21-22 COVID Strategies letter to families - Loren Glasbrenner - 08-17-2021

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Hello River Valley Parents and Guardians, On behalf of the River Valley School District Staff and School Board, I’d like to welcome you to the 2021-22 school year! We hope that you and your family have had a wonderful summer. The reason we are sending this message out today is to let you know what our COVID-19 mitigation measures will be for this school year. This is more than a “Back To School” document. This letter is to help explain our district's measures to keep students in school. The attached document includes a phased approach that we plan on utilizing throughout the year. In a recent meeting with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, they used a comparison we are all familiar with...layering up for winter. As we all know, as it gets colder, we use more layers to protect us from the cold. Our approach this year is similar. As we get more cases in our schools, we will add layers of protection. The administrative team has deeply studied data, CDC, DHS, and DPI guidelines, county communication, and parent feedback. As many of you know, our local community spread in the area has been low all summer, but we have to be prepared in case there are spikes in cases. At this time, I’d like to go through each of the phases, as well as the layers of protection. I apologize for the length of the message, but we feel it is very important that everyone in our district gets the same detailed information. The first thing I would like to explain are the phases. We have four phases--BLUE represents low transmission, YELLOW represents moderate transmission, ORANGE represents substantial transmission, and RED represents high transmission. Our School Board approved this approach utilizing a set number of positive cases per day, per school. For example, if there are no reported cases, we will start the first day of school at the BLUE level at all three schools. But if within the first few days, let’s say our high school has multiple positive cases, we would notify students, staff and families that the following day, the River Valley High School would be switching from our BLUE phase to our YELLOW phase. Please refer to our district’s website for information and updates: https://www.rvschools.org/district/rvcovidupdates.cfm Next, we’d like to share with you the layers of protection. Just like we layer up with a t-shirt, sweatshirt, winter coat and hat in January, we have layers of protection that are recommended by the DPI and Wisconsin Department of Health Services. 1. Face coverings are recommended. This is a very sensitive subject for some people. We have heard from many people who are passionate about the district requiring face coverings for all, as well as those who believe that decisions regarding use of face masks should be made by parents and families. Our School Board and administration have spent many hours listening and studying data. As you can see from the phases chart, in our first two phases (BLUE and YELLOW), face coverings are recommended, but not required. At the ORANGE phase, face coverings are required when students and staff cannot maintain a social distance. And in the RED phase, face coverings are required at all times when indoors. 2. The second layer of protection is staying home when sick. This is imperative to our success. When one child has COVID-19 related symptoms, everyone in the household should become very vigilant until the symptomatic person is tested. Individuals who have been vaccinated and are asymptomatic may remain in school. If there is a negative test, all asymptomatic individuals can be in school. If you choose to not get your symptomatic child tested, the symptomatic child can return to school after the 10th day of symptoms. We understand this is a huge inconvenience for families. However, this is a layer of protection that is critical to us staying in our BLUE and YELLOW phases. 3. Another layer that we may use is strategic cohorting. Cohorting is trying to keep a particular group of students together and away from others. While our early phases do not use cohorting, as we get into ORANGE and RED, cohorting becomes more of a priority in the classroom and extra-curriculars. Last year, our elementary and middle school students cohorted most of the year and moved in and out of the rooms carefully with structured peer interaction. This resulted in fewer students missing class through quarantine, which is a practice we don’t want to use unless our local data forces us to.

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