) \'/1:;-MEl·!OrJ\l:DUN OF AGR8E'èŒNT ,o., ';,, ·_,.c, BET\füEN RICHLA'KD COUNTY /.,
This memoranèwn of agrecc-nent entered into this /'i! àay of Î)~<f~,!,y, 1966; by .-and betwccn' The Board of Rcgents o.E State Collccres 2 Wisconsin corporation, hereinafter referred to as t:hq Boa{'(, and Richland County, hcreinafter rcferred to as the County.

WITNESSETH: That, Whereas, the(Hoard }and the County deem' it mutually advantazeous to serve the educat:ional needs of the people of the ê}-chlan~ County area by maintaining afg_réJ:1ch caü-:pusf of rrliscons:i.n S ·<1.te U.i.iversity-Plëtttevillc~ and, mIERfü\S, the County owns certain property upon which it wi.11 construct new buildings, saicl property bcing more fonnally describcd in Exhièit "A" attached, WHER.EAS, the County will leasc to the(~ under separate document, the land and facilities thereon described in Exhibit "A", NOW, THEREFORE, ~n consideration of the mutual covenants hcreinafter contained, the[Boardjand the County agree as follows:
First: The County ag:-ecs to provide one-1121[ the jac.itorial cost:,.
Second: The County 2.3rees to provide heat, light, water, and ga.s, as wcll ~s r.,::p_ai!"s a~d iir,?rovcmen_t:s __t.s,__ the buildinf,s and Third: The(~] 2grecs to m<1 into in, during the tc::-m of this agree::lent, buildings nnd to )ravi.de an aclequatc instrtictional nncl ad~inistrati.ve staff. l?ourth: JJ1c:LB02rQag~e~-.:s to furnish, at: its own e:,.:pcnse, all classroom, ]ibrary, lnboratory and office equipn1cnt and surpl{cs neccss~ry for the opcration
··---Fifth: The lnoard{agrees to provide one-half the janitorial costs as hereinafter defined.
Sixth: The ~oard! agrecs to provide for payrnent of tclephone service.
Seventh~ This agreement shall commence on January 1, 1967, and extend for an indefinitc period subject to the following terms and conditions:
l. It bci.ng understood a,,d agreed by and between the\}foardland the County that this agreement shall be automaticall.y terminated as of June 30 of .-··-~any year if:
a. Appropriations by the Legislature arc insufficient to permit the continued operation of thc(prnnch campusf
h. State legislation concerning higher eàucatipn in Wisconsin involves a fundamental change in the (branch car:1pus progr2rj
2. Since fedcral funds will be used for part of the construction and equipping of the facilitics, the provisions of Section l,01,(a) and (b) of the lligher Education Facilities Act of 1963 are hereby incorporated into this agreement (Exhibit "B"). In the event of a termination, the County agrees to , rcpay any,payments reccived by it under said Act and by virtue of the\Board 1 J ripplication for such funds if such rcqucst is r::1adc by the fcderal governr.wnt.
Eighth: The \s~ agrees that it will pay its one-half of janitorial costs which is intendcd to i.ncl.ude the janitorial personnel as dcemed necessary {and who shall be State ec,ploycc;:\ all supplies such as clcaning r.1aterials, light bulbs, waxcs, polishes, mops, and pails, as may be decmed necessary; and onc-half of such costs are to be bill.cd and paicl quartcrly by the(Boar1.
Ninth: It is furthcr understood and agrced by and betwccn the County and thc{Jlo,,rdJ tltat: the ·covcn~nts hcrcin containcd shall bi.nd the County mi.d th,2 l'noarc\ .:ind its. succcssors and <:1ssizns subjcct to St:2tc Lcgisl..:-ition conccrni:16 the orzaniz.::ition of hir,licr cducéltion in Wisconsjn~

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement as of the day and year first above written.

In the Prescnce of: _fi;ï.l,, 2)1.c~4,·VTYL (Y!.1(,, ;?/ ;3:.,/5{,;_,:è:,,
In the Presence of: RutJ1 F, Collins :Marion N, Shaw
By: Attes t: ( RICHLAND COlfüTYl

(1) New Therefore, Bit It Agreed, that the term of thi-s lcasc shall be for a period of Sevcnty-Five (75) ycnrs beginning the 1st day of July, 1967, and end i.ng on the las t day of June, 2042, and the renta 1 for sa id tenu sha 11 be Seventy-Five ($75,00) Dollars.
