Indumentaria, Cerámica y Artes Gráficas, que comenzarán a trasladarse a este nuevo museo a partir de enero próximo. El DHUB abrirá sus puertas al público hacia finales de 2013, con la finalidad de promover el conocimiento y el uso del diseño.

M Free Issue

Año XXI- /Jun No.3,8107 May 28 2012 | Issue 790 The

El amor está en el aire, literalmente. Departure Date es el título del primer cortometraje filmado y editado a 35 mil pies de altura (casi 10 mil 700 metros), cuya trama aborda un romance aéreo que nace inesperadamente. Escrita y dirigida por Kat Coiro (While We Were Here y Life Happens), la cinta se publicita como un proyecto sin precedentes, pues nunca antes se había hecho una película a bordo de aviones comerciales. Para el rodaje, que duró 20 horas, se utilizaron naves de las aerolíneas Virgin America, Virgin Atlantic y Virgin Australia durante vuelos que de Los Ángeles a Dallas-Forth Worth, Londres y Sidney. “Virgin Airlines ha barrido con todos los premios por tener los mejores sistemas de entretenimiento en los cielos, pero una cinta sobre enamorarse de un extraño a bordo de un avión Virgin... ¡eso sí es entretenimiento a bordo!”,



contemporáneo quejunto utilizaal ambiente caracteriza a la zona.Celestino del mundo. el instructor Ro-La ola es muy rápida y imán azulado jor “beach break” (piso derelajado arena) quepor principalmente Elytipo de ola quey se forma muy fuerte, dríguez recomendada por los revienta en diferentes relajado quemateriales caracteriza a la zona. del mundo. La ola es muy rápida como placas de metal (cinc) en Zicatela es conocida como la es impredecible al grado locales. Además, cada lugares año seydeEl tipo de ola que se forma muy fuerte, revienta en diferentes y vidrio, reflejandoesasíconocida un as- como la mexicana, porde surfing de que hay sarrollan torneos co- que estarla cazando. en Zicatela lugares y es impredecible alPipeline grado (tubería) pectoPipeline industrial, con reflejos la similitud mo que el tiene con la mí-Pro, XGames, Restaurantes, bares y sitios QuickSilver (tubería) mexicana, por de que hay que estarla cazando. metálicos. tica o la Pipeline de la isla de para rentar tablas se ubican frenOP, Puerto Escondido la similitud que tiene con la míRestaurantes, bares yOahu, sitiosen Hawaii. “Lo que bus- teChallena esta playa cercana al adoquige,es Juegos Nacionales, tica o la Pipeline de la isla de para rentar tablas se ubican canfrenlos ‘surfers’ meterse dentro IBA nadoWorld de Puerto Escondido. Tour las Fiestas Oahu, en Hawaii. “Lo que bus- te a esta playa cercana al adoquidel tubo, pero sonymuy potentes,de Noviembre sa Babylon, por ejemplo, es un Escondido. rincón especializado en mojitos can los ‘surfers’ es meterse dentro nado de Puerto Escondido. por Calo tantoen sonPuerto para expertos”,

Estrena Virgin ‘air movie’Estrena Virgin ‘air movie’

En honor al diseño Cecilia Núñez

Analine Cedillo


abrirá sus puertas a finales de 2013.

local markets

zicatela, oaxaca

Analine Cedillo

éxico es un país para éxico es un d El museo especializado en diseño, Disseny Hub Barcelona, practicar país para abrirá sus puertas a finalessurf de 2013. y Oaxaca el destino practicar surf infalible. De acuerdo y Oaxaca el destino infalible. De acuerdo con la International con la International Surfing Association (ISA), Surfing Association (ISA), organismo reconocido organismo reconocido Cecilia Núñez Olímpico El boletín de prensa ofipor el Comité cial del museo explica que por el Comité Olímpico Internacional como el edificio se divide en dos Internacional como El paisaje de Barcelona se ha partes principales: una subautoridad mundial de terránea, que se localiza en el reinventado con un impoautoridad mundial de desnivel entre el Poblenou y nente edificio que asemeja a surfing, el estado posee surfing, el estado posee un yunque, creación del estu- la Plaza de las Glorias, y otra dos lasArquitectes. mejores sobre la superficie, que se lediode MBM dos de las mejores Se trata de Museo del vanta hasta los 14.5 metros playas para surfear en playas para surfear en Diseño de Barcelona, el Dis- de altura. Además de salas de exhiHub Barcelona (DHUB) el seny territorio nacional: el territorio nacional: que se ubica en la Plaza de bición, el museo contará con Zicatela y Barra deentre biblioteca, centro de docuZicatela y Barra de las Glorias, en el límite distritos de Sant Martí y mentación, sala de eventos, la Cruz. Otros puntos la los Cruz. Otros puntos del Ensanche, donde conflu- auditorio con capacidad paque recomienda ISA restauranyenrecomienda importantes avenidas De campeonato que ISAde ra 320 Depersonas, campeonato te barPor y boutique de objetos la ciudad. Por varias décadas de Zi- explica Issac Ávila, coordinador en cuenta sólocoordinador dondelaseplaya experimenta la atmósvarias décadas la playa de—tomando Zi- explica Issac Ávila, —tomando cuenta sólo de diseño. El museoen albergará, en sus catela ha sido punto de reunión de prensa de la Federación Mexifera cosmopolita y poco pretencatela ha sido punto de reunión de prensa la Federaciónpara Mexila calidad de lasdeolas— Creado por el estudio inmil metros las surfistas provenientes de dis- cana de Surfing. la 25 calidad decuadrados, las olas— de Zicatela. parapor surfistas provenientes de dis- cana de Surfing. los arquitectos piezas –hasta ahora expues- tegrado tintas partesciosa del mundo. Sus olas De acuerdo con Adrián Dason Boca De de acuerdo Pascuales, En laque zona hay varias escue- de la Asociación de partes Francesc del mundo. Sus olas con Adrián Da- y tubulares, son de Pascuales, Capdevila, tas–Boca en las colecciones de los Orioltintas grandes en ocavo, presidente en Colima y Todo Santos, las para aprender a surfear, como y tubulares, vo, presidente de la Asociación dealcanzan Josep Martorell, Oriolque en ocamuseos de Artes Decorativas, Gual,grandes siones hasta seis meSurf del Estado de Oaxaca, ZicateenTextil Colima y Todo Santos, siones alcanzan del Estado de Oaxaca,tros Zicatey David Mackay,hasta el seis mee Indumentaria, Cerá- Bohigas de altura,Zicatela funcionanConexion como un (www.zicala es reconocida por tener el meen BajaSurf California Sur. trospresenta de altura, la es reconocida por tenerimán el meunfuncionan diseño como un y Artes Gráficas, que co- museo azulado junto al ambiente comandada jor “beach break” (piso de arena) enmica Baja California Sur.

d El museo especializado en diseño, Disseny Hub Barcelona,


Garza Blanca

menzarán a trasladarse a este nuevo museo a partir de ene ro próximo. El DHUB abrirá sus puertas al público hacia finales de 2013, con la finalidad de promover el conocimiento y el uso del diseño.

Oleadas de acciónde acción Oleadas Surf en el Pacífico mexicano

zicatela, oaxaca

Analine Cedillo

R En honor al diseño SU EN E

El boletín de prensa oficial del museo explica que el edificio se divide en dos partes principales: una subterránea, que se localiza en el desnivel entre el Poblenou y la Plaza de las Glorias, y otra sobre la superficie, que se levanta hasta los 14.5 metros de altura. Además de salas de exhibición, el museo contará con biblioteca, centro de documentación, sala de eventos, auditorio con capacidad para 320 personas, restaurante bar y boutique de objetos de diseño. Creado por el estudio integrado por los arquitectos Oriol Capdevila, Francesc Gual, Josep Martorell, Oriol Bohigas y David Mackay, el museo presenta un diseño contemporáneo que utiliza principalmente materiales como placas de metal (cinc) y vidrio, reflejando así un aspecto industrial, con reflejos metálicos.

Cecilia Núñez




En honor al diseño


PUEBLOS MAGICOS Surf en el Pacífico mexicano

Cortes: trip tip I picaña I cerdo korobuta I añejados



en casa I rib eye new york I filete mignon I vacio I éxico es un trip tip I picaña I cerdo korobuta I añejados cabrería I cowboy I pollito deCortes: leche país para en casa I rib eye new york I filete mignon I vacio I éxico es un d El museo especializado en diseño, Disseny Hub Barcelona, cabrería I cowboy I pollito de leche practicar país para abrirá sus puertas a finalessurf de 2013. y Oaxaca el destino practicar surf infalible. De acuerdo y Oaxaca el destino infalible. De acuerdo con la International con la International Surfing Association (ISA), Surfing Association (ISA), organismo reconocido organismo reconocido Cecilia Núñez Olímpico El boletín de prensa ofipor el Comité cial del museo explica que por el Comité Olímpico Internacional como el edificio se divide en dos Internacional como El paisaje de Barcelona se ha partes principales: una subautoridad mundial de terránea, que se localiza en el reinventado con un impoautoridad mundial de desnivel entre el Poblenou y nente edificio que asemeja a surfing, el estado posee surfing, el estado posee un yunque, creación del estu- la Plaza de las Glorias, y otra T. (322) 176 0700 Ext. 113 dos lasArquitectes. mejores T. (322) 176 0700 Ext. 113 sobre la superficie, que se lediode MBM dos de las mejores Ubicado en el interior de Se trata de Museo del vanta hasta los 14.5 metros Ubicado en el interior de playas para surfear en playas para surfear en Diseño de Barcelona, el Dis- de altura. Garza Blanca Preserve Resort & SpaGarza Blanca Preserve Resort & Spa Además de salas de exhiHub Barcelona (DHUB) el seny territorio nacional: el territorio nacional: I I que se ubica en la Plaza de bición, el museo contará con Zicatela y Barra deentre biblioteca, centro de docuZicatela y Barra de las Glorias, en el límite distritos de Sant Martí y mentación, sala de eventos, la Cruz. Otros puntos la los Cruz. Otros puntos del Ensanche, donde conflu- auditorio con capacidad paque recomienda ISA restauranyenrecomienda importantes avenidas De campeonato que ISAde ra 320 Depersonas, campeonato AGENCIA INFORMATIVA AGENCIA INFORMATIVA te barPor y boutique de objetos la atmósla ciudad. Por varias décadas de Zi- explica Issac Ávila, coordinador donde se experimenta en cuenta sólocoordinador dondelaseplaya experimenta la atmósvarias décadas la playa de—tomando Zi- explica Issac Ávila, —tomando cuenta sólo de diseño. El museoen albergará, en sus catela ha sido punto de reunión de prensa de la Federación Mexi- fera cosmopolita y poco pretenfera cosmopolita y poco pretencatela ha sido punto de reunión de prensa la Federaciónpara Mexila calidad de lasdeolas— Creado por el estudio inciosa de Zicatela. mil metros las surfistas provenientes de dis- cana de Surfing. la 25 calidad decuadrados, las olas— de Zicatela. parapor surfistas provenientes de dis- cana de Surfing. los arquitectos En la zona hay varias escuepiezas –hasta ahora expues- tegrado tintas partesciosa del mundo. Sus olas De acuerdo con Adrián Dason Boca De de acuerdo Pascuales, En laque zona hay varias escue- de la Asociación de las para aprender a surfear, como partes Francesc del mundo. Sus olas con Adrián Da- y tubulares, son de Pascuales, Capdevila, tas–Boca en las colecciones de los Orioltintas grandes en ocavo, presidente en Colima y Todo Santos, las para aprender a surfear, como y tubulares, vo, presidente de la Asociación dealcanzan Josep Martorell, Oriolque en ocamuseos de Artes Decorativas, Gual,grandes siones hasta seis meSurf del Estado de Oaxaca, Zicate- Zicatela Conexion (www.zicaenTextil Colima y Todo Santos, siones alcanzan del Estado de Oaxaca,tros Zicatey David Mackay,hasta el seis mee Indumentaria, Cerá- Bohigas de altura,Zicatela funcionanConexion como un (www.zicala es reconocida por tener el me- comandada en BajaSurf California Sur. trospresenta de altura, la es reconocida por tenerimán el meunfuncionan diseño como un y Artes Gráficas, que co- museo azulado junto al ambiente comandada jor “beach break” (piso de arena) por el instructor Celestino Roenmica Baja California Sur.

d El museo especializado en diseño, Disseny Hub Barcelona,







June 2 - 8, 2016 Year 19 Free Issue 1000







Vallarta Pride

schedule of eVents


Riviera nayarit wind festiVAl

Courtesy Fernando Batin



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Photo Credit: Gloria Angélica Martínez González






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Courtesy Kimberley Bennett

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RECoRD # oF toURIsts

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map5 - 11

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SEmana SanTa gETaway

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Pulpito # 120-A Col.Amapas Romantic Zone Between Amapas & Olas Altas Puerto Vallarta

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Raicilla Mezcal Tequila

Enjoy local poetic organic Mexican cuisine

Discover and enjoy our inspiration of the day on our Poetic-Cuisine WITH COLORS AND FLAVORS OF MEXICO


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page 16

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Photo Barbara Nettleton



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courtesy JHoVANA rAMIreZ





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10 Entertainment 18 Riviera Nayarit 21 Community 18 Riviera Nayarit March 28, April 03, 2014 Free Issue 886 Catch

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Painting by Alfredo Langarica courtesy of Galeria Pacifico



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Photo Jhovana Jacqueline Ramírez Godínez



Welcome to Puerto Vallarta

and Riviera Nayarit Here is some advice to make your trip a little easier and more enjoyable. TIME ZONE: The entire state of Jalisco is on Central Time, as is the southern part of the State of Nayarit starting from Guayabitos in the north. BUSES: A system of urban buses with different routes can bring you from one end of the bay to the other and all the spots in between. Current fare in Puerto Vallarta is $7.50 pesos per ticket and passengers must purchase a new ticket every time they board another bus. There are no “transfers”. TAXIS: There are set rates within defined zones of town. Do not enter a taxi without agreeing on the price with the driver first. Price is per trip not person. MONEY EXCHANGE: Although you may have to wait in line for a few minutes, banks will give you a higher rate of exchange than the exchange booths (caja de cambio). You will need your passport. Better yet, use your bank card to withdraw funds from any ATM machine. Note that ATM’s in the banks are the safest to use and generally charge lower fees. DRINKING WATER: For the 18th year in a row, Puerto Vallarta’s water has been awarded a certification of purity for human consumption. The quality of the water tested at the purification plant varies greatly from what comes out of the tap at the other end. So do be careful. If you want to be doubly sure, you can pick up bottled water just about anywhere. EXPORTING PETS: Falling love with the street dog outside your hotel or a puppy on the Malecon doesn’t mean they can’t come home with you. The process is fairly inexpensive and only takes a day or two. You need a certificate of health from a local vet among other things. The time of year that pets can travel in the cargo section of the plane may be your biggest challenge. For the most up-to-date information contact the Puerto Vallarta SPCA at COMMON SENSE: Just as you wouldn’t walk around your hometown drunk and beligerent, it is not acceptable to do that here. While Mexicans are a forgiving bunch, basic politeness is appreciated. For the guys, peeing in public is a major faux pas and if you are caught, can get you tossed in jail or an expensive fine. Pay attention to your surroundings. Pay your bills. Be courteous. And have fun! DRINKING AND DRIVING: First off – just don’t. The consequences are not worth it. Taxis are cheap and plentiful. Fines are as much as 10,000 pesos. You can be taken to jail and your vehicle impounded. There are many checkstops on the weekends and you will be asked to blow if they suspect you have been drinking. LEGAL SYSTEM: Not knowing the law is not an valid excuse in Mexico or anywhere. If you find yourself caught in a legal situation be aware that guilt is presumed until your innocence can be proven. This is a very difficult lesson to learn if you are visiting from the United States or Canada in particular. Immediately contact your consulate for assistance.


Surf en el Pacífico mexicano

Oleadas de acciónde acción Oleadas Surf en el Pacífico mexicano

zicatela, oaxaca

Analine Cedillo

abrirá sus puertas a finales de 2013.

El paisaje de Barcelona se ha reinventado con un imponente edificio que asemeja a un yunque, creación del estudio MBM Arquitectes. Se trata de Museo del Diseño de Barcelona, el Disseny Hub Barcelona (DHUB) que se ubica en la Plaza de las Glorias, en el límite entre los distritos de Sant Martí y del Ensanche, donde confluyen importantes avenidas de la ciudad. El museo albergará, en sus 25 mil metros cuadrados, las piezas –hasta ahora expuestas– en las colecciones de los museos de Artes Decorativas, Textil e Indumentaria, Cerámica y Artes Gráficas, que comenzarán a trasladarse a este nuevo museo a partir de enero próximo. El DHUB abrirá sus puertas al público hacia finales de 2013, con la finalidad de promover el conocimiento y el uso del diseño.

Garza Blanca

del tubo, pero son muy potentes,

d Departure Date es

El paisaje de Barcelona se ha reinve

menzarán a trasladarse a este nuevo museo a partir de ene ro próximo. El DHUB abrirá sus puertas al público hacia finales de 2013, con la finalidad de promover el conocimiento y el uso del diseño.