(2) That receipt of the rental is hereby acknowledged by the Lessor.
(3) l'hat the use to which the bui dings on the leascdpremises shall be put is the operation of thcjRicl,land County Campus ofjWisconsin State Ùn).VCL .s j_ ty--1-ila t L~V 11 r~
(4) That the Lessec will have an undisturbed use and possession of the facilities for the provision of education for not less than Seventy:Five (75) years from the date of the application, to 1-cit August 31, 1966.
(5) That this lesase shall be non-terminablc cxcept for cause and in case of tennination for cr.use this lease shall. be turned over to some educational organization which is, it:seJ.f, exempt from federal incumc tax undcr pertinent provisions of the Fcderal Internal Revenue Code, or in the alternative to the Fcderal, State or local Government.
In Witncss Whereof the said Lcsso1· and Lcssec have hereunto set their hands and seals this 1st day of January, 1967.

Herman ,T. !Iovclsrud, bcinc; first duly sworn, dc_,csos nnd says thn.t hc is a qun.lificd anc: rcc;istcrcd su,·vcyor in tho Statc of.' 1'isconsin, and that ho rosidcs Ci-:Cy of Richland Conter, Richl;:.n<l County, Wisconsin;
on on.th land in the
Tha t on De ccmbcr 18, 1965, a t the r·cqucn t of Tho ·-Brnnclt'Campus Coinmittcc of the Board or Supcrvisors of Richland Cn· nty, Wisconsin, a f-Iu:1ici.p.:..l Cor;>oration, hc complctod a ~urvcy 01."' a p&rccl oï 1~1nd loc.:J.·~c,,i ;)::.:-J,;ly in the ~-Torthwcst Quarter (N~Y-~-) of' ti10 Korthcast Qt:.o.ric:r.~ (:-: \ ~--:.nd_ partly in the Southwost Quarter (5 1 /,(-) of' the 1iorti1c2.st Q.11· :. _(:·;.:."_}) nnd partly in the Northcast Quc::.rter (:-:0-!-) 0f tho ;~01.~.i.::::· · ·---,.1 ùn.rt:cr (N~-:-}) and po.rtly in tho Southcast Qu.:G·t.cr (ss}) e.. -, · :-!a::.~trn.-0st Quarter (hl·i·!·), nll• bcincr ·.~o.9_atod in Section Scvcnt-::~;1 (17.), To,n1t~hip Tcn (10) i\orth, Rance 0.•c (1) East, City 01~ !lic~·11·~_-..ù Cent.cr, H.ichland Counti, Uisconsin, s~id survoy bcing raadc for t!1c purpose or properly cstablishinc a : dcscribinG tl1c bou~daric5 of n pa~ccl o~ land which i.s describcd .; :: .t1. warrant.y docd '•.:on· condi tio:n .sul>scqucnt datcd Dcccmbcr 28, -1965, convcyi11cr said_propcrty rrom Roland ~lcCaulcy and t1adalonc NcCauloy, his wirc, 1:o Richl~nd Cou~ty, Wisconsin, said warranty dccd bcing rccordod Deccnbcr 28 1 1965, nt 11:~0 0 1 clock, A. M·., in Vol11mo 116 of Dcccis, pn.cc 100-lOJ, in the Rcgistcr cf Dccdso:fj.ce of Richland County, 1{iscon~in, snid parcol ·o~ land being dc5cr~Ucd as ~ollo1is in 5aid warrar1ty dccd;

All that part of the E~st hnlf (E}) of tho East half (E}) :,~ :·-~:,rth,,:os-t qunr..,ccr (!·[\,'-}) of Sc0tion Scvcntccn (17) lyinc; ·~).- ::tcëicraJ. lii[;hway Four"te~n (14) 1 in Township Ten (10) Nort.il, .i\..::;,.nt:;o Ôi!O (1) East, Ric11ln.nd Cot1nty, Uisconsin.
All that pa~t of' tho ;1orthoast quarter (1\T-}) of' tho Sc,t:.~hwcst qu.art0r (S1.1·}) oî .so.id Sccti.on Scvcntcc..n ( 17) lying North o~ said Fcdoral Hic~way Fourtccn (111)·, in Township Tcz1 (10) North, il~n~a Orle (1) East, Richlnnd County, Wisconsin.