25 de mayo de 2012

para expertoS

Otro popular punto para surfear en el Pacífico mexicano es Boca Barra De lade crUz, Pascuales, situado al suroesoaxaca te de Manzanillo y muy cerca de la ciudad de Tecomán. Como en Zicatela, las olas que aquí se forman son grandes, tubulares y revientan hacia dos lados. Por sus características, se recomiendan para surfistas expertos. La mejor época para surfear es el verano, las olas alcanzan hasta cinco metros de altura. En diciembre, en Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Jalisco o Colima, las olas son más bajas, explica Issac Ávila, coordinador de prensa de la Federación Mexicana de Surfing A.C. En la playa de Boca de Pascuales los viajeros encuentran paSencillez playera lapas donde comer mariscos.

para expertoS

Otro popular punto para surfear en el Pacífico mexicano es Boca de Pascuales, situado al suroeste de Manzanillo y muy cerca de la ciudad de Tecomán. Como en Zicatela, las olas que aquí se forman son grandes, tubulares y revientan hacia dos lados. Por sus características, se recomiendan para surfistas expertos. La mejor época para surfear es el verano, las olas alcanzan hasta cinco metros de altura. En diciembre, en Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Jalisco o Colima, las olas son más bajas, explica Issac Ávila, coordinador de prensa de la Federación Mexicana de Surfing A.C. En la playa de Boca de Pascuales los viajeros encuentran palapas donde comer mariscos.

Síguenos en:

Barra De la crUz, oaxaca

Síguenos en:

a 35 mil pies de altura

del tubo, pero son muy potentes,

The paper used in this publication is ecology friendly

d Departure Date es

Analine Cedillo

El amor está en el aire, literalmente. Departure Date es el título del primer cortometraje filmado y editado a 35 mil pies de altura (casi 10 mil 700 metros), cuya trama aborda un romance aéreo que nace inesperadamente. Escrita y dirigida por Kat Coiro (While We Were Here y Life Happens), la cinta se publicita como un proyecto sin precedentes, pues nunca antes se había hecho una película a bordo de aviones comerciales. Para el rodaje, que duró 20 horas, se utilizaron naves de las aerolíneas Virgin America, Virgin Atlantic y Virgin Australia durante vuelos que de Los Ángeles a Dallas-Forth Worth, Londres y Sidney. “Virgin Airlines ha barrido con todos los premios por tener los mejores sistemas de entretenimiento en los cielos, pero una cin-

d El rodaje de la cinta duró 20 horas y se realizó en vuelos comerciales de tres aerolíneas.

A 45 minutos de Huatulco, en la playa Barra de la Cruz habita una comunidad que ha encontrado en Boca De paScUaleS, el surf un gran potencial turístico colima y económico. “La ola tiene una forma perfecta y en ocasiones hace tubo”, detalla Adrián Davo, presidente de la Asociación de Surf del Estado de Oaxaca, “es recomendada en sus días buenos sólo para

d El rodaje de la cinta duró 20 horas y se realizó en vuelos comerciales de tres aerolíneas.

El amor está en el aire, literalmente. Departure Date es el título del primer cortometraje filmado y editado a 35 mil pies de altura (casi 10 mil 700 metros), cuya trama aborda un romance aéreo que nace inesperadamente. Escrita y dirigida por Kat Coiro (While We Were Here y Life Happens), la cinta se publicita como un proyecto sin precedentes, pues nunca antes se había hecho una película a bordo de aviones comerciales. Para el rodaje, que duró 20 horas, se utilizaron naves de las aerolíneas Virgin America, Virgin Atlantic y Virgin Australia durante vuelos que de Los Ángeles a Dallas-Forth Worth, Londres y Sidney. “Virgin Airlines ha barrido con todos los premios por tener los mejores sistemas de entretenimiento en los cielos, pero una cinta sobre enamorarse de un extraño a bordo de un avión Virgin... ¡eso sí es entretenimiento a bordo!”,

básicas de los viajeros, aunque se


kilómetros por hora, previéndose que alcance la categoría

michoacano de Huracán 2 en2012 la escala “Bud” ya es el primer huracán de laCategoría temporada en elSaffir-Simpson, con Además de imponente gastoDoS SantoS, tronomía y arquitectura, Mi- vientos vientos máximos sostenidos de120 165 kilómetros por hora y Pacífico Mexicano, al alcanzar superiores a los BaJa caliFornia SUr

d “amor sin escalas” (“Up in the Air”/EU, 2009). Ryan (George Clooney) viaja constantemente para cumplir su trabajo: anunciarle a otros que están despedidos. En el camino conoce a Alex, una mujer que podría ser su alma gemela. d “Vuelo 93” (“United 93”/Francia, Inglaterra, EU, 2006). Narra lo que ocurrió al interior del vuelo 93 de United Airlines, el 11 de septiembre de 2001 cuando los pasajeros decidieron hacer frente a los terroristas que buscaban controlar la nave.

SUrF peninSUlar

Al norte del País, cerca del Pueblo categoría aSantos, la vez que se espera se estacione frente a Mágico3, Todos hay varias

playas quepronosticó convocan a surfistas perimentados las olas El Centro Nacional de(porHuracanes el tropical y revire a mar experimentados que se forman en dos direcPuerto Vallartay principiantes ya comoque tormenta arriesgados. ciones distintas), mientras fenómeno impactará costas jaliscienses, entre Tomatlán Océano Pacífico está aa sólo que Nexpalas y La Ticla son abierto yElcomience disiparse tres kilómetros del pueblo y San perfectas para todo tipo de Pedrito, Los Cerritos, Punta Lobos,huracán practicantes: sus olas alcany CaboSUrF Corrientes laentrenoche del viernes como peninSUlar La Poza, Batequitos y Los Estedos y tres metros Al norte del País, cerca delzan Pueblo ros sonse los puntos más populares de altura y se forman una categoría aSantos, la vez que seenespera estacione frente a Mágico3, Todos hay varias para practicar este deporte. sola dirección. playas que convocan a surfistas Las olas más grandes se forSe recomienda llegar experimentados Puertoarriesgados. Vallartay principiantes yaporcomo tormenta tropical y revire a mar man entre diciembre y enero. tierra a la costa michoaAunque el agua es cálida, se recocana y conducir de día, coOcéano Pacífico está mienda utilizar trajes de neopremoamedida de seguridad. abiertotresyElkilómetros comience asólodisiparse no en invierno y primavera. Además, del pueblo y San al tener automó-

"La Batalla", evidenció carencias de Bomberos Todos Santos tiene, además, un gusto especial por el arte: se distingue por sus más de 20 galerías. La alternativa de alojamiento incluye hasta hoteles boutique, aunque algunos viajeros prefieren acampar en las playas.

vilLobos, propio, se puede ir de Pedrito, Los Cerritos, Punta unaEsteplaya a otra a placer. De La Poza, Batequitos y Los Guadalajara a Playa Azul, el ros son los puntos más populares tiempo aproximado de recopara practicar este deporte. rrido Las olas más grandes se es for-de seis horas. man entre diciembre y enero. Aunque el agua es cálida, se recomienda utilizar trajes de neopreno en invierno y primavera. Todos Santos tiene, además, un gusto especial por el arte: se distingue por sus más de 20 galerías. La alternativa de alojamiento incluye hasta hoteles boutique, aunque algunos viajeros prefieren acampar en las playas.

"La Batalla", evidenció carencias de Bomberos


T. (322) 176 0700 Ext. 113 Ubicado en el interior de Garza Blanca Preserve Resort & Spa I

VIERNES VIERNES 25 de mayo de 2012 25 de mayo de 2012

para expertoS

Otro popular punto para surfear en el Pacífico mexicano es Boca Barra De lade crUz, Pascuales, situado al suroesoaxaca te de Manzanillo y muy cerca de la ciudad de Tecomán. Como en Zicatela, las olas que aquí se forman son grandes, tubulares y revientan hacia dos lados. Por sus características, se recomiendan para surfistas expertos. La mejor época para surfear es el verano, las olas alcanzan hasta cinco metros de altura. En diciembre, en Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Jalisco o Colima, las olas son más bajas, explica Issac Ávila, coordinador de prensa de la Federación Mexicana de Surfing A.C. En la playa de Boca de Pascuales los viajeros encuentran paSencillez playera lapas donde comer mariscos.


AGENCIA INFORMATIVA donde se experimenta la atmósfera cosmopolita y poco pretenciosa de Zicatela. En la zona hay varias escuelas para aprender a surfear, como Zicatela Conexion ( comandada por el instructor Celestino Rodríguez y recomendada por los locales. Además, cada año se desarrollan torneos de surfing como el QuickSilver Pro, XGames, OP, Puerto Escondido Challenge, Juegos Nacionales, IBA World Tour y las Fiestas de Noviembre en Puerto Escondido.

sa Babylon, por ejemplo, es un rincón especializado en mojitos

Otro popular punto para surfear en el Pacífico mexicano es Boca de Pascuales, situado al suroeste de Manzanillo y muy cerca de la ciudad de Tecomán. Como en Zicatela, las olas que aquí se forman son grandes, tubulares y revientan hacia dos lados. Por sus características, se recomiendan para surfistas expertos. La mejor época para surfear es el verano, las olas alcanzan hasta cinco metros de altura. En diciembre, en Oaxaca, Guerrero, Michoacán, Jalisco o Colima, las olas son más bajas, explica Issac Ávila, coordinador de prensa de la Federación Mexicana de Surfing A.C. En la playa de Boca de Pascuales los viajeros encuentran palapas donde comer mariscos.

Síguenos en:

Barra De la crUz, oaxaca

Síguenos en:

Se alerta a la Armada de México

A 45 minutos de Huatulco, en la playa Barra de la Cruz habita una comunidad que ha encontrado en Boca De paScUaleS, el surf un gran potencial turístico colima y económico. “La ola tiene una forma perfecta y en ocasiones hace tubo”, detalla Adrián Davo, presidente de la Asociación de Surf del Estado de Oaxaca, “es recomendada en sus días buenos sólo para

d El rodaje de la cinta duró 20 horas y se realizó en vuelos comerciales de tres aerolíneas.

las cabinas de los aviones han formado parte de la trama en todo tipo de películas. algunas de ellas son:

Nexpa o La2 Ticla, la escena de Huracán Categoría en la escala Saffir-Simpson, con cotidiana está protagonizada Elde Centro Nacional depor Huracanes viajeros preparados pavientos máximos rapor sostenidos 165 kilómetros hora y pronosticó que el acampar sobre la arena, impactará las costas jaliscienses, entre Tomatlán acompañados de susfenómeno tablas rachas de 205 kilómetros de surf para montar por olas. hora. ylasCabo Corrientes la noche del viernes como huracán Según el sitio web de Michoacán, Playa Azul es la favorita de los surfistas ex-

comentó Sir Richard Branson, fundador del grupo Virgin, a través de un comunicado. Algunas de las escenas se filmaron en cabinas de distintas categorías, desde la Economy hasta la Upper Class, pasando por la First Class y la cabina principal. Otras se rodaron

Celuloide al vuelo

choacán atrae por la belleza Litoral natural de sus costas.rachas de 205 kilómetros por hora. kilómetros por hora, previéndose que alcance la categoría Sobre las playas mimichoacano choacanas como Playa Azul,

de surf para montar las olas. Según el sitio web de Michoacán, Playa Azul es la favorita de los surfistas experimentados (por las olas que se forman en dos direcciones distintas), mientras que Nexpa y La Ticla son perfectas para todo tipo de practicantes: sus olas alcanzan entre dos y tres metros de altura y se forman en una sola dirección. Se recomienda llegar por tierra a la costa michoacana y conducir de día, como medida de seguridad. Además, al tener automóvil propio, se puede ir de una playa a otra a placer. De Guadalajara a Playa Azul, el tiempo aproximado de recorrido es de seis horas.

Sencillez playera

A 45 minutos de Huatulco, en la playa Barra de la Cruz habita una comunidad que ha encontrado en el surf un gran potencial turístico y económico. “La ola tiene una forma perfecta y en ocasiones hace tubo”, detalla Adrián Davo, presidente de la Asociación de Surf del Estado de Oaxaca, “es recomendada en sus días buenos sólo para

Hoy suspenden Clases: es huracán 3

Hoy suspenden Clases: es huracán 3

les recomiendade llevarMarina, almohadas, la Secretaría porque el meteoro trae la misma ‘surfers’ experimentados”. toallas y sábanas propias sólo para de clases El Gobierno de Jalisco ordenó la suspensión Las opciones de hospedaje en sentirse más cómodos, dice Davo. intensidad que el huracán "Jova" en octubre del año Barra de la Cruz son cabañas rúsPor ello, muchos prefieen los municipios costerospasado, y se alertó a surfistas 4tuvo mil elementos de ticas que cubren las necesidades ren y acampar. Hay sanitarios, estaafectaría básicamente la misma zona. básicas de los viajeros, aunque se cionamiento y seguridad. les recomiendade llevarMarina, almohadas, la Secretaría porque el meteoro trae la misma toallas y sábanas propias sólo para sentirse más cómodos, dice Davo. intensidad que tuvo el huracán "Jova" octubre del año “Bud” ya es en el primer huracán de la temporada 2012 en el Por ello, muchos surfistas prefieHay sanitarios, estatoDoS SantoS,zona. pasado,ren yacampar. afectaría básicamente misma Pacífico la Mexicano, al alcanzar vientos superiores a los 120 cionamiento y seguridad. BaJa caliFornia SUr

en el Onboard Bar de la cabina Business International de la aerolínea Virgin Australia, que cuenta con un bar con asientos, un sanitario sólo para damas y la exclusiva Row Five, una especie de cabina privada. De acuerdo con el boletín, la trama sigue a una serie de personajes que deberán atreverse a tomar el control de su destino y seguir lo que dicte su corazón, sin importar el camino a donde éste les lleve. Actúan Ben Feldman, Nicky Whelan, Philip Baker Hall, Luis Guzmán, Janeane Garofalo y Max Brown. La cinta fue producida por Virgin Produced, rama del emporio de Sir Branson que se dedica a la realización de filmes y televisión. Por ejemplo, detrás gasAdemás deestá imponente de la cintatronomía Sin límitey(Limitless/ arquitectura, MiEU, 2011), dirigida poratrae Neil Burger choacán por la belleza y protagonizada porsusBradley natural de costas. Cooper y Robert De Niro. Sobreparte las playas Departure Date, de unamichoacanas comodePlaya nueva campaña publicitaria las Azul, Nexpa o La Ticla, tres aerolíneas involucradas enlaelescena cotidiana proyecto, se estrenaráestá el 11protagonizada de jupor viajeros preparados nio en el Festival de Cine de Los paÁngeles y se como parte ra incluirá acampar sobre la arena, de su entretenimiento a bordo. acompañados de sus tablas

para expertoS

a 35 mil pies de altura Analine Cedillo

Sencillez playera

A 45 minutos de Huatulco, en la playa Barra de la Cruz habita una comunidad que ha encontrado en el surf un gran potencial turístico y económico. “La ola tiene una forma perfecta y en ocasiones hace tubo”, detalla Adrián Davo, presidente de la Asociación de Surf del Estado de Oaxaca, “es recomendada en sus días buenos sólo para

‘surfers’ experimentados”. El Gobierno de Jalisco ordenó la suspensión de clases Las opciones de hospedaje en Barra de la Cruz son cabañas rúsen los municipios costeros y se alertó a 4 mil elementos de ticas que cubren las necesidades

Boca De paScUaleS, colima

comentó Sir Richard Branson, fundador del grupo Virgin, a través de un comunicado. Algunas de las escenas se filmaron en cabinas de distintas categorías, desde la Eco-

comentó Sir Richard Bran- taen el enamorarse Onboard Bar la cabinanomy hasta la Upper Class, pasobre de undeextraño son, fundador del grupo Virgin, a Business International de¡eso la aero-sando por la First Class y la bordo de un avión Virgin... sílínea es entretenimiento a bordo!”, a través de un comunicado. Virgin Australia, que cuentacabina principal. Otras se rodaron Algunas de las escenas se fil- con un bar con asientos, un sanimaron en cabinas de distintas tario sólo para damas y la exclucategorías, desde la Eco- siva Row Five, una especie de canomy hasta la Upper Class, pa- bina privada. sando por la First Class y la Celuloide De acuerdo al con vuelo el boletín, la cabina principal. Otras se rodaron las trama sigue seriehan de persocabinas de alosuna aviones formado parte de la trama deberán atreverse ennajes todo que tipo de películas. algunasadetoellas son: mar el control de su destino y seguir losinque dicte (“Up su corazón, sind “plan de vuelo” (“Flightplan”/ d “amor escalas” in the importar el Ryan camino a donde és- EU,2005). Kyle (Jodie Foster), una Air”/EU, 2009). (George Clooney) viaja constantemente para ingeniera en aviación, emprende un te les lleve. Actúan Ben Feldman, cumplir su trabajo: anunciarle a otrosHall, viaje con su hija de seis años, la cual Nicky Whelan, Philip Baker que están despedidos. En el camino Luis Guzmán, Janeane Garofalo desaparece en el avión. El personal Alex, una mujer que podría le asegura que la niña nunca abordó, yconoce MaxaBrown. ser suLa alma gemela. cinta fue producida por así que, desesperada, decide d “Vuelo 93” (“United 93”/Francia, buscarla ella misma. Virgin rama del em-d “¿y dónde está el piloto?” Inglaterra,Produced, EU, 2006). Narra lo que porio deinterior Sir Branson que ocurrió al del vuelo 93 de se dedi- (“Airplane!”/EU,1980). Una comedia ca a laAirlines, realización de filmes y te- clásica en la que Leslie Nielsen United el 11 de septiembre levisión. Por ejemplo, de 2001 cuando los pasajerosestá detrás encarna al Dr. Rumack, un ex piloto de la cinta límite decidieron hacerSin frente a los (Limitless/ que debe hacer a un lado su miedo terroristas buscaban controlar EU, 2011),quedirigida por Neil Burger a volar cuando la tripulación y los yla nave. protagonizada por Bradley pasajeros se intoxican por comida. Cooper y Robert De Niro. Departure Date, parte de una nueva campaña publicitaria de las tres aerolíneas involucradas en el proyecto, se estrenará el 11 de junio en el Festival de Cine de Los Ángeles y se incluirá como parte de su entretenimiento a bordo.

d “plan de vuelo” (“Flightplan”/ EU,2005). Kyle (Jodie Foster), una ingeniera en aviación, emprende un viaje con su hija de seis años, la cual desaparece en el avión. El personal le asegura que la niña nunca abordó, así que, desesperada, decide buscarla ella misma. d “¿y dónde está el piloto?” (“Airplane!”/EU,1980). Una comedia clásica en la que Leslie Nielsen encarna al Dr. Rumack, un ex piloto que debe hacer a un lado su miedo a volar cuando la tripulación y los pasajeros se intoxican por comida.