__ The North;-:c:_·.~.; c:u.a::-J,:2r (>~t}) of the• Northu.:i..st (1Uartc1' (~;z{-) o/':.,ùction Sevc:·.tecn ( l'?), ZXC~'l°'!T 2. r>icco Four ( l~) rod.s squo.ro in '· ·~c Nort~-..c~st corner th-::rco.::...... ; o.lso z;i:c;.::-•Tr::G T1i2l~L}"'~O>{, a tract dcscrib0d i1s ~ollo,1s: Cot;;;nc:1cinG ut tL poi11t T,;o l1t1DdrcJ Fortye::·<~;,.t (;~!rü) f'cct: South a:1d li!ir'!.::/-t:u.·ûc (JJ) fcot l.'c~~t of the "01·-~·t1c"1""' co1'~c- o;• .J.,,r, ;,c i1·•l1" (1·:l'; o+"' .J.,,,.., '.'Yort>,~~\ t c,,,~-tc"('-~:- 1 ) !, '::.... ~•.,. 1.,, __ " ··l ....... >i • ...)u..:., ! ,._ .,....,-i.· ·; oî Scc"!..ion Scvcntc.-cn (17), th0nco South 0:1c l":u11drccl Hinoty (190) foct, thoncc- :.:o~,t One: ltüz:ic..!rcci ~:~i:ft::·cn (115) foot, thcncc r;orth One: hunc.!r--e:d ?'!ir~tJty (lS1 ,J) f'cot 1 t1tc;-1cc I:::~st 0;1c l1unclrcd Fi.f'tccn (115) ________ J~e: '-? t t_9 --~ om-nc1.~c c:-ncn t; /~ l :.;_o r:;(cïsPTI::G 'L:::E:~r··n.C'>f, an E.:t.s c1.re nt îor ·;, driï."c-·.-:.::~y o.lo:î[;' the En:-:,t sida of' .said 1.:::nd, t!1.c cent cr linc of Hr:,iù driv0-,:ay bcinc; dcsc;--i'o..::c! as f'ollo,-:~-;: Comncncinc at a point. Sixtcc:i ûncl onc-ha1f (lG!-) fc.-.!t \!c:St of' the ~lorthcn.st corner of thr; 'Jost. 11.:i.lf (u}) of th8 :-:ori.:toci.st quartor (~{E}) of Section S--··•:.·:itcen (1~/), thcncc South p.:u·o.l.J.ül ,~·ilh t!10 East linc.- of' said '· .;:,hty n cli.~t2.ncc of Fvùr laindrcd 1'hirty--cicht (liJS) îoct; nll in ·;v~-'n:.f:i:i.;'l î'i::n (10) ::or!.:i1, 1~:~n:.~:c: 0:10 (1) 2,1::;t, IU.chJ.anc! Co1·:·,ty, \i J!-; con::;5.n.
J.11 that po.:::·t or the ~~·orthh·c.-,t qu~n-ter (:-:· ·}) of tho South(ia~t quarter (:;;:.:~-) or. ~c1.:i.d Section Sovc~1tocn (17), To.,.,rn:,.hip 'l',.,! (le) 1;•r,1·ti1, ·n~lnt:c Ono (1)· L<t~t, rU.chl;1nr.l Cou11ty, \-li~con.r;in, J.y -~.'J ;-iorih o:· Fod0ral lilt;in;ay Fou1·t0en (J.!1).