Se alerta a la Armada de México

"Bud" se parece a "Jova"

el primer cortometraje filmado por completo

HAPPY ANNIVERSARYHoy suspenden Clases: es huracán 3 PUERTOHoy VALLARTA suspenden Clases: es huracán 3

a 35 mil pies de altura

Celuloide al vuelo

las cabinas de los aviones han formado parte de la trama en todo tipo de películas. algunas de ellas son: d “amor sin escalas” (“Up in the Air”/EU, 2009). Ryan (George Clooney) viaja constantemente para cumplir su trabajo: anunciarle a otros que están despedidos. En el camino conoce a Alex, una mujer que podría ser su alma gemela. d “Vuelo 93” (“United 93”/Francia, Inglaterra, EU, 2006). Narra lo que ocurrió al interior del vuelo 93 de United Airlines, el 11 de septiembre de 2001 cuando los pasajeros decidieron hacer frente a los terroristas que buscaban controlar la nave.

caracteriza a la zona.Celestino del mundo. contemporáneo quejunto utilizaal ambiente el instructor Ro-La ola es muy rápida y imán azulado jor “beach break” (piso derelajado arena) quepor Elytipo de ola quey se forma muy fuerte, principalmente dríguez recomendada por los revienta en diferentes relajado quemateriales caracteriza a la zona. del mundo. La ola es muy rápida en Zicatela es conocida como la es impredecible al grado como placas de metal (cinc) locales. Además, cada lugares año seydeEl tipo de ola que se forma muy fuerte, revienta en diferentes mexicana, porde surfing de que hay y vidrio, reflejandoesasíconocida un as- como la sarrollan torneos co- que estarla cazando. en Zicatela lugares y es impredecible alPipeline grado (tubería) la similitud mo que el tiene con la mí-Pro, XGames, Restaurantes, bares y sitios pectoPipeline industrial, con reflejos QuickSilver (tubería) mexicana, por de que hay que estarla cazando. tica o la Pipeline de la isla de para rentar tablas se ubican frenmetálicos. OP, Puerto Escondido la similitud que tiene con la míRestaurantes, bares yOahu, sitiosen Hawaii. “Lo que bus- teChallena esta playa cercana al adoquige,es Juegos Nacionales, tica o la Pipeline de la isla de para rentar tablas se ubican canfrenlos ‘surfers’ meterse dentro IBA nadoWorld de Puerto Escondido. Tour las Fiestas Oahu, en Hawaii. “Lo que bus- te a esta playa cercana al adoquidel tubo, pero sonymuy potentes,de Noviembre sa Babylon, por ejemplo, es un Escondido. rincón especializado en mojitos can los ‘surfers’ es meterse dentro nado de Puerto Escondido. por Calo tantoen sonPuerto para expertos”,

Año XXI / No. 8107por lo tanto son para expertos”, Estrena Virgin ‘air Free movie’Issue

Año / No. 8107 Sept XXI 10 - 16, 2012 | Issue 805

Se alerta a la Armada de México

Se alerta a la Armada de México

el primer cortometraje

filmado por completo

el primer cortometraje

Analine Cedillo

Cortes: trip tip I picaña I cerdo korobuta I añejados en casa I rib eye new york I filete mignon I vacio I cabrería I cowboy I pollito de leche


Garza Blanca

VIERNES VIERNES 25 de mayo de 2012

dríguez y recomendada por los locales. Además, cada año se desarrollan torneos de surfing como el QuickSilver Pro, XGames, OP, Puerto Escondido Challenge, Juegos Nacionales, IBA World Tour y las Fiestas de Noviembre en Puerto Escondido.

sa Babylon, por ejemplo, es un rincón especializado en mojitos Free Issue

paper used in this publication is ecology friendly

se parece a "Jova" "Bud""Bud" se parece a "Jova"

d Departure Date es

filmado por completo

El amor está en el aire, literalmente. Departure Date es el título del primer cortometraje filmado y editado a 35 mil pies de altura (casi 10 mil 700 metros), cuya trama aborda un romance aéreo que nace inesperadamente. Escrita y dirigida por Kat Coiro (While We Were Here y Life Happens), la cinta se publicita como un proyecto sin precedentes, pues nunca antes se había hecho una película a bordo de aviones comerciales. Para el rodaje, que duró 20 horas, se utilizaron naves de las aerolíneas Virgin America, Virgin Atlantic y Virgin Australia durante vuelos que de Los Ángeles a Dallas-Forth Worth, Londres y Sidney. “Virgin Airlines ha barrido con todos los premios por tener los mejores sistemas de entretenimiento en los cielos, pero una cinta sobre enamorarse de un extraño a bordo de un avión Virgin... ¡eso sí es entretenimiento a bordo!”,

zicatela, oaxaca



En honor al diseño

Cecilia Núñez


caracteriza a la zona.Celestino del mundo. contemporáneo quejunto utilizaal ambiente el instructor Ro-La ola es muy rápida y imán azulado jor “beach break” (piso derelajado arena) quepor Elytipo de ola quey se forma muy fuerte, principalmente dríguez recomendada por los revienta en diferentes relajado quemateriales caracteriza a la zona. del mundo. La ola es muy rápida en Zicatela es conocida como la es impredecible al grado como placas de metal (cinc) locales. Además, cada lugares año seydeEl tipo de ola que se forma muy fuerte, revienta en diferentes mexicana, porde surfing de que hay y vidrio, reflejandoesasíconocida un as- como la sarrollan torneos co- que estarla cazando. en Zicatela lugares y es impredecible alPipeline grado (tubería) la similitud mo que el tiene con la mí-Pro, XGames, Restaurantes, bares y sitios pectoPipeline industrial, con reflejos QuickSilver (tubería) mexicana, por de que hay que estarla cazando. tica o la Pipeline de la isla de para rentar tablas se ubican frenmetálicos. OP, Puerto Escondido la similitud que tiene con la míRestaurantes, bares yOahu, sitiosen Hawaii. “Lo que bus- teChallena esta playa cercana al adoquige,es Juegos Nacionales, tica o la Pipeline de la isla de para rentar tablas se ubican canfrenlos ‘surfers’ meterse dentro IBA nadoWorld de Puerto Escondido. Tour las Fiestas Oahu, en Hawaii. “Lo que bus- te a esta playa cercana al adoquidel tubo, pero sonymuy potentes,de Noviembre sa Babylon, por ejemplo, es un Escondido. rincón especializado en mojitos can los ‘surfers’ es meterse dentro nado de Puerto Escondido. por Calo tantoen sonPuerto para expertos”,

Año XXI / No. 8107por lo tanto son para expertos”,

Año XXI- /Jun No.3,8107 May 28 2012 | Issue 790 The

zicatela, oaxaca

Analine Cedillo


éxico es un país para éxico es un d El museo especializado en diseño, Disseny Hub Barcelona, practicar país para abrirá sus puertas a finalessurf de 2013. y Oaxaca el destino practicar surf infalible. De acuerdo y Oaxaca el destino infalible. De acuerdo con la International con la International Surfing Association (ISA), Surfing Association (ISA), organismo reconocido organismo reconocido Cecilia Núñez El boletín de prensa ofipor el Comité Olímpico cial del museo explica que por el Comité Olímpico Internacional como el edificio se divide en dos Internacional como El paisaje de Barcelona se ha partes principales: una subautoridad mundial de reinventado con un impoterránea, que se localiza en el autoridad mundial de nente edificio que asemeja a desnivel entre el Poblenou y surfing, el estado posee surfing, el estado posee un yunque, creación del estu- la Plaza de las Glorias, y otra dos lasArquitectes. mejores diode MBM sobre la superficie, que se ledos de las mejores Se trata de Museo del vanta hasta los 14.5 metros playas para surfear en playas para surfear en Diseño de Barcelona, el Dis- de altura. Hub Barcelona (DHUB) Además de salas de exhiel seny territorio nacional: el territorio nacional: que se ubica en la Plaza de bición, el museo contará con Zicatela y Barra deentre biblioteca, centro de docuZicatela y Barra de las Glorias, en el límite distritos de Sant Martí y mentación, sala de eventos, la Cruz. Otros puntos la los Cruz. Otros puntos del Ensanche, donde conflu- auditorio con capacidad paque recomienda ISA De campeonato yenrecomienda importantes avenidas restauranque ISAde ra 320 Depersonas, campeonato Por varias décadas de Zi- explica Issac Ávila, coordinador la ciudad. te barPor y boutique de objetos en cuenta sólocoordinador dondelaseplaya experimenta la atmósvarias décadas la playa de—tomando Zi- explica Issac Ávila, —tomando cuenta sólo de diseño. catela ha sido punto de reunión de prensa de la Federación MexiEl museoen albergará, en sus fera cosmopolita y poco pretencatela ha sido punto de reunión de prensa la Federaciónpara Mexila calidad de lasdeolas— surfistas provenientes de dis- cana de Surfing. mil metros las Creado por el estudio inla 25 calidad decuadrados, las olas— de Zicatela. parapor surfistas provenientes de dis- cana de Surfing. tintas partesciosa del mundo. Sus olas De acuerdo con Adrián Dapiezas –hasta ahora expues- tegrado los arquitectos son Boca De de acuerdo Pascuales, En laque zona hay varias escue- de la Asociación de partes Francesc del mundo. Sus olas con Adrián Da- y tubulares, son de Pascuales, grandes en ocavo, presidente tas–Boca en las colecciones de los Orioltintas Capdevila, en Colima y Todo Santos, las para aprender a surfear, como y tubulares, vo, presidente de la Asociación dealcanzan siones hasta seis meSurf del Estado de Oaxaca, Zicatemuseos de Artes Decorativas, Gual,grandes Josep Martorell, Oriolque en ocaenTextil Colima y Todo Santos, siones alcanzan del EstadoSur. de Oaxaca,tros Zicatede altura,Zicatela funcionanConexion como un (www.zicala es reconocida por tener el mee Indumentaria, Cerá- Bohigas y David Mackay,hasta el seis meen BajaSurf California trospresenta de altura, la es reconocida por tenerimán el meazulado junto al ambiente comandada jor “beach break” (piso de arena) y Artes Gráficas, que co- museo unfuncionan diseño como un enmica Baja California Sur.



Garza Blanca

menzarán a trasladarse a este nuevo museo a partir de ene ro próximo. El DHUB abrirá sus puertas al público hacia finales de 2013, con la finalidad de promover el conocimiento y el uso del diseño.

Estrena Virgin ‘air movie’Estrena Virgin ‘air movie’

Surf en el Pacífico mexicano

Analine Cedillo

zicatela, oaxaca




Surf en el Pacífico mexicano

Oleadas de acciónde acción Oleadas

Cortes: trip tip I picaña I cerdo korobuta I añejados

Analine Cedillo

En honor al diseño SURFEN EL

El boletín de prensa oficial del museo explica que el edificio se divide en dos partes principales: una subterránea, que se localiza en el desnivel entre el Poblenou y la Plaza de las Glorias, y otra sobre la superficie, que se levanta hasta los 14.5 metros de altura. Además de salas de exhibición, el museo contará con biblioteca, centro de documentación, sala de eventos, auditorio con capacidad para 320 personas, restaurante bar y boutique de objetos de diseño. Creado por el estudio integrado por los arquitectos Oriol Capdevila, Francesc Gual, Josep Martorell, Oriol Bohigas y David Mackay, el museo presenta un diseño contemporáneo que utiliza principalmente materiales como placas de metal (cinc) y vidrio, reflejando así un aspecto industrial, con reflejos metálicos.

Cecilia Núñez



en casa I rib eye new york I filete mignon I vacio I éxico es un trip tip I picaña I cerdo korobuta I añejados cabrería I cowboy I pollito deCortes: leche país para en casa I rib eye new york I filete mignon I vacio I éxico es un d El museo especializado en diseño, Disseny Hub Barcelona, cabrería I cowboy I pollito de leche practicar país para abrirá sus puertas a finalessurf de 2013. y Oaxaca el destino practicar surf infalible. De acuerdo y Oaxaca el destino infalible. De acuerdo con la International con la International Surfing Association (ISA), Surfing Association (ISA), organismo reconocido organismo reconocido Cecilia Núñez El boletín de prensa ofipor el Comité Olímpico cial del museo explica que por el Comité Olímpico Internacional como el edificio se divide en dos Internacional como El paisaje de Barcelona se ha partes principales: una subautoridad mundial de reinventado con un impoterránea, que se localiza en el autoridad mundial de nente edificio que asemeja a desnivel entre el Poblenou y surfing, el estado posee surfing, el estado posee un yunque, creación del estu- la Plaza de las Glorias, y otra T. (322) 176 0700 Ext. 113 dos lasArquitectes. mejores T. (322) 176 0700 Ext. 113 diode MBM sobre la superficie, que se ledos de las mejores Ubicado en el interior de Se trata de Museo del vanta hasta los 14.5 metros Ubicado en el interior de playas para surfear en playas para surfear en Diseño de Barcelona, el Dis- de altura. Garza Blanca Preserve Resort & SpaGarza Blanca Preserve Resort & Spa Hub Barcelona (DHUB) Además de salas de exhiel seny territorio nacional: el territorio nacional: I I que se ubica en la Plaza de bición, el museo contará con Zicatela y Barra deentre biblioteca, centro de docuZicatela y Barra de las Glorias, en el límite distritos de Sant Martí y mentación, sala de eventos, la Cruz. Otros puntos la los Cruz. Otros puntos del Ensanche, donde conflu- auditorio con capacidad paque recomienda ISA De campeonato yenrecomienda importantes avenidas restauranque ISAde ra 320 Depersonas, campeonato AGENCIA INFORMATIVA AGENCIA INFORMATIVA la atmósPor varias décadas de Zi- explica Issac Ávila, coordinador donde se experimenta la ciudad. te barPor y boutique de objetos en cuenta sólocoordinador dondelaseplaya experimenta la atmósvarias décadas la playa de—tomando Zi- explica Issac Ávila, —tomando cuenta sólo de diseño. catela ha sido punto de reunión de prensa de la Federación Mexi- fera cosmopolita y poco pretenEl museoen albergará, en sus fera cosmopolita y poco pretencatela ha sido punto de reunión de prensa la Federaciónpara Mexila calidad de lasdeolas— ciosa de Zicatela. surfistas provenientes de dis- cana de Surfing. mil metros las Creado por el estudio inla 25 calidad decuadrados, las olas— de Zicatela. parapor surfistas provenientes de dis- cana de Surfing. En la zona hay varias escuetintas partesciosa del mundo. Sus olas De acuerdo con Adrián Dapiezas –hasta ahora expues- tegrado los arquitectos son Boca De de acuerdo Pascuales, En laque zona hay varias escue- de la Asociación de las para aprender a surfear, como partes Francesc del mundo. Sus olas con Adrián Da- y tubulares, son de Pascuales, grandes en ocavo, presidente tas–Boca en las colecciones de los Orioltintas Capdevila, en Colima y Todo Santos, las para aprender a surfear, como y tubulares, vo, presidente de la Asociación dealcanzan siones hasta seis meSurf del Estado de Oaxaca, Zicate- Zicatela Conexion (www.zicamuseos de Artes Decorativas, Gual,grandes Josep Martorell, Oriolque en ocaenTextil Colima y Todo Santos, siones alcanzan del EstadoSur. de Oaxaca,tros Zicatede altura,Zicatela funcionanConexion como un (www.zicala es reconocida por tener el me- comandada e Indumentaria, Cerá- Bohigas y David Mackay,hasta el seis meen BajaSurf California trospresenta de altura, la es reconocida por tenerimán el meazulado junto al ambiente comandada jor “beach break” (piso de arena) por el instructor Celestino Roy Artes Gráficas, que co- museo unfuncionan diseño como un enmica Baja California Sur.

d El museo especializado en diseño, Disseny Hub Barcelona,

En honor al diseño

d “plan de vuelo” (“Flightplan”/ EU,2005). Kyle (Jodie Foster), una ingeniera en aviación, emprende un viaje con su hija de seis años, la cual desaparece en el avión. El personal le asegura que la niña nunca abordó, así que, desesperada, decide buscarla ella misma. d “¿y dónde está el piloto?” (“Airplane!”/EU,1980). Una comedia clásica en la que Leslie Nielsen encarna al Dr. Rumack, un ex piloto que debe hacer a un lado su miedo a volar cuando la tripulación y los pasajeros se intoxican por comida.