'i'l:<: <',;'til.i,·:;,,;;t: ,·,,·,, ,1. ,: (<i;;l) ·,·,.' l 1t~ '1 1 · ·<'1 .... ·'t ······1, ,. •..... ...., '-- • .., • " '-' -., " " - " ••'" ,1 , ._. .CJ 1 · t t C :.'. :·, !l !..! ~-- :_ t C (;-;1;.l) of' Soction Sovontcon (17), in Township Ton (1.0) Hor.th, Ra1150 Ono (1) East, Richlnnd County, Winconsin,
EXCEPTING f'rom s,lid Sou tln;o::i t quartor ( SW{·) of' tho Nort:hous t quartor (1'.C:'.}) n.ncl tho Nortln;ost qunrtor ();\{·}) of' tho Southoast quarter (SE¼) of' Soction Sovontoon,(17), J trac~o doscribod a::i i'ollows1 .. .. / • Tioc1nninc nt 011 irn11 pipo Aot nt the nortl1oust cornor of' \,.,,r°'.,.1i'•t\i1;,':)I: •pllll l:,,i·· \li\!\) 111.' lJP! :·:nlill,.,11-,I: ljll•ii /:;;1· (:fi) ,,( '.~·••:!,/,,,i S6vontcon (17); thcnco run South 'l'wo Hu;1<lrcd Twonty-thrco un<l ~ivc-tc11thn (22J.5) ~cet to tho North lino of Stnto J[j_chway fourtccn (111); ih~nco run \{ost nlonc; the north lino o:f said Stato HiGhway Fourtoon (14) in a curvo to the lof't, with a radius of' Eicht Hundrod Sixty-i'our und fivc-tcntho (86!i. 5) f'cet, a distance oî Twcnty-onc (21) f'oct nnd Nina (9) i11cl1os; tl1cnco run North Eichty-two (82) fcot Eic;ht (3) inchos; thcnco run \{est Sixty-oic;ht: (68) f'oct Thrcc (J) inchos; tilcncc· ruu North Two Jiundrcd Twcnty-two and f'ive-tcnths (222,5) foot to tho conter of' Urush Crcck; thonco run South Scvc11tyCi{';ht (78) clcc;rocs Forty (!10) minutes Eo.st nlon{"( the conter ci' saicl C~cclc, a d.istar1co or Ki11oty-onc (91) f'cct Nir1c 9) inc11cs to tl,c ~:Lst lj~c of tho Southwcst quarter (sw~-) of tlw Nortl1cast quarter (NE-!-) c,f' ~nid Scctio!1 Scvêntccn (17); thcncc run South Sixty-·thrcc and Xivc-tcnt.h.s ·."{6J. 5) f'oct to the Southoast corner of said South,,·cst quart.or (su{~) of tho ?,-i0rtl10ast quarter (l\r:{-) of' Section Scvcntocn (17) ta the point of bcc;inninc;.
D~c;inning in the North linc of' Stato High~o.y Four~oon {ll~) ât n point Two Eundrcd. T,,.;onty-t~c.~co und fivc-tt:nths (223.5) f:o..)t South and Twcnty-o:-:ic (21) .1.'oct :-{inc · (9) :inchcs l.'c.st of'· the !~orthcn:1t corner of the said Xortht,·cst quari.:er (NW}) of' the Svu-chca::,,t Qnarto'r (SE·}) of" .Section Scvontocn (17); Thcncc run l/c.stcrly uJ.onG J..:ltc North linc of' said Hicl1,ray in u curvo, ,,·:i.th a r;.\dius of IO::icht Eundred Sixty-f'our o.nd i'ivc-tcnths (S6li.5) f'cct, n. dist~nce oî 0:-;c Hund::cd Fou:::--~~•::e:1 .:::.r~·d fivc•-te:nths (11!~.5) 1~coL; Thcnco rtin Xortl1, six (6) dccrccs forty (!10) 1:1i11t1tcs East, Thrcc Ht:r.rirecl T~•:l;nty-rivo a~1J j~i·•,..-c-tcnths (J25,:3)" fcct to the C(;ntcr or B:.."'D: h C.:-cc>.:; rÎ"honco ru:1 South, Scvcnty--cicht (78) dccrco:. l"'orty (110) minutc!s East ,;1.lon~-t:lo ccnt8r of' s;J.iù c:.~cck, Eicht (8) îoot .::i.T1d thr-co (3) inchc.8 tu the :;o:;.~th\•;o,sl; cornc·r oi"' propcrty O\•;nod by the Amcrican Lccion; Th.:-~ttcc ::-un South o..lonc: the West linc of' said .,\~::cricttn Lc;:ion- 1 5 Pro;J::-rty T 1.-:o irund1··0d T• ;cnty~two and fivc-tonths ·(~~22.5) fcct; Thcnco J.'!.Hl t~a::t Six .:y--ci::;ht (GS) fcct thrco (J) :L,1c;'.cs alcr1a J.[tncls o,~ncd by snicl A1:iQrlc~1r1 IJc~io11; Thcr1co rtin South }:i:;hty---..:·,-:o (22) rcct and qiG!1t (S) inchc.s. ~o place of' bo[;inninc.