‘surfers’ experimentados”. El Gobierno de Jalisco ordenó la suspensión de clases Las opciones de hospedaje en Barra de la Cruz son cabañas rúsen los municipios costeros y se alertó a 4 mil elementos de ticas que cubren las necesidades

Boca De paScUaleS, colima

les recomiendade llevarMarina, almohadas, la Secretaría porque el meteoro trae la misma ‘surfers’ experimentados”. toallas y sábanas propias sólo para de clases El Gobierno de Jalisco ordenó la suspensión Las opciones de hospedaje en sentirse más cómodos, dice Davo. intensidad que el huracán "Jova" en octubre del año Barra de la Cruz son cabañas rúsPor ello, muchos prefieen los municipios costerospasado, y se alertó a surfistas 4tuvo mil elementos de ticas que cubren las necesidades ren y acampar. Hay sanitarios, estaafectaría básicamente la misma zona. básicas de los viajeros, aunque se cionamiento y seguridad. les recomiendade llevarMarina, almohadas, la Secretaría porque el meteoro trae la misma toallas y sábanas propias sólo para sentirse más cómodos, dice Davo. intensidad que tuvo el huracán "Jova" octubre del año “Bud” ya es en el primer huracán de la temporada 2012 en el Por ello, muchos surfistas prefieHay sanitarios, estatoDoS SantoS,zona. pasado,ren yacampar. afectaría básicamente misma Pacífico la Mexicano, al alcanzar vientos superiores a los 120 cionamiento y seguridad. BaJa caliFornia SUr

en el Onboard Bar de la cabina Business International de la aerolínea Virgin Australia, que cuenta con un bar con asientos, un sanitario sólo para damas y la exclusiva Row Five, una especie de cabina privada. De acuerdo con el boletín, la trama sigue a una serie de personajes que deberán atreverse a tomar el control de su destino y seguir lo que dicte su corazón, sin importar el camino a donde éste les lleve. Actúan Ben Feldman, Nicky Whelan, Philip Baker Hall, Luis Guzmán, Janeane Garofalo y Max Brown. La cinta fue producida por Virgin Produced, rama del emporio de Sir Branson que se dedica a la realización de filmes y televisión. Por ejemplo, está detrás de la cinta Sin límite (Limitless/ EU, 2011), dirigida por Neil Burger y protagonizada por Bradley Cooper y Robert De Niro. Departure Date, parte de una nueva campaña publicitaria de las tres aerolíneas involucradas en el proyecto, se estrenará el 11 de junio en el Festival de Cine de Los Ángeles y se incluirá como parte de su entretenimiento a bordo.

básicas de los viajeros, aunque se


kilómetros por hora, previéndose que alcance la categoría

michoacano de Huracán 2 en2012 la escala “Bud” ya es el primer huracán de laCategoría temporada en elSaffir-Simpson, con Además de imponente gastoDoS SantoS, tronomía y arquitectura, Mi- vientos vientos máximos sostenidos de120 165 kilómetros por hora y Pacífico Mexicano, al atrae alcanzar superiores a los BaJa caliFornia SUr choacán por la belleza natural de sus costas.rachas de 205 kilómetros por hora. kilómetros por hora, previéndose que alcance la categoría Sobre las playas michoacanas como Playa Azul, Nexpa o La2 Ticla, la escena de Huracán Categoría en la escala Saffir-Simpson, con cotidiana está protagonizada Elde Centro Nacional depor Huracanes viajeros preparados pavientos máximos rapor sostenidos 165 kilómetros hora y pronosticó que el acampar sobre la arena, impactará las costas jaliscienses, entre Tomatlán acompañados de susfenómeno tablas rachas de 205 kilómetros de surf para montar por olas. hora. ylasCabo Corrientes la noche del viernes como huracán Según el sitio web de Michoacán, Playa Azul es la favorita de los surfistas ex-

SUrF peninSUlar

Al norte del País, cerca del Pueblo categoría aSantos, la vez que se espera se estacione frente a Mágico3, Todos hay varias

playas quepronosticó convocan a surfistas perimentados las olas El Centro Nacional de(porHuracanes el tropical y revire a mar experimentados que se forman en dos direcPuerto Vallartay principiantes ya comoque tormenta arriesgados. ciones distintas), mientras fenómeno impactará costas jaliscienses, entre Tomatlán Océano Pacífico está aa sólo que Nexpalas y La Ticla son abierto yElcomience disiparse tres kilómetros del pueblo y San perfectas para todo tipo de Pedrito, Los Cerritos, Punta Lobos,huracán practicantes: sus olas alcany CaboSUrF Corrientes laentrenoche del viernes como peninSUlar La Poza, Batequitos y Los Estedos y tres metros Al norte del País, cerca delzan Pueblo ros sonse los puntos más populares de altura y se forman una categoría aSantos, la vez que seenespera estacione frente a Mágico3, Todos hay varias para practicar este deporte. sola dirección. playas que convocan a surfistas Las olas más grandes se forSe recomienda llegar experimentados Puertoarriesgados. Vallartay principiantes yaporcomo tormenta tropical y revire a mar man entre diciembre y enero. tierra a la costa michoaAunque el agua es cálida, se recocana y conducir de día, coOcéano Pacífico está mienda utilizar trajes de neopremoamedida de seguridad. abiertotresyElkilómetros comience asólodisiparse no en invierno y primavera. Además, del pueblo y San al tener automó-

"La Batalla", evidenció carencias de Bomberos vilLobos, propio, se puede ir de Pedrito, Los Cerritos, Punta unaEsteplaya a otra a placer. De La Poza, Batequitos y Los Guadalajara a Playa Azul, el ros son los puntos más populares tiempo aproximado de recopara practicar este deporte. rrido Las olas más grandes se es for-de seis horas. man entre diciembre y enero. Aunque el agua es cálida, se recomienda utilizar trajes de neopreno en invierno y primavera. Todos Santos tiene, además, un gusto especial por el arte: se distingue por sus más de 20 galerías. La alternativa de alojamiento incluye hasta hoteles boutique, aunque algunos viajeros prefieren acampar en las playas.

Todos Santos tiene, además, un gusto especial por el arte: se distingue por sus más de 20 galerías. La alternativa de alojamiento incluye hasta hoteles boutique, aunque algunos viajeros prefieren acampar en las playas.

"La Batalla", evidenció carencias de Bomberos

A balazos, detienen a dos ladrones de motos

A balazos, detienen a dos ladrones de motos

Policiaca | 36

Policiaca | 36

A balazos, detienen a dos ladrones de motos

A balazos, detienen a dos ladrones de motos

Policiaca | 36

Policiaca | 36

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June 2 - 8, 2016

Calling in Mexico Calling phones in Mexico can be tricky as it is different than in the US or Canada. There are different codes you need to use depending if you are calling landlines or cellular phones and if they are local or long distance. Long-distance calls from within Mexico For national long-distance calls (within Mexico) the code is 01 plus the area code and phone number. For international long-distance calls, first dial 00, then the country code (for the U.S. and Canada the country code is 1, so you would dial 00 + 1 + area code + 7 digit number). Calling Cell Phones (from a land line) If you are calling from a landline within the area code of the Mexican cell phone number dial 044, then the 10 digit number including area code. Outside of the area code (but still within Mexico) dial 045 and then the 10 digit phone number. Cell phone to cell phone only requires the 10 digit number. Phone Cards Phone cards (“tarjetas telefonicas”) for use in pay phones can be bought at newstands and in pharmacies in denominations of 30, 50 and 100 pesos. Pay phones do not accept coins. When buying a phone card for pay phone use, specify that you would like a “tarjeta LADA,” because pre-paid cell phone cards are also sold in the same establishments. Calling Toll-Free Numbers Some toll free numbers work from Mexico to the US and Canada, but many do not. You need to dial a different prefix. To call the following toll free prefixes, dial as follows: 800 numbers Dial 001-880-then the number 866 numbers Dial 001-883-then the number 877 numbers Dial 001-882-then the number 888 numbers Dial 001-881-then the number

Emergencies: 060 Red Cross: 065 Non-Emergency Police 322.290.0507 Fire Department: 322.223.9476

Ambulance: 322.222.1533

Consulates American Consulate Immigration: Nuevo Vallarta: 322.224.7719 322.222.0069 24 hrs Guadalajara: Consumer Protection: 333.268.2145 01.800.468.8722 Tourism Offices Canadian Consulate Jalisco: 322.221.2676 322.293.2894 Nayarit: 322.297.1006 24 hrs: 1.800.706.2900

Ahoy Cruisers!

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In the month of June Puerto Vallarta welcomes 12, 744 passengers!

Vallarta Tribune is an activity and entertainment guide and merely publishes information as it is provided by the advertiser or event host. We do not assume responsibility in errors or omissions other than to correct them as soon as they are made known to us regarding event schedules, locations and/or prices. In addition, we do not assume any responsibility for erroneous inclusion or exclusion of information except to take reasonable care to ensure accuracy, that permission has been obtained to use it, and to remove it as soon as is practical upon receiving your notification of error. We recommend you always confirm prior to attending or visiting an event or establishment. Weekly publication edited, printed and distributed by Ediciones y Publicaciones Siete Junio, SA de CV Grupo Editorial Tribuna Calle 21 de Marzo # 1174 Col. Lomas del Coapinole Del. El Pitillal, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco México CP 48290 Tel. 226-0800 * *



June 2 - 8, 2016




straight to the ocean. The ocean has enough problems; it does not need more plastic, styrofoam or cans. Put a couple of plastic bags in your pocket, purse, backpack and

pick it up when you see it. Be an example for those who walk by, ignoring the problem. Okay, weekly rant over. Notice I put it at the start so you cannot skip over it. The past weekend was a

P.S. You may have noticed that we repainted and repaired ALL of our existing planters


News Blue FlAg BeACheS


Art & Culture



Sports ChIlI eATINg

06 Paradise & Parenting 16 New yeaR´s ResolutioN

live music


Pets in mexico

PuPPies aNd kitties Photo by Hugo Barajas courtesy Galeria Pacifico



Riviera Nayarit








Easter HOLY WEEK CREATIVITY Courtesy of Ayuntamiento de Puerto Vallarta



March 24 - 30, 2016 Year 19 Free Issue 990


life in Vallarta A liTTle MeAnS A loT

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Jan 3 - 9, 2014 Free Issue 874



el TuiTo

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ThingS To do

April 04 - 10, 2014 Free Issue 887


Spring Break

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March 7 - 13, 2014 Free Issue 883


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reetings from lovely Puerto Vallarta. Summer has arrived and what may be for you the “low season” is, for us, the PV Garden Club AC, the “high season” with an enormous work volume ahead of us before the beginning of the rainy season: We see “big”… 200 new planters to be installed, mainly square, about 35 cm high to allow the application of more tiles and to allow the planting of more beautiful ground covers around our trees and bougainvillea. This will facilitate our watering efforts, help retain the water more efficiently and, last but not least, avoid people and animals trampling our plants to death. The streets with a new face will be: Calle Insurgentes, Calle Francisco I Madero, Calle Ignacio Luis Vallarta, Calle Olas Altas, Avenida Mexico Once the masonry work is done, we will take out all of the

existing ground covers, fill up the planters with new compost, replant what we have and fill up the gaps with new durantes, crotons, hibiscus and, where necessary, new bougainvillea and palm trees. Then the rain can do its blissful work and you can enjoy what you will be seeing upon your return. We, in the meantime, will examine carefully whether our present budget allows the hiring of a company to take care of our planters and to give our trees and bougainvillea a professional pruning on a regular basis. We are in the process of examining various financial proposals. But this will be a topic to be reported in our next communication. Have a wonderful summer and think of us. Cordially The PV Garden Club AC Board


Dear Editor:

find the current issue each week at along with back issues and individual articles posted on our Facebook page at So, whether you call Vallarta and the Bay of Banderas home year round or just visit occasionally, you can always see what’s going on each week, online or in print. I sincerely hope you’ll be here in another 1000 issues, imagine the changes that will come both to the Vallarta Tribune and our beloved Bay of Banderas. I recently returned from a day trip to San Sebastian del Oeste where modernity has barely touched this tiny pueblo magico and another 19 years and two months would be a drop in the bucket for this already 400-year-old mining town. That is one of the fascinating paradoxes of this country; such a rich cultural history that is now racing to embrace the most modern technologies and cultural ideals. So much more to explore, experience and embrace. To our next 1000 issues. Thank you for coming along with the entire staff and me and our stable of talented contributors, we appreciate it.

1000th edition

Letters to the Editor


ith the arrival of June, we will soon have the start of our summer rains. Typically this weekend is the first rain storm of the rainy season, and the weatherman seems to be predicting the stormy weather. It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to clean up the trash from the streets, culverts, river banks and beaches during rainy season as the massive floods (like the kind you see on CNN with families piling their belongings on their heads) will take everything not secured

beehive of activity. Pride was everywhere I looked. Fantastic turnout! The organizers should be proud of how far this event has come in just a few short years. I stopped along the Malecon to catch Luna Rumba and plans are to see the mariachi and fireworks tonight. Kudos to the city for putting on a great MayFest event. It is a welcome addition to this otherwise jam-packed month. And now, it is quiet. A welcome break in an otherwise very busy winter season. In a few short weeks, we will have thousands of Mexican families descend on the city for summer holidays. There are still events going on around town and in the Riviera Nayarit, check out the calendar for more details. This issue is number 1000 - an amazing feat considering the state of printed media in this day and age. The Vallarta Tribune has been publishing for 19 years and two months every week without fail. It is through the support of long-time advertisers, readers, and contributors that we have come this far. Without the backing of our business community and our readership, we would have long ago succumbed to the digital age. Which isn’t to say we have not embraced it. You can

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Vallarta & Riviera Nayarit Tribune Where it should be


he ongoing success of a newspaper is no easy task. However, the Vallarta & Riviera Nayarit Tribune not only continues, but extends its coverage beyond the Bay of Banderas and into homes around the world each week. Today, in the 1000th edition, and in every edition we are pleased to show to our foreign tourists and residents the information that is useful to them during their time here. Each week we carefully plan, write and edit the Tribune, with a team of generous collaborators, led by

the editor, Madeline, and every week in their hands, we present to you a quality digest and information of interest. Hand in hand with the tourist destination today, which also celebrates its anniversary as a City and municipality, the Vallarta & Riviera Nayarit Tribune celebrates its 1000th edition. Thank you, readers and advertisers for this goal accomplished. Congratulations! Noemi Zamora Director, Vallarta Tribune



June 2 - 8, 2016

Monarch butterflies have own highway


EU, Mexico to Begin Talks in June to Update Free Trade Pact


he European Union and Mexico announced on Monday the opening of negotiations in mid-June to update their free trade agreement in effect since 2000. “The idea of modernizing the agreement is undoubtedly to create a win-win situation for both sides,” Mexico’s Economy Secretary Ildefonso Guajardo told EFE, after meeting with EU Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom. Under the existing pact, the first free trade agreement promoted by the EU in the Americas, “many European services have limited access to the Mexican market,” Guajardo said, while Mexican agroindustrial producers like banana growers “have been vastly limited in their exports to the EU.” “This is a situation where we can make progress, this is a win-win situation for both sides,” and to which certain sectors can be added such as digital trade, which

was not important 16 years ago, he said. For her part, Malmstrom told EFE that “this is a chance for both sides to renew our friendship, our relations, because Mexico and the EU have a lot in common.” “It’s a way to grow our markets and create more jobs, more investment. It’s a good thing for everyone, for Mexico and for the EU,” she said. Malmstrom and Guajardo later confirmed to a press conference that in mid-June the lead negotiators will meet to evaluate the situation and formalize agendas. It makes all the sense in the world to update this free trade agreement, the commissioner said, because since 2000 many things have changed in the EU and also in Mexico, which has developed into one of the most dynamic and emergent economies in the world.


.S. government, six states sign agreement to protect habitat The Monarch Highway, a 2,400-kilometer stretch of roadway between northern Minnesota and southern Texas, gained official recognition Thursday through an agreement signed by officials from six states and the United States federal government. The Interstate 35 is a flyway for monarch butterflies on their migration between Mexico and the U.S. and Canada, and the accord is intended to improve butterfly habitat by ensuring that the thousands of hectares of public land that border the highway will be friendly territory for both bees and butterflies. The agreement also calls for the development of a branding campaign that informally names I-35 the Monarch Highway to help promote public awareness of the insect, whose numbers have been devastated in the past couple of decades by loss of natural habit and deforestation in their winte-

ring grounds. Ezoic - MND InText Button - under_second_paragraph Mexico News Daily InCopy LinkText End Ezoic - MND InText Button - under_second_paragraph Transportation agencies will share seed mixes and management practices to maintain the best habitats for pollinating insects, said Charles Zelle of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The agreement calls for “a cooperative and coordinated effort to establish best practices and promote public awareness of the monarch

butterfly and other pollinator conservation.” Conservation practices were announced in Mexico last year but they were to apply to intersections rather than highways. The National Protected Areas Commission, or Conanp, said it would install signs to mark monarch butterfly speed zones where migration routes intersect with roads. The strategy was designed to reduce road kill of the butterflies. By dropping the speed limit to 60 km/h, said an official, the monarchs would have enough time to be aware of moving vehicles and avoid them. Original:

Southwest applying for three Mexico routes from LAX


outhwest Airlines will apply this month to fly from Los Angeles to Cancun, Puerto Vallarta and Los Cabos. That decision comes in the wake of the finalization last month of a new aviation agreement between the U.S. and Mexico. Under the deal, there are no limits on the number carriers that can serve any U.S.-Mexico city pair. The previous agreement between the two countries limited the number of carriers to two or three from each country per route.

Southwest also will launch four new year-round nonstop flights on Nov. 6. In a blog post Thursday, Southwest lead planner Bill Owen revealed that the carrier will commence daily nonstop service between Baltimore and San Jose. The flight, he said, will complement Southwest’s transcontinental routes from Baltimore to Oakland, Sacramento, Los Angeles and San Diego. Southwest also will add a daily flight between Kansas City and

San Antonio and twice-daily flights between Washington Reagan and Providence, and between Salt Lake City and San Jose. Those additions will be countered by one flight cancellation this fall — service between Atlanta and Oklahoma City. Owen revealed the changes as Southwest extended its published flight schedule from November to early January.


Santander “Cautiously Optimistic” about Mexican Economy


he head of the Mexican subsidiary of Spain’s Banco Santander said on Tuesday that the bank expects Mexico’s gross domestic product will grow this year by between 2.5 percent and 2.6 percent despite volatility in the global economy. “We are at ease and cautiously optimistic that the situation in Mexico will be fine,” Banco Santander Mexico Hector Grisi said. He called the 2.8 percent

growth posted in the first quarter encouraging and forecast that consumption and credit will continue to grow, powering the Mexican economy to an expansion in the range of 2.5-2.6 percent, similar to last year’s performance. Grisi noted, however, that markets “are volatile” and that the affects of negative interest rates in Japan and Europe on the Mexican economy remain to be seen. He also pointed to the impos-

sibility of predicting what will happen when central banks begin to tighten monetary policies. Mexico’s central bank began tightening in February, increasing the one-day interbank interest rate by 50 basis points to 3.75 percent. Last Friday, the Mexican government adjusted downwards its forecast for economic growth in 2016 to a range of between 2.2 percent and 3.2 percent. Original:



June 2 - 8, 2016

Satellite transmitters used to track turtles

Happy Hour 6-9pm all pizzas are only $89! Special not available for take-out.

Open from 6-11pm Wednesday - Saturday Venustiano Carranza 276 Zona Romántica 223 2267


roject will help get compensation for damaged caused by spills An 18-year-old turtle became part of a project last week that not only seeks to protect turtles but ensures that compensation is paid in the

event of an accident that causes environmental damage. The Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, having deposited 88 eggs on the beach at Boca del Río in Veracruz, was briefly detained by staff at the Veracruz Aquarium who

attached a satellite transmitter to its shell. The turtle was released shortly after, and headed back to sea. Aquarium biologist Raúl de Jesús González Díaz Mirón explained that the US $1,800

transmitters are part of a project to determine the natural capacity for responding to large-scale oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico. Should there be another spill such as that caused by the accident at the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig in 2010, the tracking data gathered by satellite will provide evidence that turtles travel to U.S. waters after laying their eggs in Mexico. There was no compensation

paid to Mexico following the accident because there was no information available regarding the movement of the sea turtles. The project has transmitters for about 100 turtles, of which four species will be monitored: the Kemp’s ridley, hawksbill, tabasco and green sea turtle. All are classified as endangered species.




Markets and More Weekly Events in Banderas Bay If you have an ongoing weekly event you’d like to add, email:

TUESDAY City Walking Tours Tuesdays at 9am and 12 Walk with us around the city and get to know and enjoy all the colorful corners and streets of Puerto Vallarta. Ceviche and Aguachile Market Tuesdays at Los Muertos Pier 12-4pm Come and enjoy a variety of ceviche and aguachiles prepared by residents of Calle Francisca Rodriguez, merchants and restaurateurs of the region. WEDNESDAY City Walking Tours Wednesdays at 9am and 12 Walk with us around the city and get to know and enjoy all the colorful corners and streets of Puerto Vallarta. Palm Ranch Volunteer Days 9 am to 1 pm - in Mezcales for detailed information FRIDAY Marsol Market by the Pier, Old Town, Vallarta 9:30 - 1:30 Farmers and Craft Market SATURDAY Three Hens and a Rooster Market From 9am to 1pm, on Carranza 466, Old Town, Vallarta Farmers and Craft Market City Walking Tours Saturdays at 9am Walk with us around the city and get to know and enjoy all the colorful corners and streets of Puerto Vallarta. SUNDAY Live Music in the Main Plaza, Vallarta – 6pm

June 2 - 8, 2016

Record occupancy across Mexico Puerto Vallarta records 82.5% occupancy in the first quarter


otel occupancy rates from January through March in Mexico’s principal tourist destinations were the highest quarterly rates recorded by the Secretariat of Tourism since it began keeping records in 2004. Occupancy in the 70 destinations reached 59.42%, beating the previous record, set in the third quarter of last year, of 57.8%. “We are experiencing a

tourist boom in the country,” said Rafael García, president of the Mexican Association of Hotels and Motels, observing that occupancy rates had recovered even as more rooms have been added to the inventory. Although opinion polls would suggest otherwise, perceptions around security have also improved, said García, a belief echoed by Jorge Hernández, president of the Mexican Federation of Tourist Associations. “The perception has improved in the sense of general security in the country,” he said, while noting it was important to remember there are states with red flags.

SPCA of Puerto Vallarta

“. . . but in general the [tourist] destinations are well developed in terms of infrastructure, care for visitors as well as in quality; plus there’s more highway and airline connectivity,” Hernández said. Another factor, said García, was that Easter Week fell this year in March and was accompanied by a long weekend, which gave many people the opportunity to take two weeks in vacations. For a tourism specialist at the Ibero-American University, economic factors have also come into play. Gerardo Herrera said low inflation and salary increases that have been higher than the

inflation rate have contributed to greater purchasing power. Take into account remittances from abroad, which have also seen increases, and there is more money for discretionary spending, he said. The highest occupancy rates in the first quarter were seen at Playacar in Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, with 88%, followed by Nuevo Vallarta in Nayarit with 86.7%, Akumal, 37 kilometers from Playa del Carmen, with 86.4%, Puerto Vallarta with 82.5% and Cancún with 80.9%, according to the Tourism Secretariat. Original: mexiconewsdaily. com

their history. To make donations via PayPal, select the "Donate" option on our Facebook page www.facebook. com/spcapv or on our website at You can drop off any donations for the SPCA at Hacienda San Angel located at Calle Miramar

336, above Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in El Centro. Get involved…rescue, adopt, foster, volunteer, donate or educate. Contact us at spcapv@ You can learn more about the SPCA Puerto Vallarta by checking us out at www.spcapv. com/home or on Facebook.

By Janice Gonzalez


ome and spend a rewarding afternoon cuddling the animals at Puerto Vallarta’s SPCA Sanctuary. Our dogs and cats are awaiting “forever homes” and your help is needed to jump start their socialization. The goal is to get these animals adjusted and ready to interact in the real world. The majority of the SPCA animals either come from extremely abusive situations or they have been abandoned. Your love and attention can make up for that sad history. During your visit, you can interact with the animals and even take a dog (or two or three) for a walk. During the low season (May through October), reservations to visit the sanctuary need to be made in advance. To make a reservation, contact us at We appreciate any donations you can bring for our rescues and also

please feel free to bring treats for sanctuary staff as they truly appreciate it. To see our animals available for adoption, visit our Facebook page at spcapv. Go to Photos where you will also find individual Albums for all the animals available as well as a bit of

Adorable Dog In The Spotlight... REGGIE


eggie is quite a regal looking Shepherd-Labrador mix. He is about 14 months old now and weighs 45 pounds. Still young, Reggie can be a bit shy when meeting new people but quickly warms up and is ready to play! He is wonderful with all other dogs so will fit right in at the local dog park or on your walks through the neigh-

borhood. Reggie is even okay with cats. He gets along well with all humans but would recommend a home with older children. Reggie has been neutered, dewormed and fully vaccinated. Now he just needs his forever home. If you are interested in this beautiful boy, contact us at for an application.



June 2 - 8, 2016

Mexico: Surprising Jobs Off-Limits to Foreigners


exico has gone above and beyond to protect their citizens in the job market. There are several jobs, by law, that only a Mexican citizen can hold, and in some cases, that person has to be a natural born Mexican. Obviously many political positions have this requirement (e.g. president); however, Mexico has extended this to some jobs you would not expect. I have compiled a list of the ones that surprised me the most. Most of these were taken from the Federal Labor Law (Ley Federal del Trabajo). Some of the occupations also include a link to the licensing requirements in PDF format.

Occupations Only for Mexicans 1. Flight attendant Mexican by birth This one surprised me the most. This law applies to the flight crews of civilian aircraft registered in Mexico. In other words, all of the Mexican based airlines [LFT Artículos 215-218]. 2. Commercial pilot Mexican by birth This applies to all pilots ranging from commercial airline pilots to crop-dusters, provided that the

every business or establishment, at least 90% of the workers must be Mexican. If there are no Mexicans available with the specialized training, the business can temporarily hire foreign workers; however, the business and the foreign workers have an obligation to train Mexicans in the specialty. This section does not apply to directors, administrators or general managers. Federal Labor Law Article 154 – Employers are obligated to prefer, in equal circumstances, Mexican workers over foreigners.

aircraft is registered in Mexico [LFT Artículos 215-218]. A non-Mexican or a naturalized citizen is permitted to get a private pilot’s license for non-commercial use [Ley de Aviación Civil Artículo 38]. 3. Air traffic controller Mexican by birth You will not find any foreigners controlling air traffic in Mexico. 4. Airplane mechanic Mexican by birth Even the person performing maintenance on the aircraft must be a Mexican by birth [Ley de Aviación

Civil Artículo 38] 5. Ship workers Mexican by birth This one applies to workers on any ship or vessel that bears a Mexican flag. Mexican law requires all ship workers to be Mexican by birth. The law gives a lengthy definition of who is considered a worker under this chapter, but it basically refers to all crew members ranging from sailors to the cook. [LFT Artículos 187-192] 6. Railroad workers Mexican

but no birth requirement All railroad workers must be Mexican. [LFT Artículo 246] Additional Labor Laws That Benefit Mexicans As a foreigner with a work visa, you may think that you are on level playing field when competing for jobs not listed in the last section; well, think again. The Mexican Legislature has created several laws that give Mexicans the advantage when it comes to hiring.

Here are two examples: Federal Labor Law Article 7 – In

Conclusion Coming from another country, these laws may seem a little unusual but you have to respect the fact that Mexico is looking out for its own people. I guess I have to give up my dream of being a flight attendant for AeroMexico (I am joking, I like being a beach bum). If you enjoy learning more about the laws in your new country of residence (Mexico), check out What Every Expat Should Know About Consumer Laws in Mexico. If you would like to be notified of future blog posts, either subscribe or like us on Facebook: Two Expats Living in Mexico.

Original: Two Expats Living in Mexico.

56th International Sport Fishing Tournament In San Blas


here are three million pesos in prizes, including eight cars, boat motors, cash prizes and a raffle for a latemodel car. The Marina Fonatur will host the 56th San Blas International Sport Fishing Tournament June 1-5, 2016 one of the most traditional events in the Riviera Nayarit and considered one of the top fishing tournaments in the Mexican Pacific. Organized by the Tepic Sport Fishing Club, the categories include Sailfish, Marlin and MahiMahi. The profitability of the tournament is based on the cost-benefit for the participants, as it has a 25 thousand-peso registration fee per boat and prizes that far exceed that amount. There are three million pesos in prizes, including eight cars, boat motors, cash prizes and a raffle for a late-model car. The daily Sailfish jackpot is two thou-

sand pesos in cash. The Historic Port of San Blas is teeming with fish that more than

meet the requirements for the competition as well as the ideal infrastructure to handle the tour-

nament. San Blas is truly a great destination for practicing sport fishing nearly year round.

For more information visit:

art & culture


June 2 - 8, 2016

Stripes and feathers


Woman weaving a striped rebozo in Uruapan, Michoacan.

“The best known varieties of rebozo are the “Michoacan” or “Tarasco” rebozo. These are tightly woven, indigo/navy blue in color with thin stripes of black, other shades or blue or white running along the length of the garment, and come from the mountain or Purhepecha (Tarasco) areas of the state” Woman working on fringe at the La Huatapera Indigenous Museum in Uruapan duction of rayon thread known locally as “artisela” (from Spanish for artificial silk). This thread all but replaced the use of more traditional cotton. These rebozos found their way to various parts of Mexico including Mexico City, Oaxaca and San Luis Potosi and even abroad. At one time, there were about fifty large workshops in the city, but several factors led to the decline of the trade by the latter 20th century. First, was the fall into disfavor of the rebozo in

general among Mexican women, who still tend to view it as a sign of backwardness and indigenous. Another was the federal government’s push to enforce labor laws for worker’s entitlements, which many workshops could not afford. The economy shifted to swine production, which made the city dirty and its air fowl, discouraging any tourism that could be had from the rebozo industry, although the activity has abated and the city has cleaned up considerably since the 1990s.

Today there are five or six main rebozo producers in the city, with rebozos for sale not easy to find. The best known of these is the Sociedad Cooperativa Textil Artesanal, (Emiliano Zapata Street, behind the Hotel Mirage) founded in 1963, with about thirty members, almost all senior citizens. Despite the dire situation, there are efforts to conserve the rebozo and its making in the state. Michoacan’s largest handcraft event, the Tianguis de Domingo

photos by Alejandro Linares Garcia

he rebozo is an, if not the, iconic women’s garment of Mexico. Like other traditional garments, the designs indicate where it is from (with the exception of some modern designs). Michoacan is one of Mexico’s main producers of traditional rebozos and other crafts, although it does not get the attention it deserves. Many communities are known for their manufacture along with certain designs. The best known varieties of rebozo are the “Michoacan” or “Tarasco” rebozo. These are tightly woven, indigo/navy blue in color with thin stripes of black, other shades or blue or white running along the length of the garment, and come from the mountain or Purhepecha (Tarasco) areas of the state. However, there are many other varieties from simple single-color pieces, to other stripe combinations to those with intricate ikat dyed designs to even more modern inventions. Another unusual feature of rebozos here is the use of feathers woven into the fringes. Communities noted for their production include Tarecuato, Tangancícuaro, Angahuan, Turícuaro, Aranza, Tócuaro, Santa Cruz and Ahuiran. These are mostly indigenous rural communities where the use of the rebozo is more than just a fashion accessory, but rather part of a traditional women’s life, used primarily for warmth, carrying children and/or merchandise to and from market. When it is hot, it can be folded and worn on the head as a kind of sombrero. Both backstrap and pedal looms are used, with the use of the former usually reserved for (indigenous) women and the latter for men. Although there is some commercialization, those made on backstrap looms are more likely to be used locally. Major commercial production is done on pedal looms, with the fingerweaving of fringes outsourced to women in outlying areas. The main center for the commercial production of rebozos is/was the small city of La Piedad, in the north of the state, very close to the borders with Jalisco and Guanajuato. Commercial production reached its peak here in the 1930s and 1940s, in particular with the intro-

de Ramos, has a fashion show specific to the rebozo, showcasing traditional garments from around the state and innovations, including smaller versions for men. The municipal government of La Piedad has recognized the importance of the rebozo and economically and culturally. The local soccer team is called the “Reboceros” (rebozo makers), and it has applied for a trademark under the name of “Rebozo de La Piedad.”