Iloc:tn11j.n[~ j_n tho North. lino of' St~tto Hich•,-:ay l'ourtoe:n ( J.lt) at a.po5.nt 'f•,.;o l!undrcd Tili.ri.:y-:.. ou·r (2J!~) fc-r:t .::i.nd tl1ccc (J) inc1~c!:", ;:;-(1\.,-.,., r,~·r 1 (r~,. ··~1•n,'•.-r,c' r;'1.;-~ ,._ -( (Jr,,~, ~",-.r,+ 't•1d th--•c,,·, iJ·) ~llC 1 '(•,::; • 1 • '-" <•
• '-'·,. ',., .J .; .,. ,, • ..J · • • ·• ,_. ,< • • •• 1 • - •· i•,.~·l· r,- .,.}l' "o-..• 1·11·•,,.l ,--0~,,-,1• o·'' tl·,..., ''01"·1,·.·c• 1 1· c•ti·trt'l' ':.· ·) 01"' •{-.n .••• .- ..1. •' l., < _, ,._, •• _ J. 1•~ " '- " · ~' V < l. • • • :;.:J••~·fF);,:;t. qu::.r:c•:r (s;_{~-) ot .:::cction Si:;vcnLecn (17); Th::.:111:0 1·un ·.-,.•·:.:0.r-ly :alo:1r_: i..ho :4or:__h J.inc of s,:.id E:i.c1:•.,~~Y F'oLtrtr~cn (1t,), in a t,;,_ :.·,,.) Süuth·.:o!;L, •,.rlth a 1~:utiti!> o:-- EJ.G~\t Hu;1ch ·r;cl Si.xty-four :'ivl:•-~ :1th:·~ {HGh.~) fcct:, a cii!.>La11cn of C:10 Ilund1•c,G:(J.OO) fcùli ;:~:cc• 1·;.i:·1 :·:o::-lh, Six (G) de~-;re:0s Forty (!10) r,d.nutc.•, E.:t!;t, Thr(!C ::::.,::1!..,10n (J1;-~) fcct to tho ce;ntnt· of !.Jru!Jh Cree!:; Th0nc ' I • • ,~
0no llundrcd Sovcn ( 107) f'oct to tho North1·:ost corner or. J.nncl osmod by the Arncricnn Lcc;ion; Thc,nco l'lln South, Six (6) docroos Forty minutas Wos~ nlonc; tl10 West lino of lnnd ownod by tl10 sn':i.d Arnericnn Lcc;ion, Thrco hundred Twonty-f'ivo and f'ivo-tcnths (325,5) f'oct to placo of' bcc;in~inc;.

That aaid parccl of l.ru1d has becn survoyod by tho undorsiGnod, Horman 1 S, llovol,;rud, and that tho propor description of' said par~ol o:f l.and is o.s :Collow~• !
Bec;inriinc; at a point on tho Enst lino of the Southwes~ Quo.rtcr (sw-}) o:f the Northc.:1..st Quarter (~:s}) o:f Section Scvcntecn (17), Towns}1ip Ton (10) }:orth, !~~nec One (1) East, City of Richland Conter, Richl.nnd County, Wioconsin, that is 63,50 1 North of' the Southcast corner of' said SW-}, ~n>~-i thcncc i'lorth 2,655.9~ 1 alona the Ea.st lino OÎ the sn.id Sll-~_-, ~H·>}, e.nd of' tho E;1st lino of' the N\·!-}, NE·} ·or said Section Scvcntccn (17) to a poi.nt that is 66,00 1 ··5('1..:~.1.1 oî the NùrthcaDt corner of szd.d ~"'.{}, NE-1:-; thcncc -:-l"S9°-J2 1 W, ·6~.UO'; tl1cnce.North, 66,00 1 to the Nortl1 lin; o~ said Section 17; th.once N 89°-J;! 1 .\{, l t ;~10. 67 1 n.lonc the }lorth lino oî snid Section 17; thon~c S 80°-J5 1 W, 7!,2.91 1 to the West lino .of' the East Onchnlf of' the East Onc-half o;.. the North,,:c0t Quarter of' said S_cction 17; t:1cnce· S 0 1 -20 1 W, 2,6119.75 1 aloncr s~itl West lino to the Northcrly riaht-of-way li~its of Ur1itcd States Iliehway Fourtccn (1~); tl\C!lCC S7J 0 -l:6, E, 1,001~J6 1 alOll~ s~id Northci·ly ~icht~of-~ay