Original: creativehandsofmexico



June 2 - 8, 2016

Under the Palapa

From Here

Chris Dalton

Marcia Blondin


nkind people are always asking me why I am not yet bilingual, and it hurts. My French teacher at boarding school when I was a boy would sigh and call me an amiable half-wit after listening to my translation of a few lines of Victor Hugo. It has been clear from the start that English and only English would be my lingua franca in this life. But that is not to say I have completely given up, for my current wife of some 30 years chases me off to Spanish classes when she finds me hiding inside the cupboard. Each time I go to these things I end up wearing the dunce hat, it seems. People who have never heard the language spoken appear to get the rules after a brief introduction by the happy teacher. I, on the other hand do not make him happy. Mr. Fergus (not his real name), a retired Spanish instructor from Canada, opens his condo several times a week to teach the language he has loved so long. However, his face falls on catching sight of me as if he wished he taught Beginners’ Plumbing. I dart past the others to get the one soft chair in his place. He has made his condo into an authentic hacienda, whereby everything is big, wooden and hard. To spend an hour there is akin to being on your knees in anguished confession. The good news in all of this is that after a lesson, I feel as if I am bilingual, but only in the subject that Mr. Fergus taught that particular day. Of course I am usually unilingual by the time I reach home and have forgotten everything, but for awhile I walk the streets of our town babbling in Spanish. But I have had one or two upsets along the way. For instance walking home after a very thorough lesson dealing with family figures, I was approached by a local who, noticing that I wore a watch, asked me “Qué hora?” which even I knew meant he was asking what time it was. However I was so programmed to the family theme, I immediately

said “Tengo dos hermanas,” or “I have two sisters.” This produced a look of consternation from the man in question, who must surely have thought he was talking to an imbecile. I could not stop. “Tengo un tio” (“I have one uncle”). He began to move away from me. I felt something was wrong, so I kept saying things from the recent lesson, which made the poor guy flee. I have seen him several times since but when I wave at him he crosses the street and reverses his direction. It is frustrating for someone like me who loves everything Mexican, or at least most things, but who cannot learn the language that comes so easily to many around me. I know there are others like me out there, but we are bashful. People are always asking me to join groups. There are dozens of them sprouting up all the time. I won’t get into what they do because I am bound to upset someone, but there are lots. I generally decline to join anything. People are always sneering, “What do you do every day?” Well, as the song goes, “Staying alive, staying alive.” I seem to be fully occupied in making it to tomorrow and then the next day, because frankly I am worried about the whole “dropping dead” thing. I love my 5 o’clock martini and then the mandatory bottle of Chablis through dinner followed by a “Sticky,” as an Australian friend of mine called an after-dinner Remy. But here is the big thing. If you do that at night, you must have a regimen for the morning that will mend the previous night’s “kidney killer.” So two glasses of water upon awakening, followed by a two-kilometre run along the malecon. Exercises on the way back. More water. Hot lemon water followed by tea with honey and yogurt with fruit, generally berries. All will be good, or at least it is so far. Copyright Christopher Dalton 2016


ride Celebrations were all over the place the past week(s). The most impressive and important part to me took place in Parque Lazaro Cardenas. Nope, not the end of the parade or music or dancing…it was the Health Fair sponsored by SETAC. Director Paco Arjona showed me around the various booths and was a wealth of cheerful information and condoms. The whole point behind SETAC and the entire Health Fair was to support, educate and eventually stop the spread of HIV infections and the eradication of AIDS. And guess what, people? It’s working. Public Health in Mexico is winning! AIDS – once a truly horrible death sentence – is now considered a chronic but manageable condition. After an hour with Doctora Susie – whose English was superb – I had an AIDS and Syphilis test, on the spot and results in three minutes! Both negative, I am happy to report. And FREE. All AIDS/HIV/Hepatitis C testing, monitoring, drugs, counselling is FREE in Mexico. No, routine blood tests do NOT include HIV testing under normal circumstances. You have to ask, fill out a confidential questionnaire and you

should. As Doctora Susie says, if you are having sex you need to be tested, and annually. Just do it. I remember (about 12 years ago?) when Puerto Vallarta was reported to be Number One in the entire world for AIDS cases. We are now way down, at 18th place in the Republic of Mexico; Public Health works.

For information write to The life you save just might be your own. Another stop during Pride was at Villa Savana for an afternoon of delicious canapés, entertainment by Eduardo Leon and a tour given by Marketing Directors Bill and Suzie Langford. A spectacular Old-Vallarta guesthouse overlooking the city, it was so refreshing to see lovely tile work, parota wood counter tops and doors; no granite anywhere and the odd piece of traditional equipal furniture. No amenities are missing in the luxurious 18,000 square-foot villa. What a place for a wedding or family reunion or a weekend escape away from the rigors of Vallarta living! Go to to feast your eyes on the fabulous views. And start planning!

The most impressive and important part to me took place in Parque Lazaro Cardenas. Nope, not the end of the parade or music or dancing… it was the Health Fair sponsored by SETAC.

Villa Savana

Comings and Goings by Marcia Blondin


Those of you who know Moruno, the gypsy jazz trio who play at Cuates y Cuetes and almost every Saturday night at el Patio de mi Casa, will be pleased to know the group has expanded its repertoire! I would say half – if not more – of their playlist is new. Old favourites like Zorba’s Dance remain intact. My point is – if you have seen Moruno half a dozen times and think you know what tune is coming up next, get out and listen again – their virtuosity continues to grow! Sunday is coming! Sunday is coming! Beach time at Sapphire Ocean Club is mere days away.

With the rains looming I took this past weekend to stay home and work on my roof issues. They are nearly done so, have cut out my coupons for the halfprice Day Pass and will work on my tan first weekend in June.

…and Goings

The OliBlues Band from the Jazz Foundation played its last summer-season note last Thursday. Drummer Steven Tenney is off to the U.S. on business for a few weeks so band members will be doing what they can until his return. For sure Oliver Moreira will be entertaining at both the Friday and Saturday Markets at the

Marsol Hotel by the Pier and at Three Hens & a Rooster, Venustiano Carranza 466 respectively. Gay Pride is done; another success story! I mentioned seeing a movie last week at the Palm called “4th Man Out” as Rudy Salazar’s guest. (BTW – Rudy’s company - Cinema Diva – will be presenting a film festival here in Vallarta this summer. When he tells me the exact dates and venues, I shall pass on the information.) While browsing on Netflix this week (IS there life after Downton Abbey?) I found “4th Man Out”! Also ‘trending’ on Netflix is “Cuatro Lunas” that was shown in Vallarta at last year’s Pride celebrations; both are worth watching.



Paradise Foreign Bank

June 2 - 8, 2016

and Account Report Parenting (FBAR) —Tips and Tricks Orlando Gotay, Tax Attorney

Leza Warkentin


Happy Holi!


live in a neighborhood in Vallarta that is family-oriented, with few other expats around. I’m used to being known as the “guera” or the “gringa” and having people recognize me even though I don’t necessarily recognize them, because my hair is bright blonde and I’m often doing something awkward. So it didn’t really cause me much discomfort or surprise when I got some odd looks the other night in the pharmacy around the corner from our house. We had just gotten home from a party and my son told me, quite urgently, that we were out of a few essential items, like milk and popcorn. So I grabbed some change and called out to the house in general that I’d be right back. I thought I heard someone upstairs tell me to wait until I had done something, but I couldn’t quite make it out. I shrugged and went to the Farmacia Guadalajara. All the store workers and customers stopped what they were doing to stare. Like I said, I’m used to this, although it felt more intense than usual, and oddly accompanied by stifled laughter. I bought the popcorn but forgot the milk, because if I don’t write things down I will only remember 50% of the things I wanted to buy, regardless of how short the list might be. I went home and upstairs to change. I looked in the mirror and imme-

diately the blood of my entire head vacated the premises. Because I had forgotten that I had bright purple hair, a green forehead, yellow cheeks and what was sort of pink-ish black all over my arms and legs. I had forgotten that I was a walking rainbow. The reason for this begins with a lovely family from India whose children go to our school. For the last two years, they have hosted a Holi festival on the beach. They explained to all of their guests that Holi is a religious as well as a cultural spring festival of India. It is celebrated to show equality and unity of race, color and religion, because once everyone is full of painted color, there are no barriers, and everyone looks the same. It celebrates the triumph of good over evil as well. When you arrive at a Holi festival you need to understand that you will be attacked by a lot of extremely happy, multi-colored people who seem to know you. These are your friends, but they are unrecognizable and they are obsessed with throwing paint powder all over your hair. The air is filled with music. Everyone is laughing like children and running into the ocean so they can rinse off, run back out, and become a new color. If it’s your first time at a Holi party, you will be a bit taken aback

cannot stress enough the importance of timely and correctly filing a Foreign Bank Account Report (FBAR) if you are required to. This year’s is due by June 30, 2016 and no extensions are allowed. It is filed electronically with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, an office of the U.S. Treasury, not with the IRS. U.S. persons have to file a FBAR if the maximum value of a foreign financial account exceeds $10,000 U.S. dollars at any time during 2015. “U.S. persons” are citizens, green card holders, and “U.S. resident aliens” in a tax sense. The official Treasury “rate of exchange” lists the Peso at 17.3620. So, the 2015 “magical” number for a Peso account is 173,620MXN. Assuming one foreign account, one peso over that at any time during 2015, triggers a reporting obligation by the U.S. person. If you had more than one foreign account, the maximum value of each must be figured out. If the sum of all those “maximum

at first, but then you won’t be able to resist joining in. It’s a joy that is unbelievably contagious. Besides, if you don’t smile, you will look like a somber Rainbow Brite character, and that’s just weird. So you will grab yourself some paint and start chasing your own offspring, intent on smearing them pink even though somewhere in the back of your mind you hear a

values” exceed $10,000 US or equivalent, then all of them must be reported. Joint accounts owned by spouses can be reported on a single, timely filed FBAR if all the accounts are jointly owned (if both spouses agree in writing to a joint filing). Otherwise, separate FBARs are required. Do you have a minor U.S. person/child with foreign accounts that meet the test? The child must also file a FBAR. A parent or guardian can sign if the child is too young. Some folks use stateside corporations, partnerships, LLCs and the like to hold title to property in Mexico. Those entities are responsible to file their own FBARs if they have foreign financial accounts over $10,000, just like human U.S. persons. Short-term accounts—did you wire money into an escrow account to purchase real estate? Those “one-day” accounts are reportable, too. International online accounts, such as “e-wallets”, gambling

voice telling you that you are going to be doing that laundry. Tell that voice to stuff it, because it doesn’t matter. Once they are pink, green, and yellow, stop and look around. Because now the sky is full of color being tossed into the air, and everyone really does look the same. In my opinion, there should be a lot more Holi-days. I’m kind of

accounts (such as FirePay, PokerStars, PartyPoker) belong in a FBAR, too. What about Mexican AFORE (retirement) accounts? Yup. They are foreign financial accounts. Do you have ‘signature authority’ over an account that is not yours? A good example is a Homeowner’s association or a business. Do you have a Power of Attorney allowing control funds in someone else’s foreign account? Those are reportable--even if the Power has never been exercised. Consult the detailed rules available online prior to filing. Remember, this year’s deadline is June 30. Do it early and do it right! Orlando Gotay is a California licensed tax attorney (with a Master of Laws in Taxation) admitted to practice before the IRS, the U.S. Tax Court and other taxing agencies. His love of things Mexican has led him to devote part of his practice to the tax matters of U.S. expats in Mexico. He can be reached at

hoping they do one in my neighborhood next year. It couldn’t hurt to have more opportunities to look past outward appearances. And it’s always a good thing to have a common goal that involves creating pure joy. That’s how barriers are broken. That’s how walls come down, before anyone gets a chance to build them ten feet higher.



June 2 - 8, 2016



a realtor


By Michael Green, Boardwalk Realty

Marcella Castellanos

Food Combining For Great Health and Weight-Loss


id you know there is a trick to what foods should and shouldn't be combined? To maximize your health and/or encourage greater weight-loss, there is a method to help you reach results faster by way of which foods go with what. Of course we don’t all experience the discomfort of acid reflux, bloating, weight gain around belly, or other effects from combining the wrong foods, but for the rest of us who may not be so lucky, paying attention to which foods we eat together can improve the way our internal environment works contributing to better overall health. When it comes to eating the right food combinations to optimize digestion and aid the assimilation of nutrients there are very simple guidelines to help us stay on track. Here are the rules:


Fruit should be eaten alone because it passes through the digestive system within 30 minutes. Our body uses different enzymes to digest the fruit. By eating fruit alone, your gut can process all of the fiber, nutrients, and simple sugars contained in the fruit more easily. The simple sugars contained in fruit need time to be completely absorbed by your body. You can also avoid fermen-

tation occurring in the belly, which can make you sluggish, and cause heartburn and burping, or slow down your digestive process.

PROTEIN AND NON-STARCHY VEGGIES OR SEA VEGGIES For ideal digestion, and to inhibit an acidic environment that can invite pathogens, it is best to eat protein with non-starchy vegetables and a healthy fat. When you add a starch, you force your body’s natural enzymes to compete to digest your food resulting in poorly digested food that putrefies and causes your blood to become too acidic. Non-starchy Veggies Include: Lettuce, yellow squash, cucumber, beets, zucchini, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, and many others. EAT GRAINS AND STARCHY VEGGIES WITH NON STARCHIES AND/OR OCEAN VEGGIES Grains such as quinoa, brown rice, buckwheat, millet or amaranth

require different digestive enzymes than proteins and should be eaten with non starchy veggies and sea veggies. Foods such as baked potatoes, sweet potatoes or sweet corn should be eaten alone, with a non starchy vegetable or with a small amount of fat. Starchy Veggies include: Potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet corn, acorn and butternut squash, artichokes, lima beans, peas, water chestnuts, and many others.

Marcella is a bilingual certified wellness lifestyle coach. Her mission is guiding people to lead healthier lives with attention to compassion and sustainability in the world. She looks at the whole picture and helps you incorporate plantstrong nutrition, movement, and essential oils to support physical and emotional health. If you want to receive health and wellness updates about vibrant healthy living in Vallarta sign up for her newsletter at www.wellnesslatina.

Q: I heard that the Capital Gain tax law exemption for foreigners has changed. Is this true? George M. Flamingos Beach, Nuevo Vallarta A: The law has not changed, but the interpretation and enforcement have. It is very important to remember that the intent of the exemption granted for Capital Gain tax on the sale of a primary residence is supposed to be just that; YOUR PRIMARY RESIDENCE! That means you can’t have your primary residence in the US and exempt your capital gain tax there and do the same here in Mexico. The SAT (Servicio de Administracion Tributaria), also known as “Hacienda”, is the federal tax collector. They collect all federal taxes such as the ISR (Income or Capital Gains) tax, the IVA (Added Value) tax and the IDE (Tax on Cash Deposits). Recently, the director of Hacienda has issued a memorandum stating: “The foreigner who does not have a valid immigrant status before the proper Mexican authority is assumed to NOT be a resident of the country and is subject to the capital gain tax.” A valid immigrant status is considered a permanent resident permit. Temporary resident permits may be considered on a caseby-case basis. Tourist visas are not acceptable as valid immigrant status for the purpose of proving your residence. So if you DO NOT have a permanent or temporary resident permit and utility bills in your name for at least 6 months, the sale of your property is considered VACATION OR SECOND HOME OR A RENTAL PROPERTY and no exemptions are permitted. The tax on non-exempted transactions is 35% of the difference between the value declared in the deed (in pesos) and the value of the new sale, less allowable deductions or 20% of the entire amount of the transaction, whichever is less. Therefore, when you buy your property in PV, you must insist upon having the full amount of the sale declared in the deed, in order to avoid overpaying taxes upon sale. It is also vitally important to ask for a “factura” (official tax receipt) when doing any capital improvement on your property. In the event you

have not done this, it is possible to have your property re-appraised by an authorized appraiser and this increased amount can be credited towards your tax basis. So if you do not have your resident permit, be prepared to get one prior to the sale of your property, or be prepared to pay your Capital Gains Tax here in Mexico. Now some good news: There is no “double-taxation” on the sale of your property here. So if you pay your Capital Gain tax here in Mexico, you will not be subject to another tax in the US and you can re-patriot the funds legally. Please remember that your friends who may have avoided the Cap Gain tax here previously are STILL subject to audit here in Mexico (for up to five years) and Cap Gain Tax in the U.S.! So nobody gets off for free, legally. The tax authorities in the U.S., Canada and Mexico work together and share information. Everyday there is more cooperation between the countries due to tax treaties. It is no longer possible to own a property in one country, enjoy income from that property, and not report it in BOTH the country where the property is located, and the country where the owner lives. Failure to comply means the owner is subject to double taxation and heavy penalties when the omission to file and declare is discovered. So if you are considering selling your property here in PV, you should consult with a tax expert here and also your accountant in the US in order to determine the best way to file your taxes. Here is something else to ponder; paying Capital Gains tax implies you have made a gain on the sale of your property. Congratulations! Would you rather have lost money, so you would not have to pay tax?

Do you have a question about Real Estate in Puerto Vallarta? Just ask! The broker at Boardwalk Realty, active in local and national Real Estate boards; published author and acknowledged expert on Puerto Vallarta Real Estate, Michael Green moved here in 1997 to take advantage of the unsurpassed lifestyle PV offers. Mike can be reached at:

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June 2 - 8, 2016

Plenty of magic near Puerto Vallarta By Meagan Drillinger Talpa de Allende


he western state of Jalisco is best known for Puerto Vallarta, with its beautiful beaches, resorts, restaurants and galleries. But for travelers who want to venture deeper into the heart of Mexico, Puerto Vallarta also provides a perfect home base for exploring San Sebastian, Mascota and Talpa, also known as three of the Magical Towns of Jalisco. The Magical Towns of Mexico is an initiative led by Mexico's Secretariat of Tourism, together with local agencies, to promote destinations that provide visitors with a "magical" experience through their natural beauty, cultural heritage or historical relevance. Each year these towns are given funds to help maintain their charm, and each year the government re-evaluates the status of each Magical Town.

San Sebastian del Oeste

San Sebastian del Oeste has been a popular getaway for Puerto Vallartans for years and was one of the first places to be awarded this designation. The town is located at the foot of the Western Sierra Madre, about 90 minutes from Puerto Vallarta. In the past it was an important mining city with more than 20,000 inhabitants. Today it remains a sleepy relic of its past, with just 600 residents, marked by its quiet, iconic plaza with a blue-domed cathedral. The drive to San Sebastian is visually stunning as you wind your way up into the jungle-covered hills and turn onto the cobblestone road that leads into town. San Sebastian is a great spot for foodies, as well. Here travelers can sample local treats like huitlacoche (corn fungus), stewed with onions and spices, or mixed platters heaped with stuffed chili peppers, gorditas and machacas (dried meat). Local restaurants worth considering are the Restaurant & Galeria el Fortin de San Sebastian, which is known for its excellent coffee; El Galletero Magico, a hole-in-the-wall bakery that serves raved-about pastries (now relocated to Puerto Vallarta; and Montebello Restaurante Italiano, a taste of Italy in the mountains of Mexico. San Sebastian is also home to a distillery that produces mescal from the locally grown agave lechuguilla plant. Be sure to walk up Cerro de la Bufa, which is over 8,500 feet at its peak, to catch a spectacular sunset view. Some of the best times to visit this city are during the San Sebas-

kayaking, boat tours and rock climbing. One of the most impressive sites in Mascota is La Iglesia de la Preciosa Sangre, a beautiful church that was started in the early 1900s but remains unfinished. Today the towering stone structure is still open to the sky, blanketed with brilliantly colored purple flowers.


Talpa de Allende

“The Magical Towns of Mexico is an initiative led by Mexico’s Secretariat of Tourism, together with local agencies, to promote destinations that provide visitors with a “magical” experience through their natural beauty, cultural heritage or historical relevance” tian Fiesta on Jan. 20, with traditional rodeos; Aug. 15 for the Virgen de la Asuncion Fiesta; Sept. 15 and 16 for Mexican independence celebrations; and during Christmastime for its colorful festivities. Among the best places to spend the night in San Sebastian are the Hacienda Jalisco, the Hotel del Puente and La Galerita de San Sebastian.


Not far from San Sebastian is

Mascota, another small colonial town in the Sierras. Brightly colored buildings with terra-cotta-tiled roofs flank the cobblestone streets, all surrounded by the towering mountains in the distance. Mascota was established in the second half of the 17th century. Today, travelers can wander the winding streets, stopping into one of the many small restaurants to sample local dishes. In the morning, ask for a cafe de olla, or

eat some of the homemade cookies and sweets, stuffed with mango, guavas and more. Adults will love the rompope, which is similar to eggnog and can contain vanilla, chestnuts or seasonal fruits and berries. Another place to visit is the Panaderia Blanquita for a cup of creamy Mexican hot chocolate. For typical Mexican food, there's La Casa de mi Abuelita or El Tapanco. Outdoor activities are popular in Mascota, such as horseback riding,

Leaving Mascota, wind through the mountain passes toward Talpa de Allende, one of the most important religious destinations in all of Mexico. This mining town was founded by the Spanish in 1585. At the center of the town is the cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary, where each year thousands of devoted followers arrive on pilgrimages. On the drive to Talpa, it is possible to see pilgrims hiking the miles of mountain road up to the steps of the church where they drop to their knees to finish the final few steps, while small brass bands play throughout the square to welcome them. The streets surrounding the main square are packed with shops selling everything from handmade sandals and toys to tacos and candy. Talpa also has a long-standing tradition of producing candy, and the air is thick with the smells of sugary guava dulce de leche. This is a town where you will see few tourists and will come back to Puerto Vallarta having known you've done something authentically Mexican. Original:


What to do around the bay

By Madeline Milne


uerto Vallarta is located in the middle of Banderas Bay, one of the largest bays in Mexico at nearly 100km in length. It is bounded in the north by Punta de Mita and in the south by Cabo Corrientes. It straddles the states of Jalisco and Nayarit, divided along the Ameca River. The bay is home to many wonderful communities and an abundance of natural wonders. In the winter and spring seasons you can witness the awe inspiring beauty of the humpback whales as they calve in the warm waters of the bay, in the summer you can experience the majesty of the sea turtles hatching and returning to their watery world. The fall brings renewed vigour to the mountains and rivers with the fresh rains and revived vegetation. No matter when you visit, Puerto Vallarta and Riviera Nayarit will share their wonders with you. Here is a selection of some of the many things you can do while visiting us. Walking Tours - Take a tour through Puerto Vallarta’s Historic Downtown to learn about this city’s rich history, famous people, architecture, and cultural and ecological heritage; all this on an easy to moderate two-hour stroll led by a certified guide. Be a Tourist - Even if you’re here on vacation for a month, there is no end to the number of top-notch activities you can do. Take a tour to Isla Marietas and the Hidden Beach, or spend the day snorkelling in Majahuitas, spend an afternoon at the zoo feeding the giraffe, check out the two water parks and for the brave: parasailing, bungee jumping and even sky diving. Shopping in the Zona Romantica – this charming neighbourhood is also called Old Town and is a popular residential area for expats and Mexican families. Along the main streets you will find shops galore, filled with wonderful authentic crafts, clothing, jewelry, excellent restaurants, spas, theaters and more. Vibrant and friendly, this area offers an excellent day or two (or more!) of exploring. Close to Los Muertos beach, consider ending your day with a sunset margarita at any of the many beachfront restaurants. Sunsets on the Malecon Sitting on the edge of the Pacific

Ocean never fails to give us a sunset each night. Grab a seat at any of the number of excellent bars and restaurants along the malecon, order your favourite cocktail and let it all slip away. Once the sun has set, the malecon comes alive with families out for a stroll, plenty of live entertainment and later in the night, the nightclubs beckon. Cooking Classes – Recognized as one of the world’s leading cuisines, there are a number of great schools in the Puerto Vallarta area that will teach you how to master tortilla soup, enchiladas, salsas and more. Fresh seafood, abundant fruit and veggies and a sophisticated community make Vallarta a foodies dream destination. Look for a school that will take you to the markets or introduce you to the farmers and fishermen for a truly cultural experience. Don’t want to cook? Try one of the Food Tours available. Eat like a local and for three hours you will enjoy everything from Tacos to Pozole. Art Galleries – It is said there are more galleries per capita in Puerto Vallarta than any other place in Mexico. Many of these galleries are along the side streets that run through Centro. Stop at the Tourism Office in the Main Plaza

banderas bay

for a map or take advantage of their free walking tour. Many galleries carry high quality local crafts, established Mexican and international artists and

June 2 - 8, 2016

more. Volunteer - There are many wonderful organizations across the Bay that can use your help. Both time or money will be appre-

T O T H E N O RT H A N D S O U T H Sayulita – A short 45 minutes north of the Puerto Vallarta International Airport, Sayulita is the surfers mecca of Riviera Nayarit. A funky town with a wonderful protected beach, this laidback town has a hippie vibe with the organic cafes and the yoga studios to prove it. Visit the Huichol Cultural Centre for some wonderful hand-made beaded jewelry or grab a surf lesson from one of the many vendors on the beach. Bucerias - Named for the oyster divers that dot the shore in front of the beach, this town is a mecca for snowbirds, most which seem to be of the Canadian Goose variety. Freshest seafood in the bay and a selection of excellent local bars and restaurants, this little town is plenty of fun. On Thursday evenings during high season there is the entertaining Artwalk and during the day plenty of

galleries and a couple markets great for souvenir shopping. Conchas Chinas The south of Puerto Vallarta is a thick jungle full of adventure and excitement. Head south along the 200 highway and you will find the architecturally inspiring community of Conchas Chinas. The beach cove here is excellent for snorkeling. Nogalito The first town South is that of Nogalito. Set back in the jungle it is a charming Mexican village that also is home to one of the most popular day tours - the Canopy Mundo Nogalito Tour with the only tunnel zip-line in town. If you’re feeling the heat, stop at the Punta Negra bridge and take a drip in the river. Lovely fresh water, lots of little pools to splash in and rocks to dry off on. If you’re lucky, a vendor will come by with snacks and drinks - otherwise pack your own.

Mismaloya 15 minutes further is Mismaloya, a small town set back from the water along a river that leads to the ocean and a number of beach restaurants. This bay looks onto Los Arcos and is a great place to grab a panga boat for a tour of the impressive rocks. If you have time, book a snorkel or dive trip. This is one of the deepest ocean valleys in the world and home to turtles, whales, dolphins and the blue-footed Booby. Back behind the town, check out the Vallarta Zoo where you can play with baby monkeys, tigers and lions. Boca de Tomatlan Boca de Tomatlan is the last town along the ocean and the place to grab a boat to the small beach communities of Quimixto, Las Animas and the very popular Yelapa. Looking for romance - book a table at the nearby Le Kliff for spectacular views and sunsets.

ciated. On Sundays, the Brigada de Basura does a morning clean-up with the local children and then they all head to Que Pasa restaurant for breakfast, activities and friendship. Ride the bus - Buses in Puerto Vallarta are an experience all their own. You can tell the general destination of the bus by what is written on the window. Costco, Sheraton, Centro, Mismaloya you can go just about anywhere in this city on the bus. Only seven and a half pesos within Puerto Vallarta (per bus - there are no transfers) this is a great way to explore the neighbourhoods. Head south on the bus and get a front row seat on some spectacular scenery on your way to the Vallarta Zoo. Or hop the Bucerias bus in front of Walmart and 30 minutes later you are exploring a charming beachside town. Tip: Sit on the non-sunny side of the bus. Trust me. It gets hot. Support Local Business - One of the most popular reasons visitors love Puerto Vallarta is because it’s a thriving city not just geared towards tourists. A fine example of this is the many small businesses that you can find in ‘Centro’ including galleries, restaurants, clothing stores, spas and more. Venture off the malecon to find the perfect souvenir.

riviera nayari


Bucerias Art District Beat By Gordon Mayer

Floy Joy aka Floydilou Kerr “We find a lot of the students, they’re afraid to do anything because they’re afraid of making a mistake,” said Artist Michael Carlyle, speaking of the early experiences he and his wife Floydilou Kerr had in their studio in the Bucerias Art District. How many times have we all found ourselves frozen by trepidation at taking that first step, or the next step, even towards something we have in our heart to do and know will bring us joy? That conversation we know we should have, the language we long to utter, the chance that is ours to move on to something new, something exciting and beautiful? Floydilou and Michael saw it time and again when they opened the studio for those seeking lessons and wanting to create their own art. But what could they do to overcome the fear? “Freestyle Fridays” was born, offering studio space and materials and encouraging those who would avail themselves of the opportunity to be free to create however they saw fit. As often happens when we help others we learn and grow ourselves, which is exactly what happened to Floydilou and how Floy Joy was born. It’s not that Floydilou needed

something to free her from fear. If you read the article that was the precursor to this column about Floydilou and her promotion of the Bucerias Art District (BAD), you would know that she is energetic and fearless in the things she loves and enjoys. What happened was the realization that creativity and creation of art is accessible to all. While not everyone may have the desire, drive and raw talent to be a fine artist, the inherent human ability to express oneself in art is a potential within each of us. Floy Joy is a direct expression of that reality, a representation in art of freedom and encouragement fueled by limitless energy of the human spirit. It is kinetic and hectic and flows without fear across the canvas. While some may say that this is part and parcel to the person, what it accomplishes is the construction of a bridge into the art world. Floy Joy is art that makes a statement and that statement is to try it! What’s the worst that can happen? Do what you love and love what you do. Proof that the BAD is a unique community is found in the place that Floy Joy has found therein. In the studio with Floydilou and Michael you have the full swing of the artistic pendulum; hands that have spent 30 years training, creating, perfecting, honing and studying the craft to create world-re-

June 2 - 8, 2016

nown art and the new flying fingers of freedom overcoming fear to create art that sparks conversation and can bring encouragement to other fledgling artists. Observing Floy Joy art find its place in the BAD is like watching a star being born in the sky; there in the magnificence of the universe and all the cumulative energy it contains, a spark occurs that not only adds to the starry sky but also reminds us of the continual rebirth and regeneration of itself. Floy Joy has a place in the BAD community and I find myself singing along with The Supremes “Let me hear you say it one more time, say it again; Floy, Floy, Floy, Floy Joy!”

11th Motofiesta Guayabitos 2016


he Riviera Nayarit will welcome approximately 13 thousand visitors on over 9,500 motorcycles from all over the country and beyond. Rincón de Guayabitos is going to be revved up this weekend from June 3-5, during the Motofiesta Guayabitos, considered the biggest biker event in Mexico. “There are a lot of bikers coming in from far away, practically from the entire country. There are people who ride across the continent to different biker events and they’re coming to ours,” said event organizer Francisco Cambero Lucachin. “They’re also coming

in from abroad, from places like Chicago, Texas, Los Angeles— there’s even a biker riding in from Panama!” This year they expect 9,500 bikes with some 13 thousand riders—quite a bit more than last year’s 8,300 bikes. Most of the activities take place on Saturday starting at 11am, with friendly competitions including a Slow Race, which consists of arriving last to the finish line without lowering your feet, the Hotdog on the Laundry Line, the Barrel Race and an acrobatic exhibition courtesy of Suzuki, among others. The activities will take place on the

parcel at Dubasa. The grand parade with all the attendees through La Peñita de Jaltemba, Los Ayala and Guayabitos starts at 5 p.m. on Saturday. Once that’s done, the banda and rock concerts begin. One of the most sought-after awards among those present are the Biker Dude and Girl award, a recognition of those who rode the farthest to get to the event. Thanks to its large number of visitors and a tradition that this year extends beyond its first decade the event is sponsored by the Government of the State of Nayarit via its Tourism Secre-

tariat; the Riviera Nayarit Convention and Visitors Bureau’s Groups and Events department; and the

Compostela Hotel and Motel Association. Follow the event at: http://

riviera nayarit


June 2 - 8, 2016


In La Cruz By Cindy Bouchard

Alef of Organic LOVE!


any will know Alef from the Octopus garden where she created organic breakfasts with love, for the last two years. Now she’s venturing out again and creating Organic LOVE; a kitchen and store where everything she will be made with love and created by her! At twenty-nine, Alef is wise beyond her years; she’s loving and compassionate and adores serving others. Born in a little valley, Ojo de Agua, in the state of Mexico near Mexico City to Mexican parents. She has one younger sister and two brothers; one younger and one older. Her sister and older brother live in the town were they were all born and her younger brother lives in Sayulita. He is both a photographer and works in a bar. In Alef’s words “I moved here to visit my brother and then I fell in love with this area! I love to swim, do yoga, surf and live close to

nature. I wanted to learn to surf so I decided to move here. My hobbies are handcrafts and cooking. I first moved to Sayulita with my brother and gave massages; I am a holistic, therapist specializing in Ayurvedic and shiatsu massage and holistic medicine to relax muscles”. In her new venture she’ll be providing raindrop massages

where she applies droplets of aromatherapy to the spine, which detoxes the body and balances energy. I’ve trained and studied for many years and adore helping people feel better. We’ll be working with a network of people in the indigenous community who grow all organic food. It’s called ‘Frutos de tierralibre’ translated to Fruits of the free

earth. Alef’s father is a surgeon and he believes in holistic practices and specializes in iridology. He’s Alef’s partner in the new business and will visit La Cruz every couple of months to diagnose and suggest treatments that are natural and healthy. With few exceptions products in the shop will be made by Alef; they’ll include: • Coconut oil, honey, grains like quinoa, chia and cacao, aromatherapy, health and beauty products. • A smoothie, nutritional juice and salad bar. • Artisan baked goods, raw foods, vegan and vegetarian products, bacon and Italian sausages. • Products to help with diabetes, weight loss, detoxing and all natural ‘medicinal’ items.

Alef’s passion is sharing LOVE and using only fresh, natural, organic and local ingredients. They embrace Mexican seasoning in a healthy way. They will open on Friday, June 17th, across the street from Philo’s on Calle Delfin. Alef invites you to visit her and her team; Wendy, a lovely Mexican lady from Chiapas and Adan a smart young man from Guadalajara. “I love living in La Cruz because it’s a small and relaxed town, very easy to get around. I enjoy the beautiful beach where it’s nice to swim, paddle, surf and walk. Our clients are mostly Canadian and American retired people; I love them because they are sweet and they appreciate our Mexican seasoning.” ¡Gracias!” Alef Gallardo

includes one of the most iconic traditional ceremonies on the Isla de Mexcaltitán, the birthplace of Mexican heritage: a pilgrimage that emulates the Mexicas, or Aztecs, who left Aztlán to establish the great city of Tenochtitlán. http://

Texas Music Festival (TBD) This Texas-sized cultural and musical festival returns, bringing with it dozens of Texan artists and plenty of visitors who flock to Nuevo Vallarta to celebrate the traditions of the Lone Star State.

UPCOMING EVENTS If you have an event you would like to publicize, please email June’s Events in the Riviera Nayarit There is something for everyone this month in Mexico’s Pacific Treasure, including Navy Day, the 56th San Blas Fishing Tournament, the Guayabitos Motofiesta, the Riviera Fest VW in La Cruz, the celebration of the Batalla de Santos (Battle of the Saints) in Mexcaltitán and the Texas Music Festival in Nuevo Vallarta. The events around Riviera Nayarit June will take place in different locations from Nuevo Vallarta all the way to the Isla de Mexcaltitán. 56th Annual San Blas International Sport Fishing Tournament (June 1-5)

One of the Riviera Nayarit’s signature events, the San Blas International Sport Fishing Tournament celebrates its 55th year of adrenaline-pumping moments for lovers of deep-sea fishing. http://www.

 Guayabitos Motofiesta (June 3-5) This event was born of the desire to give motorcycle enthusiasts a place where they can show off their spectacular machines to the general public and enjoy time together.

 VW Riviera Fest (June 19) La Cruz de Huanacaxtle is another magnet for classic and modified Volkies. Over 150 vehicles will be displayed at the Marina Riviera

Nayarit during this family-friendly event. clubwagenvolks/likes.