· .. li112it; thcnco S 77°-02 1 E, J.00,00 1 alonc snid Nortl1crly rict1i-of-,;ay -lirn!t; thc?1cc S 81°-39' ·E, 100,00 1 alonc snicl Northcrly ric!1t-of-way ·1imit~;; thonco S 87°-11 1 E, 100.00 1 alonc- said f-iorthc::.-ly richt-c{"-wa)' lj_:iii t. j t11c;1cc ~; 87°-J~i I J~, 100. 00' n.J.0::10 sa.id Xorthcrly ric-h t- of--,~·.:i.:.,. l ·! ·:-1.. t; · thon cc N 88 °-J2 1 E, 100. 00. 1 aJ.onG snid }-/orthcrJ.y ric;h t-oi'•-,)·ay .J.L:"1it; thcn.~c N 8J 0 ~16 1 E, 100.00. 1 o.lo~c; said Horthcrly rit;ht~:of-·.:o.y l..i::d.t; thonco N 81°-07 1 E, · 100.00 1 ulon,G sn.icl Northerly right-oi'·•-wo.y· lic1it; thc~cc N 82°-lJ' 1~, 100.60 1 ~lo11G saie! Northcrly richt-of-\:ay J.ir.1it; thcncc N 6°- l~0 1 E, JJ.8.OJ' to the· .Ccntcrlino 01· Bru.sh Crcck; thancc N 75"-00 1 ,B, 107,00 1 al.one snid Contcrlino; thcncc S 78°-40 1 E, 0 .100,00 1 alo~e sni<l ContcrJ.in0 to the point of boci11nin~; '
The n.bovo clo.scribcè p2.rccl ùcin,:-:- J.ocat_cà pn.rtly in the ,,-,.,c.-,1, , l , ,., •• ~., .; i.h,... c••l. ,-~.•.1 • • ·'·] • .;.•,, ~!'-·-'· -....·,.rJ.. -,. 1 l ,. c..:..P.C ,:_) \,..L,y ~n 1,, "J 0,, l. 1 .,.1 1 L.;l'-.L 11~,r !..- •.) J..,1 ~--lC .~.-,,1 1 ,.,-;_ 1 , C p:-c:·tly in 1;ho SE} 1 );.-,r.~., ~'-11 j_n S1.!C~.:i.o:1 S1--;vc:1tcch (17), T. 10 >I., H.. ). l~., City of Ilichlo.ncl Conter, !?.ichl.-~:1d Co'...1:1ty, li'isconsin, cxco0tinc- thcrcfrom, a tr.::~ct doscribcd a:; follows: Commcncinc- at a ·point 'I\-:o hl!:-idroci. Forty-cd.[;!1t (2!1;3) f'cct ~,outh nnd Thirty-thrcc (JJ) j_ oGt ,{c~;"'c o.f the ;·ro,.·::.:\cast co1•;·1cr 01~ the ,,Ic!:;t b0.J.f ('.~·-}) of t:~:i ~~orthr.!2..st quarto::.' (:•:i:>}) oî S'Jc'Lion ScVc:nteon (17), thcncc South · · O;,o ;{unc.i:;cd :-:i~vJty· ( 1?0) I'.co t I thenco 1·ics t One hunclrc.-d 1' i.{ tccn ( 115) :fcct, thc;1cc North 0::1::-, hunJ;;cd Xin-:-1ty (190) îcot, thcncc Enst On::1 ;utr.c!r~c! F'i:ftccli (J.15) f'c,ct to co:;;:nor1cc1::0nt; ÀLSO I.·:XCI~PTI:•;G .'l'HI·:Ri·:.:-'_no:.:, ;1.r:. E:clscs.1cnt for o. drivc•~·.-:0.y n.1011~~ the Et1.s t sidc of' snid l&ncl, tho cc11tcr 15.!10 of snid drivc-,1ny boiJ1G cioscrillcd as ~ollo,:s: Cû:::··,1cnci::ic: nt: a poi:1t ·si::-.;teCr1 ,~nd o:ic-li.:-..J.i' (10-~) îcct \..'est of' the N'or:.h')ast corner oî the ~.lest h.:i.l:."' (F·.1,·) of" ·~ho ;-iorthc2..st qunrtûr (;;::-~·) o;.." Section Süv•:ntccn (17), th0.:--1co_So1. 1th pr'.r.:i..11.cl witi1 the S.:i.st linc · of !-;.aicl ·F;ic~i.i.y a di.f:; l,.:uoc<1 of l-'on:: hund1·cd Thirty-•cic;ht. (1iJ8) îcctj ::.:.1.1 i,1 'l"c,;.:::~·.~~.i.p Tc:1 ().0) ~:-:ir~i1 1 n~i<i:•;o Ou(~ (l)Y;.:,.!;t, U:i.c::d.;::u1d County, ~,'i::;co:1t;J.:1.
Tho ab ovo doscribcd p.:-lrcol of land con taln::; lJ!1. 25 .:\cres •
,. ,\<'l'lnnt: ,l,.po""" nnd at.:.tcs 'thnt this nfficlnvit :Ls mndo l·~, .. ,, ........ \q• op(~,,•tl::!t.ln;: n corroct n..."ld propor d,;:1çrJpt,J<nJ .nbov0- pur-col 01...., ln.ud.
Datcd this · 22nd clay of: Novcnibcr 1 ·1966, ,-,:.
6 Nota~y Pub~ic~ Richl~nd County, Wis. '' C ' • ' 6 ~ly cmm15p1on expires_ June l , 1968.

Sub~cribed and. sworn ~o boforo nie this ...i'.~ '.'.'.iùay of :-lovombcr 1 1966. __ç/'~~ë.~Ù/~~-- oe.:,e~/L--cc,c<J L:i.l.l iFn N, L;!1,,~·~nc(~
r~;~:; .. ·;r. ,,. 1 ' •• .,,
Recovery·of Paymènts Exhibit B
To Memorandum of Agreement
1 SEC. 404 (a) The Congress hcreby finds and declares that, if a facility constructcd with the aid of a grant or grants under Title I or II of this Act is used as an acadcmic facility for twcnty years following cor.ipJ.etion of such construction, the public bencfit nccruing to the United States from such use will equal or exceed in value the amount of such trant or grants, _The period of twenty years after completion of such construction shall therefore be deemed to be the period of Federal interest in such facility for the purposes of this Act.
{b) If, within twenty years after complction of construction of an academi.c facility which has been constructed in part with a grant or grants under Title I or II of this Act
(1) the npplicant (or his succcssor in title or possession) ceases or fails to be a public or nonprofit institution, or (2) the fncility ceases to be used as an ncademic facility, or the fncility is used éJS a facility excludcd from the term "or academic facility" by section 401 (a) (2),
the United States shall be entitled to recover from such appl.icant (or succcssor) an amount wilich bears to the then value of the facilily (or so much thercof as consti.tutcd an approved p·roject or projects) the same ratio as the amount of such Fcdcral grant or grants bore to the development cost of the facility financed with the eid of such grant or grants, Such value shall. be detcnnined by agrcerncnt of the parti2s or by action brouzl1t in the United States district court for the district in which such facility is situated.

May 25, 1971

1412 '"'T Gl\.'-U.!i STA'!:CT'!MA.ll! P.O. eoi; 912) MAOISOH, W1SC0'-IS1N 53701 EUGl:.NF. R. MC
James D.
Tho:npsonBusiness MJnagcr Barron County Campus Stout State University Rice Lake, Wisconsin 54868
As you recall last fall, revision of the agreements were considered. Upon review, however, it was d2cidcd by the System Office and concurrcd by Regent Edgarton tnat since the Board of Regents will ~'1'.!'l finance totally tl:o contractcd services received, there is no need for a new agreement.
In view of the above, I suggest the attached statutes be made an ·addendum to the old agreement.
Andre\·/ Kundrat WSU Physical Plant Coordinator
''} ' /,·~-.:,·; /1' / /', / 1\' { •• • 1 •'. ,, : -.i , ·' ~,. ,, ·' ,.' - i1'r.>f.' LWISCONSIN STATE STATUTES - Chapter 37.02(5) and 37.36
37.02(5) - Board of Reqents may establish branch campuses offering the first two years o* academic work offered in tbe state colleges in communities approved by the CCIIE and not othen1ise provided with degrce-granting public institutions of higher learning and enter into arrangements v1ith one or more counties or other units of government for the est~blishrnent and maintenance of the necessary physical facilities in connection thcrc1·1ith.
37.36 - Municipal Agreements. The board of regents may enter into agreements with any municipality, town, county or corporation established under s. 66.30 (2ml for the furnishing of maintenance services, utility services including heat, and supplies at any campus in the state. Beginning July 1, 1970, such agreemcmts, 1,·hether enterecl into under this section or any other provision of 1aw, shall be who11y financed at the expensc of the board of regents and shall not include Gny provision for furnishing, at lcss than reasonable cost, services or supplies by the concern2d municipality, town, county or corporation establisl1ed under s.66.30 (2m).