 Batalla de Santos in Mexcaltitán (June 29) This patron saint feast commemorating saints Peter and Paul



June 2 - 8, 2016

Underneath the Pitaya

Thorny Exterior, a Nutritious Interior bittersweet to the palate, there’s nothing equivocal about the health benefits of this exotic fruit. And spring is the season when it comes into its own. By Ignacio Pérez Vega


he pitaya grows in Vietnam, Colombia and the Caribbean. The Japanese eat it too. But it is in Mexico where this colorful exotic fruit takes on the subtle flavors of the land and has a loyal following. Rich in fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C, pitaya can be eaten fresh or can sometimes be found in punch, pastries and infusions. It is also used to make jellies and juices. Unlike its cactus-fruit cousin, the prickly pear, which has 50% fiber content, pitaya are 90% pulp. It has small seeds and a thin skin and takes from 55 to 60 days to mature. Once picked, it lasts five days at most, or up to 12 if refrigerated. In April, May and June, trucks laden down with pitaya fill the district of Nueve Esquinas in Guadalajara, turning its colonial streets into an explosion of color. On the sidewalks, large baskets called chiquihuites brim with between 200 and 300 pitaya of all

The Pitaya in Eight Bites: 1. Average weight: 100 - 120 grams. 2. Fruit maturity period: 55 - 60 days. 3. Picking season: April, May and June. 4. Pitahaya is a Caribbean word meaning “thorny fruit”. 5. Grown commercially on a small scale. 6. Easily identifiable by its distinctive red, purple or white skin. 7. Produced in the Central Mexican states of Hidalgo, Morelos, Guerrero, Puebla, Oaxaca and Jalisco. 8. Major producer states: Oaxaca, Puebla and Jalisco.

shapes and sizes. Originally from Techaluta, Amacueca, Zacoalco and Sayula in Southern Jalisco, and arid parts of Oaxaca and Puebla in Central Mexico, the word pitaya is of Caribbean origin and means “thorny fruit”. The Spaniards documented it and brought it to Mexico during the Conquest, although there is evidence to suggest it has always grown here. Legend has it the Aztec emperors ate fresh pitaya, ferried to Teotihuacán from Puebla and Western Mexico by messengers who made the 500-kilometer

journey on foot. There are many types of cactus plants that produce pitayas, some 19 edible species in all, according to the Internet site “I never dreamed that the world of fruits could produce something as wonderful as the dragon fruit. Its pulp has the color and appearance of rolled up rose petals and its juicy flesh tastes of a passionate lover’s kiss. Never before had I held in my hands a piece of red earth,” said French poet André Breton on tasting a Mexican pitaya for the first time. Unfortunately, this tasty exotic

fruit isn’t keen on traveling. To taste it, you’ll have to visit Mexico, where it can be found often on the side of the road in woven baskets, or at local fruit markets. However, cactus experts like Eulogio Pimienta Barrios and Pedro Puente Ovalle, who work as researchers at the University of Guadalajara (UdeG), believe the pitaya can broaden its horizons, provided it is kept refrigerated. Super fruits such as Pitaya and xoconostle can help people with Diabetes control their blood sugar levels. Since 1998, Miguel Ángel Armella, an academic at the

Department of Biology at the Iztapalapa campus of the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM), has been researching dragon fruit, sweet xoconostle and jiotilla. “All three are cactus fruit varieties and share similar properties. In the case of dragon fruit, we have found that it absorbs glucose derivatives. It doesn’t reduce glucose levels per se but it does prevent it entering the blood stream. That is because it adheres to the films of glucose in the digestive tract, making it harder for the human body to absorb them. So even though dragon fruit doesn’t contain any molecule or element that directly reacts with glucose, it does have a positive effect,” says Armella. The red color of dragon fruit and jiotilla is due to the presence of betalains, a powerful class of antioxidants that are beneficial to the human organism. All three fruits have as much vitamin C as citrus fruit, which also makes them useful allies in warding off respiratory diseases.


celebrity / events

June 2 - 8, 2016

Michael Douglas – Actor, Producer

VENECIA #290-A Col. Versalles Fluent English Spoken

Are you selling your home? Looking for an edge over the competition? Exposure is the key to selling fast and for the best price. Advertise your property with the Vallarta Tribune in print and online! Over 50,000 readers each month with delivery from Mismaloya to Sayulita and the only paper distributed at the airport in International arrivals. Contact to learn more!

By Fred Jacobs


fter looking at Kirk Douglas’ struggle to make it in Hollywood last week, I thought it would be interesting to look at how a second generation Hollywood star compares. Kirk struggled for years and worked every menial job he could to make ends meet, while pursuing Hollywood. His first born son, Michael Kirk Douglas was born in September 1944, in the midst of that struggle. In the 1960’s Kirk’s star was rising and this allowed Michael to attend prestigious schools in New York and Connecticut. This led to Michael receiving his BA in Drama from the University of California-Santa Barbara, in 1968 – a very different road than his father. After graduating, Michael appeared in several small films. One of those “Hail Hero!” (1969) managed to earn him a Golden Globe nomination, for “Most Promising Male Newcomer”. But for Michael, the big screen was not an easy path to stardom. TV would be more kind to Michael and viewers in their living rooms would warm to him quickly. Michael’s first TV break through role come in an episode of CBS Playhouse special “The Experiment”. This lead to Michael getting a co-starring role in “The Streets of San Francisco” (1972-1976) alongside veteran actor Karl Malden. Michael later described Malden as being mentor

The film swept the 1976 Oscars in all major categories. It won Best Picture for producer Michael Douglas, Best Actor (Jack Nicholson), Best Actress (Louise Fletcher), Best Director and Best Screenplay to him and someone he greatly admired. Michael was not content to be in front of the camera. In 1975, Michael got the rights to “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, from his father. Kirk had starred in the stage version in 1963 and acquired the stage and screen rights. Kirk had hopes of playing the role of McMurphy on the big screen as well, but Michael as producer, thought his father was too old for the role. Jack Nicolson ended up playing that role and was perfect for it. The film swept the 1976 Oscars in all major categories. It won Best Picture for producer Michael Douglas, Best Actor (Jack Nicholson), Best Actress (Louise Fletcher), Best Director and Best Screenplay. It was the first time in 41 years that a movie swept all the major categories at the Oscars, and only the third time in Oscars’ 88 year history. The other two times were for “It Happened One Night” (1934)

with Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert; “Silence of the Lambs” (1991) with Sir Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster. Michael Douglas’ first shot at producing was going to be hard to top. Michael went in front of the cameras again for the thriller “Coma” (1978) and “Running” (1979). 1979, saw Michael wear two hats as he produced and starred in “The China Syndrome”. This was a dramatic film co-starring Jane Fonda and Jack Lemmon about a nuclear power plant accident. The film’s release was met with a backlash from the nuclear power industry's claims of it being "sheer fiction" and a "character assassination of an entire industry." Then the Three Mile Island nuclear accident took place 12 days after the film's release. The eerie mix of real life events and Hollywood, helped the movie earn of $50 million US in theatres. 1984 saw Michael again wear producer and actor hats in making

“Romancing the Stone” costarring long-time friends Danny DeVito and Kathleen Turner. A box office hit with $86 million US in theatres led to a sequel “Jewel of the Nile” in 1985 and another $97 million US. In 1987 we saw Michael in the horror thriller “Fatal Attraction” with Glenn Close. The film sent a chill through every man who had ever had or thought of having, an extra marital affair. We also saw Michael in 1987 Oliver Stone's “Wall Street”, for which Michael received an Academy Award as Best Actor. Michael later came back in his role in the sequel “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps” in 2010. Douglas starred in the 1989 film “The War of the Roses”, which reunited him with Kathleen Turner and Danny DeVito. In 1992, Douglas had another unforgettable role when he appeared alongside Sharon Stone in the film “Basic Instinct”. Michael has been married twice. First in 1977 to the daughter of an Austrian diplomat, with whom

he had a son, Cameron. A nasty divorce in 1995 led to her getting an astounding $45 million US in the settlement. In 2000, Michael married actress Kathrine ZetaJones (25 years younger than him) and they had 2 children together. In 2010 we saw Michael announce to the world that he had been diagnosed with an odd form of tongue cancer. He credits the discovery of his cancer to the public Canadian health system since a doctor at McGill University in Montreal, correctly diagnosed his medical condition after numerous American specialists failed to do so. In early 2011, Michael said in an interview that the tumor was gone, though the illness and aggressive treatment had caused him to lose thirty-two pounds. Here’s hoping that Michael continues to give us more exciting movies, whether in front or behind the cameras, for years to come. Fred Jacobs is a full time resident of Puerto Vallarta and the author of three books.


Investing in Puerto Vallarta

Members of IFC raise hundreds of thousands of pesos each year from Home Tours, lectures and social events. The club invests part of that money in the community of Puerto Vallarta by supporting many local charities including the library, orphanages, a daycare for disabled kids and schools in poor areas of the city. 322-222-5466

Marsol Summer Market by the Pier


f you think you’ve seen everything that’s for sale in Vallarta and all of it is starting to resemble what you saw on the block before, get over to the Pier Street on Friday morning and have a look at our wares; you won’t be disappointed. Introducing some of our summer vendors… Martina carries exquisite hand-loomed pillow covers. These are designed to go over throw pillows. Fabulous place-


Towel service / Pool / Lounge chairs Delightful cocktails / Superb Bistrot menu Pet-friendly

Expires October 31, 2016

Malecon 1, Playa Los Muertos

mats as well; both designed and made in Oaxaca. David and Elizabeth have a huge display of sterling silver jewellery that David designs and makes. The minimum silver content is .925 and goes up. Their displays are stunning, well thought out and lighted to best show off the glittering stones. Prices are fair and both of them speak English. Alfonso’s tee shirts are all 100% cotton – not unusual in Mexico

but what sets them apart are the designs. Each shirt comes with an explanation in English and Spanish of the design, it’s origin – be it Aztecan, Mayan, Toltec, etc. They are cut differently, great colors – definitely NOT your average ‘tee-shirt’. Wide range of sizes as well. Israel and Margarita sell clothes for women and kids. From two-piece bathing suits to colourfully embroidered white cotton

dresses for little girls. Lots of choices in design, style and colors. The above mentioned vendors represent a small part of our thriving summer Market at the Marsol Hotel. Next week more vendors will be introduced so put us on your must-do Friday morning list. We have live entertainment every week; please remember our entertainers are busking and drop some coins into the hat. Until next time…adios.

Three Hens & a Ro by Marcia Blondin


isa Love has moved into her boutique space – amazing what fresh paint and a new floor will do. Her space, like mine, and, right next door, is in constant motion and changing all the time so drop in, wish her well and find out what she’s designing and making this week. Alex Duarte does not fool around when it comes to sausage making. He does everything himself so the

Wheeling Vallarta Segway Tours

Located across from McDonald’s

322-223-8014 Fine Art and Furniture

31 de Octubre 107 Col. Centro Puerto Vallarta Malecon

important aspec – fresh ingred and consistenc Alex only make his nearly three types of sausag You can pre-or Market or have 223 9819. Gloria Sue summer easy: consist of a B



ooster Market News

cts of food prepping dients, cleanliness cy – are guaranteed. es small batches of e dozen (!) different ges including vegan. rder then pick up at e Alex deliver: 322

e is making this Mama’s Easy Eats Boxed Lunch and/or

a Salad Kit. In the former, a generous slice of Gloria Sue’s breakfast pizza (lox, cream cheese, and more) with a fresh fruit salad. In the Salad Kit everything is wrapped/ contained separately so there is no soggy mess. Might be chicken with sesame dressing, might be something else. The ingredients depend on freshness and availability and our Jewish Mama’s mood. The only

thing the Salad Kit doesn’t include is lettuce; just add your own! How cool are these to take to the beach? Some changes happening up front at our Market with the new deli operated by Corazon de Niña: most importantly are their new hours. Make a note they will be open Monday to Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm. Melissa wants everyone to know that quesadillas made with chorizo and chipotle tortillas have been added to their ever-growing deli menu. Don’t forget, every Saturday we have fresh bagels, sweet and

savoury pies, cooling ties, candles, aprons, bamboo-fabric scarves, comfy yoga pants, gently used clothing and shoes, jewellery, a shamana, great pastries, awesome coffee, live entertainment featuring Oliver Moreira and, last but not least, the fabulous Mimi and me. Three Hens & a Rooster Market is held every Saturday 9 am to 1 pm on upper Venustiano Carranza 466 between Jacarandas Street and El Brujo restaurant, across the street from the ice factory. On Facebook: Tres Gallinas y un Gallo – Three Hens and a Rooster.

“Remodeling and Renovations”

Juarez 599 El Centro 322 222 1383, 322 111 6359



Canadian Children's Shelter Of Hope Foundation

June 2 - 8, 2016

Non - Profit and Charitable Organizations For visitors to Puerto Vallarta who wish to support the less privileged in our paradise, this is a list of some of the many organizations that could benefit from such kind gestures. If you would like your organization recognized here, please email details to

Photo: Pieter and Teena in front of Casa Connor.


fter 4 weeks in Puerto Vallarta in February I feel it is long overdue to send our generous donors a thank you and an update about how their donations have helped the projects and activities that the Canadian Children’s Shelter of Hope is involved in. The hard work and long hours that so many good friends and volunteers devote inspires me. Being exposed to this first-hand for a longer period of time than I have ever had the luxury to do spurns me to thank you and tell you all about it! The low season in Vallarta is approaching quickly. Typically this is a very difficult time for Pasitos de Luz financially. With few tourists in town donations decline significantly. As we head into the low season I hope that you will keep the children at Pasitos de Luz in mind when thinking about your charitable donations. Best regards, Anne-Marie Haynes President, CCSHF

CASA Connor - We Are Almost There! 8 years in the making, the dream project of Pieter and Teena Oudman, Casa Connor, is nearing completion. In March 2000 Pieter & Teena’s grandson Connor Vanderveen, was diagnosed with Hunter

Syndrome, a metabolic disorder. Sadly, Connor is no longer with us but Pieter & Teena have made sure that his legacy carries on in this beautiful building and the services that it will provide to the community. When completed Casa Connor will serve approximately 200 physically and mentally challenged children from the surrounding area. CCSHF has been so honoured to collaborate on this project. During a visit in February, I was shocked to see that so much work had been completed since November 2015, when I was last there. The floors, walls, windows and plumbing are in and the electrical is almost ready to fire. There is still inside finishing work to be done and we are still attempting to raise $125,000 CAD to complete this huge project, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. When completed, Casa Connor will care for the children’s basic needs and offer physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, speech and occupational therapy, art, dance and music workshops, and special education. Please consider a monthly donation to sustain the work at Casa Connor. Casa Connor's long awaited official opening date has been scheduled for October 20th, 2016. We invite all our donors and supporters to come out to Casa Connor to help us celebrate this long awaited day!

Acción En La Cruz aid residents of La Cruz de Huanacaxtle by providing provisions in exchange for community services performed.landon5120. Alcoholics Anonymous: In English Puerto Vallarta Alanon Club - Basilio Badillo 329 Amazing Grace Missions Assisting families in Magisterio & Progreso with necessities and job training and English. American Legion Post 14: raises resources and manpower to improve facilities needing building maintenance Amigos del Magisterio - Food delivered directly to workers at the PV dump, their families and schools in Magisterio and Volcanes. Also, food to New Beginnings, Pasitos de Luz, and Caritas. 100% of donations to the people, no lysephilrioux@ Asilo San Juan Diego Home

for the Elderly - Contact: Lupita Sanchez Covarrubias 222-1257 or or\asilosanjuandiego.htm Asociación Down - Assistance to persons with Down’s Syndrome – Contact: Ana Eisenring at 224-9577. Banderas Bay Women’s Shelter - Safe shelter for women & children victims of domestic violence. Becas Vallarta, A.C. – Provides scholarships to high school and university students. Tax-deductible in Mexico and USA. Polly Vicars at (322) 223-1371 or Buri Gray at (322) 221-5285. CANICA - Centre for Children with Cancer. Provides aid for treatment and services including transportation to GDL. Contact Director, Evelia Basañes 322-123-5688. Casa Hogar - A shelter for orphaned, abandoned, disadvantaged or vulnerable children. Luz Aurora Arredondo at 221 1908, casahogar_maximocor nejo@ Centro Comunitario SETACGLBT – Services the GLBT community, including treatment and referrals, education, English classes, HIV testing and counseling. Paco Arjona 224-1974 Clinica de Rehabilitación Santa Barbara - Rehabilitation of the handicapped.

Contact: Laura Lopez Portillo Rodriguez at 224-2754. COLINA Spay and Neuter Clinic - Free and by-donation sterilization clinic in Old Town. Only open Saturdays, Contact: cez@rogers. com or 322-104-6609 CompassionNet Impact – Transforming the lives of people living in chronic poverty. Job creation, education, emergency & more. Tax-deductible. Cell: (322) 133-7263 or Corazon de Nina A safe, loving, home-environment for 40+ children and youth rescued from high-risk situations. Donations & volunteers always welcome! Totally self-funded. Cruz Roja (Red Cross) Handles hospital and emergency service in Vallarta. It is the only facility that is authorized to offer assistance to injured people on the street. Contact: 222-1533, 222-4973 Desayunos para los Niños de Vallarta A.C. Feeding programs, education programs, day care centers for single mothers. 2234311 or 22225 72 Discapacitados de Vallarta, A.C. (DIVAC) association of handicapped individuals dedicated to helping one another. Ivan Applegate at 221-5153.

more found online

Christ Church by the Sea Worldwide Anglican Communion

Services Sunday 10:00 a.m. Air-conditioned Now! Services held each Sunday year around English-Traditional Holy Communion All faiths welcome-Casual Dress Across from airport, northbound service road next to Sixt and Thrifty Car Rental Blvd. Fco. Medina 7936, Puerto Vallarta Questions? Call Father Michael cell: 044-322-303-3916 e mail


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June 2 - 8, 2016

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